Living in The Presence

  The Mother : Contact

Total Concentration

One day, the Mother was giving an interview to someone in the Playground. I noticed that Pavitra-da was standing beside the interview-room with another gentleman, waiting for the Mother. She ended her interview rather quickly that day, and as She was about to come out of the room, She saw Pavitra-da standing there waiting for Her, and went back in to speak with them. I had wanted to ask the Mother a question too, as I was reading Dhammapada, a book the Mother had given me recently and in which I was quite immersed. After a few minutes, the Mother came out with Pavitra-da and that gentleman. I was standing on the Mother's path. As soon as She came close to me, I said, "Mother, I have a question for you." "Yes, tell

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me," the Mother replied. "How can one quieten the mind?" I asked.

    Mother - Before you can quieten the mind, you should know how to bring about total concentration. Do you know how to bring about total concentration?

    I - No, Mother.

    Mother - (The Mother remained in thought for a while.) Tell me, do you love flowers?

    I - Yes, I do, Mother, quite a lot actually.

    Mother - Good. Take a rose and put it in an ordinary bottle on a table. Just make sure that the rose is at your eye-level. Now sit quietly and fix your attention on the rose. Each time your attention wavers from the rose, try and bring it back to the rose in total concentration. How old are you now?

    I - I am 18, Mother.

    Mother - Do not let anything other than the rose occupy your attention. Practise this for five minutes daily. After regular and constant practice, you will notice that you are able to develop total concentration and this total concentration fills your being with silence. The next step will be: try and visualize an image in your heart, Sri Aurobindo, for instance. First, try and visualize the luminous Purusha in your heart-center. Put your entire concentration on this luminous Purusha. Then, slowly feel that everything else is dissolving, your body, your external being, everything is disappearing. Only the luminous body of Sri Aurobindo is there. In the beginning, thoughts will come and go. But you have to hold on to Sri Aurobindo's luminous image. Then, slowly, you will see silence descending, total concentration getting established.

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