My Pilgrimage to the Spirit 176 pages 1977 Edition


Govindbhai's correspondence with Sri Aurobindo on his sadhana, experiences & visions. He also describes the 'touch of Grace' in his life in the outside world.

My Pilgrimage to the Spirit

  Sri Aurobindo : corresp.

Grace that Fulfils

Our life is a paradox with God for key. ||15.11||

Indian philosophy and scriptures like the Bhagavata speak very highly about the Divine Grace; and saints like Narasimha, Mira and others are inspiring and striking examples in the spiritual history of India, whose lives were looked after, inspired, guided, moulded and were finally fulfilled by the Divine Grace, even though they had not renounced the family life.

A man can make best efforts, but the success is in the hands of the Divine. A sadhaka can aspire, can surrender totally, can perform difficult tapasya, but the realization—the siddhi—the fulfilment comes if only the Divine intervenes—the Grace descends and blesses.

The Grace is the last word and culmination of all kinds of sadhana. There does not remain any realization after one's ego is entirely merged with the Divine and one is favoured by the Divine Grace, and ego is transformed into an instrument of the Divine—a channel. No hunger or thirst remains after the Divine replaces the ego and takes possession of the whole being. The Grace fulfils the life and the life becomes a living fountain of Peace–Harmony–Joy. Life vibrates with Grace and creates an atmosphere of fulfilment all around. It flows out in a natural way like the fragrance of a flower.

The Grace is a special favour of the Divine and an act of supramental light and power to replace the ego and transform the sadhaka into an instrument of the Divine. But the Grace can act only in conditions of absolute surrender and total reliance on the Divine alone. Its action is beyond calculation and can be understood by its own favour, but never by the reasoning mind.

The Grace has been acting since the birth of the universe or rather, the creation of the universe is a sovereign act of the Divine Grace, but there are only a few who are blessed to recognize, understand and accept or allow the Grace to act. The man born and bound by ego exists because he is destined to become the instrument of the Divine manifestation. The life will continue to remain a paradox till he allows the Grace to dismiss the ego and the key of the Divine Grace releases him from the bondage, fulfils and creates a Divine Kingdom.

The Mother Divine had been very gracious to use the Key of the Divine Grace to arrange, organize and mould my life and transform it into a successful instrument. Under the training of the Divine Grace, the divine intervention is very natural and one is to face it joyfully at every step of life. The reader has come across many such incidents fulfilled by the Grace in the preceding Chapters. I am giving two more incidents out of many, which have been culminated and were solved after many years by constant working of the Divine Grace.

In 1965 a friend borrowed some money from me for expanding his business, and on his request, I gave away all that I had. It was a saving of the whole life. The transaction went on smoothly for a year or two but collapsed soon after.

I waited for a year or more, but when there was no improvement, I approached the Mother, and details of the transaction were placed before her for the divine intervention. I suggested to my friend also to pray to the Mother for her help. A letter sincerely praying for the Mother's help to solve the problem was sent by registered post with a copy of my friend's photograph.

I was to go to Pondicherry soon after the letter was dispatched. So, I took with me a copy of the letter and the photograph. When I met the Mother personally, I gave her the letter and all the details regarding the money transaction. After hearing everything, she closed her eyes and concentrated. Coming back from meditation, she gave me two blessing-packets, one for my friend and another for me.

The blessing-packet was sent to my friend by registered post and he kept it in his purse with faith and devotion. The time passed on and we went on changing the promissory note every three years.

I was sure of the action of the Divine Grace. It went on improving the condition of my friend. We met to change the promissory note in October 1976. He signed it and informed me that the Mother's Grace has improved his business and he will be able to return the money soon. The Divine Mother's intervention and constant help, solved the problem, and my friend returned the amount in 1977 that he had taken twelve years ago.

I had accepted the marriage to revolutionize and to reform the rigid customs of our society. In 1940 a Congress worker and freedom-fighter had come forward to cast in her lot with a freedom-fighter who was busy winning the freedom of the spirit from his nature.

The path of the reformist is not only not smooth but full of struggles and difficulties. Our society and relatives resolved to boycott us. But we had accepted the reform, to reform ourselves with full understanding and we knew what was to come and we were ready to face everything.

The time passed on, the social functions—the marriage of our children were favourably performed by the favour and protection of the Divine Grace in the opposite camp under the amazement of the society who boycotted us.

All relatives except my brother-in-law took part in the marriage ceremony of our children. This break of the relation between brother and sister lasted for 37 long years.

In the Kingdom of the Divine nothing is constant. Unknowingly the action of the Grace was constantly working from behind and bringing about a wonderful change. Every night is followed by the illumining light of the dawn.

A fine morning after thirty-seven years, a messenger appeared at our door with the message of the victory of the Divine Grace. It was my brother-in--law's son's wife, who was a Principal of a Girls' High School at Sojitra, who had come to say that the mist of misunderstanding had vanished and she had come to invite us to attend the marriage ceremony of her husband's younger brother. She said, some members of the family will come to take your whole family respectfully to attend and to adorn the occasion. Please accept our invitation and oblige.

This is how the Divine Grace turned the table and a boycotted sister met her brother honourably after a long period of 37 years. It is the Grace alone that can make possible the impossible. "All can be done if the God-touch is there", and "All things can change in God's transfiguring hour."

"The Grace is sure to be victorious one day."

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