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Bharati : Bengali monthly started in 1878 & edited by Dvijendranath Tagore.
... with naked eyes, caught hold of my heart and brought about its radical change. Bharati was very helpful in effectuating my inner nearness to Sri Aurobindo. Often it would occur to me: "Why did I not have, like Bharati, courage enough to act according to the inner voice?" As I grew more and more familiar with Bharati, the rites and ceremonies, rules and regulations dropped off from me as withered... word about Krishnaswami—who is no longer in the land of the living—would not be out of place. He was a well-to-do man of Muthialpet and a great devotee of Bharati—the great poet and national worker. He used to give all possible help to Bharati and attend to his needs. He knew neither English nor French, his only medium of communication was his mother-tongue, Tamil. He had a kind of instinctive respect... Aurobindo, Bharati helped me a great deal to attain wideness in the heart, to loosen the ties of old samskaras and the like, to impart purity and newness to my thoughts, by means of his words, his deeds and his way of living. Because of Bharati's association with Sri Aurobindo and his immense respect and devotion for him, I felt in me a great inexplicable attraction to Bharati. Every evening ...
... self-sacrifice. Of this type Subramaniam Bharati stands out as one of the great exemplars. Bharati was born in Ettayapuram, in Tamil Nadu, a place well known for the great arts of poetry and music. Its fame had spread throughout the southern parts of India and Tamil scholars and musicians lined up to seek patronage in the court of Ettayapuram. Bharati was a born poet and gifted with the... poetry through his association with the scholars at the court of Ettayapuram. Bharati began writing poetry at the age of seven. When he was eleven he wrote poetry in such a way that even learned men praised him. It was at this time that the title of Bharati -a name of the Goddess of Knowledge was conferred on him. Bharati was mature in mind, proficient in the language and had great talent for poetry... n in September 1905. Bharati was a great admirer of Sister Nivedita. His meeting with her brought about many changes in his personality; he was greatly attracted by her rare vigour, love and strength. Above all he was deeply touched by her intense patriotism. Bharati soon had a vision of Mother India or Bharata Devi and visualised Mother India as Bharati Shakti. As a result of these experiences ...
... Bande Mataram at Calcutta. Bharati became its editor. He was also the editor of an English magazine Bala Bharati, another Tamil magazine Chakravartini, and a Tamil daily, Vijaya. In India Bharati poured out his flaming heart in poems of fire. His prose targeted the Moderates, Page 195 Front page of Vijaya , the Tamil daily edited by Bharati and poured scorn... new life into the old language. Bharati's parents were Chinnaswamy Iyer and Lakshmi. 1 ' The material facts in the life of Bharati are based on Yvonne Gaebele's Bharathi (in French) and Prema Nandakumar's Bharati and Subramania Bharati. Page 187 They were cousins. She was sweet-natured and kind-hearted. He had a keen intellect and a dream in his... n, a leading Tamil newspaper. It was November 1904. Bharati, as subeditor, began earning Rs. 30 a month. His main work was to translate into Tamil the news published in English dailies. That is how Bharati came to translate speeches of Swami Vivekananda, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, and other Nationalists. Gripped by the messages of these men, Bharati became a sympathizer of the Nationalists. This work gave ...
... act in French territory, they employed Mayuresan, a French Indian, to complain against Bharati and other patriots, alleging that they were engaged in dangerous activities and that, if a search of their house was made, proof of the complaint would be found. He had not mentioned Sri Aurobindo by name but as Bharati, V. V. S. Aiyar and Srinivasachari were friends of Sri Aurobindo, the French government... handing over the political refugees. This was a very crucial time for all of them. Subramanya Bharati got very excited and disturbed over the news as was usual with him. One day he came all excited and agitated and asked Sri Aurobindo what he proposed to do in case the French government would not shield them. Bharati asked, "Do you not prefer to go out of India in that case? What is your view?" Sri Aurobindo... Aurobindo turned his back to him and sat quietly for a few minutes. He then turned to Bharati and said, "Mr. Bharati! I am not going to budge an inch from Pondicherry. I know nothing will happen to me. As for yourself you can do what you like." After that he sat silent in his chair. Bharati and others dropped the idea of going either to Djibuti, or Indochina or Tripoli, which was in their minds. In ...
... "Every evening, a little after dark, Bharati would go to Sri Aurobindo's house. He chose that time not with the purpose of avoiding people who would want to make a note of his visit. It was because Sri Aurobindo used to come out of his room and receive his friends only after seven in the evening. An exception, how- ever, was made for close friends like Bharati and Srinivasachari, who, at a very ... to Sri Aurobindo's house after seven had become a regular affair. Bharati would visit without fail; it was not so with Srinivasachari however. "There was hardly any subject which they did not talk about in their meetings at night. They discussed literature, society, politics, the various arts...." 2 Long afterwards "Bharati leamt the Rig Veda from Sri Aurobindo". About a week after Sri... home, 'Why this delay?' But still I ventured to give my consent. "lyengar once again asked me, 'Do you intend to see Sri Aurobindo with Bharati and others? Or with the inmates?' I could not make out what answer to give. Whether in the midst of Bharati and others or in the midst of the inmates of the house Sri Aurobindo would be the same Sri Aurobindo. I began to revolve in my mind how there ...
... Nandakumar (Vide her Subramania Bharati in the National Biography Series, 1968, pp. 35-6). In his book Mahakavi Bharatiyar, Va Ra says that he accompanied Bharati to Shankar Chettiar's house to get his help. Shankar Chettiar, on being apprised of the situation, got the required five signatures (his own being one) within two hours. On being asked to sing his latest song , Bharati recited with gusto Jayam... Sri Aurobindo, Subramania Bharati and the other political exiles to have their application for registration endorsed by at least five Honorary Magistrates. It was in that context that Shankar Chettiar and the other four "noble men" showed truly "remarkable courage and magnanimity". The crisis passed as though it had never been. It was in those days that Subramania Bharati wrote Jayam Undu ("Victory... Mandayam Srinivasachariar, a sterling Nationalist, who was bringing out India, Vijaya, Karmayogi and Bala Bharata with the help of his brother Tirumalachariar and other Nationalists like Subramania Bharati. Since Bharati's flight from Madras to Pondicherry, that obscure French town had begun to attract political exiles from India, and he had been followed by Srinivasachariar, Subramania Siva, and others ...
... are plainly psychological symbols and especially with Bharati and Ila. In the later Puranic forms of worship Saraswati is the goddess of speech, of learning and of poetry and Bharati is one of her names, but in the Veda Bharati and Saraswati are different deities. Bharati is also called Mahi, the Large, Great or Vast. The three, Ila, Mahi or Bharati and Saraswati are associated together in a constant... l power of Saraswati. Saraswati is the Word, the inspiration, as I suggest, that comes from the ṛtam, the Truth-Consciousness. Bharati and Ila must also be different forms of the same Word or knowledge. In the eighth hymn of Madhuchchhandas we have a Rik in which Bharati is mentioned under the name of Mahi. Evā hyasya sūnṛtā, virapśī gomatī mahī; pakvā śākhā na dāśuṣe. "Thus Mahi... we can understand the close connection of Ila and Saraswati. Bharati or Mahi is the largeness of the Truth-Consciousness which, dawning on man's limited mind, brings with it the two sister Puissances. We can also understand how these fine and living distinctions came afterwards to be neglected as the Vedic knowledge declined and Bharati, Saraswati, Ila melted into one. We may note also that these ...
... school "Vishm Bharati" to emphasize international understanding and the universality of man. And he selected for Vishwa Bharati the motto, "Yatra Vishwam Bhavate Ekanidam" — "Where the world makes its home in a single nest. " Rabindranath Tagore declared that Vishwa Bharati was open to all who wanted to live together in the spirit of universal fraternity. He wanted Vishwa Bharati to be a living... education can make to it. To give a concrete shape to this perception, a special wing was added to Vishwa Bharati under the name of "Sriniketan ", and Tagore emphasized the need to integrate both Shantiniketan and Sriniketan in a close bond. In 1951, ten years after Tagore's death, Vishwa Bharati was given the status of an Institution of National Importance by an act of Parliament. Since then it has... the country. In 1984 a comprehensive amendment to the Vishwa Bharati Act was carried Page 304 out, and it is expected that, with some new features that emphasize innovations in education, the university might be able to recover something of the original idea that Gurudev strove to realize. The experiment of Vishwa Bharati presents to us many lessons which can be useful in any new ...
... attraction to Bharati. Every evening, a little after dark, Bharati would go to Sri Aurobindo's house. He chose that time not with the purpose of avoiding people who would want to make a note of his visit. It was because Sri Aurobindo used to come out of his room and receive his friends only after seven in the evening. An exception, however, was made for close friends like Bharati and Sri... naked eyes, caught hold of my heart and brought about its radical change. Bharati was very helpful in effectuating my inner nearness to Sri Aurobindo. Often it would occur to me: "Why did I not have, like Bharati, courage enough to act according to the inner voice?" As I grew more and more familiar with Bharati, the rites and ceremonies, rules and regulations dropped off from me as withered... about Krishnaswami — who is no longer in the land of the living — would not be out of place. He was a well-to-do man of Muthialpet and a great devotee of Bharati — the great poet and national worker. He used to give all possible help to Bharati and attend to his needs. He knew neither English nor French, his only medium of communication was his motherongue, Tamil. He had a kind of instinctive ...
... attraction to Bharati. Every evening, a little after dark, Bharati would go to Sri Aurobindo's house. He chose that time not with the purpose of avoiding people who would want to make a note of his visit. It was because Sri Aurobindo used to come out of his room and receive his friends only after seven in the evening. An exception, however, was made for close friends like Bharati and Srinivasachari... seen with naked eyes, caught hold of my heart and brought about its radical change. Bharati was very helpful in effectuating my inner nearness to Sri Aurobindo. Often it would occur to me: "Why did I not have, like Bharati, courage enough to act according to the inner voice?" As I grew more and more familiar with Bharati, the rites and ceremonies, rules and regulations dropped off from me as withered... word about Krishnaswami — who is no longer in the land of the living — would not be out of place. He was a well-to-do man of Muthialpet and a great devotee of Bharati — the great poet and national worker. He used to give all possible help to Bharati and attend to his needs. He knew neither English nor French, his only medium of communication was his motherongue, Tamil. He had a kind of instinctive respect ...
... Sri Aurobindo introduced Bharati, he learnt on the other hand a boldness, freedom and forthrightness of utterance. If Whitman was the prophet of American democracy, Bharati would be the prophet of the new Indian Republic to be, and he would sing its praises unreservedly. Poet of Freedom and Patriotism The poet of freedom and patriotism is the Bharati that most people know, and... and achieve their salvation. Bharati took up the mantric cry and made it resound everywhere in Tamil Nadu. Weaklings became patriots, and cowardice turned into valour. Bharati with his magic verse had waved the wand, and the age of sloth and slavery was ended for ever. As Sarojini Naidu said in her finely worded message sent at the time of the opening of the Bharati Memorial Building at Ettayapuram... was fast becoming the refuge of Indian patriots, and also the radiating centre of a new renaissance, offering a new hope for India and the world. Sri Aurobindo and Subramaniam Bharati engaged in Vedic studies, and Bharati too learned to see India - as Sri Aurobindo had seen Her - verily as the Mother, and to sing Her praises. The murder of Collector Ashe at Maniyachi in 1911 turned ...
... attraction to Bharati. Every evening, a little after dark, Bharati would go to Sri Aurobindo’s house. He chose that time not with the purpose of avoiding people who would want to make a note of his visit. It was because Sri Aurobindo used to come out of his room and receive his friends only after seven in the evening. An exception, however, was made for close friends like Bharati and Srinivasachari... seen with naked eyes, caught hold of my heart and brought about its radical change. Bharati was very helpful in effectuating my inner nearness to Sri Aurobindo. Often it would occur to me: “Why did I not have, like Bharati, courage enough to act according to the inner voice?” As I grew more and more familiar with Bharati, the rites and ceremonies, rules and regulations dropped off from me as withered... Chapter 2: The Influence of Subramania Bharati 1910-1914 All these five years served the need of my preparation. It should be called a pilgrimage to Sri Aurobindo. Each act of mine, each event of my life had become, as it were, offerings in the sacrifice done unknowingly by me. Prior to my surrender to Sri Aurobindo, Bharati helped me a great deal to attain wideness in the heart ...
... friend Subramania Bharati. The latter was then a young man of 28, not yet the most famous Tamil poet of his time, but already well known for his lyrics, impassioned patriotic poems and fearless criticism of the Government. As a result of his provocative writings he was forced to leave Madras and take refuge in Pondicherry where he was helping Srinivasachari to bring out India. Bharati, like so many sensitive... humorous anecdotes would be exchanged and the atmosphere was by no means serious all the time. Bharati listened avidly to Sri Aurobindo's comments and it is a great pity that he did not keep notes of these talks or leave behind a pen-picture of Sri Aurobindo at the time. With his great literary gifts, Bharati could have made them into a wonderful record for posterity. During the early part of Sri ... learn how to live on a minus quantity like Bharati.' The characteristic humour can hardly disguise the truly grim situation that prevailed. It was probably during this period that the British put pressure on the French to deport the revolutionaries and the French seemed prepared to send them to Algeria or Indo-China, territories then under their control. Bharati and some other revolutionaries were excited ...
... Among the several journals Bharati edited, the weekly India enjoyed a great popularity. On the one hand its style and content made India a treasure in Tamil journalism. On the other, the government and the bureaucrats who were made the objects of its butts were enraged. Neither did the Moderates escape its pen-lashings. The public lapped it all up. Bharati, we know, was a great admirer... blessed me and disappeared." Ganesh kept his word. The work at Nandanam never suffered from lack of money. But all this was still in the womb of the future. Let us go back a few decades. Poet Bharati, during his exile, often went to offer worship at the dilapidated Manakula temple. He strung a garland of forty verses to the God in his Vinayakar Naanmani Malai. With his poetic vision he saw that... of the twentieth century, orchards and plantations were normally not walled in. People often used them as shortcuts or for pleasant strolls. They were more honest and the owners were more generous. Bharati who lived in Muthialpet with his wife and young daughter Sakuntala would take a five-minute walk and reach the estate. This was one of his favourite haunts. Page 211 Often he had ...
