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The Mother to Her Son : one of the longer poems of Sri Aurobindo based on a passage in the Udyoga-parva of the Mahābhārata, containing the conversation of Vidula (q.v4.) with her son Sanjaya. ‘The Mother’ here stands for ‘Mother India’ & ‘her son’ for the true patriot. To implant the authentic nationalist spirit in the youth of India, he published it in his Bande Mataram on 9 June 1907. The poem was a timely warning to Pherozshah Mehta, Gokhale & their army of spineless ‘patriots’, of how their petty squabble with the Nationalists was hurting the prospects of uniting against the bloodsucker’s of Mother India. But that very year, like the historical Karaṇdeva (see Curran) who surrendered Gujarat in 1892, to its deadly enemies, the Moderates surrendered themselves to the Octopus at the Surat Congress. [See “The Slaying of the Congress” in Sri Aurobindo’s Bande Mataram, s/a Bāji Prabhou$]
... the Mahabharata, is a maturer work than the fragments considered so far, and when it first appeared in the Bande Mataram it was admirably pointed to the occasion and carried the caption "The Mother to Her Son". The "mother" in the poem is Vidula, a widowed Queen; her son, Sunjoy, has been dispossessed of his patrimony by the King of Sindhu. Sunjoy, however, has grown apathetic, and will not lift... see how perfectly Vidula's tempestuous passion is matched by her truly torrential speech. Vidula is no doubt but a fiery page from the Mahabharata; and yet, appearing as it did as The Mother to Her son in the Bande Mataram, and at a time when Bankim Chandra's celebrated mantra "Bande Mataram!" was setting human hearts ablaze all over the country, the poem could not help acquiring a tremendous ...
... yeoman's service in political, philosophical and literary exposition. Some of his poetry and translations were published—the five-act blank verse drama, Perseus the Deliverer, Vidula or "The Mother to her Son' (from the Mahabharata) in Bande Mataram, and Baji Prabhou in Karmayogin. At the time of publication, all these had a pointed political appeal. In the play the stress was on the word ...
... the grip of civil war; Benito Mussolini tried to live out his Caesarian fantasies; the Japanese aggressively enlarged their empire in Asia. The world was on fire. One of the letters from the Mother to her son André is dated 22 October 1938. In this letter she wrote to him: ‘Speaking of recent events, you ask me whether it was “a dangerous bluff” or whether we “narrowly escaped disaster.” To assume ...
... Series One (1927 - 1938) Some Answers from the Mother Letters from the Mother to Her Son Our community is growing more and more; we are nearly thirty (not counting those who are scattered all over India); and I have become responsible for all this; I am at the centre of the organisation, on the material as well as the spiritual side, and you can easily ...
... compromise was reached with Hitler and the Munich Agreement signed on September 29, 1938. War was narrowly averted, but no one was sure how long peace would last. There is a letter from the Mother to her son, Andre, written in October 1938, i.e. after the Munich Pact, which throws a revealing light on the real forces at work behind the scene. She wrote: 'Speaking of recent events, you ask me "whether ...
... and enlarged version of 520 lines; See 3). Translations: The Century of Life (See 11), "Hymn to the Mother" ("Bande Mataram"; See 7); "Vidula", originally appeared under the title "The Mother to Her Son" in the weekly Bande Mataram, June 9, 1907; Songs of the Sea (See 79). 1930: Six Poems (See 78); "Transformation" and other poems, first published in 1941 under the title ...
... and health, messages for the New Year, for Darshan days, etc. And other subjects. Vol.16 Some Answers from the Mother. Correspondence with fourteen disciples, including letters from the Mother to her son, Andre Morisset. Vol.17 More Answers from the Mother. Correspondence with six disciples on their work, study, sadhana and life. WORKS OF SRI AUROBINDO The Sri Aurobindo Birth ...
... Like the Mother, so her sons: "terrible agencies", they are "offspring of the gulfs" and "haters of light" who "load the dice of Doom with wizard lies". They have usurped all holy places, all cells of life, all nerves of joy: Armoured, protected by their lethal masks, As in a studio of creative Death The giant sons of Darkness sit and plan ... Savitri VIII 'THE WORLD OF FALSEHOOD, THE MOTHER OF EVIL, AND THE SONS OF DARKNESS' The nether-most circle in Hell; the hidden heart of Night. Aswapati has gravitated to the bottom, and sees revealed there "the endless terrible Inane", the zero begetter of the worlds. All is dark, hideous, false... The drama of the earth, their tragic stage. 91 This is the Hell Aswapati traverses on his way to Heaven. Hoping to gauge the whole malignant forces of Hell, its presiding Mother Evil, her sons, Aswapati takes a close view of them all, "challenging the darkness with his luminous soul". What deserts of joylessness, what infinitudes of pain! No peace, no ease; only pain and tears ...
... mind LITTLE MIND (Canto X) Pigmy Thought, Intelligence, Reason NIGHT (Cantos VII, VIII) Mother of Falsehood & Sons of Darkness DAY (Cantos IX) The Life-Gods: The Gandharva World Page 492 ...
... printed a provocation, promising an award of 1000 marks to whomever could name a Jewish mother with three sons who had been in the trenches, if only for three weeks, Rabbi Freund-Hannover named twenty mothers of his community alone who fulfilled the condition, and he could name families with seven or eight sons at the front”, writes Dietrich Bronder. Then he mentions the participation of the Jews in ...
... by Sri Aurobindo and Mother [ST] Abhi (the bold) Narottam's son The Mother [ST] Abhinava (The new one) Son of Mangal Sikka 1.7.59 The Mother 9.11.60 [ST] Ahuta (The called) Son of Srikrishnaprasad The Mother [ST] Antarjyoti (Inner Light) Mahabeer 2.10.61 The Mother [ST] Anurakta (Lovingly devoted) Tony Scott 16.11.61 The Mother [ST] Ashatita... Ashatita (Unexpected) (The son of Amolokchand) 16.7.59 The Mother [ST] Astha (Trust) Mounnou's sister 13.7.60 The Mother 8.48 P.M. [ST] Astu (Son of Sourin Ganguli) The Mother [ST] Atmavadan (The face of the Self) Chandra's son born on the 14th September 1960 at 12.55 The Mother [ST] Avadhani (Careful) The Mother [ST] Avi (Square, manifestation of balanced)... Born on 6.6.66 The Mother [ST] A visesha . (Beyond the definite) Ajay The Mother [ST] Ayati (l'avenir) The Mother [ST] Bhagavata Jiveshwara 22.11.59 The Mother [ST] Bhupriya A name for Murakoshi (Paul) 9.7.56 The Mother [ST] Chand (Moon) Chhotanarayan's son The Mother [ST] Cheta (awake) Madan's Baby 9.6.57 The Mother [ST] Chinmayi ...
... disturbed in any way. Gadadhar told the Mother, "Mother I shall listen to Thee only. I know neither shastras, nor do I recognize pandits. Thou makest me understand, then only shall I accept it." Such friendship developed between this couple of Mother and son! It was the most intimate relationship there could ever be. Like a little child he always asked Mother Kali whether he should do something or not... plot of land on which stood a few fruit-bearing trees, and a little garden to grow flowers and vegetables. Khudiram's wife Chandromani was very simple and very kind-hearted. She was already mother of two sons and a daughter —Ram Kumar, Rameshwaram and Katyayani. A poor but contented family. Page 5667 One day Khudiram was returning home from another village. He felt quite tired and... gone to Gaya on a pilgrimage. Again he had a dream. Lord Gadadhar 2 was seated on a jewelled throne, in his radiant form. Looking at Khudiram, He said smilingly, "I shall descend in your house as your son." And, Chandromani, in her village, had exactly the same dream at the same time. Gadadhar was born on 18 February 1836. 3 He was very sweet, this child, and became a pet of the whole village. He ...
... (10) The twin Aswins have measured her out; upon her Vishnu strode wide. Indra, the Lord of the Lights, for his own sake, has freed her of enemies. That wide material earth of ours as a mother to her son pours out her sweet drink for us. (11) May the hills, the snowy ranges, the forests bring happiness to thee, O Earth. Brown or black or red, in all forms upon this wide secure Earth... I stand firm and conquer, unslain, unhurt. O Earth, that which is thy middle, that which is thy navel, and those lofty formations of thine, establish them in us. Flow towards us, O Mother Earth; I am the son of the Earth, the God Rain (Parjanya) is my father, may he bring fulfilment to us. Page 40 (13) There on a high ground the universal workers stand encircling the altar... immortal Light. (16) May this whole world of creatures give us their yield (the sweet drink). O Earth, establish in me the sweetness of speech (the Word). (17) S4e begets all things, the Mother of healing plants, the firm, the wide Earth, upheld by the Divine Law, full of bliss, full of happiness: upon this earth may we live and move ever and ever. (18) A mighty abode thou hast become ...
... Champaklal Speaks The Mother’s Training When Mother's son Andre came to Pondicherry for the first time, she told him, “Champaklal has been trained by me.” I feel that she is still training me. There were many things that I did not like, and sometimes I spoke out my opposition. But sometimes when Mother herself was doing those things, though a strong reaction... their worshipping a photograph! The same question used to arise in me regarding Sri Aurobindo's and Mother's photos. But later, the Mother explained to me that the worship of photographs too had its place and necessity. I was also against the opening of centres and the installing of relics but the Mother explained to me their necessity. Of course, nothing is done from the right perspective; but what can... reaction would arise in me, I would not express it; but when I could not control myself, I did express myself. And when I was opposed to something but kept silent, that too Mother was aware of. Everything she is now making me understand, either by showing me actual happenings or making me do them myself. I have many instances of this before me. All this may seem banal to many, but to me writing about it ...
... *** They who entered into all things that bear right fruit formed a path towards immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness of the Great Ones; the mother Aditi with her sons came for the upholding. Rig-Veda, 1.72.9 Page 37 ... The Mysteries of the Human Body A Vision of Body and Spirit - Vedic Wisdom in the Mysterious Words of the Vedic Wisdom A mighty child in the womb, he is called the son of the body. Rig-Veda ffl.29.2 *** He discovered the truth the sun dwelling in the darkness. Rig-Veda, HI.39.5 *** The treasure of heaven hidden... they have called you as giver and never resting from meditation. Rig-Veda, IV.31.7 *** O Tree that keepest the delight, start apart like the womb of a mother giving birth, hear my cry and deliver me. Rig-Veda, V.78.5 Page 32 Full of solid might is their shining energy, sharp is their outflashing light. Rig-Veda ...
