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Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [1]
By The Way - Part II [1]
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Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [4]
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Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
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Emergence of the Psychic [4]
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Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [3]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [1]
Growing up with the Mother [1]
Hitler and his God [1]
In the Mother's Light [1]
India's Rebirth [1]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [1]
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Isha Upanishad [7]
Karmayogin [2]
Kena and Other Upanishads [3]
Landmarks of Hinduism [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Letters on Yoga - I [2]
Letters on Yoga - III [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Mother or The New Species - II [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [1]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [4]
On Education [1]
On The Mother [1]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
Our Many Selves [3]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [2]
Prayers and Meditations [1]
Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [1]
Questions and Answers (1953) [1]
Questions and Answers (1954) [3]
Questions and Answers (1955) [2]
Questions and Answers (1956) [1]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [2]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [3]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [3]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [1]
Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Its Role, Responsibility and Future Destiny [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [3]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [1]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Destiny of the Body [8]
The Hidden Forces of Life [1]
The Human Cycle [4]
The Life Divine [9]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [4]
The Psychic Being [1]
The Renaissance in India [4]
The Sunlit Path [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [10]
The Thinking Corner [1]
The Veda and Indian Culture [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [1]
Towards A New Social Order [2]
Words of the Mother - II [1]
Words of the Mother - III [1]
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English [157]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [2]
A Greater Psychology [2]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [1]
By The Way - Part II [1]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Education For Character Development [1]
Emergence of the Psychic [4]
Essays Divine and Human [2]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [3]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [1]
Growing up with the Mother [1]
Hitler and his God [1]
In the Mother's Light [1]
India's Rebirth [1]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [1]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [1]
Isha Upanishad [7]
Karmayogin [2]
Kena and Other Upanishads [3]
Landmarks of Hinduism [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Letters on Yoga - I [2]
Letters on Yoga - III [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Mother or The New Species - II [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [1]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [4]
On Education [1]
On The Mother [1]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
Our Many Selves [3]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [2]
Prayers and Meditations [1]
Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [1]
Questions and Answers (1953) [1]
Questions and Answers (1954) [3]
Questions and Answers (1955) [2]
Questions and Answers (1956) [1]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [2]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [3]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [3]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [1]
Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Its Role, Responsibility and Future Destiny [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [3]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [1]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Destiny of the Body [8]
The Hidden Forces of Life [1]
The Human Cycle [4]
The Life Divine [9]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [4]
The Psychic Being [1]
The Renaissance in India [4]
The Sunlit Path [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [10]
The Thinking Corner [1]
The Veda and Indian Culture [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [1]
Towards A New Social Order [2]
Words of the Mother - II [1]
Words of the Mother - III [1]
157 result/s found for Individual life

... therefore with the All-Force. Otherwise, the individual life in the individual form must be always subject to the three badges of its limitation, Death, Desire and Incapacity. Death is imposed on the individual life both by the conditions of its own existence and by its relations to the All-Force which manifests itself in the universe. For the individual life is a particular play of energy specialised... realise its own power and to master as well as to know its world is therefore the increasing impulse of all individual life; that impulse is an essential feature of the growing self-manifestation of the Divine in cosmic existence. But though Life is Power and the growth of individual life means the growth of the individual Power, still the mere fact of Page 203 its being a divided i ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... and Page 1076 mind, life and life: such a change would be indispensable for the instrumentation of the gnostic life. For a total gnostic or divine living would include not only the individual life of the being but the life of others made one with the individual in a common uniting consciousness. Such a life must have for its main constituting power a spontaneous and innate, not a constructed... function. Or it is held that the nation, the society, the community is a collective being, revealing its soul in its culture, power of life, ideals, institutions, all its ways of self-expression; the individual life has to cast itself in that mould of culture, serve that power of life, consent only to exist as an instrument for the maintenance and efficiency of the collective existence. In another idea the... truth of being in himself and help the community and humanity in its seeking for its own truth and fullness of being must be his real object of existence. But the extent to which the power of the individual life or the spiritual Reality within it becomes operative, depends on his own development: so long as he is undeveloped, he has to subordinate in many ways his undeveloped self to whatever is greater ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... because of the inherent limitation of individual life cabined in the confines of a rigidly static material frame, the life-being in the poor individual existence cannot but succumb sooner or later to the inexorable nemesis of disintegration and death. We must try to be more specific and enumerate the different situations that the limited individual life has to confront and that have for their... enjoy its world." 1 But in the very nature of things this cannot happen, since by the very definition of the term, the ego possesses but a limited capacity. And the difficulty of the individual life arises from this original sin of the separative mind-ego. For the "universal life in us, obeying this direction of the soul imprisoned in mind, itself becomes imprisoned in an individual action ...

... p. 58) How could that escape death which lives by death? (Paul Richard, The Scourge of Christ, p. 186) A. First Factor: The Part against the Whole The individual life, emerging as a finite and ephemeral wave in the bosom of the 'All-Force' that is governing the world, has constantly to bear the disrupting impact of the latter. In order to secure permanence... permanence for itself, it has perforce to contend with this All-Force and establish its harmony with it. But although it is a fact that Life is power, vāyuragni, and that the growth of the individual life brings in its wake a corresponding increase of the individual power, still, in the nature of things, "it is impossible for a divided and individualised consciousness with a divided, individualised and... All-Force; only the All-Will can be that and the individual only, if at all, by becoming again one with the All-Will and therefore with the Page 400 All-Force. Otherwise, the individual life in the individual form must be always subject to the three badges of its limitation, Death, Desire and Incapacity." 1 B. Second Factor: The Part against All Other Parts ...

... been largely influenced and strengthened by this type of ideas, though not actually created by them. On the other hand, Science investigating life has equally discovered that not only is the individual life best secured and made efficient by association with others and subjection to a law of communal self-development rather than by aggressive self-affirmation, but that actually what Nature seeks to... the truth of the self, what it is, where is its real abiding-place; and here subjectivism has to deal with the same factors as the objective view of life and existence. We may concentrate on the individual life and consciousness as the self and regard its power, freedom, increasing light and satisfaction and joy as the object of living and thus arrive at a subjective individualism. We may, on the other ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... spirit in man or the sense of his divine individuality, the Hindus warmed & softened with emotional & spiritual meaning and made broad and elastic by accepting the supreme importance of the soul's individual life as overriding and governing the firm organization of morals and society. They were not purely devoted to the worship and culture of beauty like the Greeks and their art was not perfect, yet they... therefore towards the conquest and control of Prana and the free development of Mind that the energies of Man ought in future to be directed. He must arrive at some arrangement of his social and individual life which, while satisfying the legitimate demands of his body and his vital impulses, will admit of the extreme and unhampered perfection of his intellectual, moral and spiritual being. He must discover ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... spiritual tended irresistibly to master and mould outer physical actions. No sanction by which society could enforce its decrees, is of any ultimate utility against the victorious advance of the individual life pressing forward in its irresistible demand for progress and freedom. Society may command the homage of conformance in speech and act to its fixed and conventional ideals; it may control a man's... high place immemorially assigned to wisdom, learning and culture and in the noble and perfect Buddhist-Confucian system of ethics and ideal of life which regulates Chinese politics, society and individual life. In India on the other hand, as we shall perceive, we have an unique and remarkable instance of sattwic, rajasic, tamasic influences acting upon the community in almost equal degrees and working ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... insists however that individual life is quite as sacred for its own purposes as national life for its higher purposes, that the nation must get adequate value for each sacrifice that the individuals make, and that great men must protect themselves from danger because their removal at a critical moment may Page 89 mean incalculable injury. We deny that individual life is as sacred as national ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... such – wonderful to say – it assumes the beauty of a mirage! This beauty therefore can last as long as the world is taken as a whole. But in an individual life the illusion presents an aweful sight. In spite of a unity in the creation the individual life is a bundle of sorrows and tragedies of which Christ, his Lord, is the very embodiment. "What do you want to know of the creation which is under ...

... more distinct and definite form. Life, in its first manifestation, appears to be a heaving sea of hunger and richly deserves the vivid Upanishadic epithet; "Life is hunger, which is death.” Individual life feeding on other lives in order to maintain and aggrandize itself, feeding and eventually being fed upon by the contending lives—this is the spectacle that presents itself to our view behind... birth and death of living Matter. When Life evolves Mind, this hunger becomes desire, a conscious craving, an insistent longing to seize and possess and enjoy what one feels one lacks. No individual life at this stage of evolution can progress without this propelling force of desire. It is the sole motive force that neutralizes to a considerable extent the constant gravitational pull towards inertia ...


... The preeminent value of the ancient Indian civilisation lay in the power with which it did this work, the profound wisdom and high and subtle skill with which it based society and ordered the individual life, and encouraged and guided the propensities of human nature and finally turned them all towards the realisation of its master idea. The mind it was training, while not called away from its immediate... the same for everyone: the degree and turn of development and the capacity, adhikāra , are not equal. Man lives in society and by society, and every society has its own general dharma, and the individual life must be fitted into this wider law of movement. But there too the individual's part in society and his nature and the needs of his capacity and Page 162 temperament vary and have many ...


... particular self-centre. But the inescapable result of this artificial dyking of the individual life from the All-Life is its inability to enter into harmony and oneness with the universal movement and a consequent incapacity to possess and enjoy it. For "though Life is Power and the growth of individual life means the growth of the individual Power, still the mere fact of its being a divided ...

... the entire surface of the planet! 2 As a matter of fact, the remarkable truth that "the natural individual 3 is a minor term of being and exists by the universal" 4 and that "the individual life is compelled, and used, to secure permanence rather for its species than for itself" 5 is borne out by biological evidences that have been specific and manifold. The opinion has even been expressed... evolving life, possess the capacity and capability of outgrowing that imperfect status, and thus rendering the process of death no longer a practical necessity and hence eliminable from his individual life ? After all, a movement of progress that needs to be accomplished through repeated and radical shuffling of mortal forms, thus necessitating the appearance of death, is not a 'game' that ...