... Just as Dada was talking Bharati appeared. Perhaps he had just been waiting for Bharati. He told her: "Bharati, I have a little problem." : 'What, Dada?' she asked. "The problem is I would like them to hear the song. The cassette player is in my room. But Savitri has locked the room and gone away to school." 'I'll go and see,' said Bharati and left. A little later she turned... player. Page 50 I was quite amazed to see how full of sweetness was Dada's conduct. He was not worried in the least. He did not order anybody or tell anybody anything. But just 'Bharati, I have a little problem.' I am told that Sri Aurobindo had a similar capacity for gentle sweetness by merely expressing a wish without giving an order. He never asked anybody to do anything for ...
... attracted the family to work for the country. Srinivas had come back to Pondicherry to help Subramania Bharati against whom the Madras government had Page 28 issued a warrant—but Bharati had slipped away to Pondicherry before he could be arrested. When Srinivas heard that Bharati was being harassed by the French Police at the instigation of the Madras government, he followed his friend... the sea-front road, Cours Chabrol as it was then called. Srinivasachari took Sri Aurobindo with him in a horse-drawn carriage which he had procured from a friend for the occasion. Subramania Bharati, who was to become the famous Tamil nationalist poet, accompanied them. 1 Moni and Bejoy 2 followed behind in push-push with the luggage, and a Tamil guide. To Moni's great surprise the house to... while Srinivasachari Page 35 along with four or five others were standing deferentially in front of him." Among them was also Rangachari who had come before the 4 th . And Subramania Bharati whom Moni had already met. Thus it was that from 4 April 1910, as a happy sun plucked flowers from the clouds to shower upon the Earth before retiring for the night, Sri Aurobindo, Moni and Bejoy ...
... Batra, Dina Nath Vidya Bharati Karyalaya Pragya Sadan Sarswati Bal Mandir Nehru Nagar, New Delhi -110065 17. Bernard, Allain Sri Aurobindo International Institute of Educational Research Auroville - 605 101 (Tamil Nadu) 18. Bhan, Susheela Director, Institute of Peace and Action 81 Gagan Vihar, Delhi -110051 19. Bharati, Bodhpriyajai Karan... Delhi -110067 83.Jaipuria, Anjali A-9/24Vasant Vihar New Delhi -110057 84.Jaipuria, Suniti A-9/24 Vasant Vihar, New Delhi -110057 85.Jha, Braj Bhushan 86.Jhaveri, Bharati 38/11 ProvynRoad Opp. Law Faculty Delhi-110007 Page 733 87.Jhingran, Saral 136-C DDA MIG Flats Rajouri Garden, New Delhi 88.Jh... Delhi - 110034 182. Shastri, Kutumba V. Director, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan 56-57, Institutional Area, Janakpuri New Delhi-110058 183.Shekhar R.C. Principal, Gyan Bharati Public School Saket, New Delhi-110017 184.Siddique, A.N. Education Officer K.V.S. Headquarters Katwaria Sarai, New Mehrauli Road New Delhi -110067 185. Singh ...
... was a spy. Things would have gone on for how long nobody knows, but for the intervention of Bharati. "One evening, twilight had turned to dusk, just as I reached the entrance to the pier I saw the same Silk-suit with Bharati. Silk-suit with an ashen face was trying to get in a word from time to time. But Bharati, oh, goodness gracious, what an image he then presented! As though his soul had been possessed... the accumulated anger of all the Greek tragedies. Words flowed from him like a flood of lava. It seemed to me that Bharati was determined to pulverize his prey." Poor Silk-suit, he ended up weeping, weeping copiously. "Well, in the event, Silk-suit was totally devastated, and Bharati emerged victorious." Silk-suit and his companion disappeared for ever, no doubt with a grudging admiration for Bharati's... savage treatment meted out to patriots like Chidambaram Pillai had entered the soul of Indian youth like a hot iron. However, it was poor Bharati who bore the brunt of the colonial rulers' ire. "Endless were the mischiefs played by the policemen," Bharati was to write later, "unbearable to the political refugees—men like Mr. Aurobindo Chose, whose spiritual realisations were greatly hampered by ...
... jar, brought it to his room." Naturally enough he opened it. After a good look he closed it carefully, and when Bharati came they conferred and went to the house of Srinivasachari with the jar and the carefully packed contents. After conferring amongst themselves, V. V. S. Aiyar Bharati went to Sri Aurobindo to get his advice. Sri Aurobindo told him to inform the French police. The three wrote... the governor also said that it was a matter for the police to enquire and find out the culprit. Bharati, Aiyar and Srinivasachari accordingly went to the French police, delivered the jar with the contents, and preferred the necessary complaint. "The next Saturday all the three of us, Aiyar, Bharati and myself went on Srinivasachari, "received summons from the Magistrate to be present at his court... who were the only persons present in his room at that time. So the poor investigating officer, Bharati said later on, had to cite us the accused as witnesses to get himself cleared of a false charge brought by the complainants against him, in a departmental enquiry." Sri Aurobindo had a good laugh when Bharati narrated the comical episode to him. Srinivasachari summed up the embarrassment of the ...
... must give expression to their sense of sudden exhilaration. The traditional religious worship of Mother Durga merged with the patriotic adoration of the country as the Mother, and so Durga and Bharati fused into Bhavani, "holder of multitudinous strength, - bahubala dhārini". Patriotism of an intellectual or emotional kind had been there for two or three decades, and of course people talked... their depths. 2 The two words - soft like silk yet taut with infinite power - carried their vibrations to the ends of India, and in distant Madras, for example, the young Tamil poet, Subramania Bharati, made them the refrain of some of his own tremendous patriotic songs: Page 220 Mother, we bow to thee Victorious Mother... Be victory ours or defeat or death... Ashamed of subjection The toil, shame, and blister, We shall now end it all And sing in chorus Vande Mataram! 3 While returning after attending the Benares Congress, Bharati had met Sister Nivedita who, in a single moment of spiritual contact, had ignited the fire in him to a fury of poetic and patriotic effort, and in April 1906 he became editor of India, a Tamil ...
... an officer trying suits at the lowest civil court. Page 355 Amrita had a neighbour, Krishnaswami Chettiar, a well-to-do man who was a great devotee of Bharati, to whom he rendered all possible help. Because of Bharati, Chettiar had intuitively formed a profound respect for Sri Aurobindo. But he spoke only Tamil. That being so he would, now and then, go and have Sri Aurobindo's darshan... but one. Our Amrita waited "not Page 360 knowing what to do." Then Ramaswamy came and told the youth that Bharati, Srinivasachari, V. V. S. Aiyar, were going to pay their respects to Sri Aurobindo. He asked Amrita, "Do you intend to see Sri Aurobindo with Bharati and others? Or with the inmates?" Amrita was in a dither. It was already past seven, and if he delayed longer what would befall... before his name). The village was not far from Pondicherry. Amrita's uncle was living in Pondicherry. At the age of ten, in 1905, Amrita came there for his studies and joined the Calvé School. Bharati took refuge in the French enclave in 1908, and other revolutionaries followed suit. Politics was in the air. Amrita's uncle himself was a politician. He, like other adults, talked about it a great ...
... Arya, it was widely talked about — and most amongst the Tamil poet Bharati and his friends—that a Review of the kind was soon going to be published. The idea also spread, along with the talk, that a new age was about to dawn, this new age was for the whole human race and Sri Aurobindo was the Rishi of this new age. Poet Bharati was chiefly instrumental in spreading the idea. I was fortunate enough... deposit the fee. Astounded and forgetful I stood statue-like in his presence. In 1915 I went to Madras to sit for the examination. Back to Pondicherry from there, I first met Sri Aurobindo and then Bharati. There being no longer any place here to stay at, I went back home. One part of my being was given to endearing play and prattle with my mother; another and greater part of it felt all bonds with... Aurobindo. There grew up steadily an intimacy between them. As a consequence, he started reserving a room for himself on rent in a hotel here. Can the fire so kindled ever forsake him? Subramania Bharati learnt the Rig Veda from Sri Aurobindo. Chandrasekhar also studied the Rig Veda with Sri Aurobindo methodically at a particular hour. He studied in this way for two or three years, not by the old ...
... I wanted it; but I did not wish to apply to him except in case of necessity. The situation just now is that we have Rs 1½ or so in hand. Srinivasa Page 175 is also without money. As to Bharati, living on nothing a month means an uncertain quantity, the only other man in Py whom I could at present ask for help absent sine die and my messenger to the South not returned. The last time he... sufficiency of the amount. No doubt, God will provide, but He has contracted a bad habit of waiting till the last moment. I only hope He does not wish us to learn how to live on a minus quantity, like Bharati. Other difficulties are disappearing. The case brought against the Swadeshis (no one in this household was included in it although we had a very charmingly polite visit from the Parquet & Juge ... the moment. The damning facts are that Bluysen saw the Viceroy on his last visit, that it is known on this occasion the whole talk was about this cession of Chandernagore, that on his return he told Bharati the cession of Ch was a settled fact and while before his trip northward, he was gushing over to the Swadeshis, afterwards he roundly declared that he could not help us openly because the Cabinet ...
... My first postgraduate enthusiasm had been the great Tamil poet, Subramania Bharati, some of whose poems I translated into English and published as Bharati in English Verse. Now Bharati had been Sri Aurobindo's intimate friend at Pondicherry for about ten years, and what could be more appropriate than my turning from Bharati to Sri Aurobindo? There has been no end to my good fortune ...
... dirty clothes. He exclaimed, "How is it that you are here in this state-?" He sent him straight to the bathroom! Even before this time, whenever ¹. Basanti Chakravarty, "Amader Aurodada", Galpa Bharati, Vol. VI, No 7 (Paush 1357), pp. 776-77. Page 49 Sri Aurobindo used to go to Deoghar, he used to inculcate the revolutionary spirit in Barin. When Barin came to Baroda it was... departure, but it appears the letter was not received. "2. Previous to that for two or three days I was called to the Palace on urgent work. 1. Abinash Bhattacharya, "Aurobindo", Galpa Bharati, Vol. VI, No. 7 (Paush 1357), pp. 832-33. 2. Sri Aurobindo, On Himself, p. 69. Page 56 Sri Aurobindo in Baroda Khaserao... the nation, just as Bhawani Mahisha Mardini sprang into being from the Shaktis of all the millions of gods assembled in one mass of force and welded into unity. The Shakti we call India, Bhawani Bharati, is the living unity of the Shaktis of three hundred million people; but she is inactive, imprisoned in the magic circle of Tamas, the self-indulgent inertia and ignorance of her sons. To get ...
... Baroda period or from occult planes as in his later years, Sri Aurobindo was always a power, a guiding and activising spirit, for he was verily the true son of the Mother, the sword-arm of Bhavani Bharati, the creator-spirit of the unfolding New Age. Period-divisions of a human life - especially a life so rich, so many-sided, so incommensurable as Sri Aurobindo's - can only be props of convenience;... that the one thing necessary for the effective propagation of the new revolutionary gospel was a Temple consecrated to the Divine Mother, a Temple invoking Mother India as Bharat Shakti, as Bhavani Bharati. Sri Aurobindo fell in with the idea, which was to find a solitary place somewhere among the hills and erect the proposed temple there and train a band of sannyasins solemnly dedicated to the task... the ochre garb as a uniform?" 30 It was Charu Dutt too who accompanied Sri Aurobindo and K.G. Deshpande when they visited the Ashram at Page 193 Ganganath where a school called "Bharati Vidyalaya" was run by Swami Rakshananda. 31 The boys in the school received spiritual as well as secular education, and there was some considerable stress on physical training as well - team games ...
... cannot but wonder how things work out, sometimes — whose is the Hand? Bharati, the lady of the house, had a severe attack of jaundice. She was then just recovering (an astrologer had predicted that about that period of her life, she would be dangerously ill). Dara in a generous mood ordered a prawn curry and asked Bharati too to eat. She did. But some elders chided her saying she should have known... have refused the prawn curry (spicy and oily etc). She ran to Dara and told him what the elders had said. Dara was unperturbed. He said the all familiar mantra: “Are, Bharati, kuch nai hoga — I have informed the Mother.” True enough, Bharati never felt any ill effects. Dara’s prayers to the Mother were two — (1) O Mother, fulfil my desire and (2) O Mother take away my desire. In either case the onus... Press is now located. He lived more or less like a recluse. He was also afflicted by some rare disease. The Mother asked Prashanto to serve him and look after him. The Mother also asked a Reddy lady, Bharati Reddy (husband Venkata Reddy and daughter Jyoti) to help Dara. Actually this Reddy family was helped by Dara. They were new here, coming from Hyderabad. They got acquainted with Dara in the Tennis ...
... though he used to be very vain, as he acknowledges now. Do you not think he is changing for the better? If so I would like to convey it to him. I am very contrite about conveying your remarks to Bharati. In future such mistakes will not be repeated. I will first get your permission before I communicate your remarks. One last question: Cohayne alters one line (he suggests, that is) of my war-song... I leave tomorrow noon. You go with our love and blessings. [Underlined by Sri Aurobindo] * July 31, 1943 (Regarding poems written by Dilipda’s friend Bharati. Re. Bharati’s poem “Left Out “) This is a fine poem by virtue of its original thought and expression and strongly carved images, and it might have been a great one if there had... of life is in vSb – and I don’t regret to have to leave this life. “ He had become a sort of mystic after his marriage and left business and lived in seclusion. He cast a deep influence on Bharati whose seeking dates from her dear gifted brother’s conversion. She does want to visit Pondicherry next November and I offered to ask her to be my guest in my flat as I have always looked upon her ...
