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English [971]
A Captive of Her Love [1]
A Centenary Tribute [1]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [2]
A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man [1]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [3]
Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [3]
Beyond Man [17]
By The Way - Part III [1]
Champaklal's Treasures [1]
Down Memory Lane [2]
Education and the Aim of human life [2]
Growing up with the Mother [2]
I Remember [1]
India's Rebirth [1]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [1]
Integral yoga and Evolutionary Mutation [2]
Learning with the Mother [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Man-handling of Savitri [1]
Moments Eternal [3]
More Answers from the Mother [1]
Mother and Abhay [1]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book One [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [13]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [26]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [105]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [47]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [62]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [52]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [46]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [54]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [41]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [42]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [54]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [65]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [69]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [70]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [97]
My Burning Heart [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [2]
Neanderthal Looks On [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On The Mother [9]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [2]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [6]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [8]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [3]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Genius Of India [1]
The Golden Path [2]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Great Sense [1]
The Mother (biography) [6]
The Spirit of Auroville [5]
The Veda and Indian Culture [1]
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English [971]
A Captive of Her Love [1]
A Centenary Tribute [1]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [2]
A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man [1]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [3]
Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [3]
Beyond Man [17]
By The Way - Part III [1]
Champaklal's Treasures [1]
Down Memory Lane [2]
Education and the Aim of human life [2]
Growing up with the Mother [2]
I Remember [1]
India's Rebirth [1]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [1]
Integral yoga and Evolutionary Mutation [2]
Learning with the Mother [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Man-handling of Savitri [1]
Moments Eternal [3]
More Answers from the Mother [1]
Mother and Abhay [1]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book One [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [13]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [26]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [105]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [47]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [62]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [52]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [46]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [54]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [41]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [42]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [54]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [65]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [69]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [70]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [97]
My Burning Heart [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [2]
Neanderthal Looks On [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On The Mother [9]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [2]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [6]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [8]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [3]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Genius Of India [1]
The Golden Path [2]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Great Sense [1]
The Mother (biography) [6]
The Spirit of Auroville [5]
The Veda and Indian Culture [1]
Showing 600 of 971 result/s found for Satprem

... Satprem’s books and as Satprem did not give him Mother’s Agenda , he turned against Satprem, he even tried to ruin Satprem in the eyes of his publishers in Paris and New York. In short, it is a “family affair,” as it were — Satprem does not belong to the family. As for Pranab, he is the lord of the manor and has always been jealous of something that was beyond him in Satprem. People cannot stand... used to talk with Satprem and chose Satprem instead of himself, her “son.” Pourna, Mother’s “grand-daughter,” regarded herself as the heiress by divine right of Mother’s message and of the spiritual authority over Auroville — but as Auroville did not let itself be impressed by her, she turned against Auroville, and as Satprem was not under her thumb, she turned against Satprem. What one cannot... July 3, 1973 (Message from Sujata to Satprem. Sujata, like Satprem, could not see Mother any more, but she let him know the few pieces of news she could get from the “circle” of people around Mother.) Are you fine? The news from Mother is good. She is walking! With so much tenderness. Douce 13 July 13, 1973 (Message from Sujata to Satprem) Sweet Mother is very interiorized ...

... of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram (poor Sri Aurobindo!). And what did this Counouma do as such? He locked out Satprem from his house and home; 34 he "expelled" Satprem from the Ashram of Sri Aurobindo; he denounced Satprem to the police. And now you say that "he will be very glad" if Satprem came back because he is keeping Satprem's house. Why this shameless lie? (...) Surely it must stem from the... Roger is on his "wanted list" — but the real object is the Agenda work, Satprem, who by the way, has his one year visa expired since last May. I have made an application for a one-year extension and I am waiting. (...) Je vous aime beaucoup [I like you very much]. Satprem   July 11, 1979 (Letter from Satprem to his mother) My beloved little mother, Page 103 Your letters... the end of something, but of what? Laffont = still silent. I must trouble him terribly. Satprem will not succeed in "making a name" for himself. If only he knew how little I care about Satprem! But, for Her, I would like this damned skin to be of some use. India = always the same black hole. Satprem   June 17, 1980 (Letter to Kireet about Auroville, originally written in English) ...

... that question? Yes, certainly you can. Towarnicki: All right. Who, then, is the child Satprem? What does he read? Is he an illiterate child? (laughter) Actually, perhaps it was not "the child Satprem."... Yes, it was probably Satprem. Towarnicki: All right. Who was the child Satprem? Did he go to church? Did he have a religious education? Oh, I couldn't stand it.... Yes, of... would leave her body. In any case, we went to see. Satprem and I went and watched (Satprem must have told you how it was).... 6 I am skipping a lot of things, you understand. Page 162 Later... there was that document of Mother's, which she called her Agenda . That is, all the conversations she had had for years and years with Satprem. People wanted to have them published immediately... face. But because Satprem had written his trilogy on Mother, after Mother's passing, he was asked to go to France. And there we learned that Satprem had the right to publish Mother's words since he was the one Mother had talked to! Until then, we didn't know that. It's only in France that we learned it. And that's how we began publishing Mother's conversations with Satprem, what is known as Mother's ...

Satprem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   My Burning Heart

... mere signature. (Satprem:) It can all be said in a few lines. Yes, it need not be long. I want Satprem to be present when I sign it. (Satprem) Oh, that isn't necessary at all, Mother! I prefer it that way. (Satprem:) All right! As you like (laughter). So settle it among yourselves, prepare a text and come to have me sign it when it's ready. (Satprem:) This very evening.... he should.... It would be much better to be frank with him, tell him exactly what we expect from him. (Satprem:) Yes, that's right. And put it in writing. And I'll tell him that I WANT to know. (Satprem:) Yes, we have to put it down in a few lines on paper. (André to Satprem:) Yes, what you did for your books was very good. And if he doesn't comply, he'll be putting himself in... for a detailed and accurate report. A complete and genuine statement of what they are. (Satprem:) M. and SABDA, both of them, isn't it. Yes. (André:) Actually SABDA is the most.... Yes, SABDA is.... (Satprem:) That's where the falsehood lies. SABDA is far more difficult. (Satprem:) Yes, exactly. He's become.... B.'s mind is... ( twisted gesture ). (André:) Yes, there's ...


... . before me is half an ox,' and with each slash of knife I would carve my ox! I would tell myself a story and end up swallowing my beefsteak!" "But Satprem never tells me any stories," I complained. "She wants me to write tales," Satprem said, "fairy tales." "Do you know fairy tales?" Mother asked him. "I'll invent some." "Yes, of course! I used to invent an enormous lot of... nations, rivers and mountains." As usual, when talking to Satprem, Mother gave the true reason (which she learned when she was in her twenties) for the birds, the squirrels coming to her as they did, without any hesitation. Mirra herself was as yet unaware of what she embodied, but not so the animals. Mother then described to Satprem what happened in the Fontainebleau forest: "I was eleven, or... expenses. She never understood! ... I found it very amusing." Which, however, did not prevent Mother from seeing the plain absurdity of all governmental and political systems. "You know," she said to Satprem, "I find it a queer turn of mind. You work —for what? Normally, to earn your living —it is illegal. You must work, but the business is in no way your personal affair. You have no right to draw your ...

... 2 Ah!... ( Mother gives the lotus to Satprem ) Here. What do you prefer: to have my hand [to meditate] or not? (Satprem:) On the contrary, I like very much that you hold me, Mother! You like it? Yes, hold me TIGHT. Good. ( Mother plunges in ) What do you feel: am I drawing some force from you or giving you some? (Satprem, a little flabbergasted:) But you fill me!... Mother comes out of her concentration, she speaks to Satprem: ) Tell me if you're tired. Page 393 (Satprem:) No, Mother, but Pranab is here. Oh, he's here! Call him. 4 (Pranab, in a dreadful tone:) Yes, Mother? I have.... I can't speak. (Pranab:) Don't speak Mother! [The attendant laughs.] I have asked Satprem to explain to you what is happening—why I must make... have my purpose, and even if I am in the dark.... (Satprem to Mother:) Shall I come tomorrow at eleven, Mother? (Pranab:) All that humbug, I don't like. Yes, mon petit, you'll leave a little before [Pranab's arrival]... that's all. (Satprem:) Shall I come at eleven or a little before? A short while, till 11:25. (Satprem:) Right, Mother. Understood, Mother. Good-bye, Mother. ...


... few hours were allowed for the body to remain in its natural condition. Why? There is no reply. Page 223 On 5th April, 1972, during a conversation with Satprem, Mother had been assured that 'we won't let you down.' Satprem had said: 'If you must remain for a given number of days in a state of apparent Samadhi, well, you will be protected and everything will be all right, that's all... last recess of Mother's forest? That last path of the earth?² _________________________________ ¹ Savitri, 1.2.17. ² Satprem, Mother or the Mutation of Death, pp. 281-2. Page 224 On November 18, as though in reply to that question, Satprem had, while staring at the Mother's body, an experience. He himself has described it: On November 18, in the middle of that incredible... us is in the cauldron of transformation. This is the cosmic yoga, which none can ___________________________________________ ¹ Satprem, Mother or The Mutation of Death, pp. 280-1. (see also Mother's Agenda, Vol. 10, 24.5.1969). ² Mother had told Satprem in 1968: 'But the new way of being wilt be visible only to someone who has himself or herself the supramental vision.... I see all sorts ...

... with Buffalo Bill. So she spent another part of her time doing exercises to develop other faculties. Mother was telling Satprem that if we developed our inner senses we could know infinitely more things than we ordinarily do; even physically, just using our inner senses. Satprem asked, "But what is the method?" Mother replied: "Oh, the method is very easy. There are various rules. It depends... of honey, to this day Satprem cherishes the taste of the honey Mother gave him: "A thing of Page 113 wonder!" It was royal honey, offered to the Mother by the Maharaja of Nepal, late King Nraendra, when towards the end of 1965 he had come with his queen and the prince, to pay their respects to Mother. She had kept aside that jar of golden honey for Satprem. Was this Mother's way... Details," Mother said to Satprem with a ripple of laughter. "And then I noticed —physically I wasn't much too aware —I noticed people standing around me and listening. So I got a grip on myself, didn't utter a word more, and left. But I told them, 'Listen, it was positively me! That was MY portrait. That was ME.' " And no wonder. For on several occasions when talking to Satprem about her past lives ...

... that is the knowledge of the laws, so I may serve the Divine in the most perfect universal Harmony. ( silence ) ( To Satprem: ) Did you tell him that I don't speak? (Satprem to A.R.:) Mother doesn't speak. If he has something to say, he can do so. (Satprem:) What is the central question that preoccupies you? (A.R.:) The central question... The central question for me, with regard... normal in the circumstances. (Satprem to A.R.:) You mean, when you want to cure someone? (A.R.:) Yes, that's it. (Satprem to Mother:) Mother, he says that when he wants to heal, for instance, there aren't two systems, there's only one: he goes into a deep, intimate communion with the Divine, and lets That come through.... Yes, that's right. (Satprem:) So he wonders why, in certain... the conditions of the Law, we may re-create the same phenomena. (Satprem:) You spoke of a "block" somewhere? (A.R.:) Yes, exactly, the block is just that.... Ill give an image: when you know a law perfectly, you can't be in breach of the law; but if you know it imperfectly, you risk a fine at any moment. (Satprem:) Mother, it's the knowledge of the Law that he would like to have, so ...


... Before I published Udar's article I sent for all the relevant documents — the Trustees' letter to Satprem and the letter to him by the Mother's son Andre telling him that the Mother had explicitly asked Andre to edit the Agenda. Evidently she had confidence in Andre and not in Satprem. This point brings me to your theme — broached in good faith, I am sure — of people looking at the negative... away by the labour which Satprem has spent on it and which you in your innocence want us to profoundly appreciate. Have we not always to look first at the sort of force at work behind a project? Constructive energy on a large scale lay behind both Hitlerism and Stalinism, but even though we may learn something from it we cannot get lost in admiration of it. Of course, Satprem is neither a Hitler nor... grace in Satprem's eyes. The spirit behind the Agenda is very far from being admirable. That is why Nolini refuses to encourage it and not just because Satprem has not let the Trustees have a hand in it. It is not my intention to show Satprem as all black. I knew him very well for years, I have known his difficulties and his good points and I am sure the Mother has given him some genuine spiritual ...


... feel very deeply.... ( silence ) Words... words ( Mother shakes her head ).... But to say it as simply as possible, I could say, "The Lord loves Satprem." And that's something profound, profound, profound.... The Lord loves Satprem. That's all. ( Satprem puts his forehead on Mother's knees ) Page 151 × The... intellect. But... I'm not at all capable of judging. Page 146 (To Satprem:) Who translated your article [on Bangladesh]? Z, Mother. 1 Ah, that's right. (M.:) That I found very good, because I read the English version first and I thought it was the original. Z knows how to translate. (Satprem:) She knows how to seize the Force and bring it out—that's what counts. ... (Satprem:) Well, someone has to be responsible for it! ( Mother laughs ) (M.:) The chapters following "The Sociology of the Superman": "Afterwards" and "The Conquest of Death," etc., vividly evoked for me what you say in "Notes on the Way." ( Mother smiles ) Yes, that's the yoga of the body. (M.:) But you alone are doing that, so.... You think so? ( laughter ) (Satprem:) I ...


... August 1968. On the 22nd August, Mother sent a note to Satprem (with packets of soup!) in which she had written: Here are some soups, you must not have any left. This time, it is TRULY interesting—but a bit total and radical. How far, far away we are from the goal.... I will try to remember.¹ On the 28th August, when Satprem met Mother, he was given a few notes by her, one of which... Aurobindo, and how Mother continued that Work. For a full study of this question, a thorough understanding of the relevant writings of Sri Aurobindo and 13 volumes of Mother's Agenda would be necessary. Satprem had made a detailed study of this question in his biography of Sri Aurobindo, Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, and in his biography of the Mother in three volumes, Mother or the... to day, from hour to hour, and many of them have been recorded in the Agenda. We shall relate here only a few of them, just a few landmarks. * * * On January 24, 1961, Mother narrated to Satprem as follows he experience (recorded in the Agenda), which marks an extremely important stage: _____________________________ ¹ Mother's Agenda, Vol. 1, p. 421. Page 134 I have ...

... stages that is going to be realized, it is not the final result.’ (31 December 1966) Satprem: ‘One has the impression that if nothing miraculous happens in the sense people understand this, well, that it will take centuries.’ — The Mother: ‘But you have never hoped that it wouldn’t take time?’ Satprem: ‘Well yes, of course.’ — The Mother: ‘But I have never believed that it could come quickly... darshan. During two days thousands passed by her from early morning till late in the evening. ‘And then, on 20 November, at a quarter past eight in the morning, they have put her in a coffin,’ Satprem writes. ‘We were standing to the right of the coffin. She was sitting more than she was laying down on those white cushions, with her hands on her knees. A ray of light touched her neck. Then the lid... the sufficiently transformed terrestrial substance will result in the formation of intermediary links between the human and the supramental beings, the overmen ( surhommes ) . As the Mother said to Satprem in this connection: ‘I would be very glad if it is somebody else, whoever it may be. I have not the least desire that it should be myself,’ and: ‘There is nothing in this body that even “aspires” to ...


... appearances may be very deceptive. (Satprem, aside to K.:) But couldn't someone like Champaklal understand that? (K.:) I don't think so. The big difficulty is the government, you see: a bunch of dimwits who know nothing outside of their rules and regulations. (Satprem:) No, no, Mother, I can assure you that.... (K:) No, no! (Satprem:) In any event, as long as we're alive,... food or drink, but somehow we persuaded Her to take them." 2 She did fight as much as she could, and then.... At times, I seemed to hear her faltering little voice up there: "Where is Satprem? Where is Satprem?..." and then silence. Had I attempted to force the barrier, this Agenda would never have seen the light of day. In a way, the following conversation is therefore prophetic. Such was... have to.... Yes.... I don't know. At any rate, I would like someone to prevent such a stupid thing, because then all the work would be lost. Yes, of course. But people like K. will be there [Satprem turns toward the bathroom door and gestures to Mother's attendant to come closer]. Yes. People like K. will be near You. Yes, mon petit, but K. is a young girl, she does not have any authority ...


... her as in the deepest, most intimate sanctuary, although the heart of the world was felt beating there. 1 — Satprem ‘A few months after I had withdrawn [in 1958], I had the experience from the position of the vital,’ we read in a conversation of the Mother with Satprem from January 1962. She meant the supramentalization of the vital. The supramentalization of the mental consciousness... 53, 361 × Satprem, Mère II, 142 × Frederic de Towarnicki, *Sept Jours en Inde avec Satprem* , 91 × ... and every one in the following chapters could be illustrated or supported with numerous quotations from the thirteen volumes of L’Agenda de Mère. These are the conversations the Mother had with Satprem from somewhere in 1960 till May 1973. The Agenda is a document of more than 6000 pages. We can only mention its existence and importance, and briefly refer to it in these last chapters. Extracts ...


... hand on FB.s head ) It's good. I'll do all I can. ( To Satprem: ) Oh, you know, I asked this Consciousness what was needed to receive it without distorting it, and it answered me ( Mother reads out a note ): "One must be able to stand in the light of the Supreme Consciousness without casting a shadow." (Satprem:) Without casting a shadow, yes. That's what it replied. (F... (F.B.:) That is, forgetting oneself completely? (Satprem:) Being totally transparent. But that's all the way up! ( Mother laughs ) ( To Satprem: ) He's leaving for Bombay to do some good work. (F.B.:) I hope so. It's very interesting ( Mother points to her note ): there was the experience of the Consciousness, the light of the Consciousness.... Very well, here ( Mother gives... spirit's powers.... ( I.V.74 ) You see, he says the heartbeats stop.... ( Mother looks for the passage, which Satprem reads out: ) When life had stopped its beats, death broke not in.... Page 139 That's it! And he says that the mind also stops. ( Satprem reads ) He dared to live when breath and thought were still. That's it. Thus could he step into that ...


... Savitri , rev. ed. 1993,461 × Satprem, Mère II, 416 × Satprem, Mère II, 338 × Notes sur le chemin... don’t know if I am dead.” For, indeed, it is so. For some minutes it has completely the impression of being dead; at other moments it has the impression of being alive.’ (31 May 1969) What Satprem writes in his trilogy about the Mother is therefore very true: ‘We probably do not understand literally enough that, at the same time, she was really alive on one side and really dead on the other... persons around her noticed it. But when it became too much, she sometimes had to interrupt her work for a few days perforce, on doctor’s orders. How gruesome it could be may be read in the conversation Satprem has named l’Agenda terrible , ‘the terrible Agenda,’ or in the conversation at the time her leg was paralyzed. ‘I have a leg that has been dead for a long time (it is just beginning to revive) ...


... ‘You see, I haven’t paid special attention to it because I was like that, it was completely natural.’ ‘But was it like that in the subtle physical?’ asked Satprem. ‘It must be like that in the subtle physical,’ the Mother answered. Satprem again: ‘But how will that come down into the physical?’ ‘That is what I do not know,’ the Mother answered. ‘It was also evident that there was no longer a complicated... completely by surprise. It lasted … I have been feeling it for three hours at least. Afterwards, I no longer paid any attention to it, I don’t know what has happened to it. But I have told it to you [Satprem] in passing, and I have also spoken about it to two or three other persons: all of them had felt it. This means that it was very material. All of them had felt it, just like that, like a kind of... Auroville].’ 10 The instrument in many cases used by that power of attraction was Sri Aurobindo, ou l’Aventure de la conscience (Sri Aurobindo, or the Adventure of Consciousness), the book written by Satprem under the guidance of the Mother and (behind the veil) of Sri Aurobindo. April 1972: ‘The change of the human into the supramental being occurs, or doesn’t occur, through the overman. It is possible ...


... come, and... That's... That's really what saddened me, you understand? Page 307 ( Satprem feels tears flow on his cheeks ) Because concentrated silence, I could spend twenty-four hours in it—that joy has been taken away from me. ( Mother takes soup packets near her and gives them to Satprem ) And I have great difficulty eating, a great difficulty. ( Then she goes into a long ... death that wasn't a solution. That was frightful. ( the clock strikes, Satprem lays his forehead on Mother's knees ) Tempted to say, pray for me. Yes, Mother. ( Mother has tears in her eyes ) You know, it's like this, it's so horrible that it... I am tempted to say, pray for me. Yes. Mother. 5 ( Satprem lays his head on Mother's knees, then goes to Sri Aurobindo's room ) ... this meditation, Satprem was in such an intense prayer, and there seemed to be a luminous power, almost white, bluish, solid, with these words constantly rising in him, as if they came from this light, "We shall conquer, we shall conquer...." × Soon afterwards, Sujata reminded Satprem of these lines from ...


... vital —you can very easily gain a mastery over serpents," Mother explained to Satprem, who till then heartily detested those creatures. "All those who love snakes have it and with it make the snakes obey them. That's how I got out of my scrape Page 135 with the Naja in Tlemcen. Do you know the story?" Satprem nodded. He vividly remembered Mother telling him some years previously how... 10 What Happened at Tlemcen That was Mother's story to the children. Naturally enough, her stories covered wider grounds when she could talk freely to Satprem. She retold him the stories about the Lord of the Snow, about the musical toad, and other tales of Tlemcen. Towards late afternoon Mirra went walking with Theon to explore the neighbour hood.... visit the ancient marabout's tomb, he put her in an embarrassing situation and had his little revenge on her. "We used to go for walks in the nearby countryside to see the tombs," said Mother to Satprem. "It was entirely a Muslim country, and the Muslim tombs are guarded by certain people (I don't remember now what they are called in Arabic). But there's always a sage, like the Indian fakirs here ...

... you say at the end of your letter is to my mind correct: "Satprem's Agenda minus Satprem (the Mother's temporary private references, the editor's personal footnotes, etc.) would be quite all right." Perhaps in relation to "minus" I should draw a distinction between the Divine Mother's Satprem and Satprem's own Satprem. She disclosed a great deal to the former and expected him to live up to her will... I can see that although you do not favour Satprem for a moment you are genuinely puzzled at the turn that things have taken in relation to the Agenda. Your puzzlement may be summed up as follows: "How is it that the Divine Mother who, by definition, must be both omniscient and omnipotent, has allowed the Agenda to be got hold of entirely by Satprem in spite of her telling her son Andre that in... in case of publication it should be edited by him — without necessarily meaning utter exclusion of Satprem as collaborator? No matter if the Divine Mother has left her body she cannot cease having all-knowledge and all-power: why then did she not prevent its being published wrongly? Could not her Will have even destroyed by some means the very original if she had wanted? Is it possible that she had ...


... through Sujata. × Actually, Satprem was only given the recording with Sujata, not the other one. × Satprem claims no scientific accuracy! × ... Listen to me now—will you do as I say? Come to see me every day. Come to see me every day as before. If I have nothing to say, I'll give you flowers; if there is something I want you to convey to Satprem, I will tell you. But come, just come. Page 115 The time will be more or less the same as before. You came after who? I used to come after R. Well then, come after R. That's settled:... very well nowadays, I find it difficult, but the consciousness is clear. So I am telling you: I want to see you every day. Understood? Yes, Mother. Good. ( Sujata returns to her place Satprem comes near Mother ) That's what it is: I have difficulty speaking, I immediately... ( Mother gasps for breath ). There's obviously something happening here ( Mother touches her chest ). But the ...


... February 8, 1969 ( By some kindness of fate, the recording of the beginning of this conversation was preserved, though Satprem normally erased all those exchanges or the little facts that did not seem to have "historical" interest. For amusement we reproduce here these fragments.... ) Today is soup day! Here. Chicken... can't be kept indefinitely. You two eat some, don't you? Yes, Mother! You do eat some? Because otherwise they'll get spoiled. So do you think you can crush a biscuit? One at a time. (Satprem:) Not more than one?... Maybe two? Two will be a lot to eat. (Sujata:) Or one and a half? Eating two at one go is a lot for me! One is enough. Do you crush them by hand? Yes, Mother... If you took some in the afternoon? It would be a lot in the afternoon.... Early morning, would it be convenient for you? I take my breakfast at 8:30 in the morning, is it too early? (Satprem:) She does it at 5 in the morning! I get up at 4:30. Page 51 (Sujata, laughing:) Me too! So, in the morning. You'll do like this: one, two, three, four, five days.... Yes, ...


... Mirra had gone so often for her evening walks —are at a stone's throw from Page 17 there. Was I thrilled! One day, Satprem and I went to Passy to see another intimate friend of ours. We took the subway. It was my first ride in a metro and, had Satprem not pulled me away in time, I would have been squashed right there by the closing doors! Our friend, Y. L., showed us the Roland Garros... expounded his philosophy, but the greater part was contributed by Madame Theon. "It was dictated in English by Théon's wife while she was in trance," said Mother to Pavitra and Satprem one day in 1960. In those days she met Satprem in Pavitra's office on the first floor. "And there was a woman there, she too English, who claimed to know French like a French- Page 21 man. She... The floodgates were to be unlocked by Theon. The rush of experiences would have swept anybody else off his feet. But Mirra was a young woman with both her feet on the ground. Mother told Satprem, "I don't think there's anyone more materialistic than Page 13 I was, with my practical common sense and positivism .... The explanations I asked were always down-to-earth, and it ...

... left her puzzled. And the Théons were able to give her the key to the riddles of her 'dreams.' Take the mystery of the Being who promised her things in abundance. "When I was a child," said Mother to Satprem, "around twelve, I knew nothing about spiritual things, my family lived in a completely materialistic atmosphere. But once, I saw something in a dream: a Being coming to me, a woman, and telling me... clearly, I understood and organized it." It was her sleep that Mirra organized impeccably. Indeed, none could beat Mother where the subjects of sleep and dream were concerned. On one occasion when Satprem complained to Mother about his bad nights, she shed much fresh light upon sleep, then proceeded to say, "There would be many interesting Page 157 things to tell about sleep, because... from outside." This vital world is the land of the Life Heavens Page 158 on the one hand: "Just imagine, for example, that you are very tired and need to rest," Mother said to Satprem who always needed to take rest after his night's sleep! "If you know how to exteriorize yourself and enter consciously the vital world, you can find there a region similar to a miraculous virgin forest ...

... life but round the world in ever-increasing intensity and reach. The genesis of this publication of the four volumes of letters can be traced to a request of Sri Satprem to Ma Indira Devi in January 1996. Sri Satprem wrote: Page 4 16 January 1996 Respected Indira Devi, It is a grace to write to you personally. I still remember Dilipda in 1946 when... French. With warm remembrance and regards, and in my heart Dilipda’s smile. Satprem While acknowledging our debt of gratitude to those from whom we have received in abundant measure help, support, love and contribution through concrete inputs, we must mention, as well as Sri Satprem, most importantly, Dr. Govinda Gopal Mukhopadhyay, who was the main initiating spirit behind... end this note with a blessing of love from Sri Satprem which he personally sent me in February, 2005. r r fevrier 2005 To Shankar In this auspicious month of the Divine Mother it is most touching to read re-read and re-read Your faithfulness in the Truth Divine With my deepest Love and Mother’s Love Satprem Shankar Bandyopadhyay Hari Krishna ...

... after midnight she was up and about in the Ashram, resting not more than a couple of hours — a rest which could hardly be called sleep. ‘The Ashram had become a rather gigantic enterprise,’ remembers Satprem in his trilogy Mère. ‘She looked after everything in the smallest detail, from the quality of the paper for a book in the Ashram Press to the way of sticking a stamp on a post parcel and the shifting... background, as ever, the roaring breakers of the sea and the hooting of car horns in dusky Pondicherry. And over the top of the highest walls at regular intervals the sweeping ray of the light-house. Satprem, also present there, writes in his evocative style: ‘In the evening, after her game of tennis, one saw her enter the Playground, 91 very small, tranquil, white, with Japanese getas on her feet,... or experience what she spoke. From those talks alone one could distill a complete spiritual or occult system. 93 The Mother during one of the Entretiens at the Ashram Playground, 1951 Satprem has called those evenings ‘the greatest de-occultization’ ever undertaken. Had not Sri Aurobindo written: ‘To know these things and to bring their truths and forces into the life of humanity is a necessary ...


... Mother laughs ). It's futile, it's very childish. ( Mother nods and gives Satprem the handwritten note ) ( Then Mother takes up a few extracts from Savitri that are to be set to music. ) ..... A little point [shall] reveal the infinitudes. II.I.100 It's interesting. ( Satprem reads the second chapter of Supermanhood, "The Great Process." After a few satisfied... Mother’s Agenda 1970 October 14, 1970 While sorting papers, I found this. I don't know what it is. ( Satprem reads ) Page 345 "My hair is not dyed. It is its natural color, except for a slight reddish hue that comes from the soapbark lotion I use to wash my head. "When I used to go out, I had to put rose juice on my lips so they would... use such devices?..." He also asked, "Why is there in the Ashram this extreme iconolatry?" I think the gentleman has changed a bit. Is there a date? 1965. I think he has changed. ( Satprem reads another note ) "To calm all personal ambitions, I must declare that "If, for any reason, this body becomes unusable, the universal Mother will again start manifesting in hundreds of in ...


... docketed. No cobwebs hung in any corner or recess where the tablets were neatly stacked. And there we find one tablet, untouched by time, which pertains to the earthly Paradise. One morning in 1961, Satprem asked, "Is it true, Mother, that an earthly Paradise existed?" "From a historical viewpoint," she replied, "not psychological but historical, if I take stand on the grounds of my memory . . .... Mirra was to see this future form. But that will come in its own place. Her eyes fell on a brilliant crimson canna in a vase. I often arranged a vase of flowers on Mother's interview days with Satprem. "Ah, there were many flowers just like this one in the landscape of that earthly Paradise —red, and so beautiful!" She leaned back in her chair, placed her fingertips together and closed her... that humanity should progress mentally, thus gaining a knowledge which would enable it to stop obeying him! That is Théon's occult explanation." "And what does the serpent represent physically?" Satprem asked, thinking no doubt of the original sin! "Why," exclaimed Mother, "it is the vibration of evolution!" "I don't mean symbolically," he explained, "but physically, materially —the animal ...

... personal to be published. ( Mother plunges in again ) I don't know.... Its gone, it's over. I would like the two of you [Nolini and Satprem] to be absolutely sincere: is there nothing in you that thought, "No, it can't be published"? (Satprem:) I didn't have that impression. I had the impression it could be useful. But I think Nolini will be more objective since he wasn't here when you... I am afraid it might be an occasion for... it might encourage in people morbid experiences. (Satprem:) Yes, Mother, that's true. That's what bothers me. It's better not to. It means encouraging morbid things in people. Yes, I saw some like that. Page 354 ( Then Satprem prepares to read a new chapter of Supermanhood: "The Bifurcation." ) We should get the introduction... Mother’s Agenda 1970 October 21, 1970 I found some old papers. ( Satprem reads ) "I am told that you intend to distribute a reproduction of the portrait you did of me. It would be better not to introduce in this gathering anything personal that might suggest the atmosphere of a nascent religion." It was for Auroville and it was a portrait ...


... listening to Satprem and understanding that he spoke out of love, X—with all his Tantric power behind—flew into a violent rage against him, as if he had been casting a slur on X's prestige. Satprem then broke with X, but not without sorrow. ) Anything new? Ahem!... Me too, nothing new. Nothing at all. But you have a letter there ( Mother sees an envelope on the floor next to Satprem ). ... ( Unexpectedly, this conversation led into the subject of Satprem's break with X, who had been his guru for the past few years. Here then, briefly, is the story behind the rupture: No sooner had Satprem brought X to the Ashram than a swarm of disciples threw themselves at him. Conspicuous among these were the moneymen, the same wheelerdealers who, eleven years later, after Mother's departure, were... events—and it doesn't depend on whether the body is this way or that. Something else.... Something else.... Only one thing depends on the body: speech, expression... who knows?... ( Mother gazes at Satprem for a long time, as though she were considering an unknown possibility. ) Ah, that's enough for today! Shall we be silent for five minutes? Tell me frankly, very frankly: does it help you ...


... physical and psychological transformation of mankind today. I am afraid that I have introduced an extremely controversial Page 72 issue but it came to me recently when reading Satprem and it fits so exactly with what I have been thinking that I thought that I should put it before you. I would be interested to hear your comments on this. Yours sincerely, BEDE GRIFFITHS... of Consciousness and that the book fascinates you. Yes, it is an excellent piece of exposition written from the heart of its subject and therefore with an experiential power. When it was penned, Satprem was still one of us and shared with us a vision of Sri Aurobindo's work in all its integrality, with its background of the world's whole spiritual history, its broad basis of a many-sided Yoga compassing... Aurobindo and the Mother through their sadhana obtained insights into the human condition, which bear out so remarkably the deeper aspects of Christian faith. For instance, the example which I quoted from Satprem of the Mother's insight, that if one person could effect the transformation of the body, it would affect the body everywhere because 'there is but one body'. This is an extraordinary insight, which ...

... this evening, after his visit ( Mother laughs ironically ). Page 401 ( That evening, then, Satprem saw A.R., and after a difficult discussion during which Satprem tried to open A.R.'s eyes, he sent Mother the following letter to give her an account of what had taken place. Satprem was in front of irrefutable Monism—which does not see what is right under its nose. ) October 25, 1969... may be the Grace. And in the end, he was not too happy with me.... I am sorry. I have the impression of having miserably failed. Your somewhat puzzled child, with love, Satprem ( Mother's reply ) Satprem, my dear child, What A.R. calls me (the mother) is this physical body, and it is a fact that he receives nothing from it. Whether he knows or feels it or not, he receives everything... That was in fact a great turning point in Satprem's life: the experiential understanding between the great "That" and the "something else" that flows through Mother. It thus took Satprem fifteen years to come close to Mother... ...


... and endeavour. We are fairly well informed about this yoga of physical transformation due to a series of regular conversations, extending over many years, which the Mother had with Satprem, a French disciple. Satprem, whose other name was Bernard Enginger, was born in 1923 on the coast of Brittany, a place he would always remember with nostalgia. When twenty and a member of the French Resistance he... and her ongoing yogic experiences. When Satprem realized the importance of these conversations, he began recording them on tape, and from 1964 onwards published, with the Mother’s consent, some passages in the Bulletin of Physical Education under the title Notes on the Way. Since its inception the Bulletin was published in English and French, and Satprem had become the French editor. After... probably in 1949, and he carried The Life Divine with him wherever he went. Ultimately he joined the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, reluctantly, in 1953. The published correspondence between the Mother and Satprem in the following years shows the endless patience, understanding and love the Mother showered even on restless disciples like him. Gradually she won him over by taking him into her confidence, even ...

... take the word "objectivity" in the sense of "real, independent existence"—real, independent self-existence—there is only the Supreme. As Satprem prepares to leave: So do I have to wait till the book is finished before I can hear it?... ( Satprem makes a face ) You know, when I listen to you, I seem to be lying down, stretched out on something that moves forward very gently and regularly... Mother’s Agenda 1966 May 18, 1966 ( After Satprem has read to Mother a first few fragments from the "Sannyasin" ) I like your way of writing. It's restful. But when you write a novel, you must build it up; in other words, there are all those unnecessary things you have to put in to reach certain points, and that's... inner rhythm.... One rarely comes across a music like that. And it's the same thing with words. The sound of words is immediately restful. Will you read it again for me? Read it again. ( Satprem shakes his head, he is ashamed ) Page 111 Soon afterwards: Have you heard of the drugs?... 1 Have you seen pictures?... I saw pictures.... People are hurled utterly defenseless ...


... you everything? Did I give you the second calendar [with a photograph of Mother, printed in Calcutta]? The other one, he [Satprem] didn't like it. (Sujata:) You're too stern, little Mother! Ah, there we are again! But I wasn't stern: I was in contemplation! (Satprem:) A stern contemplation. ( On the second calendar, the photograph shows Mother engaged in her translation work ) It's... know, I don't know what I play at all, at all, at all! I barely hear it. There is something having fun "over there." If I listen just a minute, it begins to disturb me! That's enough, no? ( To Satprem: ) What do you say, you there? Is that enough or do you want to hear more? It depends. If you're tired... Oh ( laughing ), tiring, this! It doesn't tire anything. The head is empty. I tell... his book, I'll give you my manuscript to type. If my eyes were good, it would do, but they're no good, the poor things (I can't speak ill of them, they've served well, but anyway...). Or else, he [Satprem] would have to correct directly on my manuscript, but that he won't do. Ah, no! So it's no use. (Sujata:) I also have a whole year of "Agenda" to catch up with. Oh, the Agenda.... I ...


... break between Satprem and his Tantric guru, with whom he had worked for six years. The occasion for this break was a sort of repetition of what had happened two years earlier, i.e., a swarming little horde of businessmen and "disciples" in search of petty powers, against whom, once again, Satprem wanted to warn X, for he loved him in spite of everything. This break nearly cost Satprem his life, as will... must learn how to wait. Sri Aurobindo said that he who has learned how to wait puts time on his side. ( Soon afterwards, Mother asks what the next aphorism will be for her to comment on. Satprem answers that it is the story of Narada and of Janaka who practiced yoga while leading the ordinary human life. 1 ) That's odd! Very recently, a few days ago, after you came last time, again... thinking of this?" Page 183 It's like that all the time! All the time, all the time. I receive the explanation afterwards. So I looked, and all sorts of things came.... ( Then Satprem reads Mother the first "Playground Talk" for the next Bulletin and tells her that the next Talk is about "exteriorization." ) Again! That's amusing.... Not only the memory of the time when I was ...


... the work. ( There follows a long and habitual discussion on the problem of the publication of Mother's words. As usual, Mother wants to cut everything out—"I don't want any I"—and as usual Satprem literally has to fight to salvage a few fragments here and there. The present instance concerns the "Notes on the Way." ) But I can see, lots of people read the Bulletin , and we have to be careful... all that's personal, there remains a sort of "declaration" that has no concrete impact. It remains vague and general. We can keep the complete text for those who are ready to see the whole. ( Satprem protests ) But mon petit, read the whole thing again for yourself, and tell yourself that all those who are ready to read the whole thing will read it one day, that's all, it's enough! Page... read your texts back to you, because you're impossible! ( Mother laughs ) ( The discussion goes on and Mother again wants to cut out the whole end of the conversation of November 27 which Satprem wanted to publish in "Notes on the Way." It was about the double movement of Oneness and Multiplicity. ) Don't lose heart. But it all hangs together! Yes, all those who have your development ...


... × Satprem assumes that the immense being was the "That" he was turning to in preference to Mother's person. And "That" came and showed him his place. × Satprem was beginning to climb down from his "heights." It was none too soon. ... Mother’s Agenda 1968 July 20, 1968 ( Mother looks better, although she is still coughing. Satprem, on the other hand, has caught a fever. ) It comes from there [the Vatican], it's the same origin as with me. The first time I was on my guard, but this time I've been taken by surprise.... If it amuses them! Soon... coughs ) Z has made a "confession" to me and has asked me some questions. I intended to reply to her today, but today I don't have any voice. If you'd like to read it... ( Mother holds out a letter to Satprem ). "I have the feeling of a division and a confusion in my mind, and probably between different parts of my being of which I am not clearly conscious. "In one of those parts, the Divine, or ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1968 August 28, 1968 ( Mother receives Satprem and Sujata in her new, low armchair made of rosewood, which will remain till the end. She no longer gets up to fetch flowers for them. ) Come here, I am more deaf than ever! How are you? It's been a long time without seeing you! It was interesting... them. It's not over. It's not over and I don't know when it will be. But anyway, I'll be able to see you again in the morning. First, you must be famished! No, not at all! ( Mother gives Satprem soup packets ) Do you have news? Page 226 No, Mother. I saw something before August 15, one night around August 11. I saw a huge, fantastic wave of white foam, but a wave higher than... and brief, can be used as "Apropos" in the next Bulletin . And I have others out of which, if you organize them, you can, I think, prepare the "Notes on the Way." The "Apropos" is very brief ( Satprem reads out ): "The doctor recommends not to tire oneself. What is it that tires?—Only that which is useless. "Seeing sincere people, to whom it does good, is not a fatigue. "But those who come ...


... spiritualist; then you mention me, saying we should take another position, a "third position." She didn't understand ( Mother gives Satprem the child's letter ). 1 My answer is prompt. But I felt like saying to her, "Another time, what if you went and asked Satprem?" It wouldn't have the same effect! Page 217 No, but you could explain better! ( Mother laughs ) Ah, no! ... Mother’s Agenda 1969 June 25, 1969 ( For some time Mother's health has been very upset. Most of her recent meetings with Satprem were spent in silent contemplation. ) ...Then there is little S.U. (do you know S.U.?), who isn't too happy with her work and asked me if I couldn't help her make some progress. So I told her, "Read... everyone: to prepare oneself for this transformation. For a few: to begin the work of transformation. For a very small number: to hasten the process of transformation." ( Mother turns towards Satprem ) Isn't the thought clear? Oh, yes, it is! ( Mother laughs ) I see him every day for a minute or two. He Page 219 asked me, "Is it possible to have a new birth every day?" I ...


... October 12, 1969 ( From Satprem to Mother ) ( The full text of the following letter regrettably disappeared, only the last part of it was found. The healer told Satprem that what he found near Mother was "the same thing" as elsewhere, the same immutable, eternal, changeless "That." Satprem tried hard to make the healer feel that there was nevertheless something... retreat, I hope you will be able to open to Mother, who will open for you the door of the Secret." I hope I did well and that Your Grace will be with him. With love, Satprem Page 376 ( From Mother to Satprem ) It is quite good. The Grace is always with you, you know that. You have given A.R. the possibility of being conscious of it too. Tenderness and blessings. Mother ...


... Agenda 1970 May 20, 1970 ( Those last few days, Mother had her left eye slightly infected, then an abscess in a tooth—Satprem too. ) After the eye, it was the teeth.... One thing after another. Anyway... It's just going on. Page 195 ( silence ) Did you see the brochure [on Auroville and Religions ]?... full of ties there and the new life, the new consciousness which is beginning to be interesting. ( long silence ) There were interesting things again by Sri Aurobindo, did you get them? ( Satprem reads the latest aphorisms ) 517—Until thou canst learn to grapple with God... ( Mother laughs heartily ) a wrestler with his comrade, thy soul's strength shall always be hid... point it isn't this active consciousness that writes: it sounds quite foreign to me!... But the day before yesterday, I wrote something, and while writing, I said to myself, "Oh, this will interest Satprem." And I no longer remember either! It's very strange. I am like this ( gesture at the forehead, still ) and suddenly I'll take my pencil and write. And I know what I write at the time of writing ...


... throw some light on the nature of the "schism," we include at the end of this conversation the text of a letter written by Satprem to an enthusiastic and erroneous reader. × Satprem was even accused of having "betrayed Sri Aurobindo." There was a little clique of "intellectuals" in the Ashram, who after... listened to you and they have missed the chance—they are missing it! ( Mother goes within, then takes Satprem's hands with a weary air ) Page 100 ADDENDUM "The Schism" Satprem had received the following letter from an enthusiastic reader of "On the Way to Supermanhood": "Until the year of grace 1969 [the descent of the New Consciousness], all philosophies, all religions... concretely, and on the other hand, those who wanted conveniently to dispense with all spiritual disciplines and live according to their fancy. Two poles of the same misconception. Here then is the letter Satprem sent in response to this enthusiastic reader: Page 101 Pondicherry, 6. April 1971 You have a lot of nerve to say that Sri Aurobindo did not have the key to the yoga of the superman ...


... April 11, 1971 ( Satprem has protested the "Nietzschean" jacket of "Supermanhood" in which "superman" was printed in French in enormous letters, and protested also the sales methods of that Press. This raised a storm. It is hard to know exactly what was reported to Mother, but she sent Satprem a rather severe note. What eluded Satprem completely then was a latent animosity against... besieged by visitors, which brought him another sort of animosity. These facts are included here for the sake of accuracy and completeness, for they are symptomatic of the whole. ) From Mother to Satprem Satprem, This morning I saw B., 1 who brought me the letter you wrote to M. [the manager of the press]. It pained me because it was an outburst of an excited mind, which is obviously not the ...


... are retaking a body and reentering." She let fall that "when one is on that highest height, the body is in a cataleptic state." Which is neither sleep nor death, but a state in between. Satprem the seeker, sought to know, "Is there a difference between sleep and death? Or are they the same?" "Death and sleep? Oh, no!" "But isn't sleep like death?" he insisted. "When asleep one is... "quite a perilous work, moreover. It was the body's life-energy that went out —everything, everything went out, just as when you die. Besides, that's how I came to experience death." "I mean," Satprem chipped in, "aren't the places you go to in sleep the same as the ones you go to after death?" "No. No-no." Then she gave the underlying reason for sleep and described what mostly happens in reality... negligence on Théon's part who was there to watch over me —the cord, I don't know what to call it, went snap!" There was a faint rueful smile on Mother's face. "The link was cut malevolently." Satprem shuddered. With reason. For, as a rule, it denotes a point of no return. To put it simply, when a spirit goes out from a body that is asleep or in a trance —as in Mirra's case —as long as life continues ...

