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Beyond Man [3]
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Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [8]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Hitler and his God [12]
India's Rebirth [2]
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Letters on Himself and the Ashram [2]
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Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
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Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Moments Eternal [1]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [1]
Mother or The New Species - II [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
On The Mother [3]
Our Light and Delight [3]
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Questions and Answers (1953) [1]
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Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [39]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Mother (biography) [2]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [3]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [1]
The Spirit of Auroville [1]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Thinking Corner [2]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Towards A New Society [2]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
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English [119]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Greater Psychology [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
Beyond Man [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [8]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Hitler and his God [12]
India's Rebirth [2]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [1]
Inspiration and Effort [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [2]
Letters on Yoga - I [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Moments Eternal [1]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [1]
Mother or The New Species - II [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
On The Mother [3]
Our Light and Delight [3]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1953) [1]
Reminiscences [1]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [39]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Mother (biography) [2]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [3]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [1]
The Spirit of Auroville [1]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Thinking Corner [2]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Towards A New Society [2]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Uniting Men [1]
119 result/s found for Stalin

... Aurobindo : But Russia has all along helped Turkey. Disciple : Stalin forced the collectivization of farming among the Ukrainians. The farmers did not like it. So, to spite the government they collected from the farmers only what they required for themselves for the year; they did not collect the crop for the government. Stalin came to know about it. In the meantime the crop standing in the fields... Aurobindo : But Russia has all along helped Turkey. Disciple : Stalin forced the collectivization of farming among the Ukrainians. The farmers did not like it. So, to spite the government they collected from the farmers only what they required for themselves for the year; they did not collect the crop for the government. Stalin came to know about it. In the meantime the crop standing in the fields... who fight for him. Perhaps the dictators find a competitor in God and religion. So they try to crush religion. Sri Aurobindo : But Mussolini did not crush religion in Italy, though Kemal and Stalin did. Mussolini on the contrary has given more power to the Pope in the Vatican. He has practically recognized the Roman Church as the State religion. Disciple : I read in a newspaper that Kemal ...

... turned on the purge-trials in Russia by Stalin. SRI AUROBINDO: What Stalin wants is power—nothing else NIRODBARAN: Is there nothing in his allegations against Trotsky? SRI AUROBINDO: All that is not credible. Most probably Trotsky's followers wanted to get rid of Stalin by killing him but set about it in a clumsy way and so were killed by Stalin. Stalin has been able to get rid of almost everybody... very anti-Stalin and could not be checked. One has heard of General Blucher and his trial but nothing afterwards. Stalin's parliament meets and talks and disperses. Whatever he and his party say is obeyed. PURANI: The confessions of the generals and others were so dramatic. SRI AUROBINDO: They made them to save their relatives probably. NIRODBARAN: Was Trotsky a better man than Stalin? SRI ...


... , Until he meets upon his storm-swept road A greater devil — or thunderstroke of God. This prophecy was penned in October 1939, when Hitler and Stalin had already signed a pact of non-aggression. Thus Stalin, the "greater devil", seemed close-linked to the lesser — and against them both there could be only God's thunder stroke preparing in the dim future. But within two... enormous greed and makes no secret of his ambition to dominate the world with a master-race of ruthless henchmen. Hitler's Mein Kampf is a glaringly open manifesto of such greed and ambition. In Stalin Sri Aurobindo and the Mother discerned a phenomenon not merely of possession but of incarnation, a vital being born in a human form and not just employing that form as its medium — and here was... two years — to be precise, on 22 June 1941 - the possibility of Sri Aurobindo's prophetic words coming true loomed up: Hitler attacked Russia. Strangely enough, Stalin was caught somewhat on the wrong foot and there were German victories at the start. But "the Man of Steel" soon showed his diabolic superiority and, after the decisive blow at Stalingrad in 1942 on 25 November (Amal Kiran's thirty-eight ...


... invasion a bogey. I am wondering what our Ashram's fate will now be. Like the others we are also considering our own self-interest! (Laughter) Shall we be under Stalin or under Hitler? Stalin will be the more serious risk. NIRODBARAN: Why Stalin? He will first have to conquer India. SRI AUROBINDO: That won't take him a long time and he won't allow our existence at all. NIRODBARAN: The British will... Russia joined with England, the three of them would make a formidable combination. SRI AUROBINDO: That is common sense. But nobody listens to common sense. Even if Hitler dies, there is Stalin. And if Stalin invades India, Subhas Bose and Nehru will oppose him, perhaps. NIRODBARAN: I wonder what Hitler's next move will be. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, it will be interesting to see what he does next ...


... NIRODBARAN: Stalin is already taking measures to protect himself in the Baltic. SRI AUROBINDO (addressing Purani): Yes, what is this pact of non-aggression with Lithuania that Russia speaks of? Non-aggression against whom? Sending troops can only mean landing in Germany. PURANI: Yes, there was some non-aggression pact. Of course these are all excuses. SRI AUROBINDO: Stalin wants to fortify... Perhaps what Sisir said may come true that we may have to seek refuge on some islets. (Laughter) SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, if islets are available. (Laughter) We shall have to if Hitler or Stalin comes in. Stalin will at the very outset liquidate—this is the Russian term—all Sannyasins and religious institutions. As for Hitler, he will ask us to accept him as the head and factories and industries will ...


... villainous,’ said the Mother. And K.D. Sethna writes: ‘In Stalin Sri Aurobindo and the Mother discerned a phenomenon not merely of possession but of incarnation, a vital being born in a human form and not just employing that form as its medium.’ 46 Sri Aurobindo saw Stalin as a greater danger than Hitler. ‘On the face of it, Stalin and Hitler were most unlikely allies. What could they possibly... both parties for no other reason than to gain as much time as possible and meanwhile improve their respective positions. In fact, Stalin was even more evil than Hitler. Hitler was human after all, and he therefore had a soul, albeit one possessed by an Asura; Stalin was a direct incarnation of a malevolent vital force — literally a titanic, power-hungry being without conscience or soul, whose deeds... of world-empire. He will turn towards the Balkans, crushing Italy on the way, which would be a matter of weeks, then Turkey and then Asia Minor. Asia Minor means ultimately India. If there he meets Stalin, then it is a question as to who wins and comes to India.’ Nirodbaran mentions in a note that in the morning of that same day, the Mother had said to Nolini: ‘It is treachery against Sri Aurobindo ...


... Russia and Germany. Between themselves they have divided their spheres. Hitler is to take the West and Stalin the East. SRI AUROBINDO: I suspected some such thing. So India is to fall under Stalin? Only, Indians don't yet realise it. But though Hitler may allow it for now, he may turn against Stalin afterwards. NIRODBARAN: So India will be treated with another subjugation by Russia? Communists,... call it an aggression. SRI AUROBINDO: No, they have no national sense. PURANI; Besides, they will have favourable positions under Stalin. SRI AUROBINDO: Our condition will be worse, even worse than under Germany. But Russia will have to face Japan before Stalin comes to India. It is Japan's firm, age long aim to drive out all Europeans from Asia. She considers herself as holding and guarding... it the yellow peril. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, and theirs is the white peril, which Japan knows. NIRODBARAN: The Supermind ought to descend now; the conditions are getting very bad with Hitler and Stalin threatening everybody. SRI AUROBINDO: The Supermind is not concerned with these things. PURANI: Nirod is surprised to find that the Supermind goes by different values and he doesn't like it. ...