... and die, and by the latter 1950's no means have been found to seriously alter this decline." 2 So we see that the scientific attempts at preventing devitalisation and prolonging the individual life-span of man have so far proved futile and illusive, and we on our part venture to assert that these will prove equally so even in the future; for, the root of the malady lies somewhere else and... Yogasiddhis, and not as a dharma, natural law, of the transformed physical nature. But "mental or vital occult power", warns Sri Aurobindo, "can only bring Siddhis of the higher plane into the individual life — like the Sannyasi who could take any poison without harm, but he died of a poison after all when he forgot to observe the conditions of the siddhi." 3 Among the various attempts ...

... individual consciousness concentrated within the limits of the individual formation, because it is alien to the self-conception of the finite. Indeed "though Life is Power and the growth of the individual life means the growth of the individual Power, still the mere fact of its being a divided individualised life and force prevents it from really becoming master of its world. For that would mean to... communism of the equal godhead in the race; for the Spirit, the inmost Self, the universal Godhead in every being is that whose very nature of diverse oneness it is to realise the perfection of its individual life and nature in the existence of all, in the universal life and nature." 30 But does this not seem to be a solution that appears too remote, too chimerical and thus puts, off the consummation ...

... that the nation, the society, the community is a collective being, revealing its soul in its culture, power of life, ideals, institutions, or its ways of self-expression. In this context, the individual life has to cast itself in the social mould, serving the power of its life, consent only to exist as an instrument for the maintenance and efficient existence of the society. In a third ideal, the ... communism of the equal godhead in the race; for the Spirit, the inmost Self, the universal Godhead in every being is that whose very nature of diverse oneness it is to realise the perfection of its individual life and nature in the existence of all, in the universal life and nature. 5 According to Sri Aurobindo, the present stage of human development can become a gate for the arrival of a spiritual ...

... that aggregates and dissolves, but a being, a living power of eternal Truth, a self-manifesting spirit. It is for this reason that Sri Aurobindo points out that the primal law and purpose of the individual life is to seek its own self-development, to find itself, to discover within itself the law and power of its own being and to fulfil it. In the same way, society, community or nation is also a being... global, world-wide and planetary in character. In this connection, Sri Aurobindo makes a distinction between national ego and national soul, corresponding to the distinction in regard to the individual life where the superficial ego is seen to be distinct from the true individual soul. The mark of egoism, according to Sri Aurobindo, is its superficiality and its ignorant attempt to arrive at superficial ...

... to the development of the Shastra. And this Shastra grew into higher and higher levels of excellence, and there developed also a subtler science and art not only of collective life but also of individual life, culminating into what is called adhyatma shastra, of Page 119 which the Bhagvad Gita is regarded as one of its highest formulations. " In the Gita, there are four important... that Sri Krishna refers when he declares that the Lord created the Universe along with the law of the sacrifice. "This matter is extremely important for those who want to practise law in individual life or collective life or in the life of the State. It is when I came to understand the law of sacrifice that the entire domain of legal studies came to assume a different aspect. I came to realise ...

... long a dynamic ideal. It broke down much earlier in the field of collective life, and even though it still continues to be respected and even practised to some extent by individuals in their individual life, it has betrayed its weaknesses and self-contradictions since the last several centuries. And under the impact of foreign invasions, particularly since the British introduced and imposed upon... Fourfold Social Order An important feature of the organization of Indian life was the complex and subtle arrangement of human life through four orders of communal life and four stages of individual life. The human life was conceived as a process of gradual growth, and provisions came to be made in each stage of growth so as to stabilize that stage and to lead it gradually to the next higher ...


... individual here in life feels that his preservation also depends upon association. Mind brings this to the evolving life. When life is evolving it is made to understand that even for individual Page 188 life, association is a principle for its preservation and progress. This is the second division. And it accepts the necessity and desire for interchange. The urge for interchange is a blind... desire, desire to possess and enjoy; and therefore through struggle and survival, possession and effort at perfection. Then it comes to the mental consciousness where mind realizes that even for individual life association is necessary, it accepts the need of interchange, and the necessity of self-giving and even the experience of love. A fourth stage now becomes necessary. These three have been ...


... working. For the soul in us takes in the influences it receives from others for its own self-determination and gives out influences which the soul in them uses for their growth and experience. Our individual life becomes an immensely greater thing in itself and is convinced too of an abiding unity with the march of the universe. And karma and consequence also get a wider meaning. At present we fix too ...


... which all comes, in which all lives and moves without knowing it and of which all must one day grow aware, returning towards that which is perfect, eternal and infinite. Next, it laid upon the individual life the need of self-preparation by development and experience till man is ready for an effort to grow consciously into the truth of this greater existence. Thirdly, it provided it with a well-founded ...


... 8 July 1953 "The mind is an instrument of action and formation and not an instrument of knowledge; at each moment it is creating forms. Thoughts are forms and have an individual life, independent of their author: sent out from him into the world, they move in it towards the realisation of their own purpose of existence. When you think of anyone, your thought takes a form and ...


... find the will for perfect sincerity. And there is a moment—in everyone's life there is a moment—when this need for perfect sincerity comes as a definitive choice. There is a moment in one's individual life, also a moment in the collective life when one belongs to a group, a moment when the choice must be made, when the purification must be done. Sometimes this becomes very serious, it is almost ...


... impossible. Moreover the individual must have sufficiently universalised himself, he must have recast his individual mind in the boundlessness of a cosmic mentality, enlarged and vivified his individual life into the immediate sense and direct experience of the dynamic motion of the universal life, opened up the communications of his body with the forces of universal Nature, before he can be capable ...


... truth of being in himself and help the community and humanity in its seeking for its own truth and fullness of being must be his real object of existence. But the extent to which the power of the individual life or the spiritual Reality within it becomes operative, depends on his own development: so long as he is undeveloped, he has to subordinate in many ways his undeveloped self to whatever is greater ...

... founded on what he calls a "knowing" and not on knowledge—with the true will. These willings are necessarily fragmentary, sing, and often in opposition to one another, and this is what gives to the individual life and even to the collective its nature of incoherence, inconsistency and confusion.... The word "will" is normally reserved to indicate what comes from the deeper being or the higher reality and ...


... conscious force and a conscious will with a conscious aim, nothing could ever have been organised. We have just to observe a little, even in the very small field of observation we have in our individual life, to be completely convinced of it. But anyway... It is precisely one of the subjects Sri Aurobindo deals with in great detail, so we shall speak about it again. ( Silence ) Page 222 ...


... taking up yoga and developing spiritually, one escapes from the absolute law of these horoscopes. This would be a kind of notation on the material plane of the relations between universal and individual life, and these relations can be altered by the introduction of a higher plane of consciousness into the material plane of consciousness. All this is what might be called a half-knowledge, which ...


... of calling... they can receive the universal vital forces, which enter them and renew the dose of energy they need. There are others, very rare ones—or maybe in very rare moments of their individual life—who have an aspiration for the higher consciousness, higher force, higher knowledge, and who, by this call, draw to themselves the forces of higher domains. And so this also renews in them very ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... The Human Cycle Chapter IV The Discovery of the Nation-Soul The primal law and purpose of the individual life is to seek its own self-development. Consciously or half consciously or with an obscure unconscious groping it strives always and rightly strives at self-formulation,—to find itself, to discover within itself the law and power of its own being ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... society and for its sake. He belongs entirely to the society, not only his property, but himself, his labour, his capacities, the education it gives him and its results, his mind, his knowledge, his individual life, his family life, the life of his children. Moreover, since his individual reason cannot be trusted to work out naturally a right and rational adjustment of his life with the life of others, it ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... distortion by division and limitation of the Self. The limitation is brought about through the Kshara Purusha identifying itself with the changeable formations of Nature in the separate body, the individual life and the egoistic mind, to the exclusion of the sense of unity with all existence and with all existences. This exclusion is a fixed habit of the understanding due to our past evolution in the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... engendered in the motional universe shall be subject to the processes of that particular stream of movement to which it belongs; each individual body subject to the general processes of matter, each individual life to the general processes of vitality, each individual mind to the general processes of mentality, because the individual is only a whorl of motion in the general motion and its individual variation ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... Consciousness is inherent in Being, though it is here involved and Page 19 concealed in things so that it has to emerge out of an apparent unconsciousness and organise itself in individual life. But this is only on the surface which is all of which we are aware because we live on the surface of ourselves. This surface (the ordinary waking mind of man) is what we think to be ourselves ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... mixed capacity of the inner mental and vital nature for a greater ignorance as well as a greater knowledge can be cured by going still deeper behind it to the psychic entity which supports our individual life and body. There is indeed a soul-personality, representative of this entity, already built up within us, which puts forward a fine psychic element in our natural being: but this finer factor in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... evolves upward towards Mind, so Mind evolves upward towards Supermind and Spirit. Precisely because the struggle for survival, the impulse towards permanence is contradicted by the law of death, the individual life is compelled, and used, to secure permanence rather for its species than for itself; but this it cannot do without the co-operation of others; and the principle of co-operation and mutual help ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... knows itself as a being of the universal life working out action and consciousness by its desires under similar modifying conditions proper to a universal life-soul whose action is through many individual life-beings. When it dwells in the principle of matter, it knows itself as a consciousness of matter acting under a similar law of the energy of material being. In proportion as it leans towards the ...


... the obscurity, frailties and limitations, which this change will overcome, the body-consciousness is a patient servant and can be in its large reserve of possibilities a potent instrument of the individual life, and it asks for little on its own account: what it craves for is duration, health, strength, physical perfection, bodily happiness, liberation from suffering, ease. These demands are not in themselves ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... confusion one law seems to reign, the law of desire. As the universal Divine Being, all-embracing and all-possessing, acts, moves, enjoys purely for the satisfaction of divine Delight, so the individual life acts, moves, enjoys and suffers predominantly for the satisfaction of desire. Therefore the psychic life-energy presents itself to our experience as a sort of desire-mind, which we have to conquer ...


... spirit dynamised for a near and direct operation on and through subtle and gross matter and for formation and action in the material universe. The first result is that the limitations of our individual life being break down and we live no longer with a personal life force, or not with that ordinarily, but in and by the universal life energy. It is all the universal Prana that comes consciently streaming ...


