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A Greater Psychology [2]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
Beyond Man [4]
Champaklal's Treasures [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Down Memory Lane [1]
Essays Divine and Human [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [3]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [1]
Hitler and his God [2]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Kena and Other Upanishads [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [2]
Letters on Yoga - I [4]
Letters on Yoga - III [1]
Letters on Yoga - IV [2]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Listen with your Heart - Welcome the Mother [1]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [1]
Mother or The New Species - II [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [1]
My Burning Heart [1]
On The Mother [2]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
On the Way to Supermanhood [1]
Our Light and Delight [2]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [3]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [1]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1955) [1]
Questions and Answers (1956) [1]
Savitri [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [2]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [2]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks on Poetry [1]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Future Poetry [1]
The Golden Path [2]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Life Divine [2]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Psychic Being [1]
The Spirit of Auroville [1]
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The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
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English [96]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Greater Psychology [2]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
Beyond Man [4]
Champaklal's Treasures [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Down Memory Lane [1]
Essays Divine and Human [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [3]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [1]
Hitler and his God [2]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Kena and Other Upanishads [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [2]
Letters on Yoga - I [4]
Letters on Yoga - III [1]
Letters on Yoga - IV [2]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Listen with your Heart - Welcome the Mother [1]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [1]
Mother or The New Species - II [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [1]
My Burning Heart [1]
On The Mother [2]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
On the Way to Supermanhood [1]
Our Light and Delight [2]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [3]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [1]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1955) [1]
Questions and Answers (1956) [1]
Savitri [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [2]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [2]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks on Poetry [1]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Future Poetry [1]
The Golden Path [2]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Life Divine [2]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Psychic Being [1]
The Spirit of Auroville [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [5]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Wager of Ambrosia [1]
96 result/s found for Occult powers

... possible that he has practised some kind of Tantric Yoga and obtained a few occult powers, but in all that you have said about him and in the printed papers there is no trace of any spiritual realisation or experience. All that he seems to think about is occult powers and feats of thaumaturgy. Those who take their stand on occult powers divorced from spiritual experience are not Yogis of a high plane of ... realisation. Every one has the right of private judgment in these matters; so you need not worry. Occult Powers Not the Object of Our Yoga Yes, the object of our Yoga is to establish direct contact with the Divine above and bring down the divine consciousness from above into all the centres. Occult powers belonging to the Page 573 mental, vital and subtle physical planes are not our object... think about the occult Power. Let the Mother's consciousness grow in you and her Force work; occult powers are not indispensable, but if they are needed they will come in their proper time. A sincere heart is worth all the extraordinary powers in the world. Ethical Rules for the Use of Occult Powers There are a number of rules, really of an ethical, not a spiritual nature, which are necessary ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... gifted in mathematics. And then she knocked on a very interesting, and very dangerous door – the door of occult powers. Because, if there was to be another being, a step beyond the human, HOW was it going to... come into being? A rather natural answer is to say: maybe there are occult powers in man that will give the solution and open the door to another state? Obviously, few people are capable... about that evil? What do they know? Human beings know nothing. A great vision is necessary in order to handle power. Towarnicki: But what happened after she experimented with those occult powers? Well, she saw that it was in fact a dead end. It was NOT the solution. Towarnicki: So what happened then? Well, as always, that grace is there. When you have completed an experience... avenue closed one after another before her. She clearly saw that playing with philosophies didn't lead anywhere beyond a play. Aesthetics had its limits. Music had its limits. All the great occult powers had their limits. None of that was the key to move on to... to a humanity that might be really human – what it scarcely is at present, or not yet. And that is how she came to Sri Aurobindo. ...

Satprem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   My Burning Heart

... vanity, the desire to be a big Yogi with occult powers. To try to bring down occult powers into an unpurified mind, heart and body—well, you can do it if you want to dance on the edge of a precipice. Or you can do it if your aim is not to be spiritual but to be an occultist, for then you can follow the necessary methods and get the help of the occult powers. But the occult spiritual forces and masteries... masteries can be called down or come down without calling only if that is quite secondary to the true thing, the seeking for the Divine, and if it is part of the Divine plan in you. Occult powers can only be for the spiritual man an instrumentation of the Divine Power that uses him, they cannot be the aim or an aim of his sadhana. I don't know who started Y on this false path or whether he hit on it ...


... vanity, the desire to be a big yogi with occult powers. To try to bring down occult powers into an unpurified mind, heart and body—well, you can do it if you want to dance on the edge of a precipice. Or you can do it if your aim is not to be spiritual but to be an occultist, for then you can follow the necessary methods and get the help of the occult powers. But the occult spiritual forces and masteries... masteries can be called down or [can] come down without calling only if that is quite secondary to the true thing, the seeking for the Divine, and if it is part of the Divine plan in you. Occult powers can only be for the spiritual man an instrumentation of the Divine Power that uses him, they cannot be the aim or an aim of his sadhana. I don't know who started Jashwant on this false path or whether he ...

