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Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [2]
Ancient India in a New Light [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Bande Mataram [1]
Beyond Man [1]
By The Way - Part II [1]
Catherine the Great [2]
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Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [2]
Down Memory Lane [1]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [2]
From Man Human to Man Divine [1]
Hitler and his God [8]
In the Mother's Light [1]
India's Rebirth [2]
Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [3]
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My Savitri work with the Mother [2]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [3]
On Education [1]
On The Mother [4]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
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Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [2]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [1]
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Talks with Sri Aurobindo [24]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Divine Collaborators [1]
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The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [2]
The Human Cycle [3]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Inspiration of Paradise Lost [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [2]
The Thinking Corner [1]
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Towards A New Society [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
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English [128]
A Captive of Her Love [1]
A Centenary Tribute [1]
A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man [1]
A Vision of United India [2]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [2]
Ancient India in a New Light [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Bande Mataram [1]
Beyond Man [1]
By The Way - Part II [1]
Catherine the Great [2]
Collected Poems [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [2]
Down Memory Lane [1]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [2]
From Man Human to Man Divine [1]
Hitler and his God [8]
In the Mother's Light [1]
India's Rebirth [2]
Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [3]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [2]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [3]
On Education [1]
On The Mother [4]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Questions and Answers (1953) [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [2]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [2]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [1]
Talks on Poetry [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [24]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Divine Collaborators [1]
The Future Poetry [3]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [2]
The Human Cycle [3]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Inspiration of Paradise Lost [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [2]
The Thinking Corner [1]
The Veda and Indian Culture [1]
Towards A New Society [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Uniting Men [4]

Holland : formerly a part of the Holy Roman Empire, it was the chief member of the United Provinces of the Netherlands from 1579 to 1795.

128 result/s found for Holland

... be left undisturbed. He did not think it would be possible to be so in France for several reasons. He thus enlisted, as a voluntary gentleman, in the Dutch army and moved to Holland, where he lived for twenty years. Holland in the seventeenth century was a very free and hospitable place for those spirits of Europe who were breaking fresh ground and did not want any constraints of tradition imposed... in the Jesuit College of La Fleche. 1619(Noveber10) Night of great inspiration 1618-1628 Various travels through Europe. 1628 Descartes settles in Holland. 1637 Diccourse on Method. 1641 Meditations. 1644 The principles of philosophy. 1649 Treatise on passions. Descartes ...


... them directions to stop fighting and when they knew that Quisling had betrayed them it was too late. 17 But even before the Allied forces could pull out of Norway, Hitler struck against Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg and France on 10 May 1940. The ruse of dropping German soldiers in Dutch and French uniforms by parachute to demoralise the Allies elicited the comment from Sri Aurobindo: "This... and Norway ought to have known about Hitler's movements and made some secret agreement with the Allies; it was their "imbecility" that was responsible for their plight. This no doubt applied to Holland too. Already the German army, by a surprise move, had moved swiftly through the Ardennes, crossed the French border on 12 may, and the Meuse the next day; and by 20 May, the Germans were at Abbeville... the Allies and he is working night and day for it. ... If Hitler or Stalin wins, spirituality is doomed. 26 The next morning, on coming to know that some people were glad of the fall of Holland, Sri Aurobindo spoke out with a touch of exasperation: Very strange, and yet they want freedom for India! That is one thing I can't swallow. How can they have sympathy with Hitler who is ...

... the Israel affair and the stand they have taken, the Indians haven't made many friends. No. Oh, but from Holland, a woman who was here wrote to me (during the events), "I have never in my life seen such a display of hatred as the one we have here against Israelites!..." In Holland! And in Germany, God knows it's the same thing. So it's not localized. It's the PRINCIPLE OF HATRED manifesting ...


... a lady disciple in Holland has written a letter: it seems everyone there is terror-stricken, there's panic all over the country (!) and they say it's the year of the battle. And here in India (not concertedly, of course), astrologers have said that September and October are months of a terrible battle (maybe not a war, but a battle) between Truth and Falsehood. There in Holland, it seems it's like ...


... gave in without a fight. Hitler is now asking for colonies equivalent to those of other powers. SRI AUROBINDO: But from where will he get them? PURANI: From Belgium, Portugal or Holland. SRI AUROBINDO: Holland has no colonies. Portugal's colonies in Africa are so small that Hitler will hardly be satisfied. The Belgian Congo is big, but England won't dare to do anything with it to placate Hitler ...


... 13 MAY 1940 EVENING SATYENDRA: Germany is not finding any resistance in north-east Holland. SRI AUROBINDO: The important part is the east. In the north-east they have no defence. The defence comes after the canals. It seems that Hitler did not expect any resistance from Holland. It was reported to him that the Dutch were bad soldiers and would soon give up the fight. PURANI: ...


... Air-force intact and their colonial army and colonies. From there they can resist till they win. The Belgian and Holland Governments have not given up, why should the French? And even if the Anglo-French Union does not become permanent they can have a very powerful federation with Holland, Belgium, Norway, Poland, Czechoslovakia and they can request India to join it voluntarily as an equal partner. ...

... Disciple : It is a pity they gave in without fight. But now Hitler is asking equivalent colonies. Sri Aurobindo : From whom? Where? Disciple : From Belgium, Holland and Portugal. Sri Aurobindo : Holland has no Colonies in Africa. Portuguese Colonies in Africa are small and Hitler would hardly be satisfied with them. Belgian Congo is big, but England would not dare to do anything ...

... "The Knowledge and the Ignorance - The Spiritual Evolution", appeared in two Parts in April 1940, synchronising with Hitler's swoop upon Denmark and Norway, followed by the massive invasion of Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg and France. We have seen in an earlier chapter how the Arya (in which "The Life Divine" always had pride of place) leapt into life soon after the commencement of the... continued. The German army, by a surprise move, had pushed swiftly through the Ardennes, crossed the French border on 12 May, and the Meuse the next day; and on 20 May, it had reached Abbeville. Holland and Belgium capitulated in near-despair, and the British Expeditionary Force and the French First Army were isolated and separated from the main French Army. In an effort to escape the encirclement ...