... 14 Satan Mother was deploring the lack of mental qualities in the Ashram children. "These children don't understand Sri Aurobindo's irony," she told Satprem. "Happily, on this point of humour, there was a meeting of Sri Aurobindo's mind and mine," she said. "They read prosaically," she moved her palm in the air in a gesture of superficiality. "Strangely... thank you very much!' It's an admirable story. And in exactly the same vein as what Theon said. As it happens, that was the first thing I asked Anatole France." She interrupted herself to say to Satprem, "I told you once that I met him. Common friends took me to him. The first thing I asked him was, 'Have you ever read the Tradition?' 'No,' he told me. I explained to him why I had asked, and he was... take his place? Then, as an associated recollection crossed her mind, Mother said, "Do you remember I once told you I had clothed a vital Being in a body?" "Is that Being still alive?" Satprem queried. "Who was it?" "I have spoken of this before," she replied. "I recounted the story of the revolution in China, and how this Being left me, saying . . ." Mother did not complete ...

... exists somewhere. Logically, there has to be a Mother of Ignorance. (Satprem to Sujata:) What did the Mother of Ignorance do? (Sujata:) In my dream?... I had a long dream, and towards the end, I met her. I had to go through a place, and I told her, "I must go to the Light, to the Mother of Light." (Satprem:) And then? (Sujata:) Then the dream vanished. ( Mother did not hear... (Satprem:) She told her she wanted to go to the Mother of Light. Oh, ( laughing ) and then she left! (Sujata:) But she was there as if ... She were governing. Yes, Mother, as if she were governing. That's right. Page 157 What are those regions?... There are any number of regions. There are unimaginable things. But where is that? I don't know. (Satprem to Sujata:)... fact, to become conscious, fully conscious in the eternal world. ( silence ) He knew all that, Sri Aurobindo.... Have you seen the latest Aphorisms ? Page 158 On laughter? ( Satprem reads ) 478—A God who cannot smile could not have created this humorous universe. ( Mother laughs ) 476—When will the world change into the model of heaven? When all mankind becomes ...


... thing! If it were told, "You were born to be happy..." ( Mother stares in surprise ), it doesn't understand! ( Soon afterwards, for a message for April 24, Mother asks Satprem to look for a quotation from Sri Aurobindo. Satprem proposes this: ) Page 126 "There is nothing that can be set down as impossible in the chances of the future, and the urge in Nature always creates its own means... Mother’s Agenda 1970 March 28, 1970 ( Mother holds a note out to Satprem ) This is what I sent for the conferences of the New Age Association . 1 They asked, "Is the aim of life to be happy?..." So I replied: "That is just putting things topsy-turvy. "The aim of human life is to discover the Divine and... good! We'll take this. It's good for everyone. Page 127 ( Then Mother takes up the French translation of the above quotation and spends a long time looking for a word for "right." Satprem reads out several unsatisfactory translations from a dictionary. ) The French language is very literary and mental, isn't it? Yes, it's very rigid. Rigid, yes. They're beginning to wonder ...


... I would do it—and when you're very small, you don't have any thought in mind—I would do it just like that ( Mother presses her cheek ), and it would relieve. I'll try! Yes ( poking fun at Satprem ). What do you bring? I should first give you news of G. I saw him this morning, he told me that since I spoke to him he has been feeling better, much better. Afterwards there haven't been any... feel the Power. But I never know if it's the True Thing.... I REALLY aspire to do the True Thing, I aspire to... Page 341 As for me, I have trust. I have trust in your reaction. ( Satprem opens his hands ) With the Consul's wife, for instance, it was perfect! It was just what was needed. 2 I don't know why, sometimes I am impelled to be quite brutal... Why? I haven't the... and Answers." Is it worth publishing? Oh, yes, certainly! Certainly. ( Mother laughs ) They're FINE, these Talks. Are you taking up the old ones again? Yes, of 1953. ( Satprem reads out the Talk of August 19 which first deals with the power of stones. Mother comments: ) Page 342 Some stones can contain a force of protection. That's remarkable, mon petit! You ...


... Mother, whenever you want, you'll call me yourself. In any case, when the Bulletin is ready, you'll come and show it to me. Au revoir. ( Satprem leaves, Mother takes Sujata's hands ) ( Laughing ) I gave your flowers to Satprem, so you don't have any! I have your hands, Mother! Are you all right, mon petit? Yes, Mother. You had some trouble here ( pointing to the... Mother’s Agenda 1971 January 17, 1971 ( Satprem reads to Mother some passages from yesterday's conversation that will be published in the "Bulletin." Mother's voice is like a long moan, but her laugh is still ready to break out, as if laughter were the only true physical thing remaining. ) It's good, you've done just... was needed. It's just right, you've said it just perfectly. It really wasn't useless. 1 ( silence ) I have such an impression—such a vivid and clear impression that the contact ( with Satprem ) was CONSCIOUS the whole time. It was a conscious contact. As if we were making an effort together to try to understand things—circumstances are there to help you and further your understanding. ...


... you have many meetings with Satprem regarding the book? I had many meetings with Satprem, probably eighteen or more times in all. He was very pleased with the translation and quite overwhelmed. He would go to the Mother with my work with praises about the translation. I also did the work very rapidly. He used to come to Golconde and go over everything with me. Satprem once told me that Sri Aurobindo... and taught sixteen and seventeen year olds for twenty-five years. How and when did the Mother give you the work of translating Satprem’s Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness? When Satprem finished the book in French, Mother expressed a wish to have it translated into English. Jayantilal, with whom I worked in the Bulletin office, heard about this and told me about it. He asked me... Mother had told me that she and Sri Aurobindo would help me with the work. I could feel the help coming from above my head as I was engaged in the translating. Did you translate other works of Satprem? I translated his book La Genese du Surhomme ( On the Way to Supermanhood ) and after that there were no other translations of his works done by me. The Adventure of Consciousness was a ...


... Considering it to be of no interest, Satprem unfortunately did not keep a record of his answer. The P. in question died insane, in a so-called "Japanese hospital," and one night (this is most likely the story he was telling Mother here) Satprem found him being held prisoner in a kind of hell. His body was covered with wounds which Satprem treated with balm. He then told P., "But go on, say... say Mother's mantra!" And the moment Satprem began to recite the mantra, the whole place exploded—blown to smithereens. An instantaneous deliverance. A few months later (or it may have been a few years), P. came to see Satprem at night with a bouquet of flowers and a smile, as if to announce that he was taking on a new body. ...


... Satprem's first guru when he became a sannyasi. Then Z tried to exert his control over Satprem and predicted to Mother that he would never remain in the Ashram. Finally Satprem broke with him and Z went away furious. × Satprem has never believed for a minute that Z practiced black magic against Mother: it must... as they happen, to be sure of being accurate. This stupid cold... in the middle of the night. It was the start of the attack. Page 136 And now the door is open—that's not so good! (Satprem gets up to close the door.) ( Mother laughs ) No! I'm not cold, I'm hot! Yes, but there's a draft. I'm hot! It's a congestion. We'll see if last night's discovery has any results...... must have been something or someone else. × Satprem was trying to patch up some French translations of Sri Aurobindo done by well-meaning but not very gifted disciples, who of course wanted 'to publish' at all costs. × ...


... " aspect of Page 27 Love," which hadn't yet incarnated because the world wasn't ready. And that's Y. 7 When you look at her you don't get that feeling. Oh, ( poking fun at Satprem ) but that's superficial, it's a superficial vision! ( silence ) People say I've given her "full freedom" to organize Auroville. So she calls it "the university town." She was told that the phrase... before leaving, he told me, "It seems I am supposed to bring an orangutan back?" I answered him, "I won't be sorry if you don't find it!" And he didn't find it! ADDENDUM ( A letter from Satprem to a friend on the "Yoga of sexuality." ) January 28, 1967 I will try to answer your questions as simply as possible, that is, Page 28 without wrapping the problem in the sibylline... what is necessary is, as much as possible, to keep one's lucidity and not to deceive oneself. I will try to find one or two passages from Sri Aurobindo to give you his point of view. Signed : Satprem ( From Sri Aurobindo ) "...No error can be more perilous than to accept the immixture of the sexual desire and some kind of subtle satisfaction of it and look on this as a part of the sadhana ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1962 June 30, 1962 ( Mother gives Satprem an old note to keep—unfortunately, he does not recall exactly what it was—one of those little scraps of paper, scattered about almost everywhere, on which Mother would jot down notations of her experiences; or, to be more exact, on which she concretized in material... × Somewhat in the manner of Tantric yantrams , but using words charged with force instead of geometric symbols. Mother once told Satprem that from time to time she would "recharge" these little scraps of paper by looking at them or simply keeping them on the table next to her. ... × Conversation of June 27 × Some days later, Satprem again brought up the above passage, asking whether the Mother hadn't been active on earth since the beginning of time and not merely "with this present incarnation of the Mahashakti." The reply: "It ...


... play the harmonica? ( laughter ) I've just been given a harmonica! It comes from Germany. ( To Sunil: ) Don't you know how to play it?... No? (Sujata:) Satprem would very much like to learn to play some instrument, Mother, you know. (Satprem:) But not the harmonica! ( To Sunil: ) Did they tell you why I called you? No? Don't you know French anymore, tell me?—He doesn't dare speak. Here... as that! I've been chattering away. You came late. Ah, Nolini should be scolded for that—not me! ( laughter ) ( To Satprem: ) I'll see you Saturday—Saturday is Mademoiselle's birthday. How old will you be? (Sujata:) Thirty-nine. And he? (Satprem:) Forty-one. Already... Well, au revoir, my children. 1 × ... Mother's Agenda had to be interrupted for more than a month, following a serious operation undergone by Satprem the day after this conversation. ...


... thoughts, not feelings, it's... "something." And I know. And it doesn't at all come in an objective way, I mean, it's not as if someone were telling me, "Satprem is going to receive his pension," not at all: it's a "movement of life" in which Satprem, pension, government, all mingle ( Mother turns one hand inside the other in a sort of fluid intermingling ). It lives, it takes shape, and afterwards I... Mother’s Agenda 1966 November 19, 1966 ( Mother holds out a small rose to Satprem: ) I have a lovely rose for you. Do you know what it is? No, Mother. I thought as much! What is it? It's true tenderness: that of the Divine. People don't know, they always think of something very human. But it's not human... the action of the divine Grace." 4 Page 273 ( Then Mother takes up the translation of a passage from "Savitri." Curiously enough, this very morning, before going to see Mother, Satprem looked at this passage and thought of two possible ways to translate a particular word. ) When darkness deepens strangling the earth's breast And man's corporeal mind is the only lamp, As a ...


... was this precisely that differentiated Satprem from the rest of us. She could talk to him about any and every subject under the sun —and even about unknown suns —and always meet with a response of comprehension. "In order to speak, I must have a receptive atmosphere." Let us then be in that congenial company. After Page 37 telling Satprem substantially the same story with slight... fount of knowledge. It seemed to her that she had long thirsted for something which was now being given to her in abundance. And she just could not get enough of it. "You know," said Mother to Satprem, "the 'Cosmic' had quite an interesting action in my life. I was completely against 'God.' The European notion of God was utterly repulsive to me." She added picturesquely, "You see, the idea of God... without thinking —you DON'T need to think. But you have to be sincere." What exactly was this Cosmic Tradition? "An initiation given under the guise of stories," said Mother. One day Satprem read aloud to Mother a few Page 28 lines from Sri Aurobindo's Savitri (Book X, Canto 2). "Not only is there hope for godheads pure; The violent and darkened deities Leaped ...

... overseas disciples. Then Satprem arrived on the scene. By this time Mother was getting pretty fed up with the unresponsiveness of the youth in the Ashram. She had wanted to mould them into a new shape, but these young people were not much interested in the Life Divine that Sri Aurobindo and Mother wanted to embody upon this earth. So Mother was glad when Satprem came. Page 11 ... Mother's Chronicles - Book One Acknowledgement The material in this book is drawn mostly from Satprem's works. Satprem was Mother's confidant for over 17 years. From their taped conversations was born MOTHER'S AGENDA, in volumes. Finally, it is due to his encouragement that this book was written. ... inhumanly in the Nazi concentration camps where he was imprisoned as a member of the French Resistance, just as he turned twenty? He was ready to give anything a try. He was hungry for something ELSE. In Satprem, Mother found the stuff she could mould —a stuff honest enough to let itself be moulded. As it happened, he had a natural mastery over the French language. That gift served as a pretext; Mother started ...

... really delighted her —she who "loved mathematics very much" —was to discover that numbers were not mere digits and a mental toy, but carried profound meanings in themselves. Once upon a time, Satprem, to whom numbers were mere lifeless ciphers, needed a big quantity of paper to draw a Tantric diagram — 72 times a day and for three times 72 days —so he broached the matter to Mother. In the ensuing... to take an interest in them. "Wait! Look under there if by chance there's a box or something," she said, pointing to the heap of heterogeneous things under a window-ledge. "We'll see." Satprem pulled out a box. "It's all yellowed. Does it matter?" she asked. "It'll soak water!" he objected. "You see, because Page 145 I write with chandanam 1 mixed with... you. . . ." "You understand, for two hours I have to squat over all those sacred scribblings," he said ironically. His bitterness was quite understandable. For alongside this Tantric work, Satprem had to get ready the text for the Ashram's Bulletin, a bilingual quarterly. 1.Sandalwood paste. 2.Pomegranate. Page 146 This work consisted in selecting with Mother ...

... disappears in a wholly natural and spontaneous way. And this substance is at present almost universally spread out in the terrestrial atmosphere.’ 27 As early as 1957. In 1967 the Mother said to Satprem: ‘There is a continuous perception, rendered by a vision, of a multicoloured light, consisting of all colours — of all colours not in layers, but as if it were [gesture: dots everywhere] an association... taking place [gesture showing multiple points in the world], completely unexpected, here and there, with people who do not even know anything.’ 55 This is what the Mother said in 1967 to Satprem. In 1970 he asked again — and he was all the same somebody who followed the process of transformation with utmost attention and from very nearby — how the permeation of the Supramental into gross matter... to say or to ask was usually so petty in comparison with the panorama of their soul spread out before the Mother, including the soul’s past and future, and on which she could work directly. Even to Satprem she said as early as in 1970: ‘If you want to make me talk, you have to come with questions, otherwise it is impossible.’ 81 She needed a receptivity, a questioning presence to make answer a body ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1962 September 5, 1962 ( Before reading his manuscript on Sri Aurobindo to Mother, Satprem asks her to correct any inaccuracies in the text, since he doesn't have the direct experience of everything he speaks of. ) I don't have the experience of some of these things. Neither do I; I don't have every... Anyway, read me your text now. Perhaps I'll be able to know if it's true or not! But when you get right down to it, everything is true—provided everything else is accepted at the same time. ( Satprem reads a passage from his manuscript in which he speaks of illnesses, including "yogic illnesses," that can result from some inner discrepancy when the various parts of the consciousness are unevenly... not found to originate from germs, microbes or bacteria. They are frequently classified as "mental illnesses," "nervous disorders," etc., and they result from that inner discrepancy. ( Then Satprem reads a passage relating to the "subtle physical" and exteriorization; among other things, he cites the experience of D., who, when he exteriorized for the first time, was unable to get back into his ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1962 August 8, 1962 ( Mother listens to Satprem read a passage from his manuscript. ) It's very good. It's really excellent. Oh, it's dull, it's lifeless.... What gives you that impression? Do you happen to have one of those criticizers in you? Sri Aurobindo says we always carry with us someone... into. But only someone with inner vision can see it. ( silence ) Is it eleven o'clock? All right then, keep on with your book. It's good, much better than you think! ( gesture of denial from Satprem ) Yes, yes, I know what you mean, "definitive things"—it's like me and my definitive transformations! We must learn how to wait. Later on, it will come. It should be something like a mantra...... good—very good, very useful. Au revoir, mon petit. × Mother's cheek is swollen from an abscessed tooth.... Note that Satprem had assumed that "I never thought this would have any consequences" referred to the visit from the old formation. Mother corrected: "It is subtler than that! I didn't think THAT EXPERIENCE would have ...


... need, I believe) and when I am not in a good mood, I 'fume' about not having the time to write something else. Please, enlighten me, Sweet Mother. Signed : Satprem ( Mother's reply ) Wednesday morning, 8.4.59 Satprem, my dear child, Your resolution came straight to me. I sheltered it in the depths of my heart, and with my highest will, I said, 'So be it.' Just now, I received... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 April 7, 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, April 7, 1959 Sweet Mother, I come to renew before you the resolution that I took this morning at the Samadhi. 1 Henceforth I refuse to be an accomplice to this force. It is my enemy. Whatever form it may take, or whatever supports it may find in my nature... Reality. And each time I feel the shadow approach, I will call to you, immediately. May you never again suffer because of me. O Mother, purify me and open my heart. Your child, Signed : Satprem Page 291 P.S. Perhaps it would be good to tell you of the two supports that this force found in me during the most recent attack: 1) The fact that I am plagued by a lack of time and ...


... not afraid of anything any longer. Page 233 It seems to me that the sooner I leave the better, because of this hypocrisy I detest. 2 Signed : Satprem ( Mother's reply ) Friday evening, November 14, 1958 Satprem, One does not cure hypocrisy by pulling down below what is already above—but by lifting upwards what is still down below. To yield to an impulse of revolt is... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 November 14, 1958 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, November 14, 1958 Mother, I feel disguised. 1 And I detest hypocrisy—I have many faults, but not that one. So I believe it would be better for me to leave. Through my friends in Hyderabad, I can contact some people who are doing business in the forests... Due to the orange robes of the sannyasi. × Shortly afterwards, in the last days of November, Satprem would leave the Ashram once again. ...


... and understand afterwards—but long afterwards. You have to act first, without thinking. If you think, you get nowhere; you're just reverting to the old way of doing things. A little later, Satprem returns to the previous conversation on the gods: But do those gods exist independently of human consciousness? They're not human creations? Page 366 No, not at all! One thing... the only thing you feel like doing is... keeping quiet. You can't talk. As soon as you utter a word, poof! It all clouds over. It's useless. But physically, for instance, you see this object [Satprem picks up a paperweight]. Now, I see it in a certain way—but you, with a supramental consciousness?... I just see through it, that's all. But that's nothing! Page 368 What do you... don't WANT to talk. Something else is needed, something else entirely. Page 369 We just have to wait. Wait for it to come. ( silence ) But isn't what you're talking about here [Satprem points to the paperweight] what people call a "clairvoyant" vision? No, no! It's supramental vision? Yes. A clairvoyant wouldn't see it that way. No. It is the infiltration of the ...


... were quite real. But the ones in the last group [in the most recent vision], I don't know—I don't know them physically, so I can't say. One day, perhaps, I'll find out. Page 143 ( Satprem then reads to Mother his notes from the May 13 conversation and asks for further details on the April 13 experience: ) About that promise you received.... I didn't receive a promise—this... is very superficial, you know. From the vital world onwards, it's completely different. Well.... I think that's all I can say for today. Page 146 ( Somewhat later, Mother gives Satprem the old desk-calendar page on which she had noted the experience of July 24-25, '59 —the first meeting with Sri Aurobindo in the subtle physical—along with another sheet of paper on which she had... That's all there was to it. They didn't give a peace prize that year. I believe the whole affair is now buried and forgotten. ( Mother then starts working on the next Bulletin. She asks Satprem to speak slowly and distinctly: ) There's a sort of universal cloud between me and other people—I seem to see through a veil and hear through a kind of cloud. That's why I ask people to be very ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1965 January 16, 1965 ( From Mother to Satprem ) Saturday evening Satprem, mon cher petit, Today at noon, I spoke to the doctor about you, and he explained your case to me and told me what has to be done. He has convinced me, and I think it is the swiftest way of being radically cured. Thus you will take that week 1 as an... That "week" in the Vellore hospital was to last more than a month. Mother's letter astounded Satprem, as he did not believe in medicine; he held quite a grudge against Mother, without understanding that She perhaps had other, "educational" intentions. But in reality, during that month in Vellore, Satprem kept fighting not against the so-called "illness," but against the frightful atmosphere of death ...


... j'ai le coeur qui gonfle dans la poitrine. Si un jour tu la rencontres dis-lui toujours ma tendresse. J'aime Satprem, mais j'avais et j'ai toujours un «coin special» dans le coeur pour elle____ Je te remercie Patrice... nous t'aimons beaucoup et J.P. et Claude aiment tres fort Satprem et Sujata. 20 Aout 2001 Dear Patrice, A few words to thank you for having informed me about the... tell for Sujata, my heart swells within my chest. If, one day, you meet her, please tell her about my love always. I love Satprem but I had and still have a "special corner" for her in the heart. I thank you Patrice... we love you much and J.P. and Claude love very much Satprem and Sujata. Page 111 Grand Frere, C'est Abhay Singh qui m'avait appris votre Nouvel fitat ...


... silent and act. Oh, it was lovely! ( silence ) Page 208 Every time I express it, it recedes farther into the past. Ah, I think we should take up Savitri.... ( Mother looks at Satprem: ) You have a question? Ask. No, I didn't have any question, I was immersed in what you were saying. It followed a long curve.... It began with a deep disgust for its [the material mind's]... gives a tremendous power! When it stops, the Vibration of Love can manifest in its plenitude. It came this morning, in a glory. It's for later. ( Towards the end of the conversation, Satprem, who has been approached a second time about an article for a magazine, asks for Mother's advice. ) Do you know that they've asked me to write an article? Yes. Are you doing it? It's for... you name the saddest failure? On what ground do you regard it as so tragic? Insincerity. Because insincerity leads to ruin. (November 12, 1963) Why Sri Aurobindo? ( an article by Satprem ) On a December morning, almost twenty years ago, on the platforms of the Gare du Nord, a youth was preparing to set off for... anywhere, as long as it was as far and adventurous as possible—for ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1964 July 31, 1964 ( Satprem files all sorts of loose scraps of paper—Mother's "notes"—and stumbles on this one, which he reads aloud: ) "They consent to worship a god only if that god suffers for them." That was in connection with the new Pope's election, and with Christ on his cross ( Mother remains... was very happy with the delegate's speech and thanked him for bringing such ideas—you can imagine the archbishop's face! But it's a tiny step forward. Page 143 ( Soon afterwards, Satprem comes upon another note, the draft of a letter Mother wrote to a disciple, but never sent: ) "There are too many guides, founders of sects, heads of temples or monasteries, sadhus or saints who... illusions, nor was I). I asked him, "What happened?" He told me, "See, all the clocks have stopped," and... all the clocks started up again. So as for these papers... I have my doubts. ( Satprem then explains to Mother the "mystery" of the tape recorder, which, four times in a row, did not work in Mother's room—Mother's recorded voice was very faint, as if vetted by something—while during ...


... June 28, 1964 ( From Mother to Satprem ) ( The following note has a curious history. Satprem had gone off on a journey to see his brother and upon his return, reaching the coast of Brittany, he saw in the sky what Breton sailors call a "wind foot," an immense white cloud shaped like an archangel with wings spread and no head. Satprem was so struck by that cloud, without knowing why... why, that he told his brother, "Look at that victorious angel coming our way!" Then they went inside. This letter from Mother was awaiting Satprem: ) Page 121 Take heart, my dear little child, Open your wings and soar above the world, vast. I look forward to seeing you soon. With tenderness Signed : Mother ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1966 August 24, 1966 ( Satprem normally meets Mother at 10 A.M., but this has progressively been put back to 10:30 A.M., and this morning, the secretaries left at 10:45 A.M. Over the past year Satprem's "conversations" with Mother have been growing more and more sparse, as this Agenda is witness to, the entire time being taken up by "very... "very urgent" or "very important" communications. This situation will keep worsening till the end, when Mother, overwhelmed, will only be able to see Satprem a few moments, after twelve. Then the door will be closed. ) It's totally absurd! If I hadn't cried out, they would have kept me for another half-hour.... It's a stupid life. I begin a thing at the time I should end it. In the afternoon, it's... following conversation could not be tape-recorded because of mechanical trouble, and only the middle remains. The conversation was about an experience of Mother's; she described the place in which Satprem usually "rests" at night and from which he draws the atmosphere of his present book: a place very harmonious in color and substance. Then Sujata tells Mother a dream she had a few days ago. ) When ...


... of what goes on inside them. ( Then Mother gives Satprem flowers. She looks weary. ) We have half an hour of peace and quiet, unless there is something you'd like to say? Maybe you are the one who'd like to say something? Me, I have nothing to say, nothing—absolutely in a daze, I am dazed. ( Mother suddenly suggests that Satprem enter her room directly at 10:15 on the days he comes... comes, even if the secretaries are still there. ) (Satprem, in disbelief:) I come in around 10:15? You could come straight upstairs, we'll see what happens! But I don't want to put you in a difficult situation too.... Page 237 Oh, if you knew to what point... There aren't any reactions, you understand. I look at it all with a very clear vision, a very clear knowledge of the co... × Even at night a "bodyguard" stays in Mother's room. × Satprem does not remember the effect of his sudden intrusion at 10:15—probably none, or else not a pleasant one, because the experiment was not repeated. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1966 December 31, 1966 Mother gives Satprem a red rose: The red rose is the order of the "knights of the Truth." Don't you know this?... I began placing it when Colonel Répiton came here, the one who made the Africa march during the war. Every morning I would give him a red rose, and with him I instituted... instituted it. Since then, when I give any man a rose (I give them a red rose), it's so he becomes a knight of the Truth. But I don't tell him. ( Soon afterwards, Satprem proposes he might himself translate Page 307 a certain text in order to save Mother's time. Mother smilingly refuses and wants to do it herself:) If I listen, Sri Aurobindo will say it to me, so it will be better... do! Now I'd like to go into silence and peace and a luminous immensity" (you remember, like during that meditation we once had here; that's far more pleasant!). Then it calmed down. ( After Satprem has read to Mother the conversation of September 30 , in which she envisaged the transition from man to the new being. ) My feeling (it's a sort of feeling-sensation) is that intermediary stages ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1968 May 18, 1968 ( Satprem expresses his surprise at the speed with which Mother has been cured of the swelling, without a trace. Mother laughs. ) I know the knack! Then... there's something else. The pupils, we're trying to knock the rough edges off them! They're given subjects to study and research... research, and I was asked to give a subject for them. I gave, "What is death?" One class took it up, and they sent me the pupils' notes—four of them. ( Mother holds out four sheets, which Satprem reads: ) Rita: "The actual fact of death evokes in me an experience in which one is thrust into space and soars up." Amusing! I found it very amusing. She is the only one, besides, the others... gesture to the eyebrows ), they see nothing, nothing, nothing—they will go right to the end without seeing anything. But those whose eyes are open will see. ( Towards the end, Mother asks Satprem about a sore on his back. ) Does it prevent you from sleeping? No, it's nothing, only it's growing bigger. It's been there for two weeks. Oh!... What a queer idea... It may be the same thing ...


... was read out to me, in which he expressed regret at what took place between him and you, and in that letter he said (those are the few words he used), "Now I know who he is..." That's all. Who Satprem is? Who you are. I didn't ask, that didn't interest me in the least! But with your dream, it becomes amusing! Exorcize a demon.... It's on me he was doing it! Yes, that's right. On... understand. To understand is good but not yet sufficient, You must act! ( Laughing ) I sent that to America. Then they brought me extracts from Sri Aurobindo for the next Bulletin. ( Satprem reads aloud ) "Knowledge, when it goes to the root of our troubles, has in itself a marvellous healing-power as it were. As soon as you touch the quick of the trouble, as soon as you, diving down... just for A.R.! ( Laughing ) You'd think it was written for him! "...The feet must be sure of their ground before the head can hope to kiss the skies." Letters on Yoga , 24.1394 ( Satprem reads another extract ) "The supramental eye can see a hundred meeting and diverging motions in one glance and envelop in the largeness of its harmonious vision of Truth all that to our minds ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1968 August 10, 1968 ( Mother looks a little stronger: she remains standing while giving flowers to Satprem and Sujata. Satprem gives Mother the offering of his pension. ) Satprem has become a rich man! ( Mother laughs ) Is there nothing we had to do?... I am sure I had to show you something... which I had to do with you. ( silence... Quarter past eleven. It's a LONG TIME since I could rest so peacefully—a long time. 1 Page 225 × Satprem will not see Mother again for eighteen days. This is the second great turning point in her yoga, after that of 1962. ...


... ( Regarding a photograph that was taken just before Pavitra's coffin was closed and lowered into the ground. Satprem was standing near the coffin, to Pavitra's right. ) No news? Nothing from P.L.? No, Mother... There's this [Satprem holds out an envelope]. What is it? The pension... [such and such an amount]. Oh!... Doesn't your mother need anything? ... was something like this within ( gesture to the heart, like an emotion ), I don't know, it was almost like a tenderness, and he was almost happy I can't explain what it is, he was like this: "Oh! Satprem..." He was really very pleased. It's curious. I wasn't expecting it: I was given the photos and Page 188 started looking at them, when I suddenly felt something ( same gesture to... kept. Now and then, when someone says something regarding the work, he has his remark to make (I've noticed that), but there, it was very strong, almost like an "Oh!" of joy, you understand: "Oh! Satprem." So I thought, "It's good, since it really pleased him." I am wondering whether the consciousness [of Pavitra] has been especially preserved intact because it entered here [into Mother], or whether ...


... precise moment, Satprem strongly had the following thought, which he almost told Mother: "If a caterpillar's vision were suddenly changed into a man's vision, it would clearly mean a bursting of its whole logic." ) ( long silence ) And you ( to Sujata ), do you have something to say? Very often, afterwards when I am in front of you, I feel... I can't hear. After Satprem leaves, I come... Very difficult... very difficult... It has almost come to look like a relentless fury. The only thing is Sri Aurobindo's Aphorisms , which are more and more amusing. Have you received them? ( Satprem reads ) 483—Sin is a trick and a disguise of Krishna to conceal Himself from the gaze of the virtuous. Behold, O Pharisee, God in the sinner, sin in thyself purifying thy heart; clasp thy brother... so that one may exist, go on existing...." That may well be the whole problem. × Generally, when Satprem leaves at the end of the conversation, Sujata remains alone with Mother for a few moments. ...


... if under a bell jar ). That's something I see so clearly! Yes, it's the door to sectarianism and fanaticism. Yes, yes, yes. ( Mother holds out to Satprem a garland of "Aspiration" ) Would you like? Yes, Mother, yes! ( Satprem lays his head on Mother's knees ) I absolutely REFUSE to let myself be put like this ( gesture under a bell jar ).... I'd rather—I'd rather dissolve, you... precisely Sri Aurobindo's and Mothers work: to establish, as a terrestrial fact and a possibility for everyone, the supramental consciousness or 'Grace-Light' as Swami Ramalingam called it." Satprem Ah, what made him indignant is the mixing of the two, "Grace-Light" and "supramental light".... I didn't say it was the same thing. Anyway, it doesn't matter.... It would have been better not to... light. But it doesn't matter. So A. says this: Page 269 "Dearest Mother, regarding certain translations of poems of Swami Ramalingam by his disciple T., you answered him through Satprem in such a way that he was led to equate Ramalingam's 'Grace-Light' and the supramental Consciousness.... Yes, I wouldn't have done that.... So he's furious! But you see, to my mind, when ...


... or silk (the couch also). Four or five people are inside, disconsolate. Slowly they wander out. One or two Pass to the adjoining chamber. Finally only Satprem and I remain. He is near the Mother's bed The Mother sits up and starts talking to Satprem. She is explaining to him about the transformation of the body. She talks for a long time. I am standing a little away and behind. Suddenly Sri... April 2, 1972 ( Sujata's vision the night of 1st-2nd April ) One Thousand Years (original English) We enter the courtyard of a building, Satprem and I. We see sad-faced people. Head bent, solemn and silent. The Mother is dead. Everybody thinks that The Mother is dead. A few are scattered here and there, individuals or groups of three... which is His. He too is lying on a cot. I draw near Him. He puts two fingers ( index and middle ) on my right palm, and says, "You have to carry faith and aspiration during one thousand years." Satprem and I come out from the Mother's chamber and take the passage leading to the left ( exit ) door to announce to the world that THE MOTHER IS ALIVE. My dream ends before we have crossed the threshold ...


... with you! Do you know that? Tell Satprem too I am ALWAYS with him. There, mon petit. Page 147 ( Then Sujata relates the dream she had on Sunday in which she and Satprem saw Sri Aurobindo and Mother in a room at the end of a footbridge. The dream had to do with the physical transformation of Sri Aurobindo and Mother. While Mother was talking to Satprem, Sri Aurobindo called Sujata and... April Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 April 6, 1972 ( Mother sees Sujata ) I don't want to speak anymore. Yesterday, I told Satprem what I had to say. ( silence ) Some people come and deluge me with their problems; others come and say nothing; in both cases, I am silent. I don't care what they say, even that I've become stupid, I don't care in the ...


... There are six left. This is the tenth. Maybe at the end I will know! It's really interesting. And it has a strange power to transform things.... You understand, for me the Satprem of this book isn't the same Satprem as before. Everything takes on a... a new appearance, I don't know—a new contact. It's interesting. So I have another six times to go! I wait for it with... It's really like... Mother’s Agenda 1970 November 25, 1970 ( Satprem reads the second part of chapter 10, "The Harmony." ) "...When the gaze changes, one can rebuild, the world." Page 374 ( Mother opens her eyes wide and plunges in again till the end ) It's extraordinary! There is a sort of... a sort of EMOTION in it, which doesn't belong to this... × Mother does look moved. × Regrettably, Satprem did not keep any of the tape-recordings of Mother about On the Way to Supermanhood , finding them too personal at the time. He still had enough "person" not to want anything "personal." ...


... is always the sign of a lack of courage. A refusal to face the situation as it is. ( Mother goes back within, long contemplation ) Page 83 Nothing to ask? ( Sujata slips a note to Satprem: "Is India doing okay?" ) What is India doing, Mother? I received some news from Indira, who told me that they're sending all the help they can up there [to Bangladesh]. They are taking a very... back to the same thing: "What You will, Lord, what You will." But that has become formidable. Page 87 × Satprem was thinking of the subconscious level. × See previous conversation . It is in reference to this... To coerce him publicly to abjure the independence of Bengal. × Satprem does not mean the physical liquidation of Pakistan, of course, but the disappearance of the artificial separation created by the British in order to "divide and rule." It should be recalled that for ...


... Champaklal hands Satprem the French and English texts of the Christmas message so Mother can put it in her own handwriting. ) (Satprem.:) You've put: We want to show to the world that man can become a true servitor of the Divine. Who will collaborate in all sincerity? (Champaklal, in English:) Mother, shall I give you paper? Mother will write now? To send to Press? (Satprem:) Is it necessary... necessary? But I can't write.... ( Champaklal is upset ) Page 331 ...I'd better write it. ( Mother spends twenty minutes copying the message by hand, then she holds out her hands to Satprem and plunges in ) ...


... When Satprem says: "Sri Aurobindo found the Secret at Chandernagore in 1910 and worked on it for forty years; he gave up his life for this" 9 , he is right in the sense that Chandernagore certainly led to Pondicherry - that Chandernagore was both the end of the first phase of Sri Aurobindo's mission and the beginning of the second phase - but, on the other hand, reading so much as Satprem has done... .. He appeared to be absorbed even when he was eating; he used to meditate with open eyes, and see subtle forms and spiritual visions." 7 One of the ablest commentators on Sri Aurobindo's Yoga, Satprem, builds a fascinating edifice of speculation on Motilal's testimony and other casual hints. Chandernagore was doubtless the hyphen connecting the political period in India and the Yoga period in ... Divine, of Vasudeva who is everywhere and in everybody and in everything, Vasudevah sarvamiti', what was the new siddhi at Chandernagore? Mainly on the basis of Motilal Roy's words quoted above, Satprem writes: That day of 1910 at Chandernagore Sri Aurobindo reached the bottom of the   Page 371 hole, he had crossed all the layers of dirt on which Life had sprung up, in ...

... already told us the loads of fun she had had table-moving, furniture-rapping and all that, in her apartment on Rue de Levis. But all sorts of other things took place during those reunions. One day Satprem was reading to her an article 1 on the electrical force of the cells, which reported that "in experiments in his Mexico city laboratory, Dr Ruggiero produced a current in a goat with which the animal... naked eye. But it was like electricity. And that was a concentrated vital force. It was visible like a vibration of light coming out of the fingers." Some years earlier, Mother had explained to Satprem where this electricity-like light originated from. On one of his birthdays, after their meditation together, she asked him, "What have you felt?" He answered, "When I am alone, there is never... creatures. She made them the subject of a special study. The number of experiences she had with these animals could make a book in itself and very interesting reading it would make too! Well, when Satprem asked for her permission to poison some cats that caused him sleepless nights with their meowing on his terrace, Mother said no. "1 once had a cat with almost a child's consciousness, and someone ...

... multiplied a hundred times.... Only, it has difficulty learning. ( Satprem lays his forehead on Mother's knees. Mother gropes for flowers by her side. ) What's this? (Sujata:) I don't know, it's a new flower, Mother. 3 ( Mother nods ) Ah, isn't it! I feel it's a flower connected to what's going on. (Satprem:) It's a hibiscus, a "Power." Yes, it's a Power. I'll give you... Forbidden to speak: it makes me cough terribly. ( long meditation ) Do you know a man with slightly red hair, or dark blond, and a beard? ??? No?... He was here ( gesture next to Satprem ). You don't know who it is?... He was sitting like that, on the ground. ( Mother looks again ) You have many disciples now, don't you? Who? 1 ( silence ) Who? ( silence... will do it. That's all. ( Mother takes Sujata's hand in her left hand and Satprem's hand in her right one ) × Satprem heard "he has many disciples" and thought Mother was referring to this red-haired man. It never occurred to him he could have disciples! ...


... January Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 January 15, 1972 ( Mother gives Satprem her latest notes. ) Do you have all these papers?... I had given this message [in 1966]: Let us serve the Truth , 1 and someone asked me ( in a childlike tone ), "What is the Truth?" So I answered: Put yourself at the service of Truth... it's not changed immediately? What I am telling him is to want it—to want it morning and evening. When you're in bed, concentrate for a moment ( laughing ), with as much faith as possible! (Satprem, coughing:) Yes, Mother. Page 37 You're coughing? I don't know, some dust caught in my throat. The obscurity is going out! If it were only true.... ( Mother laughs ) It... it, do whatever You want...." You understand? Using your leg as a pretext. Yes, Mother. Page 39 We'll succeed. Yes, Mother, yes. ( concentration ) ( A little later, Satprem reads to Mother some passages from the "Agenda" for the next "Bulletin," in particular the conversation of December 18, 1971 , in which she said, "At each minute you feel you can either live eternally ...


... with two ideas, and I told him which of the two I liked better. But nothing is decided yet. R. has to draw a sketch of his ideas. So I'll see what Paolo says and then I'll tell you R.'s ideas. (Satprem unrolls a plan) So you see, this is the outside, which would simply be like a shell. The inside is exactly as you saw it: that big bare carpet, and the ball at the center. What determined Paolo's ... beam will be seen. Then there will be a number of geometrical openings to follow the motion of the sun.... But inside, on the wall, the twelve facets will be reproduced. Yes, yes. And this [Satprem points to the circular gallery] was in principle the entrance points where one emerges from underground. I don't know if it's good to multiply the entrance points like that.... There will be a... for the base of the carpet, but with the possibility, for example, of keeping another two or three meters on each side for passages? Where would the walls be, then? The walls would be here [Satprem points to the outer side of the circular passage]. It's the walls that should be 24 meters apart. He says that if those passages are to be there, 24 meters wouldn't be quite sufficient. ...


... Satprem meant that this world seems to be a world of work and not of contemplation or speculation. × See conversation of 9 May . × Needless to say, Satprem is perfectly ignorant... point. In an Agenda some time ago [January 3], you spoke of the Overmind and the Supermind, and once or twice I feel you used one word for the other. But I'd like to be Page 211 sure.... [Satprem takes out the text]. At first, you speak of a new kind of perception that combines all organs together: a sort of total perception that combines hearing, sight, and so on. Then you say: "All that... who didn't die, by the way! ( Mother laughs ) It was to show the Falsehood of the illusion of death. And it was also beyond all questions of sex. Page 212 Yes. Then you go on [Satprem takes up the text again], and there's another ambiguity: "What will that being be like who will come after the superman? I don't know.... Because we are still much too human; when we visualize ...


... gives him an orange hibiscus—Auroville's flower—looks at him, and starts speaking: ) Since we decided to build that temple, I have seen—I have seen the inside. I have just tried to describe it to Satprem. But in a few days I will have plans and drawings, so I'll be able to explain more clearly. Because I don't know at all how the outside is, but the inside I know. (Paolo:) The outside comes out... in concrete. (P.:) The whole structure can be in reinforced concrete. The roof will probably have to be sloping, and at the center there will have to be a special device for the sun. (Satprem:) You said that you saw the walls with a slight slope. Either the walls or the roof will have to have a slope—whatever will be easier. The walls can be straight with the roof sloping. And Page... the floor, we'll have something thick and soft. Here... (are you comfortable when you are sealed?... Yes?), there is first a wooden floor, then that sort of rubber, and above, a woolen carpet. (Satprem:) With your symbol? Not on the carpet. The symbol, I first thought it should be done out of some solid material. (P.:) It has to be in stone. The symbol... everything will be around it ...


... have nothing to do with it, you know, nothing at all. To know not to put obstacles on the way is something already. Page 373 ( Satprem prepares to leave ) I feel like thanking you! ( Mother has tears in her eyes ) Oh, Mother! ( Satprem lays his head on Mother's knees ) ... Mother’s Agenda 1970 November 18, 1970 ( Mother gives Satprem, as every time, soup packets. Then she comments: ) There has been something like a small catastrophe! It is that in Africa all Indians are sent back, or their properties are confiscated, and it's from Africa that we used to receive the cheese! ( laughter ) So we won't have cheese anymore... full uncertainty. Established things are crumbling down—everywhere. It's clearly a moment of transition. ( silence ) So, is it chapter 11? Yes, Mother, you have a good memory! ( Satprem reads the chapter entitled, "The Greater Self." ) What has happened to you!... Mon petit, it's... ( Mother looks much moved ). This is really tomorrow's book. Is it over? Yes, I have finished ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1969 November 22, 1969 ( Satprem gives his pension to Mother ) You give money just like that! But don't you need any? No, no, Mother! Here it's an abyss, money goes away like... I have something for next February: I "received" certain things regarding money and what's going on there, in Delhi... should. But that has happened to me any number of times. If one isn't afraid, it's nothing. (Sujata:) Mother, why does it happen at night, most of the time? Because one is lying down! (Satprem to Sujata:) Have you felt something at night? Page 445 (Sujata:) Last night I had the same thing, and I perspired. Because at night, you're resting and passive, that is to say, more... going to take place here is ALREADY there somewhere. It's not in a region where one "sees," it's... ( gesture showing the world of consciousness ). My impression is that you can write it. ( Satprem opens his hands ) We'll see. I'll try to put myself in the atmosphere. Yes—no! I've just seen: it's all right! ( Mother laughs ) × ...


... "Note" is the last one Satprem ever received from the disciple to whom Mother was sending her answers. A strange wind seemed to be blowing over those who were connected with the work Mother was doing with Satprem; though not acting in collusion, they all seemed bent on obstructing that work, as will become apparent later. Perhaps this was the beginning of the "tidal wave" Satprem had seen in his dream... , if the body I had two nights ago were to materialize.... But how? Do you want to meditate? ( Mother goes into contemplation ) We know nothing! It's amazing how we know NOTHING. ( Satprem prepares to leave, Sujata draws near to Mother ) (Sujata:) You know, Mother, in his poem "Transformation", Sri Aurobindo's opening lines are: My breath runs in a subtle rhythmic stream It ...


... cured—he KNOWS this, but still his first instinct is always to turn to the gods with his ordinary puja. It was the same thing with you—I saw that. He regards you like this ( gesture of looking down on Satprem ), and then, you're not a pundit (!), you haven't had the religious education of the country—he regards you as a beginner, he isn't at all conscious of where your mind is, of where your mind can reach... . Now when I see a possibility in someone—bang! I fling it at him—sometimes it stuns him a bit! But at any rate, one goes faster. He thinks I act the way I do because I am incompetent. ( Satprem laughs in disbelief ) No, I am not imagining things: I know! He said that thing (had Sri Aurobindo been here, he would have had a good laugh!), "Oh, the gods, she should let me look after them,... yet who all, for a reason which I know, will find the fullness of their being only when, Truth having been fulfilled on earth, divine Love will be able to manifest purely—that's why I called you Satprem. And there are other people, whom I know very well, who appear to be at the other end (how can I put it?) of the realization of their character (they are entirely different in origin, entirely different ...


... come into contact with Sri Aurobindo's thought—but not their troops! I don't know whether the new Chinese are much interested in philosophy.... It's better they don't come! ( A little later, Satprem goes back to music, a subject from the previous conversation: ) Do those zones of music and painting and so forth form part of the overmind or not? Hmm, yes... I don't know. You see, all c... what's going on around me. Then you're not in Nirvana. But isn't it a sort of annihilation? No. It's a total tranquilization, but not an annihilation. ( long silence Mother tunes in to Satprem ) You probably enter into the state of pure Existence. First mental silence, then pure Existence, Existence outside of the Manifestation: the state of Sat . It is pure Existence, outside of... progressive year, a year with experiences. 4 I am beginning to understand what kind of experience you want, although really, a lot of people—oh, how delighted they'd be with the ones you have! ( Satprem seems surprised ) You don't call them "experiences"—it's always what we don't have that we call "experiences." Page 398 Me too: for years I used to say, "I don't have any experiences ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1965 February 19, 1965 ( Regarding the mantra Satprem asked for when he was in hospital but did not receive. ) The mantra... Did you get my note?... Several times while walking for my japa, I sent you the mantra insistently. The truth is that I intend to give you a beautiful present. Only, for it to... about them; but they're not what matters. I told you... ( Mother turns to Sujata: ) Sujata, you will hear, but you will keep it in your silent heart, won't you? Nothing must come out. 1 ( To Satprem: ) Bring your chair nearer, stay very near, be quite at peace.... I explained the mantra to you several times, and finally, one day, I wrote the explanation, because it was coming back again and again... in the beginning, the slightest mental activity lessens the power; there must be a thrust of the whole being, with as little thought as possible. I can give you this ( Mother gives her note to Satprem ). You can keep it. You know the three words.... ( long concentration ) OM...... ( A little later, the conversation turns to the events of February 11, when during Satprem's absence ...