... at home, “Why this delay?” But still I ventured to give my consent. Iyengar once again asked me, “Do you intend to see Sri Aurobindo with Bharati and others? Or with the inmates?” I could not make out what answer to give. Whether in the midst of Bharati and others or in the midst of the inmates of the house Sri Aurobindo would be the same Sri Aurobindo. I began to revolve in my mind how there could... guests took leave one by one or by twos and threes and went home. I kept on waiting, not knowing what to do. As soon as the guests left, Iyengar came and told me that three big persons, namely, Bharati, Srinivasachari, V.V.S. Aiyar, would see Sri Aurobindo to pay their respects to him. If I could wait till they left, there would only be the inmates of the house, five or six, alone with Sri Aurobindo... little while, it might be less than a minute, I wavered in mind and replied, “When the inmates are there.” “If so, you must wait for some time,” said Iyengar and left. I had to wait till 8 p.m. Bharati, Srinivasachari and Aiyar, at the time of going out of Sri Aurobindo’s house, looked closely at me with a view to recognise me. They did not expect me there so late. They at once doubted and wondered ...
... , bliss and will to work are manifestly referred to: "May Bharati come speeding to our sacrifice and Ila hither awakening our consciousness in human wise, and Saraswati, — three goddesses sit on this blissful seat, doing well the Work." In the first Mandala in the eighth Rik in the eighth hymn, Madhuchhandas speaks of Bharati under the name of Mahi as follows: "Thus Mahi for Indra full... of the Truth, Mahi or Bharati which means Largeness, can be seen to be connected with the brihat of the superconscient in us containing in itself the Truth or rtam. Ila, the power of revelation or truth-vision is also connected with Surya, the Sun, Lord of true Light being of one mind with Ila, ilayā sajosā yatamāno raśmibhih sūryasa. 40 It would seem that when Bharati or Mahi dawns on man's... and Saraswati The attainment of Savitri is also connected with other rivers or goddesses who are plainly psychological symbols. In Rig Veda Mandala I in the thirteenth hymn, Ila, Mahi or Bharati and Saraswati are associated together: Iiā Saraswatī Mahī tisro devīr mayo bhuvah, barhih sīdantvasridhah "May Ila, Saraswati and Mahi, three goddesses who give birth to the bliss, take ...
... act in French territory, they employed Mayuresan, a French Indian, to complain against Bharati and other patriots, alleging that they were engaged in dangerous activities and that, if a search of their house was made, proof of the complaint would be found. He had not mentioned Sri Aurobindo by name but as Bharati, V.V.S. Aiyar and Srinivasachari Page 75 were friends of Sri... path. In all I believe God to be guiding us, giving the necessary experiences, preparing the necessary conditions.1 On his arrival in Pondicherry, he was received among others by Subramaniam Bharati and Omkar Swami. He immediately went to the house of Srinivas Chettiar and remained in seclusion pursuing intensely his sadhana. Of course, the British Government did not believe this and... On 15th August, 1912, a meeting was held at the house of Arabindo Ghose, in celebration, it is believed, of his 40th birthday. The meeting was attended by V. V. S. Aiyar, C. Subramania Bharati, a well-known writer of sedition, against whom a warrant is out for complicity in the murder of Mr. Ashe, and a few other revolutionaries. During the proceedings five pictures were garlanded with flowers ...
... native of Pondicherry, he preferred to wander about all over Tamilnadu, never staying in one place for any length of time. He was quite well-known to Appa and his nationalist friends, especially Bharati. The most memorable story Amma heard about him concerns Sri Aurobindo, then living in the house now called Guest House, at 43, rue François Martin. Kullaswami once performed this intriguing anushtan... realised that to them Tamils, per se , were an inferior and backward race. "But I never let them know the humiliation they were subjecting me to," Amma told me. "You ought to have told them off like Bharati did," I flared up, and read out the narration of an incident that had taken place in Sri Aurobindo’s presence in the 1910s. …One day, a Bengali youth blurted out: "Tamils are inferior to Bengalis... Tamilians who have given asylum to Aurobindo Babu and you all...? In my opinion Tamilians, if not superior to Bengalis are at least their equals.".... Sri Aurobindo said with a smile, "All that Bharati says is true. I accept it wholeheartedly." [24] Once X decided she needed to eat eggs. Although she was part of Mother’s ‘inner circle’ and went ‘Upstairs’ daily for her work, she ordered ...
... consciousness * When Bharati, Aiyar and Srinivasachariar met Sri Aurobindo in the evenings, there would be no sense of time, for talk was free. "In Bharati's speech there was the aggressiveness of the smell of jasmine. Sri Aurobindo's had the beauty of the full-blown lotus. In the talk of both, new ideas and images appeared like dazzling fireworks. It was as though Bharati had caught the words as... course of 1914. Younger than all these, Amrita (Aravamudachari) who was yet a school-boy came under Sri Aurobindo's spell and had his first darshan on 15 August 1913 in the Mission Street house. After Bharati, V.V.S. Aiyar and Srinivasachariar had left having received Sri Aurobindo's birthday blessings, Amrita was called in to make his obeisance. Recalling the event, Amrita wrote many years later: ... g discussion with him in the evenings. He read the Hindu in the mornings, met special visitors before lunch, wrote or typed out his articles for the Arya whenever he could find time, received Bharati, Srinivasachariar and V.V.S. Aiyar in the evenings, and had dinner usually at nine.* He seldom moved out of his house, but on special occasions - a marriage or baptism in a friend's house, the opening ...
... 4 Shankar Chetty's House On their way from Cours Chabrol to Shankar Chetty's house, as they rode in the horse carriage, Srinivasachari and Bharati explained to Sri Aurobindo the arrangements made for his lodging. At first the Guest was reluctant to live in another man's house and said he would rather have a separate place. The two men assured... visitors. Paul Richard was an exception. He met Sri Aurobindo twice. They talked long together, for two to three hours each time. But local revolutionaries dropped in of an evening. Subramania Bharati was a daily visitor. Most of the local people were before my time. However, I did meet one gentleman, Mr. Mouttayen. In the '40s he taught French to the top graders of the Ashram School, which included... the others. The boys often had hilarious time with him. But what they must have looked forward to was the evenings. The evening spent with their adored 'Sejda' (elder brother). For that was when Bharati and Srinivasachari would come to see 'Babu.' Srinivasachari could see 'Babu' at any time of the day if the need arose. The conversations between the elders were engrossing. They were not necessarily ...
... to stop—at least to delay—all or any remittance destined for Bharati. A 'civilized' strangulation. Bharati himself describes briefly his tribulations during the past few years, in a letter to Ramsay MacDonald, then the leader of the British Labour Party. Bharati's letter 1 was published in The Hindu "Dear Sir" wrote Bharati, "From the middle of the year 1905 to the month of August 1908... Mother's Chronicles - Book Six 28 French Government's Headache "Without too much trouble"? Let us see. Bharati appreciated the "keen sense of justice on the part of certain French magistrates." We shall meet one of them by and by. Nolini went further: "In fact," he said, "the French Government had not been against us, indeed they... and I may record my sincere conviction that nowhere in the world is the sacredness of individual liberty more cynically ignored than in Madras and certain other Provinces of India." Here Bharati has touched on several aspects of the thoughtless persecution to which he was subjected. This is not the whole of the story. Some missing parts are disclosed in the following chapters. Page 234 ...
... poet-cumjournalist Bharati. We have already seen that from his Benares days Bharati had rebelled against the way women were treated in the Hindu society. In his Pondicherry days, when he had the benefit of Sri Aurobindo's company, he went much farther. Let us once again hear from Amrita. "At home we had a strict observance of orthodox rites and rituals. But the moment Bharati arrived, these began... to the young Ashram students in 1960s. "But even to imagine today what difficulties it might Page 374 have created some fifty years ago can make one shudder with fear.... Later on, Bharati did away with these customs and threw them off like chaff, as things without substance." Amrita continued. "Whether in Bharati's house or by the tanks or beside the big lake, at the time of collective... creed and take their meals. Today," he repeated, "it may appear quite common.... The feeling that all were men had taken deep root in the heart of each of us.... As I grew more and more familiar with Bharati, the rites and ceremonies, rules and regulations dropped off from me as withered leaves from a tree." And old habits and customs "looked like worm-eaten things to me," said Amrita. Let us admit ...
... children were drawn to poet Bharati. How enchantingly he sang! How absorbing were the stories he told! Bharati himself was very fond of children. Once in 1913, in spite of his own penury, he took under his wing a local boy, mentally unsound. Bharati kept the boy near him as much as he could. He oversaw the boy's intake of food, and even when he slept he kept the boy close. Bharati did not miss praying to... increase, eg. Bharati's hysteric patient not cured by him in spite of strong effort and personal contact & suggestion, cured after a distant & moderate application of Will by myself in two days." Bharati himself never claimed that the boy was healed by him. He sent Page 298 his heartfelt gratitude to the Mother Goddess. I could give you more cases, but by now you must have got ...
... stay in Madras, the tuft of hair on my head got shortened and shrunken. In my Pondicherry days this tuft ( shikha ) had drawn its strength from three-fourths of my head. Such a beautiful shikha Bharati would always insist upon being removed whenever he would happen to see it. My mother, however, cherished for my shikha the same affection as she did for me. Somehow a fear had crept into my mother’s... She would often tell me, “Keep the shikha as it is. Do nothing with it in play.” She would mutter to her companions that if some day her child’s shikha came to an end, it could only be through Bharati. Destiny, however, did away with this stately tuft! How, I shall narrate. During my first two years’ stay in Madras, my shikhas form shrank to a lean twine. That was the price I had to pay... sympathise with my mental agony, the bewildered state of my heart. All inmates of Sri Aurobindo’s house appreciated the extinction of my shikha and scoffed at such senseless customs. I then went to Bharati thinking that he alone would show sympathy with my condition then. He listened to all that I said and exclaimed, “Do you have the courage to leave your family completely and come out of it? If so, ...
... Macdonald exclaimed: "Bengal is creating India by song and worship, it is clothing her in queenly garments.' The same phenomenon was visible in South India through the personalities of Subramaniam Bharati and other poets and writers. Thus began the second phase of the Freedom Movement. This period was between 1905 and 1915. It must be noted that the movement was not restricted to Bengal... Page 53 whole of India was thrown into the cauldron; in Maharashtra, Bal Gangadhar Tilak took direct part, in Punjab it was Lala Lajpat Rai and in South India it was Subramaniam Bharati. Slogans of Swaraj, Swadeshi, Boycott, and National Education, emerged during the anti-partition campaign. Tilak carried on a vigorous propaganda of this programme and recommended its adoption... the Coral Mills, also managed by A. & F. Harvey, accentuated the confrontation. In the Nationalist Movement, he backed Bal Gangadhar Tilak. He led a contingent (which included the poet Subramaniam Bharati) from the Madras Presidency to the Surat Congress (1907) where the Congress had split into two camps — the Extremists and the Moderates. By the time he returned, he had become the most popular leader ...
... comply with the offer, the British might take us away by force. On hearing this, the eminent Tamil poet, Subramaniam Bharati, who was present at the time said angrily: 'Since we are no longer safe in French India, why don't we go abroad?' But I answered very firmly, 'Mr. Bharati, I refuse to budge from here. You may do as you please, but I know I am perfectly safe here. This, and not Darjeeling... acquired was called the Library House. Nolini and the Tamil poet Subramaniam Bharati used to chant Vedic hymns with me regularly." "Did people from the town visit you?" "Yes, a few of them were, like me, political refugees from British India, and were already in Pondicherry when I came here. One of them was Bharati. I also remember very clearly another person. He was V. Ramaswamy lyengar, who ...
... Bergson, Henri, 441 Besant, Annie, 266, 272, 412, 521 Bhagavad Gita, The, 6, 84, 156, 192, 285, 289ff, 297, 317, 318, 319, 336, 343, 344, 448, 449 Bharati, Shuddhananda, 579 Bharati, Subramania, 16,220,221,235,375, 378,382ff,391,405 Bhartrihari, 50, 68, 69, 88ff Bhasa, 147 Bhattacharya, Abinash, 64, 190, 208, 219, 306,308,309, 538 ... Lord Carmichael's offer, 408; correspondence with Mirra, 408ff; on spiritual progress & adverse forces, 410; strategy of supramental Yoga, 410; daily routine in Pondicherry, 411; evening talks with Bharati, 41 1fn; keeping watch on events, 412; on Mont-Ford Reforms, 412; on the War, peace and the League, 412ff; "a God's labour", 414; Western metaphysics and Yoga of Indian Saints, 415-6; spiritual experience... 322, 368m Bande Mataram, 19, 76, 88, 119, 194, 201, 218, 219ff; started by Bepin Pal, 219; named after Bankim's song in Ananda Math, 219; the song as battle-cry, 220; refrain used by Bharati, 220-1; paper as organ of Nationalist Party, 222ff, phenomenal impact of paper on public, 222ff; Sri Aurobindo's editorial brilliance, 222ff; financial problems, 234; prosecution of Sri Aurobindo as ...
... greatness and continuity of Indian sculpture is due to the "close connection between the religious and philosophical and the aesthetic mind of the people." From such a land came: -Subramaniam Bharati (1882-1921),the great Tamil poet, whose mind was familiar with eternal things, who was capable of cosmic vision. He lit a fire of love for the Motherland in the Dravidian heart. -Sir C. V.... the religion of patriotism. The Mother had revealed herself." -Sarala Debi Chowdhurani (1873-1945).It was she who sang Bande Mataram 'in a fated moment.' She was a poetess and ably edited Bharati, a magazine run by the Tagores. This formidable lady had close links with India's revolutionary activities and knew well Barindra Kumar Ghose, Sri Aurobindo's brother. -Upendra Kishore Roy Chowdhuri... Later Nandalal was requested by his guru to take charge of the classes at the Indian Society of Oriental Art, founded in 1907. Finally, Rabindranath wrote to his nephew to spare Nandalal for Visva Bharati: "I had faith in Nandalal and we need him for the country. According to me, he alone can create the atmosphere for propagation of the new spirit of art that is so vital to the country as a whole. ...
