

Huta's letter to The Mother in 1965 inspired the creation of Matrimandir; it was to Huta that The Mother first explained Her concept of Auroville's town-plan.

The Spirit of Auroville

  The Mother : Contact   Auroville


Huta had a strong connection with Auroville – a letter of hers to the Mother in 1965 inspired the creation of Matrimandir, the Mother’s Shrine; and it was to Huta that the Mother first explained, with sketches, her concept for the town-plan of Auroville. In 1966 Huta produced the painting which the Mother named ‘The Spirit of Auroville.’ All this is told in her books 'Matrimandir the Mother’s Truth and Love' and 'The Spirit of Auroville'.

The Spirit of Auroville
 PDF     The Mother : Contact  Auroville

There is the Truth of which the world’s truths are shreds,
The Light of which the world’s ignorance is the shade
Till Truth draws back the shade that it has cast,
The Love our hearts call down to heal all strife,
The Bliss for which the world’s derelict sorrows yearn:
Thence comes the glory sometimes seen on earth,
The visits of Godhead to the human soul,
The Beauty and the dream on Nature’s face. ||146.57||

Here are the beautiful words of the Mother


To my very dear little child Huta,

Welcome to all those who aspire to do the Lord's work

With all my love

This book was first published as a booklet in 1974 under the name: Matrimandir—The Mother's Truth and Love.

It was done in great haste. Many things were left out, overlooked, unrevised. Since I have been requested by many people to reprint it, I have taken the opportunity to recast, revise and give a full picture of the matter.

The Mother's conversations with me about the Matrimandir and Auroville, seen and corrected by her, were very similar to those she had with a few other people. This similarity emphasises all the more the heart of her message. Moreover, her letters and her messages highlight the whole matter.

What I wish to present here is based purely on the spiritual and occult truths expressed and revealed by the Mother. It has nothing to do with outer circumstances, human perceptions and situations. The Mother's sayings hold good for all time. They stand ever true, ever new. The Mother was and is countless years ahead of our time.

Illuminating messages given by the Mother and Sri Aurobindo apply not only to Aurovilians but also Ashramites and the people of the world.

The Mother's Truth is One, but she expressed it in various ways. She might have told people concerned the same thing with a shade of difference. But this does not mean that the Mother has changed her Vision and Will. It is the Mother's Vision and Will which all of us should understand and try sincerely to carry out in Her Truth and Love.

This encouraging letter of the Mother will certainly help us:


Yes, my dearest little child

We are here to bring upon earth the victory of Truth and Love—and it will be done.

My profound gratitude and love to the Supreme Lord and the Supreme Mother.



You can be absolutely sure that the Lord is always doing the very best for the Truth.


Auroville wants to be the first realisation of human unity based on the teaching of Sri Aurobindo. Where men of all countries would be at home.


The Mother, Words of the Mother - I: Aims and Principles

Sri Aurobindo came to tell the world of the beauty of the future that must be realised.

He came to give not a hope but a certitude of the splendour towards which the world moves. The world is not an unfortunate accident, it is a marvel which moves towards its expression.

The world needs the certitude of the beauty of the future and Sri Aurobindo has given that assurance.

The Mother, Words of the Mother - I: Centenary

I came across a booklet, Auroville: The Cradle of a New Man, in which the Mother has stated as follows:

Last year when I announced to you the manifestation of the Supramental Consciousness and Light and Force, I should have added that it was an event forerunner of the birth of a new world. But at that time, the new world was so much engulfed in the ancient that even now there are very few people who are aware of its birth and of the difference it brings into the world. Yet the action of the new forces has continued in a very regular, very persistent, very obstinate and, to a certain extent, very effective way. The result of all that has been noted at every step in almost day-to-day experiences.

First of all, it is not merely a new conception of the spiritual life and the divine reality. The old spirituality was an escape from life towards the divine Reality, leaving the world where it was, as it was. Our new vision, on the contrary, is the divinisation of life, the transformation of the material into a divine world. But this work could have been a simple continuation, an amelioration, an enlargement of the old world as it was. What has happened is truly a new thing:

A New World has been born. It is not the old that is being transformed, it is quite a new world that has been really concretely born.

At the present hour we are in the very heart of a period of transition, where the two are intertwined; the old persists, still all-powerful, continues to dominate the ordinary consciousness, while the new glides in, still modest, unnoticed to the extent that for the moment it disturbs nothing much externally, and even in the consciousness of most people it is quite imperceptible. And yet it works, it grows till the moment when it will be strong enough to impose itself visibly.

In any case, to simplify one can say that the old world, the creation which Sri Aurobindo calls the overmental, was in a characteristic way the age of the gods and therefore the age of religions. The flower of man's effort towards that which was higher than him gave birth to numerous religions, to a religious relation between the souls of the select few and the invisible world, and at the summit of all that, as an effort towards a still higher realisation, was born this idea of the unity of religions, of something that is unique, which is behind all manifestation—and this idea was really the ceiling of human aspiration. This conception is on the borderland; it is something which still belongs wholly to the Overmental world, to the Overmental creation and from there seems to look at another thing, something of which it has only a presentiment, which is a new creation it tries to attain but is unable to seize. To seize it, what is needed is a reversal. One must come out of the Overmental creation. But for that, the new creation, the supramental creation must have taken place.

And now all those old things seem too old, so antiquated, so arbitrary, such a travesty of the true truth.

In the supramental creation there will no more be religions. All life will be the expression, the flowering in forms of the Divine Unity manifesting in the world. And there will be no more what men now call the gods.

But all that is of the future, a future that has begun but will take some time before realising itself integrally. In the meanwhile, we are in a very special situation, extremely special, which has had no precedent. We are attending on the birth of a new world, altogether young, altogether weak—weak not in its essence, but in its external manifestation—not yet recognised, nor yet felt, denied by most, but it is there, it is there endeavouring to grow and quite sure of the result. Yet, the road to reach there is a new road, that has never before been traced, none went by that way, none did that. It is a beginning, a universal beginning. Therefore it is an adventure absolutely unexpected and unforeseeable.

There are people who love adventure, and to them I give a call and I tell them:

I invite you to the great adventure, and in this adventure you are not to repeat spiritually what the others have done before us, because our adventure begins from beyond that stage. We are for a new creation, entirely new, carrying in it all the unforeseen, all risks, all hazards,—a true adventure of which the goal is sure victory, but of which the way is unknown and has to be traced out step by step in the unexplored. It is something that has never been in the present universe and will never be in the same manner. If that interests you, well, embark. What will happen tomorrow, I do not know. You must leave behind whatever has been designed, whatever has been built up, and then on the march into the unknown. Come what may.

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