... December. [?] Mother accepts the watch – she will keep it with her, she does not want to sell it. Here is a little more present: a bank note of Rs. 10 which my cousin (my mother’s youngest sister’s son of eight) has unexpectedly sent. Note his childish handwriting. It is unaccountably touching this little boy suddenly sending pranami like this to Mother, what? There may be something... arrangement before it can be decided and in any case it could be only when her mother comes here in February. Page 15 We take note of the case you speak of – the claim by a supposed secret message on behalf of an unknown and unacknowledged son. But how would that make any difference, even if the son were declared legitimate? Surendranath’s 2 property was surely self-acquired... His father (who married my mother’s fifth sister) was very rich once – but spent most of his money in fashion and fallals. They have one of the loveliest palaces – for it is a palace, so to speak – in Calcutta. Kalyan, eldest son, has one brother and two sisters. Now they are not very well-off – have to let their upper storey for Rs. 250 a month. Kalyan and his mother and sister live in the ground ...
... future. With love and blessings. My brother Jitendra’s first son was born on 29.11.67 at 11:29 a.m. I took a list of names to the Mother and She selected “Pranjal”. Pranjal being placed on the Mother’s lap on 29-2-68 at around 11.29 a.m. (when he was exactly three months old) Sweet Mother, Jitendra’s second son was born yesterday, November 17th, at four o’clock in the morning... wedding, I did feel very close to Jitendra’s elder son, Pranjal. The Mother asked me to bring his photograph. Photograph of Pranjal shown to the Mother The next day, I showed Pranjal’s photograph to the Mother. She immediately recognised him as the child She had put on my lap and identified him as Narendra’s soul. * * * Sweet Mother, How is it possible to remember one’s past... Purnima’s elder son. The following three questions are about him. Sweet Mother, Many people who see little Viresh say that there is something very special about him. I would like to know your impression. There is certainly a conscious soul in him, but at the moment I don’t know who he is. Later on, it will be clearer. Blessings. Viresh, my sister Purnima’s son, was born in Pondicherry ...
... Brahman, so well known indeed in his personality and the circumstances of his life that it was sufficient to refer to him by the name of his mother as Krishna son of Devaki for all to understand who was meant. In the same Upanishad we find mention of King Dhritarashtra son of Vichitravirya, and since tradition associated the two together so closely that they are both of them leading personages in the action... seem to a spiritually-minded Indian largely a waste of time; he would concede to it a considerable historical, but hardly any religious importance; for what does it matter in the end whether a Jesus son of the carpenter Joseph was actually born in Nazareth or Bethlehem, lived and taught and was done to death on a real or trumped-up charge of sedition, so long as we can know by spiritual experience the... the natural Law by that atonement of man with God of which the crucifixion is the symbol? If the Christ, God made man, lives within our spiritual being, it would seem to matter little whether or not a son of Mary physically lived and suffered and died in Judea. So too the Krishna who matters to us is the eternal incarnation of the Divine and not the historical teacher and leader of men. In seeking ...
... physician. × Jules Rassendran, son of one of the five disringuised gentlemen of French Pondicherry who stood guarantee for Sri Aurobindo and his companions when the local government threatened to expel them under their Alien's Act during the early years. (N.K. Gupta, Reminiscences , 1969, p. 55) ... industries is kept. Mother had herself selected it and asked for it to be placed there. In the corner there is Udar 6 who waits for Mother after the Balcony darshan. Mother says Bonjour . If he has anything urgent to say, she replies to him; otherwise she takes the letters he has brought with her upstairs. Inside the Salon Dr. Sanyal 7 is waiting near the cupboard. Mother greets him with... Tarun and Arpita are waiting. Then Mother goes upstairs, the doctor follows. I go behind them up to the landing. Mother and Dr. Sanyal go into her room. I come down and fetch one tray of breakfast. Dyuman brings up another. × Lithine, as prepared in the Ashram dispensary with Mother's approval, was a compound consisting ...
... of the thing is lost. It's nothing but movements of consciousness. Page 131 × K's mother is a friend of P.L.'s. Both mother and son stay at the Ashram. × Satprem later learnt that the boy had seen the Pope two... mutual debt binds man to the Supreme: His nature we must put on as he put ours; We are sons of God and must be even as he: His human portion, we must grow divine. Our life is a paradox with God for key. But none learns whither through the unknown he sails Or what secret mission the great Mother gave. In the hidden strength of her omnipotent Will, Driven by her breath across life's... Soon afterwards If you are interested, little K. [aged nine and a half], J.s son, 1 has had a dream.... Would you like me to read it to you? It's about the Pope! Page 129 Really! It's rather odd, because the child isn't aware of anything. He has had a dream which his mother has noted down: "We go and see the Pope. There are lots of people. Mama puts me second ...
... Brahman, so well-known indeed is his personality and the circumstances of his life that it was sufficient to refer to him by the name of his mother as Krishna son of Devaki for all to understand who was meant. In the same Upanishad we find mention of King Dhritarashtra son of Vichitravirya, and since tradition associated the two together so closely that they are both of them leading personages in the action... Ramayana is a mingling of fact and fiction on the one hand and on the other of events of earth with events of other planes of being. Whether there existed a particular person whom we identify as Rama, son of Dasa-ratha, is not certain but someone who performed an evolutionary function - namely, of establishing in man the dharmic (moral-religious) mind and averting the strong alternative trend towards... and holds the best promise of being Aurobindonian. In our modernism and our eclecticism and our universalism let us not underrate the role and the soul of Mother India. We shall be most modem, most eclectic, most universal if we remember what Mother India essentially is. You must have seen that in our monthly review of culture we deal with all sorts of topics and not merely Indian ones but we should ...
... following words: 'They who entered into all things that bear ripe fruit, formed a path towards immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness and by the Great Ones, the Mother Aditi with Page 46 her sons came (or, manifested herself) for the upholding.'* (Rgveda 1.72.9). Commenting on this, Sri Aurobindo states: 'That is to say, the physical being visited by the greatness... planes above and by the power of the great godheads who reigned on those planes breaks its limits, opens out to the Light and is upheld in its new wideness by the infinite consciousness, Mother Aditi and Her sons, the divine Powers of the supreme Deva. This is the Vedic immortality.' ( The Secret of the Veda, pp. 191-92). The Upanishads also speak of immortality, and as we study these great ...
... in the following words: "They who entered into all things that bear ripe fruit formed a path towards immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness and by the Great Ones, the Mother Aditi with her sons came (or manifested herself) for the upholdings." 1 Page 294 Commenting on this, Sri Aurobindo states: That is to say, the physical being visited by the greatness... planes above and by the power of the great godheads who reigned on those planes breaks its limit, opens out to the Light and is upheld in its new wideness by the infinite Consciousness, Mother Aditi and her sons, the divine Power of the Supreme Deva. This is the Vedic immortality. 2 The Upanishads also speak of immortality, and as we study these great books of the profound masters of the ...
... mission. * I look upon my country as the Mother. I adore Her, I worship Her as the Mother. What would a son do if a demon sat on his mother’s breast and started sucking her blood? Would he quietly sit down to his dinner, amuse himself with his wife and children, or would he rush out to deliver his mother? * When, therefore, you ask who is Bhawani the Mother, She herself answers you, “I am the Infinite... expectation, but in vain. It appeared that the gloomy night of the nation would never see the dawn of freedom — She seemed prone to lose Herself and Her Soul. Then came Sri Aurobindo, the first son of Mother India to call for her unqualified freedom. He awakened the nation by launching a new movement of Passive Resistance, Boycott, Self-arbitration Courts, National Education etc. He reached the heart... India, Bhavani Bharati is the living unity of the Shaktis of three hundred million people; but She is inactive, imprisoned in the magic circle of Tamas, the self-indulgent inertia and ignorance of her sons. * Our aim will therefore be to help in building up India for the sake of humanity — this is the spirit of Nationalism which we profess and follow. We say to humanity: “The time has come when you ...
... clothed in colour of living flame. 10 Finally Sethna's eye is on a woman who is a "living flame". The climax of me Aurobindonian aesthetics is in this spiritual romance between the Mother and the son. Our real being is thrilled by Her memories, Sethna has found what Ramakrishria Paramahansa calls the "post": "Hold the post hard and run circling it." This is the new romance which Sri... conscious effort at discovering a purer aesthetics based on Mother-cult. The poet is possibly trying to imagine the beauty of higher planes and this sense of beauty comes only after a great purification. In trying to imagine, Sethna's eyes open to the *This article appeared first in the March 1992 issue of Mother India. - Editors Page 212 magic... even the inanimate objects arc dumbly praying to the Great Mother, The passion for '"white arms" is something like the collective unconscious. All Sethna's poems are characterised by a search for a purer aesthetics and in some of Page 217 them in Altar and Flame, there are lines which are pure Mother- worship and pure poetry rolled into one. Make me your ...
... Mother's Chronicles - Book Four 15 Swarnalata - Sri Aurobindo's Mother In the middle of 1879 Dr. Krishna Dhan Ghose, now thirty-four, again left for England, but this time with his family. Wife Swarnalata was twenty-seven; sons Beno, Mono, Ara were respectively twelve, ten and going on seven ; daughter Saro was not even two. The Doctor... she had inherited from both her father and mother. But alas! All this was changing, and changing fast. Life was become a misery. 1. Rajnarain Bose's sons and daughters. Page 118 The strong personality that melted at the sight of another's woe, the passionate heart athirst for love, that loving father who wanted to make of his sons 'giants,' he who healed the illnesses of... 1.In tatters; hence the missing words and date. 2.A Bengali mother uses the border of her sari to wipe away her child's tears. "facsimile of Krishna Dhan's etter to Rajnarain Page 117 worse one. Oft do dear Father relieve my heart by a condescending eye of forgiveness. Your poor son is suffering and have pity upon his soul and forgive him from the very ...
... Overhead Poetry THE CLOSE OF DANTE'S "DIVINA COMMEDIA" ("PARADISO", Canto 33) St. Bernard Supplicates on Behalf of Dante "O Virgin Mother, daughter of thy Son! Life's pinnacle of shadowless sanctity, Yet, with the lustre of God-union, Outshining all in chaste humility— Extreme fore-fixed by the supernal Mind, Unto such... splendour beats immense! But the deep relish of divinity How shall my words convey? Its radiance Leaves my mouth stricken with helpless infancy Draining in dumb delight its mother's breast. Not that the Flame rose now more goldenly (For ever unchanged its high perfections rest), But my gaze found a growing miracle No power of human speech could have expressed ...
