... expect the realisation of the goal in this lifetime, because the goal of the Integral Yoga is the supramental transformation, which can only be reached after centuries. The second reason is that nobody can practice the Integral Yoga for selfish aims. A necessary condition of the supramental transformation is the acquisition of the cosmic consciousness, something that is impossible in the ego-state. Besides... more extreme, as if what is good were becoming better and what is bad were becoming worse. That’s how it is – with that formidable Power pressing – upon the world.” 14 The result of the supramental transformation was certain and would come about with a minimum of damage, but that minimum, according to the Mother, might still be considerable. “[Great catastrophic upheavals after the descent of the... learning about the nature of profound change, transformation of the human species seems less and less improbable.” (p. 172). The mature souls, incarnated on earth to help bring about the supramental transformation, are not numerous. On 24 November 1965, a darshan day, Sri Aurobindo had been present from morning till night, and he had shown the Mother the state of humanity and its future evolution ...
... about the how or the when of the supramental transformation of the body. Another point is that nowhere, in not a single analysis by the disciples of the subject under consideration, the necessity of the apparition of intermediary beings is taken into account. ‘… the aim for which this body is alive, namely the first steps towards the supramental transformation …’ (3 April 1962, during the prelude... conviction of the disciples. Consider Pranab again, for instance, in his talk of 4 December 1973: ‘I am absolutely sure that if she [the Mother] had not the conviction that she would bring the Supramental Transformation to her present body, she would not have been able to do all the Great Work that she has done.’ 11 Then Sethna, in an article from November 1974: ‘It is extremely improbable, if not... namely that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had said or let it be understood all along that they would not die, and that the body in which they had incarnated also would be the body of their supramental transformation. It is a unanimous conviction difficult to doubt at first sight by an outsider. What have Sri Aurobindo and the Mother themselves said or written about the immediate aim of their Yoga? ...
... psycho-spiritual; it can be said that the psycho-spiritual transformation has to reach a very high level before the supramental transformation begins to advance. A description of the three processes of the psychic transformation, spiritual transformation and supramental transformation is, therefore, bound to be highly complex and difficult. It may, however, be stated in a general way that behind every... supermind and the eventual process of supramental transformation. In the integral yoga, the psychic being or the soul is the leader, and this leadership opens up the path of the guidance of the Spirit, and it is this guidance that opens up the paths of the transmutation of Nature, Prakriti, the culmination of which is reached when the tasks of supramental transformation are accomplished. In this yoga, Purusha... the separated Powers and Aspects, all interchanges and mutual ties of their energies are freely organised and their actuality always possible." 51 Overmind and Supermind : Towards Supramental Transformation Beyond the Overmind is the plenary Supramental consciousness. If Overmental consciousness is global in character, the Supramental consciousness is integral. The Overmental consciousness ...
... we have taken the universe into ourselves—and transcended it—can our individuality be complete."¹ The supramental transformation will admit us into a participation in the working of the Supernature or Parā prakrti. The more we advance from the spiritual to the supramental transformation, the more shall we cease to be mere instruments of the divine Will and Force, and enter into a "growing conscious... has reached its culmination, or the supramental transformation may intervene in the midst of the spiritual transformation in order to accelerate its pace and shorten the long way. Human nature is bafflingly complex, and the Divine's dealing with it, as soon as it is surrendered to Him, is incalculable and unpredictable. Particularly, the supramental transformation, which is an exclusive operation of... The Creator alone can refashion, remould and transmute into its own substance and force what it has created. The descent of the Supramental Truth-Force is, therefore, indispensable for the supramental transformation. But the Supermind is not only above, exerting from there its transforming pressure upon the evolving earth-nature, or descending into it to accelerate and accomplish the work; it is, like ...
... conversed often, not only in the Entretiens, but also personally with all who went up to her, helping, consoling, encouraging and guiding. Yet so little is known about her inner work of supramental transformation, her foremost occupation of which all the rest was only a consequence or application. Looking that period up in the writings of the commentators and biographers, one gets an impression as... all the rest must be not merely present and passively latent, but secretly at work. In fact life, mind and Supermind are present in the atom.’ 21 (Sri Aurobindo) The instrument of the supramental transformation is the adhara, the complex whole of sheaths or ‘bodies’ forming the housing of the soul of which we with our external senses can see only the most external, gross material sheath. In the... Substance in you despite differences in appearance, and a vibration in one centre automatically awakes a vibration in another.’ 22 The microcosm of the cell is the field, the means of the supramental transformation of Matter, where Matter can be touched and ennobled — the indispensable precondition for the supramental body to be realized in this material Creation. The mental consciousness of the ...
... In later years she would say several times that the body with which she was identified was not her body but a body, used for the material contact without which her direct work for the supramental transformation would not be possible. How to understand all this? Actually it is not a matter of understanding, for we can neither understand it nor can we understand most of her other yogic experiences... Supramental in the Earth-atmosphere, the Mother asked ‘the Lord’ whether she should stay on Earth or not. A clear sign must have been given to her, for she stayed, presumably to speed up the supramental transformation of the Earth, with as her immediate aim the realization of the transitional being, the overman. In December 1959, at the time of her withdrawal into her room, this aim was fulfilled, according... the pharaoh Akhenaton under the impulse of his mother, Queen Tiy, who was an incarnation of the Mother. The Mother is reported to have said that, although the Earth was not ready for the supramental transformation at the time, the creation of a city dedicated to the Sun and called ‘Horizon of the Sun’ (which means physical presence of the Sun on Earth) had to be undertaken ‘to assure the continuity ...
... other senses. There is at the same time an opening of new powers in all the senses, an extension of range, a stretching out of the physical consciousness to an undreamed capacity. The supramental transformation extends too the physical consciousness far beyond the limits of the body and enables it to receive with a perfect concreteness the physical contact of things at a distance. And the physical... then, so long as it is on the mental level, the experience is limited by the vital terms and their mental renderings and there is an obscurity even in this greatened sense and knowledge. The supramental transformation supravitalises the vital, reveals it as a dynamics of the spirit, makes a complete opening and a true revelation of all the spiritual reality behind and within the life force and the life... of our minds, transformed and supramentalised, an element of rich detail in the spiritual Ananda. As the physical and vital, the psychical consciousness and sense also are capable of a supramental transformation and receive by it their own integral fullness and significance. The supermind lays hold on the psychical being, descends into it, changes it into the mould of its own nature and uplifts it ...
... no abstractions. For abstraction is a fictitious projection of the impotently grasping mental consciousness. Unity is the basis; Unity is the stuff of experience; Unity is the aim of the supramental transformation; Unity is the medium in which the supramental being exists. Unity is the Divine. From that we come, in that we live, to that we go. ‘There is nothing but That.’ The Mother was familiar... to follow on the path the Mother has trodden. She has invited everybody to this adventure. The Universalization of the Body The Mother felt that the prerequisite of the process of supramental transformation at this point was the ‘universalization’ of her body. Is this possible? Can this small, limited and vulnerable body in which we are enclosed be universalized? In The Life Divine, Sri Aurobindo... the need of the circumstances, welled up from her heart every second of her existence. It formed the ground of her mission on the Earth. It was her ‘sole refuge’, ‘the only means’ of the supramental transformation. These simple words were the expression of her surrender, of the total giving of herself which was the stuff of her whole earthly existence, as it is the stuff of the whole Integral Yoga ...
... mind. The other was that this was to be a collective phenomenon. In my understanding the body and soul of Jesus at resurrection were penetrated by the power of the spirit and underwent a supramental transformation, so that he actually became identified with the transcendent Reality. At the same time this released a power of the Spirit in the world which was a collective phenomenon, described by St... achievements did he find direct traces of the Supramental Consciousness Page 32 and Force. So when you write of the "body and soul of Jesus" undergoing "at the resurrection... a supramental transformation", you make me very uneasy. Of course, since Sri Aurobindo held that the Supermind was at the back of all evolution and history in order to prepare the way for its own emergence or... with its background of the world's whole spiritual history, its broad basis of a many-sided Yoga compassing a diversity of inner realisation, its triple movement of psychic, spiritual and supramental transformation, its insistence on the first two as unavoidable preparations for the third. At present it seems he puts all emphasis on what may be called the Yoga of the Cells and ignores the necessary ...
... Overmind, the plane of the Gods, was brought in touch with the physical plane; this touch was necessary, otherwise the supramental transformation would not be possible. From another angle we may view in the descent of Krishna a herald of the supramental transformation by insighting in it a meaning deeper than merely the coming down of the Over- mind. When in 1933 a sadhak wrote to... of the Supermind and ¹. The Supramental Manifestation on Earth, SABCL, Vol. 16, p. 72. ². Ibid., pp. 71..72. Page 26 awaiting the supramental transformation.¹ Speaking of "the descending order of the gnostic mind", Sri Aurobindo goes on in the article to describe it: ...Mind luminous and aware of its working still lives in the... Being and Gnostic Community the same as his. Doubtless, the description "New Race" is at a few places employed by her for the human supramentalised, as when she says: "We must not confuse a supramental transformation with the appearance of a new race." Earlier, when she opened the All- India Convention held in Pondicherry on 24 April 1951, about four and a half months after Sri Aurobindo's departure, ...
... his passing the Mother and the disciples, should suddenly have started radiating like a Sun! Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have written and spoken volumes to explain the conditions of the supramental transformation, and that the transformation of the body, the appearance of a perceptible, immortal supramental body on Earth, would only be the last, the ultimate result of the process of transformation... agglomerate of cells in the body of the Mother was a similitude, a representation, a miniature of the Earth which, as we know, is in its turn a condensation and symbol of the universe. The supramental transformation is a cosmic transformation, naturally, for the Supermind is the matrix of the universe — of this and of all other universes. The Mother’s body became ‘large as the Earth.’ That was how... this book are knowledgeable about the true cause of the two World Wars and know where the elements of the new fermentation have to be looked for, namely in the Power operating behind the supramental transformation, having then as its centre the transformed physical body of the Mother that had become one with the world. The transformation, the supramental mutation in her cells vibrated also in everything ...
... others must religiously crack the same nutshell all over again, each tremblingly careful not to give the lie to the "past" seers and sages. Page 411 Spiritual Realisation and the Supramental Transformation This Yoga aims at the conscious union with the Divine in the supermind and the transformation of the nature. The ordinary Yogas go straight from Mind into some featureless condition of... which all is in contact with the Divine through the psychic consciousness. Next is the spiritual transformation in which all is merged in the Divine in the cosmic consciousness. Third is the supramental transformation in which all becomes supramentalised in the divine gnostic consciousness. It is only with the last that there can begin the complete transformation of mind, life and body—in my sense of... not new and some Yogis have achieved it, I believe—but not in the way I want it. They achieved it as a personal siddhi maintained by Yoga-siddhi—not a dharma of the nature. Secondly, the supramental transformation is not the same as the spiritual-mental. It is a change of mind, life and body which the mental or overmental-spiritual cannot achieve. All whom you mention were spirituals, but in different ...