... which Nature has hidden and it uses its knowledge to set free operations of her energies which she has not included in her ordinary operations and to organize and place at the service of man her occult powers and processes, a vast system of physical magic – for there is and can be no other magic than the utilization of secret truths of being, secret powers and processes of Nature. It may even be found... Mirra too would learn and master this with ease. The villa of the Théons, built more or less in the style of an Arab manor, was a house of wonders; there the atmosphere, impregnated with their occult powers, seemed to belong to another universe in which the extraordinary was the daily fare. Later the Mother would often tell about the astonishing happenings she had witnessed at Tlemcen. When Alma... to have been the mainstay of everything the Cosmic Tradition represented. How much Théon depended on her would become evident when she unexpectedly passed away. We now have an inkling of the occult powers of the Théons, and Mirra’s realization of the inner Divine is proof of the spiritual effectiveness of their teaching. The contribution of the Théons to the spiritual riches of the world will remain ...

... even its dogmas and superstitions are crude hints and indications. What Science does for our knowledge of the material world, replacing first appearances and uses by the hidden truths and as yet occult powers of its great natural forces and in our own minds beliefs and opinions by verified experience and a profounder understanding, Yoga does for the higher planes and worlds and possibilities of our being... used by the mind; an awareness of the life-plane in us above the physical and knowledge and contact with the beings of the desire-world; a coming into action of new powers,—what are usually called occult powers or siddhis; a close sense of and sympathy with the Life-soul in the world and a knowledge or sensation of the emotions, desires, vital impulses of others; these are some of the signs of this new... intimation of their working. We acquire too the knowledge and sense of the mind-action of other beings whether on the physical plane or on those above it; and the higher capacities of the mental being,—occult powers or siddhis, but of a much rarer or subtler kind than those proper to the vital plane,—naturally awake in our consciousness. All these however are circumstances of the lower triple world of our ...


... – a complete faith in his superior wisdom, not only because he is your Guru but also because he has attained the peak of occult powers." Yoga-bibhuti was the word he used. I was thrilled. For I had never yet come face to face with "occult powers" and such verifiable powers at that. I was especially impressed by the fact that he had told me the precise advice Sri Aurobindo had... diksa – that is, initiation. But a friend of mine, a quondam disciple of Sri Aurobindo, intervened at the psychological moment and took me to consult a friend of his, a Yogi with remarkable occult powers. It was in a far-off village where we had to be his guests for the night. I told him how desperate was my need of a Guru and sought his advice. "Sit down and close your eyes," was all the answer ...


... not of a gross physical kind—they see, but with a subtle seeing that includes not only bodies, but movements of forces, thoughts, feelings. Very great [ are the occult powers of the hostile beings ]—it is their occult powers and knowledge of occult processes that make them so strong and effective. The lesser forces of Light are usually too much insistent on seeking for Truth to make ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... superior development. Primitive man lives much in a low and small province of his life-being, and this corresponds on the occult plane to an invisible Nature which is of a like character and whose occult powers can be called into activity by a knowledge and methods to which the lower vital intuitions and instincts may open a door of access. This might be formulated in a first stage of religious belief... Forces. The modern admission of hypnotism is an example of such a discovery Page 907 and systematised application,—though still narrow and limited, limited by its method and formula,—of occult powers which otherwise touch us only by a casual or a hidden action whose process is unknown to us or imperfectly caught by a few; for we are all the time undergoing a battery of suggestions, thought ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... this line of occultism and tasted of the power it gave, one might very likely deviate from the straight and narrow path leading to the Spirit and spiritual salvation. In India too the siddhis or occult powers were always shunned by the truly spiritual, although sought by the many who take to the spiritual life—often with disastrous results. In Christianity, side by side with the major saints, there was... occult system, although outwardly observing the official creed. It is curious to note that often where the original text of the Bible speaks of gods, in the plural, referring to the deities or occult powers, the official version translates it as God, to give the necessary theistic value and atmosphere. But if occultism is to be feared because of its wrong use and potential danger, spirituality ...

... this line of occultism and tasted of the power it gave, one might very likely deviate from the straight and narrow path leading to the Spirit and spiritual salvation. In India too the siddhis or occult powers were always shunned by the truly spiritual, although sought by the many who take to the spiritual life – often with disas­trous results. In Christianity, side by side with the major saints, there... occult system, although outwardly observing the official creed. It is curious to note that often where the original text of the Bible speaks of gods, in the plural, referring to the deities or occult powers, the official version translates it as God, to give the necessary theistic value and atmosphere. But if occultism is to be feared because of its wrong use and potential danger, spirituality too ...

