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English [579]
Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [2]
Among the Not So Great [3]
Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother [8]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [2]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
Beyond Man [3]
By The Way - Part II [2]
By The Way - Part III [1]
Champaklal Speaks [13]
Champaklal's Treasures [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [1]
Down Memory Lane [3]
Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother [430]
Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Growing up with the Mother [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [2]
I Remember [6]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [5]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [4]
Light and Laughter [4]
Living in The Presence [4]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [2]
Moments Eternal [6]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mrinalini Devi [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [2]
My Savitri work with the Mother [6]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [13]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On The Mother [8]
Our Light and Delight [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Prithwi Singh's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Some Letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [1]
Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Its Role, Responsibility and Future Destiny [2]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Golden Path [2]
The Mother (biography) [4]
The Spirit of Auroville [4]
The Story of a Soul [13]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [2]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [2]
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English [579]
Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [2]
Among the Not So Great [3]
Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother [8]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [2]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
Beyond Man [3]
By The Way - Part II [2]
By The Way - Part III [1]
Champaklal Speaks [13]
Champaklal's Treasures [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [1]
Down Memory Lane [3]
Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother [430]
Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Growing up with the Mother [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [2]
I Remember [6]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [5]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [4]
Light and Laughter [4]
Living in The Presence [4]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [2]
Moments Eternal [6]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mrinalini Devi [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [2]
My Savitri work with the Mother [6]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [13]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On The Mother [8]
Our Light and Delight [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Prithwi Singh's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Some Letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [1]
Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Its Role, Responsibility and Future Destiny [2]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Golden Path [2]
The Mother (biography) [4]
The Spirit of Auroville [4]
The Story of a Soul [13]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [2]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [2]
579 result/s found for Dyuman

... the table. Just then Dyuman-bhai entered for some work with Mother. I told Mother that I wanted to take a photo of Dyuman-bhai with her. She agreed. First Mother would give something to Dyuman-bhai and I would take that photo and then Dyuman-bhai would Page 234 give something to her and I would take that photo as well. Mother agreed. At that moment Dyuman-bhai did not have anything... anything with him. So he rushed downstairs and came back with some 100-rupee notes. As Dyuman-bhai was giving those notes to Mother I took a picture. When the shooting was over Mother told Dyuman-bhai: "Mind you, I'm not giving you these notes back!" Dyuman-bhai answered with a laugh: "No, Mother, you needn't return that to me. It's yours." And we all had a good laugh together. (49) ... (58) L ike Hanuman was to Ramchandra, Dyuman-bhai was to Mother. I always remembered Hanuman whenever I saw Dyuman-bhai. He did not know anything besides Mother, Sri Aurobindo and their work. He spent all his time serving them or doing their work. I saw him for almost fifty years and Page 246 he was always the same Dyuman-bhai, one-pointedly following Mother and devoted ...


... Cuddalore for reasons beyond his control. After this Dyuman concentrated on the Gloria Farms. Then, in 1987, he took up the work of agriculture in Orissa on 130 acres of land at Matrugram. One day I felt like offering ten thousand rupees to Dyumanbhai for his work and took the amount to him from Sri Aurobindo Memorial Fund Society. Dyuman was very happy to get it. "I was just in need of this amount... those times, Dyuman had to go to Cuddalore for timber requirements. Once Mother had to go to the State Bank of India at Cuddalore for the encashment of some thousand rupee notes of the Ashram as required by the Ordinance of the Indian Government. That was in the late forties. There was no State Bank of India branch at Pondicherry then and the Cuddalore branch was near the harbour. Dyuman went to Cuddalore... date and time for Mother to be there. "I arranged with the Bank Manager", said Dyuman with a twinkle in his eye, "to receive her with respect and offer her a chair." Some years after the passing of Mother, I suggested to Dyumanbhai to record his memoirs. He declined, saying, "I am here to work, work and work." Dyuman is known for his volatile moods. After he joined Sri Aurobindo Society and became ...

... friend Dyuman to request the Mother on behalf of me to grant me an appointment—an opportunity—for performing the dedication ceremony of my book. With the Grace of the Mother I got the appointment on 24 August '72. Then the Mother had stopped seeing and interviewing people -since April 1972. When I reached the Ashram, I was not sure whether the Mother would grant me an interview. I approached Dyuman and... an encouraging response. Vaso purchased 100 copies, Borsad purchased 97 copies, Sardar University Campus purchased 63 copies. All educational institutions of Anand including D. N. High School where Dyuman, Shivabhai, Arnbu and I studied and to which we are so much grateful for preparing us for spiritual development, purchased 51 copies; Nadiad purchased 36 copies, Petlad 36 copies, Khambhat 30, Sojitra... educationists to whom I approached for the sale of the book and the Ashram ' people and the Divine Mother were astonished when they came to know about it. The Mother Divine was much pleased to hear from Dyuman the story of the dedication pilgrimage and the body that was co-operating in the work so nicely and she had sent her blessings both to the work and the worker. The fourth edition of the book was ...

... the Grace. It is also unwise to ask yourself anxiously what would happen if what you take as another stroke of God-given good luck for you gets withdrawn: namely, my popping off suddenly one day as Dyuman did recently. In the September Mother India (p. 613) Page 74 you must have seen how I inwardly stand vis-a-vis the possibility of my exit from the earth-scene: free from ... vegetarian items are so classed: e.g. onions.   Now to the central topic of your letter: "The Mother whom we see as the Mother of the universe - how could she give permission to the late Bhai Dyuman to prepare chicken soup on the doctor's advice? Was that poor animal not a child of hers?" I may add that in the article Dyumanbhai is quoted as saying that he himself tasted the soup before giving... My English friend has written:   "There are four factors/participants in this situation for the puzzled soul of your correspondent:   (1)The Mother (2)The chicken (3) Dyuman (4) The correspondent himself,   and the law of respect for life as expressed in Vegetarianism.   (1) and (2): The Mother was not ignoring or flouting the law, but had moved through ...


... an instrument of the Divine is voiceful in these words. But who could it be? In those days there were five prominent workers in different ways. There was Chandulal, there was Champaklal, there was Dyuman, there was Doraiswamy and there was the Englishwoman Datta, originally Dorothy Hodgeson. Doraiswamy mostly worked outside the Ashram for the Ashram, and he had to deal with a lawyer's world which is... sentence is phrased in a manner quite consistent with such a habit and it has the lawyer's language — well-knit and logical. So he could be its author. The statement is perhaps too long for Champaklal or Dyuman and is not quite in character with Datta's more direct and less ample movement. It is quite possible for Chandulal in its general bearing, but accurate expression of a complex thought was not precisely... there his happy repose.         Not much longer is the definition that follows: "To do as Mother directs us to do."         This could be any worker speaking. It could be Champaklal or Dyuman, the ever-ready obedient servants of the Mother, full of the zest of putting her Will into action. But perhaps there is here a certain leaning towards outer guidance, a waiting for the spoken command ...


... finished eating the Mother would herself wash my plate. That's why Dyuman asked Her one day : 'Mother doesn't this cause you some inconvenience?'" The Mother replied: 'No, it doesn't cause me any inconvenience.' Then Dyuman-bhai said: 'If you have no objection then let me wash Pranab's plate.' So the Mother agreed to Dyuman-bhai's request and he started cleaning my plate. Someone... Someone asked: 'But didn't you feel uncomfortable that the Mother would clean your plate?' Dada said: "I didn't even know that She was doing all this. It is from Dyuman-bhai much later that I got to know about; You would like to know about the Mother's likes and dislikes in food? The Mother didn't like the smell of mango, guava and jack-fruit. Especially the smell of jack-fruit She just could ...

... which the Mother engaged the sadhaks in those distant evenings of 1931 for a continuous period of almost six weeks. A number of passages were spotted out by sadhaks like Nolini, Amrita, Pavitra, Dyuman, Chinmayi, Rajangam, Sethna, Purushottam, Datta and by the Mother herself. Every time, whatever the volume Page 325 opened, a seminal passage was located - a passage that was like... the time of its contact with the Divine up to the union with the Divine. (Dara) Not to hinder Mother in making the best possible of us. (Duraiswami) To be in complete union with You. (Dyuman) To live only for Mother as if nobody and nothing else existed. (Lalita) Divinising life. (Nolini) To return home. (Pavitra) 20 Seven out of the fourteen definitions pointedly... the Mother, and even in the others there is the clear sense or feeling for the Divine. According to Amal, the "five prominent workers" of the Mother at the time - though in different ways - were Dyuman, Chandulal, Champaklal, Duraiswarni and Datta, and it is obvious from the definitions of the first four that, for them, the Yoga meant only service of the Mother, being a plastic instrument in her ...


... the western wall. At times Sri Aurobindo and the Mother would go on working till early in the morning. And whenever Mother wanted to speak to Dyuman while he was sweeping, she would open the door just a little, peep out and speak to him. Mother told Dyuman that today Sri Aurobindo had answered 72 letters—a most remarkable thing! She also told him: “Today is Wednesday, there is special cooking... Madhav's office) to inmates collected in the courtyard below. That terrace used to be swept by Pujalal. And it was Dyuman's work to sweep the terrace outside Mother's salon—the one above his own room. Dyuman and Pujalal would go up by a ladder from the southern side of Madhav's office. The door from the salon to Dyuman's terrace was normally kept closed because just beside it Sri Aurobindo would sometimes ...


... from deeper feelings — so I mention them. Bula-da was not only in-charge of “Bula-da’s”. He was, as importantly, one of the three-member “Commando Force” within the Ashram (Dyuman-bhai and Haradhan-da being the other two). Dyuman-bhai and Bula-da had no day or night duties. They were on 24 hours alert. To us now those early days seem like some “Frontier days”, with hardly any amenities and back-up systems... out of every pore. Then as sudden as the Mahakali appearance, the “Mother” aspect returned and the raised hand was lowered gently. Bula-da was shaken and pleaded “Ma — I will never do it again.” Dyuman-bhai and Bula-da were doing some heavy work in the store. They were quite tired. A strange but very logical thought crossed Bula-da’s mind, “Mother resides in all of us. So if I am tired, She too should... the Vindhya mountains waiting for Agastyamuni’s return from the South.) Bula-da took the hint. It was the last time he let such a wish enter him. But a more exacting and satisfying duty Bula-da, Dyuman-bhai and Chinmayee had, and that was being the Mother’s personal “servants”. (Another team of equally dedicated “servants” for Sri Aurobindo was Champaklal-ji, Purani-ji, Nirod-da, Pujalal-ji, Moolshankar ...


... himself] in close contact with her for forty-seven years to believe that she was striving with all her spiritual might to achieve complete transformation of her body.’ 12 Dyuman too expressed the same opinion. Dyuman had come to Pondicherry from Gujarat in 1923; since then, he had been serving Sri Aurobindo and the Mother personally, while at the same time managing the kitchen and the dining-room... of the six official trustees of the Ashram and was generally considered the example of ‘the worker,’ of the model practitioner of the karmayoga as an aspect of the Integral Yoga. In February 1988 Dyuman had a conversation with a group of students of the Ashram school in front of his room, located in the central Ashram building a few steps away from the Samadhi. He talked to the youngsters about... argument against the expectation of the visible supramental transformation of her body.) We remember what she wrote to her son André in the first years of the Ashram about the rights of succession. Dyuman told that the place of the tomb in the courtyard of the central Ashram building had been kept there since 1930. In December 1950 the Mother had a space built for herself in Sri Aurobindo’s Samadhi ...


... asked somebody where I could find Dyuman. The person waiting for us was none other than Dyuman himself, whom I had known through correspondence. He took us to Golconde, a very striking structure made according to the Mother's own idea and plan. There we were received by Mona Pinto, an English lady who had been in charge of the building since its inception. Dyuman left us there, after instructing Maniben... She explained, "It is sweet marjoram ... the Mother has given them the significance, New Birth—birth to the true consciousness, that of the Divine Presence in us." It was truly my new birth! Dyuman introduced me to Chandanben C. Shah from Africa, who had settled in the Ashram with her husband and children. She acquainted me and my husband with several other families who were very kind to us. ...

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... not like. She consulted Champaklal-ji and then sent for Dr. Sanyal and for me. Page 317 I arrived at about five past seven and saw that Dr. Sanyal was already there examining her. Dyuman-bhai also had come. I went and felt Mother's pulse. It was still there, beating at long intervals. There was still some respiration. But slowly everything stopped. The doctor gave an external heart... had left her body. This was at 7:25 p.m. Then, being present and feeling my responsibility, I thought about what I should do. At that time, there were present Andre-da, Champaklal-ji, Dr. Sanyal, Dyuman-bhai, Kumud and myself. I talked with Andre-da and told him that I wanted to wait for some time and then take Mother's body down, place it in the Meditation Hall for people to see. We would keep... hours. So Mother was left as she was and after 11 o'clock, when the gate of the Ashram was closed, we cleaned her body with Eau de Cologne, put a beautiful dress on her, arranged everything and then Dyuman-bhai and I went down and called Nolini-da. Nolini-da came up, saw everything, and asked what we were going to do. I mentioned my plans to him. He said Mother had once told him that if it seemed to ...


... O'er pure waters of Delight, Glimmers Thy name, O, hail!' Page 129 'The day after Dyuman-bhai left his body,' Dada told us, 'I was sitting in my room and playing the clarinet in the morning. As I was playing, all of a sudden I felt clearly the presence of Dyuman-bhai. As if he had come to my room. I began feeling his close, intense presence very clearly. He remained there... Just then someone came to tell me about his leaving the body. He probably felt very bad seeing me playing the clarinet at that time. But he did not know that I was playing the clarinet to Dyuman-bhai. After Dyuman-bhai's departure, after 1992,1 did not go to the Ashram main building anymore, nor to the Mother's Room.' * Dada was 'telling us about those who were no longer amidst ...

... consultation with Champaklal, they sent for Dr. Sanyal and Pranab, and Dyuman came too. It was a little past seven. The Mother's pulse was clearly failing, and although Dr. Sanyal gave an external heart massage, it had no effect. Finally, at 7.25 p.m., he sadly announced that the Mother had left her body. 17 Pranab, Champaklal, Dyuman, Andre, Kumud, Dr. Sanyal held a quick consultation, and as the Mother... from you. 9 III "Probably at the end of March," writes Nirodbaran, "the Mother fell ill and all our meetings stopped. When she had recovered, some interviews were gradually resumed." 10 Dyuman, who used to serve her meals, and Nolini, Madhav Pandit, Counouma, Madanlal Himatsingka, Navajata, Page 816 Shyam Sunder, Udar, went up to the Mother, not for long discussions but "just... That was still true, never more true! IV For almost six months, the Mother's outer or physical condition remained unchanged. Discussing the situation in a private letter to S.N. Jauhar, Dyuman wrote in July 1973: Page 817 Doctors would say and do say: - Age does its work. She is running ninety-six. But equally true and more than true: - She is fully conscious. She is absolutely ...


... instance, Dyuman told me many years later that at first the Mother had thought of giving me work in her own kitchen and letting me cook her own food. So she asked him whether I knew how to cook. He replied that from my face he had some doubt of my ever having handled the job. When he told me this I was much amused and laughed merrily. The Mother must have evoked this reply from Dyuman and cleared... I heard, indeed, that Golconde is a rather noisy place, and that is why I had thought of removing you to another house. But I have not seen myself this new house of which I was thinking, and I sent Dyuman to see it. He tells me that he does not think it is a suitable house for you. Therefore I am trying to lessen the noise in Golconde, and you can, perhaps, remain there for some time more, until I can ...

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... while Tehmi-ben worked quietly sitting on the threshold of the Bulletin office, next to Dyuman-bhai's room. At half past noon, she too went away. Around this time, the Ashram became almost empty. Sometimes I was the only one sitting there.     The day after my birthday, a Sunday, I was sitting in front of Dyuman-bhai's room. That day Tehmi-ben was not there in front of the Bulletin office. An elderly... in the Publication department every day from 1.30 to 4. Except for Sundays, there were no other holidays. On Sundays, after lunch at the Dining-room, I would go to the Ashram and sit quietly beside Dyuman-bhai's room. It was marvellous to sit in the Ashram at that time of the day. The place was almost empty and the Samadhi, with hardly anyone around, Page 42 looked even more beautiful ...


... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 4 June 1933 Mother, Dyuman is somewhat upset because Jivan issued milk to Dande without consulting him. Nolini asked me yesterday to inform Dyuman about Dande’s going to the Dining Room to receive hot milk, but I failed to inform him of it. But Mother, did you tell Nolini that Dande ...

... When did you become officially connected to the Ashram and begin your classes in the school? After I had been in the Ashram for two months an interview was arranged for me by my father’s friend, Dyuman. My father had written to him that I had been in the Ashram for all this time and had not written home. It was to be my initial personal interview. I sat on the ground and the Mother sat on a low chair... it because Mother said to do it! I sat on the parapet near the samadhi with this ages-old edition (probably the one he used from the early 1900s) and religiously read page after page of the book. (Dyuman had finally written to my father that I was staying in the Ashram.) This study went on for a few months and after some time Nirodbaran gave it up. Dr. Sen joined the Ashram and opened a clinic to treat ...


... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 28 March 1930 Dyuman, I quite appreciate the spirit in which you have made your proposals. But there is one thing you have not quite grasped. And this you must get clear and keep in mind. The organisation of the Ashram is certainly not a fixed mental construction. It has been left ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 1930 Dyuman, The more you treat R like an invalid, the more he will become an invalid. He must not take all his fancies for needs and I do not see why he should not be submitted to the same discipline as the others. He can get his meals earlier if he requires but he must not enter ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 1930 Dyuman, Don't starve yourself. You are working hard and need food. By not eating enough you would lose your strength and the work would suffer. 1930 ...

... Aurobindo to be his mouthpiece. His contribution to the knowledge and understanding of the life and work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are invaluable. 93 Chunnibhai Patel, whose Ashram name was Dyuman, settled in the Ashram a few months earlier than K.D. Sethna. When still a young boy he had had an intimation that nothing would satisfy him except the spiritual life. Though married at the tender... been closely involved in the Non-cooperation Movement and knew personally leaders such as Vallabhbhai Patel and Mohandas K. Gandhi; with the latter he went on corresponding till 1947. In the Ashram, Dyuman was looked up to because of his reliability and steadfastness, and became the exemplar of ‘the worker,’ the karmayogin . The Mother put him in charge of the dining room and of everything in connection ...

... (1954-1955) The Story of a Soul Undated? Once again I was accommodated in Golconde. Dyuman came to greet me. He informed me that when he reported my arrival to the Mother she said, "I will certainly keep her here." I gave Dyuman the gifts I had brought for the Mother, and told him that the rest of the cases would follow. In the evening I went to the ...

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... here who had been to France and she alone among us could make it with a truly delicious taste. In the early years, I remember, olives and macaroni were practically the only food for her. Afterwards Dyuman 1 tried his level best to find out what other dishes she liked and provided them. When she was living in Library House, Mother always had her bath late in the evening. While bathing she would... expression of dislike would immediately appear on his face. It was the only thing that brought dislike to his face. × Dyuman (the Luminous One), name given by Sri Aurobindo to Chunilal Patel (1903-92) who settled here in 1925. The Mother gave him charge of the Dining Room, and in 1955, when she created the Sri Aurobindo ...


... Night Opens into Day 1949-01-24 When Mother finished her day's programme it was 3.50 a.m. She turned to Dyuman and said: “No time to go to bed.” And she did not rest at all. I went for my bath and Dyuman went to attend to his work which was waiting for him. ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Dyuman and Lakshmi Puja 1951-10-14 Mother told Dyuman: “Today is Lakshmi Puja. Lakshmi is your friend.” Then she gave him a flower. ...


... leave them in the boudoir (dressing-room) on the first floor, from where Vasudha will take them away after Balcony darshan. Mother comes out of her room today at 6.05 a.m. to go down to the Balcony. Dyuman is standing in the long corridor near the boudoir with a glass of lithine 1 for her to drink. Then she takes one or two pills of Cachon—a French make, black in colour, something like the Japanese... Tarun and Arpita are waiting. Then Mother goes upstairs, the doctor follows. I go behind them up to the landing. Mother and Dr. Sanyal go into her room. I come down and fetch one tray of breakfast. Dyuman brings up another. × Lithine, as prepared in the Ashram dispensary with Mother's approval, was a compound consisting ...