... Supramental being in a new evolution. I am not aware that this has been done by any Hathayogic or other process. Mental or vital occult power can only bring Siddhis of the higher plane into the individual life... The working of the Supramental power envisaged is not an influence on the physical giving it abnormal faculties, but an entrance and penetration changing it wholly into a Supramentalised physical ...

... activities and experiences – thoughts, feelings, impulses, dreams – are “occult”. That occultism has so often been abused by frauds and mountebanks does not invalidate this viewpoint. Not only is the individual life for the most part an occult occurrence, the foundations of the scientific-materialistic world too are steeped in occultism. The magic component of the Renaissance has been mentioned. The inspiration ...


... and keep, To enlarge life's room and scope and pleasure's range, To battle and overcome and make one's own. 1 But this predatory hunger brings its own retribution and the individual life organised in the body, that has cut itself off from All-Life and ...made a tiny circle of defence Against the siege of the huge universe, 2 is constantly exposed to the ...

... prepared in a subtle manner over a space of time. The habit of as much equanimity as possible and of continual "remember and offer" laid the ground for the wonderful freedom it brought in the individual life-sense. Mind you, there is no death-wish associated with it nor is there a docile contentment with things as they are. It may have something to do with the "hiatus" in my life which I declared the ...


... to you: you will have them on the 29th. I don't yet know what I will write or whether I will write anything. But this year seems to me to be a very decisive year in your Page 229 individual life—your LIFE, you understand (how can I explain?), the eternal life in you. The eternal life in your individuality. The difficulty seems to be in connecting the two movements.... They aren't connected ...


... - a section and dimension of which there is no explicit mention in the Gospel. Until that happened, the Christian had learnt to think and act, to fear and worship, on the scale of his own individual life and death. How without breaking with his traditional background, will he or can he extend his faith and hope and charity to the proportions of a terrestrial organization that is destined to persist ...

... in which all lives and moves without knowing it and of which all must one day grow aware, returning towards that which is perfect, eternal and infinite. Secondly, they tended to lay upon the individual life the need of self-preparation by development and experience till one is ready for an effort to grow consciously into the truth of this greater existence. Thirdly, they tended to provide in the framework ...

... psychic entity and, its representative, soul personality, which are in profounder depths than the subliminal consciousness, are other than our body, life and mind, and it is they that support our individual life , mind and body. The psychic entity is the deputy of the individual self, jivatman, and it is a spark of the divine fire and divine love which are operations of the principle of Ananda, which is ...

... society and for its sake. He belongs entirely to the society, not only his property, but himself, his labour, his capacities, the education it gives him and its results, his mind, his knowledge, his individual life, his family life, the life of his children." The inevitable character of Socialism is to determine the whole life of the society "Moreover, since his individual reason cannot be trusted ...


... communism of the equal godhead in the race; for the Spirit, the inmost Self, the universal Godhead in every being is that whose very nature of diverse oneness it is to realise the perfection of its individual life and nature in the existence of all, in the universal life and nature." Does this solution put off the consummation of a better human society to a far-off date in the future evolution of the ...


... may not so recognise Page 27 it and consider it as something exclusively personal to you. You send out vibrations into the world and the world sends out vibrations into you. Individual life is the meeting-ground of these outgoing and incoming forces. It is precisely to avoid this circle or cycle of world-vibrations that the older Yogis used to leave the world, away from society ...

... he becomes a complete, integral perfect being expressing and embodying in all his limbs and movements the supreme reality made of utter truth and knowledge and power and delight. This being his individual life, his collective or social life too would figure the same pattern. A new society in which men have found their soul and soul function is a harmonious, a unitary body, composed of individuals who ...

... only way by which there can be realised in you, the highest and largest, the most intimate and absolute harmony you are capable of and that is demanded of you. The perfect organisation of the individual life can be obtained in and through the harmony inherent in the central reality, in the natural order of its activities. In the scheme or pattern laid out in the inmost consciousness, each element has ...

... vibration in you, even though you may not so recognise it but consider it as something exclusively personal to you. You send out vibrations into the world and the world sends out vibrations into you. Individual life is the meeting-ground of these outgoing and incoming forces. It is precisely to avoid this circle or cycle of world-vibrations that the older Yogis used to leave the world, away from society ...

... which is far more than any university scholar. So that which is attainable is proved by instances where one who attains undergoes a radical transformation and there is a revaluation of his whole individual life. The way in which he looked at the world before and the way in which he perceives it after are not the same. That is what makes the difficulty of spiritual persons. For instance, somebody says ...


... they are divine and so we respect them, we evoke their help so far as it can be of help in the present conditions, but the highest help that one can have in his mind, in his vital life, in his individual life, in his collective life today, is from a Light like Sri Aurobindo, because he gives you the full expanded view of that perfect world; its relation with this world; then the way to reach it; the ...


... sense of "I'm alive." One has fallen back into the cage. This little tremor is probably what helped Matter awaken to life—to the catastrophe of life. But I believe it is only the catastrophe of an individual life enclosed in an individual body, in which the Vibration cannot flow, in which we are trapped in false time, which is a false space divided by distances of not-I. It is the "I" that creates all distances ...


... over us. Unfortunately this is what happens most often in life and men are certainly much more slaves than masters of their physical being. Yet it is the contrary that should be, for the truth of individual life is quite another thing. We have in us an intelligent will more or less enlightened which is the first instrument of our psychic being. It is this intelligent will that we must use in order to ...


... Government nor any form of Government. It means the fulfilment of our national life. That is what we seek, that is why God has sent us into the world to fulfil Him by fulfilling ourselves in our individual life, in the family, in the community, in the nation, in humanity. That is why He has sent us into the world and it is this fulfilment that we demand; for this fulfilment is life and to depart from ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... break; the individual Mind will cease to know itself as individual, it will be conscious only of universal Mind one everywhere in which individuals are only knots of the one mentality; so the individual life will lose its sense of separateness and live only in and as the one life in which all individuals are simply whirls of the indivisible flood of Pranic Page 86 activity; the very body ...


... gods, there is our self, the spirit within who supports all this action of the gods. Our spirit too must turn from its absorption in its figure of itself as it sees it involved in the movement of individual life, mind, body and subject to it and must direct its gaze upward to its own supreme Self who is beyond all this movement and master of it all. Therefore the mind must indeed become passive to the ...


... embracing a diversity of mere transient forms & individual activities which emerge from, abide in & one day return into their totality, material form into the substance of the pancha bhutas, individual life into the oceanic surge of the world-pervading life principle, individual mind, whenever that is dissolved, into the secret sukshmatattwa or sea of subtle mind-existence, so also these three tattwas ...


... way of the mounting soul in the action of the world. Indian painting, sculpture and architecture did not refuse service to the aesthetic satisfaction and interpretation of the social, civic and individual life of the human being; these things, as all evidences show, played a great part in their motives of creation, but still Page 227 their highest work was reserved for the greatest spiritual ...


... its disciplinary purpose in the secure freedom of the spiritual life? Indian culture from an early stage seized upon a double idea for its own guidance which it threw into a basic system of the individual life in the social frame. This was the double system of the four Varnas and the four Asramas,—four graded classes of society and four successive stages of a developing human life. The ancient Ch ...


... know as Sri Aurobindo is his reality. It cannot circumscribe the far-stretched continuity of his being and his becoming. In all quarters he feels his own self at work. He overflows the span of an individual life. The march of the centuries is not alien to him, the rising and falling and rising again of the endless Page 23 energy around us is part of him in the union he has realised with ...


... Many considerations force on us the conception of the cell as 'organization'." Elucidating the nature of life at all stages and levels, Sherrington says: "Each of us at the outset of his or her individual life story is microscopic and one sole cell. By that cell's multiplication, and by its descendents' coherence, each of us attains his or her final form and size. Each at every stage of that astonishing ...

... between thought and reality.” 32 “For the mind is an instrument of action and formation, not an instrument of knowledge. It is creating forms every moment. Thoughts are forms and have an individual life, independent of their originator; sent out by him into the world, they move in it towards the realisation of their own purpose of existence … If there is a sufficient will-power in your thought-form ...

... with Time, is for ever unborn, timeless and ineffable. Page 781 Thus while in the vitalistic view of things there is a real universe and a real though brief temporary becoming of individual life which, even though there is no ever-enduring Purusha, yet gives a considerable importance to our individual experience and actions,—for these are truly effective in a real becoming,—in the Mayavada ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... the amount of vital or dynamic force necessary to drive the physical engine during the normal span of human life and to perform more or less adequately the various workings demanded of it by the individual life inhabiting this frame and the world-environment by which it is conditioned. Page 33 Hathayoga therefore seeks to rectify Nature and establish another equilibrium by which the physical ...


... supramental being in a new evolution. I am not aware that this has been done by any Hathayogic or other process. Mental or vital occult power can only bring siddhis of the higher plane into the individual life—like the Sannyasi who could take any poison without harm, but he died of a poison after all when he forgot to observe the conditions of the siddhi. The working of the supramental power envisaged ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... impossible. Moreover the individual must have sufficiently universalised himself, he must have recast his individual mind in the boundlessness of a cosmic mentality, enlarged and vivified his individual life into the immediate sense and direct experience of the dynamic motion of the universal life, opened up the communications of his body with the forces of universal Nature, before he can be capable ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... keeps in equilibrium by rigorous law, compelling custom and a careful indoctrination of the still subservient and ill-developed intelligence of the human creature. In primitive societies the individual life is submitted to rigid and immobile communal custom and rule; this is the ancient and would-be eternal law of the human pack that tries always to masquerade as the everlasting decree of the Imperishable ...


... its being interfered with and deformed by the nature of the physical workings in the body which Life has evolved in its emergence from matter. It is that which has created the separation of the individual life in the body from the life of the universe and stamped on it the character of want, limitation, hunger, thirst, craving for what it has not, a long groping after enjoyment and a hampered and baffled ...


... movement of Conscious-Force from which this life took its rise. The potentiality thus contained in our human existence is Sachchidananda realising Himself in a certain harmony and unification of the individual life and the universal so that mankind shall express in a common consciousness, common movement of power, common delight the transcendent Something which has cast itself into this form of things. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... unity with the Being and with all beings is its effectuation in Yoga of knowledge; to live, think, feel, will and act in that sense of unity is its effectuation in the individual being and the individual life. This realisation of oneness and this practice of oneness in difference is the whole of the Yoga. Sachchidananda is one in Himself in whatever status or Page 420 whatever plane of ...


