देवानां चक्षुः सुभगा वहन्ती श्वेतं नयन्ती सुदृशीकमश्वम्। उषा अदर्शि रश्मिभिर्व्यक्ता चित्रामघा विश्वमनु प्रभूता ॥३॥
devānāṁ cakṣuḥ subhagā vahanti śvetaṁ nayantī sudṛśīkamaśvam, uṣā adarśi raśmibhirvyaktā citrāmaghā viśvamanu prabhūtā. 3
Rig Veda 7.77.3
Happy, bringing the god's eye of vision, leading the white Horse that has perfect sight, Dawn is seen expressed entirely by the rays, full of her varied riches, manifesting her birth in all things.
(Translation by Sri Aurobindo) Sri Aurobindo, The Secret of the Veda: Dawn and the Truth
स हि द्युभिर्जनानां होता दक्षस्य बाह्वोः। वि हव्यमग्निरानुषग्भगो न वारमृण्वति ॥२॥ अस्य स्तोमे मघोनः सख्ये वृद्धशोचिषः। विश्वा यस्मिन् तुविष्वणि समर्ये शुष्ममादधुः॥३॥
sa hi dyubhirjanānāṁ hotā dakṣasya bāhvoḥ, vi havyamagnirānuṣagbhago na vāramṛṇvati. 2 asya stome maghonaḥ sakhye vṛddhaśociṣaḥ, viśvā yasmin tuviṣvaṇi samarye śuṣmamādadhuḥ. 3
Rig Veda 5.16.2, 3
He is men's priest of the call who by his illuminations carries in his two arms of the Understanding the offerings wholly in a continuous order; as Bhaga, the enjoyer, he reaches our desirable good.
In the lauding of this master of plenty, in his friendship as his light grows, for all things are in this Fire of the many voices, men have founded their strength in him, the Noble One.
(Translation by Sri Aurobindo) Sri Aurobindo, Hymns to the Mystic Fire
The Mother
Reading Of Savitri
Reading Of Savitri With Music
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