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... to 6 paise) Once Vidyavrata turned up and decided to have his meal with Ravindra. They both had their meals for six paise each. But to make up for the extra six paise spent for Vidyavrata, Ravindra went hungry the following day. One day I asked Ravindra if this story was true and he confirmed it. Ravindra told us that Vinobaji had told him to go to the fields in the morning with a... eggs for me. In fact, she cooked for me on several occasions. One day Ravindra happened to be standing near her. While cooking Mother had to go to the next room for something so she hurriedly passed on the egg she was holding to Ravindra saying: "Here, hold this for me for a while, I'm coming." Now you may know that Ravindra belongs to a family where far from eating fish, meat or egg, no one... did not know how to hold an egg and so as he held the egg it broke and his whole hand was full of yolk. Stoically, Ravindra stood there with the crushed egg in his hand. We were hardly able to suppress our laughter. This reminds me that before coming to the Ashram Ravindra was Vinoba-ji's disciple. His life was disciplined Page 51 and hard under him. He had only one and a ...
... Sometimes Ravindra-ji also used to be present. Once, on my birthday (October 18th, 1949), Mother organised a little ceremony during lunch. She got a glass of red grape-juice prepared. Then she took a sip from it and passed it on to Ravindra-ji, Mona, Gauri and Udar to do the same. Then she gave the glass to me. She wrote down something on a piece of paper and signed it and then she asked Ravindra-ji,... victory of tomorrow. Be yourself and all will be well. Let this wine of immortality Be the wine of your complete victory. Mother Signed: Ravindra Mona Gauri Udar (31) Before 5th December 1950, the period before Sri Aurobindo's physical withdrawal, Mother used to return from the Playground ...
... wording: The songs are forced, the notes are few. I shall ask that walking treasury of verse, Ravindra Khanna, to tell me the correct version and its context. 1 Well, enough of this tomfoolery! Let us go to more serious things. I don't know how the topic of death arose in your chat with Ravindra. Perhaps the mention of "disease" triggered it off. The Mother's letter which he quoted to you seems... Page 244 Bates's exercises. I resort at bedtime to Locula 30% - drops which burn like hell but tone up the "optics". I am glad to have been the subject of a talk between you and Ravindra Khanna. He has been a very affectionate friend for years and we have a keen common interest in poetry. If he or 1 pop off, the survivor will have nobody left to swap lines of poetry with from memory... seems to be an answer to some apprehension of dying as the result of a disease. When she writes - "Keep quiet and fearless - everything will be all right" - she can't mean that if Ravindra keeps quiet and fearless he won't ever "shuffle off this mortal coil". She must mean that he need not fear he may die because of some bodily trouble he may be suffering from at the moment. Or possibly she means that ...
... their machines and rushed to seek the source of the noise, towards the Binding Section. Someone had blundered — who? — and Pantulu thundered. They arrived in time to see Ravindra-ji making a hasty exit — that was who. And why? Ravindra-ji had the new job of appointing workers to various departments. The same thankless job he is at even now. He was younger then, and used to accompany the new recruit for... unwittingly overstepped into Pantulu’s jurisdiction and received a well-aimed Pantulu ‘broadside’. The Mother was told about the incident, I think, by Ravindra-ji himself. Result — early morning, a knock on Pantulu’s house-door and in came Ravindra-ji. Pantulu and he melted into each other’s embrace. The past was effaced. Quiet and peace prevailed at Pantulu’s house too, as in his workplace — even ...
... Ravindra-Ji Among the Not So Great Ravindra-Ji (Vandi-da) “Writing always means hiding something in such a way that it then is discovered”. Italo Calvino Who was Ravindra-ji? He was born at Etavah (U.P.) on the 26th January of 1917. He was schooled in Gurukul Kangri (H.P.) He seemed to have done quite well in his studies. He came ...
