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English [186]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [2]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Ancient India in a New Light [2]
Aspiring Swan [1]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
By The Way - Part III [1]
Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi [1]
Champaklal Speaks [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [2]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [2]
Growing up with the Mother [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [9]
I Remember [1]
India's Rebirth [1]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [1]
Indra Sen's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [1]
Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [1]
Integral yoga and Evolutionary Mutation [1]
Jagannath Vedalankar's Correspondence with The Mother [7]
Kena and Other Upanishads [1]
Landmarks of Hinduism [4]
Lectures on Savitri [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [2]
Moments Eternal [7]
More Answers from the Mother [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nachiketas [4]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
On The Mother [4]
Our Light and Delight [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [2]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [5]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
Questions and Answers (1954) [1]
Questions and Answers (1955) [1]
Record of Yoga [4]
Savitri [2]
Significance of Indian Yoga [5]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [2]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [1]
Sri Rama [1]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [3]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [4]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [3]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Future Poetry [2]
The Genius Of India [1]
The Gita and its Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [2]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [1]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [1]
The Secret of the Veda [21]
The Spirit of Auroville [1]
The Veda and Human Destiny [1]
The Veda and Indian Culture [2]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 2 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [12]
Words of the Mother - II [1]
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English [186]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [2]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Ancient India in a New Light [2]
Aspiring Swan [1]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
By The Way - Part III [1]
Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi [1]
Champaklal Speaks [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [2]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [2]
Growing up with the Mother [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [9]
I Remember [1]
India's Rebirth [1]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [1]
Indra Sen's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [1]
Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [1]
Integral yoga and Evolutionary Mutation [1]
Jagannath Vedalankar's Correspondence with The Mother [7]
Kena and Other Upanishads [1]
Landmarks of Hinduism [4]
Lectures on Savitri [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [1]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [2]
Moments Eternal [7]
More Answers from the Mother [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nachiketas [4]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
On The Mother [4]
Our Light and Delight [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [2]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [5]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
Questions and Answers (1954) [1]
Questions and Answers (1955) [1]
Record of Yoga [4]
Savitri [2]
Significance of Indian Yoga [5]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [2]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [1]
Sri Rama [1]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [3]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [4]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [3]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Future Poetry [2]
The Genius Of India [1]
The Gita and its Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [2]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [1]
The New Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [1]
The Secret of the Veda [21]
The Spirit of Auroville [1]
The Veda and Human Destiny [1]
The Veda and Indian Culture [2]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 2 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [12]
Words of the Mother - II [1]

Aditi : “the infinite undivided consciousness of God”, personification of the Infinite & “the infinite Mother of the gods”. [SABCL Vol.11:32]

186 result/s found for Aditi

... the second husband of his mother Aditi, and by a variation of the same image Aditi is hymned as the wife of the all-pervading Vishnu who is in the cosmic creation one of the sons of Aditi and the younger brother of Indra. These images which seem gross and confused when we lack the key to their mystic significance, become clear enough the moment that is recovered. Aditi is the infinite consciousness in... consciousness. Aditi the infinite, the undivided is the mother of the Gods, Diti or Danu, the division, the separative conscious ness the mother of the Titans; therefore the gods in man move towards light, infinity and unity, the Titans dwell in their cave of the darkness and issue from it only to break up, make discordant, wounded, limited his knowledge, will, strength, joy and being. Aditi is originally... the poor, partial, broken and perverted cutting up and analysis. Such was the Sun of the Vedic worship, the paradise of light to which the Fathers aspired, the world, the body of Surya son of Aditi. Aditi is the infinite Light of which the divine world is a formation and the gods, children of the infinite Light, born of her in the Ritam, manifested in that active truth of her movement guard it against ...


... is no higher, and that the jiva is the child of Aditi, who is his Mother as she is also the Mother of all that exists in the world, of all the creatures and even the cosmic beings or the gods. Finally, we find that everything in the world, all things, our inner flame and inner flames of all, the jivas and gods have all issued from Aditi and that Aditi Herself is the Eternal Power and Will of the Purusha... the snare of Death. Deep in the heart of the creature one sees Him, for there He stands by the mingling of the elements. Deep in the heart of things one finds Aditi who is immortal and who is the mother of the Gods, and one comes to know of Aditi as one who is manifested through the movement of Life, Prana, and by the mingling of the elements. And in the deep heart of things and lodged in the tinders... on brought forth by Aditi, the eternal imperishable power of the Purusha. This individual soul is described in the Bhagavad Gita as an eternal portion of the Purushottama, the highest Purusha than whom nothing is greater. The individual jiva is described in the Bhagavad Gita in two different ways, from the point of view of the Purushottama and from the point of view of Aditi. From the point of view ...