... the War still ring in my ears. At another crucial period when Stalin held a threatening pistol at England and was almost joining hands with Hitler, we were dismayed and felt that there would be no chance for the Divine, were such a formidable alliance to take place. Sri Aurobindo at once retorted, "Is the Divine going to be cowed by Stalin?" When, seeing Hitler sweeping like a meteor over Europe, a sadhak... If Russia finds that England is in a difficult position, then Stalin will put pressure on Turkey and Rumania for the control of the Black Sea as he has done with the Baltic States. Hitler is not likely to keep quiet about the trouble in the Balkans. With Italy's help he may settle the Asia Minor and Balkan problem or he may allow Stalin a free hand now, knowing that he can settle with him afterwards... Stalin's attitude. He is quite silent. Q: Any secret pact? Sri Aurobindo: Even if there is one, how long will Hitler respect it if he wins? Then Russia will have either to resist or be effaced. Stalin counted on the exhaustion of the Axis as well as of England and France. Now if Hitler takes Turkey, Africa and Egypt, that will mean practically England's defeat. After that, what can Russia do? Hitler ...

... now it is not only the Hitler danger but the Stalin danger. NIRODBARAN: Hitler is in a difficult position. He has to face the Western front and also provide for Stalinist possibilities. SATYENDRA: Why? He has nothing to fear from Stalin. SRI AUROBINDO: If Stalin is successful in the Baltic and the Balkans, Germany will be in danger and Stalin will be all-powerful in Europe. NIRODBARAN:... : Besides, there is fear of an internal revolution in Germany and then of the spread of Communism. SRI AUROBINDO: That is what Stalin hopes for. And after that Communism may spread over the whole of Europe. SATYENDRA: But Stalin is not making much headway in Finland. SRI AUROBINDO: No, he's not, except that his men have made some progress at the Isthmus, which is not much, and in the North ...


... said Sri Aurobindo — and the independence of India, the problems of the world were not solved. On the contrary, Sri Aurobindo kept repeating that the world situation was very grave, graver than ever. Stalin was still there, and there were the many little Stalins, and even after Hitler’s and Stalin’s death the forces who had used them would choose others as their instruments. ‘To them, it is as if you... they succeed, there is no reason why domination of the whole world should not follow by steps until they are ready to deal with America. That is, provided the war can be staved off with America until Stalin can choose his time. ‘Truman seems to have understood the situation if we can judge from his moves in Korea, but it is to be seen whether he is strong enough and determined enough to carry the matter... defence of Korea, she may be driven to yield position after position until it is too late; at one point or another she will have to stand and face the necessity of drastic action even if it leads to war. Stalin also seems not to be ready to face at once the risk of a world war and, if so, Truman can turn the tables on him by constantly facing him with the onus of either taking that risk or yielding position ...


... Descent. (Sri Aurobindo smiled.) SATYENDRA: N is not satisfied with anything less. NIRODBARAN: Mars and Saturn must be Hitler. SRI AUROBINDO: And Stalin? By the way, the author of that book, Inside Europe , seems pro-Stalin. He says that Stalin is almost ideal except for a touch of blood thirstiness. NIRODBARAN: What will he say now? SATYENDRA: He will say that the principles are all right ...


... egos, they fought each other even as they fought everybody else. One of these other hostile forces, and perhaps the most ruthless of them all, was Joseph Stalin. It has already been mentioned that, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Stalin was not an ordinary human, but a directly incarnated vital being with no soul. As in the case of so much else concerning Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, this... War, the ‘rehearsal’ for the worldwide war to come, was fought; a militarized Japan expanded aggressively in the East; Mussolini wanted to revive the honour of Italy on the model of ancient Rome; and Stalin, after having demonically ravaged his own people and eliminated his top military cadres, remained a riddle nobody managed to decipher. It is clear that the Second World War could have started a... human being, with a soul and a rather elementary, sentimental but cruel psychological makeup, once compared by Sri Aurobindo to that of a street criminal with the psychic being of a London cab driver. (Stalin, on the contrary, was not human, in the sense that he did not have a soul but was a direct incarnation of a vital being.) ‘It is the vital possession that gives [Hitler] his size and greatness,’ said ...

... defeated what will happen to the Being guiding him? SRI AUROBINDO: He will try to possess somebody else, for instance, Stalin. But I should say Stalin is himself a devil. He is cold and calculating, not suitable for the action of such Beings. NIRODBARAN: The Mother said that Stalin is an incarnation of the Devil. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. NIRODBARAN: In that case, Dilip says, he is worse than a case... Allies are defeated. Otherwise, he says, America will be the next victim. SRI AUROBINDO: Of course. But Hitler won't turn so soon towards America. He will turn first towards the Balkans and, if Stalin comes in the way, march into Russia. After gaining Asia and Africa he will turn towards America. You know Washington's three dreams: First, war with England, Second, the American Civil War, third,... se, they make mistakes and try to wriggle out of them. This man says that the annexation of Poland was the last successful result of Hitler's ambition. Then he goes on to say that after Hitler and Stalin have gone, Russia and Germany will make a military alliance and create a new type of State. And then he pays high tributes to Chamberlain. PURANI: Yes, he makes him out a saint. SRI AUROBINDO: ...


... world seems to be descending there. 18 September 1936 Stalin, Lenin and Trotsky From what I read about Stalin's life, it seems that it was he who saved Bolshevism (even when Lenin was there) and turned several catastrophes into successes either by military operations or tactics. If Lenin was the mind of the Bolshevist Revolution, Stalin was its vital—a very solid, steadfast and intuitive vital... It must be someone who since Stalin became powerful has exaggerated his share in the work. When Lenin lived he alone was all-powerful and dictated the whole policy changing it whenever that was needed. As for military operations, the man who saved Bolshevism in history was Trotsky who organised the Red Army, created it out of nothing and directed its operations. Stalin was not so much the vital as ...


... possible catastrophes. In February you gave a message saying "a new light shall break upon the earth", 3 and just after that [on 5 March 1953], Stalin died. Does this signify anything? That would truly be a small result. The death of Stalin (unfortunately not any more than the death of Hitler) has not changed the present state of the world. Something more than that would be necessary. For... on earth. And in the vital world there is no death, it does not exist there. It is in the material world that this exists, and it takes very good care not to incarnate. Was Stalin predestined to be what he was? Stalin? I am not quite sure that he was a human being... in the sense that I don't think he had a psychic being. Or perhaps he did have one—in all matter, in every atom there is a divine ...


