Learning with the Mother 2016 Edition


Recollections of the Mother’s work from 1950 to 1954 with the youngest children, the genesis of her French classes, the beginning of the physical education ...

Learning with the Mother

  The Mother : Contact   On Education

Tara Jauhar
Tara Jauhar

Recollections of the Mother’s work from 1950 to 1954 with the youngest children, the genesis of her French classes, the beginning of the physical education ...

Learning with the Mother 2016 Edition
 The Mother : Contact  On Education



It is by a quiet, strong and persistent peace that the true victories can be won.


Quietness, quietness, a calm and concentrated strength, so quiet that nothing can shake it — this is the indispensable basis for the integral realisation.


It is in peace that knowledge and power are truly effective.

In peace and inner silence you will more and more become conscious of the constant Presence.


In quietness you will feel that the divine force, help and protection are always with you.

Let the vast peace of the Divine penetrate you entirely and initiate all your movements.


Increase the inner rest, it must become a rest always present even in the midst of the greatest activity and so steady that nothing has the power to shake it — and then you will become a perfect instrument for the Manifestation.


Be very careful to remain always calm and peaceful and let an integral equanimity establish itself more and more completely in your being. Do not allow your mind to be too active and to live in a turmoil, do not jump to conclusions from a superficial view of things; always take your time, concentrate and decide only in quietness.


The Truth-Consciousness must pervade all the being, dominate all the movements and quiet the restless physical mind. These are the preliminary conditions for the manifestation.


The quite mind one gets through meditation is indeed of short duration, for as soon asyou come out from meditation you come out at the same time from the quietness of mind. The true, lasting quietness in the vital and the physical as well as in the mind, comes from a complete consecration to the Divine; for when you can no more call anything, not even yourself, yours, when everything, including your body, sensations, feelings and thoughts belong to the Divine, the Divine takes the entire responsibility of all and you have nothing more to worry about.


It is only when we are not disturbed that we can always do the right thing at the right time and in the right way.


Truly peace is badly needed — for — without peace the simplest thing makes at once a big fuss.


Let the Peace be manifested in you more and more constantly and integrally.


SINCERITY is the key of the divine doors.


Everyone is given his chance and the help is there for all — but for each the benefit is proportionate to his sincerity.


Sincere calls surely reach and receive an answer.


All depends on the attitude ofeach one and on the sincerity of his approach.


The greatest enemies of a perfect sincerity are preferences either mental, vital or physical, and preconceived ideas. It is these obstacles that must be overcome.


Those who are sincere, I can help and turn easily towards the Divine. But where there is insincerity I can do very little. And as I have told you already, we have only to be patient and wait for things to become better. But surely I do not see why you should get disturbed and in what way your disturbance would help things to be better. You know by experience that there is only one way of getting out of confusion and obscurity; it is to remain very quiet and peaceful, firm in equanimity and to let the storm pass away. Rise above these petty quarrels and difficulties and wake up once more in the light and the power of my love which never leaves you.


It is good to have this unshakable faith — it makes your path easier and shorter.


Surely when unfaithfulness prevails all around it is time to be truly faithful and to stand untouched and unmoved in the storm.


One must have entire confidence in the Victory of the Divine — and this general Victory will include in itself the personal victory of all who will have remained faithful and confident.


To do at each moment the best we can and leave the result to the Divine’s decision, is the surest way to peace, happiness, strength, progress and final perfection.



HUMILITY and sincerity are the best safeguards. Without them each step is a danger, with them the victory is certain.


In a true and sincere humility is our safeguard — it is the surest way to the indispensable dissolution of the ego.


If the mind remains quiet in all circumstances and happenings, patience will be more easily increased.


It is not in a day that one can overcome one’s own nature. But with patience and enduring will the Victory is sure to come.


The certitude of the Victory gives an infinite patience with the maximum of energy.


Be quiet. We have only to work patiently without being disturbed by anything and keep unshaken the faith in the inevitable Victory.


Keep the fire inside burning steadily and wait quietly for the sure result.


The true Agni always burns in deep Peace; it is the fire of an all-conquering will. Let it grow in you in deep equanimity.



ONLY he who loves can recognise love. Those who are incapable of giving themselves in a sincere love, will never recognise love anywhere, and the more the love is divine, that is to say unselfish, the less they can recognise it.


Concentration upon oneself means decay and death — Concentration on the Divine alone brings life and growth and realisation.


It is only love that can understand and get at the secrets of the Divine Working. The mind, the physical mind especially, is incapable of seeing correctly and yet it always wants to judge... It is only a true, sincere humility in the mind allowing the psychic to rule the being that can save human beings from ignorance and obscurity.


It is the Divine Grace that must be prayed for — if justice were to manifest, very few would be those who could stand in front of it.


There is a deep and True Consciousness in which all can meet in love and harmony.


Closeness to the Divine will always grow with the growth of consciousness, equanimity and love.


Keep always this awareness of my constant loving presence and all will be all right.


The centre of the human being is the psychic which is the dwelling place of the immanent Divine. Unification means organisation and harmonisation ofall the parts of the being (mental, vital and physical) around this centre, so that all the activities of the being may be the correct expression of the will of the Divine Presence.


