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... of Spiritual Mind rising into the roundness of the Divine Mind. In such a vision we might say there would be growth of Light from silver to more ample silver until we passed the Overmind, an argent disc almost whole and striking one as actually whole unless one has a sharp sense of the plenary. The full moon itself would be Divine Mind, but it would be a mass of perfection white only at first... creates the Mind of Light and is fully active in this Mind's third form, is found in The Life Divine. There Sri Aurobindo writes that the last of the three strands of Supermind may be called "Divine Mind". For, this Mind carries in itself a perfect corrective to the extreme developed in it of the apprehending Consciousness and is by virtue of that corrective saved from becoming not only like... immediate front before the aureate depths are found shining out. The phases of the Mind of Light would be of a moon golden from the very start or, rather, of a sun behaving like a moon because Divine Mind is viewed not in its original inherence in Supermind as the third strand of the latter's triple status but in its manifestation in an evolving scheme on earth, in which there is a stage-by-stage ...
... springs of Indra, grandsons of luminous Force . 49 In the Vedic symbolism, Indra stands for divine mind in man, which is born out of chit as light, just as Agni is born out of chit mhśas pure Force. The connection of Ribhus with Indra becomes clearer when it is suggested that Indra as the divine mind impels in the human being the human aspirations after immortality, and Ribhus represent the human... knowledge, by the Word and by Speech. As a result, the horses are fashioned by the mind; hence, the nature of the horses is luminous. To develop the power of the divine mind, to convert the energies of action by the light of the divine mind and to control the movement of the horses by the Word, and to accomplish the work of the sacrifice, yajna, which symbolizes the upward journey in which human ... became manifest before thee; so do thou as our leader tear out much wealth for us, breaking the panes, hymned by the Angirasas." Here, again, intuition manifests before Indra, the Page 38 Divine Mind, as its forerunner, and it is by the means of intuition that Indra, the godhead of Illumined Mind, becomes the leader of the rescue of the Light and the conquest of the much wealth of spiritual light ...
... consciousness of infinite existence one and self-luminous; she is the Light that is Mother of all things. As the infinite she gives birth to Daksha, the discriminating and distributing Thought of the divine Mind, and is herself born to Daksha as the cosmic infinite, the mystic Cow whose udders feed all the worlds. Page 473 It is this divine daughter of Daksha who is the mother of the gods. In... wife in the later myth. Here in the lower being where she is manifested as the earth-principle, her husband is the lower or inauspicious Father who is slain by their child Indra, the power of the divine Mind manifested in the inferior creation. Indra, says the hymn, slays his father, dragging him by the feet, and makes his mother a widow. In another image, forcible and expressive though repugnant to... liberate this knowledge, this power of undivided and all-embracing vision, this eye of the gods concealed in our subconscient being; they release his radiances, they create the divine Dawn. Indra the divine Mind-power, Agni the Seer-Will, Brihaspati the Master of the inspired word, Soma the immortal Delight born in man aid them to shatter the strong places of the Page 478 mountain, the artificial ...
... why mind cannot attain to the settled, rounded and perfect truth; not to escape falsehood is the effort of divine mind, but to seize the truth which lies masked behind even the most grotesque or far-wandering error. What is the "divine mind"? What Sri Aurobindo calls the divine mind is the prototype of the mental function which is totally and perfectly surrendered to the Divine and works... works only under divine inspiration. When a human being exists only by and for the Divine, his mind necessarily becomes a divine mind. 4 June 1970 ...
... nature they are descended from this luminous Energy and are sometimes so addressed, "Offspring of Indra, grandsons of luminous Force." For Indra, the divine mind in man, is born out of luminous Force as is Agni out of pure Force, and from Indra the divine Mind spring the human aspirations after Immortality. The names of the three Ribhus are, in the order of their birth, Ribhu or Ribhukshan, the skilful... is the formation of the two brilliant horses of Indra, the horses yoked by speech to their movements, yoked by the Word and fashioned by the mind. For the free movement of the luminous mind, the divine mind in man, is the condition of all other immortalising works. 3 The second work of the Ribhus is to fashion the chariot of the Ashwins, lords of the human journey,—the happy movement of the Ananda... It is the wine of that immortal essence with its ecstasies which they win by their works and bring with them to man in his sacrifice. And with them come and sit Indra and the Maruts, the divine Mind and its Thought-forces, and the four great Kings, sons of Aditi, children of the Infinite, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman, Bhaga, the purity and vastness of the Truth-consciousness, its law of love and light ...
... offering for sacrifice to the great Sons of the Shining One (the Deva, Rudra); great is the child of them, a vast birth; there is a great movement of the Driver of the shining steeds (Indra, the Divine Mind) by the sacrifices. The conquering (dawns) cleave to him in his struggle, they deliver by knowledge a great light out of the darkness; knowing the Dawns rise up to him, Indra has become the one lord... then singing the hymn of light he became at once the Angiras. Becoming in our front the form and measure of each existing thing, he knows all the births, he slays Shushna"; that is to say, the Divine Mind assumes a form answering to each existing thing in the world and reveals its true divine image and meaning and slays the false force that distorts knowledge and action. "Seeker of the cows, traveller... out of the hill, Sarama became manifest before thee; so do thou as our leader tear out much wealth for us, breaking the pens, hymned by the Angirases." It is the Intuition manifesting before the Divine Mind as its forerunner when there is the emergence of the waters, the streaming movements of the Truth that break out of the hill in which they were confined by Vritra (verse 7); and it is by means of ...
... has in him not a single mentality, but a double and a triple, the mind material and nervous, the pure intellectual mind which liberates itself from the illusions of the body and the senses, and a divine mind above intellect which in its turn liberates itself from the imperfect modes of the logically discriminative and imaginative reason. Mind in man is first emmeshed in the life of the body, where in... Energy to so quicken and intensify our intellectual powers that they shall be prepared for those more puissant, direct and rapid faculties which constitute the play of the supra-intellectual or divine mind. It is not, then, a freak, an inexplicable phenomenon, but a perfectly natural next step in the right line of her evolution. She has harmonised the bodily life with the material mind, she is harmonising... existence. There is, we say, a harmony of supreme faculties, corresponding roughly to the psychological faculties of revelation, inspiration and intuition, yet acting not in the intuitive reason or the divine mind, but on a still higher plane, which see Truth directly face to face, or rather live in the truth of things both universal and transcendent and are its formulation and luminous activity. And these ...
... has in him not a single mentality, but a double and a triple, the mind material and nervous, the pure intellectual mind which liberates itself from the illusions of the body and the senses and a divine mind above intellect which in its turn liberates itself from the imperfect modes of Page 256 the logically discriminative and imaginative reason. Mind in man is first emmeshed in the... Energy to so quicken and intensify our intellectual powers that they shall be prepared for those more puissant, direct and rapid faculties which constitute the play of the supra-intellectual or divine mind. It is not, then, a freak, an inexplicable phenomenon, but a perfectly natural next step in the right line of her evolution. She has harmonised the bodily life with the material mind, she is ... There is, we say, a harmony of supreme faculties, corresponding roughly to the psychological faculties of revelation, inspiration and intuition, yet acting not in the intuitive reason or the divine mind, but on a still higher plane, which see Truth directly face to face, or rather live in the truth of things both universal and transcendent and are its formulation and luminous activity. And these ...
... on proof in the actuality. Arogya — Jala 3 times. 21 July 1914 V सं पृच्छसे समराणः शुभानैर्वोचेस्तत्रो हरिवो यत्ते अस्मे— Script— That is the active effective side of the Divine Mind must be made manifest in the mental activities. The pure subjective illumination is already there. Therefore now the subjective-objectivity must be perfected & the sharira & kriti lifted beyond doubt... Ishwara is a means for the full manifestation of the Lilamaya. The full brilliant ritam jyotih is now sending down its massed rays to dispel the limitations imposed by the intellectual upon the divine mind. This is Surya— Samadhi In swapnasamadhi entire manifestation of vijnanamaya perceptive & vangmaya thought; it has only to be extended to the deepest layers of samadhi with sushupti of... materials. Script. The inconclusive result of the rupa extension has somewhat discouraged Prithivi, ie the inferior consciousness of the parthiva Akasha. The activities of the luminous divine mind are now taking final possession of the thought & only need to take final possession of the trikaldrishti. The obstacle there is the sense of uncertainty born of deficiency. There is no other obstacle ...
... chief causes why mind cannot attain to the settled, rounded and perfect truth; not to escape falsehood is the effort of divine mind, but to seize the truth which lies masked behind even the most grotesque or far-wandering error. ( Mother comments: ) Sri Aurobindo calls "divine mind" the prototype of the mental function that is totally and perfectly surrendered to the Divine and functions under the... the divine inspiration alone. If a human being lives only by and for the Divine, his mind necessarily becomes a divine mind. ( Then Mother takes up the reading of Savitri: the end of the Debate of Love and Death. ) Is it a speech by this gentleman? Yes [laughing], yes, it's the end. The end of his speech? One of us should write.... If it's more convenient for me to write, ...