... rural and primitive. The concerns are for crops, food, rainfall and so forth. The spirits are very elemental. These reigning deities resent a push towards transformation and change. These old occult powers see people moving away from ancient practices, devotion to old deities and going towards the future and the new creation. Some intense tapasya is needed by residents of Auroville in order to correct... “What is the best thing for me?” I told him to repeat Sri Aurobindo’s name and then all would be okay. This is the sort of work that I do. I am also working more with numbers now for access to occult powers. The Mother had told me, “Don’t do what has been done before.” There are new ways of becoming more aware of the occult worlds. The protection is needed when one is doing the Integral Yoga in particular ...


... meet the challenge. "The debate is a curious interplay of pessimistic irony and inspired optimism." While this may be taken as a literary mode of expression, the opposing figures hurl occult powers against each other. Finally, the deeper and undisclosed issue in the clashing of forces is resolved in the expressive Word itself. In it a new Paradise on this mortal Earth is bom to grow in the... godly quality of amazement which we may profitably worship. In India where a roadside stone can be turned into an idol, it is little wonder that precious metals and gemstones as repositories of occult powers should find place in mystic-spiritual poetry. Precious stones are structurally more perfect than ordinary stones. These can be charged with consciousness. Such can also be their use in literary ...

... condition of the soul, the pleasure of which ceases when the cause is exhausted. Or these rites may lead to the conscious possession and use of occult powers, latent in ordinary men, by which you may help or harm others; but the possession of occult powers cannot be an assistance, it is indeed often a hindrance to salvation. Or rites and ceremonies may purify and prepare the mind and fit it for starting ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... proves that you don't have it!" That's all, my children? Sweet Mother, I have heard that the magicians who use occult powers for their work suffer a great deal after their death. Is it true? What sort of magicians are you speaking about? Any kind? Those who have occult powers and use them for their personal interest? You mean these? Yes. I don't know whether they suffer after their ...


... ( Regarding a text of Sri Aurobindo about the difference between occult powers and the supramental realization. ) "The physical Nature does not mean the body alone but the phrase includes the transformation of the whole physical mind, vital, material nature—not by imposing Siddhis [occult powers] on them, but by creating a new physical nature which is to be the habitation of the ...


... me something perfectly natural and credible. Consciousness in its very nature could not be limited by the ordinary physical human-animal consciousness, it must have the other ranges. Yogic or occult powers are no more supernatural or incredible than is supernatural or incredible the power to write a great poem or compose great music; few people can do it, as things are, - not even one in a million;... our life and thought; what changes take place in us when we rise into them in consciousness, or receive their influences in us; what are the sources of subtle sight, subtle hearing, and other occult powers, which it is too late in the day to laugh away; above all, what are those domains of immortal light and bliss and blessedness of which the very greatest of our historical personalities speak in ...

... physical being to the illumination and change. Page 340 The second by itself is rapid, sensitive, full of extraordinary and striking experiences but apt in the absence of psychic or occult powers to be chaotic, uneven and open to many dangers. It is when both are present and act upon each other in the being that the Sadhana is likely to be most perfect. I think you should insist in your ...


... seemed to me something perfectly natural and credible. Consciousness in its very nature could not be limited by the ordinary physical human-animal consciousness; it must have other ranges. Yogic or occult powers are no more supernatural or incredible than is supernatural or incredible the power to write a great poem or compose great music. Few people can do it, as things are,—not even one in a million; ...


... goes. As for the other necessary factor it is supposed to be elemental beings who are the agents. Sometimes they act on their own account, sometimes they are controlled and used by a person with occult powers. It was supposed here that some magic must have been used—such magic is common in the Tamil country and indeed in all South India. The stones were material enough, a huge heap of them Page 384 ...


... generally daubers, nothing remains. As for the images (statues or pictures) which have to be installed in a temple, a religious ceremony is performed, and if the priest or the assistant is a man with occult powers, even limited ones, he can, with his aspiration and through the ritual, bring a supraterrestrial consciousness into these forms. That is the principle; you are told, "This is not a piece of wood ...


... provinces of its action, with the same law that we have observed in the rest, of the emergence of a richer and profounder face of itself the more it gets inward and upward from the less to the more occult powers of its revelation. This finer soul of delight throws itself out on the physical mind and being, takes up its experiences and turns them by its own innate and peculiar power into things of beauty ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... still more today because of the present domination of the Western ideal. On one side or another mental idealism, ethical development, altruistic character and action, religious piety and fervour, occult powers, feats of ascetic en durance have been put forward as the essence of spirituality or the test or proof of achievement or the signposts of the journey to spiritual perfection. It is ignored that ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... others, or come to the surface in abnormal states of the being. They are the basis of clairvoyance, clairaudience, transference of thought and impulse, telepathy, most of the more ordinary kinds of occult powers,—so called, though these are better described less mystically as powers of the now subliminal action of the Manas. The phenomena of hypnotism and many others depend upon the action of this subliminal ...


