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... when it likes. It depends on what you mean by psychic "love". One can have a psychic feeling for all beings; it does not depend on sex nor has it anything sexual in it. Page 301 There is a fundamental psychic feeling which is the same for all; but there can also be a special psychic feeling for one or another. It [ psychic love ] is sometimes turned to the human person ...
... memories, not mental fabrications. And what comes first is emotion ("emotion": the psychic feeling), it's vivid, strong, you know, very strong; then, as a sort of background setting, there are the forms, appearances, circumstances, with something like the quality of a nebulous memory, and they come along with the psychic feeling. I had that experience in Italy when I was fifteen, while travelling with ...
... use in reviving that—it is a painful method of struggling out of the vital evil and it is not quicker than the easier and less painful way. Page 53 You have to get back to the psychic feeling and attitude. That is the only thing to be done. P.S. I do not see any harm in the social invitation in itself; if there is any vital froth, it will blow itself away in time. To pursue Yoga... much that all that ought to be will feel bound to come along on the heels of my doing. That is, the prophets and the gospel... [incomplete] October 1936 ? As to gratitude, it is a psychic feeling and all that is psychic helps the soul to flower. There is nothing wrong from the spiritual point of view in emotion. The only thing is that it should not become a tie of bondage in the path. ...
... or in the vital, wherever there is most weakness. To give oneself to an outsider is to go out from the atmosphere of sadhana and give oneself to the outer world forces. One can have a psychic feeling of love for someone, a universal love for all creatures, but one has to give oneself only to the Divine. To want unwaveringly the welfare of another both in the head and the heart, is the... have the motherly reputation etc. etc. Most human altruism has really this ego basis. If one gets rid of that, then the will to help can take its true place as a movement of pure sympathy and psychic feeling. Working with Others Work is always best done in silence except so far as it is necessary to speak for the work itself. Conversation is best kept for leisure hours. So nobody should object ...
... plane of intuition, though there are passages in which you may find the psychic element. It is a wide and calm plane, – it also moves you but not in the same way as the poetry which contains the psychic feeling. It has got its own depth – but psychic poetry differs from it in its depth and feeling. Disciple : Is it true that psychic poetry would be more personal? Sri Aurobindo : Yes, one... opening up the consciousness to the Page 228 Truth, and the descent of the Light into the being, but it is different from psychic poetry. Disciple : In Vedic poetry the psychic feeling comes to the front in hymns expressing aspiration for Agni or for Surya. Disciple : Can you give an instance of psychic poetry? Is there a psychic element in Vidyapati? Sri Aurobindo ...
... beauty, lāvaṇya : the dramatic motive is subordinated and made only a purely secondary element, only so much is given of character and action as will help to bring out the deeper spiritual or psychic feeling, bhāva , and all insistence or too prominent force of these more outwardly dynamic things is shunned, because that would externalise too much the spiritual emotion and take away from its intense ...
... inconvenient to do something, does it mean that it is against her will? Page 465 How can your convenience or inconvenience be the indication of the Mother's will? You have to develop the psychic feeling which distinguishes the truth from the falsehood, the divine from the undivine. 11 April 1933 Do love and faith have the same meaning? I feel that where there is faith in the Mother, love ...
... removing all kinds of weakness with the touch of her affectionate hand. In every way she stands behind us secretly." This thing was like a feeling and a vision, almost like a realisation. Was it the psychic feeling of the Mother's presence in us? It is a realisation attended with vision and feeling. It is the psychic and the mental together that produced it. 9 June 1933 The one thing that is most ...
... on the unerring perceptions of the psychic entity. In these conditions it cannot prevent the true psychic light from being diminished or distorted in the mind into a mere idea or opinion, the psychic feeling in the heart into a fallible emotion or mere sentiment, the psychic will to action in the life parts into a blind vital enthusiasm or a fervid excitement: it even accepts these mistranslations ...
... It is the action of the psychic being, not the being itself, that gets mixed with the mental, vital and physical disabilities because it has to use them to express what little of the true psychic feeling gets through the veil. It is by the heart's aspiration to the Divine that the psychic gets free from these disabilities. 36 — Sri Aurobindo * The place of the psychic is deep within ...