... has not been well lately. She listens to Satprem read the conversation of May 6, 1972 for the next Bulletin: "A golden force pressing down on the earth.... An absolutely material Power, but with no need for any material means.... A world is trying to be born into this world" ) What you've written is very good, it's far better than what I said! (Satprem, somewhat flabbergasted:) But it's the... just added a few commas and colons, that's all (laughter), and the paragraphs. But that's all! And that's what I experience more and more clearly and precisely. Page 212 ( silence Satprem offers a flower to Mother, "Supramental Light in the Subconscient." Mother keeps it by her side ) Do you want to ask something? I think Sujata has something to ask you. Good. (Sujata:)... Page 213 me, take certain precautions; and in order to do so they must think and believe certain things, otherwise they won't do it. And that's how things happen quite naturally. ( Turning to Satprem ) I don't know if you follow? Yes, I do. Everything is organized down to the minutest detail, but it's not preplanned as we do with our ordinary consciousness: the Force Simply PRESSES down ...


... mental consciousness, and that in the change-over to the Unity-Consciousness the technical machinery will be replaced by the awakened, activated inner senses and capacities of the being beyond man. Satprem writes: ‘It is strange, our imaginings of the future or our comic strips invent all the time a world equipped more and more with miraculous supermachines. Nobody ever looks in the direction of a s... sacrifices so that this Earth, this ‘place of desolation,’ may become in the shortest possible term a paradise, and she has done everything for the change to cause as little suffering as possible. When Satprem insisted on so many occasions that she use her Kali-power on the world, she tried every time as kindly and prudently as possible to make him see that such violent interventions by her were no longer... × Thoughts and Aphorisms , 14 × Satprem, Mère II, 411 × Arya, vol. V, 300 ...


... I obey you because everything is futile and there is too much pain in this world, and also someone in me needs you, someone who loves you in his own way. Signed : Satprem ( Mother's reply ) Friday, 29.5.59 Satprem, my dear little one, I have read your letter in its entirety and I remain convinced that one day all the parts of your being, without excluding any, will be fully satisfied... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 May 28, 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, May 28, 1959 Mother, I do not want you to suffer because of me, for there is already too much suffering in this world. I shall do what you wish. I will go to Rameswaram and I will stay there as long as X wants. I have seen that there is no happy solution. So... morning at ten o'clock and I hope that a few small misunderstandings may be clarified. I am sending you forthwith the note that I had prepared for tomorrow morning. ( Note from Mother to Satprem ) I did not utter the words that you heard—I wanted to speak to you of my experience during the night, but I was paralyzed because I clearly felt that you no longer understood me. As soon as I received ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 May 25, 1959 ( Letter from Mother to Satprem ) Tuesday, 1 o'clock Satprem, my dear child, I can only repeat the prayer that I made to the Supreme Lord this morning: 'May Your Will be done in all things and at every moment. And may Your Love manifest.' Page 302 As for you, I received your promise made very... want, I acknowledge all my wrongs. I am guilty in a guilty and stupid world (which loves its stupidity, no doubt). Signed : Satprem The 'aphorisms' will be ready tomorrow. I have nothing more to add. Page 304 ( Mother's reply ) 28.5.59 Satprem, my dear child, This morning, the problem and its solution appeared to me very clearly; but since, for quite obvious reasons ...


... and the throat]." × The former governor of "French India" with whom Satprem came to work in the Pondicherry government. Actually, Satprem most probably saw Sri Aurobindo in 1946 and not in '48. ... Mother’s Agenda 1962 July 25, 1962 ( Mother listens to Satprem read a passage on mental silence from his manuscript on Sri Aurobindo. ) It's very good. It's dull. Page 277 Is this the end of the chapter? What about the next one? That's just it, I don't know. You don't know yet? First I... neither high nor low—we are drenched in it. × Mother is referring to a letter of Sri Aurobindo's which Satprem had quoted in his manuscript: "... in the calm mind, it is the substance of the mental being that is still, so still that nothing disturbs it. If thoughts or activities come, they do not rise at all ...


... Transformation du Monde [Sri Aurobindo and the Transformation of the World] , a book that Editions du Seuil had asked Satprem to write and subsequently refused on the pretext that it did not conform to the 'spirit of the collection.' This book would never see the light of day. Satprem would later write another book entitled Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness . ... Mother’s Agenda 1961 February 18, 1961 ( Mother gives Satprem a flower she has named 'Supramental Action.' ) [ Barringtonia speciosa. ] Don't you find it beautiful? How living, vibrant! Isn't it lovely! Oh, the other day I had some zinnias ( Endurance )—literally works of art, as though each petal had been painted... inner development needs to catch up with all that, doesn't it? Page 89 Yes, surely—oh, yes! It's inevitable. ( A short while later, concerning a book on Sri Aurobindo that Satprem was to write: 4 ) Have you seen Bharatidi? 5 No, you know how I am, I don't go out. She saw your publishers in Paris and they told her they are impatiently awaiting ( Mother is mocking ...


... change, it's not that! It's that it requires TIME." × When Satprem tried to "tell them," they attempted to censor this Agenda and expelled Satprem through a registered letter. Today in 1995, Mother's Agenda is read in the Ashram only on the sly and is banned at the School. ... gives me the impression of a church.... Page 161 Yes, exactly! You too? Why?... It's very pretty. So I don't know why. It gives the impression... of an artificial adoration! Satprem reads Mother a letter of Sri Aurobindo: "In our yoga we mean by the subconscient that quite submerged part of our being in which there is no wakingly conscious and coherent thought, will or feeling... the new way of being would only be visible to someone who himself or herself had the supramental vision.... I MATERIALLY see all sorts of things, which aren't visible to others ( Mother looks around Satprem ). But it's materially. A funny state. Do we have time to translate? One piece, maybe... to give ourselves the illusion of having done something! Mother takes up the translation of a ...


... very, VERY clear. It began on Wednesday—from Wednesday to today: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday... It's quite recent. ( Laughing ) A dangerous person! ( Satprem lays his forehead on Mother's knees and prepares to leave ) ( Mother looks at Satprem ) I have a sort of impression that ... there's going to be a change for you too, for your nights. We'll see. ... Mother’s Agenda 1969 July 19, 1969 ( Mother was strongly shaken on Wednesday the 16th and could not see Satprem. ) They have mixed me up (in Delhi and here) in all their political affairs... "mixed me up," I mean they're asking for my help. Some people are discontented and without scruples, and there was some mischief... photos? No, Mother. There must be a big beige envelope there. ( Sujata brings the envelope ) I don't know if they are the ones.... There's a photo taken in profile.... ( Mother and Satprem look at the photos ) You have very different expressions! Haven't I! Yes, but you also look very mocking! One especially... Page 249 A slightly mischievous air... ( ...


... will get better. On the mental and affective level = NIL. That leaves the one Thing without which all would collapse. I need you terribly. With love, Signed : Satprem ( Mother's reply ) April 23, 1963 Satprem, mon cher petit, Your letter has just come. It only confirmed what I had seen and FELT. The last two nights were downright bad; and it is hardly better during the day... Mother’s Agenda 1963 April 22, 1963 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Rameshwaram, Monday, 22 April Sweet Mother, I arrived here yesterday. So far I have spent most of my time struggling against a horrible impression in my heart, my thought and my body, so strong that if I could, I would catch the first train home today. I have never had such... they brought a bench for me to sleep on, which I refused.... So much for the material conditions. I hope the body will get better. As soon as I can decently leave, I shall weigh anchor. Signed : Satprem × A gift from the Ashram's businessmen. ...


... which he never sent, Satprem ingenuously tried to make the secretaries understand that these conversations with Mother might have import for the whole world, and that if Mother was an hour late for her conversations with Satprem and tired by a heap of trifles and petty personal matters, the atmosphere was not conducive for her to recapture the thread of her experience. But Satprem clearly saw the uselessness... now I have neither the money nor the credit!" ( Mother laughs ) Ah! What have you brought? "Questions and Answers" for the Bulletin ? What is it about? A talk about money! Oh, see! ( Satprem reads the Talk, then Mother comments ) That's why I spoke to you about money—see how it is. Yes, that's odd! It's amusing. I say it's amusing, but I know, it's like that all the time—all ...


... I spend my time telling them, "First of all, make yourself ready for its coming; afterwards, we'll see what it does!" Once the French translation is ready Satprem reads it back to Mother: Always a slight tinge of humor! ( Satprem reads the French text up to: ) Page 242 "... to let it work there and fulfill itself as Mind descended into Life and Matter and has worked as a Power... itself that had become luminous. I saw that, I remember VERY DISTINCTLY seeing it. But that's a long way ahead! ( Mother laughs ) Is that all? ( Satprem reads the end of the French text ) Apart from that, is everything all right? ( Satprem answers with silence ) ( Laughing ) We'll let the supramental descend and do its work! ( silence ) The greatest difficulty is that the body's ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1964 September 12, 1964 ( Satprem reads Mother an old "Talk" of February 24, 1951 , in which she refers to the memory of past lives and the unbridled imagination of certain people. ) I didn't name her, but it was Annie Besant. She recounted all her lives with all the details—right from the ape! I didn't read her books, incidentally... "spiritual storybooks." Worse than that: spiritual pulp novels! It's shallow. And it has done a great deal to devalue true knowledge. ( Mother nods her head ) Page 187 ( Then Satprem reads a passage in which Mother talks about young children who remember their previous lives, the village where they lived, etc., with precise descriptions. ) That's amusing: a few days ago, after... That's how I explain it: otherwise, maybe the thing wouldn't be stopped, it would pass on. But it is an entire "reconstruction" of the mental functioning. ( From the same Talk from the past, Satprem reads a passage in which Mother tells the story of Queen Elizabeth, who, dying, received a delegation from the people in spite of her physician's protests: "We shall die afterwards." ) Is it recent ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1965 July 17, 1965 ( Regarding the last conversation, in which Satprem complained about his bad nights. ) But I just can't understand why it's always that side that I remember, always the sewers, the filth.... Because all the same there must be another side, mustn't there? ( Mother laughs ) The reason... support of the usual equilibrium. It's a bit hard. But it is clear that if we say, "I am here because of You and for You and at Your service," well, it has to be true, that's all. ( Satprem returns to the attack and asks Mother for her permission to publish some of these conversations in the "Notes on the Way": ) No. I would have made cuts in them, at least. Oh, but it's more... extracts is that it looks like a teaching: Mother decides "it's like this and like that"—whereas it's not "like that"! Yes, yes! ( Mother does not want to hear any more. ) ( A little later, Satprem proposes he could ask E. to buy magnetic tapes to record these conversations: ) Poor E.! Her husband has ruined her. She nursed her husband, she even almost brought him back to life, and when ...


... ), I am the laboratory! That's not so funny. ( Regarding an incident of little importance, but significant nevertheless. Mother shows Satprem an envelope containing money and asks him whether she already gave him one. 1 Mother did in fact give Satprem a blue envelope eight days ago. ) I am in such a hurry when I do things.... For instance, when Page 49 I have finished my morning... took it. Those two things were very clear in my consciousness. So I thought, "I must have given it!" That's how it is, I remember my hand holding out the envelope, and then your smile. ( Satprem then reads Mother an old Talk of April 17, 1951 , and comes to a passage concerning the perfection of the physical instrument: "Physical perfection in no way and by no means proves that a single step... at the same time extraordinarily vibrant—such a powerful vibration, and perfect stillness. × Mother used to give Satprem twenty rupees every month... to buy his cigarettes. ...


... doesn't seem to be from the subconscient but actually from the subtle physical, with that whole crowd of people relentlessly assailing Mother and exhausting her (and pushing Satprem away, besides). But DESPITE the crowd, Satprem crossed through and came up "very close" to Mother, which concurs with her vision. "Dressed as a Sannyasin" means in his essentiality, divested of day-to-day material circumstances... those forces, THROUGH THAT you came to me. It was truly fine! Good. It will come; it's a good sign. I was very pleased: "Ah, something is happening!" It will come. ( Mother listens to Satprem read a passage from the last conversation in which she says: "This is the radical difference since the experience of April 13 : there is nothing but the Lord. All the rest... what is it?... No more... being snuffed out like a candle; well, there was no snuffer, it was you exactly, same features, same expression, but... intense, intense. And you were looking at me ( Mother makes a gesture showing Satprem peering right into her face ), as if to say, "Ah! So that's what you look like." ( Laughter .) I was very glad. Very glad. "Ah, at last we've made it!" That was my feeling—here we are at last. ...


... six lotuses are upward turned. So Mother was quite surprised one day. It was August 1966. After the interview, having done his pranam, Satprem left the room. The exit door was to the right of Mother seated in her chair, and a little behind. Her eyes followed Satprem till he went out. For a long time she remained pensive. Finally, Mother said to me, "Strange, very strange. I have never seen a lotus bud... all the chakras up to the Brahmarandhra.' 2 There she meets the Brahman. Then she descends. Her upward movement from centre to centre is spiraline or serpentine. "Do you know," Mother asked Satprem (4 Feb. 1961), "that the serpent is the evolutionary power? It is Shiva's creature. He always puts snakes on his head and around his neck, because it is the power of evolution, of transformation."... on his mount. Each lotus has its Shakti. The chakras 1 are sort of doors opening a communication to a certain type of world. "I think the Tan tries acknowledge seven chakras," Mother said to Satprem (11 Oct. 1960). "Theon however used to say that he knew more, notably two below the body and three above. That's my experience too; I know twelve." The seven Mother referred to are the main chakras ...

... with what I had to do while that being was there. I am telling you this because suddenly, in the midst of it all, I remembered you: "Why, he wants to see!" So I told that being, "Go show yourself to Satprem, show him you are here." I wondered if you saw anything.... ? It lasted a long time, but I don't remember exactly when it was. Part of it happened while I was walking (I walk at five in... Supreme—a very tall being. All white, luminous, luminous—resplendent! And with a kind of halberd and, oh, a very determined air: "Enough shilly-shallying, no more vacillating, it is time." "Go find Satprem," I said. "Show yourself to him." You didn't see anything? No. 1 All sorts of things are going on.... All right. Sujata had a dream last night. Ah! Page 218 If... silence ) But last night too, I noticed I was very tall—I am generally very tall. Tall and strong. Voilà. × Satprem had not "seen" anything, but during his japa he suddenly had the "impression" of a tall warrior standing next to him; as it was only an "impression " he attached no importance to it. What he wanted ...


... single great need of Love, beauty, nobility, purity. And we would work for you together in joy at last. 1 Your anxious child, Signed : Satprem × Shortly afterwards, Satprem left on a journey and returned only two months later. ... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 July 14, 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, July 14, 1959 Tuesday evening Sweet Mother, This is what I should have told you this morning, but I was afraid. For the last month I have been afraid of you, afraid that you might not understand. But I cannot leave with this weight on Page 324 ...


... This J.M., who thinks herself highly intelligent, has written a letter saying, '... It is exactly the same teaching—exactly.' It's always exactly the same teaching! They are abysmally ignorant. (Satprem:) They jumble everything up. Yes. They have no discrimination. As long as the words are there, that's it—it's enough! And what an atmosphere it all makes... phew! The first thing I did this... questions they ask—questions already answered at least fifty times—simply for the pleasure of writing! So now I've stopped answering. I write one or two words, and that's it. No, it's disgusting! (Satprem.) There's this passage on propaganda by Sri Aurobindo I sent to the World Union people. It should really be published everywhere. Do you remember it? 'I don't believe in propaganda....' 3 Look... everywhere they say, 'Oh, they have the same ideas as we do! Oh, they teach the same thing! Oh!...'Deplorable. Page 184 ( silence ) Pavitra leaves. Mother gives flowers to Satprem: Here, this is Grace. 5 Here, Balance 6 (how lovely!). Here, 'Light without Obscurity.' 7 And this is purity: an 'Integral Conversion' 8 ( in the cup of this flower, Mother has placed ...


... × Satprem did not choose these pictures. × In 1915, when Mother left Pondicherry for France and later Japan. × Actually, Satprem did see Sri Aurobindo in 1946 or 1947... Mother’s Agenda 1961 December 20, 1961 ( Satprem reads Mother some extracts from the letter he has just received from his publisher in Paris: ) I'm skipping over the carefully phrased introduction.... 'Dear Sir... I must begin by telling you that although this text is an excellent essay, it is not, in its present ...


... that's very good! ( Mother laughs ) Very good. But while these things are happening, we shouldn't speak of them. So... nonetheless, we still need a Bulletin ! ( For the next 'Bulletin,' Satprem reads to Mother from 'Questions and Answers,' dated January 4, 1956 . ) '...And so a time comes when one would be incapable of saying, "This is divine and that is not...." Oh, that's a wonderful... that state in your consciousness and action, there is necessarily struggle; and if there is struggle, there is choice; and to choose, you need discrimination.' ( Mother remains silent ) ( Satprem again reads from the same 'Questions and Answers' of 1956: ) 'All things are attracted to the Divine. Are the hostile forces also attracted to the Divine?' You know, I can say one thing about... always been said that That and That alone could bring the adverse forces to a halt. ( Music ) Page 415 × Satprem did not keep the full text of his reply, still under the erroneous impression that his personal questions had no place here. × ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 April 3, 1958 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Kataragama, April 3, 1958 Sweet Mother, I was waiting for things to be well established in me before writing you again. An important change has occurred: it seems that something in me has 'clicked'—what Sri Aurobindo calls the 'central will,' perhaps—and I am living literally... hands. Oh, to get out of this ego that belittles everything, diminishes everything, to emerge from it! All is falsehood in it. And I, who understood nothing of love, am beginning to suspect who Satprem is. Mother, your grace is infinite, it has accompanied me everywhere in my life. We are still in Kataragama, and we shall only go up to northern Ceylon, to Jaffna, around the 15th, then return to... seeing all the mean pettiness that obstructs your divine work. Destroy my smallness and take me unto you. May I be sincere, integrally sincere. With infinite gratitude, I am your child. Signed : Satprem Page 152 P.S. My system is not in perfect condition due to this absurdly spiced food, and the river water that is used for everything. ( Mother's reply ) Sri Aurobindo Ashram ...


... should I persist in my intention. Mother, I am placing all this in your hands, sincerely . I am your child. Signed : Satprem Page 136 × A Sannyasi, or wandering monk, whom Satprem would join a few weeks later in Ceylon, on February 27, and who would initiate him as a Sannyasi. Unfortunately, almost all... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 February 3, 1958 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, February 3, 1958 Sweet Mother, What you told me today at noon has left me stunned. I had decided to have my own way, but now I pray to be true. I would like to tell you that 'I am staying,' very simply, for something in me wants this, but I am afraid to ...


... March 7, 1960 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, March 7, 1960 Mother, Here is the letter from the publisher. All comes from you, all is yours . May I always serve you. With love. Your child, Signed : Satprem ÉDITIONS DU SEUIL Paris, March 1, 1960 Dear Satprem, Publisher and friend are here one in telling you that L'Orpailleur ...


... in the great army of those who fight for Truth.' 3 That was the sentence I wrote for my doctor. And that's the story of these last two days. ( Towards the end of the conversation, Satprem once again complains of his difficulties in writing his book. Mother proposes that he try to unblock the way by reading his manuscript to her. ) You know, it [Mother's consciousness] is an immobile... what is received or transmitted: a perfect neutrality. In this mirror, therefore, you would be able to see your book a little more impersonally, outside yourself and your own creative power. ( Satprem makes a face; he feels shy about reading his text aloud ) Yes, you can find out if it's consistent with your state of consciousness and your manner of working! If you give it to me to read when... soldiers of the great and noble army fighting in the world for the conquest of Truth. × It took Satprem fourteen years to lose the habit of correcting. ...


... starts, nothing coherent. Sometimes I feel quite incapable of carrying out this task properly. What should I do? Your child, Signed : Satprem Page 334 ( Mother's reply ) Thursday Satprem, my dear child, If you agree, here is what we could do: read aloud to me what you have written; perhaps seeing it in my consciousness will help you. If you think this could be useful... Mother’s Agenda 1961 September 28, 1961 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Sweet Mother, I feel completely abandoned to myself. This book is a real SUFFERING. I don't see where I am going, I am groping in all directions. Mother, do help me. Where lies the fault? I am suffering, you know. I would like to do it well, but it comes only in fits and starts ...


... this, and that I have been dispossessed. Perhaps that is why I suffer. Mother, lead me towards you, I am blind and without strength. Your child, Signed : Satprem ( Mother's reply ) Thursday, June 11, 1959 Satprem, my very dear child, I have received your good letter of the 9th, It warms my heart. All these things that you need—truth, light, love, my presence in you—you... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 June 9, 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Rameswaram, June 9, 1959 Sweet Mother, Forgive me for these last letters. I was suffering. It seems to me that for months I have been far away from you. I no longer see you in my dreams, I no longer feel you. What, then is this path I am following? In spite of all my ...


... petit, with that state of war. But I have some paper. But you need it. Not all of it. One ream of paper.... Will you look down there and see if there's a box or something? Let's see. ( Satprem pulls out a box ) It's turned completely yellow.... Does it matter? The water would soak into it! Because I have to write with chandanam mixed in water, you understand, and with a twig of "Divine... write? They're figures. Figures and one Sanskrit letter. But you can't say there's much soul in figures, can you? Will you show it to me? I'd like to see. I'll write it for you. ( Satprem draws the Tantric diagram he has been instructed to do 72 times a day for three times 72 days. It is a square divided into 9 smaller squares which contain figures and one Sanskrit letter. The first... complete being, consciously complete. Of course, it's the beginning of realization. But for many people it's the ultimate term. I hope it won't tire you out any more. Page 138 ( as Satprem is about to leave ) Do you think your machine [the tape recorder at the other end of the room] has picked up the music? 5 I hope so! I know someone who could note it down: Sunil could ...


... × In fact, the physical blow will come a year later and Satprem will nearly die from it. × Occultly, to see if there is a real threat over Satprem. ... Basically, their idea of the divine is something that's at their service—that knows a little more than you do (!) and is at your service to give you whatever you desire. After a meditation with Satprem: I again saw a square shape, like last time, in front of you, but this time it was different: there was a bright golden light, and that square shape was here ( gesture between the throat and the ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1964 May 14, 1964 ( From Mother to Satprem ) Satprem, my dear little child, This onslaught of doubts 1 you are referring to is part of the general work. It is a very direct way of acting on the atmosphere. You ask me if I see you. You do not come to me in a subtle body, but I am with you very concretely, so concretely that... Not Satprem's, but the expression of a general skepticism. × A hemoptysis, of which Satprem took no notice. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1965 August 4, 1965 ( While sorting old notes of Mother's, Satprem comes across the following passage: ) "Always listen to what the Lord of Truth has to tell you and let your action be guided by Him." That's good. I often wonder.... We are indeed told that we should leave our action to the Lord... momentarily in an individual, as a promise and an example." This was an answer to someone who asked me whether the supramental Force had manifested on earth previously. ( Before leaving, Satprem informs Mother that he has received a letter from the Vellore hospital asking him when he would come for new tests: ) So are you going to reply? ...Oh, no! I'll never go back there. All that... things get better. It's very interesting. The doctor crystallizes the illness, makes it concrete, hard. Afterwards, he takes credit for curing it... when he can! ( As he is about to leave, Satprem lays his forehead on Mother's knees and receives a mass of force. He probably appears stunned by the "avalanche," and Mother remarks: ) It comes like this ( Mother bangs her fist down as if into ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1962 December 15, 1962 ( Mother shows Satprem some pamphlets printed during Theon's time, "Fundamental Axioms of Cosmic Philosophy," which have just been found among some old papers: ) This is pretty funny! ( Laughing, Mother reads: ) "In his physical state, man is the supreme evolutor. "There is... the attribute is Equilibrium. And when Equilibrium is established, there will be uninterrupted progress—with no disequilibrium, naturally: that is, a deathless state, with no disintegration. ( Satprem continues the reading: ) "There is but one royalty, one aristocracy: the royalty and aristocracy of intelligence. "There are four classifications of terrestrial formations: mineral, vegetal,... legitimate cult.... It all seems a bit flimsy.... Very. I don't think it's worth wasting your time on. But it was interesting to find these first pages because... look at the symbol ( Mother shows Satprem the first page ). Yes, I saw it! Page 453 The symbol is interesting. It looks like Sri Aurobindo's. I am the one who designed Sri Aurobindo's, and I adapted it from this one ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1963 April 25, 1963 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Rameshwaram, 25 April '63 Sweet Mother, I received your card of the 23rd yesterday, and it coincided with an improvement in the "atmosphere" and even a physical improvement. I have rarely felt your Force and your Presence so concretely, continuously and powerfully as since I... All the rest I find rather poor. ........ More and more I feel, live and see that That alone is real. It is a very engrossing experience. Mā, with gratitude I am at your feet Signed : Satprem Page 120 ( Excerpt from a letter to Sujata ) April 25, 1963 ........ I am waiting for X to make certain changes in my japa, as he said he would, and will then come back without... in it at length, they broke it. Then they threw my toothpaste into the well. They were kind enough, however, to leave me my razor, for fear I would end up looking like them, probably! Signed : Satprem ...


... effect; It cannot have effect. At the time, it was a very vivid image. Soon afterwards: Have you finished your book? (Satprem, in a glum tone:) Yes. Oho! That's not a very forceful "yes"! Is it Saturday you're going to read it to me? ( Satprem makes a face ) Oh, that too! I don't think it's all that great. That doesn't matter—you never think it's all that great! It... Mother’s Agenda 1966 December 7, 1966 ( Mother hands Satprem a flower called "Grace," then a second "Grace." ) Would you like a second Grace?... There's never too much of it! Oh, the other day someone asked me a question on the message for November 24, 1 and Sri Aurobindo replied. It was so interesting! I saw something ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1966 November 9, 1966 ( Satprem reads Mother a few excerpts from "The Sannyasin," in particular the scene in which the Sannyasin is standing with his back to the temple door, having lost both his "spiritual heaven" and the earth in the form of the one he loved. ) This image [of the Sannyasin with his... they immediately think of sexual union, and that's disastrous, it completely warps the idea. I don't know, I haven't read Pavitra's book On Love . Have you? Is the point clear in his book? ( Satprem makes a face ) It's not clear? I find there's something false in his book—something false or Page 258 falsely expressed. False? According to him, there are two paths: the... See Agenda I , November 20, 1958 and November 22, 1958 . × Satprem found the following note among Mother's papers: "When people speak of sexual desire, instead of giving it the noble name of 'love,' they should simply call it 'vital cannibalism.'" ...


... come naturally out of that state once the work of transformation is accomplished." I didn't have the time to write it down. But Sri Aurobindo himself said to me, "On Saturday, when you see Satprem." It's interesting. So it's something that's going to take place. It looks like it.... Because it came when I was fully in that state, but I was conscious that this ( body ) needed... for it to be there all the time. So that came. And I wanted to write it down, but didn't have the time, I was already terribly late; then came very clearly from Sri Aurobindo, "On Saturday, when Satprem is there." I forgot to tell you at first! You'll have to write a note and give it to those you think it should be given to. Yes, first to the "Trustees" [the heads of the Ashram's admin... × " Surtout pas de docteurs!... il faut laisser ce corps en paix. " Mother added this first sentence in a slip of paper she sent to Satprem after the conversation (see facsimile). × It may be noted that Mother used the French word " injure ...


... end up swallowing my beefsteak! (Sujata:) But he doesn't tell any stories. How many times I have asked him! He doesn't tell any stories? (Satprem:) She would like me to write tales—fairy tales. Do you know any fairy tales? (Satprem:) I'll make some up. Of course! I used to make up lots and lots of them!... Real fairy tales in which everything is so lovely, everything works out... Mother’s Agenda 1965 November 10, 1965 ( Mother hands Satprem a brochure, "Spiritual Unity of India," in which quotations from Sri Aurobindo and Mother on the partition of India have been gathered, in particular Mother's declaration: "India must fight until India and Pakistan have once more become ONE." ) It has gone around India. Thousands of copies ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1967 May 3, 1967 ( Mother gives Satprem a new booklet, brown-coloured with the title in gold lettering: "God." ) I have a very nice little story ... The day before yesterday some people came (yesterday morning, I saw fifty-five people in the room over there ... fifty-five! The day before there were less... told me, "I want to see," I assure you in all honesty that I said, "But why doesn't he see? He should see." Then, the first time I met Sri Aurobindo (that is, immediately afterwards), I said to him, "Satprem wants to see." He answered me, "He sees, but without knowing it. But he sees." So I thought there may be ... You know, sometimes there's a very small gap (we have many layers of consciousness... × Savitri , I.IV.55 . × A few weeks earlier, Satprem had written a letter to Mother in which he bitterly complained that he never saw anything. ...


... of her ), like an offer of peace. Page 131 ( Towards the end, Satprem comes back to the Vatican affair. ) Isn't this whole thing going to recoil on them? I don't care. 1 × Just as Mother uttered those words, Satprem had a very distinct impression that Mother was saying, "It's ME, over there... Mother’s Agenda 1968 May 15, 1968 ( There has been a rumor going about that Mother was "unwell," and indeed she has not seen anyone. When Satprem comes into her room, the lower part of Mother's face is very much swollen, apparently because of an "infection." She has been unable to eat anything. ) You see, it's the Vatican. I fought and fought, but ...


... knows. India knows more than it really can express. Enough! ( Then Satprem reads out to Mother the article he has written for Italian television. ) It's for Paolo, for Italian television. Maybe you could read it to me.... Does it interest you?... I have entitled it, "The Great Sense." ( Satprem reads ) "This is the time of the Great Sense. "We look to the right or... in front of the Sorbonne university, which was the scene of the students' revolt in May 1968. × Satprem finally left the word "God." ...


... . it's dangerous! ( silence ) Still, I felt there was something.... What?... Ah, the Aphorisms .... Have you read yesterday's? On the anarchic state? Yes! It's fine, isn't it? ( Satprem reads ) 320—The anarchic is the true divine state of man in the end as in the beginning; but in between it would lead us straight to the devil and his kingdom. And what do I answer to the... . I was going to propose a meditation, but it's too late. ( Mother takes roses ) Here, today I'll do this way.... ( Mother gives the yellow rose for Sujata together with the red rose for Satprem ) ( Taking Satprem's hands: ) My hands have no cold! × One of the Ashram's guesthouses. ... had nothing better to do. And Mother would "absorb." × The two days of the week when Mother sees Satprem. × See Agenda X, 11 October 1969 . ...


... now they're nothing but words. ( Satprem reads ) Stability and change Inertia and transformation... Yes, those things were obviously identical in the Lord. And especially this: the simplicity of that identity. But now, it's nothing but words. Stability and change Inertia and transformation Eternity and progress Unity =... ( Satprem cannot decipher ) Page 433 ... illegible words follow ) That was the much truer expression of the experience, but it's illegible—I think it's deliberately illegible. To be able to read, one would need to have the experience. ( Satprem tries to read ) It seems to me there's the word "repose"? Ah, that must be it. Repose and... ( Mother goes into a concentration ) Isn't there "power"? Ah, yes! "Power and repose combined ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1969 November 8, 1969 ( The conversation begins ten minutes early. Mother hands a "Transformation"flower to Satprem. ) Would you like one? Yes, it's necessary! They're pretty... Only one is necessary: all the way down, this one ( Mother gives the flower, laughing ). To you ( to Sujata ) I give four... decided. I was expecting more resistance, but there was none. We'll see if now it continues... 5 ( Soon afterwards, regarding the English translation of "the Great Sense," a text written by Satprem. ) I wrote it for Italian television, but then, they're under the control of the Vatican, so they didn't want it. It's very, very, very good. We must print that. For the English, I'm not... × It seems almost certain that Mother meant to say the opposite: much less time. Let us recall that she once said to Satprem, "In the end, it's nothing—a mere breath and it will be done." × Conversation of October 1 : "When ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1969 April 23, 1969 ( Mother received Satprem at 11 instead of 10. ) It's frightful, mon petit!... Oh, there were lots of amusing things to tell you, but it's no fun, we're too hurried.... Oh, you know, Mother, I wanted to tell you one thing: the whole gossip in the Ashram is that you sent L. to Delhi... thing, you understand. Now I've grown used to it. All the rubbish in the world they will tell—it's the whole system that should be dissolved! ( silence ) What about you? How are you? [Satprem complains about his eyes]... Otherwise I am fine, Mother. But don't work too much! ( Laughing ) I preach laziness! I had lots of things to tell you, and strangely, my watch stopped; I had no... 151 diffusion). Yes, it's quite like that, as when one is tense, like someone full of tension, and it eases up. Now it's like that for all the cells. There, enough chatter for now! ( Satprem gets up ) I'll give you the perpetual Smile of the divine Consciousness. ( Mother gives a Champak flower 2 ) And roses... here. ( To Sujata: ) For you too. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1970 September 12, 1970 ( Mother gives "Transformation" flowers. ) You and Satprem... I am not allowed to take salt ( Mother gives Satprem soup packets ), it seems that this difficulty [in the left eye] comes from eating too much salt.... What do you have to say? Are you better, Mother? Yes, a... infernal. Ah, yes, that's true. So that's what it is in your body. ( Mother takes Satprem's hands with tears in her eyes ) It makes me feel like crying. ( silence ) Thank you. ( Satprem kisses Mother's hand ) Thank you. 5 Page 320 × Mother perhaps means "too much the consciousness of ...


... "Here, give me that, do this..." Very interesting. You're a very dear child. ( As Satprem is about to leave, Mother's assistant hands him a note written by Mother ) I don't remember what it is. It's a message you gave for the radio. Yes, it was for the radio station here, they had asked me for it. ( Satprem reads ) "We want to be messengers of Light and Truth. A future of harmony... Mother’s Agenda 1971 January 16, 1971 ( Satprem has not seen Mother since last December 2. The latest turning point in her yoga has just occurred, similar to those of 1962 and 1968. Her small voice quivers and is lost in a murmur, yet her laugh is fresh as a young girl's. ) I am happy to see you! Page 18 ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1970 November 28, 1970 ( Satprem offers his pension to Mother and asks her if he could keep a little money to build a room for himself in the Nandanam gardens, on the outskirts of Pondicherry. ) Yes, it will do you good. ( Then Mother translates a few passages from Savitri, including this one: ) It lends beauty to the terror... Invests with grace the demon and the snake. II.II.106 It's charming! That's exactly the nature of the vital, what Théon called the "nervous world." Page 376 ( Then Satprem reads the beginning of chapter 11 of Supermanhood ; "The Change of Power." ) It creates an atmosphere that lasts the whole day like that, and I can't talk anymore. ( Mother plunges in ) One... the same effect on me. There's nothing left here ( Mother touches her forehead ), nothing. You understand, it seems to come like this, and then it goes like this ( continuous gesture rising from Satprem to Mother, then from Mother spreading on both sides onto the world. ) It's really interesting! Nothing remains here ( gesture to the forehead ), only a very pleasant impression, very stable ...


... That quotation is: "Or we may find when all the rest has failed Hid in ourselves the key of perfect change." Where did he write this? In "Savitri", Mother. Oh, interesting. ( Satprem reads the introduction ) "Secrets are simple, because the truth is simple.... And what looked like a human impossibility will become child's play." It's magnificent, mon petit, magnificent... Yes, that's right. In February. ( long silence ) Mother, I pray for the transmission to be pure and faithful.... That's what gives me anguish. ( Mother nods her head ) It's good. ( Satprem lays his forehead on Mother's knees ) × Mother means that she does not want to draw attention to herself or to her... An obligation for Mother's body to be transformed, if "Mira" is used. × Satprem in fact wrote the whole book in three months and completed it in November. ...


... × Curiously, while Satprem read, Mothers breathing was normal throughout. × Satprem actually reads his manuscript for the first time when he reads it out to Mother. ... psychic is sexless. And as he says, it's quite a complex affair; there are all possibilities. There's nothing one can declare to be impossible. ( silence ) Now I want to hear your chapter. ( Satprem starts reading half a dozen pages of the sixth chapter: "The Tearing of Limits," then must stop as he still has a sore throat. ) Page 361 Mother, I can't go on, it's too long for me. ...


... I have hold of my supreme reality, but...! ( Mother laughs ) All right, it's good, it's some consolation! ( laughter ) ( Satprem goes on reading, then asks ) Does it tire you? Tire? Oh, no.... It comforts me a little! It doesn't tire me at all. ( silence Satprem lays his forehead on Mother's knees ) The next time, you'll read to me. At least it's... [comforting?]. Page 328 ... Page 327 I don't know, I have it now. Does it come from me? No! No... I live in a... ( Mother shakes her head ). ( long silence ) It's better to read me something. ( Satprem reads a few Aphorisms of Sri Aurobindo for the next issue of the Bulletin ) 159—He who recognizes no Krishna, the God in man, knows not God entirely; he who knows Krishna only, knows not even ...


... February Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 February 26, 1972 ( Mother hands Satprem her message for February 29, the fourth anniversary of the "supramental descent" of February 29, 1956 . ) It is only when the Supramental manifests in the body-mind that its presence can be permanent. 1 Mother This message comes... long, long time. (Sujata:) Yes, Mother. That's it. As if one constantly felt like resting one's head on your breast, enfolded in your arms. ( Mother laughs tenderly ) Yes. ( To Satprem: ) Do you feel that way too? Oh, yes, Mother! Yes, Mother. Mon petit... ( Mother takes Satprem's hands again ). It's coming, we must be patient. Page 76 ... The "formation of death" surrounding Mother, which she already mentioned on the occasion of the 21st of February, seems to have become more defined. In fact, both Satprem and Sujata remember being struck by a comment Mother made the previous year, on September 8, 1971 : "The body has had moments of agony as never before in its whole life—in connection with death, which ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1970 June 6, 1970 ( Satprem reads out to Mother a letter he has received from E, a disciple who tried hard to intrude into the conversations between Mother and Satprem, notably under the pretext of translating Savitri into French. Maneuvering was beginning to make itself felt. ) It would alter the whole character of our meetings,... of a higher consciousness, it becomes hazy and inexpressive. It means wasting one's time, in the sense that matter remains without conscious utilization. Have you seen the aphorism? ( Satprem reads ) Page 228 534—The rejection of falsehood by the mind seeking after truth is one of the chief causes why mind cannot attain to the settled, rounded and perfect truth; not to escape ...


... connects all the way up, to try and understand, one feels one almost always meets a sort immutable neutrality? ( Mother goes into a contemplation ) ( With her head Mother asks Satprem if he has anything. With his head Satprem asks Mother if she has anything. Laughter. ) Page 219 ( Mother plunges in again ) Nothing to say? Nothing to ask? Nothing to read?... Are we moving ahead? ... Agenda 1970 May 30, 1970 ( Mother looks absorbed ) I didn't remember this book [ Thoughts and Aphorisms ] at all. Have you seen the latest ones? ( Satprem reads ) 529—Indiscriminate compassion is the noblest gift of temperament, not to do even the least hurt to one living thing is the highest of all human virtues; but God practises neither. Is man ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 May 31, 1972 ( Mother remains absorbed a long time. She often asked Satprem if he had any "questions," but truly speaking Satprem didn't come to see Mother to "ask questions." Rather he wanted to efface himself all he could and let her experience flow out it she liked to give it expression, or remain... atmosphere and bring pressure upon Mother. Questions seemed pointless to him unless they arose on the spur of the moment, springing from within, because then they responded to something iN Mother. Indeed, Satprem wanted to be simply a sort of catalyst for what was happening in her. And then, too, seeing her gasping for breath very much affected him. ) So what do you have to say? Nothing much. ( Holding ...


... elephant trunks, the clouds spout torrents of water for ages of ages. The apocalyptic fire is finally extinguished. The earth looks like 'the world of waters wild.' "You see," Mother explained to Satprem, "according to Theon, the world was created and destroyed — creation and pralaya—six times. And each time a particular attribute was manifested. But as this attribute could not fulfil itself, the world... equilibrium — a superior equilibrium —not static, but progressive. In other words, there will be an unlimited progress in equilibrium and harmony." It was several years later, when describing to Satprem an experience she had just had, that Mother remarked, "And I have understood why Theon said that we are in the days of 'Equilibrium.' It means that 1. The Secret of the Veda. Page... consciousness was one with the central Consciousness, and indwelled equally the innumerable points of consciousness and their opposites — "My centre is everywhere. Be very careful," she once cautioned Satprem— could easily recall the memories of previous pralayas. "In the subconscient, there is the memory of previous pralayas. Well, it's this memory that always gives you the impression that everything is ...

... translated. One day, from my laboratory, I saw Mother going towards Pavitra's office to give Satprem one of the regular interviews. Often, on her way to him, she would stop to give me a smile or a pat. Not that day. She seemed intent on some thought, her eyes fixed on the flowers she held in her hand. Satprem had barely closed the passage door behind her when she began, "I have brought you a whole discourse... often a founding one, of numerous occult or esoteric groups and societies, both French and international. Page 58 "He said he had received initiation in India," Mother disclosed to Satprem. "He knew a little Sanskrit, and was thoroughly versed in the Rig-Veda. Well then, in some way, he developed a tradition which he called the 'Cosmic Tradition.' He claimed to have received it —I don't ...

... us behind. * * * Théon returned to Tlemcen. His visits to France became extremely rare. So rare that most people believed he had died in 1913 or thereabouts. In 1971, Satprem asked Mother, "Isn't he upon earth anymore? He left his body?" She replied, "Oh, yes! Long ago. I think he left before I came here. Long ago." Pascal Thémanlys, however, wrote, "I saw him... * * * When the news of Madame Théon's death reached her, Mirra was stunned. Understandably. "She was a marvellous woman from the standpoint of experience —unique ..." Mother was to tell Satprem half a century later. "Madame Theon was the first to tell me what I was, what she had seen —the crown of twelve pearls over my head," she told us. "Madame Theon said to me —I used to narrate to her... Mirra and was assured that their work, for which she and Theon had come, would be carried on and completed. She gone, he was lost. But he was too great to remain just a miracle-maker. To quote Satprem, "We Page 265 would be doing an injustice to Theon were we to think he was in pursuit of the great, dazzling powers.... He was in search of something much more momentous. Perhaps ...

... line here, a sentence there. But Readers interested in finding out more about Mother's and Sri Aurobindo's experience may like to consult the following books by Satprem: MOTHER'S AGENDA, 1951-1973 (13 volumes) Recorded by Satprem in the course of countless personal conversations with Mother, the log of her fabulous exploration in the cellular consciousness of the body. Twenty-three years... I The Divine Materialism (1980) II The New Species (1983) III The Mutation of Death (1987) On the Way to Superman hood, an essay (1986) Life Without Death, by Satprem & Luc Venet (1989) ...

... Mother’s Agenda 1969 July 26, 1969 ( Mother wants to revise with Satprem a few passages of her translation of 'Savitri.' ) But now I've come to notice that they cut these quotations, they leave out two lines in the middle—suddenly I'll say to myself, "But it doesn't hang together!" I'll ask, and F. tells me, "Yes, they... if you find something you think isn't too good. I've done it "like that"; I can't say I am attached to my translation, not at all, Page 259 but if you could suggest something to me... ( Satprem starts reading out a passage ). As you said, the French might be a bit awkward, but it may be the only way to translate precisely. Sometimes I did it purposely. Admitted through a curtain of... evening talks with Sri Aurobindo, in particular the talk of 12 May 1926. × This same afternoon, Satprem, struck by a sudden thought, wrote the following note to Mother: "Following this morning's conversation, I have suddenly thought, 'But Savitri goes into death in search of Satyavan... so Mother is ...


... found a paper I wrote soon after Sri Aurobindo's departure. I already told you part of it, but this is the full paper. It's dated... ( Mother hands the paper to Satprem ) January 26, 1951. But it's very private. ( Satprem reads out the text ) ( This note is about a person physically close to Sri Aurobindo, who tried to destroy Mother and separate her from Sri Aurobindo. In fact, it... Page 312 least, the slightest possibility of reaction was over. I told you, the only thing I once did, and I found it a disgusting weakness, was to slap her. So there. ( Mother gives Satprem and Sujata flowers of "Sri Aurobindo's compassion" ) × See Agenda I, 26 March 1959 . ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1970 March 13, 1970 ( Satprem had written Mother a rather cross letter because she had been told some malicious gossip about him, just as she had been told—to what end we do not know—that his friend, the Marquis B., was a "spy." Satprem understood nothing of those jealousies and was surprised that Mother could even listen to such tattle... worked on all the elements that came to her. That was her "sordid battlefield," as she called it. Those sad incidents are only the sign that the atmosphere around Mother was becoming... strange. ) Satprem, my dear child, I do not believe what Udar tells me, nor what anyone whosoever tells me. The Lord has given me the power to see things as they are; and I do not judge. Our relationship is of ...