... Ones, the mother Aditi with her sons came (or, manifested herself) for the upholding" (I.72.9). 1 That Page 199 is to say, the physical being visited by the greatness of the infinite planes above and by the power of the great godheads who reign on those planes breaks its limits, opens out to the Light and is upheld in its new wideness by the infinite Consciousness, mother Aditi, and... possess the Truth they have worked their way to it (or won control of it)," ṛtaṁ yemuḥ sudhya āśuṣāṇāḥ . "Now as the seven seers of Dawn the Mother, the supreme disposers (of the sacrifice), may we beget for ourselves the gods; may we become the Angirases, sons of Heaven, breaking open the wealth-filled hill, shining in purity." We have here very clearly the seven divine Seers as the supreme ordainers... and her sons, the divine Powers of the supreme Deva. This is the Vedic immortality. The means of this finding and expanding are also very succinctly stated by Parashara in his mystic, but still clear and impressive style. "They held the truth, they enriched its thought; then indeed, aspiring souls ( aryaḥ ), they, holding it in thought, bore it diffused in all their being," dadhann ṛtaṁ dhanayann ...
... 72.9. Page 141 "They who entered into all things that bear right fruits formed a path towards immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness and by the Great Ones, mother Aditi, with her sons manifested herself for the upholding." This is an extremely important Statement, and it underlines the fact that the Vedic Rishis achieved their goal, not by escaping from life but... the great godheads who reign on those planes. At that stage, the physical being exceeds-its limits, opens out to the Light, and is upheld in its new wideness by infinite consciousness (mother Aditi), and her sons, the divine Powers of the Supreme Deva. There are further details of the path. There is, first, the emphasis on aspiration. This aspiration is the fire of our inmost being. It is... Aurobindo gave the concept of integral personality as a harmony of four basic powers of the soul, — knowledge, strength, harmony and skill, — and, the integral System of education developed by the Mother has provided framework that would enable every individual to develop full potentialities of personality as also their Spiritual transformation. These experiments need to be understood properly and ...
... that the Mother saw again her son, André, whom she had left as a boy of eighteen in France when she sailed for Japan in 1916. In the intervening period which saw two World Wars, hardly twenty letters had passed between mother and son. Having married in the meantime, he had two daughters, Janine and Francoise (much later to be given the Ashram name Pournaprema'). On 12 August 1949, the Mother informed... told him that the Mother was expecting him in the room in Golconde where he was to stay for some time. It was quite dark when he reached Golconde, and he hastily climbed two storeys and then, "in the dim light of the corridor, I saw a white shape with her back against the door in a very familiar attitude". Though they had not met ever so long, the reunion was that of a mother and a son: "We were at once... their tribute of devotion. What they get in return is a glimpse of a higher and truer life which responds to the most innate aspiration of human nature. 28 VIII For the Mother herself, the meeting with her son André was but a brief encounter, although he had been and would ever be - as anyone she had seen even once would be - in her deeper consciousness. A load of work was awaiting her ...
... gariyasi . (The Mother and one’s birthplace are greater even than Heaven.) We take this birthplace to be the Mother. We have no mother, father, brother, wife, son, house, home. We have only that ‘ sujala , suphala , malayaja sheetala , shashyashyamala ’.” A surprised Mahendra then asks: “Who are you?” Bhavananda answers: “We are the children.” “Children? Whose children?” “The Mother’s children.”... . Eighteen ninety-three turned into a memorable year as it witnessed two voyages in opposite directions by two sons of India out of their love for the country. We know that Bankim Chandra, Rabindranath, Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo looked upon their country as the Divine Mother. And that is why they have all unveiled the real face of India to the world. When Vivekananda returned from the... And Durga-puja or Mahaashtami as well. On this day at an auspicious time, on the southern wall of the Playground (where the Mother used to stand and take the salute for the children’s March Past), the map of India was born. The inspiration and design came from Tejen-da, son of the celebrated Bagha Jatin. Tejen-da used to look after the little ones. Everyone called him ‘Borda’. Tejen-da had taken ...
... to show my mother and me their son. On the eve of their return to Calcutta, my brother had been granted an interview with the Mother in the Playground. The Mother had also allowed him to bring Arup on the occasion. When She heard about their going back, the Mother told my elder brother, "I have nothing to say about your returning to Calcutta, but leave Arup here." Dada informed the Mother very politely... The Mother And Arup Arup is my elder brother late Arunendranath Mitra's only son. He was also the only child in our family. Arup was born after my mother and I had settled in the Ashram. He used to stay with his parents in Calcutta. When he was four years old, his parents came to Pondicherry with him for the first time for the Mother's Darshan... in 1964, when he was 12 years old, he offered the Mother three paintings of Page 114 his. I was with Arup on that day. With great attention, the Mother looked at each of his paintings and asked him, "Have you done these paintings?" Arup told the Mother that he had painted them and he had brought them to Offer them to Her. The Mother was very happy to see these paintings and said, ...
... Balananda was the only son of his widowed mother, Narmadabai, who had named her son Pitambara. He belonged to the Saraswat Brahmin clan. Three or four days after his sacred thread ceremony he left home and mother, pulled away by a greater call. Years went by. Narmadabai now felt that her time was nearly up. She prayed even more fervently than usual to Mahakal so that she may see her son Pitambar once more... before breathing her last. Mahakal appeared to her and very lovingly said, "Daughter, soon your wish will be fulfilled. Your son is engaged in tapasya at Baidyanath, on the Tapoban hill. He is now called Balananda. Go there and you will find your lost son." Thus mother and son met after forty years. An emotional reunion. What amazes me is how the old lady oxcarted or trudged all the way to Bai... Baidyanath-Deoghar from Ujjain —a matter of some 920 kilometres as the crow flies and, certainly more than 1500 kilometres by road? Again, how did she find her way to her son all those hundred years ago? All she knew from some pilgrims was that Deoghar lay towards Jagannath Puri. What pluck Narmadabai had! Page 79 From him she heard many of his adventures during those forty years. After ...
... have to give yourself to the Guru in order to be taken over entirely by him for your soul’s and your life’s fulfilment. The mother-child and the father-son are but only two types among the innumerable relationships there can be with the relationless Divine. Not only Father or Mother, he is also Teacher, Master, Lord, Friend, Philosopher, Guide, Preceptor, Playmate, Comrade, Lover, even Antagonist. When... However, it is not the same thing as the Supreme coming down and becoming a Guru. In other words, what Jnaneshwar is describing is the Guru-Shishya relationship and not, for instance, the Mother-Child or Father-Son relationship. If the one is austere and spiritually luminous, the other is warm with love, is endearingly sweet and felicitous. In the one there is the fulfilment of the Yoga of Self-Realisation... how then another greater in all the three worlds, O incomparable in might? Therefore I bow down before thee and prostrate my body and I demand grace of thee the adorable Lord. As a father to his son, as a friend to his friend and comrade, as one dear with him he loves, so shouldst thou, O Godhead, bear with me. I have seen what never was seen before and I rejoice, but my mind is troubled with ...
... 'One day I was coming down the stairs to go to the Mother. I saw a lady hurry to my mother and ask her: "Prafulla-didi, will you please lend me your fish knife?" "What for? Why do you need a fish knife?" my mother enquired. "My son's coming. So I need the knife." I was a little nonplussed. What on earth does that mean? If the son is coming why does she require a knife? Later I... kurta, wore some perfume on his body and went to sleep. The following morning he was gone. He was holding a packet of the Mother's "Blessings" in his right hand and a pinch of snuff between two fingers in the other.' * Someone remarked that the son of so-and-so occasionally had backache. It would disappear in a day or two and then return. Dada said: 'Ask him to get... something about it."' Dada told us this story the other day: 'There was a gentleman who was strikingly bald. He was fond of touring Darjeeling and often went there. One day his daughter and son-in-law were transferred to Darjeeling for their work. His daughter wrote to him that since he loved Darjeeling so much he should come and spend some time with them in Darjeeling. Page 120 ...
... following words: "They who entered into all things that bear right fruits formed a path towards the immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness and by the Great Ones, the mother Aditi with her sons came or, manifested herself for the upholding." 51 Commenting on this, Sri Aurobindo states: "That is to say, the physical being, visited by the greatness of the infinite planes... planes above and by the power of the great godheads who reigned on those planes breaks its limits, opens out to the Light and is upheld in its new wideness by the infinite Consciousness, mother Aditi and her sons, the divine Powers of the supreme Deva. This is the Vedic immortality." 52 Upanishads also speak of immortality, and when we study these great books of profound masters of spiritual knowledge ...
... yourself then Satyakama, the son of Jabala." Then he went to Haridrumata Gautama and said: "I wish to join your school venerable Sir, as a brahmacharin, if you, venerable Sir, would desire to accept me." He said to him: "My dear child, from what family do you hail?" He replied "Venerable Sir, I do not know from what family I hail; I have asked my mother who answered me: 'In my youth... which leads to immortality, "They who entered into all things that bear right fruit formed a path towards immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness and by the Great Ones, the mother Aditi with her sons came (or, manifested herself) for the upholding" (1.72.9). The meaning of these cryptic verses is that the physical being is visited by the greatness of the infinite planes above and by the... of the great godheads who reign on those planes. This breaks the limits of the physical being, which opens out to the Light and is upheld in its new wideness by the infinite Consciousness, mother Aditi, and her sons, the divine powers of the supreme Deva or Lord. This was the meaning of Vedic immortality. Page 53 There are also references in the second hymn of the fourth Mandala to the seven ...
... which leads to immortality. They who entered into all things that bear right fruit formed a path towards immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness and by the Great Ones, the mother Aditi with her sons came (or, manifested herself) for the upholding' (1.72.9). The meaning of these cryptic verses is that the physical being is visited by the greatness of the infinite planes above and by the... of the great godheads who reign on those planes. This breaks the limits of the physical being, which opens out to the Light and is upheld in its new wideness by the infinite Consciousness, mother Aditi, and her sons, the divine powers of the supreme Deva or Lord. This was the meaning of Vedic immortality. There are also references in the second hymn of the fourth Mandala to the seven divine seers... divine birth in his own being. As Rik 15 says: 'Now as the seven seers of Dawn, the Mother, the supreme disposers [of sacrifice, which in psychological terms means self-consecration, the discipline by which the separative sense of egoism is destroyed], may we beget for ourselves the gods; may we become the Angirasas, sons of Heaven breaking open the wealth-filled hill, shining in purity.' These Riks bring ...
... anything because the body rejected the act." Sri Aurobindo's love for his mother was profound. He often referred to himself as 'a mad mother's mad son.' Even in the 1940s if something recalled him of his mother he would narrate the incident he had witnessed as a tiny tot. "Talking of Kabuli animals, I remember my mother had a Kabuli cat. She had asked a Kabuliwalla to bring her a cat: he brought... such friends that the latter named his second son Manmohan. M. M. Ghose's wife also bore the name of Swarnalata. The two Swarnalatas were bosom friends, and called each other 'Golap' (rose). The day Sri Aurobindo's name-giving ceremony was performed, there was present at the lawyer's house a Miss Annette Susannah Akroyd. K. D. named his third son 'Aurobindo Akroyd Ghose.' To an epistolary... royal reception. They served me with seven rows of dishes and I could hardly reach out to them; and even from the nearer ones I could eat very little. I was not known as a political leader but as the son of my father K. D. Ghose. My father had been the all-powerful man there. There was nobody that hadn't received 1. Debabrata Bose was committed for trial in the Alipore Bomb Case, but was acquitted ...