... is the power of manifestation. That power of manifestation is known in the Vedas as Aditi and Katha Upanishad also uses the same name and points out that that Aditi is also immortal. Further, the Katha Upanishad also points out that there is Jiva, who is the eater of sweetness, and that Jiva is manifested in the Aditi, who is herself the ocean of sweetness. That is' why Jiva is described as the eater... the future. Yama expounds in this Upanishad the totality and integrality of the ultimate Reality. This ultimate Reality in' all it saspects, as the Purusha, as the Brahman, as the Lord, as Aditi and as Aditi of whom all the gods are children, and the Jiva who is seated in man in the midst of his being as the Dwarf, the one who is no larger than the thumb of a man all this is immortal. The question... the immortality of the soul and of the Jiva, but also to realize the immortality and power of manifestation of Aditi (which Sri Aurobindo also calls Super-mind), which also has to be known in fullness. Sri Page 90 Aurobindo goes even further, and points out that the power of Aditi or Super-mind has to be brought down by its descent, so that the Supramemal power can inundate the mind, life ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Nachiketas

... the mother Aditi with her sons came (or, manifested herself) for the upholding" (I.72.9). 1 That Page 199 is to say, the physical being visited by the greatness of the infinite planes above and by the power of the great godheads who reign on those planes breaks its limits, opens out to the Light and is upheld in its new wideness by the infinite Consciousness, mother Aditi, and her sons... Truth in us, ṛtasya preṣā , the luminous impulsion, jyotiṣmatīm iṣam , which carries us beyond the Night to the immortality. And the gods, the sons of Aditi, must be on the contrary the luminous divine powers, born of the infinite consciousness Aditi, whose formation and activity in our human and mortal being are necessary for our growth into the godhead, into the being of the Deva ( devatvam ) which... Moreover it is evident that the Ignorance is the Diti of the next half-verse, ditim ca rāsva aditim uruṣya , and the Knowledge is Aditi. Diti, called also Danu, means division and the obstructing powers or Vritras are her children, Danus, Danavas, Daityas, while Aditi is existence in its infinity and the mother of the gods. The Rishi desires a bliss fruitful in offspring, that is in divine works and ...


... manifestation of the universal forms the light of Aditi, the Cow, the infinite Consciousness of the infinite conscious Being which is the Mother of the worlds. It is by the intervention of Aditi that the inferior nature of the man, which is mortal, is transformed into the higher nature of unity and infinity, which is immortal. That infinite consciousness of Aditi is the giver of sweet milk, since she is the... the same may be removed, and man may finally become blameless before the Infinite Mother - aditaye anagasah. Then Vamadeva expresses the idea of the united human and divine existence, diti and aditi, the latter founding, controlling and flooding with itself the Page 45 former. He expresses his aspiration: "The Truth controlled by the Truth I desire, together the unripe things... " "They who entered into all things that bear ripe fruits formed a path towards the immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness and by the Great Ones, the Mother Page 47 Aditi with her sons came or manifested herself for the upholding." The Vedic immortality, it appears, requires stabilization in those states of consciousness and powers which have been ripened fruitfully; ...

... attack and divide, dveṣāṁsi ); let us go forward towards the Master of the sacrifice. Come, let us create the Thought, O friends, (obviously, the seven-headed Angiras-thought), which is the Mother (Aditi or the Dawn) and removes the screening pen of the Cow." The significance is clear enough; it is in such passages as these that the inner sense of the Veda half disengages itself from the veil of the... whereby the Navagwas chanted the hymn for the ten months, Sarama going to the Truth found the cows, the Angiras made all things true. When in the dawning of this vast One (Usha representing the infinite Aditi, mātā devānām aditer anīkam ) all the Angirases came together with the cows (or rather, perhaps by the illuminations represented in the symbol of the cows or Rays); there was the fountain of these... we remember that the Sun represents the light of the superconscient or truth-conscious knowledge and the luminous ocean the realms of the superconscient with their thrice seven seats of the Mother Aditi, the sense of these symbolic expressions 2 will not be difficult to understand. It is the highest attainment of the supreme goal which follows upon the complete achievement of the Angirases, their ...


... rather as the Book of Works, karmakanda. 7 Aditi is considered, in the Veda, the original creatrix of the Universe, since she is the creative power of the supreme Divine who is the ultimate source and originator of the universe. In the Vedic yoga, Aditi has been regarded as the Divine Mother, and throughout the history of Indian culture, Aditi has retained that original character. In the... the Gita, we do not find the reference to the word Aditi but we have equivalent term, namely, Para Prakriti. In later developments, Aditi has also come to be known as Shakti, Mahashakti, Parashakti and as Parameshwari. In Sri Aurobindo's book. The Mother, four aspects of Aditi have been described, namely, those of Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. 8 The word intuition is often ...

... us Diti and protect Aditi" (RV. IV.2.11). The state of knowledge here is compared to the wide open levels of consciousness, which are also termed as the states of citti, and Ignorance, which is indicated by the word acitti, is described as a state of crookedness (vrjnā). The connection of Knowledge with Aditi and of Ignorance with Diti is also significant. Aditi refers to the power... non-Vedic ideas seemed to have played a role, recent studies made by Kapali Shastri and M.P. Pandit have traced the origin of the Tantric concept of Shakti to the Vedic concept and experience of Aditi, who has been described in the Veda as the Mother of the gods or the cosmic powers and beings of the Truth. Tantric philosophy and Tantric yoga have influenced both Jainism and Buddhism, and thus,... the following words: "They who entered into all things that bear right fruit formed a path towards the immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness and by the Great Ones, the mother Aditi with her sons came (or manifested herself) for the upholding" (RV 1.72.9). Commenting on this statement of Parashara, Sri Aurobindo states: "That is to say, the physical being visited by the ...