... has used such a language, it has been within the limited province of a purely inward experience as in the lofty philosophic and spiritual poetry of the Upanishads, the expression of a peculiar psychic feeling of Nature common in far eastern poets or the poetic setting of mystic states or of an especial religious emotion and experience of which we have a few examples in Europe and many in the literature ...
... It is the action of the psychic being, not the being itself, that gets mixed with the mental, vital and physical distortions because it has to use them to express what little of the true psychic feeling gets through the veil. It is by the heart's aspiration to the Divine that the psychic being gets free from these disabilities. Even when the psychic is in front, there may be and are likely ...
... which it is done or if some feeling of sacrifice or self-offering enters into it as in the case of the Sati. It is always possible to help departed souls in their passage if one has the necessary psychic feeling towards them and the psychic force to make it effective. Contact can also be maintained so long as this passage does not carry them beyond the borders of the communication possible or into the ...
... pressure. There is no reason for despondency; when one has progressed as far as you did, that is, so far as to feel and maintain the calm and have so much of the psychic discrimination and the psychic feeling, one has no right to despair of one's spiritual future. You could not yet carry out the discrimination into an entire psychic change, because a large part of the outer physical consciousness still ...
... and misleading lustres, lower lights too that belong to the being's inferior reaches. One must therefore be on one's guard and distinguish; the true discrimination has to come by growth of the psychic feeling and a purified mind and experience. The first attempt of the possessing entity is to separate the person from his psychic, and it is that that creates the struggle. All Page 801 ...
... as her movement is to contradict the very sense and object of this Yoga. To surrender to the Mother means that you stop giving yourself to these other forces. Therefore discrimination (by the psychic feeling and the seeing Page 148 conscious mind, more even than by the thinking part) and rejection are necessary accompaniments and helps to consecration and surrender. Naturally, with this ...
... according to the Light that descends? To be in contact with the Mother's Light and Force is the one important thing (fundamental) to which you must aspire. For Page 136 this the psychic feeling is the indispensable condition; for it is through the psychic that this contact becomes easy and natural. It gives the psychic basis. Once the basis is there firmly established the rest can be ...
... to him (in August, 1938): There are many who hold that the Mother was human once upon a time — to judge from her Prayers — but has outgrown her humanity through her sadhana. But to my psychic feeling, she is the Mother Divine herself, putting on the cloak of obscurity and suffering in order that we, humans, may be delivered out of our ignorance into knowledge, and out of our suffering into ...
... and its perturbations to a quiet attitude of faith and surrender; 2 nd the growth of something within that sees what is to be changed in the nature and gives the impulse to change it; 3rd the psychic feeling in sadhana which presses towards the growth of bhakti, feels it a joy simply to think, feel, write, speak of, remember the Divine, grows full of a quiet self-up liftmen towards the Divine and lives ...
... words. All spontaneous turning to love, truth, beauty, knowledge, nobility, heroism, is a sure sign of the psychic influence. To recognize these reactions and to encourage them wisely and with a psychic feeling would be the first indispensable step. It is also important to note that to say good words, to give wise advice to a child has very little effect, if one does not show by one's living example ...
... the experience of art. Sadrishya, varnikabhanga and rupabheda are all correlated to each other, and what is to be appreciated is not only the technique or the fervour of the deeper and of psychic feeling. What is to be appreciated is the intent served by the technique, the psychic significance of line and colour and the whole purpose of the artist. I should like to present a citation from ...
... truth, beauty, knowledge, nobility, heroism is a sure sign of the psychic influence. Page 43 To recognize these reactions and to encourage them wisely and with a psychic feeling would be the first indispensable step. The best qualities to develop in children are: sincerity perseverance honesty peace straightforwardness calm cheerfulness ...
... spontaneous turning to love, truth, beauty, knowledge, nobility, heroism is a sure sign of the psychic influence. (b) To recognize these reactions and to encourage them wisely and with a psychic feeling would be the first indispensable step. (c) The best qualities to develop in children are: sincerity perseverance honesty peace ...
... to push another. Is this possible before the psychic takes over control? Shall I try it as an experiment? And will you guide me? I was not speaking of the body’s feeling, but of the psychic feeling which is wiser than the mind. Love and blessings 30 October 1966 ...