... housing a strong and brilliant force of battle, kṣatram amavat tveṣam . From what we already know of these symbols we can easily Page 226 grasp the inner sense of the hymn. Indra, the Divine Mind-Power takes their secret wealth from the powers of the Ignorance with whom he refuses to ally himself even when they are rich and prosper; he gives the imprisoned herds of the illumined Dawn to the... the wheel that finds Swar, satisfying (with the wealth) the doer of works." It is always the thought, the Truth, the word that is associated with the Cows of the Panis; by the words of Indra the Divine Mind-Power those who withhold the cows are conquered; that which was dark becomes light; the chariot drawn by the horses yoked by the Truth finds (by knowledge, svarvidā nābhinā ) the luminous vastnesses ...
... what we offer to the higher Powers and brings back in return their force and light and joy into our humanity. Indra, the Puissant next, who is the power of pure Existence self-manifested as the Divine Mind. As Agni is one pole of Force instinct with knowledge that sends its current upward from earth to heaven, so Indra is the other pole of Light instinct with force which descends from heaven to earth... satisfactions, healers of maim and malady they occupy our parts of knowledge and parts of action and prepare our mental, vital and physical being for an easy and victorious ascension. Indra, the Divine Mind, as the shaper of mental forms has for his assistants, his artisans, the Ribhus, human powers who by the work of sacrifice and their brilliant ascension to the high dwelling-place of the Sun have ...
... Between these two poles there is the possibility of an infinite gradation. These considerations become of great importance when we consider the possible relation between the divine life and the divine mind of the perfected human soul and the very gross and seemingly undivine body or formula of physical being in which we actually dwell. That formula is the result of a certain fixed relation between... progress of man and by any liberation of our substance from its present imperfections be imposed on this sensible form and instrument of our being, then there may be even here a physical working of divine mind and sense, a physical working of divine life in the human frame and even the evolution upon earth of something that we may call a divinely human body. The Page 268 body of man also may ...
... fashion divine Beauty, to reveal heavenly forms. What is this Heaven whose forms the Poet discovers and embodies? Heaven—Dyaus—has a very definite connotation in the Veda. It means the luminous or divine Mind 2 —the mind purified of its obscurity and limitations, due to subjection to the external senses, thus opening to the higher Light, receiving and recording faithfully the deeper and vaster movements... Heaven and Earth join and meet in the world of Delight; between them they press out Soma, the drink of the gods. The Mind and the Body are held together by means of the Life, the mid-world. The Divine Mind by raising the body- 1 Ibid., III. 38. 2. 2 Ibid., VIII. 8. 23. 3 Taittiriya Samhita, III. 5S. 3. 4 Rig Veda, III . 38. 1. 5 Ibid., IV. 16. 11. 6Ibid ...
... fashion divine Beauty, to reveal heavenly forms. What is this Heaven whose forms the Poet discovers and embodies? Heaven – Dyaus – has a very definite connotation in the Veda. It means the luminous or divine Mind 2 – the mind purified of its obscurity and limitations, due to subjection to the external senses, thus opening to the higher Light, receiving and recording faithfully the deeper and vaster movements... Heaven and Earth join and meet in the world of Delight; between them they press out Soma, the drink of the gods. The Mind and the Body are held together by means of the Life, the mid-world. The Divine Mind by raising the body- 1 Ibid., III. 38. 2. 2 Ibid., VIII. 8. 23. 3 Taittiriya Samhita, III. 55. 4. . Rig Veda, III. 38. 1. s Ibid., IV. 16. 11. 6 Ibid., V. 5. 2 ...
... first draught of the Soma, the Wine of Delight or Joy of things expressed or generated in the body of man by the pressure of the divine sensations, those which seek with the electrical force of the divine mind, the pure rasa of things. The Soma juices are ready—the immortalising joy in the mind, the amrita in the body. The Life-force is to drink of these [ incomplete ] [4] [RV I.3] Rig Veda Hymns... materialised in the delight-filled vitality; it is first expressed in the terms of joy & vitality; it is next purified; purified it is spent in the putting out of mental force for the manifestation of divine Mind, Indra; Indra manifests at once, सद्यो अजायथाः, but he manifests वृध्यो increased; a greater mental force appears than has been experienced in the past stages of Page 379 the Yoga or ...
... their secret cavern. Divine Will manifested in man, itself liberated, liberates him from the cords which bind him as a victim in the world-sacrifice; we attain to it by the teaching of Indra, the divine Mind, and it protects the uninterrupted play of the Light and destroys the powers of falsehood whose limitations cannot hem in its growth and its out-flaming; it brings the divine waters from the luminous... divine and undivine, the formations of the truth and the formations of the falsehood. × Swar, the divine mind pure to the luminous Truth. × Or, many-necked. ...
... and trammelled. Mind subject to life & matter, erring in the circle of life & matter, he perceived as mortal mind, martya or manu of the Veda, the human thinker; mind pure & free he perceived as divine mind, deva or daivya ketu of the Veda, the divine seer & knower. He found first that mind really exists in man in its own self-sufficient consciousness, independently of the sense life turned upon the... modify existing forms of things and can even arrive, though with much greater difficulty, at the direct creation of forms by the mental will. All these powers, however, are powers of the pure or divine mind and can only be consciously exercised in our mortality, so long as they are abnormal to it, if & so far as the universal Being originates & sanctions their use in the individual; they can be possessed ...
... slay the Asuras. दधानाः is middle & would better mean “holding in my two arms”. The arms are the two powers of the mind, intuition & discernment; the thunderbolt is the electric flashing of the divine mind, and we see in the next line that it is in the worshippers अस्मे that the god-mind increases & overpowers the Dasyus. Cf also v. 10 where it is Indra as the human being who slays Vritra. अस्मे... unnecessary. जनासः O Asuras, says Sayana. Grit. is explaining to the Asuras that he is a poor weak mortal & not Indra! Heaven & Earth, the physical & mental consciousness become subject to the divine Mind or are shaken with the grandeur & awe of this mighty advent. For he is full of an aggressive heroic force that subjects all things by its attack & the greatness of his soul-force or divine power ...
... Power ( indra , the Puissant, 7 the powerful lord) of the divine Mind born in man and there increasing by the Word and the Soma to his full divinity. This growth continues by the winning and growth of the Light, till Indra reveals himself fully as the lord of all the luminous herds which he sees by the "eye of the sun", the divine Mind master of all the illuminations of knowledge. Indra in becoming ...
... × The plural is used to indicate the manifold movement of the Divine Mind in its completeness. × This verse is addressed to Indra, the Power of divine Mind, through whom comes the illumination of the supramental Truth; by the advancing chariots of this giver of ...
... hast created all these growths of earth, O Soma, thou the Waters, thou the Rays; thou hast extended wide the mid-world,—thou by the Light hast smitten apart the covering darkness. (23) With the divine mind in us, thou who art divine, O Soma, O forceful fighter, war towards our enjoyment of the felicity. Let none extend thee in grossness, 16 thou hast power over all energy; do thou have the perceiving... Sayana renders “Let none torture thee”; but it refers to the extension in the gross and obscure material of being natural to the covering darkness, as opposed to the luminous subtlety of the divine mind which moves towards the higher Light. × सं = completely. ...
... firmly established. (4) And thou, O divine Mind, by the mind lead us and by the radiances and by the illumined gods in us to that blissful state and by the soul that is founded in the divine and by the right mind of the godheads that preside in our sacrifice. (5) The divine who enjoys in us and is the creator of bliss and the master of nectar and the divine Mind that conquers all the wealth which ...
... What is his principle of Yoga? SATYENDRA: He says the ego is the root of everything wrong: it must disappear. SRI AUROBINDO: What is to replace the ego? SATYENDRA: Something like Divine Mind—Divine Mind acting through the individual consciousness. SRI AUROBINDO: Oh, he recognises the individual consciousness as real? SATYENDRA: He has no systematised philosophy. One has to build it out ...
... and that is the nothingness which contains everything. (Addressing Purani) Do you know anything about the Nous, the Divine Mind, of Plotinus? Krishnaprem appears to make the Supermind and the Nous the same. Nous seems to be Intelligence. PURANI: I do not know if Divine Mind would be the same as Supermind. SRI AUROBINDO: When they consider Shankara the greatest of realists and my philosophy ...
... its branches spreading out, i.e. all the multiple aspects of the creation. Even the gods, all of them, find shelter here in one form or other. All gods it is: Agni the Divine Force, Indra the Divine Mind, Soma the Divine Delight. It is Tapas, the upward urge in the Universe, it is Satyam the Truth and Ritam the Truth-action, Vak the Truth-word. Day and Night also are its dual aspects, Light and... Brahman itself. (25) Great is the Name of the Gods5 who are born upon the Non 1 Children of the sun. 2 Children of the Violent One, the Lord of Might. 3 The Lord of Mind or the Divine Mind. 4 Who has thus the immediate vision of all these gods. 5 Great indeed are the Gods. Page 33 Being; that become one limb of the Pillar, thus said the the ancient peoples ...