... the radiances of the supreme Day, the splendour and clarity of the inner illumination. But we see in the Veda that Aditi, the Mother of the gods, is described both as the Cow and as the general Mother; she is the Supreme Light and all radiances proceed from her. Psychologically, Aditi is the supreme or infinite Consciousness, mother of the gods, in opposition to Danu or Diti, 1 the divided consciousness... of the Mother. Usha as the mother of the cows can only be a form or power of this supreme Light, of this supreme Consciousness, of Aditi. And in fact, we do find her so described in I.113.19, mātā devānām aditer anīkam , "Mother of the gods, form (or, power) of Aditi". But the illumining dawn of the higher or undivided Consciousness is always the dawn of the Truth; if Usha is that illumining dawn... opens to us the closed door and admits to the heart of the Vedic knowledge. Page 137 × Not that the word Aditi is etymologically the privative of Diti; the two words derive from entirely different roots, ad and di . × ...


... their obstacles & smite apart their haters and lead them beyond all sin. Easy to travel & thornless is your path, O sons of Aditi, for him who travels to the Truth; here there is no pitfall in your way. That sacrifice which you lead, O strong sons of Aditi, (or O Purushas sons of Aditi,) by the Page 72 straight path, that goes forward to its place in the thought. That mortal moves unoverthrown... ancestors lifted so strenuous an aspiration of prayer and sacrifice. It occurs in the forty-first hymn of the Mandala, a hymn of the Page 71 Rishi Kanwa son of Ghora to the three children of Aditi, & covers six out of the nine slokas of the hymn. It is fortunately a sufficiently clear & easy hymn, except precisely in the three closing riks with which we are not now concerned; we have to pause... justified. The path of Truth, ritasya panthá sádhuyá, is suga anrikshara; there are no pitfalls or precipices in that road; for it is the road of the Adityas, the children of Light & Infinity, sons of Aditi, the Infinite Nature, brothers of Surya to whom belongs the revealed knowledge & the divine illumination. It is as we shall see in the next line the straight road rijuná pathá. Sugah panthá anrikshara ...


... These words by the force oblational of Agni I offer to the sons of Aditi who are for ever the Kings, words dripping with the richness; may Mitra hear us and Aryaman and Bhaga, Varuna born in strength and Daksha and Ansha. (2) May Mitra and Aryaman and Varuna with power today cleave to this my song of confirmation, the sons of Aditi pure, purified in the streams, who know not crookedness, who are freed... movements. (5) May we know, O ye sons of Aditi, this your manifestation which even in the fear, O Aryaman, createth the bliss; in your leading, O Mitra and Varuna, may I leave aside all stumblings even as a voyager avoideth pitfalls. (6) For easy of going is your path, O Aryaman, O Mitra; it is thornless and perfect in effectivity; on that path, O sons of Aditi, give us expression, work out for us a... le he taketh up his abode in the waters of the perfect pastures, increasing in wideness, perfect-energied; none smiteth him from near or from far who becometh in the leading of the sons of Aditi. (14) O Aditi, Mitra and Varuna, be lenient to whatever sin we have sinned against you; may we enjoy the wide Luminousness where fear is not, O Indra, let not the long darknesses come upon us. (15) Both ...


... नः of us or for us पुत्रा O Sons अदितेः of Aditi अदब्धा unvanquished अभि in relation to something क्षमध्वं are capable, able युज्याय for the enemy देवाः O Gods. प्र सीमादित्यो असृजद्विधर्ता ऋंत सिन्धवो वरूणस्य यन्ति । न श्राम्यन्ति न वि मुचन्त्येते वयो न पप्तू रघुया परिज्मन् ।।४।। प्र forward, in front सीम a bourne, limit; आदित्यो the son of Aditi विधर्ता who holds apart or variously ऋतं law... sky. O Varuna, our guide & leader, may we dwell in the peace of thee, of thee in the fullness of thy force & the wideness of thy aspiration. You, O ye sons of Aditi unvanquished, have strength, O gods, to combat for us the foe. The son of Aditi hath put forth a bourne, even he that holdeth things apart in their places, and the waters follow Varuna’s law; they weary not, neither do they leave flowing... Hymns of the Rigveda. इंद कवेरादित्यस्य स्वराजो विश्वानि सान्ति अभ्यस्तु मन्हा । अति यो मन्द्रो यजथाय देवः सुकीर्तिँ भिक्षे वरूणस्य भूरेः ।।१।। इदं this कवेर् of the sage आदित्यस्य the son of Aditi स्वराजो the self-ruling विश्वानि all शान्ति अभि about, or in relation to अस्तु let it be मन्हा । अति यो who मन्द्रो यजथाय देवः the god सुकीर्तिं भिक्षे I pray for वरुणस्य of Varuna भूरेः ।। तव व्रते ...


... "akśrāt parātah parah” (Supreme beyond the Immutable). 43 The words in the Veda, which correspond to Gita's parā prakrti, are mainly: "dhenu” (the Cow), "Aditi” (Original Indivisible Mother); those in the Upanishads are mainly: "Aditi”, as also "stree” "Uma", (the Woman, Uma, who guides Indra to discover the Supreme Lord). 44 These two concepts resolve the difficulties which are found in... nature that Page 61 we find in the Gita, — or rather the rediscovery, since this higher nature was already discovered in the Veda and also in the Upanishads and formulated in the concept of Aditi, the infinite Mother, — is central to the solution that Sri Krishna provides to Arjuna. Arjuna had come to the battlefield with the confident sense of the Right in regard to the role that he wanted... conceived as sacrifice of works combined with renunciation of desire, and combined also with attainment of the knowledge of the cosmic forces, cosmic beings, gods and goddesses, as also the knowledge of Aditi, Divine Mother, and of the Supreme Purusha that was conceived and experienced as Transcendental Originator of the universe. At the deeper level, the truth of sacrifice can best be seen in the Purusha ...