... affirmation of these powers leads to the conversion of human nature into universality of divine nature. Gods are the guardians and increasers of the Truth, the powers of the Immortal, the sons of the Infinite Mother, Aditi. Man arrives at immortality by calling the gods into himself by means of a connecting sacrifice, by surrender. This leads to the breaking of the limitations not only of his physical... 4 He declares again, "They who entered into all things that bear right fruit formed a path towards the immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness and by the great Ones, the Mother Aditi, with her sons, came for the upholding."5 These and other statements give us the clue to what the Vedic Rishis meant by immortality. When the physical being is visited by the greatness of the infinite... planes above and by the power of the great godheads, who reign on those planes, breaks its limits, opens out to the Light and is upheld in its new wideness by the infinite Consciousness, Mother Aditi and her sons, the divine powers of the supreme Deva - then one realises immortality. Again, Veda makes a distinction between the state of Knowledge and the state of Ignorance (cittim acittim cinavad ...
... the path which leads to immortality. "They who enter all things that bear right fruits form a path towards the immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness and by Great Ones, the mother Aditi with her sons came (or, manifested herself) for the upholding."² The secret of the interchange between man and the cosmic powers, which are called Devas in the Vedas, is the inner sacrifice of ... when this turn was still evident, chiefly among the Kshatriyas and Brahmins, we find too among those who attained to the knowledge men like Janashruti, the wealthy shudra or Satyakama Jabala, son of a servant girl who knew not who was his father. The Upanishads mark both continuity and change. The Vedantic seers renewed the Vedic truth by extricating it from its cryptic symbols and casting... is the path of truth and that this path is built by man's expansion into cosmic consciousness and by his interchange with cosmic powers who enable him to reach the Supreme creative consciousness, mother Aditi, who is one with the original substance, the Supreme Triple Reality. As Rishi Parashara explains: "Our fathers broke open the firm and strong places by their words, yea, the Angirasas ...
... infinite planes above and by the power of the great godheads who reign on those planes breaks its limits, opens out to the Light and is upheld in its new wideness by the infinite Consciousness, mother Aditi, and her sons, the divine Powers the supreme Deva. 1 It was the search of this victory that we find in the Kathopanishad when Nachiketas asks of Yama to reveal to him the meaning of immortality... still deeper level, we discover Mother India, Bharat Mata, protector and nourisher of her children, inspiring them and helping them in their battle and victory, and leading Page 435 them to the gradual revelation of her intention and will for her children as also the children of other nations, working for herself and for the world in collaboration with the mother-souls of all the nations in... in a spirit of collaboration, mutuality and goodwill for the Supreme Good of all. To understand India is to understand Mother India and to grasp and possess four of her essential powers that have been developing since ages, viz., the power of spirituality, the power of intellectuality, the power of vitality, and the power of skills, -- skills of art and craft, and skills of emotional bonds and ...
... a deposit that she would take back later. Untiringly she looked after the saplings, 8 watering them with pitchers round like breasts. She loved those young trees as if she were their mother, and even the son she would beget later, Kartikeya, 9 would never dislodge this affection. She fed the fawns of the forest with handfuls of wild grain. The little animals trusted her so much that they ...
... full Realisation.) Page 175 Sri Aurobindo's book The Mother was brought out in a deluxe edition. Two thousand one hundred copies were printed, each one of which was numbered. The number 2 copy of this book was given to Dada by the Mother with the following words: (From the Mother to her dearest son, with love and blessings.) Page 176 The deluxe edition... to love Mother; Tomorrow to love Mother and everyday to love Mother who loves me always and for all eternity.) Page 185 In a notebook given by the Mother to Dada, She wrote: (To my beloved child for him to note his experiences and remembrances. With my love and blessings for ever.) Page 186 (In order to teach French to Dada the Mother had Herself... Sri Aurobindo's physical departure you would constantly stay with the Mother like Her shadow. The Mother had told you not to leave Her even for a moment. Was it only for these little jobs?' 'No, that is not correct,' Dada explained. 'The Mother would write to me occasionally about the real reason why I stayed with the Mother, what I did, what its spiritual import and relevance was. But She did ...
... exceeds it. Even Mother's own son was jealous of my place near her, not to mention the others, the "liars" pure and simple, as Mother used to call them, who were, and still are, directing the Ashram. Finally, much later, I discovered that the notorious cassette recorder, whose recordings I was no longer even receiving, was clandestinely used to record my own conversations with Mother—on whose behalf... he declared that the Mother had left Her body. This was at 7:25 p.m. Then, being present and feeling my responsibility, I thought what I should do. At that time there were present André [Mother's son], Champaklalji [the helper], Dr. Sanyal, Dyumanbhai, Kumud [the attendant] and myself. I talked with André and told him that I wanted to wait for some time and then take the Mother's body down, place it... ts. Page 138 And how could we possibly argue when Sujata was told, "Mother cannot see you... Mother is sick..."? Once, Sujata mentioned it to Mother, but when the same incident occurred three, four, ten times, there was nothing to be said. Without knowing why, I too was feeling my own meetings with Mother threatened and precarious. In fact, we were alone, facing an obscure league of opposition ...
... infinite planes above and by the power of the great godheads who reign on those planes breaks its limits, opens out to the Light and is upheld in its new wideness by the infinite Consciousness, mother Aditi, and her sons, the divine Powers the supreme Deva." 1 It was the search of this victory that we find in the Kathopanishad when Naciketas asks of Yama to reveal Page 68 to him the... At a still deeper level, we discover Mother India, Bharat Mata, protector and nourisher of her children, inspiring them and helping them in their battle and victory, and leading them to the gradual revelation of her intention and will for her children as also the children of other nations, working for herself and for the world in collaboration with the mother-souls of all the nations i» a spirit of... to devote himself to the study and practice of the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother at Pondicherry. He taught Philosophy and Psychology at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education at Pondicherry and participated in numerous educational experiments under the direct guidance of The Mother. In 1976, the Government of India invited him to be Educational Advisor in the Ministry ...
... making a career in industry as soon as he got his engineer’s diploma. In the thirty-three years of their separation, the Mother, though always in inner contact with him, had written scarcely twenty letters. Now Mother and son would meet again. According to Champaklal, the Mother said to Sri Aurobindo: ‘Perhaps if we met on the road without being introduced to each other I would not know him, and he... pure light, something we do not see or experience because we are living literally in the darkness of the Ignorance. The next step in the avataric yoga we will see soon. In November 1949 the Mother met her son André, who had come to Pondicherry on his first visit; their last meeting dated from 1916, when André was eighteen. In October 1916 André had become an artillery officer in the war and had been... Aurobindo called Savitri ‘a legend and a symbol.’ The legend is a story from the Mahabharata that briefly summarized goes as follows: Savitri, daughter of King Aswapati of Madra, chooses Satyavan, son of King Dyumatsena of Shalwa, for her husband. Satyavan lives in the forest to which his blind father has been exiled by a usurper; there Savitri meets him and falls in love with him. On her return home ...
... sweetnesses: here the milch-cows stand nourished and growing; two great and equal companions 3 are the mothers of the Doer of works. बभ्राणः सूनो सहसो व्यद्यौद् वधानः शुका रभसा वपूंषि । श्चोतन्ति धारा मधुनो घृतस्य वृषा यत्र वावृधे काव्येन ॥८॥ Page 157 8) Upborne, O Son of Force, thou shinest out wide holding thy bright and rapturous bodies; there drip down streams of the light... उभे स मात्रोरभवत् पुत्र ईड्यः । हव्यवाळग्निरजरश्चनोहितो दूळभो विशामतिथिर्विभावसुः ॥२॥ 2) He from his birth illumined both the firmaments, he became Page 161 the desirable son of the Father and Mother. The ageless and inviolable Fire, firmly founded in bliss, with his riches of the Light, is the carrier of offering and the guest of the peoples. कत्वा दक्षस्य तरुषो विघर्मणि देवासो... सरथं तुरेभिः । बर्हिर्न आस्तामदितिः सुपुत्रा स्वाहा देवा अमृता मादयन्ताम् ॥११॥ 11) Come down to us, O Fire, high-kindled, in one chariot with Indra and swiftly journeying gods; let Aditi, mother of mighty sons, sit on the sacred grass, let the gods, the immortals, take rapture in svāhā . SUKTA 5 प्रत्यग्निरुषसश्चेकितानोऽबोधि विप्रः पदवीः कवीनाम् । पृथुपाजा देवयद्भिः समिद्धोऽप द्वारा तमसो वह्निरावः ...
... affirmation of these powers leads to the conversion of human nature into universality of divine nature. The gods are the guardians and increasers of the Truth, the powers of the Immortal, the sons of the Infinite Mother, Aditi. Man arrives at immortality by calling of the gods into himself by means of a connecting sacrifice, by surrender. This leads to the breaking of the limitations not only of his physical... usrah. 6 He declares again: "They who enter into all things that bear right fruit formed a path towards the immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness by the Great Ones, the Mother Aditi, with her sons came for the upholding". 7 These and other statements give us the clue of what the Vedic Rishis meant by immortality. When the physical being is visited by the greatness of the infinite... infinite planes above and by the power of the great godheads who reign on those planes breaks its limits, opens out to the Light and is upheld in its new wideness by the infinite Consciousness, Mother Aditi, and her sons, the divine powers of the supreme Deva, —then one realises immortality. Veda makes a distinction between the state of Knowledge Page 85 and the state of Ignorance, (chittim ...
... desirable things (the higher objects of life) discovered the path for the Son, discovered Swar," where the subject is evidently the same but the son has nothing to do with any brood of puppies. The two Sarameya dogs, messengers of Yama, are mentioned in a late hymn in the tenth Mandala, but without any reference to Sarama as their mother. This occurs in the famous "funeral" hymn X.14, and it is worth while... human creature enjoys (the supreme riches). They who entered upon all things that bear right issue, made the path to Immortality; by the great ones and by the greatness earth stood wide; the mother Aditi with her sons came for the upholding. The Immortals planted in him the shining glory, when they made the two eyes of heaven (identical probably with the two vision-powers of the Sun, the two horses of... or, as it more probably means, "in the seeking of Indra and the Angirases (for the cows) Sarama discovered a foundation for the Son," vidat saramā tanayāya dhāsim (I.62.3); for such is the more likely sense here of the word dhāsim . The son is in all probability the son born of the sacrifice, a constant element in the Vedic imagery and not the dog-race born of Sarama. We have similar phrases in the ...
