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English [316]
A Centenary Tribute [5]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Philosophy of Education for the Contemporary Youth [1]
A Pilgrimage to Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [1]
A Vision of United India [3]
Adventures in Criticism [1]
Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [4]
Among the Not So Great [2]
Ancient India in a New Light [2]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Autobiographical Notes [2]
Bande Mataram [15]
Beyond Man [9]
By The Way - Part II [1]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [3]
Children's University [1]
Classical and Romantic [2]
Collected Poems [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [5]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [6]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [1]
Early Cultural Writings [5]
Education and the Aim of human life [2]
Education at Crossroads [3]
Education for Tomorrow [1]
Essays Divine and Human [3]
Essays on the Gita [1]
Evolution II [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [4]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [3]
Evolving India [1]
Hitler and his God [4]
Homer and the Iliad, Sri Aurobindo and Ilion [1]
I Remember [2]
Images Of The Future [2]
In the Mother's Light [4]
India's Rebirth [1]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [1]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [1]
Innovations in Education [4]
Inspiration and Effort [2]
Karmayogin [3]
Kena and Other Upanishads [1]
Landmarks of Hinduism [1]
Learning with the Mother [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [3]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Listen with your Heart - Welcome the Mother [1]
Marie Sklodowska Curie [2]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [5]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [1]
Mother or The New Species - II [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [4]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [1]
My Burning Heart [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [3]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [7]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
Notes on the Way [1]
Old Long Since [1]
On Art - Addresses and Writings [2]
On Savitri [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
On The Mother [12]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
On the Way to Supermanhood [1]
Our Light and Delight [2]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [3]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [7]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [1]
Questions and Answers (1956) [1]
Reminiscences [2]
Savitri [3]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [2]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [3]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [3]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [8]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [2]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The New World [1]
Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Its Role, Responsibility and Future Destiny [2]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [2]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Message [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [3]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [1]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [3]
Talks on Poetry [2]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
The Destiny of the Body [1]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Divine Collaborators [3]
The Future Poetry [2]
The Golden Path [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [3]
The Human Cycle [3]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [2]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Mind Of The Cells [1]
The Mother (biography) [7]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [2]
The Mother Abides - Final Reflections [1]
The Mother on Auroville [2]
The Renaissance in India [1]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [3]
The Spirit of Auroville [1]
The Story of a Soul [1]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [2]
The Veda and Indian Culture [1]
The Wonder that is K D Sethna alias Amal Kiran [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 1 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [3]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [1]
Towards A New Social Order [2]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Uniting Men [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [1]
Words of the Mother - I [2]
Words of the Mother - III [1]
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English [316]
A Centenary Tribute [5]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Philosophy of Education for the Contemporary Youth [1]
A Pilgrimage to Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [1]
A Vision of United India [3]
Adventures in Criticism [1]
Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [4]
Among the Not So Great [2]
Ancient India in a New Light [2]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Autobiographical Notes [2]
Bande Mataram [15]
Beyond Man [9]
By The Way - Part II [1]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [3]
Children's University [1]
Classical and Romantic [2]
Collected Poems [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [5]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [6]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [1]
Early Cultural Writings [5]
Education and the Aim of human life [2]
Education at Crossroads [3]
Education for Tomorrow [1]
Essays Divine and Human [3]
Essays on the Gita [1]
Evolution II [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [4]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [3]
Evolving India [1]
Hitler and his God [4]
Homer and the Iliad, Sri Aurobindo and Ilion [1]
I Remember [2]
Images Of The Future [2]
In the Mother's Light [4]
India's Rebirth [1]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [1]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [1]
Innovations in Education [4]
Inspiration and Effort [2]
Karmayogin [3]
Kena and Other Upanishads [1]
Landmarks of Hinduism [1]
Learning with the Mother [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [3]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Listen with your Heart - Welcome the Mother [1]
Marie Sklodowska Curie [2]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [5]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [1]
Mother or The New Species - II [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [4]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [1]
My Burning Heart [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [3]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [7]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
Notes on the Way [1]
Old Long Since [1]
On Art - Addresses and Writings [2]
On Savitri [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
On The Mother [12]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
On the Way to Supermanhood [1]
Our Light and Delight [2]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [3]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [7]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [1]
Questions and Answers (1956) [1]
Reminiscences [2]
Savitri [3]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [2]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [3]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [3]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [8]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [2]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The New World [1]
Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Its Role, Responsibility and Future Destiny [2]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [2]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Message [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Philosophy And Yoga - Some Aspects [3]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [1]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [3]
Talks on Poetry [2]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
The Destiny of the Body [1]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Divine Collaborators [3]
The Future Poetry [2]
The Golden Path [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [3]
The Human Cycle [3]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [2]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Mind Of The Cells [1]
The Mother (biography) [7]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [2]
The Mother Abides - Final Reflections [1]
The Mother on Auroville [2]
The Renaissance in India [1]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [3]
The Spirit of Auroville [1]
The Story of a Soul [1]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [2]
The Veda and Indian Culture [1]
The Wonder that is K D Sethna alias Amal Kiran [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 1 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [3]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [1]
Towards A New Social Order [2]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Uniting Men [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [1]
Words of the Mother - I [2]
Words of the Mother - III [1]

Pioneer : English daily newspaper (tri-weekly from 1865 to 1869), founded in 1865 by George Alien. Originally published from Allahabad, it was shifted to Lucknow.

316 result/s found for Pioneer

... alone in one's little hole of light. And what purpose does that serve? What good does it do if one man is Page 288 transformed while the rest of humanity goes on dying? The body of the pioneer of transformation is therefore like a battlefield: this is where the battle of the world is being fought – where everything meets and where everything resists. There is a central point in the ultimate... deep and long Mid a horror of filth and mire, A bed for the golden river's song, A home for the deathless fire... My gaping wounds are a thousand and one... 365 The pioneer must therefore confront all difficulties, including Death, not in order to destroy them, but to change them. Nothing can be transformed unless it is taken upon oneself: Thou shalt bear all things... passions? The whole task of the pioneers of evolution, at any level, is precisely to join the new height with the former depth; when high meets low, an evolutionary cycle is completed. Likewise, when the pioneer of mental evolution suddenly emerges in the Supramental, his discovery is not a feat of magic that upsets all the former laws. He does not leap to the complete supramental being any more than the ...

... chief result of the partition." The Partition was, in fact, the focal point and accelerating force of the renaissance in India, which had begun with Ram Mohan Roy as its foremost herald and pioneer. It gave a vision and a direction of the path, and a glimpse of the glorious destiny towards which the nation was marching. An outburst of the creative urge, clearly visible in many spheres of the... chaotic it may appear on the surface, that the new forces surge out to construct the future. But the whole movement is a very complex process, baffling to the rational mind of man. The prophet or pioneer is one who incarnates both the forces of conservation and the forces of new creation. He is the child of the past and the parent of the future 23 . It is not always that he brings some- thing brand-new... But if, in a crucial moment of his work, when the tenacity of his faith and the stubbornness of his faithfulness to his vision and intuition would have sustained him, and sped him on, the pioneer falls back on his reasoning mind and suffers its inveterate doubts to cloud his consciousness, or allows himself to be led, not by the inner urge but by the amorphous opinions of the people he is ...

... to stand. The Pioneer then points out that the Congress has been particularly unfortunate in attracting eccentrics and faddists to its side, while it has repelled great and rising statesmen like Mr. Rees. Omitting the Pioneer 's little joke about Mr. Rees who would be more in place in a broad farce or musical comedy at the Gaiety than in the House, there is truth in the Pioneer 's remarks. The... these saintly Britishers. The Pioneer is the most persistent of these paper angels. It has recently been discoursing on Indian members of Parliament and Friends of India in Parliament. The enthusiastic anticipations of a millennium which the election of Mr. Dadabhai Naoroji to Parliament excited in the Congress bosom have yielded to sad disillusionment, and the Pioneer regrets it, for the presence... ing champions of bureaucratic absolutism and to shun the assistance of the only party which has some community of interest with India, and we shall romp in winners next morning. The Angel of the Pioneer office has spoken. Page 600 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... but it is not likely to increase the weight of his influence with his countrymen. We are surprised to see the Pioneer join in the extraordinary can-can which the Englishman has been performing ever since the Fuller dismissal. We were accustomed to regard the Pioneer as a sober and well-conducted journal, though its political views are no less pernicious than the Englishman 's; but... will exterminate you with fire and sword, we will outdo the atrocities we committed during the Mutiny; we are tigers, we are tigers! look at our claws." All this is very bloody indeed and paints the Pioneer red. But it does seem as if Anglo-India had gone clean mad. Such a pitiful Page 140 exhibition will not increase the respect of the subject race for its rulers. The Indian Mirror... country does not want these gentlemen at all; it wants people who can dare and die for their country. Whether this dying is to come about by fire and sword, and the claws of the British tiger, as the Pioneer threatens, or by influenza, cholera or fright, is not clear. We gather, however, that Mr. Palit and Babu Narendranath Sen have entered into a league to dare and die for their country, and we rejoice ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... any notice of the absurd reports in circulation, but for the numerous references to the matter which have appeared in the Press.' What says now the 'official Pioneer ?"' We can well understand the chagrin of the Hindu Patriot at the Pioneer being still recognised as the organ of Anglo Indian officialdom. For who is there so ignorant of things as not to know that since the assumption of the reins... Bande Mataram under the Editorship of Sri Aurobindo 28.May-22.Dec.1907 Bande Mataram Pioneer or Hindu Patriot? 25-September-1907 Here is a precious paragraph from the Patriot !— "THE following Press communique has been issued: 'There is no truth whatever in the rumour that questions affecting the Permanent Settlement in Bengal are under the c ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... A Centenary Tribute Bhishma Pitamaha of Indian History-Tribute to a Pioneer     In a career sparuiing more than half a century and covering several fields, K.D. Sethna (Amal Kiran as Sri Aurobindo called him) has been a true pioneer. His work on ancient Indian history has been characterised by originality, by an approach that combines technical data from... works: KARPASA in Prehistoric India (KPT) and The Problem of Aryan Origins (PAO). By this the author's goal is to convey some idea of the originality and power that characterise the work of this pioneer researcher. The author's own comments are given in italics.   Introduction   Sethna terms the Aryan invasion theory a dogma and then goes on to bring together an impressive body of ...


... clothes. But the Bengalis want only simplicity and decency. No other race prefers the white colour for their clothing as the Bengalis do. We find this tendency toward simplicity and purity in the pioneer poet Chandidas of Bengal. Another touchstone of beauty is woman. Women of beauty abound more in other parts of India, but Bengal owns graceful women. Some unknown versifier, while describing the... to systematize it in action. If they do not do it now, tlley may do so in the future. But the real part they are to play is to experience and realise the Truth. Therefore, the Bengali race is the pioneer-guide of the new age. When we try to understand the truth by proofs and when we want to confine the Truth to some institutions, then we get an immature truth and a dogmatic truth. The Bengalis have... possess? If we speak in terms of modern phraseology, we should say that they have intuition, and in terms of the earlier language, that they have the inner heart. The very first expression of the pioneer poet of Bengal is: It has entered the core of my being. Vidyapati, also breathing the atmosphere of Bengal, as it were, queried, "Do you ask me about my own experience?" It is the experience ...

... on the bureaucracy by the downfall of Shayesta Khan can be measured by the spite and fury which it has excited in such public organs of officialdom as the Englishman and the Pioneer . The letter of I.C.S. to the Pioneer which we extract in another column is a more direct and very striking indication of the feelings which it has aroused especially among the colleagues of the deposed proconsul. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... convinced that reality is such as to make it worth while for the researcher in pure science to tear himself away from immediate practical life and devote himself to the terrific exertions without which pioneer creation in scientific thought can never come into being. It is not only a "cosmic religious feeling", a sense of an ordering mind within the universe, that inspires a Kepler and a Newton and an Einstein... Only in connection with his theoretical method he seems to discern a direct liaison between science and the religious frame of mind which, he confesses, can never be absent in the true scientific pioneer. Einstein is content in general to affirm an indirect liaison - a liaison merely of an original stimulus and initiative to scientific research by a pantheistic feeling and outlook. But the fact ...

... for all people." Mission accomplished In this period after the war, Marie Curie became the most famous woman in the world. She was known as the "Mother of Modern Physics", the "Pioneer of the Atomic Age." The success of the application of radiotherapy in the treatment of cancer won her the name "benefactress of humanity." She made numerous trips abroad to advance the cause of the... time to understand more, so that we may fear less." — Marie Curie Marie Curie is honored by the whole world as a scientist, one of the greatest of all times, and a pioneer for having paved the way to nuclear physics and cancer therapy. And yet, Marie would not remain in our memories if she would not have been an exceptional human being, faithful to her dreams and ideals ...


... government, and he was soon asked to vacate the castle. He found alternative accommodation in an empty convent at Munchenbuchsee, not far from the institute and experimental farm of another educational pioneer, Danielvon Fellenberg. Von Fellenberg being a very able administrator and Pestalozzi a genial educator, it seemed ideal to combine the two institutions. But their differing attitudes soon came into... Vaud. Pestalozzi spent the last two years of his life in Neuhof, where he died in February 1827, after receiving a last defamatory pamphlet about himself and his work. Pestalozzi was a true pioneer who opened a new road for education. He took risks, he suffered setbacks, he sometimes failed; but above all he loved children deeply, and in this deep love he undoubtedly found the inspiration to ...

... Aswapati, is a remarkable example of the 'overhead' poetry; the Word is the Spirit, it is Power, it is creative joy, it is the aftermath of calm as well. The following simile compares Aswapati the pioneer and leader of the human race to a solitary star:         As shines a solitary witness star       That burns apart, Light's lonely sentinel,       In the drift and teeming of a mindless... 175 Aswapati is the 'witness star', the solitary spark of Light, in the 'mindless Night' of Nescience. Here the symbol (a solitary star) and the thing symbolised (a single thinker, a solitary pioneer of the race) are explicitly related; likewise, in another simile, the effect of a searchlight is compared to the burst of revelation when Aswapati gazes into the misty continent of the 'Little Life': ...


... easier for those to come, just because we are treading it? SRI AUROBINDO (smiling) : Naturally. NIRODBARAN (to Satyendra) : But you will have the glory of having been a pioneer. SATYENDRA: I don't want to be a pioneer. I am satisfied with much less. (To Sri Aurobindo) Thinking of your Yoga, Sir, I feel like Arjuna when he laid down his bow after seeing the two vast armies on the battlefield ...


... emphasis varied from argument to argument. The formula "Perfect the man, perfect the race" doesn't, however, mean a rigid categorical sequence, for there are degrees of perfection, and even as the pioneer can give a push to the society, a reasonably well-ordered society can also prove catalytic for spurts of advance in selected individuals. If in The Life Divine and The Synthesis of Yoga the concern... cells and tissues - sometimes the mind decides and the body obeys, and sometimes the body's instinctive impulse is presently sought to be rationalised and rendered operative by the mind, so too the pioneer spirits and the body of society (or humanity) act and react upon one another, and achieve the periodic lurches towards the future. As Sri Aurobindo wrote towards the end of The Psychology of Social ...

... August 1970, p. 398 23. Quoted by Jay Smith in Mother India, July 1957, p. 51 24. S. N. Jauhar, Pioneer of the Supramental Age (1958), pp. 14-15 25. Ibid., pp. 57-60 26. Melville de Mello's AIR broadcast on 5 December, 1957, Pioneer of the Supramental Age, p. 21) 27. Mother India, March 1971, p. 115 28. Vide report of the ...