... He had gone out for a short while. He came running. The doctor was also sent for before his usual time. Dyuman who never went up at that hour was also there. So Was Andre. Near about 8 p.m. he came out to go home. His face was grave and calm and bore no indication of disaster. But what about Dyuman or the doctor? What made them stay on and why had Pranab been urgently called back, - these were the questions ...

... November 21, 1935 R gave S soup with a very strong dose of pepper and ginger; he said he had sent Mother a sample of it... Mother has told Dyuman now that pepper, ginger etc. should not be put. My mistake was that I didn't ask Dyuman what soup he intended to give and I should have tasted it myself Yes, it is better to see to these things. It is difficult for the kitchen in these ...

... Mother had asked Dyuman and Manubhai, the Ashram gardener, to bring a sapling of Peltaphorum pterocarpum (Copper Pod) from the French colonial garden to replace the mango tree that had died sometime back? Was it again part of that divine foresight that she had named the flower of this tree "Service"? On Tuesday, 4 January 1930 the sapling was placed in a six foot deep pit that Dyuman, Ambu and Manubhai ...


... Aleena and Aurovarsha for their journey to Europe. 28.2.72 Mother was looking for something. Kumud was called and asked about a cheque. I told Mother that I had already received it from Dyuman. Out of the writing pads offered by Meenakshi and Sukanya, Page 126 the one made by Meenakshi, bearing the Auroville symbol, was given to me by Mother on Champaklal's suggestion... 300 houses and the village elders say that the amount is very small, but they give it as a token of their expression of brotherhood, goodwill and co-operation with Auroville. I have spoken to Dyuman and we think that the Centenary napkin could be given to each house there. Mother said, "Yes, yes. I was thinking that something should be given." Narad has written to Mother about the smallness ...

... Aleena and Aurovarsha for their journey to Europe. 28.2.72 Mother was looking for something. Kumud was called and asked about a cheque. I told Mother that I had already received it from Dyuman. Out of the writing pads offered by Meenakshi and Sukanya, Page 126 the one made by Meenakshi, bearing the Auroville symbol, was given to me by Mother on Champaklal's suggestion... 300 houses and the village elders say that the amount is very small, but they give it as a token of their expression of brotherhood, goodwill and co-operation with Auroville. I have spoken to Dyuman and we think that the Centenary napkin could be given to each house there. Mother said, "Yes, yes. I was thinking that something should be given." Narad has written to Mother about the smallness ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 26 December 1935 Mother, On the 23rd evening Dyuman spoke to me about the D.R., his two morning milk deliveries to the D.R., and also about Madanlal. Instead of limiting himself to the problem at hand, he rambled on here and there, sometimes persuading me, sometimes convincing me... troubled and greatly regretted not presenting my case. On the 24th morning he showed me his notebook and I saw your remark about the Madanlal affair. But what astonished me was his casual phrase “Dyuman had to confess”. When I read this, I told him in a stern tone: “I kept my mouth shut in front of you because I did not want to displease you. But that does not mean that I agreed with your opinion ...

... at 7.15. a.m. (the time was changing from day to day) Mother met Dyuman and Pujalal. They were among those whom she used to give flowers at that time. 2 After giving the flowers she asked them to show her their palms. On seeing them she remarked that they were yellow. Then she asked me to show my palms. When I did, she told Dyuman and Pujalal: “See, his palms are pink. In your case your livers are ...


... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 4 August 1934 Mother, Yesterday K took R's mother to Aroumé. In the godown she asked H: "Are you married? Where is your husband? Have you got a child? How big is it?" How imbecile! K told H: "Do you understand what she says! May I tell you?" H replied: "I understand... must arrange with me previously. Quite right. A notice can be put up to this effect, that Aroumé cannot be visited without a special authorisation of the Mother and previous arrangement with Dyuman as for the hour of the visit. With all love and blessings 4 August 1934 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother December 1932 Dyuman, I cannot understand why you have got so upset, for I have been conscious of nothing unusual except a little more concentration because of S's accident (she has broken her arm by falling yesterday). I found it quite good that you should sit at that place so long ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 18 December 1933 (Around this time Dyuman suffered a nervous breakdown due to overwork. It took him about four months to recover. A number of letters in the following pages refer to this condition of nervous exhaustion.) My child, I would like you to go to bed now. I am sending ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 3 December 1932 Dyuman, For the bread problem. All those who want their usual number of slices must be given them, part from the Ashram bread and the complement from bazaar bread. I suppose you will easily calculate how many bazaar loaves are to be bought daily. P.S. You can ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 19 August 1932 Dyuman, Why were you so serious, almost grave, at pranam this morning? Is it that you thought V was occupying your place? It is not so. He had asked permission to sit behind you after I had come, and we had agreed. Let no cloud come over you and keep our love ever ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 28 March 1932 Dyuman, I find no good use for this lace except to give it back to you. When holding your hair together, it will remind you of the Divine's unifying action and thus be of double use. 28 March 1932 ...

... warned me several times against it: “Champaklal, take care, it is slow poison.” ‘C[hinmoy] used to speak nonsense [i.e. slanderous insinuations] and we could not bear it. So once I asked Mother while Dyuman was also present: “What is our position? We cannot bear what she says. Your ways are different and we are afraid that if we react in our normal way, it may run counter to your working. What are we... on a lecture tour. Towards the end of the same year Laljibhai visited the Sri Aurobindo Ashram for the first time. He saw no reason for staying more than a day, but the Mother let him know, through Dyuman, that she wanted him to stay for two weeks. Laljibhai at first protested that he had ‘important commitments to public and social work and business and the affairs of all my companies in Africa,’ including ...

... thought of getting the utmost benefit of the spiritual power put into them by simply eating them up!   Now to another topic. You find it difficult to understand why, as related in "Dyuman - the Luminous One", dyuman didn't look at Sri Aurobindo while fixing up something in his room. I may try to lessen your difficulty by relating one incident. After the Soup Distribution I used to go ahead and ...


... down in the Ashram if the Mother permitted. The children were of 13 and 10 years of age respectively. We stayed there for six weeks. The Mother was informed of our idea through my friend Dyuman and the reply that Dyuman brought was: "There is no objection to your staying here, but if you stay with the members of your family, they will not allow you to stay peacefully". No financial arrangements had been ...

... headache now and then, which he says is due to exertion in shouting for the servant etc. So why not give him a small bell from here? Coconuts are rather hard to get in the hospital. Shall I ask Dyuman to supply two a day? If he can find—in some seasons it is hardly possible to find them— I find that workmen—carpenters—go to see him on their way home. Shall I ask Chandulal to forbid them... powerfully-brandished hammer? Or of his howling challenges to C to come out and face him, till Mother herself had to interfere and stop him? Or of his yelling and hammering in a rage at C's door till Dyuman came and dragged him away? These things happened within a short distance of your poetic ears and yet you know nothing??? N is subject to these fits and has always been so. The Darshan is not responsible ...

... She blessed me. Then she took a handful of jasmines from the tray which had been set on a small table beside her chair, and gave them to me. She clasped my hands and said, Write to me through Dyuman. And with an enigmatic smile—the smile that was so much a part of her—she bade me Au revoir. My husband asked me what the Mother had said. I returned no answer apart from showing him the chain... felt the sacred chain. Sweet memories of her made me shut my eyes with content when at last I went to bed. The next morning, before I left for Bombay with my husband, the Mother sent to me through Dyuman her book Prayers and Meditations, along with her blessings. I opened it and read her introductory words, which appealed to me enormously: Some give their soul to the Divine, some their life, ...

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... potato) is very good for piles. Can it be given twice a week in the D.R.? It is not for myself only, but for many others who are also suffering from the same complaint. [ Mother :] You might ask Dyuman if they can be found in the market. Bala is getting on very well, so I have postponed the screen exam. But if you think it's better to do it, I can take him for it. [ Mother :] No, it is better... the thing done. The oculist advised N to take cod-liver oil. N wants to have your opinion. [ Mother :] He can take it. Whatever Z wants for her diet, e.g. vegetables, fruits, shall I ask Dyuman to get? He has agreed to buy them if you permit. [ Mother :] All right— The honey we got from Datta is exhausted. I think K can discontinue it now. [The Mother underlined "discontinue ...

... Ashram for the Mother’s car to arrive, for one more darshan. The car came and stopped but the Mother did not come out. She called for Dyuman-da who came running. The Mother showed him the pumpkin and asked him to take it to Her room on the firstfloor. Only after Dyuman-da had taken the pumpkin away, did the Mother come out of the car. I cannot tell you how very embarrassed I felt. The Mother went directly ...


... itself off from West Pakistan. ‘East Pakistan’ was abolished forever. We were simply overjoyed. As soon as the Mother came to know about the liberation of Bangladesh She told Dyuman-da to start preparing sweets. Dyuman-da went running to the Dining Room and requested that rasogullas be made. Everybody was unbelievably excited. Anandamayi-di, Renu-di and a host of others made big rasogullas and ...


... Living in The Presence The Evening Meditation It was 10 th August of 1942. We came to know from Nolini-da that the Mother came and stood on the terrace above Dyuman-bhai's room at around 6.15 in the evening. The Ashramites gathered in the courtyard below and had the Mother's darshan. She meditated there for a few minutes and the Ashramites also joined in. This... will inform tomorrow if she is truly capable of attending the evening meditation."     That evening we went and stood in front of Dyuman-bhai's room a little before 6.15. The courtyard was almost full. The sky was aglow with the light of the setting sun. The sadhaks and sadhikas dressed in white waited in absolute silence. Just a couple ...


... to our programme and She appreciated our solo songs. The second programme took place just before Marie-Amelie left for France and this was in the Ashram courtyard, next to the Samadhi, in front of Dyuman-bhai's room. It was a wonderful recital too. The Mother came down the stairs from Her room and sat by the first floor window overlooking the Samadhi.     After listening to me, the Mother told... After quite a long gap, another choir conductor named Richard Eggenberger (Narad) arrived in the Ashram. Some of us took classes with him as well. With Narad too, we had sung for the Mother in front of Dyuman-bha's room and She came and sat by the first floor window to listen to us.     These lessons in Western music were yet another chapter in my life. At that time I was only learning. Today ...


... were hungry; but Dyuman was not wrong either in refusing it as he was simply obeying a general rule and there was in this nothing personal against you. If you had not been upset you would certainly have thought of a very simple thing — coming up the steps of the Meditation House and passing a note in these terms: "Mother, I am very hungry, I have asked a plantain from Dyuman who did not give ...

... to be expecting to put up at the Asram? You will have to find a room for him at a hotel. Reply to him that he can come to Pranam daily. I suppose the meals can be arranged somehow; you will ask Dyuman. He will have to pay as. 8 [ half a rupee ] a day. 5 November 1932 Tomorrow Mr. X is leaving Pondicherry. Is there any objection to my bringing him to my room for a while? Even his servants ...


... then was a very small community, numbering perhaps forty members or so. I came most in touch with forceful Purani, gentle Pujalal, poised Nolini, sympathetic Amrita, diligent Champaklal, disciplined Dyuman, simple Rajangam, enthusiastic Dara, scrupulous Premanand, cordial Pavitra, dignified Anilbaran and courteous Doraiswamy on his week-ends from Madras. All of them were devoted workers. I sought to ...


... The Leap of Roshan Beg. When I came across it I couldn't help featuring it in Mother India. Did you notice it ? You'll be surprised that the only reference to it I got from readers was from Dyuman!  As far as I remember, he remarked that he was like the horse of the poem. I suppose he meant "obediently ready to take even the most hazardous action under the command of the rider". Here the ...


... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 29 February 1932 Mother, Dyuman seems to have objection in sending the new servant, Joseph, with dishes to the ladies of the Ashram. Therefore he did not send the new man with the dishes this afternoon. Perhaps it is better not to allow the man inside the Asram for a few days, during ...

... to help me in the Dairy work. Mother, would you have any objection if I familiarised him with the work? After helping me for about two months, he could substitute for me from time to time instead of Dyuman who has a lot to do. You could familiarise him with the work. But will he be able to receive and measure the milk? Will he be strict with the milkmen and conscientious in his supervision? 3 ...

... letter and post it. Long ago we only took the postcard or envelope from him, but just posted it ourselves. It’s a far cry — the procedure now! But some old sadhaks continue to leave their letters open. Dyuman-bhai was one such till his last days! Nolini-da had stopped going through the letters long back, but his office continued to post the letters. Bhola-da was given this duty — sticking stamps, closing ...


... this project? Has he got time for it?" But nothing is impossible if the "God-touch is there". One evening I sat near the Samadhi. At that time he had come with his wife Sehra and sat outside Dyuman-bhai's room, facing the Samadhi. Without hesitation I went to him and made an appeal in the following words: "Would you give some time to become the editor of my projected compilation Glimpses ...


... Champaklal, was alarmed by the unusual movements the Mother made. Dr Sanyal was called, and so was Pranab. ‘I arrived at about five past seven and saw that Dr Sanyal was already there examining her. Dyuman also had come. I went and felt Mother’s pulse. It was still there, beating at long intervals. There was still some respiration. But slowly everything stopped. The doctor gave an external heart massage ...

... Sri Aurobindo, p. 293 ff.). This written dialogue took place nine years after the event, and Nirodbaran was not the only one to whom the significance of the ‘Siddhi Day’ 91 remained a riddle. Dyuman, for instance, one of the eldest and most respected of the Ashramites, was uncertain about its significance even in 1988, as we shall see later. In 1961, the Mother made the following declaration: ...


... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 26 January 1934 Mother, I do not understand this Yoga. I know only this: To be one with the Mother and to live and work for Her; this is all. Why are the Ashram inmates hankering after food? Why this big fuss over eating? Why are we breaking our heads due to vital desire, ego ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother c. 25 January 1934 Mother, S wanted to spend 20 minutes with me. That is not possible—not even 10 minutes regularly at a fixed hour. It is nothing but a vital demand on me; I cannot satisfy that. I can give her 2 or 3 minutes and not more. It is not at all advisable to let her ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 7 February 1934 Mother, Newcomers staying in the Ashram houses come to the Dining Room for food. But what about people staying outside the Ashram, in hotels and private houses? Is it not easier to let them eat in the Dining Room as food cannot be sent to the hotel? That is why ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1932 Mother, When P handed the monthly Prosperity things to me I thought: "What will Mother do if the stock of toothbrushes is exhausted? Mother must have this one—it goes to Mother." I have taken already my precautions. Since more than four months I am using my finger ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother c. 24 December 1933 Mother, About the Aroumé accounts, I shall make one account for You and one for the accountant. You can ask S to lend you his books, it will help you to learn the words; 3 books only: menu, entrées, sorties. The description of all that has been used in ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother c. 24 December 1933 Mother, Instead of so many books, can there not be less? If you put entrées and sorties in the same book, you can have two books only; but it must be very clear, so that I can see at the first glance. c. 24 December 1933 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 7 June 1932 Mother, This bowl has been put on the fire by somebody and is now spoiled. Who this somebody is, is not known. It is a great pity, because the best punishment would be to serve his or her meal in the bowl! 7 June 1932 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 14 February 1933 My child, I have an impression that the visitors are arriving with a big appetite and that they may find our dishes somewhat small. Consequently I have increased the quantity on the "menu". 14 February 1933 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 22 November 1932 My child, Be quiet, peaceful, strong. Nothing is impossible with a quiet strength, the Divine's Grace and the Mother's blessings. With love 22 November 1932 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 14 April 1934 Mother, Today the head is strained—by what I do not know. I feel a great heaviness on the head, as if the whole sky has come down. The body does not want to move, it asks only for rest. When I sit down my eyes close by themselves; at once I feel still, quiet, as if ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 8 April 1934 Mother, I have no confidence in the body; it is too sensitive. I cannot be rash. I still fear to drink cold water from the kuja, I go to the filter each time for water. I cover myself before going to sleep. A fear and a feeling of weakness have entered the body ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 30 March 1934 Mother, I feel that the persons who were connected with me in a personal relation are definitely wishing for my recovery. What will be my relation with them when I shall be out? Mother, You will settle it, and I shall obey You. The most important thing will be ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 28 March 1934 Dear Mother, Some people tell me that my condition is the result of too much strain. No doubt the nerves got strained and then came the breakdown of the body, but I have lost nothing thereby—I have gained. Strain or no strain, I have not lost my Mother. Mother, we ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 8 April 1934 Mother, Now I realise that if I could love You with all my being and keep Your Presence in every single cell and atom, it would not be an inferior work to any outer work or activity. My dear Mother, do with me as You want. I remain completely quiet, obedient, ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 13 April 1934 Mother, In spite of some of the things I have been hearing about Aroumé and the work there, I am quietly happy. I feel that things are going to change and get better. I leave them to You. It seems to me that things have gone on fairly all right during your absence; ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 17 April 1934 Beloved Mother, I remain completely quiet, calm and open. And if this outer consciousness remains a block and does not give way like an obstinate horse, we shall patiently take it into our control, make it submissive and allow the Divine Will to manifest. This ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 16 April 1934 Mother, S bought 24 kg of potatoes yesterday. Out of that, 9 kg were not good. Of course they will be utilised in parts. Bad potatoes are very dangerous and have a nasty taste even in the "good" parts. It might be better not to use these spoilt potatoes. Last ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 4 April 1934 Dear Mother, I pass the day in Your Love and Presence. All through the day we are together, and at each moment this becomes more and more real and concrete: to live in You is the Truth. This is very good and a promise of complete victory. My love, my blessings ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 7 November 1934 My dear Mother, A few days ago S put a demand on me: "Come to Canal House daily." I told her, "It is not possible." Then she said, "Once a week." I replied, "That too is difficult. All the same I shall try but it will not be regular." "I want ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 29 October 1934 My dear Mother, Surely Your Love is unshakeable and always You love me. Surely I shall advance with You, as fast as Your Love permits. I am once more firmly poised on a better plane than ever before. After a little shaking and crying my equanimity has become more ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 9 November 1934 My dear Mother, S of the bakery came to me this evening and told me: "Why do you give us hard bread now? Why do you keep the stock? You can give us fresh bread daily." I explained to him the problems of the rise and fall in consumption each day and the need to keep ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 30 October 1934 Mother, M took no food last night, this morning and this noon. Is he not well? I know nothing about M not eating, but perhaps it is in protest because I made him remove plants which he did not want to remove (the plants were injuring the foundations of Cocotiers ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 15 October 1934 My dear Mother, This morning, when H and P were frying the balls for vegetables, this thought passed in me: We come here to stay. Suppose we are put to the test? We are put in a big pan filled with oil beneath a very strong fire, and we have to sit in the pan ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 25 October 1934 My dear and beloved Mother, I am happy because I am always supported and carried by You. So often the workers come to me and play a drama and fall into gloom. But I am happy, my dear Mother, so the gloom passes away from them and happiness and peace pervade. ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 18 October 1934 Dear Mother, My task is more difficult now. When A comes to me, he hardly speaks about the work at the Granary. But he can freely talk on subjects unnatural to me: the world, its curiosities and many other things. I am really puzzled over the matter. Let him ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 28 October 1934 My dear Mother, Not a pleasant information: this evening at 6.00 I broke the porcelain handle of the window-spring. I am very very sorry for this unpleasant incident. It does not matter, they will replace it by a brass one—it is truly a very small incident without ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 21 October 1934 My dear Mother, During the monsoon rains the servants failed to show up and we inmates volunteered to distribute the food and carry the dishes to the other inmates. Shall we not go on like that? Yes, it will have to be done. People cannot go without food. ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 9 February 1935 My dear Mother, What's the matter in the Dining Room? Why do we take pleasure in coming into conflict with each other? Is there even one day that has passed peacefully until now? Why do we seek for power instead of consecrating ourselves at the feet of the Divine ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 10 February 1935 Dear Mother, I am often called a "miser" because of my resistance to outer suggestions. I am a miser! If I become generous and lavish, as the inmates want me to be—which is absolutely impossible—we must put aside not 16 thousand rupees for food but 30 or 40 thousand ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 23 January 1935 My dear Mother, I have deceived myself and You all along; I am filled with imperfections and lower impulses. I boasted of my purity, but now I see that it was all boasting, full of pride and ego. Dear Mother, make me vividly conscious of all my defects and ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 3 April 1935 My dear Mother, I want You to interfere in all my movements, whatever they are; and Your interference will be promptly responded to with love and submission, with an earnest will to change as You would like. I want You, I seek for You day and night, night and day—for ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 21 January 1935 Dear Mother, My love for You is too little, too shallow. My self-offering and devotion are too flat and full of turmoil. My consciousness is too clouded, not clear and transparent. My dear Mother, 1 know this, yet I know also: there is a certitude of Victory ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 6 February 1935 My dear Mother, An Aroumé servant asked for half a day leave for tomorrow morning. I told A I need a replacement, but it seems he does not have sufficient hands and cannot spare a man. If a servant comes to do part of the work, it is all right. Otherwise, we can ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 27 February 1935 My dear Mother, A display of tremendous energy: the lady workers of Aroumé worked from 5 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon. This is not the first time; once they worked from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. at a stretch. O my dear Mother, let the energy be consecrated ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 6 February 1935 My dear Mother, Now You know H's absurdity, for she has written to You what she wanted to do today. 1 am happy that she is now free from that. Sri Aurobindo has just read her letter to me—you did well to console her. These ideas of incapacity are absurd, they ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 10 March 1935 My dear Mother, The Aroumé servants are obedient and willing workers, never absent without informing me previously. Even when they are ill, they come and take leave. I think it is the result of my kind and gentle behaviour with them. Yes, I am sure that servants ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 28 August 1935 My dear Mother, B tells me: "When I take haricots, I get stomach pains; so all along I have taken only the water and thrown away the haricots." Dear Mother, if You like, they can be prepared a little more watery. Better keep them a little more watery. I think ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 4 September 1935 My dear Mother, The Ashram had a dish from M on Monday, an extra dish on Wednesday, soup on Thursday and a fine dish of cabbage on Friday. My beloved Mother, for all this may a sense of gratitude arise in us—this is my prayer. It seems that this night, between ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 11 August 1935 My very dear Mother, Today I had a very true experience: While returning from the market this morning, the thought passed in me: "P is a big man in the outside world" and I felt a kind of dissatisfaction somewhere in the vital. Then You appeared before me and showed ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 21 July 1935 My dear Mother, Beloved of my heart, always Your Love has protected me. Today I had the worst kind of attack and again Your Love saved me and gave me a new push towards the realisation of integral peace and equanimity. Yes, I know from early morning that you were ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 31 July 1935 My dear Mother, Let me tell You very frankly where I am most attached. I am attached to You more than to anybody or to anything. Let the parts in me which are not attached to You—the parts which have gone astray—return to You; it is only then that they will have ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 21 July 1935 My dear Mother, Now I have a friend and co-worker—it is You, my dear Mother. Even if the whole world goes against me, yet I know I have a friend in You. A friend, a guide, a Mother, all in one, and our union shall increase day by day. Yes, this is quite true and ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 20 July 1935 My dear Mother, As long as the being does not depend upon the Divine alone, there can never be peace, joy and happiness. Yes, this is true; it is only in union with the Divine and in the Divine that harmony and peace can be established. Always with you, my dear ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 31 August 1935 My dear Mother, May my sincerity increase and pervade my entire being. That will bring a greater consecration and surrender to the Divine, leading to an integral union. Yes, my dear child, sincerity is the key of the divine doors. Always with you 31 August ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 1 September 1935 My dear Mother, May the wideness and depth of Thy seat increase in my heart; may it be Thine, Thine integrally. Yes, I am always seated in your heart, consciously living in you. 1 September 1935 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 1 November 1935 My dear Mother, This evening M told me: "The moong dal is not clean. Will you get it cleaned by your granary workers?" I thought: "This is too much for me and there will be no end to it!" Also the people asking for Prasad are increasing and M is actively canvassing ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 28 October 1935 My dear Mother, If there were even a few in the Ashram whose physical consciousness could readily receive the Divine Force and allow it to be effective in its working, I feel that a greater part of the illnesses in the Ashram would be pushed aside, and there would ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 31 October 1935 My dear Mother, The cold in my head is bad now; I took green "pastilles" from P and I may ask him for a few drops of oil in the nose. But this is the last time I am thinking of taking medicine. The next time the body should take up the true attitude and depend only ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 13 December 1935 My dear Mother, One conviction has always remained unshaken in me: man or no man, sadhak or no sadhak, the Divine shall manifest. The Truth exists by itself, the Sun shines because it shines. My dear Mother, may my exterior nature get deepened by my interior ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 9 December 1935 My dear Mother, The D. R. lady workers have become such a nuisance: they have begun to spoil the D. R. in many ways. Any number of ladies are now eating 6 to 8 slices of bread. And when they cannot eat them, they take them home, asking for more and more. Then ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 27 October 1935 My dear Mother, J feels "very weak, unable to stand". Those are the very words he told me this evening. Now he has caught a bad cold. He wrote also to me telling me his condition. We have stopped the hard work, his energy has relaxed and this is the result. ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 12 November 1935 Beloved of my heart, May I get more peace and quietness under all circumstances and push forward vigilantly and patiently. Yes, my dear child, let the peace settle more and more in you, especially in your physical mind and rely more and more on my love and blessings ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 4 November 1935 My dear Mother, May I know You more and more as You are, and not as I think You are. Surely, my dear child, you will know me more and more as you become more and more conscious of my presence near you. 4 November 1935 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 30 October 1935 My dear Mother, Teach me to rely more and more on You. In the peace and the inner silence you will more and more become conscious of my constant presence. 30 October 1935 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 28 May 1936 My dear Mother, There is an adverse force which moves around in the Ashram and now it is coming out on the material plane. This force has to be conquered or thrown out, and the best way to deal with it is an absolute sincerity and an unshakeable adherence to the Divine ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 17 June 1936 My dear Mother, I feel that in the last few days I have been crossing the difficulty that Sri Aurobindo found in me. But there is a new will, a greater self-giving to the Divine and a firm faith. Yes, my dear child, from the point of view of your spiritual progress ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 10 June 1936 My dear Mother, H got burnt in two places today, although blisters did not form. Last year she had violent attacks on the vital; now they are coming on the physical. She seemed much discouraged today, but my feeling is that there is a quiet and steady opening of her ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 10 June 1936 My dear Mother, May we not trouble You, may we not keep You engaged over a crumb of bread, a rag of cloth, a pen nib or a little broom. May the whole field get cleared of the devil and we go forward towards a perfect union with our dear Mother. Yes, what you say ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 4 June 1936 My dear Mother, M told me that when P was working upstairs, he used to sit and meditate near the door opening to the glazed-tiled terrace when Sri Aurobindo was reading letters to You. This seems to me a very objectionable thing. Perhaps that is why You were not feeling ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 18 June 1936 My dear Mother, With all my heart I wish for peace, happiness and harmony in the Ashram. This is my humble prayer on the eve of my birthday: let jealousy, disharmony and anger pass away and peace be established in every heart. Let this year bring you the ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 18 June 1936 My dear Mother, The coming year is a year of a great promise—a promise for victory. In solemn faith and courage, peace and quietness I enter the year. Victory to Thee, my dear Mother. Indeed, let this year that begins bring for you a perfect peace and an unshakeable ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 16 June 1936 My dear Mother, It is not possible for me to leave the work or to leave You. This much I know, that even in a disturbed condition I shall serve You up to the last. I am quite convinced of that, and I have full trust also in your capacity for Yoga. All love ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 14 June 1936 My dear Mother, In spite of P's note saying that she would not go for work, she did go. But there was all the anger possible against me. The poor girl is suffering very much from big boils—this is the cause of the bad temper. 14 June 1936 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother c. 1934 Mother, People are complaining about milk spilling in the tiffin-carriers. When the carriers are opened, we fill them like this: bread comes first and we put it in the bottom pot. Then come the vegetables; we put them in the next pot. Last of all conies the milk and it goes ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 11 January 1935 My dear Mother, The condition of milk: we are not sure of receiving the required amount of milk in the morning, yet people come forward to take 2 or 3, even 4 cups of milk in the morning. This makes the D. R. workers nervous and anxious about the noon-time d ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 1 January 1935 My dear Mother, The old plantain vendor has vacated the market and a new man has opened a shop now. This morning the old vendor sent the plantains directly to us and he wants to continue this way. But when I went to the market I saw the new merchant. He will bring ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 7 January 1935 Dear Mother, Serving food to the inmates after fixed hours: for the late-comers, breakfast goes up to 10.30 a.m., lunch up to 3.30 p.m. and dinner up to 9.30 p.m. There are nearly 40 late-comers. And they go on asking for slices of bread. People take more slices on ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 25 December 1934 My dear Mother, May You rest, and the best way of giving You rest is for me to rise above the lower nature and progress in the Divine Light so that I may live only as a spark and ray of the Light. If each inmate determines to do this and progresses, surely ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother c. 1934 Mother, C says the light in his section is too high. A says the light in his washing department is too dim. Others say the light in the dining halls is too dim. They ask me to put in more powerful bulbs. The bulbs in the dining halls cannot be changed. The two other ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 7 January 1935 Dear Mother, J is so disobedient that he breaks the Dining Room discipline at each and every step. He allows M to take home food in the D. R. bowls. She has been given a tiffin-carrier, so there is no reason why the D. R. vessels should go out. Of course, it is ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 3 January 1935 My dear Mother, D is suffering badly from cough and has a fever, so she has become weak. I think perhaps, it would be better if she does not move out much and takes rest. The remaining at home brings depression and it is the worst thing for this illness—but she ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 13 January 1935 Dear Mother, So often I receive things from You. An orange, some butter, a biscuit or a cake are daily gifts. Yes, I am sending all these things to you with the idea of making your body quite strong. Our help and protection are always with you. 13 January ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 15 September 1935 My dear Mother, We have been preparing bread for 3 years or more according to this proportion: 1 kg of wheat for 3 loaves (25 kg for 75 loaves). Since last August we have been using 35 kg for 75 loaves—the difference is 10 kg per day. This difference has always ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 22 September 1935 My dear Mother, One of the greatest accusations against me is that I side with H and am partial towards her. There is a liking for her, but she has earned it; she has worked hard, done what I told her and taken up many responsibilities. If I had not been with ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 23 September 1935 My dear Mother, As far as I understand, H knows fully well that she has a vital attachment for me and that it brings troubles to her. Several times she has spoken to me about it, saying: "If I turn towards the Mother and if our relation becomes pure, all my di ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 3 October 1935 My dear Mother, Ah, where is the stability! And the work! Where is the work? It is not even half the work that we used to do in this compound. Equanimity—equanimity. It is the only practical answer to all this confusion which is bound to come to an end one day ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 13 September 1935 My dear Mother, The D. R. workers often have second or third works at different places. They have their main job, and in their free hours they do other things. It should not be otherwise, but it would be better to have a few full-time workers rather than many part-time ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 25 September 1935 My dear Mother, Give me a very, very quiet head, for it is into a quiet head that the true knowledge and consciousness will descend. Then there will be a true action and a worthy expression of Your true instrument. Beloved Mother, a very, very quiet head. Yes—it ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 20 September 1935 My dear Mother, May the flame of aspiration he steady and one-pointed, may it rise up and up to the Divine and rest only there. May the aspirant see, hear, speak, feel nothing except: 0 my Divine Lord, 0 my Divine Mother, may Your Will be fulfilled. Yes ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 17 September 1935 My dear Mother, Can the rice bran go to the milkmen, as the reheat bran does? Yes, all right. And the very small bits of rice also? In the Ashram we have no use for them. Can't the very small bits of rice go to the birds that are in the cage. I suppose ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 16 September 1935 My dear Mother, It is a fact that I have a dear Mother always with me and in me and around me, leading me to the Eternal Consciousness. Yes, it is indeed a fact—I am always with you, my dear child. 16 September 1935 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 20 May 1936 My dear Mother, K is now quite unable to eat and feels sick. Is her nausea not due to the weakness that must have come by her not eating for so long? Certainly it is that and purely nervous, and the less she eats the more she will be unable to eat. She says: ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 25 May 1936 My dear Mother, These attacks on the body are travelling from one person to another. No, it must not be; let us force it out of the atmosphere. In the Kitchen H and R are sick; in the Granary it is K and P; in the Canal House D. What does this attack mean? Does it intend ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 12 May 1936 My dear Mother, Today is the day when You first saw me and allowed me to stay in the Ashram as a permanent sadhak. You gave me a new life. In utter gratefulness and devotion I take refuge in You, my Divine Mother. May the spirit of submission, surrender, faith and ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 28 April 1936 My dear Mother, H is going through a bad disturbance, but the cause is not known; she does not want to speak. May her normal consciousness come again to the front, the consciousness that feels the loving Presence of her dear Mama. Yes, surely it is not good when ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 5 May 1936 My dear Mother, G said to me in a cutting tone: "Who sweeps the back of the ladies room in the D.R.? It is so dirty—since the last four days no one has swept there." I kept quiet; but when I went to check I saw that is was as clean as it could be and it is swept every ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 29 April 1936 My dear Mother, I understand that we have come here and are allowed to stay here with the clear understanding that we accept Your word, Your guidance and follow You in every way. This is the simple beginning of Yoga. My dear child, I wish that many would think ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 9 May 1936 My dear Mother, M has stopped working in the kitchen and B is trying to do the same. H, N and S are the only ones left to work there. I pray for peace, peace, peace. Well! The fewer the number the greater the chance of peace, I suppose. 9 May 1936 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 1 May 1936 My dear Mother, Bushy the cat has quietly brought her kittens into my room and put them under my table, just near my feet. I wish she would go to her room. You can try to remove them, but generally cats are very obstinate. 1 May 1936 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 29 April 1936 My dear Mother, My Yoga means a complete union with You and I know not any Yoga except that. Yes, my dear child, you are mine completely and I am always with you, around you, in you. 29 April 1936 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 5 August 1936 My dear Mother, I asked the Bangalore vegetable vendor to get more cabbage on the 12th, but he got it this week by mistake. So we will serve vegetables for 4 days: Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday. Will it keep up to Monday? The cabbages get rotten very ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 24 September 1936 My dear Mother, In regard to the need for coolies, You told me that if I informed C a few days in advance, he could give me the Building Service people required. But what if I suddenly need somebody for only a few minutes? It is more difficult for the B. ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 3 October 1936 My dear Mother, I wish the day would come when You can use me as an instrument in worlds other than this material world. You go into other worlds, worlds of the subconscient, and fight there and conquer and spread the kingdom of light. Is it not possible for us to ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 4 August 1936 My dear Mother, C's friend is coming tomorrow evening. Perhaps he could help us work in the Dining Room for these busy days before Darshan. I know nothing about him; we shall see. But it seems difficult to bombard him with work as soon as he arrives, unless he ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 21 September 1936 My dear Mother, S is under nobody's medical treatment, it seems, yet he is able to walk in the hot sun to the other end of town to search for manure. Then what is the need of giving him food at home? Yes, he must come to Aroumé to eat or take his tiffin-box ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 6 October 1936 My dear Mother, I shall try my utmost to change myself. I have understood the hints that Sri Aurobindo gave in his answer to H. I give myself to You for a change in consciousness. The change is certain; it is only a matter of steady patience and I am always with ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 10 October 1936 My dear Mother, There is a rivalry between A and S—each claims to be the head of the Granary. One comes and tells me something and the other comes and tells me something else. How to pull on, dear Mother? You might remind them that both Yoga and work suffer by ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 25 September 1936 My dear Mother, I am very badly constipated since a few days. And that does not allow me to take my food properly. You ought to take an enema, but to eat less because of constipation does not help, on the contrary. All love and blessings to you my dear child ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 20 September 1936 My dear Mother, This noon food for 69 persons was sent to their rooms. I have nothing to say, if you want to do it—but I find that it is those who are doing nothing all day who ought to go for their food in Aroumé. 20 September 1936 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 12 June 1929 Mother, I had no intention of violating Your orders. The wiping was already finished by the time I received Your last order at 5 p.m. or so. Mother, I am at Your feet for any punishment for violating Your orders even unconsciously. Why punishment, my child? I ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 5 July 1930 Mother, A lady sadhika is working with me. How should I behave towards her? Let me know in words, if You please. I have often put before You how I behave and work and You know all about me. When we work together, we forget all except the work for You and how to do it ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 1930 Never kill lizards; they are most useful creatures. Without them you would be devoured by the insects. 