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133 result/s found for Sunil

... than ever. Chamanlalji then took Mr. Parasara to Sunil-da the composer. Sunil-da, typically, said: “I am not a composer — I am just a receiver.” Mr. Parasara got to hear some of Sunil-da’s music. Then the two had a long talk (musician and sculptor). By the end of their talk, Mr. Parasara was overjoyed. He said: “At last my faith is restored. This (Sunil-da) is a great man, he is unique. He has saved... Kanak played on the electric guitar and played an important role in Sunil-da’s orchestra. This guitar was to us, at that time (in the early 50s) a new unheard of instrument of music. It seems (to me) that Kanak and his guitar fitted in well into Sunil-da’s later music, whereas other instruments disappeared from the scene?! Sunil-da would even want Kanak around when he composed. Then there were the... one that Sunil-da had a high regard for was Ravibala’s. Her participation unfortunately was very rare. But rare too was the pure timbre of her voice. Sunil-da played on the harmonium or piano, both of which he played with just one finger. We watched with admiration and un-understanding. To me it seemed miraculous how he just watched the dancer and produced the right, suitable music. (Sunil-da was a ...


... genius and what is my opinion worth — for the Mother herself said of Sunil-da: “He is a genius.” Sunil-da was born in Krishnanagar, Bengal, on the 3 of November 1920. Father a doctor (Homoeopath), mother, Anil the elder brother, Minnie the elder sister and Sunil formed a close and well-knit family. The father loved young Sunil and Sunil was very attached to the father. As a boy, he did what boys did... Sunil Among the Not So Great Sunil-Da (A Snowy High Kanchenjunga) “Saints and poets are hills touched with the dawn whilst the valley is in darkness.” Austin O’Malley I may add to the above saints and poets a third category, that of musicians and composers — for Sunil-da was both, with a good bit of “saint” thrown in. Here... Bañtul took no such liberties — he was more like an ordinary cat. Now back to Sunil-da. Sunil-da took honours in chemistry. This information is quite irrelevant, for he could have shone in any subject he chose to and also in the sports he took up, and of course in the music he composed (that poured out through him). Sunil-da was of a solid and proportionate build, with enough weight and strength ...


... other times than this once. But it was one that Sunil-da happened to attend and I too was there. Many aired many ideas and opinions, some longish rallies of points and counter points enlivened the proceedings. Suddenly after some discussions, Pavitrada looked at Sunil-da and asked, “Et, Sunil, que dites-vous?” (And Sunil what have you to say?) Sunil-da smiled and: “Oh! moi?” (Oh! Me? Me?)..... and inconspicuous as he. Dr. Venkataraman and Sunil-da were great friends, of a kind, they developed a great kinship). Now Sunil-da wanted us (the class) to attend these lectures. He said it would do our brains some good. He sent me to seek Pavitrada’s permission for our class to attend. Pavitrada said “No, no, it will be too difficult for you.” But Sunil-da was insistent, he said, “No, no, go ask him... Sunil Among the Not So Great The Sundial (This is again an aside story.) Before constructing the sundial, there was the question of design. It was not meant to be a ‘carry-around’ clock. It stood about 2.50m or more high. A cube of 1m (of concrete slabs) set on a square pillar of about 0.60m/side (of brick work) with a pair of circular steps for base. ...


... started walking with me away from the stage, towards where Sunil-da was standing all by himself. Still holding my hand, She took me to him and asked, "From where did you find this music?" Sunil-da kept quiet. The Mother kept looking at Sunil-da in a deeply loving way. Then, She went into Her room in the Playground. The Mother called both Sunil-da and me separately to Her room. She gave me some flowers... (devotion) and aspiration. She had requested Sunil to compose the music. For the first part of the dance on bhakti, the music was more in the traditional Indian style. But even while being traditional, Sunil-da's originality shone through the melody unmistakably. Those who had participated in its realisation were: Debu and Manoj on the sitar, Anil-da (Sunil-da's elder brother) and Bacchu on the sarod... flute and Sunil-da himself on the harmonium. The musical composition on bhakti was extremely sweet and melodious. However, since I was accustomed to this kind of Indian orchestral music, it was not very difficult for me to choreograph my dance on it. In fact, I was able to do it quite effortlessly. Then came the second part, aspiration. On the first day, I was quite stunned to listen to Sunil-da's music ...


... with Sunil-da's music and this was followed by the Mother's recorded reading of these lines from Savitri : It was the hour before the Gods awake. Across the path of the divine Event The huge foreboding mind of Night, alone In her unlit temple of eternity, Lay stretched immobile upon Silence' merge.     There was no dance with these lines, just Sunil-da's... ready for the offering. The gong sounded at the appointed hour, 8 o'clock. Sunil-da's music filled the auditorium and the Mother's voice resounded: It was the hour before the Gods awake...     Tej-da's marvellous play of lights followed by the Mother's voice once again and then again Sunil-da's music echoed in the air. Then, the play of lights brought the stage alive... as the concluding lines from Savitm' were heard in the Mother's voice. This combined with Sunil-da's music and Tej-da's lights brought an otherworldly feeling to the Earth as the six Seasons circled around her. And against a light-blue golden backdrop the curtains gently closed to the sweeping uplift of Sunil-da's brilliant composition.     The curtains were now drawn and silence reigned for ...


... baby boy who was born with hydrocephalus. Millie-di suffered blood poisoning and after childbirth almost died. Sunil Bhattacharya, Jhumur’s uncle and the well-known composer and musician in the Ashram, was also a gifted astrologer. Jhumur said that the baby was a beautiful child and that Sunil had said he had exceptional markings on his hands; all the markings of a Rishi. Millie-di wrote to the Mother... there and kept alive. I could still feel the presence of Millie-di. It was the same with Sunil as people still visit his music studio, buy his tapes and his beautiful music was heard wafting sweetly past my ears as I sat waiting for you on the verandah. It was a happy feeling. Will you speak about your uncle, Sunil Bhattacharya and his music? He taught himself to play sitar. Although he studied science... and again today, at the same time, I have heard your music with deep emotion and I can tell you that I have never heard anything more beautiful, in music, of aspiration and spiritual invocation.” Sunil passed away on April 30, 1999] Tell me about your years as a teacher in the Center of Education. When I was nine years old, the Mother told me she wanted me to be a teacher and at age eleven ...


... play, that I said to myself, "Well, now it would be unreasonable to want to keep in a personal manifestation something that has a much better means of expression [Sunil]." So I have decided to say "No" for January 1st. But I will see if Sunil couldn't prepare something on the theme of next year's message, something that would be recorded and played for everyone, in an anonymous way—no need to say, "It's... sure, you say to yourself, "After all..." But this also ( Mother smiles ) is the Supreme's way of doing things—I can see that very clearly. ( A little later, regarding the music composed by Sunil on the theme of "The Hour of God": ) It begins with something he calls "aspiration"—oh, it's beautiful!... I have rarely heard something with so pure and so beautiful an inspiration. All of a sudden... 296 fault I find with all classical music is all the accompaniment which is there to give more "substance," but which spoils the purity of the inspiration: to me, it's padding), well, with Sunil, the padding isn't there. He doesn't claim to be making music, of course, and the padding isn't there, so it's truly beautiful. I have decided not to play this year for January 1st. Even last year ...


... at a girl and one feels like swallowing her like a fruit!" Of course, I had no such temptation; it was only an academic issue at that time. Anyhow, I asked Sunil, "What is this, Sunil - what have you done ?" He stared, he didn't understand. "Sunil, you haven't obeyed the shastra vachan, 63 what is this ? Pothe nari biborjita. 64 You have brought in a pretty lady 59Enthusiasm, personal effort... if you are in that mood. Are you? ... Yes? This happened long, long ago, in my callow days. An excursion was proposed to the Gingy Hills, and my "botanician" 61 , mathematician and musician friend, Sunil, put my name on the list without telling me. The list went to the Mother. She pored over the list and stopped at my name, and She said (I didn't know it then, I was told later): "Can he climb the hills... we began to mount the hill, some poor-looking butterflies and dark, black bees began to hum, began to buzz, began to flutter around the pretty flower. I thought, what should be done ? I said, "See Sunil, what will you do now?" Then at last we made a plot - secretly. We put the pretty maiden under the charge of Batti. You see, I am not exaggerating: there was a lot of trouble, there indeed was a lot ...