... in Hitler's favour, the Mother remarked that freedom at present would be dangerous to India, because India would play into the hands of Stalin. I am perfectly sure that if the Socialists and Communists don't get their way, they will call in Russia. SB may say Stalin is almost Asiatic. PURANI: D says, "Let the Hindus and Muslims fight it out and see what happens. Some result will come." SRI AUROBINDO:... subjugation is inevitable. SRI AUROBINDO: Certainly. That is from the national point of view. Spiritually Stalin and Hitler will never tolerate any kind of work like ours. Spirituality and liberty of conscience are impossible in their regime. The Socialists or perhaps the Communists may think that Stalin will give some autonomy as in Georgia or the Ukraine—but it is all humbug. Even in the Ukraine, their ...


... Asia Minor. Asia Minor ultimately means India. If there he meets Stalin, then it is only a question as to who wins and comes to India. I hear K says that Russia can come now and conquer India. It is this kind of slave mentality that keeps India in bondage. He pretends to spirituality. Doesn't he know that the first thing that Stalin will do is to wipe out spirituality from India, apart from the fact... for it. It is because my nationality is French that the Ashram is allowed to exist. Otherwise it would have been dissolved long ago. There were many attempts to do so. If Hitler or Stalin wins, spirituality is doomed. Stalin will come to India and there will be no chance for freedom for a century." ...


... overlook them. In his Hitler and Stalin – Parallel Lives , Alan Bullock writes: “In the copy of Napoleon’s Thoughts found in his library, Stalin had marked the passage: ‘It was precisely that evening in Lodi that I came to believe in myself as an unusual person and became consumed with the ambition to do great things that until then had been but a fantasy!’ Neither Stalin, however, nor Hitler ever pinpointed ...


... country from Germany, for in between lay Czechoslovakia and Poland. Of Czechoslovakia he had made quick work, brashly and unhindered. Now, to invade Poland, he needed the compliance of Stalin – which means that to attack Stalin in the long term he had to befriend him in the short term. A Non-Aggression Pact between Germany and Russia was concluded on 23 August, just in time to make the Polish invasion... his heart is to bomb it out of existence.” 1148 This was before the war, when Sri Aurobindo also reflected: “There is no chance for the world unless something happens in Germany or else Hitler and Stalin quarrel. But there is no such likelihood at present.” 1149 The Non-Agression Pact between Germany and Russia still continued to be honoured. After the French surrender, Sri Aurobindo expressed his ...


... then Asia Minor. Asia Minor ultimately means India. If there he meets Stalin, then it is only a question as to who wins and comes to India. I hear K say that Russia can come now and conquer India. It is this kind of slave mentality that keeps India in bondage. He pretends to spirituality. Doesn’t he know that the first thing that Stalin will do is to wipe out spirituality in India …?” And when he heard... won’t like the ‘barbarians’ taking possession of Asia.” 1169 The second reason was spiritual: the religious-minded Japanese would tolerate an institution like the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, while Hitler and Stalin would, as Sri Aurobindo said, “wipe it out”. In India a whole range of attitudes towards the warring powers could be found, a situation which increased the pressure of the complexities Sri Aurobindo ...


... Russian attack. There is no chance for the world unless something happens in Germany or else Hitler and Stalin quarrel. But there is no such likelihood at present. NIRODBARAN: No. That may happen at the end. Hitler thinks perhaps that he can handle Stalin easily afterwards. SRI AUROBINDO: And Stalin thinks he can deal with Hitler. NIRODBARAN: German soldiers are better fighters than the Russians ...


... perhaps calculate an attack through Belgium.. SRI AUROBINDO: Calculations always go wrong. It is said that Russia is panicky and Stalin upset over Hitler's success. PURANI: Yes, before also there was such news. There may be some truth there. SATYENDRA: Stalin thought the Allies would win. SRI AUROBINDO: That is another calculation. No, he thought that both powers would be exhausted and... generals. I suppose he has no such military knowledge as Trotsky had. PURANI: No. SRI AUROBINDO: The Finnish war has been reassuring to Hitler. He has seen Stalin's limited strength and thinks, "Let Stalin do now whatever he likes. After the war I will handle him." ...


... is working night and day for it. ... If Hitler or Stalin wins, spirituality is doomed. 14 On 20 May, Sri Aurobindo said that Hitler was really possessed by the Asura: Human beings by themselves are no match for the Asuras .... Here in Hitler's case it is not an influence but a possession, even perhaps an incarnation. The case of Stalin is similar. The Vital World has descended upon the... the fall of France and the total collapse of French resistance: Russia is following a dangerous policy for herself. Does she think that Hitler will be so damaged by his fight with England that Stalin will be able to destroy him by an attack? When Hitler gets the whole of France he will build up his position very strongly; then he might try to blockade England, since a direct invasion of England ...


... the top, leaving ample scope to local bodies to make laws according to their local problems. The Congress at the present stage—what is it but a Fascist organization? Gandhi is the dictator like Stalin, I won't say like Hitler: what Gandhi says they accept and even the Working Committee follows him; then it goes to the All-India Congress Commitee which adopts it, and then the Congress. There is no... [a disciple] says that Russia can come now and conquer India. It is this kind of slave mentality that keeps India in bondage. He pretends to spirituality; doesn't he know that the first thing that Stalin will do is to wipe out spirituality from India?... _______________ * A sympathy shared by many in India at the time, which stemmed from a justified anti-British feeling but veiled the ...


... There's a slip here on your part. The atom bomb was made by America and it was dropped by the order of Truman, not Churchill, though it had the approval of Churchill - and not only Churchill but also Stalin who had been told at Potsdam about its getting ready to be dropped. You have also implied that its use was an example of the "foul play and vengeful atrocities" unavoidable once war is engaged. I ... continue in the teeth of America coming into possession of a super-weapon which might terminate the war. Even so, in late July a warning was issued to Japan from Potsdam where Truman, Churchill and Stalin had conferred. Radio Tokyo broadcast that the Japanese government would treat with "silent contempt" any call for "unconditional surrender", It was then resolved to bring the atom bomb into action ...

... because if you say that everything is God, then you have to affirm that God is responsible for evil. When I do an evil act, commit adultery or murder it is God who is acting in me. A man like Hitler or Stalin is moved by God no less than a Buddha or a Christ. This is surely nonsense; it makes no sense of God or of man. Evil, of course, remains a mystery which human reason can never penetrate but it should... disappear only to an inner spiritual realisation and not even the most convinced pantheist will declare the Cosmic Spirit to be equally expressive everywhere, to have been just as manifest in a Hitler or Stalin as in a Jesus or Buddha. Along with such a recognition, the Gita brings a multi-minded approach in which pantheism is but one feature - and this approach must yield another vision and valuation ...

... all that encouraged that instinct. Without flinching, Mother India spoke forth on many political subjects in direct contradiction of official or popular ideas. Those were the days when Stalin overshadowed, almost overawed, the world, especially the Asian world. But Mother India, while never advocating stark individualism or boosting rank capitalism, never hesitated to expose the... consciousness of the individual. Mother India went all out in support of the American intervention in Korea, regarding as it did the attack of the communist North Koreans as inspired by Mao and Stalin and as the first step of communism towards conquest of all Asia, including our own country. Mother India, again, refused to accept any right of Red China's to invade Tibet: the historical ...