... we may perhaps regard the Panis as the powers that preside over those ordinary unillumined sense-activities of life whose immediate root is in the dark subconscient physical being and not in the divine mind. The whole struggle of man is to replace this action by the luminous working of mind and life which comes from above through the mental existence. Whoever thus aspires, labours, battles, travels ...
... inner function and spiritual power. I may cite as an example of this development of Vedic idea and image a passage of the Taittiriya in which Indra plainly appears as the power and godhead of the divine mind: He who is the Bull of the Vedas of the universal form, he who was born in the sacred rhythms from the Immortal,—may Indra satisfy me through the intelligence. O God, may I become a vessel of ...
... but awake, scient, potent, extended and wide; it is there waiting for manifestation and to this Force we have to open ourselves—to the power of the Mother. In the mind it manifests itself as a divine mind-force or a universal mind-force and it can do everything that the personal mind cannot do; it is then the Yogic mindforce. When it manifests and works in the vital or physical in the same way, it ...
... directly experience. inner physical — the physical part of the inner being. inner vital Intuition — see under spiritualised mind. Ishwara — Lord, the Divine. Page 123 mind (the mental) — "mind" and "mental" connote specially that part of the nature which has to do with cognition and intelligence, with ideas, with mental or thought perceptions, the ...
... and small cannot fail to be drawn into that power and immensity. If it does not surrender, its only other possible fate is absorption and extinction. A human being, who comes into contact with the Divine Mind and surrenders, will find that his own mind begins at once to be purified of its obscurities and to share in the power and the knowledge of the Divine Universal Mind. If he stands in front, but separated ...
... that the Mind has no place at all in the spiritual life; but it means that it cannot be even the main instrument, much less the authority to whose judgment all must submit itself, including the Divine. Mind must learn from the greater Consciousness it is approaching and not impose its own standards on it; it has to receive illumination, open to a higher Truth, admit a greater Power that does not work ...
... but awake, scient, potent, extended and wide; it is there waiting for manifestation and to this Force we have to open ourselves—to the power of the Mother. In the mind it manifests itself as a divine mind-force or a universal mind-force and it can do everything that the personal mind cannot do; it is then the Yogic mind-force. When it manifests and works in the vital or physical in the same way, it ...
... movement of Mind the dividing principle makes the knower regard the forms of his own universal being as other than he, but it has also a movement of union which heals this phenomenal division. In divine Mind the two actions are simultaneous and prevent the division from being real. In ignorant or involved Mind the division seems real; the movement towards union becomes a contact of consciousness and ...
... the Lord of Love. × Indra, Ruler of our being. Master of Swar which is the luminous world of the Divine Mind. × Aryaman, the aspiring power and action of the Truth. ...
... × Day and Night,—the latter the state of Ignorance that belongs to our material Nature, the former the state of illumined Knowledge that belongs to the divine Mind of which our mentality is a pale and dulled reflection. × To each principle of our nature there ...
... Or, Godhead. × The Triple Bull is Indra, lord of the three luminous realms of Swar, the Divine Mind; Tryaruna Trasadasyu is the half-god, man turned into the Indra type; therefore he is described by all the usual epithets of Indra, "Asura", "Satpati", "Maghavan". The triple dawn is the dawn of ...
... of the eternal Seer and Thinker, perfectly luminous, perfectly aware of Himself and all, knowing well what He does, conscious of the infinite in the finite which He is creating, may be called the divine Mind. And it is obvious that it must be a subordinate and not really a separate working of the Real-Idea, of the Supermind, and must operate through what we have described as the apprehending movement ...
... if man be the inhabitant of terrestrial existence through whom that transformation of the mental into the supramental can at last be operated, is it not possible that he may develop, as well as a divine mind and a divine life, also a divine body? or, if the phrase seem to be too startling to our present limited conceptions of human potentiality, may he not in his development of his true being and its ...
... seen that from this apprehending consciousness arises the movement of Mind, the movement by which the individual knower regards a form of his own universal being as if other than he; but in the divine Mind there is immediately or rather simultaneously another movement or reverse side of the same movement, an act of union in being which heals this phenomenal division and prevents it from becoming even ...
... executed by the sole individual unaided power of the mental Purusha in us, but needs the help, intervention and guidance of the divine Self, the Ishwara, the Purushottama. For the supermind is the divine mind and it is on the supramental plane that the individual arrives at his right, integral, luminous and perfect relation with the supreme and universal Purusha and the supreme and universal Para Prakriti ...
... which is our true and divine being, to become self-revealed and active. It is only by growing within and living within that we can find it; once that is done, to create from there the spiritual or divine mind, life, body and through this instrumentation to arrive at the creation of a world which shall be the true environment of a divine living,—this is the final object that Force of Nature has set before ...
... original creative consciousness-force but also the ultimately transformative dynamism of the Spirit. It holds in itself the supernal archetype, the perfect model, of all that evolves here: a divine mind, a divine life-energy, a divine matter await in it for manifestation in our world. What it seeks to manifest is a state of integral divinisation in evolutionary terrestrial terms, a realisation ...
... descent - as Sri Aurobindo and the Mother do. The constant day-to-day living in the light of the Supermind and the supramental descent into our whole constitution in order to shape a divine mind, a divine life-force, a divine body: this is the aim and the decisive condition of Sri Aurobindo's yoga. But there is a long and difficult way to go, a hard task of self-consecration, self-p ...
... and the soul is just the centre and guide of a world which is not ultimately a contradiction of its divine spark but a veiled perfection which it has to clear of encumbrances and help to unveil. A divine Mind, a divine Life Force, even a divine Matter have to be realised and established. Then alone the aim of evolution will be fulfilled. The complete and integral divinisation of our whole being is the ...
... appearance of Spiritual Mind. Not, Page 142 however, all of the Supramental Gnosis, for the Mind of Light expresses that in the Supermind which is the divine counterpart of all Mind — "Divine Mind", as Sri Aurobindo calls it. It is specifically the third strand of the Supermind's three-stranded unity. In this strand the projecting, confronting, apprehending power which the second strand brings ...
... mental and partial in knowledge, he seeks after the whole light and the utter vision. To possess these is to become the superman; for [it] is to rise out of mind into the supermind. Call it the divine mind or Knowledge or the supermind; it is the power and light of the divine will and the divine consciousness. By the supermind the Spirit saw and created himself in the worlds, by that he lives in them ...
... mind. So that unless there be some means by which knowledge can burst through all veils Page 285 to the experience of the very Reality itself, or unless there be some universal Logos, divine Mind or Supermind, which knows itself and all things and our consciousness can reflect or get into touch with that, a pursuing insufficiency and uncertainty must always keep its baffling grasp upon even ...
... when mere thinking approaches it (verse 1). Indra has come as a check to correct the attempt of this consciousness to reach that Ultimate without submitting itself to an intermediary power - the Divine Mind which 389. Ibid. p. 299. 390. Op. cit. , p. 224, col. 2. Page 360 could organize and transform that mental faculty and make it naturally participate in the Ultimate ...
... cannot be known to us, because of their distance from us, and whose rank in the intellectual system is above even our conceptions? This system, as well as the corporeal, must have been present to the Divine mind before he made them to exist.” 19 The supposition in the last sentence refers to another major problem: if there is a chain, or ladder, or scale of being going up, how did it come about and ...
... Lord of Tapasya, the concentrated energy of spiritual endeavour that helps us to rise from the mortal to the immortal planes; Dyumatsena, the lord of the Shining Hosts, father of Satyavan, is the Divine Mind here fallen blind, losing its celestial kingdom of vision, and through that loss its kingdom of glory. Still this is not a mere allegory, the characters are not personified qualities, but incarnations ...
... the Lord of Tapasya, the concentrated energy of spiritual endeavour that helps us to rise from the mortal to the immortal planes; Dyumatsena, Lord of the Shining Hosts, father of Satyavan is the Divine Mind here fallen blind, losing its celestial kingdom of vision, and through that loss its kingdom of glory. Still this is not a mere allegory, the characters are not personified qualities, but incarnations ...
... Lord of Tapasya, the concentrated energy of spiritual endeavour that helps us to rise from the mortal to the immortal planes; Dyumatsena, Lord of the Shining Hosts, father of Satyavan, is the Divine Mind here fallen blind, losing its celestial kingdom of vision, and through that loss its kingdom of glory. Still this is not a mere allegory, the characters are not personified qualities, but incarnations ...
... the Lord of Tapasya, the concentrated energy of spiritual endeavour that helps us to rise from the mortal to the immortal plane; Dyumatsena, Lord of the Shining Hosts, father of Satyavan, is the Divine Mind here fallen blind, losing its celestial kingdom of vision, and through that loss its kingdom of glory. Still this is not a mere allegory, the characters are not personified qualities, but incarnations ...