1930 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 26 March 1934 Mother, When I started turning myself towards God 22 years ago or so, I never imagined that this could happen to me, not even when Sri Aurobindo openly questioned me: "Who has given you this Yoga?" Now it has happened: that unfailing confidence and courage got ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 26 March 1934 Mother, In the afternoon, I perspired so much that all the clothes on my body were quite damp; and like yesterday, there was that kind of fever, but after one hour's walk in the sun I was fresh and full of strength. When You look at me from the roof, my body gets ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 3 March 1934 Dear Mother, The fever is over. I am quite all right. Tonight I will drink the decoction again and I am sure I will get up 100 percent cured. My Mother, You are with me and our relation is now more close, more compact and more loving. Certainly our relation is bound ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 5 March 1934 Dear Mother. G has sent to me four annas through the doctor to buy oranges for her from the market. Shall I bring them? Yes. The doctor tells me that she wants to eat soft khichri. I said: "Let her eat sago conjee, bread and milk. If you go on giving food like ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 5 March 1934 My child, Why are you not taking honey and butter? They are both good for your health and will give you strength. It is light and wholesome food. For cough it is recommended to drink very hot milk sugared with honey (2 teaspoons in a cup of milk). Or the drink that P prepares ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 21 March 1934 (Regarding the disciple's physical condition. He had a headache, sore throat, fever, and suffered from general nervous strain and weakness.) To get over this attack soon, one thing is needed: remain quiet, calm, peaceful. Do not get upset, do not fear, do not get restless ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 10 February 1934 Mother, The cartman could not get a coolie to help him transport the kerosene. Not minding the load, he dragged the cart to Aroumé. While going up the slope at the gate, he was thrown back with the cart. I was there just in time to help. He gave me back the two ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 12 February 1934 Mother, 1 have asked R to see whether corn flour is available in the European shops. This will be the best corn flour. We can no longer give You Your food prepared out of bazaar flour full of insects, old and kept out in the open. I shall put an end to this business ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 16 March 1934 My child, Resist all depression, it is just the thing that would delay your cure. If this cold is not gone, I want you to take rest tomorrow (Saturday) and on Sunday I shall see you at 11 a.m. to set things right. Our force and love are with you. 16 March 1934 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 12 October 1934 Dear Mother, I heard that D, B, N and G have all made accusations against me. But that does not matter. I am quite happy—happier and more firm and quiet than ever before. There is one thing that has given me quietness and kept me at rest: Your confidence, Your Love ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 5 October 1934 My dear child, I do not understand how what you propose can help. The work you are given, the life you live must be the work and the life of a sadhak, not that of a coolie. If you were treated or lived like a coolie and not as a sadhak, this work could never be done ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 8 August 1934 Dear Mother, A of the Washing Section asks me to help him. He says: "The Mother has written to me to be very careful about the flies so they may not gather, etc." Yes—flies are very dangerous, just now more than ever. When the Washing Section is working it ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 11 September 1934 Dear Mother, Surely You will tell me if Your trust in me gets shaken, if Your love is not responded to. You have called forth this being to live in the Ashram in the Light of the Divine, with the head filled with the Presence of the Divine, the heart filled ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 29 July 1934 My dear Mother, The entire adhar must be perfectly strong—quiet, at rest, in peace, unmoved, undisturbed, steady, perfectly balanced—before the Divine Realisation takes place. Yes , all this is quite correct and it is indeed this deeper Peace that must establish ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 18 July 1934 Mother, The ants trouble me too much; they cover up the butter in my room. I have no jar or bottle, so I keep the butter in the butter-tin itself. For the butter you have only to take a deep dish filled with water, you set an empty tin in the middle and place your ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 17 August 1934 Beloved Mother, All Love to You. May things be more quiet, more calm, and may You have a full rest. In the present condition of things at large, we must be satisfied, I suppose, with the inner rest which is always there, untouched by any exterior turmoil. With ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 23 July 1934 Mother, Will the day not come soon when I work for You, my dear Mother, and You rest completely on Your sofa; You bring down the Divine unmanifest and we work and manifest You. This is a point which is impossible for me to answer just now. With all love and blessings ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 23 August 1934 Mother, The beauty of the seasonal vegetables: [the disciple lists the ingredients of two pumpkin dishes]. The things are fresh and good and cheap. It is all right provided there will not be pumpkin at each meal. 23 August 1934 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 12 April 1935 My dear Mother, Water supply: Aroumé consumes a good deal of water for drinking, cooking and washing. If it happens again like today that there is no water from the taps for many hours, what shall we do? We shall have to use the well. The water will be fetched from ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 28 April 1935 My dear Mother, How is it that I read nothing, learn nothing! Some people learn languages, some learn painting, some learn singing; many read books on yoga and some are typing out Sri Aurobindo's articles in "Arya". All that is for people who have a restless mind ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 21 April 1935 My dear Mother, Feeding animals in Aroumé: crows, squirrels, etc. come in a very big number. They not only eat up what is thrown to them by S, but also what is put for drying in the sun. When they eat up raisins and cashew nuts and spoil the sugar and such things, ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 14 May 1935 My dear Mother, There is misuse of filtered water in Aroumé; people are taking too much water in their tumblers and then throwing it away. No external rule can alter the situation; there has to be a change of consciousness and a complete consecration to the Divine. ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 13 May 1935 My dear Mother, Too frequently I meet people in their difficulties and bad conditions. In this state I go deep down within myself, and my being rises in a great and fervent prayer to You: O my dear Mother, make me more and more selfless, completely selfless, filled ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 6 April 1935 My dear Mother, A big disturbance is hovering over the kitchen. Twice it appeared a few days back, but it was controlled. P has accused me directly of being unfair. I tried to explain to her each time, but the roots have not disappeared. The best is to ignore all ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 2 May 1935 My dear Mother, Peace and an unshakeable equanimity are the firm basis for happiness, joy and progress towards the Goal. May it increase in me, in all of us in the Ashram. Our love and blessings are always with you, establishing equanimity as an indispensable basis ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 6 April 1935 My dear Mother, We have to find somebody for the washing and wiping of vessels. I do not know who it could be. It seems to me that the only solution is that A should work himself, instead of throwing all the work upon others. 6 April 1935 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 25 April 1935 My dear Mother, May all atoms and cells and parts of my being open to You, receive You, contain You. May You alone be the Sovereign Master. This is all my wish. Surely it will be fulfilled as I am always with you. 25 April 1935 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 14 July 1935 My dear Mother, I fully understand H's difficulties in the work, but I find no solution except that both the persons involved must rise above the ordinary nature and open themselves to the Force of the Divine. Her proposal to be relieved from the kitchen work cannot ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 1 July 1935 My dear Mother, There is an adverse force in the Ashram that goes from inmate to inmate and it wants only to destroy. When inmates leave the Ashram, it does not go; it only becomes more violent. If the inmates remain faithful and sincere, it is bound to go in one second ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 13 July 1935 My dear Mother, The physical work done in our courtyard these last few weeks has given me a very nice training. But I saw people looking at us with contempt when we were soiled and working; it has given me a better understanding of where they stand. I wish we would ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 15 June 1935 My dear Mother, In all clouds, all difficulties, all obstacles faith in the Divine is the only guide, strength and protection. It is faith in the Divine and love that save a sadhak and carry him beyond the dangers to a life of immortal bliss. Fortify my faith ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 19 June 1935 My dear Mother, This year is a year for a very deep and high progress for the Ashram. All those who are open to the Divine will move forward towards the goal. And I humbly and quietly aspire to be in perfect union with the Divine Will. My dear Mother, my heart ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 14 July 1935 My dear Mother, I did not go for marketing today, but I had a long sitting with You during the Pranam after many months. There I realised more clearly that in truth we all belong to You and our true nature is one of Your peace, love, harmony and joy. I know for certain ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 25 June 1935 My dear Mother, We tried our best to get good wheat suitable for our bread, but we could not find it. If we can add fine flour, which comes from America, would it not improve the bread? The market prepares the bread from that flour alone. No, it will not do. J has ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 21 June 1935 My dear Mother, Make me an instrument of Truth! In Light and Truth and Consciousness alone can one hope to be a true and faithful instrument. Remove unconsciousness, enlighten the hidden parts of my being, bring them to the Light. Let my whole being be directly under ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 11 June 1935 O my dear Mother, You are my dear Mother; dearest of all, loveliest of all, You are my eternal Mother. It is the Divine's Will that I, a human being, shall turn into an eternal child of Your eternal Love. May it soon be fulfilled. Yes, you are my true child, and ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 23 December 1935 My dear Mother, M has put forth a proposal to get the milk in the morning in two trips instead of one. The dairy servant would have to carry the milk can on his head in the dark. The Aroumé servants would have to be made free for the first boiling, which would ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 31 January 1936 My dear Mother, The work of preparing luchis did not trouble me. What troubled me most was to see people who hardly ate anything else, finish all the luchis or, in order to take them home, took slices of bread. That night we decided never to give so much to eat at ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 24 January 1936 My dear Mother, In the beginning of August 1933 the number of inmates was 120. Since then the number has remained between 135 and 150. But the work we used to do in those days we are not doing now. We are not willing to work, so we are obliged to have more and more ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 1 February 1936 My dear Mother, When I stand up for the work, not caring for personal things, the result is that everyone finds me "severe, strict, unbearable, iron-fisted, hard as a rock". The present condition at work is becoming more and more of an impasse. In desperation I ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 17 December 1935 My dear Mother, As a faithful and devoted soldier of Truth, it has always been my one effort to please You. Had each one been making an effort to please You and be faithful to the Truth, the goal would have been nearer to us. Yes, this is quite true. In ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 27 January 1936 My dear Mother, In the market I generally walk on the footpath. Several times I have been able to avoid accidents. Our negligence, hurry and carelessness always bring troubles—too much for You. May we learn to be quiet, careful and on guard always. Yes, we must ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 24 December 1935 My dear Mother, I am puzzled over the relation between the D. R. workers and me; the whole misunderstanding today burst out after my appearing at the D. R. to help them for lunch. You need not bother about what they think or say. Do quietly what is to be ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 28 December 1935 My dear Mother, I take the present circumstances at Aroumé as a test of my confidence in You. Under no circumstances must I lose my balance or my concentration on You. Yes, let us become more and more strong, quiet and patient. All this confusion is bound ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 23 January 1936 My dear Mother, It is the right poise in full equanimity that gives one a clear consciousness. I ask for the right poise and an equanimity full and complete. Yes, poise and equanimity are the things needed. My help and consciousness are always with you to take ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 26 July 1936 My dear Mother, I saw M delivering a long speech to L and it did not look pleasant. L told me afterwards that it was about the Ashram lemons—they are small in size and without juice, etc. I suppose there is only to pay no attention to his speech. The best thing ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 15 July 1936 My dear Mother, There are plenty of thoughts suggesting my failure both as a sadhak and as a worker and of my being unfit and unworthy. You know that these thoughts are quite wrong and come from a hostile force. All thoughts of that kind must be rigorously driven ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 24 June 1936 My dear Mother, May H turn herself fully towards You and allow the Force to act on her. May her thinking mind be quiet. The Divine Grace is always with her, but she must open to it and learn to receive it fully. She has not written tonight, and I am sorry for ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 19 July 1936 My dear Mother, Until now it has never happened that I have lost money. But the money is stolen; even before I came here to my room it had been stolen. It looks to me like somebody is making mischief. It is unconscious movements from the subconscient which allow ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 3 July 1936 My dear Mother, The cause of the outburst between M and L was nothing of importance. If we do not rise above personal feelings and stand for the work, how is the work to be done! It is the control over oneself that is the first thing needed, and especially the control ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 19 June 1936 My dear Mother, I can see in my being the resistance of some forces of the subconscient. But there is nothing to fear; knowledge is also there, coming to check them and achieve the victory. Yes, the Light is slowly but surely coming down in the subconscient. ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 2 July 1936 My dear Mother, From my very boyhood, my attitude has been one of disgust towards life and its things. But now I accept all life and whatever things come from You. Yes, I am in the things also and that is why they must be treated with care. All love and blessings ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 10 July 1936 My dear Mother, I do not understand the troubles in the D. R—there are angry outbursts for nothing. The spirit of quarrels is still in the Aroumé atmosphere. Unless the workers make an effort to throw it away, it will always attack them and create some mischief ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 15 July 1936 My dear Mother, N asks me if K can occasionally roast brinjals in the kitchen after the cooking is over. If it brings no inconvenience at all, it can be done, but if it is to create any inconvenience or extra work I do not want it. 15 July 1936 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 24 June 1934 Dear Mother, Formerly, the wood pieces bought for cooking used to take a long time to burn—it was slow cooking; but the fire from these wood-shavings is quite strong and cooks quickly. Personally, I feel that food cooked under a slow fire is good in taste and good for ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 26 April 1934 Mother, N often comes to me for work. If You like, we can give him the kerosene work. He will keep the account and give it to me daily; this will be a check upon him. I do not fear that he will misuse the articles entrusted to him. With a ray of faith that he may be ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 24 April 1934 Mother, I am happy to be working again. All Your Love, Grace and Protection are with me, Your Presence is in me and, Mother, surely the Divine Grace shall manifest. Keep this quietness and this faith, let nothing disturb them. If there are things to be changed ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 13 May 1934 O my beloved Mother, Surely You are giving me a bath in Your Love. Whatever people may say of me—good or bad—I have my dear Mother in my heart, holding me close to Her bosom. I know also that when dangers are outside, when there is bad will, my Mother keeps me under ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 26 April 1934 Mother, In the kitchen, H and P work hard and without any reserve. If ever You have a worker of Your choice for the kitchen, I pray to You, please lighten the work for them. The difficulty will be to find somebody whom they will agree to take inside the work. I ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 30 May 1934 Dear Mother, Let my entire being remain turned only towards You. Be very careful to remain always calm and peaceful and let an integral equanimity establish itself more and more completely in your being. Do not allow your mind to be too active and to live in turmoil ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 21 April 1934 Dear Maman, When You asked me: "Do you take S with you in the push rickshaw?" I said "No." Did You mean that I may take him? Or was Ito take him? 1 thought that if he went at the same time as you go to the market he might feel it an injustice that he should have ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 22 June 1934 Dear Mother, The work at the Dining Room is being done and it will always be done; the cupboards, floor and cloths there are cleaner than at any other place. But something else must be done now: we must rise above falsehood and our false nature. Yes, this is the ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 29 May 1934 My Beloved Mother, My entire being takes refuge in You and at each moment feels You as the Reality. I always keep you in my arms and will carry you through all difficulties. 29 May 1934 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 19 November 1934 My dear Mother, The last two days, when I was on the footpath of Aroumé, I got a rising of temperature in my body and a bad head; this morning it was worse and I was pushing and pushing it out. Today I cleaned M's bottle with sweets and was bringing it to You ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 12 November 1934 Dear Mother, I had a little fever today and the throat is had also. Perhaps it is due to a sudden change of weather and it will be quite all right in a day or two. My dear Mother, I do not accept this fever or this cold. It has to go away. Certainly it must ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 19 December 1934 My dear Mother, S has not taken her evening food, for reasons she knows. I do not, but most probably I am the culprit. I do not think you are the culprit. I must be the culprit because she wanted to embroider a crown for me in gold and I said that I had no gold ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 23 December 1934 My dear Mother, May S have submission and love for the Divine, may she be filled with gratitude, may she progress in the sadhana. I shall add: may she have a simple humility, because that is what she needs most. The Divine Grace is infinite. O Mother, ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 10 November 1934 Dear Mother, S is again badly disturbed. When I am frank, there is difficulty; when I remain silent, there is also difficulty. Give me a middle path, such as Buddha found. Do not worry—whatever you do will always be criticized. So the best is not to pay any ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 10 December 1934 Mother of my heart, Awaken the unawakened parts in me. Make me integrally conscious of Thy Presence, the Presence which will lead me to an integral and perfect union with Thee and make me live as a brilliant portion of Thyself. Yes, your prayer will be granted ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 11 November 1934 My dear Love, Physically, I am much better; the throat also seems to be better. I hope to be quite all right. Let the light, the force, the consciousness flood your whole being and give you the strength to throw away at once the attack on your body. Always ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 20 November 1934 My dear Mother, In all love for You, I disappear in You, and You alone live in me. My Mother, I am Thy child. With all love to you, my dear child, I take you in my arms and keep you in my heart. 20 November 1934 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 2 December 1934 My dear Mother, I am quiet, happy and filled with Your Love, the Love that is a great victorious force. Yes, love is the great Victor. All love and blessings to you, my dear child 2 December 1934 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 30 May 1935 My dear Mother, I fail to understand why there is so much antipathy against me in the Aroumé workers. I do not think it is so bad as all that. Three days back, as soon as I entered Aroumé gate from the market, a force ran through my neck, saying: "It would ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 4 June 1935 My dear Mother, There is not a single worker in Aroumé who has not shown his or her bright side of love, devotion and service to the Divine. That is the light which shines in each of us; that I adore and through it I always feel in harmony with the inmates. That is what ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 7 June 1935 My dear Mother, At work two parties have formed—the quarrels go on daily and the smallest thing becomes a mountain. Both parties are quite dissatisfied with me because I do not take sides, I hear nobody and I put forth my case of peace and quietness. What you are ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 15 May 1935 My dear Mother, Unless the body consciousness opens and receives the Divine Light, Peace and Consciousness, nothing of permanence is achieved. The body is the base, and upon that base the Divine has to work and construct a building. However much the vital and the mental ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 30 May 1935 My dear Mother, I thought that as I have grown bulky, I might not be able to work physically. But I find that I can work with a sustained energy, quietly and with a balanced mind. And I think You are quite happy to see me working. Yes, I am very glad to see you ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 27 May 1935 My dear Mother, The most important thing for me to do is to remain quietly happy, consecrated and concentrated on You, and to do what has to be done very sincerely and devotionally, not worrying about the future, but quietly aspiring very humbly before You . Yes, ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 6 June 1935 My dear, dear Mother, I am happy with an increasing daily experience: My Mother is in my heart. She who supports me, guides me, loves me, She is the soul of this body and much more than that. My dear Mother, I love You with all my heart. Yes, you are truly in ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 11 June 1935 Mother, my dear Mother, Grant me a complete faithfulness to You and Your work. Never let me accept the idea or suggestion: "Mother, I want to go; let me go." Surely such a monstrous idea must never cross your mind—it is unthinkable for my love. 11 June 1935 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 7 June 1935 My dear Mother, Where You are, I am. And I have no place to go except into Your loving and affectionate consciousness. Yes, my dear child, your home is here and I am always with you. 7 June 1935 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 18 October 1935 My dear Mother, I am sorry to inform You that S is reading some letters of K and H to You. S told the contents of them to G, and G told me. I am not at all sure of G's reports, as I told you already many times. Nothing can be decided or judged on what she ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 25 October 1935 Dear Mother, I have just returned from H's place. Thrice she tried to run away and thrice I chased her and forced her to go to her room. The reason for this seems to be something between her and N. It is good that you have obtained some result—let us hope that ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 16 October 1935 My dear Mother, May peace and confidence come into the exterior being, may the mind be filled with quietness and trust in You, in Your words and actions. It is only love that can understand and get at the secrets of the Divine Working. The mind, the physical ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 9 October 1935 My dear Mother, The other day when I wrote to You about saving expenses if there is war in Europe, I meant this: Milk: one cup instead of three. Not three plantains but one. No washerman at all—we can wash our own clothes. No servants. No pocket money—people ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 5 October 1935 My dear Mother, It is my earnest wish to have good relations with one and all. Hardly a day has passed in which I have not cried within myself about my disharmonious relation with M. I never meant it to turn out like this. Do not worry or be impatient. All the ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 26 October 1935 My dear Mother, About the present conflict in the Dining Room. As far as I understand it, the reason is this: the workers want to have freedom of action and they feel suffocated under my pressure. It is not under your pressure, it is under the pressure of ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 12 October 1935 My dear Mother, Confidence in the Guru is the key to Victory. Lack of confidence brings complete failure. Confidence, confidence, may an utter confidence in the Divine increase in the Ashram. Yes, it is so absurd to ask for help and yet to have no trust! On the ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 15 October 1935 My dear Mother, May the Divine Patience grow in me. True patience can grow only in the true knowledge and consciousness and in full confidence in the Divine. If the mind remains more quiet in front of circumstances and happenings, the patience will be more easily ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 20 October 1935 Beloved of my heart, May there be for me a complete identification with Your Will, Your consciousness, Your work. Yes, the identification with the Will and Consciousness is growing steadily and thus you will become more and more aware of my presence. 20 October ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 18 March 1936 My dear Mother, It is a pity that G refused to accept help from P, who offered her help purely out of goodwill. I found G selfish in refusing the offer. Yes, P had offered to prove her goodwill. But G wants to be obeyed and fears that P will refuse to obey her ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 19 March 1936 My dear Mother, What shall become of the soup? People are always complaining about it and about the vegetable we use for dinner after straining the soup. It is cow's fodder for them. Shall we stop it? No, this soup is very good and wholesome. It is better to ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 22 April 1936 My dear Mother, How is it that my co-workers think so badly of me that I am deprived of even an ordinary human courtesy! Things are getting worse. Perhaps there would be a lighter air if I were not there. Do not take these things so much to heart. If you give ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 13 April 1936 My dear Mother, What a pity, some people have begun to call the Ashram food "the night soil of the dogs". It is a wonder to me how such expressions come out. I may be managing badly, H may be cooking badly—but we should have some common sense and some deep regard for ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 12 March 1936 My dear Mother, How is it that P has learnt to utter such ugly things about You? Why such a grudge! Where is the reason for dissatisfaction? She has freedom in work, freedom to move about where she likes. In the kitchen she was required to be exact and regular—but ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 14 March 1936 My dear Mother, Here is a letter from Y. As far as I know, he is not the only one who has contempt for the Ashram food—there are a good many. What Yogic and non-Yogic food is, is a mystery to me. The non-Yogic food is the food very rich or very spiced and, of course ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 3 February 1936 My dear Mother, How can I be more and more useful to You? Grant me a complete consecration, illumine my entire consciousness, purify it so that it may be an instrument worthy of Your Love. All depends on the progress of the consciousness and that is coming ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 6 February 1936 Dear Mother, Today Your flask of soup came back full. Perhaps You missed it or You may have been too busy. I drank it all with Your trust. No, I did not miss it but did not feel like taking soup at that time and along with the flask I sent a very affectionate ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 22 February 1936 My dear Mother, M lost his temper on the 20th and 21st over nothing; at each step he shows that he wants to rule and govern. Did you hear him yourself? Were you there when he lost his temper? He is quite capable of doing it, but as a rule never believe the reports ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 3 December 1936 My dear Mother, Truly I am a pretender and a hypocrite. I showed myself to be what I was not and brought a good many troubles to You by my behaviour, especially because I have to work mainly with ladies. Would the solution be to remove myself from the field of work ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 2 September 1937 Dear Mother, We have a woman-coolie in the Granary who is unable to cope with the work. It was decided by You to get a man in her place. K's choice is either M, B's gardener, or R who has worked at the Granary before. M is our best gardener; what would happen ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 12 October 1936 My dear Mother, It is my humble confession that a wave of fear and falsehood attacked me. This wave wanted me to be very angry with H. But to all the suggestions and attacks of the hostile forces, I had one answer: "It is impossible; I know all of you very well ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 11 October 1936 My dear Mother, Dr. B will talk with H about her treatment tonight; there is some fear in her mind. The same fear was in K. All these people may be talking and gossiping on the subject and supporting the fear in one another. This whole recent wave of illness in the ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 21 October 1936 My dear Mother, L goes to Aroumé and wipes vessels in the morning. She told me: "I shall not be able to go in the evening because my body is not well." The need for her was in the evening, but that she has now refused. Here is one more person whom we are "making ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 2 December 1936 My dear Mother, A very humble confession. Since 1911 I have denied the sex-instinct in me, refused to accept it. There was a very strong will in me which simply controlled it, crushed it, pushed it out from the surface consciousness. Yet for all the negation it was ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother Undated Mother, There are plenty of moods and fancies among the inmates, many unnecessary harassings. I undergo all possible pinchings, tortures and troubles, but our goal is something else—it is the Divine Life. You are quite right in not allowing the moods and fancies of the ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 30 December 1936 My dear Mother, The year ends and a new year begins. May the new year bring to us God-realisation. Yes, the Light must illumine the consciousnesses and the shadows of Ignorance must be dissolved in all. Love and blessings to my dear child 30 December ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother Undated Faith is the condition to be frank with the Divine. A complete frankness with the Divine will allow your faith to be steady. Undated ...