... Ravindra-Ji Among the Not So Great A Tree (Poem by Sri Aurobindo) A tree beside the sandy river beach Holds up its topmost boughs Like fingers towards the skies they cannot reach Earth-bound heaven amorous. This is the soul of man. Body and brain Hungry for earth our heavenly flight detain. Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems: A Tree ... Ravindra-ji (R) was a colossus — a tree with spreading branches offering shade to all and sundry. He was a colossus both literally physically and figuratively. I wonder at myself how I would have missed him out for so long! Our young eyes in the 40’s saw him with mixed feelings of fear, dislike, wonder and much later some opposition. These may be the reasons for my missing him out. I gathered... furlong or more away! There was a period that produced great workers. Karmayoga was the In thing it seemed. To mention a few of its practitioners: Manoranjan, Udar, Mona Pinto, Narayanprasad,… and Ravindra-ji. The Mother must have seen in R a great worker, on whom she could lay quite a burden (a joyous one). She did so, starting with a light one, gradually increasing it. He carried it well, I think ...
... Ravindra-Ji Among the Not So Great A Related Story Vandi-da, one day pulled a rickshaw (not a cycle-rickshaw but hand-drawn). He pulled it on the public road, just for the fun of it. Some local rickshaw-pullers who had seen R as Vandi-da became anxious. They thought he (R) might have in mind to run a regular rickshaw-service. This would lose them customers... 1.1917 to 24.8.2001 = 84 years) but varied and fruitful (pun not intended) life was R’s. He was bed-ridden for some time and shed his mortal coils on the 24th of August of 2001. I would believe Ravindra-ji went up in a golden Vandi to the Mother who took him into Her embrace of love. He had passed Her muster with credits. Life only is, or death is life disguised, Life a short death until by ...
... SRI AUROBINDO: I saw him only once. He was doing much Tapasya. SATYENDRA: Our Keshav Shastri has taken a vow of silence and Madangopal's friend has broken his. Ravindra gives me all these stories. When our sugar was being rationed, Ravindra said to me, "Take from Shastri's tin. He is silent, he can't protest." (Laughter) PURANI: He can write, and write strongly, I can tell you. SRI AUROBINDO: ...
... but also in the sense that neither author saw the writing of the other before putting down his own vision.) 1 SEHRA — LAST VIEW (25.4.1980) by Ravindra Khanna I entered the room a little trepidant — expecting to see a face with all the mental agonies and physical afflictions engraved on it. But a most marvellous sight met my gaze. Such beauty ...
... Ask only for a leaf of Tulasi (Devotion).” The young man has, inevitably, grown older. But the imparted wisdom stood him well and is still fresh in his mind. The young man was none other than our Ravindra-ji. Time passed, and Time knows no great, no small, no good or bad. All are sooner or later taken up. I don’t know exactly how or when Haradhan-da took ill, nor what the illness was. I went to ...
... His first work was to learn by teaching (in our School). I was never in his class, so cannot say first-hand anything about his “teacher-ship”. He didn’t teach for too long. Soon the Mother, maybe on Ravindra-ji’s suggestion, had other ideas for him. The Dining Room washing section was in a disarray. Sitaram was eased out of the School and put in charge of the washing section. Mother used to call him ...
... expectation and the prophecy have been amply fulfilled and the profoundest and mightiest voice has spoken and the Destiny of Man has been revealed to him in the most luminous rhythmic speech. RAVINDRA KHANNA 37 Ibid., p. 375. 38 The Future Poetry, SABCL, Vol. 9, p. 267. Page 256 ...
... Ashram; but that could only be for a short period. It had to be resumed and it continues. At first it used to be distributed by me through Kamala, then through Rajangam. Thereafter it is been done by Ravindra. ...
... utterly trifling matter as your not taking salad prepared with olive oil. Mother merely understood from it that you wanted uncooked vegetables and as she could not give salad in that form she ordered Ravindra to give you uncooked vegetables such as tomatoes and carrots. That was all that happened and her conduct would have been utterly absurd if she had become violently offended over it or wanted to ...
... nary year, the Mother very coolly denied it. I remember also a short talk between the Mother and one or two sadhaks who had brought some miraculous stories of dematerialisation. I think it was Ravindra of the Dining Room who spoke of a report about an Indian saint who was said to have disappeared from a closed room and left in the place of his dematerialised body a heap of flowers. The Mother ...