... and direction were by Anu-ben and the music was by Sunil-da. In those days, Sunil-da's music still had echoes of traditional Indian motifs. Although the new strains had not yet come into his ken, his music invariably had a distinct originality which was most enchanting. Anu-ben's dance choreography was ready and we had begun rehearsing with Sunil-da's music. As the slaying of the Asuras was the central... but one prayer repeating itself: "Mahakali! Compassionate Mahakali! Come down, O Mother!" The clock struck eight. The gong sounded for the curtains to be drawn. The dance started with the strains of Sunil-da's music. I was to enter the stage a little later. I sat totally concentrated in the wings awaiting my cue. Now it was my turn to go on stage. With two striding leaps I landed on the stage with great... one of the slain demons. Then, slowly the four aspects of the Mother came on to the stage and stood around Mother Durga - Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati. The concluding strains of Sunil-da's music had uplifted the atmosphere with such sweeping beauty and emotion that I find it difficult to describe and impossible to forget. In the final part of the dance-drama, the spotlight was on ...


... room. Mother had asked Sunil, the musician disciple, and Sujata to come. ) Can anybody play the harmonica? ( laughter ) I've just been given a harmonica! It comes from Germany. ( To Sunil: ) Don't you know how to play it?... No? (Sujata:) Satprem would very much like to learn to play some instrument, Mother, you know. (Satprem:) But not the harmonica! ( To Sunil: ) Did they tell you why... from above and there was no padding. It was very fine. Page 309 Only, I didn't even make an effort to remember; I thought, "It will come," but it didn't! ( To Sunil: ) Didn't you hear some music this morning? (Sunil:) What you have just played was very lovely. It's nothing! Anyway, you'll do something with it. What this morning's music expressed was a sort of ascent of aspiration... will play the pedals, and I'll play the keys! If something comes, you can use it and do me some music for the 1st. And then, instead of recording here, we'll record your affair for everybody! (Sunil:) What you are going to play now I'll keep. No! I'm not playing—I'll just pretend to! With that you will do something. You understand? Maybe nothing at all will come! I can't say. This morning ...


... The Mother completed the recitations from the whole of Savitri towards the end of 1967. Gradually I gave to Sunil-da copies of all the recordings of the Mother's recitations, so that he could compose the Savitri music, according to the Mother's wish. Sunil-da told me: Huta, now I will have to read the whole of Savitri in order to understand the epic and then compose the... Quiet Power, Joy, Compassion of the Divine, Life in Eternity, Construction of the Future. As for Sunil-da's Savitri music, the Mother arranged for it to be played in the Playground during the meditations on Thursdays and Sundays. In this connection she gave me a special blessings packet for Sunil-da. He was very pleased. The Mother wished to know the exact date and time for showing in the... If you would not have recorded the Mother's recitations and given me the tapes I could not have composed the music. And your tape-recording is very nice—like a professional one. I replied: "Sunil-da, I am honoured! You are very kind and appreciative. You see, everything is decided and arranged by the Supreme Lord. We are his instruments. I am fortunate and very happy to be one." The Mother ...

... Aurobindo, The Mother with Letters on The Mother: The Mother's Music Sunil Bhattacharya joined the Ashram in 1942. He was proficient in music and particularly in playing the sitar. He composed music for the annual cultural programmes of the Ashram school held on the 1st December every year. In 1959, the Mother asked Sunil to orchestrate Her New Year Music. In 1965, She entrusted him with both... Mantra in Music by Sunil Introduction The Mother used to play on the organ. In the fifties of the twentieth century She would often play on Sundays in the afternoon. She also played at midnight on every New Year's Eve. About Her music Sri Aurobindo says: "The Mother's music has often been recognised by X as Indian of this or that rāga . The Mother... for Her readings of Sri Aurobindo's Savitri . He continued to compose music for Savitri and for the New Year till his passing in 1998. In his compositions for Savitri and for the New Year, Sunil incorporated chantings of mantras from the Vedas, the Upanishads and various Stavas and Stotras, invoking the diverse Godheads of India. To him the Mother and Sri Aurobindo were the Supreme as well ...

... game was clean, beautifully coordinated and skilful and the Mother remarked: “ C’est un jeu artistique! ” (What an artistic game!) Our boys inevitably got injured while playing. Sunil-da was always the team-captain. Sunil-da also played the sitar beautifully. Unfortunately he broke his right hand badly during one of the football games and his sitar-playing came to an end. We were all saddened by this... Hriday and Sudhir from Chittagong. Later Kashi Das too joined. Bir Singh, Abhay Singh, Dayakar, Kunjbehari and Robi Gupta used to play in the midfield. As forwards we had Sunil-da, Amiyo, Kanak, Jayant, Manju and Ranju Gupta. Sunil-da often led the team. His game had courage, agility, powerful kicks and heading and he was just perfect as centreforward, what today is called a striker. Kanak was very ...


... the whole of Savitri corresponding to the Meditations on Savitri paintings towards the end of 1967. Gradually I gave to Sunil copies of all the recordings of the Mother's recitations, so that he could compose the Savitri music, according to the Mother's wish. Sunil told me: Huta, now I will have to read the whole of Savitri in order to understand the epic and then compose the music. According... music. If you would not have recorded the Mother's recitations and given me the tapes I could not have composed the music. And your tape-recording is very nice—like a professional one. I replied: Sunil, I am honoured! You are very kind and appreciative. You see, everything is decided and arranged by the Supreme Lord. We are his instruments. I am fortunate and very happy to be one. ...


... understand and appreciate Sunil-da's music, the instrument has to be prepared. When I met the Mother, I shared my experience with Her and said that all the people who had come for these official meetings would be  able to do only that which their individual consciousness and personal interest would allow them to do. Even though they could not quite comprehend the significance of Sunil-da's music, the various... the meetings but I am not so sure today if Kireet-bhai also came with us. I met a lot of well-known people from India in these meetings. I requested the different directors of radio stations to play Sunil-da's music in the course of that year from their centres. On the second day, I made them and others present there, hear his music. I tried to impress upon them that such music had not been composed ...


... Kailash Colony New Delhi-110048 111.Kumar, Shashi Prabha Associate Professor Department of Sanskrit Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi -110067 112.Kumar, Sunil Coordinator, Value Eduacation Ramakrishana Mission Ashram Pahar Ganj New Delhi -110055 113.Kumar, Sushil Principal, Maulana Azad Medical College New Delhi-110002... Institute of Educational Research, Auroville. Professor B.P. Khandelwal, Director, NIEPA, New Delhi. Shri M.L. Khanna, General Secretary, DAV College Managing Committee, New Delhi. Shri Sunil Kumar, Ramakrishna Mission, New Delhi. Shri M.M. Luther, Author and Expert in Management and Values, Gurgaon. Professor A.N. Maheshwari, Chairman, NCTE, New Delhi. Shri A.K. Merchant, ... University Speakers (15 minutes each): Professor Jaidew Vedalankar on "Educational Philosophy of Maharshi Dayananda Saraswati" Shri Sunil Kumar (Ramakrisha Mission) on "Educational Philosopy of Swami Vivekananda" Page 762 Professor Ramjee Singh, Former Vice- Chancellor ...