... Agomoni grew up, got married. Her daughter, Aditi, also grew up. One day Aditi came to Dada and told him: 'Dada, you've written a rhyme for my mother's birthday. Now you must write one for me as well.' Page 116 Almost twenty-nine years later Dada wrote a rhyme for Aditi to make her happy.) Aditi One morning Aditi expressed a wish A rhyme for her from me... With paper and pen I sit down to write. But what shall I write, no ideas in sight? My little sister I cannot disappoint, In seeing her happy our happiness is joint. The One we call Aditi in Heaven dwells, Is the Mother of gods twelve, everyone tells. As the Divine Mother adored by all, If Her you please, you'll never fall. When on this earth the Divine Mother came ...

... will be written down in golden letters on the pages of earth’s history. In that auspicious moment the Lord Himself revealed the Divine Mother Aditi and Aditi Herself revealed the Lord to us human beings. Sri Aurobindo announced in writing that She was Mother Aditi and the Mother announced in writing that He was the Lord and Avatar. What an incredible coincidence occurred on the earth! The two unveiled... Champaklal. Champaklal would very much like you to write over the white lotus and me to write over the red lotus.” Sri Aurobindo smiled a sweet, gentle smile. Then saying a soft “umm…” he wrote: Aditi The Divine Mother He wrote under the red lotus: To Champaklal With blessings Sri Aurobindo 2.2.40 After writing this Sri Aurobindo looked at Champaklal and gently smiled... distributed this painting to all of us on an important occasion. And that is how we came to know about the significance of the red and white lotus. I can picture before my eyes Sri Aurobindo writing Aditi The Divine Mother and the Mother watching this being written. Then the Mother writing The Avatar Sri Aurobindo and Sri Aurobindo watching the Mother writing this. What an u ...


... in English, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam, Oriya, French. (Mira Aditi Centre, Mysore) * BANDE MATARAM THE KARMAYOGIN THE SECRET OF THE VEDA ESSAYS ON THE GITA THE FOUNDATIONS OF INDIAN CULTURE (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry) SELECTED BIOGRAPHIES (Mira Aditi Centre, Mysore) SRI AUROBINDO OR THE ADVENTURE OF CONSCIOUSNESS... MOTHER Satprem I - The Divine Materialism II - The New Species III - The Mutation of Death * MOTHER'S AGENDA- 1951-1973, 13 volumes Mira Aditi Centre - 62 'Sriranga', 2 nd Main, 1" Cross, T. K. Layout, Saraswatipuram - Mysore 570 009 - India COLLECTION VANDE MATARAM Already Published BANDE MATARAM Bankim ...


... Mandala Four SUKTA 18 Aditi to Indra (1). “This is the path of old discovered over again by which all the gods rose up and were born. Even by this path must thou be born in thy increase; go not out by that to turn thy mother to her fall.” Indra to Aditi (2). “Not by this path must I go out, for hard it is to tread; let me go out... of it as if a sin and she hid him in her secret being overflowing with might. Then himself he rose up wearing light for a robe and in his birth he filled earth and heaven. Page 265 Aditi to the poet (6). Behold these waters go murmuring on their way; yea, they cry out together as those who have the truth. Ask of them what is it that they say, what encircling mountain the waters ...


... Aditi, the infinite consciousness. Mother of all things. × With the all-embracing vision of the supramental infinite consciousness. × Aditi; her dark state or black form is... Of the rays of the divine Sun of Truth. × The milk of the Cow, Aditi. × The all-creating and self-sufficing Supermind high and remote and separated in our consciousness ...


... Page 33 Aditi. This Vast is the Truth which supports the fifth world, the supreme triple world, which in the later development yoga came to be regarded as a triple world of Sachchidananda those highest steps or seats, which are also described as the seats of Agni (sadāmsi), or three highest steps, padāni, of Vishnu, or those supreme Names of the Mother, the Cow, Aditi. Turiyam svid... l Truth, Right and Vast and to the indescribable Joy, Delight and Ecstasy. The cosmic beings, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman and Bhaga, are addressed in the Veda as solar powers ( Adityas ) and as Sons of Aditi, the infinite and undivided Power and Will of the supreme Reality. "O Sons of Infinite, effect for us the fearless peace, make us good paths of an easy going to the felicity." 24 "Easy of going to ...

... path which leads to immortality. They who entered into all things that bear right fruit formed a path towards immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness and by the Great Ones, the mother Aditi with her sons came (or, manifested herself) for the upholding' (1.72.9). The meaning of these cryptic verses is that the physical being is visited by the greatness of the infinite planes above and by... power of the great godheads who reign on those planes. This breaks the limits of the physical being, which opens out to the Light and is upheld in its new wideness by the infinite Consciousness, mother Aditi, and her sons, the divine powers of the supreme Deva or Lord. This was the meaning of Vedic immortality. There are also references in the second hymn of the fourth Mandala to the seven divine seers... he the knower discern perfectly the Knowledge and the Ignorance, the wide levels and the crooked that shut in mortals; and, O God, for a bliss fruitful in offspring, lavish on us Diti and protect Aditi. Rig Veda IV.2.11 Now as the seven seers of Dawn, the Mother, the supreme disposers (of the sacrifice), may we beget for ourselves the gods; may we become the Angirasas, sons of Heaven, ...