... a book of Sri Aurobindo's! 1. P. 292 of the edition by Dover Publications inc.. New York. Page 108 "After this discovery I came across a few more examples. My friend Ravindra Khanna drew my attention to an incident connected with Tennyson's 'Crossing the Bar' For years and years in both England and America critics have exercised themselves over the question of why Tennyson's ...
... ic genre. The intellectual style acquires a vivacity which reaches a point of implicit vision at the termination of either line: "disguised" and "surprised" prompt us to see and feel 1 Ravindra Khanna, Professor of English, Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education, Pondicherry, to whom, as well as to Nirodbaran, another Professor of English at the same institution, I owe several helpful ...
... can't forget my name. So I conveyed to the Mother whatever he had said. Mother asked for his name. His name just then slipped out of my memory! I thou, lot and then said 'Shashikumud'. Ravindra-ji was sitting nearby. 'It must be Chandrabhanu, he said. Isn't it?' "Yes, yes, that's it. Chandrabhanu!" I replied. * Dada was recounting some amusing stories. This was ...
... time catering to Page 78 his cats' needs. He himself ate only Dining-Room food, all purely vegetarian, but for his cats he would go to the market with a bag in hand to buy fish. Ravindra had nicknamed him 'Cat Monsieur'. One day Mother told Ardhendu-da: "It would be so much better if all the time you spend on cats was spent on contemplating God." Ardhendu-da replied: "But ...
... that if she thought it to be useful for us, I could follow this matter up, or someone else might be chosen by her for it. She answered that I could do that work with the help of Nolini and Madhav, Ravindra and Kireet, according to need. I was also engaged in the translation of Sri "The Page 87 Life Divine" into Hindi. The Government of India had decided to purchase a thousand copies ...
... original of Bremond's thesis. But I remember its central idea. Long ago I gathered it from an essay by Middleton Murry on the Abbe's two little books: La Poesie pure and Poesie et Priere. With Ravindra Khanna's help I traced this essay in our library, but I feel that, excellent in his own way though Murry is, there are shades in Bremond which he strikes me as overlooking. So I shall present Bremond ...
... cumbersome and somewhat straight-laced. But then who draws, or where to draw the line between “good” and “too good” in such matters? Let’s move on with the story. Then came along a young man — (late) Ravindra-ji. He was made the “in-charge” of the counter in D.R. Charu-da stepped down and continued working, without even a whisper of resentment or dissent. It seems some know-all, a worldly-wise man, pointed ...
... Ravindra-Ji Among the Not So Great The work(s) (1) R had the most pleasurable chore of preparing, daily, some fruit-juice for the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. (2) He would then have to hurry to D.R. (short for The Dining Room, also known as Aroumé to some old, old timers.) Once a high fever was raging through him, he went to D.R. taking support of the ...
... Poet, his Sri Aurobindo Seer and Poet, from which Diction of Savitri (pages 222-40) has been taken, is an excellent presentation of Sri Aurobindo's poetry to the world of literature. RAVINDRA KHANNA: A Study of Similes in Savitri (pages 241-56) was published in Mother India, September 1968, pp. 605-620. He was professor of English at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education ...
... repetition. If we prepare the Ayurvedic drug Sitopaladi here, one pound will come to Rs. 2/8; whereas the patent rate is Rs. 1/8. So shall we buy? [ Mother :] Yes. I had a talk with Ravindra about preparing Ayurvedic drugs here. He asked me what were the drugs we required. I replied that we didn't require any particular ones, but we now and then tried preparing some, following the directions ...
... this became visible to us as his lunch hour shifted gradually towards the afternoon. We used to have our meal together and the Mother too ate with us, at the Library House, in the room now used by Ravindra as the fruit-room. There used to be about eight or ten of us. On the previous day, Sri Aurobindo came down to lunch when it was past four. We would naturally wait till he came. Then the great day ...
... SRI AUROBINDO: Because he knows the Polish people are more resistant and won't be subjugated. At one time he thought of exterminating the Poles wholesale. PURANI: The Polish lady who wrote to Ravindra has come back from Europe. She says she has first-hand knowledge of the condition in Poland—about what Germany has done. She prays to you for Poland's amelioration. SRI AUROBINDO: Poland's amelioration ...
