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Upendra : Upa-Indra, younger Indra, in the Vedas is actually the supreme Lord Vishnu: “He is not inferior; he only subordinates himself, pretending to serve, while really by service he commands.” [SABCL 11: 447]
... Abinash Chandra Bhattacharjee was Manager and there were also helping in the office Upendra Nath Banerjee, Barindra Kumar Ghose, Dindayal and Sailendra Ghose, Dindayal was only living there; He was employed by the Tramways. Q: How long did you help in the office? A: I lived there one month. I took no pay. Upendra gave me some books and I bought others on his recommendation: he instructed me to read... Sudhir to Upendra Nath Banerjee at Seal’s Lodge. It bears the Baidyanath post mark of the 11th of March but it does not appear from where it was written. The internal evidence points to its having been written by Sudhir on his arrival at the garden from Seal Lodge, but to be on the safe side and avoid anything in the nature of speculation, I will merely treat this card as going to show that Upendra Nath... did not dare to attend political meetings openly on account of my father, but whenever I could, I attended without my father’s knowledge. I used to receive instruction at the Yugantar Office from Upendra Nath Banerjee on Mental Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Physical Philosophy, and from him I learnt what it was to sacrifice my life for my motherland and self-abnegation. I have visited Calcutta ...
... elsewhere." "But then how would a student get a job in the market?" asked Upendra. Naveen Chandra looked sharply at Upendra. Then he laughed a little. For a short while, he did not answer the question. Then he asked Upendra, "Do you want to join our school for getting a certificate and a degree?" Upendra said, "No, I do not care for a degree; but how am I to find employment in the society... y." "Look, Upendra," said Mira, "this is not an hour of argument. This is an hour of reconciliation. Dialogues can follow thereafter. Do not say this is right and that is right or this is wrong or that is wrong. Everything is right in its own place." Upendra laughed. He said, "Yes, you are right, but fasting unto death is never right." "Girish, will you stop Upendra?" Mira turned to... promised that I would do the necessary the next morning. But Upendra said that he would not get sleep unless the matter of his admission was finalised. I had, therefore, to yield, and we both knocked the door of the room of Naveen Chandra. Naveen Chandra welcomed us, and turning to Upendra, he said, "Do you want to play with me?" Upendra looked up to me and explained, "I wanted to play intellectual ...
... Civilian C.C. Dutt, to Sri Aurobindo, inviting, him to stay at his house so that he could be properly 81. Bankim-Tilak-Dayananda by Sri Aurobindo. 82. Gerard Hopkins. 83. Upendra Chandra Bhattacharya, author of the Bengali book Bharat Punish Sri Aurobindo. Page 217 looked after. Sri Aurobindo accepted the invitation and moved to the palatial building of Subodh... defend himself in an alien court, and courted rigorous imprisonment for one year. Abinash Chandra Bhattacharya was acquitted, as no definite evidence could be found against him. At about this time Upendra Nath Bandopadhyaya came down to Calcutta and joined the staff of the Yugantara. He had written a letter to Sri Aurobindo from Chandemagore, where he was a teacher, offering his services in the cause... cause of national freedom. Sri Aurobindo discerned in the writer of the letter the fiery stuff he was made of, and advised Shyam Sundar Chakravarty to communicate his permission to him. Upendra Nath did not take long to make his mark. He proved to be a talented writer and a dauntless, resourceful political fighter. Nolini Kanta Gupta writes about him in his Reminiscences : "Upenda was like a leader ...
... Surya as well as Vishnu is greater than Agni, but here he and Vishnu both work under the dominant energy of Agni and for the satisfaction of Indra,—Vishnu in the Upanishads being younger than Indra,—Upendra. Translated into the language of physics, this means that Agni, commanding as he does heat and cold, is the fundamental Page 472 active energy behind all phenomena of light and heat; the... operations, since no energy can conduct itself, but all need some conscious centre or centres from or through which they proceed. A doubt will naturally arise, how Vishnu, the supreme Lord, can be the Upendra of the Vedas. The answer is that, whatever energy is of supreme importance at a particular stage of the evolution, is taken up by Vishnu-Virat as his especial care.We have seen that the Ananda is now ...
... Barindra, (7) Rajangam, (8) Purani, (9) Kanai, (10) Punamchand, (11) Champaben, (12) Champaklal, (13) Punjalal, (14) Pavitra, (15) Satyen, (16) Lilavati (Purani's wife), (17) Dr. Upendra Nath Banerjee, (18) Nonibala (Upendra Nath's sister), (19) Rajanikanta Palit, (20) Kshitish Chandra Dutt, (21) V. Chandrasekhar, (22) Puru-shottam Patel, (23) Rambhai Patel and (24) Rati Palit. (All these 24 pioneers ...
... He is not its master, but its protector and the protector of all who are born in the sign. Indra (Zeus, Odin) protects the Ram, Agni (Moloch, Thor) the Bull, the Aswins (Castor & Pollux) the Twins, Upendra (Baal) the Crab, Varuna (Poseidon) the Lion, Aditi, called also Savitri or Sita (Astarte, Aphrodite) the Girl, Yama (Hades) the Balance, Aryama (Ares) the Scorpion, Mitra or Bhava (Apollo Phoebus) ...