... plunge Russia into disorder; and she allowed them to modify her proposals, especially those for the gradual emancipation of the serfs. Even as so bowdlerized the Instructions, published in Holland in 1767, stirred the European intelligentsia to enthusiastic praise. The Empress sent a copy direct to Voltaire, who made his usual obeisance. "Madame, last night I received one of the guarantees... shall hunt through the Encyclopedic. Oh, I shall be certain to draw out what I want! Meanwhile she was moved by the pedagogical enthusiasm of Ivan Betsky, who had traveled in Sweden, Germany, Holland, Italy, and France, had frequented the salon of Mme. Geoffrin, had studied the Encyclopedic, and had met Rousseau. In 1763 she organized at Moscow a school for foundlings, which by 1796 had graduated ...


... suddenly erupted into violent action when, in a surprise move, Hitler launched a massive attack on France through Holland and Belgium. I well remember the occasion. It was evening; Sri Aurobindo was alone in his room. As soon as I entered he looked at me and said, 'Hitler has invaded Holland. Well, we shall see.' This laconic comment, with its deep overtone, still rings in my ears. Events now moved swiftly ...


... Germany, Austria, America, Holland, India und Italy, special "Children's Houses " were built, many of them in collaboration with Dr. Montessori herself. In these buildings everything was constructed in proportion to the dimensions of the physical and mental needs of children. She received many invitations and gave teacher-training courses in Italy, France, Holland, Germany, Spain, England, Austria ...

... to prove the inapplicability of Ahimsa. NIRODBARAN: The small neutrals seemed to have followed Gandhi's method in submitting to Hitler so easily. SATYENDRA: In Holland and Belgium he met some resistance. NIRODBARAN: In Holland? There was no fight there, I think. SRI AUROBINDO: There was a fight there but they allowed themselves to be killed more than kill. Perhaps Gandhi's non-violence? ...


... All the tanks and machine-guns were only a show. SRI AUROBINDO: This can't be reliable news. The Germans are too disciplined for such a thing. PURANI: There is some trouble in Holland. Germany is threatening Holland with cutting off the trade, etc., and establishing a tilde-route through Antwerp instead of Amsterdam. SRI AUROBINDO: If that takes place, it will make Chamberlain fight in spite ...


... troubles in Ireland June—Anarchism rampant & Spanish King in danger from insidious foes July—Numerous & startling catastrophes, Widespread disaster in the East Autumn—Plague & Famine in India, Holland assumes diplomatic & dangerous attitude, Under ill advice its rulers may suffer reverse November—Revival of sedition & turbulence in India & Egypt December—insurrections, revolts & seditions ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... at work revising this and adding new things – to make it sell even better in the second edition. I have written Tagore’s death-scene day before yesterday and am going to add a letter or two of Holland – one on yourself. 1 have chosen two letters to be added to the second edition. Here they are. Please revise them and approve – which I hope you will as these are not personal letters but ...

... enlightening but fallible human reason, are an ornament to its culture. In France there was Pierre Bayle (1647-1706), “the great apostle of tolerance”, who in still very intolerant times had to flee to Holland, the continental haven of intellectual freedom at that time. His Historical Dictionary, composed in Rotterdam, “remains one of the most devastating indictments ever of the shameful behaviour and ...


... out spirituality in India …?” And when he heard that a disciple had been jeered at by his fellow-sadhaks for admitting that he was sad at Holland’s defeat, Sri Aurobindo said: “They are glad that Holland was occupied? Very strange, and yet they want freedom for India! This is one thing I can’t swallow. How can they have sympathy for Hitler who is destroying other nations, taking away their liberty ...


... Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) 8 Your whole Holland-experience - a varied bitter-sweet -strikes me as an inevitable phase in your development, carefully planned in all its kaleidoscopic complexity by the Divine. 1 don't think anybody could have prevented it. You have grown considerably - numerous eyes have been opened. Some of them forcibly, others flowerily: ...


... and much more merciless than the dictate of Versailles. 1. Germany was to expand into a Mitteleuropa (a central European block) and exert political and commercial domination over France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Austria-Hungary, Poland, and eventually Italy, Sweden and Norway; 2. France would have to part with the coal and iron basins of Longwy-Briey and the Atlantic ports facing southern England; ...


... wished each other good night and parted. The following morning once again I picked up the threads of my life's pattern—colleges, lessons, errands and my bed-sitter. I took the Central Line from Holland Park to reach my college. There was no need to change the tube train. Moreover I had bought the pass, so it was easy to travel to and from the colleges. After our classes Ursula, my German friend, ...


... themselves; each is a nation free in itself but dominating over other human groupings who are not free or only partially free. Even little Belgium has its Congo, little Portugal its colonies, little Holland its dependencies in the eastern Archipelago; even little Balkan States have aspired to revive an "empire" and to rule over others not of their own nationality or have cherished the idea of becoming ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... especially when there is within the geographical unity a physical barrier or line of division sufficiently strong to be the base of conflicting economic interests,—as in that which divides Belgium and Holland, Sweden and Norway, Ireland and Great Britain. In the case of Ireland, the British rulers not only did nothing to bridge over or dissolve this line of economic division and counteract the sentiment ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... .. it's very strange, he has a strong, powerful face, but a nasty mouth ( blade-like gesture ), tight-lipped, pinched. And recently I saw two photos of the heads of the Rosicrucian movement in Holland (or Belgium, I forget), the Rosicrucian movement in Europe—exactly the same nasty, hard, inexorable mouth. Odd. Right in the beginning, you told me the same thing about the Pope. Yes, he has ...


... himself tied to the receptivity of peasants - and his being above common Page 170 heads does not annul his inward touch with humanity and his contribution to progress. "Humanity," says Holland, "is always on the march. The intellectual élite are its vanguard, its pioneers, paving the way along which the entire humanity shall pass eventually. It would therefore be wrong to represent the élite ...

... qualified in the heats of the 5000 metres for a final as strange as it was exciting. Again Zatopek commanded the leading bunch which soon reduced itself to three men — him, Reiff of Belgium, Slijkhuis of Holland. Three laps from the finish Reiff pounced, and opened up an apparently unassailable lead on Slijkhuis, with Zatopek, who appeared to have lost heart or concentration or perhaps just strength, in a ...