... they succeed, there is no reason why domination of the whole world should not follow by steps until they are ready to deal with America. That is, provided the war can be staved off with America until Stalin can choose his time. Truman seems to have understood the situation if we can judge from his moves in Korea, but it is to be seen whether he is strong enough and determined enough to carry the matter... defence of Korea, she may be driven to yield position after position until it is too late: at one point or another she will have to stand and face the necessity of drastic action even if it leads to war. Stalin also seems not to be ready to face at once the risk of a world war and, if so, Truman can turn the tables on him by constantly facing him with the onus of either taking that risk or yielding position ...


... Russians had replaced tradidonal religion by a much worse one - the worship of Stalin - from which they were now free. I gave them an example of the absurd length to which this substitute had once gone. They were amused by it. I recounted how the poet Lermontov came to be celebrated for his work. A huge statue was built of Stalin holding in one hand the book of Lermontov's poems! When the subject of ...


... somewhere. Fine spells during the day but not to my satisfaction because too short. The first piece of news I got in the morning was from Soli Albless, who came smiling and striding from the Ashram. "Stalin has been given a blow in the brain. He is dying." People in the Ashram were feeling that the Divine had brought about that brainstroke, the cerebral haemorrhage. The Mother said that the going of one... instruments could be found by the Asuric force. When S.A. asked her if our aspirations and the Supermind's Descent could make the difference, she smiled and nodded. She is also reported to have said that Stalin had been really finished two months earlier. He had merely continued as a powerless shell. Since yesterday I have started not to come down at all Page 84 from the Mother's floor ...

... August, 1947),² the partition provided most disconcerting opportunities for the worst communal riots. Hitler was destroyed but the Force that was working behind Hitler was still there; and there was Stalin, too. As Mother explained later on: __________________________________________ ¹Sri Aurobindo, On Himself, Centenary Library, Vol. 26, p. 171. ²15th August, the birthday of Sri Aurobindo... was destroyed because he had a whole nation and physical power behind him, and had he succeeded, it would have been disastrous for humanity; but we had no illusions. The death of either one of them (Stalin or Hitler) serves no great purpose—it goes off elsewhere. It is as if you were doing something very bad while wearing a particular shirt, then you throw away the shirt and say, 'Now I won't do anything ...

... Mussolini almost weak by contrast, as if Hitler could put him in his pocket. Daladier claims to be the strong man of France but he also is nothing beside Hitler. NIRODBARAN: What about Stalin? SRI AUROBINDO: Stalin has the face of an astute and confident ruffian. No one thought of Hitler as having anything in him. Then came the vital development, the vital Power holding him in its clutch. Mussolini ...


... attitude. He is quite silent. NIRODBARAN: Any secret pact? SRI AUROBINDO: Even if there were, how long would Hitler respect it if he won? Then Russia would have either to resist or be effaced. Stalin is counting on the exhaustion of the Axis and England and France. Now if Hitler takes Turkey and Egypt and Africa, that will mean practically England's defeat. Then what can Russia do? Hitler has a... industries serving German interests and having its culture. DR. RAO: What is the difference between communism and Nazism? SRI AUROBINDO: Communism is the proletariat State—no dictatorship, though Stalin is a dictator but he doesn't call himself that. Otherwise they are the same. DR. RAO: The trouble in India is that the British Government has not kept a single promise so far. So nobody trusts it ...


... had made a pact with the only other Titan one saw on the scene: Stalin. That was on August 23 of the same year. Britain and France had but recently—September 3—gone to war with Germany. Hitler's most sensational striding on and conquering all was still in the future. And it was not before June 22, 1941, that Hitler broke with Stalin and attacked Russia. Only on November 25,1942 the tide of batde ...


... they succeed, there is no reason why domination of the whole world should not follow by steps until they are ready to deal with America. That is provided the war can be staved off with America until Stalin can choose his time. Truman seems to have understood the situation if we can judge from his moves in Korea; but it is to be seen whether he is strong enough and determined enough to carry the matter... be driven to yield position after position until it is too late; at one point or another she will have to stand and Page 507 face the necessity of drastic action even if it leads to war. Stalin also seems not to be ready to face at once the risk of a world war and, if so, Truman can turn the tables on him by constantly facing him with the onus of either taking that risk or yielding position ...


... Russia. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, with her very strong artificial defence of the Mannerheim Line she still couldn't hold on. NIRODBARAN: My impression is that when Hitler gets involved with Britain, Stalin may march towards India. SRI AUROBINDO: Before that he will have to take Asia Minor and then Hitler will get nervous. PURANI: Daladier seems to have been arrested in Casablanca. SRI AUROBINDO:... party wanted peace with Hitler was strongly denied. SRI AUROBINDO: That must be German propaganda. Chamberlain can't open his umbrella now. NIRODBARAN: As soon as he declared his Axis policy, Stalin got his chance. SRI AUROBINDO: Quite so. NIRODBARAN: The other neutrals, Hungary, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia, are repeating the same policy—closely watching the situation. SRI AUROBINDO (laughing): ...


... Trotsky, it seems. NIRODBARAN: But how is it Trotsky was thrown out by Stalin? SRI AUROBINDO: He was a good organiser, but not a man to lead a revolution. He did not have sufficient vital force to support his action. That doesn't mean he was not a man of action, but he acted with his brain rather than with the vital force. Stalin has more vital force. He has no intellect, but has a clever and cunning ...


... Crete and Asia. And the set-back to the human mind in Europe is amazing. As I said, no one set of ideas can monopolise Truth. From that point of view all these efforts of Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin to confine the human mind in a narrow circle of ideas are so absurd! We had thought, during the last years of the 19th century, that the human mind had reached a certain level of intelligence and... things right and pulled out the race from it  He will have to take all the dictators in one line for condemnation, Page 105 e.g. Kemal (a different type from Hitler), Pilsudski, Stalin and the kings of the Balkan states. Even Mahatma Gandhi is a type of dictator. (A portion from the book in which Huxley blames the Jacobins was read) Sri Aurobindo : He finds fault with ...

... . 13 LEARNING SANSKRIT THROUGH SONGSII During the first months - the period of the so-called 'phoney war' - when the French army sat pretty behind the Maginot Line and Hitler and Stalin were allowed to overrun Poland from opposite sides and to partition it, Sri Aurobindo - according to his own admission - "did not actively concern himself with the course of the war. But when it... It is treachery against Sri Aurobindo to wish for Hitler's victory. Sri Aurobindo's cause is closely connected with that of the Allies and he is working night and day for it. ... If Hitler or Stalin wins, spirituality is doomed. 26 The next morning, on coming to know that some people were glad of the fall of Holland, Sri Aurobindo spoke out with a touch of exasperation: Very ...

... Allies, 231 , 236, 238 his public support for. Cripps' proposal. 224(fn), 237 his message for India's Independence, 244-245 his passing, 255 see also Chronology, p. 257 ff Srinivas Iyengar, 215 Stalin, 215, 225 strength, 14-15, 16, 18,21,32,36,45, 52 -53.54,57,58, 124, 125 -126 see also India, Shakti suffering, 22 -23, 166-167, 176 ,253 Sufism, 168 supermind, supramental, 173-174. 199,200 ...