... the following words: "They who entered into all things that bear right fruits formed a path towards the immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness and by the Great Ones, the mother Aditi with her sons came or, manifested herself for the upholding." 51 Commenting on this, Sri Aurobindo states: "That is to say, the physical being, visited by the greatness of the infinite... infinite planes above and by the power of the great godheads who reigned on those planes breaks its limits, opens out to the Light and is upheld in its new wideness by the infinite Consciousness, mother Aditi and her sons, the divine Powers of the supreme Deva. This is the Vedic immortality." 52 Upanishads also speak of immortality, and when we study these great books of profound masters of spiritual... Infinite Existence, but also the ideal of sādharmya mukti, the liberation and perfection of the lower nature of life and mind by infusion into it of the divine nature, the Para Prakriti, — the divine Aditi of the Veda. The Tantrik yoga has also developed methods of far richer spiritual conquest that would enable the seeker to embrace the whole life in his divine scope as the cosmic Plane of the Divine ...


... immortality in the following words: 'They who entered into all things that bear ripe fruit, formed a path towards immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness and by the Great Ones, the Mother Aditi with Page 46 her sons came (or, manifested herself) for the upholding.'* (Rgveda 1.72.9). Commenting on this, Sri Aurobindo states: 'That is to say, the physical being visited by... infinite planes above and by the power of the great godheads who reigned on those planes breaks its limits, opens out to the Light and is upheld in its new wideness by the infinite consciousness, Mother Aditi and Her sons, the divine Powers of the supreme Deva. This is the Vedic immortality.' ( The Secret of the Veda, pp. 191-92). The Upanishads also speak of immortality, and as we study these... extended into sādharmyamukti, the liberation and perfection of the lower nature of life, body and mind by infusion into it of the divine nature, the parā Prakriti, which is evidently the divine Aditi of the Veda. The Tantric Yoga has developed methods for a richer spiritual conquest that would enable the * ā ye viśvā svapatyāni tasthuh krnvānāso amrtatvāya gātum; mahnā mahadbhih ...

... immortality in the following words: "They who entered into all things that bear ripe fruit formed a path towards immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness and by the Great Ones, the Mother Aditi with her sons came (or manifested herself) for the upholdings." 1 Page 294 Commenting on this, Sri Aurobindo states: That is to say, the physical being visited by the greatness... infinite planes above and by the power of the great godheads who reigned on those planes breaks its limit, opens out to the Light and is upheld in its new wideness by the infinite Consciousness, Mother Aditi and her sons, the divine Power of the Supreme Deva. This is the Vedic immortality. 2 The Upanishads also speak of immortality, and as we study these great books of the profound masters of... extended into sadharmyamukti, the liberation and perfection of the lower nature of life, body and mind by infusion into it of the divine nature, the Para Prakriti - which is evidently the divine Aditi of the Veda. The Tantric Yoga has developed methods for a richer spiritual conquest that would enable the seeker to embrace the whole of Life in his divine scope as the cosmic Play of the Divine ...

... later stage, we shall begin to learn that the Jiva is the portion of the Supreme Lord, and the Jiva is the child ofAditi, who is his mother as she is also the mother of all that exists in the world. Aditi is also the mother of the gods. When one comes in contact with the inner flame, he comes to know also that that flame is immortal, and even when man dies that inner flame remains unextinguished... one also comes to know that gods are also immortal. Finally we find that everything in the world, all things, our Page 34 inner flame and inner flames of all, the Jivas and gods and Aditi have all come from one highest being. That being is immortal. That being is called Brahman because he is the essence of every thing; that Brahman is called Purusha because he originates every thing... Nachiketas also learnt the entire process of yoga. 1 He practiced yoga and reached the stage of complete purity. He then came to know the immortality of the inner flame, of the Jiva, of the Gods, and of Aditi. And thereafter he obtained God and realized immortality. This true story promises that anyone who finds a teacher as good as Yama and anyone who learns yoga and practices yogawill also have the ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Nachiketas

... Volume XIII 1972-1973 All the above works except those marked with an asterisk have also been published in English. All these works in French and English are available at: MIRA ADITI Centre 62 'Sriranga' IInd Main 1st Cross T.K Layout Saraswatipuram MYSORE - 570009 - INDIA Works of Satprem 1. Mother or the Divine Materialism (1980) (Vol. 1 of... the above books except those marked with an asterisk are translations from the original in French. The books marked with an asterisk are in French only. All these works are available at: MIRA ADITI Centre 62 'Sriranga' II"'1 Main 1st Cross T.K Layout Saraswatipuram MYSORE - 570009 - INDIA Some other works on Sri Aurobindo Amrita and Nolini Reminiscences (Ashram... Book Three in Mother's Chronicles (1989) Mirra-Sri Aurobindo, Book four in Mother's Chronicles (1995) This series is published by Institut de Recherches Evolutives, Paris, and Mira Aditi, Mysore. (Books Four to Seven are to be published in due course). Page 282 ...