... communism of the equal godhead in the race; for the Spirit, the inmost self, the universal Godhead in every being is that whose very nature of diverse oneness it is to realise the perfection of its individual life and nature in the existence of all, in the universal life and nature. This is a solution to which it may be objected that it puts off the consummation of a better human society to a far-off ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... supramental being in a new evolution. I am not aware that this has been done by any Hathayogic or other process. Mental or vital occult power can only bring siddhis of the higher plane into the individual life—like the Sannyasi who could take any poison without harm, but he died of a poison after all when he forgot to observe the conditions of the siddhi. The working of the supramental power envisaged ...


... plane and holds good only there. For the mind is an instrument of action and formation and not an instrument of knowledge; at each moment it is creating forms. Thoughts are forms and have an individual life, independent of their author: sent out from him into the world, they move in it towards the realisation of their own purpose of existence. When you think of anyone, your thought takes a form and ...


... rhythm is absolutely particular to him; it is not the same rhythm as his neighbour's. Page 332 But even as the seasons follow a certain rhythm, regular enough on the whole, so the individual life has its seasons. And when one studies oneself attentively, one finds out that there are even certain repetitions of analogous circumstances at regular intervals. Even, very sensitive people become ...


... movement of calling... they can receive the universal vital forces, which enter them and renew the dose of energy they need. There are others, very rare ones—or maybe in very rare moments of their individual life—who have an aspiration for the higher consciousness, higher force, higher knowledge, and who, by this call, draw to themselves the forces of higher domains. And so this also renews in them very ...


... over us. Unfortunately this is what happens most often in life and men are certainly much more slaves than masters of their physical being. Yet it is the contrary that should be, for the truth of individual life is quite another thing. We have in us an intelligent will more or less enlightened which is the first instrument of our psychic being. It is this intelligent will that we must use in order to ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... Force, and Thou, supreme centre of the being, Thou wilt emanate the Force fully so that it may penetrate, transfigure and overcome all obstacles. It is a pact Thou hast signed with the worlds of individual life. Thou hast made a promise, Thou hast sent into these worlds those who can and that which can fulfil this promise. This now demands Thy integral help so that what has been promised may be realised ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Prayers and Meditations

... whole period of the past is coming up again—and it's not a purely personal past, for it includes all the acquaintances I used to have, a whole collection of things that represents not only my individual life but something rather collective (as it always is; each of us is always a collectivity but we aren't aware of it, and if anything were taken away, it would unbalance the whole). A whole set of things ...


... external circumstances. Live within, do not be shaken by external circumstances. 26 July 1971 To live only for the Divine: this means to have overcome all the difficulties of the individual life. He who lives to serve the Truth is not affected by outward circumstances. Page 232 Page 233 ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... a new evolution." And he continues: "I am not aware that this has been done by any Hathayogic or other process. Mental or vital occult power can only bring siddhis of the higher plane into the individual life — like the Sannyasi who could take any poison without harm, but he died of a poison after all when he forgot to observe the conditions of the siddhi. The working of the supramental power envisaged ...


... they live?... We can conceive that food will no longer be needed, that there will be another method of sustenance, but... No need of houses! ( Mother does not hear and goes on ) Individual life or collective life? A constructed house, or a... spontaneous house? They don't need houses, they draw back within! You think they can make themselves invisible? Yes, they can draw back ...


... supramental being in a new evolution. I am not aware that this has been done by any Hathayogic or other process. Mental or vital occult power can only bring Siddhis of the higher plane into the individual life—like the Sannyasi who could take any poison without harm, but he died of a poison after all when he forgot to observe the conditions of the Siddhi. The working of the supramental power envisaged ...


... a new evolution". And he continues: "I am not aware that this has been done by any Hathayogic or other process. Mental or vital occult power can only bring siddhis of the higher plane into the individual life - like the Sannyasi who could take any poison without harm, but he died of a poison after all when he forgot to observe the conditions of Page 10 the siddhi. The working of the ...

... 2 Savitri, Book IX, Canto II, p. 593. 3 M. Vernet, La Vie et la Mort (Flammarion), p. 221. Page 334 (ii) This maximum possible duration of the entire individual life-cycle varies enormously with the different forms of life, species, genera, families, etc. As a matter of information we append below tables 1 showing the life-spans of some biological organisms ...

... Page 288 and fears, his loves and his beliefs, are but the outcome of accidental collocations of atoms; that no fire, no heroism, no intensity of thought and feeling, can preserve an individual life beyond the grave; that all the labours of the ages, all the devotion, all the inspiration, all the noonday brightness of human genius, are destined to extinction in the vast death of the solar ...


... external, internal in thought and knowledge and will, external in life and action – restore them to their respective truth and law – Satyam and Ritam.   The individual who leads a severely individual life from the Page 29  very beginning, whose outlook of the world has been fashioned by that conception, can hardly, if at all, enter at the end the communal life. He must perforce ...

... group or aggregate has imposed upon him these restrictions. The free and unbridled indulgence of one's bare aboriginal impulses may be possible to creatures that live a separate, solitary and individual life but is disruptive of all bonds necessary for a corporate and group life. It is even a biological necessity again which has evolved in man a third and collateral primary instinct –that of the ...

... (g) That which is still deeper behind the subliminal consciousness is, according to Sri Aurobindo, the psychic entity and its representatives6ul personality which supports our individual life, mind and body. The relation between that entity and other parts of our being is explained as follows by Sri Aurobindo: There is indeed a soul-personality, representative of this entity, already ...

... ascent and bring him back to his habitual abode ? The sense of egoistic separativeness from the unhindered play of All-Life is the second contributory factor that ultimately dissolves the individual life in death. The Upanishadic Rishi emphasised this point when he declared: "He who sees separation here proceeds from death to death." 3 The urge of all-consuming hunger that the individual ...

... inimical assessment of our work, let us, the Ashramites -one and all - turn our gaze within and see for ourselves how far we have been faithful to the ideal of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo in our own individual life and practice. And if on soul-searching it is found that lapses and failings have appeared at some point, let us take remedial measures to arrest in time any possible erosion of spiritual values ...

... sure to sprout and have its 'parinama' at some stage or other of that line of development and the doer will have to bear the consequences thereof. The nature and the circumstances of an individual life are the products of his chain of karmas, both inner and outer. There is nothing there accidental or incomprehensible. An individual is thus the architect of his own destiny: there is no other external ...

... can inspire and kindle the quest among the students by means of one's own example of character and mastery of knowledge that is relevant to the over-arching importance of character both in the individual life and in the collective life. It is only by embodying values within oneself that the teacher can really radiate values to students. While laying a great emphasis on the role of the teacher in ...

... continued without being challenged by any contrary phenomenon! But, strangely, the most mysterious "death" appeared on the scene as if from nowhere and claimed its inalienable right to end every individual life after some time short or long. But why? In Sri Aurobindo's words: "Birth is the first spiritual mystery of the physical universe, death is the second which gives its double point of perplexity ...

... he becomes a complete, integral perfect being expressing and embodying in all his limbs and movements the supreme reality made of utter truth and knowledge and power and delight. This being his individual life, his collective or social life too would figure the same pattern. A new society in which men have found their soul and soul function is a harmonious, a unitary body, composed of individuals who ...

... he becomes a complete, integral perfect being expressing and embodying in all his limbs and movements the supreme reality made of utter truth and knowledge and power and delight. This being his individual life, his collective or social life too would figure the same pattern. A new society in which men have found their soul and soul function is a harmonious, a unitary body, com posed of individuals ...

... God – they have been called ā rtabhakta, those who become devotees through affliction. Now the first question that comes up is why on earth should God care for the life and property of any individual. Life and death, loss and gain are dualities that form the warp and woof of human existence: God is not more partial to one limb of the pair than to the other. From God's standpoint, so also from the ...

... in which all lives and moves without knowing it and of which all must one day grow aware, returning towards that which is perfect, eternal and infinite. Secondly, they tended to lay upon the individual life the need of self-preparation by development and experience till one is ready for an effort to grow consciously into the truth of this greater existence. Thirdly, they tended to provide in the framework ...

... Like all great religions, Indian religion nourished in the mind a belief in a highest consciousness or state of existence, universal and transcendent of the universe, and it laid also upon the individual life the Page 37 need of self-preparation for development and experience. But the way in which this ancient religion developer provided a well-founded, well-explored, many-branching and always ...


... VII That which is still deeper behind the subliminal consciousness is, according to Sri Aurobindo, the psychic entity and its representative soul personality which supports our individual life, mind and body. The relation between that entity and other parts of our being is explained by Sri Aurobindo as follows: 'There is indeed a soul-personality, representative of this entity, ...

... ing; a feeling of brotherhood and comradeship etc. These sentiments brought in a collective spirit amongst them and an united effort for improving the quality of life started. Normally, individual life and collective life depend on each other for their betterment. Collectivity creates opportunities for the individuals to grow and to progress. The individuals, by their achievements in various ...

... other hand, we see on every page of literature and history evidences of the irrepressible ardour and endeavour of humanity to regain its freedom. As in the sphere of politics or society, so in individual life, this effort continues from age to age. Self-control, self-repression, renunciation of pleasure and pain, Stoicism, Epicureanism, asceticism, Vedanta, Buddhism, Monism, Mayavada, Rajayoga, Hathayoga ...

... appear great. But in his Hound of Heaven he has achieved the summit of poetic art and it sums up his whole life-experience. In that sense it is great. Sri Aurobindo : And it is not individual life but universal life – anybody who goes through spiritual life gets that experience. The idea of greatness of poetry is difficult to standar­dise. The French poet Villon, if you take his poems ...

... Aurobindo's Yoga is also integral like the Yoga of the Gita, but a new dimension - the bringing down of the Supramental Light and Force - is added, and this makes all the difference. As in individual life, in collective life also there are ascending levels of conduct above the promiscuous play of personal need, preference and desire. There is the sense of the common good of the community, which ...