... the tears of things, because of its long travail and calvary, human consciousness is suffused with a quality that is peculiarly human and humane-that of sympathy, compassion, comprehension, the psychic feeling of closeness and oneness. The gods are, after all, egoistic; unless in their supreme supramental status where they are one and identical with the Divine himself; on the lower levels, in their own ...
... be ¹ On Yoga-II by Sri Aurobindo. ²ibid. Page 342 sure of what we mean by bhakti. Though we have here taken love and bhakti together as two aspects of the same psychic feeling, Sri Aurobindo defines them as follows: "The nature of bhakti is adoration, worship, self- offering to what is greater than oneself; the nature of love is a feeling or a seeking for ...
... the emotional and sentimental feeling naturally passes away when one grows inwardly from the vital basis into the maturer psychic stage but there is an interval when that has gone and the deeper psychic feeling has not yet found its seat or its form or expression. Even when it does, it may find fewer to appreciate it. (31.1.35) ...
... the unerring perceptions of the psychic entity. In these conditions it cannot prevent the true psychic light from being diminished or distorted in the mind into a mere idea or opinion, the psychic feeling in the heart into a fallible emotion or mere sentiment, the psychic will to action in the life-parts into a blind vital enthusiasm or a fervid excitement: it even accepts these mistranslations ...
... the darkness in the outer man also. I have never said that the vital is to have no part in the love of the Divine, only that it must purify' and ennoble itself in the light or the true psychic feeling. The results of self-loving love between human beings are so poor and contrary in the end (that is what I mean by the ordinary vital love] that I want something purer and nobler and higher in ...
... life-force, is the true soul, the psychic being in us. The power of the psychic, however, can act upon the mind and vital and body, purifying thought and perception and emotion (which then becomes psychic feeling) and sensation and action and everything else in us and preparing them to be divine movements. Page 103 The psychic being may be described in Indian language as the Purusha in the heart ...
... different way the few Indians, Tagore and Chattopadhyay and Mrs. Naidu, who have written in English or transferred their poetical thought into that medium, aim at pure intuitivities of a more psychic feeling, sensation and life-vision or a subtle and psychic or spiritualised imagination and intelligence. All however are secretly moved to their very different and often contradictory tendencies by the ...
... others—the other is a certain reserve, an unwillingness to expose one's deeper feelings to the gaze of others, the wish to keep sacred and secret the relations of love with the Divine—that is a psychic feeling. Indecision and Instability The first [ case ] is vital indecision—the other is vital instability. 1 Those who can't choose, have the vital indecision and it is usually due to a too active ...
... principal need. If the concentration has brought about a feeling which makes you judge clearly all the other movements and see their nature, then the psychic is already in action. For this is the psychic feeling which brings with it a clear insight into the nature of all movements that come and makes it easy to reject what has to be rejected and keep the right attitude and perception. It does not matter ...
... to a quiet attitude of faith and surrender; 2nd, the Page 347 growth of something within that sees what is to be changed in the nature and gives the impulse to change it; 3rd, the psychic feeling in sadhana which presses towards the growth of bhakti, feels it a joy simply to think, feel, write, speak of, remember the Divine, grows full of a quiet self-upliftment towards the Divine and lives ...
... love for us? Yes. There are many who hold the view that she was human but now embodies the Divine Mother and her Prayers, they say, explain this view. But to my mental conception, to my psychic feeling, she is the Divine Mother who has consented to put on herself the cloak of obscurity and suffering and ignorance so that she can effectively lead us—human beings—to Knowledge and Bliss and Ananda ...
... kindness or affection towards others which also comes up and is not so much personal as the result of the soul's inmost relation to all souls who are children of the Mother. There is no harm in this psychic feeling, on the contrary it creates happiness and harmony—it is only the vital love between persons that has to be rejected because it draws away from full consecration to the Divine. But this helps the ...
... with it the true feeling and true relation it has always had with the Mother. Besides, your mind and vital—even the outer mind and vital—are now open and willing and glad to share in the true psychic feeling and relation. The heaviness in the head due to the pressure is pleasant and not harmful because it is due to the higher force pressing down and bringing into the head something of the substance ...
