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67 result/s found for Hostile Beings

... ploys of these hostile beings. The Vedas of India called them the Panis who like nocturnal robbers plunder the sadhakas of their truth-light, rt am Page 328 jyotih, hiranyam jyotih. Devi Saptashati, commonly known as the Chandi, held in equal reverence with the Gita, has described in great detail the symbolic names and functions of these undivine hostile beings and their ways... power; (3) Udagra or morbid egoism; (4) Mahahanu or Ego-will; (5) Asiloma or Envy; (6) Baskala or the spirit of possession; (7) Bidalaksha or the spirit of malice; etc. These evil forces and hostile beings act on different planes of consciousness. Their functions vary and they are more or less powerful depending on their respective fields of activity. Some are Asuras of a very high order. The Mahabharata... Rakshasas and Pishachas function in the lower vital. A few hostiles are active in the physical consciousness: the Theosophists call them 'obscure elementals''. But what is noteworthy is that the hostile beings and forces have absolutely no access to the spiritual plane. But why are these adverse forces and beings permitted by the Supreme to exist in the world and tempt and disturb the sadhakas ...

... becoming hostile. It is men who are under the influence of truly hostile beings who become like that. The hostile beings generally attack, then make some way in, lay siege and create conditions for invasion and ultimately lead or compel the human being to fall. I am quite aware of the way in which the unconverted hostile beings, who have a hostile intention, get inside—there have been plenty... who wanted to help and prepare the Divine Advent but spoiled their work, not by hostility, but by egoism—just as human beings with an Asuric temperament often do. (6) The transformation of hostile beings is no part of the Yogin's work—though Mother transformed one. No such thing had been done in the Asrama or will be done. The Mother's transforming one Asura was an incident, not an object of ...


... The Divine and the Hostile Powers Letters on Yoga - I Chapter III The Hostile Forces and Hostile Beings The Existence of the Hostile Forces The hostile forces exist and have been known to Yogic experience ever since the days of the Veda and Zoroaster in Asia (and the mysteries of Egypt and Chaldea and the Cabbala) and in Europe also from old times... though not of a gross physical kind—they see, but with a subtle seeing that includes not only bodies, but movements of forces, thoughts, feelings. Very great [ are the occult powers of the hostile beings ]—it is their occult powers and knowledge of occult processes that make them so strong and effective. The lesser forces of Light are usually too much insistent on seeking for Truth to make... character, is not an evolutionary but a typal being and represents a fixed principle of the creation which does not evolve or change and is not intended to do so. These Asuras, as also the other hostile beings, Rakshasas, Pisachas and others resemble the devils of the Christian tradition and oppose the divine intention and the evolutionary purpose in the human being; they don't change the purpose in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... invaded by the hostiles and Page 757 there are great numbers of men who are partly or entirely under their influence. Some are possessed by them, others (a few) are incarnations of hostile beings. At the present moment they are very active all over the earth. Of course in the outside world there is no consciousness such as is developed in Yoga, by which they can either become aware of or... is not understood by the mind. Yes, of course, there is always a fight between the forces of Light and Darkness. In sadhana it becomes concentrated and conscious to us. As for the hostile beings, they are always in battle with each other; but they make common cause against the Truth and Light. The Function of the Hostile Forces The hostile forces have a certain self-chosen function: ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... room upstairs and by spiritual means as well as others that are external makes no difference to its character.” 15 Two remarks may put the above into the correct perspective. Firstly, the “hostile beings” were very real to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. They belong mainly to the vital worlds, but also partially to mental worlds, and are dominating the earth in its present state. This dominion they... nature is sheer ego, their methods and actions are ruthless. Compared with the great hostiles, Asuras for instance, the popular idea of the devil in Christianity is but a grotesque caricature. Hostile beings influence our lives constantly, unseen and unawares, and are the cause of all evil, corruption and perversion, for that is what they revel in. They resist every effort to change the world or oneself ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... good and helpful ? Sri Aurobindo : A force of nature can be so transformed, but how can you change a hostile being or its; force? Of course, the hostile beings have certain forces of nature in their clutches. If you conquer the hostile beings these forces of nature are liberated and help in fulfilling the Lila of God. Thus anger is a; force, of; nature in the clutches of hostile powers. If it ...

