Down Memory Lane 289 pages 1996 Edition


Shyam Sundar shares precious memories including daily notes of the work transacted with Mother related to Auroville during the period 1972-1973.

Down Memory Lane

  The Mother : Contact   Auroville

Udavi, Auroshikha, Nata

Nata was the founder of the incense making unit 'Auroshikha' at the Edayanchavacfi village, Auroville. Auroshika became a great financial success and grew up as a big financial support to Auroville. Hundreds of villagers got employed in this enterprise.

Nata and Maggi started a school there and also a medical aid centre. Udavi (Help), is the name for these activities, appreciated by the rural folk around. In the first days of Auroville a borewell for drinking water was Mother's gift to the village Edayanchavadi.

There were some pressures on Nata regarding the end use of the profits of Auroshikha. One day he told me that he had just spoken to Mother about it and she had said that not a piece of hay should go out of Auroville from there.

A day came when Nata chose to transfer Auroshikha to the Ashram. This unit has been one of the best money-earners for the Ashram and the Udavi school and medical centre also continue to do their useful work under the Ashram's benign care.

When Nata came to know of my readiness to advance ten thousand rupees to an Auroville resident for some Auroville work, he emphatically said, "I know him better, I won't give him a penny". I did not act according to his advice. I would learn by experience that he was right.

In the late seventies, I had to attend one of the meetings called by Nava at his residence. Nata was present there. He had become a regular participator in these meetings, and when the subject of Matrimandir's financial transactions came up, he was quite rude to me and got himself appointed as the investigator of the allegations. He promised to do his job quickly and he did it fast, skilled as he was in these things. He was fair enough to make a clean report which earned for him displeasure of his new friends.

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The friends, of course, did not admit defeat. After some time they caught hold of Alain Grandcolas who also failed to oblige them after making his investigations.

They still continued on their own way. But that is another story.

Towards the end of his life Nata was very unwell. I saw him sometimes going to the samadhi with frail steps. He had lost kilos of weight. He passed away in 1985 at the age of 81.

I remember Nata for his warmth, Auroshikha, Udavi. and other services to Mother.

Maggi and Nata went together to Mother. Nata was the name given by Mother to Alberto Grassi. After the passing of Mother, when once I appreciated their closeness, Nata exclaimed, "For me now she is Mother."

In relation to Auroville, Maggi had been from the beginning the contact person between Mother and several persons of Auroville. Towards the end, when all letters of Auroville people were centralised in my hands, this part of Maggi's work with Mother was over, but she continued to be Mother's Registrar of births at Auroville, so to say. Each birth was intimated to Mother and Maggi maintained their record.

Maggi has been a reliable reference point for clarification of what Mother said to her about Auroville matters.

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