... did not tell them anything but came directly to see me. He recounted the entire episode. Some of these boys were students of the Music section. I suggested going to Sunil-da and taking his advice. He agreed. We went and acquainted Sunil-da with the incident. After listening to us, he observed, "It would be good to introduce them to some kind of spiritual music which could touch them at a deeper level... have this kind of music in our reach that we can give to our students. Teach them classical music. Classical music has never done any harm to anyone. Try it out." At once, on getting this advice from Sunil-da, I got down to implementing it. I had learnt classical music for quite some time in my music school in Calcutta when I lived there. So I myself began acquainting them with classical music in the ...


... She looked, celestial, incomparable!     Mother - You will need to find some good musical accompaniment.     I - Mother, I love Sunil-da's music very much.     Mother - Yes, you're right. Sunil will be able to do it. Request Sunil to compose something for you.     I - Mother, will he accept if I tell him.?     Mother - You're right ( laughing !) I will tell him.     She ...


... had to learn. Later, it became such a fascination (because the Mother spoke to us in French) that I picked on anybody who could speak French well in order to better learn how to speak the language. Sunil-da became my teacher and later my mentor. He was very important to me and my intellectual growth and development. He taught me math, astronomy and botany. I left the Dowsetts’ home within a few days... carefully. Mother would write and give me guidelines about so many things. Particularly about teaching and outings. I used to take the children on nature outings and would go on nature outings with Sunil-da. I hear that you received the “Prix d’Honneur” from the Mother. Can you tell us something about it? Well, from 1954 the Mother had started to give a special award of recognition, called “Prix ...


... 590 Nolini Kanta 86, 196-7, 217-8, 234, 822-3 Okhawa 174-5 Pavitra 227-9 Purani 211, 235 Rishabhchand 278 Romen 365, 708 Sahana 263, 281, 285, 287, 289, 364-5 Shanti 271-3 Subbarao 222 Sunil 681-2 Surendranath 417 Suvrata 418 Udar 279 Vasudha 266, 287 Vijayatunga 461 3. The Mother on creating one's own world 5 (cf 642) learning an art 6-7 love mundane and divine 7... Stalin, Joseph 395 Standard Bearer, The 79, 205 Still-sitting movement 153, 175-6, 194, 221, 302 Subbarao, G. V. 222 Subramaniam, C. 716 Sudhir Ghose 488 Sundaram (Tribhuvandas Luhar) 691 Sunil Bhattacharya 681, 700, 718, 734-5 Surendra Mohan Ghose 251, 450, 534, 571-2, 595, 686 Surendra Nath Jauhar 165, 288, 417, 507, 538, 624, 689, 709, 733, 747, 797, 817 Suvrata (Mme Yvonne Gaebele) ...


... settled in the Ashram. 17 . Minnie, wife of Chittaranjan Ganguly, brother of Manoran-jan, Kanak, Robi and Amiyo Ganguly. 18 . Millie, wife of Anil Bhattacharya, elder brother of Sunil Bhattacharya. 19 . Ambalal Sarabhai, a noted industrialist. 20 . Bansidhar was a Gujarati sadhak of the Ashram, younger brother of Champaklal. 21 . Gurudas Library:... 37 . Mrs. Elizabeth Montgomery connected with Harper & Collins publishing house of America. She arranged for the publication of Sri Aurobindo’s books in America and Canada. 38 . Sunil Bhattacharya (1920-1988), came to the Ashram in the 1940’s and taught at the Ashram school. A good instrumentalist, he played the sitar remarkably well and had the charge of the Ashram Orchestra ...

... the music composed by Sunil for the New Year. ) Did you like it? It's very beautiful, very powerful. Isn't it! And it creates an atmosphere. Usually I play some music for him, and he composes from it, but this time I didn't play, so he took some old pieces of mine; with that he makes contact and composes. An American musician has come here, and I sent him to Sunil (he's a pianist). He ...


... here at the age of 19, I stayed here for about four months. I had come to find and understand the vision and path of Sri Aurobindo and to decide what I would do in life in the future. Four of us, Sunil, Gora, Ranju and I, stayed at the Chettiar House. I do not know how Purani-ji found out that I was interested in physical culture and had been involved in organising physical culture associations. ... unlimited and constant. (61) M y first meeting with Sudhir-da took place in 1942 at the Pondicherry station. It was one late evening at the beginning of April. On that day four of us, Sunil, Gora, Ranju and I arrived in Pondicherry for the first time for the April Darshan. Sudhir-da had come to the station to fetch us. I did not know Sudhir-da then. But when he looked at me I could ...


... all life was Yoga. If she cultivated music and painting, they too were but channels of her yogic experience and realisation. A reference was made earlier to the effect the Mother's organ music had on Sunil Kumar Bhattacharya when he heard it for the first time, and he has attributed any success that he may have had to the abundant flow of her Grace: My music is my labour and aspiration for the Divine... clarity, Page 717 and was played at the time of the presentation. The accompanying music was based on a theme suggested by the Mother herself, and the piece was composed and orchestrated by Sunil Kumar Bhattacharya in a manner worthy of the theme and the occasion. "Are you ready?" the Mother had asked at the beginning of the year. The ripeness, the readiness was all - the Hour of God was the ...


... Immortalization of the body] Gauri, who were your teachers in the upper grades in the Ashram school? What are your memories of those days and what can you explain of the Free Progress System? Sunil-da was my botany teacher and he was absolutely wonderful. He was so innovative and imaginative. Tehmiben was also an excellent teacher. I learned many things from her. Mother once said to the teachers ...


... having emerald leaves. There shines the Sun in its tranquil majesty, tranquil glory. It is that glory which shall be present in future painting. Such is also the wondrous harmony we find in Sunil Bhattacharya's music, music that moves in the rhythms of Savitri. 2: When in the context of the line "All things shall change in God's transfiguring hour" from Savitri the Mother was asked ...

... you yourself could put the needed strength into it and with proper execution everything could be satisfactorily arranged and the dance could be made a great success. The Mother is ready to send Sunil 38 and his people to you with the necessary directions to hear your music and follow your directions about it for the execution and if everybody proved amenable and did his part, all could be ...

... OM, her blessings and signature, on a polished piece of fossilised wood—wood turned into stone. This stone was installed in the base of the eastern pillar of Matrimandir (Mahalakshmi). As Sunil Bhattacharya's composition, The Hour of God , with the Mother's reading, was played, 2000 people or more one by one placed blue metal chip in the concrete mixer. I too put one. This was the commencement ...


... her, the slides of my paintings, the video-films of the Savitri paintings that were made in Germany by Michel Klostermann, also so many things published and unpublished of which I have lost count! Sunil Bhattacharya composed the Savitri music along with the Mother's recitations recorded by me now being played in the Play Ground during the meditation on Thursdays and Sundays. The Mother had arranged ...


... as Satprem is about to leave ) Do you think your machine [the tape recorder at the other end of the room] has picked up the music? 5 I hope so! I know someone who could note it down: Sunil could note it down, he knows how to write music. I no longer do... I've forgotten all that. I have spent all my time forgetting everything. I used to write my Sanskrit as I write French—all gone ...


... along with each other! You understand? That's true. Then Mother takes up the translation of "Savitri" Page 141 It's always the sound that guides me.... Do you know that Sunil has done some music for Savitri , and he is going to play it for me in early July. I don't think he wants to have an audience, it's quite private, because it must be played only in 1968—in February ...


... was harmonious, the colors were harmonious, the sounds were harmonious; so there must be music there. But I remember that when I woke up, I recalled it was on your birthday that I last played. Sunil asked me to play for him; I told him I had stopped playing: "I can't play anymore, my hands have lost the habit." The power to transcribe what comes is no longer there (I do hear the music, but I can't ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1965 January 6, 1965 ( About the music composed by Sunil for January 1, 1965: ) It's odd, all that music of the past, European music, which I knew very well and admired, it seems to me almost void of substance, while here, there is a contact right up above: you plunge into it instantly. Yes, that's right. When I heard his music ...


