Learning with the Mother 2016 Edition


Recollections of the Mother’s work from 1950 to 1954 with the youngest children, the genesis of her French classes, the beginning of the physical education ...

Learning with the Mother

  The Mother : Contact   On Education

Tara Jauhar
Tara Jauhar

Recollections of the Mother’s work from 1950 to 1954 with the youngest children, the genesis of her French classes, the beginning of the physical education ...

Learning with the Mother 2016 Edition
 The Mother : Contact  On Education


Never put off till tomorrow what can be done the same day.

(Benjamin Franklin)


Each being carries within him the Divine Inhabitant, and if none in the whole universe is as weak as man, none is as divine as he.


A good deed is sweeter to the heart than a sweet is in the mouth.

A day spent without doing a good deed is a day without a soul.


At the beginning of the meditation:

“Away! Advance no further, thoughts of lust!

“Away! Advance no further, thoughts of bad will!

“Away! Advance no further, thoughts of hate!”


He who walks in truth is not disturbed by any error, for he knows that error is the first effort of life towards the truth.


The individual self and the universal self are one; in every world, in every being, in everything, in every atom is the Divine Presence, and man’s mission is to manifest it.

If we all brought here an ardent aspiration for more knowledge and greater wisdom, we would create an atmosphere of contemplation that would be highly favourable to our perfection.


Even the most beautiful thoughts will not make us progress unless we have a steadfast desire that they be transformed in us into nobler feelings, more exact sensations and better actions.


Thy heart is the supreme haven in which every care is soothed. Oh! Let this heart be wide open, so that all who are in distress may find therein the sovereign refuge.


Pierce this darkness, let the light flow;

Appease this tumult, establish peace,

Calm this violence, let love reign,

Become the warrior triumphant over obstacles;

Be victorious.



Always do what you say, but it is not always wise to say all that one does.

When you speak, speak always the truth; but it is better sometimes not to speak.


Grant, O Lord, that the consciousness and peace may constantly grow in us so that, more and more, we may become the faithful mediators of Thy divine and unique law.


Try to do with joy all that you do.

When you take interest in what you do, then you enjoy doing it.

To be interested in what you do, you must try to do it better and better.

In progress lies true joy.


Do good for the love of good and not in the hope of a reward. Be good for the joy of being good and not for the gratitude of others.



The translation of the above facsimile is given below

  1. The perfect spirit pervades everything.
  2. It is He who pervades everything.
  3. Who is He? The perfect spirit.
  4. It is He, the perfect spirit, who pervades everything.


The ordinary man says in his ignorance: “My religion is the only one, my religion is the best.” But when his heart is illumined by the true knowledge, he knows that beyond all the battles of sects presides the one, indivisible, eternal and omniscient Grace.


It is something indiscernible that existed before heaven and earth. O how peaceful it is! Alone it persists and does not change; it penetrates everything and does not perish. It may be regarded as the Mother of the universe.

(Lao Tse)


What is the most important moment in life? The present moment. For the past no longer exists and the future does not yet exist.


We surrender to Thee this evening all that is artificial and false, all that pretends and imitates. May only that which is perfectly true, sincere and pure persist.


Leaving the past far behind us, let us run towards a luminous future.


Who is worthy or unworthy in front of the Divine Grace?

All are children of the one and the same Mother.

Her love extends equally over all (of them).

But to each She gives according to his nature and his receptivity.


There is a stain, the worst of all stains, the stain of ignorance. Purify yourselves of that stain, O disciples, and be free of the mud. (Dhammapada)


Men and women live in the world without yet having the least idea of either the invisible or the visible world. (Farid-uddin-Attar)


imageA view of the recitation class

Peace, Peace, a calm and intense strength, so calm that nothing can shake it; this is the indispensable basis for the integral realisation.


Increase the inner peace; it should always be present even at the heart of the most intense activity, so firm that nothing has the power to shake it: it is then that you will become a perfect instrument for the manifestation.


Be very careful to remain always calm and peaceful and let an integral equanimity establish itself more and more completely in your being. Do not allow your mind to be over active and turbulent; do not draw hasty conclusions from a superficial view of things; always take your time, concentrate and decide only in quietness.


Never forget that you are not alone. The Divine is with you to help and to guide you. He is the companion who never fails, the friend whose love comforts and strengthens. If you have confidence, He shall do everything for you.


The truth-consciousness must penetrate the entire being, command all the movements and pacify the agitated physical mind. These are the preliminary conditions of the manifestation.


It is only when we are not troubled that we can always do the right thing, at the right moment and in the right manner.


Truly, peace is indispensable; for without peace, even the smallest thing becomes an enormous tangle.


The mental silence one obtains during meditation is truly of short duration; for as soon as one comes out of meditation, one comes out of the mental silence.


A real and lasting peace in the vital and the physical as well as the mind comes from a complete consecration to the Divine.


When one can no longer call anything one’s own, not even oneself, when everything, including the body, the sensations, the emotions and the thoughts belong to the Divine, then the Divine takes the entire responsibility of everything and one need be troubled by nothing.


Everybody is given a chance, and the help is there for all; but each benefits in proportion to his sincerity.


The greatest enemies of perfect sincerity are the mental, vital and physical predilections and preconceived ideas.

These are the obstacles to be surmounted.


Surely, when dishonesty prevails everywhere, that is the time to be truly faithful and stay firm and undisturbed in the face of the storm.


I can help those who are sincere and turn them easily towards the Divine. But when insincerity is present, there is not much I can do.