... prevail in the end: What is it that we seek? We seek the fulfilment of our life as a nation.... that is why God has sent us into the world to fulfill him by fulfilling ourselves in our individual life, in the family, in the community, in the nation, in humanity. ... Our object, our claim is that we shall not perish as a nation, but live as a nation. Any authority that goes against this object ...

... Which minds are nearest to me and what is my ideal work among them? - has a practical cast, but with spiritual implications. If inner illumination, integral transformation, is the main aim of individual life, this is to be sought, not as a self-sufficient end, but as a means to a further end - the transformation of the environment through radiation from these illumined centres of realisation. It ...


... Government nor any form of Government. It means the fulfilment of our national life. That is what we seek, that is why God has sent us into the world to fulfil Him by fulfilling ourselves in our individual life, in the family, in the community, in the nation, in humanity.... There are some who fear to use the word 'freedom,' but I always used the word because it has been the Mantra of my life to aspire ...

... sovereignty of an abstract State. It is chimerical to enquire which is the better system; it would be difficult to decide which is the worse. 343—The gain of democracy is the security of the individual's life, liberty and goods from the caprices of the tyrant one or the selfish few; its evil is the decline of greatness in humanity. Page 309 All human governments are a falsehood or a ...


... Divine Guidance shaping without exception every event of an individual's life. Nothing is otiose and vain and "all that happens in the progress of the soul has its meaning, its necessity, [and] its Page 344 place". (Sri Aurobindo) Whatever be the appearances to the contrary, even in the darkest moment of one's life, the sadhaka should not entertain any doubt about the active... Page 345 this divine Guidance. For, surely a Goal there is and every individual soul, whoever he may be and at whatever stage of development he may actually be, is being certainly led to the one common final destination: Union with the Divine and its accompanying attainments, such as, divine Light, Love, Life, Peace, Knowledge, Truth, Good, Power, Bliss, Harmony, etc. As Sri Aurobindo has... XXVI IS ALL THAT HAPPENS IN LIFE ALWAYS FOR THE BEST? Some time or other, whenever a sadhaka has to face a totally unapprehended turn of calamitous events which he cannot prevent with his all too limited power and resources, he asks himself this puzzling question: "Is my life rigorously governed by some sort of determinism, by an ineluctable fate ...

... ourselves in our consciousness to a single knot of the one indivisible Matter, a single eddy of the one indivisible Life, a single station of the one indivisible Mind, a single soul-manifestation of the one indivisible Spirit. Yet it is only by knowing the One that this individual mind, life, body, soul can know itself or its action.—Thus ignorance of self is the nature of our mind, but an ignorance full... Chapter XXXI The Boundaries of the Ignorance Argument Chapter XXXI of The Life Divine as published in the Arya was extensively revised in 1939-40, becoming the present Book Two, Part I, Chapter XI . We know only a part even of our superficial life and conscious becoming, fastening only on a little of our experience of self and things, memorising less, using... ether of our being which constitutes, contains, overroofs and governs both the subliminal sea and the superficial wave.—We are ignorant of ourselves in Time, for we know only a part of the present life we are living; yet that exists only by all our past of which we are ignorant and its trend is determined by all our future of which we are still more ignorant. For our superconscient Self is eternal ...


... to express a form of its one existence as the Cosmos. Individual mind, life and body are a play of these principles which is set up in the commerce of Soul and Nature as a means for the expression of that multiplicity of itself of which the one Existence is eternally capable and which it holds eternally involved in its unity. Individual mind, life and body are forms of ourselves in so far as we are centres... Mind, Life and Body are also forms of our self, because we are that One in our being. But the self is more than universal or individual mind, life and body and when we limit ourselves by identification with these things, we found our knowledge on a falsehood, we falsify our determining view and our practical experience not only of our self-being but of our cosmic existence and of our individual activities... Being and pure existence of which all these things are becomings. From this knowledge we have to proceed; this knowledge we have to realise and make it the foundation of the inner and the outer life of the individual. The Yoga of Knowledge, starting from this primary truth, has conceived Page 338 a negative and positive method of discipline by which we shall get rid of these false identifications ...


... to live in this world, in the world as it is, and become perfect without the world itself making a great progress. ( Long silence ) So? There are no questions today? Mother, does an individual's life depend on the experience his psychic being wants to have? Very much! I was just speaking about just this with someone today, and I said this, that if one can become fully conscious of his... to cover in a limited number of years the experiences it would perhaps take several lifetimes to go through. That is to say, the help is reciprocal. The psychic, when it has an influence on the outer life, brings to it light, order and quietude and the joy of the divine contact. But also the physical being, the body-consciousness—if it is identified with the psychic consciousness, and through that learns... lives to achieve. The psychic being goes progressively through all these experiences towards its full maturity and complete independence, its liberation—in the sense that it no longer needs any new life. If it wants to come back to the physical world, it returns, because it has something to do there and it chooses freely to return. But till then, till this liberation, it is compelled to return to have ...


... them that corresponded to the knowledge of this contact. The Mother Words of the Mother - III: 18 January 1951 Mother, is the orientation of an individual's life directed by the psychic? Yes. Absolutely unconsciously for the individual, most of the time; but it is the psychic which organises his existence—only in what may be called the main lines, because for intervening in the details... fist that organises the elements. But that's how it is. There is the psychic consciousness at work in life, organising all the circumstances of your life but not with a deliberate choice of the details; and in fact very few things are deliberate and conscious in the organisation of the physical life of human beings. Most of the time that's what happens. If you ask someone, "Why have you done this?"—"That's... the deviations of mind and life help in one way or another to lead him to it. It is his own psychic being within him and Divine Power above that use to that end the vicissitudes both of mind and outward circumstance. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - II: The Call and the Capacity Some people say there is something outside their own will that organises their whole life, that puts them in the required ...


... secret cause of man‘s turning to the spiritual life and his greatest help in it. It is therefore that which we have to bring from behind to the front in the Yoga. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - I: The Psychic Being Mother, is the orientation of an individual’s life directed by the psychic? Yes. Absolutely unconsciously for the individual, most of the time; but it is the psychic which... Hidden Forces Within The Hidden Forces of Life The Psychic At the beginning the soul in Nature, the psychic entity, whose unfolding is the first step towards a spiritual change, is an entirely veiled part of us, although it is that by which we exist and persist as individual beings in Nature. The other parts of our natural composition are not only mutable... can be called a soul as distinct from mind, life or body; we feel it not only as our mental idea or vague instinct of ourselves, but as a sensible influence in our life and character and action. A certain sensitive feeling for all that is true and good and beautiful, fine and pure and noble, a response to it, a demand for it, a pressure on mind and life to accept and formulate it in our thought, feelings ...


... psychic which brings the balance. The influence of the psychic gives the balance. 41 The Mother * Mother, is the orientation of an individual's life directed by the psychic? Yes. Absolutely unconsciously for the individual, most of Page 37 the time; but it is the psychic which organises his existence — only in what may be called the main lines, because... different depending on the individual. There comes a time when one deliberately calls the deep inner inspiration and surrenders to it, when it can enter almost completely pure and make you act in accordance with the Divine Will. The mixture is not unavoidable; it is only what usually happens. And the proportion is very different according to the individual. With some, when the psychic... can be called a soul as distinct from mind, life or body; we feel it not only as our mental idea or vague instinct of ourselves, but as a sensible influence in our life and character and action. A certain sensitive feeling for all that is true and good and beautiful, fine and pure and noble, a response to it, a demand for it, a pressure on mind and life to accept and formulate it in our thought, feelings ...


... continues to be there and will continue to be there with more or less progressive and more or less conscious changes. Mother, is the orientation of an individual's life directed by the psychic? Yes. Absolutely unconsciously for the individual, most of the time; but it is the psychic which organises his existence—only in what may be called the main lines, because for intervening in the details... fist that organises the elements. But that's how it is. There is the psychic consciousness at work in life, organising all the circumstances of your life but not with a deliberate choice of the details; and in fact very few things are deliberate and conscious in the organisation of the physical life of human beings. Most of the time that's what happens. If you ask someone, "Why have you done this?"—"That's... consciously remembers everything that has happened in the real life of the person, and the memories—when one follows these things—the memories of his psychic being are more and more coordinated and closer and closer to what could be a physical memory if there were one, in any case of all the intellectual and emotional elements of life, and of some physical events when it was possible for this being ...


... as one is unconscious of the archetype governing a certain form of behaviour, one does not act as an individual but as a blind tool of a collective force. The aim of Jungian analysis is to Page 50 bring about individuation by making one conscious of the archetypes governing one's life and freeing one from bondage to their dictates. Thus Jung's Analytical Psychology concerns itself essentially... each individual, there is another greater layer of the unconscious - the collective unconscious - which is common to the human race as a whole. The collective unconscious, according to Jung, contains what he calls archetypes or universal "complexes of experience" which are at the basis of all behaviour, both instinctive and acquired, and which play a far greater role in moulding an individual's life... at any given moment. Transactional Analysis seeks to impart such an insight through an analysis of an individual's "transactions" or social interactions. Thus the aim of Transactional Analysis is to bring about therapeutic or growth-inducing changes in the personality by promoting the individual's self-understanding and self-awareness pertaining to the psychological states of Child, Adult and Parent ...

... manifestation. Thus, at any moment of a sadhaka' s life, before arriving at any decision, if he wants to know the Divine's Will in the matter in question, he should first try to recognise this 'central will' in his 'heart-centre'; because, as we have just now mentioned, the D» vine Will becomes operative in the individual's life through the 'central will'. But it is not easy for... which is absolutely necessary for reaching the other two objects, but it is not at all easy to accomplish it. One may almost say that this spiritual change which yoga demands from human nature and individual character is the most difficult of all human aspirations and efforts. For our character is largely mechanistic and made up of habits and it clings to them, is disposed to think them the very law... movesj in the world with innumerable ways of being." (The Mother) And Page 224 what is significant, this Divine Will operative always and everywhere is also active in every individual human being in his 'central will' which resides in his central being. But this Will cannot reach the outer consciousness in its pure form; it becomes deformed in many ways and then acts in many ...