... completer manifestation, the manifestation will quite naturally take place." Even so far back as 1912, she knew that the Manifestation of the Divine on earth was inevitable and that she was the pioneer instrument chosen for that purpose. The knowledge of her supreme role was clear and definite, and she expresses it with a selfless candour and joy in her Prayer of the 10th February, 1913: "My being... Again, on November 29, 1913, she says to the Divine; "But the hour of Thy manifestation has come. And canticles of joy will soon break out from every side." Knowing, as she does, her pioneer part in the Manifestation, she prays to God, on February 8, 1914: "I implore that more and more perfectly identified with Thee, I may become nothing else than Thou manifested in word and act ...


... in the open. He introduced the new way of treating light—the strong contrasts of tones and colours. Both of them may be said to have begun the departure. But it was the genius of Cezanne, the great pioneer that ushered in the new era. He effected a complete break with the art tradition of his times. In fact the need for a new departure in plastic arts was being felt since the end of the 18th century... them. Great artists follow their own genius and vision. They hardly go to absurdities which inevitably follow the logical application of theories. You will be surprised to know that this greatest pioneer among modern artists not only had no theory of his own but was slow and had a very labours method of work. And still more surprising is the fact that he did not know drawing and was not able to draw ...

... indispensable to the idealism of the modern spirit. The landmarks of Mr. Tilak's life are landmarks also in the history of his province and his country. His first great step associated him in a pioneer work whose motive was to educate the people for a new life under the new conditions,—on the one side a purely educational movement of which the fruit was the Ferguson College, fitly founding the r... showing more clearly the moral stuff and quality of the man under the test and the revealing glare of suffering, have been the three seals of his career. The first found him one of a small knot of pioneer workers; it marked him out to be the strong and inflexible leader of a strong and sturdy people. The second found him already the inspiring power of a great reawakening of the Maratha spirit; it left ...


... the country they rule. The latest brilliant device is an attempt to reshuffle the constituent elements of Indian politics and sort them out afresh on the basis not only of creed, but of caste. The Pioneer has come out with an article in its best style of businesslike gravity, in which it settles the basis on which representation should be given to India. For two years of unrest have brought us so far... truth, hence the desire to find additional points of support and other principles of discord by which Indian Nationality can be hopelessly divided and cut to pieces in the making. Of course the Pioneer does not avow the real object of this scheme for creating and perpetuating as political entities divisions which every healthful political organism progresses by subordinating and discharging of all ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... achieved, and the ardour of manifestation heroically ready to undergo the utmost labour as if nothing were achieved anywhere, and the utter selflessness which in spite of no need of one's own seeks to pioneer an impossible-seeming accomplishment in order to make easy for others the path to their perfection through a whole-hearted dedication on their part to serve the Divine Will and nothing else. The letter... his return without the Mother being already there to represent the human supramentalised to complement his representation of the supramental humanised. This would imply her rebirth as one of us to pioneer the fulfilment of earthly evolution.   I come back to my main point: the unlikelihood of the Mother's having had in mind the bodies of other people achieving supramentalisation in the wake of ...


... Inspiration and Effort A GREAT PIONEER OF YOGIC POETRY:  AN APPRAISEMENT OF AE'S INSPIRATION   It was in starlight that I heard of AE's death. I do not know if he died also under the stars, but there could have been no better time to hear of his passing. For often he must have shut his eyes in tranced forgetfulness of earth at this deep and passionless... the fine energy and prophet-passion that was in him and that had not found deliverance in the intonations of his usual mood.   He will, therefore, take his place in the poetic pantheon as a pioneer of yogic art mainly for his ability to cast brief exquisite Spirit-spells. A fair amount of his work will go to Page 324 Limbo owing to an ambiguous phantasy, a thinness of imaginative ...


... Adventures in Criticism A Great Pioneer of Yogic Poetry:   It was in starlight that I heard of AE's death. I do not know if he died also under the stars, but there could have been no better time to hear of his passing. For often he must have shut his eyes in tranced forgetfulness of earth at this deep and passionless hour: he was one of those to whom meditation... the fine energy and prophet-passion that was in him and that had not found deliverance in the intonations of his usual mood.   He will, therefore, take his place in the poetic pantheon as a pioneer of yogic art mainly for his ability to cast brief exquisite Spirit-spells. A fair amount of his work will go to Limbo owing to an ambiguous phantasy, a thinness of imaginative wash with no clear articulate ...


... attending this excessiveness and deformation later on. Nevertheless, do they not point to the real secret character of the literary virtue? In our Bengali literature Vidyapati and Chandidas are the pioneer poets who made an attempt at creating genuine poetry surpassing all plebeian poetry. They had infused the popular literature with a new spirit, and thus formed a basis for real poetic utterance. The... (Vidyapati) or, I shall store up my Beloved in my soul. To none shall I disclose The perfect union of two hearts. ( Chandidas) It is said that Valmiki is the pioneer poet in Sanskrit literature. In our Bengali literature it is Vidyapati, nay, to be more precise and accurate, it is Chandidas who is the father of poetry. He raised the natural vital experiences to ...

... Aurobindo went to Deoghar and met his maternal grandfather, Rajnarayan Bose, and other relatives, and stopped with them for a few days. This high-souled patriarch, Rishi Rajnarayan Bose, a pioneer nationalist and religious and social reformer of Bengal, was then passing his old age in the peaceful retreat of Deoghar. Sri Aurobindo must have felt a great affinity with him. "Rajnarayan Bose"... novelist in Bengali literature. Dr. Rajendra Lal Mitra, Sri Ramkrishna Paramahansa, Swami Vivekananda, Yogi Vijay Krishna Goswami, the world-poet Rabindranath Tagore, Abanindranath Tagore, the gifted pioneer of the new school of Indian Art, Jagadish Chandra Bose, the greatest Indian scientist 79, etc. etc., - an unbroken line of outstanding personalities who enriched every sphere of Indian life. We ...

... completer manifestation., the manifestation will quite naturally take place.” Even so far back as 1912, she knew that the Manifestation of the Divine on earth was inevitable and that she was the pioneer instrument chosen for that purpose. The knowledge of her supreme role was clear and definite, and she expresses it with a selfless candour and joy in her Prayer of the 10th February, 1913 : "My being... canticles of joy will soon break out from every side.” ¹ Lights on Yoga by Sri Aurobindo. ² Letters of Sri Aurobindo, Vol. II. Page 375 Knowing, as she does, her pioneer part in the Manifestation, she prays to God, on February 8, 1914 : " I implore that more and more perfectly identified with Thee, I may become nothing else than Thou manifested in word and ...


... times strangely resemble those of the end of the dinosaurs on an earth they had ravaged — another means of living and breathing, or of not suffocating, has to be found. And each species has always its pioneer: a first fish that experiences pulmonary respiration, or something else — a being who takes the first step. Sri Aurobindo and Mother are neither philosophers nor sages nor saints: they are the pioneers... Unknown A strange and painful life was to begin for Mother. It is very easy to say “the next species” and to put all that into paragraphs (or is it?), but day after day it is quite agonizing for the pioneer — is one going anywhere at all? Is it madness, disintegration, or something else? There is no one to tell you. Perhaps her only human relief was to be able to speak to me — but soon they were even ...


... c to Arabindo Babu, some were quite hostile, to be frank. The Englishman led the field in anti-Arabindo Babu hectoring. That is not to say that other papers of the ilk trailed much behind! The Pioneer of Allahabad, for instance, wrote sarcastically: "The sudden disappearance of Mr. Arabinda Ghose from Calcutta has naturally enough created some excitement as well as embarrassment among his... to perpetuate it? Page 55 On 22 March the Amrita Bazar Patrika reprinted the above text as Editorial Notes. Among the papers which retorted to the sarcastic remarks of the Pioneer, was Bharat Mitra (2 April 1910): 'You may cut jokes at Babu Arabindo Ghose's cost; but all his countrymen know that prestige of the Government will no doubt be raised by admitting him into ...

... and thus made the way easy for future interpreters of the East to the West. In brief, this may be said in unstinted praise of Romesh Dutt, that he was a gigantic worker and did an immense amount of pioneer spadework by which the future will benefit. We have dwelt on this interesting and vigorous personality as one of the most typical of the men that pass, much more typical than greater or more original ...


... and earth, in the collective life of mankind. 1969 * Page 15 Q: What is the difference between the Ashram and Auroville? The Ashram will retain its true role of pioneer, inspirer and guide. Auroville is the attempt towards collective realisation. June 1968 * Q: What is the fundamental difference between the ideal of the Ashram and the ideal of Auroville ...


... is a direct attack on that exploitation of India by the British merchant which is the first and principal reason of the obstinate maintenance of bureaucratic control. The trade came to India as the pioneer of the flag; and the bureaucrat may reasonably fear that if the trade is driven out, the flag will leave in the wake of the trade. With that fear in his mind, even apart from his natural racial sympathies ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... relatives to whom a padre with the physiognomy of Sir John Woodburn soothingly remarked, "The Lord hath given, the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." It drew forth from the Pioneer the following retort: "The quaint conceit might have been rounded off by some hope of future resurrection." This false hope which the bureaucracy till now sedulously fostered, has been a curse to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... British Interests and British Conscience 18-April-1907 "The demand for popular self-government must be resisted in the interests of Egypt"—this is the Pioneer 's verdict on the National Movement in that unhappy land. We can understand Page 324 why Egyptian aspirations must be stifled in the interests of the "protectors" of Egypt; but to say that ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... this stamp; the rest is of the hour, but this is of the future. It is the highest note of Whitman; in him, as in one who seeks and sees much but has not fully found, it widens the sweep of a great pioneer poetry, but is an opening of a new view rather than a living in its accomplished fullness; it is constantly repeated from the earth side in Meredith, comes down from the spiritual side in all A. E ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... the time has had this large and definite consciousness of the work of a modern poet as a representative voice of his age, this inspiring vital sentiment of the nation conceived as a myriad-souled pioneer of human progress, of mankind, of universal Nature, of the vast web of a universal thought and action. His creation, triumphing over all defect and shortcoming, draws from it a unique broadness of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... physical base of consciousness which has to be changed. I have been reading Satprem's Adventure of Consciousness and find it fascinating in this respect. He explains (page 340) that 'the body of the pioneer of transformation is like a battlefield and it is the battle of the whole world which is fought there; everything meets there, resists there. There is a central point right below, a knot of life and ...

... the coronation of Mahapādma, also called Mahānanda (founder of the Nanda dynasty of Magadha just preceding the Mauryas) is given differently in different Purānas. F. E. Pargiter 1 , in his famous pioneer study, lists the variants as 1015, 1050, 1500 years. Indian scholars too are aware of several readings. Anand Swarup Gupta, editor of the 6-monthly periodical Purāna published from Vāranāsi, informs ...


... now with a deep sigh it has to confess that the Eastern nations have secured a fresh lease of life and have begun in right earnest to set their houses in order. Here is an extract published by the Pioneer from a circular issued by the Chinese authorities: "Those who are able to promote agricultural enterprises, mechanical arts and handicrafts, trade and mines or any other kind of business, or aid ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... is familiar with the name of Shyamakanta Banerji the famous athlete and tiger-tamer but it may not be known to all that after leaving the worldly life and turning to the life of the ascetic, this pioneer of the cult of physical strength and courage in Bengal has taken the name of Soham Swami and is dwelling in a hermitage in the Himalayas at Nainital. The Swami has now published a philosophical poem ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... Valmiki—and the self-restraint and obedience to a divine law which makes even the gods more divine." Thus, in Sri Aurobindo's estimate, Whitman, with the help of his modern intellectualism, is a pioneer of things beyond the mind and is one who blends his contemporary thought not only with the ageless Indian perception but also with the Shakespearean throb and the Homeric attitude and intonation. ...


... inflicted by the Quarterly Review, and Shelley's elegy on him, the celebrated Adonais, is written under the impres-sion that he fell a victim to the malevolence of critics. Shelley, himself one of the pioneer Romanticists in England, had been attacked too, for his high-flying lyricism as well as for his sup-posedly loose morals: so his heart went out in greater sympathy to Keats, and his own resentment ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... a bird's-eye view, a broad vision, sometimes in the form of a mantra. Meticulous scholarship was needed for working out the details, period by period, on aspect after aspect. Now we had a pioneer who had worked out the details for the earliest period, the very first culture in India's hoary history. Students who were aware of India's indigenous traditions vis-à-vis this period and this ...


... Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic Poet and Pioneer in Consciousness Literature LITERATURE is the most flexible and creative self-expression of a people; for it conveys to us in varied ways the message and import of the inner self in its many manifestations. Its greatness lies in the worthiness of its substance, in the strength and value of its ...


... had discovered and exemplified on his own pulses the conquest of them he could never assure us that they could be overcome by us.   All through his own ordeals — the trials of a spiritual pioneer, the first invoker and realiser of the hitherto unmani-fest "Supermind" which holds the original truth, the perfect model of every term of the cosmic evolutionary travail — all Page 13 ...


... an attempt to get back from the conventionalism of belief and practice to some solid bed-rock, no matter what, or real and tangible Truth ,.. It is the individual who has to become a discoverer, a pioneer.’ 42 The renovating truth-impulse of Nature in this individual is then so strong that, like Martin Luther, ‘he stands there and can no other.’ In Sri Aurobindo’s view, the revolution of the individual ...


... Divine Mother. I was extremely glad to have an opportunity to serve the Divine Mother. I therefore planned out a programme to make his visit successful. I wrote two articles about Dr. Agarwal who was a pioneer in the practice of Dr. Bates' method for eye troubles in India. In those days we two were the only followers of Dr. Bates' method in India. I arranged for his public lecture in Premabhai Hall. Another ...

... much better than the human ‘bad.’ From which we may conclude that taking up the Integral Yoga is the result of a calling rather than of a personal decision. It is a pursuit for the mature souls, ‘the pioneer few’ who have incarnated once more to help their human brothers and sisters by dedicating this earthly incarnation to the shaping of a world where suffering, hatred, darkness and death will have no ...

... cosmic movement. Similarly, the born politician held implicit the dynamic visionary of a perfectly organised, faultlessly governed "One World", of which a free and renascent India was meant to be the pioneer. Page 116 I like very much your emphasis on what I once told you on the tape. It has been not only your mainstay, but also mine. For I am an embodiment of the falling and rising act ...


... Aurobindo's body was lying in state, he would come back in a supramental body built in a supramental way. That hour would mark the two greatest victories of terrestrial history: the Mother sitting as the pioneer of the human supramentalised side by side with Sri Aurobindo as the initiator of the supramental humanised.   (28.5.1994)   Your vision of me is essentially the vision of the god hidden ...


... evolutionary round comes to completion a little further down, a little nearer the Center where the Supreme High and Low, heaven and earth, will finally join. Thus for the two poles to actually meet, the pioneer must cleanse the mental, vital, and material middle ground. When the junction is made, not merely mentally and vitally but materially, Spirit will emerge in Matter, in a total supramental being and ...


... followers have to develop the divine consciousness. However, we must add that even the Avatar has to go through a sadhana before he becomes the Guru, for otherwise he would not be the true meaningful pioneer in human evolution. On the other hand, it is very necessary for the disciples to remember, side by side with the Guru's example-setting sadhana, the fact of his descent from above, the dynamic truth ...


... ry humanity and it is but natural that he should undergo the travail of evolution and trace its steps for us by a gradual attainment and realisation of his own origin. Thus alone could he be a pioneer and model for us. And the mode of self-revelation chosen for his Avatarhood explains the progression of meaning we find in his use of one of the key- words of his Integral Yoga: "Supermind." ...