... those who are opposed to evolution; in other words the idea of hostile beings is there. Also the sentence, "La Paix régnera sur terre"—has the author not copied these words from the Mother's prayers? Not necessarily, as the phrase can easily come to one who has read the Bible and the English are very biblical. The idea of the hostile beings also is not new, in fact it is as old as the Veda. The expectation ...

... are things which can be dissolved; but if somewhere in the world it exists in someone, he can reconstitute it. It is the same thing when people are attacked by small beings of the vital world, hostile beings who attack them, install themselves in their atmosphere, trying to possess them, that is, enter into them and use their body and all the rest. These beings—it is very difficult for the individual ...


... noticed. That if the manifestations occur in spite of all there must be no fear in the minds of those who become aware of them. It is by creating fear through terrible forms and menaces that the hostile beings prevent the Sadhaka from crossing over the threshold between the physical and vital world and it is also by creating fear and alarm that they are able to break in on the vital being of the body ...


... pure ideas that are not yet put into form, are beyond this inferior invasion and influence. But this does not mean that their motions cannot be imitated or their creations misused by perverse or hostile beings of a greater make and higher origin than those of whom I have till now spoken. What are the conditions in the psychic world? How is it situated with regard to the hostile forces? The psychic ...


... is egoism in a being or pride or ill-will, it will always be the object of temptation, of attack; and it will always be fully subject to this constant conflict with what, under the appearance of hostile beings, toils in spite of itself at the divine Work. The time is not absolutely determined. I have already explained this to you several times. There are many fields of consciousness, zones of con ...


... s as true knowledge and its wilful distortions or reversals of the Truth as the verity of things. It is the powers and personalities of this perverted and perverting consciousness that we call hostile beings, hostile forces. Whenever these perversions created by them out of the stuff of the Ignorance are put forward as the truth of things, that is the Falsehood, in the Yogic sense, mithyā, moha . ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... यविष्ठ विश्वान्यग्ने दुरिताति पर्षि । स्तेना अदृश्रन् रिपवो जनासोऽज्ञातकेता वृजिना अभूवन् ॥११॥ 11) O youthful god, thou, indeed, carriest safe thy adorer beyond all stumblings, O Fire; for the hostile beings are seen, the thieves, even they who know not the light of intuitive knowledge and turn to crookedness. इमे यामासस्त्वद्रिगभूवन् वसवे वा तदिदागो अवाचि । नाहायमग्निरभिशस्तये नो न रीषते वावृधानः ...


... life and are eager to use or influence or even possess the thought and will of the sadhak and make him their instrument for the purpose. This is quite apart from the well-known danger of actually hostile beings whose Page 298 sole purpose is to create confusion, falsehood, corruption of the sadhana and disastrous unspiritual error. Anyone allowing himself to be taken hold of by one of these ...


... related in your letter mean that you are going out in your vital body into the vital worlds and meeting the beings and formations of these worlds. The old man of the temple and the girls you saw are hostile beings of the vital plane. It is better not to go out in this way, unless one has the protection of someone (physically present) who has knowledge and power over the vital world. As there is no one ...


... life and are eager to use or influence or even possess the thought and will of the sadhaka and make him their instrument for the purpose. This is quite apart from the well-known danger of actually hostile beings whose sole purpose is to create confusion, falsehood, corruption of the sadhana and disastrous unspiritual error. Anyone allowing himself to be taken hold of by one of these beings, who often take ...

... help—at any rate, they are wonderfully obliging with me! But they are limited beings, with their own ideas and laws, their own volition, and when vexed they can do unpleasant things. Yet they are not hostile beings, nor are they vital beings: they are personified forces of physical Nature, in the subtle physical. A world of things could be said.... ( silence ) No, I don't know if it's wise to publish ...


... falsehood are very rare, that is to say, "real" in its absolute sense, in themselves, and conscious, deliberate—deliberate, absolute, conscious—that is rare; and it is that which is described as the hostile beings. But all the rest is a kind of illusion of consciousness—of consciousnesses that intermingle with each other ( Mother passes the fingers of her right hand into those of the left in a to-and-fro ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... palpable way, the "outside" and the "inside". Théon, for his part, insisted very much on adverse forces, while Sri Aurobindo didn't talk about them. So when I came here I asked him, "But do hostile beings and adverse forces exist?" He said to me, "Yes, they exist, but in order to master them it's easier to regard them as being outside, rather than inside as a part of your nature." He insisted on ...