... A hymn to Agni (I. 27.1) names one Tryaruna "son of the triple Bull" (trivṛṣṇa) - the triple Bull being, according to Sri Aurobindo, "Indra, lord of the three luminous realms of Swar, the Divine Mind..." 17 Rishi Vamadeva, in the last hymn of the fourth Mandala, not only speaks of the four-horned Bull, the divine Purusha, whose horns may be interpreted as infinite Existence, Consciousness ...
... immediately that Its Consciousness is a complete fulfilment of all that the faculties or instruments of perception in man have been aspiring for. In fact, there is a Divine Sense, a Divine Vital, a Divine Mind and a Divine Subliminal in the Supramental whose distortions or imperfect manifestations are these so-called instruments of perception. It is possible by opening all the instruments to the corresponding ...
... the seven tongued power of the soul, a force of God instinct with knowledge. Agni opens the way for the action of Indra, who symbolises the power of pure existence, self- manifested as the divine mind. As Agni rises upward from earth to heaven, so Indra is the light instinct with force, which descends from heaven to earth. Indra comes down to our world as the hero with shinning horses ...
... the Lord of Tapasya, the concentrated energy of spiritual endeavour that helps us to rise from the mortal to the immortal planes; Dyumatsena, Lord of the Shining Hosts, father of Satyavan, is the Divine Mind here fallen blind, losing its celestial kingdom of vision, and through that loss its kingdom of glory. Still this is not a mere allegory, the characters are not personified qualities, but incarnations ...
... and pointed intellect which can discern the quintessence of truth. Page 110 7. The true mental being and his pure thought-powers, Indra and Maruts, are reflected in that pure divine mind. 8. Indra is the being of knowledge and delight and Marut is his power of divine play. On one side is the pure mental existence, on the other there rise and spread the pure thoughts from that ...
... 1956 A.D. The Veda speaks of Indra who became later on the king of the gods. And Zeus too occupies the same place in Greek Pantheon. Indra is, as has been pointed out by Sri Aurobindo, the Divine Mind, the leader of thought-gods (Maruts), the creator of perfect forms, in which to clothe our truth-realisations in life. The later traditional Indra in India and the Greek Zeus seem to be formulations ...
... midst of the herds. [17] He, indeed, integrally knows the Father who knows the lower by the higher and the higher by the lower. Who has the poet's vision to tell us where does the Divine Mind take birth? [18] They that turn downward are said to turn upward and they that turn upward are said to turn downward. Indra and thou, O Soma, both together have done deeds that upbear ...
... Lord of Tapasya, the concentrated energy of spiritual endeavour that helps us to rise from the mortal to the immortal planes; Dyumatsena, Lord of the Shining Hosts, father of Satyavan is the Divine Mind here fallen blind, losing its celestial kingdom of vision, and through that loss its kingdom of glory. Still this is not a mere allegory, the characters are not personified qualities, but incarnations ...
... Prashnopanishad. Sometimes even the original text of the Upanishad runs into the language of the Rig Veda: take the Taittiriya text in which Indra plainly appears as the power and godhead of the divine mind. ( Taittiriya I. V. 4) "He who is the Bull of the Vedas of the universal form, he who was born in the sacred rhythms from the Immortal - may Indra satisfy me through the ...
... falsehood by the mind seeking utter truth is one of the chief causes why mind cannot attain to the settled, rounded and perfect truth, said Sri Aurobindo, not to escape falsehood is the effort of divine mind, but to seize the truth that has masked behind even the most grotesque and far-wandering error. 10 And Mother made the same discovery IN HER BODY with sickness and death Instead of the selfish ...
... like a ladder, Along with the ascent all that remains to be done becomes clear." (Rig-Veda 1.10.1-2) "It is an extraordinary passage expressing perfectly a spiritual experience. Indra is the Divine Mind and as one ascends higher and higher in it or on it, all that has to be done becomes clearly visible. One who has that experience can at once see how perfectly true it is and that it must have been ...
... Suktas 51, 52.1 – 3 . Rishi: Savya Angirasa. Circa 1918 – 20. Heading in the manuscript: “Hymns of Savya Angirasa”. Sukta 56 . Rishi: Savya Angirasa. Written under the heading “A Hymn of the Divine Mind-Power” in a notebook whose next few pages contain entries for the Record of Yoga dated March 1918. Suktas 61 – 64 . Rishi: Nodhas Gautama. Circa 1919. Sri Aurobindo translated these four hymns ...
... material substance instead of pure substance, that is to say, of substance offering itself to the contact of mind as a stable thing or object. This contact of mind with its object is Sense.—In the divine Mind there is a movement which presents to the divine Knower the forms of Himself as objects to His knowledge and this would create a division between the Knower and the object of knowledge if there were ...
... पृथिव्या [निः शशा अहिं] 9 अचरत्तनु स्वराज्यं । This indicates the possession of the knowledge by the Ananda and the summing up of the work of the Maruts in the revelation of the Indra godhead, divine Mind of vijnana destroying the obstacles summed up in the one Vritra-force The पाजः of Agni is attempting to become universal and ideal. No definite advance in Samadhi, but wakefulness of the ...
... manifests himself in the man, the man lifts his being into the divine consciousness. Cf I.56.2-3 where the phrase आभूषु is applied to those who ascend upon Indra, इंद्रमधि रोह तेजसा and range in that divine Mind as on an ocean, तं गुर्तयः .. परीणसः समुद्रं न संचरणे. आ कृ is the converse action of man bringing the godhead into him and forming it there in his human being. नमोभिः. Agni is first to be brought ...
... what can be the rational basis for this theory of a cognitive faculty or principle superior to Mind. We may say indeed that if we grant a divine Word creative of all things, we must also grant a divine Mind cognitive of the Word and of all that it expresses. But this is not a sufficient foundation; for the theory of the divine Word presents itself only as a rational possibility. A cognition higher than ...
... life, mind, body and subject to it and must direct its gaze upward to its own supreme Self who is beyond all this movement and master of it all. Therefore the mind must indeed become passive to the divine Mind, the sense to the divine Sense, the life to the divine Life and by receptivity to constant touches and visitings of the highest be transfigured into a reflection of these transcendences; but also ...
... the body that in its own involved and occult fashion perceives or feels the demand on it and obeys the emerged or evolved consciousness which presides over the body. Finally, the conception of a divine Mind and Will creating the cosmos becomes justifiable, while at the same time the perplexing elements in it which our reasoning mentality refuses to ascribe to an arbitrary fiat of the Creator, Page ...
... essential. In this manner Satyavan now represents the mental consciousness of man. He is the son of Dyumatsena and "Dyumatsena is Lord of the Shining Hosts, father of Satyavan. He is the Divine Mind here fallen blind, losing its celestial kingdom of vision." He is a blind king symbolising our present blind world. It has come to a dead end. It cannot anymore have the vision of the Supreme. ...
... difference, feeling etc. will come afterwards? A.G.: When you have got the unity, then you have got the right foundation for difference. 16 April 1925 1925-04-16 1) Supermind is the Divine mind of knowledge and wisdom. 2) It shows the true relation of everything. 3) It shows everything. 4) Unity is the nature of the infinite. 5) The idea of unity ... etc. is the creation of ...
... the Lord of Tapasya, the concentrated energy of spiritual endeavour that helps us to rise from the mortal to the immortal planes; Dyumatsena. Lord of the Shining Hosts, father of Satyavan, is the Divine Mind here fallen blind, losing its celestial kingdom of vision, and through that loss its kingdom of glory. Still this is not a mere allegory, the characters are not personified qualities, but incarnations ...
... . The knowledge of difference, feeling etc. will come afterwards? When you have got the unity, then you have got the right foundation for difference. 11 April 1925 1) Supermind is the Divine mind of knowledge and wisdom. 2) It shows the true relation of everything. 3) It shows everything. 4) Unity is the nature of the Infinite. 5) The idea of unity etc. is the creation of the ...
... could suppose that a galaxy and a grain of sand, or a living cell, are held together, in their unimaginable complexity, by a mind comparable to the human. If God is omniscient and omnipotent, the divine Mind must be of a different order, it must be a ‘supermind’, which is a word, a label covering by definition something of which we can have no idea. “We have to regard therefore this all-containing ...
... that the Mind has no place at all in the spiritual life; but it means that it cannot be even the main instrument, much less the authority to whose judgment all must submit itself, including the Divine. Mind must learn Page 224 from the greater Consciousness it is approaching and not impose its own standards on it; it has to receive illumination, open to a higher Truth, admit a greater ...
... in earth's mentality, we understand that it is a power of Truth that is also a power of Beauty. Coming as such, it enters the time-movement with the warmth and inti-macy of a beloved guest. The Divine Mind is Wisdom, an intuitive illumination measuring out and connecting rightly, happily, harmo-niously according to the essence of each detail and the essence of the ensemble without which the details ...
