Growing up with the Mother 222 pages 1999 Edition


Tara Jauhar's recollections of her close proximity, guidance and love from The Mother through personal contact & through letters & correspondence.

Growing up with the Mother

  The Mother : Contact

Tara Jauhar
Tara Jauhar

Tara Jauhar's recollections of her close proximity, guidance and love from The Mother through personal contact & through letters & correspondence.

Growing up with the Mother 222 pages 1999 Edition
 PDF     The Mother : Contact

Questions and Answers on Flowers

(Regarding the small green rose named, “Timidity in attachment for the Divine”)

Timidity in attachment: I mean that the attachment is not complete and unreserved; there are parts of the being that question and hold back because they do not have total trust; it is a conditional attachment, one might say, such as, “If the Divine does what I want, I will remain attached to him.”

22 June 1970

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Sweet Mother,

Why do you usually give roses to everyone these days

It is because I always have roses at hand.

26 June 1970

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Sweet Mother,

Why do you usually give red roses to men, light-coloured roses to women, and roses of different colours to little boys and girls?

It is because red roses give an impression of strength and light-coloured roses give an impression of charm and sweetness.3
3: This reply was given later, in a separate note. The Mother’s initial written answer to the question was: “There are too many reasons for me to be able to speak about them. And to tell the truth, there are many exceptions, depending on the character of people.”
She also mentioned: “It depends on persons. When I give a pink rose to someone, I give it with a certain intention and when I give a red rose to someone, I give it with a certain intention. For each one it is different. I cannot explain all that.”

29 June 1970

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Yesterday you told me that you give roses to people with a certain intention. May I ask with what intention you give me a red rose and a light-coloured one?

The human being transforms all his passions into love for the Divine and the Divine responds with his ineffable love.

Roses as a whole, according to their form and colour, may be considered as “Love for the Divine.”

There is one rose which is “Love from the Divine”.

30 June 1970

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"The balance of nature in love for the divine" (double color roses)
Mother, does "nature" represent here the material mother? or is it the physical nature of each person?

Balance of the nature in the love for the Divine.

1 July 1970

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Yesterday you explained to me the difference between “Love from the Divine” and “Divine Love”. Could you write it down for me ?

When I say “Divine Love”, I mean the vibration of love that is at the origin of all love and fills the universe.

When I say “Love from the Divine”, I mean a vibration of love that the Supreme directs upon a particular point (a person or a thing).

1 July 1970

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There is a red Canna with a yellow border named Physical centre touched by the Light and a yellow Canna with a red centre named Mental intuitive centre manifested in the physical.

How can one know when the colour yellow indicates the mind and when it indicates the light?

Yellow going towards green is the mind.

Yellow going towards orange symbolises the light.

3 July 1970

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Sweet Mother,

In the Flower book we have water lilies with the significance “Wealth”.

But some people say that it should be “Wealth of Mahalakshmi.”

Integral wealth of Mahalakshmi (white).

The other colours remain as they are.

3 July 1970

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Sweet Mother,

In the flower-names capital letters are presently used for:

  1. The Divine
  2. Nature (universal)
  3. The Presence (when it refers to the Divine Presence).

We would like to ask whether capital letters could also be used to show the importance or greatness of a significance.

For example :

Certitude of Victory

Supramental Invocation

Divine Will acting in the subconscient


* * *

13 July 1970

Sweet Mother,

For Consciousness turned towards the Light, will the large flowers and the small flowers have the same significance?

Yes, there are large people and small people.

14 July 1970

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Sweet Mother,

What is the best way of opening ourselves to the profound influence of flowers?

To love them. If you can enter into psychic contact with them, that is perfect.


28 October 1971

Sweet Mother,

How can one enter into psychic contact with flowers?

When one is in conscious contact with one’s own psychic, one becomes aware of an impersonal psychic behind the whole creation, and then through it one can enter into contact with flowers and know the psychic prayer they represent.


* * *

Yesterday, you spoke of an “impersonal psychic” behind the whole creation. What is this impersonal psychic?

By impersonal psychic I mean the psychic region that does not belong to any individual in particular, the psychic region that is in the creation as air is in the earth’s atmosphere.