... and its object is to enter into silent communion of soul and unity with the Divine. As a matter of fact we find that the system of Rajayoga includes other objects,—such as the practice and use of occult powers,—some of which seem to be unconnected with and even inconsistent with its main purpose. These powers or siddhis are indeed frequently condemned as dangers and distractions which draw away the Yogin ...


... of Yoga including a siddha ‡ body, that too *First published in the Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, November 1980, pp. 52, 54. *Liberation † Occult powers. ‡ Perfected Page 83 is not what I mean by transformation - it is a radical change of consciousness and nature itself that I envisage. I do not know also that these things ...

... the witches and he are in tune somewhere in their psycho logies, they come along in the same direction and cross each other. That, you might say, is Shakespeare's preparation of the action of the occult powers, and Macbeth is greatly stimulated by what the witches say. He has a faith in them, and they know how to create faith by telling him what he did not know but what had already occurred — an event ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... There seem to be two reasons for this, the first being that the claim to avatarhood by pseudo-spiritual persons has indeed become very cheap. As the discernment between spirituality, guruship and occult powers is generally vague among those who search for solace or spiritual theatrics, the word “avatar” has, and justly so, become suspect among the sceptically-minded. The second reason, especially among ...

... assimilation. ‘So many people come to her in the night for the passage to the other side,’ 60 wrote Sri Aurobindo. To make that passage safe for all of them, the Mother constructed with her occult powers paths of light which the vital beings would not venture to touch and where therefore they cannot bother the souls of the deceased any longer. In the Mother’s own words: ‘There are now what one might ...


... interesting.’ 25 ‘I had started a kind of “overmental creation”, to make each God come down in a [human] being,’ 26 she said. The Mother, as Mother of the Gods and with her exceptional occult powers, had started materializing the Overmind, the world of the Gods, on the Earth. She was in possession of the Word of Creation, the Word that becomes Reality when uttered. K.D. Sethna says: ‘I vividly ...


... feeling of such security in every circumstance. Nothing, nothing unfortunate could happen, for he was there. So when he left, all at once … a fall into an abyss.’ 5 She then had applied her occult powers and closed an inner door, the door of her psychic being which was the seat of the Love that otherwise would have pulled her away. ‘When he went out of his body and entered into mine (the most material ...


... which Nature has hidden and it uses its knowledge to set free operations of her energies which she has not included in her ordinary operations and to organise and place at the service of man her occult powers and processes, a vast system of physical magic, – for there is and can be no other magic than the utilisation of secret truths of being, secret powers and processes of Nature. It may even be found ...

... as superior to all of us put together, even though my highbrow reason wanted to dismiss such powers rather summarily. Besides, was she not primarily responsible for my heightened respect for the occult powers of Yoga which in its turn helped me weather the storm of opposition I had to pass through before I could come to port at her feet for good? I say 'for good' because I mean it. Not that I have ...


... evoke gods, goddesses, or beings from worlds beyond. × Siddhi : realization (sometimes also occult powers). × The final reckoning for the others isn't known, but for Satprem this incident resulted in ...


... force that he could have caught hold of anybody on the road and turned him to carry out what he willed. Nolini also used at that time the term "mahapurusha" ("great being") for him. Purani had some occult powers and could go out in his super-forceful subtle body and act effectively. Once Vaun McPheeters, who with his wife Janet (renamed "Shantimayi" by the Mother) was the first American to settle in the ...


... expert wrestler, a fearless fighter, an all-round heroic personality. I remember Amrita telling me: "Purani has a gigantic vital being, something approaching the Mother's." He had also some occult powers. When he ran up in answer to the Mother's call, he grabbed the intruder by the arm and tried to pull him downstairs. The latter clutched whatever was available and resisted Purani. Purani told ...


... the same. I want only to assure you that we are not abandoning you and that you will always have our help and protection." The letter is notable not only for its proof of the Mother's occult powers and its deep understanding of my all-too-human two-ways-tugged being but also for the evolutionary truth it enshrines. Our choice of the spiritual life must come ultimately as a sheer necessity ...


... separate psychic vital and physical being to the illumination and change. The second by itself is rapid, sensitive, full of extraordinary and striking experiences but apt in the absence of psychic or occult powers to be chaotic, uneven and open to many dangers. It is when both are present and act upon each other in the being that the Sadhana is likely to be most perfect. I think you should insist in your ...