... to go further on to find the items they required, then pulled their caps over their eyes again and went back to sleep! Pradyot Bhattacharya had been in the Ashram during my stay there. When Dyuman introduced me to him, he remarked, "Ah, I know her." In fact we had never met before. But, as the Mother puts it, we are all members of the Divine's family. Now he had returned to Calcutta, and ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... strength. Dyuman's letters, which brought with them the Mother's blessing-packets and her messages, also encouraged and supported me very much. The New Year message the Mother sent to me through Dyuman was extremely appropriate and appealing. 1955 No human will can finally prevail against the Divine's Will. Let us put ourselves deliberately and exclusively on the side of the Divine, ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... Auroville This message was given by the Mother to Aurovilians: Eat for living but do not live for eating . Blessings . During that time Dyuman the Trustee of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram got this message copied and put in the Ashram Dining Room. ...


... pavilion, so that no more money should be asked from you. There has never been any mention of the possibility of returning the money to you—This is quite out of question. Blessings The Mother Dyuman Trustee Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust Pondicherry. Also I received a number of letters from Carlo Schuller urging me to take action and offering his support. Eventually I felt that now ...


... Please bring our sisters. Usha wrote to me. I have already sent her the Mother's blessing packet. Kindly ask everyone not to worry. The Mother will do the needful. I have given your messages to Dyuman and Shivabhai Amin. Finally I thank you all for sending money. I have written to our mother and thanked her for sending my things from Rajkot. I appreciate the good will of you all. With ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... had written on it: To My dear little child Huta with my blessings for a Happy New Year and my love for always. Her consideration and remembrance touched my heart. Later I was informed by Dyuman that all her activities in the Playground had been stopped for good. I had attended her French translation class on 6th December 1958—I did not know at that time that it was the last. The next day ...


... the "Prosperity" Room. The other was Amal. This selection did not denote that either Doraiswamy or Amal was more deeply devoted to the Mother than the rest of those present: Nolini, Amrita, Pavitra, Dyuman, Champaklal, Lalita, Tajdar, Chinmayi, Dara, etc. It simply denoted that Doraiswamy and I turned inwardly to the Mother most frequently for help because we found ourselves more often than the rest ...


... in this life of hers? Your reply, in spite of all that I have already urged, will be that, for whatever reason, she was ready to give up her body and had in mind the body of Nolini or Champaklal or Dyuman or Pavitra or Amrita or Satprem to fulfil the work Sri Aurobindo had assigned to her: namely, "our Yoga of supramental descent and transformation."   Now is the moment for me to set forth my ...


... a Divine Representation in a non-Indian? (laughter) All the Avatars had been Indians, so the Mother could not be an Avatar, she being French! But Champaklal had no such inhibition. And I believe Dyuman was there, too, though I am not very sure. He may have come a little later; at least he was later than Nolini, Amrita and Champaklal; but I think his devotional face was there when I arrived. 1 And ...


... Lalita too, quiet and refined and childlike. Amrita looked the picture of meekness, the Divine's obedient and ever-ready servitor with just a faint forward and backward movement of the head at times. Dyuman too sat unobtrusively though not unimpressively, with a dedicated visage that appeared incapable of ever saying "No" to anything the Mother might order.         I hope none of the objects of ...


... people." (laughter) I was astonished. "Now, please do something and get me out of this place." Then she and some others picked me up and somebody from inside the Ashram came out — I think it was Dyuman — and looked at me and went to report to the Mother.         I had to be in bed, of course, for a few days. I sent for crutches from the Dispensary. The Darshan was shortly due and 1 did not ...


... Vasudev-bhai and others were there to arrange everything. The Mother asked me not to go to the Exhibition Hall once the exhibition of the Savitri paintings was declared open by Amrita. Nolini-da, Dyuman and Udar accompanied him. I obeyed her. A dear old lady said to me with good will: Huta, I saw the exhibition of Savitri paintings. You have done the work of 100 births in this one life. You ...

... Vegetables 1944-04-14 The Mother came to Sri Aurobindo's room with eye-cups for washing his eyes. She told him: “I went downstairs to see the vegetables. I had asked Dyuman to bring the vegetables that would be used this evening and tomorrow morning. 1 I wanted to see for myself what quantity is being used for the whole day so that I can have a real idea of it after ...


... that there may be purity to know the Divine Will and respond to the Call at any moment.—Datta Not to hinder Mother in making the best possible of us.—Doraiswamy To be in complete union with You.—Dyuman To live only for Mother as if nobody and nothing else existed.—Lalita Divinising life.—Nolini To return home.—Pavitra Birth of the supreme harmony in matter from the union of the above and ...


... realisation of the harmony between the inner and the outer that I may devote myself entirely and truly to the Mother.—Amrita In the perfect peace the descent of the supramental light in the physical.—Dyuman Make my body a perfect instrument of your work.—Satyen Right attitude.—Champaklal ...


... signature and several symbols she designed. It also contains some Sanskrit names given by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to disciples and devotees, with meanings such as Anurakta (lovingly devoted), Dyuman (the luminous one), Huta (the offered one), and Navajata (the new born). There is also some early regulations for the sadhaks of the Ashram. Part III Miscellany The Mother's Blessings ...

... powerfully-brandished hammer? Or of his howling challenges to C to come out and face him, till Mother herself had to interfere and stop him? Or of his yelling and hammering in a rage at C's door till Dyuman came and dragged him away? These things happened within a short distance of your poetic ears and yet you know nothing??? N is subject to these fits and has always been so. And he is not the only howler ...

... It seems a lot of medicine—but I doubt if in S's case we can rely on Force alone. He can't digest milk, so I asked for the soup. It may be inconvenient to supply from your soup, so I can ask Dyuman to buy some soup vegetables and supply them. I think that would be best. No, it would not be best. We are asking Rajangam to manage somehow to prepare some more soup for the purpose. June 26 ...

... To remain all day shut up in a room is not so good. May 23, 1938 T is much better today. But what about some prunes (tinned) to help her motion? [ Mother :] Yes, you can ask from Dyuman. K found Wincarnis very good. It is over, should he have another bottle? [ Mother :] One bottle costs more than Rs. 3. It must be taken only if it is quite indispensable. What about the ...

... work out successfully. If S could come to help him it would be good. Let it be so. After 2 days he ought not to be any more lying in bed, it is not safe at his age. Very well. Mother is telling Dyuman January 28, 1935 Why do I feel so sleepy in spite of having enough sleep? Is it tamas? I hardly seem to be doing any sadhana; no prayer, no meditation—nevertheless quite well! If you ...

... I Remember He was known as the "Father of physical culture" in Gujarat. He also taught English and Dyuman-bhai was one of his students. He was an accomplished writer. His Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo in English is an invaluable book. Towards the end of his life he went to England to do some research on Sri Aurobindo's life as a student, all the houses he lived ...


... have." I did as told. When she came to receive Mother's Page 52 blessings the next day she gave the money to Mother and requested her for a ring. Mother gave the money to Dyuman-bhai and told him: "Get a ring made to her size." When the ring was ready she herself gave it to her. In this manner without outwardly showing any special favour to anyone Mother still managed ...


... sent to us. These were talkies, but we found we could run them on our silent projector without damaging the film. Mother saw those films with us. Although the films were not spoilt in this way, Dyuman-bhai, sensing our problem Page 118 bought two 16mm sound projectors for the Ashram. Mother gave Vishwanath-da the responsibility of operating these projectors. Arun Kumar began ...


... the Dining Room's sanitary servant. They showed compassion for him but didn't know what to do. They came to Amrita. He went there, hired a rickshaw put the man in it and sent him home. In the morning Dyuman found that a bag of husk was missing from the Dining Room, and he saw traces of footprints on the wall. This man evidently climbed the wall, fell down and lay there in a drunken condition. So now these ...


... physiognomy. I felt that she had already marked him as one of her future instruments. All these paved the way to his last service to his Lord and permanent service to the Mother. Besides Pavitra and Dyuman who used to come to clean the carpeted floor, the former at the beginning only, I might mention another sadhak, Udar, who came daily to clean the new furniture in Sri Aurobindo's room since 1947. He ...

... new-found eagerness also joined joyfully in the Mother’s karmayoga, this sadhana of the transformation of the body. They began mixing with the children as friends. Nolini-da, Pavitra-da, Amrita-da, Dyuman-bhai, Purani-ji, Nirod-da and many others became our best friends. We could speak with them most freely. In the beginning we used to say about them (of course, behind their backs!) that these were ...


... ghee, Sri Aurobindo once jokingly said, “If Sahana were to cook, the Ashram would turn insolvent in three months.” The sadhak who had the sole charge of the cooking and the Dining Room was named “Dyuman” by Sri Aurobindo, his former name having been Chunibhai. The marketing and other supplies were in his hand. He lived on the top floor of the Rosary House from where began the building which lodged ...

... Trustee colleague of his living nearby. Well, we represented the Ashram before the Income Tax Officer to his satisfaction and sent him the needed clarifications. That trouble ended. Next morning, Dyuman was emotional in telling me, "We all are Mother's children. Let us forget the past. We work together." It was a short-lived emotion. Counouma, in later years, showed considerable affection for ...

... book. On my birthday in 1970, the Mother allowed me to take Her pictures even while She was at lunch. The Mother at lunch. Also in the photo are: (from left to right) Pranab, Champaklal, Dyuman, Vasudha and Dr. Sanyal I enjoyed taking the Mother’s pictures, and working with them became a passion with me. I would literally spend hours working in the darkroom printing the Mother’s photos ...


... Bhagirath must have done so in the days of yore when Ganga flowed down the matted locks of Shiva. Bihari-da was given work in the garden under Jotin-da. He was later transferred to the kitchen under Dyuman-bhai. The kitchen was situated where the “Cold Room” is now (near Prosperity). The food was cooked by a maid. Bihari-da put the food into dishes and brought them to the “Dining Room” which was a tiled-roof ...


... said." He was a wonderful messenger full of understanding, goodwill, consideration and kindness. I am extremely sad to miss people like Amrita, Nolini, Pavitra, Andre, Vasudha, Champaklal, Dyuman, Parichand and so many others who dedicated their lives exclusively to the cause of the Supreme Lord. These people will never be forgotten. By the Grace of the Divine Mother, they may have taken a ...

... that he should be buried. Great Rishis and other great souls are, by tradition buried and not cremated. So, he was buried at our Cazanove Cemetery, where is also buried Satyakarma, Pavitra, Nolini and Dyuman. Besides being a very good worker, he was a very learned person. He was quite a scholar in Sanskrit and in Tamil and he agreed to try and teach both these languages to me. I say he tried because we ...

... can pay it continues. If it cannot pay it must stop. And I say like that because I am convinced that with a little trouble and care it must be able to pay. So, take the trouble and go on. Dyuman is ready to help in the organisation. With love and blessings. 22 January 1970 Mother dearest, O please help me to belong entirely to you! I want a radical push inward and upward ...

... March 1933 Mother, Venkataraman asked for milk from the Dairy early this morning. He said he would not take his share of milk from the Dining Room in the morning. Since he did not find Dyuman, he left word with Jivan and I gave him the quantity he wanted; he also bought milk worth one anna. Such an incident is rare. I considered the matter for some time before giving the milk. At one moment ...

... arranged games, prizes and gifts for the children. Hats were made and everyone wore a paper hat. All were made by Golconde residents. Even special crowns were made for the Mother and Sri Aurobindo! Dyuman used to come out into the streets and blow a trumpet on Christmas day and a special hat was also made for him. When we moved to “Fenêtres” on Rue St. Gilles the celebration continued there and when ...


... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 3 June 1933 Mother, Just now (10.10 p.m.) Dyuman reminds me that the Dining Room does not sell milk and that it has not done so for the last two years. But Dande has already been asked to go to the Dining Room for his one anna of hot milk. Dande says he cannot go either to the ...

... Correspondence with The Mother 27 May 1933 Mother, What would you like me to do with the pistachios and raisins I received today? Can I give them to Dyuman? Yes, but it would be better if someone is willing to prepare 120 packets, so that the work of the Dining Room is made easier. 27 May 1933 ...

... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother 3 June 1933 Mother, Just now (10.10 p.m.) Dyuman reminds me that the Dining Room does not sell milk and that it has not done so for the last two years. But Dande has already been asked to go to the Dining Room for his one anna of hot milk. Dande says he cannot go either to the ...

... Faith will lead you to Realisation.—Chandulal The Star of your Realisation is rising.—Datta Prayer will lead to Realisation.—Doraiswamy Your Faith is the straightest way to Realisation.—Dyuman Keep burning in you the Flame that leads to Realisation.—Lalita Flame up for Realisation.—Nolini Realise yourself.—Pavitra Through Skill in Works you will reach Realisation.—Purushottama ...


... Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother’s Moving to the Top Floor On the morning of the 9th December, 1953, after meditation, Mother informed Dyuman that she would go up to her new room on the second floor from that night. Thereafter she spent the nights there. And now and then she would spend some time there during the daytime also. From March ...


... Mother [ST] Devdutt (Offered to the Divine) Byankatraman The Mother [ST] Dhimati Udar's aunt The Mother [ST] Dwija (The twice-born) Tarachand 11.5.58 The Mother [ST] Dyuman (Luminous one) Sri Aurobindo [ST] Harsha (Happiness) Rini's daughter 17.1.61 The Mother [ST] Hutā (The offered one) Savita The Mother [ST] Ishit (Willed for) Urmi's ...


... such persons is very sweet. Mother warned me several times against it: “Champaklal, take care, it is slow poison.” X used to speak nonsense and we could not bear it. So once I told Mother while Dyuman was present: “What a dilemma we are placed in! We cannot bear what she speaks. Your ways are different; but we are afraid that if we react in our normal way, your work will only increase! In this situation ...


... and certain passages were spoken by Churchill word for word. I have not found any written references to this in the texts written on Sri Aurobindo, but his secretary Nirodbaran had heard of this, and Dyuman … has confirmed it … Anu Purani tells me that her father A.B. Purani, one of the few people who saw Sri Aurobindo every day, told her the same thing.’ 51 Udar too confirms this. 52 For ...

... severe demands of this integral path and would leave it, sometimes after many years; others would become the pillars of the work. There are names that have become well-known for a variety of reasons: Dyuman, Champaklal, Barin, Purani, Dilip Kumar Roy, Pavitra, Pujalal, Nirodbaran, K.D. Sethna (of his Ashram name Amal Kiran), etc. Others, and not necessarily less notable, have given their best in anonymity ...


... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 10 June 1934 Dear Mother, I do not find it difficult to deal with F. I believe that I can exert a good influence upon her and bring her back to You. Arrange that we may come in contact with each other under the pretext of work or anything You like. I know that if I go, I am surrounded ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 1 July 1934 Mother, The 14th of July 1 is coming. The roads on both sides of Aroumé will be filled with crowds of people and there will hardly be any space for people to pass, especially in the evening. I propose that the inmates finish their dinner early, a gate-keeper be ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 8 June 1934 Dear Mother, I asked for tamarind on behalf of the ladies, to use for cleaning. He told me a long story about Your sanction for the tamarind, so I gave it to him. I still hold my view that lemon skins are sufficient, but these ladies have their own ideas. Tamarind cleans ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 26 June 1934 Mother, Today I was threatened with clouds, dark clouds; but now all that has passed away quietly. Mother, forgetfulness of Your Loving Presence, even for a few minutes, brought such a deathlike condition—it was quite unbearable. I felt so relieved when it passed away ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 6 July 1934 My dear and beloved Mother, Today I was very badly disturbed—the disturbance of all those ladies was rushing upon me. I refused to listen to anything; I said to myself: "The Divine is the Truth; the same Divine element is in all. See that, live that. Harmony, love, peace ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 9 June 1934 Dear Mother, The Divine Consciousness descends, fills the earth and penetrates deeply. It is sure to bring about the complete recovery of the earth. You have worked out many things in me within these few days; You have given me Your patience, quietness and peace ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 28 June 1934 Mother, I worked with C or rather I replaced him for a few minutes. I felt so happy to see him. You have joined us as friends for Your work and taken us to such a state of conscious understanding, knowledge and love that misunderstanding, disharmony, intolerance and ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 7 July 1934 Mother, The serving room has become a place to read the newspapers. Can it be allowed? Had there been the works of Sri Aurobindo or Your "Prayers", it would be all right. But novels, monthlies and dailies—how can they be read there? I suppose it is difficult to interfere ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 10 July 1934 Dear Mother, It has always seemed to me that I do not know the meaning of Bhakti. But like a river, my entire being flows and flows towards You. This is all that I know, Mother, and I wish that it may flow more and more, rise in floods, break all limits and disappear ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 7 May 1934 I have taken my seat in the heart of my child and my blessings are with him. 7 May 1934 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 20 July 1934 Mother, M does not feel inclined to give cow-dung. He asked me: "What will you do with it?" I said: "I shall mix cow-dung, sawdust and charcoal dust, and prepare balls for fuel." "From where do you get the charcoal dust?" he asked. "From S," I replied ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 14 July 1934 Dear Mother, When the servant K comes to fetch the empty tiffin-boxes, he opens them and eats anything that is left or takes it away. I have asked Amrita to tell him not to open the tiffin-boxes at all: his business is only to remove them. A will speak to him tomorrow ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 22 July 1934 Mother, I am not so sure of getting plantains. If they are available, they will be the plantains You saw today, kept until tomorrow. If they are not available, shall I return without them? And I might put a notice written on the slate in Aroumé: "No plantains in the ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 23 July 1934 Dear Mother, All submission to Thee, all love for Thee, a complete merging, a total disappearance in Thee. Today an unconditional surrender of my entire being rushes out in floods to Thee. Yes, my dear child, I know that your surrender is quite sincere, and you ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 16 August 1934 My Beloved, D prepares syrup to put in Your juice out of the ordinary sugar supplied by R. Would it not be better to use the Taikoo packets of China sugar for You? It is not necessary; the other one gets quite clean by the boiling and filtering. My dear child ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 24 July 1934 Mother, I got 200 plantains quite unripe. I am distributing them tomorrow morning with a hope that inmates will preserve them for one day and then eat them. Perhaps you could send a notice saying that the plantains are unripe and have to be kept as nothing else ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 28 July 1934 Mother, My consciousness is getting changed. I see and realise Oneness, Union, Harmony. You are in each one of us and You shine in all. I feel You, Mother, Your Love and Your Light. It is your own consciousness that is growing and changing, and it is very good. ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 25 July 1934 Beloved Love, Surely I know Your love, Your affection, Your trust in my future—it is bright, brilliant, luminous. May all my love be for You, Mother. Look in front of you with a wide, quiet, strong peace and advance steadily. All will be all right. With love ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 11 September 1934 Mother, Why so sudden a change in my condition, I wonder? I was quite in a normal state this morning, and in the twinkling of an eye it all got changed and I was before You in a changed condition. Whatever it may be, I have learned many lessons today, Mother. The ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 31 August 1934 My dear Mother, At D's kitchen I saw the potatoes and told her: "These cannot be used for Mother." When they are going to rot, they become soft, and she calls them flowery potatoes. I explained to her the whole thing. If it is a question of the uncleanliness ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 11 October 1934 My dear Mother, Let me tell You, my dear Mother, I am completely quiet all through, though there are direct accusations against me, and I feel happy to inform You that a better understanding is coming. It is bound to come if we stand firm in the right attitude ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 14 September 1934 Dear Mother, One thing surmounts all difficulties in me: it is that my faith, confidence and trust are never shaken. This condition of faith is solid and unbreakable; it is an eternal faith, a loving present from the Divine. I am sustained by a vast faith in You ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 4 September 1934 Beloved Mother, There is nothing that can stop my union with You. Boils or no boils, nothing can prevent me from merging into Your Love. I am experiencing daily that You are bearing me in Your arms and heart. Love, love to Thee, dear Mother. Surely these boils ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 18 August 1934 Mother, What to do about the potatoes and onions asked by the ladies? I have not been able to find a solution, though several times the idea has passed in me to buy them from Madras. There is cholera in Madras too, worse than here. I would rather they did not ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 30 August 1934 Dear Mother, H read the note of D for the white pepper. She told me: "Why buy a bottle! Bring the white pepper, I shall grind it as fine as a bottle of Morton pepper ground in London. It will be quite fresh for the Mother." If it is truly not too much work, certainly ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 19 August 1934 Mother, I am informing the persons who cook for You about the onions. What shall we do for the kitchen then? They must not be kept but used soon after buying, peeled only at the very moment of use (this is very important) and very well boiled. Always near ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 15 September 1934 Mother, I am quiet and happy. One prayer: may this hostile attack pass away and let all of us remain sound. My dear child, be sure of our trust and love. Our help and protection is over all so that all trouble may come to an end. 15 September 1934 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 1 December 1934 My dear Mother, I read Sri Aurobindo's notice about You. I read it again and then read it once more. My Lord, the Mother has no rest; may She have some. Lord, grant that wherever I go and move and work, there may be nothing but peace and happiness. My dear ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 14 November 1934 My dear Mother, M told R: "Why not ask the Mother to get biscuits prepared for your son in our Bakery?" R told me: "Will you ask the Mother and take her permission to get the biscuits prepared for the boy? I shall pay you the money." I did not answer him. I ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 30 November 1934 My dear Mother, Today S tells me: "I want to work with a winnowing fan also." The day before yesterday she definitely told me: "Only husking and nothing else." When she goes on with her whims, it is rather difficult to go to the others and make changes in the work ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 16 November 1934 My dear Mother, You have told us: "I have come to fight and conquer." Accept me, my dear General, as Your humble soldier. I carry Your banner of Truth and Light. I accept no defeat. A decisive Victory is crowned upon You, my dear Mother. Divine Love is ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 27 November 1934 My dear Mother, This evening I wished and wished for a being to come, a being who has risen above all lower nature and is completely merged in the Divine. My dear Mother, there are such beings somewhere above; may they come down and serve You and manifest Your Love ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 13 November 1934 My dear Mother, The condition of the vegetable market is exceptionally poor. Nothing can be found in quantity for us. Prices have gone up more than double and for certain vegetables 5 or 6 times. For the money we must accept the necessity of the expense, but ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 30 November 1934 My dear Mother, Mother, my Mother, may the Divine Peace descend upon earth. May the Divine Peace descend into each heart. It is only in Peace that the Divine shall manifest and spread the glory of His Divinity. My Mother, I ask for Peace, Peace and Peace. ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 28 November 1934 My dear Mother, My entire nature is changing and will change more and more and reach its perfection. I wish to be a happy transformed being, only so that I may be at Your service. It is true that you are advancing rapidly towards the goal My love is accompanying ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 26 October 1934 Dear Mother, My entire being remains more unmoved than before, more unshaken, more undisturbed, more unclouded by circumstances, conditions and gloom. Yes, this is good—and this equanimity and poise must go on increasing until perfection. Our help, love and ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 27 December 1934 My dear Mother, Seeing You this evening, this prayer arose in me so fervently: "O Lord, may my Mother get completely cured tonight." Surely had we been devoted to You, a collective prayer and aspiration would have arisen, instead of the sneezing, yawning and coughing ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 23 December 1934 My dear Mother, I don't know how far it is true, but I feel that I am a being who has come down upon earth and taken up the human form only to manifest the Divine Will. I am eternal, unborn and immortal. Let me tell You, after having this consciousness I feel ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 8 December 1934 My dear Mother, This evening at 8 p.m. a very strong giddiness came in my head and began to make me unconscious. I sat down for a few minutes and it passed away. Why do such things happen? I know why: in 1935 we enter the Eternal Consciousness, a consciousness ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 18 December 1934 My dear Mother, D has taken so many photos and there is now an album. People ask me: "Where are you?" I answer: "In the heart of the Mother." I have only one place, and it is Your heart. My dear child, Well, you have lost nothing from not being ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother c. 1934 Mother, A takes extra bread and gives it to the gardener and his daughters. He gets slices from the tiffin-carriers of others and this too he gives to them. If he asks for more slices, it is secretly for this purpose. I do not think we can allow such things to develop. ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 3 December 1934 My dear Mother, Ah, the moment we remain fully conscious and vigilant, all our difficulties vanish—they cannot stand! It is impossible for them to face the flaming fire of the Divine. Grant me full consciousness, complete vigilance and that flaming fire. Surely ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 11 January 1935 My dear Mother, Make me constantly a sadhak of the Yoga. May I remain a sadhak all the time and not only when I come to You for Pranam. Indeed this is a very important thing for everybody. With all love and blessings 11 January 1935 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 5 January 1935 My dear Mother, Today K cried and cried for one hour in my room, for reasons I do not know. If only she wrote about it and said the reason—if there is any—of such an upsetting, she would be cured at once. 5 January 1935 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 7 December 1934 My dear Mother, Happy am I that You are in my heart; Your Love and Light surround me. Yes, I am always in your heart and the peace, protection and help are constantly surrounding you. With love and blessings 7 December 1934 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 21 January 1935 My dear Mother, A wave of threats—such as going on hunger-strike and not attending the meditations—has entered the men-folk from the ladies! Many men did it long before the women began. At 9.15 a.m. I saw D jumping at the compound wall of the Governor's House ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 24 January 1935 My dear Mother, Y saw the cupboard to be repaired and told me: "This is quite the old pattern; even if I repair it, it will not be safe. Ask the Mother for a new one." I told him: "I have no heart to reject the old one." He said: "It is your economic nature ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 28 January 1935 My dear Mother, K told me: "Sometimes when the flow of Light comes down from above, I say: 'Not now, let me finish this work.— I said: "Never do that. Receive it, welcome it, allow it to come. It is the physical consciousness that wants to have its own old nature ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 18 January 1935 My dear Mother, We tried to bring S to the Dining Room for his food, but he insisted upon the tiffin-carrier and he got it. A the same. So too G, who has a brother and wants to take food for him as well. One more candidate for a tiffin-carrier: D who complains ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 7 February 1935 My dear Mother, H has gone into a state of depression and despondency. To imagine, to invent, to justify and assent to falsehoods as the Reality and Truth—this is a chronic disease with many of us. May this nature of purely vital ignorance and physical stupidity ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 12 February 1935 My dear Mother. Today I experienced that wherever I turned my eyes, I found You claiming all; I left all, ran to You, Mother, called You, threw myself at Your Feet, and I had all, and You. This is a very good experience. My dear Mother, always Thy child ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 21 January 1935 My dear Mother, G's brother has gone to Madras, so G is sending a small girl to Aroumé to fetch the tiffin-carrier for him. His brother was a big man and after going to Gujarat he has become still bigger! I don't know if the man is too big but surely the girl ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 19 January 1935 Dear Mother, On this coming Wednesday, we are thinking of preparing Halwa. Now that it is a routine dish, shall I try it once without cashew nuts and raisins? Will it not be a little tasteless? 19 January 1935 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 20 February 1935 My child, Did you ask H how the work will be done if she leaves it? It is not fair to take up such a big responsibility and drop it like that, in a fit of bad temper. 20 February 1935 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 15 March 1935 My dear Mother, What should my attitude be towards H in her disturbances? My dear Mother, let there be no attachment in me for others; let there be purely a goodwill and a heart filled with loving consecration to the Divine. If help or consolation comes from me ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 14 March 1935 My dear Mother, No doubt bad suggestions of every kind come and present themselves before me; but just as the clouds pass away and the sun remains unaffected, so does my condition. The only saving factor is this: Your Love has penetrated into all the corners of ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 31 March 1935 My dear Mother, L was getting suggestions that she would become mad. It seems that many people said to her: "Why do you laugh so much?"—even when she was not laughing. I told her: "These are suggestions thrown upon you; you are not like that. On the contrary, it is ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 12 March 1935 My dear Mother, The negligence of C and A today reminded me of past cases where I and my fellow workers were treated like butlers and couriers. Happily, it passed away very quickly. We may not be close friends, but surely we have to cooperate fully in the work. ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 28 March 1935 My dear Mother, A full trust and confidence in the Divine Love saves a sadhak from all dangers and difficulties and gives him happiness, peace and joy. My dear Mother, grant me a force that brings an integral and complete self-giving to the Divine. Yes, it ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 21 March 1935 Dear Mother, What about R? What work will he do? He has not spoken to me about anything. He has not been accepted as a permanent member and that is why no work has been given to him. He is married and has children and he wanted to bring the whole lot here. He has ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 21 March 1935 My dear Mother, I heard today that due to somebody's ungratefulness the eyes of Sri Aurobindo have big red marks. My only wish is that the day may never come when You have them. I also might have been ungrateful to You... No, you have never been ungrateful ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 9 March 1935 O my dear Mother, I am becoming more quiet and peaceful. It is peace and equanimity that have made my work easier and simpler and brought goodwill where there was bad will. Yes, let the peace and the quietness settle more and more in you and everything will become ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 15 March 1935 My dear Mother, A complete reliance upon the Divine Grace alone gives peace, happiness and joy. That is because the Divine Himself takes up the devotee and carries him or her in His arms. Yes, the Grace is infinite for one who sincerely trusts the Grace. Always ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 6 April 1935 Dear Mother, I thought I had a very pure relation with the inmates, but today I see that it was all humbug. There is a still greater purity to manifest and to live. When I go deep down and analyse myself, I find the lower vital impulses, the animal impulses of ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 9 April 1935 My dear Mother, The kitchen has not yet finished its troubles, and now the serving section has begun. We are not trained to resist all evil, nor disciplined enough to persist after the Truth, nor cultured enough to live a quiet and happy life. Yes, the suggestion ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 30 April 1935 My dear Mother, Tomorrow I am finishing the medicine for boils. May this be the last medicine for me. O body consciousness, open yourself to the dear Mother and get yourself filled with Her Love. Yes, there comes a time when medicines are no more needed, but ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 13 April 1935 My dear Mother, S bought some things last month and did not pay for them. Today A gave me the money to pay on her behalf. After that I began to think: so many people are buying things in their own capacity. Do they all pay cash or do they remain as debtors? Can they ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 11 April 1935 My dear Mother, G made a big fuss this afternoon. She was crying so loudly in her room that people could hear it on the footpath. I was passing that way, I too heard it and went straight upstairs and called to her: "G, keep quiet! It is enough. Keep quiet!" She ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 30 April 1935 My dear Mother, I have seen this: the Ashram has no hostile forces; it is filled with the Mother. It is only when we open to these hostile forces, calling them in, that they come and disturb us. If we remained calm, quiet and open to the Divine alone, the life of the ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 29 April 1935 My dear Mother, In advancing towards the realisation there might come difficulties. I pass them over as the Mother's child; I begin the sadhana as a child of the Mother, I advance like that and even in fulfilment I remain Thy child, my dear Mother, a child of eternity ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 8 April 1935 My dear Mother, Blessed be the day when there will be peace, gentleness, kindness and the manifestation of Love. My dear Mother, may the Divine manifest. I would say: may the world become aware that the Divine is manifesting! 8 April 1935 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 24 April 1935 My dear Mother, More peace brings more Light, and that sets everything right. O Lord, more peace. Yes, it is in peace that the knowledge and the power can manifest. Always with you 24 April 1935 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 6 June 1935 My dear Mother, The work in our courtyard garden: as you saw, I can do good work as a coolie also, and though completely soiled with earth all over, I can remain Your child. I was very pleased to see you enjoying your work. I hope you will rest very well this night ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 2 June 1935 My dear Mother, I have spoken to P very clearly: "Give dumb service; utter not a word even if there are whips on your back." If you mean that there must be no quarrels it is quite all right. But he must feel free to tell me what he has in his heart. "Work can ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 2 June 1935 My dear Mother, I, who was so social and friendly to all, am becoming more reserved day by day and relate to others only for the work or for business. Often the suggestion has passed in me that even with those I am somewhat free with, I should relate just for the work ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 15 May 1935 Dear Mother, When anything happens to the body, it loses courage at once and becomes weak, helpless and full of fear. In one word, there is no peace and equanimity in the body consciousness. Not only the body but the entire consciousness gets clouded and veiled; there ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 6 May 1935 O my dear Mother, My heart is filled with gratitude that You brought me here. You fished me out of the lower nature and kept me in the bosom of Your eternal love. O my dear Mother, teach me to love Thee, to surrender to Thee; teach me to be Thine, more truly Thine ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 28 May 1935 My dear Mother, What did I see this evening when You were looking at me from Your window? I saw that my chest was as transparent as glass and that You were seeing Your own image there. My dear Mother is always in my heart for eternity. My Mother, my Mother, my Mother ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 11 May 1935 My dear Mother, In Aroumé there are a good number of people having moods; none can say when these moods will come—they come without any reason. Moods are all over the Ashram—they come from the obscurity and bad will of the physical mind. When the physical mind will ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 19 May 1935 My dear Mother, I am always given to Thee and to Thy Work. Make me more quiet, make me rest in full peace amidst these hundredfold activities. I have to learn this more and more, and You have to teach me. Teach me, my dear Mother, to be more and more Thine. Yes ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 1 June 1935 My dear Mother, Today I heard A and P quarreling. Afterwards, P told someone: "Prison life is easier than to work with A." Would it not be better if you spoke to P? If he is not satisfied, it is better for him to tell it frankly rather than to complain hidingly. ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 15 June 1935 My dear Mother, Things are becoming difficult to manage in Aroumé. The worker:: want to do things according to their wish and a sort of negligence has come into the work; there is idleness, laziness, indolence, unwillingness etc. Sincerity is getting clouded everywhere ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 18 June 1935 My dear Mother, I have received a letter from H. I think that you also must have received one of the kind. Yes, even two. I find this little girl truly selfish and heartless to behave like that just on the eve of your birthday. O my dear Mother, this is ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 14 June 1935 My dear Mother, There are many difficulties at work, but it does not come into my heart to send any worker away from Aroumé. I am satisfied with them, one and all; and I am confident that in spite of all these quarrels we are arriving at a consciousness where there ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 23 June 1935 My dear Mother, Grant me a sincerity which discerns the truth and upholds it, which discerns the falsehood and throws it out. It is simple sincerity that will purify my love for You, strengthen it, make it wide, vast and deep, and bring my being into a complete union ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 2 July 1935 My dear Mother, I worked hard today in our courtyard garden and had a new vision: as humans are beings, so also plants are beings, and they too respond in proportion to one's love and affection for them. And if a sadhak with insight develops this, it will be a great ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 29 June 1935 My dear Mother, The sword of Damocles hangs over our kitchen. We shall have to remain alert, watchful, full of force, quiet and patient. My dear Mother, I am full of confidence in the divine Victory. Yes, as you say, one must keep up the entire confidence in the ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 16 June 1935 My dear Mother, Once more I am out of the clouds of confusion and obscurity. A firm quietude and equanimity and a reliance upon the Divine has dispersed them. The Divine is my strength and force, and I live for the Divine alone. Yes, my child, it is quite true ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 18 June 1935 My dear Mother, May the entire Ashram rise above, high above the ordinary human nature, may it consecrate itself to the Divine Will and live for the Divine alone. The Divine is the Supreme Reality for the Ashram. So may it be! Always with you to give you strength ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 10 June 1935 My dear Mother, Beloved of my heart, soul of my body, whatever I am, good or bad, whatever I have or am going to have—all is Yours, Yours alone. Given to You completely, my dear Mother. Yes, you have given yourself and I have accepted your gift with trust and ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 20 August 1935 My dear Mother, Sir H saw Aroumé and looked quite pleased and satisfied; he also took away 3 loaves of bread. He shall have to pay a heavy price for that, and I shall not be satisfied if it is less than 3 lacs rupees. If he can give a loan of 99 lacs to the government ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 30 July 1935 My dear Mother, Here is a desperate letter from G addressed to me and also partly to You. It is nothing but the usual accusations against Your love and the absurd notion of falling into the sea and killing herself. I have answered her letter at some length. My ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 6 September 1935 My dear Mother, Yoga in the cave is easy, but Yoga in life is altogether a different thing. There must be sincerity to the core and absolute self-giving to the goal. I do not believe that sadhana in the cave is easy—only there the insincerity remains hidden ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 13 July 1935 My dear Mother, I had a disturbance, but it has passed away and I find that a greater consciousness has taken its place. It is the consciousness of peace in the vital, and it comes from You. Yes, I had seen that you were not in your normal condition, but as you ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 2 August 1935 My dear Mother, [Several problems in the Dining Room described] For all the problems I have mentioned, teach me to surrender more and more perfectly to the Divine Will; an integral surrender to the Divine Will alone can bring peace, joy, happiness, force and vastness ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 5 July 1935 My dear Mother, If there were even a little sense of gratitude in the hearts of the inmates, no one would dare to tell You : "I am leaving." May the Ashram inmates learn to be grateful and how down in gratitude to the Divine. Yes, my dear child, you are quite right—but ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 26 August 1935 My dear Mother, Let me tell You that whoever opens himself to the Divine Love feels You very very concretely as the Mother. There comes a humility, a gentleness and a complete surrender and consecration to You. I am always with you, keeping you in my arms. ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 17 July 1935 My dear Mother, This too is a training for me: to see how far I stand detached from circumstances, untouched by the jealousy around me and true to the Divine. Yes, the only thing you have to do is to remain quiet, undisturbed, solely turned towards the Divine; ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 22 July 1935 My dear Mother, G has informed me that she is again getting bad ideas; but she is not weak and has taken her food regularly. She is quite strong and keeping quiet. It is all right, but if S and the others made less fuss about these "bad ideas" they would get them ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 19 September 1935 My dear Mother, I do not understand what was wrong with the previous arrangement of providing wheat flour for the bread. I would get news of the amount of bread consumed at night and would inform the bakery the same night. Now J wants the information in the morning ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 21 September 1935 My dear Mother, H has had one of her usual disturbances. She wants me to tell You on her behalf: "I have given up hope, I have nothing in my fate except destruction." Yes, unhappily there is a vital love in her for you—it is that that has disturbed her balance ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 6 September 1935 My dear Mother, May the day draw nearer when all the reports of disturbances stop and You are informed only of galloping progress and flights of the being towards the Divine. Blessed will be that day. It is in a great peace that I am waiting for that day, the ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 15 September 1935 My dear Mother, To me it appears that all troubles start from unconsciousness. Desire is the first-born child of this unconsciousness and it can manifest in any form, mental, vital or physical. What you say here is quite true. Peace is the base of all ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 19 September 1935 My dear Mother, ask for "justice" from You. Here is my appeal! 0 Lord, the human mind is too ignorant, too obstinate and obscure. May the Divine Grace be granted to it in order to set all things right. Yes, it is the Divine Grace that must be prayed for. If ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 7 September 1935 Dear Mother, H is sending a letter to You tonight. My reading on the subject: there is selfishness and a very cruel vital, quite intolerant, arrogant and proud. It wants to control and subjugate others. Yes, all that is true, but it is only part of herself, ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 24 September 1935 My dear Mother, At this moment a question comes to me: how is it that my head at once gives a money value to everything? Only if the money allows it, do I think of proceeding further! It is all right. We must avoid as far as possible all wastage. Always with ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 16 September 1935 My dear Mother, A faith and confidence enlightened by Your love and light has grown since I was quite a small boy and it is still growing more and more. It is good to have this unshakeable faith—it makes your path easier and shorter. All love and blessings ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 21 September 1935 My dear Mother, May the personal ego vanish and the Divine Will pervade everywhere. Yes, my dear child, you will always find me with you, in you, for this great achievement. 21 September 1935 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 18 October 1935 My dear Mother, In these monsoon rains and winds, the cart goes for food distribution thrice a day. The servants give more service than their due time (9 hours), get drenched three times a day and yet not a murmur from them. I feel a happy relation with them ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 30 September 1935 My dear Mother, Money can always come to the Ashram in showers, provided that the sadhaks are devoted and consecrated, faithful and sincere. If a sadhak says today: "Mother, I want to leave", and tomorrow: "Mother I want this and that", I feel that money cannot ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 27 September 1935 My dear Mother, Today I saw that my body is strong and that it can work; it is good that it does not remain slothful. My dear Mother, may peace and quietness increase in my physical. My dear child, I am always with you, and together we will fight the battle ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 28 September 1935 My dear Mother, Jealousy prevails in Aroumé. Here I give You a letter from G and one from H. I have answered them both. Jealousy comes from a narrowness of the mind and a weakness of the heart. It is a great pity that so many are attacked by it. Your answers ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 6 October 1935 My dear Mother, Let the play of the ego disappear completely. In my case, I know very well that there is pride, arrogance, likes and dislikes. There is also a part of me that wants to be big and great—it is ambition. My dear Mother, may I become a humble doer ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 6 October 1935 My dear Mother, I shall not be in a hurry for harmony, but it is not pleasant to remain in conflict, inner or outer, with someone; it brings so many difficulties into the work. Surely we must always want the peace and the harmony and work for it as much as we ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 13 October 1935 My dear Mother, I am quietly happy, yet the fire in me is becoming more and more intense every day. May a deep quietness and Peace remain behind the intensity of the fire. Yes, the true Agni always burns in deep Peace; it is the fire of an all-conquering will ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 2 October 1935 My dear Mother, Wheat drying finishes on Saturday. The coolies are showing fatigue from carrying the bags of wheat up and down. But there are only two more days of this work. You must be careful not to overburden them. If they get sick I shall have to bear the ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 29 September 1935 My dear Mother, Whatever the circumstances may be, my heart shall always remain turned towards You in all love and consecration and confidence. Well, surely when unfaithfulness prevails all around it is the time to be truly faithful and to stand untouched and ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 26 November 1935 My dear Mother, I tried to lift the piano, just to see its weight. I could lift it, but I got a jerk in my joints at the waist, so I quickly left it. I kept a very concentrated quietness and the left-side joint got cured immediately but the right-side joint is ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 19 November 1935 My dear Mother, R tells me that soup from boiled greens will be the best for S's stomach condition. It would be cheap and a tonic also. He wants one cup in the morning and one cup in the afternoon. This means we shall have to prepare it twice a day. Is it ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 10 January 1936 Dear Mother, P and D have become more and more unwilling workers. They shirk the work as much as possible. It is their nature—until the nature changes nothing more can be expected from them. My dear Mother, may the field of my work be a place for sadhana ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 22 October 1935 My dear Mother, I have always observed that whenever there is some heavy work or extra work to do, somebody or the other falls into a bad depression and it increases the work. The attack of depression comes either directly or through others. I have to remain firm ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 5 January 1936 My dear Mother, D is angry-1 have no idea why. But I am thinking of going to her and talking clearly about the work: how much she is to do and where. Wait a little before going to her—she is not yet in a mood to answer reasonably and she might do some mischief ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 5 November 1935 My dear Mother, G informs me that she gets fever now and then, and it troubles her much. The only thing that I feel about all our fevers is this: let us turn ourselves to our Beloved, the Divine. So long as we have not turned ourselves fully, we shall have to endure ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 7 December 1935 My dear Mother, A need for a complete quietness, even in my exterior consciousness, has arisen now. Inside there is always a force, but to make it more effective in its manifestation a complete quietness in all the being is the immediate need. Yes, quietness ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 2 January 1936 Dear Mother, Soybeans. Since You have had a lot of soybeans in Japan tell us how to prepare them or how to take out the soybean milk. In Japan it was never prepared at home. The various preparations are generally bought ready-made. So I do not know at all how ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 21 December 1935 My dear mother, This short disturbance has given me a good lesson; it has taken away a covering of ignorance and ego and left behind a luminous soul. May it shine more and more luminously. Yes, all obscurity must go and leave the being fully opened to the light ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 14 February 1936 My dear Mother, Today I was very sorry, so sorry that I could not tell You during the day about the misbehaviour of the D. R. workers. One thought was in my mind: "I have failed miserably in serving the Mother, I am unfit and useless for the D. R." Whatever ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 10 February 1936 My dear Mother, Whatever may be the causes of M's anger, let him remain calm, quiet, fully controlled and self-restrained; let him not burst out. Surely it ought to be like that and I told him so when he came to see me. I told him that the first thing is to ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 25 January 1936 My dear Mother, E has sent this chit to the D. R.: "Henceforth no tiffin box for me please." Tomorrow I shall see him after seeing You, if required. Yes, he has just written to me that for so many years he has been eating that he is tired of it and will eat no ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 24 January 1936 My dear Mother, I wish with all my heart to be docile, calm and quiet and to serve You in all humility and in full harmony with all. I have always left myself to Your guidance. This is my humble prayer to You: May Your wish be fulfilled; may the Divine Light ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 4 February 1936 Dear Mother, This morning there were two accidents in Aroumé, almost on the same spot, with an interval of only a few minutes. The servant Krishna fell down and sprained his wrist. Then K fell down and sprained her ankle. At the same place, a year back, G fell ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 21 January 1936 My dear Mother, A new force of transformation is descending; we have to keep quiet and allow it to do its work effectively. My dear Mother, I pray for quietness and to remain fixed on the Divine. Adverse forces might try to harass us, but may we remain consecrated ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 7 February 1936 My dear Mother, When I saw H's hair quite dry today, I asked her: "Have you no oil?" She replied: "No." I know that H has nothing to keep her head cool; she washes it daily since the last few days, and this is not good for the hair. I was just preparing some ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 19 January 1936 My dear Mother, It seems that the physical mind has now seen how to stand back during attacks in calmness, quietness and peace, given to the Divine alone. I wish it would put into practice what it has seen. Yes, when it has understood clearly it is bound to ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 19 January 1936 My dear Mother, May I learn to give myself to You. It seems to me that you have already learnt. My love, blessings and trust are with you, my dear child. 19 January 1936 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 18 February 1936 My dear Mother, Darshan is coming, but I am having a strong reaction against eating and preparing food. Today the preparing of luchis was mere play and not much work, but still I am tired of eating. Tired of eating? When you have so many people to feed! It is ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 30 March 1936 My dear Mother, Many days back I gave S cumin seeds to clean, but she returned them immediately without cleaning them. I saw sand and other foreign matter in them and sent them back to her. The next day she told me: "The Mother has asked me not to clean the cumin ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 5 March 1936 My dear Mother, I am getting a negative reaction from the workers about the special dish they have to prepare on Wednesdays. After each cooking of this kind, I find unhappiness, disharmony and bitterness among the workers. Perhaps it gives them more work and they ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 2 March 1936 My dear Mother, My mind has become very active. It catches all sorts of nasty suggestions, two of which are prominent: "Relieve me from Aroumé" and "Can't You manage to send me away from here?" What is this nonsense. Surely you will not listen to that! I do ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 27 February 1936 My dear Mother, This afternoon I felt a conspiracy in the atmosphere formed by hostile forces to trouble me through the Aroumé workers and send me away from here. But, dear Mother, I know that nothing can send me away, for I am in Your hands. I know that nothing ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 2 March 1936 My dear Mother, Whatever the suggestions may be, I know that they are all hostile influences trying to disturb the sadhana. The work at Aroumé needs a very clear mind and vital, free from all likes and dislikes. When the mind is struck by such adverse suggestions ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 16 March 1936 My dear Mother, Whenever I have been stiff, harsh, stubborn or rough, it was all ego. And I see before me many people, both men and women, hurt by that ego. I ask Your Grace for pardon. May my consciousness grow and become a part of Your Consciousness. Yes, my ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 19 February 1936 My dear Mother, L has sent a note to me: "I cannot continue to help M in washing plantains-1 am very weak and feel very tired." Yes. Once more she has gone wrong—and by diminishing her work she will become weaker and weaker. It is the work done heartily that ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 26 February 1936 My dear Mother, D speaks of having her work back—so I understand from her chit. Why that particular work and not any work that is to be done? If people could stop speaking of the work as their work it would put an end to a lot of trouble. 26 February ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 14 April 1936 My dear Mother, Let me tell You very honestly, wherever A has worked he has been treated kindly; nobody has treated him as kindly as You have, and yet he has proved himself ungrateful to everybody. If he finds happiness elsewhere, he can go; but I think he will not ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 2 June 1936 My dear Mother, H wrote You a letter asking if she could help in the Granary when needed, till a good and trustworthy worker is found. We have indeed received a letter from H—but we do not think it is wise to mix works like that. Her responsibility is in the kitchen ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 13 May 1936 My dear Mother, When disturbances or bad suggestions come, my being clearly speaks to them and says: "If I submit myself to you, you gain strength and enter into the atmosphere. Go away, you have no place here." And they do go away. By calling the Divine Force and remaining ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 8 May 1936 My dear Mother, The Ashram has very few loyal and faithful workers devoted to You, workers to whom You are the sole and unique reality. Yet with a full confidence in the Divine I go on. The Divine knows how to manage affairs better than any human intellect. The ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 2 May 1936 My dear Mother, Yesterday great sorrow and sadness rushed upon me with the idea that no one can work with me and people have to leave the Ashram because of me. It is surely not because of you that some people are obliged to leave the Ashram. It is because of their ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 1 June 1936 My dear Mother, I have learned that M is arriving on the fourth or fifth of June. Yes, he is coming back—but if you do not mind, I like much better that you should keep the work of sweeping the terrace. I like the feeling of having you there early morning. He ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 7 May 1936 My dear Mother, How many bottles of chloride of lime solution will be needed for Aroumé daily? Will You give me an estimate so that I can ask for it accordingly? It seems to me that one bottle of solution per day ought to be sufficient. It is very corrosive and I ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 8 April 1936 Dear Mother, I told D: "Mother is putting you in Soubou House. Now, no more of this refusal to go—it is all too much." He could not take it rightly and began to shout. But in the afternoon, I found him a little cooler. Yes, they do not seem to realise at all how ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 11 May 1936 My dear Mother, May each successive year in the Ashram be a year of greater and deeper consecration to You. Yes, it will bring you closer and closer to me in the true and deep relation. Always with you, my dear child 11 May 1936 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 5 June 1936 My dear Mother, My conviction is that with one K and one H we can very easily feed the entire Ashram. If both join together, the Granary, Kitchen and Canal House will be child's play for them. And above that, they will move about as if they have no work at all and give ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 6 June 1936 My dear Mother, Last night M told me about A: "He feels that his body is completely wrecked and that it will not recover. If he takes up any work, it will immediately be broken again." Nobody asks him to take up work—and the doctor has forbidden him to work. So ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 29 June 1936 My dear Mother, Somebody has taken my umbrella from Aroumé and left an old one in its place. A has put a notice on the board, but no news as yet. Now we have the name of the owner put on the umbrella so that such a thing cannot happen (B is in charge of that). If ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 15 June 1936 My dear Mother, Our sadhana is passing through a stage when unshakeable steadfastness is necessary. May we remain calm and quiet in this period and cross over the obstacles of the dark and ignorant physical nature. Indeed it is only the calm and luminous peace of ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 16 July 1936 My dear Mother, 1 have this hope for the descent of the Light into the lower nature and into the subconscient on the 15th of August. Yes, my dear child, the Light will descend sooner or later and it is bound to enlighten the subconscient. My force, love and blessings ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 17 June 1936 My dear Mother, H is full of sorrow and despondency. But I have noticed that sweetness of the heart and kindness have not left her. It is a pity she has stopped writing—I think it was helping her to keep open to the force and the influence. 17 June 1936 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 21 June 1936 My dear Mother, H's cold has worsened and she had a high fever; she took no food today. She is obstinate in not writing to You. I am very sorry for the cold, very sorry that she did not eat and also very sorry that she refuses to write. 21 June 1936 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 30 July 1936 My dear Mother, What is the matter with N? He looks all right, he moves about and yet he is unable to go for his food! As far as I know it is a dangerous illness: laziness. And G also. G is truly unwell with fever, etc 30 July 1936 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 21 June 1936 My dear Mother, Let nothing come in my way to You. Let nothing stop my progress towards You. Nothing can stop your progress except your own will—and this cannot happen. 21 June 1936 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 28 October 1936 My dear Mother, It would help if You could see H and talk with her and let her say freely her things about the kitchen and the cooking. Then You can directly answer her and the horizon will get cleared. It is now three months that she has been struggling over this ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 11 November 1936 My dear Mother, A weak point is opening in me: I am becoming over-sensitive to the slightest thing and my first reaction is: "Send me away, relieve me from this work." My faithfulness to You does not in the least tolerate this weakness, and yet I cannot deny its ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 7 November 1936 My dear Mother, This evening's meditation has resulted in a great renunciation of the past. My soul has gone to the future and given itself to You to be a perfect instrument in Your hands for the new creation that You are bringing down upon the earth. Yes ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 6 September 1936 My dear Mother, S is not drinking her milk but preparing curds from it. She may prepare it for You, but I think she should not do so for N and me. If things go on like this, we shall have a second edition of M for cooking. I think she is too unsteady to go ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 5 November 1936 My dear Mother, What shall I say about M's disturbance today in the D. R.? The reports differ and I wait for a little more clarity. In any case a life of peace and harmony is also worth living, and anger thrown out falls back upon the thrower and clouds his soul ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 13 October 1936 My dear Mother, C wrote me a letter. She wants to come here and is thinking of using a trick. She will agree to marriage on one condition: that her family allows her to come to Pondicherry before the wedding; then she will not return to Gujarat. She puts this trick ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 30 October 1936 My dear Mother, When You ask me about something, how should I answer You? I was not pleased with my answer today. Not only today but almost always I feel a shortcoming. The best thing to do is to give me the correct, precise and complete information about the ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 11 August 1936 My dear Mother, I spoke to B about work and he will give an answer tomorrow. So he told me. He wrote to me saying that he was accustomed to do very light work and to be at the head, but, of course if I order him... etc.... We are writing to him that he need not ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 14 November 1936 My dear Mother, I wish to become humble, very humble and sincere. Yes, my dear child, You will have this great boon of humility and sincerity. All love and blessings to you 14 November 1936 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother Undated Mother, ...But what does P mean by rules! I have not exerted any rule on him. In any case, my going to the Prosperity stops from now. I do not understand what you mean by saying that your going to the Prosperity stops from now. The Prosperity is not P's property. He ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 19 November 1936 My dear Mother, My horoscope says that I shall be friendly towards nobody; even my friends will abuse me and give me up. But this prediction will prove wrong; there will be peace in my heart, sweetness in my speech, gentleness and harmony in every expression. My ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 15 December 1936 My dear Mother, May I remain given to You. There is surely no question about that—but surely also you could not believe that sadhana could be done without facing some difficulties. As your aspiration is sincere, whatever was in the subconscient standing in the ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother Undated It is true, my child, that Nature is very brutal in her ways, but it can't be one of my squirrels that has been eaten, as they have come for food just now... It must be the babies that get caught like that, those who have, as yet, no experience of life and of its dangers. ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 16 December 1936 My dear Mother, The clouds passed away this morning and once more I find myself in the consciousness of zeal, courage and confidence. I am very glad about this good news, glad but not astonished for I expected as much. Love and blessings to you, my dear child ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 4 September 1937 Dear Mother, Here is the food that we have served this noon for the Ashram. Will You take it? And if You find it worthy of Sri Aurobindo, will You give it to Him also? The food is truly excellent. I am keeping it for Sri Aurobindo. 4 September 1937 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 1 January 1937 Since months I am tasting the food and find it truly very good—sometimes it is simply perfect. Always with you, my dear child 1 January 1937 ...