... I publish the following in this month’s Mother India ? THE MOTHER ON THE ASHRAM AND AUROVILLE What is the difference between the Ashram and Auroville? The Ashram will keep its role as pioneer, inspirer and guide. Auroville will be an experiment in collective realisation. (June 1968) Yes. 10 July 1968 ...

... thoroughly. Many Japanese have been influenced by Dalcroze — the composer Koscak Yamada; the originator of modern dance in Japan, Baku Ishii; the Kabuki actor Ichikawa Sadanji II; the modern drama pioneer Kaoru Osannai; the dancer Michio Ito. All of these people felt that Dalcroze's teachings were fundamental to many of the arts. But Sosaku Kobayashi was the first to apply it to elementary education ...

... - Some Aspects Sri Aurobindo as a Literary Genius Sri Aurobindo is better known as a philosopher and yogi than for his literary creations. That he is the pioneer of the integral philosophy of life and has done all that could be done to bring down the supramental power and principle in the earth life is well known to the elite of humanity. What however is less ...

... turn of mankind to the spiritual ideal, the beginning of a constant ascent and guidance towards the heights may not be altogether impossible, even if the summits are attainable at first only by the pioneer few and far-off to the tread of the race. And that beginning may mean the descent of an influence that will alter at once the whole life of mankind in its orientation and enlarge for ever, as did the ...


... mankind.' Shrimati Sarojini Naidu Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay Fewpresent-generation Indians would have even heard of Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay, who was a pioneer among women participants in the Indian Freedom Movement. Braving a succession of domestic disasters - loss of parents, widowhood in her teens, disappointment in remarriage -Kamaladevi was in the vanguard ...

... other standard: submission, obedience, any diminution of the sense of separate individuality meant slavery and loss of human value and dignity. It was the Greek perhaps, with Socrates as the great pioneer, who first declared the supremacy of the individual reason- (although he himself obeyed in all things his guardian angel, the Daemon). In India, generally in the East, the value of the individual is ...

... physically appears like death, but it is inevitably followed or accompanied by the process of integration or recreation. Perhaps this supreme and dangerous gesture only the Master can make—as the pioneer and pathfinder—and he has made it. Page 181 ...

... mundane, at least very much coloured and dominated by the latter. Vyasa was the great legendary figure in India who, as is shown in his Mahabharata, seems to have been one of the pioneers, if not the pioneer, to forge and build the missing link of Thought Power. The exemplar of the manner is the Gita. Valmiki's represented a more ancient and primary inspiration, of a vast vital sensibility, something ...

... Only the few, who possess the call within and are impelled by the spirit of the future, have a chance of serving this high attempt and great realisation and standing among its first instruments and pioneer workers. Page 34 ...

... Vishnu's three strides from an isolated to a collective unity. The first has been fulfilled, we yet strive for the perfection of the second, to- wards the third we are reaching out our hands and the pioneer work is already attempted". But the supreme secret lies in Vishnu's fourth stride, from humanity to divinity. That is the goal of the evolution and that furnishes also the key to the solution ...

... experiment from the tower of St. Jacques, proving the existence of atmospheric pressure. His studies in infinitesimal calculus were remarkably creative and original. And it might be said he was a pioneer in quite a new branch of mathematics, viz., the mathematical theory of probability. We shall see presently how his preoccupation with the mathematics of chance and probability coloured and reinforced ...

... Only the few, who possess the call within and are impelled by the spirit of the future, have a chance of serving this high attempt and great realisation and standing among its first instruments and pioneer workers. Page 20 ...

... mundane, at least very much coloured and dominated by the latter. Vyasa was the great legendary figure in India who, as is shown in his Mahabharata, seems to have been one of the pioneers, if not the pioneer, to forge and build the missing link of Thought Power. The exemplar of the manner is the Gita. Valmiki's represented a more ancient and primary inspiration, of a vast vital sensibility, something of ...

... raised it to his ideal of perfect perfection. As it is, Savitri is, I suppose, the example par excellence of the Future Poetry he speaks of in his book The Future Poetry . Founder of the New Age, pioneer in the field of poetry, as in many others, he has left us an inexhaustible heritage of words, images, ideas, suggestions and hints about which we can only say — here is God's plenty. Rameshwar Gupta ...

... together and resolved to start a new life. These new-comers were first taught the lessons of long flight – perhaps now they could fly some thousands of miles at a stretch without rest. One day the pioneer bird – let us give him a name "Shobhanaka", à la manière de Panchatantra e.g. Damanaka, Karataka, Bhasunaka etc. for he was very fine to look at, so Shobhanaka told his comrades: Long flight ...

... Lights (1935) Sitaramayya, Pattabhi. The History of the Indian National Congress (1946) Sri Aurobindo Pathamandir (Calcutta). Loving Homage (1958) Sri Aurobindo Ashram (New Delhi). Pioneer of the Supramental Age (1958) Srivastava, R.S. Contemporary Indian Philosophy (1967) Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre. The Phenomenon of Man (1960); translated by Nemard Wall. Tagore ...

... 17. MO 8:314,315 18. MO 8:323 46. A Glorified, not a Crucified, Body 1. MI Feb-61:2-3 2. MO 9:86-87 3. Bull Feb-57:124 4. Ashram Life :201 5. Pioneer : 14-15 6. MO 15:217 7. MO 12:114 8. MO 8:240-41 9. MO 8:179-85 10. MO 8:239,241 11. MO 8:352-57 12. MO 8:236-37 13. MO 8:223-24 14. MO 8:262 15. MO ...


... -Mahadev Govind Ranade (1852-1904) was an economist, a reformer and an erudite scholar. He gave a new orientation to the country's reform movement. His wife, Ramabai Ranade (1862-1924) was a pioneer in promoting female education and social service by women. - Bal Gangadhar Tilak (1857-1920) embodied in himself, with a singular and eminent completeness, the spirit of the Maratha race. Tilak ...

... of a family friend in Khulna, who provided him with a small amount of capital, he tried his hand at several business ventures, and achieved considerable success. He had the mind of an innovator and pioneer, and the deft hand of a practical man. He went to the forests of Assam to extract Catechu from Accacia trees; he was one of the first to manufacture it on a large scale. He also manufactured large ...

... there were moments the connection was made, then everything closed up again. Then another opening, which closed again. The first anthropoid must have gone through a similar experience (let us say, the pioneer of the anthropoids): he was trying to make the connection with that same thing (there are not hundreds of them), that same Force which produced strange little vibrations in his head, that is, in the ...


... that what was useless alone tired her, but "to see sincere people to whom it does good is not tiring." 25 About the Ashram and Auroville, her view was that the former would keep its true role of pioneer, inspirer and guide and the latter would be an attempt at collective realisation. A year later she was to elaborate this further. There was really no fundamental difference in the attitude towards ...


... ³ ibid., November 15, 1914, Page 134 work upon the rebellious stuff of Matter, and under the highest Light the divine centre is being organised—the centre that will be the pioneer creation of the New Manifestation. "Like a sun Thy splendour descends upon the earth and Thy rays will illumine the world. All the elements which are pure enough, plastic enough, receptive enough ...


... undiminished and undistorted expression in the normal work-a-day life of humanity; but for this supreme consummation of the evolutionary effort of the human soul, two things are indispensable : a pioneer individual perfection and a progressive reproduction of the individual perfection in the general nature of the collectivity. But the individual, being a part of the collectivity, and not an isolated ...


... the work, to furrow the virgin field and sow the golden seed, so that a new era may be ushered in and new possibilities may press towards realisation. Each incarnation has a particular mission to pioneer, and though all incarnations are identical in Page 95 their origin and essence,—for they are the Transcendent in individual human forms and conscious of their diving Self,—each demands ...

... fulfilled except by their collaboration. The identity of their views was an outer expression of the identity of their beings, and a precondition for the accomplishment of their work. These two pioneer personalities, belonging to two opposite ends of the earth, met on the soil of resurgent India to sow the seeds of a new, a divine humanity and weave a luminous pattern of life for it. They did ...


... not even understood. That which Vivekananda received and strove to develop, has not yet materialised," he wrote in the Karmayogin, after his experience in the prison. Sri Aurobindo was a born Pioneer. Always farther. "From the beginning I didn't feel Nirvana to be the highest spiritual achievement. Something in me always wanted to go farther." His was not to sit on the realization of others ...

... apt and harmonious. She often leaves the ground fallow for a generation and the world is surprised when it sees spring from Sir Timothy Shelley, Baronet and orthodox, Percy Bysshe Shelley, poet and pioneer of free-thought, but learns in a little while that Percy Shelley had a grandfather, and marvels no longer. Could we trace the descent of Goethe and Shakespeare we should find the root of the Italian ...


... expression of the Self. It is necessary to this end that the wealth of their ancient Art should be brought before the eyes of the people, and it is gratifying to find that an increasing amount of pioneer work is being done in this respect, although still all too scanty. The book before us, Mr. O. C. Gangoly's South Indian Bronzes , must rank as one of the best of them all. Southern India, less ravaged ...


... from the earth Into the silence of the seven skies, Art thou an heir of the spiritual birth? Art thou an ancient guest of Paradise? THE MESSENGER I am the Messenger of the human race, I am a Pioneer from death and night. I am the nympholept of Beauty's face, I am the hunter of the immortal Light. Page 673 THE FIRE KING What flame wearst thou that wraps thee with its power Protecting ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... Bande Mataram, Patrika or Bengalee vex Page 578 the soul of benevolent despotism by their writings, have not the bureaucracy such authoritative, able and reliable supporters as the Pioneer , the Englishman or the Times of India in English and the organs of their ally Salimullah in the vernacular to undo the mischief? To meet the peaceful instruments of Press and platform with ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... the field with a shriek of denunciation and called on Heaven and Earth and the Government and the Moderates to league together and crush us out of existence. Statesman and Englishman, Times and Pioneer , all their discordant notes meet in one concord on this grand swelling theme. The "moderate" papers of all shades, pro-Government or advocates of association with Government or advocates of assoc ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... fire and sword. When they cannot coax us into acquiescing in servitude, they want to argue us into it and failing that too, they brandish the sword. The London Times , its namesake in Bombay, the Pioneer , the Englishman , all tried to win over the Congress suddenly changing their attitude of supreme contempt towards the National Assembly of a quarter of a century's standing. But as soon as the news ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... the Standing Committee and elected fifty delegates for the Calcutta Congress. There is little other fresh news from this quarter. The announcement of Mr. Morley's intended reforms in the Pioneer has created great excitement and it is understood that several petitions have reached Lord Minto protesting against the selection of a Gurkha prince and suggesting the petitioners' superior claims ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Cambridge) to your country-house and there give him a study and no end of books to prove that I can marry your daughter." Such is the history of many an invention. The London Times and the Pioneer of Allahabad seem to have received a commission from the Government of India to take occasional excursions into the region of History and Political Economy to prove that the foreign despotism in India ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... needed by our own patriots. They evidently permit writing in that dreadful place. A "veteran" laments the decay of manners among the people of this country, in the hospitable columns of the Pioneer . There was a time, only forty years ago, when on the approach of a European, Indian lads would cry "Gora ata Gora ata" and skid. When the same class of lads now "pass a European with a cigarette between ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Company We publish elsewhere an appeal from the promoters of the enterprise which first encouraged Indian energy and capital into the new path many are now preparing to follow. This Company, as the pioneer, had to face all the difficulties of a novel enterprise of considerable magnitude and it has suffered more than others from competition supported by official sympathy. To Nationalists it will be sufficient ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... Moses—the first to have crossed the intangible frontier which separates Space-Time from the Eternal and Infinite—to Israel's inspired prophets, bards of planetary immortality, and to Sri Aurobindo, pioneer of the physical transformation of our species, an entire current emerges, leading us intuitively to the threshold where consciousness reverses, where the soul is enlightened and witnesses the appearance ...


... it to his ideal of perfect perfection. As it is, Savitri is, I suppose, the example par excellence of the future poetry he speaks of in his book The Future Poetry. Founder of the New Age, pioneer in the field of poetry, as in many others, he has left us an inexhaustible heritage of words, images, ideas, suggestions and hints about which we can only say: — here is God's plenty. Rameshwar ...

... severe sadhana to bring down the Supramental, Sri Aurobindo was not unconcerned with the day to day problems of humanity. The general idea was that Sri Aurobindo was a serious person. Dadaji was the pioneer who dared to crack jokes with him and we the common people came to know Sri Aurobindo's beautiful human side and personality through these letters. I conclude with a prayer that Sri Aurobindo's ...

... offensive and defensive weapons, organized as firmly and flawlessly as the Army, superior to all in art, science, technology, industry, commerce, finance, in every field, in short, teacher, helmsman and pioneer of the world, every man at his post, every man giving his utmost for the holy cause – thus Germany, emanating efficiency, will conquer the world by inner superiority.” 401 Race was for Chamberlain ...


... her to share in the work, others she had called, others have come seeking for the light.” 24 They were “the souls destined to the way of the integral yoga,” “the rare souls that were ripe,” “the pioneer few.” The Mother’s first question when she met Aurobindo Ghose for the first time, in 1914, had been: “Should you do your yoga, attain the goal, and then afterwards take up the work with others ...

... It is worth mentioning that Indira Gandhi and later her son Rajiv kept supporting the Auroville of the Aurovillians through thick and thin, as did people of the stature of J.R.D. Tata, the aviation pioneer and industrialist-with-a-heart. All that is now history. Auroville lives, despite everything. Its population keeps slowly increasing. There are now over one thousand permanent residents in something ...


... she even said her work was essentially finished. Against the background of February 29,1956 the postponement of the physical transformation which she was Page 284 endeavouring to pioneer in our own day for the sake of mankind would not matter in the long run. Is it not illogical to hold that such transformation has been hastened for us by her departure and that it is even likely in ...


... of academic life!   Although he has written a great many books of substance and lasting value, it seems to me that it is basically in seven principal areas that Sethna has excelled and made pioneer-ing contributions:   • First, as a poet following in the footsteps of his Master, Sethna's achievement is notable in the field of mystical/spiritual poetry. The Secret Splendour: Collected ...


... precise mathematical relations and laws: the scientist is the best mystic. And, in Einstein's eves, no scientist can be of the profoundest calibre unless he is a mystic, explicitly or implicitly. For, pioneer creation in scientific thought can never come without terrific exertion and intense devotion and a mighty and heroic turning away from common pleasures and immediate practical life - and all this ...

... was, according to Gobineau, certain. What then about the German Herrenmenschen and the future glories of the Third Reich – the aspirations of a country in which a French count was honoured as a pioneer of racist thought? Honoured perhaps, but probably little studied. People’s movements thrive on slogans, and the thinking with which political parties justify their programmes and actions consists of ...


... could effect an integration in the society. At this juncture there was a move to start a movement of reformist marriages to break all existing customs in our society, and I was requested to be the pioneer of reformist widow-marriage since a political freedom-fighter and Congress worker from a high Patel family of Kaira district came forward to offer herself in marriage on condition that I was to train ...

... During this period someone questioned the Mother in June 1968. Q. What is the difference between the Ashram and Auroville? The Mother answered: The Ashram will keep its true role as a pioneer, inspirer and guide. Auroville is an experiment in collective realisation . Sri Aurobindo has written about his Ashram: This Ashram has been created with another object than that ordinarily ...