... other side of the Ganges, where a monk, Keshav Bharati, had agreed to initiate him into monastic life. Many people gathered there, looking wonderingly at the handsome young man who was about to forsake all worldly pleasures. Once tonsured, Nimai sat near Keshav Bharati and whispered into his ear a mantra which he had heard in a dream. Keshav Bharati gladly initiated him with that mantra, then gave ...
... "Uttaram yat samudrasya himadreshcaiva daksinam Varsam tad bharatam nama bharati yatra santatih." That is, Bharata is defined as the land north of the seas, south of the Himalayas, and where the people are called "Bharati". But the Bharati peoples were not all similar and alike. They were distinct peoples and this was well known to the authors ...
... organisation and because of his previous initiation by ¹ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1972), before text. ² Basanti Chakravarty, "Amader Aurodada", Galpa Bharati , Vol. VI, No. 7 (Paush 1357), p. 783. Page 116 him. Amar went to the Sanjivani office to fetch Sri Aurobindo. He found him absolutely quiet, as if in meditation, so he did not speak... repulsion and desire, to do work for Him without the demand for fruit, to renounce self-will and become a passive and faithful ¹ Amarendranath Chatterji, "Sri Aurobinder Sange Sakshatkar", Galpa Bharati , Vol. VI, No. 7 (Paush 1357), pp. 820-22. Page 117 instrument in His hands, to have an equal heart for high and low, friend and opponent, success and failure, yet not to do His work... view. Amar replied to him, "My Guru creates Shastra, he does not follow it." ³ ¹ Sri Aurobindo, Karmayogin , pp. 3-10. ² Amarendranath Chatterji, "Sri Aurobinder Sange Sakshatkar", Galpa Bharati , Vol. VI, No. 7 (Paush 1357), pp. 825-26. ³ Amarendranath Chatterji, "Sri Aurobindo Mahaprayane", Prabartak , Vol. XXXV, No. 9 (Paush 1357), p. 364. See also Amarendranath Chatterji, "Sri Aurobinder ...
... work and the more brilliant, Kumarasambhava was more deep and mature. Or the conversation skirted casually around Laurence Binyon, Stephen Phillips, Robert Bridges, Oscar Wilde, Manomohan Ghose, Bharati Sarabhai, the Hexameter, and the clue to it that a Cambridge friend, Ferrar, gave. Was Blake greater than Shakespeare? After Milton, what was the scope for the epic as a literary form? Of Hopkins... "love not yourself, love Bengal, love India; serve not yourself, serve the Mother, the Mother and her three hundred million children; love India, serve her - liberate her, Mother India, Mother Bharati, Mother Durga, from the clutches of the foreign Rakshasa, help her to live once more in freedom and regain her former glory"!* The tune was presently gathered into a symphony, and the music of this... or another of his many powers and personalities: the dreamer, the idealist, the poet - the scholar, the critic, the teacher - the patriot, the revolutionary, the priest of the Temple of Bhavani Bharati - philosopher, the Master of Yoga, the architect of the Life Divine; but full comprehension eluded one's mental grasp, and one found it was far easier to feel awed, and to love and surrender. ...
... Mother's Chronicles - Book Six 25 South Indian Nationalists Bharati slipped through the Madras police net to Pondicherry in September 1908. That fateful year 1908. The colonial rulers were no sleepyheads. Once they swung into action against the Nationalists, they did a thorough job ... to the worst of their abilities. From May... only in June 1914. Bengal, Maharashtra, Punjab, no corner of the country was spared the panic reaction of the government against Swaraj. It was the great good fortune of Tamil literature that Bharati listened to his friends and escaped to French India. Otherwise, Page 198 given his predilection to face the music, he would have met with the same fate as his compatriots V. O. C... Saroja Sundararajan. 3 Both V. O. C. and Siva were released on 24 December 1912. and kept under close surveillance. Page 199 To begin with they were Nationalists. V. O. C. and Bharati had even attended the Surat Congress, forming part of a group of thirty from Madras. As such they tried to put into practice the scheme of the Nationalists 'to prepare the nation' for regeneration ...
... shakti—not the doubtfully effective rajasic tapastya but true tapatya. This however does not come at will. Lipi. perfection of delight . Friday. Two strong telepathies in the evening 1) Bh. [Bharati] will not come, combated by a weaker telepathic suggestion of coming. Bh did not come, as he does daily 2) At 9.18 (by watch) strong suggestion that S [Saurin] would come immediately, combated by... with it a great clearness, appositeness and sure fulfilment. Sometimes there is wrong application or combination of time and circumstance. Eg. 7.8 was given and taken as the time when Bh. [Bharati] would come; but at 7.8., the servant went out, Bh. came at 7.27. Afterwards indeed 7.25 or thereabouts was given, but it was thought by the intellect Bh would not come, although the ideality had given... being recorded; the numerous fulfilled telepathies, trikaldrishtis etc which occur each day are not [set] 2 down. [20] March 1916 Known by telepathy & telepathic trikaldrishti that Bh [Bharati] would not come; still 7.30 suggested—nothing external happened, only the beginning of an internal movement. 8.20 suggested for N's [Nolini's] coming. N came at 8.20 exact (by the watch) Telepathy ...
... might be Swadeshimitran . Iyengar’s handwriting looked like a string of tiny pearls. Bharati used to write each letter separately, juxtapose one letter to another and so his handwriting would look like an arrangement of jewels. Iyengar would send his translations to the press only when they had been shown to Bharati. Ramaswami cherished an immeasurable affection for his mother. A year had passed... 1910, got down with Bejoykanta and made straight for Shankar Chetty’s house in Comoutty Street. The persons who escorted Sri Aurobindo to Shankar Chetty’s house were Srinivasachari, C. Subramania Bharati, Suresh Chandra Chakravarti and Shankar Chetty. Of them only Srinivasachari is still alive (1962). Sri Aurobindo lived incognito for six months in Shankar Chetty’s house. Later on, his stay in ...
... connected with the Jugantar group of Bengal. Because of his activities, Sadguru had to take asylum in the French territory of Pondicherry. He was one of the group along with the poet Subrahmaniam Bharati, which received Aurobindo Ghosh at Pondicherry on 4th April 1910. He was closely connected with the Mopla agrarian revolution in Kerala. His group published the Communist Manifesto in the South even... small town gave political asylum to great freedom fighters like Aurobindo Ghosh; V. V. S. Iyer, a lawyer turned rebel who trained men in armed combat and guerrilla warfare; and Mahakavi Subramaniam Bharati, the great rebel poet of India whose works in Tamil were banned by the British Indian Government. Many publications in English and Tamil were produced here and circulated secretly in British Indian... as an excellent resource material for the history of the Indian Freedom Movement of the period. Justice Nair even translated into excellent English the famous patriotic song written by Subramaniam Bharati, 'Endru thaniyum intha suthanthira dhaagam. ' ('when will this thirst for liberty and freedom be quenched...'). So wrote the Judge whom in later years he would fight for the country's freedom. The ...
... merely to win India's independence). During the early years at Pondicherry there was the group of young men - Nolini, Bejoy, Moni, Saurin, Va Ra - living with Sri Aurobindo, and friends like Bharati, Aiyar and Srinivasachari visited him frequently. There were language lessons, there were discussions on poetry and politics, and there were readings in the Veda. It was in all but name an Ashram already... Aurobindo, was also drawn to him and the Mother, lived in the Ashram for years, and has written perceptively on Shakespeare's plays and on Savitri. And there was the ochre-robed Yogi Suddhananda Bharati, a prolific writer and poet in Tamil whose austere looks and leonine movements made an unforgettable impression on the visitor. Professor of philosophy like S.K. Maitra and Indra Sen, mathematicians... the place of Bernard Shaw in English literature: the Overmind inspiration in poetry: the poetry of Shahid Suhrawardy, of Amal, of Dilip, of Armando, Menezes, of Auden, of Spender, of Hopkins, of Bharati Sarabhai, of Harindranath, of Arjava, of D.H. Lawrence: Planck and the Quantum Theory: Ouspensky: automatic writing: spiritism, ghosts, popular superstitions: Cheiro and Astrology:... indeed, there ...
... — Upasanhara (Bengali), quoted in Bulletin, Vol. XIII, 2, April 1961, pp. 158 and 160 fn. 17. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 26, p. 25 18. From Abinash Bhattacharya's Galpa Bharati, cited in Keshavmurti's Sri Aurobindo — The Hope of Man (1969), pp. 60-61 19. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 26, p. 16 20. Ibid., p. 17 21. Ibid., p . 21 22... Awakening in India. 16. Purani, The Life, p. 85 17. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 1, p. 54 18. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 26, p. 24 19. Quoted from Upendranath Bandopadhyaya's Galpa Bharati, as cited in Sisirkumar Mitra's The Liberator, p. 74. 20. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 26, pp. 27-28 21. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 5, pp. 308-09 Chapter 10: Bande Mataram... 1. N. K. Gupta, Reminiscences (1969), p. 3 2. Haridas and Uma Mukherjee, Sri Aurobindo and the New Thought in Indian Politics, p. xxi 3. Prema Nandakumar, Bharati in English Verse (1958), pp. 55, 59-60 4. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 1, p. 481 5. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 26, pp. 28,59 6. Purani, The Life, p. 90 7. From an article in ...
... Freedom, or the Swadeshi Movement: 1905-6 (1958); Sri Aurobindo and the New Thoughts in Indian Politics (1964) Nandakumar, Prema. Bharati in English Verse (1958); A Study of 'Savitri'(1962); The Glory and the Good: Essays on Literature (1965); Subramania Bharati (1968) Naravane, V. S. Modern Indian Thought (1964) Navajata, Sri Aurobindo (1972) Nevinson, Henry W. The... and the Future (1917) Argov, Daniel. Moderates and Extremists in the Indian Nationalist Movement: 1883-1920 (1967) Banerjee, Surendranath. A Nation in the Making(l927) Bharati, Shuddhananda. Sri Aurobindo: The Divine Master (1948) Bhattacharya, Pranab. A Scheme of Education (1952) Bose, Bejoy Krishna. The Alipur Bomb Trial (1922) Chandrasekharam, V ...
... continued the practice of automatic writing until he found out fully what was behind it. For the first three months, it seems, the seances were regularly held. Apart from Moni and Bejoy, both Bharati and Srinivasachari were regulars too. Well, they were witness to the writing of Yogic Sadhan in that way. Every day one chapter was written, notes Purani. The book with its nine chapters was finished... there, a person in the know blurted out the secret to K. V. Rangaswami. Immediately K. V. R. sent a friend, V. Ramaswamy to find out the truth or otherwise of this piece of news. With the help of Bharati and Srinivasachari, V. Ramaswa my was able to pay his respects to Sri Aurobindo. The good news confirmed, K. V. R. hurried to Pondicherry and had a meeting with Sri Aurobindo. His hope became... with Sri Aurobindo in the room on the top floor of Shankar Chetty's house. "That day was ever memorable to me." wrote Va. Ra. in December 1950. "It was a sumptuous treat to me to see Aurobindo and Bharati talk. The conversation was a sort of variety entertainment. Only the level was very high, both of them being, in the cricket language, 'all-rounders.' " Va. Ra. also says that Sri Aurobindo was ...
... Clue It is Bharati who wrote: "All new knowledge is 'revealed,' " Suvrata 1 reported. She repeated what Bharati had said: "A few days back I asked Sri Aurobindo how he got his new and wonderful theory of the interpretation of the Vedas: 'It was shown to me'—he replied and I knew that he was saying that in an absolutely literal sense." There is no doubt at all that Bharati was but stating ...
... up the nation, just as Bhawani Mahisha-Mardini sprang into being from the Shaktis of all the millions of gods assembled in one mass of force and welded into unity. The Shakti we call India, Bhawani Bharati, is the living unity of the Shaktis of three hundred millions of people; but she is inactive, imprisoned in the magic circle of tamas , the self-indulgent inertia and ignorance of her sons. To get... yourselves. I am the Mother of the Universe, the Mother of the Worlds, and for you who are children of the Sacred land, aryabhumi , made of her clay and reared by her sun and winds, I am Bhawani Bharati, Mother of India." Then if you ask why we should erect a temple to Bhawani the mother, hear Her answer, "Because I have commanded it and because by making a centre for the future religion, you will ...
... word about Krishnaswami — who is no longer in the land of the living — would not be out of place. He was a well-to-do man of Muthialpet and a great devotee of Bharati — the great poet and national worker. He used to give all possible help to Bharati and attend to his needs. He knew neither English nor French, his only medium of communication was his mother-tongue, Tamil. He had a kind of instinctive respect ...
... friendship with Bejoykanta, I used to go with Ramaswami Iyengar to Villenour or some other villages around Pondicherry. Several times Bharati joined us. When he was in the party, the expenses would be borne by the late Krishnaswami Chetty of Muthialpet. With Bharati we could not remain out at night. If Bejoykanta accompanied us, we had to come back by all means before ten o’clock because Sri Aurobindo ...
... in a free and loving community.’ In 1918 this educational centre was raised to university level and renamed Vishva Bharati (World University). Tagore may have had exchanges of views with Mirra about education, for it is said that he proposed that she take charge of Vishva Bharati. Mirra, in the knowledge that her destiny lay elsewhere, had to politely refuse. All the same, as a token of his regard ...
... दाशुषे त्वं होत्रा भारती वर्धसे गिरा । त्वमिला शतहिमासि दक्षसे त्वं वृत्रहा वसुपते सरस्वती ॥११॥ 11) O Divine Fire, thou art Aditi, the indivisible Mother to the giver of the sacrifice; thou art Bharati, voice of the offering, and thou growest by the word. Thou art Ila of the hundred Page 33 winters wise to discern; O Master of the Treasure, thou art Saraswati who slays the python adversary... of Heaven. सरस्वती साधयन्ती धियं न इळा देवी भारती विश्वतूर्तिः । तिस्त्रो देवीः स्वधया बर्हिरेदमच्छिद्रं पान्तु शरणं निषद्य ॥८॥ 8) May Saraswati effecting our thought and goddess Ila and Bharati who carries all to their goal, the three goddesses, sit on our altar-seat and guard by the self-law of things our gapless house of refuge. पिशङ्गरुपः सुभरी वयोधाः श्रृष्टी वीरो जायते देवकामः ...