... eternal ever-young energies, separate streams but of one origin—for they have all flowed from the one womb of the superconscient Truth—the seven Words or fundamental creative expressions of the divine Mind, sapta vāṇīḥ . This life of the pure mind is not like that of the nervous life which devours its objects in order to sustain its mortal existence; its waters devour not but they do not fail; they ...
... comes by the Dawn and by the Sun of whom Pushan is a form. Finally, Indra is the head of all these gods, lord of the light, king of the luminous heaven called Swar,—he is, we say, the luminous or divine Mind; into him all the gods enter and take part in his unveiling of the hidden light. We see therefore that there is a perfect appropriateness in the attribution of one and the same victory to these different ...
... will be able to move forward in the journey yet uncompleted and will return the gift by fresh powers of the Beatitude descending upon the friend of God. For it was in this strength that the Divine Mind in man destroyed all that opposed, as Coverers or besiegers, its hundredfold activities of will and of thought; in this strength it protected afterwards the rich and various possessions already won ...
... the world of luminous intelligence, Swar, of which Indra is the lord. For this Vijnana is a divine and not a human faculty. Man's mind is not constituted of the self-luminous truth, like the divine mind; it is a sense-mentality, Manas, which can receive and understand 2 Truth, but is not one with it. The light of knowledge has to present itself in this human understanding tempered so as to suit ...
... correspond to the ideas expressed in later language by the Vedantic prajñāna and vijñāna . Prajnana is the consciousness that cognizes all things as objects confronting its observation; in the divine mind it is knowledge regarding things as their source, possessor and witness. Vijnana is comprehensive knowledge containing, penetrating into things, pervading them in consciousness by a sort of iden ...
... Swadhisthana) down to Life involved in Matter [(]Muladhara[)]. All these Life-Centres are in themselves centres of Truth in Life even as the seven Suns are each a flaming heart of Truth in luminous Divine-Mind-Existence; but these lotuses have been veiled, closed, shut into their own occult energies by the Ignorance. Hence the obscurity, falsehood, death, suffering of our existence. The Jewel-Centres ...
... thee; sacrifice for a vast right-mindedness to the gods. 3) प्र सु विश्वान्रक्षसो धक्ष्यग्ने भवा यज्ञानामभिशस्तिपावा । अथा वह सोमपतिं हरिभ्याम् आतिथ्यमस्मै चकृमा सुदान्वे ॥ Indra, the Divine Mind-Power, is to be brought, after the path has been cleared of all Rakshasas, all wealth-detaining and destroying agencies, who prevent the सौमनस and break (अभिशस्ति) the uninterrupted progress of the ...
... 534) The rejection of falsehood by the mind seeking after truth is one of the chief causes why mind cannot attain to the settled, rounded & perfect truth; not to escape falsehood is the effort of divine mind, but to seize the truth which lies masked behind even the most grotesque or far-wandering error. 535) The whole truth about any object is a rounded & all-embracing globe which for ever circles ...
... that is characteristic of him belongs to the wonderful play of mind taking up physicality and life and developing and enriching its gains till it can exceed itself and become a spiritual mind, the divine Mind in man. He turns first his view on the outward physical world and on his own life of outward action and concentrates on that or throws into its mould his life-suggestions, his thought, his religious ...
... but awake, scient, potent, extended and wide; it is there waiting for manifestation and to this Force we have to open ourselves - to the power of the Mother. In the mind it manifests itself as a divine mind-force or a universal mind-force and it can do everything that the personal mind cannot do; it is then the Yogic mind-force. When it manifests and acts in the vital or the physical in the same way ...
... and partial in knowledge, he seeks after the whole light and the utter vision. To possess these is to become the superman; for [it] is to rise out of mind into the supermind. Call it the divine mind or Knowledge or the supermind; it is the power and light of the divine will and the divine consciousness. By the supermind the Spirit saw and created himself in the worlds, by that he lives in ...
... he seeks after the whole light and the utter vision. Page 50 To possess these is to become the superman; for he is to rise out of mind into the Supermind. Call it the divine mind or knowledge or the Supermind; it is the power and light of the divine will and the divine consciousness. By the Supermind the Spirit saw and created himself in the worlds, by that he lives in them ...
... flower in earth's mentality, we understand that it is a power of Truth that is also a power of Beauty. Coming as such, it enters the time-movement with the warmth and intimacy of a beloved guest. The Divine Mind is Wisdom, an intuitive illumination measuring out and connecting rightly, happily, harmoniously according to the essence of each detail and the essence of the ensemble without which the details ...
... climb Indra like a ladder, Along with the ascent all that remains to be done becomes clear. It is an extraordinary passage, expressing perfectly the experience. Do you see that? Indra is the Divine Mind and, as one ascends higher and higher, whatever has still to be done grows visible and distinct. One who has had that experience can testify how perfectly true it is and that it must have been written ...
... all hope of transforming this earth-life. But, after all, what is a law if not "the habits of the world"? 26 And, while considering "the possible relation between the divine life and the divine mind of the perfected human soul and the very gross and seemingly undivine body or formula of physical being in which we actually dwell," 27 we should never forget that "that formula is the result of ...
... and the soul is just the centre and guide of a world which is not ultimately a contradiction of its divine spark but a veiled perfection which it has to clear of encumbrances and help to unveil. A divine Mind, a divine Life-Force, even a divine Matter have to be realised and established. Then alone the aim of evolution will be fulfilled. The complete and integral divinsation of our whole being is the ...
... and absolute Consciousness, an infinite and absolute Force and Will, an infinite and absolute Delight of being) is the supreme Reality secret behind all appearances of the universe. Its Supermind (divine Mind or Gnosis) is the real creative agent and has arranged the cosmic order not directly as such but indirectly through the three subordinate and limiting terms of Mind, Life and Matter. The material ...
... this nibbling enemy is tracked and brought to light. The Veda gives a similar image. The panis, the dark Asuras seize even the sun and store it away in their secret caverns. Indra, the lord of the Divine Mind, has to come and with his fulgurating thunderbolt pierce the hills – the earth-built consciousnes and rescue and release the Light. Even so, here the poet says, the mouse, the ignorant consciousness ...
... the root means mind, thinking, intelligence; here I take it to mean mindedness, that is true mind, right consciousness. When you bathe in. its waters you wash away your old mind; a fresh luminous divine mind gives you a clear and complete vision of the Truth. However as Dante was walking along the bank he heard a beautiful music, heavenly sweet, coming floating as it were from the other shore. He ...
... delight and beauty. Both Veda and Upanishads have discovered the inalienable delight of existence, celebrated as the elixir of immortality, the wine of soma, the drink which Indra, god of the divine mind, needs in order to nourish himself with strength and for emission of his shafts of lightning, flashes of illuminations. Ashwins, the physicians of the gods, are the special repositories of Soma ...
... , which are related to Sama Veda; and Prashna and Mundaka, which are related to Atharva Veda. 12. We may also refer to the passage of the Taittiriya in which Indra appears as a power of the divine mind. The passage of the Prashna Upanishad may also be referred to where the power and the significance of the mystic syllable AUM are described. As an example of greater clarity of statements, which ...
... spiritual delight and to immortal power of life will found themselves in a calm, pill and firmly rooted basis of the entire being. And this immortal delight will lead the spiritual practicant to the Divine Mind, to the pure Intelligence, to the realm of Indra. An ordinary man is unable to have a glimpse of the higher mind, the pure Intelligence because he is confined to the narrow limits of the lower material ...
... (11) May the hills, the snowy ranges, the forests bring happiness to thee, O Earth. Brown or black or red, in all forms upon this wide secure Earth that is protected by Indra (the Divine Mind), I stand firm and conquer, unslain, unhurt. O Earth, that which is thy middle, that which is thy navel, and those lofty formations of thine, establish them in us. Flow towards us, O Mother ...
... ladder" Along with the ascent "much that remains to be done becomes clear" (Rig Veda I.10. (1.2) It is an extraordinary passage expressing perfectly a spiritual experience. Indra is the Divine Mind and as one ascends higher and higher in it or on it, all that has to be done becomes clearly visible. One who has that experience can at once see how perfectly true it is and that it must have been ...
... directly approach the Divine and have its own fulfilment. Its two great impulses are possession and delight or enjoyment: power and enjoyment; well, it will have them fully only when it reaches the Divine. Mind will always curb the vital, mind will always try to control the vital and the vital will always submit only temporarily, provisionally to the mind, but it will ultimately break away because it finds ...
... mind has no place at all in the spiritual life; but it does mean that it cannot be even the main instrument much less the authority to whose judgment all must submit themselves including the Divine. Mind must learn from the greater consciousness it is approaching and not impose its own standards on it . ... The popular notion that you can judge what is beyond the ordinary consciousness when ...
