Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo

  Sri Aurobindo : conversations

12th January, 1939

There was a controversy about a child who was underage and had an intense aspiration to remain in the Ashram, i.e. to be under Mother's protection and guidance. But being under the guardianship of her parents the child could not carry out her inner wish. Ultimately the parents, particularly the Mother, took the child away.

Some Evening-Talks refer to this incident.

Sri Aurobindo : She – the child – has developed character and intelligence quite beyond her age. When she wrote to us she used to cast reflections on the world and on people that was even beyond a grown up woman. She is remarkable for her age.

The Mother has found it difficult to bend her. It is true, the Mother does not love her. It is an accident that she is born in that family; she is quite unlike her parents. Besides, she has found out that the Mother used to manage her by lying.

Disciple : They say that the child is very happy outside.

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Sri Aurobindo : But she wrote to us that she is never happy outside!

Disciple : In the papers we find that Stalin has made allegations against Trotsky; can there be any truth in them?

Sri Aurobindo : Not creditable.

Disciple : But the confessions of the generals were dramatic.

Sri Aurobindo : That they did to save their relatives.

Disciple : A Japanese general predicts a hundred year war to civilize the world!

Sri Aurobindo : The idea is first to drive out the European from Asia, but the Japanese will go about it silently without bragging.

Disciple : Will Indian freedom come long time after?

Sri Aurobindo : Not necessarily; it will not come by arms but without arms.

Disciple : How?

Sri Aurobindo : There is a prophesy among the Sannyasis and also Lele used to tell us that there is no chance of freedom by fighting.

Disciple : Italy or Japan can come to help India.

Sri Aurobindo : That is not so easy. Naval equipment is not enough; without a strong army it is very difficult to conquer India.

Disciple : Congress ministers are trying to introduce military training in U.P., C.P., and Bombay. But Sir Sikander

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Hayat in the Panjab is counting the distinction between martial and non-martial races.

Sri Aurobindo : That was introduced by the British to keep down India by depriving her of military races except the Pathans, Gurkhas, Panjabees etc. But every part of India had its empire in the past. The whole of India can have military equipment and training in a short time.

Disciple : The problem is of the Muslims.

Sri Aurobindo : They also want independence; only they want" "Mohammedan independence".

Disciple : Spain in Europe seems to be like India. But if France gets Spain it would be difficult for England.

Sri Aurobindo : It will be worse for France; by the spring the intentions of the Axis powers will be known.

Disciple : But why France depends so much upon England?

Sri Aurobindo : Because she has no other ally.

Disciple : It is the short-sighted policy of the Allies, that has given chance to Hitler.

Sri Aurobindo : No, it is England that got afraid of the French ascendancy on the continent and encouraged and pressed Germany into power. She wants to maintain the balance of power. Hitler aims at France.

France always wants to placate Italy; but England came in the way with "sanctions". They could not save Abyssinia and made an enemy of Mussolini.

Disciple : The cry of Tunis was to divert the attention from Spain.

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Sri Aurobindo : I don't think Blum's Socialist government is for non-intervention. The Socialists in France did nothing when they were in power.

Disciple : Perhaps Russia can render some help.

Sri Aurobindo : Russia is too far and I don't know if it is trustworthy.

Disciple : But the newspapers report that America is preparing armaments.

Sri Aurobindo : Yes, perhaps Roosevelt has secret news about the intentions of Nazis. It is not a question of meddling in European politics, but of being eaten last! (Laughter) There are at least some people in America who understand this thing.

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