... other. Before, at the beginning, when I came he used to speak of all kinds of things of this sort. And on top of it ( laughing ) it doesn't interest me! ( Mother gives Satprem soup packets ) Can't eat. ( Then Satprem reads the third chapter of Supermanhood: "The Sunlit Path." Afterwards, Mother remains looking at him for a long time, with a charming smile. ) You've entered a new world... Mother’s Agenda 1970 October 17, 1970 I have a letter from Dr. V, he asks a question about something Sri Aurobindo said. ( Satprem reads ) " In The Synthesis of Yoga, Sri Aurobindo writes about the perfection of the lower mind, the psychic prana ... What's that? I think it's the vital substance Sri Aurobindo calls like that. ...


... on looking at Satprem ) You don't have anything, no letter? Yes, I received a letter from A., conveying a message from my publisher B.C. (you know, the one who published "The Adventure of Consciousness"). B.C. wrote a letter [Satprem reads it to Mother] saying he's reading "The Ideal of Human Unity," but would like to publish "The Synthesis of Yoga."So A. replied to him [Satprem reads the reply ...


... January Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 January 29, 1972 ( Mother listens to Satprem read a letter from Msgr. R., the friend of P.L., who is intently turning to Mother to start a new life. Mother concentrates on him for a quarter of an hour. ) Is he ill? He had several very serious operations in a row, and I think he had a lung removed in the last one... conscious of something. ( Mother plunges in till the end, then Sujata approaches her ) Mother, I would like to tell you about a rather strange occurrence. The night before last, independently, Satprem, F. and I had similar dreams. Ah! And what was it? Violent attacks. By whom? I don't know, Mother. As for me, I was in a large group of Ashram people, and we were about to be executed... rising up from each of us, like this: OM Namo Bhagavate Sri Arabindaye. Ah! And everybody was chanting it—everybody was chanting. And the threat withdrew. Who else had this dream? Satprem saw himself heavily attacked by bombs and grenades. 1 F.'s dream: she was trying to see you, but she was locked in a room. She wanted to feed you, and she was told, "No, no, Mother doesn't eat." ...


... to read you what they said? Yes. Paris, June 14, 1971 "Thank you for submitting the two manuscripts by Sri Satprem, 'By the Body of the Earth' [The Sannyasin] and 'On the Way to Supermanhood.' "Unfortunately, in both cases, our readers felt that Sri Satprem had not succeeded in laying the foundations of his beliefs, ultimately rather vague, or at any rate not easy to convey. As... all, it goes very far, a matter of about ten years. In ten years it will be strong. I see it. Page 173 × Satprem had read other letters of Sri Aurobindo about the Ashram, Mother had selected the last one, just quoted. × ...


... falsehood that must disappear. There is only ONE reality, there is only ONE life, there is only ONE consciousness ( Mother lowers her fist sharply ): the Divine. ( Mother looks at Satprem with great intensity, Satprem puts his forehead on Mother's knees ) Page 162 ... Mother’s Agenda 1971 June 9, 1971 ( First Mother informs Satprem that the article on "Sri Aurobindo and Bangladesh" has been translated into Hindi and sent to Delhi. ) There's an onslaught of adverse forces. A ferocious onslaught. But the Response is beginning to come—just a very small beginning. In each person there ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1971 July 28, 1971 ( Mother sits looking long at Satprem, her eyes open, then she smiles. ) Ooh!... When you were sitting here [in front of Mother] and I looked at you, you took your body and opened it like this ( gesture as if Satprem were ripping his body in half from the stomach down ), all, all the way. Were you in pain? No, Mother... slay when God bids him, works in the world an incalculable havoc." 1 That's interesting. We must publish that! ( general laughter ) ( Mother plunges within, then surfaces and hands Satprem a piece of paper ) I want to give this for August 15: "A veil behind the heart, a lid over the mind divide us from the Divine. Love and devotion rend the veil, in the quietude of the mind the ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1971 January 27, 1971 ( Mother hands to Satprem a note that she sent to an Aurovillian ) "It is the old methods of yoga that demand silence and solitude. "The yoga of tomorrow is to find the Divine in work and in contact with the world." ( Then a quotation from Sri Aurobindo that Mother wants to include in the next "Bulletin... because she represents the intellectual element of that country. She was so enthusiastic that if they are taken by it... it can create a tremendous movement over there. I am counting on it. ( Then Satprem reads to Mother a letter from the friend in the Vatican. ) Page 36 "...When the Pope was traveling [in the Pacific], there were two assassination attempts on him—they didn't succeed.... chapter? Yes, Mother. I've called it "The Sociology of the Superman." It's Auroville without naming it. Ah!... But a very ideal Auroville! Yes! ( Laughing ) Far from what it is. ( Satprem reads a few pages of the chapter ) Oh, it's splendid, mon petit! On the way to conquering the world.... You see, it really has come. I called and called and called, and it has come ( gesture ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1971 January 23, 1971 ( Mother sees Satprem regarding the English translation of the latest "Notes on the Way" for the next "Bulletin." After the work: ) Mother, I was thinking of the Agenda.... ?... Well, if I don't see you, the Agenda is empty. The agenda? What agenda? The Agenda, all the notes on the work of tran... want it, whatever is best for you. I don't really know.... It's very strange, for me this whole sense of organization has become... ( gesture of disintegration ). I might suddenly say, "Well, if Satprem were here...." You understand? It rather works like that, but it's not very practical. Well, you could have me called, I'll come at once. Yes, but you may be in the middle of doing something... when.... If I could only write.... But I can't. Well, just have me called. Yes, that's it. It would always be around the same time. And then Wednesdays and Saturdays you come regularly. ( Satprem leaves and Sujata goes up to Mother ) Mother, I have something for you. What is it? We went for a walk yesterday and found this on the beach. It's mother of pearl, Mother. Ooh!... It's ...


... half hour. Then Satprem gets ready to leave and Sujata approaches Mother ) This can go on for hours.... (Sujata:) Mother, what does a white peacock with a golden tail mean? Ooh! That must be the supramental victory. A white peacock is the integral victory; a golden tail is the supramental realization.... Did you see that? Page 248 Satprem saw it. (Satprem:) I saw it last ...


... February Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 February 19, 1972 ( Mother gazes at Satprem for a long time. ) Do you see something? ( Mother plunges in. Half an hour goes by ) Page 67 No inclination to speak unless you put questions.... 1 Am I getting a little closer? Oh, you're doing very well, mon petit! That.... ( Mother takes... don't know. I think he's trying to get transformed ... Yes, that was my impression. But now I have the feeling that that division no longer exists. When I look at you.... When I was there [in Satprem], I felt that the division no longer exists—only you can tell me if at other times it comes back. As you are now, near me, it's very good—very good, it's smooth. I don't know how to put it, smooth... hands, like now—there's the same Quiet. A luminous peace that... that leads to Joy, you follow? Page 68 It's good, mon petit, very good. Don't worry. I can tell you: it's good. ( Satprem lays his forehead in Mother's lap ) What day is today? It's Saturday. So in two days, it's the 21st. Yes, Mother. So I won't see you again! *No, Mother... Happy birthday, Mother ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1962 July 7, 1962 ( Mother listens to Satprem read some passages from his new book on Sri Aurobindo. The first book, Sri Aurobindo and the Transformation of the World, was judged "abstract and nebulous" by the Paris publisher. Mother comments: ) They probably won't understand anything. For me, the other book was more self-evident... in a million like that! They put it in their pocket, you see, and on the subway—maybe not the subway, there's no time!—but while they're on the train, they pull it out of their pocket and.... ( Satprem makes a discouraged gesture ) No, no, don't stop, go on, finish it. But they may ask you to cut it ( Mother laughs )—some passages will "drag"! "Why do you dwell so much on ideas? That's secondary... they ask us to, and send what we cut to a magazine. Then they'll have their nice little storybook! 1 Page 249 ( A little later, the subject of the increasing scarcity of the tapes Satprem uses to record these conversations comes up. It should be mentioned that Mother has never wanted to use the Ashram's tapes. ) ...And then after all, if it's lost, it's lost! It will have been the ...


... are all states of consciousness.) And they all run into each other... ( gesture of waves ). Ah, none of this is for the Bulletin! ( Just before leaving, Satprem rests his forehead on Mother's feet. The previous time, when Satprem had made the same gesture, Mother, who was standing then, had lost her balance and almost fallen. ) You saw last time how I lost my balance. When you touched my... H.] as I am explaining it to you, but H. has not seen it so she can't understand. I want to show her on paper. It is twelve different things [or twelve worlds], one after another. 1 ( Then Satprem reads out an aphorism: ) 93—Pain is the touch of our Mother teaching us to bear and grow in rapture. She has three stages of her schooling, endurance first, next equality of soul, last ecstasy ...


... invasion of Tibet. × Satprem remembers that several years earlier, Madame A. David-Neel had in a letter already advised Mother to leave Pondicherry (it was Mother herself who told this to Satprem around or a little before 1960), because, she predicted, Mother would be "assassinated by her own disciples." That... love; I told her, "But Buddha was full of love!" And that makes her blood boil! Well. Page 35 Later: Have you read my answer in the last Bulletin ? ( Mother hands the text to Satprem ) Those who wish to help the Light of Truth to prevail over the forces of darkness and falsehood, can do so by carefully observing the initiating impulses of their movements and actions, and d ...


... January 24, 1965 ( From Mother to Satprem ) ( All of Satprem's letters from Vellore, like the others, unfortunately disappeared. Satprem had written to Mother asking for a mantra, especially since he had given up the Tantric discipline. ) January 24, '65 Satprem, Here is Ganesh who dances so you may be cured SOON. Tenderness Signed : ...


... shall crush them beneath our closed fist.' (Quoted in the Revue Militaire d'Information , December 1959.) What does Mother think of this? Fraternally, Signed : Satprem ( Pavitra's reply ) 16.4.60 Satprem, I read Mother the extract from the Revue des Deux Mondes . This was her comment: Page 363 'It is quite possible that this is their original intention, I am... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 April 14, 1960 ( Letter to Pavitra from Satprem ) Hyderabad, April 14, 1960 Dear Pavitra, The following passage, taken from the Revue des Deux Mondes of March 1960, was part of a course taught by Dimitri Manowilski in 1931 at the Lenin School of Political Warfare in Moscow: 'Our turn will come in twenty to thirty ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1961 August 25, 1961 ( Mother gives flowers ) This is Alchemy. 1 And here! ( Mother hands Satprem some cheese ) I still have plenty, you know! It doesn't matter, mon petit, this is the last of it. I may have one or two boxes left, but that's all. How is the work going? I don't know. ... and then, ah! It takes a form. It's an interesting place. I am putting you in touch with it all the time, all the time, every day—it doesn't matter if you don't remember, it's not important.... ( Satprem doesn't seem to agree ) After all, remembering is merely an amusement. I have come to the conclusion that it's amusing and personally satisfying but not necessary at all. I see that MOST Of My work... × In fact, it was not X who said this, but one of his acolytes, N., who would later throw a great confusion into X's relations with both Mother and Satprem. The hunt for tantric powers was on. ...


... the easiest. Whenever something is apprehensive or balks: "He knows better than you what's necessary." That's all. ( Holding Satprem's hands ) If we could smile, it would be so much easier. ( Satprem rests his forehead on Mother's lap ) Au revoir, mon petit.... But truly (it's not mere words), I am always with you. It's a fact. The kind of fact, you know ( Mother feels the air between her fingers... impersonal, as... (how to term it?) without any personal will. Without any personal will, just like that, like a transmitter: let That pass through—untainted. Untainted, undiminished.... Voilà. ( Satprem gets ready to leave, Sujata approaches Mother ) Page 186 You know, Mother, I had an odd dream yesterday morning.... In my dream I saw Satprem's garden. I was walking in the street, passing... circle on its breast, I think. Oh! Its head was a little... not quite orange, a little gerua 3 (you know, like the earth), like that, and it was perched on a branch. ( Pointing to Satprem ) It was him. (Sujata, surprised) Him, Mother!? I don't know. Yes, I am telling you, it was him! ( laughter ) It's good. Page 187 × ...


... Anyway, I wanted to tell you. 1 Are you all right?... And Satprem? Yes, Mother. Till tomorrow. × The recording of this conversation was kept by Mother's new attendant. Something strange was beginning to happen in that room, but neither Satprem nor Sujata understood what it meant. ... lovely, a truly harmonious form. That's the first time. I hadn't the least idea, the faintest notion what it would look like, nothing, and I saw—I WAS like that, I had become like that. I thought Satprem should know, so he can note it down. I don't know if I'll remember, that's why I am telling you. Because today is Friday and I won't see him till tomorrow. This way, I am sure I won't forget. You'll ...


... April Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 April 26, 1972 ( Mother hands Satprem a letter: ) This is what I sent to Indira. You can read it to me, I don't even remember what I put. "India shall take her true place in the world only when she will become integrally the messenger of the Divine Life." 1 On what occasion... dwelling on the disgust, you should dwell on the identification with the consciousness you are in when you are sitting still. You follow? That's the important part. That's the important part. ( Satprem rests his forehead on Mother's lap. Sujata approaches ) I am beginning to understand why Sri Aurobindo always said it was woman ( Mother caresses Sujata's cheek with her finger ) that could build... the Darshan of April 24. × This is the second or third time this year that Mother mentions this to Satprem (see conversation of February 23 : the "formation of death"). × The new house at "Nandanam." ...


... forward so that the working is done,’ 9 wrote Sri Aurobindo. (All this had been applicable to himself too.) In Savitri we read about ‘her deep designs which from herself she had veiled.’ 10 Satprem, for instance, writes in his trilogy about the Mother: ‘Mother has never known. This seems unbelievable, but it is true,’ 11 and also: ‘Mother herself did not know what she was doing.’ 12 This... has a transforming power. OM represents the Divine,’ 51 she said. For a long time, actually since her Parisian years, she had had ‘a whole stock of mantras,’ some of which have been published by Satprem in the first volume of the Agenda as ‘Prayers of the consciousness of the cells.’ In a footnote accompanying the conversation of 11 May 1963, we even read the intriguing words: ‘When I say that my... × Savitri, 270 × Satprem, Mère II, 158 × Idem, 237 × ...


... dream (woolly isn't the right word, but it's all I can find!). It's smooth, soft, without angles and supple! No resistance, no resistance.... Oh, that peace! Very well, petit. ( Mother looks at Satprem ) I wonder if I can spread the "contagion" a little! I tried last night. I'll try again. What were you doing at four in the morning? Sleeping? Yes. What time do you wake up? Around... what has happened. Anyway, we can still try! ( Mother laughs. ) Au revoir, mon petit. × In putting this question, Satprem was thinking in particular about Madame Theon, who, rather than going to get her sandals, made them come to her. × ... × This is what Mother calls "shifting the needle of consciousness": "When people who are depressed or in despair come to see me," she once told Satprem, "all I have to do is slightly shift the needle of consciousness, and they go away happy. Out of habit, unfortunately, their state returns." (See Agenda I , February 25, 1958, p. 148 ) ...


... depends on. You have to constantly keep a firm grip on them—constantly, constantly. That's how it is. Here, mon petit, 5 I've been given something very good! ( Mother laughs and gives Satprem a tin of... perhaps it was foie gras. ) I've been slacking off too. For material substance it's a necessity. It's exactly what I was complaining about: "If this stuff can't go on without... What's really almost miraculous is that I can speak of it even now. So here we are again—we won't get much work done today! Do you have any questions [ on Sri Aurobindo's Aphorisms ]? ( Satprem reads: ) 67—There is no sin in man, but a great deal of disease, ignorance and misapplication. 68—The sense of sin was necessary in order that man might become disgusted with his own imperfections... first floor balcony. The disciples were assembled on the street below. × Mother frequently addressed Satprem as "mon petit" or "petit," terms of endearment she used for very few other people, which can be approximately rendered as "my little one" or "my child." Since no English phrase can capture the nuances ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1961 November 5, 1961 ( Mother would prefer Satprem not to mention Paul Richard by name in his book on Sri Aurobindo. ) ...I have done my best, all these years, to try to keep him at a distance. He has a power—a terrible asuric power. Between you and me, I saw him like that from the start—that's why I... On June 28, Archduke Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated at Sarajevo. × Satprem no longer remembers the source of this false information. × Mother is alluding to the following aphorism... × According to Mother's wishes, the tape was erased up to this point. But years passed and circumstances changed, and when Satprem found the transcription of this conversation among his papers, he deemed it worthwhile to preserve the major portion of it for its historical interest. Mother's difficulties are always the difficulties ...


... one's activities and master of one's actions. That's the thing. So, mon petit, have you brought anything? I am so lazy! Did you bring a question? I haven't really found a question.... ( Satprem reads the following aphorism. ) 71—A thought is an arrow shot at the truth; it can hit a point, but not cover the whole target. But the archer is too well satisfied with his success to ask anything... aren't done indifferently, out of habit and necessity, but... with a touch of beauty, a touch of charm and delight for the Lord. There, that's all.... Mon petit... ( Mother gazes a long time at Satprem ). For me, you know, japa means a moment when all physical life is EXCLUSIVELY for the Divine. A moment when nothing but the Page 70 Divine exists—every single cell of the body, each... × About 15 feet high. × In fact, without knowing anything, Satprem had sensed a kind of warrior, very luminous and white, reminding him of the god Kartik , son of the Universal Mother, armed with a spear. Later, Mother said that her vital being was a "diamond-warrior ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 January 6, 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Rameswaram, January 6, 1959 Sweet Mother, This is to tell you that a knot has very perceptibly come undone in me, for no apparent reason; suddenly, I was breathing easily. And it happened just as I was despairing of ever getting out of it. I seemed to be touching a... to open myself totally to your Light and become truly an egoless instrument, your conscious instrument. Mother, you are the sole Reality. With love and gratitude, I am your child. Signed : Satprem Page 268 ( Mother's reply ) Sri Aurobindo Ashram Pondicherry, 1.8.59 My dear child, I was awaiting your letter impatiently and am very happy about what you write! I have... transformed them into an article. It will be the first one in the February issue. I am now going to choose the others. I will tell you which ones I have chosen and in what order I will put them. Satprem, my child, I am truly with you and I love you. Signed : Mother Page 269 × The Bulletin of Physical Education ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 June 8, 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Rameswaram, June 8, 1959 Sweet Mother, Even before receiving your second letter in which you say that the mantra is all right, X told me this morning that he had repeated your mantra during his puja and that it was very good, that there is nothing to be changed: 'The vibration... details in two or three days. I should write you what X has revealed about my last three lives, but I have neither the courage nor the desire to again speak of myself. Your child, Signed : Satprem Page 315 P.S. X asked me questions about my family. I was prompted to speak to him of my mother (seeing her photo, you had said that you knew her very well, if you recall). He immediately... to me, and that to begin with I had no money and would surely not ask you anything for that. He said, 'I shall ask my Mother. She will arrange everything.' ( Mother's reply ) 10.6.59 Satprem, my dear little one, I have a world of things to tell you about all I have heard, seen and done concerning you these past days. New doors of understanding have opened—but all these things are impossible ...


... better that these things come from you , should you see any use in it. As for me, X said, 'Something will happen.' I need you, Sweet Mother. Your child, Signed : Satprem ( Mother's reply ) 6.6.59 Satprem, my very dear child, yesterday evening I received your second letter dated the 4th. Regarding my mantra, I began repeating it yesterday before receiving your letter, and... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 June 4, 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Rameswaram, June 4, 1959 Sweet Mother, Regarding X's predictions which I mentioned in yesterday's letter, X said something untranslatable which meant, 'Let us see Mother's reactions' —for I told him that I had written it all to you. Then he said, 'There are several other ...


... Mother did her japa while walking back and forth in her room. × Satprem later asked Mother what she meant by these 'things,' and Mother replied: 'For example, there was a certain man's attitude with respect to life and to the Divine, and what he thought of himself, and... place but canceled nothing either of what had come before or of what was about to come, so that when I reached the end, all of it together was a simultaneous whole—the Supreme Consciousness.' When Satprem asked if this Supreme Consciousness was the 'New Consciousness,' Mother replied, 'Not "new!" One can't say "new"—Supreme Consciousness.' ... was acting was no longer the power that had been acting previously.' × Mother frequently addressed Satprem as 'mon petit' or 'petit,' terms of endearment she used for very few other people. We have unfortunately been unable to find English equivalents that capture the nuances of Mother's simple 'petit' ...


... tell you about it.... Very strangely, it's a dream he had three times in a row at a few days' interval. Exactly the same dream, the same unfolding.... Someone sent it to him. Let's see. [Satprem reads:] "It is feast day in the Vatican. St. Peter's Square is jammed with people. The Pope's procession begins; I have witnessed it many times, very near the Pope, next to the cardinals. But instead... instead of the sedia gestatoria [the chair in which the Pope is carried], there is a huge elephant carrying someone. Who is this someone? Sweet Mother? No, it's Pavitra.... Not at all, it's Satprem! No, it's the School's director.... The more I try to fix my attention on him, the more his face changes, as in a kaleidoscope. In reality, I have difficulty Page 140 fixing my attention, because... Baldaquin, inside St. Peter's Basilica, and finally comes up to the Pope's throne, in which he sits down.... ( Mother laughs ) "On his head sits the same person as before: Sweet Mother? Pavitra? Satprem? A teacher? I do not know. I cannot make out the person's body, only his changing face.... All of a sudden, the multitude, the huge crowd there receives a tremendous vibration: everything is shaken ...


... to be united to the Page 122 Supreme, one must no longer have any desires!" So they're like this ( Mother remains open-mouthed ). Very amusing! So I've put the same thing here: ( Satprem reads ) "A new consciousness is at work upon earth to prepare the coming of the superhuman being. Open yourselves to this consciousness if you aspire to serve 5 the Divine Work. To come into... gesture of wrapping herself in it ), it's very comfortable, oh!... It's a kind of golden softness—very comfortable—and the body feels it very clearly. ADDENDUM ( We publish here the letter Satprem wrote to the editor of Fayard publishers, as we find it touches—or touched—on a difficulty quite central to the Western mind. Since 1969, things have much changed. ) March 27, 1969 I had felt... coincidentally in April, exactly three years later. × As a curiosity, we publish in addendum the letter Satprem wrote to this editor of Fayard publishers before receiving her letter about Zen and Sri Aurobindo. × ...


... itself, turned towards the past, and therefore immutable, unprogressive: there is the seed of its own death and decomposition), the only thing would be for it to admit a force from the FUTURE....' Satprem, do you remember these words? You conveyed them from Mother to me on 26 November '68, the day I sent you that article on the crisis of Christianity. I went on: 'There are new forces and new facts.... place to others and do away with the Hierarchy: no more Pope or Cardinals or Bishops, but all of us seekers of the TRUTH, of the CONSCIOUSNESS, the POWER, the SUPRANATURAL, the SUPRAHUMAN..... "Satprem, I left the room and went away... for a walk in the countryside.... What is going to happen to me? Will they put me on trial? Will they declare me insane, heretic? I am waiting. I am eager to go and... again on March 24. "So I am here, waiting, very much tuned to Mother." ( Rome, March 18, 1969 ) ( long concentration ) It's good. ADDENDUM (Extracts from a letter from Satprem to P.L., following the conversation of November 2, 1968 , in which Mother spoke about the future of Christianity. See Agenda IX under that date.) November 26, 1968 ...Thank you for the photos ...


... Way" [conversation of August 28 , I think he hasn't understood one bit of it! Because yesterday he told me he'd read it, and he very sweetly said he was "asking for understanding".... ( Then Satprem reads Mother an old Playground Talk of July 1, 1953 , in which Mother speaks about death. Mother begins by asking for the end to be cut.... ) ( text of the Talk ) "I have told you many times... All that I say here is part of all the complications of the execution. 1 Very well. Now, for me, it's like another person. ( silence ) Strangely, I had a very odd impression [while Satprem was reading], as if... you were reading here ( gesture at ground level ). I know all that is correct, it happened the way it's said and is quite correct. But now, it's as if I were looking from... see... differently. It's very SIMPLE. It's forces... like a Pressure like this ( same descending gesture ). Very strange. Obviously the center of the consciousness is elsewhere. ( silence Satprem prepares to leave ) Mother, I'd like to ask for your help. What for? I am now writing the last pages of my book ["The Sannyasin"]. Oh!... Very well. If I take you where I am ( Mother ...


... letters], and I brought it back here. So it must be... I had it at the beginning of the century—it's much older than you! Do you want it? To open letters... ( Mother gives the letter opener to Satprem and goes on looking through the boxes ) Oh, it's amusing! This is a pencil sharpener! ( To Sujata: ) Do you use pencils? Not much, Mother, no. There are erasers, but they must be so old... time; he is all the time doing one thing or another, he is VERY active, very active. You would meet him, that would be fine. You never see him at night? Never, no. ( Mother gestures to put Satprem into contact ) Page 241 × To explain Satprem's repeated complaints better, let us add that for the first... planes and with the perception of the transition from one plane to another or from one body to another and the memory of his activities on every plane. Then everything abruptly disappeared. It took Satprem almost ten years to understand that this "disappearance" was deliberate and meant to compel him to do the sadhana in the physical, otherwise he would have indefinitely continued with the "experiences" ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1963 August 13, 1963 ( Note from Mother to Satprem ) ( This note came apropos of an old "Playground Talk," of December 21, 1950 , which Satprem read Mother during the preceding conversation. Mother spoke in it of the "clear, precise and constant vision of the Truth," and she added: "Some call it the Voice of God or the Will of God.... of these terms has been perverted, that's why I prefer to say 'the Truth,' although it is but one very limited aspect of That which we cannot name but is the Source and Goal of all existence." ) Satprem, Here is what came to me for the Questions and Answers after you left, you will see if you can use it and insert it in the text: I do not readily use the word "God" because religions have made ...


... really transcendent, it's just interesting. ( Soon afterwards, Satprem proposes to Mother the publication of a few brief extracts from the previous and very interesting conversation on illnesses in "Notes on the Way," a new series started in the Ashram's Bulletin on Satprem's insistence. In fact, Page 178 Satprem wanted the Ashram to benefit a little from the treasure of Mother's... cost the integral publication of the real Agenda, which they dared to declare "not genuine," so afraid were they of Mother's clear perception of the people around her and of the Ashram in general. Satprem remembers how much he had to insist with Mother to be allowed to publish those "Notes on the Way." Her reluctance is now easier to understand.) I wondered if we couldn't use the last conversation ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1966 June 11, 1966 ( The conversation begins with the book Satprem is writing, which Mother "dictates" at night, but which Satprem has difficulty receiving. ) Mon petit, I keep on writing! It's incredible! It has never happened to me. Fantastic things... But is it coming along? Not much, not... ( Soon afterwards, the question comes up of the publication of the previous conversation, of June 8, 1966 , in the appendix to the Playground Talk of April 19, 1951... fifteen years earlier. Satprem voices certain doubts, emphasizing the vast difference between the two texts. ) ...We must put it in [the conversation of June 8 ], it's very Page 134 important. Very useful. People ...


... but I felt like telling you, "Good heavens! What a bad mood you're in, it makes me ill!" ( Laughter ) It's true, it's neither in this direction nor in that one ( gesture from Mother to Satprem and from Satprem to Mother ): it's all one. That's why I didn't say anything. Because our habit is to see like this ( gesture from one to the other ), but it's not true, it's not like that: it is a whole,... know if it was Nirod or Purani who asked him), he said, "No, later." And he knew very well that there was no "later." At the time he already knew it. "No, later." I don't know.... Satprem rises to leave: So, you mustn't be in a bad mood. ( Laughing ) You'll tell me I mustn't be ill!... Very well, very well. Page 190 × ...


... does it matter?! Absolutely! They're stupid. Page 222 That's how they read what I write. They take a magnifying glass and notice an error here, an error there.... ( Mother gives Satprem a flower: a rose ) It's beautiful. Far lovelier than human beings. Oh, yes, that's for sure! ( Mother holds out another flower called "Prayer" ) Here, a prayer that they may change. No... to let habit, the old habit, express itself and manifest. It's hard to express it. It is still too much just an action. ( Mother takes up the translation of "Savitri." Once or twice when Satprem speaks to her, she remarks that she cannot hear a thing. ) ...It's a very bizarre phenomenon. At certain times I see with a far greater precision than ordinary precision, as I have never seen; at... × Let us recall the last conversation (of August 18 ) in which Mother spoke of those glass halls as vast as the earth. Strangely, for several weeks, Satprem on his part has been immersed in the correction of sentences with the revision of the French translation of The Synthesis of Yoga . ...


... December 15, 1965 The day before, Mother was visited by the King of Nepal. Page 332 I have no roses left ( Mother looks for a flower for Satprem ), they took everything! But this king 1 is a remarkable man. He has a remarkable history, but it would be too long to tell.... I was in contact with him before ( gesture of mental communication... the whole thing. But after that there was a telegram saying that he spent a very restless night and had a temperature. That's the latest news. Page 333 ( Mother hands V.'s letter 3 to Satprem ) "The operation is successful. Tremor of the right hand and leg have stopped. There is no paralysis. Dr. is feeling well. This morning Dr. had his coffee early in the morning. At 7:30 A.M. a barber... × King Mahendra and Queen Ratna. × As far as Satprem remembers. Mother envisaged a confederation of all the small Himalayan states (and even the Asian states) to guard against China. India was to be the leader of this confederation. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1965 December 1, 1965 ( Note from Mother to Satprem ) Satprem, In the "Notes on the Way," there is a lot of pruning to be done. 1 The passage concerning sanctioned marriages must be cut, and so must the entire reference to the Ashram's composition. All that is too "private" to be published. And along that line you may find... next Saturday. Tenderness Signed : Mother × Mother is referring to the conversation of November 27 which Satprem wished to publish at least in part in the Ashram's Bulletin . ...


... December 30, 1965 ( Letter from Mother to Satprem ) ( In answer to a letter from Satprem in which he said he was "half dissolved" and asked on which road he was or whether he was on any road at all, for he had "no sign" that he was moving forward or going anywhere. ) Thursday morning Satprem, my dear little child, We will talk about that tomorrow morning. ...


... In the next conversation, Satprem asked for some clarification of this passage, and Mother repeated her experience, adding some details and comments: There's just one passage that isn't clear to me. Aah! ...Well, you told me that—yesterday afternoon or the day before, I don't remember, you told me that. You told me it wasn't clear! ( Satprem stares wide-eyed ) And I explained it... Pavitra, Champaklal, 2 I can't but give them a moment. Then there are people who come from Africa, from Europe, and who ask to see me before leaving, so... So I am listening to you now. ( Satprem reads ) 81—God's laughter is sometimes very coarse and unfit for polite ears; He is not satisfied with being Molière, He must needs also be Aristophanes and Rabelais. Page 23 ( ...


... attainment of the universalisation or vastness of the physical being. In this connection, the following statements of the Mother, in an answer to a question of a disciple (Satprem), are both pertinent and important: Satprem: About the discovery of the supermind in the Veda and by Sri Aurobindo. There is something that I don't quite grasp. The Mother: "Because in the Veda it's incomplete... 69 of the Supermind': something that comes and establishes itself. ... ...What the Rishis had was a sort of promise - an INDIVIDUAL experience." 53 Again, what the Mother told Satprem a few days later is also illuminating: ... "It is by rising to the summit of consciousness through a progressive ascent that one unites with the Supermind. But as soon as the union is achieved ...


... " Pavitra-da gave seven or eight words one after the other but none of them satisfied Mother. Some others came up with suggestions but Mother rejected them. Then Mother asked Satprem: "What about you, Satprem?" He gave one but Mother dismissed that as well. Then Mother asked the entire class: "Can anyone tell me?" Silence, no one ventured a suggestion. Now Mother turned to Nolini-da... And she remained unwell for a few days. Nirod-da too started worrying a little. One day, as I went to her at about noon as usual, I found her room full of people - Sujata, Noren Singh, Satprem, Champaklal, Dr. Sanyal, Kumud - they were all there. The tape recorder was running. Barely had I entered when someone told me: "Mother has something to say to you." I asked Mother. ...


... the 28th, was "the direct contact of the physical with the Supreme". The Mother's own body had "taken its stand", and it was time that others did so too. On 31 May, the Mother confided to Satprem that she had spent more than three hours with Sri Aurobindo on the night of the 29th, showing him Auroville as it was to be; and feeling interested, he had laid down the broad lines of the city's... the Mother saw it, was the hub of the cosmic play, and hence a special - a unique - significance was attached to what went on here on the earth. V During his meditation on 15 August, Satprem experienced the sense of a massive Power that was there, so solid and silent, which made him feel profoundly at ease. When he spoke to the Mother about this the next day, she exclaimed "Ah! so it's... Perhaps, it was the ego that made 'death' itself possible; without the ego, it might mean immortality itself. Page 776 VI It was no doubt true that the Mother's body was, as Satprem put it, "a symbol of the whole earth" and hence the vicissitudes of her sadhana of the body, the sadhana of integral transformation, had a relevance for the Ashram, and for the world. In the same ...


... All that came startlingly alive when one morning Satprem told me the nightmare he had had. You know perhaps that Satprem was born on Giordano Bruno street in Paris. Bruno, a sixteenth-century Italian philosopher who regarded God as the unity reconciling spirit and matter, was burned at the stake by the Inquisitors for his belief. Satprem saw the backs of two black-robed figures enter a white ...

... while looking it right in the face; and, of course, if necessary, to call for help. That's what he did and, behold, the tiger suddenly began to grow smaller till it became an insignificant cat." Satprem requested Mother, "You speak of exteriorization, couldn't you show me a simple way of learning to do it?" Mother refused. "You can't do it on your own, it's dangerous. I would never let anyone... 280 Mirra met Hohlenberg's mother also. She was a Protestant. Once she happened to be in Paris. "I had her for dinner one day. Well-well, if only you had seen that woman!" Mother said to Satprem. "I don't now recall how the talk turned to the Catholics, and she flew into such a rage! She shouted, 'And those idolaters! . . .' It was frightful," Mother laughed outright. * * * ... challenging the activity, the greater her enthusiasm. So when one day some friends mooted the idea of a trekking expedition, she readily agreed to join them and make a foursome. Mother said to Satprem in 1969, "Just fancy! A memory came to me . . . from the beginning of the century. I don't know why, and it won't go away. And as it won't go away, I'll recount it to you —there's perhaps a reason ...

... with the sweep of a hand. Satprem remembers Mother saying that when Sri Aurobindo cured somebody, one often saw a subde hand come with a current of blue force and seize, as it were, between its fingertips, the vibration of the illness or disorder. And why did Mirra get that terrible neuritis in France which lasted for weeks? "I got it in France," Mother explained to Satprem, "because when I went away... had a perfect mastery over this power of healing, how did one perceive it? Let us hear from the most reliable source! I mean from Mother who had a long experience of it. "You know," she said to Satprem on the eve of her ninetieth birthday, 'You know that after living with Sri Aurobindo for a year, when I left [for France in 1915] at the time of the war, because of the war, all the nerves fell ill: ...

... stool, writing the “Charter of Auroville” on that window-sill, equipped with a big piece of parchment and a too thick felt-tip pen which made her handwriting look like cuneiform characters,’ remembers Satprem. ‘“I don’t write pompous solemnities,” she said turning in our direction (and there was always that witty glimmer in her eyes).’ And she wrote in the original French: CHARTER OF AUROVILLE ... story. An irreconcilable feud arose between the two mightiest administrators of the Society; Auroville itself become internally separated into a French faction, who were able to read the writings of Satprem, and those who did not know French and were mainly of Anglo-Saxon origin. Aurovillians were attacked by paid miscreants from the villages; some Aurovillians were even put in jail. Sensational articles ...


... With Sri Aurobindo: ‘Though Divine, her human motherly instinct could not be forgotten.’ 34 The following words are from M.P. Pandit: ‘She was supremely divine but equally intensely human.’ 35 Satprem writes in the second volume of his trilogy about the Mother: ‘She was so human too, this Mother, let there be no mistake; her consciousness was not like ours, her energies were not like ours, but her... × Mother India , November 1988 × Satprem, Mère II, 177 × The Mother 317 ...


... him have and still do; he did not die because of a law of nature deemed unbreakable. In the aforementioned words of the Mother: ‘He was not forced to leave his body, he has chosen to do so.’ When Satprem was writing his Sri Aurobindo, ou l’Aventure de la Conscience , he read twice or three times a week the last pages he had written to the Mother. Having arrived at Sri Aurobindo’s passing, he wrote... power of action. He himself — he himself! — has more action, more power of action now than in his body. Besides, it was therefore that he left, because it was necessary to do so.’ 33 And when Satprem once asked her: ‘But why that standstill?’ (caused by Sri Aurobindo’s passing, he meant), the Mother exclaimed: ‘But nothing has come to a standstill! … He had come for that, and he had arranged everything ...


... Aurobindo described the action of the Subconscient at the time he was labouring in it. It is an endless, repugnant labour of which one gets an idea only later on in the conversations of the Mother with Satprem. As the latter noticed, the Mother got tears in her eyes when from the hell she was living in she could deduce what Sri Aurobindo must have suffered. But he never showed anything of that suffering... teaching, not even a revelation; it is a decisive action direct from the Supreme,’ 38 and she signed her words with that winged signature of hers. Much later, she said confidentially about herself to Satprem: ‘I don’t know if I ever told you, but there has always been an identification of the consciousness of this [her] body with all revolutionary movements. I have always known and guided them even before ...


... From then on things moved quickly, so much so that the inauguration of the City of Dawn 97 could be planned for 28 February 1968. The Mother had to write the city’s charter for the occasion. Satprem remembered vividly: ‘We still see her, half-standing half-sitting on a stool, writing the “Charter of Auroville” on that window sill, equipped with a big piece of parchment and a too thick felt-tipped... Facsimile in W.M. Sullivan, The Dawning of Auroville, p. 46. × Satprem, Mère II, p. 547. × The Mother, Words of the Mother I, CWM 13 p. 199. ...

... who could be the others? To Nolini, I believe on his 80th birthday, she spoke of many more years on the way to transformation. Perhaps that was fulfilled by his remaining for another 15 years. To Satprem she stated in the 1962 Agenda that in his meditations she saw him entering into the timeless and spaceless fields, the consciousness of Sat, a fact enabling him with the proper procedure to begin... denials." Over against her existing form, which is meeting with a lot of difficulty and obstruction, she puts another which she would assume in a birth to come. She did not have in view some Nolini or Satprem or, as you imagine, Amal Kiran.   No doubt, the Mother had no egoistic regard for her own body. She was bent on the embodiment of the Supermind by whatever instrumentation. If any of her disciples ...


... The Spirit of Auroville In answer to a note from me, Satprem wrote on 23.6.74: Dear Huta, I can understand quite clearly your anxiety to have all the documents concerning Matrimandir so that Mother's Will is not distorted. Already I have given the most important parts to Roger and Paolo concerning the Matrimandir construction. I am just now reading... special concerning the Matrimandir, I shall let you know or André at once. It may take a few months before I have finished. Rest assured of my contribution and cooperation. In the Mother's love Satprem ...


... something one must become, something one must be and live.... But how? In what way? I don't know. Well.... So—what about your book? ( The subject here is a letter, no longer extant, in which Satprem expresses his desire to go write his new book 1 in the Himalayas, far from present circumstances. These circumstances included poor health, but mainly, lurking behind, was the violent and almost... With the work on the Bulletin and other Ashram publications, translating Sri Aurobindo, working on this Agenda , writing his own books and doing many hours of japa, plus other tasks besides, Satprem had been working something like fifteen hours a day (except when he ran off somewhere—and even then ...) for eight years nonstop. ...


... limited, after all! It is rather... yes, it's a matter of atavism, of education, of all sorts of things; and above all, I think the main reason is that you have no desire to—it's no fun for you! ( Satprem laughs in complete agreement ) Page 170 I was brought up by an ascetic, a stoic; my mother was a woman like an iron bar, you know. When my brother and I were small she spent her time telling... the most beautiful fairy tale in the world. There's none more beautiful. I am going to tell you the most beautiful story in the world.... I'll do my best. I'll try. ( Mother then asks Satprem various questions about his japa, and, after a very long silence during which she seems to be elsewhere or "looking" into the distance, continues: ) It is very interesting, mon petit.... As you ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1962 Undated (end of May) 1962 ( Letter from Mother to Satprem regarding his difficulties with X. ) Wednesday Satprem, mon cher petit, Rise above, into the Light, where everything can be seen with a calm, eternal smile—there you will be in my constant and tender company. Signed: Mother Page 155 ...


... Mother comments on this sentence in the conversation of August 11 . × Satprem later remarked to Mother that it should be "is" instead of "was," since "the two things are simultaneous." The two movements are simultaneous, so it's "staying inside IS," no? ( Mother laughs )... zooming past in reverse! × In fact, the coordinated "whole" will begin to emerge in 1975, when Satprem writes the trilogy, Mother . It will be "one thing after the other" right up to the end, with no links: the virgin forest. × ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1962 August 14, 1962 ( Satprem did not keep any record of his questions at the beginning of the following conversation, nor does he exactly remember the circumstances that led to it. It seems that he wanted to write a letter to X, his former Tantric guru, or meet him, to explain what had happened and, in... him. That's such an ordinary human thing—it's nonsense. That's how it is, though. He is what he is and has been all along—he has never pretended to be anything else. But ( with an ironic smile for Satprem ) the imagination has done a lot of gilding where there was nothing to begin with, and then through circumstances (which always result from the influence of consciousness), the gilding disappeared ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1962 August 25, 1962 ( Satprem complains that he finds it difficult to write his book. Mother concentrates for about fifteen minutes, then says: ) All right. He came and put all sorts of things around you for you to write. All sorts of golden things. So they must be written. You can tell me about... All right. Try! × This coincides strangely with the turn in Mother's yoga, as though from this time on Satprem would be deprived of all his inner promenades and forced to stay in the body. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 March (?) 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem concerning X's inquiry into who had practiced black magic on her ) Pondicherry Sweet Mother, I will be seeing you tomorrow, but I prefer to state things clearly now; if you wish, I can read you my letter when we meet. Here is what X told me: 'The message came this morning... seems to be pulling; it tries to climb up through the neck and to go out from the head. I don't know exactly. Something is happening, that is all I know. With love, I am your child. Signed : Satprem × In this 'dream,' we saw a titan in a gigantic airplane that crashed to the ground. However, this titan did not seem ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 March (?) 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry Sweet Mother, I recounted my dream of the titan to X and told him that this titan in the plane crash was not, or seemingly not, dead. He immediately replied, 'Yes, tomorrow he will be killed.' It is the last day of his Puja. I told X not to worry about... one but Mother.' Ah, I don't know how to explain this to you, but it worries me! So, Sweet Mother, enlighten me or reassure me, or deliver me from what is not right. I am your child. Signed : Satprem ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 March (?) 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem concerning the tantric initiation that Mother wished to see X give to two other disciples at the Ashram ) Pondicherry Sweet Mother, I spoke to X about the initiations. He told me that he also had seen only two people (when he said 'seen,' I do not think he meant physically)... But mostly, I wanted to tell you that when I got up (I was at his feet), he was as handsome as a god, his look was divine, it really came from very high above. Your child, with love. Signed : Satprem Page 290 × A Sanskrit text by X which was to be played at the Ashram playground just prior to the collective ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 March (?) 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry Sweet Mother, When coming out of your room, X told me, 'With Mother I have spoken my own mother tongue.' X told me that in 6 months, he would come here to spend an entire month for the initiation and preparing for the initiation. He spoke to me of this... these lines: 'Yes, strong men are needed here . The Power is needed.' I did not clearly understand, for it was said with a lot of innuendo behind it. I am your child, Sweet Mother. Signed: Satprem Page 289 ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 June 25, 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Rameswaram, June 25, 1959 Sweet Mother, X told me to tell you what he has seen of my previous lives (but my impression is that he did not tell me everything and that there are elements about which he wants to speak to you personally). To begin with, I must tell you a... only my mantra which burns almost constantly in my heart, and who knows what hope that some day the future will be happy and reconciled. There is also Sujata and you. Your child, Signed : Satprem ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 October 15, 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Rameswaram, October 15, 1959 Sweet Mother, Here are two or three things that might interest you: 1) X spoke to me again of the war without my asking anything. He repeated, 'There will be war,' and he again spoke of an attack on India by China ... 2) X spoke to... self-giving. This change of residence is for me like the symbol of another change. Oh, Mother! may the painful road be over, and may all be achieved in the joy of your Will. Your child, Signed : Satprem ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 June 17, 1959 ( Letter from Mother to Satprem ) Rameswaram, June 17, 1959 Sweet Mother, I have received your card of the 13th. I dare not write, for everything is too confused as concerns the immediate realities. The only thing that affirms itself with a certitude and a greater and greater force is my soul. I cling... heart that I am sure the gods will come to help me, and that you will help me, too. I think not only of Sujata, but of all these destinies that are being stifled within me. Your child, Signed : Satprem P.S. Yes, I too am sure that the 'great secret is to give oneself,' but perhaps this can be too easily misunderstood, and I do not believe that 'to give oneself' means to mutilate oneself. As for ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 July 10, 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem, once again in Pondicherry ) Pondicherry, July 10, 1959 Mother, Please excuse me, but I cannot come to meet you. My heart is broken. I would not know how to speak to you. A moment ago I barely found the strength not to kill myself. Destiny has repeated itself once again... believe I have too much grief in my heart to rebel against anything at all. I seem to have a kind of great pity for this world. Well, this time I shall remain silent. Adieu, Mother. Signed : Satprem ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 August 11, 1959 ( Letter from Mother to Satprem, on the road ) 11.8.59 Satprem, my dear little one, Now I can tell you that not for one hour have I left you; I have been constantly near you, hoping that your inner eyes would open and that you would see me, watching over you and enveloping you with my force and my love ...