30 October 1971

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Sweet Mother,

What is this psychic prayer that flowers represent?

When it manifests in a plant, in the form of a flower, the psychic takes the form of a kind of wordless prayer; it is the elan of the plant towards the Divine.


30 October 1971

Sweet Mother,

We have flowers with significances such as “Greed for money”, “Passion”, “Vanity”, “Gossip”, etc. How do these flowers represent a psychic prayer?

These flowers offer their bad vibration to be transformed.


31 October 1971

How can flowers help us in our life, in our yoga?

Flowers teach us the charm of silence and thus the self­giving that demands nothing in return.


31 October 1971

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Sweet Mother,

Do flowers with a strong fragrance represent a more ardent psychic prayer than flowers without any fragrance?

Their nature gives itself more generously and more integrally.


1 November 1971

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Sweet Mother,

...and is there the same difference between plants and trees?4
4: The Mother also mentioned: “No, it is like the difference between animals — there are big ones, there are small ones. But everywhere it is like that — in minerals, animals, men.”

Each one manifests itself according to its nature and these natures are innumerable.


2 November 1971

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Is there a relation between the fragrance of a flower and its significance?

Certainly, there must be one; but so far I have not studied it.


3 November 1971

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Sweet Mother,

Do flowers have a power in the occult world?

Yes, they have an occult power; they can even transmit messages if one knows how to charge them with the messages.


3 November 1971

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Sweet Mother,

Yesterday you said that there was definitely a relation between a flower’s fragrance and its significance. How can one begin to study this relation? What is the first step?

Study and experiment. You take a flower with a strong and definite fragrance. You breathe in this fragrance, trying to find what thought or image it evokes. If you find something, you compare it with the significance given to the flower.

4 November 1971

Is it possible to classify fragrances as we classify colours?

In order to attempt it, one would have to have a very refined and precise sense of smell.

It is a long and meticulous work. After several hundred experiments, one can reach a conclusion.


4 November 1971

The Mother added orally: “Only for each person it may be different. They must be people who have a refined sense of smell.”

* * *

Sweet Mother,

Can a flower transmit other messages apart from the significance you have given it?

It is not impossible, but the person who sends the message must have a great power of formation.


4 November 1971

Sweet Mother,

Concerning what you wrote yesterday, is the power of formation purely occult or can a mental or vital power of formation also transmit messages?

The mental power of formation can certainly transmit messages. But for these messages to be received and understood, the person to whom they are sent must himself be mentally very receptive and particularly attentive.


In the study of fragrances of which you spoke, one observes that certain fragrances seem to be made up of several fragrances. Must one then study each “sub-fragrance” separately?

Yes, of course. If one wants to make this study, it is extremely complicated, for not only are there differences between flowers but even similar flowers must differ among themselves, which means that the study can never come to an end and one cannot arrive at anything final and complete.

The Mother then added verbally: There is, you see, the influence of the climate, the influence of the time of day or night, the influence of the time of year, the influence of the seasons ... Blessings.

5 November 1971

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Sweet Mother,

Scientists explain that flowers have fragrances in order to attract insects. What do you think about this? Certain plants have flowers with an unpleasant odour; others have leaves with an unpleasant smell, but their flowers are sweetly scented.

It is men who look for a reason for everything, and find it—but I doubt whether the Supreme has any such preoccupation.


6 November 1971

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Sweet Mother,

What do the flowers and gardens in our dreams signify? Sometimes in dreams one sees flowers which do not exist.

This probably takes place in the subtle physical. But it may also be that these flowers exist physically on earth in a place you do not know.


6 November 1971

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Sweet Mother,

Mother, this is not what I wanted to know. What I wanted to know is what these flowers symbolise.

These symbols are most often individual and different people have different significances for them. It may be that certain people have written books and those who read them adopt their symbolism. But then it is purely a mental question.

The Mother then added verbally: You give a meaning to a flower, for instance, to a rose—we have a certain meaning for the rose. As we have given this meaning, you see the same symbolism in your dreams. If you tell me one of your dreams, I can explain it to you. You see, a flower must spontaneously tell you something, then it would be symbolic for you—but it may be what we have already decided.