... you should be out of a depth of serenity - the Divine Force using you as a calm pellucid medium. The suggestions that sometimes harass you - "No progress, I am hopeless" - are from invisible hostile beings. You are going on quite well in your quiet way. All of us have the Page 178 aspiration to come nearer and nearer our divine Gurus — Sri Aurobindo and the Mother - but we should ...


... noticed. That if the manifestations occur in spite of all there must be no fear in the minds of those who become aware of them. It is by creating fear through terrible forms and menaces that the hostile beings prevent the Sadhaka from crossing over the threshold between the physical and vital world and it is also by creating fear and alarm that they are able to break in on the vital being of the body ...


... sadhika under your very roof—is it not surprising? I hear and believe too that you give a veil of protection around us. Is it so ineffective that even when one doesn't go out of one's way, some hostile beings should attack the very physique and especially that of ladies? Then each lady must stop walking alone or each must have somebody by her. I wonder how long it'll take to free the atmosphere from ...

... × Outburst of emotion. × Different types of demons, hostile beings of the vital world. × A well-known Scottish writer of the mid-19th century who laid great stress ...

... not like pity. It is like the Gods who look upon human suffering from above, unmoved. That compassion can also destroy and it destroys with compassion, – Daya, – as Durga does the Rakshasas, the hostile beings. There can be no pity there. Many times the Rakshasa may come and ask you to save him, he may even ask you to transform him – as some beings asked the Mother in her vision – by your spiritual ...

... noticed. That if the manifestations occur in spite of all there must be no fear in the minds of those who become aware of them. It is by creating fear through terrible forms and menaces that the hostile beings prevent the Sadhaka from crossing over the threshold between the physical and vital world and it is also by creating fear and alarm that they are able to break in on the vital being of the body ...

... our lives miserable. To the higher ones we ordinary human beings are hardly important. The atmosphere around Sri Aurobindo and the Mother was mostly free of the presence of the lower and lowest hostile beings. The attack on Sri Aurobindo must have been executed by or at the instigation of one of the very great dark gentlemen, the Lord of Falsehood himself. Why? We have seen that Sri Aurobindo had ...

... beings of the worlds of the Gods, familiar to her like close relatives, and many of whom were direct emanations of herself. ‘Krishna walked together with me … Shiva was present in this room …’ The hostile beings too were fascinated by her earthly incarnation and approached her to find out, in their eternal hunger for egoistic aggrandizement, whether they too might perhaps profit and grab some nourishing ...


... away. As in 1958 and during the following grave ordeals, she was attacked by black magic. Who were the attackers? Powerful beings from the invisible worlds who used human instruments. One of those hostile beings was a “titan” who had been a threat to her life since her birth and who, according to her own report, had actually been born at the same time. Another was the Lord of Falsehood who calls himself ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... islands for about a decade, in the famous Alipore Bomb Case. Then lived for a few years in Pondicherry with Sri Aurobindo. In 1928 he went back to Bengal. 68. Raksasas, Pisacas, Pramathas: hostile beings and demons. 69. et hoc genus omne: latin for "and the whole tribe". 70. Praswani is a mixture of matra-vrtta and laghu guru. 71. Prabodh Sen: famous exponent and an authority on ...

... men. Far from being nothing but imagination, they refer to an occult fact all spiritual endeavours have to reckon with – especially an endeavour undertaken to bring to an end the realm of these hostile beings. It is little realized that an important aspect of the sadhana of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother consisted in acquiring and exerting the power to protect the cradle of their New Creation in Matter ...

... earth-life and are eager to use or influence or even possess the thought and will of the sadhak and make him their instrument for the purpose. This is quite apart from the well-known danger of actually hostile beings whose sole purpose is to create confusion, falsehood, corruption of the sadhana and disastrous spiritual error. Anyone allowing himself to be taken hold of by one of these beings, who often take ...

... is the easiest way to the Divine. If you begin to concern yourself about the hostile forces, you will only make the path more difficult. Write to X that if he indulges these ideas about hostile beings etc., it will be a serious hindrance to his sadhana. It only puts him and others around him in undesirably close relations with the adverse vital world and its forces. These beings can have no ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... s as true knowledge and its wilful distortions or reversals of the Truth as the verity of things. It is the powers and personalities of this perverted and perverting consciousness that we call hostile beings, hostile forces. Whenever these perversions created by them out of the stuff of the Ignorance are put forward as the truth of things, that is the Falsehood, in the Yogic sense, mithyā, moha . ...