... God has slain who shall protect?' The Ideal of the Karmayogin , Cent. Ed., Vol. III p. 354 × Satprem had assumed that this state of consciousness was accessible only through a kind of trance or samadhi and that when Mother said one had to be capable of 'maintaining this state,' she meant that one... × Agenda I of December 31, 1960 . × Satprem remarked that this sentence might be interpreted in an 'illusionist' sense (i.e., that the objectification of the material world would be a falsehood), and Mother replied: 'No, it's not the objectification ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1961 October 30, 1961 ( The day before and at the beginning of this conversation, Satprem read aloud some passages of his manuscript relating to the Veda. Then Mother chose the photograph of Sri Aurobindo for the frontispiece. She speaks slowly, as though from a great distance, in a semi-trance. ) That's... a good year—it's off to a good start, your year! ADDENDUM The Secret of the Veda ( Extracts from the passage in 'Sri Aurobindo and the Transformation of the World' read to Mother by Satprem. This unpublished manuscript would become the first rough draft of 'The Adventure of Consciousness' ) Since the time of Adam, it seems we have been choosing to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge ...


... December 18, 1961 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Sweet Mother, A long letter from the publisher. He has understood NOTHING, felt nothing in this book, finding it 'too abstract.' In a word, they won't accept it without extensive modifications and 'explanations.' May your will be done, With love, Signed : Satprem ( Mother's reply affixed to Satprem's letter. ) ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 March 7, 1958 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Kataragama, March 7, 1958 Sweet Mother, Since my departure, I have been feeling your Force continually, almost constantly. And I feel an infinite gratitude that you are there, and that this thread from you to me keeps me anchored to something in this world. Simply knowing... still Page 150 want me? Mother, I need you, I need you. I would like to ask you an absurd question: Do you think of me? I have only you, you alone in the world. Your child, Signed : Satprem ( Mother's reply ) March 11, 58 My dear child It is good, very good—in truth, everything is taking place as expected, as the best expected. And I am so happy for this. To your ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 April 7, 1960 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Hyderabad, April 7, 1960 Sweet Mother, A few lines to tell you that I miss you. I truly realize more and more that I shall never be happy until I have disappeared in you entirely. There must be nothing left but That. I understand well enough, but I'm so blocked, so thick... conscious of your presence (not as an impersonal force, but you )? I love you, sweet Mother. You are truly my Mother, and I need you so much. With all my love, I am at your feet. Signed : Satprem Things are better physically. But it's always a terrible physical shock for me to take the train. ( Mother's reply ) 12.4.60 My dear little one, Your good letter of the 7th has arrived ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 April 13, 1960 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Hyderabad, April 13, 1960 Sweet Mother, My friend here gave me the book Templier et Alchimiste [Templar and Alchemist] to read; it's published by the group he is going to join in France. They too speak of the transmutation of matter and proclaim the end of 'homo sapiens'... Aurobindo—I want to put all my soul into it and, with your grace, create something inflaming. Sweet Mother, I am your child. I want to belong to you more and more completely. With love. Signed : Satprem ( Mother's reply ) 18.4.60 My dear little one, I received your letter of April 13 only yesterday. Letters from Hyderabad are taking long to come. Page 362 You spoke of the ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 June 3, 1960 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, June 3, 1960 Sweet Mother, I'm a bit discouraged. Every night I slip into a black abyss from which I wake up in the morning drained . Not one second of conscious sleep. It takes me an hour to recuperate from my 'sleep'. In fact, I am constantly 'on edge' and... consciousness'—but there's still this abyss I slip into at night, as if nothing existed! Pardon my grumblings. If only at least I knew what I could do to change all this. Your child, Signed : Satprem ( Mother's reply ) Sunday afternoon My dear child, The best rest is to enter into the inner silence for a few moments. Blessings. Signed : Mother Page 378 ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 Undated May (?) 1960 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry Mother, You sent me this flower, 'Vital Collaboration.' I am taking this opportunity to tell you something which has been weighing on my heart for years and which, naturally, comes back up whenever things go badly. I have been here seven years and I... this reason enough to be discouraged? In any case, these questions are stirring in me—and the vital is not happy [nor the mental, nor the physical]. Excuse me if I speak too frankly. Signed : Satprem ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1961 August 5, 1961 ( Mother gives Satprem some flowers. ) This is Skill in Works. 1 And Mahalakshmi, 2 which means success. Tomorrow I'm going downstairs. Oh, yes? You didn't know? Tomorrow is Sunday, I'm distributing saris and napkins. Page 301 So, mon petit, do you... × Through Theon's malevolence, in fact. × Satprem remembers that a few years earlier Mother had told him about the circumstances of this incident: during her work in trance, Mother discovered the location of the 'mantra of life'—the mantra that has ...


... 1961 September 3, 1961 ( The beginning of this conversation has unfortunately disappeared. It dealt with the book that Satprem was writing on Sri Aurobindo, and he spoke to Mother of his dream of writing automatically, without even needing to think, letting the writing flow along by itself. ) ...You would like to carry... all right. ( silence ) There you are, mon petit. One whole week to go without seeing each other.... We remain very close. Very close—you don't even need to feel it! Page 325 ( Satprem makes a face ) feel it is a luxury. That will come later. Good-bye. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 December 15, 1958 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Rameswaram, Monday 15.12.58 Sweet Mother, I have only now received your first letter which you had sent to Hyderabad. It arrived in time to do me some good, for I am living through critical moments. Swami received me warmly and is doing all he can with all his heart... my being. Oh Mother, how alone you are to bear all our suffering ... if only I could remember this in my moments of darkness. I am at your feet. You are my Mother, my only support. Signed : Satprem Mother, may I not be swept away by one of these waves. Protect me. Love me! But EVERYTHING has to be faced NOW. I want to fight. I do not ask you to spare me, therefore, but to help me withstand ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 January 14, 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Rameswaram, January 14, 1959 Sweet Mother, This morning, X told me that he would be most happy to continue his action upon you if it would help your work; he has continued it anyway, even after knowing that the malefic influence was expelled from the Ashram. By the way... one second, I collapse, I am helpless . 2 You alone are my strength, the source of my life, the joy and fulfillment to which I aspire. I am at your feet, your child eternally. Signed : Satprem ( Mother's reply ) 16.1.59 My dear child, This morning, I received your letter ... I am very happy about all that X is telling you and that he has found you fit to receive the tantric ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 January 31, 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Rameswaram, January 31, 1959 Sweet Mother, I have reflected for a long time on that passage in your letter where you say that your body needs a mantra to hasten its transformation. Certainly X can do something in this realm, but I have not yet spoken to him (and I shall... that there is a beginning of real consecration—and I feel your Love, your Presence. Things are opening a little. Sweet Mother, I love you and I want to serve you truly. Your child, Signed : Satprem P.S. All the old Questions and Answers will also have to be revised with you, perhaps not in their entirety, but certain problems need clarification. What a grace to be able to work with you! ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 January 27, 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Rameswaram, January 27, 1959 Sweet Mother, So X will to do a special work for you for eleven days, and if at the end of this period the suffering still persists, he will send me to Pondicherry to deliver something directly into your hands. I, too, would like very much... was called 'mantra,' but I did not see you in my dream. Mother, I would like to be true, to do the right thing, to be as you want me to be. I am your child. I belong to you alone. Signed : Satprem Page 275 ( Mother's reply ) Sri Aurobindo Ashram Pondicherry, 1.29.59 My dear child, Your very interesting letter of the 27th has just arrived. All is well—I am enthusiastic ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 December 24, 1958 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Rameswaram, December 24, 1958 Sweet Mother, Your last letter was a great comfort to me. If you were not there, with me, everything would be so absurd and impossible. I am again disturbing you because Swami tells me that you are worried and that I should write to you... and all the rest seem to me only little tricks to try to win over your Grace. Mother, love me. I have only you, I want to belong to you alone. I am at your feet. Your child, Signed : Satprem Have you recovered? Happy New Year, Sweet Mother. ( Mother's reply ) Sri Aurobindo Ashram Pondicherry, 12.26.58 Happy New Year! My dear child, I have received your letter ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 December 4, 1958 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Hyderabad, December 1958 Sweet Mother, I had come to Hyderabad intending to prepare for a trip to Africa, but when it came to actually doing it, I simply could not. It is stronger than I; I cannot leave India, I cannot live without my soul. Until these last days, I... say. All this really has to change. I don't know, moreover, whether Swami wishes to have me. Mother, I need you, I need you. Forgive me and tell me what I should do. Your child, Signed : Satprem ( Mother's reply ) 8.12.58 My dear child, I have just received your letter which I read with all my love, the love that understands and effaces. When you return here, you will always ...


... that. I haven't the slightest doubt. It's a certainty, a certainty. I have never written or spoken to X about this, but through mental contact I have told him I don't know how many times: 'Satprem has a work to accomplish that is INFINITELY more important than reciting mantras. If it can help him to discipline himself, fine, but it's nothing more; he will not accomplish his work by reciting... have sold my jewels; it is for food, lodging [of the sadhaks] and wages for domestic servants.' × Satprem is referring to the enormous amount of material work he had in addition to seven hours of daily japa. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 July 18, 1957 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, July 18, 1957 Sweet Mother, I have just received a letter from my friends in charge of the French Archaeological Expedition to Afghanistan. They need someone to assist them on their next field excavations (August 15 December 15) and have offered to take me if... really approve. In the event you might feel this to be a worthwhile experience, I would have to leave by the beginning of August. I place this in your hands, sincerely . Your child, Signed : Satprem ...


... 1951-1960 April 22, 1957 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, April 22, 1957 Sweet Mother, The book is finished. 1 I would like to give it to you personally, if it would not disturb you, whenever you wish. Your child, Signed : Satprem × L'Orpailleur ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 October 8, 1957 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, October 8, 1957 Mother, I come to ask your permission to leave India. For more than a year now, I have been fighting not to leave, but this seems to be the wrong strategy. There is no question of my abandoning the path—and I remain convinced that the only... unhappy with myself and because I want to master myself through other means. I give you so little love, but I have tried my best, and my departure is not a betrayal. Your child, Signed : Satprem ( Mother's reply ) Wednesday, 8.10.57 My dear child, This is not an answer, but a comment. There is a joy to which you still seem completely closed: it is the joy of SERVING. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 December 13, 1957 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, December 13, 1957 Sweet Mother, this is what is rising from my soul: I feel in me something unemployed, something seeking to express itself in life. I want to be like a knight, your knight, and go off in search of a treasure that I could bring back to you.... of my being and fulfill this new outer cycle, should you see that it has to be fulfilled. I feel so strongly that something remains for me to DO. Guide me, Sweet Mother. Your child, Signed . Satprem Page 123 ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 October 18, 1957 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, October 18, 1957 Sweet Mother, This evening, you spoke of the possibility of shortening the path of realization to a few months, days or hours. And yesterday, when you talked to me about 'the freedom of the body,' you spoke of the experience of the Kundalini... to me that one well-defined method would help me hold on 1 —this practical aspect would help me. I will do it methodically, obstinately, until it cracks for good. Your child, Signed : Satprem × This unique method was to be the mantra, as Mother herself would discover. ...


... 1951-1960 Undated 1957 ( Note from Mother to Satprem ) It is within oneself that one finds the Prétentaine. 1 Page 126 × Prétentaine : name of the boat on which Satprem wanted to sail around the world alone. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 June 3, 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem, while travelling ) Rameswaram, June 3, 1959 Sweet Mother, On your behalf, I told X that you had been worried about me. Page 308 He, too, had felt that things were not going well and had 'worked' on his side. He told me to write you immediately to tell you that... been renewed since our last meeting, but I feel strangely empty.) I am unable to understand how you can love me. Oh Mother, I have truly to begin living, truly loving! Your child, Signed : Satprem ( Mother's reply ) 4.6.59 My very dear child, I received and read your very interesting letter. As for the Sanskrit text and the mantra, I await your next letter. For you, I fully ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 May 7, 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, May 7, 1959 Sweet Mother, I spoke of your experience, but with all these people we scarcely have time to speak, so I was unable to give many details or to Page 298 get any very clear explanation. X is well acquainted with this Light—these luminous... become accustomed little by little and, precisely, the sadhana is meant to accustom the body more and more to receive the vastness of the Power (to put it very succinctly). Your child, Signed : Satprem Page 299 × 300,000 times. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 Early May 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry Sweet Mother, I have just spoken for a few minutes with X. He came out of your room extremely 'moved' (in his deep way). 'I was standing before Mother and I no longer knew where I was. At the end of fifteen minutes, I found myself there.' And several times,... and my puja without being disturbed by my family worries. At last , here, I can live for That only. There is a great vibration everywhere.' So he forgets about time. Your child, Signed : Satprem P.S. The divinity invoked in his present pujas is Durga. × Annapurna : 'She who nourishes the world,' wife of ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 May 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry Sweet Mother, He was even more overwhelmed today when he came down from your room than yesterday. It was physically visible. He said nothing, except again that you 'only' could understand. Then, suddenly looking at me with his third eye, he spoke of me, and said... a thing could be avoided, it would be better. Oh! How overwhelmed he was when he came down your stairway! It took him at least five minutes to pull himself together. Your child, Signed : Satprem ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 May 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, May 1959 Sweet Mother, You have rid me of my headache in a spectacular way, not to mention the beginning of an infection in a wisdom tooth. So I am writing you. I was prompted to speak to X about the financial difficulties of the Ashram and I took the opportunity... by a hostile thrust. All this left him reflective. I will speak to him another time of what you are trying to realize here materially. He has felt something. Your child, with love. Signed : Satprem ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 May 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, May 1959 Sweet Mother, I read your letter to X. 1 He immediately said, 'I shall explain tomorrow.' Then he added this: 'Usually, before going to Mother I concentrate on the Divinity on which we are going to meditate, or by which we are going to get help. Thus... to me, 'It is very good, very good.' Tomorrow, I shall be there at 9:30 a.m. I am at your feet, Sweet Mother, with gratitude. I am a hard case, but I love you all the same. Signed : Satprem × In which Mother had asked about certain experiences that occurred during her meditations with X. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 Early May 1959 ( Letter from Mother to Satprem ) Thursday, 1 o'clock Satprem, my dear child, I have received your letter with the news. Concerning Z, X himself told me that he had initiated him last evening (but he didn't say more). It seems that the kundalini was awakened and the current was so strong that Z's eyes ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 April 24, 1959 ( Note sent by Mother to Satprem ) 24 April 1959 The divine perfection is always there above us; but for man to become divine in consciousness and act and to live inwardly and outwardly the divine life is what is meant by spirituality; all lesser meanings given to the word are inadequate fumblings or impostures... × This text by Sri Aurobindo ( The Human Cycle , Cent. Ed. Vol. XV p. 247 ) was translated into French by Mother on the occasion of writing to Satprem. ...


... it's especially for the spelling of verbs. I believe I know how to conjugate! (Pavitra:) It has everything—how to play bridge, how to play tennis, the art of carving a chicken... Fine. (Satprem:) 'All-in-One,' it's rather like yoga! (After Pavitra leaves) I'm continuing The Yoga of Self-Perfection . It's really something ... I shall never tire of saying it's 'fabulous.' Everything... English. × Sri Aurobindo and the Transformation of the World , an initial book on Sri Aurobindo by Satprem that was never published. It was meant to be part of a certain 'Series of Spiritual Masters,' but finally Sri Aurobindo never took part. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 October 2, 1960 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, October 2, 1960 Sunday evening Sweet Mother, As I did not find the translation of the Message fully satisfying, I have continued pondering over it. Then another possibility, which MAY be better, presented itself. Here it is: Ce monde merveilleux de... (at first you had translated it as qui, à nos portes, attend notre appel... 2 ). Page 428 I don't know. Perhaps it is more incisive this way. Your child, with love. Signed : Satprem ( Mother's reply ) Monday morning Yes, my dear little one, it is much better like that—it becomes poetry. 3 With all my tender affection. Signed : Mother ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 September 2, 1960 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, September 2, 1960 Sweet Mother, After leaving your room, X kept repeating, 'Very wonderful.' Then he explained to me that 'white rays' were 'vibrating everywhere'—along the whole length of the Kundalini, white, Page 414 yellow and blue, but ... quite ecstatic while speaking of his experience. In conclusion, he said, 'Where is the Mother and where is X?' meaning, I suppose, that all separation had disappeared. With love. Signed : Satprem ...


... Undated, June 1960 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, June 1960 Sweet Mother, This is to tell you that the proofs of L'Orpailleur are being sent off this morning at 11 o'clock ... I don't have many pages of The Synthesis ready. Nevertheless, will I see you tomorrow as you planned? Your child, Signed : Satprem P.S. Please protect 'my' Orpailleur! Page ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1962 April 20, 1962 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) April 20, 1962 Sweet Mother, 1) I have received a letter from the publisher, who reiterates his requests for alterations. I am replying to him this very day that I will write another book. I have no idea how I am going to write the book! 2) I have finished the work you gave... gave me. I will bring it to you when you wish, but there is no hurry at all—rest. Your child, Signed : Satprem ...


... × Many years earlier, Mother had told Satprem a vision she had had of one of her bodies petrified in a Himalayan cave, near a route of pilgrimage. × When Satprem suggested publishing this passage in the Bulletin along with the beginning of Mother's comment ...


... body is like a child who needs encouragement, you know, "Come on now, don't get in a state, things are fine, you're making progress, you need not worry...." Oh, ridiculous! There, mon petit. ( Satprem lays his head on Mother's knees ) A new thing, for example, before ("before" means before last Page 99 year!), when I gave my blessings, the Will came and went through me into the p... person—always. It wasn't an act [by Mother]. But now, it's visibly perceptible ( Mother touches her fingertips ), you can almost see the vibration going through the fingers and into the head [of Satprem]. That's the difference: before, it was always the Consciousness, the Being working from above—now the body participates. This is different. Very small things, very small things. ...


... ( Mother asks Satprem if he has prepared a question on the aphorism on "renunciation," which is to appear in the next "Bulletin." Then she adds: ) I delivered great speeches to you on the subject, but I don't remember! ( Laughing ) It was in the night, I delivered a whole speech to you, and I even thought, in the middle of the night, "Well, that's just what I should tell Satprem tomorrow!" I ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1964 April 25, 1964 ( From Mother to Satprem ) Satprem, my dear little child, Here is your second letter. I didn't answer the first one because of my eye, which needed complete rest. Now it's better. But I immediately asked Sujata to write you that I'd rather not have my photo published in the book, and that regarding Sri Aurobindo's ...


... × See conversation of April 17, 1965 . × Satprem meant that he found it hard to see how the new substance, nevertheless very different from Matter, could be prepared through gymnastics for the physical body. ... See Agenda I , February 3, 1958, p. 137 ff. × Mother had already told Satprem many years earlier that the island of Great Britain was destined to disappear underwater. It is indeed remarkable that English experts made the following observation, as reported in India's Sunday ...


... with the excuse that they hadn't been told. For instance, "I didn't know we weren't allowed to..." ( Mother questions herself for a moment ) What isn't allowed?... ( Then, laughing, she points to Satprem: ) Smoking isn't allowed. And drinking alcohol isn't allowed, being married isn't allowed, except nominally, and so on. And then you have to work, and all your desires aren't automatically satisfied... need of immortality. Live, Death, awhile, be still my instrument. X.IV.666 × A little earlier, Satprem had returned to the attack and asked again for Mother's permission to stop his meat diet and return to simple vegetarian food. Mother had refused because of Satprem's state of health. ...


... July 24, 1965 ( Satprem had written to Mother to ask her the meaning of a dream he had had, in which his brother abruptly came in and announced his son's death. It was an extremely vivid dream. The shock of emotion woke Satprem up. ) I have got your letter.... I don't think it is premonitory. Do you have any news from ...


... Another prophet! ( Mother hands Satprem a typed sheet. ) India is full of prophets. But this one is rather interesting because he's the first who seems to have seen this [Sino-Indian] war from the standpoint of the inner action. He seems to be a good man. He lives in Madras. ( Satprem reads: 1 ) A. has a neighbor who is an educational officer (retired) ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1964 June 4, 1964 ( From Mother to Satprem ) Satprem, my dear little child, There you are! Since my last letter, I have seen you several times, often, even—every time that I go to the place where the moves of nations ( their next move ) are being worked out. It is a terrestrial mental region, open to the higher influences. It seems ...


... without leaving any trace (that's what is interesting). So, if you look at it, you begin to understand how you can live almost indefinitely—because there no longer is that friction of time. As Satprem is about to leave, regarding his next novel, "The Sannyasin": Do you have something to say? Page 198 There's a question I have been asking myself for some time, and I would like you... precise and clear. It is well established. It's above your head, firmly established. Page 200 × In fact, Satprem wrote By the Body of the Earth or the Sannyasin two years later, in 1966. The first Sannyasin he conceived was like a Greek tragedy—quite implacable and, naturally, tragic. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1962 October 27, 1962 ( An unfortunate series of power cuts prevented the recording of most of this conversation, except for a few passages. Satprem noted down the missing parts from memory, and Mother then supplemented his notes with a number of comments and additions. ) We're going to build a little room on the terrace for the harmonium. I... a bit of a rut after so many years, but no! Perhaps I am moving as fast as the Lord! 3 × When she next saw Satprem, Mother added the following correction: "After you left, they came. It's not I who remembered—they MADE me remember! There was Saraswati saying, 'What about my sitar?' And Krishna, 'What about my flute ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1963 April 29, 1963 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Rameshwaram, Monday, 29 April Sweet Mother, On Friday X gave me a new mantra, then the next day he told me that during his puja he received an "order" to the effect that this mantra was not suitable and he should give me another one. I am supposed to receive the new mantra tomorrow... desired "effect." So I cannot leave until Thursday. I hope this time it will be final and everything will settle into the true Rhythm. I feel your help very strongly. With love, Signed : Satprem Page 122 ...


... cases. And those who are truly sincere will tell you so, but there isn't one in a thousand! And they will make great speeches—they will authoritatively announce something that they don't know. ( To Satprem: ) Your brother wouldn't be happy if he heard me! Yes, he would! He would be happy, wouldn't he. Your brother is a sincere man. I have known one or two sincere doctors, and they admitted... think there's any deformation, nothing, it's inside rather, as if the canals weren't very clean, so the sight cannot get through. ( Mother laughs ) What you're saying isn't very scientific! (Satprem:) Her sinuses are in poor condition. So then, the surgeon gentleman will tell you, "We'll operate," ( laughing ) and the gentleman who isn't a surgeon will want to give injections.... No, to make ...


... how it is. I see it more and more in the small movement of every minute. Page 115 ( Then Mother starts sorting old scattered notes on all manner of slips of paper. She holds out to Satprem a first slip: ) What is it? It's about young I. Oh! I....—I. is Amenhotep. That was very amusing (I didn't tell his mother), but I saw him a year or two ago when he arrived from America... time to start "writing" a letter, I settle down, I choose a good piece of paper and I write it out again. But the papers and pens depend on the place where I've written! Page 118 ( Satprem looks at a slip of paper, page 3, in ink, with another slip, page 2, of a different size, in pencil, and no page 1. ) I keep them in every corner of every room! A little later, regarding another ...


... Mother tries to read a paper with a magnifying glass: It's quite peculiar, it doesn't help me anymore.... Is it clean? ( Mother holds out the magnifying glass to Satprem ) There seems to be a haze. Yes, it's clean. It's rather strange, this eyesight. There always seems to be a veil between me and things, constantly; I am so used to it; I see everything very... away again—he is the one who makes me chatter away! Page 114 × Not only did they think Mother deaf, but Satprem heard one of Mother's attendants tell him that the vagaries of her eyesight were due to cataract. Thus Mother was surrounded with people who thought her old and infirm or sick. ...


... converted" isn't to surrender—to be converted is to understand. To be converted is to adhere. ( Satprem lays his head on Mother's knees ) Page 349 × The "surprising fact" is that in the first years Satprem did have many experiences of all kinds, with quite conscious nights from the point of leaving his body ...


... for a series of photos ). I must say that I felt very different from what I am when I go there. I was very, very different. I am not saying anything, you'll see.... ( Mother hands the photos to Satprem ) Page 240 I look like someone else. Oh, yes! It's odd, it doesn't look like you at all. Some say it looks like me. But I look like a man, don't I? Yes, there is something... consciousness of observation was at its highest. They caught it with the photo; the next minute it would no longer have been there. He is almost saying something, expressing something ( Mother shows Satprem the photo ): see the mouth. It's very curious. It's amusing. But from that point of view, the body is growing very impersonal. It's like with my hands: it has never been as spontaneous and complete ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1966 December 20, 1966 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Mother, I am writing to ask you for a grace. You know, you see. I would like you to tell me the truth about this book: is it part of the Page 300 things that must be ? Or is it the effort of the writer's little persona? I read the long first chapter again this morning... or redo what has to be redone. But must it be? Mother, That alone exists. That consoles me for everything. I am your child with love—yes, you exist, so all the rest is secondary. Signed : Satprem ( Mother's answer ) I am sure the book MUST be written. But to be perfectly frank, from the beginning and even after, I have felt that writing it was for you a sort of "sadhana" to get ...


... interested in), but in those cases, food becomes almost... not positively disgusting, but... It has always considered eating as tiring. Yes. Someone who understands! ( As if "by chance," Satprem reads Mother an old conversation, of January 24, 1961 , on the influenza epidemic in Japan during World War I. ) Page 259 And the best part of the story is that they've never had that... but now it's beginning to come back. Also, all that they've learned helps them. And they've converted America to the sense of Beauty! It's odd, last night, it was all Japanese.... ( Then Satprem reads the conversation of May 22, 1963 , in which he tells Mother how she cured him suddenly of an infectious disease, as though something suddenly "tipped over." ) I've noticed that phenomenon: ...


... that slays, I answer to thee with the Truth that saves. ( X.III.621 ) It's beautiful! So the materialist... "O Death, thou speakest Truth...." What can he reply? It's the Truth! ( Satprem first decided not to publish in full the following conversation on Tantrism. Then, after Mother's departure, when he saw that same Tantrism trying to spread through Auroville, he changed his mind and... told him that Sri Page 346 Aurobindo is with me all the time, that we talk to each other every night). Anyhow, he was probably expecting some enthusiasm on my part (!) There you are. [Satprem cannot believe what Mother has just told him:] It was a will coming from him? It wasn't someone else who used that substance? No. It was either he or his guru—his guru interferes in many things ...


... They make a system, a formula out of everything, they have all their "ideas"... Yes, yes. ...And they fuss around. The subtle impression I get of it all isn't good. ( Here Mother hands Satprem a letter of explanation from the author of the poster. The letter gives the references of Mother's quotation: a personal letter from Mother to a disciple... written ten years earlier. ) Page 233... admiration! ( Laughing ) That has no place in my consciousness." But I understand.... Oh, how there are deeper ways to understand things! Page 241 The body is learning its lesson. ( Satprem prepares to leave ) With this cold, I can't see anymore at all, not even to write. But just imagine, I have some important "birthday cards" to write, and I was warned one month in advance! I ...


... December 10, 1964 ( From Sujata to Mother, following a visit to Pondicherry's hospital ) Little Mother, Satprem says he loves you dearly and he asked me how you are. Your child, Signed : Sujata ( Mother's answer ) Sujata, tell Satprem that I love him very much and that I am Page 311 with him all the time. If he follows Sri Aurobindo's advice, Live ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1964 December 23, 1964 ( From Mother to Satprem ) Satprem, mon cher petit, Here is your book, just arrived from America. I am sending it to you with all my love so that it may be the sign of the arrival of perfect balance and total health. Blessings Signed : Mother ...


... my answer: "It is the division between 'ordinary life' and 'spiritual life' which is antiquated and obsolete...." ( Then Mother gives Satprem roses and a garland of flowers called "adoration" ) 2 Do you want this? ( Satprem accepts unenthusiastically ) Mon petit, when the cells get into this state, it's wonderful, you can't imagine! It changes life com-plete-ly. They are ...


... ( Then Satprem reads out a text from the Agenda, which he proposes to publish in the next Bulletin with a few cuts. ) That's the very passage I find the most interesting! It doesn't matter. Those who find it shocking will think I've grown soft in the head. I can no longer read anything—when someone starts reading something to me, I find it a bore! Words, words, words.... ( Satprem protests ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1967 April 29, 1967 Mother gives Satprem a pink lotus bud A few days ago, in the afternoon, I gave Z a lotus like this one, not Page 118 more open. Then she kept it in her hand and slept with it the whole night. The next morning, she put it in water, and ... it opened! After a whole night in her hand. It's good-natured... this constant work ( of the two vibrations ): even during the visits, when people come whom I don't know, it goes on. It's like a sort of decanting. Page 119 ( Then Mother asks after Satprem, who is not feeling brilliant, physically or otherwise. ) ...I have only one remedy left for everything. But it's active! Page 120 × ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1967 April 13, 1967 ( A note from Mother to Satprem who is in a bad mood ) Satprem, my dear little one,     We're still friends anyway!             Tenderness Signed : Mother ...


... not that the stars condition [events]: they are the expression. ( Then Mother goes into a long contemplation which will last almost till the end. At one point, she opens her eyes and looks at Satprem as though something were taking place or she were about to say something.... ) Nothing to ask? I felt there was something. What? I don't know. I was in fact going to ask you....... ONE. In the Flame, they are ONE. Up above, it all gets dissolved; down below, it all gets dissolved; and in the Flame, it's ONE, there are no opposites anymore. For me, it [what Mother felt in Satprem] was expressed through a sort of very strong, very luminous balance, and... oh, with an extraordinary peace. You understand, something which has established itself ( gesture of a solid square ) ...


... remain like that the whole day long.... The Press is asking for a few texts to fill blanks in the forthcoming Bulletin. Take from Sri Aurobindo, not from me! Everything from Sri Aurobindo. ( Satprem proposes the following text: ) "Overmind is obliged to respect the freedom of the individual.... Oh, that's a revelation! I didn't know that. "...including his freedom to be perverse... Bulletin . And Indira Gandhi, wouldn't you send it to her? ...... Page 215 × For six years until 1973, Satprem had to fight before he could obtain the first publication of French translations of Sri Aurobindo's works. And when those publications were finally obtained, the Ashram's new authorities accused him ...


... paint! ( Mother suddenly picks up a desk pad near her and writes an answer to a letter she had read at the beginning. 3 ) Is it readable? Because I'm not sure, I don't see clearly. ( Satprem reads ) "It is an excellent time to read, meditate, and, little by little, go into a receptive silence that will enable the higher Consciousness to enter the body in order to transform it." ... generosity of a converted Asura are infinitely more effective than those of an innocent angel." × When Satprem later published this part of the conversation in the "Notes on the Way," Mother added the following comment: "In this Consciousness where the two contraries, the two opposites are joined, the nature ...


... so I had a little more control. Now I only see him once a month; maybe I should resume seeing him more often.... Maybe, yes? As for him, he was very happy when I stopped seeing him... ( Satprem opens his eyes wide ) ...because I was putting a pressure! Page 32 It's discouraging!... ( Mother laughs ) I can't understand why after writing someone three times, "Send me... members of the Society, it's very funny! People must be very nice to each other!... And among the rules there is one saying that one must not recognize personal gods. ( Mother holds out the file to Satprem ) "Cosmic philosophy admits no personal god...." Whether it admits or not, they exist anyhow!... ( laughter ) It's amusing. I don't know where to keep this, you can keep it. I think ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1967 July 12, 1967 ( Mother had asked Satprem to listen to a recording of European music for her. ) That screaming soprano was quite simply abominable. Even Schubert's music, even Haydn's trio seemed to me artificial. I can no longer listen to music. Now and then, two or three notes are very good... is tied, it's tied and bound, you might say hardened, I don't know; and at such times, it seems to swell, to expand. Only, it's momentary. ( At the end of the conversation, Mother shows Satprem a note she wrote that same morning: ) "Instead of excluding each other, religions should complement each other." Sri Aurobindo said that to me; it's so simple, so simple! I was looking ...


... just now being worked out. Soon afterwards I've received questions from T.F.'s class. One of them I started answering.... They're rather stupid, those questions ( Mother hands papers to Satprem ). Page 266 "How does one become conscious of the physical being?" See that, the physical being! It's senseless! You answer: "The near totality of humanity is conscious ONLY... Following that vision, V. heard an awesome voice, saying from behind that red light: "This time She will pull through, but I will come back in 1972 and that will be the last battle." Satprem deliberately did not repeat this baleful prophecy to Mother, so as not to concretize it. ...


... them. ( Then Satprem reads Mother the "Notes on the Way" put together from the last conversation. Mother is unsure whether publishing those experiences is appropriate. ) The Bulletin goes everywhere, you understand.... It's not a Page 238 personal question, it's from the point of view of the work and the effect it will have. Anyhow, I let the two of you [Satprem and Nolini] decide ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1968 August 22, 1968 ( Satprem has not seen Mother since August 10. According to the doctor, her heart is weak, she does not eat anymore and can no longer remain standing. Yet she appeared for five minutes at the balcony for the darshan of August 15, but P., Mother's bodyguard, and V., her attendant, were behind and beside her, ready to... to support her. She looked so pale in her silver cloak. This morning, August 22, she has sent Satprem a note and soup packets, remembering even his material needs. Her handwriting is quite changed. ) August 22, 1968 Here are some soups, you must not have any left. This time, it is TRULY interesting—but a bit total and radical. How far, far away we are from the goal.... I will try to remember ...


... The "healer" referred to in this conversation will often recur in this Agenda, and will play a decisive role in Satprem's life, in the sense that through a sort of reductio ad absurdum, he will make Satprem suddenly understand who Mother really is. ) Have you heard of that healer?... Someone has written from France, the son of a farmer (I think), anyhow not an intellectual in the least, who by accident... images are somewhere in a subtle world. We'll see to that. Even if it takes a few years, two or three years, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. But you'll have a sequel, won't you? ( Satprem opens his hands ) There has to be a sequel. Send it to me! Yes. ( long silence ) Page 271 ( Then Mother returns to the previous conversation about materializations, and ...


... silence ) My impression is that the next Church to be demolished is the Intellect. ( Mother laughs ) Yes! Page 213 ( Mother goes into a contemplation ) ( Soon afterwards, Satprem proposes to publish in "Notes on the Way" the text of the last conversation, of May 31 , about the glorified body "Visible to all." ) Aren't people going to believe that we've gone mad?! No? ... As a matter of fact, at the end of the previous conversation, Mother remained "gazing" for a very long time with an expression that had to be seen to be believed, and Satprem felt something like a cataract of luminous power coming down. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1969 January 4, 1969 ( Mother gives roses to Satprem, then breathes in the smell of a bunch of small yellow flowers near her. ) [ Hymenantherum , small yellow daisies.] It smells nice! It's for my own satisfaction. These, and the "New Birth," 1 oh, these two fragrances are so clean.... ( Pointing... × Origanum vulgare , marjoram. × At that moment, Satprem also thought that something similar must have taken place at the time of the hominids, a descent similar to this one, so that humans now regard their mental acquisition as the blossoming and natural ...


... something on the table beside her ). There was positively something to be done... and you'll see, once you've left, I'll find it again! I remember having said, "Ah, I will do this on Wednesday with Satprem." Oh, maybe it's here ( Mother looks at her cluttered table ), there's a heap of letters... frightening! Too bad. It was something interesting.... ( long silence ) At the same time,... projected. Maybe we're changing a bit! ( Laughing ) That wouldn't be too soon! × Eleven years later, in February 1980, Satprem will complete his Mind of the Cells . ...


... entered their way of thinking. ( before leaving, Satprem lays his forehead on Mother's knees ) Oh, time is so short.... You don't have anything to ask? Anything to say? It was here ( Mother looks in the region of the heart ). It's strange, I seem to be asked to put it in contact with all those who come near me. ( After Satprem has left, Mother says a few words to Sujata. ) Since ...


... English ) I could remain for hours like this! 1 A great Peace has come down. Did you feel that?... (Satprem:) Yes. (Mother) And then it becomes wide, wide, wide.... ( silence, then Mother speaks in French again ) I find it very comfortable! ( Satprem lays his head on Mother's knees, then Mother looks at him for a long time ) It's like BIG eyes looking ( Mother gestures ...


... division." Mother added that one has to "learn to disappear." Satprem had proposed the publication of a few extracts in the "Notes on the Way." ) Is it the end? ( To Nolini, in English: ) You think it's all right? It won't create a great confusion?... I am not sure. They're going to feel quite lost. ( silence ) Page 57 (Satprem:) You go to the heart of the problem—to the heart of all ...


... want to see clearly, precisely, I close my eyes and see quite clearly. I do it spontaneously (I noticed it because Satprem asked me what was going on). And since I can't hear, maybe if I didn't listen and went within myself, like that, I would hear?—There must be a trick! (Satprem:) It depends on the consciousness with which one reads. Yes. Oh, some people speak almost in a whisper and I hear ...


... later, when it was over, she was up and about! So she said, "That's Mother, because I don't know how it's done!" Something is happening. ( Mother goes into a long contemplation during which Satprem feels a very powerful creative force. ) I often think of another creation which would serve this new world a little. What creation? Well, I don't know... The aspiration to bring down s... × The following year (nine months later to be precise), On the Way to Supermanhood will drop down on Satprem. ...


... Ashram. ) I have a nasty little story to tell you.... The other day, I forget when, F. met Mrs. Z, who told her (she too was in a concentration camp), "I would like..." (word for word) "I would like Satprem to go back to the concentration camp to see if his reaction now would be different!" F. was so indignant that she couldn't help telling her, "But that is a monstrous desire to have!" There's my... to come back here; especially after Sri Aurobindo's departure, he took it into his head to come here. We can't say, we'll see that later. At the end of the conversation, Mother gazes at Satprem for a long time Did I tell you this? Friends of F.'s, French people, who had come here once and have returned, wrote to me asking to see me. The young man wrote to me, saying, "Last time, you ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1967 October 5, 1967 ( From Satprem to Mother ) Sweet Mother, I have seen this monk. My impression is favourable nevertheless. With love Signed : Satprem ...


... Then I started wiping so it could take place without difficulty. What? (Satprem:) She started wiping and cleaning the wall so the picture would come out without difficulty. Page 192 Oh!... ( Mother smiles ) And did something come out? (Sujata:) There were two pictures. (Satprem to Mother:) Later on, you spoke of those two visions you had: the image of death (when ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1970 August 1, 1970 ( Mother gives Satprem the message for August 15: ) "Even the body shall remember God." Savitri , XI.I.707 ( Then she translates another quotation from Sri Aurobindo: ) "Whatever sufferings come on the path, are not too high a price for the victory that has to be won and if they are taken in... they become even a means towards the victory." Letters on Yoga , 24.1636 Soon afterwards We've made brochures, On India , and then five cards with quotations. ( Mother gives Satprem the texts ) I am told you said that the Chinese threat to India was "inescapable"? No, I didn't say that.... Who said that? It's attributed to P. B. You know, things get distorted.... ...


... Several times Satprem could not see her, and when he did, she signaled that she could not speak. So too this time, except for this question: ) Do you have something to say? I've begun writing the new book. Oh, that's good! And what is it called? Page 299 "La Genèse du Surhomme." 1 ( Mother nods approvingly and remains long concentrated on Satprem ) Page 300 ...


... It's very strange, my whole vision of things has changed.... There were some very significant experiences, a change.... I remember when I noticed it, I thought, "This would be interesting for Satprem to know." And then, gone. So totally changed.... ( long silence ) I don't know if you knew this. One day a disciple from Germany saw a blind beggar in the street, sitting (you know how they... concentrated power as if you were in a "solid flow." It seemed to become more tremendously dense each time—though perhaps that is a subjective impression. We can't help mentioning a phenomenon that Satprem observed often enough: each time Mother came out of her contemplation, she had a sort of momentary suffocation and could not find her breath, as if she were really coming out of another air. ...


... April Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 April 22, 1972 ( Mother silently hands some flowers to Satprem. Then she looks... at what? She seems quite tired. Satprem informs her that he is moving to his new house at "Nandanam," on the outskirts of Pondicherry. Mother goes off... somewhere, for forty minutes. ) ...


... What did you write? I am curious. ( Satprem reads the article. At one point in the text, he briefly mentions what he thinks each country represents: France = clarity of intellect; Germany = ingenuity; Russia = the brotherhood of man.... Mother interrupts: ) You said nothing for the United States. What is it? Practical organization. ( Satprem finishes his reading 1 ) Oh, it's ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1971 May 12, 1971 I don't know if you've seen these.... ( Mother hands Satprem several sheets of paper ) "I disapprove totally of violence. Each act of violence is a step back on the path leading to the goal to which we aspire. "The Divine is everywhere and always supremely conscious. Nothing... × In September 1965 . × Satprem had even wondered how to save Mother's papers. During the years 1960 and 1961, when Mother was still seeing him downstairs, he used to have a recurring dream: some "enemies" were after him, and he ...


... people (God knows what the story is!), but the gentleman came, gave me flowers, took my flower, and then ran off! I didn't have a chance to do anything. I wanted to tell him this: ( Mother hands Satprem a note ) Most of the suffering is due to men's ignorance. We must have compassion and help them. But I didn't have a chance to tell him. He seemed to be a man... ( gesture like iron )... × From the state of Andhra Pradesh. × Satprem was thinking in particular of the students in Sri Lanka who had just been massacred while the whole world, including India, acquiesced in total silence. ...


... translation of the Adventure of Consciousness is going to be published, and D. asked A. M. to make a cover for the book. A. M. has done something he'd like to show you. Here is what he's done.... 1 [Satprem shows the painting.] Bah! it's really dark. It's really dark, his world is dark. Phew! it's hopeless. It does look like that. I don't like that. I think the symbol is good, but... seven responses. Like this. Seven lines gathering at a point that corresponds to this [the other point where the seven lines from below gather]. Then it has a meaning. Page 333 ( Then Satprem reads out an old Playground Talk of 16 September 1953 , which ends with these lines: ) "...Whereas, if one were open and simply breathing—that's all, doing nothing else—one would breathe Consciousness ...


... withdrawn. ) I found some old papers again.... ( Satprem reads ) "When you stand in the light of the Supreme Consciousness you must not make a shadow." I told you the story.... 1 That's fine. ( silence ) What have you brought? There is the November Bulletin.... Is there anything new? No. ( Then Satprem proposes to publish some fragments of the conversation of ...


... Satprem's letters—why, we don't know. At the time Satprem was giving all his money to Mother and possessed nothing personally. Mother is therefore forced to sign a note in her own hand so that Satprem's letters get stamped. Then she remains very interiorized during the whole interview. It was the same on March 20, at the last interview: that day, she gave Satprem the first copy of "On the Way to Supermanhood ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1971 September 1, 1971 ( Concerning the years 1946-1948, when Satprem first came to Pondicherry to join the government of French India with Governor Baron. ) An image has remained with me which I can't forget. There was a new governor, the one who succeeded Baron [in 1949], and I had gone to see him with... Appearances are only future consequences. That's why.... The appearance is what will change last. × Actually, Satprem well remembered that encounter, but he wanted to spare Mother the account of his own state of mind that day, for he was angry with Mother (!) because she was paying a visit to the man who had schemed ...


... February Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 February 23, 1972 ( Mother gives Satprem some papers, most of which have been published in this Agenda as "Notes." ) And here is more of T.J.'s notebook—I haven't reread it, I don't know what she put in it. You'll see if something is interesting. Normally, part of it is scheduled to be published in the next Bulletin... To waste time seeking the gratification of one's petty desires is sheer folly. True happiness can be attained only by finding the Divine. There were others after this one.... 1 ( Satprem leafs through the pages and comes across this passage. ) ...Almost all human miseries come from the fact that human beings are almost always persuaded Page 71 they know better than ...


... March Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 March 18, 1972 ( No sooner has Satprem entered her room than Mother looks at him and declares categorically: ) Things are better—aren't they? For me or for.... Yes, for you. Well, I think so, I hope so. Page 92 Yes, but I am telling you: things ARE better—I know! ( Mother laughs ) It's cleared... plainly on the bright side. It's much better. ( silence ) And your atmosphere is much clearer, MUCH clearer. There are less... ( gesture of conflicts ). Have you seen this? ( Mother hands Satprem a paper about the restrictions on admission to the Ashram ) Don't people ask you to come to the Ashram? I never encourage them. Shall we meditate? ( long meditation ) You have nothing ...


... October Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 October 25, 1972 ( Satprem gives Mother a flower, and Mother gives it to Satprem. ) It's "Power of Truth in the Subconscient". How are you? Physically I'm well, I think. The governor [of Pondicherry] is coming here to say good-bye, but he hasn't arrived yet. I've asked to ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1970 May 23, 1970 ( Satprem hands over his pension to Mother. She goes on: ) This is the time of discoveries... everywhere!... Something seems to have exerted a pressure until things can no longer put on a pretense—all has to show itself as it is. So then ( laughing ), what discoveries! And naturally... and ask me to intervene (not outwardly, of course). It's such a mess.... ( silence ) Have you seen the latest Aphorisms of Sri Aurobindo?... He tells us to lose all our moral sense! ( Satprem reads ) 520—Our parents fell, in the deep Semitic apologue, because they tasted the fruit of the tree of good and Page 202 evil. Had they taken at once of the tree of eternal life ...