... it is necessarily individualistic, because all the old general standards have become bankrupt and can no longer give any inner help; it is therefore the individual who has to become a discoverer, a pioneer, and to search out by his individual reason, intuition, idealism, desire, claim upon life or whatever other light he finds in himself the true law of the world and of his own being. By that, when he ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... exist: the cosmic consciousness imbedded in embodied beings would assure a harmonious diversity in oneness. In the actual state of humanity, it is the individual who must climb to this height as a pioneer and precursor. His isolation will necessarily give a determination and a form to his outward activities that must be quite other than those of a consciously divine collective action. The inner state ...


... not surprising that it should claim to be the leader of the journey and the only available guide or at least the direct and innermost door of the temple. In reality, thought is only a scout and pioneer; it can guide but not command or effectuate. The leader of the journey, the captain of the march, the first and most ancient priest of our sacrifice is the Will. This Will is not the wish of the heart ...


... turn of mankind to the spiritual ideal, the beginning of a constant ascent and guidance towards the heights may not be altogether impossible, even if the summits are attainable at first only by the pioneer few and far-off to the tread of the race. And that beginning may mean the descent of an influence that will alter at once the whole life of mankind in its orientation and enlarge for ever, as did the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... मार्गणकः      beggar, suppliant. मार्गशिरः, -शिरस्, -शीर्ष      a month Page 695 मार्गशिरी, -शीर्षी      full moon day of M. मार्गिकः      traveller; hunter. मार्गिन्      pioneer, guide, leader [4] ம—Sanscrit म maka—1. enfant, poupon, age tendre. 2. offrande. Rt मक् to embrace, to give. mahaka—tortue. mahakan—homme excellent, distingué, Vichnou. (Rt मह् ...


... Vishnu's three strides from an isolated to a collective unity. The first has been fulfilled, we yet strive for the perfection of the second, towards the third we are reaching out our hands and the pioneer work is already attempted. 335) With the present morality of the human race a sound and durable human unity is not yet possible; but there is no reason why a temporary approximation to it should ...


... Vishnu's three strides from an isolated to a collective unity. The first has been fulfilled, we yet strive for the perfection of the second, towards the third we are reaching out our hands and the pioneer work is already attempted. 336—With the present morality of the human race a sound and durable human unity is not yet possible; but there is no reason why a temporary approximation to it should ...


... nothing will have the right to impose itself as the exclusive truth. February 1968 What is the difference between the Ashram and Auroville? The Ashram will retain its true role of pioneer, inspirer and guide. Auroville is the attempt towards collective realisation. June 1968 It is true that to live in Auroville a great progress of consciousness has to be made. But the ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... number of years, though with a different number of cycles required, would be obtained if we operated with the precession of 49.8 seconds as determined by the Greek Hipparchus (c. 160-125B.C.), the pioneer in this field,or with the precession of 50.1 seconds accepted in Cunningham's day (1883). 2 Fleet 3 has mentioned some other possibilities than the one put 1. The Book of Indian Eras ...


... and Shelley and most in Wordsworth and which is best designated as a secret Indianness of inner and outer perception, then AE will surely come into his own in the world's judgment as a profound pioneer of a new poetic age. In that age the poet will be at the same time "saint" and "sage". AE to my mind was one such, who could sincerely write: Some for beauty follow long Flying traces ...

... It was even charged on one unutterably weird and silly occasion that what he really had was a disease of the horse, equine encephalomyelitis. 5. Roosevelt's struggle with polio was that of a pioneer, and his intrepid example helped thousands of victims of the disease. Later, during the war, he was an inspiration to paraplegic cases in particular. He seemed to be a living symbol of the conquest ...

... been accused of being a coward for choosing Switzerland, a neutral country, for the headquarters of the 10C. It is in this context that we should appreciate the courage of Pierre de Coubertin, a true pioneer, whose vision was greatly ahead of his times and who relentlessly fought to materialize it. One really admires the determination of the man who, almost single-handedly, succeeded in establishing a ...

... SRI AUROBINDO: What did he say? PURANI: He is of the same view. He cut a fine joke on Ezra Pound: "His name is Pound but he is not worth a penny." (laughter) SRI AUROBINDO: Eliot is the pioneer of modem poetry. I have not read much of him. Do you know the definition of a modern poet?: "A modern poet is one who understands his own poems and is understood by a few of his admirers." NIRODBARAN: ...


... other standard: submission, obedience, any diminution of the sense of separate individuality meant slavery and loss of human value and dignity. It was the Greek perhaps, with Socrates as the great pioneer, who first declared the supremacy of the individual reason (although he himself obeyed in all things his guardian angel, the Daemon). In India, generally in the East, the value of the individual ...

... physically appears like death, but it is inevitably followed or accompanied by the process of integration or recreation. Perhaps this supreme and dangerous gesture only the Master can make-as the pioneer and pathfinder-and he has made it. Page 299 ...

... the earth Into the silence of the seven skies, Art thou an heir of the spiritual birth? Art thou an ancient guest of Paradise? THE MESSENGER I am the Messenger of the human race, I am the Pioneer, from death and night. I am the nympholept of Beauty's face, I am the hunter of the immortal Light. THE FIRE-KING What flame is this that wraps thee with its power And turns the spears of the ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... life. This initiates a new principle in the earth life like the mental principle and will be generalised in humanity in those sections that are ready for the new transformation. He himself was the pioneer Page 102 and set the example for all mankind to follow. Sri Aurobindo probed the problems of life to their utmost depths and was not .content to deal with them superficially from ...

... and more used as an important, even essential part of a cure, particularly in the most serious diseases. Miraculous results in certain difficult cases have been obtained by visualization. A pioneer of such methods towards the beginning of the 20th century, Emile Coue, a Frenchman, said that Imagination is a far greater power than Will. He helped many patients to cure themselves simply by making ...

... turn of mankind to the spiritual ideal, the beginning of a constant ascent and guidance towards the heights may not be altogether impossible, even if the summits are attainable at first only by the pioneer few and far-off to the tread of the race. Page 134 And that beginning may mean the descent of an influence that will alter at once the whole life of mankind in its orientation and enlarge ...

... Revolution in Peru (New York: Times Books/ Random House, 1992), especially pp. 114-115. 27 Intelligence Resource Program, p. 3; John Daily Wilson, ''Describes Activities of ISI in India,'' The Pioneer (Delhi), 30 June 1999, p. 1. 28 Rahul Bedl, op. cit., p. 3; B. Raman, op. cit., p. 3. 29 Rahul Bedl, ibid.; B. Raman, ibid., p. 2. 30 Douglas Jehl, ''Pakistan Cutting Its Spy Units ...

... Vishnu's three strides from an isolated to a collective unity. The first has been fulfilled, we yet strive for the perfection of the second, towards the third we are reaching out our hands and the pioneer work is already attempted". But the supreme secret lies in Vishnu's fourth stride, from humanity to divinity. That is the goal of the evolution and that furnishes also the key to the solution of the ...

... Vishnu's three strides from an isolated to a collective unity. The first has been fulfilled, we yet strive for the perfection of the second, to wards the third we are reaching out our hands and the pioneer work is already attempted". But the supreme secret lies in Vishnu's fourth stride, from humanity to divinity. That is the goal of the evolution and that furnishes also the key to the solution ...

... have already referred to Sayana and the Nirukta. Even in this modern age there are some who have endeavoured to present a spiri­tual interpretation of the Vedas. Perhaps Dayananda Sara­swati is the pioneer among them. Pundit Durgadas Lahiri Page 88 and Dwijadas Dutt have paid much attention to this aspect of the Vedas. But our spiritual interpretation widely differs from theirs. In ...

... 'An enquiry into the relation between other phenomena and human nature' of Akshay Kumar Dutta or even 'Bodhodaya' of Ishwar Chandra. It was Bankimchandra who was the Page 169 pioneer in whose hand this line of development attained something like an ease and naturalness of manner. Even then it was no better than a beginning. But to-day Bengali possesses the capacity to express easily ...

... unaltered for good. Difference and polarity are the inviolable laws of nature. Therefore it is not that we do not find glimpses of pure intuition here and there among the Bengalees. Chandidas, the pioneer poet of Bengal, represents an unalloyed, pure inspiration and Vidyapati reflects glimpses of intuition. When a feeling of emotion tingled through the blood of Chandidas he turned deep within and sang ...

... Ghosh had brought Purani-ji to the Ashram. He and his brother had plunged into national work from a very young age. He was in close contact with Aurobindo's revolutionary group. He was a pioneer in propagating physical culture and organising association Page 250 ...


... be fulfilled except by their collaboration. The identity of their views was an outer expression of the identity of their beings, and a precondition for the accomplishment of their work. These two pioneer personalities, belonging to two opposite ends of the earth, met on the soil of resurgent India to sow the seeds of a new, a divine humanity and weave a luminous pattern of life for it. They did not ...


... Sethna, K.D. The Adventure of the Apocalypse (Sri Aurobindo Circle, Bombay, 1949).       The Poetic Genius of Sri Aurobindo (Sri Aurobindo Circle, Bombay, 1947).       Smith, Jay. (Ed.) Pioneer of the Supramental Age (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Delhi Branch, 1958).       Smith, G.C. Moore. (Ed.) Essays and Studies, Vol. VIII (The Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1922).       Spurgeon, Caroline ...


... to be precipitated by a flourish of the wand of the Omnipotent Supreme, it would be for the aspiring and enterprising individual Page 563 to scale these heights as representative pioneer or path-finder of the race. And if a group of such pioneers could form themselves into a "mystic society" or a "Deva Sangha", what might not be capable of accomplishment? "A new earth could descend ...

... Aurobindo International Centre of Education (Pondicherry) A New Education for a New Consciousness (1992) Ever to the New and the Unknown (1993) Sri Aurobindo Ashram (New Delhi) Pioneer of the Supramental Age (1958) Page 892 Sri Aurobindo Pathamandir (Calcutta) Loving Homage (1958) The Golden -Book of The Mother (1958) Dalal, A.S. Living Within ...


... undiminished and undistorted expression in the normal work-a-day life of humanity; but for this supreme consummation of the evolutionary effort of the human soul, two things are indispensable: a pioneer individual perfection and a progressive reproduction of the individual perfection in the general nature of the collectivity. But the individual, being a part of the collectivity, and not an isolated ...


... something HAS to happen to stop this tide. And not just in India, of course. Take China: one billion people. Towarnicki: What are the obstacles? On the one hand, according to J.R.D. Tata, the pioneer of Indian industry, the socialist (or pseudo-socialist) kind of economic policy in India since Nehru leads to an enormous bureaucracy, a huge administration.... Yes, an octopus! Towarnicki: ...

Satprem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   My Burning Heart

... individuals who have been inspired by this vision must needs,. therefore, be different from the aspiration of those who. have been following the traditional spiritual urge;—it must be an original, pioneer aspiration lit with a new meaning: of creation, and winging towards new, unexplored horizons of an all-unifying Knowledge. The rejection of Nature: Page 73 for the realisation of the ...

... — full independence." It was a revolution. They call Sri Aurobindo "a hero of that revolution." They assert: "Sri Aurobindo was, in the strictest sense of the term, a true prophet, path-finder and pioneer of India's Freedom Movement. Of all the statesmen modern India has produced, he had the clearest vision of Indian Swaraj in its fullness as well as of the practical means to attain it by strenuous ...

... Aurobindo is acquitted in the Alipore Bomb Case. May 30 — Gives his famous speech at Uttarpara. June 19 — First issue of The Karmayogin (English weekly). July 25 — French aviation pioneer Bleriot flies over the English Channel. August 23 - First issue of the Dharma (Bengali weekly). September - Sri Aurobindo is the leader of the Nationalists at the Bengal Provincial Conference ...

... Education". The theme of this book is that "Better Education", whatever it may mean, is not enough. The country needs a kind of education that is not yet being conceived, although greatest pioneers of the freedom struggle have already given us the glimpses of that education. If education has to reflect the soul of India, and if India has to prepare itself to fulfill its own swadharma; ... be utilized, if there is political will, and if the power of the government is to be used to sub-serve the evolution of education that we need: I. We have rich crop of valuable results of pioneering experiments which have been carried out by five leading educationists of the country: Maharshi Dayananda Saraswati, Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore, Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo... The results of the experiments conducted by them remain as yet to be pooled together and the conceptions behind their experiments need to be developed further; they also need to be synthesized with pioneering experiments conducted in the West under the influence of Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Montessori, Russell and Paulo Freire. Fortunately, these western educationists discovered and underlined one great need ...

... framework of education is capable of implementing these objects and Programmes in adequate measure, and whether they measure up to those visions, standards and ideals which have been put forth by the pioneering educationists of our renascent India. This is not an academic question, but it is central to the development of the road map of educational development of India. We are multiplying schools, colleges... promote experiments which can sustain a methodical effort so as to bring about concrete implementation of innovations, which can measure up to those standards and ideals which were advocated by the pioneering educationists during the freedom struggle, as also those which the greatest educationists of the contemporary world have put forth to meet the needs of today and tomorrow. This Commission must have... evolution of a new system of education, a new curriculum, and new methods of testing that can be considered appropriate to the ideas, ideals and specific suggestions made by great educationists who pioneered educational experiments during freedom struggle as also those who have endeavored to eliminate from the present system those aspects which, since the establishment of Macaulayan system in our country ...

... Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Its Role, Responsibility and Future Destiny The Pioneers Sri Aurobindo Ashram at Pondicherry, the great Institution known the world over, which draws its appelation from the name of Mahayogi Sri Aurobindo, was formally established on or around 24 November 1926. But even before that date some young seekers had already started flocking... Banerjee, (18) Nonibala (Upendra Nath's sister), (19) Rajanikanta Palit, (20) Kshitish Chandra Dutt, (21) V. Chandrasekhar, (22) Puru-shottam Patel, (23) Rambhai Patel and (24) Rati Palit. (All these 24 pioneers have since "left" us.) November 24, 1926 marked a watershed in the history of the world-redeeming Sadhana undertaken by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and on this particular day Sri Aurobindo ...

... THE AUTHOR Born at Surat in 1893, 'Sri Ambubhai Purani had his early education in Bombay, from where he graduated on 1913. Together with his illustrious brother Sri Chhotubhai Purani, he pioneered the gymnastic movement in Gujarat. It was at this time that he came under the spell of Sri Aurobindo and yearned to seek the path of God-realization through Yoga, as preached by the great saint of ...

... is the fiftieth anniversary of India's independence, particularly as we recall that Sri Aurobindo worked for independence right from the first decade of this century, when he emerged as one of the pioneering leaders of the nationalist movement. This book is introductory in nature and, for a fuller account of the topics covered here, the reader is referred to such important works like Sri Aurobindo's ...

... to the designs of the parents or the educator. This gave rise to teacher-oriented education. This situation, however, is rapidly changing. With the advent of progressive movements, such as those pioneered by Montessori and others, education is now tending to be child-oriented. This has also led to a rethinking of the role of the teacher, and some of the ancient and medieval teachers who practised ...

... for myself or others”, he wrote in a letter. 957 “The thing to be done is as large as human life, and therefore the individuals who lead the way will take all human life for their province. These pioneers will consider nothing as alien to them, nothing as outside their scope. For every part of human life has to be taken up by the spiritual – not only the intellectual, the aesthetic, the ethical, but... unknown to anybody, Sri Aurobindo wrote in 1935 one of the most wonderful poems in any language, A God’s Labour. It is a kind of ballad in a light, almost nonchalant rhythm narrating the ordeal of the pioneers of evolution. “He who would bring the heavens here / Must descend himself into clay / And the burden of earthly nature bear / And tread the dolorous way … My gaping wounds are a thousand and one / ...