... ... death would no longer be inevitable 624 etres pervers et hostiles de plus grande envergure et d'une plus haute origine que tous ceux dont j'ai parlé jusqu'a présent — perverse or hostile beings of a greater make and higher origin than those of whom I have till now spoken 624 la marche interne de l'univers — the inner march of the universe PART THREE: TRANSLATIONS ...

... they make use. But you are not conscious, and others also, of this intervention and pressure at its source for the reason I state. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - I: The Hostile Forces and Hostile Beings His new consciousness makes him feel more strongly the opposite forces that one contacts when one moves in the world and has to do affairs and meet with others and he is afraid of a response ...


... life and are eager to use or influence or even possess the thought and will of the sadhak and make him their instrument for the purpose. This is quite apart from the well-known danger of actually hostile beings whose sole purpose is to Page 38 create confusion, falsehood, corruption of the sadhana and ...


... to the Divine and say to the Lord in all sincerity, "Let Thy will be done." 13 July 1960 × Of the Asuras, hostile beings of the mentalised vital plane. ...


... accept the Divine, it is more out of ignorance than out of wickedness. Isn't it so? It is undoubtedly out of ignorance and fear of what he doesn't know. It is only the Asuras and a few great hostile beings who refuse and oppose the Divine even though they know who He is. 21 November 1968 It seems to me, Mother, that the flame that calls and the flame that responds are one and the same. ...


... something that has been SEEN, seen and transmitted, but to contradict all the stories of original sin and all the religions, which, according to Théon, always address themselves to more or less hostile beings. Theon also used to say that man was born perfect, but had taken a tumble. The story of the earthly paradise? No, Theon always said that the "Serpent" had nothing to do with Satan, it ...


... so if you want that power, you have to go and fight them, don't you? Page 214 It had rather seemed to me that they should be kept at a distance. With Théon, the adverse forces and hostile beings were often mentioned, they occupied a big place in self-development and in action. As for Sri Aurobindo, he used to say that that notion was useful mostly from the psychological and personal standpoint ...


... beings of harmony, working harmoniously. But now, in Durga's case it's very clear—very clear: she is like this ( gesture turned upward, awaiting the Supreme's Command ). In her relationship with the hostile beings, in her legendary yearly battle (which is of course symbolic), she is like this ( same gesture ), eager to know the direction, the indication, the gesture to be made. Page 235 When ...


... once had such a high fever that I was in the state in which, according to doctors, you "go off your head." Then I saw (with the material vision), I had the vision Page 308 of all the hostile beings rushing to attack me from every side—it was frightful! You understand, it's the support of the material consciousness that's no longer there, you are wholly in that vision, and that's why you generally ...


... they will be disappointed—they have always been disappointed. And asserting this fact is what had the power of dispelling a whole mass of formations: not only formations of beings of the vital or hostile beings, but the false mental formations of human beings. And here, I wrote: Je ne détiens pas de pouvoirs ["I possess no powers"], which is better than Je ne dispose pas de pouvoirs ["I have no ...


... falsehood are fairly rare cases ("real" in the sense of absolute in themselves, and conscious, deliberate—deliberate, absolute, conscious); that's rare. And that, he said, is what is described as hostile beings. But all the rest is a sort of illusion of the consciousness, consciousnesses that interfere with one another ( Mother intertwines the fingers of her two hands in a to and fro movement ), but without ...


... inhospitable surroundings, especially if there is no one, none among his friends and relatives upon earth, to help him in the proper way, to guide or protect him in the new country where there are hostile beings to harm. In such a situation a tree is often a very ready shelter, a big old tree with friendly branches spread out, possessing a strong vitality. It is the sap, the element of water coursing in ...

... inhospitable surroundings, especially if there is no one, none among his friends and relatives upon earth, to help him in the proper way, to guide or protect him in the new country where there are hostile beings to harm. In such a situation a tree is often a very ready shelter, a big old tree with friendly branches spread out, possessing a strong vitality. It is the sap, the elements of water coursing ...

... physical plane Apart from that there are beings that have a splendour and greatness and knowledge of their own. Much of the poetry and art comes from that plane. Disciple : If they are not hostile beings, as you say, then they can manifest grand things here. Sri Aurobindo : But generally they are too arrogant to do that, they are too self-centred. Disciple : But some of them do manifest ...