... me, the answer is this sense of humor! ( Mother laughs ) (Satprem:) Yes, you write to T., "Sri Aurobindo had the genius of humor and one only has to admire and be silent." That was my first reply, but after that, T. asked me, "Why exactly did Sri Aurobindo put it that way?..." It depends on the date when it was written. (Satprem:) It looks like the same experience as Ramakrishna's. (Nolini:) ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1971 December 11, 1971 ( At the start of this conversation, Satprem reads to Mother the text she had asked him to write for Indian radio for Sri Aurobindo's centenary. This text is included at the end. Then the conversation continues. ) I'd like to ask you something about one of Sri Aurobindo's aphorisms . When the aphorisms were first... you win the Victory." 13 "Nor let worldly prudence whisper too closely in thy ear," says Sri Aurobindo, "for it is the hour of the unexpected." 14 Pondicherry, 9 December 1971 Satprem × See Agenda IV , August 28, 1963 × ...


... November 27, 1971 So, how are you? So-so. So-so!... I have some notes that can be used for February—things I said. ( Mother hands a piece of paper to Satprem ) "A victory won over the lower nature will give a deeper and more lasting joy than any outer success." And then this ( Mother hands another paper ). This is an experience I had yesterday... little, Mother. You have a cold?... Do you want to be quiet, does this tire you? No, no, Mother, it doesn't tire me at all; listening to you certainly doesn't tire me! ( A little later, Satprem reads several letters by Sri Aurobindo and in particular this one: ) (Question:) Somebody told X that Sri Aurobindo brought about the Russian revolution through Lenin. X told Y that people here ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1971 November 20, 1971 ( Mother hands Satprem two notes. ) "We are at a moment of transition in the history of the earth. It is a moment only in terms of the eternity of time. But compared to human life this moment is long. Matter is in the process of changing to prepare for a new manifestation; but the human body is not sufficiently... working of the new forces; and Page 303 thus individuals have a unique and marvelous opportunity to open to the divine influence." November 20, 1971 ( Then Mother listens to Satprem read a letter from the disciple in the Vatican. ) And what about the cardinal who was supposed to come here? Not a cardinal. He's not a cardinal? No, but he handles millions. He's a ...


... December Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 December 10, 1972 ( Mother sees Sujata, who reads her a letter from Satprem. ) December 10, 1972 Mother, For the past several nights, my body seems to have been physically tortured all night long. I keep tossing and turning in pain. Also I feel as if my stomach is being clawed. I am afraid that if this... I am actually going to fall ill. In the morning when I come out of it, I feel as if my body were full of poison. 1 Page 323 May I become entirely and exclusively your child. Satprem For me life is a torture if I am not exclusively turned to the Divine. That's the only remedy; otherwise, it's true, life is a torture. Existing becomes intolerable. The only remedy is to ...


... December Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 December 16, 1972 ( Mother gives Satprem an egg ) I have nothing.... I've become poor! Then the world is poor! ( Mother laughs ) How are you? Quite well, Mother, yes, quite well. Inside, I know. What does the world look like to you from that other consciousness? ( Mother does not seem to have... are making progress. Page 325 Ah, God willing! Shall we go there together? Yes, Mother! But Id like to be able to follow you. ( Mother smiles, making a gesture of pulling Satprem with a rope ) Hem!... I'll pull you! Good, then! ( meditation then Mother opens her eyes as if she were about to speak ) What is it, Mother? ( Smiling ) I saw you: you had become ...


... her eyes closed ) A dot on the "i" here [Satprem guides Mother's hand]. That's all. And just put a period at the end, and your signature. Is my handwriting all right? Yes, it's quite good, Mother, it came out very well. ( Mother goes into contemplation ) (Sujata:) Mother, you are going to see the Dalai Lama tomorrow, aren't you? Satprem would be very interested to know your impre ...


... proceeding any further. With my love and blessings The Mother read out this letter to Satprem who recorded it on 7th February 1961. She, taking up the theme of my letter, made various comments about her body and the trials it had gone through. Readers may note that many of the things the Mother told Satprem about spirituality and occultism—especially in connection with the cells of her body and ...


... extraordinary exploration narrated by the Mother to Satprem¹ covering a period of more than twenty years, during which Mother slowly uncovered the 'Great Passage' to the next species by the supramental transformation of the physical consciousness and fulfilled the work that Sri Aurobindo had given to her. ___________________ ¹. Satprem was born in Paris in 1923. After intense experiences ...

... by the Mother to Satprem 1 covering a period of more than twenty years, during which Mother slowly uncovered the 'Great Passage' to the next species by the supramental transformation of the physical consciousness and fulfilled the work that Sri Aurobindo had given to her. Page 12 × Satprem was born in Paris ...

... to a high level of maturity. But it cannot be said, as yet, that their work represents the summit of the synthesis of science and spirituality. In one of her illuminating conversations with Satprem, while commenting upon two important Aphorisms from the writings of Sri Aurobindo, she has commented on the theme of synthesis of science and spirituality. What the Mother has said, in effect, is that... can be fulfilled only if supramental consciousness can be demonstratively seen and touched in supramental physical body. Let us refer to that conversation of the Mother of May 24,1962: Satprem read out the following from Sri Aurobindo's Thoughts and Aphorisms'. "73 - When Wisdom comes, her first lesson is, "There is no such thing as knowledge; there are only apercus of the Infinite ...

... return, this thought kept going round and round in my head. The Mother has said many things about this new body to Satprem. She even described Her form. This description was so vibrant that we all felt that it was this body of the Mother that would take on that new form. But Satprem understood at once with his sharp intelligence and asked the Mother: “Hasn’t this new form entered your subtle body ...


... the body was pursuing its own invisible course, and only a little of what she experienced and realised has come to light through the records of her periodic conversations with her disciples, notably Satprem. On 31 January 1970, the Mother remarked that so-called difficulties and sufferings were but the result of some lingering Falsehood, and hence the solution was to abolish all preference and desire... process of changing!... I have changed very much, even as regards character, as regards understanding, as regards the vision of things.... There has been wholly a regrouping." 31 On 3 March, Satprem told the Mother that her look had changed much, and that for more than a year, "and more and more", it was rather like that of Sri Aurobindo, - a change from "a diamond look" to that of "the infinite" ...


... worked at Tlemcen two years in a row." After a slight pause, she added, "But this other thing was always in the background, in my consciousness." Mother told Satprem, "He was handsome. Have you seen his photo?" Satprem shook his head. "No? Oh, I must show it to you." It was some ten years later, when an exhibition of Mother's paintings and drawings was held (in 1970, I think), that ...

... line here, a sentence there. But Readers interested in finding out more about Mother's and Sri Aurobindo's experience may like to consult the following books by Satprem: MOTHER'S AGENDA, 1951-1973 (13 volumes) Recorded by Satprem in the course of countless personal conversations with Mother, the log of her fabulous exploration in the cellular consciousness of the body. Twenty-three years ...

... Aurobindo was a unique giant, but that from a spiritual standpoint he didn't have many realizations! Nonsense of that kind — similar to Romain Rolland's." Mother exchanged a glance of understanding with Satprem. "Well, you see, my relationship with Richard was on an occult plane, and it's difficult to touch upon it. You know, what happened here was far more Page 292 exciting than any... entrances from the street, numbered 9 and 11. "Well-well! The house on Val de Grace!" Mother exclaimed seeing the picture Pavitra was holding out to her. In those days Mother gave interviews to Satprem in the privacy of Pavitra's office. As a rule, Pavitra did not remain there during the interviews, except when he had something specific to talk over with her. That day, as soon as Mother was settled ...

... sleeve. "There were some amazing things," she said. Then she dropped her bombshell of a revelation. "Theon also showed me how to deflect lightning." "Can it be done?" asked an astounded Satprem. "Ah, yes!" she was positive. "He used to do it." "But it takes a formidable power!" "Oh, he had a formidable power!" She laughed, "Theon had a formidable power. "I saw him deflect... afraid!' "So I went up with him. He began chanting some invocations and then I clearly saw a bolt of lightning that had been heading straight towards us swerve abruptly MIDWAY IN ITS COURSE." Satprem gasped. "You'll say it's impossible; but / saw it swerve. It went and struck a tree farther away. "I asked Theon, 'Did you do that?' He nodded." Mother left no doubt about the Occultist's ...

... 1 January 1970 * * * Sweet Mother, Satprem told me yesterday that You asked him whether he had seen the latest text You wrote in my notebook the day before yesterday, the one in which You began with “Tu” (Thou) and addressed the whole of humanity. It is strange because You did not write this in my notebook, and while I was talking to Satprem I suddenly remembered that the day before yesterday ...


... Mother's Chronicles - Book Six 2 Mirra Was Born Free "Sri Aurobindo saw with more clarity," said Mother to Satprem while explaining a certain situation. "It was even the first thing he told the boys around him when I came in 1914— he had seen me but once—he told them that I, Mirra (he at once called me by my first name) 'was born free... said, making a gesture above the head. "And then everything began to be seen from there." Once it was done, it was done. "It was well rooted." It never left her. "You know," Mother told Satprem in a wondering voice, "as a proof of Sri Aurobindo's power, it's incomparable! I don't believe there has ever been an example of such a—how can I put it?—such a total success: a miracle. It has NEVER ...

... Mother's Chronicles - Book Six 52 The Himalayas in Rue Dupleix "Listen," Mother told Satprem on 29 May 1962, because Satprem wanted to go to the Himalayas, away from Pondicherry's heat, to write his book on Sri Aurobindo. 1 "Listen, I also had a longing to go to the Himalayas, I had a great longing for it when I was in France. When I came ...

... BIOGRAPHIES (Mira Aditi Centre, Mysore) SRI AUROBINDO OR THE ADVENTURE OF CONSCIOUSNESS Satprem * MOTHER'S CHRONICLES Sujata Nahar Book 4: Mirra - Sri Aurobindo Book 5: Mirra Meets the Revolutionary * MOTHER Satprem I - The Divine Materialism II - The New Species III - The Mutation of Death ...


... night was absolutely wonderful—absolutely peaceful and wonderful. A night as I hadn't had in a long, long time.... I thanked you, I don't know if you know! Oh, Mother.... ( Mother laughs, Satprem lays his head on her knees, silence ) But Sri Aurobindo? Sri Aurobindo... Yes. What does he say? ( after a silence ) I had (and that was frightful), I had the consciousness of all... sensation. Then it would be like other kinds of knowledge, you see.... But what does it depend on? I don't know. Page 313 ( long silence ) We shall conquer, Mother. Yes. ( silence, Satprem lays his forehead on Mother's knees ) You understand, that it will be conquered I am ABSOLUTELY certain of, but... has the time come? That's the question. And it's this, this doubt, that's a ...


... January 5, 1972 How are you? It still drags. ( Mother gives Satprem her latest message ) "Sri Aurobindo does not belong to any one country but to the entire earth. His teaching leads us towards a better future." ( Then Mother listens to Satprem read a letter from a disciple who had felt an especially strong descent of force and was asking if it ...


... badge. But what came to me is this ( Mother points to her notes ). It's not over... ( Sujata prepares to bring a lamp for Mother to read ). I don't need light, I don't see clearly anymore. ( Satprem reads ) "Auroville is for those who want to live a life essentially [religious] but who renounce all forms of religions whether they be ancient, modern, new or future.... 2 Page 177 ... start arguing! So it's better to put "Truth." Page 181 × A few months later ( October 21 ), Mother gave Satprem this note written to a French disciple, which seems to fit well with the story she has just recounted: "I am told that you intend to distribute a reproduction of the portrait you did of me. It would ...


... that India is ONE; they have not yet acknowledged the nonexistence of Pakistan, that's the trouble. ( Mother nods, then goes within for 20 minutes ) ( A little later, Mother listens to Satprem read various letters of Sri Aurobindo, then a letter she herself wrote in English during World War II about the attitude of the disciples toward Hitler and the Allies. ) Page 318 May... now that smiles at everything—I am well aware of it—although I see that physically it is not supposed to be like that yet. Yes. We're still in the period of struggle. Page 322 ( Satprem gets ready to leave ) Now, the body has the conviction that only death can stop its transformation. So it's impossible. Only some kind of violent death, an "accident" (well...) could stop the t ...


... 1971 Happy birthday! Happy birthday!... ( Mother gives presents ) My card is there—nothing much. I don't even know what I wrote you. Shall I look? [Satprem opens the card.] You said, "With my affection and blessings." Just that. It's better than a lot of words. I don't like big words. I have but one thing to tell you: I need you. There! ( Mother... a little before 3 o'clock for Sunil's music. ( Turning to Sujata ) Naturally, if she wants to, she can come! We are happy together at your feet, Mother. Yes, she complements you well. ( Satprem puts his forehead on Mother's knees ) Page 288 ...


... ( Satprem reads to Mother a letter from G., which ends with the following question. ) He asks a question? Yes, at the end he says: "Mother, what sort of change may take shape in life if one becomes just Thy Will but nothing else?" ( after a silence ) Supreme Peace, certitude, and even the functioning of the body can change. Page 274 (Satprem has not heard ...


... even birthdays I see them in the afternoon. On other days, it starts at 8 in the morning and ends at noon. It's infernal. So come tomorrow... at 9:30 is it all right? ( silence ) ( To Satprem: ) Have you seen the latest Aphorisms' ? Yes, on diseases and doctors.... But here in one Aphorisms , Sri Aurobindo has one little sentence which I find admirable; he says, "Machinery is necessary... concrete and absolute realization that one could have only when going out of Matter ( Mother brings a finger down ), it's sure, sure and certain that we will have it RIGHT HERE. ( Mother looks at Satprem for a long time, then takes his hands ) It's the fourteenth month since the Consciousness came—fourteenth month: twice seven. ( silence ) Is today the 14th? Yes, the 14th. So it's ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1970 February 21, 1970 ( Mother is ninety-two. She receives Satprem after the collective meditation. Before she speaks, Mother looks at him for a long time with an indescribable expression. ) The body has received a gift this morning.... This morning, truly the Supreme Lord has taught it to be entirely... Mother is still coughing a little. × At the beginning, while Mother was looking at Satprem. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1970 October 28, 1970 ( Mother gives Satprem the message for the year 1971. ) Blessed are those who take a leap towards the future. Page 357 ( Mother tries to read with difficulty a few lines from Savitri written in large characters. These passages are meant to be set to music... that people ramble—they ramble on and on. No, that's better. I am sorry I didn't hear the chapter! 1 × Satprem has a cold and was not able to read. ...


... little by little. Page 344 ( Then Satprem reads the first chapter: "The Mental Fortress." Mother stops at the following sentence: ) "...Nothing in the world is unnecessary, we are still looking for that pain which does not have its secret power of widening." It's magnificent! Magnificent. ( at the end of the chapter, Satprem quotes Sri Aurobindo's " Hour of God " ) "There ...


... April 14, 1971 ( In reference to Mother's latest letter to Satprem. ) Mon petit, if I have caused you pain, I am very sorry ( Mother takes Satprem's hands ). Oh, listen, Mother! You see, I spoke to you the way I speak to myself [in Mother's letter to Satprem], as frankly as possible. But I really didn't think that would cause you pain. I saw in you that ...


... From Sri Aurobindo. That would be nice. Page 56 But for the 21st, it would be nice to have something from you also, no? Not necessarily.... Do you think this ( Mother hands Satprem a scrap of paper ) would do? The complete unification of the whole being around the psychic center is the essential condition to realize a perfect sincerity. 1 I have noticed that people... constantly there, He is in the very being—and one clings to that. It's the only solution. Do you think that note makes sense? Certainly, it makes sense! Read it again. Page 57 ( Satprem reads the message again ) Is it understandable? Well, I for one, understand! What do you think?... Because it's something I discovered recently. I saw why people are insincere (even when ...


... Laughter ) and that was precisely... Oh, I'm keeping it, it's precisely that—a goose ( Mother laughs ). So there. Here ( Mother gives a flower of Transformation ): the right one. You too... ( Satprem lays his forehead on Mother's knees ) No impatience. That's the main thing: no impatience. A trusting patience. Ultimately, for everyone all is as well as it can be. It's always the old movements... × Tat tvam asi. × That is what Satprem had vividly felt: a gap between A.R.'s living experience and his mentalization of it, as if he were seeking to shut the ocean within a graduated thermometer. ...


... worked to make it impossible for them to do... something radically nasty He had a narrow escape. It was almost miraculous that they didn't get rid of him—they're very skilled for that. So... ( Satprem reads P.L.'s letter ) Give him this ( Mother hands a "blessings packet" ) and tell him it's a symbol of my constant presence. You told me that two bishops had resigned—have they been excommunicated... was Swiss), and it's Z who told me the story. Z told the reporter she was returning to India, and he gave her the whole bundle of cards, saying, "Oh, if India protested, it would lend weight." ( Satprem has Tibet in mind, but remains silent ) It's not so much for those poor little ones, because they have a special protection (all that's conscious in them is like that, cherished). It's the ignominy ...


... the most precious things are among those you do not see with your physical eyes." ( Satprem translates into French, omitting "among" ) No, I didn't say "are those," I said "are among those," because there are also the worst things! Could we also put something brief from Sri Aurobindo? ( Satprem reads ) "Every truth, however true in itself, yet taken apart from others which at once ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1971 June 12, 1971 ( First, Mother gives Satprem a few copies of the Swedish translation of the introduction to "Supermanhood," then Satprem reads several extracts from Sri Aurobindo for the next Bulletin. ) "Every sadhak has by nature certain characteristics which are a great obstacle on the way of the sadhana; these remain with obstinacy ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1971 June 16, 1971 ( Satprem suggest several extracts from the Agenda for "Notes on the Way," the first being that of May 22 on the intervention of the Supreme Wisdom: "The possibility of a breathtaking success—not in the sky: here." ) That's quite good. It brings back the atmosphere.... Is it too soon to say it? I don't know. ... does seem far-off. Perhaps I don't have enough faith, that's possible! I remember now (reading it brought back the atmosphere), I remember the state I was in.... I was ahead. ( Then Satprem suggests some extracts from the conversation of June 9 on the "onslaught of Falsehood" and in particular the passage on the dissolution of the ego. ) It's quite a current truth [the onslaught] ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1969 August 16, 1969 ( Mother had advised Satprem to go for a walk on Auroville's beach so as to get some rest, but as it happened, someone absolutely insisted on accompanying him. ) Nothing interesting... How are you? You went for a walk with F? Yes, the other day we went for a stroll on the beach... I wasn't there. I felt somewhat like... sweeping everything away. ( Mother remains silent ) Is it a mistake? No, not at all! Not at all, she was only afraid that... She asked me, "Is Satprem in good health?..." I think you are! Yes! No, that's not how she took it, she was afraid you might be unwell. No, I mean, is it a mistake to sweep away everything, to make a blank, or what ...


... But why?... Why?... Now and then the body worries: "Why? Why, why all this, why?..." When it sees, when it's in contact with suffering, people, miseries, difficulties, why, why? Why... why? ( Satprem lays his forehead on Mother's feet ) Since this Creation can be a marvel identical with the Supreme Consciousness, why, why did it have to go through all this? ( Mother draws a circle that comes... gesture in between ). It's really a queer condition: you're not alive, you're not dead. Ah, good-bye, petit. × Satprem was still under the illusion that he could "say" something. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1971 January 30, 1971 ( Again Mother is not well, she receives Satprem an hour late. And first she sees Satprem's mother for a few minutes. ) So, how do you find him? ( Satprem's mother, solid as a Breton rock:) Quite well. He has written a splendid book. I am counting on this book to revolutionize the world.... You can be proud... completely—it seems so useless, yet I realize that not taking it upsets the old system too much. So... ( gesture of tugging between the two ). Oh, read to me! That's far more interesting. ( Satprem reads the next part of "Sociology of the Superman" and, in particular, in the text he quotes this passage from Sri Aurobindo about propaganda: ) "I don't believe in advertisement except for books ...


... inside. ( To Sujata, after Satprem has left. ) On December 5 and 9, you two will come after the [collective] meditation. I won't translate, but I want to listen to Supermanhood . 1 It's very good.... It's more than very good: it opens the door to the future. × Satprem will not see Mother on those days: ...


... × Once, several years ago, Mother had received both Satprem and his brother together, and they had sat at her feet, side by side. Then, after the interview, Mother told Satprem: "It's strange, he seems to be like an emanation of you." ...


... terms? ) Good morning, Mother. Good morning, mon petit. Everything's all right?... Really? Yes, Mother. ( silence ) I want to tell you something.... I had already explained to Satprem that if the time for transformation comes, if my body grows cold, they should not rush to put it in a hole in the ground. Because it could be... it could be only temporary. You understand? It could... over, although it would be only temporary. It would start again—it might start again. But then I would be... I may be incapable of speaking at that time, of saying this. So I am saying it to you—Satprem knows. One other person should also know. I believe Pranab also knows it. Page 128 I don't know, I have never said anything to him. Because we had noted it down, and your instructions ...


... life. To try, to try to create on earth one completely transparent, translucent element that would let the force pass through without any distortion. ( silence ) Au revoir. You'll tell Satprem. Satprem will see what he can do with all this. Page 119 × Later, Mother added the following: "The Divine we ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1962 December 12, 1962 ( Satprem tries to question Mother on the reasons for Sri Aurobindo's departure. ) Oh, no! No, I don't want to talk about it. I would rather not listen to it, I don't want it kept. 1 Those were terrible days I lived through then. ( silence ) I am only beginning to come out of it. In any case... it's even the Lord who sends you away!" That irks them more than anything! ( Mother laughs. ) × Rightly or wrongly, Satprem did not keep the recording of this conversation, not to obey Mother, for he was never very obedient, but because the words that follow rent his heart. He didn't know at the time how very true they ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1962 November 23, 1962 ( Satprem reads a passage from his manuscript in which he says in particular: "We cannot take one step up without taking one step down." ) That's what I am experiencing in my body now—exactly what you say: each step forward forces you to make... not a step backward, but a step into... this morning how exhausting it was, this perpetual battle—oh, what a battle.... So when you write of the victory, perhaps I too will do a victory dance! Page 429 ( A little later, Satprem tells Mother how much Sujata misses seeing her. ) I know; some people have even fallen ill. But I am at the mercy of such things, 2 you understand, that's exactly what's happening. At times you ...


... December 21, 1963 ( Regarding the "joys" of Tantric discipline, when Satprem was still at his seven thousandth, or was it seven hundred thousandth, Tantric yantram. Satprem unfortunately did not keep the beginning of this conversation. ) ...It's true, in fact, off and on I have fits of revolt, but more and more I'm settling ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1963 November 30, 1963 ( After a meditation with Mother ) Do you believe in Muses? In Muses?!... [Satprem is taken aback]... I believe in inspiration. Because I saw... It was so precise, so concrete, material, that for a moment I wondered whether it was physical or not. There was only the arm and shoulder of someone who stood... company that gives the feeling that everything unfolds harmoniously—which isn't all that common! Page 398 × Satprem is at the moment working on the final revision of his book on Sri Aurobindo. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1963 December 29, 1963 ( Note from Mother to Satprem ) Satprem, mon cher petit, On the 31st I will see you in the music room, and I would like Sujata too to come at 10 A.M., because I want to try different key boards of the organ, and she will help me arrange them. My tenderness is ever with you signed : Mother ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1963 May 22, 1963 ( This conversation took place a few days after Satprem had a violent attack of an infectious "illness." ) The other evening, around 6:30, I was in a lot of pain; my head seemed about to burst, I really suffered: a racking pain. Then I lay down, and suddenly I felt a sort of relaxation—a sudden reversal followed by... I asked for news of you (because I was interested, the experience was completely new), I asked, "Any difference?" And I was told you were much better. Page 149 ( Mother gives a rose to Satprem ) And this one for Sujata: open like her heart. ...


... much more than through medicines—much more. With some doctors, when the patient comes into contact with them, he feels supported, helped. ( silence ) So, you did some good work in France. ( Satprem protests: it is Mother who worked ) To me, it doesn't make any difference! It's extremely interesting, because it's becoming absolutely concrete. It isn't a thought, it isn't an idea, it's absolutely... letter in full. × He is the person who suddenly appeared before Mother during a meditation with Satprem (see Agenda I , October 30, 1960, p. 459 ). ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1962 August 11, 1962 ( Satprem asks for an explanation of this sentence from August 4 : "... it is easier to feel wider, higher, vaster than the world, THAN AN INDIVIDUAL. For it is easier to take everything in, to embrace and change it from outside, than to change it from inside." ) Yes, it is easier... in quite a powerful manner (in the body, all this is in the body), with a formidable sensation of power (so much so that in the middle of the experience I suddenly thought, "I have to tell this to Satprem tomorrow..."—right in the midst of the experience!). And THE Vibration seemed so utterly present ("present"... I have the feeling it's always "present," but it was perceived, which gives it a kind ...


... (which has lasted for three years now). In fact, medicine would have called it "tuberculosis," but Satprem did not believe in medicine. × It will break and dissolve a year later. As Mother will explain to Satprem later, the "transition" consisted in removing Satprem's entire vital being (which normally causes ...


... October 3, 1963 ( On Mother's table are two double white hibiscus flowers called "Grace." Mother takes one and gives it to Satprem: ) N. had a dream last night in which Sri Aurobindo gave her many things, then I came and gave her two "Grace" flowers. And in the morning, she wakes up, goes to her garden... on the tree were two... that, when the white square fringed with red entered (it took form first, you see; it seemed to take form between us), it took form and then something eased in you—did you feel a relaxation? ( Satprem nods his head... silence ) The last two days, Sri Aurobindo was here all the time, all the time. Constantly, constantly mingled with things. And many people saw him and spoke to him—he was very ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 April 9, 1957 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, April 9, 1957 Mother, I would like to throw myself at your feet and open my heart to you—but I cannot. I cannot. For I SEE that, were I to give in now, I would be done for—there would be no alternative but to live out the rest of my days in the Ashram. But... were in ruin, all faith in myself undone—so much so that at times I curse myself for having come here at all. That is the situation, Mother. I feel my unworthiness profoundly. I am the opposite of Satprem, unable to love and to give myself. Everything in me is sealed tight. So what is to be done? I intend asking your permission to leave as soon as the book is finished (I am determined to finish it ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 April 20, 1960 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Rameswaram, April 20, 1960 Sweet Mother, I was pained and shocked upon reaching X's place to see him in such a horrible house—a train station in miniature (and not as nice) with little pastries in garish yellow cement. Cement everywhere—they even cemented the patio and... the rest—a perpetual amnesic. It is unpleasant and quite stupid. What is it that will explode this shell? I am anxious to return to you. Your child, full of gratitude and love. Signed : Satprem Page 364 ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 April 26, 1960 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Rameswaram, April 26, 1960 Sweet Mother, There are days when everything is so simple, when I see and feel that all one needs is to let oneself be carried—and everything is light. I have really to be done with this 'me'. It will be a joy to be with you again and resume... follow X perfectly in his inner life, unreservedly, but I have to force myself to follow him in his outer life. Mother, I am at your feet, with my love and my gratitude. Your child, Signed : Satprem Page 365 ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 January (?) 1956 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, January (?) 1956 Mother, I need to unburden myself of all that is wringing my heart, and if the Divine exists somewhere, it is to him that I would like to express my profound disgust. For all this is profoundly scandalous, absurd and revolting. I know that... feel within me the rebellion and despair of all men who surely have not deserved all this. Signed : Bernard × Satprem was arrested by the Gestapo in Bordeaux in 1943 for resisting the German occupation. He was later sent to Buchenwald and Mauthausen. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 November 30, 1958 ( Letter from Mother to Satprem ) Sunday morning Satprem, Here is the wherewithal to go to Hyderabad. Whatever you may decide, I will always be with you, invariably, in the truth of your being. Signed : Mother Page 251 ...


... ( Concerning the tantric guru: ) Has A. spoken to you about this?... X told him that you were the bridge between him and me (he even spoke in English): 'Oh, Satprem was the bridge.' ( Mother smiles ) And a second later he added, 'But now we don't need it anymore!' ( Mother laughs merrily ) I was much amused! ( A little later, regarding the book on Sri ... It's time for me to leave now. So there you are, petit; it will come. × Strangely enough, some years earlier, when Satprem was writing L'Orpailleur , Sujata had a vision in which she saw him typing, and from the typewriter came, not typewritten lines, but music! ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1961 August 18, 1961 ( Satprem began his book on Sri Aurobindo on August 15. ) Have you been working? Yes. Ah!... Good. Here ( Mother gives some flowers ), this is the Generosity 1 of inspiration, and this is the crowning achievement [Divine Love 2 ]. So, petit, everything all right... Punica granatum (Pomegranate flower). × Each time they met, Mother used to give Satprem a little bit of food: cheese, dried soups, etc. ...


... By mistake, Mother said "overmental being," which is probably what prompted Satprem to ask the next question. × A few days earlier, apropos a biographical datum, Satprem had asked Mother in exactly which year she had experienced the full government by the psychic being. Mother ...


... surface... ( gesture from below ). ( silence ) A fantastic energy is checked by that, by that foul thing. ( Mother gives flowers to Sujata ) Here. Do you want a garland? We must.... ( To Satprem ) You have the capacity to... ( Mother drives her fist down into Matter ). Defeatism belongs to the Page 225 subconscient—it MUST change, it must. Defeatism is anti-divine. ( silence... SABDA? Yes. I thought of drafting a short note, and André approves of the note. Could I read it to you? What is it? I put: "To All India Press." No, you must put SABDA. Good. [Satprem reads:] "Satprem's books will not be translated, reprinted or subject to any commitment without his formal consent...." That's obvious. Self-evident! Well, yes, "self-evident," but ...


... May Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 May 9, 1973 ( Mother is very late, she has Satprem and Sujata called in before the other disciples. She immediately takes Satprem's hands. It is heartrending. ) Something's wrong. Something's wrong. I see you.... Something's wrong. What's wrong, Mother? I feel like screaming.... Thank you, mon petit. Oh, Mother.... Thank you, mon petit. We need you, Mother. Thank you. Oh!... Oh, thank you, mon petit.... Ah, Mother, what Grace to be here with you. ( Satprem rests his forehead on Mother's lap ) Good-bye, Mother. Page 413 × That day, I felt that the movement ...


... June Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 June 17, 1972 ( Mother gives Sujata and Satprem a garland of "Patience" ) One needs a lot, a lot, a whole lot of it. Yes! The signs are increasingly clear, but what PATIENCE one needs! The slightest wrong movement immediately provokes a dreadful discomfort. The merest trifle... patience, patience. ( Mother plunges in, holding Satprem's hands ) Can you feel? Yes, Mother. Once I go into that consciousness, it's very difficult for me to come out. ( As Satprem is about to leave, Mother hands him a note she has just written in English: ) Sri Aurobindo is an emanation of the Supreme who came on earth to announce the manifestation of a new race and the ...


... One day I must take you there with me. Yes, Mother. Not today. But one day when I am not late, we'll go there together, and perhaps you'll know. Yes. One must be patient, mon petit. ( Satprem hands Mother a garland of "Aspiration" ) Oh, how nice it smells! What day is today? Saturday. What date is next Wednesday? The 6th, Mother. The 6th, there will be a lot of people... few people as possible on the 13th. (The attendant:) I don't put anyone! I want to try an experiment. (The attendant:) I won't put anyone... extra. Good. So let's be patient! ( Satprem rests his forehead on Mother's lap ) It's completely, completely new.... Something completely new, which I don't understand. We'll see. I would be interested to do it with you and see your sensation ...


... December 6, 1972 ( The night of the 5th, a violent cyclone struck Pondicherry. At Nandanam, in the middle of the devastated garden, a white hibiscus bloomed. Satprem places the flower on Mother's lap. ) A "Grace" flower bloomed in the thick of the cyclone, Mother. ( silence ) ( One can hear the axes hacking away at the broken branches of the great yellow... I've already forgotten what I did. Absolutely forgotten. ( silence ) The consciousness of the Presence—the Presence everywhere, in everything.... ( Mother plunges in then comes back to give Satprem the "Grace" flower ) Mon petit.... I would like the Grace of belonging exclusively to you. ...


... ( After the work ) (Sujata:) Mother, I have something to ask you, I have a prayer.... Satprem is very tormented, you know; so I pray that you will take his torment away. Why tormented? (Laughing:) That's his nature, Mother! ( Satprem grimaces ) You know, me, I have but one solution—always the same for anything: this ( gesture, hands open ). To abolish ...


... her. Her body had become ‘very, very sensitive’ to all vibrations, and many in her presence projected upon her their human, all too human, state of being without being aware of it. Once she asked Satprem, who regularly went to see her in a state of dissatisfaction or revolt, not to be in a bad mood because it made her ill. And the nerves were still more sensitive at the times it was their turn to change... veux, audibly or inwardly, expressing her total surrender to ‘the Lord’ with a gesture of her hands, palms upwards. Who could understand? From 1965 onwards extracts from her conversations with Satprem had been published under the title Notes on the Way in the quarterly Bulletin, but this was hardly sufficient to work out the lines of the Mother’s evolution in her yoga. And how to connect one’s ...

... former life they had chosen to collaborate on the future supramental transformation, usually in a past when they had been together with her or near her. A documented case is that of the Frenchman Satprem, one of those to whom she had promised in Ancient Egypt that they would again be together with her on Earth at the decisive time. (The Mother herself has said that she had been, among others, Queen... must belong to ‘the number of souls sent to make that it will be for now,’ as Sri Aurobindo said. Is there any confirmation to be found of this? One reads in the Agenda how the Mother once told Satprem that Nolini, one of the first companions of Sri Aurobindo whom we have already met in this story, inwardly could rise at will to the plane of Being-Consciousness-Bliss — that is to say to the highest ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 April 4, 1955 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, April 4, 1955 Mother, for more than a year now I have been near you and nothing, no really significant inner experience, no sign has come that allows me to feel I have progressed or merely to show me that I am on the right path. I cannot even say I am happy. ... find, at long last, this inner Presence which alone gives joy and stability. Signed : Mother × For a long time, Satprem took care of the correspondence with the outside, along with Pavitra, not to mention editing the Ashram Bulletin as well as Mother's writings and talks, translating Sri Aurobindo's works into French ...


... AUDIO    11-Mar-1962    11-Mar-1962 (v2) ( Satprem suggests he read certain past Agenda conversations to Mother. She refuses: ) You know, I've almost felt like telling you that all this Agenda stuff isn't meant for circulation. It's only for when... Agenda in fifty years, then. But really Mother, objectively, there's a tremendous number of interesting things in it.... Yes, mon petit, but next time, not today. ( Mother listens to Satprem read the July 11, 1956 Talk on the vital world. She refuses to have it published in the "Bulletin". ) To begin with, I said that the vital is peopled by small entities, small formations, the remnants ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1962 March 13, 1962 You're in a bad mood; oh yes, I could see it from far away. (Satprem voices various complaints, then adds:) And then to top it off, the other day you tell me this Agenda isn't interesting either, that it's not worth keeping. So what am I doing here? What? What's not worth keeping? Your Agenda. My Agenda... always go from aspiration to aspiration. But as Page 125 a base, one should at least feel a sense of purpose in life. You said the very thing that hurts the most! ( Mother gazes at Satprem for a long time ) Petit.... Page 126 × This would be the last conversation before Mother's great ordeal ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1962 April 28, 1962 ( Letter from Mother to Satprem ) April 28, 1962 Satprem, my dear child, It would be good to get moving again on the book. These past few days I have started thinking about the August Bulletin . In a few days I will probably be able to start working. In that case, I could ask you to come in the morning and ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1961 September 30, 1961 ( Mother gives Satprem a flower she has recently named 'Unostentatious Certitude': Platycodon grandiflorum ) This is the complete negation of 'bluff.' I find it very beautiful. When I saw this flower, it struck me as something very profound, very calm—absolutely sure, immobile. I don't know why, but the longer... 'Unostentatious Certitude.' It's what one might call a superlative good-taste in the realm of spiritual experience: something with greater content than it expresses. ( Following the letter Satprem had written to Mother the previous day regarding the book on Sri Aurobindo: ) I had a clear vision of the two kinds of opposites in nature (not only in nature but in life) which almost everyone ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1961 November 6, 1961 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) [This letter survived because Mother returned it with her reply written on the reverse.] Sweet Mother, When I read the Veda I thought I understood that the Rishis, finding the passage blocked above (since they would fall into Page 376 ecstasy and lose their hold... redescend to open the passage, and that the pressure of the Light from above is what opens the doors below, in Matter. I would like to understand the process. With all my love, Signed : Satprem ( Mother's reply ) It is by rising to the summit of consciousness through a progressive ascent that one unites with the Supermind. But as soon as the union is achieved, one knows and one ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1961 November 16, 1961 ( Letter from Mother to Satprem on the occasion of his manuscript being sent to Paris: ) 11-16-61 Satprem, my dear child, You were scheduled for the 21st and the Italian 'delegate' for the 23rd. I have switched it around, so on the 23rd you take the place of this lady, whom I will now see on the 21st. ...


... experience. Isn't it interesting? I have to put it into the form of an experience—there's no other way for it to be. But keep it as impersonal as possible! Do you need this thing [Mother's note to Satprem]? Here, take your piece of paper—it's nothing but an intellectual notation. ( Later, as Mother is leaving ) If we continue along this path, we will surely be able to do some worthwhile work... In December 1958. × This is part of the lost treasures, never noted down, because at the time Satprem was not aware that the experiences Mother was relating to him were already part of the Agenda . × ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1962 February 13, 1962 ( After listening to Satprem read several Playground Talks to be published in the Ashram Bulletin:) [From 1951 to 1958, Mother gave regular talks at the Ashram Playground. These talks were later published under the title Questions and Answers .] It's easy reading, it won't... only one possible choice! × In fact, in the Agenda conversations of 1958 and '59 (never noted by Satprem because he believed them too "personal"), Mother mentioned this as one of the main reasons for encouraging his tantric discipline. He even set out for the Himalayas, like a knight of yore, with the ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 December 25, 1960 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, December 25, 1960 Sweet Mother, I want to tell you that X completely changed my japa this morning. Instead of ten hours a day, I now have only about half an hour to do three times a day! He told me that 'everything' is in this new japa. And I want... tell you how grateful I am. You think of us even in the smallest human details—grateful is not even the word. Simply, may I serve you better, may I better give of myself. With love. Signed : Satprem ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 December 28, 1958 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Rameswaram, December 28, 1958 Sweet Mother, One sentence in your letter prompted much reflection; you write that X's action might 'be useful here, too.' After hesitating, I told Swami of the magic attack aimed directly against you. If you wish, two things can be done... foreseen, which doubtlessly corresponds to dosages that exceed my understanding. Mother, I am fighting beside you, for you, for your Victory. With all my Love, I am at your feet. Signed : Satprem It seems to me that everything has changed since I have understood that it is not a personal battle, and that I can serve. Your grace is everywhere, everywhere. ( Mother's reply ) Sri ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 January 21, 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Rameswaram, January 21, 1959 Sweet Mother, Here is what X told me: 'I have received a message from my guru. 1 In my vision, the Mother was there, next to my guru, and she was smiling. My guru told me that your present difficulties are a period of testing, but I could... money you are sending me. Sweet Mother, may my entire life be at your service, may my entire being belong to you. I owe you everything. With love and gratitude, I am your child. Signed : Satprem Sweet Mother, do not waste time writing to me; you have so many things to do and I feel a little awkward disturbing you so often. Page 273 ( Mother's reply ) Sri Aurobindo Ashram ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 March (?) 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry Sweet Mother, X has just left my house. He began by saying that he had your permission to speak to me about certain things concerning the black forces that attacked you. I asked him why he did not speak to you directly, because surely you would understand better... my consciousness all these very petty and ugly little things, and that I may always come to you with a wider heart, more capable of seeing you and of loving you better. Your child, Signed : Satprem × X's words are given in their original English when they appear in italics. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 March 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry Sweet Mother, Just now I have left X; he sent me away from his house a few minutes after my arrival: 'I do not like you to stay here NOW.' And he added, 'There is hard work.' He was doing a japa 1 when I arrived at 5 o'clock. X seems tired, and the child—who... upon you and your wish (I very clearly perceived from all this that X was speaking as a member of the Ashram who wants to do his best to defend and protect it.) Your child, with love. Signed : Satprem ( Mother's reply ) Undated It is likely that X came to grips with the Titan who has been after this body since its birth and who attacks and tries to possess all those who draw near me ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 April 13, 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, April 13, 1959 Sweet Mother Here is the outline for the book on Sri Aurobindo for the Éditions du Seuil . 1 It is a rough sketch, and in the actual process of writing, the proposed sequence may change according to the inner necessity, but these are... are the themes to be developed. So now T would like to know what you feel and if you see anything to be changed, added or deleted. Your child, with love. Signed : Satprem × A French publishing house that had asked for a book on Sri Aurobindo to be included in their collection, 'Spiritual Masters.' ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 April 23, 1959 ( Letter from Mother to Satprem ) 23.4.59, 7 p.m. Satprem, my dear child, I hope you wrote to X that it is agreed, that we expect him with his family early in the morning of the 30th, and that I am looking forward to our daily morning meditation during his stay. Do tell him that all is well, that we ...


... End March (?) 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry Sweet Mother, Your letter this morning touched me. I keep repeating now, several times a day, that it is an enemy, the enemy. I am your child, Sweet Mother, and I want this crisis to be THE LAST. With love. Signed : Satprem ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 August 16, 1960 ( Letter from Mother to Satprem regarding the first copy of his first book, L'Orpailleur ) 16.8.60 Satprem A very beautiful book,   a great success     forerunner   opening the way     to other books  more beautiful still. Signed : Mother Page 408 ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 June 7, 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Rameswaram, June 7, 1959 Sweet Mother, I thought certain details from my conversations with X might interest you: 1) X spoke to me of the Vedic times when a single 'emperor' or sage ruled the entire world with the help of 'governors'; then these governors gradually became... forbidden to me. So I can do nothing, not on any plane, and I have no hope in anything. Forgive me, I do not wish to pain you, but neither can I pretend any longer to be happy with my lot. Signed : Satprem Page 314 ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 June 13, 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Rameswaram, June 13, 1959 Sweet Mother, I have received your last two letters of the 10th and 11th. I told X what you wrote about this trip to France and that your finances are in an 'almost desperate' state. He replied with perfect Page 318 assurance, 'Soon... turn since X revealed certain things to me, but I prefer to say nothing. I dare not say anything since I know from experience that all this is as unstable as dynamite. Your child, Signed : Satprem Page 319 × Lele : the tantric guru whom Sri Aurobindo met in 1908 and who gave him mental silence and Nirvana ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 June 11, 1959 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Rameswaram, June 11, 1959 Sweet Mother As of yesterday evening I am a man delivered. It took only a very little word from X, and suddenly a weight seemed to have been lifted from me, and I knew at last that I would be fulfilled. All this is still so new, so improbable... will turn out nor how this destiny that he predicts for me can be realized, but I want to repeat to you, with all my confidence: I am your child, may your will be done now and forever. Signed : Satprem P.S. X is also to give me certain details for you about the forthcoming war. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 June 13, 1959 ( Letter from Mother to Satprem ) 13.6.59 Satprem, my dear child, I repeat to you simply what I said to Sujata this morning: You are both my dear children, I love you and bless you. Signed : Mother ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1961 May 23, 1961 ( Satprem inquires about Mother's health. ) It's obviously a type of filariasis which obstinately refuses to go away, but anyway.... It causes only one inconvenience now: it makes the legs very weak—very weak. I go through what seem like terrible gymnastics to climb the stairs. Other than that it doesn't Page 212... Questions and Answers ] seem quite childish to me, quite childish—irrelevant chatter. You are outside the garden talking about what is within. It would be best to delete the whole thing. ( In vain, Satprem protests, complaining that Mother always wants to delete everything. ) Page 213 After working, as she is about to leave, Mother remarks: The atmosphere has lifted slightly. Have ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 March 3, 1957 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) 3.3.57 I name you Satprem (true love) for it is only when you awaken to divine love that you will feel that you love. Signed : Mother ...


... August 29, 1958 ( Note written by Mother after an experience She had during a playground meditation when Swami J.J. was present. It was this swami with whom Satprem journeyed in the Himalayas to receive tantric initiation. ) [Satprem would later part company with this Swami and follow a thorough tantric discipline with another guru who will henceforth be called X in the Agenda .] The mantra ...


... will know. For me, at the moment, your dream does not correspond to a precise fact. So good-bye, mon petit. ( Mother gets up to leave when suddenly, turning upon the threshold, She looks at Satprem with her eyes like diamonds and, in a tone of voice he has never heard before, as if it were a Command from above, says: ) In any case, one thing: never forget that what we have to do, we shall... mind, life and body.' Cent. Ed., XXII, p. 354 × Three years earlier, in 1958, Mother had told Satprem that February and March were 'bad months,' and she had spoken of cyclical movements in Nature like those in the individual consciousness, with alternating periods of difficulty and progress. ...