... — devotion, love for the Divine. central being — the portion of the Divine which supports the individual being and survives from life to life; it has two forms: jivātman, which is above the manifestation in life, presiding over it, and the psychic being, which stands behind mind, life and body in the manifestation, supporting them and using them as its instruments. Consciousness-Force... in the individual. In the course of the evolution, the soul grows and evolves in the form of a soul-personality, the psychic being. See also psychic being and soul. the psychic — psychic being, the term is sometimes used for the psyche or soul. See also psyche and psychic being. psychic being — the divine portion in the individual which evolves from life to life, growing... rce — the Conscious Force that builds the worlds; a universal Energy that is the power of the Cosmic Spirit working out the cosmic and individual truth of things. Dharma — law; the deepest law of one's nature; the right law of individual and social life; literally, that which one lays hold of and which holds things together. Higher Mind — see under spiritualised mind. ...


... Principle within it to support the evolution of the individual out of the Ignorance into the Light. It develops in the course of the evolution a psychic individual or soul individuality which grows from life to life, using the evolving mind, vital and body as its instruments. It is the soul that is immortal while the rest disintegrates; it passes from life to life carrying its experience in essence and the... and Psychic Being The soul, representative of the central being, is a spark of the Divine supporting all individual existence in Nature; the psychic being is a conscious form of that soul growing in the evolution—in the persistent process that develops first life in matter, mind in life, until finally mind can develop into overmind and overmind into the supramental Truth. The soul supports the... otherwise one is no longer conscious of anything at all. The Mother Questions and Answers (1955): 9 February 1955 The soul and the life are two quite different powers. The soul is a spark of the Divine Spirit which supports the individual nature; mind, life, body are the instruments for the manifestation of the nature. In most men the soul is hidden and covered over by the action of the external ...


... Obstacles are not accidentally brought about in an individual's life. Their appearances are governed by a supreme wisdom which has been surely leading the individual on to his divine destination. Now every individual's nature is shot through and through with a legion of weaknesses, of which only a few are barely known to the individual's surface consciousness but most of them remain submerged... traveller. Now consider the case of any individual sadhaka at random. His consciousness has been advancing forward, however slowly, following the course of the universal evolutionary movement. This movement forward can be split up into two distinct phases. The first phase concerns the progress of the individual, registered in the course of a single life-time limited between the two pillar-posts of... phase extends over many successive lives of the individual, separated by a series of births, deaths, rebirths, and re-deaths. This forward journey of the consciousness of the individual has begun long ago from the deep dark pit of the original Incon- Page 50 science and has been slowly progressing through the vicissitudes of life, encountering various experiences, happy or unhappy ...

... movement, the mind and life and body. It is by this final realisation that we shall resume entirely in the right poise and the vision of the Truth all that we drew back from in the first movement of recoil and withdrawal. The individual mind, life and body which we recoiled from as not our true being, we shall recover as a true becoming of the Self, but no longer in a purely individual narrowness. We shall... unity with all which we have to establish. For our real self is not the individual mental being, that is only a figure, an appearance; our real self is cosmic, infinite, it is one with all existence and the inhabitant of all existences. The self behind our mind, life and body is the same as the self behind the mind, life and body of all our fellow-beings, and if we come to possess it, we shall naturally... up the mind not as a separate mentality imprisoned in a petty motion, but Page 372 as a large movement of the universal mind, the life not as an egoistic activity of vitality and sensation and desire, but as a free movement of the universal life, the body not as a physical prison of the soul but as a subordinate instrument and detachable robe, realising that also as a movement of universal ...


... as to vicious excess and selfish violence. It appears to demand of man and of individual men and nations that they shall keep within a limit and a measure, while all beyond that brings danger; and therefore the Greeks held moderation in all things to be the greatest part of virtue. There is here something in the life forces obscure to us, considered by our partial feelings sinister because it crosses... Accordingly we find that its working is occasional and intermittent rather than regular, variable and to our minds capricious rather than automatic and plainly intelligible. At times in the individual's life the rebound of this kind of Karma is decisively, often terribly clear and penal justice is done, although it may come to him in an unexpected fashion, long delayed and from strange quarters; but... possession, enjoyment, expansion. There is a higher law of mental being and nature of which he is bound to become aware and to seek to impose it on his life and his action. At first he is very predominantly governed by the life needs and the movement of the life energies, and it is in applying his mental energy to them and to the world around him that he makes the earliest development of his powers of ...


... consciousness composed of eternal life-energy. Life is not itself subject to death,—death not being a law of life-energy,—but only to expulsion from the form which it occupies and therefore to the physical experience of death of its body. All matter here is filled with life-energy of a greater or less intensity of action, but the organisation of life in individual animation begins later in the process... of the animal. This evolution of life is caused & supported by the pressure of the gods of the Bhuvar or life-world upon Bhu. Life entering into body is dominated partly by the laws of body; it is therefore unable to impart its own full & uninterrupted energy to its form. Consequently there is no physical immortality. The organisation of individual animated life tends to hasten the period of d... who is God, Atman & Brahman. All individual existences are jagat in jagati, object of motion in stream of motion & obey the laws & processes of that motion. Body is an object of motion in the stream of material Page 357 consciousness, of which the principal law is birth & death. All bodies are subject therefore to formation and dissolution. Life is a current of motion in the stream ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... and the inner life—and transformation as we conceive it and speak of it. Not only an individual or a group of individuals or even all individuals, but life, the overall consciousness of this more or less developed material life, have to be transformed. Without such a transformation we shall have the same misery, the same calamities and the same atrocities in the world. A few individuals will escape from... has achieved it, but it doesn't change the condition of matter or earthly life in the least. For this transformation to succeed, all human beings—even all living beings as well as their material environment—must be transformed. Otherwise things will remain as they are: an individual experience cannot change terrestrial life. This is the essential difference between the old idea of transformation—that... changed. And this is what so far has never been done. Does the inconscient in oneself belong to the individual being or to the earth? The inconscient is not individualised and when you go down into the inconscient in yourself, it is the inconscient of matter. One can't say that each individual has his own inconscient, for that would already be a beginning of individualisation, and when you go ...


... easily attained. There is much resistance and obstruction in the sadhaka's habitual consciousness and nature which militates against the attainment. The Divine can surely take full charge of an individual's life in all its aspects, relieving him entirely of all burden and personal responsibility but only on one condition. That condition is that the Sadhaka on his part should completely and unreservedly... darker appearance. Whatever guidance there is must be given under these conditions of opposition and struggle... It is leading the individual, certainly,... towards the higher state, but through the double terms of knowledge and ignorance, light and darkness, death and life, pain and pleasure, happiness and suffering; none of the terms can be excluded until the higher status is reached and established... difference between the nature of life lived by an ordinary mortal and that of the life led by someone who has taken to the sadhana of śaranāgati or self-surrender? Surely that cannot be. There is a heaven and hell difference between these two types of lives so far as the inner psychological frames are concerned. There may be times when there will be no 'happiness' in the life of a surrendered sadhaka ...

... and modes the conscious delight of Sachchidananda. This becoming of the infinite Bliss-Existence-Consciousness in mind and life and body,—for independent of them it exists eternally,—is the transfiguration intended and the utility of individual existence. Through the individual it manifests in relation even as of itself it exists in identity. The Unknowable knowing itself as Sachchidananda is the... For fulfilment of life or for transcendence of life, and whether purity, calm and freedom in the spirit be Page 48 our aim or puissance, joy and perfection, Sachchidananda is the unknown, omnipresent, indispensable term for which the human consciousness, whether in knowledge and sentiment or in sensation and action, is eternally seeking. The universe and the individual are the two essential... confused materials offered by Life and, having improved, adapted, varied, classified according to its power, hands them over to the supreme Artist of our divine manhood. That Artist dwells in supermind; for supermind is superman. Therefore our world has yet to climb beyond Mind to a higher principle, a higher status, a higher dynamism in which universe and individual become aware of and possess that ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... and the inner life—and transformation as we conceive it and speak of it. Not only an individual or a group of individuals or even all individuals, but life, the overall consciousness of this more or less developed material life, have to be transformed. Without such a transformation we shall have the same misery, the same calamities and the same atrocities in the world. A few individuals will escape from... has achieved it, but it doesn’t change the condition of matter or earthly life in the least. For this transformation to succeed, all human beings—even all living beings as well as their material environment—must be transformed. Otherwise things will remain as they are: an individual experience cannot change terrestrial life. This is the essential difference between the old idea of transformation—that... instrument of the smaller sensations, desires, reactions of all kinds to the impacts of the outer physical and gross material life. This vital physical part (supported by the lowest part of the vital proper) is therefore the agent of most of the lesser movements of our external life; its habitual reactions and obstinate pettinesses are the chief stumbling-block in the way of the transformation of the outer ...


... principle, at once intelligence and will. central being —the portion of the Divine which supports the individual being and survives from life to life; it has two forms: jivātman, which is above the manifestation in life, presiding over it, and the psychic being, which stands behind mind, life and body in the manifestation, supporting them and using them as its instruments. Chaitya Purusha (... essence in the individual. In the course of the evolution, the soul grows and evolves in the form of a soul-personality, the psychic being. See also psychic being and soul . the psychic —psychic being, the term is sometimes used for the psyche or soul. See also psyche and psychic being . psychic being —the divine portion in the individual which evolves from life to life, growing... psychic being or soul-form developing through evolution and passing from life to life. See psychic being . Spirit —the Consciousness above mind, the Atman or universal Self which is always in oneness with the Divine. spark-soul —see psyche . the subconscient —the subconscient or subconscious of the individual is that submerged part of his being in which there is no waking conscious ...


... Divine Will in the individual discoverable by him. Gita teaches that Life and action are not to be renounced but their ignorant-egoistic - basis has to be rejected and it has to be changed into the true basis. It declares that a Divine Will is actively at work and can, and does, intervene. in a critical life-situation in the case of an individual or a collectivity. When the individual gives up his egoistic... battle-field of Kurukshetra is not exempted from it. By implication, and even by open declaration, Gita says that life is not altogether governed by the ego - either individual or collective. In fact Sri Aurobindo suggests that Kurukshetra can be taken as the symbol of the battle of life in which forces of Light and Darkness are constantly clashing. As regards the dilemma of Arjuna, Sri Krishna assures... follows but over and above - independent of all such intermediate, permissible standards, there is a Divine Will which is to be discovered. A divine purpose is at work in the universe in the individual's life and in that of the collectivity. Gita points out psychological processes and methods by which one can gradually progress towards the discovery of the Divine Will. It can be arranged in ...