... Divine, it is more out of ignorance than out of wickedness? Isn't it so? It is undoubtedly out of ignorance and fear of what he doesn't know. It is only the Asuras and a few great hostile beings who refuse or oppose the Divine even though they know what He is. 21.11.1968 Your child Shyam Sundar must accomplish the three "S": Sincerity, Surrender and Spontaneity. Very ...


... depressions, some part of my inmost being seems to have a fleeting glimpse of what is called the sunlit or golden path. Once on this road no hostile being can touch the inner being. Darkness or ignorance (unwillingness to change) is worked out in the part itself without the necessity (as is normal) of its rising up and veiling the elevated or illumined parts of the being.       Revolts, doubts... human being to tread the sunlit path?       It is not impossible. But only one or two have been able to do it — which proves that it is not easy.         Can't one do something for a smooth transformation of one's external nature with no serious revolts, attacks or falls?       Yes. but it is not easy. It needs either a calm resolute will governing the whole being or a very... wrong but a part of your being, the tamasic part has not allowed you to realise it all through. You have what many people here lack, a capacity of poise or balance. It is again the inertia that allows the vital attacks to dash against it and create a suggestion of revolt — for with the perfect balance any tendency to revolt is impossible.         Since my being wants the sunlit path, kindly ...

... is really the matter with him and he wishes me to draw your attention to the following points. 1) Natwarlal's case is not one of ordinary madness — that is, disturbance of the brain, but some hostile being or power has laid hold of his mind (as happened in the case of his sister, but in a different way and as yet less completely). It is preventing him from using his own intelligence. At the same time... he hopes to be able to call it down, but it is not certain. Meanwhile time is needed and the danger is that if he does not eat the body may collapse before anything effective can be done. 4) The hostile power is trying to destroy him by giving the suggestions not to eat, to throw away his body etc. The first thing necessary is that he should be made to resume eating and all of you should see that... remove from your mind any idea of aparādha done towards him by yourself or Natwarlal as that will only hinder his helping effectively. Sri Aurobindo says that he will try to free Natwarlal from hostile possession of his mind — the result is in God's hands. Only as time is necessary for a complete cure, Natwarlal must be made to take food so that he may not break down in the middle. That is the first ...

... to save him from burning, some water falls on the face of the wicked witch who lit the fire and at once she gets dissolved and dies. The water is the symbol of the power of purification and no hostile being or force can resist this power handled with good will and sincerity. Finally, when the good fairy teaches the little girl how to go back home by knocking her two red slippers one against the... unwanted portions edited before they were shown on Saturday. The Wizard of Oz was a children’s award winning movie and to the surprise of all of us, the Mother completely rejected the movie from being screened in the Playground for the children. Since I was sitting beside her when She was seeing the movie I too was disappointed and when I went to see Her upstairs the next day, I asked Her why... an opportunity to go over the rainbow and see the beautiful worlds beyond, She kept asking to go back home. When the Mother realised that so many children of the Ashram were disappointed at not being able to see the film, She wrote out an explanation for it which She read out in the Green Group class and gave a detailed explanation of how to see the film and understand its deeper significance. ...


... him under the train. The man was aghast, not understanding why a higher being —as he took it to be —should push a child to his death. "It could have been one of two quite different things," replied Mother. "Perhaps, for some reason, it Page 233 was a predestined death. Or . . . or, it was a hostile being whom the man mistook for an angel of light, because people generally make... atmosphere in which we live is filled with any amount of small vital entities that are the product of unsated desires, of a very low type of vital movements, as well as the decompositions of more important beings of the vital world —in short, it swarms with all this. You know, it's certainly a protection that most people don't see what's going on in that vital atmosphere, for it's not too pleasant." But... capable of having a direct and inner contact with these things, that you know what they are. But no material proof—material and of this kind —can give you knowledge if you don't have within you the BEING capable of gaining this knowledge." Thus in her customary way Mother placed her finger on the very nub of the problem. "Hence, the conclusion is that this kind of experiment is perfectly useless ...