... the sense in which I have used the term. PURANI: The Vaishnavas speak of getting the nature of the Divine. SRI AUROBINDO: Then is that transformation? If so, the Vaishnavas have the supramental transformation of the nature! And any change of nature can be called that. In that case, attaining a sattwic nature is also transformation. NIRODBARAN: Most of us don't quite understand what is meant... have selfishness in the ordinary human sense of the term, but was he completely free from the separative I? He himself said that the shadow or form of the I is necessary for action. In the supramental transformation the ego is not indispensable for action. People always confuse a change of nature with transformation. If a change of nature means transformation, then many sadhaks here have got tran... word in any sense just like the word supramental. It is I who have first used it and in the special sense I have given to it. If everybody has attained to the transformation I speak of, the supramental transformation has already been done and everybody is supramental. They don't make the distinction between action from a spiritual consciousness which is above mind but acts through human instruments, and ...
... the demand I make on life and Yoga. 12 The complete process of transformation is described by Sri Aurobindo as triple, — psychic transformation, spiritual transformation, and supramental transformation. In the words of Sri Aurobindo: ... there must first be the psychic change, the conversion of our whole present nature into a soul-instrumentation; on that or along with that there... . To study Savitri is to enter into the realm of experiences and into a veritable process of Yogic transformation. IV It is not expected that this great and difficult task of supramental transformation can be effected by the whole of humanity, although, according to Sri Aurobindo, the time has come for the generalisation of Yoga in humanity. The necessity of spiritual change is imperative... the solution to the contemporary crisis. And it is here that Sri Aurobindo's Page 40 perception of the significance of the contemporary crisis and his philosophy and yoga of supramental transformation come to us as the needed light and guidance. At the same time, we may note what Sri Aurobindo has stated about the first step towards the supramental manifestation. In this context, ...
... have been clear to her that her body, already prepared for its superhuman task in her mother’s womb, was better suited than Sri Aurobindo’s to endure the first and critical phases of the supramental transformation. All developments and experiences in Sri Aurobindo’s sadhana preceding the Arya can be regarded as a preparation for the great Work, without in the least disparaging their importance... body each time she came into the presence of Sri Aurobindo’s body after his ‘death’, and also by the ‘miraculous’ conservation of his body in a climate conducive to disintegration. The supramental transformation of the mind of the body cells, of the matter of which the body consists, was called ‘the Mind of Light’ by Sri Aurobindo — of the supramental Light that is the supramental Vibration. About... important to keep this in mind if one wants to understand correctly what the Mother has said, written and realized after 1950. In October 1956, for instance, she said: ‘One should not confound supramental transformation with the appearance of a new race,’ 12 and two years later: ‘There will surely be an innumerable quantity of partial realizations,’ 13 just like in homo ergaster, habilis, erectus ...
... ess as in an egg”. When Sri Aurobindo called the Second World War “the Mother’s War”, he must have had good reasons. And, as her body was constitutionally better for the future effort of supramental transformation, she had to stay on and continue the glorious, gruesome job. It is all there to be studied and meditated upon by the interested. Never has a Yoga of this magnitude, of this importance... Aurobindo had started realising such an embodiment in the cells of his body, pulling down the supramental Force into them. When the general cosmic circumstances proved to be such that the supramental transformation leading to the superman was possible only by descending consciously into death, Sri Aurobindo transferred his evolutionary acquisition to the Mother with the instruction to continue the work... its organisation was complete. It is the place where the people are trained who are destined for the supramental life. These people, or at least part of their being, had already undergone a supramental transformation, for the ship itself and everything on board was neither material, subtle-physical, vital or mental: [everything consisted of] a supramental substance. This substance was of the most material ...
... to take the place of the old. 7 There was also a definite 'policy' decision. Two courses had been open to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother: first, to wait till their own Yoga of supramental transformation was complete, and then take the people forward too; and second, with whatever gains of Yoga had already accrued to them (and they were momentous enough), to get a group together, and... Subconscient and the Inconscient. The whole adventure was a warning as well as a fresh opportunity for a properly motivated and directed sadhana. If the aim was integral change and supramental transformation, it was necessary to avoid the usual traps and dangers of the traditional Yogas. In a condition of trance or samadhi the body may be laid asleep, individuality may be transcended, and... called, only a few are chosen! - may want, and be permitted, to join the Ashram permanently to participate at close quarters in the Aurobindonian Yoga of self-perfection and ultimate supramental transformation, and for them "the stay here in the atmosphere, the nearness are indispensable". 24 In another letter of about the same time (1 August 1931), Sri Aurobindo contrasted the so-called ...
... human nature is the result of the supramental transformation. It can be said that the psychic transformation liberates the inner and considerably refines and enlightens the outer being of man; the spiritual transformation universalises it, illumines it, within and without, and brings into it the native rhythm of the Infinite; and the supramental transformation integrates and sublimates the whole... infinite Power, the infinite Freedom and Bliss of the Divine, which the human soul secretly aspires after, can be not only possessed but sovereignly expressed in life, a natural outcome of this supramental transformation. Evidently, this triple transformation is not an easy work. Nothing like it on such a vast collective scale has ever been conceived and attempted in the history of spiritual culture ...
... for mankind does not yet possess the necessary knowledge to understand and accept it or the indispensable conscious force to execute it. That is why I call it a dream.’ 4 But the supramental transformation was advancing with giant strides. In the previous chapters we have followed its principal phases up to 1968. The circumstances quickly improved to render the realization of the dream possible... ’ ‘the goodwill to make a collective experiment for the progress of mankind’. 11 From the spiritual standpoint, however, Auroville was a new step forward in the realization of the supramental transformation process on Earth and in the material accomplishment of the task of the Avatar. The unification of humanity was a necessary condition thereof, but by itself, as an independent ‘worldly’ attempt ...
... the earth!’, the Mother replied: ‘For his consciousness it was not a sacrifice.’ 30 It was a technical, practical, occult exigency to hasten the manifestation of the Supermind and the supramental transformation on Earth. It might not be unreasonable to postulate that this acceleration was seen as imperative by Sri Aurobindo to make it possible that the foundations of the divine future of humankind... reaches of existence — ‘delve deeper, deeper still’ — and there has changed the programme which produces life as we still know it at present. At the roots of life, he has made possible the supramental transformation; its realization is on the way and will manifest materially in the future. Since December 1950 he has kept working behind the veil of gross matter ‘to change the structure of matter’ in order ...
... Mother. But it is no exaggeration to posit that every year of her avataric sadhana, of her work on Earth after 1956, when she had voluntarily consented to stay with us, has expedited the supramental transformation of the Earth by thousands of years. A postulate of this kind cannot be rendered in exact numbers, of course, but its general truth is unquestionable. She concludes that Entretien as... completely established. It is the place where the people are being trained who are destined for the supramental life. These people (or at least a part of their being) had already undergone a supramental transformation, for the substance of the ship itself and of everything on board was neither material nor subtle-physical, vital or mental: it was a supramental substance. ‘This substance consisted of ...
... Aurobindo Ashram at Pondicherry. The Ashram, as we have seen, played a primary role in initiating the conditions of the material transformation, in igniting them in the body of humanity. But the supramental transformation is the business of humanity as a whole, of which some privileged or pioneering elements found their way to the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education. Of these elements some became... organization is the result of the action of a central divine spark.’ 77 In other words, the psychic being is the fine flower of the earthly evolution which one day, as the result of the supramental transformation, will lead to the concrete, material manifestation of the psychic being in all its divinity. Putting the Earth once again at the heart of the universe may, at first sight, seem bizarre ...
... and all things are in God. But for practical purposes there is a real distinction.’ 13 The Mother’s whole effort consisted in annulling this real distinction, for the result of the supramental transformation should make the Divine concretely present in Matter. As Matter became gradually more ‘porous’ to her, the divine Presence in all became ever more real, visibly, tangibly. She saw everything... the Supramental or not. I know and I have said also that now is the last fight. If the purpose for which this body is alive is to be fulfilled, that is to say, the first steps towards the Supramental transformation, then it will continue today. This is the Lord’s decision. I am not even asking what he has decided. If the body is incapable of bearing the fight, if it has to be dissolved, then humanity ...
... had refused to let her undertake the sacrifice. He had said that he would go and that she must stay to fulfil their Yoga of Supramental Descent and Transformation. 1 Most certainly the Supramental Transformation includes as its crown and climax a supramentalised physical body. Sri Aurobindo looked upon his "Integral Yoga" as the swift-moving concentration of the Yoga which Nature has been doing over... goal of the Yogic endeavour in which he and the Mother were engaged. It was understood that they had come upon earth to be the pioneers of a total supramentalisation: they would undergo the supramental transformation in its entirety so that mankind might do the same with their help. Not all the race at once would succeed, or even attempt the Yoga, but at least a few who were prepared to follow them in ...
... have increasingly to manifest the indwelling Spirit.’ 6 This important passage was now as it were being illustrated by the psychic being of Rijuta. The process, the mechanism of the supramental transformation at once became clear to to the Mother. If one realizes what the psychic being really is, and if one takes into consideration the crescendo of the evolution, which is an evolution of the Spirit... certainly is not capable of being the covering of the supramental consciousness, to form the body that has, to some extent, been described above. This means that the crux of the process of supramental transformation lies in matter; the supramental world has to become possible in matter, which at present still is gross matter. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were supramentalized in their mental and vital ...
... condition of the successful transformation. If attacks continue and can come in successfully, it means that the body consciousness is not yet supramentalised. Page 309 Death and the Supramental Transformation The change of the consciousness is the necessary thing and with out it there can be no physical siddhi. But the fullness of the supramental change is not possible if the body remains as... change its physical instrument and get a new one. If something can be brought into the body that will make it a plastic instrument for the soul, then only death is no longer necessary. If the supramental transformation is complete that is what should happen. It [ death ] has no separate existence by itself, it is only a result of the principle of decay in the body and that principle is there already—it ...
... surrender of the whole being to the light and power that come from the Supernature, is a second condition which has to be accomplished slowly and with difficulty by the being itself before the supramental transformation can become at all possible. It follows that the psychic and the spiritual transformation must be far advanced, even as complete as may be, before there can be any beginning of the third... more characteristic power of their working, and this progression continues until some complete and mature action of them is possible. It is then that the turning of the spiritual towards the supramental transformation commences; for the heightening of the consciousness to higher and higher planes builds in us the gradation of the ascent to supermind, that difficult and supreme passage. It is not to ...