6 November 1971

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Sweet Mother,

About the flowers on the Samadhi : does Sri Aurobindo transmit a special message through them, apart from their significance?

If people put the flowers with a definite intention or prayer, it is possible that Sri Aurobindo receives the message and answers it, and that one receives his answer if one is sensitive enough.

Two oral questions and answers:

But Mother, what if I see a particular flower on the Samadhi that I need ...

But it is not Sri Aurobindo who chooses the flowers on the Samadhi. It can be anybody.

Mother, should special flowers be put on the Samadhi?

No. Why?

8 November 1971

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Sweet Mother,

When you give us a particular flower, do you give us the opportunity to acquire that quality or virtue?

When I give flowers, it is always with the capacity they represent. Each one receives according to his receptivity.


8 November 1971

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Sweet Mother,

Sometimes we see that the common name or use of a flower corresponds to the significance you have given to it. In that case, does the flower have that quality inherent in it, which men with a certain sensitivity perceive, or does the flower respond to the mental formation of man who has used it for yearsfor a certain purpose?

It is rather a more or less widespread collective suggestion. This is how a universal language could be created.

But it would necessarily be limited to a few very simple ideas.


On our birthdays you give us a bouquet of flowers. Do those particular flowers have a special importance for us?

No, not necessarily, because I am not the one who prepares the bouquets.

It is only while giving them that I sometimes put a special message in them.

Mother, why do you say “sometimes”?


Oh, no! There are any number of people for whom it is absolutely useless—they have no inner perception. And then, I see hundreds of people every day. Perhaps thirty of them are receptive and that is a generous estimate. People live on the outermost surface.

9 November 1971

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Sweet Mother,

When we offer flowers to you, with what attitude should we offer them? Does it matter if we don’t know their significance?

It depends completely on the person who gives the flowers and his state of consciousness.

The answer is the same to both questions. What people do, has a deep significance, or has none, depending upon their degree of consciousness.

9 November 1971

Formerly, special flowers were counted and placed in Sri Aurobindo’s room? Why was this done?

It was a sort of pact with Nature so that she might put all her wealth under Sri Aurobindo’s influence.


10 November 1971

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Sweet Mother,

How do you give a significance to a flower?

By entering into contact with it and giving a more or less precise meaning to what I feel.


10 November 1971

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Sweet Mother,

What will be the role of flowers in the new world?


We shall see!

10 November 1971

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Sweet Mother,

Why have you chosen the Hibiscus as the flower of Auroville?


There was a definite reason, but I don’t remember it any more; there was a very definite and concrete reason. Perhaps it was the first flower I received after Auroville started. But I don’t remember anymore now—it is too long ago.

10 November 1971

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We would like to have a name for the new flower book. Here are two possibilities:


5: The Mother underlined the second title as Her choice.

11 November 1971

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Sweet Mother,

Can music and prayer have an effect on the development of a plant?

There are people who have made experiments and they say yes.


The Mother answered:

I don’t know now who it was—there are several people, I believe—but I know there is someone who is truly convinced. Do you remember that man who was experimenting at Riziere? He put my photo on one side and on the other side was the window, and the flowers always turned towards the photo instead of turning towards the light. You see, they were in pots. The stem, instead of going towards the window, as usual, the stem with its flowers grew towards my photo. I didn’t see it; he wrote to me about it. Blessings.

11 November 1971

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Sweet Mother,

Are there subtle beings who are in intimate relationship with plants?

It is possible, even probable. There are children who have experienced this and spoken about it.

11 November 1971

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Mother, is it possible to become conscious of these beings and work in harmony with them?

Yes. It is a question of nature and capacity.


11 November 1971

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Sweet Mother,

You said that to become conscious of those subtle beings, was a question of nature and capacity. Is it possible to develop this capacity and how can one do it?

Certainly one can develop the capacity if one takes enough interest to put in the necessary time and effort. Naturally, it will be more or less difficult depending on one’s nature.

To become conscious of one’s dreams helps to do this. A silent and motionless concentration also helps.


12 November 1971

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Are there forces directly hostile to vegetal nature? Are insects a manifestation of these forces?