... 17 July 1939 There happen to be bad sons now and then, but a bad mother never. But what a joy and love it is when both mother and son are good! My love and blessings to my dear (good) child. 27 July 1939 I know you mean well, but to be good, truly good, may be possible only for those who have gone beyond all egoism. But if my Mother chooses to see only the good in her child,... a letter you have written to Y, Mother! You will turn my head some day, if it is not turned already! But, I know, it is only to give her confidence. No, I always mean what I say. Love and blessings to my dear child. 4 May 1938 Eternal Mother, I have sunk very low in my consciousness and you seem farther away than ever. You are the Infinite Mother of all your creation and many are... only speaks of the goodness of the Mother's heart. My child's heart is filled with love and light from the Divine; let them shine throughout your whole being and the clouds, if any, will soon disappear. Love and blessings to my dear child. 28 July 1939 (The sadhak received a jar of pickles from the Mother.) You overwhelm me with your love, dear Mother. I know I do not deserve one iota ...
... gatum, and explains: "They who entered into all things that bear right fruit formed a path towards the immortality; earth stood wide for them by the Greatness and by the Great Ones, the mother aditi with her sons came for the upholding." 23 Vamadeva also declares the same experience and realisation in the following words: "Vanished the darkness, shaken in its foundation; Heaven Page... Page 6 Agni symbolises also the inner and true soul seated in our hearts. The Rig Veda speaks of "the boy suppressed in secret cavern". 9 There is also this cryptic description, "The son of heaven by the body of the earth". 10 There are some other descriptions also: "He is there in the middle of his house". 11 "He is as if life and the breath of our existence, he is as if our eternal... does not disappear from our conscient existence, na guha bahuva. Agni finds there the source of the honeyed plenty of the Father of things and pours them out on our life. He bears and becomes the son, the pure Kumara, the pure Male, the One, the soul in man revealed in its universality; the mental and physical consciousness in the human being accept him as their lord and lover; but, though one ...
... infinite planes above and by the power of the great godheads who reign on those planes, breaks its limits, opens out to the Light and is upheld in its new wideness by the infinite Consciousness, Mother Aditi, and her sons, the divine powers of the Supreme Deva or the Divine Being. 61 The great attainments of the Vedic Rishis have been summarized by Sri Aurobindo in the following words: "They may... contact with the older races, Sons of deep-brooding Earth. These claimed Heaven as their father and their seers had delivered his Sun out of our material darkness." 62 page - 110 The Vedic synthesis was a synthesis of the Ultimate Reality that was at once 'tad ekam' (That One), the Deva, the supreme person, and also the source of cosmic forces and gods, the sons of Aditi. The Vedic synthesis... published in two volumes, entitled "Record of Yoga". Sri Aurobindo and the Mother wrote thousands of letters to the disciples, and large numbers of them are now available in three volumes, entitled "Letters on Yoga", and in other volumes of the Mother's works. Finally, thirteen volumes of "Mother's Agenda" contain the Mother's conversations with Satprem extending over nineteen years, which describe ...
... सरथं तुरेभिः । बर्हिर्न आस्तामदितिः सुपुत्रा स्वाहा देवा अमृता मादयन्ताम् ॥११॥ 11) Come down to us, O Fire, high-kindled, in one chariot with Indra and swiftly journeying gods; let Aditi, mother of mighty sons, sit on the sacred grass, let the gods, the immortals, take rapture in Swaha. SUKTA 3 अग्निं वो देवमग्निभिः सजोषा यजिष्ठं दूतमध्वरे कृणुध्वम् । यो मर्त्येषु निध्रुविर्ऋतावा तपुर्मूर्धा... these protect us, at once illumined seers and thy adorers, O son of force, O knower of all things born! निर्यत् पूतेव स्वधितिः शुचिर्गात् स्वया कृपा तन्वा रोचमानः । आ यो मात्रोरुशेन्यो जनिष्ट देवयज्याय सुकतुः पावकः ॥९॥ 9) When he goes out pure like a bright axe shining with his own light for his body, he who was born from two mothers for sacrifice to the gods, strong of will, the desirable purifying... वार्यम् ॥११॥ 11) Bring us our effectuations for thou hast the mastery, O son of force, and may the lord of enjoyment give us the object of our desire. त्वमग्ने वीरवद् यशो देवश्च सविता भगः । दितिश्च दाति वार्यम् ॥१२॥ 12) Thou, O Fire, givest us heroic glory and the divine Creator-Sun and Lord of enjoyment and the Mother of the finite gives us the object of our desire. अग्ने रक्षा णो ...
... and systems of law and sociology. And if with Theon, Mother had touched death, with Paul Richard she would touch the world's Falsehood. It was in about 1908 that Mother met Paul Richard at Montmorency in the house of the sisters of the artist Henri Morisset (whom she had married in 1897). It was to these sisters that she had entrusted her son, Andre, who was born in 1898. _________________________... world of forms and the Formless, like a kind of standard.¹ At that time nobody had ever spoken to me about it and Madame Theon had never seen _______________________ ¹. By 'standard', Mother means a son of model or archetype. Page 32 it—no one had never seen or said anything. But I felt I was on the verge of discovering a secret. Afterwards, when I met Sri Aurobindo and talked... Sri Aurobindo And The Mother 2 The Mother The Mother (Mirra Alfassa) was born in Paris on the 21st February, 1878. Her mother was Egyptian and her father was Turkish—both of them were perfect materialists. As a result, although she had inner experiences, including that of the divine Presence, right from her childhood, she was in her external life ...
... 7 The Mother, Her Children and the Various Interrelations (a) When the Mother's son, André, by the painter Henri Morisset who had married her in the studio-days of her late teens, was to come on a visit to the Ashram on 4th November 1949 after a separation from the Mother for 34 years, she was reported to have joked: "I don't... being the Mother's son. He knows too that being physically born from her is not the sole claim to being her child. To him the invocation which Sri Aurobindo's elder brother, Manmohan Ghose, made to his own mother in a moment of high poetic vision would come most naturally: Augustest! dearest! whom no thought can trace, Name murmuring out of birth's infinity. Mother! like heaven's... quite bushy his head was far from having reached the billiard-ball state. The reunion of Maman and fils was said to have been a warm one. The Ashramites were very glad to see the Mother's one and only son. I happened to be on a visit to the Ashram from Bombay in this period. André was a handsome and affable person, with a fine poise of mind. He was invited to the houses of many Ashramites ...
... the following words: "They who entered into all things that bear right fruit formed a path towards the immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness and by the Great Ones, the mother Aditi with her sons came (or manifested herself) for the upholding" (RV 1.72.9). Commenting on this statement of Parashara, Sri Aurobindo states: "That is to say, the physical being visited by the greatness... infinite planes above and by the power of the great godheads who reign on those planes breaks its limits, opens out to the Light and is upheld in its new wideness by the infinite Consciousness, mother Aditi, and her sons, the divine Powers of the supreme Deva. This is the Vedic immortality."7 The secret knowledge of which the Indian tradition speaks is contained in the Vedic descriptions that relate... and a happy, equal friendliness with the Gods which the Aryan brought with him into the world, free from the sombre Page 7 shadows that fell upon Egypt from contact with the older races, Sons of deep-brooding Earth. These claimed Heaven as their father and their seers had delivered his Sun out of our material darkness."4 Significance of the Vedic Synthesis of Yoga The reason ...
... पुत्रैरदितिर्धायसे वेः ॥९॥ 9) These are they who set their steps on all things that have fair issue, making a path towards immortality. Earth stood wide in greatness by the Great Ones, the Mother infinite with her sons came to uphold her. अधि श्रियं नि दधुश्चारुमस्मिन् दिवो यदक्षी अमृता अकृण्वन् । अध क्षरन्ति सिन्धवो न सृष्टाः प्र नीचीरग्ने अरुषीरजानन् ॥१०॥ 10) When the immortals made the two... thou knowest, give the Riches. होता निषत्तो मनोरपत्ये स चिन्न्वासां पती रयीणाम् । इच्छन्त रेतो मिथस्तनूषु सं जानत स्वैर्दक्षैरमूराः ॥४॥ 4) He is the priest of the sacrifice seated in the son of Man: he verily is the lord of these riches. They desire the seed mutually in their bodies; the wise by their own discernings come wholly to know. Page 97 पितुर्न पुत्राः ऋतुं जुषन्त... जुषन्त श्रोषन् ये अस्य शासं तुरासः । वि राय और्णोद् दुरः पुरुक्षुः पिपेश नाकं स्तृभिर्दमूनाः ॥५॥ 5) Those who listen to his teaching, those who are swift to the journey, serve gladly his will as sons the will of a father. He houses a multitude of riches and flings wide the doors of the Treasure. He is the dweller within who has formed heaven with its stars. SUKTA 69 शुकः शुशुक्वाँ उषो न जारः ...
... difference from the usual, traditional, great formula of the Christians: the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Here it would be: the Father, the Mother and the Unholy Son! (laughter) If you like to conform more to the accepted terminology perhaps we could bring back the word "holy" — only we must spell it "holey" — the Son full of holes, riddled with defects and deficiencies, gaps of human ignorance, wounds... of the Mother's face, I think you will have to go to a greater poet than the specimen before you. You will find descriptions very accurate and very penetrating when Sri Page 34 Aurobindo delineates the heroine of his epic that is a legend and a symbol. Read what he writes in Savitri about Savitri and you will have an idea of the Mother's bodily presence, the Mother's facial... in touch with the Mother's Force and it had passed through those words to my sorry plight. The next day the dentist helped me out. I have some other incidents also to report but there doesn't seem to be time enough. I shall just go to another aspect of what the Mother and Sri Aurobindo can do with us. They can do the most impossible things. You know how the Mother made out of me a keeper ...
... Splendour THE CLOSE OF DANTE'S "DIVINA COMMEDIA" ("PARADINO", Canto 33) St. Bernard Supplicates on Behalf of Dante "O Virgin Mother, daughter of thy Son! Life's pinnacle of shadowless sanctity, Yet, with the lustre of God-union, Outshining all in chaste humility— Extreme fore-fixed by the supernal Mind, Unto such grace rose... of splendour beats immense! But the deep relish of divinity How shall my words convey? Its radiance Leaves my mouth Stricken with helpless infancy Draining in dumb delight its mother's breast. Not that the Flame rose now more goldenly (For ever unchanged its high perfections rest), But my gaze found a growing miracle No power of human speech could have expressed, ...
