Living in The Presence

  The Mother : Contact

To round off...

Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have left us the assurance of the new Supramental consciousness. To receive it, one needs to develop a surrender that is complete through one-pointed sadhana. This Ashram was created for the realisation of this Truth, for its manifestation. I did not come here from my early childhood, no doubt, but I have grown up in this environment and aspiration. In their prolific writings, both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have given us very clear guidelines to become conscious participants in this adventure of the new Consciousness, how to transform our old human nature in order to manifest the new. This has been the primary focus of the Mother's workings in us. And the work IS continuing: the transformation of our human nature, the expression of this new way of being in our day-to-day activities at every moment, this new way of looking at things, this new creativity, all channelized towards the realisation of the divine life. Towards this realisation all our efforts are directed in the Ashram, in our daily lives, While studying, while playing, while working in the different departments, while singing, dancing, drawing, acting, or while being involved in any activity. This new call to transform the old, conventional ways of thinking, old habits and customs, this ever-present endeavour at change is our inheritance from the Mother and a reflection of Her continuing workings in our lives. This aspiration, this enthusiasm to receive the new Consciousness has been so deeply embedded and established by the Mother's divine force in our lives that this has become our sole preoccupation. However much the

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old nature and old tendencies in us might seek to entangle us, however numberless the attacks and blows that befall us, we will simply not return to the past, will not pay the slightest heed to its invitations. The seed of the new Life and Consciousness that the Mother and Sri Aurobindo have planted in our lives will remain irreversibly in our inmost being forever. It just awaits realisation by the transformation of our nature. And this is made possible only by Their Grace, by Their help. Sri Aurobindo is for us the invoker of the Supermind, the full flowering of the new Consciousness. I have had the privilege of this Maharishi's darshan, the privilege of bowing down to Him. However, it is the Mother we have really known. She has been our support, She has been the object of our adoration, She has been the be-all and end-all of our lives. From the age of 9, She has accepted me into Her arms, helped me to lift my nature with Her constant support and taken responsibility for my transformation. Gently, progressively, step by step, in consonance with the capacity of my nature, She has led me by the hand along the path of the new Consciousness and new Life that She Herself has opened before us. This day I call out to Her, from my inmost being, in all consciousness: "O Divine Mother, come and take your seat at the altar of my heart. Lead me by Your hand on that sunlit path we can dream of only because You have put us on it. Hard as that path might be and in spite of the innumerable lives it might take to come out victorious in this adventure, I pray to you simply to lead me on, until I reach the final destination."

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