... April 27, 1968 Do you have news of P.L.? I heard he's ill. Yes, not a good letter.... I have two things: one letter from P.L. and one about him. Here is P.L.'s [Satprem reads a letter in which P. L. writes that he fell ill as soon as he came back to the Vatican, that he could not see the Pope, is in despair, incapable, etc.]. He doesn't have the strength. That's... other letter? It's a letter from Monsignor R., a friend of P.L. He is a billionaire, and it's P. L., in fact, who manages this Monsignor's billions. He wrote to J. [P.L.'s friend], saying this [Satprem reads a letter in which Msgr. R. asks J. to give P.L. urgent help by receiving him in her Pondicherry home and looking after him, as the case is very serious and P.L. is going through a "psychological ...


... wreak as much havoc as I can." Childishness. Soon afterwards I told you I was in constant touch with the teachers. A "conference" is going on, and here ( Mother holds out a paper to Satprem ), there is an interesting point: "Your difficulty comes from the fact that you have still the old belief that in life, there are some things high and some things low. It is not exact. It is not... nations, all individualities, without preferences or distinctions, wherever there is a spark of consciousness capable of receiving and manifesting It." (July 29, 1967) ( Mother reads Satprem a quotation from Sri Aurobindo: ) "To be perpetually reborn is the condition of material immortality." Sri Aurobindo That's excellent. A little later, following a meditation: ...


... that somewhere, which started as a colony, I forget which. 1 Soon afterwards This morning, at 4: 30 when I got up, I remember I thought, "Well, here is something interesting to tell Satprem." And now it's all gone!... Page 194 ( Mother goes into a long meditation lasting almost the duration of the interview ) It could go on indefinitely!... But now I remember what it... how to do it. A demonstration. But it can't be explained. And it began again just now, but instead of being me alone, it was what I might call a collective demonstration ( gesture between Mother and Satprem ), I mean it had to do more particularly with you. It's like things being put in order, in a certain very subtle way which isn't easy to express. There you are. But it's clearly an endless ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1968 July 17, 1968 ( Mother is running a temperature, breathing with difficulty and coughing. She hasn't eaten anything. She receives Satprem lying on her couch. ) It's the same thing going on.... Do you have news? I have news of P.L. and of Msgr. R.... But won't it tire you? No, no! It doesn't tire me. There's a letter... Then I have new questions from T.F.'s class.... The children have a very small thought, very small. ( Mother sends for the letter ) It's not very exciting, but anyway! ( Mother laughs, and Satprem reads ) "Is the will to progress sufficient to prevent the deterioration that stems from time? How can the physical being prevent this deterioration?" That's just what the body's tran ...


... Mother shows Satprem a letter that has been opened and sealed again. ) There was this Black who was here, he sent me a letter from America: the police opened it.... ( Laughing ) They wondered if it contained explosives (!)... or God knows what else. See, they resealed it. I hope he hasn't written anything compromising! Look at all this mail! ( Mother holds out to Satprem a stack of letters ...


... ( As Satprem goes upstairs to see Mother, he meets the doctor coming downstairs, who informs him that Mother has chest pain and her heart is in poor condition. Mother is sitting on her couch, very pale. ) We have to do the translation of the message for the 15th of August. Page 221 I chose this ( Mother holds out a paper to Satprem ): "One needs to have a ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1968 July 24, 1968 ( Satprem had written to Mother that he still had a fever. ) What's that! But I am better. Ah! Yesterday afternoon, it left all of a sudden. I wrote to you the day before yesterday, then the fever went on, even rose higher... But mon petit, I didn't know you had written, I knew it yesterday evening... evening. Well, yesterday afternoon, all of a sudden, even abruptly, in one second, I said, "But the fever's gone!..." That's odd! ( Mother gives Satprem a mock slap for his impertinent "That's odd" ) No, I said, "That's odd," because it's strange after all: I was working, and it happened all of a sudden, I said to myself, "It's gone!" I don't know why. What surprises me is the abruptness of the ...


... am not fishing for compliments; I sincerely say that it's a bore, no?... (Nolini:) No! They will say, "Mother is beginning to drivel." ( Nolini laughs and goes out ) What's new? ( Satprem remains silent, contemplating Nolini's "very nice" ) This Consciousness has a fantastic imagination!... It makes me see all kinds of fantastic possibilities regarding what will happen in the future... It comes like a shower! It's strange. ( silence ) Nothing to say? Do you have any news? Wouldn't you rather have something else to say? Nothing. There's a line from my mother. [Satprem reads a letter relating his mother's sudden cure after a cancer had been feared: "My condition suddenly became normal again, and I didn't doubt Mother's intervention...."] It's good.... ( long ...


... interesting. There are marvels in Nature. And see this small red dot.... (Sujata:) Yes, Mother, it's like a small flower of immortality. I'll give you one, but you must keep it carefully.... (Satprem:) Basically, it's the water of life that makes things rot. Yes, it's water that rots things. Edelweiss doesn't die; I had one which was intact after ten years. When things are dehydrated, they... this ( gesture of caressing the flower all around ), without touching it ... and it opens! And people say it's not conscious! ( The rest of the time is spent in meditation. Towards the end, Satprem feels a little guilty that he hasn't made Mother speak: ) I rarely ask you questions because I don't make my mind work too much. But you know I see more and more how horrible the mind's action ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1967 October 7, 1967 ( Satprem describes his meeting with the monk. ) ... But he talked with Pavitra, it seems he is interested in the quest for the "inner divine," that's what he wants to find. He said, "The divinization of the earth is all and well ..." ( Mother laughs ) but what interests him is the discovery of the inner divine.... obviously it's a kind of ambition. But it stems from something sincere. Yes, a good intention. Well, it's all right, we'll see what happens. ( Mother continues the conversation and holds out to Satprem a peculiar rose, which in a few petals seemed to want to be red, then turned pale yellow. ) Page 321 It looks as if it doesn't know its own mind!... Just like people: they want to do ...


... aspirin once in a while. But she isn't taking anything. You must go and rest, mon petit. ( To Sujata: ) And you're going to bed! (Sujata) After two days in bed, I get tired of the bed! (Satprem) But I have trust—entirely. Naturally! But still, it mustn't last, we've had enough, haven't we? Page 259 Something feels like getting very angry, but I dare not—the body dare not.... This was going to last for months. × Before going to sleep, Satprem saw all kinds of suggestions pass by, in particular one showing Sujata thrown down into a water tank that is being dug in the garden. A few hours later, Sujata was thrown down very near the water tank ...


... × This is in fact incorrect. Satprem remembers occasions when, while playing in his room as a child, he saw his body quietly asleep in bed—only to rush back into it. × Mother had once told Satprem that he was in a kind of "white cube." ...


... random, I want to see if you find something interesting—concentrate a moment and open the book, I'll read it to you. Just put your finger.... Do you want a blade? ( Mother gives Satprem a letter opener ) ( Satprem concentrates and opens the book ) Oh! In the passion of its solitary dream It lay [the heart of the King] like a closed soundless oratory Where sleeps a consecrated argent ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1963 April 16, 1963 ( Satprem did not keep note of the beginning of this conversation or of the "personal" questions and the circumstances that led to the situation. It seems that X had invited Satprem to his place, in spite of their break, and wanted to continue with him the Tantric sadhana. ) From a deeper standpoint, what connection ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1964 March 29, 1964 ( Note from Mother to Satprem ) March 29, 1964 Satprem, my dear child, People are raining like locusts! On Tuesday, I have to see four of them before you. I will try to rush it, but I am telling you so that you take your time and don't hurry. With tenderness and blessings Signed : Mother ( Two ...


... July 3, 1963 ( This conversation took place a few days after the new Pope, Paul VI, was enthroned. Mother had asked Satprem to erase the recording, except for a few fragments, but he thought it fit to retain at least its integral transcription. ) Here, your flowers [roses]. A magnificent color.... Then I have another... of the Pope ( Mother shows "Time" magazine ). It seems it's the photo he chose himself for the press, to announce his election. It's better than the last one. ( Mother hands the photo to Satprem ) So, what do you have to say? You should be the one to say! I have to say. I have to say that I know this man. I have met him several times. I don't know whether he is conscious, I mean ...


... He tells me the real reasons for their refusal of my manuscript "Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness." Oh, really! It's interesting. If you want me to read it to you... ( Satprem reads ) ... "I had already told you about my misgivings. 1 As to the Page 287 motives for the decision, it always boils down to the same point: a sincere (though ambiguous) will... even true, for as soon as a little something stirs within ( gesture at the heart center ), they plunge back into their Catholicism. Anyway... ( There follows a discussion between Mother and Satprem to decide whether Mother's comment on the last aphorism, on renunciation, should be published in the "Bulletin" in full or only in excerpts. At first Mother finds it too "personal." This raises the ...


... laughs ) Marvelous. And it was written in '45, that is to say during the war—the war hadn't ended yet. It was the end. 1 Page 235 I intend to distribute this for August 15. (Satprem, in English:) Is it still hanging? ( Mother laughs and does not reply ) There are two other letters: To bring the Divine Love and Beauty and Ananda into the world is, indeed, the whole... one thing needed—important, very important: to keep the body in good health, in a sort of balance. We must keep our balance. Very important. The rest doesn't matter! ( Mother laughs and so does Satprem ) × May 7, 1945, in Europe and August 15 in Japan. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1963 August 13, 1963 ( Regarding an old "Playground Talk" of 1950 and noted from memory by a disciple, which Mother asks Satprem to scrap. The subject was Nirvana, which one was to reach—or so the notation said—by withdrawing all one's energies into the psychic being or soul. ) None of that is true! In the first place, we should say... ion, not to Nirvana. All that is fit for the wastepaper basket! 1 × It may be mentioned that at the time, Satprem had undertaken the systematic publication of the older Questions and Answers (Mother's talks at the Ashram Playground), which is why they will come up now and then in the Agenda . ...


... work miracles! They deliberately hadn't understood. So, naturally, they're furious. But it may be better not to insist outwardly by publishing this. 1 It will come in its own time. ( As Satprem reads back to Mother the last conversation, she stops him at the following passage: "It was a splendor! As if all of a sudden the physical world had become a solar world, splendid and radiant, and... peaceful tranquillity that no longer feels, no longer has the sense of a constant uncertainty—that's finished. × Satprem had suggested that some extracts from the last conversation be published in the Bulletin . ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1965 July 3, 1965 After Satprem has read out the last "Comments on the Aphorisms" 1 : It was so boring that I felt sick. ( Satprem protests ) Anyway, it doesn't matter. For me it's very different: things always appear old to me, they seem to belong to a faraway past. Especially these last few days.... This cold, for instance ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1965 February 4, 1965 ( From Mother to Satprem in hospital ) February 4, '65 Satprem, mon cher petit, Your mind is still too critical, too anxious for traditional or classical accuracy. That is why you haven't received the mantra. Page 23 But do not worry, I will give it to you orally when you are back. In the meantime ...


... January 31, 1965 ( From Mother to Sujata ) Sujata, my dear child, I am with you always and with Satprem too. You must both be calm and trusting, all will be well. With all my tenderness Signed : Mother Learn, Satprem and you, to feel CONCRETELY my presence in your hearts. This is a wonderful opportunity to make this progress. ...


... Agenda 1965 October 20, 1965 ( Satprem had sent Mother a letter complaining about his lack of experiences, in particular the fact that he never saw Sri Aurobindo, except once eleven years earlier, and that in addition Mother told him she saw him only rarely. In the end Satprem wrote, "I wonder what I am doing here?" ) I am not going to eat you, don't ...


... certain ways of being in life that he found hard to accept, or perhaps his own incapacity to tolerate life in the world as is it and his tendency to dart off to the heights—unless it was the abyss. Satprem then asked Mother if he should not start writing a new book, "The Sannyasin," in which he would attempt to exorcize a certain refusal of life as it is. ) Tell me, why do you feel sad? Because... means the time that will have to be taken to write the book. × That will be eight years later, when Satprem will write his "trilogy" on Mother. × The first form of The Sannyasin , which was to be a sort of ...


... 18, 1965 ( Regarding the Indo-Pakistani conflict: ) I have all kinds of things to show you... because I have been made to say some things—I am always made to say things! ( Mother gives Satprem a hibiscus flower called "Grace" ) It's the season for graces. Do you know this text from Sri Aurobindo? ( Mother holds out a note ) "...The fight in which we are engaged is not like the... they walked across. People who are conscious that death isn't the end, that death is the beginning of something else, it gives them a strength that these Europeans cannot have. ( just before Satprem leaves ) Clearly, circumstances are arranged to help us move on. × Interestingly, Mother had at first written ...


... [Mother's message] has been heard—heard and accepted in Delhi. Now, of course, there is the question of strength: will they be strong enough to... But the point is established. Page 251 (Satprem, in disbelief) It has entered their heads? Not all of them. It's enough if they are two or three—there are more of them than that. × ... × In inner contact with this organization. × Satprem means: luckily, because if Pakistan behaved and didn't force India to fight, the partition might last a long time. ...


... × Mother asked Satprem to alter the following passage in which she was first referring to the Ashram. It is interesting to note what she saw for the Ashram, interesting too to note that she asked Satprem to cut and alter this passage, the original version of which we are giving here: "For a group such as the ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1966 May 22, 1966 ( Satprem chances on notes of Mother's in a pile of files. ) ( Laughing ) They are everywhere! Here, there, everywhere.... Once, Sri Aurobindo (I think it was in 1920) said to me one day, "Oh, they have put my room in order, I can't find anything anymore!" For their part, they said he... Page 116 things simpler." But after a year, I had three thousand rupees of his money, coming from books, from here and there! I told him ( laughing ), "See, it has borne fruit!" ( Then Satprem reads to Mother a fairly long text, and ends up completely exhausted. ) Are you tired? It's as if all the vital force were going away. ( long, refreshing concentration ) You must go rest ...


... was listening like a little child. You're going to walk, I Page 458 had to tell it, you're going to walk like this. And it started walking!... It was funny. ( Mother hands a box to Satprem ) F. and R. have come and she brought me some candied chestnuts from Paris.... Oh, these are delicious.... Did you find any difference in people's atmosphere? They were slightly more aware... difference: it's seen, it's known. But for this special thing in the body, I am not consulted. I was really amused. Well now, have you brought your book? Read. Page 461 After Satprem has read from his manuscript: It's very good, very good, excellent. It's just the impression I have now: what's happening is something that has never happened before, and consequently, NOBODY ...


... doesn't matter. Is it the end of the chapter? Oh, no, just another part. What is it on? The transformation? You've finished the "transformation"—no? The transformation isn't finished! ( Satprem reads a passage from his manuscript dealing with the Ashram's "bright period" in 1926, when Mother had made an overmental creation and the gods were beginning to manifest. ) In the end, Sri Aurobindo... This is the beginning of a phenomenon that will become quite acute over the years, as if an increasingly inexorable force were trying to swallow up Mother's conversations with Satprem—the story of the transformation, in other words—in favor of small parochial doings. ...


... illness. It may be noted that since his operation—for a complicated peritonitis—Satprem has been a victim of violent bouts of fever with fainting spells, as if the heart were giving way. Yet he walks about and Page 19 goes on with his work. This Agenda will again be interrupted for more than a month, Satprem having to be taken to the Vellore hospital, 120 miles from Pondicherry.) .. ...


... necessary capacity to reconstitute the physical body. This great yogic process has been described in thirteen volumes entitled "The Mother's Agenda", which consists of Mother's conversations with Satprem, one of her disciples, who had become her confidant. In 1968, Mother founded "Auroville", an international township, a few kilometers away from Pondicherry, as a "laboratory of new evolution."... Collected Works of the Mother (published by Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry). 13 volumes of Mother's Agenda (both in French and English, published by Institut de Rescherches Evolutives, Paris). Satprem: Mother or the Divine Materialism (1980). Mother or the New Species, 1982 Mother or the Mutation of Death, 1987. Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness (1984). On the Way ...

... contained in a document of more than six thousand pages, published in Thirteen Volumes. This is L'Agenda de Mere (Mother's Agenda), an account of her extraordinary exploration narrated by the Mother to Satprem covering a period of more than twenty years, during which the Mother slowly uncovered the 'Great Passage' to the next species by the supra mental transformation of the physical consciousness and fulfilled... necessary capacity to re-constitute the physical body. This great yogic process has been described in thirteen volumes entitled "Mother's Agenda", which consists of the Mother's conversations with Satprem, one of her disciples, who had become her confidant. In 1968, Mother founded "Auroville", an international township, a few kilometers away from Pondicherry, as a "laboratory of new evolution." ...

... evolution. From 1958 to 1973, she slowly uncovered the "Great Passage" to the next species and a new mode of life in matter, and narrated her extraordinary exploration to her closest confidant, Satprem. This tremendous document of six thousand pages in thirteen volumes is called Mother's Agenda. It is a document of experimental evolution, and goes to the heart of the question of our times. For... Answers. Pondicherry: Centenary Edn., 7 Volumes, 1977. Mother's Agenda. Paris: Institute for Evolutionary Research (13 Volumes). For distribution in India: Mira Aditi Centre, Mysore. Satprem. Mother. 3 Volumes: I The Divine Materialism, II The New Species, III The Mutation of Death. Paris: Institute for Evolutionary Research For distribution in India: Mira Aditi ...


... 6 'This was that, the work that Sri Aurobindo had given to me' And we come now to the decisive point which Mother has explained in her conversation with Satprem on l4th March 1970. 14.3.1970 .... And the action of this Consciousness... (how to say?) it is almost merciless in showing to what extent the whole mental construction is false—everything... Yes,—yes, that's it. That's it. That's it.¹ _______________________________ ¹ Mother’s Agenda, Vol. 11, 14.3.1970. Page 196 Mother reiterated during her conversation with Satprem on 29.4.1970 that the object to be accomplished was the change in the physical consciousness, that the change in the physical appearance was a secondary consequence, and that that would be the last ...

... world and of ourselves, and that there lie before us horizons of perfection, harmony and beauty, compared to which our most superb scientific discoveries are like the roughcasts of an apprentice. Satprem Pondicherry, January 27, 1970 I become what I see in myself. All that thought suggests to me, I can do; all that thought reveals in me, I can become. This should be man's unshakable faith in... the following description now has merely (and regretfully) an historical value. For more details concerning the Mother's own work in the body refer to Mother's Agenda (her own recorded account to Satprem from 1951 to 1973). × 375 Letters on Yoga, 23:847 ...

... Hardings papers, published as a letter in Mother India, September 1971, pp. 533-34 6. N. K. Gupta, Reminiscences, pp. 40-41 7. Purani, The Life, p. 132 8. Satprem, Sri Aurobindo or The Adventure of Consciousness, translated from the French by Tehmi (1968), pp. 26869 9. Ibid., p. 247 10. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 26, p. 37 Page... Mother India, December 1966, p. 48 90. Ibid., March 1966, p. 38 91. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 17, p. 117 92. Ibid. Chapter 19: Lights on Scripture 1. Satprem, Sri Aurobindo or The Adventure of Consciousness, p. 302 2. Sri Aurobindo Mandir Annual, No. 26 (1967), p. 43 3. Ibid. 4. Ibid., p. 53 5. Ibid. ...

... Further Lights: The Veda and the Tantra (1951); Lights on the Ancients (1954); Gospel of the Gita (1960); Lights on the Fundamentals (1950); The Way of Light (1963); Sadhana (1969) Satprem. Sri Aurobindo or The Adventure of Consciousness (1968) translated by Tehmi. Seetharaman, M. V. Studies in Sri Aurobindo's Dramatic Works Sen, Bowani. A Critique of Aurobindo's Philosophy... , Promode K. Whom God Protects (1969) Lidchi, Maggi. Earthman (1967) Roy, Dilip Kumar. The Upward Spiral (1949); Sri Chaitanya (1960); Mira in Brindavan (1961) Satprem. L'orpailleur("The Gold-Digger'), (1960) Yvonne. The Golden Journey (1960) Poetry Amrita. Visions and Voices (1929) Arjava. Poems (1939) Chinmoy. Chandelier ...

... East Pakistan, the Mother had sent a private message to the Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, that it was imperative that Bangladesh should be given official recognition. It was at about this time that Satprem wrote an essay entitled "Sri Aurobindo and Bangladesh", and copies in English and Hindi Page 808 were widely distributed. Was the eruption in East Bengal no more than a local affair? The... months of Bangladesh's travail in 1971, the opportunity was afforded again to intervene effectively, and India was not to flinch from the effort. Encouraged by the Mother during a conversation in May, Satprem wrote an article "Sri Aurobindo and Bangladesh" for publication. It declared: For the battle of India is the battle of the world. This is where the world's tragic destiny is brewing, or its last-minute ...


... inside yourself and you will know the answer. "Then she gave her a blessing packet which she should hold in her hand while doing so. * * * 15.3.72 It was already 10 o'clock and Satprem was waiting outside. I said 'Rien d'urgent' (nothing urgent) and got a quiet minute with Mother. 16.3.72 Krishna Aiyar's complaint regarding the hygienic conditions Page 137 ... It is an industrial unit and repayment can be made out of its earnings. Mother approved. * * * I mentioned to Mother the receipt of the typed copy of her conversation with Satprem on 30.3.72 for circulation in Auroville. She wanted me to read it out. Some portions were deleted. * * * Near Aspiration a new colony Fraternity is coming up. The people there who ...

... inside yourself and you will know the answer. "Then she gave her a blessing packet which she should hold in her hand while doing so. * * * 15.3.72 It was already 10 o'clock and Satprem was waiting outside. I said 'Rien d'urgent' (nothing urgent) and got a quiet minute with Mother. 16.3.72 Krishna Aiyar's complaint regarding the hygienic conditions Page 137 ... It is an industrial unit and repayment can be made out of its earnings. Mother approved. * * * I mentioned to Mother the receipt of the typed copy of her conversation with Satprem on 30.3.72 for circulation in Auroville. She wanted me to read it out. Some portions were deleted. * * * Near Aspiration a new colony Fraternity is coming up. The people there who ...

... knocks. At one time it began to happen too frequently, for several months on end. As a rule I did not care. But when my hands began to get bruised much too much, hampering even my typing work, then Satprem thought fit to intervene and told Mother. She drew a circle round my hands, and said, "We'll protect that ... like this." Mother then explained. "That too is a habit. It's nothing but habits: forces... representation of things that are in themselves eternal." It was intolerable to Mother to see physical suffering. "Physical suffering is to me like a child being beaten.... But then," Mother told Satprem one day, "when that true Compassion of Divine Love comes and you see all those things that look so horrible, so abnormal, so absurd, that great pain over all beings and even over things.... Then there ...

... does one come across such a highly cultivated and refined young lady. Not only did she devour libraries, or write articles —for the Cosmic Review or her 'reunions' —but she even wrote stories. When Satprem was writing By the Body of the Earth or the Sannyasin, Mother recalled, "These past few days, the memories of things I had written came back to me —what I had imagined at a particular time and written... presented himself in person. His name was Paul Antoine Richard, and he was born on 21 June 1874 at Marsillargues, southern France. "He had been a pastor at Lille, in France," Mother narrated to Satprem, "for perhaps ten years; he had practised his religion a lot, but dropped it all as soon as he began to study occultism. At first, for his pastoral examinations, he had had to specialize Page ...

... it and scolded it roundly. I told it, 'You shouldn't play such tricks on me!'" Mother often referred to a certain conference to which she had gone. She always remembered it when talking with Satprem about mantras or about the inherent power of some words. A mantra can consist of one single word or a string of words. It is a power, mantra-shakti. "A mantra given you by a guru has only... first seed-mantra of the Vedas. It is also said that the three letters represent the three Godheads: A = Vishnu, U = Maheshwar (or Shiva), M = Brahma. "Do you know what they say?" Mother said to Satprem. "That OM is the totality of the sounds of the creation perceived by the Supreme; He hears OM like a call to Him. It's magnificent as idea, as symbol . . ." Page 244 ...

... it.' "He told me. I did it." But she worked at it "day after day, day after day, for one year" to bridge that gap. It was the sole object worth living for. "You see," Mother said to Satprem, "Madame Theon had told me, and I knew what my mission on earth was, and all that —that's telling you —she told me, 'there's an undeveloped layer between this part and that part.' "So I was e... make a decision, I would simply stop for a second and receive the indication from there." * * * "The dates? I am no good at dates!" exclaimed Mother with her habitual frankness, when Satprem Page 317 asked her to situate this event. But she did recall a pointer. "The realization of the inner Divine, that's when I started writing my Meditations." Her meditations ...

... Mother's Chronicles - Book Six 26 Nandanam In the 1970s we, Satprem and I, lived for a few years in Nandanam. Nandan in Indian parlance means a heavenly garden where gods have a perfectly happy time. We not being gods did not have a 'perfectly' happy time. It was rather turbulent. 1 But no matter. The orchard was indeed a pleasure to... were stands of coconut palms, breeze or wind playing soft or loud music on their fronds. Big, old tamarind trees drew patterns of lace against the evening sky. Cashew bushes full of juicy fruits. Satprem told me that in Brazil they make a very fine spirit distilled from cashew apples. Let us not forget those mango groves. Mother had taken that property of about ten hectares on lease for eighteen ...

... what has appeared from you in the June issue. I have not written, I have only spoken, and it has been written down by others who were there. As the notes were a little dry, I have given them to Satprem with explanations, to complete them. I cannot dispose of them as they are. 26 June 1967 ...

... of its traffic of petty dreams shall rise. 9 The little being of time, Savitri, has crossed over her rightful eternity to find fulfilment of love in time. To borrow the famous phrase of Satprem,- she has embarked upon the adventure of consciousness, which would find its fruition in the as small a fraction of time as one year. Time and Existence Our being must move eternally ...

... 56 The Mother [ST] Sahaya (Helpful) Toshiko 8.1.57 The Mother [ST] Saphala (The successful) Shyamsundar's son 11.5.58 The Mother [ST] Saraswaty The Mother [ST] Satprem (The true love) Bernard 3.3.57 The Mother [ST] Saumitra Werner Blessings 22.10.58 The Mother [ST] Shantikama (Aspiring for peace) 8.2.60 The Mother [ST] Shantikar ...


... ss we say that he is not really committed to it. Does he take it seriously? The Mother herself was surprised when she was told corrections were being made in the works of Sri Aurobindo. She tells Satprem and André: “But, look here, this is incredible! On the pretext that I can't see to this myself, they don't even show me!! They make corrections without telling me!” She goes further and says: “They ...


... are indebted to Dr. Gobindo Gopal Mukhopadhyay for his constant encouragement, valuable suggestions and for explaining difficult Bengali and Sanskrit phrases in this invaluable collection. Revered Satprem and his team at Mira Aditi played a pivotal role in all aspects of this publication. We would like to make a special mention ofSujatadidi and her long association with Dadaji since her childhood. We ...

... boot, an omnivorous reader (including Agatha Christie and P.G. Wodehouse!). Many of Sri Aurobindo's letters to Dilip da have been published, though partially, often subject-wise. It was Satprem who mooted the idea of publishing them in their entirety. Often enough he told me that Dilipda's Sri Aurobindo Came to Me was the best book he read on Sri Aurobindo. So I was very happy when the ...

... Mukho-padhyaya's guidance, inspiration and encouragement are invaluable. We are grateful to him. We also gratefully acknowledge the dedicated work of "Mira Aditi" team under the guidance of Revered Satprem and Sujata Didi. We offer our humble pranams to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Dadaji Sri Dilip Kumar Roy and Ma Indira Devi. We seek their blessings for our journey of the Spirit. Dol ...

... Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III A Few Words On 9th April and 4th May 2007, within a gap of one month, Revered Satprem, the heart and soul of "Mira Aditi", and his spiritual companion. Respected Sujata Nahar, left their mortal bodies. Their sudden withdrawal from the physical world came as a shock to all of us who were close to them and were ...

... there for the last time to watch the gymnastics. On 9 December she fell gravely ill. The situation was very serious. ‘I have stopped everything, the attack on my body was too severe,’ she wrote to Satprem. That attack came from a mighty Titan, chosen by the Lord of Falsehood; this Titan, ‘whose aim is this body,’ had been born together with her — her shadow, as it were — to make life difficult for ...


... × Glimpses of the Mother’s Life I , p. 78. × Satprem, Mère I (Indian edition), p. 204. × Sujata Nahar, The Mother’s Chronicles I, p. 145. ...

... work, or to do necessary things, or to bring food or letters, etc. (dealt by me, not by the Mother!) but the ____________________ 1. This refers to Mother's illness, which she recounted to Satprem in Mother's Agenda, vol. 5, August 14, 1964: "... I remember (Sri Aurobindo was here), I caught a sort of fever like influenza from contact with the workers, one of those fevers that take hold ...

... Huta, I am very touched by your friendly gesture and affectionate thought. Indeed, it is the time that those who work truly for Her are closely united in Her Love. Merci Fraternally Satprem ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Then a letter dated 2.7.74 came from M. André: Dear Huta, Thanks for your note of yesterday. Satprem has given me to read the talks he had with the Mother on the Matrimandir. They relate to the inside but say practically nothing of the surroundings and even of the external shape. I shall soon see Shyamsunder. With love ...


... "Selvam Villa", No. 5 Nehru Street on Friday, 6th May at 9 p.m., to exchange views and help in clearing all doubts which have risen in the minds of many. Guru Prasad To, Huta, K.D. Sethna, Satprem, Udar, Nata, Piero, Shyamsunder, Madanlal, Gloria, Toine, Ruud, Francois, Patrizia, Amita, Robi Gangulee, William Netter, Mona, Manoj Dasgupta, Peter Steiger, Barbara. ...


... of ascetics and pilgrims go to bathe in the Ganges. × Kumkum : a red powder used in ceremonies. Satprem used to wear a red triangle between his eyebrows. ...


... 1962 ( It is extremely unfortunate that the beginning of this conversation, which would have thrown a clear light on what follows, was not kept. As far as Satprem remembers, the subject was his sleep. It seems Mother was saying that while his "strolls by the sea" took place during sleep and by passing into another state, for her—and this is where the notes ...


... another brief remark: ) They're really smacking their lips over their ahimsa 1 —it's disgusting! ADDENDUM ( Short extract from the passage in The Adventure of Consciousness that Satprem just read to Mother: ) ...In the middle of the First World War, Sri Aurobindo noted with prophetic force: The defeat of Germany... could not of itself kill the spirit then incarnate in Germany; ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 September 15, 1955 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, September 15, 1955 Mother ... suddenly everything seems to have crystallized—all the little revolts, the little tensions, the ill will and petty vital demands—forming a single block of open, determined resistance. I have become conscious that from the beginning ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 March 26, 1955 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, March 26, 1955 Mother, once more I come to ask you for Mahakali's 1 intervention. After a period when everything seemed much better, I again awake to impossible mornings when I live badly, very badly, far from you, incapable of calling you and, what's more ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 September 3, 1955 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, September 3, 1955 Mother, it seems that for weeks I have been knocking against myself at every turn, as though I were in a prison, and I cannot get out of it. Mother, I need your Space, your Light, to get out of this walled-in night that is suffocating me. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1961 June 6, 1961 ( Mother arrives looking weary. Satprem asks if she is tired. ) No.... I had finished reading the Veda and wanted to take up The Life Divine , but as I had never read On Himself , 1 I chose it instead. I read the first chapter dealing with his life in England and to me it all seemed ...


... getting out of it—I don't get 'out' of it, to tell the truth; it's not like a trance you have to pull out of, it's not that. This state seems quite natural to me: I hear the clock chime. ( Satprem remarks on the gap between the inner realization of certain yogis like X and their outer behavior, which doesn't always seem up to the mark. ) I truly have the impression of a kind of abyss between ...


... × See conversation of January 12, 1962 × When Satprem published extracts from this conversation in the Ashram Bulletin of April 1962, Mother had this passage modified (over his protests). Instead of "Do not try to be virtuous," she put "Do not try to ...


... November 12, 1961 ( Mother improvises on the harmonium to 'say' something, or perhaps to calm Satprem's nerves, then continues: ) Sri Aurobindo was telling me, 'Satprem has a headache and is tired because he's trying to do an unnecessary work.' Page 385 No, it's not me, I didn't think that myself, but it came to me several times. So I wondered if inspiration ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 April 24, 1960 ( Letter from Mother to Satprem ) ...It is to make you understand that whenever you are ill, something is ill in your being. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1961 July 26, 1961 ( Satprem reads several passages from the July 15th conversation where Mother says that Sri Aurobindo left before saying what he had been doing, and that it was a path through a virgin forest: 'Eyes blindfolded, knowing nothing, one plods on....' ) It's still true. When shall we see the end? In a hundred years ...


... action is endowed with a self-perpetuating dynamism). × A temple-island in southern India where Satprem became a sannyasi. ...


... mind that fabricates the details of everyday life; it's like being cramped into a narrow prison. Page 132 × Satprem later asked if this 'on earth' wasn't superfluous and Mother replied: 'This precision is not superfluous; I said "on earth" meaning that man does not belong only to the earth: in his essence, man is ...


... upstairs, that's the problem. Page 114 But Mother, the earlier you come down, the more of your time they'll take! Anyway.... I have brought you a whole discourse! ( Mother gives Satprem some flowers ) First, the goal of the Vedas: Immortality. 1 That was their goal: the Truth that led to Immortality. Immortality was their ambition. I don't think it was physical immortality—but ...


... brought some improvement; it's like being able to shift position, you know, so that now it's a bit better. Anyway.... ( Then Mother listens to a reading from the 1960 'Agenda.' At the end, Satprem remarks, as though to excuse himself for noting some apparently irrelevant details. ) All these things are interwoven, you see—each time, you seem to be adding a touch. Even a detail that doesn't ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 Undated 1957 The following conversation was noted from memory. At this time the conversations were not yet tape-recorded, and Satprem, alas, felt it proper to eliminate all personal issues so that only the 'teaching' would remain. The 'serious decision' in question concerns leaving the Ashram. When a serious decision has to be ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 October 28, 1956 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, October 28, 1956 Sweet Mother, my birthday is the day after tomorrow, the 30th. I come to place my inner situation before you so that you may help me take a decision. I am facing the same difficulties as before my departure to Hyderabad, and I have made the ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 December 26, 1956 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, December 26, 1956 Mother, perhaps it would be good if I told you what is happening within me, as sincerely as I can: Page 94 I feel that this Truth of my being, this self most intensely felt, is independent from any form or institution. As far back ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 January 18, 1957 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, January 18, 1957 Sweet Mother, The conflict that is tearing me apart is between this shadowy part of a past that does not want to die, and the new light. I wonder if, rather than escaping to some desert, it would not be wiser to resolve this conflict by objectify ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 September 14, 1956 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Hyderabad, September 14, 1956 Sweet Mother, Scarcely has a moment gone by since I left that I have not thought of you, but I wanted to wait for things to be clear and settled in me before writing, for you obviously have other things to do than listen to platonic de ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 October 1955 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Bangalore, October 1955 Sweet Mother, during the three days since I left the Ashram, I have never ceased feeling your Presence deep within me like the one thing essential, the only thing solid in the midst of all these hazy appearances. As I entered more and more into this outer ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 October (?) 1955 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry, October 1955 Mother, after seeing you, I received a letter from my Bangalore friends. They have just bought an old Mogul residence and gardens in Hyderabad that used to belong to the Nizam ... They suggest that their new property would be an enchanting setting ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 Undated 1956 ( Letter to Mother from Satprem ) Pondicherry Sweet Mother, here is what has been happening in me almost every evening: I am literally like a bundle of compressed force that somehow can neither explode nor settle down and dissolve. The heaviness in my chest is such that I breathe with difficulty, as though all ...


... Vedic hymns translated by Sri Aurobindo cf. On the Veda , Cent. Ed., X.241 , ff. × Once again, Satprem was doing seven hours of japa daily. × In the equations of Einstein's Theory of Relativity, quantities ...


... January 7, 1961 I came down at 9:30 sharp, thinking half an hour would be enough to cross the corridor and get here. Apparently not! ( Mother gives Satprem a rose. ) This is the Tenderness of the Divine for... for himself! The tenderness He has for his creation. 'Creation'... I don't like that word, as if it all were created from nothing! It is He himself ...


... The balcony darshans are interesting. Well, do it... according to your inner moods. At what time? I do my japa in the morning, at noon, and in the evening. ( Then Mother listens to Satprem read the Playground Talk of March 28, 1956 , in which a child asks: "How can understanding be increased?" Mother had replied: "By increasing consciousness, by going beyond the mind, by enlarging one's ...


... gesture ) locked it away in a cupboard. We'll see. It's better left unsaid. I once knew what he meant—right now I don't remember. 1 After the work, concerning a note written by Satprem: I don't want to tire your eyes with my abominable handwriting. I can easily read your handwriting. There's a big difference between people who think about what they write and those who ...


... those matters are not to be touched, they drive you crazy! Later, the memories came back. ( Towards the end of the conversation, Mother asks for the next aphorism for the "Bulletin" and if Satprem has any questions. ) I'd like to ask you a question on death. Ohhh!... All that I thought I knew now seems to me completely superficial, and I have almost... laid my finger on something ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1963 August 31, 1963 ( Mother looks at Satprem for a long time ) I saw a new thing in front of you. Page 292 You were in a sort of golden light, rather solid, and then from here ( the throat ) down to here ( the solar plexus ), there were all the Tantric colors, you know, all the shades. I ...


... what the atmosphere is over there. You must wrap yourself in a shell. Voilà, mon petit.... × A little earlier, Satprem had complained about some physical disorganization, which Mother had attributed to the work of transformation. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1964 May 2, 1964 ( From Satprem to Sujata ) St-Pierre I am in silence, gazing at the sea. In fact, I am not in Brittany, not in St-Pierre, not in France, I am in Air-India's waiting room, waiting for July 18.... I am neither happy nor unhappy—I am nothing, I am as if anesthetized, counting hours and days in my waiting room. During ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1964 April 19, 1964 ( From Satprem to Sujata ) Paris ...People are miserable in the midst of their wealth, their faces are hard and closed, they are harassed.... There are fine beings, but all their energy is devoured by this devouring life—I will never come back here, I don't belong here, I've never belonged here! The best of their ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1964 May 15, 1964 ( From Satprem to Sujata ) St-Pierre I have become as brown as an Indian—that's just like me, I do the contrary of the country I am in: Breton among the Indians, Indian among the Bretons. Basically, I'm forming a new race, the Bretondians—what do you say? S. Page 117 ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1964 April 29, 1964 ( From Satprem to Sujata ) Paris I have obtained from the embassy my return visa and I am quite relieved, because I was terribly anxious that this visa might be refused—it's silly, but I waited for this visa with a horrible fear. S. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1965 March 3, 1965 Have you brought something? There's a beautiful aphorism. ( Satprem reads: ) 109—All things seem hard to man that are above his attained level and they are hard to his unaided effort; but they become at once easy and simple when God in man takes up the contract. It's ...


... they do, from their business to their daughter's marriage. I don't answer anymore, I say: "It's not my business." "Oh! How can that be?" "Consult the inner Guide." ( Mother laughs ) Satprem prepares to leave: Is your health all right? The nights are better, aren't they? Yes, since you started making that cocoon, I haven't been troubled anymore. But if you gave me a little con ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1965 October 10, 1965 And your nights? ( Satprem looks deeply disgusted ) Oh, there's a whole work going on at night. Oh!... The whole petty subconscious working of habits, with all the gradations of the importance it assumes in the general consciousness, and, very interestingly, according to the ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1966 April 30, 1966 ( Regarding very generous disciples who send soup packets to Mother, who in turn gives them to Satprem: ) They are two old ladies, of German origin, but Jewish. In Germany, they still aren't kind at all; Hitler's influence has been disastrous, the Jews are still treated with contempt—it's disgusting, utterly disgusting ...


... January Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 January 13, 1973 ( Mother receives Satprem and Sujata fifty-five minutes late. ) Nothing to be said.... It's chaos! The Supermind has obviously nothing in common with our regular time. ( silence ) I feel I am being pulled in opposite directions by the old world and the new.... ( Mother shakes her head and ...


... immobility. Ah, that's it! That must be why! Yes, the body must be getting alarmed. Yes, that must be it. ( Mother plunges in, Champaklal rings the bell ) Is it time?... Oh, mon petit.... ( Satprem rests his head on Mother's lap ) × Coincidentally, Mother's former assistant, who has a cancer, enters the room at ...


... Namo Bhagavateh OM Namo Bhagavateh OM Namo Bhagavateh OM Namo Bhagavateh ( then she sinks into a deep contemplation for half an hour ) What is the time? Ten past eleven, Mother. ( Satprem rests his forehead on Mother's lap ) Page 411 × The recording of Mother repeating her mantra is available ...


... April Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 April 10, 1973 Pranab declares to P.B., one of the Ashram's trustees, "Get ready for Mother's departure." P.B. asks Satprem through someone, what it means. ...


... unimportant (outwardly unimportant). Only if you observe in a most tenuous way do you notice them, because they are, in fact, phenomena of consciousness in the cells—are you conscious of your cells? ( Satprem shakes his head ) No. Well, become conscious of your cells, and you will see that there are results! All these last few days, it has been coming as... as proofs, proofs that can crush any doubt: ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1964 Undated, 1964 ( Note from Mother to Satprem ) The old dreams of the past will turn into meaningful realities. ...


... yourself to the doctor and take medicines; I am not opposed to it, but it's just one way of seeing things. Now, tell me what your grievances are! Yes, what do you observe that's not working? ( Satprem gestures to his chest, here and there ) I can tell you that doctors' mental distortions are frightful: they stick in your brain, remain there, and return after ten years. I know it from personal ...


... My tea, as I pictured it, was very golden—clear and golden; and I wanted to give him something with it, I don't remember what. All this is symbolic, probably. But... 3 Before Satprem and Sujata leave, Mother again examines Sujata's cyst, concentrating: You know, the trick (there is a trick) is to tell the cells that that's not at all what is expected of them; that, as I told ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1965 July 28, 1965 ( Satprem suggests the publication, among the quotations in the Ashram "Bulletin," of the text of an answer from Mother to a child. Mother shows as little interest as possible: ) Those things are very powerful when they come, they have a transforming power—they exert a pressure on Matter. And then when they have finished ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1962 November 14, 1962 ( Satprem reads a passage from his manuscript describing the relation between the subconscient and the supraconscient, in which he says: "One cannot be healed unless one goes down to the very bottom; and one cannot go down to the very bottom unless one goes up to the very heights." ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1962 November 10, 1962 ( Mother listens to Satprem read a chapter from his manuscript entitled "Under the Sign of the Gods," in which he speaks of the overmind's inadequacy for attaining the plenitude of evolution, Afterwards, Mother tells what she saw while he was reading. ) There's a kind of cadence ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1964 July 13, 1964 ( Satprem is back from a three-month journey to France. Unfortunately, only a fragment of this conversation was kept. ) ...Did you get my last note on the golden card? Yes, I did. But you know, I had an amusing experience.... When I came back to Brittany from my trip to Savoy, I was in a car with my brother, and ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1964 June 27, 1964 ( From Satprem to Sujata ) Chatou-Chambery ...I don't feel tired—what tires me is rather human beings with their constant agitation and troubled atmosphere. Anyway, I am happy to be with my brother. The difficulty is that I no longer know how to speak, I have lost the habit of conversation, and people talk and talk ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1964 May 28, 1964 ( From Satprem to Sujata ) St-Pierre This month of May is interminable, in-ter-mi-na-ble, it is surely elastic. If June is as long, I'll tear the calendar to pieces. But I haven't yet spoken to my mother about returning sooner than planned; I would like to know if Mother approves, it would give me more inner strength ...


... Will; she said, "I shall do what the Supreme wants me to do." It was a very interesting result indeed. But if we look at it from another point of view, I had noticed—or rather WE [Mother and Satprem] had noticed—that X's presence or contact always brought conflicts, difficulties, a sort of struggle with Nature (personal or surrounding Nature). But judging by the effect of his mantras, that would ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1964 September 2, 1964 Satprem prepares to start the tape recorder, Mother stops him: There would be too many things to say. It's a sort of WORLD being worked out. ( silence ) It's still too complicated, it's impossible to say anything. Better to work. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1967 February 11, 1967 ( Regarding Mother's "Agenda." Satprem is sorting out a huge stack of files. ) ... Now that bits are coming out in the Bulletin , many people are beginning to be very, very interested and want to know. They ask me, "But are you saying everything?" I answer, "Everything, that's impossible. But I am saying more ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1967 February 22, 1967 ( Mother gives Satprem the text of an answer: ) "Why is the choice imperative?" "Because we are at one of the 'hours of God' as Sri Aurobindo puts it—and the transforming evolution of the world has taken a hastened and intensified movement." ( silence ) Are you tired? Not tired ... the confusion ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1963 May 25, 1963 ( Regarding a letter from a personal friend of Satprem at the Editions du Seuil, who hints that the second manuscript on Sri Aurobindo ["The Adventure of Consciousness"] will also be refused: "I do not know whether P.A.L. has read it yet, he hasn't told me, but as soon as I read the first ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1963 June 26, 1963 ( Letter to Mother from Sujata ) Wednesday Little Mother, I had a dream this afternoon. I told it to Satprem, who said I should write to you about it. I was on a staircase that looked like the one leading to the meditation room. Two Ashram girls, about sixteen or seventeen years old, were there, waiting to ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1965 May 8, 1965 ( Every time Mother receives Satprem, she translates one line from "Savitri" that has been copied for her in large characters. Today's line is from the debate between Death and Savitri's heart: ) And never lose the white spiritual touch ( Mother repeats ) And never lose ...


... minutes, he got up and left. A real unease; because, as for me, I am inside people (I am everywhere, of course), I feel just as if it took place in my own body. Soon afterwards, Mother asks Satprem to read a letter she has just written: This is advice to childlike mentalities (childlike not in terms of age), the same thing as, You say that you can't love the Lord because you have never seen ...