... rest goes on in the old way. Psychic transformation is when the whole being is remoulded into the nature of the psychic; spiritual transformation is when the whole being is spiritualised; supramental transformation is when the whole being is supramentalised— Page 331 that cannot be done automatically by merely being aware of the higher consciousness or attaining it in the ordinary limited... mental, vital, physical being and a return, but one does not yet live above in the summit consciousness where Overmind has its seat with the other planes that are above the human Mind. The supramental transformation can only come when the lid Page 332 between the lower and higher hemispheres or halves of existence is removed and the Supermind instead of the Overmind becomes the governing ...
... Ananda, etc. which belong to any of the higher planes" 10 of mind above the ordinary mind. Supramental transformation "is a putting on of the spiritual consciousness, dynamic as well as static, in every part of the being down to the subconscient"; 11 some of the ultimate results of the supramental transformation include "the release from subconscient ignorance and from disease, duration of life at will ...
... These words... are the result of everything now being done. They almost expressed a protest. After all, I thought, to be a saint or a sage is not very difficult! ( Mother laughs ) But the supramental transformation is another affair. Oh! And it has become acute since.... 1 No, I don't read these days, because I've had a hemorrhage in this eye. There have been too many letters, and it's difficult... just before stopping (I stopped reading for only three days), I read a passage where Sri Aurobindo speaks of his own experience and his own work and explains in full what he means by the 'supramental transformation.' This passage confirmed and made me understand many experiences I had after that Page 257 experience of the body's ascent [January 24, 1961] (the ascent of the body-consciousness ...
... (Sri Aurobindo, The Supramental Manifestation, p. 80) As the psychic change has to call in the spiritual to complete it, so the first spiritual change has to call in the supramental transformation to complete it.... This then must be the nature of the third and final transformation which finishes the passage of the soul through the Ignorance and bases its consciousness, its life... energies, but the Master of the dance holds the hands of His energies and keeps them to the rhythmic order, the self-traced harmonic circles of His Rasa-Lila." 2 Thus, with the supramental transformation of our being and nature, this earthly life will flower into the Life divine and our waking physical existence will be a divinised existence of integral consciousness and dynamis. Neither ...
... which contain conversations of the Mother that took place in her classes. In 1958, Mother withdrew to her room in order to come to terms with the research in the problems related to the supramental transformation of the physical consciousness at the cellular level. In 1968, Mother founded Auroville, an International city as a collective field for the material and spiritual researches required for... extraordinary exploration narrated by the Mother to Satprem¹ covering a period of more than twenty years, during which Mother slowly uncovered the 'Great Passage' to the next species by the supramental transformation of the physical consciousness and fulfilled the work that Sri Aurobindo had given to her. ___________________ ¹. Satprem was born in Paris in 1923. After intense experiences in ...
... conversations of the Mother that took place in her classes. In 1958, Mother Page 29 withdrew to her room in order to come to terms with the research in the problems related to the supramental transformation of the physical consciousness at the cellular level. In 1968, Mother founded Auroville, an international city as a collective field for the material and spiritual researches required for... (Mother's Agenda), an account of her extraordinary exploration covering a period of more than twenty years, during which Mother slowly uncovered the 'Great Passage' to the next species by the supramental transformation of the physical consciousness and fulfilled the work that Sri Aurobindo had given to her. II When exactly Sri Aurobindo wrote this epic in quantitative hexameters is not known, ...
... conversions of the Mother that took place in her classes. In Page 11 1958, Mother withdrew to her room in order to come to terms with the research in the problems related to the supramental transformation of the physical consciousness at the cellular level. In 1968, Mother founded Auroville, an International city as a collective field for the material and spiritual researches required for... extraordinary exploration narrated by the Mother to Satprem 1 covering a period of more than twenty years, during which Mother slowly uncovered the 'Great Passage' to the next species by the supramental transformation of the physical consciousness and fulfilled the work that Sri Aurobindo had given to her. Page 12 × ...
... covers and operates in the cells is penetrated by the supramental consciousness, and it is only when supramental consciousness is made operative directly in the cells of the body that the supramental transformation can become accomplished. For, according to them, it is only in the cellular consciousness that the supermind can become fixed and permanently established on account of the fact that the pure... research, narrated by the Mother herself in the thirteen volumes of Mother's Agenda.32 How to deal with the Sub-conscious and the Inconscience? But this entire operation of the supramental transformation has to be preceded by the plunge of the supramental consciousness into the subconscient. But, according to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, a plunge into the subconscient when we are not yet ...
... transformed by the Divine Nature, the Supramental Nature, so that Nature itself would be liberated from its limitations and be the direct and fall expression of the Divine Supermind. In the supramental transformation of Nature, there is not merely the transcendence of the three gunas but the three gunas themselves become purified, refined and changed into their divine equivalents: sattva becomes... come by the intervention of the supramental power and its direct action in earth-existence.'16 V The results of the descent of the Supermind on the earth and the consequent supramental transformation of the mind, life body and the inconscient would mean a momentous stage in the evolutionary process. It would mean the mutation of the human species into what Sri Aurobindo has termed the ...
... then the pressure is tremendous on its chakrs that is the knee. And until the sadhana achieves siddhi at the levelof the subconscious the pressure keeps on building. In the yoga of Supramental transformation the subconscious and the inconscient have to be conquered. You can say this is precisely the principal sadhana of the present age. That is why they have described Kalki, the avatar of the... Guru. In the absence of the Guru the Ashram ceases to exist. Sri Aurobindo left. The Mother was still in our midst. We all hoped then that the Mother would complete the sadhana of supramental transformation She had undertaken. But then one day the Mother too left. Even though the spiritual presence of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo, and Their Force, is present in the Ashram, it cannot be considered ...
... needed is a closing of the gap, a joining, a soldering, an effective restoration of the circuit of the dynamic power of the Truth-Consciousness so that the "Big Change", the spiritual and supramental transformation, can be realised on the earth. Now at long last we come to the heart of the matter: the Ascent towards the Supermind. Once the awakening to the inner soul-reality of our being and... formations of consciousness, from Overmind to Mind, from Mind to Matter: the hierarchy would continue, but would be progressively emptied of the incursions of the Ignorance. The supramental transformation, the supramental evolution must carry with it a lifting of mind, life and body out of themselves into a greater way of being in which yet their own ways and powers would be, not suppressed ...
... that we think and feel and do, and in all the parts and elements of our being. It will enable us to live the Life Divine on earth—physically, vitally, mentally and spiritually. If the supramental transformation be not achieved, the goal of spiritual life would remain what it has always been—liberation of a few exceptional individuals into some land of transcendent peace or bliss; and the world would... previous chapters, particularly in chapter VII, and shall, therefore, pass it by here with just an emphatic assertion of its indispensability. It is sheer folly to think of effecting the supramental transformation of one's nature by one's own mental strength and power. Page 421 The third condition is the descent of the supramental consciousness into the nature of the aspirant. "The ascent ...
... Transcendent it achieves is an ascent accompanied by a descent of the power, light, consciousness that has been achieved and it is by such descents that is to be achieved the spiritual and supramental transformation here. This possibility does not seem to be admitted in the Maharshi's thought,—he considers the Descent as superfluous and logically impossible. "The Divine is here, from where will He descend... nature to dominate and change our present nature and turn it from nature of Ignorance into nature of Truth-Knowledge (and through the supramental into nature of Ananda)—this is the third or supramental transformation. It does not always go in this order, for with many the spiritual descent begins first in an imperfect way before the psychic is in front and in charge, but the psychic development has to ...
... even that is rather disconcerting for some people, for they think it contradicts what Sri Aurobindo has always promised: that the time has come for the supramental transformation to be possible.... But we must not confuse a supramental transformation with the appearing of a new race. What Sri Aurobindo promised and what naturally interests us, we who are here now, is that the time has come when some ...
... nature to dominate and change our present nature and turn it from nature of Ignorance into nature of Truth-Knowledge (and through the supramental into nature of Ananda)—this is the third or supramental transformation. It does not always go in this order, for with many the spiritual descent begins first in an imperfect way before the psychic is in front and in charge, but the psychic development has to... Transcendent it achieves is an ascent accompanied by a descent of the power, light, consciousness that has been achieved and it is by such descents that is to be achieved the spiritual and supramental transformation here. This possibility does not seem to be admitted in the Maharshi's thought,—he considers the Descent as superfluous and logically impossible. "The Divine is here, from where will He descend ...
... The Supramental Descent and Transformation Letters on Yoga - I Chapter III The Supramental Transformation Preparatory Steps towards the Supramental Change It is not possible to have the direct supramental working now. The Adhar is not yet ready. First one must accept an indirect working which prepares the lower planes for the supramental change. ... Certainly no part of the Nature has been supramentalised—that is not possible, until the whole being has been put under the supramental influence. The supramental influence must come first, the supramental transformation can only come afterwards. A touch or influence of the supramental is not the same thing as supramentalisation. To suppose that the physical can be supramentalised before the mental ...
... Hence the fulfilled humanity it will constitute — glorious though it might be — would be far indeed from that complete divinisation of mind, life and body, which Sri Aurobindo names "Supramental Transformation". Even the cosmic consciousness, the realisation of the All, the God Ahead joining with the God Above — even Omega figured as an infinite divine reality would not be able to effectuate... own right or as a passing of the ultra-human into the trans-human outside space-time, negates this concept of Teilhard himself. But, unlike the grandiose dead-stop that is Omega Point, the Supramental Transformation is not the end of evolutionary history. In accord with the modern perspective, though in a much more profound sense than any that the scientific world-picture carries, Sri Aurobindo looks ...
... has reminisced about those days on several occasions. The result of the lack of understanding was, in many, doubt and desperation. What use was it to continue dedicating one’s life to a supramental transformation and the conquest of death when the Guru, or Master, or Avatar and bringer of the new vision had succumbed himself to death? Therefore the Mother gave the following message on the 14th of... K.D. Sethna: The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo , p. 105. Here again we have a glimpse of the formation of what the Mother has called the “overman”. The supramental transformation of the physical mind, although enormously important in itself, was still far from the total transformation of the body, but it was a considerable first step in the formation of the overman ...
... world. We only know about what she has said concerning the re-founding of the spiritual, religious, social, political and economic institutions which have a role to play in the process of the supramental transformation and, perhaps partly, in the New World. We also know about some facts which drew or were brought to her surface attention. When she heard about the first astronauts on the moon, she considered... progressed, that body belonged less and less to this world – except for the residue in the cells. For this residue it was impossible to transcend the world of the humans. In the meantime the supramental transformation, the supramental pupation was taking place. The butterfly – the prototype of the supramental body in the Mother – came into existence. She signalled its presence several times in the course ...