... draft was not sent to Saurin; presumably a fair copy was written and sent in its place. To K. R. Appadurai. 13 April 1916 . Appadurai was the brother-in-law of the poet Subramania Bharati. Bharati was living as a refugee in French Pondicherry at the time this letter was written. The "Mr. K. V. R" to whom Sri Aurobindo refers was K. V. Rangaswami Iyengar, who sometimes helped him out ...
... the man named Parthasarathy Iyengar play in Sri Aurobindo's connection with Pondicherry?" Parthasarathy belonged to a group of patriots which included his brother Srinivasachari and Subramania Bharati. They had established an office in the French enclave of Pondicherry for a Tamil weekly, India, in order to carry on more securely their anti-British work as well as their work of regenerating Indian... the result of his meeting with Parthasarathy. Not that Parthasarathy actually arranged for Sri Aurobindo's residence. He was not present to do so. Srini- Page 203 vasachari and Bharati, accompanied by Suresh Chakravarty, made the proper arrangements. Direct credit in the concrete sense goes to them. But inasmuch as Sri Aurobindo's memory of Parthasarathy led him to write the letter ...
... * University of Madras for the Southern Region, *Devi Ahilya Viswavidyalaya, Indore for the Western Region, *Assam (Central) University for the Northern Eastern Region, *Viswa Bharati Shantiniketan for the Eastern Region and, *Kurukshetra University for the Northern Region, To work as Regional Resource Centres, Jamia Millia Islamia also offered to host a nodal centre in... Road New Delhi-110067 Shri Syed Shahid Mahdi Vice-Chancellor Jamia Millia Islamia Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-110025 Dr. Dilip K. Sinha Vice-Chancellor Viswa Bharati Shantiniketan Dist. Birbhum Dr. Vijay Khole Pro-Vice-Chancellor University of Mumbai Fort, Mumbai-400032 Prof Hoshiar Singh ...
... booklet Bhawani Mandir which Sri Aurobindo wrote at this time. It was Barin who conceived the idea that a temple consecrated to the Divine Mother, invoking Mother India as Bharat Shakti, Bhawani Bharati, would be extremely effective for the propagation of the new revolutionary gospel, and at his request Sri Aurobinclo wrote the booklet. It begins: 'A temple is to be erected and consecrated to Bhawani... up the nation, just as Bhawani Mahisha Mardini sprang into being from the Shaktis of all the millions of gods assembled in one mass of force and welded into unity. The Shakti we call India, Bhawani Bharati, is the living unity of the Shaktis of three hundred million people; but she is inactive, imprisoned in the magic circle of Tamas, the self-indulgent inertia and ignorance of her sons.' Three things ...
... A casual passing phrase can change our life. To continue with the article: It was like this. I wrote a very long review of Jawaharlal's Autobiography in the Viswa-Bharati quarterly, 226 which attracted some notice, at least of people who knew me. A sadhak of the Pondicherry Ashram sent this review up to Sri Aurobindo with certain words of hyperbolic praise about myself... (Laughter) If not witty, they were made witty. Thus far it was easy enough; but I was a stranger to the Mother of 226 The quarterly magazine brought out by the Visva Bharati University founded by Rabindranath Tagore at Shantiniketan. Page 154 the Ashram! So much had I heard about her, both from her devotees and her detractors! I had paid no heed ...
... 39. ibid., p. 700. 40. ibid., p. 700. Cf. Subramania Bharati: Many a joy hast thou devised, O Lord! .. .Through the play of consciousness You have designed this wonderful universe: These myriad multi-coloured worlds You have structured in terms of beauty. {Bharati in English Verse, p. 77). 41. ibid., p. 701. 42. ibid ...
... addressed, to whom functions so vast and profound are ascribed?" 25 In one Hymn (II.i), Agni is addressed as Indra, Vishnu, Brahma, Rudra, Varuna, Twashtri, Pushan, Savitri, Bhaga, Ribhu, Aditi, Bharati, Ila and Saraswati! In another, again, there is this multiple-identification: Thou art Varuna, O Fire, when thou art born, thou becomest Mitra when thou blazest high; in thee are all the gods... released from the limits and obscurations of the nervous consciousness". Vayu is the Lord of Life. Saraswati represents śruti (truth-audition), Ila represent a drsti (truth-vision), and Mahi (or Bharati) the largeness of the truth-consciousness. Sarama the 'Hound of Heaven' and her dogs, the Sarameya, have their symbolic overtones too. These dogs... range as the messengers of the Lord of ...
... Becharlal Bhatt, Dr 400 Beethoven 304 Bejoy Nag 91, 131, 201, 211, 213, 217, 233 Bhakti Sutras 32 Bhagavad Gita 15, 82, 192, 613-4, 639, 836 Bhagawat, N.K. 639 Bharati, Subramania 85, 132, 220 Bharati, Suddhananda 418 Bhave, Acharya Vinoba 623-4 Bibhash Mutsuddi 670 Bisht, Dr 817-8 Book of Tea 193-4 Bose, Rash Behari 132, 173-4, 183 Bose, Subhas Chandra 424 Bluysen, ...
... just now is that we have Rs. 1 V -i "Srinivasa is also without money. As to Bharati living on nothing means an uncertain quantity... No doubt God will provide, but He has contracted a bad habit of waiting till the last moment. I only hope He does not wish us to learn how to live on a minus quantity like Bharati." Elsewhere he explained that not only for the daily necessities but also "I ...
... Sundar Chetty's house (Abhay Singh's coll.) 185 Sri Aurobindo with five disciples (Abhay Singh's coll.) 188 Ettayapuram palace 193 Subramania Bharati and his wife 196 Front page of Vijaya, a Tamil daily edited by Bharati 209 Dancing Ganesha, a painting by Frederic Joos 243 V. V. S. Aiyar 322 The seven chakras of Tantra, drawing by Maryse Prat ...
... field of education—a mission prophetically assigned to him, I was told, by his guru,—nothing more. 3 December 1932 Charu Dutt, I.C.S., wrote a review of Jawaharlal's Autobiography in the Visva-Bharati review last month. Did you know him well of yore? Political? Charu Dutt? Yes, saw very little of him, for physically our way lay far apart, but that little was very intimate, one of the kind of... who replied to the correspondent.—Ed. × K. R. Kripalani, "Fifty Years of Growth", The Visva-Bharati Quarterly, vol. I, part IV, New Series (February-April 1936), pp. 53-60. × Sri Aurobindo put brackets ...
... atrocities on Hindus in, 203, 241-242 awakening of, 21,22, 67(fn), 180 partition of, 17, 18, 54 (fn) Bengal National College, 27 Bhaga vat Gila, 46 , 48 ,52, 125-126, 170,171, 176, 183 ,201,206 Bharati. Subramania, 100(fn) Bhawani Mandir, 13 Bible, 68 , 170. 176, 190 birth control, 185-186 see also overpopulation Bolshevism, 151, 183 ,200,203 Bose , Sub has Chandra, 223 , 230, 231,237(fn)... I I. C .S. (Indian Civil Service), 223 idealism, 194, 196,246 imperialism, 24, 202, 226 India, her assimilation of other cultures, 86, 178,179,248 as Bharata Shakti, 139 as Bhawani Bharati, 15 her decline degeneration, 30, 40.41, 43,59-60,61,85.86, 150-153, 185 her destiny, 22, 133,134, 139,245,250 her dharma Swadharma, 42, 49 , 158, 165,177,250 her freedom, 149,160,209,219,226 ...
... suggested by references in the poem to Bhavānī (verses 22,70, 78, 84), Bhāratī (verse 73), Bhāratamātaram (verse 30) and MātāBhāratānām (verses 12, 33). Sri Aurobindo used the name “Bhawani Bharati” in Bhawani Mandir , where the following “message of the Mother” sums up the central idea developed in the Sanskrit poem: When, therefore, you ask who is Bhawani the mother, She herself answers... yourselves. I am the Mother of the Universe, the Mother of the Worlds, and for you who are children of the Sacred land, aryabhumi , made of her clay and reared by her sun and winds, I am Bhawani Bharati, Mother of India.” Bande Mataram: Political Writings 1890-1908 , volume 6 of THE COMPLETE WORKS OF SRI AUROBINDO, p. 89. A number of trivial slips or irregularities in spelling and sandhi ...
... Arya , it was widely talked about — and most amongst the Tamil poet Bharati and his friends — that a review of the kind was soon going to be published. The idea also spread, along with the talk, that a new age was about to dawn, this new age was for the whole human race and Sri Aurobindo was the Rishi of this new age. Poet Bharati was chiefly instrumental in spreading the idea. I was fortunate enough ...
... the result that an intimate relation was formed with Bejoykanta and Saurindranath Bose who too was living there. Bharati once or twice asked me, “Why, my boy, have you stopped coming to my house?” I could not forget this. In this respect, in my mother’s heart and in the heart of Bharati I seem to perceive the same thing, an echo of the play of the World Mother in her fragmented nature of the three ...
... turning out my brother-in-law Shankar first out of his corporeal tabernacle—that would be a better thing to start with, what ? For do you know my sister writes he has become "a devotee”, thanks to this Bharati Maharaja Saint! It looks very much like an Asura in the saintly guise though if he has really had any success with Shankar, qu'en dites-vous ?(Gods are so easily defeated, don't you see?) ... typescript. I am keeping the excerpts to see if there is anything else that needs saying. July 1936 I am rather doubtful whether a correspondence like this is suitable for the Viswa Bharati. What I have written is too slight and passing and general a comment such as one can hazard in a private letter; but for a criticism that has to see the light of day something more ample and sufficient ...
... Language, Truth and Logic, London 1954. Balasubramanian, R., Advaita Vedanta, University of Madras, 1976. Balasubramanian, R., A Study of the Brahma Siddhi ofMandna Mis'ra, Chaukhamba Amar Bharati Prakashan, Varanasi, 1983. Balasubramanian, R., (ed., tr.), The Taittinyopanisad-Bhdsyavdrtika of Suresvara, Radhakrishnan Institute of Advanced Study in Philosophy, University of Madras, Revised... Mysticism, Keganpaul International, London, 1996. lyengar, M. Srinivasa, Tamil Studies, The Guardian Press, Madras, 1914. Jayaswal, K.R, Hindu Polity, Calcutta, 1924. Jnanananda Bharati (ed.), The Essence of Yoga Vasista, Samata Books, Madras, 1986. Jullian Ries, " Immortality" in the Encyclopedia of Religion, Vol. VII, McMillan, New York, 1987. Kalyani Mallik, Siddha- ...
... political motives, it sought to dynamise them by this subjective conception and to make them instruments of self-expression rather than objects in themselves. This was echoed in South India by Subramaniam Bharati and other leaders of the time. No doubt it failed, due to the strength of a hostile pressure and the weakness still left by a past decadence. Although its incipient creations were broken or... events in Indian political history. For the growth and development of Nationalism, during that brief period of three years through the instrumentality of Sri Aurobindo's Bandemataram and Subramaniam Bharati, is a political phenomenon unparalleled by any similar movement in the world. Let us now see what the contributions of this movement were. Firstly, it was fundamentally a ...
... 1910-1915 from sri Chapter 14 1. All material on Kamaladevi Chattopadhay is taken from Wikipedia 2. The material on Subramaniam Bharati is taken from the book "Bharati by Prema". Chapter 15 1. T The Shadow of the Great Game- The untold Story of Partition by Narendra Sarila p 2. Complete works of Sri Aurobindo Vol 8 p 289 ...
... up the nation, just as Bhavani Mahisha Mardini sprang into being from the Shakti of all the millions of gods assembled in one mass of force and welded into unity. The Shakti we call India, Bhavani Bharati is the living unity of the Shaktis of three hundred million people; but She is inactive, imprisoned in the magic circle of Tamas, the self-indulgent inertia and ignorance of her sons. * Our aim... in yourselves. I am the Mother of the Universe, the Mother of the worlds, and for you who are children of the Sacred Land, Aryabhumi, made of her clay and reared by her sun and winds, I am Bhawani Bharati, Mother of India.” * Come then, hearken to the call of the Mother. She is already in our hearts waiting to manifest Herself, waiting to be worshipped…. Sri Aurobindo at Uttarpara ...
... work. Visit to Kashmir with the Gaekwad. Had a spiritual experience of the vacant Infinite on Shankaracharya Hill. Drew up a scheme under the title 'Bhavani Mandir' on the lines of which was started Bharati Vidyalaya at the Ganganath Ashram, Sri Aurobindo helping K. G. Deshpande in maintaining it. The scheme was for a nation- wide revolutionary preparation for independence through spiritually-equipped... measure of normal food. 1910-14 Years of extreme hardships. Constant police surveillance continued till 1937. Contact with revolutionaries like Subramaniya Bharati, the famous Tamil poet-patriot. 1912 British Government's plan to kidnap Sri Aurobindo; its failure. I9I4 March 29: Mother's arrival at Pondicherry; her ...
... suspicion and hatred, and the enthronement of communal and sub-national egoisms that were alien to the spiritual ideal of oneness, wholeness and integrality, India was the Mother - India was Bharati, Bhavani Bharati 25 - and the Mother was not limited to the head alone, the feet alone, the hands alone, or even the visible body alone. The Mother's ambience of protective love and sovereign Grace overflowed ...
... planes. He used to see figures of three Goddesses at the time of meditation. They were seen going away at the end. It was later when he went to Pondicherry that he knew them to have been Ila, Mahi (Bharati) and Saraswati, the Vedic goddesses. Sri Aurobindo did not meet anyone at Chandernagore except Motilal and one or two people who attended on him for his needs. After his departure many anonymous... for a house. A Tamil weekly called India used to be published from Pondicherry by some Nationalists. One Srinivasachari, who was known to the revolutionary group, was connected with it. Subramania Bharati ³ was working with him and Krishnamachari was his partner. The paper supported the Nationalist and revolutionary outlook. Moni started on the 28th. A letter of introduction addressed to Srinivasachari ...