... establishment of morality among the primitive Hebrews, the new moral precepts being hewn in stone as the Ten Commandments. It was the tribal God who ordered: “If your brother, the son of your father or of your mother, or your son or daughter, or the spouse whom you embrace, or your most intimate friend, tries to secretly seduce you, saying: ‘Let us go and serve other gods’, unknown to you or your ancestors ...
... thou who wast enamoured of earth's bloom 54 O vanished Face beyond the reach of thought, 450 O vastness waiting for my small heart's touch 301 "O Virgin Mother, Daughter of thy Son! 192 O voiceful words, strive only to instil 446 O Void where deathless power is merged in peace! 86 O waste me not—a hill is in your hams! 739... Dream-piercing by an apex of intent 443 Drink in the tranquility, drink it in to the full: 606 Dumb dusk has taught his heart to sing 627 Dumb echo of the Mother-mystery 414 Each child to him a new star's halt bore. 589 Each drop of beauty brings a power to slake 517 Each form a dancer whose pure naked sheen 95... God is the refuge of lions, 581 God's sun makes all life the same black—the white 639 God's victories are 540 Great is your beauty, earth! 477 Great Mother, grant me this one boon I crave: 158 Great poems came to him begging for birth, 609 Great wings, one white and one cf gold 294 Greatness and gaiety go hand in hand ...
... dhayāse veh ." "They who entered into all things that bear ripe fruits formed a path towards the immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness and by the Great Ones, the Mother Page 47 Aditi with her sons came or manifested herself for the upholding." The Vedic immortality, it appears, requires stabilization in those states of consciousness and powers which have been ripened... y. For this attainment, the yogic process is worked out on all the planes of being, including the physical being. The infinite consciousness, Mother Aditi (which is termed Para Prakriti or Shakti in later systems of yoga) intervenes, and she brings her sons with her, the cosmic gods or the divine Powers of the supreme Deva. The physical being is visited by the greatness of the infinite planes above;... the sons of Aditi". To understand this statement it may be said that among the conditions of immortality, the following are repeatedly mentioned in Rig Veda: The attainment of the Divine mind represented by Indra, attainment of shining Thought-forces, represented by Maruts, attainment of purity resulting in the flow of Soma. divine delight, and synthesis of four powers of the great Kings or sons of ...
... following words: They who entered into all things that bear right fruit formed a path towards the immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness and by the Great Ones, the mother Aditi with her sons came (or, manifested herself) for the upholding. 5 In one of the most illuminating passage of the Ishopanishad, we have a brief description of the passage of the yogic process ...
... mountains and rivers I look upon my country as my Mother, I worship and adore her as mother. What would a son do when a demon is sitting on the breast of his mother and drinking her blood ? Would he sit down content to take his meals and go on enjoying himself in the company of his wife and children, or would he rather, run to the rescue of his mother ? I know I have the strength to uplift this fallen... wrote : " Yes, externally we are nothing "; but he argued " spiritually we are everything. " It was a time when there was a call, a call to every one in the nation; it was a time when the Mother called. And thank God, there were her children who disregarding all logic of facts responded to her call and ran to her rescue taking, as we say, their life in their hands. The feeling has been vividly... of " Swadharma " and " Swaraj " and the method adopted was guerilla warfare. After three centuries the same "will to freedom ' burst forth with the cry of " Vande Mataram " with a vision of free Mother India, and satyagraha was the method or the technique. The earlier movement ended in the establishment of the Maratha confederacy falling short of a united India and now the latest movement has given ...
... itself an impossibility. Each sadhak and sadhika, son and daughter of Mother Earth, contained that impossibility in his or her person. The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is intended to make the impossible possible. The collaborators in their yoga were therefore supposed to do the same, to begin with themselves. One evening the Mother told her youthful audience in the playground: ‘At... that was Pondicherry, or India; it was also a world in a process of change or transformation.’ 45 It is interesting to follow the development of the Ashram in the correspondence of the Mother with her son André. Two months after the Siddhi Day, i.e. 16 January 1927, she wrote to him: ‘Our community is growing more and more; we are nearly thirty (not counting those who are scattered all over India);... she is ‘that,’ then she is the Mother of all souls, for the Divine Mother is evidently the mother of everything that is authentically divine or the Divine, and our souls are ‘a spark’, i.e. a portion of the Divine. This makes the centring of the Integral Yoga on the Mother a logical consequence not only because of the ‘division of tasks,’ which meant that the Mother was in front while Sri Aurobindo ...
... that he wrote on 21 February 1940: ‘Today is the Mother’s birthday. On this blessed day this is a tribute at her feet from her erring child. Whatever my deviations into wrong paths, however grave my errors, my labyrinthine movements will at length lead me into the Temple of the Mother’s consciousness, for where else except in the Mother’s lap can her son find the end of his journey?’ 31 Some... day. The Mother sat on a small stool to his right. ‘Silence absolute, living silence – not merely living but overflowing with divinity. The meditation lasted about forty-five minutes. After that one by one the disciples bowed to the Mother. She and Sri Aurobindo gave blessings to them. Whenever a disciple bowed to the Mother, Sri Aurobindo’s right hand came forward behind the Mother’s as if blessing... there is no Ashram and no Yoga.’ 25 ‘As to the Mother, I could not reconcile myself to how a European lady could establish herself as the Mother in Pondicherry Ashram and even more as the Divine Mother,’ writes Rakhal Bose. 26 And M.P. Pandit writes: ‘There was quite a consternation at this development [of Sri Aurobindo putting the Mother at the head of the Ashram]. It was hard to accept a ...
... depths, Assaults of Hell endured and Titan strokes And bore the fierce inner wounds that are slow to heal. 30 Invincibly he ascended without pause. 31 The Divine Mother addresses him as "Son of Strength" and "strong forerunner". Sometimes one gets a glimpse of his battles in his correspondence with Nirodbaran. But if he had never written his autobiographical poems and these... suffering world And rescue out of Time's shadow and the Law, Must pass beneath the yoke of grief and pain... Heaven's riches they bring, their sufferings count the price... The Son of God bom as the Son of man Has drunk the bitter cup, owned Godhead's debt... The Eternal suffers in a human form. 32 Sri Aurobindo and Science Having all the knowledge of the universe... text. In The Book of the Divine Mother M. P. Pandit writes: "In the first part, [Sri Aurobindo] speaks of Aswapati's Yoga, the Yoga of the King ... Aswapati in the epic is the representative of the aspiring humanity who prepares and lays the path to the Divine Glory ... Aswapati stands face to face with the Creatrix of the universe, the supreme Divine Mother, and prays to her fervently to manifest ...
... standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene, (see the painting of the Crucifixion) [John 19:26] When Jesus saw his mother, and the disciple whom he loved standing near, he said to his mother, "Woman, behold, your son!" [John 19:27] Then he said to the disciple, "Behold, your mother!" And from that hour the disciple... to say to him one after another, "Is it I, Lord?" [Mat 26:23] He answered, "He who has dipped his hand in the dish with me, will betray me. [Mat 26:24] The Son of man goes as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! It would have been better for that man if he had not been born." [Mat 26:25] Judas, who betrayed him, said, "Is it I, Master?" He said to him... " [Mat 26:63] But Jesus was silent. And the high priest said to him, "I adjure you by the living God, tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God." [Mat 26:64] Jesus said to him, "You have said so. But I tell you, hereafter you will see the Son of man seated at the right hand of Power, and coming on the clouds of heaven." [Mat 26:65] Then the high priest tore his robes, and said, "He ...
... length lead me into the Temple of the Mother's Consciousness, for where else except in the Mother's lap can her son find the end of his journey? 19 To return to the late nineteen-twenties: the number of inmates in the Ashram increased from 25 in 1926 to 30 by the end of 1927, and shot up to 80 next year. By August 1929, as the Mother later wrote, there were "seventeen houses... disciples as it were through the Mother - the Mother being the intermediary, the interceder, the paraclete. There were intermittent grumblings all the same. One line of argument was that, ranted that Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were divine collaborators, Page 242 still they were two persons weren't they? How, then, could the Mother entirely obliterate the Master, and... opposition between the Mother's consciousness and my consciousness was an invention of the old days ... and emerged in a time when the Mother was not fully recognised or accepted by some of those who were here at the beginning. Even after they had recognised her they persisted in this meaningless opposition and did great harm to themselves and others. The Mother's consciousness and mine ...
... number among Sherpas. In our dice games, as in the chilinangas', seven is good. A group of seven is considered good for an undertaking, and seven children as the best number in a family. My mother had seven sons. This would be my seventh trip to Everest.... But I was worried about my health. After a little while at home I was no longer ill, but still weak and under-weight, and what would another... everything was clear and quiet in the early-morning light. It was then that I pointed down and showed Hillary the tiny dot that was the Thyangboche Monastery, 16,000 feet below. "God of my father and mother," I prayed in my heart, "be good to me now — to day." (...) At six-thirty, when we crawled from the tent, it was still clear and windless. We had pulled three pairs of gloves on to our hands... that. I loved Everest too well. At that great moment for which I had wait ed all my life my mountain did not seem to me a lifeless thing of rock and ice, but warm and friendly and living. She was a mother hen, and the other mountains were chicks under her wings. I too, I felt, had only to spread my own wings to cover and shelter the brood that I loved. We turned off our oxygen. Even there on ...
... smile, or the Mother would draw his attention to certain points Sri Aurobindo had made. The relation between the Mother and son was a subject of immense interest for me to observe. I remembered how she used to talk of André to Sri Aurobindo and, when he was to arrive for the first time, after a separation of over thirty years, how anxious she was to meet him, almost like a human mother. I was thus given... The Mother asked each one in turn and each told his or her reaction. Then K asked, "Was there a special descent, Mother?" The Mother: There is no descent... it is again a wrong idea. It is something that i§ always there, but which you don’t feel. There is no descent.... Do you know what is the fourth dimension? K: It has been spoken of. Mother: Have you experienced it? K: No, Mother. ... realise that... (Mother makes a gesture as if to indicate a breaking of bounds.) 16 February 1972 According to what Nirod is reading out to me now of his correspondence with Sri Aurobindo, it seems to have been the same thing for Sri Aurobindo. Because, according to what he wrote (you will see when you read it), I am always the doer. He says: "Mother says, Mother does, Mother..." You see, as far ...
... would indicate that, Jesus, while having a different mother than the other members of the family, would still be the son of Joseph who would figure as the father he had in common with James, Joses, Judas and Simon and the sisters. He would be Mary's sole son, yet still a child from Joseph. "Amphipatores" would prevent him from being Joseph's son, but render him true brother to the remainder of the... Matthew's and Luke's "firstborn" cannot be equated in any circumstances to the expression "only son" which occasionally comes in the New Testament about ordinary people (e.g., Luke 7:12: "... there was a dead man carried out, the only son of his mother...") and about Jesus as a special Son of God (e.g., John 1:14: "the glory as of the only begotten of the Father..."). To justify... James, the son of Alpheus, and Simon Zelotes, and Judas the brother of James. These all continued with one accord in supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brethren." After this statement, how can any of Jesus' "brethren", whether called James or Jude or Simon or Joseph, be identified with one or another person listed quite separately from them? The four sons of Alpheus ...
