The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Two, Canto X
शिशुं न त्वा जेन्यं वर्धयन्ती माता बिभर्ति सचनस्यमाना।
धनोरधि प्रवता यासि हर्यञ्जिगीषसे पशुरिवावसृष्टः॥ ॥३॥
कूचिज्जायते सनयासु नव्यो वने तस्थौ पलितो धूमकेतुः।
अस्नातापो वृषभो न प्रवेति सचेतसो यं प्रणयन्त मर्ताः॥ ॥५॥
śiśum na tvā jenyaṁ vardhayantī mātā bibharti sacanasyamānā,
dhanoradhi pravatā yāsi haryañjigīṣase paśurivāvaṣṛṣṭaḥ. 3
kūcijjāyate sanayāsu navyo vane tasthau palito dhūmaketuḥ,
asnātāpo vṛṣabho na pra veti sacetaso yaṁ praṇayanta martāḥ. 5
The mother bears thee like an infant child clinging cherishingly to thee, increasing thee to be a conqueror; headlong down over the dry land he goes rejoicing, he is fain to go like an animal let loose. (3)
Anywhere he is born new in eternal wombs; he stands in the forest hoary-old with smoke for his banner: a bull unbathed he journeys to the waters and mortals who are conscious lead him on his way. (5)
(Translation by Sri Aurobindo)