... activities my stories will resemble the Arabian Nights! And I am not sure whether you children will begin to grasp or even enjoy the twists and turns of politics." "But we love the Arabian Nights!" said Aditi. "All right, I'll tell you my stories at the right time." "You mustn't omit anything, we want to hear the whole of them. Actually, how was it that you joined politics? We have heard that civil servants... would have done it. However, I needn't darken your little minds with details of their crooked wiles. The fact remains that I spent three nights in the lock-up." "And didn't you eat or sleep?" asked Aditi. "They did bring me a little bit of something, but it was absolutely inedible. And as for sleeping, there was the floor. "In the morning, I found that there were a few others who had been arrested... story. So I can tell it to you now. "I don't quite remember when it happened, but we used to live in the Guest House then, in what is now called the 'Dortoir Annexe'." "That's where I live," said Aditi. "And that's where we Green Group children play, in the courtyard after our Group activities," added Aloka. "I really love that part of the day. I feel the happiest then. There are innumerable ...

... ratnani; the seven flames, tongues of rays of Agni, sapta arcisah, sapta jvalah; the seven forms of the Thought- principle, sapta dhitayah; the seven Rays or Cows, forms of the Cow, unslayable, Aditi, mother of the gods, sapta gavah; the seven rivers, the seven mothers of fostering cows, septa matarah, sapta dhenavah, a term applied indifferently to the Rays and the Rivers. All these sets of... man's communication with the divine powers that surround him outwardly as well as inwardly. The difference in the language of the Veda and that of the Upanishads is marked: where we have Agni, Indra, Aditi, Surya etc. in the Veda, in the latter we have Jnana, Satya, Brahma, Prakriti, Atma, but still as Sri Aurobindo has pointed out in his foreword to the " Hymns to the Mystic Fire, " there are passages... like (VI. 1. 9. Brihad) and then " The Sun is the offering holy wood for the sacrifice, so also " the year is the offering wood." Also Chhando 1.4 )" That Sun - the son of Aditi - is the honey of the Gods " where the Sun and Honey both are openly symbolic. The opening verse of the Brihadaranyaka shows not only that sacrifice was symbolic but that the universe ...

... सं वो मदासो अग्मतेन्द्रेण च मरुत्वता । आदित्येभिश्च राजभिः ॥५॥ 5) The raptures of the wine come to you entirely, to you with Indra companioned by the Maruts and with the Kings, the sons of Aditi. उत त्यं चमसं नवं त्वष्टुर्देवस्य निष्कृतम् । अकर्त चतुरः पुनः ॥६॥ 6) And this bowl of Twashtri new and perfected you made again into four. ते नो रत्नानि धत्तन त्रिरा साप्तानि सुन्वते... outward movement and action,—by the Ribhus. The fostering cow herself is she of the universal forms and universal impetus of movement, viśvajuvaṁ viśvarūpām , in other words she is the first Radiance, Aditi, the infinite Consciousness of the infinite conscious Being which is the mother of the worlds. That consciousness is brought out by the Ribhus from the veiling movement of Nature and a figure of her... which they win by their works and bring with them to man in his sacrifice. And with them come and sit Indra and the Maruts, the divine Mind and its Thought-forces, and the four great Kings, sons of Aditi, children of the Infinite, Varuna, Mitra, Aryaman, Bhaga, the purity and vastness of the Truth-consciousness, its law of love and light and harmony, its power and aspiration, its pure and happy enjoyment ...


... pure mind—to the wide, the Vast which is the basis, the foundation ( budhna ) of the infinite consciousness, Aditi. This Vast is the Truth which supports the supreme triple world, those highest steps or seats ( padāni, sadāṁsi ) of Agni, of Vishnu, those supreme Names of the Mother, the Cow, Aditi. The Vast or Truth is declared to be Page 118 the own or proper seat or home of Agni, svaṁ damam... as here upon the earth. They are figured as fostering cows ( dhenavaḥ ), mares ( aśvāḥ ), they are called sapta vāṇīḥ , the seven Words of the creative goddess Vak,—Speech, the expressive power of Aditi, of the supreme Prakriti who is spoken of as the Cow just as the Deva or Purusha is described in the Veda as Vrishabha or Vrishan, the Bull. They are therefore the seven strands of all being, the seven ...


... creative and illuminative solar form. Surya Savitri is the Creator. According to the Truth of things, in the terms of the Ritam, the worlds are brought forth from the divine consciousness, from Aditi, goddess of infinite being, mother of the gods, the indivisible consciousness, the Light that cannot be impaired imaged by the mystic Cow that cannot be slain. In that creation, Varuna and Mitra, Aryaman... creative enjoyment; he takes the delight of the creation, takes the delight of all that is created. It is the Maya, the formative wisdom of Varuna, of Mitra that disposes multitudinously the light of Aditi brought by the Dawn to manifest the worlds. In their psychological function these four gods represent the same principles working in the human mind, in the human temperament. They build up in man... sense in the word sava , "loosing forth", used of the creation, and the sacrifice, the libation of the Soma,—men stand absolved from sin and blame by the Ananda, anāgaso , blameless in the sight of Aditi, fit for the undivided and infinite consciousness of the liberated soul. The Ananda owing to that freedom is capable of being in them universal. They are able to hold by their thought all things of ...