There do not seem to be forces that are consciously and deliberately hostile to the vegetal kingdom. Insects do harm because they feed on plants, but in this way they also serve them; both things are there, good and bad, without any conscious will.

The Mother commented verbally: “They are good, they are bad, without knowing it.”

12 November 1971

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Sweet Mother,

Why do plants fall ill and what can one do to help them?

When man does not interfere, the illness of plants seems to be accidental. But man’s activity has upset the life of plants, just as it has upset the life of animals, of course.

The Mother then added: “It has upset the vegetal life. Isn’t it both ways: it has given exceptional conditions and it has used it in a most selfish manner...”

12 November 1971

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Mother, you did not say what one can do to help sick plants.

She answered: “But for that one must know what condition is essential to the plant and provide it.”

After fifteen minutes of meditation She said: “I was just reflecting. Men have upset the life of plants and animals, and supermen have upset the life of men.”

12 November 1971

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Sweet Mother,

What effect will the light of the new creation have upon flowers and plants?

The whole creation will become more conscious; the vegetal kingdom will participate in this progress according to its own nature.

13 November 1971

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Sweet Mother,

How can we develop our consciousness in order to work in a better way with plants and flowers?

First you must learn to be silent, then notice carefully what happens in your consciousness.

13 November 1971

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Sweet Mother,

Many of the plants we are trying to grow here suffer because of our climate. How can we help them to grow and blossom here?

The increase of consciousness in the atmosphere will surely have an effect which is difficult to describe beforehand.

Naturally, the plants that like cold climates could grow in greenhouses.

Also, by planting forests one could have a regulating action on the climate.

13 November 1971

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Sweet Mother,

If our offering of flowers depends on our state of consciousness, does that help us to learn the significance of flowers, even if it is purely mental to begin with?

Yes, certainly.

13 November 1971

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Can you write an introductory sentence to put at the beginning of the book Flowers and Their Messages?

For those who are interested in what flowers tell us.

14 November 1971

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Sweet Mother,

Are some flowers more open to Your force than others?*

Orally: “I haven‘t noticed.’’

What are the best times for cutting flowers?

Orally: “That depends on the country, the flowers, the climate.”

Here, Mother?

Orally: “Here, it should probably be early in the morning. That should be the best time, shouldn’t it? — when they begin to open to the light.”

And nocturnal flowers?

Orally: “Nocturnal flowers, in the evening when they begin to open. If one really wants this knowledge, one has to study each flower, each type of flower.”


Is there a reason why some flowers bloom only at night?

Orally: “No, you see, their nature is like that.”

14 November 1971

* All the questions and replies of this date are spoken.

* * *

The red lotus is Sri Aurobindo’s flower, but specially for his centenary we will choose the blue lotus, which is the colour of his physical aura, to signify the centenary of the manifestation of the Supreme upon earth.

21 December 1971

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Sweet Mother,

In one of my notebooks on flowers you have written: “Love of flowers is a precious help in finding and uniting with the psychic.” Can you elaborate on this point?

Since flowers are the manifestation of the psychic in the vegetal kingdom, a love of flowers would mean that one is attracted by the psychic vibration in them and consequently by the psychic in one’s own being.

When one is receptive to the psychic vibration, it puts one more intimately in contact with the psychic in one’s own being.

Perhaps even the beauty of flowers is a means used by Nature to awaken in human beings an attraction to the psychic.

13 January 1972

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Sweet Mother,

It seems that the significance of the apple is “Divine Wisdom”. Is this correct?

The Mother answered orally: “Oh, that is the old story. You know the old story of Adam? This significance comes from that story. But the true significance is quite different. You see, the snake is the symbol of progressive evolution and the apple is the symbol of wisdom. So, of course, it is a story, but it takes on a completely different meaning. You see, under the influence of evolution, the apple awakened in man the desire to know instead of living in ignorance. He came out of the garden of Eden in order to learn about life. Eden is the symbol of a state of satisfied ignorance that does not try to know and progress, a state that remains always the same, living the same life. It is a harmonious creation, but it is not progressive.”

13 January 1972

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