... highway to its source. There in the silence few have ever reached, Thou shalt see the Fire burning on the bare stone And the deep cavern of thy secret soul. 22 These were the occult powers, the messengers who helped men and brought solace and light into their lives. They knew that Savitri was the incarnation of the Divine Mother. O human copy and disguise of God Who seekst ...

... force that he could have caught hold of anybody on the road and turned him to carry out what he willed. Nolini also used at that time the term "mahapurusha" ("great being") for him. Purani had some occult powers and could go out in his super-forceful subtle body and act effectively. Once Vaun McPheeters, who with his wife Janet (renamed "Shantimayi" by the Mother) was the first American to settle in the ...

... or come to the surface in abnormal states of the being. They are the basis of clairvoyance, clairaudience, transference of thought and impulse, telepathy, most of the more ordinary kinds of occult powers, — so called, though these are better described less mystically as powers of the now subliminal action of the Manas. The phenomena of hypnotism and many others depend upon the action of this ...


... its several merits or siddhis. Not that this acknowledgement or certification from the contemporary Yogis and Siddhas or Commentators is needed for him. He had at his command great occult Page 77 powers and had control over things material and psychic. There are any number of legends, current even today, about the performance of ‘miracles’ by him. It is said that he was chased and solicited ...


... Mind. Examples of hypnotism may appear to be anomalous, and examples of telepathy, telekinesis and many others which are anomalous can be explained by occultism in terms of growing knowledge of occult powers which otherwise touch us only by a casual or a hidden action whose process is unknown to us or imperfectly caught by a few; a systematized endeavor to understand these phenomena would fall within ...

... mathematics. At the age of 26, she had several dreams of Sri Aurobindo - of whom she had never heard before. She later became acquainted with Max Theon, an enigmatic character with extraordinary occult powers, who for the first time gave a coherent explanation of her experiences and taught her occultism during her two long visits to his estate in Algeria. In 1914, she came from France to India, and met ...

... student of the French painter Gustave Moreau, she befriended the great Impressionist artists of the time. She later became acquainted with Max Theon, an enigmatic character with extraordinary occult powers who, for the first time, gave her a coherent explanation of the spontaneous experiences occurring since her childhood, and who taught her occultism during two long visits to his estate in Algeria ...


... "sufferings". So he is going with our approval to see if he cannot shake them off by a change of atmosphere.         He opened himself to wrong suggestions and influences in his desire to get occult powers and be able to figure as a great Yogi. It was these forces that made him feel all sorts of pains and sufferings in his body caused by a distracted state of his nerves, while his mind and vital became ...

... broke out, in discussing what was to be done, how to treat him, and the like. Meanwhile Panditji, a great Tantric yogi of the South, visited the Ashram. He was supposed to have extraordinary occult powers and could cure even madness. We know from Sri Aurobindo that madness results from possession by evil spirits. Many fantastic stories were going round about Panditji’s powers. I asked the Mother ...

... I shall not in reply say either yes or no, but relate certain small incidents directly within my knowledge, and leave the reader to draw his own conclusions. I am not claiming for my Master any occult powers. I shall be satisfied with recounting my experiences. There will always be traducers like Shishupala to challenge the divinity of an embodied divine Person! First comes the story of Sri Aurobindo's ...


... healing diseases at a puff of breath, telling the ins and outs of a man at sight or at the mere mention of his name. Any accomplishment of this kind commands our humble devotion. The eightfold occult powers are considered the very acme of spirituality. In Europe too the measure and the proof of a saint lie in miracles. Sri Ramakrishna's advent demonstrated the simple truth that miracles have nothing ...

... then they thought that they were hypnotised and so they tried the photographic plate and found the photo of a hand. These phenomena like the eye-less sight, or emission of light waves or cures by occult powers are mostly "psychic" phenomena. It is absurd to try to explain them away and still more absurd to doubt them. Disciple : A missionary, it seems, has cured a blind man ; and St. Xavier at ...

... through renunciation, as the Isha Upanishad puts it. My aim was the independence of my motherland, not yogic realisation. When it became clear to me that the pursuit of Yoga could bring various occult powers within man's reach, I decided to obtain them, so that, with their help, I might liberate my country. It was then that I began to be drawn to Yoga. That is why I have said that I entered the path ...

... provinces of its actions with the same law that we have observed in the rest, of the emergence of a richer and profounder face of itself the more it gets inward and upward from the less to the more occult powers of its revelation. 22 It was Sri Aurobindo's conviction that the new or the awakened man of the future would not be satisfied with the pleasures of the senses or of the intellect, d ...

... fearful nightmare-hells, the soothing Page 834 and seductive life-heavens? Having met Théon in Paris in 1905 and been impressed by his immediately striking personality and undoubted occult powers, next year she visited his place in Tlemcen in Algeria, and again in 1907. She met there the fascinating Alma Théon too, an even more accomplished occultist than her husband, and a woman of rare ...