... not in the stifling burrow or groove of a section or segment of the community or the country, but in the infinite bounty of the Mother, the total strength of the beloved Mother who was Bhavani Bharati at the same time. Ira another article, Sri Aurobindo differentiated between a false facade of unity that was meaningless and the true unity that alone had the strength and will to dare and achieve... imagination and reverie, of intuition and spiritual poise - Tilak * The Nationalist contingent from Madras was quite strong and included V.O. Chidambaram Pillai, V. Chakkarai Chetti, Subramania Bharati the poet and S. Doraiswami Aiyar. Page 269 the lawyer, the mathematician, the man of intellect and erudition, of incisive logic and imperturbable equanimity: these were the master-minding ...
... ablaze all over the country, the poem could not help acquiring a tremendous contemporaneous political connotation, quite apart from its value as poetry. Wasn't the "Mother" both Vidula and Bharati - Bhavani Bharati? Wasn't the "son" both the slothful Sunjoy and the slumbering people of India? Any subject nation in the world might find the poem inspiring. And there are passages which, although they ...
... discipline, propaganda for new recruits and subversion of army units, and above all the religious accent to the movement by equating the whole revolutionary activity with worship of Bhavani, Bhavani Bharati - these were the essential ingredients of the secret revolutionary movement as envisaged by Sri Aurobindo. The aspiration to join the movement, the rejection and sacrifice of personal interests that... dispelling all ignorance... .May our entire life become a ceaseless worship of the Mother, al! our acts a continuous service of the Mother, full of love, full of energy. 21 Durga, Bhavani, Bharati - the Mother, the Mother Divine - was the ensouled image of India, and unless she inhabited again the hearts of her three hundred million * In the course of a conversation on 28 February 1940 ...
... saw the Viceroy on Page 413 his last visit, that it is known on this occasion the whole talk was about this cession of Chandernagore [to the British], that on his return he told Bharati the cession of Chandernagore was a settled fact and while before his trip northward, he was gushing over to the Swadeshis, afterwards he roundly declared that he could not help us openly because the... have itself to thank for anything that may follow." To the British government Paul Richard was 'a rabid socialist.' "He associated freely with extremists like Arabinda Ghosh and C. Subramanya Bharati," says a government report. Normally, even a tortoise can outpace a government. But when that suits it, the government can move as fast as a leopard. The elections were held on 26 April. On 28 ...
... Poison-Tree . At Barhampur, his next station, he began editing the Bangadarshan , a magazine which made a profound impression and gave birth to that increasing periodical literature of to-day, of which Bharati , the literary organ of the cultured Tagore family, is the most finished type. Since then Bankim has given us some very ripe and exquisite work, Chandrashekhar, Krishna Kanta's Will, Debi Chaudhurani ...
... There is therefore no reason to doubt that an actual historical event is recorded with whatever admixture of fiction in the Mahabharata. It is also evident that the Mahabharata, not any "Bharata" or "Bharati Katha" but the Mahabharata existed before the age of Panini, and tho' the radical school bring down Panini [ incomplete ] Page 344 ...
... are either activising souls or passively executive and methodising energies. Aditi, infinite Mother of the gods, comes first; and there are besides five powers of the Truth-consciousness,—Mahi or Bharati, the vast Word that brings us all things out of the divine source; Ila, the strong primal word of the Truth who gives us its active vision; Saraswati, its streaming current and the word of its inspiration; ...
... other siddhis in him work fitfully. Samadhi is being prepared through dream. He gets sometimes the first stages of ahaituka & chidghana ananda... Strong perception that S. [Srinivasachari] Bh [Bharati] & A [Aiyar] would come in the evening, less strong about A than the others & only general; fulfilled. Other vyaptis fulfilled or proved, vyaptis of action, vyaptis of thought, vyaptis of feeling. ...
... Aurobindo. There grew up steadily an intimacy between them. As a consequence, he started reserving a room for himself on rent in a hotel here. Can the fire so kindled ever forsake him? Subramania Bharati learnt the Rig Veda from Sri Aurobindo. Chandrasekhar also studied the Rig Veda with Sri Aurobindo methodically at a particular hour. He studied in this way for two or three years, not by the old ...
... satisfy my curiosity. When I go, it will be to offer myself.” Then it happened that Charu Dutt had written a review of Jawaharlal’s Autobiography. This review was published in a magazine ( Vishwa Bharati ). It was shown to Sri Aurobindo. A sadhak asked “Did you, Guru, have contact with this gentleman of yore? Political?” The reply from the Guru was the one which, when communicated to Charu Dutt, broke ...
... never say ‘No’ to work. Fortunately help did come. Vijayalakshmi (our teacher — physicist) rendered yeoman service at a crucial period; then came Mahalingam, then an energetic-looking young man Ananda Bharati. They were great supports in Sitaram’s publishing work. For the washing too, many came and went, some true ones stuck on, the chaff flew, the grain stayed. (Rani, Prashant and many more that I cannot ...
... person. We might easily have missed him. Thankfully we didn’t. The second — a free rendering of Subramanya Bharati’s poem on Kannan — makes one feel that Sitaram “enjoyed”, as did Subramanya Bharati, the suffering dealt out by Kannan (Krishna). ...
... to be hesitant or wavering. Perhaps Jnaneshwar didn’t care about all these details or matters and left the work in the form as he received it in the first flush of his writing. The belief is that Bharati or the Goddess of Inspiration and expressive Word always gives sweetness to the sweet and elegance to the beautiful and charm to the enchanting and one can leave all finer aspects of aesthetic perfection ...
... Ashramites who had recently joined the community, which went on growing despite the difficult financial and material times. There was Sisir Kumar Mitra, who had been a professor at Tagore’s Vishva Bharati and who now became the Head of the school; there was Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya, who would become the head of the Department of Physical Education and a very close assistant of the Mother. 93 We ...
... Calcutta University with honours in 1910 and from Oxford in 1914. He became secretary to the artistic section of the League of Nations. Later on he became Nizam professor of Indian Studies at Vishwa Bharati, then Bageswari professor of Comparative Arts at Calcutta University. He gave brilliant lectures from 1923 to 1943. After India's partition he went to Pakistan and became Pakistan's ambassadorr to ...
... his father Rama Reddy, or Satyakarma, became theAshram's treasurer. 91. Manodhar: a Bengali sadhak, the Ashram's barber. Sita: ' Harm's companion. 92. Radhananda or Shuddhananda Bharati was born in 1893 in Tamil Nadu. He studied Tamil literature in-depth and soon flowered into a poet and composer. He lived in the Ashram for over a decade, during which he observed silence and ...
... children, Bilkis and Adil came later. Jatindra Prasad Bhattacharya (20.5.1890-14.3.1975). Poet who contributed regularly to top Bengali magazines such as Bharatbarsha, Prabasi, Manasi, Bharati, etc. "It knows that this active state of love should be constant and impersonal, that is to say, altogether independent of circumstances and persons, since it cannot and should ...
... Remember also that I invoke their help for you every afternoon at the Samadhi and seek to make you remember the help which is unfailingly with you. Why do you say the death of Suddhananda Bharati, renamed Radhananda by Sri Aurobindo when he entered the Ashram where he stayed for nearly 22 years, was not announced in any paper but mentioned only on radio? I read of it in the Indian Express ...
... The Times Literary Supplement (London) (April 23, 1964). Proceedings of the First All-India Congress of Zoology Part 2, Scientific Papers (Calcutta, 1959). Pusalker, A.D., article in Bharati Vidya (Bombay, January-June 1950). "Early Aryan settlements in India", "The Indus Valley Civilization", in The Vedic Age, ed. R.C. Majumdar and A.D. Pusalker (Allen & Unwin, London, 1952). "Editors' ...
... Page 144 Bengal, 25 Bhagwanpura, 5, 98 Bhandarkar, D.R., 87 Bhandarkar, R.G., 35fn., 93 Bhāratas, 126 Bhārata War, 57 Bharati, 38 Biridaswa, 32, 33 Boghaz-keui, 2, 36 Bollensen, 41, 114 Brahma, Brahman, Brahmand, 120 Brāhmaṇas, 108 Brahmavada, i, ii ...
... mentioned by name in the police report about Tagore’s first visit to Japan and suspected of being influenced by the pan-Asian propaganda of Richard and Okawa. He visited Pondicherry from Tagore’s Vishva Bharati in April 1923, when Mirra was forty-five. A.B. Purani visited Sri Aurobindo for the first time in 1918 and for the second time in 1921. He reports: ‘During the interval of two years his body had ...
... inthe equipment is due & inevitable. 1) Success of P. [Parthasarathi] in imparting Yoga freely. Success of S [Saurin] in practical Yogic effects. Drawing over of Bh. Page 261 [Bharati] into a more effective surrender. Success with N [Nolini] &R[Ramaswamy]. 2) Movement forward with J. M. Ber & associates. Greater perfection with M’s [Motilal’s] circle. Reopening of communication ...
... background, crude image, group, developed image) not yet so decisively combined. Samadhi recovered coherency & is developing application to life. (eg Alpt carrying a cane chair through a veranda; Bh. [Bharati] offering to Rg & another some food, three glasses on a table & pieces of cocoanut (?)). (8) Utthapana. Utthapana of the arm in the horizontal position was enforced for an hour and a half; during ...
... the law of its action according to that law they shine. आ भारती भारतीभिः सजोषा इळा देवैर्मनुष्येभिरग्निः । सरस्वती सारस्वतेभिरर्वाक् तिस्त्रो देवीर्बर्हिरेदं सदन्तु ॥८॥ 8) In unison may Bharati with her Muses of invocation, Ila with gods and men and Fire, Saraswati with her powers of inspiration come down to us, the three goddesses sit upon this seat of sacrifice. Page 169 ...
... when we call: you win our desirable things in the gods. आ भारती भारतीभिः सजोषा इळा देवैर्मनुष्येभिरग्निः । सरस्वती सारस्वतेभिरर्वाक् तिस्त्रो देवीर्बर्हिरेदं सदन्तु ॥८॥ 8) In unison may Bharati with her Muses of invocation, Ila with gods and men, and Fire, Saraswati with her powers of inspiration come down to us, the three goddesses sit upon this seat of sacrifice. तन्नस्तुरीपमध पोषयित्नु ...
... Vaishnava devotional poets of Tamil Nadu, in the Arya in May and July 1915. In the same issues he published translations of some of their poems, which he executed with the help of the poet Subramania Bharati. The translations are published in Translations , volume 5 of THE COMPLETE WORKS OF SRI AUROBINDO Arguments to The Life Divine Between February 1916 and April ...
... up the nation, just as Bhawani Mahisha Mardini sprang into being from the Shakti of all the millions of gods assembled in one mass of force and welded into unity. The Shakti we call India, Bhawani Bharati, is the living unity of the Shaktis of three hundred million people, * but she is inactive, imprisoned in the magic circle of Tamas, the self-indulgent inertia and ignorance of her sons.... We ...
... hundred books in six months. He has written about my life also. I had a great tussle with him not to have it published. He is very popular with the Tamils. He is supposed to be as great a poet as Bharati. His prose is rather rhetorical. NIRODBARAN: Toru Dutt is said to have had great genius. They say that if she had lived she would have been a very great poet. SRI AUROBINDO: Nobody in England ...
... example the village minstrel. SRI AUROBINDO: They tried to be grotesque, didn't they? PURANI: Yes. Purani again showed some of Nandalal's and Tagore's paintings that have come out in Viswa Bharati. About Nandalal's painting of Arjuna represented as Purusha Sinha (Man-lion), Sri Aurobindo said, "All I can say is that it is queer. His goat is better than this." About some of the modern paintings ...
... astrologers who shouldn't know about it. NIRODBARAN: Nishicanto had another letter from Tagore in reply to his. Nishicanto, advised by Dilip wrote to Tagore informing him of the refusal of Viswa Bharati to publish his book. SRI AUROBINDO: Why? Tagore didn't know about it? NIRODBARAN: They say he may not have as it is under the management of the committee with which Tagore has nothing to do. ...
... AUROBINDO: That is not unusual, quite ancient. There are funny stories in old Buddhist books about Sannyasis. In some books the Sannyasis are described as drinking and shouting in the streets. Subramaniam Bharati told me that in old Jain books he had found instances of Brahmins killing each other in South India and eating cow's meat! Nobody will believe it now. PURANI: No! SRI AUROBINDO: Brahmins eating ...
... Abanindranath who was very pleased with his work and arranged for its exhibition and ensured proper sale of the paintings. Some of the paintings were sold at Mumbai in an exhibition organized by Vishwa Bharati. With the sale proceeds of his paintings (which amounted to Rs 160) Nishikanto left Bali with a few clothes, a stove to cook on and some other items. He went on a pilgrimage and visited Gaya, Sarnath ...
... Flaming love for the Divine—ready for all heroism and sacrifice. After taking prasad from the Mother, we went to the Central Park, in front of Government House. Later this was renamed "Bharati Memorial Park". This park was designed by the sadhak Pavitra (Philippe Barbier St.-Hilaire), one of the Mother's personal secretaries who used to handle all foreign correspondence, and who would drive ...
... right thinkings or as one opulent with the thought; Saraswati is also spoken of as the goddess who makes us conscious of the Great Ocean and illumines our thought. Along with Saraswati is also Mahi or Bharati who makes our consciousness vast and there is also Ila, the goddess that reveals the vision of the Truth, The hymns of the Veda are the Words that have come from the superconscient. Hymns express ...
... more or less regular routine. He read the Hindu in the mornings, met special visitors before lunch, wrote out his articles for the Arya whenever he could find time, received his close associates (Bharati, Srinivasachari and a few others) in the evenings and had dinner usually at nine. To the small group of young men who lived with him he was friend, comrade, teacher, chief and Guru but his own relations ...