... 1916 Berlin, Germany Cancelled 'because of World War I 7 1920 Antwerp, Belgium 2543 64 29 8 1924 Paris, France 2956 136 44 9 1928 Amsterdam, Holland 2724 290 46 10 1932 Los Angeles, USA. 1281 127 37 11 1936 Berlin, Germany 3738 328 49 12 1940 Tokyo, Japan, Cancelled because of World War ...

... influence on him. This general had been to Rome and returned just three days before the surrender. It seems Hitler exerted his influence through Mussolini and has promised Leopold the kingship of Holland. (The paper was shown to Sri Aurobindo and after reading it he asked us to give it to Pavitra for the Mother to see.) SRI AUROBINDO: Then what the Mother said comes true. She said that it might ...


... has come at the right time, he says. He was being jeered at for being pro-Ally. When he said he was sad at Holland's defeat, they remarked, "You are pro-Ally?" SRI AUROBINDO: They are glad that Holland was occupied? Very strange, and yet they want freedom for India! That is one thing I can't swallow. How can they have sympathy for Hitler who is destroying other nations, taking away their liberty ...


... (Beginning to smile) NIRODBARAN: Champaklal believes only in Grace. Therefore your answer cannot satisfy him. EVENING At about 6:15 p.m. the news came that Germany had invaded Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg. SRI AUROBINDO: I expected it. (After a pause) We will see. NIRODBARAN: Perhaps Hitler has taken advantage of England's ministerial confusion. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, and Churchill's ...


... for an attack on the Channel ports and are embarking and disembarking in the Baltic. PURANI: So it is true that the Germans are preparing. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. Perhaps they will attack from Holland and Belgium. The Baltic is too far away. If it is a quick stroke and cleverly done, then it is possible and it depends on where they land. The British Navy can't protect the whole coastline. PURANI: ...


... Gandhi as a principle, while Azad and others have accepted it only as a policy. SRI AUROBINDO: Non-cooperation is nothing new. It is the same as the Swadeshi movement. Only, we had no non-violence. Holland is using non-violence by a violent abuse of words. PURANI: Abhay says this is the time to preach non-violence to people in Europe when they are down with the curse of war and violence. SRI AUROBINDO: ...


... and then penetrate into Belgium. We had very little doubt of his intention. It was evening; Sri Aurobindo was alone in his room. As soon as I entered, he looked at me and said, "Hitler has invaded Holland. Well, we shall see." That was all. Two or three such laconic but pregnant remarks regarding the War still ring in my ears. At another crucial period when Stalin held a threatening pistol at England ...

... compound of 'galloping' and 'leaping', and the ingenious name 'Rilchiam' to combine 'Richard and William'. Example 1: "Lord North's daughter - Lady Charlotte Lindsay - arriving late for dinner at Holland House apologized to her hostess saying, T am exceedingly sorry, but really the Page 40 roads are so macadamnable!' "" Example 2: Tensing and Hillary were the first climbers to ...

... union. He warmly supported it, and even spoke of the possibility of India joining it. "And even if the Anglo-French Union does not become permanent, they can have a very powerful federation with Holland, Belgium, Norway, Poland, Czekoslovakia and they can request India to join it voluntarily as an equal partner." It Page 59 is to be recalled that all other Indian leaders wanted to see ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Uniting Men

... brought her through all the vicissitudes of life. Sudhir Kumar: Kshatratejas Incarnate RANAJIT SARKAR ( Former student of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education and now a Professor in Holland ) When I think of Sudhir Kumar, the image that arises in my mind is that of a burning flame, a portion of kshatratejas, warrior power. He was fashioned by the spirit of the 1905 agitation against ...

... and became "one of the youngest artists ever to win the Prix de Rome", which gave him the opportunity to make a thorough study of Italian art. Later, he traveled on scholarships to Spain, Belgium, Holland, England and other countries studying art "in all forms, oriental as well as occidental". It was henceforth magisterial progress for him - prizes, titles, honours, affluence. And yet, what does it ...


... her deep wounds and from her masculine strife Of mighty spirits forged united life Now first; so, her high natural vigour found, Hurled the wide-sprawling Titan to the ground. But 'twas stern Holland shore his feet of clay Opening to these the splendours of their day. Next when great Louis' grandiose mind and high O'ervaulted all the West like God's own sky, Your fathers first opposed their ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... (A disciple:) D. was being jeered at [by other "disciples"] for being pro-Ally. When he said he was sad at Holland's defeat, they remarked, "You are pro-Ally?" They are glad that Holland was occupied? Very strange, and yet they want freedom for India! That is one thing I can't swallow. How can they have sympathy with Hitler who is destroying other nations, taking away their liberty ...


... Hindu-Misfire question, 17, 18·19,31, 53,54,58,62,65, 165,166, 167, 173, 181,195,222,223,227,228,230, 241,242, 244-245 Hitler, 193, 194,213,217,224·226,227, 229(fn), 230, 239, 242 sympathy for, 225 Holland,226 honesty, 112·113 humanitarianism, 59, 80, 112, 196 humanity, see under man/mankind hunger strike, 145 , 168 , 171 I I. C .S. (Indian Civil Service), 223 idealism, 194, 196,246 ...


... of the youngest artists ever to win the Prix de Rome and that gave me the opportunity to make a thorough study of Italian art. Later on, travelling scholarships allowed me to visit Spain, Belgium, Holland, England and other countries too. I did not want to be a man of one period or one school, and I studied the art of all countries, in all forms, oriental as well as occidental. At the same time I ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... illumined by the calm, large and steady blaze of Goethe's genius and the wandering fire of Heine, afterwards a long unlighted stillness. In the North here or there a solitary genius, Ibsen, Strindberg. Holland, another Teutonic country which developed an art of a considerable but almost wholly objective power, is mute in poetry. 1 It would almost seem that there is still something too thick and heavy ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... illustrated by a few great names, has been neither a great artistic tradition nor a powerful cultural force and merits only a casual mention by the side of the rich achievement of Italy, Spain, France, Holland, Belgium. When we come to the field of thought we get a mixed impression like that of great mountain eminences towering out of a very low and flat plain. We find great individual philosophers, but ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... the Ashram on reading the Agenda. Even an old-time Swiss sadhika stopped coming to the Ashram for years because of the propagandist spirit which has moulded the Agenda. A friend of mine in Holland was also affected with anti-Ashramism by it. I who knew his warm and sincere heart wrote him a clarifying letter and he began to see differently. Apart from this there is the question: "What picture ...