... the Lord of Tapasya, the concentrated energy of spiritual endeavour that helps us to rise from the mortal to the immortal planes; Dyumatsena, Lord of the Shining Hosts, father of Satyavan, is the Divine Mind here fallen blind, losing its celestial kingdom of glory. Still this is not a mere allegory, the characters are not personified qualities, but incarnations or emanations of living and conscious Forces ...
... there are involved the presence and possibilities of the Divine. The created world is not a mistake or a vanity and illusion to be cast aside by the soul returning to heaven or Nirvana, but the scene of a spiritual evolution by which out of this material Incbnscience is to be manifested progressively the Divine Consciousness in things. Mind is the highest term yet reached in the evolution, but it... and self-determining light and power of a Divine Knowledge. Mind is in ignorance seeking after Truth, but this is a self-existent Knowledge harmoniously manifesting the play of its forms and forces. It is only by the descent of Supermind that the perfection dreamed of by all that is highest in humanity can come. It is possible by opening to a greater Divine Consciousness to rise to this power of light... constant union with the Divine and bring down the supramental Force for the transformation of mind and life and body. To realise this possibility has been the dynamic aim of Sri Aurobindo's Yoga. Page 9 Extracts from Sri Aurobindo's Message You must keep the temple clean if you wish to instal there the living Presence. *** The Divine has to put on humanity ...
... The Mind Mind: Only an Instrument Mind: its true worth depends on its surrender to the Divine. Purified mind: mind ready to surrender to the Divine. Mental surrender: this happens when the mind has understood that it is only an instrument. Conversion of the mind: the mind has liberated itself from its arrogance and knows it is only an instrument. Clear mind: the... that alone. When the mind turns towards the Divine, it becomes a powerful instrument. Work of the enlightened mind: it is very powerful for leading the being to the Divine and can be very useful for progress. Higher mind: its superiority consists in its capacity to open to the divine light. Voice of the higher mind: in quest of Truth. The mind attains its full utility... sincerity: with its birth the mind will understand that it is only a means and not an end in itself. The mind must learn to express only what is dictated by the Divine. Power of mental expression has no value unless it is in the service of the Divine. Page 339 Reason: an excellent instrument when at the Divine's service. Physical mind becomes a good instrument of ...
... there are involved the presence and possibilities of the Divine. The created world is not a mistake or a vanity and illusion to be cast aside by the soul returning to heaven or Nirvana, but the scene of a spiritual evolution by which out of this material Inconscience is to be manifested progressively the Divine Consciousness in things. Mind is the highest term yet reached in the evolution, but it is... and self-determining light and power of a Divine Knowledge. Mind is an ignorance seeking after Truth, but this is a self-existent Knowledge harmoniously manifesting the play of its forms and forces. It is only by the descent of this supermind that the perfection dreamed of by all that is highest in humanity can come. It is possible by opening to a greater divine consciousness to rise to this power of... of light and bliss, discover one's true self, remain in constant union with the Divine and bring down the supramental Force for the transformation of mind and life and body. To realise this possibility has been the dynamic aim of Sri Aurobindo's Yoga. Page 10 × MS 1885. See Table 1, page 565 .—Ed. ...
... universal vital and physical is one form of the expressive substance of the Divine, but behind is another and a spiritual substance which is the true essence. If you want an image, it would be nearer the truth to say that this spiritual substance is the very stuff and body of the Divine and mind, life and matter are lesser sheaths, coverings or outer folds. To describe the "essence" as "l'i... the Divine. 3 I presume that by your "essence" you mean the self or spiritual substance of things. But why do you call it immaterial Matter? Life and mind could as well be described in that language—they can be felt or seen as immaterial substances. Again what is this "own being" of yours to which you are united by your heart-centre and which unites you to the universal Mind? Is it... no more special connection with the universal Mental than with universal life or Matter. If the "essence" is the spiritual substance in which the Divine manifests and which is the true substance of all things, the one substance of which mind, life and body are lesser degrees, then no doubt that when it pours down as true being, as consciousness, as Ananda enables not only to face the universal ...
... broke forth and from the heart Mind and of Mind the moon was bom. The navel broke forth and from the navel apāna and of apāna Death was bom. The organ of pleasure broke forth and from the organ seed and of seed the waters were bom. 20 Here the process of Divine creation is outlined in terms of the primary emergence of the organs of experience of the Divine Person (Purusha) through... unconscious Powers; Here is man's ignorant divining mind, His genius bom from an inconscient soil. To copy on earth's copies is his art. For when he strives for things surpassing earth, Too rude the workman's tools, too crude his stuff, And hardly with his heart's blood he achieves His transient house of the divine Idea, His figure of a Time-inn for the Unborn... attempt to objectify the realm of Divine Ideas, of God or pure infinite Spirit, was an incongruity beyond the reach of finite mind and that what resulted from the effort was the subjection of the Reason to a concept, and not a thing-in-itself According to Kant, neither sensible objects nor unconditioned realities such as God, were knowable in themselves to the human mind, since human experience was ...
... sed in the divine gnostic consciousness. It is only with the latter that there can begin the complete transformation of mind, life and body — in my sense of completeness. (Sri Aurobindo, On Himself, p. 118) In our attempt to chalk out the steps following which an embodied being here upon earth may hope to transfigure his waking existence so much so that a divinely dynamic life... the higher planes (from the Higher Mind to the Overmind) is thus the third necessary motion following the other two of ascension and permanent stationing above. In this process of percolation, downpour or influx, occur "an increasing inflow from above, an experience of reception and retention of the descending spirit or its powers 1 The Life Divine, p. 737. 2 Sri Aurobindo... our outer being and nature will still go on in their old unregenerate way, bringing in periods of dull obscurations and unwanted reactions due to the play of the gu ṇ as. "The power of divinely illumined mind may be immense compared with ordinary powers, but it will still be subject to incapacity and there can be no perfect correspondence between the force of the effective will and the light of ...
... forceful ascent of the lower being into the nature of the higher, mind can recover its divine light in the all-comprehending supermind, the soul realise its divine self in the all-possessing all-blissful Ananda, life repossess its divine power in the play of omnipotent Conscious-Force and Matter open to its divine liberty as a form of the divine Existence. And if there be any goal to the evolution which finds... being; we ascend from Matter through a developing life, soul and mind and the illuminating medium of supermind towards the divine being. The knot of the two, the Page 278 higher and the lower hemisphere, 2 is where mind and supermind meet with a veil between them. The rending of the veil is the condition of the divine life in humanity; for by that rending, by the illumining descent of... principles instead of seven, and then we perceive that our existence is a sort of refraction of the divine existence, in inverted order of ascent and descent, thus ranged,— Existence Matter Consciousness-Force Life Bliss Psyche Supermind Mind The Divine descends from pure existence through the play of Consciousness-Force and Bliss and the creative medium ...
... the percolation into it of nobler, more beautiful and profounder ideas of the Divine which minds of a greater spirituality have been able to bring into the more primitive religious concepts of mankind. The result is usually crude enough and a ready target for the shafts of scepticism and unbelief,—powers of the human mind which have their utility even for faith and religion, since they compel a religion... All life, we have said, is a Yoga of Nature; here in this material world life is her reaching out from her first inconscience towards a return to union with the conscient Divine from whom she proceeded. In religion the mind of man, her accomplished instrument, becomes aware of her goal in him, responds to her aspiration. Even popular religion is a sort of ignorant Yoga of devotion. But it does not... human being. In both the human being approaches the Divine by means of his humanity, with human emotions, as he would approach a fellow-being, but with more intense and exalted feelings; and not only so, but the Divine also responds in a manner answering to these emotions. In that possibility of response lies the whole question; for if the Divine is impersonal, featureless and relationless, no such ...
... 1 The Life Divine, p. 853. 2 Cf. "The Divine descends from pure existence through the play of Consciousness-Force and Bliss and the creative medium of Supermind into cosmic being; we ascend from Matter through a developing life, soul and mind and the illuminating medium of supermind towards the divine being." (The Life Divine, p. 264) 3 The Life Divine, p. 844. (Italics... The Life Divine, p. 853. 2 Ibid., p. 306. 3 Ibid., p. 593. 4 Ibid., p. 711. 5 ya e ṣ a supte ṣ u j ā garti. (Katha Upanishad, V. 8) Page 294 make it the overt master there even over our outer existence and nature. It follows then that the evolutionary emergence cannot stop short with man or mental consciousness. For Mind is no more... smallest living cells is already one of a complexity which the mind finds difficulty in grasping. How all these separate and complex enzyme-molecules are packed away in a tiny fragment of protoplasm, how they work in harmony with each other, producing that result which we recognise as life, we hardly know." 2 1 The Life Divine pp. 874-75. Cf. The Mother: "I may say with certainty ...