As I have already told you, we need to be patient while waiting for things to improve. But really I don’t see why you should be worried, nor how your worries can help make things better.


You know from experience that there is only one way to overcome confusion and darkness: it is to remain very quiet and calm, very firm in the equanimity of the soul, and to let the storm dissipate.


Rise above these difficulties and these petty quarrels, and wake up once more into the light and the power of my love that is always with you.


One must have complete confidence in the victory of the Divine; and this general victory will imply the personal victory of all those who have remained faithful and confident.


To do at every moment the best one can and leave the result in the hands of the Divine, such is the surest way to peace, happiness, force, progress and the final perfection.


Humility and sincerity are our surest guards. Without them each step is dangerous. With them the victory is certain.


A true and sincere humility is our safeguard — it is the surest way to the indispensable dissolution of the ego.


Ifthe mind remains quiet in all circumstances and in spite of all that happens, patience will more easily increase.


It is not in a day that one can overcome one’s own nature. But with patience and a persistent will the victory is certain.


Be quiet. We have only to work patiently without being troubled by anything and keep unshaken the faith in the inevitable Victory.


The true Agni always burns in profound peacefulness; it is the fire of an all-conquering will. Let it grow in you alongside a perfect equanimity.


Only he who loves can recognise love. Those who are incapable of offering themselves in a sincere love, will never recognise love anywhere; and the more divine the love, that is to say devoid of egoism, the less they can recognise it.


Concentration upon oneself leads to decay and death. Solely a concentration on the Divine brings life, progress and realisation.


It is for the Divine Grace that one must pray; if the divine justice were to manifest, they will be few who would be able to stand up in front of Her.


Love alone can understand and enter into the secrets of divine action, the mind, especially the physical mind is incapable of seeing correctly, and yet it always wants to judge.


Only a true and sincere humility in the mind which allows the psychic to govern the being, can save human beings from ignorance and obscurity.


There is a true and profound consciousness where everyone can meet in love and harmony.


Intimacy with the Divine will always grow with the growth of the consciousness, equanimity and love.


Jealousy comes from a narrowness of the mind and a weakness of the heart. It is a great pity that so many people should be a victim of this disease.


Vital relations are always dangerous. The only solution is a complete and absolute consecration of the vital to the Divine.


The centre of the human being is the psychic, the dwelling of the immanent Divine. Unification means organisation and harmonisation of all the parts of the being, mental, vital and physical, around this centre, so that all activities become the right expression of the will of the Divine Presence.


imageThe Mother giving prizes in the recitation class

Certainly we must always want peace and harmony and work for it as much as we can — but the best field of action for this work is always within ourselves.


Do not worry about the reactions of people however unpleasant they be. Everywhere and in all the vital is full of impurities and the physical full of inconscience.


These two imperfections have to be cured, even though it takes a very long time and we have only to work at it patiently and courageously.


Don’t worry and don’t be impatient, all discords will disappear; but it has to be on the true basis of a well established luminous consciousness free from the play of the ego.


It is only when people really want to change their consciousness that their actions can also be changed.


I know that people create difficulties and are unreasonable. But unless their consciousness changes, what else can we expect from them?


Yes, we must keep the seat of our consciousness in the higher being, and do from there everything we do without allowing the lower, blind and selfish movements and reactions to spoil our work.


To feel hurt by what others do, think or say is always a sign of weakness and a proof that the entire being is not exclusively turned towards the Divine, that it is not under the sole influence of the Divine.


If people could stop talking about the work as their work, it would put an end to a lot of worries.


I want the peace to enter your mind, as well as the calm and patient wisdom that prevents you from hastily making thoughtless judgments.


The more ignorant a person is the more easily he judges everything he knows nothing about and is incapable of understanding.


A mind that is very very calm is indispensable for seeing and understanding clearly and for acting correctly.


My heart is at peace, my mind free from impatience, and for everything I entrust myself to Thy will with the smiling confidence of a child.


Oh, to look past these ever-changing appearances; to observe nothing but Your eternal Unity in everything and everywhere.


Thou art the Unique Reality, Lord, the all Powerful and the Eternal. And he who unites with Thee in the depth of his being becomes Thy Reality in its eternal and immutable Power.


No man has the right to force another to think like himself: each must bear with patience and indulgence the beliefs of others.

(Giordano Bruno)


There is no better way to make friends than to laugh together.


O Divine Force, Supreme illuminator, who can resist your Divine Power? You are the unique and supreme Reality. Listen to our prayers, do not distance yourself, or withdraw from us. Help us to fight the good fight, strengthen our resolve for the battle; grant us the force to win.

May your glory be proclaimed.

May your life be sanctified.

May the hearts be transformed.

And may Your peace reign upon earth.


The power of human intelligence is boundless; it increases by concentration; such is the secret.



Let us watch over our thoughts.



A bad thought is the most dangerous of thieves. (Chinese Buddhist Scripture)


The mind is a clear and polished mirror and our constant duty is to keep it pure and never allow dust to accumulate upon it.

(Hindu Saying)


Man is often preoccupied with human rules and forgets the inner law.

(Antoine the Healer )


Let not the talk of the vulgar make any impression on you. (Cicero)


The sage is never alone: he bears within himself the Lord of all things.


Do not believe all that men say; but blush not to submit to the sage who knows more than you.



Happy is he who nourishes himself with the words of a sage and seals them in his heart.



It is impossible to arrive at the summit of the mountain without passing through rough and difficult tracks.



Seek for a guide who can lead you to the gates of knowledge where shines the light free of all darkness.



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