Jealousy comes from a narrowness of the mind and a weakness of the heart. It is a great pity that so many are attacked by it.


Vital relations are always dangerous.

A complete, absolute consecration of the vital to the Divine is the only solution.



SURELY we must always want peace and harmony and work for it as much as we can — but for that the best field of action is always within ourselves.


Do not worry about the reactions of people however unpleasant they may be—the vital is everywhere and in everybody full of impurities and the physical full of unconsciousness. These two imperfections have to be cured, however long it may take, and we have only to work at it patiently and courageously.


To feel hurt by what others do or think or say is always a sign of weakness and proof that the whole being is not exclusively turned towards the Divine, not under the divine influence alone. And then instead of bringing with oneself the divine atmosphere made of love, tolerance, understanding, patience, it is one’s ego that throws itself in response to another’s with stiffness and hurt feelings and the disharmony is aggravated. The ego never understands that the Divine has different workings in different people and that to judge things from one’s own (ego) point of view is a great mistake bound to increase the confusion. What we do with passion and intolerance cannot be divine, because the Divine works only in Peace and Harmony.


Do not worry or be impatient — all the disharmonies will disappear, but it must be on the true basis of a settled luminous consciousness leaving no room for the play of the ego.


It is only when people truly want their consciousness to be changed that their actions also can be changed.

I know that people are fussy and unreasonable. But unless their consciousness changes, what else can we expect from them?


In all human beings is not falsehood always mixed with Truth?

Yes, we must keep the seat of our consciousness in the higher being and do whatever we are doing from there, not allowing the lower, blind and selfish movements and reactions to spoil our work.


If anyone were capable of seeing the welfare of the work quite independently of his preferences and without turning everything into a personal question, then most of the difficulties would be solved.


If people could stop speaking of the work as their work it would put an end to a lot of trouble.


I want the peace to come into your mind and also the quiet, patient wisdom which prevents one from jumping to hasty conclusions and judgments.


The more a mind is ignorant the more easily it judges everything it does not know or is incapable of understanding.


A very very quiet head is indispensable for a clear understanding and vision and a right action.


We must always keep in mind the big ideal and work that is to be achieved so that we should not give too much importance to small details, trifles that must not draw our attention; let them come, let them go like small clouds in the sky, which do not affect the fine weather.


Yes, all these quarrels are a very sad thing — they interfere terribly in the work and make everything more difficult.


Do not mind the stupidity of others, mind yours.


Be careful always to keep the living Presence and Protection around you when you speak to people, and speak as little as possible.



The difficulties are always due to a resistance, some part or several parts of the being refusing to receive the force, the consciousness and the light put upon them and revolting against the divine influence. It is rare that somebody can surrender entirely to the Divine’s Will without having to face one or other of these difficulties. But to keep steady one’s aspiration and to look at oneself with an absolute sincerity are the sure means to overcome all obstacles.


Surely all these troubles come from a resistance somewhere, something that opposes the work of transformation.


For nobody sadhana would be possible without the Divine’s help. But the help is always there.


The Grace is always there ready to act but you must let it work and not resist its action. The one condition required is faith. When you feel attacked call for help to Sri Aurobindo and myself. If your call is sincere that is to say, if you sincerely want to be cured your call will be answered and the Grace will cure you.


It is absurd to ask for help and yet to have no trust; on the contrary with confidence everything becomes so easy.


Indeed I believe that when the Inconscient is conquered no more conditions will be required, it will be a free decision of the Divine Grace.


To aspire and to call for help are quite indispensable.

There is certainly a great difference between calling and pulling — you can and must always call for help and the rest — the answer will be proportionate to your capacity of reception and assimilation. Pulling is a selfish movement that may bring down forces quite disproportionate to your capacities and thus are harmful.

Openness is the will to receive and to utilise for progress the force and influence, a constant aspiration to remain in touch with the Consciousness; the faith that force and consciousness are always with you, around you, inside you and that you have only to let nothing stand in the way of your receiving them.


It is true that the Divine Protection is always around us, but it fully works only when we are faced by dangers which were unavoidable; that is to say, when doing some work for the Divine, if dangers suddenly rise on the way, then the protection works at its best. But to take up some work which is, after all, not at all indispensable and not even surely useful, and which is extremely dangerous, counting on the Divine protection to save us from all possible consequences, this is a movement which is like a challenge to the Divine, and the Divine will never accept.


When one remains perfectly quiet and without fear, nothing serious can happen.


Fear is always a very bad adviser.


Once falsehood is conquered, all difficulties will go.


It is a great ignorance that makes a being answer to the suggestions of the forces of darkness and destruction. With a true sense of gratitude for the Divine’s infinite mercy one would be saved from such dangers.


The Victory is certain and with this certitude we can face patiently any amount of wrong suggestions and hostile attacks.


We must never give a chance to the adverse forces to do their mischief— they take advantage of the slightest unconsciousness.


It is a sincere self-giving that saves one from all difficulties and dangers.


Yes, my child, it is quite true that the Divine is the sole refuge — with Him is absolute safety.



HOROSCOPES have no importance for those who take up yoga, because the influence that works through yoga is much more powerful than the influence of the stars.


The manifestation will overcome all difficulties, for manifestation means the overcoming of all difficulties.


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