... experience you need a minimum of availability. When you are harassed at 11:30, it's clearly not the right moment. No, if I had something to say, I would say it. See, I've told you the story of Sunil—I would say it. No, what I have to say isn't... There's a curve, and at the moment, there are some very, very contradictory things present and active: an increase of trust and a decrease of trust—both ...


... Samadhi and all the reading of Life Divine or Savitri are totally futile. (57) I first came to the Ashram in 1942, during the April Darshan. I was only nineteen then. Ranju, Gora and Sunil were my companions and we were put up at the Chettiar House. Page 243 Pranab at the age of twenty-five working at the Laundry Page 244 We were four ...


... Director of the Ashram’s Department of Physical Education ) I first met Sudhir-da at the Pondicherry Railway Station. It was in 1942, towards the beginning of April, just before dusk. Four friends — Sunil, Gora, Ranju and I — had come to Pondicherry for the April Darshan. It was our first visit. I was not acquainted with Sudhir-da then. But when he looked at me, I read only trust and love in those ...

... physically, but it is still going on. They must be furious because of the Agenda . And do you know that G.G. [from the Institute] — really, he is innocent or stupid in some way — sent the Agenda to Sunil who put it in Andre’s hands immediately (I heard of that before my departure). It is incredible, what an idea to make these people’s nasty work easier! Doesn’t he understand that “kind people,” friends ...

... painting in the middle of a class, he should be permitted to do so. If, while painting or at any other time, he felt like listening to music, the school should provide the facility. Arup was very fond of Sunil-da's music. Let me present here some of the Mother's comments on Arup's paintings:     1. The Eagle: Arup had once painted an eagle. A golden eagle sitting over the earth. The eyes, the nose, the ...


... one of them could accompany us to Pondicherry for a few days. Neither of the brothers agreed.     On not getting any cooperation from my brothers, Ma called one of my paternal cousins, Nau-da (Sunil Kumar Brahma), and explained to him in detail the whole affair and requested him to accompany the two of us to Pondicherry. When he heard about the Mother's words, he at once agreed to be our escort ...


... Descent: Arati-di, Light (Manoranjan-da's daughter), Chhanda and myself. In those days, the Mother had given the responsibility of this annual programme to three people: Anu-ben was in charge of dance, Sunil-da was in charge of music, and theater was the responsibility of Norman-da. That year, it was Norman-da who had taught us how to recite the two poems. He had typed out the poems for all four of us so ...


... dance was Page-68 compact and focused. Your bodily movements were very graceful. I really liked the dance. I even told Charupada that your dance was very graceful. I have told Sunil about composing some music for your dance. See you then, my child, Aurevoir! Page 69 ...


... to the dry wood and at once the flames shot up... creation too must have started in the same way - thousands of sparks coming out of the original fire. Along with the flames rose music composed by Sunil Bhattacharyajee. I could hear new footsteps in this music, thousands of feet marching joyously towards a new adventure. We heard the Mother's voice: "Let the Matrimandir be the living Symbol of Auroville's ...


... recently offered by an American disciple. The Mother's music was the language of the soul and held people in a trance of self-transcendence. Of her music generally, one of the most sensitive artistes, Sunil Kumar Bhattacharya, wrote after having first heard her in the late forties: In the beginning the music sounded strange to men was neither Indian nor Western, or shall I say that it sounded like ...


... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1986   Listen अनात्मनः तेन हि तृप्तिरस्ति त्वमात्मना य आत्मानमवीक्ष तृप्तः। मामात्मभावं नयसे न यावत् तृप्तिः कुतस्ते भवतीह तावत्॥ anātmanaḥ tena hi tṛptirasti tvamātmanā ya ātmānamavīkṣa tṛptaḥ, māmātmabhāvaṁ nayase na yāvat tṛptiḥ kutaste bhavatīha tāvat. You, who are satisfied ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1988   Listen Prayer sein du silence et de l'ombre, brûle la lampe qui ne s'éteint point, le feu de l'ardente aspiration: Te connaitre et Te vivre intégralement. ( Prières et Meditations , p. 297) ... in the heart of the shadow, in the bosom of the silence burns the ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1989   Listen Prayer Que Ta volonté soit faite, Seigneur, intégralement!     Elle est mon bonheur et ma loi. ( Prières et Méditations , p. 318) May Thy will be done, O Lord — done integrally.     It is my happiness and my law. The Mother, Prayers and Meditations: ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1992   Listen Prayer ...chaque atome de la matière contient quelque chose de Ton absolu. Tu es, Tu vis, Tu rayonnes et Tu règne. ( Prières et Meditations , p. 62) ...each atom of matter contains something of Thy Absolute. Thou art, Thou livest, Thou art radiant and reignest ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1998   Listen Prayer ...O Toi que je ne puis penser mais que je connais avec certitude! ( Prières et Meditations , p. 250) ...O Thou whom I cannot think, but whom with certitude I know! The Mother, Prayers and Meditations: August 20, 1914 नमस्ते शरण्ये शिवे ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1985   Listen हूतस्त्वयाहं तत आगतोऽस्मि प्रेमामृतेभ्यो विनिमज्ज बोधय। अन्तर्मम त्वं प्रतितत्त्वमीश ततोऽसि लीला इह मातृतायाः। hūtastvayāhaṁ tata āgato'smi premāmṛtebhyo vinimajja vodhaya, antarmama tvaṁ pratitatvamīśa, tato’si līlā iha mātṛtāyāḥ. Summoned by Thee I have ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1997   Listen Prayer ...Je suis Tienne, absolument, intégralement Tienne, Tienne sans réserve. ( Paroles de la Mere 3, p. 225) I am absolutely and altogether Thine, Thine without reserve. The Mother, Words of the Mother - III: Prayers मन्नाथः श्रीजगन्नाथो ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1996   Listen Prayer 1996... C'est Toi qui vis en moi, Toi seul;... ( Prières et Meditations , p. 32) It is Thou who livest in me, Thou alone;... The Mother, Prayers and Meditations: August 17, 1913 ॐ सह नाववतु । सह नौ भुनक्तु । सह वीर्यं करवावहै। तेजस्वि ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1987   Listen Prayer ... En Toi, par Toi, pour Toi nous vivons et Ta loi est la supreme maîtresse de notre vie. ( Prières et Méditations , p. 113) In Thee, by Thee, for Thee we live and Thy law is the supreme master of our life. The Mother, Prayers and Meditations: ...

... listening to a prophet revealing to them the higher mysteries of life...." Page 406 But I imagine that it was not only his words that cast a spell over the people. Once Satprem and I —Sunil the musician joined us —were invited to a musical recital given by Sri Aurobindo. There were others also. But we had just sat down when Sri Aurobindo began his song. He had a tanpura in hand. His ...