... AUROBINDO: The world, according to him, is full of suffering and sorrow, and life is an insanity. DR. MANILAL: It is just the contrary with me. I thought I caught an infection of hilarity from Ravindra. SRI AUROBINDO: Then you are trying to suppress it. (Laughter) DR. MANILAL: Are German philosophers influenced by Vedanta? Vivekananda said that Max Müller was a reborn Sayanacharya. SRI ...
... in Savitri, the epic nevertheless found more and more readers, and scholars like Nolini Kanta Gupta, K.D. Sethna, V.K. Gokak, Prema Nandakumar, M.P. Pandit, Rameshwar Gupta, Sisirkumar Ghose and Ravindra Khanna - steadily extended the frontiers of Savitri studies, and many a leading poet in the regional languages has gratefully acknowledged his debt of inspiration to the creator of Savitri. ...
... Upanishad, 337,459, 461ff, and Isha, 461; comparison with Mother's prayer, 462; and stair of consciousness, 462; and The Life Divine, 463 Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 722 Khanna, Ravindra, 690 Khaparde, G. S., 227, 269,272, 528 Kimberley, Lord, 37 Kingsford, D. H., 246, 305,307, 313 Kingsley, Charles, 128 Kipling, Rudyard, 12, 241 ...
... India, June 1968, p. 355 7. Ibid., 15 August 1951 8. Ibid., September 1952, p. 3 9. Ibid., p.2 10. The Advent, April 1951, p. 134 11. Quoted in Ravindra Khanna's article on 'The Master's Compassion' in the Advent, February 1951, pp. 44-45 12. Mother India, January 1955, p. 40 13. Ibid., June 1953, p. 27 ...
... 12. Lauren D 6. Sumitra Dhandhania 13. Upendra 7. Kusum Patel Sweet Mother, as I am alone, I have asked Gangaram to accompany us. We will take from Ravindra-ji: 7 loaves of bread, 25 bananas, 6 ounces of butter I will take some milk-sweets from Ganpatram. Mother, we need Your permission. Can we go? The Mother's answer: My blessings ...
... wishes, I joined the regular school but did not do all the subjects like the other students. My subjects of study were French, English, philosophy and a few of Sri Aurobindo's works. Nirod-da and Ravindra Khanna were my teachers for English prose. For English poetry, it was Amal Kiran. Bharati-di and Krishnakumari-di taught me French. For Indian philosophy, I was with Prapatti-da, for Western philosophy ...
... drinking the milk, I would want to take the glass to the washing area. But She would ask me for the empty glass. Like an automaton I would put the glass in Her hands. She would then give the glass to Ravindra. The Mother plays the organ In between I went to Mother in the afternoon as well. Sometimes She would give me sweets and sometimes flowers. Tara, Gauri, Parul, Rababala, Mrityunjoy da, ...
... (After a while) Gandhi has been forestalled in non-violence by Poland. The Poles adopted non-violence against the Nazis and do you know the results? The Polish lady, who wants to come here and is Ravindra's friend, wrote to Gandhi an account of the German oppression against the non-violence. She has given a report in a Telegu paper which accidentally came into Satyakarma's hands. He was very upset and ...
... Reception Hall was Nolini's room and the present reading room was Amrita's. What is now the Publication Department display and sales room was Bijoy's 8 and its office under the terrace leading to Ravindra's rooms in the back courtyard was Barin's 9 room. When Sri Aurobindo came down to the dining room (the present fruit distribution room) to have his food, he came down the Prosperity stairs ...
... talk on 28th October, 1940: "Gandhi has been forestalled in non-violence in Poland. The Polish (the Jews?) adopted non-violence against the Nazis and do you know the result? The Polish lady who is Ravindra's 1 friend wrote to Gandhi the account of the German oppression against the non-violent people. She cites 3 or 4 instances: 1) About 300 school-boys refused to salute Hitler. The result was that ...
... a trade label. Or any other name that Mother may give. Mother approves the name Aurocreation. I can help in the organisation of the work. * * * 20.5.71 In reply to Ravindra's letter Mother said that she has not appointed any doctor to look after sick Aurobabies. There is no child specialist there at present. One can go to Kamoo or choose anyone else. Page 115 ...
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