... truth, the illumination Sri Aurobindo's writings throw on them reveals their exaggerations and incompleteness and also offers to each of them the corrective needed. 1 Remain Holland described Sri Aurobindo as "the completest synthesis that has been realised to this day of the genius of Asia and the genius of Europe". The English novelist Dorothy M. Richardson once wrote ...


... Mathilde von Kemnitz. To all of them an imperial restoration was the chief aim. Even the Berlin “Club of the Barons”, who practically put Hitler in the saddle, hoped to be able to bring William back from Holland in due time, and it was because of this expectation that Paul von Beneckendorff und von Hindenburg was called the “Ersatz Kaiser”, which might be translated as “emperor-ad-interim”. Hitler, then, was ...


... Consciousness is now declared to be “a function” of the material brain. “Most psychologists now believe that consciousness is tied to the activity of neurons in the central nervous system.” (John Holland) But “most” does not mean all, and some scientists have strongly reacted against such academic obscurantism. Roger Trigg e.g. states: “Science is itself the product of human reason. It can’t, in ...

... not only standing before the Bar of this Court, but before the Bar of the High Court of History. " (Peroration of the famous trial of the Sage-cum-revolutionary in Calcutta in 1908). ROMAIN HOLLAND Here comes Aurobindo, the completes! synthesis that has been realised to this day of the genius of Asia and that of Europe. (In a letter to Dilip Kumar, dated October 1.1924). Je ...


... money back to Aunt Margaret with gratitude and appreciation. I drifted aimlessly through the days. The atmosphere of the hostel was unbearable. Aunt Margaret found another accommodation in Holland Park, which was not very far from Doris's fiat. But unfortunately I still had a few more days to spend in the YWCA. When I had no classes in the afternoon, I visited the British Museum in Bloomsbury ...


... wrote to you. I have been busy with a lot of matters. The main preoccupation was to read and revise the typescript of a certain book of mine which at last I have decided to send off to a publisher in Holland who has lately been bringing out researches in Jewish subjects. My book - don't gasp at the title - is called The Beginning of History for Israel. The subtitle is: "How long did the Israelites stay ...


... articles, poems Page 26 and letters appraising his literary, musical and spiritual attainments by men of eminence including such contributors as Mahatma Gandhi, Romain Holland, Rabindranath Tagore, Aldous Huxley, Pandit Nehru, S. Radhakrishnan, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose and others. Papa Ramdas and Mother Krishnabai visited Dilip's ashram, found him and Indira Devi ...

... minor treasury official. Voltaire was educated by the Jesuits at the Collège Louis-le-Grand (1704-11). From 1711 to 1713 he studied law, and then worked as a secretary to the French ambassador in Holland before devoting himself entirely to writing. Voltaire's essays did not gain the approval of authorities, but he energetically attacked the government and the Catholic church, which caused him numerous ...


... was fifty. She had not stopped touring for a single season. Her knees had sustained some damage, but she would not rest, and she was in a state of exhaustion when the train that was carrying her to Holland was wrecked. She ran out into the snow in her nightgown and insisted on helping the wound ed. When she reached The Hague she had double pneumonia. Her last spoken words were, "Get the Swan dress ready ...

... They say that the people on the spot know best what the situation is and they have to act accordingly. SRI AUROBINDO: Who are the people? Indians? PURANI: Yes, they say that Hitler has allowed Holland to keep her own Dutch Government. NIRODBARAN: Government is all right. What about the policy? The Dutch will have to follow Hitler's policy. SRI AUROBINDO: Why won't he allow them their own ...


... PURANI: Yes, Europe will be divided into three blocks: they will have no armies. SRI AUROBINDO: Wait a minute. How will the blocks be formed? PURANI: One block in the Balkans, one in Belgium, Holland, France, etc., and another in Spain, Portugal and other countries, I suppose. They won't have any armies. Hitler alone will have an army. SRI AUROBINDO: Of course, small nations won't be able to ...


... line. SATYENDRA: They may do that. SRI AUROBINDO: They are only thinking about it. That's why I say that they don't seem to have brains. NIRODBARAN: The Allies could not send any help to Holland. SRI AUROBINDO: No, there was no time. They have taken the strategic line from Antwerp to Namur and sent an advance army in front. If there had been a previous arrangement they could have gone to ...


... Norwegians were defending Trondjheim with their coastal batteries, Quisling sent them directions to stop fighting and by the time they realised that he had betrayed them it was too late. Also in Holland I don't know why they keep their traitors under supervision instead of shooting them. ...


... one has to find the cause. And it is not true that poor people can't accept spirituality. All ascetics are poor. EVENING The radio news said that Germany had occupied Rotterdam and separated Holland from Belgium. SRI AUROBINDO: What are the Allies doing? After sending an advance army they seem to be trying to sit comfortably in the rear. And the Germans won't let them have any comfort. PURANI: ...


... 1940-contd Talks with Sri Aurobindo 15 MAY 1940 The radio news announced that the Commander-in-Chief of Holland had asked the soldiers to ceasefire because of the sacrifice of lives. SRI AUROBINDO: What sort of idea is that? Do they think they can win without any sacrifice? Hitler seems to be right in his opinion of their power of resistance. PURANI: ...


... 15 August, the Allies invaded Southern France. Hence­ forth. the Axis powers were to be mainly on the defensive. By the middle of September, the Germans had been largely pushed out of France, Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg, and the Allied forces were within German territory and pursuing the still retreating Nazis. Page 431 ...


... threatened attack against Czechoslovakia was mainly bluff. Sri Aurobindo : It can’t be a reliable news; the Germans are too disciplined for that. Disciple : There is some trouble in Holland, and Germany is threatening to cut off all trade with her and establish trade-route through Antwerp and not Amsterdam. Sri Aurobindo : If that takes place that will make Chamberlain fight in ...