... a Iyer, who was Editor of The Hindu. After leaving The Hindu in 1898, he converted this Tamil weekly into a daily and vigorously sponsored nationalist views. The great patriot Subrahmania Bharati, who attained instant popularity owing to his great poetic talents, was for some time attached to this paper. However, when the rebel in him dragged him into the vortex of extremist politics, Bharathi ...
... 162, 166, 278, 281 -Rig Veda, 13n., 18n.,26, 30,36, 42-5n., 157, 160, 163-6n., 184n., 220 -"Ode to Darkness", 220 Virgil, 53, 85, 93 Vishnu, 30-1, 278 Vishwamitra,162 Visva Bharati, 228 Vivekananda, 103-5, 241, 253-4, 299 -From Colombo to Almora, 103 Voltaire, 85, 286 Vyasa, 39, 58, 62, 73, 235 WARNER, REX, 192n., 194n Whitman, 150 Williams, Charles ...
... subjects of study was the Veda. This went on for several months, for about an hour every evening, at the Guest House. Sri Aurobindo came and took his seat at the table and we sat around. Subramanya Bharati the Tamil poet and myself were the two who Page 420 showed the keenest interest. Sri Aurobindo would take up a hymn from the Rigveda, read it aloud once, explain the meaning of ...
... in India and stressed more strongly and persistently than had been done the emasculation, stagnation or slow 90. Freely rendered into English from the author's Bengali article in the Gopa Bharati, a journal, of Paus 1357. Page 226 progress, poverty, economic dependence, absence of a rich industrial activity and all other evil results of a foreign government; he insisted especially ...
... together in Japan and stayed in the same house and she attended some of his lectures in that country. It may be interesting to mention here that Tagore requested the Mother to take charge of the Visva Bharati, for evidently he felt that the future of his dear institution would be in sure hands. But the Mother could not but decline since it was her destiny to be at another place and another work. Page ...
... motorbike-rides. All sorts of strange things happened on our trips, we met strange people and even got close to some of them. I can't help marvelling when I think of them. Early one morning, Bharati and I set off for Mahabalipuram. We reached Madurantakam at about seven feeling rather hungry. We got into a restaurant called Karpagam. A respectable-looking gentleman of about forty was ...
... Rammohan to Ramkrishna (Susil Gupta, Culcutta, 1952). Murry, John Middleton. Countries of the Mind, Second Series (Oxford University Press, London, 1931). Nandakumar, Prema. Bharati in English Verse (Higginbothams, Madras, 1958). Noyes, Alfred. The Torch-Bearers, Vol. II, The Book of Earth (Blackwood 8c Sons, 1925). Osgood, Charles Grosvenor. Poetry as ...
... Bhagavad Gita 21, 25, 26, 30, 31, 33, 56, 224-225,257,294,309,413,460 Bbagavata 56,256 Page 493 Bharati, Subramania 376 Bhartrihari 45 Bhasa 48,376 Bhavabhuti 376 Bhave, Vinoba 25 Bhawani Mandir 27,28 Blake, William 310,311,333,424,462 ...
... Together these two epics form a Book of Origins for much of the later literature in India, and classical dramatists like Bhasa, Kalidasa and Bhavabhuti as also poets of our own time like Subramania Bharati, Tagore and Sri Aurobindo have freely taken deep draughts from this veritable Ganga-Yamuna confluence of the great Indian epic tradition. The literary epics from the days of Virgil ...
... periodicals other than those listed above including The Modern Review (Calcutta), The Calcutta Review , The Vedic Magazine (Lahore), Shama'a (Madras) and the Bengali reviews Suprabhat and Bharati. The following is a list of journals published by the Sri Aurobindo Ashram or groups connected with it in which many unpublished letters, articles, poems etc. of Sri Aurobindo first appeared. ...
... Thus, among the well – known persons may be mentioned C. R. Das, Lala Lajpat Rai, Sarala Devi, Dr. Munje, Khasirao Jadhava, Tagore and Sylvain Levy. The great national poet of Tamilnad, S. Subramanya Bharati, was in contact with Sri Aurobindo for some years during his stay at Pondicherry; so was V. V. S. Aiyar. The famous V. Ramaswamy Aiyangar – Va. Ra. of Tamil literature – stayed with Sri Aurobindo ...
... Calcutta, Rabindranath himself sang Vande Mataram . But even then the country was not galvanised by the living mantric power of this song. (Amalesh Bhattacharya) Balendranath Thakur wrote in 1887 in Bharati and Balaka : On the power of Vande Mataram ’s lyrics, the power of its heart and its dharma, this song of a Bengali set to music by a Bengali, will be sung by the whole of India as a triumphant ...
... Page 114 difficult now to study philosophy – there are so many new ones, like the poets ! 26–8–1940 Charu Chandra Dutt wrote a review of the "Life Divine" in the Vishva Bharati. When it was read out to Sri Aurobindo he said : He may continue it, it may be for some people an introduction to "Life Divine". But you may draw his attention to the following points. ...
... Guru and disciple Page 355 seems to have lasted three months and it terminated with a clear understanding on both sides. The fact that Ramakrishna was under the guidance of Bharati for eleven years doing Tantric Sadhana under her and under that of Totapuri for one year for Vedantic Sadhana need not detract in the least from his own greatness. A great personality, even when it ...
... enter my body. It was a most beautiful feeling. So for that year (1951), Sisir-da made the necessary arrangements for my English classes and I started learning French from Suzanne Karpeles (Bharati-di). In the afternoons, I used to work in the Publication department with Prithwisingh-da. My mother began working in the flower-service in the mornings and in the afternoons, she would make the f ...
... Saraswati Puja. On another occasion, Gopal-da, my dance- teacher and Shambhu Maharaj's disciple, requested my father to allow me for one day and one show, to go and dance in a theater called Natya Bharati. Baba obviously refused to give his consent as girls of the Mitra family did not dance in public. My Kaka (father's younger brother) was also dead against my dancing. Inspite of Baba and my brothers ...
... calendar of modern Rishis: Rammohan, Keshab Chunder Sen, Debendranath Tagore, Vidyasagar, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Narayana Guru, Dayanand, Bankim Chandra, Ranade, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Subramania Bharati, Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi, Ramana Maharshi, Sri Aurobindo: these are among the more well-known names of the last one hundred and fifty years, men of light who had striven to throw back ...
... the Vision that is vouchsafed to him. Baji Prabhou is a great heroic poem touched with religious symbolism. It is thus a stirring paean of patriotism that is also a song of adoration of Bhavani Bharati. Page 118 ...
... . It was a period of sustained sadhana for him, and since he is said to have seen "subtle forms and spiritual visions" - including three goddesses whom he later recognised as the Vedic Ila, Mahi (Bharati) and Saraswati - his sadhana must have taken him to the occult worlds above and below and the inner countries of the mind, heart and soul. Motilal Roy has recorded that he found Sri Aurobindo "a completely ...
... story is not known, or cannot be told yet; but even what is set forth in the following pages will, I venture to hope, bear out the claim that in his time Sri Aurobindo successfully invoked Bhavani Bharati as the irresistible force of national resurgence and played for our age the crucial role of leader of humanity's evolving destiny. The book having grown to more than three times the size of the ...
... facilitating a free exchange of views on almost all matters, from the most trivial to the most profound. Even earlier, ever since his coming to Pondicherry, many an evening, friends like Subramania Bharati and Mandayam Srinivasachariar used to meet Sri Aurobindo and have talks with him. Such evening talks had continued in the upstairs veranda of the Guest House, and the Richards too had participated ...
... Europeans and observed that it was their devotion to duty which had made the Europeans masters of the world. When that titanic power of practical work 1. Article in the Bengali magazine Galpa Bharati, Paus 1357. We have taken the English rendering done by Rishabhchand. Page 331 would be united with the spirituality of India, our national character would evolve such a type as would ...
... giving initiation to his boys. Lele came in February 1908 and put up at Sejda's Scott's Lane house. He even went one day to Belur Math and sat in meditation with Swami Brahmananda. He also met Baba Bharati. But it seems that Lele "knew the man by the dress" only ! Lele also used to think that the appearance has some value," Sri Aurobindo said. "Once I met X with him. He asked me , 'Why don't you bow ...
... in yourselves. I am the Mother of the Universe, the Mother of the Worlds, and for you who are children of the Sacred Land, Aryabhumi, made of her clay and reared by her sun and winds, I am Bhawani Bharati, Mother of India." Then if you ask why we should erect a temple to Bhawani, the Mother, hear Her answer, "Because I have commanded it, and because by making a centre for the future religion you ...
... As the number of students increased, She stopped correcting all the notebooks but continued to correct only four of the senior and most serious children’s notebooks (Chitra, Ranganath, Namita, and Bharati). The rest of the notebooks were corrected by some of us captains who attended the class and also others, like Nirod Da, Amiyo, Debu, Prithvin etc. But She would still see every child’s notebook to ...
... January 1913 reads, "Study will be resumed, but not more than slightly. It will include Tamil & Hebrew." Hebrew?! Well, well... Returning to Tamil. At Pondicherry he had the help of Subramania Bharati. As was his wont, no sooner did Sri Aurobindo begin learning Tamil than he started reading Bharati's poems. We find in his notes under the date of 31 December 1912: "Bhasa [language]. Bh's Panchali ...
... HELP PURSE. WIRE AMOUNT. [3] [Telegrams from Ghose, Harrison Road, Calcutta to Sitanath Adhikari, Pabna; Ananda Sen, Jalpaiguri; Jatindra Sen care Citizen, Allahabad; Lajpat Rai, Lahore; Bharati, 15 Broadway, Madras; Dr Moonje, Nagpur:] CELEBRATE PAL DEMONSTRATION NINTH. HELP PURSE. WIRE AMOUNT. [4] [Telegrams from Ghose, Harrison Road, Calcutta, to Chidambaram Pillai, Tuticorin ...
... explanation either in European psychology or in the teachings of Yoga or of Vedanta, so far ________________ * Sri Aurobindo studied Tamil for a few years with the help of Subramania Bharati. the well-known Tamil revolutionary and poet. Page 109 as I was acquainted with them, and, secondly, that they shed light on obscure passages and ideas of the Upanishads to which ...
... & cloud, star & sunshine. Page 47 Saraswati is not even here the goddess of speech whose sole function is to inspire & guide the singer in his hymn. In other passages she may be merely Bharati,—theMuse. But here there are greater depths of thought & soul-experience. She has to do things which mere speech cannot do. And even if we were to take her here as the divine Muse, still the functions ...
... explanation of oneness & vyapti & aishwarya for Brahmadrishti, B. [Bijoy] got vision of Sat & Chit samudras with all beings as kendras & the body no longer a barrier to the vision. 2) Aishwarya on Bharati to get lipi. Result, saw for first time lipi with open eyes, "Being. We." & a green sun. (Brahman, the Purushas & nishkama karma). Strong & violent tivra from hetu of pain; strong kama & tivra from ...
... favourable circumstances have begun to appear to counteract them. But refusal, delay & perversion are still common. Those on whom the power is used for progress in Yoga (S. [Srinivasachari] Bh. [Bharati] Sn. [Saurin] Bj. [Bijoy]) give frequent proofs now of success of siddhi & especially of vyapti of the shakti & jnanam in my or of my thoughts, but this siddhi is not yet decisively regularised. ...
... discoveries of knowledge, pointing by their direction to the ancient Light. आ नो यज्ञं भारती तूयमेत्विळा मनुष्वदिह चेतयन्सी । तिस्त्रो देवीर्बर्हिरेदं स्योनं सरस्वती स्वपसः सदन्तु ॥८॥ 8) May Bharati come swiftly to our sacrifice, Ila awakening to knowledge here like a human thinker, and Saraswati, the three goddesses,—may they sit, perfect in their works, on this sacred seat of happy ease. ...
... are either activising souls or passively executive and methodising energies. Aditi, infinite Mother of the Gods, comes first; and there are besides five powers of the Truth-consciousness,—Mahi or Bharati, the vast Word that brings us all things out of the divine source; Ila, the strong primal word of the Truth who gives us its active vision; Saraswati, its streaming current and the word of its inspiration; ...
... त्वं भारती राजसि भारतानां त्वमीश्वरी भासि चराचरस्य ॥७३॥ Salutation to thee, O Goddess vast in thy power, to thee of terrible vows who carriest us through our difficult labour. Thou reignest as Bharati over the Bharatas; as the supreme Goddess thou rulest all this universe of animate and inanimate things. त्वमीश्वरी त्वं जननी प्रजानां कोऽन्यः प्रभुर्दानमिदं तवाढ्ये। स्वमित्वमैश्वर्यमनिन्द्यतेजो ...
... I am not sure whether the persons mentioned were the only ones present, there might have been a few others too. I gathered different versions from different people on the matter. It is said that Bharati also used to be in those meetings. Now, what does automatic writing mean? It is usually done at night only. In the dim light of a lamp sits a man — the right sort of man, it goes without saying ...
... deposit the fee. Astounded and forgetful I stood statuelike in his presence. In 1915 I went to Madras to sit for the examination. Back to Pondicherry from there, I first met Sri Aurobindo and then Bharati. There being no longer any place here to stay, I went back home. One part of my being was given to endearing play and prattle with my mother; another and greater part of it felt all bonds with my ...
... of the Ashram as well. Norman (Jr.) and Grant were next to come and go. Then came the “Pal” family (Pal — no allusion to milk — Pal is milk in Tamil). Manindra, Sudhangshu, Shobha, Dilip, Ashwini & Bharati — they all trod the same two-way path! Promesse J. suffered the same fate. Atmavadan was sent to work at the dairy. He is as of date running it beautifully but he has had a bout of hiccups too, the ...
... Amal Kiran and others like him who were undergoing training under Sri Aurobindo to write poetry in English. Sri Aurobindo himself had gained an enviable and creative mastery of Sanskrit ( Bhavani Bharati) and Bengali ( Durga Stotra ) so should he not go further and enrich these great languages of India? In a letter dated 28th February, 1936, Sri Aurobindo gave the reasons for his choice: ...