... things about him—some looked upon him as an incarnate godhead, others as an incarnate devil. I can say nothing, I have had no contact with him. When Hitler died, did the Lord of Falsehood pass into Stalin? It is not altogether like that that things happen, but it is something similar. This being did not wait for Hitler's death, it is there you make a mistake. These beings are not at all tied to ...


... energy on a large scale lay behind both Hitlerism and Stalinism, but even though we may learn something from it we cannot get lost in admiration of it. Of course, Satprem is neither a Hitler nor a Stalin, yet a clear tinge of the totalitarian in him is evident from the intolerant, exclusivist single-type mentality he has fixed in the group which follows him. I have observed that people who are ...


... solution to the riddle: that the greatest and most tragic event in human history was caused by a “self-worshipping Ego”?) John Lukacs finds Hitler “a very secretive man, perhaps not less secretive than Stalin”, and he quotes him as having said: “You will never be able to discover my thoughts and intentions.” 637 “The higher one was, the less one knew”, confided Speer to Gitta Sereny. 638 Speer’s words might ...


... Maria Sigmund: Die Frauen der Nazis II, p. 252. 916 Albert Speer: Spandau, p. 88. 917 August Kubizek, op. cit., p. 291. 918 Ron Rosenbaum, op. cit., p. 77. 919 Alan Bullock: Hitler and Stalin – Parallel Lives, p. 376. 920 Adolf Hitler, op. cit., pp. 176 ff., passim. 921 John Toland, op. cit., p. xviii. 922 Ron Rosenbaum, op. cit., pp. xiv, xxxvi. 923 Walter Langer, op. cit ...


... Aesthetischer Fundamentalismus – Stefan George und der deutsche Antimodernismus Brissaud, André: Hitler et l’Ordre noir Bronder, Dietrich: Bevor Hitler kam Bullock, Alan: Hitler and Stalin – Parallel Lives Burgess, Simon: Stafford Cripps – A Political Life Burleigh, Michael: The Third Reich – A New History Cannadine, David (ed.): The Speeches of Winston Churchill, p 134 ...


... of drastic action to make Germany healthy, decent and self-respecting again. The membership numbers of the NSDAP shot up. The Communists, now directly controlled by Moscow (which soon will mean Stalin), judged that the moment had come for the “second revolution” in Germany: the Bolshevik take-over of the Socialist (Menshevik) revolution which, as the Weimar Republic, was still in power. “Indeed ...


... thus depriving the peoples of their natural intellectual leaders, he fits them for their fate as slaves under a lasting despotism” 602 – which was exactly what he himself and others of his ilk, like Stalin and Pol Pot, were going to do. In his History of Anti-Semitism, Léon Poliakov writes: “One has been able to state that the history of the Jews commences in 586 BC in Babylonia [where the two remaining ...


... main work. Serious the times certainly were, even after the elimination of Adolf Hitler, instrument of the Lord of Falsehood. But the Asura had other instruments on Earth. In the first place there was Stalin, considered by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to be an even greater evil than the Führer. The Cold War was at a high pitch, with the production of weapons capable of destroying not only all civilization ...

... the higher vital aim, forced to take a subordinate place so that the mind may absorb itself persistently in mental pursuits or idealisms or great political or personal ambitions (Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini). The ascetic and the Puritan try to suppress it mostly or altogether. In our yoga the principle is that all must become an instrument of the Spirit and the parts of enjoyment taste the ...


... said to you, I have always given a large place Lo mirth and laughter and my letters in. that style are only the natural out- flow of my personality-1 have never been "grim" in my life— that is the Stalin-Mussolini style, it is not mine: the only trait I share with the "grim" people is obstinacy in following out my aim in life but! do it quietly and simply and have always done. Don't set upon me gloomy ...

... Part VI Courage of the Handicapped Roosevelt at the famous Yalta conference in February 1945, two months before his death. Churchill on the left, Stalin on the right. Triumphant Courage Introduction Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected four times as President of the United States of America. Nobody did it before him and nobody will ...

... first time of an "iron curtain". June 5, 1947 - George Marshall proposes a plan "to assist in the return of normal economic health" of Europe,. USSR refuses to be included in it. June 24, 1948 — Stalin imposes a blockade on the western sectors of Berlin. The Western powers supply West Berlin Page 131 through air. May 8, 1949 — A West German parliamentary council adopts a constitution ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Uniting Men

... got his notion of the super-race, and the notion took concrete shape among a particular people and some particular individuals. That is what lay behind the rise of Hitler and his Nazis in Germany. Stalin and his Bolsheviks appeared as their counterparts in Russia. Mussolini was their henchman, a "satellite" in modern parlance. Our Puranic scriptures tell of the ancient Shumbha and Nishumbha, Hiranyaksha ...


... European influence. The setback to the human mind in Europe is amazing. As I said, no one set of ideas can monopolise Truth and from that point of view all these efforts of Hitler and Mussolini and Stalin to bottle up the human soul in a narrow mould of ideas is absurd. We had thought during the last years of the nineteenth century that the human mind had attained a certain level of intelligence and ...


... were the first dictators the world had seen. There have been dictators since the beginning of the world. And they are of various kinds. Kernal, Pilsudski, all the kings of Balkan states, as well as Stalin and Hitler, are all dictators. Even Gandhi, if he were put at the head of a free India, could be a dictator. My own father can be called the dictator of Rangppur or Khulna! The dictators come in answer ...


... left except Russia, Japan, Germany and Italy. I am speaking of the old world. I think the next war will be between Russia and Germany. If Russia finds that England is in a difficult position, then Stalin will put pressure on Turkey and Rumania for control of the Black Sea, as he has done with the Baltic states; of course, not without difficulty, for they may resist. Hitler is not likely to keep quiet ...


... Quite so. (Sri Aurobindo smiled.) SRI AUROBINDO (after some time): Russia is following a dangerous policy for herself. Does she think that Hitler will be so damaged by fight with England that Stalin will be able to destroy him by an attack? When Hitler gets the whole of France he will build up his position very strongly; then he might try to blockade England, since a direct invasion of England ...


... he wants to go back to France? The Pétain Government will be there. NIRODBARAN: Is Hitler trying to checkmate Russia in Turkey or working in league with Russia? SRI AUROBINDO: Don't know. But Stalin and Molotov would be off their heads to allow Hitler to get Turkey. Hitler would next occupy Asia Minor and then Asia. Then Jawaharlal might think the invasion of India has become real. NIRODBARAN: ...


... a decadent nation; Turkey won't profit by joining with her. And when she was asked what Turkey's fate would be if England went down, she said, "Why? We will join Russia!" NIRODBARAN: I wonder if Stalin has made a secret pact with Hitler. SRI AUROBINDO: That is what all suspect. But what will be the value of any such pact if England is defeated? Then Italy, Germany and Japan will all turn on Russia ...


... drunkards. It is not a number of drunkards but just one drunkard. PURANI: Kamil at one time tried to play off Italy against Russia. SRI AUROBINDO: But Russia has all along helped Turkey. PURANI: Stalin, in order to enforce collectivisation starved the Ukraine to death because the Ukrainians didn't pay their dues. He said, "Once we submit to the peasants, they will catch hold of us." SRI AUROBINDO: ...


