ॐ कालाभ्रश्यामलाङ्गी विगलितचिकुरा खड्गमुण्डाभिरामा (८) काली, तारा महाविद्या, षोडशी, भुवनेश्वरी, भैरवी छिन्नमस्ता च विद्या धूमावती तथा। वगला सिद्धविद्या च मातङ्गी कमलात्मिका, एता दश महाविद्याः सिद्धविद्याः प्रकीर्तिताः॥
om kālābhraśyāmalāṅgī vigalitacikurā khaḍgamuṇḍābhirāmā Kālī, tārā mahāvidyā, ṣoḍasī, bhuvaneśvarī, Bhairavī chinnamastā ca vidyā dhūmāvatī tathā, vagalā siddhavidyā ca mātaṅgī, kamalātmikā, etā daśa mahāvidyāḥ siddhavidyāḥ prakīrtitāḥ.
Aparadhabhanjana stotram 8/dashamahavidya slokah
Om. Kali, who has a complexion as dark as the rain-bearing cloud, whose hair is spread out and beautiful, and who wields asword and a human head in Her hands, Tara Mahavidya, Sodasi, Bhuvaneshwari, Bhairavi, Chhinnamasta, Vidya Dhumavati, VagalaSiddhavidya, Matangi and Kamalatmika, these ten great manifes-tations of the Goddess Durga are known as the perfect manifestations.
अहं रुद्राय धनुरा तनोमि ब्रह्मद्विषे शरवे हन्तवा उ। अहं जनाय समदं कृणोम्यहं द्यावापृथिवी आ विवेश ॥६॥ अहं सुवे पितरमस्य मूर्धन् मम योनिरप्स्वन्तः समुद्रे । ततो वि तिष्ठे भुवनानु विश्वोतामू द्यां वर्मणोप स्पृशामि ॥७॥ अहमेव वात इव प्र वाम्यारभमाणा भुवनानि विश्वा। परो दिवा पर एना पृथिव्यैतावती महिना सं बभूव ॥८॥
ahaṁ rudrāya dhanurā tanomi brahmadvise śarave hantavā u, ahaṁ janāya samadaṁ kṛṇomyahaṁ dyāvāpṛthivī ā viveśa. 6 ahaṁ suve pitaramasya mūrdhan mama yonirapsvantaḥ samudre, tato vi tiṣṭhe bhuvanānu viśvotāmūṁ dyāṁ varṣmaṇopa spṛśāmi. 7 ahameva vāta iva pra vāmyārabhamāṇā bhuvanāni viśvā, paro divā para enā pṛthivyaitāvatī mahinā saṁ babhūva. 8
Rig Veda 10.125 6, 7, 8
Rudra's bow I bend for him to slay the fierce enemies of the Truth: I am in the battle for the sake of the peoples, I have entered into heaven and earth. (6)
I have given birth to the Father, whose head is my birthplace — in the waters, in the ocean. From there I have entered into the worlds and have established myself wide and I touch with my body the far heaven. (7)
I rush like the wind as I drive all the worlds. That reaches beyond the heavens, beyond the earth, — such is the greatness that has manifested. (8)
(Translation by Nolini Kanta Gupta)
The Mother
Reading Of Savitri
Reading Of Savitri With Music
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