... (Boarding and day-school for girls and little boys.) Lady Superioress, Mrs. M. J. Hogan, assisted by twenty-nine religious sisters. Chaplain and spiritual director, Rev. Father Accurius, O. C." (From Sunil Bandopadhyay's Kabita, Niswanga Prabas O Manomohan, p. 19.) Page 112 looking so well-dressed in their blue serges and scarlet stockings. The little fellow had a grey suit, very becoming ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book One, Canto III   Listen ॐ धन्योऽहं कृतकृत्योऽहं सफलं जीवितं मम। आगतासि यदा देवि हृदये परमेश्वरि ॥ om dhanyo'haṁ kṛtakṛtyo'haṁ saphalaṁ jīvitaṁ mama, āgatāsi yadā devi hṛdaye parameśvari. ( Source unknown ) Om. Blessed am I and verily se ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book One, Canto IV   Listen अग्निमीळे भुजां यविष्ठं शासा मित्रं दुर्धरीतुम्। यस्य धर्मन् त्स्वरेनीः सपर्यन्ति मातुरूधः ॥२॥ यमासा कृपनीळं भासाकेतुं वर्धयन्ति। भ्राजते श्रेणिदन् ॥३॥ अर्यो विशां गातुरेति प्र यदानड् दिवो अन्तान् । कविरभ्रं दीद्यानः ॥४॥ ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Two, Canto IV   Listen महत् तदुल्बं स्थविरं तदासीयेनाविष्टितः प्रविवेशिथापः। विश्वा अपश्यद्बहुधा ते अग्ने जातवेदस्तन्वो देव एकः ॥१॥ ऐच्छाम त्वा बहुधा जातवेदः प्रविष्टमग्ने अप्स्वोषधीषु । तं त्वा यमो अचिकेच्चित्रभानो दशान्तरुष्यादतिरोचमानम् ॥३ ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Two, Canto XI   Listen न चक्षुषा गृह्यते नापि वाचा नान्यैर्देवैस्तपसा कर्मणा वा। ज्ञानप्रसादेन विशुद्धसत्त्वस्ततस्तु तं पश्यते निष्कलं ध्यायमानः॥८॥ एषोऽणुरात्मा चेतसा वेदितव्यो यस्मिन् प्राणः पञ्चधा संविवेश। प्राणैश्चित्तं सर्वमोतं प्रजानां यस्मिन् ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Two, Canto VI   Listen भूतेषु सर्वेषु चराचरेषु दूरे समीपे पुरतश्च पश्चात् । विलोकयाम्यूलमधश्च तिर्यक् हे कृष्ण ते रूपमनन्तरूप॥ अहो निमग्नस्तव रूपसिन्धौ पश्यामि नान्तं न च मध्यमादिम्। अवाक् च निष्पन्दतरो विमूढः कुत्रास्मि कोऽस्मीति न वेद्मि देव ॥ ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Three, Canto I   Listen त्वमादिदेवः पुरुषः पुराणस्त्वमस्य विश्वस्य परं निधानम्। वेत्तासि वेद्यं च परं च धाम त्वया ततं विश्वमनन्तरूप ॥३८॥ वायुर्यमोऽग्निर्वरुणः शशाङ्कः प्रजापतिस्त्वं प्रपितामहश्च । नमो नमस्तेऽस्तु सहस्रकृत्वः पुनश्च भूयोऽपि नमो नमस्ते ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Two, Canto XV   Listen अपश्यं गोपामनिपद्यमानमा च परा च पथिभिश्चरन्तम्। स सध्रीचीः स विषूचीर्वसान आ वरीवर्ति भुवनेष्वन्तः ॥३१॥ यई चकार न सो अस्य वेद य ईं ददर्श हिरुगिन्नु तस्मात् । स मातुर्योना परिवीतो अन्तर्बहुप्रजा निऋतिमा विवेश ॥३२॥ apaśyaṁ ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Two, Canto II   Listen <audio controls="""" id="mytime1"> यथोर्णनाभिः सृजते गृह्णते च यथा पृथिव्यामोषधयः सम्भवन्ति। यथा सतः पुरुषात् केशलोमानि तथाक्षरात् संभवतीह विश्वम् ॥७॥ तपसा चीयते ब्रह्म ततोऽन्नमभिजायते। अन्नात् प्राणो मनः सत्यं लोकाः कर्मसु ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Two, Canto III   Listen अतः समुद्रा गिरयश्च सर्वेऽस्मात् स्यन्दन्ते सिन्धवः सर्वरूपाः। अतश्च सर्वा ओषधयो रसश्च येनैष भूतैस्तिष्ठते ह्यन्तरात्मा ॥९॥ एतस्माज्जायते प्राणो मनः सर्वेन्द्रियाणि च । खं वायुयोतिरापः पृथिवी विश्वस्य धारिणी ॥३॥ ataḥ samudrā ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1976   Listen हिरण्यदन्तं शुचिवर्णमारात् क्षेत्रादपश्यमायुधा मिमानम्। ददानो अस्मा अमृतं विपृक्वत् किं मामनिन्द्राः कृणवन्ननुक्थाः॥३॥ क्षेत्रादपश्यं सनुतश्चरन्तं सुमद् यूथं न पुरु शोभमानम्। न ता अगृभ्रन्नजनिष्ट हि षः पलिक्नीरिद् युवतयो भवन्ति ॥४॥ शुनश्चिच्छेपं निदितं सहस्राद् ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1982   Listen नमस्ते हरसे शोचिषे नमस्ते अस्त्वचिषे। अन्याँस्ते अस्मत्तपन्तु हेतयः पावको अस्मभ्यं शिवो भव ॥२०॥ namaste harase śociṣe namaste astvarciṣe, anyāṁste asmattapantu hetayaḥ pāvako asmabhyaṁ śivo bhava.20 Obeisance to Thee, O wrath, O Flame, obeisance to Thee, O ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1978   Listen Seigneur, Vérité Éternelle Permets que nous n'obéissions qu'à Toi et que nous vivions selon la Vérité. ( Paroles de la Mère 1, p. 386) Supreme Lord, Eternal Truth Let us obey Thee alone And live according to Truth. The Mother, Words of the Mother - II: ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Three, Canto IV   Listen अतिसौम्यातिरौद्रायै नतास्तस्यै नमो नमः। नमो जगत्प्रतिष्ठायै देव्यै कृत्यै नमो नमः॥ या देवी सर्वभूतेषु विष्णुमायेति शब्दिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥ या देवी सर्वभूतेषु चेतनेत्यभिधीयते। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1973   Listen Message Quand vous devenez conscient du monde tout entier en meme temps, alors vous êtes capable d'être conscient du Divin. ( Paroles de la Mère 3, p. 189) When you are conscious of the whole world at the same time, then you can become conscious of the Divine ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Four, Canto I   Listen देवानां चक्षुः सुभगा वहन्ती श्वेतं नयन्ती सुदृशीकमश्वम्। उषा अदर्शि रश्मिभिर्व्यक्ता चित्रामघा विश्वमनु प्रभूता ॥३॥ devānāṁ cakṣuḥ subhagā vahanti śvetaṁ nayantī sudṛśīkamaśvam, uṣā adarśi raśmibhirvyaktā citrāmaghā viśvamanu ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Nine, Canto II   Listen कृष्णं नियानं हरयः सुपर्णा अपो वसाना दिवमुत्पतन्ति । त आववृत्रन् त्सदनादृतस्यादिद् धृतेन पृथिवी व्युद्यते ॥४७॥ समानमेतदुदकमुच्चैत्यव चाहभिः। भूमिं पर्जन्या जिन्वन्ति दिवं जिन्वन्त्यग्नयः ॥५१॥ kṛṣṇaṁ niyānaṁ harayaḥ suparṇā ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Five, Canto III   Listen सौम्या सौम्यतराशेषसौम्येभ्यस्त्वतिसुन्दरी। परापराणां परमा त्वमेव परमेश्वरी ॥८१॥ यच्च किञ्चित्क्वचिद्वस्तु सदसद्वाऽखिलात्मिके। तस्य सर्वस्य या शक्तिः सा त्वं किं स्तूयसे मया ॥८२॥ saumyā saumyatarāśeṣasaumyebhyastvatisundarī ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Seven, Canto I   Listen त्वं दुर्गा छिन्नमस्ता त्वमसि च भुवना त्वञ्च लक्ष्मीः शिवा त्वम् ॥१५॥ त्वं की कारयित्री करणगुणमयी कर्महेतुस्वरूपा। त्वं बुद्धिश्चित्तसंस्था जगदिदमखिलं त्वामृते नास्ति मातः ॥१३॥ tvaṁ durgā chinnamastā tvamasi ca bhuvanā ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book One, Canto I   Listen एषा दिवो दुहिता प्रत्यदर्शि व्युच्छन्ती युवतिः शुक्रवासाः। विश्वस्येशाना पार्थिवस्य वस्व उषो अद्येह सुभगे व्युच्छ ॥७॥ व्यञ्जिभिर्दिव आतास्वद्यौदप कृष्णां निर्णिजं देव्यावः। प्रबोधयन्त्यरुणेभिरश्वैरोषा याति सुयुजा रथेन ॥१४॥ ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book One, Canto II   Listen भद्रं ते अग्ने सहसिन्ननीकमुपाक आ रोचते सूर्यस्य। रुशद् दृशे ददृशे नक्तया चिदरूक्षितं दृश आ रूपे अन्नम् ॥१॥ वि षाह्यग्ने गृणते मनीषां खं वेपसा तुविजात स्तवानः। विश्वेभिर्यद् वावनः शुक्र देवैस्तन्नो रास्व सुमहो भूरि मन्म ॥२॥ ...