... SRI AUROBINDO: The Pakistan scheme is not of much interest. NIRODBARAN: Not Pakistan. He speaks of Indian freedom. SRI AUROBINDO: Indian freedom? India will inevitably be free if Hitler and Stalin are removed. Otherwise I can't give a guarantee. NIRODBARAN: They will be removed when the Supermind descends. (Laughter) SRI AUROBINDO: What did you say? They will be removed when the Supermind ...


... SATYENDRA : The Indian Express. (Bursts of laughter) PURANI: If true, Russia may go against Germany. SRI AUROBINDO: Russia has counted on both sides being exhausted by the war and then Stalin will have his chance. But if Germany wins it will be too powerful. PURANI: America seems to be changing her tone now and thinking in terms of war. SRI AUROBINDO: She thinks she will be able to ...


... (Laughter) NIRODBARAN: Quite welcome. PURANI: He has brought out new planes. Uranus SRI AUROBINDO: And Pluto. Uranus, he says, is more psychic in nature. NIRODBARAN: How can that be when Stalin is under Uranus? SRI AUROBINDO: Why not? Dictators sometimes bring about profound changes. Daladier also. It is the planet of the dictators. PURANI: Mussolini too. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes; this ...


... Hitler because he had a whole nation and a physi­cal power behind him, and had he succeeded, it would have been disastrous for humanity; but we had no illusions.... The death of one or the other [Stalin or Hitler] does not matter, it does not make much difference—the thing goes off elsewhere. It is just a form. It is as if you did something very bad while wearing a certain shirt, then you throw your ...

... closed. The Israelis march on the Sinai desert. It was the period of the independence of Sudan, Morocco, Tunisia and Togolandthe beginning of the great "independences." Khrushchev had just indicted Stalin in a secret session of the communist party... four days before the 29th of February. The Polish workers were rioting in Poznan, and Budapest was occupied by the Russians. The first congress of the ...


... beaten by Asuras and run for protection either to Mahakali or to Rudra or to Vishnu. Sri Aurobindo : It is the intervention of the Divine that can become effective, and in this German and Stalin affair it is the question of the descent of the whole vital world on this earth. That is what has puzzled most people, specially those intellectual people who were thinking in terms of idealism. They ...

... Subhas and his Socialists and Gandhi's followers. Socialism in England is of a watery kind. Disciple : In Russia some signs of freedom are noticeable. Sri Aurobindo : That is because Stalin has killed all unpleasant Page 211 to him. He can now wait till some other people come up in future whom he can kill. Disciple : Spain is finished. Sri Aurobindo ...

... affair, it is voluntary; but country is quite different from the church. You can't choose your country. If you make all people think alike there can't be any human progress. If you were to differ from Stalin or Lenin you would be liquidated. These dictators have remarkably few ideas :  Take for example Hitler. He believes that :      I  The Germans are the best people in the world. II. ...

... Sri Aurobindo : And let them quarrel like Kilkeni cats. I suppose. (Said laughing.) The Congress at the present stage – what is it but a Fascist organization? Gandhi is the dictator like Stalin, I won't say like Hitler. What Gandhi says they accept and even Working Committee follows him. Then it goes to A. I. C. C. which adopts it and then the Congress. There is no opportunity for any difference ...

... Government to forestall Hitler and with the deadliest weapon of destruction be capable of worsting all anti-civilisation forces. Nor was he oblivious of the dangers of Soviet Russia under Stalin. He was passionately opposed to all totalitarian­ism, all autocratic regimes which ruthlessly crush what he Page 113 deemed most precious in life - the impressionable indivi­duality ...

... Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1968), pp. 201-202. Page 146 to have helped him with his spiritual force to bring about the Revolution against Czardom. It was only with the advent of Stalin that Sri Aurobindo turned his spiritual force against communist Russia, Communism in its Stalinist "Asuric" form was anathema to him. Here it would be well to realise that the politicians in charge ...


... concrete world of the senses. Technological development cannot argue a higher stage of essential consciousness. Is a modern scientist more evolved in consciousness than Aristotle or Leonardo da Vinci? Is Stalin on a higher plane of being than Draco or Lycurgus or our own Buddhist Asoka whom H. G. Wells, himself a scientific mind, calls the most enlightened ruler the world has seen? Not the outer mould but ...


... The Thinking Corner "The Red Immortal" Let me say at once that I do not have in mind either Lenin or Stalin. The word "red" here is not a synonym for "Soviet". It connects up with more natural and much older things than the economic system of Communist Russia - things like roses and human blood. To get my meaning you must ask what the red rose symbolises ...


... occurred in Soviet Russia between 1926 and 1937, when the largely Jewish leaders of the revolutionary period (Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev) were bloodily shoved aside by a dominantly non-Jewish class (Stalin, Voroshilov, etc.).” 606 In Germany and Austria “hundreds of thousands” of the higher classes believed in “the threat of Judeo-bolshevism”, especially because their new governments after the First ...


... the greater the historical distance, the more puzzling Hitler seems to become”, writes Christian von Krockow. 7 Alan Bullock, author of such essays like Hitler – A Study in Tyranny and Hitler and Stalin – Parallel Lives , admits in a conversation: “The more I learn about Hitler, the harder I find it to explain … I can’t explain Hitler. I don’t believe anybody can.” 8 And to H.R. Trevor-Roper “after ...


... of the sadhaks, with Nolini generally first at the winning post, when the bag of dailies from the GPO was emptied on the mats. I was placidly unaware that Hitler had come to dangerous power and that Stalin was unleashing his reign of terror - until on October 12,1936, nine years after my arrival in Pondy, there was put on the Ashram library table a typed copy of a poem by Arjava (originally John Chadwick) ...


... would not have been driven to it if the Russian army had not been his potential captor. He took his own life because he dreaded being the prisoner of Communists -especially when they were headed by Stalin whom he had betrayed. Most probably he would have surrendered alive to the Americans. Perhaps one may ask: "Why could he not have escaped by air with his girl-friend Eva Braun?" My conjecture is that ...


... plane I suppose it is the same delusion that led an extreme individualist and ultramodern painter like Picasso to participate in the bogus peace- Page 210 campaign sponsored by Stalin.)   The Romantics, of course, are doubly removed from the Dialectical Materialists. But we are not here concerned with their difference from the brood of Sartre. Apart from the question of God's ...


... of what is now called Poland, the Balticum and the Ukraine; later, German settlers became landlords in these regions and their descendants were still living there, proud of their Germanic ancestry. (Stalin will send them to Siberia.) Hitler formulated his Lebensraum (living space) theory for the first time clearly and in detail when writing Mein Kampf , whereas before he had used predominantly ...


... where the serious and important decisions are taken for the worlds' welfare. He overthrows creative and beautiful plans. He is pernicious. His emanations take possession of human minds —like Hitler, Stalin and others who have disruptive motives and want to regiment mankind. I am enclosing a copy of one of my paintings from the book About Savitri with a comment of the Mother on a passage in Savitri ...