... took more time than for a cyclone and a deliberate action, because human forces are not at all natural). Who would ever imagine that Matter, through its own radiation, without any extra­human or occult powers like those of Theon and all yogis, could by itself erect such an invisible barrier that a human mob is suddenly stopped without knowing why? Though in truth people always do things without knowing ...

... miraculous about it . 19 In the beginning, I did not understand what She meant, until the day it struck me as a veritable revelation. First, I asked Mother why She did not use very material occult powers, like those of Theon, for example. No, no use at all—absolutely no use, 20 she answered. And She told me that both Sri Aurobindo and She had always refused to perform what are called miracles ...


... Rameshwaram to see Panditji and stay there for some periods. They ostensibly went for spiritual progress and at Mother's instance. Unfortunately, according to what I have understood, they went for some occult powers out of ambition, fell into the usual trap of such things and, after the Mother's passing, lost control over themselves. It has been reported that towards the end, Panditji regretted having ...

... Guru, and Sri Aurobindo hadn't accepted him! It was under very different circumstances and in a far-off village that sudden light was thrown upon his predicament. He had a sitting with a Yogi with occult powers, who asked Dilip at last: "But why are you hunting for a Guru, now that Sri Aurobindo himself has accepted you?" And, after some more explanation, he added: You have been called, but remember ...

... have a finer and more accurate psychical knowledge than the best that can be found in the books of the Theosophists. Some even of the less advanced have given me proofs of far better-developed occult powers than any Theosophist I have yet known. The only member of the Theosophical Society who could give me any spiritual help I could not better by my unaided faculties, was one excluded from the esoteric ...


... centres ( cakras ) in which it is now sluggish or only partially operative, he is able to manifest powers of mind, sense and consciousness which transcend our ordinary experience. The so-called occult powers of Yoga are such faculties which thus open up of themselves as the Yogin advances in the control of the Pranic force and, purifying the channels of its movement, opens up communication between the ...


... and others) would go up at mid-day after school and wait at the top of the staircase. She evolved games that we played with her as she wanted us to develop our memory and impressions. There were occult powers in precious stones (amethyst, sapphire, ruby) and she made up cards explaining the various meaning of the stones. The same game was devised for learning the spiritual meanings and significance of ...


... are revealed to Aswapati by his Conscious-Soul. He becomes "conscious" and lo! he is able to see and understand the workings of Nature in her entirety. A beginning is made with the mastery of occult powers by the "conscious" (as against persons driven by blind desire to control Nature) Aswapati: Incalculable in their wizard modes, Immediate and invincible in the act, Her secret strengths ...

... deemed invaluable. They are treasured for their commercial value and aesthetic worth. Gemstones are esteemed to be priceless, perhaps for a third reason: they are believed to be the repository of occult powers. It is probably for this reason that stones are worshipped in temples and gems revered as talismans. This practice of seeking protection from gems and precious metals cannot be treated ...

... which Nature has hidden and it uses its knowledge to set free operations of her energies which she has not included in her ordinary operations and to organise and place at the service of man her occult powers and processes, a vast system of physical magic, — for there is and can be no other magic than the utilisation of secret truths of being, secret powers and processes of Nature. It may even be found ...


... separate psychic vital and physical being to the illumination and change. The second by itself is rapid, sensitive, full of extraordinary and striking experiences but apt in the absence of psychic or occult powers to be chaotic, uneven and open to many dangers. It is when both are present and act upon each other in the being that the Sadhana is likely to be perfect. I think you should insist in your Calcutta ...

... might admit of being explained by jugglery or legerdemain, but the circumstances as stated to me make that a little difficult; they admit equally of being explained by the possession of certain occult powers, e.g. power to materialise subtle objects (sukshmagandha, rupa), power to communicate one’s own subtle sensings or [?] temporarily to others, occult power of transmutation (e.g. Ramakrishna’s ...

... to me something perfectly natural and credible. Consciousness in its very nature could not be limited by the ordinary physical human-animal consciousness; it must have other ranges. Yogic or occult powers are no more supernatural or incredible than is supernatural or incredible the power to write a great poem or compose great music; few people can do it, as things are, — not even one in a million: ...


... is the “occult” way in which he tutored his pupil Adolf Hitler. “Occult” here means not only “hidden”; it refers literally to the practice of the occult sciences. The testimonies of Hitler’s occult powers are written in history, however much academic historians try to overlook them. In his Hitler and Stalin – Parallel Lives , Alan Bullock writes: “In the copy of Napoleon’s Thoughts found in his ...