... nce with Gautam Chawalla) Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother 14 December 1962 Gautam, my dear child, The new room will be cleaned by Dyuman and Champaklal who are already taking care of the old room. So, for the time being, no one else is necessary. Anyway, I know very well that you wanted to do this work, thinking it would give you ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 1930 Mother, I attended the French classes, junior and senior both. Now the question comes to me: Why not read Vedic hymns rather than French lessons? Whenever I go to the library, I do not find any books to read except Sri Aurobindo's and from them I read only on the Vedic hymns ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 1930 All who serve the meals or prepare curds, etc. must, while they are doing this work, cover their hair with a cloth tied like a turban fully covering the head. 1930 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 4 December 1933 My dear Mother, P and I went to Aroumé [the Ashram Dining Room] today. We find the existing kitchen an impossibility. To change it we will have to spend time and money. We can put the kitchen somewhere else, as I am showing here in the plan. The room which has ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 4 March 1932 Mother, Nolini brought me the typed message sent by You. I have read it again and again. It is the strongest letter I have ever read. The last few lines about Your children's disobedience and disregard for You are heart-rending. Though the letter is not addressed to ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 16 February 1933 My child, I hear that your clothes are torn—this won't do. But I have no long dhoties. I am sending you 2 pairs of shomins. Instead of cutting in the middle (where there is the mark), cut them as long as needed to wear them as dhoties and with the bit left I suppose ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 30 April 1933 My child, Why were you so serious at pranam? Don't let anything from outside approach and disturb you. What people think, do or say is of little importance. The only thing that counts is your relation with the Divine—and from that point of view you have nothing to ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 25 December 1933 My dear Mother, There is no peace and happiness in my being. What has happened to me? It was seven years ago, when I was in the hospital, that I took the final decision: I am here to live at the Feet of Sri Aurobindo; it is my only life. Today there is a great ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 4 January 1934 My Mother, Bless me with Thy Love. I now go out of this compound for the Divine Work, protected and surrounded by Your Love and the Love of my beloved Sri Aurobindo. My Mother, though I shall be working outside, I am ever Thine, ever at Thy Feet. Why do you ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 10 January 1934 Mother, S wants to work with me. But she will not be able to bear this atmosphere and will easily get upset. I am altogether a different person in my room than when I am at work. She had not seen me at work: quite upright, honest and full of justice. She must become ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 28 January 1934 Mother, Seeing the work of the Building Department at Aroumé, I found so many faulty repairs. [The disciple noted several defects in the carpentry, painting and masonry work.] Mother, we spend plenty of money, but get a very bad result. We do some work, we find faults ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 10 January 1934 Let a wide and deep peace settle in you, my child; it will give you rest. As far as your body is concerned, I wish that you should go to the market in a push rickshaw. I am sure that it will do much to lessen the burden of fatigue. Some monthly arrangement can easily be ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother January 1934 Mother, These are the books I tried to write. Certainly I shall give You all the information in detail. I thought you were writing the books and not sending them. That is why I asked for them. But if it is to add to a work already somewhat excessive, I do not want ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 27 January 1934 My child, When I wrote "your work", I meant "your working", still more clearly "your carrying out of my work". I know that your aspiration is to become more and more fit to manifest the Divine's Will. That will never be forgotten or doubted. It is understood once and ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 22 January 1934 Mother, I have learned that N is not remaining healthy at present. I would like to stop her work at least for a week, to let her rest. I do not think it advisable to stop altogether N's work. It would not be good for her. If she feels tired she may do less, but ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 13 January 1934 Mother, I am quietly happy. Now I go to bed at 10.20, to rise in the morning with Your Vastness and Peace. If it were possible for you to go to bed 20 minutes earlier, I would like it very much. 13 January 1934 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 25 March 1934 Mother, I walked in the sun from 10 to 11.20 a.m. It was all right as long as I was out in the sun, but no sooner did I enter my room than I began to get cold on the body. I remained lying on the bed up to 12.25. I found that there was fever in the body. I took some ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 9 February 1934 Mother, Often I get colds and fevers and am obliged to remain in bed for some time. During and after each illness my body becomes weak and faints. How is it that I often have illnesses and my body becomes so weak? I feel that it is not as strong as it ought ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 27 March 1934 Mother All through I have felt Your Love. You have given me a long rest, and in fact the body does need to rest still more. Even when I speak, I get high and rapid breathing—a kind of fatigue comes to the lungs. O my dear Mother, heart of my heart and love of ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 4 February 1934 Mother, S, the new visitor, came for work today. She cut the vegetables, then did not even wait to clean the knife she used. At noon she is expected to stay up to the finishing of the cutting, that is, to put aside the peelings for the bullocks, to put away the knives ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 4 April 1934 Mother, D came to me this evening and told me: "J is forcing me to wash the mats. Can they be washed with soap? Can they be washed?" I told her: "No, they cannot be washed; at the most you can put them in the sun." It seems that they have become very dirty with ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 22 February 1934 Dear Mother, All kinds of bad suggestions about myself come and pass away; I have no time at present to pay attention to them, but every possible thing tries to enter: (1) I am bad; (2) I am fallen; (3) the body is a failure; I would like to give it up; (4) I have ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 8 February 1934 My dear Mother, I am quietly happy, though I still have a cold and headache. This physical disturbance is sure to go away. And I am joining in the work. Mother, let me be out doing my work; it will be good for me. I defy all attacks on the body. One day of rest ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 22 March 1934 Mother, I feel hungry and I eat. My weakness is decreasing, I feel. The doctor told me: "Because you remain confined in your room, there is this weakness." I am very happy to hear that you are all right. It seems to me that if you walk for some time in the garden ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 19 February 1934 My Mother, I hope that You will not hesitate to tell me anything required to be done during our crucial Darshan days. Be quiet and confident, it is all that is required. Blessings 19 February 1934 ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 27 May 1934 Mother, D asked for less curds, but J served her the ordinary cup. She began to return the cup, but he would not take it, so she left it on the table. Then he asked her to get Mother's sanction if only half a cup of curds was required. D complained to me about all this ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 1 June 1934 Mother, I am tired of my nature. I must rise above it if I want to fulfil the work. Again and again it knocks me down and tries to drag me into an unquiet state full of doubt, lack of confidence, and ego. Mother, lift me once more out of this turmoil in my nature ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 28 May 1934 O Lord Buddha, the forces of Mara attacked You, but You were unshaken, concentrated, calm, quiet, peaceful; then the Light descended, the hostile forces disappeared and there was peace on earth. O Mother, let us all remain consecrated to the Truth, always peaceful, calm ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 25 April 1934 My dear Mother, I am quietly happy in Your love and confident of being as the Divine wishes because You will make me so. I am quite confident that you will be more and more as the "Divine wishes" and that all will be all right. B gave me a bag of paddy from ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 24 April 1934 Mother, This auspicious Darshan day has given me a new life, a new consciousness and a new aspiration. I feel that a force of transformation has gathered and it will transform me. I bow down to Thee, dear Mother, and with Your Love and Blessings I begin the new life ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 12 April 1934 Mother, Quietly happy and at rest. The body is becoming strong, and it will become more so. Tomorrow I finish my last bottle of honey. I think that soon we shall speak of taking up a little work, very little work only to begin with. I shall call you once before ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 5 April 1934 Dear Mother, My body is increasing in bulk and volume, my physical consciousness or outward consciousness is growing in Your consciousness. The growth of my body depends upon this external consciousness growing in You. It is all right. I think you can put on a little ...