... to expel all fugitive revolutionaries from the Pondicherrian enclave to Africa, more specifically to Algeria or Djibouti. Strange to say, most of the freedom fighters, including the poet Subramania Bharati, found that a good idea, maybe under the delusion that in Africa they would have total freedom of movement, but without realizing that the aim of their life would lose its meaning in a place so far ...
... from the south, and they had their own paper in the Tamil language, India. When he felt somewhat safer in his new hideout, the famous Aurobindo Ghose met all of them, including the poet Subramania Bharati, who became a regular house guest. The small Calcutta group of young men re-formed around Aurobindo. Bejoy Nag had accompanied him; Suresh Chakravarti had prepared his arrival in Pondicherry; Nolini ...
... SISIRKUMAR GHOSE: Poetry of Sri Aurobindo and Sri Aurobindo: Poet are two of his significant literary works connected with Sri Aurobindo. Affiliated with the Department of English in Visva Bharati, Santiniketan, he was an internationally known figure. Savitri-A Subjective Poem (pages 257-73) is taken from Poetry of Sri Aurobindo. K. R. Srinivasa Iyengar: An eminent prose ...
... present: they are also much more than mere shadows. As Sri Aurobindo tells us, we have those five goddesses who, in his interpretation, are "five powers of the Truth-consciousness, - Mehi or Bharati, the vast Word which brings all things out of the divine source; Ila, the strong primal word of the Truth who gives us its active vision; Saraswati, its 4. A History of Sanskrit Literature ...
... the East. When they reached the house, they found the door bolted. They hesitatingly knocked at the door. * Krishnaswamy Chettiar "was a well-to-do man of Muthialpet and a great devotee of Bharati—the great poet and national worker.... He knew neither English nor French, His only medium of communication was his mother-tongue, Tamil. He had a kind of instinctive respect for Sri Aurobindo because ...
... this productive phase of Dilip's life, he was honoured with numerous titles, such as: Sur- Sudhakar from Sanskrit Collage, Calcutta; Fellow of Sangeet Natak Academy; DLitt from Calcutta and Rabindra Bharati Universities; president of Akhil Bharatiya Banga Sanskriti Samelan, Chandigarh. Many saints and celebrities visited his Ashram, including Sri Sri Anandamayee Maa, Srimat Anirvan, Swami Brahmananda ...
... Shri M. Venkateswaran 18.Shri S.L.Jain 19.Dr. Gautam Vohra 20.Professor Kapil Kapoor 21.Dr. Chandra Mohan 22.Dr. Kavita Sharma 23.Professor Rajendra Dengle 24.Dr. Bharati B. Jhaveri Page 641 25.Professor Sisir Kumar Das 26.Professor Vimala Veeraraghavan 27.Shri Sushil Kumar 28.Dr. Nirmal Kumar 29.Ms. Neelam IC Gulati ...
... and who is also the supreme healer. There are also female energies, among whom Aditi, infinite mother of the gods, comes first, and there are five powers of truth-consciousness: mahi or bharati vast word; Ila, the power of revelation; Saraswati, the power of inspiration; Sarama, the power of intuition, the hound of heaven, who descends into the cavern of the subcosncient and finds ...
... sent to Kireet joshi in writing. He said that after receipt of the suggestions, another meeting could be convened for half-a-day, so that those suggestions could be considered. Captain Bodhpriya Bharati referred to the report on value-education which was submitted by Kireet joshi in 1982 Page 82 to the Government of India. He invited the participants of the Workshop to attend ...
... before him mechanically — even then he was deeply absorbed and ate very little. He meditated with his eyes open and saw various subtle forms and sights. Three deities appeared before him — Ila, Mahi (Bharati) and Saraswati whom he later recognised as Vedic Ishwaris. Motilal was himself now attracted to yoga and Sri Aurobindo gave him guidance — 'Surrender everything to God!' was his instruction. Ch ...
... psychological entity. It is this feeling that has been expressed by poets and writers throughout the ages. In modern times, this was the whole meaning of Bandemataram and the songs of Subramaniam Bharati. The same feeling is beautifully expressed in the following words of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. India - A Living Personality 'Each nation is a Shakti or power of the evolving ...
... over the nation. Thus in Bengal we had Sri Aurobindo, Bipin Chandra Pal and Surendranath Banerjee; in the West we had Tilak, Gokhale and Pherozeshah Mehta; and in the South there were Subramaniam Bharati and Annie Besant. This was a period where there was a mix of moderate and militant movements. The Home Rule Movement started by Annie Besant and Tilak were important phases in this movement. ...
... substance, Ratna is the wealth of their delight. Agni is the energy of consciousness, Varuna is the vast-ness of consciousness, Mitra is the harmony. Ila is the revelation, Saraswati inspiration, Bharati is the Goddess, of the Divine Word. In the mental world we meet abstractions, lifeless ideas, forms without a soul. In reality, however, all movements in man, all forces in nature are more ...
... subjects of study was the Veda. This went on for several months, for about an hour every evening, at the Guest House. Sri Aurobindo came and took his seat at the table and we sat around. Subramanya Bharati the Tamil poet and myself were the two who showed the keenest interest. Sri Aurobindo would take up a hymn from the Rigveda, read it aloud once, explain the meaning of every line and phrase and finally ...
... together in Japan and stayed in the same house and she attended some of his lectures in that country. It may be interesting to mention here that Tagore requested the Mother to take charge of the Visva Bharati, for evidently he felt that the future of his dear institution would be in sure hands. But the Mother could Page 92 not but decline since it was her destiny to be at another place ...
... years. Thus, among well-known persons may be mentioned C. R. Das, Lala Lajpat Rai, Sarala Devi, Dr. Munje, Khasirao Jadhava, Tagore, Sylvain Levy. The great national poet of Tamilnad, S. Subramanya Bharati, was in contact with Sri Aurobindo for some years during his stay at Pondicherry; so was V. V. S. Aiyar. The famous V. Ramaswamy Aiyangar—Va. Ra of Tamil literature—stayed with Sri Aurobindo for ...
... strategic line from Antwerp to Namur and sent an advance army in front. If there had been a previous arrangement they could have gone to their help in time. NIRODBARAN: The Assistant Secretary of Viswa Bharati has written to Sisir that the Committee has decided to present Tagore's works to the Ashram. SRI AUROBINDO: What is his name? NIRODBARAN: Kishori Mohan Santara. SRI AUROBINDO: Santara? Where ...
... substance, Ratna is the wealth of their delight. Agni is the energy of consciousness, Varuna is the vastness of consciousness, Mitra is the harmony. Ila is the revelation, Saraswati inspiration, Bharati is the Goddess of the Divine Word. In the mental world we meet abstractions, lifeless ideas, forms without a soul. In reality, however, all movements in man, all forces in nature are more than mere ...
... 29 Arjuna, 206, 350 Aryama, 330 Ashram, the, 57, 118-9, 161, 269, 270, 390 Ashwapati, 237-41, 243, 246, 274 Asura, 250, 287, 368 Atris, 372 BEATRICE, 284 Beethoven, 273 Bharati, 189 Bible, the, 121, 305, 345n – Book of Job, 305n – St. John , 345n Borman, 316 Brahma, 256 Brahman, 181-2, 185, 188-9, 193, 205, 290, 299, 339, 368, 385 Brindaban ...
... sufficiency but the recovery of the nation's soul that was the heart of the problem. Born on 15 August 1872, Sri Aurobindo had the Vision of the Mother - India as the Mother, as Bhavani, as Durga, as Bharati - as early as 1905, if not earlier. During his brief but decisive intervention in national politics during 1906-10, Sri Aurobindo awakened the slumbering soul of the nation to an appreciation of its ...
... India from despotic foreign rule. They discussed neither spiritual questions nor Ramakrishna or Vivekananda; they saw themselves as fellow-votaries of Kali the Mother, as children of Bhavani Bharati, and this was the adamantine basis of their collaboration on the political field. After a period of close cooperation, differences — personal as well as organisational — arose between Jatin ...
... called him to Bengal, - he would go! Was he taking a blind leap into the Unknown? - he did not know, and he did not care, and he did not hesitate either. Here was work for him to do, here was Bhavani Bharati summoning him to action, - nothing else, nothing else mattered. Before Sri Aurobindo reached Calcutta in July 1906, certain avenues of activity had been - or were being - opened for him. In ...
... from the topmost cultural circle of France were coming to Sri Aurobindo for practising yoga". There was understandable excitement among the young disciples as also the revolutionaries (Subramania Bharati, V.V.S. Aiyar, Srinivasachariar, and others) who too had found political asylum in Pondicherry. Page 85 VII On 29 March 1914, the very day they arrived in Pondicherry from ...
... when "the five noble men" (Rassendran. Zir Naidu, Le Beau, Murugesa Chettiar and Shankar Chettiar) readily furnished the guarantee, Page 131 enabling Sri Aurobindo, Subramania Bharati, V. V. S. Aiyar and the rest to remain undisturbed in Pondicherry. 27 Again, there was a move to get the French Government to agree to an exchange of Pondicherry for some British possession in ...
... years. Thus, among well-known persons may be mentioned C. R. Das, Lala Lajpat Rai, Sarala Devi, Dr. Munje, Khasirao Jadhava, Tagore, Sylvain Levy. The great national poet of Tamilnad, S. Subramanya Bharati, was in contact with Sri Aurobindo for some years during his stay at Pondicherry; so was V. V. S. Aiyar. The famous V. Ramaswamy Aiyangar—Va. Ra of Tamil literature—stayed with Sri Aurobindo for nearly ...
... say something yourself? Is what Upen has said the last word? .¹ Cf. Purani, Evening Talks, Second Series, pp. 62-63. .² Amarendranath Chatterji, "Sri Aurobinder Sange Sakshatkar", Galpa Bharati , Vol. VI, No. 7 (Paush 1357), p. 816. Page 104 Smiling, Sri Aurobindo answered, "The last word is fearlessly taking the oath to serve the Motherland. If we want to free the country ...
... is no simple task, as it involves great responsibility. With all these thoughts buzzing in my head, I headed home. As I was walking, I remembered something from my French class: my French teacher, Bharati-di would always introduce me to a newcomer with a teasing "Here is the girl who always lives in the moon!" Then my mind went back to another incident connected with the 1 st December. It was the ...
... students. My subjects of study were French, English, philosophy and a few of Sri Aurobindo's works. Nirod-da and Ravindra Khanna were my teachers for English prose. For English poetry, it was Amal Kiran. Bharati-di and Krishnakumari-di taught me French. For Indian philosophy, I was with Prapatti-da, for Western philosophy, with Kireet-bhai. Tehmi-ben took my Savitri classes, Kishore-bhai The Human Cycle ...
... adventures of the sadhana; and Thought raced through "spirit immensities" - "past the orange skies of the mystic mind" - to be one with the "vasts of God". 10 There were visitors in the evening. Bharati, V.V.S. Aiyar, Srinivasachariar; there were readings in the Veda; there were the younger men, Nolini, Bejoy, Moni, Va Ra, Saurin, Amrita, who were in attendance whenever necessary; there were occasional ...
... at Deoghar. He had a large family on his mother's side : uncles and aunts and cousins. One of the cousins, Basanti Chakraborty, gave reminiscences of her 'Auro-dada' in a Bengali magazine, Galpa Bharati. Sri Aurobindo was very close to her family, and whenever he passed through Calcutta he always dropped in to see his aunt Lilabati, 'Na-mesi,' and Krishna Kumar Mitra, his 'Na-mesi,' at their residence ...
... Dinendra Kumar Roy's Aurobindo Prasanga ('Topic Aurobindo'). So now let us take a fuller look at it and at him. Dinendra Kumar Roy (1869-1943) was a rising Bengali man of letters. His articles in Bharati, a magazine edited by the Tagores, had aroused appreciation in Bengal's literary circles. When Sri Aurobindo felt the need to speak Bengali fluently with the right pronunciation and to correct and ...
... events. 1. In this volume there have been but glancing references to the South. When we go there with Sri Aurobindo we shall meet a good number of its revolutionaries, including Mahakavi Bharati who had translated Bankim's song 'Bande Mataram' into Tamil. Page 409 H. W. Nevinson had met Sri Aurobindo and S. N. Banerji in Calcutta, and had travelled to Surat with the Moderate ...
... use of visitors and guests"—and everyone would "sit around and engage in talks with Sri Aurobindo." Among the locals and regulars were: "Rangachari, Ranga-swamy, Srinivasachari and Subramania Bharati." Page 186 ...
... review, one part in French and another in English, but published here, at Pondicherry.... Besides it was I who translated everything, rather poorly at that." Apart from Sri Aurobindo and Richard, Bharati also participated in the monthly by contributing his English translation of some verses from the Vaishnava poetess Andal's Tiruppavai. The Arya was printed at the Modern Press, Pondicherry ...
... me what do you do with pleasure and why? Madhusudan: I box with pleasure, because one has force in the hand, and when someone hits me, I can defend myself. And I can hit back good blows. Bharati: I come to this class with pleasure because I learn a great deal here. Namita: I hear stories with pleasure. Mother: Who tells you these stories that you hear with pleasure? Namita: ...
... been arranged on the 28 th , his visit on the same day, & less clearly in the afternoon." Interesting also are his notings of the 29 th . "The afternoon & evening taken up by R's visit, Bh's [Bharati's] 8c translation of Rigveda 11.23 8c 24. Bh. has fresh Yogic experiences,—this time of the voice of God 8c miraculous cure____ "Bj. [Bejoy] gets the vision of the colour-body with regard ...
... expanded with the demolition of some of the smaller structures, became the venue of the evening meditation. The Mother would appear on the low terrace above Dyuman's room (and once Swami Suddhananda Bharati's). From there she commanded a fair and full view of the congregation gathered in the courtyard below, These evening meditations seem to have evoked enriching and liberating experiences for the ...
... are now remembered permanently without committing them to heart, which formerly would not have been remembered even for a day if they had been even carefully learned by heart eg the first verse of Bharati's poem, in Tamil, not a line of which was understood without a laborious consultation of the dictionary. Yet Page 187 although an unknown tongue, although no particular attention was paid ...
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