The Mother's reading of Savitri Book Two, Canto V
न जायते म्रियते वा विपश्चिन्नायं कुतश्चिन्न बभूव कश्चित् ।
अजो नित्यः शाश्वतोऽयं पुराणो न हन्यते हन्यमाने शरीरे ॥१८॥
अणोरणीयान्महतो महीयानात्मास्य जन्तोनिहितो गुहायाम्।
तमक्रतुः पश्यति वीतशोको धातुप्रसादान्महिमानमात्मनः ॥२०॥
na jāyate mriyate vā vipaścinnāyaṁ kutaścinna babhūva kaścit,
ajo nityaḥ śāśvato'yaṁ purāṇo na hanyate hanyamāne śarīre. 18
aṇoraṇīyānmahato mahīyānātmāsya jantornihito guhāyām,
tamakratuḥ paśyati vītaśoko dhātuprasādānmahimāna-mātmanaḥ. 20
The Wise One is not born, neither does he die: he came not from anywhere, neither is he any one: he is unborn, he is everlasting, he is ancient and sempiternal: he is not slain in the slaying of the body. (18)
Finer than the fine, huger than the huge the self hides in the secret heart of the creature: when a man strips himself of will and is weaned from sorrow, then he beholds Him; purified from the mental elements he sees the greatness of the Self-being. (20)
(Translation by Sri Aurobindo)
यतो वाचो निवर्तन्ते। अप्राप्य मनसा सह । आनन्दं ब्रह्मणो विद्वान् ।
न बिभेति कुतश्चनेति । एतं ह वाव न तपति। किमहं साधु नाकरवम्।
किमहं पापमकरवमिति । स य एवं विद्वानेते आत्मानं स्पृणुते।
उभे ह्येवैष एते आत्मानं स्पृणुते। ।
yato vāco nivartante, aprāpya manasā saha, ānandaṁ brahmaṇo vidvān,
na bibheti kutaścaneti, etaṁ ha vāva na tapati, kimahaṁ sādhu nākaravam,
kimahaṁ pāpamakaravamiti, sa ya evaṁ vidvānete ātmānaṁ spṛṇute,
ubhe hyevaiṣa ete ātmānaṁ spṛṇute.
(Taittiriya Upanishad: Brahmananda Valli 9)
The Bliss of the Eternal from which words turn back without attaining and mind also returns baffled: who knows the Bliss of the Eternal, he fears not for aught in this world or elsewhere. Verily, to him comes not remorse and her torment saying, "Why have I left undone the good and why have I done that which was evil?” For he who knows the Eternal, knows these (or, knows that they are alike) and delivers from them his Spirit; yea, he knows both evil and good for what they are and delivers his Spirit, who knows the Eternal.
(Translation by Sri Aurobindo)
Sri Aurobindo, Kena and Other Upanishads
यं मर्त्यः पुरुस्पृहं विदद् विश्वस्य धायसे।
प्र स्वादनं पितूनामस्ततातिं चिदायवे ॥६
स हि ष्मा धन्वाक्षितं दाता न दात्या पशुः।
हिरिश्मश्रुः शुचिदन्नृभुरनिभृष्टतविषिः॥७
आ यस्ते सर्पिरासुतेऽग्ने शमस्ति धायसे।
ऐषु द्युम्नमुत श्रव आ चित्तं मर्येषु धाः॥९
yaṁ martyaḥ puruspṛhaṁ vidad viśvasya dhāyase,
pra svādanaṁ pitūnāmastatātiṁ cidāyave. 6
sa hi ṣmā dhanvākṣitaṁ dātā na dātyā paśuḥ,
hiriśmaśruḥ śucidannṛbhuranibhṛṣṭataviṣiḥ. 7
ā yaste sarpirāsute'gne śamasti dhāyase,
aiṣu dyumnamuta śrava ā cittaṁ martyeṣu dhāḥ. 9
Him mortal man must come to know as one who holds the multitude of his desires so that he may establish in him all; he moves towards the sweet taste of the draughts of the wine and to the building of the house for man. (6)
Pure and bright, verily, is he and he tears our desert dwelling place (or, the solid ground on which we dwell), like a beast who tears, a beast with golden beard and tusks of bright purity, he is like a smith whose force is unafflicted by the heat of the Fire. (7)
O Fire, to whom is poured the running stream of the offering of light, the man who is a happy ground for establishing thee, — in such mortals found the light, and the inspiration and the knowledge. (9)
(Translation by Sri Aurobindo)