... water on the straw man to save him from burning, some water falls on the face of the wicked witch who at once gets dissolved and dies. The water is the symbol of the power of purification and no hostile being or force can resist this power handled with good will and sincerity. Finally when the good fairy teaches to the little girl, on knocking her two red slippers one against the other, how to go... appear in the consciousness only with the participation of the psychic being in active life. The vital and physical feel them as weaknesses because they put a check upon the free expression of their impulsions based on the power of force. As usual, the mind, when it is not sufficiently educated, is the accomplice of the vital being and the slave of the physical nature whose crushing laws it does not... is who lam. Sri Aurobindo also knew it and declared it. Even the doubts of the whole of humanity would change nothing to this fact. But another fact is not so certain—it is the usefulness of my being here in a body doing the work I am doing. It is not out of any personal urge that I am doing it. Sri Aurobindo told me to do it and that is why I do it as a sacred duty, in obedience to the dictates ...


... doesn't exist materially.... I don't know, I don't see it. ( silence ) Of course, these things can always be explained symbolically. Theon explained man's 'exile' like this: when the Being—the hostile Being—assumed the position of the Lord Supreme in relation to the terrestrial realization, he didn't want humanity to Page 123 progress mentally and gain a knowledge permitting it to... two planes of reality, attributing to their SUBTLE vision a physical reality which it does not have or no longer has: they have merely entered into contact with the memory of a place—for places, like beings, have a memory. × At first, Mother had said, 'But it's impossible.' Then, laughing, she had the word... upon earth, the first human forms able to incarnate the divine being from above. This was the first time I could manifest in a particular terrestrial form (not a general life but an individual form); that is, for the first time, through the mentalization of this material substance, the junction between the higher Being and the lower being was made. I have lived that several times, and always in a similar ...


... the hostile forces, and they're dissolved. They melt like this ( gesture before one's very eyes ). I said all that to Sri Aurobindo, he completely confirmed it. That's essentially the Grace in its... ( gesture very high ) supreme state. It's a Light... it has no color, you know, it's transparent, and that Light (I have experienced that, I mention it because I know it), if you put it on a hostile being... this. Like Auroville's flower? Like Auroville's flower. But I DELIBERATELY chose it as Auroville's flower, for that reason. And my impression is that this is the supra-mental color: when I see beings from the supramental, they have... not quite this color.... It's not like a flower, it's like flesh. But it's like this ( Mother points to the flower's color ). ( silence ) Yes, he was in contact... have been as if brought up to the heart. And that's so natural.... This and this ( gesture to the heart and above the head ), it's so natural that I don't even observe it anymore: it's my way of being. But the consciousness isn't centered in the body, and the body is felt... almost like a transmitting pipe! Mother, one last thing, a question asked by the person who wrote the letter: he. asks ...


... born perfect, but had taken a tumble. Evidently, these things can always be explained symbolically. Take the explanation of man's 'exile' from Paradise, Theon explained it like this: When the Being, the hostile Being, assumed the status of the Supreme Lord vis-á-vis the terrestrial realization, it wasn't to his liking that humanity should progress mentally, thus gaining a knowledge which would enable it... the result was plastic enough, there was a Descent, there was a mental descent of human creation. They were beings... it was a double descent, that was precisely its peculiarity, Page 80 double —male and female —it wasn't one single being, it was two who descended. Those beings lived an animal life in Nature, but with a mental consciousness, without, however, any disaccord with the... flowering of the human form on earth —the first human forms able to incarnate the divine Being from above. This was the first time I could manifest in a particular terrestrial form, an individual form —not a general life but an individual form —that is to say, the junction between the higher Being and the lower being was made for the first time, through the mentalization of this material substance. I have ...

... British will take possession of Pondicherry. SRI AUROBINDO: Not necessarily. Even if diplomatic relations go, Pondicherry may simply remain hostile without being at war. NIRODBARAN: It seems that the Pétain Government will very soon take up a hostile attitude towards England and even go to war with her, especially now after the naval intervention. SRI AUROBINDO: Looks like that. Their policies... about the details of the naval fight between English and the French fleets in Oran. But Sri Aurobindo did not seem to be in a mood to talk. Almost all the time he listened to us. PURANI: Pétain is being called the Führer of France. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, he has realised the dream of his eighty-four. NIRODBARAN: They say that a major part of the French [fleets] has fallen to the British. SRI ...