... condition and without it there is no gnosis. This universality is impossible to achieve in its completeness so long as we continue to feel ourselves, as we now feel, a consciousness lodged in an individual mind, life and body. There has to be a certain elevation of the Purusha out of the physical and even out of the mental into the vijñānamaya body. No longer can the brain nor its corresponding mental... is a convenience for individual action, not rigid, not constitutive or separative. The very nature of our conscious activities is henceforth universal; one with those of the universal being, it proceeds from universality to a supple and variable individualisation. It has become the awareness of an infinite being who acts always universally though with emphasis on an individual formation of its energies... is the individual will in harmony with the universal; it tries to reach beyond it or falls short of it or deviates from and strives against it. It knows not the times and seasons of the Truth, nor its degrees and measures. The Vijnāna takes up the will and puts it first into harmony and then into oneness with the truth of the supramental knowledge. In this knowledge the idea in the individual is one ...


... slow labour extending through centuries, can be pressed into one life or even a few years. The psychic being is that which persists after death, because it is your eternal self; it is this that carries the consciousness forward from life to life. The psychic being is the real individuality of the true and divine individual within you. For your individuality means your special mode of expression... seeks to awaken the consciousness and re-establish the union [with one's divine Self). One knows nothing about it. 29 The Mother * Page 27 Mother, does an individual's life depend on the expe- rience his psychic being wants to have ? Very much! I was speaking about just this with someone today, and I said this, that if one can become fully conscious... only in the sense that it contains all the possibilities of the Divine within it, but it has to evolve them and in its evolution it assumes the form of a developing psychic individual evolving in the manifestation the individual Prakriti and taking part in the evolution. It is the spark of the Divine Fire that grows behind the mind, vital and physical by means of the psychic being until it is able to ...


... 326) India had three fortresses of a communal life, the village community, the larger joint family & the orders of the Sannyasins; all these are broken or breaking with the stride of egoistic conceptions of social life; but is not this after all only the breaking of these imperfect moulds on the way to a larger & diviner communism? 327) The individual cannot be perfect until he has surrendered all... sovereignty of an abstract State. It is chimerical to enquire which is the better system; it would be difficult to decide which is the worse. 342) The gain of democracy is the security of the individual's life, liberty and goods from the caprices of the tyrant one or the selfish few; its evil is the decline of greatness in humanity. 343) This erring race of human beings dreams always of perfecting... Science has been more a curse to mankind than a blessing. It has broken the force of epidemics and unveiled a marvellous surgery; but, also, it has weakened the natural health of man and multiplied individual diseases; it has implanted fear and dependence in the mind and body; it has taught our health to repose not on natural soundness but a rickety & distasteful crutch compact from the mineral and vegetable ...


... during the individual's life-time. For, we have already indicated that what travels in an uninterrupted way, from birth to birth, from body to body, is the psychic being of the individual, and not at all his "ego". The physical-vital-mental personalities of this "ego-being" are created for a single life to serve some temporary purpose of the evolving soul. At the termination of that life, these separate... the past experiences of the individual being and the preparation for its next earthly life. Such, then, is the general line of movement. But in the case of those individuals whose consciousness has not yet been sufficiently developed, who are tied down to the pleasures and enjoyments of the physical world, or whose principal preoccupation has been with their vital life, and who did not want to... passing from life to life through a succession of rebirths. It is going to its final destination through a process of progressive development and evolution. And in the fulfilment of this great task both the spheres of existence, the earthly-physical world and the supraphysical worlds, bring their own separate significant contributions. Now, just as in the case of an individual human being there ...

... enlarges itself, becomes directly aware of the Cosmic Self and knows the individual self to be one with it; of the Cosmic Energy and meets directly the action of the cosmic forces; of the cosmic mind, life, matter and feels first a contact of its individual mind, life, body with them, then a unity in which one's own individual mentality, vitality, physicality is felt as only a part of the universal... a wave of the ocean, a dynamo receiving and formulating the universal forces. Finally, the individual melts into the cosmic consciousness, the whole world is felt in oneself and oneself suffused through the world—it is the cosmic Consciousness, Mind, Life, material Energy that works through the individual function. The separate ego either does not exist or is only a convenience for the universal Spirit... nature, and it is out of a selection of their forces and movements that the individual mind, vital and physical are made. The soul comes from beyond this nature of mind, life and body. It belongs to the Transcendent and because of it we can open to the higher Nature beyond. The Divine is always One that is Many. The individual spirit is part of the "Many" side of the One, and the psychic being is what ...


... unfulfilled potentialities of an individual man. But still a misgiving may possibly trouble the heart of the individual. He may argue back: "Granted that another life may follow this present life of mine when it is ended by death. But how to know that my next life will be a better one with greater possibilities and opportunities; it may be, on the contrary, a life beset with many difficulties f... and plans still remain to be fulfilled, and yet I have to quit life leaving the debris of my unrealised aspirations behind! Is it not a valid reason for feeling a legitimate fear of death?" The answer is: No, there is no validity even behind this third sort of fear. For, one particular life is not all the life for an individual; there are many, many lives to follow. Death indicates the disruption... but confused disciple the whole mystery of life and death, and the nature and course of an individual's earthly existence, and finally consoled Dilip Kumar by saying: "The non-fulfilment of her [Uma Bose's] capacities could have been a final tragedy if there were this life alone. As it is, she has passed towards the psychic sleep to prepare for her life to come." (D. K. Roy, Sri Aurobindo Came ...

... of the movement, the mind and life and body.... The individual mind, life and body which we recoiled from as not our true being, we shall recover as a true becoming of the Self, but no longer in a purely individual narrowness — We shall come to feel all the consciousness of the physical world as one with our physical consciousness, feel all the energies of the cosmic life around us as our own energies... being", the true inner individual, the deep dweller in man's "bosom", who has descended from the Transcendent, the Supreme, as a portion of that Eternity's and Infinity's Supernaure, "the heart of the Ineffable", into the cosmic phenomenon and evolves there to consummate all the yearnings of the cosmos—the mind's search for total knowledge of subjective and objective events, the life-force's quest for endless... Poetry may have—as Coleridge phrases it—"a happy valiancy", but is not this whole poetic expression of Sri Aurobindo's an impossible violence? we have a language that is not only profound but also life-packed, as language should be when it attempts the revelation of spiritual reality. It can be simple but with a direct stroke and not with an easy-going fluency, or it can be rich but with a density ...


... Upanishads there is an over- emphasis on the salvation of the individual and on the rejection of the lower cosmic life. This note increases later 1" date, and it swells afterwards into the rejection of all cosmic life. This explains the dominant note of a later yoga, where cosmic life came to be the outcome of Ignorance and Desire, and escape from life and refusal of the ascetic "became an all-challenging... Upanishads are quite explicit in their acceptance of a larger Vedic ideal and in their synthesis of the transcendental and the cosmic, even the integration of the individual and collective life on the earth with the supra-terrestrial life and the supra-cosmic existence. The Upanishads have been rightly looked upon as the supreme work of the Indian mind. They are a record of the deepest spiritual... with a very vivid figure of that soul as "no bigger than a thumb", a figure which has been adopted in the later development of the Indian yoga to indicate the inmost individual soul, distinct from but constituting individual mind, life and body. Mandukya Upanishad speaks of the four-fold Self and describes the process of rising from stage to stage in terms of psychological symbolism, which can be ...


... — dissolution; annullation of the individual soul in the Infinite. Life — "The English word life does duty for many very different shades of meaning; but the word Prana familiar in the Upanishad and in Page 410 the language of Yoga is restricted to the life-force whether viewed in itself or in its functionings;" — Sri Aurobindo "Life is an energy of spirit subordinated... the Conscious Force which forms and moves the worlds. See also Nature. prāṇa, Prana — life energy; one of the five workings of the life-force. the Psychic — the soul; spark of the Divine before it has evolved into an individualised being; the divine essence in the individual. In the course of the evolution, the soul grows and evolves in the form of a soul-personality, the... clairvoyance, telepathy, etc. Page 413 Psychical consciousness — the consciousness of the subliminal or inner being. Psychic being —the divine portion in the individual which evolves from life to life, growing, by its experiences until it becomes a fully conscious being. The term "soul" is often used as a synonym for "psychic being", but strictly speaking, the soul is the un ...


... is a meaning in the universe, an intention in cosmic existence; there is a significance of the individual, his life is a sign and has a purpose. Page 286 The true truth of things is not apparent on the surface, it is something hidden. Truth is not obvious, it comes always as a discovery, Life is the working out of a secret, the process and progress of a mystery; we too are not what we seem... does it belong? to the world as a whole? or is it peculiar to individual being? Or has it come from elsewhere into this inanimate and inconscient universe? To what end this entry? The significance of our conscious being in an inconscient material world is the last and worst enigma. What is the sense and justification of the individual, his consciousness, his feeling of self, his personality? Is our... perfection and fulfilment of our life in Nature. Our life is not an illusion nor a delirium nor is Nature a Maya, a fabricator of dreams or a dealer in vanities as certain religions would have it nor is one the outcome of a blind Force or the trick [of] a blind self-regulating Chance, the other an unconscious Power as it must be if the materialists' dogma were true. Our life is neither a freak of God nor ...


... integral yoga, it is the psychic being which is considered to be the inmost leader of evolution, and this leader is the individual soul in its process of growth, caitya purusa, who has descended into the obscurities of Matter, Life and Mind and acts upon the individual body, life and mind, the three evolutionary products of lower nature (Apara Prakriti) so as to lift them upwards. The aim is to transform... and the truth of its individual self-determinations clearly knit together; it maintains in them an inseparable unity and between them a close interpenetration and a free and full consciousness of each other: but in Overmind this integrality is no longer there. And yet the Overmind is well aware of the essential Truth of things; it embraces the totality; it uses the individual self-determinations without... is complex, and Page 36 in the integral yoga, the ascent to the supermind has the eventual aim that implies transformation of material life into divine life, carrying with it eventually the appearance of a new physical vehicle of divine life by means of the descent of the supermind on all planes of consciousness right up to the physical, subconscient and the inconscient. Hence, even when ...