... Bhavatarini were terrific with the sickle. All these girls and some of us, Pratip, Prabir, Narayan, Richard and I naturally gravitated around Birenda — it was a nice group. Birenda is gone, but his pioneering spirit has broken quite a few frontiers. I believe it was he, with our batch of boys, who started seaswimming and the picnics and outings. That “spirit” is still alive. A new chapter in Birenda’s ...

... the lower vital world, full of impulses and crude material and other dream-stuff, fancies and random freaks. 1 I quote Herbert Read to show how he agrees with me on this point. Says he, " Pioneers like Saurat and Signac will be held in honour; others like Manet, Monet, Camille, Pissaro and Pierre Bon-nard (to mention only some famous names) will grow more obvious and acceptable with years. ...

... interest are the same and call in the same direction. Whether as citizen, as worker or as parent and guardian, the duty of every Indian in this matter is clear: it lies in the great and new road the pioneers Page 412 have been hewing, and not in the old stumbling cart-ruts. This is an hour in which, for India as for all the world, its future destiny and the turn of its steps for a century ...

... past and the future? Until one can say of investigation "It is finished" and of knowledge "There is nothing beyond", no one has a right to set down men as charlatans because they profess to be the pioneers of a new kind of Science. Neither, I hope, shall I be inclined to reject or criticise adversely because Theosophy has a foreign origin. There is no law of Nature by which spiritual knowledge is... image of the Satyam Jnanam Page 67 Anantam, the divine Truth-Knowledge-Infinity, and from wheresoever true knowledge comes, it must be welcomed. Nevertheless if men claim to be the pioneers of a new kind of Science, they must substantiate their claims. And if foreigners come to the people of India and demand to be accepted as instructors in our own special department of knowledge, they ...

... of sub-units - even the ultimate units are composites (masses, in case of bigger units) - e.g., molecule, atom, particle (nucleon), point. (3) I saw the Omnipotent's flaming pioneers Over the heavenly verge which turns towards life Come crowding down the amber stairs of birth; Forerunners of a divine multitude Out of the paths of the morning star they came ...

... sown in the field of our being, whether it is the individual or the collective being. How is it to be done? And who is to find the seed? There must be some one or even a few who are the prophets, pioneers or forerunners, who are the appointed missionaries. You or I may be elected as one if we choose to be so.         A vital force can create, but if it is not supported or inspired by something ...

... sown in the field of our being, whether it is the individual or the collective being. How is it to be done? And who is to find the seed? There must be some one or even a few who are the prophets, pioneers or forerunners, who are the appointed missionaries. You or I may be elected as one if we choose to be so. A vital force can create, but if it is not supported or inspired by something else, something ...

... would be formulated in the light of the guidance that we can derive from Maharshi Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, and Sri Aurobindo and also many other pioneering educationists of Gujarat, India and the other parts of the world. 2.Ideal of nationalism which is in harmony with the ideal of internationalism; 3.Education of the body, vital consciousness, mind ...

... the Law of Nature. Law of Nature was to them, in the great Sophoclean phrase, something indelible and inviolable, immemorially the same which no man or god dare alter or disobey. Laplace, one of the pioneers of the scientific outlook, said, in fact, that he could very well imagine a mathematician recording and calculating all the forces that act and react in the world and from the present position of ...

... were Lajpatrai, Tilak, Bipinchandra Pal, (Lal-Bal-Pal) and Aurobindo. Of these only one name caught my heart and soul. Just to hear the name — Aurobindo — was enough. All the four persons were pioneers in the service of the country, great leaders of the front rank. Why then did one name only out of the four touch me exclusively? For many days to come the mystery remained to me a mystery. In 1905 ...

... who are active, dynamic and kinetic in their nature. They are motivated by lust of power and enjoyment and are never satisfied with the routine and ordinary life like the physical man. They are the pioneers in the adventurous games of life like science and technology and extend the limits of physical existence by their inventions and discoveries of nature's secrets. Above this type, we have the purely ...

... shown that when the self-healing powers of the body are liberated, remarkable recoveries happen which Page 40 are found baffling by holders of the orthodox medical view. One of the pioneers of this new way of looking at the human body was Alexis Carrel. A well known French scientist, he wrote a now classical book Man the Unknown which truly heralded in its time, shortly after the first ...

... the consequence too of this achievement is expected to be also very considerable. The whole human race or even a majority of it is not likely to be transfigured into the élite, the race of the pioneers just referred to. The advent or the preparation of such a body will in its turn naturally influence the rest of mankind and act so effectively and largely that the human race in general will put ...

... And the consequence too of this achievement is expected to be also very considerable. The whole human race or even a majority of it is not likely to be transfigured into the elite, the race of the pioneers just referred to. The advent or the preparation of such a body will in its turn naturally influence the rest of mankind and act so effectively and largely that the human race in general will put on ...

... for every man to try that path in the way they did. But even if the path is not easy, to some extent at least every one of us has to follow it; for we must remember our aim is not easy either. The pioneers have to accept the difficulty of the path. Pursuing the figure of the prison, of the dungeon, we may say, instead of trying to break it down because of the hopelessness of the attempt, or as the ...

... bigger units)­ – e.g., molecule, atom, particle (nucleon), point. ¹ Savitri (Cent. Ed., Vol. 29), Bk, X, C.4, pp. 660-61. Page 46 III .I saw the Omnipotent's flaming pioneers Over the heavenly verge which turns towards life Come crowding down the amber stairs of birth; Forerunners of a divine multitude Out of the paths of the morning star they came Into ...

... Indian sports in which they were experts. They had started many youth clubs (akhadas) in Gujarat. In fact, our Ambubhai Purani Ji and his elder brother, Chhotu Bhai Purani, are still recognised as the pioneers of physical education in Gujarat of the 20th century. Everyone enjoyed themselves, no matter what kind of physical activity was being taught, whether it was games, drills, Boxing, Lathi or free play ...

... monograph bearing the caption Sri Aurobindo Ashram: Its Role, Responsibility and Future Destiny, having in its development as many as twenty-one sections with sub-headings, commencing from "The Pioneers" and culminating in "The Ashram Marches Towards Its Glorious Destiny". There are details in it of the initial stages of the Ashram which has grown steadily and also phenomenally. But it is not meant ...

... possessed oneself conquering all opposition within himself, has by that very fact extended himself and his conquest, making it easier for others to make the same or similar conquest. These are the pioneers or the elite who by their victorious campaign within themselves help others towards their victory. Page 42 ...

... possessed oneself conquering all opposition within himself, has by that very fact extended himself and his conquest, making it easier for others to make the same or similar conquest. These are the pioneers or the elite who by their victorious campaign within themselves help others towards their victory. Page 241 ...

... the future, the timid majority were slaves of the present and the past. This adventure into the infinitudes of the future was certainly going to be difficult, but with faith and sincerity, the pioneers - the barrier-breakers — could safely come through, whatever the intervening trials and ordeals. The Mother accordingly lost no time and inaugurated the International University Centre on 6... human instrument into a harmony of structure, aim and function; win the battle of the future so that the New may manifest without hindrance, and so that the children of today may prove to be the pioneers and pathfinders of the future. It is not simply a question of acquiring a skill or qualifying for a degree or a diploma; it is rather an adventure to be undertaken, a battle to be fought, so that... discipline of education, but also to practise the four austerities and realise the four liberations. In other words, she wanted the children to shape themselves in the fullness of time into the "flaming pioneers" of Tomorrow's supramental world. Page 545 ...

... interest are the same and call in the same direction. Whether as citizen, as worker or as parent and guardian, the duty of every Indian in this matter is clear: it lies in the great and new road the pioneers have been hewing, and not in the old stumbling cart-ruts. This is an hour in which, for India as for all the world, its future destiny and the turn of its steps for a century are being powerfully ...

... Indian cotton must be counted as a technical contribution of K.D. Sethna's that is of considerable historical consequence. It aptly epitomises the undeniably brilliant accomplishment of this work which pioneers a stimulating new outlook on a large field of human antiquity. Page 220 ...

... whole being. So they came back to me by the Divine's Grace. This impressive experience reminds me of the following verses from Savitri , Book Three, Canto 4: "I saw the Omnipotent flaming pioneers Over the heavenly verge which turns towards life Come crowding down the amber stairs of birth; Forerunners of a divine multitude, Out of the paths of the morning star they came Into the little ...

... ceased to grow, he has not ceased to hanker after good and beauty and God, and he has been moving "in a white lucent air of dreams". The setbacks have been many, the frustrations numberless, but pioneering man has moved breast-forward, flirted with the omniscient, and made vague approaches to omnipotence:         Thus man in his little house made of earth's dust       Grew towards an unseen ...

... the nation to her freedom. It was, therefore, significant that when Page 1 India attained her liberation in 1947, it was on the 15th August, the birthday of Sri Aurobindo. The pioneering work that Sri Aurobindo did for the liberation of India was evidently a part of his larger work for the entire humanity and for the whole earth. For him, the liberation of India was an indispensable ...

... beginning of the 20th century. Marie Curie, famous for her scientific genius, was a woman of action and courage as well as a researcher engaged in the application of her discoveries. Like all pioneers, she is known for her audacity and incredible determination. Her discovery of radioactivity was at the origin of a new science and in turn led to other revolutionary discoveries. Radioactivity was ...

... energy which ultimately led the nation to her freedom. It was, therefore, significant that when India attained her liberation in 1947, it was on the 15th August, the birthday of Sri Aurobindo. The pioneering work that Sri Aurobindo did for the liberation of India was evidently a part of his larger work for the entire humanity and for the whole earth. For him, the liberation of India was an indispensable ...

... for every man to try that path in the way they did. But even if the path is not easy, to some extent at least every one of us has to follow it; for we must remember our aim is not easy either. The pioneers have to accept the difficulty of the path. Pursuing the figure of the prison, of the dungeon, we may say, instead of trying to break it down because of the hopelessness of the attempt, or as the ...

... movements of things. It yearns to look behind and beyond, for the secret mechanism, the hidden agency that really drives things. Poets and artists are the vanguards of the age to come, prophets and pioneers preparing the way for the Lord. Roerich discovered and elaborated his own technique to reveal that which is secret, express that which is not expressed or expressible. First of all, he is symbolical ...

... portion of the young generation, inheritors of the future, beyond the power of force or sophistry to remove. Having secured so much we can go on in the confidence that, whatever now happens to the pioneers, Hiranyagarbha has taken the new ideas into his protection and when that has once happened Virat must inevitably fulfil them. It is a short-sighted and superficial outlook which sees in the 16th ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... possessed himself. conquering all opposition within himself, has by that very fact extended himself and his conquest, making it easier for others to make the same or a similar conquest. These are the pioneers or the elite who by a victorious campaign within themselves help others towards their victory. Page 337 ...

... sentiment and sensibility. * But life had not yet had its chance. Life, pure life – the biological domain – first declared its autonomy in art, for example, through the Realists and Naturalists. These pioneers, however, could bring forward mainly the facts, the constituents, the materials that compose life. The stuff was found, but the movement, life's own rhythm, was not there. It was new wine, but more ...

... Moreover, if they understand all its implications, they will discover that it is truly a new attitude towards the child and education. They must feel an urge to participate in what is and will be a pioneering work. I recall there the recent words of The Mother in connection precisely with this new venture: We are not here to do (only a little better) what the others do. We are here to do ...

... for the Mother’s work, so must have gone out a call from Sri Aurobindo to the first few pioneers who gathered around him for the Mother’s work. They heard the call, responded to it and had implicit faith in the guidance of Sri Aurobindo; they lived and had their being in his consciousness. One of the pioneers who readily replied to the call was Sudhir Sarkar; to him Sri Aurobindo revealed the vision... Sri Aurobindo. We shall always respect them, honour them. They stood with Sri Aurobindo from the beginning, and that is why they had to bear the brunt of the struggle for Independence. They were the pioneers of Sri Aurobindo’s revolutionary movement. They lived not only as revolutionary lieutenants, but followed Sri Aurobindo to Pondicherry and remained with him until their last breath. Sudhir-da – ...

... sudden achievements or its long patient labour. The thing to be done is as large as human life, and therefore the individuals who lead the way will take all human life for their province. These pioneers will consider nothing as alien to them, nothing as outside their scope. For every part of human life has to be taken up by the spiritual, — not only the intellectual, the aesthetic, the ethical ...

... November 17, 1973. But the Ashram which they founded is aware of their presence all the time. The Samadhi in the courtyard of the main Ashram-building—holding the physical remains of both these mighty pioneers of a new world—is a living power. All who have stood before it have known a Light and a Love ready to respond to their prayers and aspirations. A giant Grace breathes out from this simple flower-laden... once more into our common day? Should we not have faith that she would never do anything except for our advantage—that is, for the purpose of bringing about the Life Divine for us by means of her pioneering fulfilment? The question would yet remain: "In what form is this fulfilment to be now conceived?" There are only two modes of conceiving it. One is with reference to the "new body" which... instead of her own, but the proviso of their mission would be satisfied only if to divinise someone else's body she yet worked from a poise on the earth itself. That poise would be indispensable to the pioneering Avatar-spirits that she and Sri Aurobindo were. Hence the question confronting the Mother in her ninety-fifth year of Supramental Avatarhood was: how, while obeying the Transcendent Will and giving ...

... feel at all like replacing its stupidity with states of con­sciousness that after all must seem rather problematical. Throughout the world, there has never been any lack of human pioneers (we know nothing about ape pioneers) who also strove to accelerate evolution, only to end up at the stake like those moving Cathars (see the entry “heretic sects” in any dictionary), and others who have disappeared... obeying the mind’s orders and being manipulated by the mind that it no longer knows how to live by itself; everything is covered over by a mental crust which lets nothing filter through. We are the pioneers hewing our way through the jungle of the lower Prakriti [Nature]. 27 The body must slowly be taught to live its own life again, and this cannot be done from the heights of the mind; it is done ...

... man-making education, creative education conceived and experimented upon by Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore, radical experiments in integral education conducted in the light of Sri Aurobindo, as also pioneering experiments conducted in different parts of the world under the inspiration of Rousseau, Montessori, Pestalozzi, Bertrand Russell, Paulo Freire and others. It can be seen that the central knot ...

... ever clear and bright, yet an obstinate and powerful man. His renown as a doctor was plenty; people would come to beg for their lives as though begging a divinity." Bepin Chandra Pal, one of the pioneers of India's freedom struggle, writing on Sri Aurobindo and his background, waxed eloquent when he dwelt on Sri Aurobindo's Page 100 father. 1 "SREEJUT ARAVINDA GHOSE. If his maternal ...

... which also indicate the new aesthetics, the creative possibilities of the spirit he was trying to establish in this realm of gold. The path of the future poetry was certainly hewn through these pioneering efforts. This is undoubtedly a luminous sample of the kind of work that was being done in what Sri Aurobindo had claimed proudly to be his Poetry Department. - Editors NE PLUS ULTRA ...

... of our existence." A key had to be gained for the Earth. They gained it. They hewed out a new evolutionary road, never before trodden. It is impossible to measure the pioneering work done by them. For, no one before Mother and Sri Aurobindo had even thought of it. The preceding spiritual Masters —like Buddha, Shankara, Ramakrishna —had no idea of transforming the body, "their ...