... livable place where the souls who had incarnated as human beings to answer the Call could live in a community in order to contribute, through an increasing self-denial, their effort to the supramental transformation, to the divinization of the Earth. This community was in actual fact a psychological and physical prolongation of the embodied personalities of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Through this... past lives in cases where this knowledge could contribute to their spiritual growth; she also told some of them at which moment in a former life they had chosen to collaborate on the future supramental transformation, usually in a past when they had been together with her or near her. A documented case is that of the Frenchman Satprem, one of those to whom she had promised in Ancient Egypt that they would ...
... Supramental or not. I know and I have said also that now is the last fight. If the purpose for which this body is alive is to be fulfilled, that is to say the first steps taken towards the Supramental transformation, then it will continue today. It is the Lord’s decision. I am not even asking what he has decided. If the body is incapable of bearing the fight, if it has to be dissolved, then humanity... present in the Earth’s atmosphere and active in it; it made this battle of the Mother possible. She could have departed earlier, but her presence rendered possible ‘the first steps of the supramental transformation,’ of the realization of the first supramental body. If this attempt did not succeed, then what she could work out in years, days, hours by her corporeal presence would have to be worked out ...
... the supramental transformation. Reason, science and commercialisation have now focussed humanity on Matter to a degree unknown at any time in the history of humanity. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were of course aware of the blatant spiritual shortcomings of a materialistic humanity, but they also appreciated its merits – no doubt because Matter is the level where the supramental transformation has ...
... organization was perfect. It is the place where the people are being trained who are destined for the supramental life. These people, or at least part of their being, had already undergone a supramental transformation, for the ship itself and everything on board was neither material, subtle-physical, vital or mental: everything consisted of a supramental substance … “The light was a mixture of gold... human lack of understanding and blind or ambitious ego. Fourthly, the end of the Mother’s transformational Yoga, if at that time her heart had failed, would not have meant the failure of the supramental transformation, assured since 1956; it would however have meant a cancellation of possibilities which could only be worked out by the Mother, and consequently a postponement of the transformative process ...
... being, and his followers number seven or eight hundred million. When will there be a concrete result of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s Yoga, in other words, when will the first signs of a supramental transformation be perceptible to ordinary humans? This question was considered of secondary importance during Sri Aurobindo’s lifetime. What counted then – “the one thing needful” – was the descent of the... correspondence; that should be the aim of the whole effort and all the rest was premature speculation. 25 (The manifestation of the Supermind took place in 1956.) About the actual supramental transformation Sri Aurobindo at first talked vaguely in terms of thousands of years, and observed that this would be a very short time considering the scope of the evolutionary transformation envisaged ...
... forward, something which at times vexed the Mother, who was always pressed for progress. So for instance on 6 February 1957, when the Mother talked about the obstacles on the road to the supramental transformation of Matter. ‘Obviously the greatest obstacle is the attachment to things as they are. But even Nature as a whole finds that those who possess the profound knowledge want to go too fast. She... its organization was perfect. It is the place where the people are trained who are destined for the supramental life. These people, or at least part of their being, had already undergone a supramental transformation, for the ship itself and everything on board was neither material, subtle-physical, vital, or mental: [everything consisted of] a supramental substance. This substance was of the most material ...
... there, it does not think of it. If sleep is there it takes it, if it is not there it does not think of it. And so on with regard to all things." 1 Finally, with the progress of the supramental transformation of the physical system, if and when the moment arrives for the need of material sustenance from outside to be completely transcended, it must come "as a result of the awakened will of... and less and less imperative." 2 At the end, new processes will surely be discovered by the New Body and new instrumentalities are bound to emerge therein in the course of the supramental transformation of our physical existence, which will annul all necessity for material alimentation. And if this attempt at scoring a total victory over material Hunger looks like an act of sheer ...
... even of overcoming physical limitation and developing a more perfect and divinely instrumental body. Explaining this third element of perfection that comes about by the progressive action of supramental transformation of our nature, Sri Aurobindo states: "While it perfects the individual soul and nature in the sense of a diviner existence and makes a full harmony of the diversities of our being, it... super mind opens up possession of planes and worlds beyond the material world. Perfection of the body as the outer instrument of a complete divine living on earth is a necessary part of the supramental transformation. In its highest movement, Sri Aurobindo envisages illumination of the whole physical consciousness and a divinizing of the law of the body. The yogic literature, particularly relating to ...
... considering them in the reverse order, that is to say, starting from the consume- Page 261 mating goal and descending step by step down the rungs of the stair: (i)The supramental transformation of the being and nature of man is the ultimate Goal; (ii)this has to be necessarily preceded by the psycho-spiritual transformation; (iii)but that can be achieved only if the psychic... first of the three transformations that constitute the entire course of our sadhana. This psychic transformation will be followed first by the ' spiritual transformation" and then by the ' supramental transformation' , But as these two last transformations do not fall within the purview of our present essay. we take the liberty of closing this chapter at this point. Page 268 ...
... Reality and world-process envisages "a divine life upon earth and liberation of earth-nature itself as part of a total purpose of the embodiment of the spirit here", 1 and the Yoga of supramental Transformation as brought into action by the Mother and Sri Aurobindo seeks to realise in the not too distant future this sublime ideal of total spiritual perfection of which the high watermark, the... the process of manifesting dynamically a truly mental human culture. Now, the same rule is bound to hold in the case of a prospective divine transfiguration of terrestrial life. A supramental transformation even of what is called our 'physical sheath', annnamaya ko ṣ a, is absolutely indispensable for a truly divine living in the world. As Sri Aurobindo has so trenchantly put it: ...
... the stages can ... come in when the power of the conscious spirit has prepared the field and the supramental Force has begun to use its direct influence." 2 Now, this process of supramental transformation of the inner being and consciousness of man is bound to have its effect and repercussion on his physical being and system as well. The ascent of the individual from the physical-mental... power and principle of supramental substance." 1 Sri Aurobindo assures us that there will no doubt remain a material base for the New Body to appear in course of the contemplated supramental transformation, but it will be 'a new earth with divine structure', having for its stuff the supramental substance and for its organisation a divine functioning, in which the Earth-Mother will finally ...
... transformed by the Divine Nature, the Supramental Nature, so that Nature itself would be liberated from its limitations and be the direct and full expression of the Divine Supermind. In the supramental transformation of Nature, there is not merely the transcendence of the three gunas of Nature (sattva, rajas and tamas) but the three gunas themselves become purified, refined and changed into their... Knowledge can only come by the intervention of the supramental Power and its direct action in earth-existence.² The results of the descent of the Supermind on the earth and the consequent supramental transformation of the mind, life, body and the inconscient would mark a momentous stage in the evolutionary process. It would mean the mutation of the human species into what Sri Aurobindo has termed the ...
... big or small)! I shall be content to become her docile servant. To want to be a Superman is a mistake. It only swells the ego. One can aspire for the Divine to bring about the supramental transformation, but that also should not be done till the being has become psychic and spiritualised by the descent of the Mother's peace, force, light and purity. Those who consciously... in the sadhana only if one wants to foster one's ego. Rather it has to be analysed when one comes to the stage at which one has to pass from the psychic and spiritual to the supramental transformation. But that stage for all the sadhaks is still far off, so to think of these distinctions now can only foster the ego without serving any useful purpose. One sadhak says, "When ...
... which all is in contact with the Divine through the psychic consciousness. Next is the spiritual transformation in which all is merged in the Divine in the cosmic consciousness. Third is the supramental transformation in which all becomes supramentalised in the divine gnostic consciousness. It is only with the last that there can begin the complete transformation of mind, life and body—in my sense of... not new and some Yogis have achieved it, I believe—but not in the way I want it. They achieved it as a personal siddhi maintained by Yoga-siddhi—not a. dharma of the nature. Secondly, the supramental transformation is not the same as the spiritual-mental. It is a change of mind, life and body which the mental or overmental spiritual cannot achieve. All whom you mention were spirituals, but in different ...
... Ayurvedic medicine. There was a complete recasting of all external values according to the one inner criterion. When a disciple once asked the Mother about the best way of collaborating in the supramental transformation, he was given this answer: It is always the same thing: by realizing one's own being, in whatever form, by whatever means – it doesn't matter – but that is the only way. Each person carries... conclude that the subconscient is an endless sewer – the rishis themselves called it "the bottomless pit" – and that if we have to wait for it to be totally cleansed before we can achieve a supramental transformation, we might have to wait for a very long time, indeed. But this is only an appearance. The birth of a new individual does not bring with it a new load of subconscious or unconscious material; ...
... afterwards elaborated by the reasoning mind." 66 As for Berdyaev, his postulation of Nature's 'transfiguration' is rather suggestive in the context of the Aurobindonian postulation of a supramental transformation of man and Nature. Dorothy M. Richardson the novelist once wrote after reading about Sri Aurobindo's life and thought: Has there ever existed a more synthetic consciousness than... Human Unity with the affirmation that, while the mechanical means now being adopted to forge world unity will have to be pursued for the time being, a lasting solution can come only when the supramental transformation takes place: A spiritual oneness which would create a psychological oneness not dependent upon any intellectual or outward uniformity and compel a oneness of life not bound ...
... concentrated evolution" with a pace and process of its own: "a supramental but not an irrational process". But, while the movement had 'certainly been set in motion, a definite date for the supramental transformation could not be given. Some months later, on 14 September 1934, Sri Aurobindo reported steady progress: It is true that there is an increasingly powerful descent of the Higher Force... the flower with five petals: Bliss, Light, Power, Life, Love; and Sri Aurobindo would have this Rose, this Divine Consciousness, come down and encompass the marvel of integral change and supramental transformation: "Leap up in our heart of humanhood, O miracle, O flame," -"Transform the body of the mortal like a sweet and magical rhyme; Bridge our earthhood and heavenhood, make deathless the children ...
... contact with the Divine through the individual psychic consciousness. Next is the spiritual transformation in which all is merged in the Divine in the cosmic consciousness. Third is the supramental transformation in which all becomes supramentalised in the divine gnostic consciousness. It is only with the latter that there can begin the complete transformation of mind, life and body – in my... achieved it, I believe – but not in the way I want it. They achieved it as a personal Siddhi maintained by Yoga-Siddhi – not a Dharma of the nature (physical transformation). Secondly, the supramental transformation is not the same as the spiritual-mental. It is a change of mind, life and body which the mental or over-mental-spiritual cannot achieve. All whom you mention were spirituals, but in ...