... and dividing body. asat —Non-being; non-existence; something beyond the last term to which we can reduce our purest conception and our most abstract or subtle experience of actual being as we know or can conceive of it while in this universe. This Nothing is merely a something beyond positive conception. Asura —the strong or mighty one, Titan; a hostile being or force of the vital mental plane... evolved into an individualised being; the divine essence in the individual. In the course of the evolution, the soul grows and evolves in the form of a soul-personality, the psychic being. See also psychic being and soul . the psychic —psychic being, the term is sometimes used for the psyche or soul. See also psyche and psychic being . psychic being —the divine portion in the... of Existence or Being. Augustine, St. —(354-430), a great saint, bishop of Hippo and one of the four Latin fathers of the Christian Church. Being —the Self; the sole and fundamental Reality or Truth of existence; all that exists is part of the one indivisible Being. The One Being manifests itself on different planes or levels of consciousness, and in the individual being is constituted by ...


... water on the straw man to save him from burning, some water falls on the face of the wicked witch who at once gets dissolved and dies. The water is the symbol of the power of purification and no hostile being or force can resist this power handled with good will and sincerity. Finally when the good fairy teaches to the little girl, on knocking her two red slippers one against the other, how to go... indispensable to the integrality of the result. These three categories of examinations are those set by the forces of Nature, those set by the spiritual and divine forces, and those set by the hostile forces. These latter are the most deceptive in their appearance and in order not to be taken by surprise, unprepared, demands a constant state of vigilance, sincerity and humility. The most banal... will no longer be any religions, the whole of life will be the expression, the flowering into forms of the divine Unity manifesting in the world, and there will no longer be any gods. The great divine beings who will choose not to manifest physically will be friends and collaborators on a footing of equality. When the physical substance is supramentalised, to be incarnated upon earth will not be a cause ...

... to save him from burning, some water falls on the face of the wicked witch who lit the fire and at once she gets dissolved and dies. The water is the symbol of the power of purification and no hostile being or force can resist this power handled with goodwill and sincerity. Finally, when the good fairy teaches the little girl how to go back home by knocking her red slippers one against the other... to be an artist with tricks —it is as if you wanted to realise the Divine by imitating religious ceremonies. Above all and always the most important thing is Sincerity . Develop your inner being—find your soul, and at the same time you will find the true artistic expression. With my blessings. 25 May 1963 Why do you want to do the details? That is not at all necessary. Painting... at the Playground? This music aims at awakening certain profound feelings. To hear it one should make oneself as silent and passive as possible. And if, in the mental silence, a part of the being can take the attitude of the witness who observes without reacting or participating, then one can take account of the effect which the music produces on the feelings and emotions; and if it produces ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... a difference, because those human beings who have allowed adverse forces to take hold of them and govern their lives, as soon as they leave their body, they are just swallowed up, that's all! They have already cut off the connection with their psychic being, so their psychic being often has gone somewhere far off already in other worlds... and so, their vital being, which is the receptacle for these... moment of lucidity or sincerity, a second of sincerity, had asked to be freed from the hostile emanation which made them act. And then, in that moment of sincerity this emanation went out of them, and without hurting the body it could be caught and destroyed. That has happened several times. Then for some days the being is so happy... and it feels free, feels good, feels luminous.... And then suddenly... becomes once again what one was before, sometimes worse. And so the comedy begins all over again. But as for me, nothing doing, once is enough! You are far too attached to it! Keep your little hostile being with you! It is useless, in this case. But it is this, it's the feeling, all of a sudden, of having lost one's power. But note, this happens to ambitious people, above all to ambitious people who ...


... for their inner well-being and progress. On every occasion, the darshans were prepared by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on the occult plane. ‘There is usually a descent, but there is also a great opposition to the descent at these times 2 … It is true that attacks are frequent at that time.’ 3 (Sri Aurobindo) The resistance and the attacks of course came from the hostile forces, who used all... hit my body. And that’s how it managed to approach him unnoticed and break his leg. It was a shocking event.’ 9 Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were probably the only ones who could destroy a hostile being by dissolving it into its Origin. The reason why the Adversary had run the risk of an attack like this was that in 1938 Sri Aurobindo had reached a point in his yoga where the general manifestation... accident been possible? Sri Aurobindo said shortly afterwards: ‘The hostile forces have tried many times to prevent things like the darshan, but I have succeeded in warding off all their attacks. At the time the accident to my leg happened, I was more occupied with guarding the Mother and I forgot about myself. I didn’t think the hostiles would attack me. That was my mistake.’ 7 ‘It was because I was ...