... could towards the ball and kicked it as hard as he could in the general direction of a team mate. In his younger days, when in service, he was often inducted into the military team just to contain our Sunil-da who was a strong and good player, nicknamed “Le Tigre” by some of the locals (two musicians clashed — one of brass, the other of silver). Selvanadin was close neighbour of mine in Sports Ground ...


... Tree. The holy fire, the symbol of man's aspiration, was lit. At sunrise a recording of the Mother's reading of her message in French and in English was played, along with the music composed by Sunil for the occasion. The atmosphere was enchanting. The Mother's message ran: Let the Matrimandir be the living symbol of Auroville's aspiration for the Divine. The Mother, Words ...


... On 12.5.72 the Mother heard the recorded second part of my recitations of Sri Aurobindo's poems. She said: It is very good—you have progressed . Sunil and Victor were there because I took Sunil's music as background music. The Mother gave them her photographs and red roses. In fact, I was not satisfied with my recitations. However, the performances ...


... for Sunil's Savitri music, the Mother arranged for it to be played in the Playground during the meditations on Thursdays and Sundays. In this connection she gave me a special blessings packet for Sunil. He was very pleased. ...


... recitation at home. It took me almost six months. I did it late at night when everything was hushed. Later I went to the projector room to blend this recitation with the background music composed by Sunil Bhattacharya. I requested the Mother to hear the recitation before it was played to the audience. On 5th May 1972 at 10.40 a.m. the Mother heard the first part of the recitation. Unfortunately ...


... recitation at home. It took me almost six months. I did it late at night when everything was hushed. Later I went to the projector room to blend this recitation with the background music composed by Sunil Bhattacharya. I requested the Mother to hear the recitation before it was played to the audience. ...


... Agenda 1965 November 3, 1965 ( Before going into the music room where Mother will play the organ for the birthday of Sunil, a disciple who is a musician. ) The other day I told you about that comet, and something amusing has happened. Just for fun I said to myself, "Oh, it would be quite interesting to see this comet ...


... occupations. Any one of these can become our foundational engagement; in fact it has thus already opened out an altogether new world of creative action for us. Based on Savitri we already have Sunil Bhattacharya's music and Huta Hindocha's paintings under the direct guidance of the Mother. These are examples of the new art that is to come in its wake and there shall be many more creations to ...

... Paper I: Educational Philosophy of Maharashi Dayanand Saraswati Speaker : Professor Jaidev Vedalankar Paper II: Educational Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda Speaker : Shri Sunil Kumar Paper III: Gandhian Values in Education Speaker : Professor Ramjee Singh Paper IV : Educational Philosophy of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore Speaker : Professor Sisir Kumar ...

... 190-1, 193-5. – Prayers & Meditations, 110 (Prières et Méditations) Musset, Alfred de, 41, 45 –Poésies Clwisies, Nuit de Decembre, 41n.   NANDI, SUNIL KUMAR, 176 Nath, Rabindra, 179 Nath, Amba Nanda, 155 Nirodbaran, 188-9 Nepal , 254 Nishikanta, 195-6 Nripendrakrishna, 190-1 ...

... desire and the boundless swell of waters.   I too cast my blood's yearning into the streaming flow. . . My destiny, the gloomy shadow upon the harbour.                      SUNIL KUMAR NANDI       BEYOND SOUND AND LIGHT   Oh, wipe out all the light of the sky, The whole world of the sun must never be seen Anywhere ...

... Meditations, her letters and he conversations, all sprang up, not from the levels of activity familiar to us but from overhead levels of instantaneous apprehension and articulation. Her music, as Sunil Kumar Bhattacharya saw, came from a long way down and welled up to the highest heights of illumination and Ananda. In her paintings and sketches too, the Mother was neither of the old or the new school ...


... dance-drama, I did utilise some lines from there, more for their meditative nature. There were no illustrative movements with those lines. Just the Mother's reading of lines from Savitri accompanied by Sunil-da's music and some lines describing Nature that She had allowed me to use. I will come to that dance-drama a little later. Page 93 ...


... word that the 1 st December programme of that year (1964) would be The Hour of God. Along with my friend K, we requested the Mother if She could record The Hour of God in Her voice. She agreed. Sunil-da composed the music for it and we began our work. We first selected the participants for the three parts. Then the rehearsals started at the Theater. Then, I noticed that my personal contribution ...


... looked at me again intently ) For this year's 1 st December programme, the School's anniversary programme, I would like to include your dance. Don't make it too long, say 15 or 20 minutes. I will ask Sunil to compose the music for your dance.     I - Mother, should I do it in kathak style? I have learnt only kathak.     The Mother - No, no, not any fixed style. The way you danced spontaneously ...


... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Six, Canto I   Listen भयादस्याग्निस्तपति भयात्तपति सूर्यः । भयादिन्द्रश्च वायुश्च मृत्युर्धावति पञ्चमः॥३॥ नैव वाचा न मनसा प्राप्तुं शक्यो न चक्षुषा । अस्तीति ब्रुवतोऽन्यत्र कथं तदुपलभ्यते॥१२॥ bhayādasyāgnistapati bhayāt tapati sūryaḥ bhayādindraśca ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Seven, Canto IV   Listen ॐ कालाभ्रश्यामलाङ्गी विगलितचिकुरा खड्गमुण्डाभिरामा (८) काली, तारा महाविद्या, षोडशी, भुवनेश्वरी, भैरवी छिन्नमस्ता च विद्या धूमावती तथा। वगला सिद्धविद्या च मातङ्गी कमलात्मिका, एता दश महाविद्याः सिद्धविद्याः प्रकीर्तिताः॥ ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Seven, Canto V   Listen तमीळत प्रथमं यज्ञसाधं विश आरीराहुतमृञ्जसानम् । ऊर्जः पुत्र भरतं सुप्रदानु देवा अग्निं धारयन् द्रविणोदाम् ॥३॥ tamīļata prathamaṁ yajñasādhaṁ viśa ārīrāhutamṛñjasānam ūrjaḥ putraṁ bharataṁ supradānuṁ devā agniṁ dhārayan ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Eight, Canto III   Listen यामस्तोत् स्वपिते हरौ कमलजो हन्तुं मधु कैटभम्। नीलाश्मद्युतिमास्यपाददशकां सेवे महाकालिकाम्। yāmastaut svapite harau kamalajo hantuṁ madhuṁ kaiṭabham, nīlāśmadyutimāsyapādadaśakāṁ seve mahākālikām. Devi Mahatmyam – ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Four, Canto II   Listen ॐ तत् सवितुर्वरं रूपं ज्योतिः परस्य धीमहि । यन्नः सत्येन दीपयेत्॥ om tat saviturvaraṁ rūpaṁ jyotiḥ parasya dhīmahi, yannaḥ satyena dīpayet. Gayatrimantra Let us meditate on the most auspicious (best) form of Savitri ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Seven, Canto VI   Listen देवो न यः पृथिवीं विश्वधाया उपक्षेति हितमित्रो न राजा। पुरःसदः शर्मसदो न वीरा अनवद्या पतिजुष्टेव नारी ॥३ devo na yaḥ pṛthivīṁ viśvadhāyā upakṣeti hitamitro na rājā, puraḥsadaḥ śarmasado na vīrā anavadyā patijuṣṭeva nārī ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Four, Canto III   Listen नमो मित्राय भानवे मृत्योर्मा पाहि । भ्राजिष्णवे विश्वहेतवे नमः। सूर्याद्भवन्ति भूतानि सूर्येण पालितानि तु । सूर्ये लयं प्राप्नुवन्ति यः सूर्यः सोऽहमेव च॥ चक्षुर्नो देवः सविता चक्षुर्न उत पर्वतः। चक्षुर्धाता दधातु नः॥ आदित्याय ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Seven, Canto III   Listen एहि मनुर्देवयुर्यज्ञकामोऽरंकृत्या तमसि क्षेष्यग्ने । सुगान् पथः कृणुहि देवयानान् वह हव्यानि सुमनस्यमानः॥५॥ कुर्मस्त आयुरजरं यदग्ने यथा युक्तो जातवेदो न रिष्याः। अथा वहासि सुमनस्यमानो भागं देवेभ्यो हविषः सुजात ॥७॥ ehi ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Six, Canto II   Listen तद्ध तद्वनं नाम तद्वनमित्युपासितव्यं स य एतदेवं वेदाभि हैनं सर्वाणि भूतानि संवाञ्छन्ति ॥६॥ यो वा एतामेवं वेदापहत्य पाप्मानमनन्ते स्वर्गे लोके ज्येये प्रतितिष्ठति प्रतितिष्ठति ॥९॥ taddha tadvanaṁ nāma tadvanamityupāsitavyaṁ ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1974   Listen सुसमिद्धाय शोचिषे कृतं तीव्र जुहोतन। अग्नये जातवेदसे ॥१॥ नराशंसः सुषूदतीमं यज्ञमदाभ्यः। कविर्हि मधुहस्त्यः॥२॥ ईळितो अग्न आ वहेन्द्रं चित्रमिह प्रियम्। सुखै रथेभिरूतये ॥३॥ देवीारो वि श्रयध्वं सुप्रायणा न ऊतये। प्रप्र यज्ञं पृणीतन ॥५॥ susamiddhāya śociṣe kṛtaṁ ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1980   Listen त्वं नो अस्या उषसो व्युष्टौ त्वं सूर उदिते बोधि गोपाः । जन्मेब नित्यं तनयं जुषस्व स्तोमं मे अग्ने तन्वा सुजात ॥२॥ त्वं नृचक्षा वृषभानु पूर्वीः कृष्णास्वग्ने अरुषो वि भाहि ॥ वसो नेषि च पर्षि चात्यंहः कृधी नो राय उशिजो यविष्ठ ॥३॥ अषाळ्हो अग्ने वृषभो दिदीहि पुरो विश्वाः ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1979   Listen ॐ अदाभ्यः पुरएता विशामग्निर्मानुषीणाम् । तूर्णी रथः सदा नवः॥५॥ ॐ साह्वान् विश्वा अभियुजः क्रतुर्देवानाममृक्तः। अग्निस्तुविश्रवस्तमः॥६॥ ॐ अभि प्रयांसि वाहसा दाश्वाँ अश्नोति मर्त्यः। क्षयं पावकशोचिषः॥७॥ परि विश्वानि सुधिताग्नेरश्याम मन्मभिः। विप्रासो जातवेदसः॥८॥ ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1975   Listen अग्नेः स्तोमं मनामहे सिघ्रमद्य दिविस्पृशः। देवस्य द्रविणस्यवः॥२॥ त्वमग्ने सप्रथा असि जुष्टो होता वरेण्यः। त्वया यज्ञं वि तन्वते ॥४॥ त्वामग्ने वाजसातमं विप्रा वर्धन्ति सुष्टुतम्। स नो रास्व सुवीर्यम् ॥५॥ अग्ने नेमिरराँ इव देवाँस्त्वं परिभूरसि। आ राधश्चित्रमृञ्जसे ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1981   Listen Prayer Lord, it is Thy Peace we would have and not a vain sem-blance of peace, Thy Freedom and not a semblance of freedom, Thy Unity and not a semblance of unity. For it is only Thy Peace, Thy Freedom and Thy Unity that can triumph over the blind violence and ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1977   Listen दिव्यं सुपर्णं वायसं बृहन्तमपां गर्भं दर्शतमोषधीनाम्। अभीपतो वृष्टिभिस्तर्पयन्तं सरस्वन्तमवसे जोहवीमि ॥५२॥ यस्ते स्तनः शशयो यो मयोभूर्येन विश्वा पुष्यसि वार्याणि । यो रत्नधा वसुविद् यः सुदत्रः सरस्वति तमिह धातवे कः॥४९॥ divyaṁ suparṇaṁ vāyasaṁ bṛhantamapāṁ garbhaṁ ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1972   Listen Message Il nous faut être tous dignes du centenaire de Sri Aurobindo. ( Paroles de la Mère 3, p. 189) Let us all try to be worthy of Sri Aurobindo's centenary. The Mother, Words of the Mother - III: New Year Messages सर्वमङ्गलमाङ्गल्यं वरेण्यं ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1971   Listen Message Bénis sont ceux qui font un bond vers l'Avenir. ( Paroles de la Mère 3, p. 188) Blessed are those who take a leap towards the Future. The Mother, Words of the Mother - III: New Year Messages यस्ते अद्य कृणवद् भद्रशोचेऽपूपं देव कृतवन्तमग्ने। ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1970   Listen Message Le Monde se prépare a un grand changement. Voulez-vous aider? ( Paroles de la Mère 3, p. 188) The world is preparing for a big change. Will you help? The Mother, Words of the Mother - III: New Year Messages अभ्यवस्थाः प्रजायन्ते प्र ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Two, Canto V   Listen न जायते म्रियते वा विपश्चिन्नायं कुतश्चिन्न बभूव कश्चित् । अजो नित्यः शाश्वतोऽयं पुराणो न हन्यते हन्यमाने शरीरे ॥१८॥ अणोरणीयान्महतो महीयानात्मास्य जन्तोनिहितो गुहायाम्। तमक्रतुः पश्यति वीतशोको धातुप्रसादान्महिमानमात्मनः ॥२०॥ ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book One, Canto V   Listen न संदृशे तिष्ठति रूपमस्य न चक्षुषा पश्यति कश्चनैनम्। हृदा मनीषा मनसाभिक्लप्तो य एतद्विदुरमृतास्ते भवन्ति ॥९॥ यदा पञ्चावतिष्ठन्ते ज्ञानानि मनसा सह । बुद्धिश्च न विचेष्टति तामाहुः परमां गतिम् ॥१०॥ यदा सर्वे प्रभिद्यन्ते हृदयस्येह ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Two, Canto VII   Listen अग्न ओजिष्ठमा भर द्युम्नमस्मभ्यमध्रिगो। प्रनो राया परीणसा रत्सि वाजाय पन्थाम् ॥१ त्वं नो अग्ने अद्भुत क्रत्वा दक्षस्य मंहना। त्वे असुर्यमारुहत् क्राणा मित्रो न यज्ञियः ॥२ त्वं नो अग्न एषां गयं पुष्टिं च वर्धय। ये स्तोमेभिः ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Two, Canto XIII   Listen रात्री व्यख्यदायती पुरुत्रा देव्यक्षभिः। विश्वा अधि श्रियोऽधित ॥१॥ ओर्वप्रा अमर्त्या निवतो देव्युद्वतः। ज्योतिषा बाधते तमः ॥२॥ निरु स्वसारमस्कृतोषसं देव्यायती। अपेदु हासते तमः ॥३॥ सा नो अद्य यस्या वयं नि ते यामन्नविक्ष्महि ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Three, Canto III   Listen अहानि शं भवन्तु नः शं रात्रीः प्रति धीयताम्। शं न इन्द्राग्नी भवतामवोभिः शं न इन्द्रावरुणा रातहव्या। शं न इन्द्रापूषणा वाजसातौ शमिन्द्रासोमा सुविताय शं योः ॥११॥ शं नो देवीरभिष्टये आपो भवन्तु पीतये। शं योरभि स्रवन्तु नः ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Two, Canto I   Listen अङ्गुष्ठमात्रः पुरुषोऽन्तरात्मा सदा जनानां हृदये सन्निविष्टः । तं स्वाच्छरीरात् प्रवृहेन्मुञ्जादिवेषीकां धैर्येण तं विद्याच्छुक्रममृतं तं विद्याच्छुक्रममृतमिति ॥ aṅguṣṭhamātraḥ puruṣo’ntarātmā sadā janānāṁ hṛdaye sanniviṣṭaḥ ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Two, Canto XII   Listen उदीवं जीवो असुन आगादप प्रागात् तम आ ज्योतिरेति । आरैक् पन्थां यातवे सूर्यायागन्म यत्र प्रतिरन्त आयुः ॥१६॥ स्यूमना वाच उदियर्ति वह्निः स्तवानो रेभ उषसो विभातीः । अद्या तदुच्छ गृणते मघोन्यस्मे आयुर्नि दिदीहि प्रजावत् ॥१७॥ ...