... movement of the Divine Force. 62 There are two possibilities, one of purification by personal effort, which takes a long time, another by a direct intervention of the Divine Grace which is usually rapid in its action. For the latter there must be a complete surrender and self-giving and for that again usually it is necessary to have a mind that can remain quite quiet and allow the Divine Force to... means to cut the knot of the ego in each part of the being and offer it, free and whole, to the Divine. The mind, the vital, the physical consciousness (and even each part of these in all its movements) have one after the other to surrender separately, to give up their own way and to accept the way of the Divine. 64 If there is not a complete surrender, then it is not possible to adopt the baby-cat... concentration of the mind, the perseverance and determination of the applied energy are the measure of that intensity. The ideal sadhaka should be able to say in the Biblical phrase, "My zeal for the Lord has eaten me up." It is this zeal for the Lord, utsāha, the zeal of the whole nature for its divine results, vyākulatā, the heart's eagerness for the attainment of the Divine—that devours the ego ...
... greater, the divine perfection. Mind, life and body are the three powers of our lower Page 646 nature. But they cannot be taken quite separately because the life acts as a link and gives its character to body and to a great extent to our mentality. Our body is a living body; the life-force mingles in and determines all its functionings. Our mind too is largely a mind of life, a mind of physical... for a music of discords. The being itself, the spirit, the divine Reality in man stands in no need of purification; it is for ever pure, not affected by the faults of its instrumentation or the stumblings of mind and heart and body in their work, as the sun, says the Upanishad, is not touched or stained by the faults of the eye of vision. Mind, heart, the soul of vital desire, the life in the body are... more powerful action founded on perfect bliss of the being, the purity of the soul's instrumental as well as the spirit's essential nature. Mind, heart, life, body are to do the works of the Divine, all the works which they do now and yet more, but to do them divinely, as now they do not do them. This is the first appearance of the problem before him on which the seeker of perfection has to lay hold, that ...
... all the aspiration of mind and life towards the divinity behind them. But the vijñāna or gnosis is not only truth but truth power, it is the very working of the infinite and divine nature; it is the divine knowledge one with the divine will in the force and delight of a spontaneous and luminous and inevitable self-fulfilment. By the gnosis, then, we change our human into a divine nature. What then... which enters into the divine perfection, sādharmya, sādṛśya ; for all the rest only look up to it or catch some rays of its significance. The highest heights of mind or of overmind come still within the belt of a mitigated ignorance; they can refract a divine Light but not pass it on in undiminished power to our lower members. For so long as we are within the triple stratum of mind, life and body, our... pursued by a limitation, still condemned to a divisibility which would prevent it from working integrally in the power of the infinite. The power of a divinely illumined mind may be immense compared with ordinary powers, but it will still be subject to incapacity and there can be no perfect correspondence between the force of the effective will and the light of the idea which inspires it. The infinite ...
... believe, the fact that you love Page 130 me is enough. This is what divine love is. A true love. If we can love the Divine in this way well, forgetting our ego, that itself is a big achievement. Mother also said in one context, "I show my Divine form only to those who love me" - Divine form, mind you. Sri Krishna said to Arjuna after the world vision: "I've shown these forms... an oppressive force to the outward mind, cease before the equality of the divine Light and the wide omnipotence of an impartial Power. So let us remember: "This is my word of promise that he who loves me shall not perish." We don't need to be great scholars. He clearly says here that, even without the preparation, all who take refuge in the divine Lover will be saved. You know the famous... was bleeding from his forehead, and even then he said: "Merecho kolsbi kana. Ta boleki prem dobona?" (Because they have hurt me, shouldn't I love them?) This is the Divine Friend, Divine Love. Then another anecdote comes to my mind, apropos of the relation between Sri Ramakrishna and his famous disciple with the independent spirit - Vivekananda, before he was converted. You know, I suppose, that ...
... amanastā, where the mind loses all its faculties, yadā na manute manaḥ and becomes non-mind so to say, unmanībhūyāt. What is then the solution for us who aspire after the freedom of divine action as well as the liberation of divine rest ? If mind-consciousness inclusive of its highest spiritual reaches proves its inadequacy as an instrument and medium for the divine possession of our waking... the trouble is that in this operation "the mind does not entirely possess the divine or become divine, but is possessed by it or by a luminous reflection of it so long as it remains in...pure passivity." 1 The moment it becomes active, mind becomes turbid again and the reflection of the divine is lost. Hence it is often declared that an absolute quietism and the cessation of all outer... 3 The Life Divine, pp. 162-63. Page 116 Thus we find Sri Ramakrishna declaring: "The Knowledge of Brahman cannot be attained except through the annulment of Mind. A Guru told his disciple, 'Give me your mind and I shall give you knowledge.' " 1 The Rajarshi Janaka of old declared, "Now I have awakened and discovered the thief that is Mind; I must kill it, ...
... live for the Divine and not for the ego. Self-surrender is to give up yourself and all that is yours, mind and everything else to the Divine, so that the Divine Force may take everything and change it. Surrender means to consecrate everything in oneself to the Divine, to offer all one is and has, not to insist on one's ideas, desires, habits etc., but to allow the divine Truth to replace... seeking the Divine?", no anger, revolt, abhiman, wish to go away—such as you describe Page 74 here—but an absolute confidence and a persistence in clinging to the Divine under all conditions. That is what I wanted you to have; it is the only basis in which one is free from troubles and reactions and goes steadily forward. Not to impose one's mind and vital will on the Divine but to receive... being, the consciousness opening to the Divine, not only opening the psychic and bringing it forward, but opening the mind, the vital and the physical, receiving the Light, perceiving what is to be done, feeling and Page 82 seeing it done by the Divine Force itself and helping constantly by its own vigilant and conscious assent to and call for the Divine working. Usually there cannot but ...
... from certain later portions, the Divine Comedy is not even directly religious poetry: only its setting is in terms of religion. T. S. Eliot also is in part an effective poet of religious feeling and idea: the tension , confusion and resolution in Ash- Wednesday are not spiritual in the true sense and they are more misty than mystic. Not that a state of mind is not infused into us by them but... sweeps, they pass And leave their mark on the trampled breast of Life. Nor is there any pompous vacuity in his brief suggestive conjuration of the human deepening into the divine: Our minds hush to a bright Omniscient, or in that phrase about the divinised consciousness's vivid play of self-disclosure within its own universal oneness: Idea rotated symphonies of... realities took on a shape: There looked out from the shadow of the Unknown The bodiless Namelessness that saw God born And tries to gain from the mortal's mind and soul A deathless body and a divine name. The immobile lips, the great surreal wings, The visage marked by Superconscient sleep. The eyes with their closed lids that see all things, Appeared ...
... climbs back to the plenary splendour of the Divine consciousness. Mind evolved out of Life because Mind was involved in Life, and Life evolved out of Matter because it was involved in Matter. Evolution is not mechanical; it has a goal and it is upward bound. The higher level of consciousness is always the emergent principle, and it is the Divine who is both the alpha and the omega of evolution... transforming hands, Of life that slumbers in the stone and sun And mind subliminal in mindless life, And the consciousness that wakes in beasts and men. He sang of the glory and marvel still to be born, Of the Godhead throwing off at last its veil, Of bodies made divine and life made bliss, Immortal sweetness clasping immortal might, Heart... transform the lower nature so that there can be a divine fulfilment of life. The objective here is not an individual achievement of divine realisation for the sake of the individual, but something to be gained for the earth consciousness as a whole. No Plato and no Marx ever thought of such a Republic based on a communism of the spirit. The Divine Materialism and Spiritual Communism advocated by ...
... concentration on the Eternal will be consummated by the mind when we see constantly the Divine in itself and the Divine in ourselves, but also the Divine in all things and beings and happenings. It will be consummated by the heart when all emotion is summed up in the love of the Divine,—of the Divine in itself and for itself, but love too of the Divine in all its beings and powers and personalities and... constitute a divine humanity or a superhuman nature. The first necessity is to dissolve that central faith and vision in the mind which concentrate it on its development and satisfaction and interests in the old externalised order of things. It is imperative to exchange this surface orientation for the deeper faith and vision which see only the Divine and seek only after the Divine. The next need... only when the desire-soul in us has submitted to the Divine Law,—the perfection of mind and life and body can be effectively fulfilled in our transmuted nature. This will be done, not for the personal satisfaction of the ego, but that the whole may constitute a fit Page 84 temple for the Divine Presence, a faultless instrument for the divine work. For that work can be truly performed only when ...
... past and the future through a vision of the powers and significances that belong to supraphysical planes but are powerful for creation in the material universe. It can feel the intention of the Divine, the mind of the gods, all things and their signs and indices that descend upon the soul and determine the complex movement of forces. It can feel too the movement of forces that represent or respond to... highest mind of knowledge,—really the supramental action itself in a more and more transformed stuff of mind and a less and less insistent subjection to mental conditions. There is thus formed a lesser supramental action, a mind of knowledge tending always to change into the true supermind of knowledge. The mind of ignorance is more and more definitely excluded, its place taken by the mind of self... human being and gained by an inner enlightening and transformation of the mind of ignorance; it is that in which the mind seeks for its source of knowledge rather within than without and becomes to its own feeling and self-experience, by whatever means, a mind, not of original ignorance, but of self-forgetful knowledge. This mind is conscious that the knowledge of all things is hidden within it or at ...