... which Nature has hidden and it uses its knowledge to set free operations of her energies which she has not included in her ordinary operations and to organize and place at the service of man her occult powers and processes, a vast system of physical magic – for there is and can be no other magic than the utilization of secret truths of being, secret powers and processes of Nature. It may even be found ...


... disciple of Ramakrishna Paramhamsa. ‘But a friend of mine, a quondam disciple of Sri Aurobindo, intervened at the psychological moment and took me to consult a friend of his, a Yogi with remarkable occult powers. It was in a far-off village where we had to be his guests for the night.’ Dilip told the yogi ‘how desperate was his need of a Guru’. The yogi said nothing but: ‘Sit down and close your eyes.’ ...


... seemed to me something perfectly natural and credible. Consciousness in its very nature could not he limited by the ordinary physical human-animal consciousness; it must have other ranges. Yogic or occult powers are no more supernatural or incredible than is supernatural or incredible the power to write a great poem or compose great music. Few people can do it, as things are,—not even one in a million; ...

... power to alleviate the "misery" of ignorant man is quite another. How hard this task is in practice is difficult for most of us to realise because, for one thing, few of us have any knowledge of occult powers and even less clue to the know-how, that is, how to make use of them when such powers are given to us — as they occasionally are — before we have achieved some real insight into the mysterious springs ...


... passed away. An account had come of how on one occasion Dilip Kumar Roy, after he had left the Ashram, had been reading a long poetic composition of his. Indira, his chief disciple, who had many occult powers which had developed during her short stay in Sri Aurobindo's Ashram with Dilip, said that she saw Sri Aurobindo himself listening to the recital. I reported to the Mother what Indira had said. The ...


... pray to the Mother to set everything right. I have heard that Navajata wishes Panditji of Rameshwaram to put "Yantra" in the Matrimandir. Yantra means diagram believed to possess magical or occult powers. The term is derived from Yam, meaning, "to hold, curb or restrain," the Tra denoting the effecting instrument, hence by extension, "fetter, tie, thong, rein" etc. The drawing of Yantra is generally ...


... which Nature has hidden and it uses its knowledge to set free operations of her energies which she has not included in her ordinary operations and to organise and place at the service of man her occult powers and processes, a vast system of physical magic,—for there is and can be no other magic than the utilisation of secret truths of being, secret powers and processes of Nature. It may even be found ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... thought and knowledge can only proceed by making the necessary distinctions. Much confusion is created by neglecting them. This mental idealism, ethical development, religious piety and fervour, occult powers and feats have all been taken as spirituality and the spiritual evolution kept tied to the moorings of the planes of lesser consciousness which do indeed prepare the soul by experience for the spiritual ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... capacities of knowledge, effective will, deep light of reception, powerful light of thought-radiation which are altogether beyond the narrow range of our normal mentality; it arrives at the Yogic or occult powers around which there has been woven so much quite dispensable and yet perhaps salutary mystery. But the one final end and the one all-important gain is that the mind, stilled and cast into a concentrated ...


... in the Vijnana in the purity, in the right, in the truth of the superior or divine Prakriti. Its powers may often seem to be what are called in ordinary Yogic parlance siddhis, by the Europeans occult powers, shunned and dreaded by devotees and by many Yogins as snares, stumbling-blocks, diversions from the true seeking after the Divine. But they have that character and are dangerous here because they ...


... you must accustom yourself to reject the impressions forced on you by the others, depression, self-distrust, repining and all similar disturbance. As for the actual mastery of a situation by occult powers, it can only come by use and experiment—as one develops strength by exercises or develops a process in the laboratory by finding Page 453 out through the actual use of a power how it ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... maintaining by any means position and prestige, even of posturing before others, influencing, controlling or "helping" them, claiming the part of a superior sadhaka, one with greater knowledge and with occult powers. The larger vital being itself has to give up its powers and capacities to the Divine Shakti from whom they come and must use them only as the Mother's instrument and according to her directions; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... which rise from or directly touch the psychic being; where mind and vital predominate, the experience would be called psychological (surface or occult). Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - I: Occult Powers or Siddhis The word soul has various meanings according to the context; it may mean the Purusha supporting the formation of Prakriti, which we call a being, though the proper word would be ...


... The world is wrapped in darkness and few are those who find their way, who, like a bird escaping from a net, soar up towards heaven. The swans take the path of the sun. Those who possess occult powers fly through the air. The sages leave this world after defeating Mara and his army of evil. Page 243 No evil is impossible to him who transgresses one law of the Doctrine, who utters ...


... quickly over. Besides, it is a question which I have been asked very often, and perhaps I have already answered it several times. But still, it is always worth repeating. "Without conscious occult powers, is it possible to help or protect from a distance somebody in difficulty or danger? If so, what is the practical procedure?" Page 252 Then a sub-question: "What can thought do ...