... Sanskrit texts used in Savitri Music Mantra in Music by Sunil The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Two, Canto X   Listen शिशुं न त्वा जेन्यं वर्धयन्ती माता बिभर्ति सचनस्यमाना। धनोरधि प्रवता यासि हर्यञ्जिगीषसे पशुरिवावसृष्टः॥ ॥३॥ कूचिज्जायते सनयासु नव्यो वने तस्थौ पलितो धूमकेतुः। अस्नातापो वृषभो न प्रवेति सचेतसो यं प्रणयन्त मर्ताः॥ ॥५॥ śiśum ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1984   Listen यः सर्वतत्त्वे तिष्ठत् सर्वतत्त्वस्यान्तरः। यं सर्वतत्त्वं न वेद। यस्य सर्वतत्त्वं शरीरम्। यः सर्वतत्त्वं यमयति स आत्मा अन्तर्यामी ॥ yaḥ sarvatattve tiṣṭhat sarvatattvasyāntaraḥ, yaṁ sarvatattvaṁ na veda, yasya sarvatattvaṁ śarīram, yaḥ sarvatattvaṁ yamayati sa ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1983   Listen Prayer Seigneur, deviens le Maître souverain de nos vies et dissipe toutes les obscurités qui peuvent encore nous empêcher de Te voir et de communier constamment avec Toi. Libère-nous de toute ignorance, libère-nous de nous-mêmes afin que nous ouvrions toutes ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1993   Listen Prayer ... Toi partout et toujours; rien que Toi dans l'essence et dans la manifestation... ( Prières et Méditations , p. 6) Thou everywhere and always; nothing but Thou in the essence and in the manifestation. The Mother, Prayers and Meditations: ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1991   Listen Prayer ... Tu domineras toute la terre de Ton amour souverain, et les consciences seront illuminées de Ta sérénité. Telle est la promesse. ( Prières et Méditations , p. 292) Thou wilt reign over all the earth with Thy sovereign love, and mthe consciousness ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1994   Listen Prayer joie d'être avec le Divin, conscient du Divin, dépasse tout dépasse la création, dépasse la vie, dépasse le bonheur, dépasse la réussite, dépasse tout... ( Notes sur le chemin , p. 345) ...the delight of being with the Divine, conscious of the ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1990   Listen Prayer Gloire à Toi, Seigneur, Réalisateur Suprême. Donne-nous une foi ardente, active, absolue, inébranlable en Ta VICTOIRE. ( Prières et Méditations , p. 418) Glory to Thee, O Lord, Supreme Master of all realisation. Give us a faith active and ardent ...

... Texts used in New Year Music Mantra in Music by Sunil New Year Music 1995   Listen Prayer La porte est ouverte. Il vous suffit d'entrer. (Mère Répond, Bulletin Novembre 1994, p. 27) The door is open. You have only to step in. (The Mother Answers, Bulletin November 1994, p. 26) ऋतं वदिष्यामि । सत्यं वदिष्यामि । तन्मामवतु । त ...

... Keshub Chunder Sen in England (Writers Workshop, 1980), very kindly lent to us by Mrs. Sushila Das, K. C. Sen's granddaughter. For academic details on Manomohan at Oxford, the research done by Sunil Bandopadhyay came in useful. Samsad's Biographical Dictionary of Bengalis (Bangali Charitabhidhan) has been my main source of biographical data on Bengalis. Other acknowledgements are integrated ...

... playing Cricket. Ranganath: I like Science. Mother: Which Science? Ranganath: Botany. Mother: When you study well you will get beautiful books of Botany, and a herbarium too if Sunil says you are working well. Indravadan: I like Mathematics and Botany. Mother: Then you will get a herbarium if you work well. Laxman: I like basketball. Mother: But you are too short ...


... late at night I recited and tape-recorded the poems of Sri Aurobindo which would accompany the slides of my paintings of the poems. The Mother heard the first part of my recitations, along with Sunil's music. He was present. The Mother remarked: It is good—all right. You have done better than I expected . ...

... could give! (Laughter) It has nothing to do with me, Mother! Page 287 But it chose today, your birthday, to come. That's clear. So then, you'll come a little before 3 o'clock for Sunil's music. ( Turning to Sujata ) Naturally, if she wants to, she can come! We are happy together at your feet, Mother. Yes, she complements you well. ( Satprem puts his forehead on Mother's ...

... seemed to me artificial. I can no longer listen to music. Now and then, two or three notes are very good, but the rest is mental construction. I can no longer listen to music. Except for Sunil's music—that's all right. Still, there are "stopgaps," but not too many, not a lot. Yesterday, I received twenty-six letters in one day! Today, there's already a pile of them! So how can they ...

... gives you total well-being, or can make you quite sick! And it's the same vibration. Things like that, bewildering. And every minute it's like that—every minute, for everything. Yesterday, I heard Sunil's music (and it was so interesting because of that). It's very fine, his music, and then this Consciousness showed me how... You see, the consciousness here takes a certain attitude, and it has the whole ...

... then everything becomes different. You see things... yes, I think that's what Sri Aurobindo calls seeing things from within outward. One causes the other. Very interesting. Page 248 In Sunil's music there are two or three of those associations of sounds that are evocative associations, and in his music it's the splendor of the future creation, oh, it comes like a dazzling sun. But even ...

... where the action is located and the quality of the thing. What precision! Oh, an infinitesimal precision, in the details. For instance, the first time I felt this in a clear way was when I heard Sunil's music on The Hour of God ; that was the first time, and at the time I didn't know it was something completely organized, a sort of organization of experience. But now, after all these months, it has ...

... played. When you hear Mother's music now, some are of that nature, not absolutely or wholly by herself, but some other great musician from another world has given his version of the Mother's music. Our Sunil's music is a peculiar case: it is exquisitely human music Page 4 grafted on the Mother's Divine music – a blend of the two. It was a great mystery, and a great, as I said, a great ...

... survey of all the world, Must have a stop.... One has the sense of a similar intuition at work, when one looks at some paintings by Huta inspired by the Mother, or listens to Sunil's music. There are other instances too numerous to mention here. In the very nature of things, an epic like Savitri cannot merely be the product of a lively literary imagination fantasying ...

... the fingers of both hands. At midnight, the hour the centenary day began, the disciples and many visitors sat around Sri Aurobindo’s tomb, so beautiful in its bareness under that large tree. Then Sunil’s soul-stirring music resounded, with a crystal-clear woman’s voice chanting the mantra of Sri Aurobindo’s name in Sanskrit. And straight above the tomb, covered with a wealth of flowers and curling ...