... that, if her work is the work of the Divine, workers will flock to her from all parts of the globe. An so, indeed, they have been flocking—from America and England and France, from Germany and Holland and Spain, from Sweden and Australia and China and Japan, and from almost every part of India. The stream expands as it pours in and rushes forward to bathe the Mother's feet. Fired with the new spirit ...


... that, if her work is the work of the Divine, workers will flock to her from all parts of the globe. And so, indeed, they have been flocking—from America and England and France, from Germany and Holland and Spain, from Sweden and Australia and China and Japan, and from almost every part of India. The stream expands as it pours in and rushes forward to bathe the Mother's feet. Fired with ...


... Ruud finds that now-a-days his mind is in such a state that he is not getting ideas for writing articles. Should he still try to write with a view to spread the divine message of Auroville in Holland? Mother said, "It depends on him, absolutely on him. If good writing does not come, he need not." * * * Informed Mother of the All India Press strike situation. Page 195 ...

... Ruud finds that now-a-days his mind is in such a state that he is not getting ideas for writing articles. Should he still try to write with a view to spread the divine message of Auroville in Holland? Mother said, "It depends on him, absolutely on him. If good writing does not come, he need not." * * * Informed Mother of the All India Press strike situation. Page 195 ...

... Sri Vijaya, Kulottunga I granted some privileges to the vihara and regularized its boundaries. On that occasion a charter was engraved on a copper plate marking those boundaries. The plate is in Holland, at the Museum of Leyde University. Jouveau-Dubreuil called the Chinese temple 'Chinese Pagoda.' It was destroyed by the Jesuits in the nineteenth century. Could Pondicherry be outdone? No, no ...

... "The need for expansion of commerce pushed them [the Dutch] to get a footing in the Hindu territory further south," explains N. Shastri. From the eastern seaboard commerce with the Far-East would naturally become less time-consuming, not to speak of the advantages to be had by espying upon the rivals' shipping lines in the Bay of Bengal. The Dutch had established their factories in Nizampatnam and ... Tranquebar 1 in 1620. The English too were spreading their tentacles. They were allowed to trade in Pulicat in 1621 by a treaty with the Dutch, but ultimately moved their factory to Madras in 1639-40. By the time the French began to compete in earnest, the Dutch had already ousted the Portuguese from 1 Then known as Tarankampadi, and today as Taragambadi. Page 147 the... September 1699 the French entered into a treaty with the Dutch, and acquired the Fort, the town of Pondicherry, and the surrounding villages. And paid 16,000 Pagodas 1 for it all. Soon he obtained permission to mint money locally to pay wages to the workers, such as weavers, bead-makers, carpenters, and so forth. 1 Pondicherry was no ' The Dutch had bought Pondicherry from the local king Ram-Raja ...

... in love and joy. Signed : Mother × Sri Aurobindo standing, looking towards the future (from the portrait by the Dutch painter). × Anniversary of Mother's second coming to Pondicherry, after her stay in Japan. ...

... must have been some act of treason for Belgium to give way so spectacularly. PURANI: It didn't hold out even for two weeks. NIRODBARAN: It didn't hold out at all. We've heard so much about Holland's dams and the Albert Canal! SRI AUROBINDO: The great defect of advanced democracy is that it listens to anything—to slogans, as they say—without being able to think or judge for itself. In the French ...

... more than 400 years. The Portuguese controlled coastal Sri Lanka for 150 years and established a trading settlement at Colombo. In 1658, the Dutch drove them out, and in 1796, the British, who controlled the country for the next 152 years, supplanted the Dutch. By the mid-19th century, the British had brought about a dramatic transformation of the economy with the introduction of coffee and tea. A British... The British came to India originally as traders through the East India Company during the rule of Jehangir in the 16th century. The chief aim of the British at that time was to make an impact on the Dutch hold on the spice trade and to establish a lasting outpost. But the company soon established its military and political dominance in India. By 1834, the East India Company was no more a trading company; ...

... only wrote thirty-seven volumes but also spoke profusely on the value of silence! NIRODBARAN: Poets write poems on silence. SRI AUROBINDO: In 1914 when the Mother came here, there also came a Dutch painter who drew a sketch of me. At the end of every meditation, he used to say, "Let us now talk of the Ineffable." Then Purani brought in the subject of Sanskrit quotations. SATYENDRA: Sri Aurobindo ...

... herself as holding and guarding the destiny of Asia. This aim is stronger than her own imperialism. NIRODBARAN: Japan has already given a hint of her aim—she wants to link China, Indo-China and the Dutch East Indies. SRI AUROBINDO: Even before that, she had the same rooted aim. Mother's friends who were prominent people hold that idea and for that reason they have been protecting Indian refugees ...

... up. EVENING SATYENDRA: The Rotterdam aerodrome is in German hands. I wonder how they were able to take it. PURANI: By parachute-dropping, probably. SATYENDRA: The Germans are landing in Dutch and French uniforms, it seems. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, that is one of Hitler's ideas. Rauschnig, his one time confidential secretary, says that Hitler's plan seems to be that many such uniformed Germans ...

... SRI AUROBINDO: What one devil says is true and what another devil says is a lie? (Laughter) The British air force and navy give correct news. It is the army that doesn't. NIRODBARAN: Are the Dutch good fighters? SRI AUROBINDO: I don't know. They have not fought since the time of Napoleon. SATYENDRA: That is a long time. PURANI: If they had made some treaty or pact with the Allies - ...

... There's something preventing the contact. ( after a silence ) His contact is mental. Physically, it's as if he lived elsewhere, you understand? ( long concentration on G. ) And then, the Dutch translation of the Adventure of Consciousness is going to be published, and D. asked A. M. to make a cover for the book. A. M. has done something he'd like to show you. Here is what he's done.... ...

... Louisiana for his patron, the French king Louis XIV." The English settlement on Virginia in 1607 was the start of their empire building, "nothing before could be called a British Empire." The Dutch were a little late in this colonizing game. They ousted the Portuguese from many places. Their most valuable possessions were Malacca, the Spice Islands, and the ports of India and Africa wrested from... century. As a matter of fact, it was quite a merry-go-round Recently salvaged. For details see National Geographic, May 1997. Page 129 between the British, the French, the Dutch, after getting rid of the Portuguese from the Coromandel coast. The Portuguese ceased to be masters of the major sea routes. So lucrative was the spice trade that these West European powers muscled ...

... Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakie) 2004, October 29 — The text of a Constitution for Europe is signed. 2005 — Through a referendum, the French and then the Dutch refuse to ratify the text of the Constitution for Europe. Page 132 ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Uniting Men

... Because it's always one minor aspect that will be chosen. And above all the selection will be done with the idea of being "easy to understand." I had an example yesterday when I spoke to a Dutch woman: I explained to her the difference between the old spirituality that denied Matter and tried to escape from it completely, and the new spirituality, tomorrow's spirituality, which accepts Matter ...

... sometimes produce offsprings with unusual abnormalities or variations that could be considered well outside the normal range of variation. These odd offsprings were called sports. Hugo de Vries, an early Dutch geneticist, also observed that the sports undergo some kind of permanent, large-scale alteration of the hereditary units. He called the change a mutation. On the other hand, gradual changes or variations ...

... it surrender? Will a subject nation then always be a subject nation? Won't it fight for freedom? See what the Poles have done. They have resisted in spite of their severe defeat. The Belgian and the Dutch Governments have not surrendered, they have withdrawn. PURANI: Besides, the French still have a big army intact. The navy and the air force are theirs. Why should they surrender? SRI AUROBINDO: ...

... force as a result of a long march of effort from the earliest times of Indian history. This also coincided with the political instability and the coming of the settlers from the west, the French, the Dutch and the British. Finally, the political instability led to the establishment of the British supremacy in India. In fact, the period following the death of Moghul emperor Aurangzeb (1707) marks ...

... of long or short durations in this country - the Iranians, the Greeks, the Parthians, the Scythians, the Kushans, the Huns, the Arabs, the Turks, the Mughals, the Portuguese, the Persians, the Dutch, the French, and the British. The scenario had been given a finishing touch by converting the authors of India's earliest civilization into Dravidian and Aryan invaders. In the process, India had ...

... arms to China through Indo-China. NIRODBARAN: But Japan intends to occupy it, it seems, unless America comes in. SRI AUROBINDO: America can't do anything because Japan will come by land. In the Dutch Indies America could have intervened with her fleet. That is why Japan kept quiet. NIRODBARAN: Britain is now all alone; she hasn't replied to the Japanese note yet. SRI AUROBINDO: All my life ...

... Czechoslovakia. Perhaps you may say Poland made many mistakes, but wasn't Czechoslovakia absolutely blameless? SATYENDRA: Japan has now openly declared her aim and policy toward Indo-China, the Dutch East Indies and the South Sea Islands. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, but let China be settled first, though there is no sign of settling. These Russians are the most brazen-faced people. Have you seen Molotov's ...

... doors, but they were all closed to her. She went on inquiring here and there and finally arrived at Ram Allah, where she presented herself at a boarding school for Arab girls. The headmistress was a Dutch lady who had been posted there by a Quaker association. She felt very sorry for Janina, whose qualifications were irrelevant here. "Do you know how to cook? how to sew?" she asked. There was nothing ...

... direction. Another step was the gathering of the best blood from all the Germanic peoples and their descendants (Flemings, Dutch, Scandinavian, Swiss, even French) into the SS. The Waffen-SS divisions Panzerdivision Nederland and Grenadierdivision Landstorm Nederland were Dutch, the Grenadierdivision Langemarck was Flemish, the Grenadierdivision der SS Charlemagne was French. (Waffen-SS divisions ...

... at the very root! They don't have faith. "I need this...." I am not even discussing the idea of need, for it is quite arbitrary. I knew a Dutch painter who had come here, and done Sri Aurobindo's portrait (it seems this portrait is still existent). This Dutch painter was practising a yoga. And so, one day, he told me this: "Oh! as for me, I think I can do without anything. Truly I believe one can ...

... some notion of the supernatural strangenesses within the Object of his intuition or experience - strangenesses like Vaughan's "deep yet dazzling darkness". The phrase of Vaughan may have been double Dutch to Dr. Johnson, obscurum per obscurius: it need not be that to Page 61 someone who is receptive to mystical subtleties and brings, instead of the pragmatist's superficial intellect ...

... sometimes produce offsprings with unusual abnormalities or variations that could be considered well outside the normal range of variation. These odd offsprings were called sports. Hugo de Vries, an early Dutch geneticist, also observed that the sports undergo some kind of permanent, large-scale alteration of the hereditary units. He called the change a mutation. On the other hand, gradual changes or variations ...

... navy. She has no troops there. Japan will attack overland. But if Japan attacks Indo-China, it will be the last straw on America's back. America won't tolerate Japan in the Pacific, just as during the Dutch East Indies question. NIRODBARAN: Japan may have a shot at Pondicherry too. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, but the navy will have to pass through Singapore, Malacca, etc. India will then be between Japan ...

... is that, when drawing the genealogy of the Indo-Germans, Haeckel placed the Anglo-Saxons next to the High-Germans ( Hoch-Deutsche ), apparently a degree more developed than the Low-Germans and the Dutch. The Negro tribes were hardly different from the “man-apes”. Like most of his contemporaries, Haeckel found a considerably greater “psychic” difference between the higher and the lower humans than between ...

... almost inaccessible to his immediate staff. He often becomes depressed, is in bad humour, talks little, and prefers to read a book, look at movies, or play with architectural models. According to the Dutch report his hesitation to act is not due to divergent views among his advisers. At such time he seldom pays very much attention to them and prefers not to discuss the matter … “On some occasions he ...

... Within a century Britain had acquired almost complete sovereignty over India; but this was neither a swift nor sudden process. Firstly, it entailed wars with the Company's rivals - the Portuguese, the Dutch and, more formidably, the French. It was by the Battle of Wandiwash that the French threat was eliminated and by the Battle of Plassey, a few years earlier that it got a foothold over ...

... Turks; more extensive even than the slaughter of the South American native populations by the invading Spanish and Portuguese. We shall quote from the French historian Alain Danielou, as well as the Dutch scholar Koenraad Elst who has written a very interesting book called "Negationism in India" and finally from Sri Aurobindo, who was one of the very few amongst the Indian revolutionaries, who had the ...