... × Here the connection between Fire and Ray-Cow and Aditi comes out; so also the psychological nature of the clarified butter and its connection with the vision of the Sun. Who is this cow that "cannot be slain" if not the cow aditi —the Infinite Mother—the supreme Divine Consciousness creative of the cosmos, of the gods and the demons, of... × Or, for the riches with the fair offspring, × Diti and Aditi, the divided and the undivided Consciousness, the Mother of division and the Indivisible Mother. × ...


... a, (Ananda uniting Sat & Chit), holding in its absolute unity the dual Principle (He & She, Sa and Sâ) and the fourfold Principle, OM with its four states as one. Third Absolute—    Aditi - M [the Mother]. Aditi is the indivisible consciousness force and Ananda of the Supreme; M, its living dynamis, the supreme Love, Wisdom, Power. Adya-Shakti of the Tantra = Parabrahman Fourth Absolute—Parameswara... the Tantra Page 1349 The Manifestation I First Absolute—    The concealed Avyakta Supreme, self-involved Sachchidananda, Parabrahman (Parameswaraiswari) Second Absolute—Aditi-M. containing in herself the Supreme. The Divine Consciousness, Force, Ananda upholding all the universes—Para Shakti, Para Prakriti, Mahamaya (yayedam dhâryate jagat). Third Absolute—    The Eternal ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Varuna release us, to whom Shunahshepa has called in his fear of the wrathful and violent Being. (13) Shunahshepa in fear of the Being wrathful and violent and bound against the Sun (? O son of Aditi) to the three pillars of the sacrifice, him may Varuna the King release, may the Knower unvanquished loose from him his bonds. (14) We deprecate thy disregard, O Varuna, by submissions and sacrifices... Empire. (11) Therefore he sees with understanding all wonderful things; he looks with knowledge on the things that have been done and on those that are yet to be accomplished. (12) The son of Aditi, the strong One who has all mightinesses set us on the good path, he carried our lives across safe to their goal. (13) Varuna weareth his golden robe and hath taken upon him a form and many clearnesses... strength and we prevail and overcome. This let Mitra and Varuna and the Mother Infinite magnify in me and the great River and Earth and Heaven. SUKTA 106 (1) Indra and Mitra and Varuna and Agni and Aditi and the Marut host we call to increase us. O bountiful Vasus, carry us beyond out of all the evil like a chariot out of a difficult place. (2) O sons of the infinite Mother, come to us for an un ...


... human race), Vāyu (the wind god) and the god of fire. He constitutes (all) created beings, he is the life breath (of the universe), the source of the seasons, the store house of light, an offspring of Aditi, the progenitor (of all), the Page 214 sun-god, the courser in the heavens, the nourisher (of all), the possessor of rays, the golden, the brilliant, the one whose energy constitutes the... lifeless cosmic egg, all pervading and the cause of the creation, preservation and destruction of the universe. He is blissful by nature, the ruler of all, the bringer of day and the Teacher. A son of Aditi, he bears the fire of dissolution in his womb, is bliss personified and all enveloping (like space), the destroyer of cold, the lord of the heavens, the disperser of darkness, a master of the three... (you) the giver of victory, hail to (you) the joy born of victory! Hail to (you) the god having tawny horses (yoked to your chariot). Hail, hail to you with thousands of rays! Hail hail to you, son of Aditi! (17) Hail to (you) the subduer of the senses, the valiant one! Hail to you as denoted by the mystic syllable OM! Hail to (you) the awakener of the lotus! Hail to you, the fierce one! (18) Hail (to ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... X wants the handbills advertising his books to be enclosed in the copies of Aditi and thus sent to all subscribers of Aditi . If you approve of it, we shall send the handbills along with the April issue. The handbills I am enclosing are samples for you to see. Are you in the habit of putting handbills in Aditi ? Otherwise I do not see why you should begin with these. My love and blessings ...

... about your decision to first take up the printing of C's book and said that in your opinion it did not matter if the publication of the periodical Aditi was delayed. I must say I failed to see any sincerity in his argument. I know about his anti-Aditi attitude and his pro-C inclination. I felt definitely irritated listening to him. I aspire for the guidance of the Witness status. My dear child... child, The witness has only one thing to tell you in connection with this affair: "Look carefully, very carefully and honestly, inside yourself and you are bound to find a strongly pro-- Aditi [view] and, as a consequence of the present circumstances, an anti-C attitude." [It is only] when we are spontaneously [free from] preferences that we can see fully the truth of things and of events. ...

... powers leads to the conversion of human nature into universality of divine nature. Gods are the guardians and increasers of the Truth, the powers of the Immortal, the sons of the Infinite Mother, Aditi. Man arrives at immortality by calling the gods into himself by means of a connecting sacrifice, by surrender. This leads to the breaking of the limitations not only of his physical self but also of... usrah. 4 He declares again, "They who entered into all things that bear right fruit formed a path towards the immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness and by the great Ones, the Mother Aditi, with her sons, came for the upholding."5 These and other statements give us the clue to what the Vedic Rishis meant by immortality. When the physical being is visited by the greatness of the... infinite planes above and by the power of the great godheads, who reign on those planes, breaks its limits, opens out to the Light and is upheld in its new wideness by the infinite Consciousness, Mother Aditi and her sons, the divine powers of the supreme Deva - then one realises immortality. Again, Veda makes a distinction between the state of Knowledge and the state of Ignorance (cittim acittim ...