... appearance that he manifested, for that the greater Godhead can manifest later than others is logical if we consider the manifestation as progressive,—just as Vishnu is in the Veda a younger Indra, Upendra, but gains upon his elder and subsequently takes place above him in the Trimurti. I cannot say much about the Vaishnava idea of the form of Krishna. Form is the basic means of manifestation and ...
... ably edited Bharati, a magazine run by the Tagores. This formidable lady had close links with India's revolutionary activities and knew well Barindra Kumar Ghose, Sri Aurobindo's brother. -Upendra Kishore Roy Chowdhuri (1863-1915) brought about a revolution in children's literature. The versatile Satyajit Ray (1921), the world-renowned film-maker, is his grandson. The members of this illustrious ...
... for Midnapore. Dada (Ashwini K. Bhattacharjee) sent Sudhir Sarkar with Sri Aurobindo, because from Midnapore Sri Aurobindo would have to make arrangements for going to Surat Congress meeting. — Upendra Chandra Bhattacharjee Printing ‘No Compromise’ and ‘Bhavani Mandir’ After my return from Baroda the second time, I printed with the help of Sudhir Sarkar of Khulna and a Marathi youth known ...
... 4. Tapas B 11. Karuna Mukherji 5. Alo B 12. Lauren D 6. Sumitra Dhandhania 13. Upendra 7. Kusum Patel Sweet Mother, as I am alone, I have asked Gangaram to accompany us. We will take from Ravindra-ji: 7 loaves of bread, 25 bananas, 6 ounces of butter I will ...
... went away and returned to stay permanently. By 1926, there were about twenty-five sādhaks staying with Sri Aurobindo. Some from Bengal, Nolini, Barindra, Bejoy, Moni, Page 539 Upendra; some from Gujarat, Purani, Champaklal, and the Punamchands; some from the South, Amrita, Chandrasekharam, Kothandaraman, Rajangam; and there were also the sadhaks from beyond the shores of India, ...
... and beauty in the picture of Rama and Sita about to enter Guhyaka's boat. Others of his pictures are less successful. Another intermediate worker in the field who is very largely represented, is Sj. Upendra Kishore Ray. This artist has an essentially imitative genius whose proper field lies in reproduction. There are attempts here to succeed in the European style and others which seek to capture the secret ...
... dumbfounded, for Sri Aurobindo had written to me in 1924 those identical words." (Pilgrims of the Stars, first edition, Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc.) 64. Bichitra: a Bengali magazine edited by Sri Upendra Nath Gangopadhyay. All eminent writers of Bengal used to con- tribute to this magazine, including Sarat Chandra Chatterji, Rabindranath Tagore and others. 65. Raskāna: devoid of the sense of ...
... animal develops the tribe life, the pack or clan life, the family life. He develops chitta, manas, the rudiments of reason. Then only man appears. How does he appear? Prajapati manifests as Vishnu Upendra incarnate in the animal or Pashu in whom the four Manus have already manifested themselves, and the first human creature who appears is, in this Kalpa, the Vanara, not the animal Ape, but man with ...
... beheld Śrī Rāma, the tamer of his enemies, who was endowed with long arms and eyes large as lotus petals standing unconquered with his brother Laksmana — like Indra accompanied by his (younger brother) Upendra (Lord Visnu) — holding up his bow as though scraping the sky. Perceiving the monkeys routed in combat and Rāvana approaching, the mighty Śrī Rāma, who was endowed with ex traordinary energy and ...
... Shri Ritaben Parmar (14) Shri Rasikbhai Khamar (15) Dr. S.N. Vani (16) Shri Sanjeev Agrwal (17) Ms. Sudha Sundaram (18) Dr. T.S. Joshi (19) Dr. Upendra Shenoy (20) Shri Vikrambhai 84 ...
... Trust Archives, p. 514, p. 515, p. 520 — Editions Auroville Press Publishers: p. 495 — Jean-Louis Nou, Mathura Museum: p. 96 — Abanindranath Tagore: p. 60 — Nandalal Bose: p. 74, p. 75, p. 81 — Upendra Maharathi, National Gallery of Modern Arts, New Delhi: p. 93. Page 526 Printed at Auroville Press 2005 Auroville, India ...
... Ramakrishna Mission and I kept it; it was there in my room when the police came to arrest me." ¹ Many members of the secret society were simultaneously arrested: Barin, Ulaskar Dutt, Indra Bhushan, Upendra Nath Banerjee, were all arrested at Murari Pukur Bagan. This, the property of Sri Aurobindo and his brothers, was a plot of seven bighas [approximately one hectare] having in its centre a building ...
... (7) Datta (Miss Hodgson), (8) K. Rajangam, (9) Satyen, (10) Purani, (11) Lilavati (Purani's wife), (12) Punamchand, (13) Champa Ben (Punamchand's wife), (14) Rajani Kanta Palit, (15) Dr. Upendra Nath Banerjee, (16) Champaklal, (17) Kanailal Gangulee, (18) Khitish Chandra Dutt, (19) V. Chandra Sekharam, (20) Pujalal, (21) Purushottam Patel, (22) Rati Palit, (23) Rambhai Patel, (24) Nani Bala ...
... exhibits for months and that they had a very curious feature in that they were all covered with moss. I was also told that among those who were then on the spot there was the rationalist stalwart Upendra Nath Banerji who had at first pooh-poohed the black-magic story and girded up his loins to unearth the miscreants who were responsible for it all. But even he had to confess himself beaten in the ...
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