... often it is a hostile being which gets hold of this body. There have been cases like that, children who seemed to be dead, that is, the psychic being had left the body, and before it had died completely, a vital being had entered and taken its place. Such cases have been known. And these beings are demons. In life they become veritable demons. There are not many of them. There are beings of the vital... call it accidental, but... for example, there are psychic beings who choose a certain environment to incarnate in because they think that there they will have the experiences they want, and owing to some circumstances in this environment there is a hostile influence at work; so the body they put on is to a certain extent under this hostile influence and they have to fight against that terribly all... Aurobindo's Bases of Yoga , Chapter 3, "In Difficulty". When a being is possessed by a hostile force, what becomes of his psychic? It depends on the degree of the possession. Usually it is something progressive. First there is an influence under which one comes, and comes in a fragmentary way, not even totally in his being, but in certain parts and for a time. This is the first stage. The second: ...


... by ordering this consciousness to realise a universe. This consciousness began by emanating four beings, four individualities which were indeed altogether very high beings, of the highest Reality. They were the being of consciousness, the being of love (of Ananda rather), the being of life and the being of light and knowledge—but consciousness and light are the same thing. There we are then: consciousness... into the Supreme, and that he was completely dissolved in Him, that is, he lost his individuality, he was no longer a separate being, he returned to the Origin, he was dissolved in the Supreme. And even before doing it, he had chosen to play that part, his part as a hostile being, because the road is much shorter than for those who are devotees and obey. One goes much more rapidly, for, one day, the Divine... anything impossible. So, this is the same thing. Fundamentally, all depends on the inner constitution of the being. There are no two beings who are exactly alike; there are no two constitutions which are the same. And all depends on the inner organisation, the integral organisation of the being, on the order in which the elements are organised and what their inner relation—is even as the external form ...


... and meeting there one of the hostile vital beings who wished to menace or attack you, but could not attack you because of your call on the Mother. There are two things that must be acquired in these passages through the vital world—first this immediate call on the Mother's protection and, second, the throwing away of all fear. To those who do not fear them, these beings or forces can do nothing—in any... came back—the old lower vital nature not being ready to give up possession reasserted its disturbances which were about to abate. 6 November 1934 Sometimes when I sit in meditation, I find that instead of myself, the Mother is sitting. Even my body seems to be that. Pray let me know what it means. Probably you became aware of some part of your being which feels united with the Mother. 24... kept, then Page 285 there will be no disturbance or only a superficial unease. The experience itself was that of the descent of the Mother's light of Divine Consciousness into domains of being which are ignorant or inconscient and obscure. The Mother herself has descended into these domains and moved through them to bring light there. 10 September 1933 This morning during my meditation ...

... match to that incursion of the Bandicoot. However, something quite startling did happen once. You know we used to sit in a sort of semi-circle before the Mother. Suddenly she declared: "A fat black hostile being is sitting just in front of me." We all looked at one another (laughter) and wondered who she could have meant. I happend to be right in front of her. (laughter) Well, I may be more or less... down in an absolute sense. Of course, our power of re-creating ourselves in our lives is limited. But self-conscious beings, beings who can stand back and watch their own nature, inner and outer, with however small a detachment, beings who not only know but know that they know — such beings have at least a speck of true freedom, and from that speck they can alter their lives at any instant. This certainty... invisible to us. After a while she packed the blighter off. "He is gone," she said. We asked her: "Why didn't you finish him? Why did you just let him go?" She explained a very important point. These hostile forces take all kinds of forms. And it's no use destroying one form, because the forces themselves cannot be destroyed. They will take another form and come to harass you. But they do serve a purpose: ...


... (gesture very high) supreme state. It's a Light... it is colour less, you know, it's transparent, and that light (I have experienced it, I am speaking of it because I know it): you put it on a hostile being and... it melts just like that. It's extraordinary.... And then, in its guise of what you could call "benevolent" (that is, the Grace that succours and helps and cures), it's as white as milk. And... white like milk, opaque - it is very strong. And there is one (gesture very high) which is a shade of white... which is of a transparent light. That one is something curious: one drop of that on the hostile forces dissolves them. They melt like that (gesture meaning "in no time at all"). I told all that to Sri Aurobindo, he confirmed it completely to me. That is essentially the Grace in its... (gesture... and I saw her psychic being rising above her this much (about 20 cm), bigger. That's the first time. Her physical being was small, and the psychic being was big like that. And it was a sexless being: neither man nor woman. So I thought (it's possible that it's always like that, I don't know, but in this case I noticed it very clearly), I thought, "But it is the psychic being which will materialize ...