Down Memory Lane 289 pages 1996 Edition


Shyam Sundar shares precious memories including daily notes of the work transacted with Mother related to Auroville during the period 1972-1973.

Down Memory Lane

  The Mother : Contact   Auroville

Some Astrologers

In the late seventies Kameshwar Rao took me and Madanlal Himatsignka to Cuddalore to see a Bhrigu Samhita astrologer. He would read out his predictions from a very ancient book written on palm leaves. Rishi Bhrigu is stated to be the author and the book contains predictions for the future generations to come.

When we reached the astrologer's house he was finishing his daily puja and we had to wait only a little before we were ushered in. The room had a religious atmosphere with the pictures of gods and goddesses and puja materials like incense, ghee, burning clay lamp etc. Our names were asked and noted and we were told to think of our question and remain quiet. The astrologer concentrated for a few minutes in a prayerful mood and then picked up a leaf from the large volume lying before him and started speaking slowly. He looked at us and wanted to know if what he had stated related to our question.

Then the reading went a bit faster. Often, in between, he would say, "Now Shiva says further to Parvati."

He started from the arrival of a great Yogi from the North and a French lady of divine powers at Pondicherry and the founding of a great Yoga Ashram there and then spoke of the founding of a new city near Pondicherry by the lady of divine powers.

The reading immediately came to the subject of the temple of the Divine Mother at the centre of the new city. There was deviation from the design given by the Founder and the deviation was done deliberately. Two persons were responsible for it and they will have to suffer and get disrespect from people. The deviation will have grave ill-effects on the whole township.

He went on to say that many foreigners from different countries will come to the international city to live there and there will be lots of quarrels among the residents there. Also rioting, violence etc. will take place and the Mother's project will face a catastrophe and disrepute.

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The project will take long to recover, we were told in the end.

Earlier, Howard, a Japanese American, who is one of the earliest settlers at Auroville, asked me for my horoscope for his astrological studies. According to his reading, the time was nearing when I will be betrayed or let down by each and everyone landing me in great danger and difficulties. Only Sri Aurobindo and Mother will be with me throughout and protect me.

He also predicted a change in my work.

When later events were showing the correctness of his prediction and the CBI cases were going on, I consulted Parmeshwari Prasad Khetan, a scholar of astrology and a devotee of Sri Aurobindo and Mother, at Haridwar. He also confirmed that I will be enjoying the protection of the Divine Mother.

Similar were the conclusions of two professionals whom I met by chance at Kodaikanal. They were using the words "Guru Shakti" as my saviour and protector and they thought that the conjunction of the stars and planets was of dangers and difficulties of such dimensions as would prompt the subject to end his life.

One of the two acquaintances was a young person and after our contact felt attracted towards Sri Aurobindo and Mother. He came to the Ashram for a stay of some weeks to do some puja and I was glad to arrange it.

The other man was quite old and more of the tantric type. He took some money from me for a puja in the course of which he produced chocolate powder out of nothing as far as we could see. An American couple, who had introduced that tantric to me, were also present to witness again his act of materialisation.

This man showed me testimonials from several known politicians about the help rendered to them in their difficulties by dint of his special pujas and rites, and I was also offered the acceleration of the end of my difficulties at Auroville through some special rites for a consideration. The amount was small, but I did not go in for it as I felt that the speed of the end of my difficulties should also remain in the hands of Sri Aurobindo and Mother, and further, the rite involved killing of some chickens and birds, a distasteful act for my temperament and certainly not a kind one for the helpful chickens and birds.

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The young American friend was very keen that I should be helped out of the situation by the tantric, but he appreciated my reasons for declining the offer.

Both of these future-tellers had also said that things will start changing and the people of Auroville will regret over the treatment meted out to me.

In one of the CBI prosecutions against me, the second accused was an employee of Sri Aurobindo Society. He went to the priest of a Durga temple in a remote village to ask him about his fate in the criminal case. The priest had an unusual way of predicting. He referred the question to the deity of the temple by means of some mantra and threw some pebble nearby and got an answer. The answer this man got was that in this case there was another accused whose name's first letter was 'S' and that he was protected by the Mother Goddess and that nothing will happen in the case. He added that an explanation will be asked from the complainant for having made the complaint.

I wanted to give something to the priest when I heard of the answer, but I was told that he did not accept gifts or payments for such things.

At that time it was difficult to imagine how any explanation could be asked from the complainant who wielded such authority and influence in the Government of India that he could get these false cases instituted. But the prediction came out to be true in course of time.

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