... March 1936 Relations with People outside the Ashram To give oneself to an outsider is to go out from the atmosphere of sadhana and give oneself to the outer world forces. One can have a psychic feeling of love for someone, a universal love for all creatures, but one has to give oneself only to the Divine. 24 May 1934 Do you believe that people here are more sensitive than people outside ...
... life-force, is the true soul, the psychic being in us. The power of the psychic, however, can act upon the mind and vital and body, purifying thought and perception and emotion (which then becomes psychic feeling) and sensation and action and everything else in us and preparing them to be divine movements. The psychic being may be described in Indian language as the Purusha in the heart or the Chaitya ...
... life-force, is the true soul, the psychic being in us. The power of the psychic, however, can act upon the mind and vital and body, purifying thought and perception and emotion (which then becomes psychic feeling) and sensation and action and everything else in us and preparing them to be divine movements. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - I: The Psychic Being Are the soul and the psychic being ...
... on the unerring perceptions of the psychic entity. In these conditions it cannot prevent the true psychic light from being diminished or distorted in the mind into a mere idea or opinion, the psychic feeling in the heart into a fallible emotion or mere sentiment, the psychic will to action in the life-parts into a blind vital enthusiasm or a fervid excitement: it even accepts these mistranslations ...
... It is the action of the psychic being, not the being itself, that gets mixed with the mental, vital and physical disabilities because it has to use them to express what little of the true psychic feeling gets through the veil. It is by the heart's aspiration to the Divine that the psychic being gets free from these disabilities. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - III: The Emergence or Coming ...
... true soul, the psychic being in us. The power of the psychic, however, can act upon the mind and vital and body, purifying thought and perception and emotion (which then becomes psychic feeling) and sensation and action and x everything else in us and preparing them to be divine movements. Shri A.S. Dalai has, over the last several years, produced a series ...
... It is the action of the psychic being, not the being itself, that gets mixed with the mental, vital and physical disabilities because it has to use them to express what little of the true psychic feeling gets through the veil. It is by the heart's aspiration to the Divine that the psychic being gets free from these disabilities. These things, anger, jealousy, desire are the very ...
... sympathy, kindness, etc. when they talk or mix with each other? Otherwise there will be only dryness. What if they exchange other things also along with the sympathy and kindness? In a psychic feeling there is no question of anything so commercial as an excuse. Dr R has asked me to talk freely. Will it help my sadhana? R asks you from the medical point of view. He thinks ...
... spontaneous turning to love, truth, beauty, knowledge, nobility, heroism is a sure sign of the psychic influence. (b) To recognise these reactions and to encourage them wisely and with a psychic feeling would be the first indispensable step. Page 227 (c) The best qualities to develop in children are: sincerity perseverance honesty peace straightforwardness ...
... love, truth, beauty, knowledge, nobility, heroism is a sure sign of the psychic influence. Page 356 To recognise these reactions and to encourage them wisely and with a psychic feeling would be the first indispensable step. The best qualities to develop in children are: Sincerity Honesty Straightforwardness Cheerfulness Courage Disinterestedness ...
... Sadrishya, Page 32 varnikabhahga and rupa-bheda are all correlated to each other, and what is to be appreciated is not only the technique or the fervour of the deeper and of psychic feeling. What is to be appreciated is the intent served by the technique, the psychic significance of line and colour and the whole purpose of the artist. I should like to present a citation from ...
... truth-seeker. To give oneself to an outsider is to go out from the Page 90 atmosphere of sadhana and give oneself to the outer world forces. One can have a psychic feeling of love for someone, a universal love for all creatures, but one has to give oneself only to the Divine. THE CENTRAL BEING AND THE PSYCHIC Would you please ...
... beauty, - Lavanya: the dramatic motive is subordinated and made only a purely secondary element, only so much is given of character and action as will help to bring out the deeper spiritual or psychic feeling or Bhava. The life depicted is the life of the soul and not, except as a form and a helping suggestion, the life of the vital being and the body. For the second more elevated aim of art ...
... 1836 There is no reason for despondency; when one has progressed as far as you did, that is so far as to feel and maintain the calm and have so much of the psychic discrimination and the psychic feeling, one has no right to despair of one’s spiritual future. You could not yet carry out the discrimination into an entire psychic change, because a large part of the outer physical consciousness still ...
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