... And with Sri Aurobindo she was to achieve "a limitless Mind that can contain the world." "Then the divorce business began," she said. Page 273 "He divorced his wife." She was Dutch. "He had three children and wanted to keep them, but to do so he had to have his legal situation in order, so he asked me to marry him —I said yes. I have always been totally indifferent to these things ...

... to ask anyone's permission. I hope the one in the street is standing? I believe you had chosen a photo of Sri Aurobindo in which he was looking toward the future. I think it's the photo by the Dutch painter. Yes, that's it. I would like the one in the street to be standing. 3 And then, in the house, sitting at a table. At a table? Or simply sitting. That way, it's fine. ( ...

... laughs.'" And Sri Aurobindo laughed. Surat was then a sleepy little old town on the West coast, on the Gulf of Khambat, between Bombay and Baroda. Here the early European traders, Portuguese, Dutch, English and French —they came in that order—had set up their factories soon after Emperor Akbar's death in 1605. The Moderate Party leaders from Bengal reached the town on Christmas Day. "It was ...

... inclination of strongly Page 330 marked human groupings to make for themselves an independent life and racial type. The race origin varied, in Australia British, in South Africa predominantly Dutch, in Canada half French, half English; but in all three countries habits of life, political tendencies, a new type of character and temperament and culture, if it can be so called, were being developed ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... frailty mars The very quiet business of the stars. I used to quote fairly often from this poet during the first year of my professorship and give his name as Narik Lama. The name intrigued a Dutch lady who was attending my lectures, a highly Page 60 educated person interested in English poetry. She could not trace this poet anywhere. She must have consulted Indo-English antho-logies ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... Battalion, formerly the Nair Brigade. It was raised in 1704 at Padmanabhapuram, as bodyguards for the Maharajah of Travancore; they were active in the Battle of Colachel in defeating the Dutch forces. In 1748, Major Stringer Lawrence, Page 43 a veteran of action in Spain, Flanders and the Highlands, was hired by the East India Company to take charge of the defence ...

... spirit. The real cause was that to have developed upon this line would have been to wander up and down in a cul-de-sac; it would have been to anticipate in a way in poetry the self-imprisonment of Dutch art in a strong externalism, of a fairer kind indeed, but still too physical and outward in its motive. English poetry had greater things to do and it waited for some new light and more powerful impulse ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... boys' in 1877. She wrote to her husband Henry (29 September) about her impression of the convent. "An amiable sister responded to my summons and ushered me into a room where flowers were arranged like Dutch flower pieces in quaint latticework dishes." She waited there, "and at length a lady appeared and had a long chat with me. She told me they (the boys) were very good and industrious and that the little ...

... the extremely centralised Roman Empire. Truly it has the spirit of a commonwealth. The spirit of decentralisation and federation that is increasing today and has seized even old-world Empires – the Dutch, the French, the Russian – has come largely from the British example. Therefore, the unravelling of the Britain and India tangle would mean the solution of a world-problem. These two countries have ...

... of the extremely centralised Roman Empire. Truly it has the spirit of a commonwealth. The spirit of decentralisation and federation that is increasing today and has seized even old-world Empires—the Dutch, the French, the Russian —has come largely from the British example. Therefore, the unavelling of the Britain and India tangle would mean the solution of a world-problem. These two countries have been ...

... course of centuries succeeded only in invigorating and enlarging the life and consciousness of eternal India. The last and perhaps the most dangerous assault came from the Europeans, the Portuguese, the Dutch, the French and finally, most of all, from the British. An absolutely matter-of-fact vitalistic Europe overran and overwhelmed a predominantly otherworldly spirit and almost succeeded in obliterating ...

... consciousness and being, they must be incorporated in Yoga and informed with its quickening and sublimating spirit. What then is Yoga? The etymological sense of the word is union, yoke (Dutch juk, German joch, Latin jugum, Sanskrit yuj). It means the linking or union of the human consciousness with something higher, some- thing transcendent, something eternal and divine. In the ignorance ...

... can be extreme not only in scattered lines. The scheme itself of his epic owes to older writers. By Milton's day many had tackled the subject of the revolt in Heaven and the fall of Man in Eden. A Dutch poet named Vondel, author of Lucifer and Adam in Banishment, the one printed in 1654 and the other in 1664, is often mentioned as having supplied Milton with precedents which he freely imitated ...

... the pyre, but in this century of science fiction, mutants and extra terrestrials it sounds almost like commonsense. Moreover, isn’t man much too imperfect to be considered God’s masterpiece? As the Dutch poet Gerbrand A. Bredero said, we only have ‘to take a look inside ourselves’. Shouldn’t God be capable of something better? But then, who or what might succeed man on this planet? Who or what might ...

... sometimes produce offspring with unusual abnormalities or variations that could be considered well outside the normal range of variation. These odd offspring were called sports. Hugo di Vries, an early Dutch geneticist, also observed that the sports undergo some kind of permanent, large scale alteration of the hereditary units. He called the change a mutation. On the other hand, gradual changes or variations ...

... Page 216 not only for themselves, for their freedom and very existence, but for the existence, freedom, maintenance of natural rights of other nations, Poles, Czechs, Norwegians, Belgians, Dutch, French, Greece, Yugoslavia and a vast number of others not yet directly threatened; they too claim to be fighting for a Dharma, for civilised values, for the preservation of great ideals and in view ...

... these words was beginning to make his name. It was Willy Brandt. I followed closely the anxieties expressed by the old Belgian coal industry, the young Italian steel industry, and the ambitious Dutch planners. None of their particular problems seemed to me insoluble. On the contrary, I was certain that they would all be carried forward by the new European impetus; but I knew how hard it would be... that fact. The Netherlands Government, in particular, had written to stipulate that it could always withdraw from the negotiation. This went without saying, but the need to say it suggested that the Dutch would be difficult partners. All the agitation, however, made me Page 100 optimistic. If so many misgivings had not prevented Governments from taking the first step, it was because that... meetings where national representatives bargained with each other. The Belgian, Maximilien Suetens, was an affable and conciliatory senior official. Dirk Spierenburg was the living incarnation of Dutch stubbornness, and a very tough debater. Albert Wehrer, a skilful Luxembourg diplomat, knew very well the interests he had to defend. All three had had experience of a limited customs union, Benelux ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Uniting Men

... to the urn, the charter was read out in sixteen other languages: Tamil first, then Sanskrit, then English, followed by thirteen languages of the world in their alphabetical order: Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Tibetan. It was really the same song of human aspiration though coming in different notes, and the reiteration in ...