... body in the year 1950, most of his disciples and devotees, living in the world outside, made anxious enquiries as to what would now be the fate of the Ashram and the great work of the supramental transformation which he had laboured for during the forty long years of his strenuous seclusion at Pondicherry. Sri Aurobindo had asserted time and again that the descent of the Supermind and its est... Nature; and that he was here still, in the earth atmosphere, toiling, as ever, for the fulfilment of the great work of his life— the descent of the Truth-Consciousness and the supramental transformation of man. She assured them that he was present in their midst, not in a figurative sense or as a universal, impersonal consciousness, but as the very divine being he had been in his ...
... more than four years ago, most of his disciples and devotees, living in the world outside, made anxious enquiries as to what would now be the fate of the Ashram and the great work of the supramental transformation which he had laboured for during the forty long years of his strenuous seclusion at Pondicherry. Sri Aurobindo had asserted time and again that the descent of the Supermind and its est... e law of Nature; and that he was here still, in the earth atmosphere, toiling, as ever, for the fulfillment of the great work of his life—the descent of the Truth-Consciousness and the supramental transformation of man. She assured them that he was present in their midst, not in a figurative sense or as a universal, impersonal consciousness, but as the Page 65 very divine being ...
... 'nectar-flame - a Force drunk with its own infini-rude' is in sharp contrast to the 'feeble brightness self-consumed in joy like the brief passions of earth', suggesting a glorious picture of supramental transformation. As students in the Ashram School, there were many ways • we learnt to relate to poets like Amal Kiran. From the time Tehmi-ben, our peerless professor of English, introduced us ...
... is always hopeful about the world. Page 94 Whenever he is asked "What is the future of the Ashram", he replies in his assuring tone: " The Ashram will reach its goal of Supramental Transformation" for which The Mother and Sri Aurobindo are working ceaselessly. Let us all take a pledge to work towards this goal without wasting our time. Let us draw more and more inspiration from this ...
... consciousness which has to undergo divine transformation; even the outer physical system of man, including all its forms and functions, has to submit itself to the unrelenting process of supramental transformation. Sri Aurobindo affirms in one of his last prose writings, The Divine Body, published in 1949 as follows: These and other numerous potentialities might appear and the body become ...
... enemies . 22.12.1929 By vital stability , by purified life-energy and by the supramental influence in the cells it will be possible for the body consciousness to undergo the supramental transformation which will fix the ananda in the sex centre . 23.12.1929 Be completely obedient to the Divine's Love . This will transform your being till it becomes supramentally plastic ...
... unexpected events the future has in store, for “this is the time of the unexpected.” “Now we will see”, said the Mother. The supramental being . To start and lay the foundations of the supramental transformation of the Earth was the mission of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The expectation of a new species beyond man is entirely logical if one accepts the following premises: a) that all is the Brahman ...
... Supramental or not. I know and I have said also that now is the last fight. If the purpose for which this body is alive is to be fulfilled, that is to say, the first steps taken towards the Supramental transformation, then it will continue today. That is the Lord’s decision. I am not even asking what he has decided. If the body is incapable of bearing the fight, if it has to be dissolved, then humanity ...
... without the experience of the Mother just quoted in her own words, the transformation of her body, and therefore the work of the last years of her life, could not be envisioned. The supramental transformation of the body was of course the continuation and the provisional culmination of all the preceding avataric labour of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. (The definitive pinnacle will be the visible ...
... answer would decide on the choice of one out of two totally opposite ways to go about their work, on the inner as well as on the outer level. In the one case they would personally work out the supramental transformation for themselves and take up the burden of the mass of humanity only after their own body had been transformed, in the other theirs would be an action on all fronts simultaneously. They themselves ...
... your request to me to say "something about our attitude towards divinities such as Krishna, Shiva, Durga and Ganesh". You ask: "In what way do they carry on or participate in the process of Supramental transformation?" You add that your question has no bearing on your own life which is devoted and dedicated to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother: you have posed it just "to know and let others know". ...
... Mirra surrendered herself to me - totally, down to every cell of her body." Here was revealed to him in fullness what he later made the central motive-power for us of his Integral Yoga of Supramental Transformation - the utter self-giving possible to the inmost soul - the psychic being - the foundational state without which a divinised earth-life cannot be built up. A date basic to the existence ...
... may materialise from the fog in front. Your double-aspected indifference, which is like being suspended in a void, is due to your not understanding the Mother's cryptic declaration that the Supramental Transformation has already been achieved but hasn't yet taken physical expression. The glory promised by her and Sri Aurobindo is nothing uncertain any more than India's Independence previsioned by the ...
... eager She was to continue Her work of physical Transformation." And there is also Pranab's statement: 3 "I am absolutely sure that if She had not the conviction that She would bring the Supramental Transformation in Her 1 Supplement to Mother India, December 5,1973, p. 5. 2 Ibid., pp. 5-6. 3 Ibid., p. 7. Page 53 present body, She would not have been able to ...
... of the Supermind. And the impression that she was helpless and hopeless reaches its acme when we come to think of her as leaving her body because she who had striven so gallantly for the Supramental Transformation had yet perforce to grow old and weaken and die, give up her mission and submit to the "laws of Nature". Are those moments and moods genuine discrepancies? Did the Inevitable Hour that ...
... peace, purity, knowledge, force; let it afterwards get experience of the intermediate spiritual planes and know, feel and act in their sense; then it will be possible to speak last of the supramental transformation. All that [ ideas such as "everything will soon be spiritualised" ] is absurd. The descent of the supramental means only that the Power will be there in the earth consciousness as ...
... Truth-Consciousness and its descent into our nature. The psychic transformation after rising into the spiritual change has then to be completed, integralised, exceeded and uplifted by a supramental transformation which lifts it to the summit of the ascending endeavour. Even as between the other divided and opposed terms of manifested Being, so also a supramental consciousness-energy could alone ...
... in a greater power, the supra mental force, to liberate and fulfil it. As the psychic change has to call in the spiritual to complete it, so the first spiritual change has to call in the supramental transformation to complete it. For all these steps forward are, like those before them, transitional; the whole radical change in the evolution from a basis of Ignorance to a basis of Knowledge can only ...
... a call of the whole being towards the infinite and eternal Divine. If this call and this aspiration are there and if they grow constantly and seize all the nature, then and then only its supramental transformation becomes possible. There must be an opening and surrender of the whole nature to receive and enter into a greater divine consciousness which is there already above, behind and englobing ...
... Supramental has not taken possession but is only descending and there is still struggle in the vital and physical levels, there must be a great carefulness such as would not be necessary if the supramental transformation were already there. Both have to be in direct relation with the Mother and in a total dependence on her and to see that that remains and that nothing diminishes its totality or cuts across ...
... Light and Ananda, and where desire and demand are there can be no Ananda. It is not the vital demand but the psychic urge that alone can Page 160 bring the nature towards the supramental transformation; for it alone can change the mental and vital and show them their own true movement. But constantly the vital demand is being taken for the psychic aspiration; and yet the difference is clear ...
... not in the material universe, but in the manifested universe—this perfect hierarchy; it exists. But it is not yet manifested upon earth. Perhaps this will be one of the results of the supramental transformation: the world will be ready for a perfect, Page 28 spontaneous, essentially true hierarchical manifestation—and without any kind of coercion—where everyone will become aware of his ...
... all the details of government and regulation of the collective life, and relations with other collectivities—that is, with other nations, other countries—it must necessarily enter into the supramental transformation, for so long as national life and the relations between nations remain what they are, it is quite impossible to live a supramental life on earth. So it will just have to change; we shall ...
... is not for a personal reason that you must want perfection, it is not for a personal reason that you must want union with the Divine, it is not for a personal reason that you must want the supramental transformation. If it is for your own good and for a personal reason, well, follow your path; I tell you, you will get there—after a certain number of lives. You see, there is a state in which one can't ...
... sense of the complete relativity of all that manifests in the world, and of this universe which is always in motion, ever moving towards a higher and greater Truth. For us, right now, the supramental transformation is the expression of the highest truth, it is the revolution we must bring about on earth; and certainly this revolution must be felt as an absolute by the majority of human beings, otherwise ...
... to be what it is now, and consequently cease to be the physical mind. The capacity to know God can be achieved in the lower triplicity—the mind, the vital and the physical—only with the supramental transformation, and this comes only just before the ultimate realisation which consists in becoming divine. 3 February 1960 ...
... Gone! But all night long I am fully conscious of a lot of things—they can't be called trivial, but.... Oh, it's as though everything that can comes to tell me: 'You think there will be a supramental transformation? Well then, just look: there is this and that and that and this, this one and that one, this circumstance, that thing, the world, people, things....' Oh, a deluge! Page 165 And ...
... yesterday evening I was wondering, 'Is it... hopeless ?' That's obviously not true, I know very well it's not hopeless . Yet what does it need to be different? Clearly nothing less than the supramental transformation. Well, there's still quite a long way to go. I was under the impression, for example, that when I thought something (not actually 'thought,' but when I had an inner perception) X could ...
... infinitum . Page 114 Those who are ready for the transformation can do it anywhere. And those who are not ready cannot do it wherever they are. 12 November 1971 The supramental transformation is hard labour and needs a strong body. For some time more, probably more than a hundred years, the physical body will need to eat in order to keep its strength; and we have to comply with ...
... couldn't have cared less because I understood perfectly well that what is being attempted now isn't miraculous events at all, but the LOGICAL and normal and inevitable CONSEQUENCE of the supramental transformation—that is the whole point. That I know and knew, and that's why I didn't even bother about powers; anyway it hadn't even remotely occurred to me that I might work a miracle for the doctor or ...
... mind, vital, material nature" spoken of in the other letter, as a result of "siddhis" imposed by "mental or vital occult power". The term "transformation" can cover many Yogic changes. A supramental transformation by means of "siddhis" is not likely to be intended. But, even if it is, how does it bear on the case of Ramalingam? His case is of particular relevance because not only did Sri Aurobindo ...
... and consciously soaring into the light of the spirit that, through a conscious union with the Divine, we will be able to let Him give us back the balance and health which we have lost. "Supramental transformation is the only true remedy." ( silence ) I've had this experience for several months now (especially since the start of the year) that the "shift" of the consciousness—instead of the ...
... unity of all diversities; there alone will and knowledge are equal and in perfect harmony; there alone Consciousness and Force arrive at their divine equation." 3 It is through the supramental transformation of our physical body, — that "is still a flower of the material Inconscience," 4 — down to its very cells and functionings that the law of incapacity and consequent fatigue will be finally ...
... unless and until the problem is tackled at its basal station, that is to say, to have the very physical system get transfigured. But precisely this will be one of the results of the supramental transformation of our earthly existence. It will suffuse the very cells of the body with the Light and Power of Supermind, transmute its stuff and transfigure its functionings and make of the New Body ...
