Learning with the Mother 2016 Edition


Recollections of the Mother’s work from 1950 to 1954 with the youngest children, the genesis of her French classes, the beginning of the physical education ...

Learning with the Mother

  The Mother : Contact   On Education

Tara Jauhar
Tara Jauhar

Recollections of the Mother’s work from 1950 to 1954 with the youngest children, the genesis of her French classes, the beginning of the physical education ...

Learning with the Mother 2016 Edition
 The Mother : Contact  On Education


In 1951 there was no rain for a long time. One day the Mother announced to the children of our group that they should pray for rain. She gave them a short prayer to learn and also sketched a symbol for rain. This symbol was drawn on the ground. The children then marched around the symbol with Usha in the lead twelve times, repeating the prayer:


The Rain prayer written by the Mother

Rain, Rain, Rain, we want the Rain

Rain, Rain, Rain, we ask for Rain

Rain, Rain, Rain, we need the Rain

Rain, Rain, Rain, we pray for Rain

The very next day, we had heavy showers with blessings from above.

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