... or the higher vital aim, forced to take a subordinate place so that the mind may absorb itself persistently in mental pursuits or idealisms or great political or personal ambitions (Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini). The ascetic and the Puritan try to suppress it mostly or altogether. In our Yoga the principle is that all must become an instrument of the Spirit and the parts of enjoyment taste the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... the Mother who had taken birth in human bodies claiming to serve the Divine? Since they are "grands" they must have been well-known persons. I can see only one—Rasputin. Hitler, Page 605 Stalin and Co. do not claim to serve the Divine. Mother was not speaking of these but of others met by herself. But "grands" here does not mean great in the worldly sense, that is incarnating in famous ...

... have said to you, I have always given a large place to mirth and laughter and my letters in that style are only the natural outflow of my personality. I have never been "grim" in my life—that is the Stalin-Mussolini style, it is not mine; the only trait I share with the "grim" people is obstinacy in following out my aim in life, but I do it quietly and simply and have always done. Don't set up some gloomy ...


... hammer and sickle, but there is also evident the force that always beats down and the keenness that always cuts away - with an unchanging steely ruthlessness that has found its incarnation in a man like Stalin. The star is the creative touch of religious idealism that seems to have paradoxically and perversely become energetic irreligious materialism in the unspiritual and body-preoccupied faith and fervour ...

... good in a church or religion, but a church or religion is voluntary: you can choose there but you can't choose your country. If you think alike, there can't be any progress. If you dare to differ from Stalin, you are liquidated. I don't understand how humanity can progress under such conditions. Look at Hitler. After all, what do all his ideas come to except that the Germans are the best nation in the ...


... England will turn communist. PURANI (after reading a few extracts from Blake's book) : Blake calls Hitler a devil. SRI AUROBINDO: There lies the difference from the French man. The Frenchman calls Stalin a devil and Hitler human. One can say that Hitler is not a devil but is possessed by one. ...


... has put them in detention camps. SRI AUROBINDO: Bah! What do they want then? To let them go free and spread a revolution behind the lines? They were plotting against France, taking orders from Stalin and trying to help Hitler. What else could be done to such enemies of the country? Allow them to betray France? The Socialists also agree to the Government policy. When Blum went to London he said ...


... don't want British Raj, they want Muslim Raj. I would not mind that if it were not for Hitler. Even Mussolini would not matter if he defeated the Allies, because he is not a man to conquer the world. Stalin is serious not because of himself but because of his Communism. Huque says he wants to forget that he is a Muslim Leaguer and asks the Congress and Mahasabha to forget their own parties and merge for ...


... satisfactory peace. Germany will fare badly, Hitler will go down and the Third Reich will come to power. Peace is likely to come by March, it will certainly make headway by September. Then he says that Stalin will win. After that he says catastrophic things will happen. There will be terrible destruction—communism will be established everywhere, in England, France, Germany. In England there will be two ...


... AUROBINDO: He speaks of Uranus as well as Neptune; there is one Kutsa which I haven't heard of. But he has placed all these new planets in his calculations. Uranus seems to be the planet of dictators. Stalin is one and Daladier also. PURANI: Daladier also? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, he is now coming forth as a dictator and is practically one. PURANI: Kapali says instead of asking him you could yourself ...


... PURANI: There they have now also made a discrimination in wages. And if anyone has more money, he can deposit it with the State and get interest on it. It is that which makes Trotsky wild and say that Stalin is for capitalism. SRI AUROBINDO: There nobody can be rich and buy luxuries, because then he will be suspected. It seems only the authors are rich in Russia because the masses are being educated ...


... : Sweden is allying herself with Russia. SRI AUROBINDO: That is the only thing to do. SATYENDRA: I hope their idea of neutrality will go now. SRI AUROBINDO: Let us hope so. NIRODBARAN: Stalin does not want Sweden to fall into German hands. SRI AUROBINDO: Obviously not. For, if Hitler gets Sweden, and if the Allies go down in the war, he is sure to attack Russia afterwards. He will promise ...


... an influence from the Asuras or other Beings, the result may depend on that influence. Here in Hitler's case it is not merely an influence but a possession, even perhaps an incarnation. The case of Stalin is similar. The vital world ***has descended upon the physical. That is why the intellectuals are perplexed at the destruction of their civilisation, of all the values they had made and stood for. ...


... time you will be virtually independent. Besides, it is the best option under the present conditions in contrast to charkha and non-violence. Hitler won't give it, neither will Mussolini nor Japan. Stalin may give autonomy but controlled from Moscow. Moreover, the first thing he will do will be to cut off the industrialists and middle class and establish a peasant proletariat. NIRODBARAN.: The British ...


... to exert a pressure working for an equality, an equilibrium of partnership building up a genuine Common­wealth. The model is catching. An Imperialistic Russia, that has found a new avatara in Stalin, has become a champion of federalism, as the best way of preserving the imperial integrity!   India should consider the present situation with calmness, detachment and wisdom, not hark ...

... gravitate towards a stratification of its 'own. In its very bosom the bureaucracy, the military, the officialdom of a closed body will form a class of its own. A Lenin cannot prevent the advent of a Stalin. Even if the proletarians form the majority, by far a very large majority, even then the tyranny of the majority is as reprehensible as the tyranny of the minority. Communism pins its faith on struggle ...

... them. Now it has to be seen what Hitler and Mussolini will do against Russia. If something happens Turkey and other powers will also pluck up courage. PURANI: What will happen to Hitler's pact with Stalin? SRI AUROBINDO: "Pact of brotherhood sealed in blood." That's what he said. Hitler has cloven-hoofed everybody. Now it is his turn to be cloven-hoofed. Carol says the British and the Jews dislike ...


... fixed, they can wait for years to carry it out, and when the right moment comes they strike. Japan's influence in the East is, of course, good for us. It will serve as a counterpoise against Hitler and Stalin if England goes down and in the meantime we can prepare as much as we can unless we fly at each other's throat. We heard the other day—I don't know where—maybe on the radio, that the Kuomintang met ...


... St. Augustine, 150 St. Bartholomews, 52 St. Bernard, 150 St. Francis, 150, 164 St. Peter, 382 St. Teresa, 150 St.. Thomas Aquinas, 150 Stalin, 106, 125 Sumeria, 223 Sun-yat-Sen, 242 TACITUS, 87 Tagore, Rabindranath, 195, 197-8, 200-1 Tantras, the, 63, 216, 248 Thales, 329 Thebes, ...

... Poetry, 227 -The Life Divine, 126n., 248 -The Secret of the Veda, 42n St. Augustine, 115n -Confessions, ll5n St. Francis, 83, 240 St. Jacques, 107 St. Paul, 9-10, 108 Stalin, 267 Stalinism, 262 Stendha1, 88 Supervielle, Jules, 198 -"Alter Ego", 199-200 -"Lui Seul", 201 -"Saisir", 201 Surya,166 Syria, 284 TAG ORE, RABINDRANATH, 53, 62n., 64 ...