... if by the supramental descent the whole of humanity is going to be transformed and how humanity is going to be benefited by it. By a change in consciousness? SRI AUROBINDO: If he means supramental transformation, no. NIRODBARAN: I thought there would be a general heightened consciousness. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, in some persons. PURANI: I told him there would be a move towards a higher consciousness ...
... can not be neglected or excluded from the spiritual evolution. A perfection of the body as the outer instrument of a complete divine being living on earth will be necessarily a part of the supramental transformation. 'Pushed to its highest conclusion', says Sri Aurobindo, 'this movement brings in spiritualising and illuminations of the whole physical consciousness and a divinising of the law of the body ...
... 189, 191, 192, 193,194, 199, 200, 205, 207, 212, 221,222, 226, 227, 243, 251, 252, 253,254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260,261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267,268, 269, 270, 271, 272 Supramental transformation, 3, 76, 81 Sri Aurobindo's abode in the subtle physical, discovery of, 131-2 Supramental world, 119 Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 2, 74, 87-8 Supramental ...
... impressions, the reporting back to the waking consciousness, in transcriptions more or less perfect, what one experiences in states at present superconscient to it: we want instead an integral supramental transformation of the waking existence itself. In the luminous words of Sri Aurobindo: "If the control of [the] highest spiritual being is to be brought into our waking life, there must be a conscious ...
... sense of all you people?" 28 On another occasion when Nirodbaran wrote to Sri Aurobindo: "I am much delighted and relieved to find that you have not lost your sense of humour by your Supramental transformation, Sir," Sri Aurobindo wrote back: "Where the deuce do you get these ideas? From Dilip? The supramental being the absolute of all good things, must equally be the absolute of humour also ...
... unity of all diversities, there alone will and knowledge are equal and in perfect harmony, there alone Consciousness and Force arrive at their divine equation." 2 It is through the supramental transformation of our actually limited and rigid existence, down to the very cells and functionings of the material body, that the law of death at present inevitable owing "to the law and compulsion of ...
... consciousness which has to undergo divine transformation, even the outer physical system of man, including all its forms and functions, has to submit itself to the unrelenting process of supramental transformation. As Sri Aurobindo has affirmed in one of his last prose writings, "The Divine Body", published in 1949: "...other numerous potentialities might appear and the body become an instrument ...
... species from the standpoint of Yoga Yoga as a means of Mutation of the Human Species Evolution by means of Yogic Transformation: Psychic Transformation, Spiritual Transformation, Supramental Transformation Conditions of the advent of the Supramental Being Yoga and Collective Life: Collective Aspiration: Its Necessity for General Health and Perfection; Formation ...
... come to be held in some kind of harmony under the preponderance of sattwa guna in the state of liberation of the soul or realization of immutable spirit; but they can even be uplifted by supramental transformation from their limitations and rendered into their supernal equivalence of the Divine Page 84 supramental nature. As Sri Aurobindo points out: "Tamas in the spiritual being ...
... Integral Yoga of Transformation Part Seven Major change in the Process of Evolution The manifestation of the supramental transformation leading to the highest reach of self-perfection would imply a major change in the process of evolution. There is in the present process of evolution a control of the pervading Nescience, but in this new stage the veil thus ...
... the truth that surpasses all comprehension, ( trance ) Mother… Yes, my child. Mother, speak more about this extraordinary phenomenon that You are engaged in, the experience of the Supramental transformation of Your body. Mother, tell me more. It is so beautiful, so marvellous. Mother, speak more about Your experiences. But these are no longer experiences, no longer realisations, not even ...
... more characteristic power of their working, and this progression continues until some complete and mature action of them is possible. It is then that the turning of the spiritual towards the supramental transformation commences; for the heightening of the consciousness to higher and higher planes builds in us the gradation of the ascent to Supermind, that difficult and supreme passage." 48 This difficult ...
... The aim of total transformation that this new synthesis of this yoga puts forward is a process that involves, first, psychic transformation, secondly, spiritual transformation, and thirdly, supramental transformation. This entire process is based on the discovery of the psychic being, of the spiritual being in its multisidedness and integrality, and of the supramental consciousness and power in its plenitude ...
... excluded from the spiritual Page 75 evolution. A perfection of the body as the outer instrument of a complete divine being living on earth will be necessarily a part of the supramental transformation. 'Pushed to its highest conclusion', says Sri Aurobindo, 'this movement brings in spiritualising and illuminations of the whole physical consciousness and a divinising of the law of the body ...
... Spirit, in the eternal Reality of his being.19 And in the last six chapters of The Life Divine Sri Page 174 Aurobindo has outlined the main stages of the complete supramental transformation of the individual man. This transformation, once generalised, will establish upon earth what ... might fitly be characterised as a divine life; for it would be a life in the Divine ...
... who is inert— ja ḍ a and one who is like a possessed being pi śā ca. It does not give a picture of ideal spiritual life. It would be like the condition of a king with incapable minister. Supramental transformation alone can bring about the perfect spiritual status and faultless divine dynamism. Questions and Answers Q: Don't we identify ourself with a thing or person...? ...
... and Symbols; Experiences of the Inner and the Cosmic Consciousness. Volume 24 Letters on Yoga, PART FOUR: The Triple Transformation — Psychic, Spiritual, Supramental; Transformation of the Mind; Transformation of the Vital; Transformation of the Physical; Transformation of the Subconscient and the Inconscient; Difficulties of the Path; Opposition of the Hostile ...
... spiritual is the realization of the Self, the Infinite above, with its dynamic side of peace, knowledge, ananda etc. That transformation is spiritual transformation and above that is the Supramental transformation. It is Truth-consciousness working for a Divine aim or purpose. Disciple : If one has inner realization does transformation follow in the light of the realization? Sri Aurobindo ...
... inevitable; I am speaking, of course, of my experience. 105 During the seven years (1914-21) when he edited Arya, Sri Aurobindo tried to project his vision of the supramental transformation in terms of philosophy, psychology, Vedic exegesis, etc. Presently he glimpsed the Overmind as a great intermediate power between Mind and Supermind and on 24 November 1926, known as the ...
... strive become pure and attain to my nature of becoming". Also : nistraigunyo bhava – "becomes free from the three modes." Sri Aurobindo : There is no transformation there. The supramental transformation is not at all hinted at in the Gita. The Gita lays stress on certain broad lines of the integral supramental yoga : For instance : 1. Acceptance of life and action. Page 117 ...
... life of man from the point of view of The Life Divine; ( 3 ) the origin of Ignorance. One question which might be considered here is the place of the physical body in the scheme of Supramental transformation. The movement of ascent from Mind to Supermind and the descent from Supermind to the mental, vital and physical consciousness brings about the transformation of nature. For example. Mind ...
... The stink and the loathsome sight made the place a Stygian sore and a black spot on the colonial Government. The Mother changed this savage wasteland into a heavenly playground, almost a supramental transformation of Matter. The sea-front was clothed in a vision of beauty and delight, 12 And of course, as with other massive enterprises in the Ashram - the construction of Golconde for example ...
... which too is quite absolute. And yet what we see is only an imperfect hierarchy, with gaps and distortions that create confusion. For the perfect hierarchy we may have to wait till the supramental transformation: ...the world will be ready for a perfect, spontaneous, essentially true hierarchical manifestation - and without any kind of coercion - where everyone will become aware of his own perfection ...
... A complete transformation of our whole being must precede any perfection in Karmayoga. If there is any part in us, or any single element or energy, which resists or refuses this supramental transformation and this utter submission to the transcendent Will, our work will remain tainted with imperfection. The whole organism of our nature must undergo a total transmutation, a supramental ...
... Integral Yoga, because it seeks the perfection and fulfillment of the whole being of man, provides for the liberation and supramentalisation of his soul, on the one hand, and the liberation and supramental transformation of his nature, on the other. It is aware of the tremendous difficulty of its endeavour. It is fully ¹The Life Divine by Sri Aurobindo. ² ibid. Page 206 aware of ...
... farther—it will bring about a radical conversion of the very basic principles of its working. A complete immunity from disease and decay, and even from death, will be the eventual result of the supramental transformation of the physical being. The physical being is the facade of the self-manifesting Spirit, and, as such, its purification and transformation are of the utmost importance in the manifestational ...
... There is doubtless a perfect harmony and a total hierarchy beyond Space and Time, and this is to be one day realised on the earth: Perhaps this will be one of the results of the supramental transformation: the world will be ready for a perfect, spontaneous, essentially true hierarchical manifestation - and without any kind of coercion - where everyone will become aware of his own perfection ...
... itself: the fear of disappearing, the fear of not being. And everything has to be started again from scratch. 61.157 To be a saint or a sage is not very difficult after all, but the supramental transformation is another story, oh!... No one has ever followed this path. Sri Aurobindo was the first, and he left without telling us what he was doing. I am literally hewing a path through a virgin forest ...
... ordinarily understands by purification. But for the Integral Yoga it is utterly inadequate; for the aim we pursue is not only the liberation of the soul but also of nature, culminating in the supramental transformation as the sine qua non of divine manifestation. It is no Page 208 simplification that is attempted, but an aggrandisement and enrichment of the whole nature by an awakening ...
... and Force. The last means is that which Sri Aurobindo advises the followers of the Integral Yoga to avail themselves of,, because it is the only means by which the great objective of the supramental transformation can be achieved. In. this Yoga personal effort is used only at the initial stages, and that, too, not for any pre-planned purification or progress, but solely with a view to making the surrender ...
... equality are brought down into the vital and physical and settled there, then there is no inner disturbance, but the struggle Page 635 continues until there is the beginning of the supramental transformation. 20 July 1933 How is it that many sadhaks who had a strong spiritual tendency before coming to the Asram have got stuck in vital difficulties after many years of sadhana? It is ...
... behind the sexual impulse is an indispensable force for the perfection of the nature and for the Yoga. Often it is those who because of the strong vital force in them are most capable of the supramental transformation of Page 330 the physical nature that have the strongest sexual impulses. All lust, the sexual act and the outward dragging impulse have to be thrown away by the sadhaka, but the ...
... Nature to dominate and change our present nature and turn it from nature of Ignorance into nature of Truth-Knowledge (and through the supramental into nature of Ananda)—this is the third or supramental transformation. It does not always go in this order, for with many the spiritual descent begins first in an imperfect way before the psychic is in front and in charge, but the psychic development has to ...
... return, but one does not yet live above in the summit Page 99 consciousness where overmind has its seat with the other planes that are above the human Mind. The supramental transformation can only come when the lid between the lower and higher hemispheres or halves of existence is removed and the supermind instead of the overmind becomes the governing power of the existence ...