... are part of a yet unreached divine Nature. But the mental idea of these things is not that light and the moral formulation of them is not that power. These are only representative constructions of the mind that cannot embody the divine spirit which they vainly endeavour to imprison in their categorical formulas. Beyond the mental and moral being in us is a greater divine being that is spiritual and... for it is only through a large spiritual plane where the mind's formulas dissolve in a white flame of direct inner experience that we can reach beyond mind and pass from its constructions to the vastness and freedom of the supramental realities. There alone can we touch the harmony of the divine powers that are poorly mispresented to our mind or framed into a false figure by the conflicting or wavering... back only an imperfect and falsified similitude of the divine Spirit. All our opinions, standards, formations, principles are only attempts to represent in this broken, reflecting and distorting mirror something of the universal and progressive total action and its many-sided movement towards some ultimate self-revelation of the Divine. Our mind represents it as best it can with a narrow approximation ...
... could not yet receive from You the complete realisation of the Divine within myself. Yes, I know it, nor I am surprised. Your mind is strong and well organized; it is so to say "the chief of the house". It is very active and has the habit of directing everything. And for having the realisation of the Inner Divine, the mind must fall quiet and hold itself tranquil—at least for a time.... You have often granted me, O Divine Mother, what I wanted. Now I pray to You to grant only what you want, what You want. Total and constant contact with the Divine Consciousness. It is towards this that I am working for you. 12.11.1969 Is it the obstinacy of my mind that gave me the fever? The obstinacy of the mind is undoubtedly at the origin, but the immediate... 1969 When Your Presence becomes concrete, O Divine Mother, the existence becomes quite different! This must become a constant fact because the presence is constant. 5.2.1969 Doesn't irritation come from the ego, even when it is justified by the mind? Page 72 Most certainly. In fact the justification of the mind is exceedingly far from a guarantee of truth. ...
... the ordinary Mind, he replies:—"it is an automatic and spontaneous knowledge from a Higher Mind that seems to be in possession of Truth and not (as the ordinary Mind is), in search of hidden and withheld realities".— Life Divine. Besides, "it has a cosmic character, not the stamp of an individual thinking".— Life Divine. He makes it further clear: "If we accept the Vedic image of the... Higher Mind is "totality of truth-seeing at a single view".— Life Divine. As an example of poetry that proceeds from the Higher Mind may be cited the following:— Page 259 "Solitary thinkings such as dodge Conception to the very bourne of heaven, Then leave the naked brain" Keats II. ILLUMINED MIND "Beyond this Truth-Thought (i.e. Higher Mind) we... the Illumined Mind to an outpouring of massive lightnings of flaming Sun-Stuff"— Life Divine. The "Illumined-Mind does not work primarily by thought, but by vision; thought is only a subordinate movement expressive of sight" — Life Divine. "The perceptual power of the inner sight is greater and more direct than the perceptional power of thought". — Life Divine. Page 260 ...
... the heart can ask for or the passion of the mind can imagine. Next, the practice of this Yoga demands a constant inward remembrance of the one central liberating knowledge, and a constant active externalising of it in works comes in too to intensify the remembrance. In all is the one Self, the one Divine is all; all are in the Divine, all are the Divine and there is nothing else in the universe,—this... the soul's contact with the Divine; but they rise towards superhuman levels and compel him towards a divine nature. It is an integral knowledge that is being sought, an integral force, a total amplitude of union with the All and Infinite behind existence. For the seeker of the integral Yoga no single experience, no one Divine Aspect,—however overwhelming to the human mind, sufficient for its capacity... the experience of the Divine Oneness carried to its extreme is more deeply embraced and amply fathomed by following out to the full the experience of the Divine Multiplicity. All that is true behind polytheism as well as behind monotheism falls within the scope of his seeking; but he passes beyond their superficial sense to human mind to grasp their mystic truth in the Divine. He sees what is aimed ...
... gases, no life had been born, ergo life could not be born—when only life was there, mind was not born, so mind could not be born. Since mind is there but nothing beyond, as there is no supermind manifested in anybody, so supermind can never be born. Sobhanallah! Glory, glory, glory to the human reason!! Luckily the Divine or the Cosmic Spirit or Nature or whoever is there cares a damn for the human reason... one or two facts, in a perfectly serious spirit. (1) It has always been supposed by spiritual people that divine perfection, similitude to the Divine, sādṛśya, sādharmya , is part of the Mukti. Christ said "Be ye perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect"—the very Divine himself, mind you, not a mere Avatar or luminous projection from him. His followers strive to be Christlike. Thomas à Kempis... attribute to you the ordinary humanity. Of course. Whatever does not say ditto to the human mind cannot be divine. That is the usual maxim of judgment. "The Divine must do what I want and think as I think, judge as I judge and support my ideas, interests or feelings against others, otherwise how can he be Divine? For whatever I think, feel or want must be the TRUTH." At least that seems to be the attitude ...
... Truth-force of the divine Light, and by analogy "Satyavan" would mean that Light's Truth-being. So the carrying away of Satyavan by Yama the God of Death and the combat of Savitri's heart and mind with that inscrutable darkness were felt by Sri Aurobindo to be hinting vaguely the effort celebrated in the Vedic hymns to reclaim by means of Yoga what they call the lost Sun, the divine Light that has got... the splendour of the eternal Spirit: it is the authentic soul or divine spark as distinguished from the élan vital and the mind-force, behind and between which it is hidden and upon Page 28 which it sheds its mystical influence. In Yoga the psyche is found at the back of that juncture of the élan vital and the mind-force - the emotional being whose physical effects we feel in the... passage and impairing the vitality of the broad scheme. Page 7 8On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri It was the hour before the Gods awake. Across the path of the divine Event The huge foreboding mind of Night, alone In her unlit temple of eternity, Lay stretched immobile upon Silence' marge.... The impassive skies were neutral, empty, still. The power and ...
... one or two facts in a perfectly serious spirit. (1) It has always been supposed by spiritual people that divine perfection, similitude to the Divine, sadrishya, sadharmya is part of the Mukti. Christ said "Be ye perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect"—the very Divine himself, mind you, not a mere Avatar or luminous projection from him. His followers strive to be Christ-like. Thomas a Kempis... like a story, pray tell us how you could free your mind from all thoughts in 7 days or be established in Brahmic consciousness in a few days. 3 if you please. You are terribly inaccurate in your statements. It was simply through the Divine Grace, because it had been done by thousands before me throughout the centuries and millenniums, and the Divine did not want me to waste time over that other things... example. Transform your nature from the animal to the spiritual, grow into a higher divine consciousness. All this you can do by your own aspiration aided by the force of the Divine Shakti." That, if you please, is not the utterance of a madman or an imbecile. I have said, "I have opened the Way ; now you with the Divine help can follow it." I have not said "Find the way for yourself as I did." In ...
... rhythm of being, an emotional vibration, a soul-stir that echo the self-experience of a divine plane. That self-experience lives most strongly in the second and fourth lines: a powerful pulsing away of mind and heart into the Divine's depth, a quiet plucking and largening out of them from human nature into the Divine's height. When these lines are made resonant by the voice, the concrete suggestions of... real as those to which we are habituated and considerably divergent from them in spite of a certain correspondence between the two. The mind Lifted by Yoga towards the Eternal does not just shoot up ideas, does not just think of the Divine and imagine what the Divine must be like. It clearly separates from the body, rises as a distinct entity into a new consciousness and a series of supra-physical worlds... meaning is brought out with a considerable degree of reliance on the mind's ordinary method of speech. Its meaning of course, is that Sri Aurobindo is for an integral union with the Divine, a wholeness fulfilling every Page 93 part of him: he will not rest with a sudden dynamic realisation of the Spirit-seized mind ruling the body and driving the life-impulse with a superhuman energy ...
... the true Spiritual Person can still remain and God's will and work and delight in him and the spiritual use of his perfection and fulfilment. Our works will then be divine and done divinely; our mind and life and will, devoted to the Divine, will be used to help fulfil in others and. in the world that which has been first realised in ourselves..." (The Synthesis of Yoga). Page 37 Reading... substantiated: this consummation is "fully possible only when the desire-soul in us has submitted to the Divine Law.... This will be done, not for the personal satisfaction of the ego, but that the whole may constitute a fit temple for the Divine Presence, a faultless instrument for the divine work. For the work can be truly performed only when the instrument, consecrated and perfected, has grown fit... claim to be atheists. We have not yet gone beyond the patriarchal image of the Divinity and are thus unable to recognize the divine work in the acoustic and visual games made possible by electron 7 ics, even though the refining of consciousness which they imply is a mark of a divine process. Where consciousness is expanded in whatever manner it may be, where, regardless of how little, it becomes capable ...
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