... slogan that incited the Red Terror of the French Revolution; there is the other one which inspired the Nazis; there is Page 266 still another one rampant that had the seal and sanction of Stalin and his politbureau. These have spread their dark wings and covered the saviour light. On the other hand, the voice of the Vedic Rishi that hymned the community of faith and speech and act, the kindly ...

... 487 the super-race, and the notion took concrete shape among a particular people and some particular individuals. That is what lay behind the rise of Hitler and his Nazis in Germany. Stalin and his Bolsheviks appeared as their counterparts in Russia. Mussolini was their henchman, a "satellite" in modern parlance; Our Puranic scriptures tell of the ancient Shumbha and Nishumbha, Hiranyaksha ...

... seems to exert a pressure working for an equality, an equilibrium of partnership building up a genuine Commonwealth. The model is catching. An Imperialistic Russia, that has found a new avatar in Stalin, has become a champion of federalism, as the best way of preserving the imperial integrity! India should consider the present situation with calmness, detachment and wisdom, not hark back to ...


... gravitate towards a stratification of its own. In its very bosom the bureaucracy, the military, the officialdom of a closed body will form a class of its own. A Lenin cannot prevent the advent of a Stalin. Even if the proletarians form the majority, by far a very large majority, even then the tyranny of the majority is as reprehensible as the tyranny of the minority. Communis Page 122 ...


... : They say that the child is very happy outside. Page 115 Sri Aurobindo : But she wrote to us that she is never happy outside! Disciple : In the papers we find that Stalin has made allegations against Trotsky; can there be any truth in them? Sri Aurobindo : Not creditable. Disciple : But the confessions of the generals were dramatic. Sri Aurobindo ...

... symbol behind the legend 830 Sri Aurobindo's Action 788-9 Sri Aurobindo Society 685-6, 717, 726 Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library 788 Srinivasachariar, Mandayam 85, 220 Sri Prakasa 596 Stalin, Joseph 395 Standard Bearer, The 79, 205 Still-sitting movement 153, 175-6, 194, 221, 302 Subbarao, G. V. 222 Subramaniam, C. 716 Sudhir Ghose 488 Sundaram (Tribhuvandas Luhar) 691 Sunil ...


... hope for a perfect society through Marxism, he no longer could be tempted to equate the distinction he drew between Marxism and Capitalism with the distinction between Stalin's Russia and Truman's America, much less between Stalin's Russia and Attlee's Britain. This breaking of an old association and throwing of the value of individual freedom into relief Page 95 was of first-rate... vision of their deepest heart. Significant too is the clear pronouncement on Russia under Khrushchev in comparison with the state of things during Stalin's rule. Nehru declared that now there was some welcome relaxation of monolithic control. Stalinism was thus criticised once more and condemned in retrospect. Finally, there was the spontaneous turn mainly towards Britain and America for military aid... deeper, and he was living out more and more the Indian youthfulness afire in him. Nehru grew up side by side with the Soviet Union: his adult life synchronised with the development of Leninism and Stalinism, and it was very much coloured by the Marxist doctrine as embodied in contemporary Russia. He was for years impressed by the Stalinist regime because he identified it with the opposite of things he ...

... and to wait." They won't wait. SRI AUROBINDO: No, it should rather be: "Learn to labour and be dictated to." PURANI: That should be Stalin's motto, but he himself doesn't labour. SRI AUROBINDO: Oh no, he labours tremendously but to dictate. So in Stalin's case the line should be: "Learn to labour and to dictate." (Laughter) (After a little time) This poetic theory about variety and mass ...

... y, yes; that means every individuality, in other words, solidarity. The two sides of the equation must be given equal value and equal emphasis. If the stress upon one leads to Nazism, Fascism or Stalinism, steam-rollered uniformity or streamlined regimentation, the death of the individual, the other emphasis leads to disintegration and disruption, to the same end in a different way. But in the world ...

... y, yes; that means every individuality, in other words, solidarity. The two sides of the equation must be given equal value and equal emphasis. If the stress upon one leads to Nazism, Fascism or Stalinism, steam-rollered uniformity or streamlined regimentation, the death of the individual, the other emphasis leads to disintegration and disruption, to the same end in a different way. But in the world ...

... article "Our light and Delight", No. 18 and was astounded by the statement that the mother assumed and form of the Lord of Falsehood in order to misguide Hitler and make him launch an attack on Stalin's Russia. This seems incredible. I have not heard of this before and surely it is not the way the Mother worked for achieving results. Did she really say at any time that she had assumed this form ...

... time another disciple came and seemed to be bubbling with news.                                                                 Sri Aurobindo : What is the news? Radio  :  help. a louse in Stalin's head! Socialize it, then the rest will follow. Disciple recounted two fine jokes about Russia from 'Inside Europe.' Then he said :  – I looked up the book; Lindbergh says that soviet air-fleet ...

... etc. were frequently used, but in a rhetorical way and always meaning something different from their common significance. What Hitler wanted to create was a Spartan totalitarianism (quite similar to Stalin’s handiwork), with people who would be smiling, healthy, fanatical and soulless robots, totally integrated into the common body of the Volk and disdaining individual dignity as a kind of psychological ...

... all the provinces, whether the laws suit the provinces or not. There is no room for any other independent opinion. Everything is fixed beforehand and the people are only allowed to talk it over—like Stalin's parliament. When we started the movement, we began with the idea of throwing out the Congress oligarchy and opening the whole organisation to the general mass. PURANI: Srinivas lyengar retired ...

... Aurobindo, instead of sitting like a Himalayan sage serenely apart from world-issues, declared himself on the side of the Allies in World War II against Hitler and urged American participation versus Stalinism in the Korean conflict of 1950, and thus exposed himself in the one case to the charge of befriending the British who were still India's imperialist masters when World War II broke out, and in the ...

... Life-Literature-Yoga (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1968), pp. 41-43. Page 24 several factors—the chief being the push towards World War II by Hitler and the increasing power of Stalinism and the catastrophic division of India—this divine event was delayed for eighteen years! Without Sri Aurobindo's drastic short-cut which we may call the Dying by the Deathless it would not have m ...

... Italy was behind Hitler, and so was Japan. The Western powers - Britain, France - were tense with anxiety and apprehension. President Roosevelt of U.S.A. felt deeply concerned, but could do little. Stalin's Russia was enigmatic, impassive, apparently neutral. Was it going to be war or peace? Neville Chamberlain was only too agonisingly aware of Britain's inadequate war-preparedness, and Daladier of ...

... the year of the Conference of Bandung, ‘a revolt of Asia and Africa against the white race’ by the Nassers, Sukarnos and Nehrus. West Germany became a sovereign state. The struggle for power after Stalin’s death raged on in the Kremlin creating an unstable situation with great dangers for the country and the world. China and the Soviet-Union still acted in unison. The nuclear race was in full swing ...

... In the Evening Talks Sri Aurobindo discussed different subjects with his attendants. For instance serious subjects such as politics, the independence of India, the Second World War, Hitler’s and Stalin’s personalities. But there were also other lighter but interesting conversations streaked with humour, laughter and fun. In his words you find not only the flow of seriousness and profound experience ...