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... language which expresses certain relations between the psychic consciousness and the physical of which we become aware by Yoga. The Centres and the Planes Each centre of the system ( cakra, padma ) represents or centralises a plane of experience and each is supported on the spine Page 233 which is the support of the nervous energies. When the serpent Energy from above and below have... is there in the psychic, behind the heart. But the fourth of our seven planes is the supramental which is far above the head, but can be communicated with through the seventh centre, the Sahasradala padma. The Mind Centres This must be the psychicised higher mental being—the position above the head points to that. In other words, you have become aware of your higher mental being which is in contact... psychic behind the heart and is aware of the Truth and has the psychic and spiritual insight and view into things. Page 234 Above the head extends the higher consciousness centre, sahasradala padma. But usually there is partial working of the forehead centre also when the sahasradala opens. The ordinary mind is at the highest the free intelligence, receiving perhaps intuitions and intimations ...
... Raymond alias "Padma", the name given by the Mother. Padma had received the Icon from her friend Christiane Roll-Mackie—the Mother had named her "Sahadja". She had a friend called Georges who got this Icon from a Ukrainian friend of his, who in his turn had received it from the Patriarch of Moscow. This Icon came into Sahadja's hands in 1959 and she gave it to Padma in 1961. Padma offered it to the ...
... (4) "...the sahasradala which centralises spiritual mind, higher mind, intuitive mind and acts as a receiving station fort he intuition proper and overmind..." 5 (5) "...the sahasradala padma through which the higher intuition, illumined mind and overmind all pass their rays." 6 It is overwhelmingly borne in on us that, when a number of overhead planes come to be distinguished... 255. ². Savitri, pp. 661-62. Page 40 In Yogic practice the master-technique in the days of the Arya and even later was to make "the thousand-petalled lotus", Sahasradala Padma, on the top of the head, one's main centre of Yoga, helped by the inner and inmost being from below. But, after the first few months succeeding the descent of the Overmind on 24 November 1926 into their... consciousness, and kept pulling there what was high up and from there acted upon individuals and the general earth-scene. The principal opening which they insisted upon in the sadhaks now was the Hrid-padma, "the heart-lotus", in whose depths is the inmost entity in man, his true soul or psychic being. The psychic being in full blaze had always been the Mother's secret of sadhana. And basically due ...
... XLVIII [The original text is lost. Only a Tibetan translation exists.] XLIX The boat made of the thunderbolt I ply across the bosom of the Padma.¹ The cruel robbers looted all my burden. Today, O Bhusuku, truly you have become a Bengali,² Your own wife is taken away by the outcast villains. The five tablets, the... In my own sphere I dwell in great happiness. My four square treasury is now exhausted – There is no difference between life and death.³ NOTES 1. Padma: the river of life. 2. Bengali: I am now my true self. 3. Four square: full, complete. L In each heaven there is a three-stonyed building: ...
... A nd so I learnt to swim. And since then how much I have swum! In the Ganga, in the Padma. We swam for miles even in the heavy rains in the swift-flowing waters of the Ganga. About two or three years before coming to the Ashram a group of four or five of us used to hire a boat to sail on the river Padma. We would shoot wild duck which the Muslim boatmen cooked with rice and we really relished ...
... and functionings. The Muladhara governs the physical down to the subconscient; the abdominal centre, Svadhishthana, governs the lower vital; the navel centre, Nabhi padma, or manipura, governs the larger vital; the heart centre—hrt-padma, or Anahata, governs the emotional being; the throat centre, Vishuddha, governs the expressive and externalising mind; the centre between the eye-brows, Agnachakra ...
... blind foolish politicians, this village was swallowed up by the all-destroying fury of the Padma river. No trace was left of the village. Today you see only water everywhere, just water. I feel the village was unable to bear the pain of this partition and so drowned itself into the bottomless deeps of the Padma. Like Sita’s entry into the netherworld. We used to collect all sorts of flowers during ...
... physical down to the subconscient; the abdominal centre — svādhiṣṭhāna — governs the lower vital; the navel centre — nābhipadma or maṇipūra — governs the larger vital; the heart centre — hrt-padma or anāhata — governs the emotional being; the throat centre — viśuddha — governs the expressive and externalising mind; the centre between the eyebrows — ājñācakra — governs the dynamic mind ...