... the key. Page 85 × This book should normally have been written four or five years earlier, and at the time Satprem saw it in the form of a Greek tragedy. × Petrea volubilis , crimson morning glory. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1966 April 23, 1966 Mother hands Satprem a brochure on Auroville The photos are very pretty. One is quite like a nebula. Practically, is it moving? It seems to be going quite well. A very widespread collective response, and from the two opposite sides: the whole Communist side is moving, and the whole financial, American side ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1966 April 9, 1966 ( About the book Satprem is writing, "The Sannyasin" ) I still see that vision I had. 1 Strangely, it was one of the most unexpected visions, in the sense that I had no mental preparation: all of a sudden I saw that Sannyasin, with his back to a wall and a sort of hurricane approaching. It was a hurricane of noise ...


... × An engineer from the École Polytechnique in Paris. × After Satprem had left, Mother remained silent for a long time, then turned to Sujata and told her, "Strange, very strange, I've never seen a lotus bud bowing down." Then, as Sujata looked at her without understanding ...


... ( Mother resumes her translation of the debate with Death. ) Think not to plant on earth the living Truth That's just what I am doing, Sir. ( turning to Satprem with a smile ) Do you think he hears me? Think not to plant on earth the living Truth Or make of Matter's world the home of God; Truth comes not there but only the thought of Truth, God ...


... been busy sending them Page 30 good suggestions. But it was so comical! With straight-faced seriousness, "Oh, I am very busy." ( Mother laughs ) That's how "injury" came about. (Satprem:) In the text of those "Instructions" [in the event of cataleptic trance], you also use the word "injure"; you say that in that trance state, your body will have to be kept "à l'abri de toute injure" ...


... night or the night before, but I saw you with him, the two of you were busy with the book. And Sri Aurobindo was pleased. When I saw him (I was there, seeing the two of you), I thought, "Well, if Satprem could see this ( laughing ), at least he'd be pleased for once." Well, yes! In a place full of light. Now, read me the next part. I don't know why, but I'm more and more unconscious ...


... comes, you have to leap out of your bed and attend to fifty thousand pressing matters. It isn't indispensable for the yoga, not at all. It's a hobby, rather, something to amuse yourself with. ( Satprem protests ) Well, it gives you the pleasure of knowing what's going on—which isn't necessary. Now I know, I don't care one way or the other! When I go to bed, at least eight times out of ten, when ...


... And unfortunately, there are lots and lots of insincerities.... But anyway she got off lightly. Here, let me give you a rose for her. A big one, a very big one, there! ( Just before Satprem leaves Mother speaks suddenly: ) There is a boat being built (the symbol of the yoga, obviously), it's made entirely of pink clay, and what a pink!... A boat of pink clay. I was there with Sri ...


... will not serve any purpose—it serves a purpose only for me. But I don't even have the time, I can hardly spare half an hour a day for this work—I hope I can offer myself half an hour a day! ( Satprem reads Mother a previous conversation, of May 11, in which Mother said that the true mantra is not the one given you by a guru but the mantra that wells up from within spontaneously, like the cry of ...


... simmering of disorder and dissatisfaction. ( Mother points to a stack of letters ): see all that—which I am supposed to answer, naturally. ( Shortly afterwards, Mother goes into meditation and Satprem follows her: ) Do you still have a sensation of "descent"? A descent of force? Page 256 Me, I no longer feel that it descends: it's there ( gesture around and everywhere ). That is to ...


... it was zooming!... × A disciple who was a friend of Satprem's; he had died insane seven or eight years earlier and Satprem had assisted him in a Japanese mental hospital. ...


... Well, I am convinced—my body is convinced (fortunately it is itself convinced) that it's because it has to learn some things. We must learn. There is a lot to learn.... Here ( Mother hands Satprem a flower called "Grace" ). We must Page 336 hold tight to it, like that, you know, with both hands, close our eyes when the going is very rough and wait till it's over. But you don't ...


... childlike trust and a more or less childlike hope (especially among the people here), which... (it's rather comical to say) suddenly went out when the food supplies were cut at the dining room! (Satprem, in disbelief:) No! I assure you, it sounds like a joke, but it's true! The supplies were cut—more as a demonstration than as a necessity, that is to say, it didn't save much money: it made a lot ...


... understand better, they are more intelligent. Page 65 More receptive. Yes, they feel. They feel correctly, they mentalize less. ( Mother goes into contemplation ) Just before Satprem leaves So, if by our next meeting you feel something or see something or think of something, or have a "dream," you will tell me.... I don't have much hope left... because these last few days there ...


... contemplation ) Yes, that's what it is, a sort of inebriation. Somewhere in "Savitri," Sri Aurobindo says, "This wine of lightning in the cells...." 2 Oh! Do you know where it is?... ( Satprem looks for the passage in vain ) Page 62 × A few days later, Mother had a very bloodshot eye. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1964 February 13, 1964 ( Satprem kept note of the following conversation despite its episodic character, for it is, alas, a good illustration of the kind of innumerable microscopic "avalanches" that assailed Mother from every side, daily. ) H. was so very vexed because I had this work done by Sujata that she has broken off all relations ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1964 March 14, 1964 ( About a trip to France which Satprem has to make soon. ) ...You'll be able to see your friend B. if you go there. I've lost the habit of contact with others; it's very rarely that I don't get tired as soon as I meet someone. Oh, but it's more than tired, it's dazed! And I'm not used to social life anymore ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1964 February 15, 1964 ( After various remarks or observations which, unfortunately, Satprem did not keep: ) Ah, to work now! ( Mother laughs ) One plays all the time... one has the feeling that life is nothing but play!... ( Then the question comes up of Mother's photograph with a veil and the ...


... laughed within. I said to myself, "Well, it's a success!" Then I looked at that poor body and thought, "If this too could be changed into something else, it would be magnificent!" ( Looking at Satprem out of the corner of her eyes ) It's very good— Page 285 it's very good, it's a sure sign that one has emerged from one's ego. Yes, but in that nonexistence, only things without any ...


... for the first time, something suddenly opened up and I was right in the middle of the place I know, from which true Harmony comes—suddenly. ( A little later, regarding the serious operation Satprem has just undergone: ) ...Don't let people eat you up. And I would like to be what you want me to be. Yes, mon petit. I want you to be peaceful, happy, luminous, and... ( Mother draws great ...


... on Yoga", Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library, 1972, Vol. 22, p. 94. 21. Ibid., Vol. 24, p. 1237. 22. Ibid., Vol. 22, pp. 78-79. 23. Ibid., p. 95. 24.Letter to the author by Satprem after an interview with the Mother. 25. Ibid. 26."Words of the Mother", The Birth Centenary Edition (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1980), Vol. 15, p. 395. 27. The Virginal Conception ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1967 May 10, 1967 ( Satprem reads Mother an old Playground talk of May 23, 1956 , in which Mother suddenly asks various questions about the pronunciation of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. ) What triggered your questions? Was there something in particular? At one time, I was very interested in knowing ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1967 April 22, 1967 ( Mother gives Satprem a letter and newspaper cutting she has just received from America about L.S.D. There is also the photo of a poster inviting people on a "trip." ) They look half mad—a bit more than half! Would you like to publish in the next Bulletin what you said about L ...


... speculation. But they do not rule out the possibility." The Hindu , 1 May 1968 × A few weeks later, Satprem too will be strongly affected for a long time. × See Agenda 4 , December 31, 1963, p. 434 . ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1968 March 16, 1968 Mother holds out a flower to Satprem: This is "Happy Heart." 1 I am discovering the secret of it. ( long silence ) You feel you are constantly—constantly—on the way to a great discovery, then you make that discovery, and then you realize it had always been made!... It's ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1968 May 2, 1968 Your P.L. is coming back! What an avalanche of telegrams! And it's not over: here's one more [Satprem reads Mother a telegram in which P. L. announces a mysterious "new fact" and implores to be allowed to stay with his friend J. for "grave reasons"]. Then let him stay with her! He suddenly got scared stiff over ...


... boy, with some power (also a power of conviction over people). So it would be interesting if he could have a glimpse of the direction in which we're going. Page 107 ( Mother listens to Satprem read out the last conversation ) It's incomplete. There are already many things in it. ( silence ) But in the past, in Vedic times, sages were advisers to the kings. In the past it was ...


... pupils on the question, "What is death?" (They had written to me and I had replied.) But then, they didn't understand anything. And here are their new questions: ( Mother holds out a letter to Satprem ) Regarding your last reply, here are our questions: "When the will of the physical being abdicates 'for no reason,' is it for no PHYSICAL reason, or for no reason of any sort?" What did I ...


... puffed up with themselves. Me, I like simple people. Soon afterwards I've been given the continuation of T.F.'s class about death. There are new notes. ( Mother holds out a paper to Satprem ) Sweet Mother, we have received your answer with joy and send you our reflections and our questions about the first paragraph: "Death is the phenomenon of decentralization and scattering of the ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1968 June 12, 1968 ( Following a letter in which Satprem had complained about the difficulty he had writing—or rewriting, rather—his "Sannyasin," and about the complete unconsciousness of his sleep. ) I didn't answer you because there was nothing to say—I am trying my best! I know, and the book is going better! Ah, good. The ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1969 December 20, 1969 ( Mother gives Satprem a Champak flower. ) Do you know what it is?... It's the "divine psychological perfection." So someone asked me, "What's divine psychological perfection?"—A smile in any circumstance... Good .... You know that I went to the Madras airport yesterday to bring ...


... will be restored in the house. Man will be able to prepare himself for a vaster adventure. Ultimately, everyone commits the errors that will help towards the larger triumph of the Truth. Satprem 24 June, 1967 Page 188 × The question was worded thus: "Must we think that these two great peoples in conflict ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1967 August 5, 1967 ( Mother gives Satprem a quotation from Sri Aurobindo. ) "I have never known any will of mine for one major event in the conduct of the world affairs to fail in the Page 249 end, although it may take a long time for the world-forces to fulfil it." Sri Aurobindo ( October 1932 ) It's very i ...


... others as it had on me, it will be good." ( Mother laughs ) As for me, I have nothing to say.... It's this poor body being educated. It's charming! (Nolini) So we'll publish it, won't we? (Satprem) We could also ask Pavitra? Pavitra will say, "As Mother says"!.. I, for one, find it very useful. Those who will misunderstand will misunderstand anyhow. Oh, that, they already misunderstand ...


... it. The Power comes from above. And the Power is something... (what should I say?) as if warm, golden. And it gives the impression of being... ( smiling ) more compact. ( Soon afterwards, Satprem reads Mother a Playground Talk of July 15, 1953 . ) "You will see that your whole conception and notion [of heaven and hell] is based on one thing, an entity you call God, and a world you call ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1968 August 3, 1968 ( Mother remains very tired. She nevertheless listens to a long paper on Auroville, which she rejects, and prepares with Satprem a note summing up the ideal of this future city: ) "For millennia, we have been developing outer means, outer instruments, outer techniques of living—and finally those means and techniques are ...


... .. as the man who would help the most in India's development and blossoming. There. After that, you only have to keep quiet. You know, this telegram... ( Mother looks for it and hands it to Satprem ). "Deep gratitude for blessing. I am always at thy service." V. V. Giri He was elected, and this telegram was sent immediately: the time coincides.... Don't you find it interesting ...


... × More explicitly, a month earlier, in a text written for Italian television ( The Great Sense ), Satprem had said, "We go to the moon, but we do not know our own heart nor our terrestrial destiny." × Their ...


... right. He has written two letters, one to me and one to the Prior of his monastery, which he sends for me Page 310 to read. The two letters together are rather interesting ( Mother gives Satprem the first letter ): Mother, After only a few days spent in Aurobindo Ashram, where I have been nothing but the "delighted" one from the cribs of Provence, I take the liberty of asking you if ...


... body, it is the body which is inside the consciousness, yet it is still the body consciousness." × Satprem notes that it is not anguish, but rather a sensation that the life of aspiration is more important than the dissolution. × ...


... I lived in a certain state of consciousness, a certain vision of the world, it was extremely interesting because it was wholly new, but to tell it all in detail.... Anyway I'll let the two of you [Satprem and Nolini] judge, it's for you to decide, it's the same to me! ...


... doesn't seem to be so confined to the form: it feels things some distance away, it touches things some distance away. Strange. ( Laughing ) Something is going on, I don't knew what! ( After Satprem has gone back home, Mother sends him this note: ) This is what I tried to say this morning: Instead of the consciousness being inside the body, it is the body which is inside the consciousness ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1968 January 20, 1968 ( Mother gives Satprem a soup packet she hasn't even tasted. ) You don't have the time to try it? It's no use. There is something trying hard to stop me from eating. I don't know.... I still eat out of... (what should I say?) common sense, the old common sense. Of course, the body is still working in the ...


... more than surrender , it's a complete abdication of everything, of its existence and everything) is filled with light and force. That's the Response. ( silence ) Do you have any news? ( Satprem presents to Mother the manuscript of By the Body of the Earth or the Sannyasin, which he is about to send to Paris. Mother's remarks have not been kept. ) ( silence ) The body is very conscious ...


... stack of letters on top of which she has placed two flowers called "Prosperity" ). Now, see, the "prosperity" hides the time from me! So... ( Mother laughs ) So, a happy new year, mon petit! ( Satprem lays his forehead on Mother's knees ) Yes, there was... It came slowly in the night, and this morning when I woke up, there was a golden Dawn, as it were, and the atmosphere was very light. The ...


... aphorism?... But yesterday, he was going at the doctors with a will! So I said, "For people spontaneously not to need medicines, nature must change." It's too old a habit. What did I say? ( Satprem reads ) "No external measure can enable us to react against the harm caused by mental faith in the necessity of drugs. It is only by emerging from the mind's prison and consciously soaring into ...


... × By the Body of the Earth or the Sannyasin , which has been waiting in Paris for a year. Curiously, the day before, Satprem wrote a line to Mother to ask her, "Is the fate of The Sannyasin guided by Sri Aurobindo?..." But he did not send his letter to Mother and simply took it with him in his file, without saying a word ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1970 January 28, 1970 ( Satprem first reads out to Mother his preface to the second edition of Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness. We publish it here to give the temperature of the times. ) "The age of adventures is over. Even if we go to the seventh galaxy, we will go there helmeted and ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1970 February 18, 1970 ( Since early February Mother has been coughing a lot. On the 14th, Mother was unwell and could not see Satprem. The following conversation is very important as it marks the visible beginning of a conflict that might be called "medical" and was going to assume acute proportions with every passing year. ) I've never ...


... it's nothing—nothing at all! But when it becomes physical... it's more difficult! ( Mother laughs ) This aphorism remains wholly, entirely true. ( Mother goes into a contemplation then gives Satprem a red rose ) This is "all human passions turned to the Divine," and this ( Mother gives a pink rose ) is the Response. ...


... camera, and instead of taking a photo of the whole view at the balcony, she took only my face. Two of them I find very good.... They're not enlarged, they're just as they were taken ( Mother shows Satprem the photos ). I don't know, but at each darshan I feel as if I am a different person, and when I see myself like this, objectively, indeed I see a different person every time. Sometimes an old Chinese ...


... flowers! Has Kali calmed down? ( Laughing ) Maybe she got dampened! She laughed.... She can laugh, too! ( The conversation turns to Mother's Playground Talks between 1950 and 1958. Satprem is preparing their first publication and complains that he cannot trace the original texts: ) Q. was quite free in her movements, there are even some Talks which she destroyed—she didn't like them ...


... first person like that. And the contact was only with the mind; I don't know what happened to the rest. As for me, I was full of her. Oh! ( Laughing ) Maybe she... ( gesture of entering Satprem ). It's quite possible! Quite possible. I told her, "If you like, that whole part of your mind which I like very much can stay in me." I told her, "If you are happy to come, you can." Then I observed ...


... represent... the other side of life. It's good, it's exactly what I wanted to make him feel. × A Tantric whom Satprem followed in the past. × One lakh = one hundred thousand; one crore = ten million. ...


... and then... it escapes. Something is missing. ( silence ) Still a long, long, long way to go. × Soon after Satprem left at the end of the conversation, Mother sent him a line containing the sentence that follows. × ...


... wrote me: "I have had a terrible experience, which, with Sweet Mother, ended happily. On my return from Spain I will tell you what happened." 1 Page 347 ( Then Mother listens to Satprem reading another Playground Talk of 1953. ) What year is it? 1953. Oh, how I chattered! ( Mother laughs ) Anyway... But in fact it wasn't chatter: you were raining Force on those children ...


... × Two years earlier. × Satprem, and perhaps the world, will have much more opportunity to be sad in the following years—Mother had given up saying, "I want".... ...


... conversations hadn't been in vain. I was wondering if he was conscious; I don't know if he was conscious mentally, but in any case it's interesting, you can read ( Mother holds out a newspaper cutting to Satprem ). Page 297 Vatican City, September 26 The Pope, in an article published here last night, has said his journey to India in 1964 was "the revelation of an unknown world." The Osservatore ...


... Agenda 1967 October 11, 1967 ( Sujata gives Mother a flower called "New Birth." ) [ Origanum Majorana. ] ( To Satprem ) Tell me, what is a new birth? Being radically different. ( After a silence ) Becoming new at each moment. This morning again, for, oh, more than two hours, a completely new person. And ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1967 July 26, 1967 ( Mother, laughing, holds out to Satprem a note she has just written: ) "The goal we aim at is immortality. Of all habits, death is certainly the most inveterate!" We could call our world "the world of bad habits." There has been for some time, I don't know, a sort of benevolent ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1967 September 16, 1967 ( Regarding a rather painful letter Satprem has received from that same very Catholic lady. ) Yes, the first impression was ... painful, then I took a good look; and at bottom, the whole trouble comes from the fact that this person has a very high opinion of herself, she judges ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1967 September 3, 1967 ( Regarding the Auroville beach, where Satprem often goes in the evening for a stroll. The beach is some four miles from Pondicherry. ) I find the atmosphere is different. Over there?... It's wonderful. Yes, but there is a very different atmosphere, I don't know if it's in my consciousness. Something ...


... three parts: one sentence, then a whole group of experiences; a second sentence with a whole other group; and a third sentence. The connection hasn't been written down. ( Mother holds out a note to Satprem ) "Never judge on appearances, still less on gossip.... There. Then there was a whole group... I don't know how to put it; it's not sentences, but a sort of knowledge that, naturally, your ...


... hindrance, you understand.... Now and then, he manifests something, which shows he remains conscious. That's all. As for me, I am continuing... it's not easy That's all. So I can listen to this. ( Satprem reads out ) Page 199 Pavitra's experience Night of February 5, 1966 "It is a night of fully conscious spiritual experience, a night of torture and glory. "I walked through large ...


... things. I would have to spend hours every day to narrate what has taken place if we really wanted to keep a historical record of the path.... ( silence ) Did you have something to say? ( Satprem presents to Mother the manuscript of The Synthesis of Yoga before sending it to a new publisher in France: ) Page 81 I pray that there may be no difficulties with J.H. and the former publisher ...


... 1 again. Neither have I. There must have been some tension. Yes, one can't be here with impunity. Yes... ( Mother takes a flower by her side ) Do you want "Silence"?—Not Satprem, no! ( Mother laughs ) You wouldn't do your work anymore! ( To Sujata: ) Do you want? ( silence ) Her son met with an accident. Z's son? Ohh! Yes, while riding a cycle he bumped into ...


... haven't seen them yet. Oh, you must see them, they're very interesting. I have them here. There are two long ones and four short ones. We'll put them in February and August next year. (Satprem, leafing:) I've just chanced on this one! "One must have faith in the Master of our life and works, even if for a long time He conceals Himself, and then in His own right time He will reveal ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1971 October 13, 1971 ( Mother hands Satprem an unusual "transformation" flower. ) [Indian Cork Tree.] Nine petals.... That's the new creation—it's the transformation for the new creation. I see! So what have you brought? Oh, nothing much.... I'm a little overwhelmed by all the material problems. Oh! Yes.... You ...


... It's for you. Does that mean that.... Yes. Something is going to come? It means you haven't finished! ( Laughing ) You haven't finished writing! 1 ( Mother gazes long at Satprem, then goes within ) Something to ask? Page 244 No, but what about you, Mother? Anything to say? No, Mother.... ( silence ) I had the rather strong impression several ...


... April Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 April 12, 1972 ( Mother shows Satprem a card with her photo and the following text in English printed on it. ) No human will can finally prevail against the Divine's will. Let us put ourselves deliberately and exclusively on the side of the Divine and the victory is ultimately certain ...


... still to be read? We've readied half, I'm reading you the eighth. There are sixteen. It'll go on till January. Do you want to hear all of it? Yes, of course! ( Mother laughs ) ( Satprem starts reading the end of the eighth chapter: "The Change of Vision." Afterwards, Mother remains long absorbed, as if deep in meditation. ) Page 369 I always go off—it's strange—into a ...


... reached the same conclusion. So I said: I won't say anything anymore. Yes, in the end, you stop speaking! (Sujata:) Only, those who do want to understand will lose out—there are many. (Satprem:) But look, Mother, perhaps you're receiving some protests from a certain number of people, but there are many here, many more than... well, of course I can't say "more than you think"(!), but who ...


... instructions, about to sell fraudulently a cheaper edition of "Supermanhood" in Europe and Canada, while the rights to the book were reserved. This cheaper edition was exclusively intended for India. Satprem protests in particular against the jacket and presentation of the book, which are patently designed to make as much money as possible at a minimum cost. Mother's face is swollen, her eyes too. ) ...


... September Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 September 6, 1972 ( Mother calls Satprem and Sujata in at 10:30 A.M. instead of 10:00. ) On your days, the Wednesdays and Saturdays, I see only the Ashram "birthdays," but we're now more than 2000, just fancy! So it's.... I see the other birthdays on other days and several at a time ...


... there's no more sadness. ( silence ) You're still quite young really! ( laughter ) How old are you? I am forty-six, Mother. You have a twenty-five-year-old's consciousness. Ah! (Satprem protests:) No, eighteen. It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter.... Page 269 × See Agenda X , May 17 ...


... gesture of surrender ), and leave it, with an INTENSE faith in the divine Grace,... it's just... impossible. Like this ( same gesture ). ( Mother plunges in then opens her eyes wide and looks at Satprem. The contemplation goes on, eyes open, unblinking. ) ...


... August Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 August 26, 1972 Soup! ( laughing ) A rare thing nowadays ( laughter ). ( Mother hands Satprem a packet of soup and some flowers ) How are you? Quite well, quite well! Not too harassed? Ohh, it's frightful... 150 to 200 people every day—200 people every day. Page 272 ...


... God all is possible...." I don't remember. Just yesterday evening I translated it.... "Nothing is impossible in the Hour of God...." One single sentence. It's the only thing I'd like to tell him. ( Satprem looks for the reference in vain ) Mother, we can simply send him the sentence as from you. "Me," it's worthless. It was short: "Nothing is impossible when the Hour of God has Page 287 ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1970 November 4, 1970 ( Satprem reads the second part of the sixth chapter of On the Way to Supermanhood: "The Tearing of Limits." ) It's a whole new world. ( silence ) As for me, I could keep listening like that without moving for hours! It's very restful. I don't know how to explain.... It's very restful. It's strange.. ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1971 March 10, 1971 ( Satprem begins by reading to Mother an unpublished letter by Sri Aurobindo. ) A Most Fruitful Adventure "As there is a category of facts to which our senses are our best available but very imperfect guides, as there is a category of truths which we seek by the keen but still imperfect light of our reason, so ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1971 March 6, 1971 ( Mother calls Satprem in an hour and a half late. ) It's an invasion! An invasion.... It's dreadful.... I don't know what to do. And your news? My news!... I don't know. Has the book come out yet? No. I hope towards the end of next week. The end!... People really need it. I get ten-page letters ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1971 February 24, 1971 ( Satprem gives a white rose to Mother. ) Oh, how beautiful! Page 49 How did the 21st go? I should ask you! ( laughter ) What about you, what do you say, how was the 21st? Well, personally I always feel the power so tremendously, you know. Oh, indeed, tremendous ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1971 August 25, 1971 ( Mother sits looking at Satprem for what seems a very long time. Her left eye is still swollen. ) Something to ask? Do you see something? No, there's nothing. Page 222 ( Mother remains absorbed for 40 minutes ) What would you like to say? What is absorbing ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1971 August 14, 1971 ( It is the eve of August 15. Mother sees Satprem having been unable to finish seeing her usual entourage. ) Is there something you'd like to say? No, nothing at all! I am all right—even quite all right. I am quite all right. The body is beginning to... I could say to have ...


... from above ), I see it extends over the whole country, and not just over the whole country but over the whole earth. ( silence ) Are there several of them?... I don't know. Don't know. ( Satprem puts his forehead on Mother's knees and gets ready to leave ) I try, you know, I try.... Things go through the consciousness, but my whole effort is to avoid adding anything personal to them, ...


... follows was circulated in the Ashram and Auroville, and published in an Ashram periodical. It is interesting to note that the text is an alteration of a much older original text that Mother had given to Satprem. The original text is included afterwards. ) "The task of giving a concrete shape to Sri Aurobindo's vision has been entrusted to the Mother. The creation of a new world, a new humanity, a new ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1971 August 11, 1971 ( Mother gives Satprem a note she has just written. ) "When men become disgusted with the falsehood they live in, then the world will be ready for the reign of Truth." ( Then another note she had had read to K.K. Birla, one of India's foremost industrialists. ) "Truth is within men's reach, but they ...


... × Unfortunately, nothing came of it. The narrow-mindedness of the Paris "Study Center" discouraged Malraux once and for all. The bridge that Y.L. and Satprem had so painstakingly built since 1955 with Satprem's first letter to Malraux was instantly shattered. Strange how on all sides Mother was surrounded by such a global incomprehension of the deep si ...


... March 8, 1972 ( Mother holds a "Transformation" flower in her hand ) For whom? ( she looks for another flower to give Satprem and Sujata one each ) Ten lakhs of rupees have just burned up in Auroville. Ten lakhs! 1 Yes. A workshop with machines as well as the godown [storeroom] next door which contained the ...


... March Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 March 15, 1972 ( Satprem reads Mother some parts of the conversation of March 8 for the next "Bulletin": "No compromises, no half measures, no 'It will come later'... it's like a constant feeling of hovering between life and death...". ) It's very true. And it keeps getting more and more acute, more and more acute. ...


... 1972-1973 October 7, 1972 And your eyes? I can't stop the work; everything is programmed. I'm not worried... ( Satprem reads to Mother some passages from the conversation of August 30 for the next "Notes On the Way." ) That's all? Will it do, Mother?... I've cut quite a few things out, but do you think what's ...


... November Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 November 2, 1972 ( Mother sees Sujata ) How is Satprem? Quite well, Mother, I think. And you, how are you going? But I wanted to ask you: how is Mother going these days? Mother isn't "going"! There's no longer any person to "go." Mother goes where the Lord wants her to go. ( silence ) Do you ...


... October Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 October 21, 1972 Look how lovely! ( Mother gives Satprem a white lotus ) And you, Mother, how are you? ( after a long silence ) You see, I would either have to describe every single thing that keeps happening, or say nothing at all. When I say nothing and just stay like ...


... This morning, someone told Mother he saw her in his sleep, and she was walking along in the street. ) I'll walk along in the street when I am hundred years old. ( Mother sits looking at Satprem, smiling, for more than fifteen minutes. ) Nothing to ask? I very much felt Sri Aurobindo. Aah! ( Mother plunges in ) ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1970 July 1, 1970 ( Satprem reads out the conversation of June 27—"a very slight shift of consciousness"—which Mother thought could be used for the "Notes on the Way.") Is that all? I said only this much?.... I thought I had said something interesting—it's not very interesting. Yes, it is! There ...


... . We can be quiet.... It will do you good. I am very happy to remain like that. Have you received the latest Aphorisms ? Yes, it's the end of the Aphorisms, and it ends well! ( Satprem reads ) 540—Canst thou see God in thy torturer and slayer even in thy moment of death or thy hours of torture? Canst thou see Him in that which thou art slaying, see and love even while thou slayest ...


... they fight back as best as they can. But that's always the devil, as soon as you see even the tail of pessimism, it's the devil. That's his great tool. ( long silence ) Page 143 ( Satprem gets ready to leave, Sujata comes near Mother ) Mon petit.... (Sujata:) Mother, do you remember the other day, when I saw those two eyes appearing on your forehead 1 (you remember, I told ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1971 May 25, 1971 ( Note from Satprem to Mother ) I am in the greatest Darkness of my life. S. ( Reply ) Now is the time to cling exclusively and definitively to the Divine. M. Page 144 ( Sujata's visit to Mother ) He feels the need of your protection. Cling to the Divine. I would like to enfold ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1971 June 3, 1971 ( To Sujata ) Tell Satprem that whatever the circumstances, he must go down very, very deep into his heart: "Lord, what You want, Lord, what You want." No questioning, no asking why—this ( forehead ) silent, and here ( heart ) remaining steadfastly like this ( gesture of clenched fists ) with an intense prayer: Lord ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1971 December 8, 1971 ( Mother gives Satprem a note she has just written. ) Our human consciousness has windows opening on the Infinite. But generally men keep the windows tightly closed. We must open them wide and let the Infinite penetrate us freely to transform us. Two conditions are required to open the windows. 1) Ardent ...


... it is. Page 193 ( silence ) And you? I'm all right, Mother. Oh, mon petit... ( Mother takes Satprem's hands ). You overwhelm me. Something... ( Mother leans towards Satprem ) something in me takes you in my arms and embraces you very, very tenderly. ( contemplation ) × "He discovered ...


... the conversation of last April 2 with Auroville's architect, N. and U., when Mother was trying to bring some harmony among the three. The recording of the conversation, which was never returned to Satprem, started circulating in the Ashram in all kinds of distorted transcriptions. Satprem's initiative in giving the tape, which was intended to preserve the authenticity of Mother's words, was diverted ...


... June Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 June 21, 1972 ( Satprem reads to Mother a few fragments of "Notes on the Way" for the next Bulletin. Towards the end of the second fragment, Mother seems to be elsewhere. Suddenly, she moans and hides her face in her hands. We pray. ) Page 211 ...


... 1972-1973 December 9, 1972 ( Mother caresses the flowers Sujata has just brought her. ) I still have my cold.... (Satprem:) But you look better, Mother. Yes. It isn't really a "cold." Yes, I am sure.... I felt there was a cyclone... a real cyclone within. Page 322 ( Mother laughs ) There WAS a cyclone ...


... s, there is a ground of mutual understanding where all can meet and find their harmony: it is the aspiration for a divine consciousness. 1 ( With a charming smile ) Nothing to ask? ( Satprem shakes his head Mother keeps her eyes closed ) × Original English. ...


... February 14, 1973 ( Regarding the poor translation of Sri Aurobindo's texts in the "Auroville Gazette." Mother had asked Satprem to check a few issues and try to rectify the situation with the collaboration of his friend L. in Auroville. This triggered off rather sharp reactions. ) ...But, Mother, I've seen it: all the ...


... a way of speaking, of course!) at eleven, I'll give you an example! Yes, Mother! Would you like to? Yes, of course, Mother. Page 329 ( Mother plunges in for forty minutes, Satprem slightly touches her hand to call her back ) Did you feel something? I feel very comfortable. ( Mother laughs and takes Satprem's hands ) Yes! The trouble is that everything else is rather ...


... in his subtle form, as compared to most other Yogis of the past, but even there the supramentalisation could be no more than partial. As for the physical body, the * Letter to the author by Satprem after an interview with the Mother. Page 12 consequences are bound to have been still less - certainly the powerful sense of a rare glory outflowing from the inner self and yet ...

... 62-3 Om Namo Bhagavate, 118, 180 Salvation, 74, 228 Over-life, 186, 199 Sapta Chatushthaya, 17-8, 239-43 Overmind, 78, 79-80, 84, 88, 244, 246-50, 263, 265-6, 268 Satprem, 3, 148, 151, 156, 160, 179,191, 197, 207, 209, 215, 218-27 Overmental creation, 84, 86, 87 Savitri, 2, 99-100 Secret, supreme, 181 Pain, 134, 147, 150-5 Self, 229, 230 ...

... the work for the future, you have put the earth in contact with one of the forms of the new Manifestation." Mother's Agenda, 11 August 1964 (translated from recorded conversations with Satprem in French) ...


... serious to the light moods and back again to the serious with an astounding ease of transit. Even the Mother, in referring to these 'dialogues' between the Master and his beloved disciple, remarked to Satprem years later in 1972: "Have you read the whole 'Correspondence with Nirod'? There are extraordinary things in there. He seems to be joking all the time but ... it's extraordinary. "You see ...

... These hymns are difficult to under stand since they are couched in a language full of ancient symbolism; but they seem extremely meaningful when they are read in the light of a recent unusual book by Satprem under an unusual title: Evolution II. Next, we turn to Alexis Carrel's famous book, Man The Unknown, which contains extraordinary details about the human body, and we have selected a few passages ...

... of Upanishadic Philosophy, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1986, Bombay. Renou, Louis, Bibliographic Vedique, 1931, Paris. Rig Veda Samhita, Chaukhamba Vidya Bhavan, 1991,Varanasi, 9 Vols. Satprem, La Revoke de la Terre, Robert Laftent, 1990, Paris. Sri Aurobindo, Essays on the Gita, Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library (SABCL), 1971, Pondicherry, Vol.13. Sri Aurobindo, The F ...


... Renou, Louis, Bibliographic Vediaue, Adrien Maisonneure, Paris, 1931. Saraswati, Swamy Dayanand, Satyartha Prakash, Translated by Durga Prasad, Jan Cyan Prakashan, New Delhi,1970. Satprem, The Revolt of the Earth, Institute of Evolutionary Research, New York. Sri Aurobindo, The Secret of the Veda, Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library, VoLlO., Pondicherry. —— Hymns to ...


... Letters on Yoga - IV 32 The Mother 33 Savitri -I 34 Savitri - II 35 Letters on Himself and the Ashram 36 Autobiographical Materials 37 Reference Volume Satprem, Institut de Recherches Evolutives, Paris and Mira Aditi, Mysore Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, 1984. By the Body of the Earth or the Sannyasin, 1976. On the ...

... of evolution. From 1958 to 1973, she slowly uncovered the "Great Passage " to the next species and a new mode of life in matter, and narrated her extraordinary exploration to her closest confidant, Satprem. This tremendous document of 6,000 pages in thirteen volumes is called Mother's Agenda. It is a document of experimental evolution, and goes to the heart of the question of our times. For, whatever ...

... are now available in three volumes, entitled "Letters on Yoga", and in other volumes of the Mother's works. Finally, thirteen volumes of "Mother's Agenda" contain the Mother's conversations with Satprem extending over nineteen years, which describe the curves of the research work that developed rapidly towards the descent of the supermind on the earth and subsequent developments during which the supermind ...

... finished writing, the Mother wished to hear what had been noted down, Nolinida was unable to read his own handwriting. From then on it was arranged to tape the Mother's words. The Mother wanted Satprem to participate in some specific work and so the responsibility for taping was placed on him after this.' In the course of the conversation Dada mentioned that the Mother's sight and hearing ...

... book. 13. Heilbronner, The Future as History, pp. 18-19. 14. Sri Aurobindo, SABCL vol. 18, pp. 3-4. 15. See the author's compilation The Future Evolution of Man. See also Satprem, Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness. 16. Sri Aurobindo's major works, published serially in the Arya between 1914-21, include The Life Divine, The Synthesis of Yoga, The Human ...

... goddesses in metal, ivory, wood. And in each of these images their presence can be felt. As soon as the Mother held a statue that particular god or goddess would descend into it. The Mother once told Satprem [Conversation of 29 April 1961]: People have given me statuettes of various gods, little things in metal, wood or ivory; and as soon as I take one in my hand, the god is there. I have a Ganesh (I ...


... with Andre went on diminishing and in the end there was little of it. He was sad over the Auroville happenings and just repeated to me more than once what Mother had told him, "For God's sake, keep Satprem out of Auroville." And we would find ourselves helpless. In those years I was a much maligned person and am sure that Andre was hearing more than enough against me, but I could always feel his ...

... A Defence of Indian Culture and The Future Poetry - were started later, and usually four or five or six books were thus being written (or were writing themselves out!) serially at one time. As Satprem has put it, Sri Aurobindo wrote "in a strange way; it was not one book after another, but four or even six books at a time that he wrote". 1 He had providentially stumbled upon the master-key to the ...

... become the Spirit manifest upon Earth, and if we have confidence, if we want this supreme Power, if we have the courage to descend into our hearts, everything is possible, because God is in us. Satprem 27th June 1969 ...

Satprem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Great Sense

... Sahana Devi (Gupta) 255, 262ff. 281, 285, 287, 289, 296-7, 335, 349, 356, 359, 364, 371, 691 Salvador de Madariaga 534 Samir Kant Gupta 12 Sanat Banerji 241 Sanyal, Dr see Prabhat Sanyal Satprem 719, 753, 772-4, 777, 794, 808-9, 816 Satwalekar, Sripad Damodar 683 Satyakama Jabala 730 Satyendra Thakore 276-7, 400, 490 Saurin Bose 153 Schuman, Maurice 571 Seyril Schochen 763 Shakespeare ...


... evening, and a few thousands received her blessings. She had not stopped seeing people, and she heard the departmental heads and issued instructions where necessary. She had her conversation with Satprem on 10 March, and on 28 March she gave a hand-written answer to the New Age Association that was to be held on 22 April: Freedom is far from meaning disorder and confusion. It is the inner liberty ...


... CHAPTER 53 Darkest before Dawn I A significant development in 1961 was the permission graciously accorded by the Mother to one of her disciples, Satprem, to meet her once a week, engage her in conversation, and tape-record the questions and answers. Select fragments of these conversations were published in the Bulletin from February 1965 to April ...


... Reddy, Madhusudan Rishabhchand Rishabhchand and Shyam Sunder Romen Palit Roy, Dilip Kumar Roy, D.K. and Indira Devi Sahana Devi Sarkar, Mona Sastry, Kapali Satprem Sethna, K.D. (Amal Kiran) Sethna, K.D. and Nirodbaran 12 vols. (1977 to 1992) Breath of Grace (1973) Champaklal Speaks (2d imp. 1976) Champaklal's Treasures (1976) ...


... Mother's Chronicles - Book Three To pull her out of that tomb was somehow our ambition. Sujata — Satprem April 30, 1984 A Word With You, Please! Welcome, friends! Once more I invite you to share in the exploits of Mother. I could whet your appetite for adventure by hinting at some ...

... ed machines; there was no folding machine, for example. We did folding, and stitching too, by hand. The Darshan of 24 April was approaching — incidentally, it was on that day, 24 April 1946, that Satprem was to see for the first time Sri Aurobindo and Mother, a meeting that was to change his life. Anyway, there we were, about twenty of us, going full steam with the folding of a new book of poems by ...

... Age that seeks to come. Did Sri Aurobindo succeed in the stupendous task? That his search was crowned with success is amply clear from his writings, and from Mother's conversations with Satprem. Sri Aurobindo and Mother together have given us humans the secret key. It is up to us to pick up the key and unlock the door of the great Mystery. Page 265 They, of course, like ...

... they were listening to a prophet revealing to them the higher mysteries of life...." Page 406 But I imagine that it was not only his words that cast a spell over the people. Once Satprem and I —Sunil the musician joined us —were invited to a musical recital given by Sri Aurobindo. There were others also. But we had just sat down when Sri Aurobindo began his song. He had a tanpura ...

... top-floor room —"with a door giving on to a courtyard. I opened the little door and looked at the sky; and there, just as I looked, was a shooting star. "You know the tradition," she said to Satprem, "if you formulate an aspiration just as you see a shooting star —before the star disappears —it will be realized within the year. And there, just as I opened the door, was a shooting star —I was totally ...

... Playground, but when the classes ended in December the commentaries also stopped. Sometime later She took up the work once more, first in correspondence with me in 1960—61, then in conversations with Satprem during 1962—66, but then the work was again discontinued. Hoping to complete it, I wrote to the Mother on 30 July 1969, “Sweet Mother, if You have time now, may I continue with the Thoughts and Aphorisms ...


... Le Jardin du Roi (the king's garden); and after the Second World War, it was renamed by the then Governor Francois Baron, Place Charles de Gaulle. I happened to be passing by and saw Baron with Satprem at his side. And that, dear reader, brings us right back to the present. The monument to Aayi in the centre of Pondicherry's Park, as it was early this century Page 169 ...

... Mother's Chronicles - Book Six 48 The Guest House "He already knew the war would break out," Mother explained to Satprem in 1962. Sri Aurobindo was talking with Richard, "about the world, Yoga, the future ... he already knew the war would break out. This was 1914, war broke out in August, and he already knew it towards the end of ...

... of India (!), but it will be replaced by a control at the port: we'll let in only what can be consumed within Auroville—so as not to be used as a clandestine entry for a deluge of free goods. ( Satprem reads ) "No customs, but permission to import granted only for goods meant to be consumed in the town." That' all. Yes, to avoid smuggling with the rest of India. Yes. If people ...


... precise; with others, I hardly see, hardly perceive where their eyes are, or their mouth.... It must depend on something else. ( Mother goes into a long contemplation lasting till the time when Satprem normally leaves ) Page 280 What did you feel just now? ... Nothing special? I always feel the Power, there, present. It was that world I was telling you about... as if it ...


... their gestures, their attitudes, all that. How to have constantly the true bodily attitude. It's a long, painstaking work, without... without anything fascinating. Page 325 ( Then Satprem suggests the publication of the conversation of August 16 in which Mother says that the "Only solution" is to be in a state of inner stillness that does not seek to know or foresee, and to let the ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1969 July 2, 1969 ( Satprem proposes to Mother a partial publication of the conversations of May 31 and June 4 on the glorified body. ) Don't you think some people are going to imagine they have a divine body?... ...


... because it looks like nothing at all, but if it gives others the experience it gave me, it's something!... For several hours I lived in a Peace nothing can disturb.... It's so simple, so simple! ( Satprem reads the notebook ) Mother, Does the Divine punish injustice? Is it possible for Him to ever punish anyone? ( Mother laughs ) He always had a very childlike way to ask questions! So ...


... that's the feeling I had, that if, by living that, I could purge the world... then it didn't matter. We'll see.... We'll see. ( Mother holds Satprem's hands for a long time ) ( After Satprem leaves, Mother tells Sujata again about her experience on the roof, and makes a descriptive drawing, saying in substance: ) She was someone like you, about your height [five foot two], your dimensions ...


... about it? Page 267 It will only change when everything changes. Yes, it's a daily battle. Yes. × Satprem will abundantly carry on with this until 1971. Then he will abruptly close his door when people will start referring to him as a guru. ...


... not to deprive him of its publication, not to go to Laffont, and to leave the book with him, for he desired to read it immediately! I told him I would think it over...." It's yes. It's yes? [Satprem makes a wry face.] He's converted! That's interesting. It's interesting, oh... it's something. 1 P. L. is a good channel for the Force, oh!... I knew that. Already two or three times (this ...


... whole present Falsehood? Page 234 Yes. Right now you feel... ( gesture of struggling ). It's a truly extraordinary moment... but not exactly very pleasant! Things resist as they can. ( Satprem reads another text ) "All these good people lament and wonder that unaccountably they and other good people are visited with such meaningless sufferings and misfortunes. But are they really visited ...


... if, from far away, all of humanity were coming here, drawing near. ( Mother nods her head and goes within ) × Satprem is especially thinking of East Bengal (Bangladesh), which has just proclaimed independence amid massacres perpetrated by the troops of West Pakistan. ...


... me, when it's like this, I become aware that there is no time anymore. I don't know how to explain it. It's entirely outside of time—it may be a minute, it may be an hour.... Something else. ( Satprem leaves, Sujata goes up to Mother ) And you? What do you feel? For me, Mother, it's very physical. Yes. Physical—an absolute silence.... Ah! ... Everywhere, inside, outside. ...


... and the why of it: the meaning of creation. It was so clear! So clear. The vision of its reason and where we are going—simply impossible to describe it in words. Some words came ( Mother shows Satprem a piece of paper ), but then they had a very special meaning. Here: The result of creation is a detailed multiplication of consciousness. When the vision of the whole and the vision of all the ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1970 April 29, 1970 ( Mother has had several heart attacks since the April 24 darshan. Satprem could not see her on the preceding Saturday. ) The darshan day was chosen for the transfer of the heart. I thought I would be unable to go to the balcony. But I went just the same. So then, the day after... ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1970 April 8, 1970 ( Regrettably, Satprem did not preserve the recording of the following conversation, perhaps feeling too acutely the negative appearance of Mother's difficulties, although that very negativity was the condition of the experience. At the beginning of the conversation, Mother makes a fair copy of a text to be reproduced ...


... involved in their problems! Well, no!... Did you see the sentence in my letter—there are also personal questions behind. He is not saying it, but that's what it is. He's hoping to find someone (Satprem) who will give him the authority, you understand? Yes, I think he is. So just tell him what I said. ( silence ) I don't know if I'm right or wrong, but for a very long time I've made ...


... atmosphere in order to hear, and that atmosphere is not perceived by most people. × Here the recording tape ran out and Satprem made a movement of anxiety, which Mother immediately perceived (she was speaking with her eyes closed) and she almost instantly interrupted the conversation. In fact, Mother could speak only in a totally ...