... (Correspondence with Dyuman) Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother 6 June 1934 Dear Mother, I actually see the waves of hostility against me, yet I am quiet; my being remains firm, poised and concentrated in Your Love and Presence. Yes, be quiet. We have only to work patiently without being disturbed by anything and keep unshaken the faith ...

... An interesting bit of occult news I heard in the early days of my stay here when I was very chummy with the central group of the sadhaks — Nolini, Amrita, Purani, Anilbaran, Champaklal, Dyuman, Rajangam, Pavitra — was that, when in a past life of theirs Sri Aurobindo had been Leonardo da Vinci and the Mother Mona Lisa, Doraiswamy had been Francis 1, King of France (1494-1547). ...


... that I invoke their help every Page 275 afternoon at the Samadhi and seek to make you remember the help which is unfailingly with you.   You find it difficult to understand why Dyuman didn't look at Sri Aurobindo while working in his room, I can try to lessen your difficulty by recounting one incident. After the Soup Distribution in the old days I used to go ahead and wait in the ...


... follower of Sri Aurobindo, a full-fledged child of the Mother?" Perhaps there is a streak of Page 57 unacknowledged ambition - a jealousy of Nolini and Champaklal and Pavitra and Dyuman, possibly even of stumbling, fumbling and still onward-rumbling Amal Kiran! On the other hand, you underrate your own powers of intelligence and application and industry, your own possibilities of ...


... the Mother which hangs on the wall just opposite the chair in which I usually sit spoke quite a lot to me through her eyes which seemed to move. Actually the picture belonged to Lalita and I asked Dyuman to let me have it because while I was sitting next to Lalita's dead body the picture spoke to me very forcefully through its eyes and the message made a deep difference in my inner life. At both times ...


... to your life." Along with the sense of Lalita's soft beauty, I was concentrating on the depth-opening power of the picture's silent command. 1 gave so much importance to the command that I requested Dyuman, who was attending to the general arrangements, to let me take the picture to my own place, so that its call to me to surpass myself might always hold my attention. Indeed it does so every day as I ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Later the Mother told Nolini Kanta Gupta, Counouma, Dyuman, André, Amrita, Champaklal, Vasudha, Navajata and others that I had received the correct vision. It was nice to read the Mother's talk of 23-6-65 in Mother India, Monthly Review of Culture , special issue of February 1967: Have you heard of Auroville? For a long ...


... Ashram. The Mother had written on a Japanese card: To My dear little child Huta With all my love and sweetest compassion. Pour une bonne fête.* In the afternoon Nolini, Amrita, Champaklal, Dyuman, Udar and his wife Mona, Maniben, some others and myself were waiting for the Mother at the gate of Huta House. For at last the renovation of my apartment had been completed. Her car approached driven ...


... seeing anybody except her attendants. That was the day of my departure for Africa with my father. I felt very sad. The gold locket which the Mother had wanted to give me personally, she sent through Dyuman. I went to Doctor Sanyal—the Mother's doctor—and expressed my deep shock and anxiety. I gave him a bottle of perfume for the Mother, Worth's ‘Je Reviens', and a flower of Victory—her victory in me ...


... 1956 My Savitri work with the Mother 01 April 1956 I was given by the Mother work in her Private Stores where nobody was allowed to go except Dyuman, the Mother's personal attendant, who was in charge of the Stores. On the morning of 1st April 1956, a Sunday, the Mother kindled a spark of hope within me by writing the following letter: 1.4 ...


... mind saw clearly that not only myself but the whole of humanity would benefit by this project. My life suddenly assumed a new purpose—a new meaning. The following morning the Mother sent through Dyuman a Souvenir Book, The Mother. She had placed a lovely marker on page 49 and drawn attention to these lines from Sri Aurobindo with a red pencil: What I am trying to do everywhere in the poem is ...


... same reason and because they are supposed to be in favour of accession to the Indian Union. 1 April 1949 [2] I am sending you a statement made regarding our food situation and prospects by Dyuman who is in charge of that department. This is a new situation; formerly, the fruit was stopped, vegetables were passing through the Customs and the Customs officers were very favourable to the Ashram ...


... spare me something. She only had washing soap, so I would use a piece of that: what a contrast to the beauty-products I had been accustomed to in Africa! I took my meals in the General Dining Room. Dyuman was kind enough to accompany me there for some time. The Mother once asked him whether I had any difficulty with the food. He replied that I had none, and it was true. Here I may recount an example ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... (Seeing us all agape) That is why we are dismissing many servants. (Laughter) PURANI: I was wondering why it was eighty-seven. SRI AUROBINDO: And neither has the Bank of France collapsed. Today Dyuman heard people talking in the bazaar—"Ashram, Ashram!" When he enquired what it was about, he came to know that this was the news they were discussing. It is the bazaar radio! SATYENDRA: They have ...


... inquisitive, there is no dearth of questions to puzzle him: to cite a few of them here: (i)Where are our venerable seniors now, the close confidants of the Mother such as Nolini-da, Counoumaji and Dyuman-bhai? (ii)And what about Champaklalji? - who stayed by the side of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother from the early twenties of the last century to 1973, but had to leave his body at a place far ...

... work well. But this work did not satisfy me—it was too mechanical. I wanted to do something else in addition. So I was given work in the Mother's private stores, downstairs in the Ashram building. Dyuman was in charge. Nobody was allowed in except Rishabchand Samsukha, who used to clean everything there. Now I took up the job. Never before in my life had I swept and scrubbed floors—I had been brought ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... the distribution she wept before the Mother, who consoled her with compassion. The next morning all of them left for Bombay, except Laljibhai, who remained thirteen days longer. During that time Dyuman took us both on an outing to see some of the fields and gardens of the Ashram. When Laljibhai left on March 16th I felt sad. Nevertheless I was much relieved, because the Mother had settled everything ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... Nearness to the Mother and Progress in Sadhana The ornaments which belonged to me had already been brought by my people and offered to the Mother. Now my remaining suitcases arrived from Calcutta. Dyuman gave me a vivid description of the Mother's expression when my things were shown to her. She had liked some French chiffon saris, and wished dresses to be made of them for her—many of them were brand ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... staking of everything that does not matter for the one thing that does." It is the complete replacement of the ego by Krishna's Will. Also during this time in Africa—from April to September 1954—Dyuman, a senior sadhak of Sri Aurobindo Ashram and one of the Mother's attendants, sent me two messages along with blessing-packets from the Mother. The message of August 15th 1954 stirred my whole being: ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... October 1954 I was in Bombay with my husband and his family. Each second was like a living death to me. I was in a golden cage, pining for escape: my soul fluttered, tormented, afflicted. At that time Dyuman sent me three messages, together with the Mother's blessing-packets. All of them were answers to my state of consciousness; but the message of 'October 5th assuaged my soul: Whatever the appearance ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... mention here the names of some of the notables who became well-known in later years. The respective years of their joining the Ashram are indicated within brackets: 1. Chunibhai Patel alias Dyuman (1927); 2. K.D. Sethna alias Amal Kiran along with his wife Daulat alias Lalita (1927); 3. Dilip Kumar Roy (1928); 4. Sahana Devi (1928); 5. John Chadwick alias Arjava (1930); 6. Rishabhchand ...

... hammer? Or of his howling challenges to C to come out and face him, till Page 353 Mother herself had to interfere and stop him? Or of his yelling and hammering in a rage at C's door till Dyuman came and dragged him away? These things happened within a short distance of your poetic ears and yet you know nothing??? N is subject to fits and has always been so. The Darshan is not responsible ...

... slight pain. Just now we have given him guimauve. That is right—he should take until the pain goes. You had better keep an eye on him till he is all right. He can have milk, but you must ;peak to Dyuman about it. Mother has already informed him—in case it is wanted. February 26, 1935 I discussed the matter with V [the "poisoned" patient]. He agrees to give up taking the seeds—if you wish ...

... ulcer. André has given a medicine, Histidine, which won't do any harm even if it is not ulcer. It has to be given either subcutaneously or intramuscularly. [ Mother :] Give subcutaneously. Dyuman buys vegetables for the soup, once a week. It would be good if Z could have' a "garde-manger" for storing them. [ Mother :] Yes—ask Sahana for one— Mrs. Sankar Ram doesn't want to go to the ...

... it? You might just as well expect to have a practical knowledge of high mathematics by knowing that Einstein is a great mathematician. Queer ideas you have! Are they Anilbaran? Pavitra? Datta? Dyuman? Nolini? Radhanand, but he can't be for he is Brahma himself, so keeps himself secluded like him, no? ??????? July 18, 1937 Self—Pus still coming out. Nose also angry! What a ...

... and recently to X himself about Z. March 16, 1938 "Heart-beats of a lustrous life, In myriad images unfurled." Good Lord! How do you unfurl a heart-beat? March 17, 1938 Dyuman has sprained his finger. There is evidently no dislocation. Still if you want screen-exam, we can do it. [ Mother :] I think it is not necessary. Angamathu's swelling and ulcers on feet are ...

... visited the Ashram with his wife in the thirties and did pranam to the Mother and Sri Aurobindo, his son-in-law, during the Darshan. The Mother seems to have told him that Mrinalini's soul was with her. Dyuman adds that Bhupalbabu Page 28 had the vision of Mrinalini in the Mother when he went to the Darshan and bowed to her and he was very much consoled. (I believe that in the interval she has ...

Nirodbaran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Mrinalini Devi

... give you a shock! No fear. Mathematics are more likely to send me to sleep than give a shock. December 6, 1935 We have no Nergine in the Dispensary. No. You can take a box from Dyuman for K. My, what flattering phrases you use, Sir! "Perfective immortality", etc., etc. Rather startled by this phrase. Can't find it, but don't believe it is a correct reading. J stormed ...

... don’t know and when it will take place, shortly or after a millennium, I can’t say. According to Champaklal Speaks, on the morning of 9th December 1953 after meditation, the Mother informed Dyuman that she would go up to her room on the top floor from that night. After that day she started spending the nights there. But now and then she would also spend some time there during the day. From March ...

... never done so up to now.         It is a bit of a surprise to learn that there is only one sadhak to whom a suggestion of revolt cannot come. I thought there were some more, like Khirod. Dyuman, Pavitra.       Khirod was not mentioned so I did not speak of him. As for the others they may get suggestions but do not yield to them.         You referred to M. as having strong ...

... made of earth. When I first came in 1942 the cementing of the court yard had already begun. 'Was the Service-tree there already?' Yes, the Service-tree had been planted then. Ambu-bhai and Dyuman-bhai prepared the ground with soil and fertiliser and put a sapling of the Service tree. The sapling was growing well already. There was no need for any supports then. It hadn't become so big. The ...

... be able to eat such a big chicken!" The day closed with laughter all around. (17) At about 10 o'clock in the morning Mother used to walk for some time on the terrace above Dyuman-bhai's room. Chinmayee used to walk with her. At that hour a crow would visit Mother. Mother had named this crow Blackie. Page 15 The poor fellow could not quite articulate "Ma-Ma" ...


... your friend”, my heart filled with joy. I cannot translate that experience. Quite a few years later I prepared and offered to the Mother some golden buttons in the shape of a lion’s face for Her gown. Dyuman-bhai had got me everything I needed. In the translation-class I offered a lion-shaped paperweight to keep her papers together. Bhabhi-ji (Violette) had got this brass paperweight for me from Delhi ...


... and that is how She was always present in our hearts and minds. Like Bhishma, Dronacharya and the others looked up to Sri Krishna as an Avatar, Nolini-da, Amrita-da, Pavitra-da, Andréda, Nirod-da, Dyuman-da, Purani-ji and so many other senior sadhaks always looked upon the Mother as Mother Aditi Herself, as Maheshwari. Whenever the Mother called out Pavitrada’s name he would at once answer the call ...


... received two bits of hair of our Lord. They are so precious and sacred that I should not keep them without your knowledge and permission. I am sending the sacred treasure to you, Mother, through Dyuman and if you graciously return, I shall be very happy to keep it. But you will do, Mother, as you think best and whatever you decide I shall always be happy to accept knowing that it is for the best ...

... elderly sadhak in particular. He is a jolly good fellow sounded beautiful in Udar’s voice and I can still hear the strains of that song… Once there was a lot of hullabaloo in the Playground on Dyuman-da’s birthday, even though he was not a member of any sports group. A few people lifted him on their shoulders and took him around the Playground singing songs. And the Mother watched this childlike ...


... ( Life long associate of Sri Aurobindo and Secretary of Sri Aurobindo Ashram ) Sudhir — M ānusher madhy é m ānush ek Sudhir — A true man among millions Lieutenants of Sri Aurobindo DYUMAN ( Trustee, Sri Aurobindo Ashram ) What shall I say? Nolini is Nolini. Sudhir is Sudhir. They will ever remain with us like that. Nolini as Nolini; Sudhir as Sudhir — as the lieutenants of Sri Aurobindo ...

... for my book. Pranab goes for a picnic. The “released bird.” December 14, 1973 Page 62 (Satprem to Sujata:) The five pillars of the Ashram: Pranab [the “bodyguard”], Counouma, Dyuman [two of the trustees], Nava [the “proprietor”], Andre M. [Mother’s son] ... With this kind of beings and forces, the outcome is predictable. One could expect the disintegration of the Ashram, and ...

... her absence and on her return she had to spend the night outside. Who is Sujata? A child of 9 who came to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and spent her youth and middle age serving Them. Nolinida, Dyuman, Harikant, trustees all, knew this Sujata from her childhood, she has worked intimately with them, but they colluded with Counouma to lock her out. Yet they knew Sujata's place in Mother's heart ...

... Purani, Champaklal, Kanai, Barindra, Pujala1, Pavitra, Chandrasekharam and Anilbaran Roy. Not long after the Siddhi Day, there came - some for the first time, some for good - ardent spirits such as Dyuman, Janet and Vaun , McPheeters, Daulat and K. D. Sethna, Chandulal Shah and his sister Vasudha, Sahana Devi and Dilip Kumar Roy, J. A. Chadwick, Miss Maitland, Rishabhchand, and a host of others, most ...


... darshan of the Mother would take place in the morning at the Meditation Hall. The Mother used to be seated in a chair and distribute flowers to the Ashramites and bless them. Either Champaklal-ji or Dyuman-bhai would stand next to Her and hand over the flowers to Her. As soon as I reached the Ashram courtyard, I noticed a lot of people had already gathered for the Mother's blessing. We too joined the ...


... 92, 213, 226, 255, 260ff, 296-7, 358, 370, 372, 430, 503 Diwakar, R.R. 596, 662, 695 Dostoevsky, Fyodor 481 Drouet, Mifaou 621 Duraiswami Iyer 226, 258, 287, 297, 319, 328-9, 426-7, 493, 691 Dyuman (Chunibhai Patel) 255, 325, 328-9, 418, 683, 816-8, 820 Edith Schnapper 782 Eliot, T.S. 120, 643 The Eternal Wisdom 108, 110, 119 Fanon, Franz 773 Rower Arrangement 195 (cf320ff ...


... today, that the Mother insists on prosperity, not austerity. She does not want to leave the world to its fate but to endow it with opulence governed by spirituality. 16 VIII In 1953, as Dyuman recalls it, a Bombay firm which had a branch in Pondicherry wanted to close their shop here. The Mother took it with its entire stock, called Dahyabhai, a disciple in Bombay, to take charge of this ...


... Part – III (Sri Aurobindo’s Letters) At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo 10 February 1933 (1) For today we told Dyuman to supply the milk for Nolina; but in future it is better to get it from Amrita direct from the Dairy. The simplest thing would be for one of Maya’s servants to take the milk for both at 5 o’clock or thereabouts and leave Nolina’s ...

... Dyuman's Correspondence with The Mother Publisher’s Note ...

... it is a very good idea to collect and keep all my precious things that are to go in the Mother's Shrine. The only obstacle is that I have no precious things nowhere, neither in my rooms nor in Dyuman's stores—no precious things at all... and the Mother's Shrine will be an empty place, empty of all material things, meant only for meditation, and prayer.. and I hope, filled with light, spiritual force ...

... Yesterday I went to lay the first stone of the Sugar Mill. Here is a painted view of the place. I am sending it to you with all my love and blessings. Among other letters I found Dyuman's informative letter which said that the Mother had gone to the site of the Sugar Mill at Sacrur, twelve miles from Pondicherry and laid the foundation stone which was of pink granite. The Mother's ...

... Aurobindo often. had to spend the whole night in replying. After his accident in 1938, correspondence had to be restricted to a handful of sadhaks. Those fortunate enough to be near Dyuman's room at that time must have heard Sri Aurobindo's melodious voice. While they replied to the letters, I waited outside in the vestibule (where nowadays a life-size photo of the Mother is kept on ...

...       1 During this period the Mother used to give us Pranams every day except Mondays. So Monday was called a non-pranam day, when she used to wash her hair and then walk on the small terrace above Dyuman's room in order to dry it. Page 162 rest for the sadhana. Does marching on with the Mother bring fatigue? As for the 'rest' do we really need it?       It is the ordinary ...

... of the depths and the heights. Occasionally some distractions take place, some small communications with other souls and at times even odd incidents.   Once when I used to sit just outside Dyuman's room and not as now under the clock opposite the Samadhi, a fellow came and asked me, pointing to the room: "Can I buy T-shirts here?" God knows what gave him that outlandish idea. Could he have seen ...

... dealing with fire-works! It will save them some suffering. It would be a good idea, but we cannot trust people not to misuse or do mischievous things with it. It would have to be kept shut up under Dyuman's care or somebody else's and so not always available at once. I suppose you have no time to see my old poem of 80 lines? After the 15th would be more convenient August 8, 1935 This ...

... visitors, the Ashram courtyard, suitably expanded with the demolition of some of the smaller structures, became the venue of the evening meditation. The Mother would appear on the low terrace above Dyuman's room (and once Swami Suddhananda Bharati's). From there she commanded a fair and full view of the congregation gathered in the courtyard below, These evening meditations seem to have evoked enriching ...

... centre, over the main Ashram building. There was a record number of visitors to the Ashram, and over two thousand had Darshan in the afternoon. Presently the Mother appeared on the low terrace over Dyuman's room; the courtyard was packed to capacity. The Bande Mataram was sung as it had never been sung before, for now it was the moment of fulfilment, and the Mother responded with 'Jai Hind!' and the ...

... Champaklal came first to place a potful of earth upon the slate of the vault, followed by Moni, Nolini and other sadhaks. The ceremony was quiet and solemn. The Mother watched it from the terrace above Dyuman's room. Hundreds of sadhaks stood in the courtyard in silent prayer and consecration. The most blessed Service tree amply fulfils its name by offering the Samadhi day and night, a cool shade and sw ...

... was thunderstruck. He almost came to believe it and consulted the Anatomy book! It does not seem to have destroyed his faith in R. He has demanded "no rice" on full moon and new moon days, to Dyuman's and Mother's great perplexity. I had to tell the Mother, about the Indian "moon" superstition. 2) After trying this and that for X's hydrocele which isn't so by his diagnosis, he applied strong ...