... reformists—Sri Aurobindo and the Mother—as my Gurus. Both of them have revolutionized and reformed human life into Divine life and transformed the old face and outlook of Indian spirituality. They are the pioneers of a new ideal, namely that of transformation of human nature and divinization of human life. This was the first time in the spiritual history of the whole universe that two mighty spiritual giants... everything in a way that either all or anyone who wanted to join the Ashram could do so without being a burden to it. In our social life I was a revolutionary and a reformer. Those who have to do the pioneering work have to face the worst of difficulties and gain strength and energy and experience which are useful in fighting the battle of life. I was to face such difficulties, being a father of a girl ...

... zoology and biology. As his basic outlook on life he conceived a kind of mystical pantheism, postulating that the organic and inorganic realms were ruled by the same physical laws. This led him to pioneering research in the border region between matter and life, and he was the first to surmise that the cell played an important role in matters of inheritance, although science had not yet invented the ...

... Mother had called the concentration in it of the light of the Supermind, the Divine Consciousness in its integrality which Sri Aurobindo and she had been labouring with the patience of heaven-sent pioneers to bring down for the first time to suffering earth. Mortality in its normal form was not here; yet something of its age-old doom was present and that was a question-mark glaring in the face of every ...

... than the Greek culture and formed perhaps the basis of the Orphic and Eleusinian Mysteries-which impelled her foremost to embrace the new revelation brought on by Christianity. As she was among the pioneers to champion the cause of the Christ, she became also the fortress where the new cult found a safe refuge when the old world was being overwhelmed and battered to pieces by the onrush of peoples of ...

... Well, now there are thirty of you, it is difficult, isn't it? When there are thirty thousand of you, it will be easier, because, naturally, there will be many more possibilities. You are the pioneers, you have the most difficult task, but I feel it is the most interesting one. Because you must establish in a concrete, durable and growing way the attitude that is needed to truly be an Aurovilian ...

... effort for transformation, reduced to a small number, becomes a thing much more precious and much more powerful for the realisation. It is as though a choice has been made for those who will be the pioneers of the new creation. And all these ideas of "spreading", of "preparing", or of "churning Matter"... are a childishness. It is human restlessness. The vision was of a beauty so majestic, so calm ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... sufficient for the process to be possible." The letter to which you draw my attention has as little bearing as this one on Nolini's statement. Nolini meant that since even the second of the two pioneers who were on earth for supramentalisation did not carry out the plan we cannot hope to see the plan achieved in her absence. This is a logical conclusion from Sri Aurobindo's clear-cut declaration ...

... tangible external change in the world. Perhaps the intention to change the world externally was not there; perhaps there was not the necessary knowledge; but still something was effected by these pioneers. In spite of all adverse appearances, it may well be that earth has been preparing for a certain realisation by steps and stages. There has been a change in civilisation and a change in nature ...

... previous contact: if they had not touched it, how could they have recognised it? That is to say, the universal movement is like that―I read that to you some days ago―certain individuals, who are the pioneers, the vanguard, through inner effort and inner progress enter into communication with the new Force which is to manifest and receive it into themselves. And then, as there are calls of this kind, the ...

... but will start from the standpoint of the great spirits who have striven to Page 47 regenerate the life of the earth and held that faith in spite of all previous failure." "These pioneers will consider nothing as alien to them, nothing as outside their scope. For every part of human life has to be taken up by the spiritual, - not only the intellectual, the aesthetic, the ethical, but ...

... India especially, we see women, girls marching and doing the parade in saris. Our police women even today go on duty in saris. The tradition is very strong, and in this respect we here claim to be the pioneers of this new development in which the physical freedom of women is equal to that of men. This was the lesson taught by the Mother. Long ago, some twenty-five years ago, a well-known leader of ...

... touched it, how can you recognize it? That's how the universal movement works (I read this to you a few days ago): through their inner effort and inner progress, certain individuals, who are the pioneers, the forerunners, enter into communication with the new Force which is to manifest, and they receive it in themselves. And because a number of calls like this surge forth, the thing becomes possible ...

... everything becomes luminous; by it even the body becomes full of light. A remarkable revelation it indeed is. When in Savitri Sri Aurobindo says that Aswapati saw the Omnipotent's flaming pioneers crowding the amber stairs of birth (p. 343), certainly he must have seen them with the supramental sight. In it alone is the infallibility of the vision. He saw the sun-eyed children with the eyes ...

... something else in each species. An urge. A few individuals in each species felt the urge to push against its physical limitations of life and get out of its habitual rut. Weirdoes to the average members. Pioneers to the next generation. Fantastic indeed is the handiwork of our lass. "The inventiveness of Nature during eons of time," marvels V. B. Schaffer, "has brought diversity to the animal world." ...

... there is a difference between the old and the young, and in deciding a course of activity there is a conflict between the two. The old are trying to keep these youth, born of divine emanations, the pioneers of a golden age, confined to the old, selfish and narrow ways, without understanding they are trying to perpetuate the Age of Iron. The youth are sparks born of the Great Energy, Mah āsakti , eager ...

... motherly concern; they were the beneficiaries of her knowledge and wisdom and occult love. And for the rest, - they didn't perhaps care, and wisely too! For the children at any rate - the promising pioneers of the future - school, and playground, and concentration, and Mother's classes, and dining, and sleep and dreaming, were a continuum of becoming and joy in living and ineffable fulfilment. Perhaps... establish in himself this supramental consciousness, and to "help those gathered around him to realise it". The children of the Ashram, still plastic enough for being moulded into and shaped as the pioneers of the coming race, were exposed to a spiritual atmosphere and the influence of the right teaching and example so as to facilitate their growth towards a supramental future. Page 531 ...

... specially, we see women, girls marching and doing the parade in saree. Our women-police even today are on duty with saree. The tradition was very strong and in this respect, we here claim to be the pioneers of this new development of physical freedom of women to be equal to that of men. This was the lesson taught by the Mother. Long ago, some twenty-five years ago, a well-known leader of India, a ...

... Bengal, in Pondicherry. The Avatar never comes alone. Together with him descend the souls destined to share in the Great Work, ‘the pioneers of the new creation,’ ‘the great dynamic souls,’ ‘the rare souls that are mature.’ 16 I saw the Omnipotent’s flaming pioneers Over the heavenly verge which turns towards life Come crowding down the amber stairs of birth; Forerunners of a divine multitude... becomes clear why Sri Aurobindo’s yoga is only for those who feel attracted to it and how only they can be guided by him and by the Mother, whatever be the way by which they have come to this yoga. The pioneers who have opened a new path for humanity always keep helping humanity to follow that path. (One is reminded of the example of the Buddha who out of compassion turned back on the threshold of Nirvana ...

... And the effort of transformation limited to a small number becomes something FAR MORE precious and FAR MORE powerful for the realization. It's as if a choice had been made of those who will be the pioneers of the new creation. And all those ideas of "spreading" [the ideal], of "preparing" or churning Matter—childishness. It's human agitation. The vision had such majestic and calm and smiling beauty ...

... operation, but the way is open. Now we know where the key is⎯all of the difficulty does not lie in the difficulty itself! It lies in not knowing how to tackle the difficulty. This is the very work of the pioneers of evolution: to find the way. Now, we know: the cells have to engage a mantra which will continue working by itself and will undo the old mesh by itself. It is the mantra that will sweep the web ...

... needed him in his orchestra. He played the guitar. He worked in the Printing Press. He is now bed-ridden. Robiranjan is the youngest brother (Manoranjan’s). He is a gifted photographer — one of the pioneers of photography in Ashram. He too excelled in tennis and table-tennis. Did not make much efforts to do well in other fields. Maybe he could have if he would have. He too worked in the Printing Press ...

... sudden achievements or its long patient labour. The thing to be done is as large as human life, and therefore the individuals who lead the way will take all human life for their province. These pioneers will consider nothing as alien to them, nothing as outside their scope. For every part of human life has to be taken up by the spiritual,—not only the intellectual, the aesthetic, the ethical, but ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... therefore, Page 261 the Upanishad is an explanation of the purpose & symbology of Vedic formulae & ritual; it sums up the results of the long travail of seeking by which the first founders & pioneers of Vedantism in an age when the secret & true sense of Veda had been largely submerged in the ceremonialism & formalism of the close of the Dwapara Yuga, attempted to recover their lost heritage partly ...

... with redoubled vigour the Mother threw herself into the Ashram and School activities from 17 December onwards. The children, the darling children: they were the great hope, they were the destined pioneers, they were the insurance for the future. Hence the increasing interest that the Mother took in the children, even finding time for taking regular classes for them, and setting an example to the other ...

... we must make it obvious. It is like the little pebbles in the virgin forest—we do not know which is the precious one, and we can step right over it without knowing that it is gold. In fact, the “pioneers” are those who come to show us the ever-existing gold: to render things obvious. In March 1916, Mother embarked from London on the last boat bound for the East—the next one would be sunk. Richard ...

... development of Europe. Etymologically " psychology" means "the science of the soul." This soul was regarded as a subjective reality by the ancients and was admitted as a metaphysical reality by the pioneers of modern psychology. The various activities of consciousness in man were regarded as the manifestations of the soul. Now a natural science confined itself to the investigation of the phenomena cannot... eliminate suffering from the world. APPENDIX "Indian Yoga is experimental psychology. Patanjali's Yoga-Sutras, the Upanishads—these and the Saiva Siddhanta treatises—furnish pioneering examples of experimental psychology."¹ "In Europe and America psychology is almost ceasing to be the analysis of mind. It is now concentrating on behaviour of organism in relation to their ...

... the spondee in Homer, though the greater occurrence of the dactyl on the whole is rarely in doubt. Anyway, future poets are free to follow their own instinct and ear in the wake of Sri Aurobindo's pioneering achievement on a grand scale, which sets the broad norm. We may quote one telling effect as a token from Roarke's rendering of the famous account of Priam's visit to Achilles to recover the body ...

... recognised as a promise and an indication. Respect for the divinity in man, in all men, is not diminished, but heightened and given a richer significance by lifting our eyes to the trail of the great Pioneers who lead or point him by whatever step of attainment towards supermanhood. Arjuna himself is a Vibhuti; he is a man high in the spiritual evolution, a figure marked out in the crowd of his con ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... Happily, the 19th century witnessed a great awakening and a new spiritual impulse pregnant with a power to fulfil the mission of the work that had started in the third stage. Great and flaming pioneers appeared, Raja Rammohun Roy (1772-1833), Dayananda Saraswati (1824-1883), Sri Ramakrishna (1836-1886), Swami Vivekananda (1862 -1902), - to name just a few of them, and through their work the entire ...

... assimilate and overpass before I could find and found the future.’ 28 (Sri Aurobindo) But the transformation of the human into a divine species demanded a radically new approach. They were the pioneers of a new creation on the Earth who at first were the only ones to know about it and who had to build the foundations of it in themselves before they could involve other, selected representatives of... had to include the whole world in their embrace. ‘The thing to be done is as large as human life, and therefore the individuals who lead the way will take all human life for their province. These pioneers will consider nothing as alien to them, nothing as outside their scope. For every part of human life has to be taken up by the spiritual — not only the intellectual, the aesthetic, the ethical, but ...

... souls who, at the end of their adventure through the lower evolution, have reached the terminus of their series of incarnations. Sri Aurobindo called them ‘the great dynamic souls,’ ‘the handful of pioneers,’ ‘the born-free,’ ‘the predestined.’ ‘Throughout the course of history a small minority has been carrying the torch to save humanity in spite of itself,’ 29 he said. Having arrived at that point... the imagination, as a thought-experiment, we can project our values and our truly desirable desires upon the horizon of the improbable — and there begins Tomorrow. I saw the Omnipotent’s flaming pioneers Over the heavenly verge which turns towards life Come crowding down the amber stairs of birth; Forerunners of a divine multitude, Out of the paths of the morning star they came Into ...

... beginning of the earth’s history, in one form or another, under one name or another, Sri Aurobindo has always presided over the great terrestrial transformations. 9 They are what we could call the pioneers of evolution. Their meeting was the sign that the new Manifestation was about to take place. The time has come, Mother wrote in her journal, the new manifestation is certain, the new manifestation... certain day in 1956 when it “descended." They traveled in a Supermind that was there all the time, just like the Amazon, and which became the Supermind as They walked. Theirs was the work of the pioneers. And one day we will find ourselves naturally in a well-mapped-out Supermind, just as today we are naturally in a well-organized Mind. But this journey of consciousness does not take place in the ...

... mass, to follow an ideal that is rare and that is difficult for most human beings at the moment, to rise above one's fellows, —is not to be an ineffective ghost in artistic content. All leaders, pioneers, planners, progressives rise above their fellows, cultivate a difficult vision, foster a rare emotion. Not that they wholly refuse to keep in touch with common contemporary experience, but their ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Evolving India

... of knowledge in their eyes. Perhaps, it was with heir coming efflorescence in his mind that Sri Aurobindo painted this apocalyptic picture of the future humanity: I saw the Omnipotent's flaming pioneers Over the heavenly verge which turns towards life Come crowding down the amber stairs of birth; Page 435 Forerunners of a divine multitude ... The sun-eyed children of a marvellous ...

... Supermind's entrance into the gross-material is certain. But evolution is a slow, zigzag, back-and-forth, up-and-down process, and human nature is difficult to change without the Incarnate Divine's pioneering Page 87 sadhana concretely proceeding amidst us and gathering us up into its own movement with its constant Grace. Spiritual evolution and spiritual revolution were a single ...

... effort for transformation, reduced to a small number, becomes a thing much more precious and much more powerful for the realisation. It is as though a choice has been made for those who will be the pioneers of the new creation. And all these ideas of spreading, of preparing, or of churning Matter. .. are a childishness. It is human restlessness.     The vision was of a beauty 50- majestic ...

... and pretty deep cuts were made by the vigorous play of polemical pens. The central figure in the Romantic Movement in England was William Wordsworth, though Burns and Blake may be consi-dered the pioneers in a general sense. You might think Words-worth was rather a contrast to Hugo. We have been accustomed to picture him as a sedate and philosophic solitary of Nature. But we must not allow our notion ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... partition. Alexis Carrel — A brief biography Born in France in 1873, he became a surgeon and a biologist. In 1912, he received the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine for his pioneering work in developing a method of suturing blood vessels. He spent most of his professional life in the USA (Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research), from 1904 to 1939, with the interruption of ...

... Happily, the 19th century witnessed a great awakening and a new spiritual impulse pregnant with a power to fulfil the mission of the work that had started in the third stage. Great and flaming pioneers appeared, Raja Rammohun Roy (1772-1833), Dayananda Saraswati (1824-1883), Sri Ramakrishna (1836-1886), Swami Vivekananda (1862 -1902), — to name just a few of them, — and through their work the entire ...

... education have come to be advocated as inevitable needs of education of today and tomorrow by expert bodies like UNESCO and by the greatest educationists who have, during the last two centuries, made pioneering experiments and who have striven to break the rigidity that imprisons the processes of the flowering of the soul of man, soul of nations and spirit of the freedom and unity of human kind. It has ...

... beings. We have already quoted Sri Aurobindo’s lines from Savitri : ‘I saw the Omnipotent’s flaming pioneers / Over the heavenly verge which turns towards life / Come crowding down the amber stairs of birth.’ 17 Udar remembers: ‘The Divine Mother said to me that these Omnipotent’s flaming pioneers had started coming down. They are souls that have waited for thousands of years for the right time... The sufferings and indignities humanity had to undergo through the ages will be justified. Matrimandir Little by little the residents of Auroville arrived, still mainly from the West. These pioneers chose a tough task, trying to build the dream of the ideal City of the Future in a place which was little more than goat country, in the climatic extremes of a hot and clammy subtropical summer and ...