... The first is the very precise localisation of the uprush of the consciousness from the pit of the stomach—that is to say, from the navel or perhaps from just below it? The navel-centre (n ā bhi-padma) is the main seat of the centralised vital consciousness (dynamic centre) which ranges from the heart level (emotional) to the centre below the navel (lower vital, sensational desire centre). These ...
... dark background. Thin Nil triangle with very sharp apex like old Hindu pinnacle, a bright golden line in the middle. River scenes—Thickly Page 34 wooded bank. Bright stream with islands. Padma wide flowing covered with boats. A terraced green bank with steps in middle. Namadrishti of many kinds. Short sentences deciphered & remembered. Felt the Presence in the Kalimandir Image today. J's ...
... blessings. 8 December 1967 Mother, X, the Hindi poet who comes here often, writes that he is being pressed to return the titles that he got from the Government of India; he has received the Padma Bhushan award. In that case he will have to give up his service also. This would be to protest against the language policy of the Government. He wants your advice. What shall I tell him? Why should ...
... light. Passing through the throat centre with a little difficulty it reached the chest. Simultaneously another movement also took place from the chest. It rose up to the seventh centre (sahasradala padma chakra on the head). The second movement was also full of intensity and supported by the vital, otherwise it would not have been experienced so clearly and at the same time. It would have been rather ...
... the Ganga splits into the numerous tributaries that form the Gangetic delta. The Hooghly, regarded as the true Ganga, is one of these tributaries. The main channel proceeds to Bangladesh as the river Padma, so dearly loved by Rabindranath Tagore, the great poet of India. Like the Ganges, the vast networks of rivers flowing throughout India are sacred to its people. The same goes for the region ...
... so much water you do not see at any other place, an endless sheet of water spread out below, matching the vast expanse of the sky above. From Goalando we went by steamer to Narayangunge along the Padma and the Sitalaksha, thence to the Meghna; one who has not seen the Meghna cannot imagine what it is really like – it was, as it were, the living Goddess of the water, Jaleshwari – and next, the mighty ...
... being a little lame. I look upon my knee-trouble in the same way. * Dada said: I was studying in college then. During the winter holidays we would sometimes go to the river Padma to hunt the birds. Motakaka, Pranab Sen, Abdallah, myself and a couple of others. We would hire a boat, take our guns and go to the river to hunt birds. The boatman was a Muslim. After the hunt, the ...
... Page 31 a rocking rowing boat... by doing some gymnastics: "My! How it's rocking and tossing!" felt Moni. The boat was manned by eight to ten oarsmen. In Bengal Moni was used to see on the Padma or the Ganges covered boats, but the boat he now got into was open. It and they set out towards the ship. When they neared it they made out Sri Aurobindo and Bejoy standing on the deck, their eyes fixed ...
... localisation of the uprush of the consciousness from the pit of the stomach—that is to say, from above the navel, the movement itself starting from the navel or even below it. The navel-centre ( nābhi-padma ) is the main seat of the centralised vital consciousness (dynamic centre) which ranges from the heart level (emotional) to the centre below the navel (lower vital, sensational desire centre). These ...
... “Meera, “ based on the life of Mirabai. She learned Hindi bhajans from Dilipda. 12 . Annadashankar Roy (1904-2002) was a celebrated novelist, poet and essayist of Bengal. He was awarded Padma-bhushan, Rabindra Puraskar and Vidyasagar Puraskar. He was the Founder-President of Paschimbanga Bangla Academy. 13 . Toru Dutt (1856-1877) was one of the earliest poetess of Bengal to ...
... charge to come into the van and examine her. He tried all the possible tests and declared her stone dead. I took her back home. News was sent to a friend of the family, a Swiss sadhika named Padma. Early next morning she and I went up to see the Mother. I told the Mother the whole story and conveyed the message of my friend's mamma that she wanted her daughter's body to be taken care of by ...