... rises and goes on, in tears. ) Only ... mother ... an egotist never can see Truth in its true perspective. We all, alas, See in the measure we grow and so we fail To realise the crazy folly of pride. ( After a brief pause, suddenly blurting out ) O mother, I saw behind you Radha's face! MIRA ( smiles ') I know you did, my son, you are thrice-blessed. FIRST PUNDIT... SANATAN ( putting a restraining hand on his shoulder, in a whisper ) Hush, Pundarik, my son! There is no need. Mira can hold her own Against them all. PUNDARIK ( surprised, in a subdued voice ) But still, must you allow Insolent fools to insult our holy mother? Page 94 SANATAN ( smiles ) Can insolent rockets ever insult the star By merely hissing... And so you have To regret to own that this old priest before you Had not taken leave of his senses, after all? FOURTH PUNDIT ( unable to contain himself ) Forgive, ) O mother, this your foolish son! Page 109 How often have I not lectured on the Vedas' Dictum that intellect nor learning nor The claim to having heard deep words of wisdom Can help one ...
... heart rejoices, hopes rising, day by day, to see his beloved son come sailing home from Troy. But I — dear god, my life so cursed by fate... I fathered hero sons in the wide realm of Troy and now not a single one is left, I tell you. Fifty sons I had when the sons of Achaea came, nineteen born to me Page 36 from a single mother's womb and the rest by other women in the palace. Many, most... himself insists in all earnest." While mother and son agreed among the clustered ships, trading between each other many winged words, Father Zeus sped Iris down to sacred Troy: "Quick on your way now, Iris, shear the wind! Leave our Olympian stronghold — take a message to greathearted Priam down in Troy: he must go to Achaea's ships and ransom his dear son, bearing gifts to Achilles, gifts to melt... must see my son with my own eyes. Accept the ransom I bring you, a king's ransom! Enjoy it, all of it — return to your own native land, safe and sound... since now you've spared my life." A dark glance — and the headstrong runner answered, "No more, old man, don't tempt my wrath, not now! My own mind's made up to give you back your son. A messenger brought me word from Zeus — my mother, Thetis who ...
... TIMOCLES But are swept away As with a wind. O mother, fatal mother, Why did you keep me from the battle then? My presence might have spurred men's courage on And turned this swallowing fate. It is alone Your fault if I lose crown and life. CLEOPATRA My son! TIMOCLES There, mother, I have made you weep. I love you, Dear mother, though I make you often weep. CLEOPATRA I... sweet Eunice, How could you leave me? EUNICE Pardon me, dear lady. ANTIOCHUS Mine was the error, mother. CLEOPATRA O my son, If you had said that "mother" to me then, All this had never happened. ANTIOCHUS I have been hard To you, my mother, you to me your son. We have both erred and it may be the gods Will punish our offences even yet. CLEOPATRA O, say not that... compel the Syrian blood! My sons, do you consent? TIMOCLES Your sovereign will must rule, Mother, your children and our fraternal kindness Will drown the loser's natural chagrin In joy at the other's joy. CLEOPATRA Antiochus, my son! ANTIOCHUS Your question, Madam, was for Timocles; From me it needs no answer. PHAYLLUS You accept Your mother's choice? ANTIOCHUS ...
... the call of the Vedic seers, Mother Savitri appeared now before Aswapati. In Vyasa's description of the goddess no details are given except that she was a rūpini: Then, O Yudhistira, rising from the sacrificial flames in her splendid form she appeared in front of the King, exceedingly glad as she was... 24 It is the joy of a mother who finds her son to be a perfect, noble person... Leap up in our heart of humanhood, O miracle, O flame, Passion-flower of the nameless, bud of the mystical Name. 39 The Mother-Son confrontation in the Vision and the Boon takes place within Aswapati, in the "listening spaces of the soul." The Divine Mother advises him not to be hasty in asking for a transformation of the life on earth into a life divine. Let evolution take its own course... adore her accordingly. What would a son do when a demon sitting on his mother's breast prepared to drink her blood? Would he sit down content to take his meals or go on enjoying himself in the company of his wife and children, or would he rather run to the rescue of his mother? I know I have the strength to uplift this fallen race; not a physical strength, I am not going to fight with a sword or a ...
... silence now. And He, the deceiver, is haunting me with his forms. Oh, take me forth at midnight to the door of the Cowherd named Bliss who owns this son, the maker of havoc, this mocker, this pitiless player; and leave me there. Oh, grieve not ye, my mothers. Others know little of this strange malady of mine. He whose hue is that of the blue sea, a certain youth called Krishna — the gentle caress of... All the Vedas and Puranas teach everyone to take my shelter. I always reside in the company of my devotees. There is no one dearer to me than my devotees. They are my father, mother, friend, son, and brother. Although I am free and my actions are also free, it is Page 208 Shri Chaitanya under Garuda Stambh, by Nandalal Bose (NGMA) my nature to be... nought else to try, But I will make my soul one strong desire And into Ocean leaping die: So shall my heart be cooled of all its fire. Die and be born to life again As Nanda's son, the joy of Braja's girls, And I will make thee Radha then, A laughing child's face set with lovely curls. Then I will love thee and then leave; Under the Codome's boughs when thou ...
... Converses with me uttering thoughts depraved, Inglorious, full of ignominy, unmeet For armed heroical great sons of Kings? With alien laughter and amazed today I hear the noblest lips in all the world Uttering baseness. For father, mother, son, Brother or son's wife, all their separate deeds Enjoying their own separate fates pursue. But the wife is the husband's and... shall Luxman's brother be your lord, Glory's high favourite who empire breathes? Yea, if the whole vast universe should own My son for king, it would be kinged indeed And regal: Lords, of such desirable Fortune I would possess this mother of men; Then would I be at peace, at last repose Transferring to such shoulders Earth. Pronounce If I have nobly planned, if... people of the provinces And of the people metropolitan: all these Deliberated and became one mind. Resolved, they answered then their aged king. A Mother's Lament 1 "Hadst thou been never born, Rama, my son, Born for my grief, I had not felt such pain, A childless woman. For the barren one Grief of the heart companions, only one, Complaining, 'I am barren'; ...
... doing sadhana here, under Mother’s and Sri Aurobindo’s direct guidance? Ultimately, Mother granted his wish but asked him to provide for his children’s future before he wound up his affairs there." Thus, Appa came away to the Ashram in 1938. [28] When he told his family that he was going to offer his share of the family’s moveable properties to the Mother, his sons added their share to it.... his son and daughter-in-law on their wedding day in front of everyone because they were just a little late at the reception. I wonder how future husbands will fare with their wives." On 30 th June, on the subject of inexplicable suffering, Amma recalled these incidents: "When Akka informed Mother about the death of Kowma’s 9 year-old grand-son [ in a freak road-accident ], Mother exclaimed... keeps playing until it needs only the mother and starts crying for her…." Another experience of Amma is connected with teaching. Satyakarma’s wife Krishnamma first came in February 1930; in August 1932, she came with her son, Dayakar; and in 1933, the two also became ‘permanent’. Soon thereafter, Mother asked Amma to teach English to Krishnamma, who knew Sanskrit and, having worked in Gandhian ...
... thoughts and abandoned all his practice" and had for months overworked himself and ruined his health 46 - but it was a great cause and it was heroic service of the Mother as well. Not Sri Aurobindo, but the Mother's great and unique son. Her conscience made manifest, Her flaming heart and radiant soul - these were under trial. It was the Divine's working too that, not a gluttonous shark of the profession... Faith and a great prophet of the Future. At that time, Chittaranjan was known to be a rising criminal lawyer, a sensitive poet, a dedicated patriot, a flaming idealist and an adoring son and servant of the Mother. He came upon the court scene at Alipur, and the prospect brightened up at once for the Defence. Chittaranjan, although he was not then the power in the legal world that he became... appreciate his great attainments, his self-sacrifice, his single-minded devotion to the country's cause and the high spirituality of his character. This emboldens me, a woman, to stand before every son and daughter of India for help to defend a brother, - my brother and theirs too. 14 This moving appeal, wrung from a sister's heart, was eloquently supported by the Bengalee, the Amrita Bazar ...
... The association [ of touch ] with sex is vital-physical—otherwise there need be no connection between the expression of affection by touch and the sex-feeling. Except in unusual cases, when the mother and son or brother and sister embrace, they do not have the sex-feeling. It is a sort of habitual conversion operated in the passage from the emotional to the physical and, being a habit only, though a... An adverse Power could ask no better condition for getting control over the seeker. It is only the Mother's Force and the divine Truth that one should admit without barriers. And even there one must keep the power of discernment in order to detect anything false that comes masquerading as the Mother's Force and the divine Truth, and keep too the power of rejection that will throw away all mixture. ... necessary to wait for training somebody to do the work. Mother appreciates very much all the work you have done and we had hoped the earnest spiritual effort you have made would prevail over this tendency. But it would not be wise to insist too much against the obstinately strong indication that the vital nature needs a relief. Wherever you are, the Mother's blessings and mine will be with you and you will ...
... nothing else in the world should count; but so long as you have not taken the decision, you must find in yourself the direction you want to give to your life. 26 May 1937 Isn't it true, Mother, that a son is not obliged to serve his father? Only one who has totally consecrated himself to the Divine has the right to forsake his duty to his parents. 27 May 1937 I feel that I am drifting... December 1936 Mother, do You believe that I feel for You the love of a child for his mother? A child's love for his mother is full of a spontaneous and absolute trust. In you such a love can only be based upon a psychic opening, for the psychic is likened to a child precisely because it feels this spontaneous and absolute trust in the Divine. 12 January 1937 Mother, please make me ... O Mother, I want to become Your perfectly obedient child, I want to know Your will before You express it. To achieve that I must... Have no preference about anything except to carry out the divine will. 28 July 1934 Will You tell me, Mother, what to do to get rid of egoism? Page 54 One achieves it by persistently willing it. 1 July 1934 My sweet Mother, in a ...