... which, as we have argued here, can be truly salutary for the human race, only if dynamic spirituality is applied? As Sri Aurobindo has pointed out, even in the early stages of spiritualisation, the pioneering individuals and the society would make the revealing and finding of the divine Self for the human being the first aim of all activities, of education, of science, of ethics, of art, of economic and ...

... catastrophes and cataclysms, central attention must be paid to the task of building up a large number of men and women into teachers who can stand in the coming days as hero-warriors and as leaders and pioneers dedicated to the highest values, the promotion of which alone can ensure the survival and fulfillment of the human race. In this task, programmes of value-oriented education are indispensable. ...

... effort for transformation, reduced to a small number, becomes a thing much more precious and much more powerful for the realisation. It is as though a choice has been made for those who will be the pioneers of the new creation. The Mother's reading of the situation was that men, even the best of men, were ordinarily content to be men; but some few were possessed by a divine discontent; they were ...

... Duraiswami, Rishabhchand, Prithwisingh, Chandradip, Sundaram, Jayantilal, Indra Sen, Pujalal, Mrityunjoy, and yesterday's school-children who were today's sadhaks like Paru, Tara and other "flaming pioneers" - they all had their periodic darshans, interviews, and the needed replenishments of the spirit. There were the visitors - some "very important" ones, and self-important too - who came and went ...

... quite new authenticities of great or perfect utterance, and out of this there comes in absolute moments a native voice of the spirit..." Sri Aurobindo is not blind to the defects of these pioneers of a new poetry in the history of the West. About the tendencies that suddenly developed in them out of Rousseauistic Romanticism, he 11 writes: "Insufficiently supported by any adequate spiritual ...

... I approach it I cannot but be thrilled: it marks the mortal remains of Sir William Jones (1746-1794), the founder of the Asiatic Society, Chief Justice of the Calcutta High Court, and one of the pioneering Orientalists of that time. Jones was 37 when he arrived in Calcutta in 1783. During the rest of his life of roughly nine years, he not only translated Shakuntala (1789), but also Hitopadesa ...

... his hunger had made; There was a clangour of Destruction's wings: The Titan's battle-cry was in my ears, Alarm and rumour shook the armoured Night. I saw the Omnipotent's flaming pioneers Over the heavenly verge which turns towards life Come crowding down the amber stairs of birth; Forerunners of a divine multitude Out of the paths of the morning star they came ...

... All this seems to be quite good, and the effort that lies behind the new proposals needs to be encouraged. But the question is: why are our students and youth not enthused by these proposals? Our pioneering educationists, who strove hard for a system of National Education, had constantly emphasized the need to appeal to the living enthusiasm of children and youth. They had dreamt of transforming ...

... shipping business enterprise, all these and more did not please the ruling class. The fledgling company soon made it clear that it was up against the very might of the colonial Indian state. VOC's pioneering attempt was Page 56 lauded across the subcontinent and he went on to purchase two steamships, S. S. Gallia and S. S. Lawoe for the company. In all this he had ...

... but a thing that actually happened. It was the time, at the beginning of the century or even earlier, when the youth of Calcutta took to football seriously and enthusiastically. And among the pioneers was the same team – of which I spoke just now – Kumartuli. This club had at its head as manager and inspirer a gentleman who gave his all – money and time and energy – for his organisation. He ...

... afterwards suffered from any serious illness, overcoming by Yogic force whatever chronic ailments he had. Discovered noble traits in hardened convicts and Jail officials. Saw in fellow under-trials pioneers of a new race in Bengal. Wrote four articles on the philosophy of the bomb. C. R. Das's magnificent defence oration. 1909 May 5 : Sri Aurobindo was acquitted ...

... the wall of illusion. We are at the time of the unbearable Pressure. The mind is suffocating like an old fish at the bottom of its dried-up hole. But we are moving toward something else, we are the pioneers of a new air. And for once, it may be an air of joy. This need is the key to every evolutionary transition, from the mineral to man to what will replace mental man. There are not several ways of ...

... of visual imagery, and breathing. The common feature of these and other similar methods is that they all serve to restore the homeostatic balance disrupted by stress. Walter B. Cannon, who pioneered the study of the physiological reaction to stress, traced the basis of the stress reaction to an adaptive response made by the autonomic nervous system when an organism is faced with a life-threatening ...

... regarded the supramentalisation of the physical body as the ultimate goal of the Yogic endeavour in which he and the Mother were engaged. It was understood that they had come upon earth to be the pioneers of a total supramentalisation: they would undergo the supramental transformation in its entirety so that mankind might do the same with their help. Not all the race at once would succeed, or even ...

... and the Madras Mahajana Sabha played a seminal role in rousing public consciousness among the commercial and professional elite of the Presidency even in the 19th century. Their founders were the pioneers of nationalism in South India. The Crescent was a journal founded in 1844 by the Hindu leader Gazulu Lakshminarasu Chetty, the earliest public agitator in the Presidency. Its declared ...

... stupendous it is? Do you realise that you cannot get freedom or independence by mere arguments? I should appeal to the intelligentsia. The intelligentsia in all countries in the world have been the pioneers of any movements for freedom. What does the Muslim intelligentsia propose to do? I may tell you that unless you get this into your blood, unless you are prepared to take off your coats and are willing ...

... of fire and death. The battle cry raged over the whole earth and there was alarm and fear everywhere. And in that great state of destruction, Aswapathy said, "I saw the Omnipotent's flaming pioneers Over the heavenly verge which turns towards life Come crowding down the amber stairs of birth; Forerunners of the Divine multitude "The architects of immortality." Having ...

... distinction between the individual ascent and descent of consciousness, and the general coming down or manifestation of the Consciousness: Page 619 ...certain individuals, who are the pioneers, the vanguard, through inner effort and inner progress enter into communication with the new Force which is to manifest and receive it into themselves.... What I call a "descent" is this: first ...

... which has no name as yet, though it is sometimes called ‘superman’. Out of the mental being, whether it knows it or not, whether it consciously wants it or not, evolves NOW the supramental being. The Pioneers have already formed the archetype of the new species in themselves and prepared the Earth for its appearance, as we shall see further on in this book. The future on the threshold of the new millennium ...

... the nation to her freedom. It was, therefore, significant that when India at Page 137 tained her liberation in 1947, it was on the 15th August, the birthday of Sri Aurobindo. The pioneering work that Sri Aurobindo did for the liberation of India was evidently a part of his larger work for the entire humanity and for the whole earth. For him, the liberation of India was an indispensable ...

... of divine humanity, the men of the new Satyayuga which is striving to be born; (2) to evolve a race of such men to lead humanity, and (3) to call an humanity to the path under the lead of these pioneers and this chosen race. And, of course, "to do in the right way what Germany thought of doing in the wrong way"! Then came the note of caution, with which the letter concluded: While the ...

... But it cannot be said that these forms have yet a sufficient hold on the general mind of the people. They represent an advance movement; they are the voices of the vanguard, the torchlights of the pioneers. On the whole what we see is a giant Shakti who awakening into a new world, a new and alien environment, finds herself shackled in all her limbs by a multitude of gross or minute bonds, bonds self-woven ...

... significance of Romantic poetry paramount. In this poetry both the content and the form, such as the bardic urge throughout its history Page 186 has secretly been driving towards, are pioneered in some mass. So it opens, even if intermittently, to the poetic art not only the largest territory native to it but also the perfect greatness of its own function. Of course, one who fails to ...

... intimate, real, incredibly near, inside, outside, All around, 0 Thou, Thou alone art true and worthwhile. 74 - 75 Highest Vital Mental Psychic Beings "O Pioneers of the Gnostic evolution, Prophetic dreams, hopes and promises fulfill. Herald God's reign. Millenniums await Thy advent. Carry out My Will; cleave new broadways to divine Ecstasy ...

... secrets whereby Spirit and Matter can be synthesised, and the luminous knowledge of the spirit can illumine and transform the physical life of the earth. India has also the possibility of becoming a pioneering partner in the task of formulating new forms of the largest aggregate in which each nation can relate itself with other nations and bring about a harmonious world-unity in which ideals of liberty ...

... actually happened. It was the time, at the beginning of the century or even earlier, when the Page 89 youth of Calcutta took to football seriously and enthusiastically. And among the pioneers was the same team—of which I spoke just now—Kumartuli. This club had at its head as manager and inspirer a gentleman who gave his all —money and time and energy—for his organisation. He had the ...

... ‘Darwinian’ camp, as usual, refers its opinions to their source in holy scripture, Darwin’s texts. Darwin wrote disparagingly about Lamarck as he did about his grandfather Erasmus Darwin, although the pioneering thought of both of them had provided essential elements of his hypothesis. The recluse of Down may not have been an unfair man, but he could become extremely possessive where his life’s work, his ...

... be too good a prospect to be at all actualised even in some remote future ? — far be it to speak of an imminent realisation. But, if this conscious self-evolutionary attempt, on the part of some pioneers, to score a total victory over all the present limitations of man's body and bodily life, looks like an act of folly, we may only quote what the Mother herself has said in another context — that ...

... energy which ultimately led the nation to her freedom. It was .therefore significant that when India attained her liberation in 1947, it was on 15 August, the birthday of Sri Aurobindo. The pioneering work that Sri Aurobindo did for the liberation of India was evidently a part of his larger work for the entire humanity and indeed for the whole earth. For him, the liberation of India was an in ...

... above common heads does not annul his inward touch with humanity and his contribution to progress. "Humanity," says Rolland, "is always on the march. The intellectual elite are its vanguard, its pioneers, paving the way along which the entire humanity shall pass eventually. It would therefore be wrong to represent the elite as separated from the rank and file because the latter lags behind. ...

... article, like the others on Theosophy, was never published by Sri Aurobindo. However much he disagreed with some of the methods or doctrines of the Theosophical Society, he was well aware of the pioneering work done by this movement, which "with its comprehensive combinations of old and new beliefs and its appeal to ancient spiritual and psychic systems, has everywhere exercised an influence far beyond ...

... 170 heads does not annul his inward touch with humanity and his contribution to progress. "Humanity," says Holland, "is always on the march. The intellectual élite are its vanguard, its pioneers, paving the way along which the entire humanity shall pass eventually. It would therefore be wrong to represent the élite as separated from the rank and file because the latter lags behind. And he ...

... long history extremely important contributions in the development of sci ences and arts and various other subjects, it is felt that our students should get some direct acquaintance with at least pioneering contributions that India has made to mathematics, astronomy, linguistics, natural and human sciences, theory and practice of art and architecture, even to economics, and social and political studies ...

... to change or put an end to them. Empiricism and Religion As we have seen, Dennett wants “to investigate religious phenomena scientifically” without knowing what they are. He praises “those pioneers who are now beginning for the first time really to study the natural phenomena of religion through the eyes of contemporary science.” He wants “to put religion on the examination table.” 15 Victor... mind, and the mind is only part of the Whole, incapable of grasping the Whole. “They all shared a profoundly spiritual or mystical worldview, which is perhaps the last thing one would expect from pioneering scientists.” 32 Wilber quotes Arthur Eddington: “Briefly the position is this. We have learned that the exploration of the external world by the methods of physical science leads not to concrete ...

... is Indian and universal. Let us Do the Needful There is no point in crying over the fact that free India has so far failed in giving shape to the dreams and aspirations of these great pioneers. But is it not overdue that we try to understand them, get into the heart of the ancient Indian system of education, evaluate it in the light of the needs of today and tomorrow and design for our ...

... tackle at last the bed-rock of the Inconscience, the dark basis of the submerged Divine from which evolution seems to issue. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, taking upon themselves as representative pioneers the agelong difficulties of all human nature, have been striking against this bed-rock for the last decade and a half. "No, it is not with the Empyrean that I am busy," wrote Sri Aurobindo in 1936 ...

... to tackle at last the bedrock of the Inconscience, the dark basis of the submerged Divine from which evolution seems to issue. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, taking upon themselves as representative pioneers the agelong difficulties of all human nature, have been striking against Page 125 this bed-rock for the last decade and a half. "No, it is not with the Empyrean that I am busy," ...

... we can perceive the thing a little in our consciousness, it is as if the first bridge were built, and the means are worked out almost automatically, almost necessarily we might say. The miracle of pioneers is to wrest the new vision out of a seeming nothingness. Now, it is for us to see and make this new vision grow in our own substance—but perhaps it is growing all by itself. So let us just say ...

... ‘otherwise we would not have come together in this life. We are of one family and have worked through the ages for the victory of the Divine and its manifestation upon Earth.’ 2 Not only the pioneers, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, had had to descend into Matter, but humanity had to follow. As Sri Aurobindo wrote: ‘Since then the Sadhana as a whole has come down along with us into the physical... they called it ‘integral.’ ‘The thing to be done is as large as human life,’ Sri Aurobindo wrote, ‘and therefore the individuals who lead the way will take all human life for their province. These pioneers will consider nothing as alien to them, nothing as outside their scope. For every part of human life has to be taken up by the spiritual – not only the intellectual, the aesthetic, the ethical, but ...

... initiating the conditions of the material transformation, in igniting them in the body of humanity. But the supramental transformation is the business of humanity as a whole, of which some privileged or pioneering elements found their way to the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education. Of these elements some became Ashramites, many more went out to live the worldly life. On a certain occasion the Mother... possibility at the point where humanity has arrived now. As humanity is inevitably to be followed by a higher species, the supramental being, the very first condition for this to happen is that the pioneering individuals first reach the maximum stage of evolution possible at present by realizing their psychic being. 92 This is what the yoga in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram was about; as the Ashram School ...

... world as a typal world is very different from a supramental world being inserted by a process of transformation in an evolutionary manifestation located on a lower level of existence. Yet, the Pioneers have given some indications of what may be expected in the future. We have just seen that the process of transformation follows a logical evolutionary development with the psychic being as its central... only to the guru. Fourthly, to really understand an experience one has to have had the experience oneself, or one should at least have access to the spiritual level on which it has occurred. The Pioneers were too far ahead. This was the reason for Sri Aurobindo’s refusal to answer certain questions or to explain certain matters; it was also the reason for the Mother’s relativizing everything she had ...

... that is Indian and universal. Let us do the needful There is no point in crying over the fact that free India has so far failed in giving shape to the dreams and aspirations of these great pioneers. But is it not overdue that we try to understand them, get into the heart of the ancient Indian system of education, evaluate it in the light of the needs of today and tomorrow and design for our ...

... which ultimately led the nation to her freedom. It was, therefore, significant that when India attained her liberation in 1947, it was on the 15th August, the birthday of Sri Aurobindo. The pioneering work that Sri Aurobindo did for the liberation of India was evidently a part of his larger work for the entire humanity and for the whole earth. For him, the liberation of India was an indispensable ...

... stupendous it is? Do you realise that you cannot get freedom or independence by mere arguments? I should appeal to the intelligentsia. The intelligentsia in all countries in the world have been the pioneers of any movements for freedom. What does the Muslim intelligentsia propose to do? I may tell you that unless you get this into your blood, unless you are prepared to take off your coats and are willing ...

... used to go to her large apartment and we would find her in one of the central rooms reclining on a chaise longue. We would sit around and she would tell us stories. She told wonderful stories of the pioneering days of American life. She was very easy in the time we spent together. She would get up and walk about if she had something to do, speaking to us all the while. It was an easy and natural flow and ...

... under our feet, but we are blind to it. If we could only see a little, or know the direction, what the supramental world looks like, the journey would perhaps be less blind. In fact, the wonder of Pioneers is that they walk through nothingness, and it becomes something by the fact of their walking through it. It is their grace, their gift to the world. But, just one year before entering the great ...