... bondage." 82 It is further said of him as follows: "He who, having abandoned attachment, acts reposing his works on the Brahman, is not stained by sin even as water clings not to the lotus-leaf," padma patram iva ambhasā. 83 The divine worker rises above the action of the three gunas, and even when the gunas are active, and he sees, hears, tastes, smells, eats, moves, sleeps, breathes, speaks ...
... The names of these Puranas are given in the following table along with the number of verses mentioned against each: Name Number of verses Brahma Purāna 10,000 Padma Purāna 55,000 Visnu Purāna 23,000 Śiva Purāna 24,000 Bhāgavata Purāna 18,000 Nārada Purāna 25,000 Mārkandeya Purāna 25,000 Agni ...
... Vyas (MDV) Reader, Faculty of Social Work, M.S. University of Baroda, OpP. Fatehganj Post Of fice, Fatehganj, Baroda-390 002. Tel. No.310411 (0). Page 142 10. Dr. Padma Ramachandran (PR) Vicechancellor, M.S. University of Baroda, Baroda-390 002. Tel. No.343189 (0), 314199 (R) 11. Mr. P.K.S. Pillai (PKSP) Vice-Principal, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's ...
... is there in the psychic, behind the heart. But the fourth of our seven planes is the supramental which is far above the head but can be communicated with through the seventh centre, the Sahasradala padma. The Over mind and the Supermind—are they the sixth and seventh planes? No. The Overmind is part of the mental plane. The Supermind is the fourth not the seventh plane. ...
... When I separate myself from the inertia and try to rise higher I feel some positive obstruction. Probably it is between the inner mind centre and the seventh centre (sahasradal padma). It must be the physical mind interfering and preventing the free ascension. Page 224 Why is my physical mind not happy with your answers to what I write ...
... She was the recipient of many national and international awards, including the prestigious Magsaysay Award, and Vishwa Bharati and Deshikotamma, conferred on her by Indira Gandhi in 1970, and the Padma Vibhushan award. Kamaladevi wanted to revive the age-old crafts from extinction. She found beauty in everything and had an awareness of art and beauty even in the most dubious of places. She ...
... of Reality. But one must know the fourth or transcendent aspect of the Truth. Once you know That, you will roam at will all over the worlds, even as a drop of water on the surface of a lotus leaf, padma-patramivāmbhasā." The Fires are three. The first has its seat in the body; it is the power of the body's upward endeavour. It is as if a coiled-up force, kuṇḍalinī. When this coiled-up force ...
... 179 Nath, Amba Nanda, 155 Nirodbaran, 188-9 Nepal , 254 Nishikanta, 195-6 Nripendrakrishna, 190-1 ODYSSEY, 22 PADMA,287 Palit, Labanya, 169 Panchatantra, 77 Panis, 272 Paraclete, 23 Parasurama, 148 Parvati, 152, 154 Pondicherry , 11n., 12 ...
... writing the story down in the class but unfortunately we never got around to sending it to Her. 1.Arima 2.Gauri 3.Kirti 4.Lalbabu 5.Lauren 6.Lakshmi 7.Mukund 8. Mina 9. Padma 10. Prithwiraj 11. Touyamani 12. Vasant 13. Vimla Page 106 ...
... Barisal, to Khulna, to Jhalakati (now all in Bangladesh) many visions rose before his eyes. A goodly number were scenes from Nature: "River scenes. Thickly wooded bank. Bright stream with islands. Padma wide flowing covered with boats. A terraced green bank with steps in the middle." And so on. Sometimes human figures were part of the scene. The training was not limited to sight. Hearing too was ...
... chakras are normally knotted, it is the awakened Kundalini that unknots each of them as she rises from centre to centre. Kundalini ascends through the spinal column. A chakra is also called lotus (padma). "But as the subtle body penetrates and is interfused with the gross body, there is a certain 1 The Serpent Power, by Sir John Woodroffe (Arthur Avalon), deals exhaustively with the ...
... poets for the recitation classes. She would copy the poems in my notebook every week. Except for the first two poems, all the poems were drawn from a collection for children offered to the Mother by Padma, a disciple from Switzerland. They have been printed in French in my earlier book, La Mere Travaille avec les Enfants. We publish here under a separate section, the poems from the French authors ...
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