... for its organisation was complete. It is the place where people who are destined for the supramental life are trained. These people—or at least a part of their being—had already undergone a supramental transformation, for the boat itself and everything on board was neither material nor subtle-physical nor vital nor mental—it was a supramental substance. This substance was of the most material supramental ...
... condition before one can even think of the supramental. To want to be a superman is a mistake, it only swells the ego. Page 57 One can aspire for the Divine to bring about the supramental transformation, but that also should not be done till the being has become psychic and spiritualised by the descent of the Mother's peace, force, light and purity. No Need of Words in Aspiration There ...
... it lifts these lower movements and the intuitive mind together into a higher reach of itself, forming there the Overmind Intuition, and then all that into the Overmind Gnosis awaiting the supramental transformation. The overmind "touch" on the Higher Mind and Illumined Mind can thus raise towards the O.I. or to the O.G. or leave it in the M.O.; but, estimating at a glance as I have to do, it is not ...
... ness and still luminous with something of its knowledge. It is in the latter alternative that we find the secret we are seeking, the means of the transition, the needed step towards a supramental transformation; for we perceive a graduality of ascent, a communication with a more and more deep and immense light and power from above, a scale of intensities which can be regarded as so many stairs in ...
... unfolding of this power and will of being and this joy to be, a free becoming supported by the sense of the Infinite, the bliss of the Brahman, the luminous sanction of the Transcendence. The supramental transformation, the supramental evolution must carry with it a lifting of mind, life and body out of them selves into a greater way of being in which yet their own ways and powers would be, not suppressed ...
... of the one self and spirit. The action of the supramental jñāna so constituted evidently surpasses the action of the mental reason and we have to see what replaces the reason in the supramental transformation. The thinking mind of man finds its most clear and characteristic satisfaction and its most precise and effective principle of organisation in the reasoning and logical intelligence. It is ...
... direction of poetic development under the stress of spiritual experience). Savitri (a blank-verse epic of nearly twenty-four thousand lines turning legend of the past into a symbol of the supramental transformation and variously exemplifying "the future poetry"). Over and above Sri Aurobindo's books which are part of India's most living and significant literature, as well as the illuminating ...
... according to the stage reached by material objects. Merely because the ultimate constituents — proton, electron, neutron, etc. — of a human body are the same as those of dust and rocks, the supramental transformation of the latter can be almost as little expected in the immediate future as the mental transformation of them might have been expected when the Mind appeared in evolution and mentalised the ...
... lifts these lower movements and the intuitive mind together into a higher reach of itself, forming there the Overmind Intuition, and then all that into the Overmind Gnosis awaiting the supramental transformation. The Overmind 'touch' on the Higher Mind and Illumined Mind can thus raise towards the O.I. or to the O.G. or leave in the M.O.; but estimating at a glance as I have to do, it is not easy ...
... organization was fully developed. It is the place where people destined for the supramental life are being trained. These people (or at least a part of their being) had already undergone a supramental transformation because the ship itself and all that was aboard was neither material nor subtle-physical, neither vital nor mental: it was a supramental substance. This substance itself was of the most material ...
... Page 234 It is precisely this state of perfect Harmony beyond all attacks that will become possible with the supramental realization. It is what all those who are destined for the supramental transformation will realize. The hostile forces know it well; in the supramental world, they will automatically disappear. Having no more utility, they will be dissolved without our having to do anything ...
... continues to be true, I should last till... I'll be this way ( gesture in suspense or between two positions ) till my centenary, that is, 1978, then (still assuming this voice is true), the supramental transformation of the body will begin. Is it true? I have no idea. That's what I was told. I have no idea. I am like this ( hands offered upward ). ( silence ) Is my body follow? That's the ...
... luminosity will be visible to everyone. Sceptics may at first say that phosphorus has been cunningly applied. But they will soon realise that the glow is permanent — a lasting proof of the supramental transformation. It should be evident that a body with these four main attributes cannot be composed of gross parts like bones and arteries and organs like heart and stomach, or live on food and water ...
... evolutionary development can be traced back to the ancient Hindu scriptures, as did Sri Aurobindo, the general thinking and imagining did not take evolution into account, and one may say that the supramental transformation of the human species into divine beings was not a part of the traditional vision. In his book Dasavatara – The Ten Incarnations of Vishnu , V. Ashok, for instance, writes: “Lord Vishnu ...
... second article, Sri Aurobindo again writes about the physical perfection that was the classical ideal, but then he suddenly takes a turn towards a perfection far beyond the physical: the supramental transformation of the body. “In the past the body has been regarded by spiritual seekers rather as an obstacle, as something to be overcome and discarded than as an instrument of spiritual perfection and ...
... the embodied double Avatar who had to do the job for which he/she had come, consisting in developing a new spiritual modus operandi in order to work out a new spiritual realisation: the supramental transformation of the body, of the material substance of the earth. One may get an idea of their struggle’s countless unforeseen challenges and of the heroism required of “the finders of the Way” 53 ...
... the spirit! It is very certain, it is oracular what I say!’ Many, since, feel likewise and look in the same direction. No Catastrophe The Mother said in 1968 that the result of the supramental transformation was a certainty and that it would come about with a minimum of destruction ‘although this minimum is still considerable.’ For it is impossible that things change without changing, and change ...
... more than a handful of followers. Her body – specially chosen and composed with care in her mother’s womb, and declared by Sri Aurobindo to be better than his for the initial attempt at the supramental transformation – her body lying there was not a cause for grief but the token of a triumph without precedent. Coda In Champaklal Speaks we read the following anecdote from the time the Mother ...
... contact with the Divine through the individual psychic consciousness. Next is the spiritual transformation in which all is merged in the Divine in the cosmic consciousness. Third is the supramental transformation in which all becomes supramentalised in the divine gnostic consciousness. It is only with the latter that there can begin the complete transformation of mind, life and body — in my sense ...
... that it is formed and heard in the intuitive mind or supermind itself and need not at first come out easily into human speech and writing. But Sri Aurobindo has assured us that with the supramental transformation of man's life and consciousness, and along with them of man's instrumental potencies, this final hurdle will be crossed, and "this is a part of the needed fullness and power of the integral ...
... not that the body-structure and the organ-systems alone will undergo the necessary supramental transfiguration: the very 1 Readers wishing to know more about the results of the supramental transformation, as they were being progressively worked out, are invited to go through the last writings of the Mother, that were being serialized in the issues of Bulletin of Sri Aurobindo International ...
... the Supramental or not. I know, and I have also said, that now is the last fight. If the purpose for which this body is alive is to be fulfilled, that is to say, the first steps towards the Supramental transformation, then it will continue today. It is the Lord's decision. I am not even asking what He has decided. If the body is incapable of bearing the fight, if it has to be dissolved, then humanity ...
... precisely this state of perfect harmony, beyond all attacks, that will become possible with the supramental realisation. It is that which will be realised for all who are destined for the supramental transformation. The adverse forces know quite well that in the supramental world they will automatically disappear: having no more use, they will be dissolved without the need to do anything, simply through ...
... Supramental or not. I know and I have said also that now is the last fight. If the purpose for which this body is alive is to be fulfilled, that is to say, the first steps taken towards the Supramental transformation, then it will continue today. This is the Lord's decision. I am not even asking what he has decided. If the body is incapable of bearing the fight, if it has to be dissolved, then humanity ...
... or personal contact with the Infinite, it's a total contact. And Sri Aurobindo insists on this, he says that it's absolutely impossible to have the transformation (not the contact, but the supramental transformation) without becoming universalized—that is the first condition. You cannot become supramental before being universal. And to be universal means to accept everything, be everything, become e ...
... mental prison and emerging consciously into the light of the spirit, by a conscious union with the Divine, can we enable Him to give back to us the balance and health we have lost. The supramental transformation is the only true remedy. 17 March 1970 ...
... make progress materially or mentally or..." So when they are told of transformation, all kinds of queer things come to their minds.... As for us, when we speak of transformation, we mean the supramental transformation. That's why. Soon afterwards I have found some old papers (I can't read anymore, I don't see clearly), I don't know what they are. There's an envelope from you. It's a ...
... manifestation the Mother has assured humanity's future supramentalisation beginning, of course, with a nucleus of "supermen". She was attempting also the spiritually revolutionary process - the supramental transformation of her own body, to be followed by the same change in her disciples provided they were thoroughgoing and psychically wide-open. This, for some reason of her own, did not work out. So we ...
... touches a dozen people, it will have fulfilled its purpose to the full. That's how it is. I saw that, I have seen that so concretely. 3 Besides those who are capable of preparing for the supramental transformation and the realization, whose number is necessarily very limited, there should be increasingly developed, in the midst of the ordinary human mass, a higher humanity that had towards the future ...
... negative or Page 13 positive, we can have no doubt that her body had been so organised in its subtle qualities as to be the fit field for the supernormal experiment of supramental transformation. It had an openness in nerve and cell to the spiritual light, a supple strength which allowed her to play tennis every afternoon even when past eighty, and a resolute endurance which made ...
... concealed and latterly there was an avowed drop in the health of particular organs or parts. However, on 25 November 1970 there was no impression on me that she had given up the goal of supramental transformation. After she had asked me how old I was and I had replied "Sixty-three years complete" and then added: "Mother, I want to hang on till I see your Victory", she at first looked a bit surprised ...
... veritable Life Tree Ygdrasil of spiritual poetry. After the Overmental realisation of 24 November 1926, Sri Aurobindo probably felt that the preordained spiritual revolution and supramental transformation were likely to come about rather sooner than had seemed possible before. This was partly the reason he went into complete seclusion and concentrated on his Yoga; and the writing of Savitri ...
... contact with the Divine through the individual psychic consciousness. Next is the spiritual transformation in which all is merged in the Divine in the cosmic consciousness. Third is the supramental transformation in which all becomes supramentalised in the divine gnostic consciousness. It is only with the last that there can begin the complete transformation of mind, life and body —in my sense ...
... it lifts these lower movements and the intuitive mind together into a higher reach of itself, forming there the Overmind Intuition, and then all that into the Overmind Gnosis awaiting the supramental transformation. The Overmind 'touch' on the Higher Mind and Illumined Mind can thus raise towards the O.I. or to the O.G. or leave in the M.O.; but estimating at a glance as I have to do, it is not easy ...
... beginning on the awakening of the psychic being, and on the psychisation and psychic transformation of Nature. That, again, is supplemented and perfected by the processes of spiritual and supramental transformation of Nature. Page 83 × as the goal for the individual after the attainment of liberation from ...