... There is nothing to say. One can only bow before the perfection of the experience. 3 April 1970 × Occult powers. ...


... Z, a local French official. The conversation ends: ) Mr. Z: I have heard that Sri Aurobindo can communicate at a distance. Is it true? Sadhak: That is nothing. He isn't interested in occult powers; it isn't His aim. Mr. Z: But even so, can He communicate with someone in Calcutta? Sadhak: Yes, if the other person is receptive. Suppose I have difficulties in my work. There is no way ...


... subconscient. To complement this work, he does his pujas to Kali, and finally one of his friends, X, the 'High Priest' of the temple in Rameswaram (who presided over my initiation and has great occult powers), has undertaken to say a 'very powerful' mantra over me daily, for a period of eight days, to extirpate the dark forces from my subconscious. The operation already began four days ago. While reciting ...


... psychic lines of rapture, Gathers the consecrated petals yearning And unites them into a mystic gesture, a symbol of close-linked harmony, Pink meditation of a dedicated Rose. Occult powers, riches and artistic faculties, Though precious gifts, we lay them at Thy feet. Only one boon we ask Thee to hasten Thy manifestation: Transmute these earthen vessels into immaculate ...

... painter Gustave Moreau, she befriended the great Impressionist artists of the time. She later became acquainted Page 510 with Max Theon, an enigmatic character with extraordinary occult powers who, for the first time, gave her a coherent explanation of the spontaneous experiences' occurring since her childhood, and who taught her occultism during two long visits to his estate in Algeria ...

... left, I will complete." I have mastered the world of Matter, I am its King now. I am also mastering the secrets of Life and "Soon I shall know the secrets of the Mind". I shall even acquire occult powers. "When earth is mastered, I shall conquer heaven". Savitri did not reply to this voice but turned to Mother of Might: "Thou art a portion of my soul put forth" "To help mankind and ...

...         Three years she grew in sun and shower,       Then Nature said, 'A lovelier flower       On earth was never sown;       This Child I to myself will take....'    The occult powers behind the phenomena of Nature lend Savitri their graces and their strengths, as Nature moulds Lucy; but Savitri draws to herself other powers too, from the home and base of all:         ...


... wanted to be an Avatar and because he could not get rid of the attachment to his work. He is very unscrupulous. Disciple : Has he some power? Sri Aurobindo : Yes. But not occult powers like the others. Before that he was quite an ordinary man with some possibilities. When I came out of the jail, you know, I was staying in his house and I was full of a certain force. He got a ...

... for small adhars to try to concentrate on these powers, because they may be swallowed by them? Sri Aurobindo : It may be. I can never understand that stupid fear of acquiring Siddhis – occult powers – which our people are having. Why should every one be spiritual? Those who want to attain power must do that. I mean if that is the only thing they can do in this life let them do it. He was ...

... totalitarian reign The cruel destiny of breathing things. All on one plan was shaped and standardised Under a dark dictatorship's breathless weight. 5 With her uncanny occult powers, the Mother could see - as she was to explain many years later - how Hitler was indeed under the domination of an evil Force or nefarious being that dazzled and led him on and on, Page ...


... consciousness was widened without limits. Hereafter everything was opened to his view in the vast field of cosmic operations. His natural instruments were heightened in their capacity and the occult powers working in the cosmos began to reveal their hidden processes to him so that they might serve him in the realisation of his divine work. The narrow limits of ordinary human instrumentation ...

... step and they will reach the Truth. 2 In Tlemcen, we have already seen another kind of Matter. Well, this time, it is not supermicroscopes that will tell us, nor the visions of psychics nor occult powers: Matter itself will tell us, will experience itself. It is real Matter, direct, unalloyed, that will see and operate: the spontaneity of pre-mental, "natural" evolution will be reproduced on a conscious ...


... to the moon and the huge revolutions of men – which in the end revolutionize nothing. This new functioning seems indeed to be radically new. It is unlike any of the so-called spiritual or occult powers one can obtain by scaling the ladder of consciousness: these are not prophetic powers, or healing powers, or powers of levitation – the thousand and one poor powers that have never healed the ...


... inertia of the will that were as crucial. This dullness and this inertia were not only an obstacle to the descending Divine: they were also perilous for the world itself. To the obscure occult forces — powers and principalities of darkness — which always oppose the Divine's work and which were reacting against the tremendous pressure of the Aurobindonian light in a vast upsurge, to these forces... irremovable base and centre in the Inconscience for spreading there his immortal light and changing earth's fate from the sheer bottom of things no less than from the sheer top. This is how the occult eye sees the paradoxical climax whose first anniversary falls today. And as one watches the holy spot that is Sri Aurobindo's samadhi in the midst of his Ashram and all about is the aroma of flowers ...