... While others look upon their country as an inert piece of matter—a few meadows and fields, forests and hills and rivers—I look upon my country as the Mother. I adore Her, I worship Her as the Mother. What would a son do if a demon sat on his mother's breast and started sucking her blood ?... I know I have the strength to deliver this fallen race. It is not physical strength—I am not going to fight... build up sons for the Motherland to work and to suffer for her. That is why we started this college and that is the work to which I want you to devote yourselves in future. What has been insufficiently and imperfectly begun by us, it is for you to complete and lead to perfection. When I come back I wish to see some of you becoming rich, rich not for yourselves but that you may enrich the Mother with your... Bhawani Bharati, is the living unity of the Shaktis of three hundred million people, * but she is inactive, imprisoned in the magic circle of Tamas, the self-indulgent inertia and ignorance of her sons.... We have to create strength where it did not exist before; we have to change our natures, and become new men with new hearts, to be born again.... We need a nucleus of men in whom the Shakti ...
... fields, forests and hills and rivers – I look upon my country as the Mother. I adore Her, I worship Her as the Mother. What would a son do if a demon sat on his mother's breast and started sucking her blood? Would he quietly sit down to his dinner, amuse himself with his wife and children, or would he rush out to deliver his mother? I know I have the strength to deliver this fallen race. If is not... his son had been admitted into the Indian Civil Service, and was in fact coming out. He, in fact, took a month's leave to go and meet him in Bombay and bring him back in triumph, but he could not get any definite news as to when he was coming out and returned from Bombay in a very depressed frame of mind. At last one afternoon he got a wire from his agents in Bombay to the effect that his son's name... Baroda service on 8 February. Unfortunately his father died before his return under tragic circumstances. It is clear from Dr. K. D. Ghose's letter of 2 December 1890 that he had high hopes for his three sons, especially Sri Aurobindo. He wanted him to take up judicial or administrative work in the Indian government, and had used his influence to get him a good appointment. But he was wrongly informed by ...
... less unconscious. 23 May 1963 Page 277 Sweet Mother, Girls are always at a disadvantage: they cannot do what they want, as boys can. Why not? There are hundreds of proofs to the contrary. 31 May 1963 Sweet Mother, What is the best relationship between two human beings? Mother and son? Brother, friend or lover, etc? All the relationships are good... oneself. 4 November 1961 Sweet Mother, In Aphorism 133, Sri Aurobindo says that "the gods were able to accept only the pleasant burden of His love and kindlier rapture." 4 So the gods are cowards! Where then is their greatness and their splendour? Why do we Page 266 worship inferior entities? And the Titans must be the most lovable sons of the Divine! What Sri Aurobindo... Series Ten (1961 - 1970) Some Answers from the Mother Letters to a Young Captain (1961-1970) To a young captain in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram Department of Physical Education. He began writing to the Mother at the age of nineteen. Sweet Mother, On the night of Friday the 8th, I had a very peculiar dream. As I could not tell it to You at the ...
... about Krishnaprem's Guru. Chakrabarti's father came here to see me, but even that I hid forgotten till the Mother reminded me of it. I know Chakrabarti only through the Mother, but that is better than any personal acquaintance. The Mother met him in Paris when he was there once with his sons on his way to England; it was before the deluge, in pre-war days. She meditated with him and they were able... first, ____________________ l. " Māye poye mokaddamā dhum habe Rāmprasād bale, āmi khānto habo Jskhan āmāy shanto kore labe kole" ["There will be a sensational legal battle between the Mother and the son, says Ramprasad, I shall relent only when you take me on your lap."] Page 151 because without that nothing sound or lasting can be done but also there must be a realisation of... 12, 1932 It is indeed a very fine stanza in which you have embodied what the Mother wrote. 1 I will ask her about the translation in French. There is just one point left. The greater part of your song— which, I prefer to say, the Mother finds very good,—expresses the seeking, but there were in the Mother's scheme certain things that had to happen after that finding. (1) the immobility of ...
... and Laksmana), surrounded by my friends and relations." (35) Having made this comprehensive submission to his mother, and gazing on his three hundred and fifty step mothers he actually found those mothers too distressed in the same way (as his own mother was). Joining his palms the said son of Daśaratha (once more) made the following submission, which was in consonance with (the spirit of) righteousness:... Father, mother, brother, son and daughter in law, my darling, reap each his or her destiny, enjoying their own merits (earned in previous lives). (4) A wife alone actually shares the fortune of her husband, 0 jewel among men! For this very reason I too stand enjoined that I should as well take up my abode in the forest. (5) In the case of women neither father nor son nor their own body nor mother nor their... clasped the feet of his (own) mother, Sumitrā. (3) Smelling (as a token of affection) the head of the mighty armed Laksmana, who was saluting her, the mother, who wished well of him, spoke weeping to that son of hers (as follows): — (4) "Excessively fond as you are of your kinsman, Rāma , you have been permitted (by me) to dwell in the forest. (But) do not neglect, my son, the service of your brother ...
... waking and sleep." "But, mother," I said, "is it not true that the right food for me is the one cooked directly by Nature herself?" "Sure," replied mother. "But you must realise that your mother, too, is part of Nature, and if she cooks something for you, that too should be counted as cooked directly by Nature!" I laughed. Mother continued : "Look, my son, I am not as learned as you... too late. My father brought downward his awesome gaze. His eyes declared his annoyance at being disturbed in his holy routine. I felt totally discouraged and incapacitated. But I was my father's son who was taught that the first and foremost duty of man is to speak the truth, disregarding any calculations of consequences. "satyam vada, dharmam chara, speak the truth, abide by righteousness." My... seeking admission to colleges in Ahmedabad. He wanted you to go to Jamnagar or Rajkot so that you could visit us every week and thus be under our constant watch and guidance. But I wanted my brilliant son to grow wider wings and to fly farther and farther to ever- widening horizons. I had pleaded that you must go to Bombay or to Ahmedabad, even though it was so difficult for us to afford the needed expenses ...
... yelled, 'Steve!" and he started to chase his son. He wanted to get hold of Steve and pound him, and he didn't know why. He gained on him, he gasped for breath and he almost got him by the soulder. Turning, Steve saw his father's face in the street light and was terrified; he circled away, got to the house, and rushed in, yelling 'Mother!" "Son, Son!" she cried, rushing from the kitchen. As soon... younger step-brother Nrityakali (Netya), their maid Bhola, their servant Bhoga Bagdi, a fisherman Govinda, the five year old son of Shyamlal and Narayani Nilmoni Sarkar, a village doctor Digambari, Narayani's widowed mother Surodhuni, Narayani's younger sister I Randal's years were few but his genius for mischief incalculable. The villagers dreaded... of the early start, the elaborate cooking—everything! Very touching and perfect, I'm sure! Only, there's just one fly in the ointment: my son-in-law's solemn oath. But I suppose you have very conveniently forgotten that?" Narayani's eyes met her mother's. "Why should you think I have forgotten?" Page 569 she answered in an inruffled voice. "I have not disobeyed him. For three days ...
... Yaśodā's son is really Devakīs son. And Rīma, Page 127 generally taken as Nanda's son, is really the son of Rohinī by Vasudeva. They have only been entrusted to Nanda, for fear of you. It is they who have killed so many of your men." 19-22. Hearing this, Karhsa became furious with rage. He took up his sword to kill Vasudeva, but was restrained by Na-rada. Knowing that the son of Vasudeva... (as it were) of showing disrespect to the Great One, and covers his Friend with a shower of flowers (in the form of spray), spreading over him an umbrella with his shadow. 14-15. O mother Yaśodā! When your son Śrī Krsna, master of various physical feats common among the Gopas, and a self-taught expert at flute, applies his lips to the flute and produces varied original tunes — then hearing that... As soon as he came near the palm trees, he saw Balarāma, the son of Rohinī, standing there. On seeing the son of Rohinī, Balarāma, who is the indestructible Lord, standing under the palm trees, the wicked demon, using his teeth as a weapon, tried to bite Balarāma. Dhenukāsura, the king of the demons, then turned his back on the son of Rohinī and violently kicked His chest with his hind legs. At ...
... calibre), but because Sanjay's death has thoroughly shattered her faith in Mother and in God or any god — "Why did Mother not protect my son?" In short, she reacted to this death like an ordinary mother. Personally, I think that this is a temporary phenomenon and that what was wanted was not only to remove this dubious son from the way, but to oblige Indira to go deeper, beyond her grief, down to... now becoming a kind of divine sign in reverse! — One desperately tried to compel me to pack up and go. But Mother stuck us here purposely . After having spoken to me for some eighteen years, She was not likely to leave the second round to chance and to the Breton whims of her impolite son. Though had I been polite and well-mannered, I would have Page 65 fallen right into the trap of... in Punjab (at first fed by Indira, for political ends) .. In June, 1980, her favourite son, Sanjay, who had become her right-hand man, dies in a plane accident. In November, 1984, Indira is assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards (more than 2,000 Sikhs are slaughtered in India in the following days); her elder son, Rajiv, who succeeds her, is in turn assassinated in May, 1991.... ...
... publisher in Paris — this dear Robert Laffont — with the family up in front led by Mother’s son, an honorable septuagenarian, in order to have their “false Agenda” accepted, to tell him of my “betrayal of Mother” and to make him understand that they could take him to court, because they were the “owners” of Mother and Page 16 of all my books originally published by the Ashram... I was... gnomes. And the whole story can be summed up in a few words: Andre Morisset has always been jealous, because Mother used to talk with Satprem and chose Satprem instead of himself, her “son.” Pourna, Mother’s “grand-daughter,” regarded herself as the heiress by divine right of Mother’s message and of the spiritual authority over Auroville — but as Auroville did not let itself be impressed by her... we will see what will descend therein. I don’t know if I am dreaming wide awake, but it is such a relief after Messrs Sethna and Cou-nouma and the whole holy Bunch of Mother’s sons and grand-sons ready to rise up. In fact: Mother alive. If we could render her truly alive. A place where She will be able to be . We will make the barrier melt away. In any case, we can try to live in beauty. * ...
... common they, though different their forms." (I.113.2.3) At the end of the "pilgrimage" of ascent and descent, the seeker is "a son of the two Mothers (III.55.7): the son of Aditi , the white Mother 251 of the superconscious infinite, and the son of Diti , the earthly Mother of "the dark infinite." He possesses "the two births," human and divine, "eternal and in one nest... as the Enjoyer of his two... five to an Irish convent school in Darjeeling among the sons of British administrators. Two years later, the three Ghose boys would leave for England. Sri Aurobindo was seven. Not until the age of twenty would he learn his mother tongue, Bengali. He would never see his father again, who died just before his return to India, and barely his mother, who was ill and did not recognize him on his return. Hence... money to poor Bengali villagers (while his sons had hardly anything to eat or wear in London), and he died of shock when he was mistakenly Page 7 informed that his favorite son, Aurobindo, had died in a shipwreck. The first few years in Manchester were of some importance to Sri Aurobindo because this is where he learned French (English was his "mother tongue") and discovered a spontaneous ...
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