... realization or as spiritual change, which is itself a starting-point of great and radical processes of what can be called processes of psychic transformation, spiritual transformation and supramental transformation. Page 94 If we wish to define spirituality in its distinctive character, ii it can be said that it is, in its essence and in its initial stages, an awakening to the inner reality ...
... consciousness. In fact, in pursuance of these double processes; Sri Aurobindo has spoken of a new integral yoga of three transformations, psychic transformation, spiritual transformation, and supramental transformation. In the literature relating to the integral yoga, Sri Aurobindo has presented the yoga of self-perfection and described in detail the psychology of what he calls, the Page 66 ...
... which contain conversations of the Mother that took place in her classes. In 1958, the Mother withdrew to her room in order to come to terms with the research in the problems related to the supramental transformation of the physical consciousness at the cellular level. In 1968, the Mother founded Auroville, and International city as a collective field for the material and spiritual researches required ...
... realization or as spiritual change, which is itself a starting-point of great and radical processes of what can be called processes of psychic transformation, spiritual transformation and supramental transformation. If we wish to define spirituality in its distinctive character, 19 it can'be said that it is, in its essence and in its initial stages, an awakening to the inner reality of our being ...
... species into a new supramental species has at its core what Sri Aurobindo has called the process of triple transformation, — the psychic transformation, the spiritual transformation and the supramental transformation. Sri Aurobindo has given precise significance to all these terms. By transformation, Sri Aurobindo means, "a change of consciousness radical and complete and of a certain specific kind which ...
... Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results PART FOUR Ascent to the Supermini!, Descent of the Supermind and Supramental Transformation The process of ascent to the supermind from the mind and the descent of the supermind, which would transform successively the Overmind, Intuitive mind, Illumined mind, Higher mind, mind and the rest ...
... with the evolutionary intention of Nature, and the entire process has been divided into three major steps in the Integral Yoga, namely, psychic transformation, spiritual transformation and supramental transformation. The aim of perfect perfection that the Integral yoga places before mankind can be accomplished only when there occurs in the evolutionary process the evolution of the supermind and the ...
... deserve her care and attention. SAICE is meant to "open the way of the Future to children who belong to the Future", as education is one of the most powerful means of bringing about the supramental transformation in the world. But then this education is and has to be very different from what is normally understood and practised. Drawn by this ideal, more and more individuals and groups want to understand ...
... and pure spiritual being.' It is in these 'radiant altitudes' of the Spirit that "we find the secret we are seeking, the means of the transition, the needed step towards a supramental transformation; for we perceive a graduality of ascent, a communication with a more and more deep and immense light and power from above, a scale of intensities which can be regarded as so many stairs ...
... soul is free. Cf. St. Paul, "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?" I am much delighted and relieved to .find that you have not lost your sense of humour by your Supramental transformation, Sir! Where the deuce do you get these ideas? From Dilip? The Supra-mental being the absolute of all good things, must equally be the absolute of humour also. Q.E.D. February 25, ...
... me that she had decided and therefore she left. I think this happened because it could not be otherwise. I am absolutely sure that if she had not the conviction that she would bring the Supramental Transformation in her present body, she would not have been able to do all the Great Work that she has done. This conviction has made it possible to establish this truth firmly in the earth- consciousness ...
... implies the realisation of the Self, the Infinite above, with the dynamic no less than the static side of its peace, knowledge, Ananda, etc. This transformation is difficult. Beyond that is the supramental transformation, the Truth-Consciousness working for the Divine aim and purpose. NIRODBARAN. If one has inner realisation, transformation should follow in the light of it. SRI AUROBINDO: Not necessarily ...
... The stink and the loathsome sight made the place a Stygian sore and a black spot on the colonial Government. The Mother changed this savage wasteland into a heavenly playground, almost a supramental transformation of Matter. The sea-front was clothed in a vision of beauty and delight. If for nothing else, for this transformation at least, Pondicherry should be eternally grateful to the Mother. But ...
... title ‘Notes on the Way’ or ‘A Propos’. If you read it, it will give you a glimpse of what I have been able to establish in my body in a permanent way — the effect of the work of the Supramental transformation. This will guide you with assurance to advance on the way…. The infallible guide … But… you understand, it is absolutely new, of an exceptional kind, which does not have a precedent, no ...
... a veritable Life Tree Ygdrasil of spiritual poetry. After the Overmental realisation of 24 November 1926, Sri Aurobindo probably felt that the preordained spiritual revolution and supramental transformation were likely to come about rather sooner than had seemed possible before. This was partly the reason he went into complete seclusion and concentrated on his Yoga; and the writing of Savitri ...
... Realisations; Visions and Symbols; Experiences of the Inner and the Cosmic Consciousness. Volume 24 — Letters on Yoga, PART FOUR: The Triple Transformation — Psychic, Spiritual, Supramental; Transformation of the Mind; Transformation of the Vital; Transformation of the Physical; Transformation of the Subconscient and the Inconscient; Difficulties of the Path; Opposition of the Hostile Forces ...
... creator. If earth calls and the Supreme answers, the hour can be even now for that immense and glorious transformation. 15 The hour can be even now - the Hour of God! the Hour of the Supramental Transformation! VI For some years past, it had become the custom to issue calendars every year emblazoning the Mother's New Year message as well as one of her portraits. The portrait on the ...
... Mother's body was beginning to perceive itself as porous, or "friable," permeable. But many repeated experiences are needed for all the cells to know. Such is the basis of the process of supramental transformation. And it radiated from me, Mother concludes: Myriads of little sparks that were penetrating everybody.... I begin to see what the supramental body will be. 5 The light of Matter ...
... city, is fully organised.... It is the place where people who are destined for the supramental life are trained. These people - or at least a part of their being - had already undergone a supramental transformation, for the boat itself and everything on board... was of the most material supramental, the supramental substance which is closest to the physical world, the first to manifest.... The general ...
... details of government and regulation of the collective life, and relations with other collectivities - that is, with other nations, other countries - it must necessarily enter into the supramental transformation.... 5 The Mother had taken, as we saw earlier, a crucial part in promoting the merger of Pondicherry with India, but when she found that some of the Page 601 leaders of ...
... it, love for the Mother is the first and most important prerequisite; for, without that love and self-offering, even the initial sadhana would be impossible, let alone the later stages of supramental transformation and perfection. The place of love in this Yoga is, therefore, supreme and absolute. Knowledge is the light of Love, and works the outflow of its creative Force; for. Love in its eternal essence ...
... emotions, must launch upon the Infinite, and unite with the Love of the Supreme. This union of the Divine Love and the psychic love, rendered fully dynamic in life, is the highest secret of the supramental transformation and manifestation on earth. Page 348 ...
... Page 163 become united with the soul in its aspiration for the Divine that he can be said to be sincere, integrally sincere. This integral sincerity is the sine qua non of the supramental transformation, which is the object of the Integral Yoga. Speaking on sincerity, the Mother says : "Sincerity is a most difficult thing to have, but it is also the most effective of things. If ...
... Light, Power, Ananda ¹. The Words of the Mother. Page 114 may establish itself in a body growing always more divine...."¹ We shall see, when we come to consider the supramental transformation of the body, how, through surrender to the Mother's Power, it is changed from a dense and impeding clod into a transparent temple of the manifest Divine. Work which, in the beginning of ...
... newer and newer goals of realisation. Several sadhaks had also the human - only too human! - tendency to be impatient, to "expect" miracles and to picture the supramental descent and the supramental transformation in mental terms which necessarily introduced elements of falsity and futility. The vital nature might sometimes think of the Supermind as just a superior vital force - Nietzschean, or something ...
... 562; Gita's. Yoga, 562; ideal of Satya Yuga, 563; supramental Yoga, 564; multiform & all. inclusive Yoga, 564; the "newness" of the Yoga, 565; faith and knowledge, 566; 4 instruments of Yoga-Siddhi, 567ff; Guru, 567, 572; aspiration, rejection, surrender, 568; aspiration and Grace, 569; Sakti and Supermind, 569; supramental change & transformation, 570; an Earthly Paradise, 570,659 System... law of sacrifice, 757; Supramental descent, 757, 759; the Grace of her giving, 758; on the Ashram's growth, 759; message to Sri Aurobindo Centres, 760; message to Delhi Branch of Ashram, 760; on the aim of the Ashram School, 762; message to Sri Aurobindo Memorial Convention, 762; about the University Centre, 764ff; letter to Jauhar, 764; message to children, 766; on Supramental Education, 767; 90th birthday... to Arya, 404ff; Amrita's first daman, 405; interview to Hindu, 406; Lord Carmichael's offer, 408; correspondence with Mirra, 408ff; on spiritual progress & adverse forces, 410; strategy of supramental Yoga, 410; daily routine in Pondicherry, 411; evening talks with Bharati, 41 1fn; keeping watch on events, 412; on Mont-Ford Reforms, 412; on the War, peace and the League, 412ff; "a God's labour" ...
... ".....giving up of yourself freely and simply into the hands of the Divine Mother........that is the only way to succeed in the supramental Yoga. To be a Yogi, Sannyasi, a Tapaswi is not the object here. The object is transformation, and the transformation can only be done by a force infinitely greater than your own; it can only be done by being truly like a child in the hands of the Divine... world. It has no collective divine fulfilment in view-it doesn't speak of the evolution of a supramental or divine race on earth, which is our main objective. There are other differences, but we shall discuss about them when we meet. When are you coming? But it is supramental integral transformation and divine manifestation in Matter which are the dual aim of our sadhana, and it is impossible... of one's life. Secondly, the Gita has left the goal as a supreme mystery, and not dwelt upon it. It doesn't speak of the supramental realisation which is the apex of our present endeavour. It doesn't envisage any integral tranformation, including the transformation of the physical. It holds up the ideal of living in the Divine, but not of manifesting the Page 34 Divine ...
... Transcendence and transformation are different matters. There are three kinds or stages of transformation contemplated in this sadhana, the psychic transformation, the spiritual and the supramental. The first two have been done in their own way in other Yogas; the last is a new endeavour. A transformation sufficient for spiritual realisation is attainable by the two former; a transformation sufficient for... greatly. The transformation of retas into ojas is a transformation of physical substance into a physical (necessarily producing also a vital-physical) energy. The spiritual energy by itself can only drive the body, like the vital and mental, but in driving it it would exhaust it if it has not a physical support. (I speak of course of the ordinary spiritual energy, not of the supramental to be which... error. Page 500 The transformation of the sex-centre and its energy is needed for the physical siddhi; for this energy is the support in the body of all the mental, vital and physical forces of the nature. It has to be changed into a mass and a movement of intimate Light, creative Power, pure Divine Ananda. It is only the bringing down of the supramental Light, Power and Bliss into the ...
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