... the group life ? Modern collective life organised as the nation has two gods, ( 1 ) Life and (2) Practical Reason organised under the name of Science. But life is much more intensely individualistic, for family,. society etc. are only a means for greater satisfaction of th& individual vital being. Society, or any collective unit, however large, is only the larger ego for the individual. The... man to the higher activities of collective life is one of opposition. In fact, the individual's vital being has to be subjected to discipline in order to maintain society. If the collective life presses too much the vital being of the individual, it may go on strike, discourage life itself as. seems to have happened in case of Buddhism in India. Life in the collectivity is Infra-Rational in the... Today man has attained to the nation as the largest unit of collective life. In some of the social philosophies the opposition between the individual and the collective life is accepted as basic: Hence in all the applications of these outlooks the individual is pitted against the group. It is argued that the individual is only a temporary cell of the collective body and therefore not entitled ...

... obvious reason. Renunciation of life is one thing, to make life itself, national, individual, world-life greater and more divine is another. You cannot enforce one Page 106 ideal on the country without weakening the other. You cannot take away the best souls from life and yet leave life stronger and greater. Renunciation of ego, acceptance of God in life is the Yoga I teach,—no other... dogma; the religious spirit matters, not the theological credo____ Hinduism has always attached to [the organisation of the individual and collective life] a great importance; it has left out no part of life as a thing secular and foreign to the religious and spiritual life The people of India, even the "ignorant masses" have this distinction that they are by centuries of training nearer to the inner... sufficiency, dignity and affluence to the individual, and paths of service to the country. For the men who come out equipped in every way from its institutions will be those who will give that impetus to the economic life and effort of the country without which it cannot survive in the press of the world, much less attain its high legitimate position. Individual interest and National interest are the ...


... explains the differences in tendencies, aptitudes, capacities of individuals in' life. Another idea which is basic to Buddhism is that there is no substratum for the individual being; in fact, Page 129 there is no real individual, it is only a flux—a constant flow. of consciousness which gives the illusion of the persistent individual. Psychologically it worked out a system of self-control... a sign of what is to, evolve in the future. A little reflection will show that this "super- conscient " is not an" isolated state but is inclusive of all it exceeds. It acts in the everyday life of individuals even in and through their waking state of consciousness. Besides this "super-conscient" finds expression in various cultural activities and attainments of the human being. The attempt here is... behaviour is influenced by these repressions in the individual. Even small slips and errors of behaviour are subconsciously determined by the repressed impulses. These repressed impulses Freud traced to the sexual impulse. The repression here consists in the forcible suppression of the sexual impulse by the social and normal pressure upon the individual. According to Freud sex-impulse is co-existensive ...

... enlarges itself, becomes directly aware of the Cosmic Self and knows the individual self to be one with it; of the Cosmic Energy and meets directly the action of the cosmic forces; of the cosmic mind, life, matter and feels first a contact of its individual mind, life, body with them, then a unity in which one's own individual mentality, vitality, physicality is felt as only a part of the universal... wave of the ocean, a dynamo receiving and formulating the universal forces. Finally, the individual melts into the cosmic Consciousness, the whole world is felt in oneself and oneself suffused through the world — it is the cosmic Consciousness, Mind, Life, material Energy that works through the individual function. The separate ego either does not exist or is only a convenience for the universal... in his surface individual consciousness and knows the world (or rather the surface of it) only through his outward mind and senses and by interpreting their contacts with the world. By yoga there can open in him a consciousness which becomes one with that of the world; he becomes directly aware of a universal Being, universal states, universal Force and Power, universal Mind, Life, Matter and lives ...


... hidden and withheld realities".— Life Divine. Besides, "it has a cosmic character, not the stamp of an individual thinking".— Life Divine. He makes it further clear: "If we accept the Vedic image of the Sun of Truth—an image which in this experience becomes a reality,— we may compare the action of the Higher Mind to a composed and steady sunshine".— Life Divine. "This higher... Savitri to look at the earth-life wherein nothing endures, nothing is permanent. Even the very best things are temporary, evanescent. Nature and her laws remain constant but man is only a transient being, a slave of, Nature. The world has remained the same through the ages. If there is Self one can only realise it by rejecting Nature. Savitri refuses to seek an individual escape and declares that the... of the Supreme, Savitri brings down the Fire. Both pursue the yoga not for an individual but for a universal fulfilment. Both of them strive to change what seems to be the established law of the cosmos by bringing down a Higher Power than mind into the earth consciousness and earth nature. Savitri's yoga and her life mission become one when she descends into the abyss of Darkness, and Death. Thereafter ...

... wants terribly unlimited & capacities for enjoyment & satisfaction terribly limited & soon exhausted. The Nature-force available to the individual through his ego-centre is normally confined to the small amount of energy necessary for the maintenance of body, life & mind in their habitual & indispensable activities; there is no real provision in this limited nature for the greater things to which man... life-chain vital enjoyments & vital sufferings, these also divided by their neutral borders. Even when busy with its own proper experiences, the mind has its standard of contacts with which it can harmonise itself and contacts with which it is at discord or else remains unattracted,—grief, joy and indifference are the resultant emotional responses. Based upon these standards each individual or species... in the jagat. Man desires illimitably because he is universal and illimitable; he cannot satisfy his desires illimitably because egoistic self-division persuades him to limit himself to his individual mind, life and body. Man desires with pain & weeping because by creating habitual wants, conventional dualistic standards of delight and false values of grief and joy, pleasure and pain he has bound himself ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... a human spirit, a destiny of human life. The community is a formation of the Reality, a manifestation of the spirit of man, and there is a truth, a self, a power of the collective being. The individual is a formation of the Reality, and there is a truth of the individual, an individual self, soul or spirit that expresses itself through the individual mind, life and body and can express itself too... community has to stand for a time to the individual for humanity even at the cost of standing between him and it and limiting the reach of his universality and the wideness of his sympathies. 16 The individual has to grow from within, but without interfering with the growth of others in his group and immediate milieu; his law is to harmonise his life with the life of the social aggregate, and the... its present mentality... the synthesis of all human knowledge." 2 The Life Divine, The Psychology of Social Development and The Ideal of Human Unity were Sri Aurobindo's separate utterances of "the eternal word", as applied to the individual, the social or communal group and the global human family respectively. The Life Divine began with the first issue of the Arya in August 1914; Human Unity ...

... things will remain as they are: an individual experience cannot change terrestrial life. This is the essential difference between the old idea of transformation – that is, the becoming conscious of the psychic being and the inner life – and transformation as we conceive it and speak of. Not only an individual or a group of individuals, or even all individuals, but life – the overall consciousness of this... to support the evolution of the individual out of the Ignorance into the Light,’ wrote Sri Aurobindo. ‘It develops in the course of the evolution a psychic individual or soul individuality which grows from life to life, using the evolving mind, vital and body as its instruments. It is the soul that is immortal while the rest disintegrates; it passes from life to life carrying its experiences in essence... acquired, she shared. There was the division of tasks, without which the work could not be done, but there was at its base the unity transcendent, supramental and as embodied individuals. ‘[In] all those thirty years of life, not for a second did I have any sense of responsibility,’ she would later say, ‘in spite of all the work I was doing, all the organizing and everything. He had supposedly passed ...


... indicate the inmost individual soul, distinct from individual mind, life and body. Page 41 Yama's Answer (in simple terms) The answer that Yama gives to the question of Nachiketas is not easy to understand, and it will be useful to state this answer in simpler terms. According to Yama, every human being has in him a soul. This soul is jiva, the individual formation or manifestation... universal motion. One begins to become what inwardly one sees. The whole inner life undergoes a radical change so that life begins to represent perfectly in all parts of the being what is understood by the intellect and seen by the inner perception. The limits of the individual mentality and the limits in which the individual soul had experienced bondage begin to extend to the All by the vision of unity;... that which is essential is twofold: (i) the gods in Nature, the cosmic functionings through which the gods act, namely, mind, life, speech, senses, body, and (ii) the self in the individual. This means, according to the first method, that the functionings of the mind, life and body must turn from their ordinary operations; they must leave the false egoistic idea that they are independent in their action ...

... true of the corporate mind-life of the nation is true of the individual mind-life also, of man, the animal, tree, stone, insect. "From the Idea all these existences were born; being born, by the idea they live; to the idea they pass away & enter in." But not till man appears in the material world, does it begin to be possible for the Idea to produce a form of mind, life and body which will be able... removed, we are indeed the Ishwara by the present immanence of our will in Life, but partially only, and not only secondarily to God, but in a limited degree. We are indeed always subject entirely to the universal Will or Shakti in Prakriti even when we are increasing our individual control over the processes of her individual and universal working. Still as we become purer channels, more & more of the... can be entirely reversed, can be infinitely combined at will in the individual vessel called the human being. Fifthly, mind can & does by will, ketu can by kratu, used actively or passively, consciously, subconsciously or superconsciously, without the aid of the karmendriyas, modify even life-forms & Page 530 action of life-forces, & does it even now, swiftly or slowly, to a greater or less ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... and for a very obvious reason. Renunciation of life is one thing, to make life itself, national, individual, world-life greater & more divine is another. You cannot enforce one ideal on the country without weakening the other. You cannot take away the best souls from life & yet leave life stronger & greater. Renunciation of ego, acceptance of God in life is the Yoga I teach,—no other renunciation. ... What I am attempting is to establish the normal working of the siddhis in life ie the perception of thoughts, feelings & happenings of other beings & in other places throughout the world without any use of information by speech or any other data. 2d, the communication of the ideas & feelings I select to others (individuals, groups, nations,) by mere transmission of will-power; 3ḍ, the silent compulsion... fashion which cannot be pleasing to the emotional and excitement-seeking Bengali mind. But the message is there, for those who care to understand. It has really three parts (1) for each man as an individual to change himself into the future type of divine humanity, the men of the new Satyayuga which is striving to be born; (2) to evolve a race of such men to lead humanity and (3) to call all humanity ...