... All we have done is ever still to do. All breaks and all renews and is the same. 11 Not that he is a defeatist. How can he be after having seen ... the Omnipotent's flaming pioneers Over the heavenly verge which turns towards life Come crowding down the amber stairs of birth.... The massive barrier-breakers of the world.... The sun-eyed children of a ...

... species was to be left to future elaborations perhaps of very long duration. This is completely in accord with everything Sri Aurobindo has told about this matter: that the Avatar comes to do the pioneering work, to prepare the terrain and to plant the magic seed from which the new tree will grow, however much time that may take. ‘What we are doing, if and when we succeed, will be a beginning, not a ...

... are not familiar with the work Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have performed for the Earth, these lines will probably be not much more than bizarre fiction, but when one has got some insight in their pioneering work, they provide a profound understanding of their action. Here no word is fictitious, superfluous or poetically overstated. The poem gives a condensed impression of their descent into matter and ...

... way. Well, now there are thirty of you, it is difficult, isn't it? When there are thirty thousand of you, it will be easier, because, naturally, there will be many more possibilities. You are the pioneers, you have the most difficult task, but I feel it is the most interesting one. Because you must establish in a concrete, durable and growing way the attitude that is needed to truly be an Aurovilian ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... by graded steps and reach and experience truths of higher and spiritual existence. It was recognised that at the beginning not many could safely and successfully reach the heights, but the pioneering leaders did not accept the theory that many must necessarily remain for ever on the lower rungs of life and only a few could climb into the free air and light, but were moved by the spirit ...

... western life but soon a number of powerful thinkers started examining their own ancient heritage in the light of the western impact. Raja Rammohan Roy is generally recognised to be the first of these pioneers and he was followed by many other great men such as Dwarkanath Tagore, his son Debendranath, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Dayanand Saraswati, Sri Ramakrishna, Keshav Chandra Sen, Bankim Chandra Chatterji ...

... the method to be used. Her only help was the example of Dr. Samuel Gridley Howe who, just a few years before, had succeeded in teaching language to a blind and deaf child through raised type. This pioneering work was Anne's first guide, but every subsequent step was based on her own intuitive understanding of what was best for the child in her care. She did not keep any record of her work, nor did she ...

... of defences of peace in the minds and hearts of people and new attitudes required for living together through cooperation and through the processes of mutuality and interdependence. Thanks to the pioneering educational philosophers like Rousseau, Montessori, Pestalozzi, Bertrand Russell, Paulo Freire, and Piaget, it is Page 303 now being increasingly recognised that education must be a bringing ...

... of vegetal life or animal life on earth, and even if no one believed in it, everyone would be heading there all the same. It is really the first time on earth that one of those beings we call the "pioneers” of evolution has come to do, to open the way, not just to teach, preach or reveal. Here, the way opens up in the body, not in the thought. If it opens in one human body, it will automati­cally ...

... Haldane, Ronald Fisher and Sewall Wright; most of them were “primarily mathematicians who constructed statistical models.” There was also Theodosius Dobzhansky, an evolutionary geneticist who had pioneered the experiments with fruit flies, and who formulated the thesis that natural selection took place through mutations in genes. (The structure of the gene molecules remained unknown.) His Genetics ...

... whether exercised with striking novelty or within a known symbo-logy, Chadwick's art in even its most traditional appearance must be distinguished as a new element at play in poetic literature, a pioneering triumph of one kind in what Sri Aurobindo has designated as "Future Poetry". And this triumph which springs from a heart of spiritual feeling attuned to an inmost Presence never so permanent and ...

... develop by graded steps and reach and experience truths of higher and spiritual existence. It was recognised that at the beginning not many could safely and successfully reach the heights, but the pioneering leaders did not accept the theory that many must necessarily remain for ever on the lower ranges of life and only a few climb into the free air and the light, but they were moved by the spirit to ...

... higher realm of direct knowledge, and therefore carry conviction at once. Her one supreme concern during 1953 was the need to shape the children of the Ashram into "the Omnipotent's flaming pioneers" and forerunners of the "divine multitude" visioned by Sri Aurobindo and described in Savitri. On 10 June, the Mother tells the children: Don't you see, the present method of education is ...

... made them mimic futilities in their own country. In his Indu Prakash articles of 1893-4, Sri Aurobindo had castigated the education of the day and thrown out hints for reform. Once of the Bengali pioneers of the new education was Satish Chandra Mukherjee (1865-1948). He founded the Bhagavat Chatuspati in 1895, the "Dawn" Magazine in 1897, the Dawn Society in 1902 and the National Council of Education ...

... are stamped down. the Mother, in Her own life-time, deplored the fall in standards at the Centre; things are much worse now. Why should it be so? Where is the boldness that is required in such pioneering efforts? Page 66 The Mother had practically stopped new admissions at a particular stage and asked us to tell people to go to Auroville if they wanted to stay here. She had Her ...

... him the chief guest. Mother did not like the idea. Since then we do not invite anybody but issue our passes to whoever wants to come and see our programme. Though the Ashram was one of the pioneers in sports in India, why is it that none of our boys or girls ever made a mark on the national level? Because we do not work on that line. Our aim is to achieve maximum health and physical ...

... This should be a consequential operation of all learning. There may be here a selection of a limited number of fields and, in certain circum stances, where there is a need of invention and some pioneering work, even narrow specialisation. But even here, the stress will be on the discovery of That, the secret Something. Given this motivation, this stress, the defects of specialisation will intrinsically ...

... mastery. This should be a consequential operation of all learning. There may be here a selection of a limited number of fields and, in certain circumstances, where there is a need of invention and some pioneering work, even narrow specialisation. But even here, the stress will be on the discovery of That, the secret Something. Given this motivation, this stress, this defects of specialisation will intrinsically ...

... craning their necks towards a tomorrow which few venture to describe or foretell? Those who doubt or fear can be reassured by Sri Aurobindo’s promise in Savitri : I saw the Omnipotent’s flaming pioneers Over the heavenly verge which turns towards life Come crowding down the amber stairs of birth; Forerunners of a divine multitude Out of the paths of the morning star they came Into the little ...

... have come back from death to go on living, that these bridges are there. Such people are the ones who have had a ‘near-death experience.’ Many books have already been published on the subject, pioneered by Elizabeth Kübler-Ross and Raymond Moody. Let’s take the one written by Peter and Elizabeth Fenwick, The Truth in the Light. A frequent scenario of the near-death experiences examined in this ...

... he saw. Figure after figure, image after image, "come crowding down" with the spendour of the "marvellous dawn" mentioned therein. Here is the description: I saw the Omnipotent's flaming pioneers Over the heavenly verge which turns towards life Come crowding down the amber stairs of birth; Forerunners of a divine multitude Out of the paths of the morning star they came ...

... were Tilak, Bipinchandra Pal, Lajpatrai (Lal-Bal-Pal) and Aurobindo. Of these only one name caught my heart and soul. Just to hear the name — Aurobindo — was enough. All the four persons were pioneers in the service of the country, great leaders of the front rank. Why then did one name only out of the four touch me exclusively? For many days to come the mystery remained to me a mystery. In 1905 ...

Amrita   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Old Long Since

... by hundreds of porters, attacked with pegs and oxygen apparatus. In reaching for an oxygen cylinder, a climber degrades Everest to the level of a six-thousand metre peak. . . The Himalayan pioneers ventured cautiously up into the great heights, groping their way, sometimes in small groups, sometimes alone. The fascinating tales they brought back of the loneliest regions of the world inspired ...

... for revolutionary propaganda and action, but the climate of the time being what it was, neither the secret society nor the institution could prove effective. Knowing the fate of his grandfather's pioneering revolutionary effort and the fate, too, of the abortive London secret society, the "Lotus and Dagger", Sri Aurobindo wasn't eager to take another leap in the dark. His first visits to Bengal after ...

... system still persisted, and as soon as India became reawakened, dreams of rebuilding that system or recasting it in new forms have seized the minds of the greatest of our educationists. Actually, pioneering efforts, which had begun towards the end of the XIX1" century, have continued and we have today a rich accumulation of results of these efforts. The treasure of these results can now come to our ...

... Since then and with an accelerated tempo, a considerable amount of theoretical and experimental research work on education has been carried out, mostly in Western countries.3 Following this pioneering work, an entirely new conception of education has gradually emerged. This is how R. Cousinet defines the new outlook: New education ... is really a new attitude towards the child. An attitude ...

... avenger, the creators of disorder and the defenders of order. The position of leaders like Tilak in Maharashtra and Sri Aurobindo in Bengal was exceedingly difficult. Sarala Ghoshal, one of the pioneers of the revolutionary movement in Bengal, has been quoted as giving this important piece of information:   Page 287 My lathi cult was in full swing in those days... and captured the ...

... plasticity, agility, grace and beauty. Emotions are to be cultivated for the growth of nobility, courage, leadership and creative action. The mind should be developed to Page 29 Our pioneering educationists, who strove hard for a 'system of National Education, had constantly emphasized the need to appeal to the living enthusiasm of children and youth. They had dreamt of transforming the ...

... Iyengar, Sri Aurobindo: a bibliography and a history, p. 200. Page 202 Seekers after Knowledge, the Climbers in the quest of Power? 42 I saw the Omnipotent's flaming pioneers Over the heavenly verge which turns towards life Come crowding down the amber stairs of birth; Forerunners of a divine multitude, Out of the paths of the morning star they came ...

... the playground, the sports ground or the school, or on a special occasion elsewhere, at a sugar factory for instance. And hereby hangs an illuminating tale. Laljibhai Hindocha, building on the pioneering work of his father, was a successful Indian businessman in Uganda, Africa. He first heard of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in 1953 at a talk by A.B. Purani, who was in Uganda on a lecture tour. Towards ...

... Gurudev wrote back: "After receiving your account of your present condition which I understand perfectly well, my advice remains the same: _______________ * / saw the Omnipotent's flaming pioneers- Messengers of the incommunicable, The architects of immortality'. SAVITRI III. IV. Page 232 to stick on persistently till the dawn comes which it surely will if you resist ...

... contemporaries to see it. If they do, it will be good luck or divine grace, that is all." It redounds to the great credit of K.D.S. that he took up in right earnest, almost single-handedly, the pioneering task of making Sri Aurobindo known to the reading public as a poet of supreme calibre, and that against much vehement resistance emanating from some of the established poets and critics. He has written ...

... type of divine humanity, the men of the new Satyayuga which is striving to be born; (2) to evolve a race of such men to lead humanity and (3) to call all humanity to the path under the lead of these pioneers and this chosen race. India and especially Bengal have the best chance and the best right to create that race and become the leaders of the future—to do in the right way what Germany thought of doing... not yet, I am only on the way to it,—then, if it be God's will to extend very largely and rapidly my work in this body, those who come after may have the way made very easy for them. But we are the pioneers hewing our way through the jungle of the lower prakriti. It will not do for us to be cowards and shirkers and refuse the burden, to clamour for everything to be made quick and easy for us. Above all ...

... his hunger had made; There was a clangour of Destruction's wings: The Titan's battle-cry was in my ears, Alarm and rumour shook the armoured Night. I saw the Omnipotent's flaming pioneers Over the heavenly verge which turns towards life Come crowding down the amber stairs of birth; Forerunners of a divine multitude Out of the paths of the morning star they came ...

... a new and decisive turn to the problems over which all mankind is labouring and stumbling, for the clue to their solutions is there in her ancient knowledge. 61 Following the lead of the pioneers and the light from Sri Aurobindo, the Indian race could make a collective advance towards the Knowledge, Power, Harmony and Unity. But whether the New India will actually reach these goals is still ...

... European idea. He remembered how much the visitors were surprised when they discovered a team of nine people speaking in four languages, "Our day trippers went away with the feeling that they had seen pioneers at work, and when they returned home they helped spread the word. Their repeated and consistent travellers' tales fed the legend that a new race of men was emerging in the Luxembourg institutions ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Uniting Men

... in order to enlighten us as to the profound meaning of our fate, and whose lives and teachings have given rise to our great religions, without our having yet understood that they were above all the pioneers and bards of a purely solar consciousness which must pervade us and gradually lead to our transformation. What should we expect of these beings whom we shall engender? Having arisen of us, and... alone a more complete beatitude, but in reality opening for the entire race the immense field of the collective unconscious, which they impersonally cultivated, giving rise to what today, for a few pioneers, may appear to be rudimentary, but will tomorrow be the status of the new beings. For them, the past will not at all exist. Nothing will have ever begun. The infinite future will alone be real ...

... “life's innate tendency to progressionâ€� and that “species are descended from other species,â€� met with vehement criticism, then fell into oblivion until Darwin's own work established Lamarck's pioneering genius. × 2 “Millions of golden birds, O future Strength...â€� Arthur Rimbaud (1854-1891) ...

Satprem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Evolution II

... Bipinchandra Pal, Lajpatrai (Lal-Bal-Pal) and Aurobindo. Of these only one name caught my heart and soul. Just to hear the name — Aurobindo — was enough. All the four persons were pioneers in the service of the country, great leaders of the front rank. Why then did one name only out of the four touch me exclusively? For many days to come the mystery remained to me a mystery. ...

... were Tilak, Bipinchandra Pal, Lajpatrai (Lal-Bal-Pal) and Aurobindo. Of these only one name caught my heart and soul. Just to hear the name—Aurobindo—was enough. All the four persons were pioneers in the service of the country, great leaders of the front rank. Why then did one name only out of the four touch me exclusively? For many days to come the mystery remained to me a mystery. In ...

... Happily, the 19th century witnessed a great awakening and a new spiritual impulse pregnant with a power to fulfill the mission of the work that had started in the third stage. Great and flaming pioneers appeared. Raja Rammohan Roy (1836-1886) and Swami Vivekananda (1862-1902) to name just two of them, and through their work the entire country was electrified not only spiritually but even socially ...

... it is not yet finished, to bear all the possible typical difficulties, troubles, downfalls and backslidings that can rise in this great effort to change the whole normal human being.... We are the pioneers hewing our way through the jungle of the lower Prakriti. It will not do for us to be cowards and shirkers and refuse the burden, to clamour for everything to be made quick and easy for us. Above all ...

... enough with Thy divine love, to be able to cross it definitively. "O to belong to Thee, without any darkness or restriction!" 29 It was a meeting of two prophet-souls, two God-sent Pioneers, and their fusion into an identity of Consciousness for the evolution and perfection of the Integral Yoga and the initiation of an all-inclusive spirituality that would lead to earthly transfiguration ...

... continues to exist, at least for others. Its prevailing perception is the criterion of objectivity, what we call the world as it is. Is it conceivable that a handful of more advanced beings, of pioneers of the new world, will live in that true way, that true body (invisible to others), while others will continue living and seeing in the old shadow, stumbling along and suffering and dying with ...

... Aurobindo, and aims to make Integral Education and Yoga a dynamic reality in the larger social context. The International Centre for Integral Studies (ICIS), the educational wing of the Centre, is a pioneering effort towards the university of tomorrow. The Gnostic Centre has worked with over a 100 mainstream schools and teacher education institutes (in and around Delhi) in the last five years, to ...

... too felt that he had started going round in circles in Happywood. Of course, he told me at once what I knew: "But if we take Boni, Michel ... all of their work will collapse." It is obvious. But pioneers are needed, we must find the place — and when we are ready, circumstances will be ready.... I cannot foresee any war, although everything is like an enormous cauldron about to explode and it would ...