... strategy cut off the enemy armies in Belgium and the north of France, together more than a million men. The Belgians, under their enigmatic king Leopold III, soon surrendered, following the example of the Dutch. Suddenly the British Expeditionary Force, along with three French armies, found itself trapped and had to make the life-or-death effort of retreating posthaste towards Dunkirk, France’s third biggest ...

... closer scrutiny of the situation we shall find that what is disconcerting is not so much the multiplicity of systems as the diversity of the various 'starting visions' ('visions de d é part', as one Dutch thinker has styled it) that are at the bottom of these different systems. And what is still more intriguing is the fact that the builders of particular systems do rarely take the trouble of explaining ...

... has written: "Other men condemned to exile and captivity, if they survive, despair; the man of letters may reckon those days as the sweetest of his life." He was writing about Hugo Grotius, a famous Dutch jurist and philosopher of the seventeenth century, who was condemned to imprisonment for life, but managed to escape after two years. He spent these two years in prison in philosophic and literary work ...

... dispelled fears. He knew that his proposal raised a lot of questions, but he also knew that these would be solved if people learnt to "think differently", that is to say, not as French or German or Dutch defending specific interests, but as members of a group keeping in mind the common good. Monnet did not even want that these discussions be labeled "negotiations" as this word implies a compromise between... reflections than huge parliamentary institutions... No expert has yet understood how on his own an old man could bridge the distance that separated an Italian socialist from a British conservative, a Dutch anti-revolutionary from a German social-democrat, and all these politicians on one side from trade unionists on the other side." 23 Monnet's Page 42 organisation was very flexible ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Uniting Men

... scientism would exist. “What has been presented as the scientific method, at any given time, has been a simplified snapshot of an intrinsically much more opportunistic enterprise,” writes Piet Hut, the Dutch astronomer. “The strength of science is not at all in its currently accepted method. The strength is the fact that scientists allow the method to change.” 21 And Lewis Wolpert concludes his enquiry ...

... heyday, but in academic science “mysticism” became a funny word. Mutations and Saltations The third pillar of ‘Darwinism’, sometimes called neo-Darwinism, was, after Mendel and Weismann, the Dutch botanist Hugo de Vries (1848-1935). He was one of those foreigners who were trained at German science institutions, in his case the University of Heidelberg and the laboratory of Julius Sachs at Würzburg ...

... said: "No, Mother, I've read in history that at one time in the field of economics and social production Japan became very weak. They had no commercial links with any country abroad. Except for some Dutch and Chinese traders nobody else had entered the Japanese market. The Western countries, the Netherlands, America and Russia in particular, were applying a lot of pressure on Japan with their military ...

... married Paul Richard on 5 May 1911, and went to live in his house (which still exists at 9 Rue du Val-de-Grâce, in the Valley of Grace). The apparent reason for the marriage was that, after divorcing his Dutch wife, Richard wanted the custody of the three children, ‘but to do so he had to have his legal situation in order, so he asked me to marry him. I said yes. I have always been totally indifferent to ...

... Anglo-Saxon Islamites erect a Musulman mosque in Liverpool”, noted Sri Aurobindo in 1912. 78 Nor could anyone have imagined then that by the end of the 20th century about 300,000 French and 250,000 Dutch would be practising Buddhists. “That which is permanent in the Hindu religion, must form the basis on which the world will increasingly take its stand in dealing with spiritual experience and religious ...

... functioning very soon after the founder had left Japan. Sri Aurobindo : Probably, even in the Lodge there were more foreigners than the Japanese Disciple : There were only two Japanese, one Dutch, one Pole and so on. The Japanese mind is not interested in these things – philosophy, metaphysics etc. 26-9-1926 Disciple : How can a man get things done for him by the Higher Power ...

... that only now after many centuries of great national existence has she become imbued with the imperial idea on her own account. The savage attachment to their independence of small nations like the Dutch, the Swiss, the Boers is traceable to the same cause; the fierce resistance opposed by the Page 297 greater part of Spain to Napoleon was that of a nation which once imperial & central has ...

... Mother read (from her room in the Ashram) the French version of the Charter, while others read, one after another, the versions in sixteen other languages - Tamil, Sanskrit, English, Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Tibetan. The English version was as follows: Auroville belongs to nobody in particular. Auroville belongs ...

... they are fighting not only for themselves, for their freedom and very existence, but for the existence, freedom, maintenance of natural rights of other nations, Poles, Czechs, Norwegians, Belgians, Dutch, French, Greece, Yugoslavia and a vast number of others not yet directly threatened; they too claim to be fighting for a Dharma, for civilized values, for the preservation of ideals and in view of ...

... being built - the magnificent Versailles of India - Mahabalipuram. Vedapuri itself fell asleep. The destructive force of Islam came and went; the Portugese came and called the town 'Puducheira' and Dutch 'Pœbser', and the Danes - all trying to get some of the gold the Romans had lost, - and built their trading offices, their 'comptoirs'. In the 17th century came the French, who built on the shore ...

... sectors. It is necessary to plan transition carefully to be productive employee/entrepreneur. Such a transition will demand understanding and appreciation of self as a vocational—personality type, e.g. Holland's classification into conventional personality (receptionists, accountants), social type (teachers, counsellors, therapists, management consultants), investigative personality (researchers,), artistic ...

... iong, 1. The Chronology of Ancient India (Calcutta, 1927), p. 95. 2. Op. cit.. p. 312. 3. Op. cit., p. 95. 4. Op. cit.. II, p. 177. Page 257 the Dutch jong, the Swedish and Danish ung, the Gothic yuggs. We may attend to a further fact which keeps in countenance our idea that "Yavana" or "Yona" owes nothing to the Persian or any other ...