... concepts of Purusha, Aditi, Mahat and several psychological principles such as those of buddhi, manas, and others. But while the Vedic and Upanishadic concept of Purusha is integral in the sense that it included or cohered with the concepts of Brahman and Ishwara, the Sankhyan concept of Purusha is trenchant and even exclusive. Similarly, while the concept of the Vedic and Upanishadic Aditi is integral in... both inactive and active and even beyond, the Sankhyan Purusha who was conceived as a pure conscious Being is immobile, immutable and self-luminous. Prakriti in the Sankhya is not conscious, whereas Aditi, Maya, Prakriti, Shakti are in the Veda and the Upanishads conscious. In the Sankhya, while Prakriti is the Unconscious Energy and its processes, Purusha, the Conscious one, does nothing, but it reflects ...


... dhardh, waters of the Truth. They are figured as fostering cows, dhenavah, mares, asvah, they are called Sapta Vanih, the seven words of the creative goddess Vak, speech, the expressive power of Aditi. They are thus the seven streams or currents or forms of movement of the one conscious existence. Next, we are told that it is the Agni which is secret in the earth's growths, oshadhis, and has to... (iv) In the coming of the supramental Light, rita chit, by the arrival of the Dawn, Usha, and by the rising of the Sun, Savitri, and by the help of the shining Mother of the herds, go, dhenu, aditi, to transform all our existence. For so comes to us the possession of the Truth, satya, rita; by the Truth one reaches the admirable surge of the Bliss, madhu, soma; and in the Bliss is found the... gatum, and explains: "They who entered into all things that bear right fruit formed a path towards the immortality; earth stood wide for them by the Greatness and by the Great Ones, the mother aditi with her sons came for the upholding." 23 Vamadeva also declares the same experience and realisation in the following words: "Vanished the darkness, shaken in its foundation; Heaven ...


... powers leads to the conversion of human nature into universality of divine nature. The gods are the guardians and increasers of the Truth, the powers of the Immortal, the sons of the Infinite Mother, Aditi. Man arrives at immortality by calling of the gods into himself by means of a connecting sacrifice, by surrender. This leads to the breaking of the limitations not only of his physical self but also... ketum usrah. 6 He declares again: "They who enter into all things that bear right fruit formed a path towards the immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness by the Great Ones, the Mother Aditi, with her sons came for the upholding". 7 These and other statements give us the clue of what the Vedic Rishis meant by immortality. When the physical being is visited by the greatness of the... infinite planes above and by the power of the great godheads who reign on those planes breaks its limits, opens out to the Light and is upheld in its new wideness by the infinite Consciousness, Mother Aditi, and her sons, the divine powers of the supreme Deva, —then one realises immortality. Veda makes a distinction between the state of Knowledge Page 85 and the state of Ignorance, (chittim ...


... "There are no repairing facilities here, I would have to get it done in Gingee." The mechanic removed the wheel and took me along to Gingee in a rickshaw. Aditi remained behind. When we returned after repairing the puncture, I saw Aditi had in the meantime got together some young children of the area and was playing Hopscotch with them on the roadside. We gave some money to the mechanic... p." On another occasion we went to Pannamalai, aboul 40 to 42 miles from the Ashram. There is an ancient Pallava temple on the hill. We visited it and saw everything there. Savitri's sister Aditi was with me. From Pannamalai we went to Gingee fort, about 25 miles from there. On the way our motorbike had a puncture. This was rather annoying. We had neither a spare tube nor the ...


... strength and weakness, joy and suffering.. .Thus is the divine creation of the fourfold Savitri founded on Varuna, combined and guided by Mitra, achieved by Aryaman, enjoyed in Bhaga: Aditi the infinite Mother realises herself in the human being by the birth and works of her glorious children. 50   Although at first the references to the various, the numerous, divinities... antinomy between the Light and the Darkness, the Truth and the Falsehood has its roots in an original cosmic antinomy between the illumined Infinite and the darkened finite consciousness. Aditi the infinite, the undivided, is the mother of the Gods, Diti or Danu, the division, the separative consciousness the mother of the Titans; therefore the gods in man move towards light... in all his splendour in the company of Savitri, while the shades of Night and Death retreat and disappear.         The essence of the Vedic drama of imprisonment, struggle and release is that Aditi the infinite consciousness is, "espoused and held by the lower creative power which works through the limited mind and body", but is ultimately, "delivered from this subjection by the force of the divine ...


... consciousness, full of ignorance and of stumbling in our will and in our acts. Light is the coming of the illumined higher consciousness which leads to Truth and to Light. Usha is a power of Aditi. Aditi means the power of the Supreme Infinite Consciousness, Mother of the Gods, according to the Veda. In a more general aspect, she is the source of all cosmic forms of consciousness. The dawn is the... the source of all the cosmic forms of consciousness from the physical upwards. Usha is the Mother of the Cows and she can only be a power of the supreme light, the light of the Supreme Consciousness, Aditi. Non-existence of the truth of things is the first aspect of things that emerges from the inconscient ocean, and its darkness is a Vedic night which holds the worlds and their unrevealed potentialities ...


... inexhaustible, tender stillness and silence pervading the air? If Lord of the Universe I call thee, Ah then, so far dost thou seem to me! Experiencing the Mother in her Maheshwari aspect or Aditi made us feel very faraway indeed since we were so used to knowing Her as our friend and comrade. Like the five Pandavas who had always known Sri Krishna as their friend, we had the same rapport with... the others looked up to Sri Krishna as an Avatar, Nolini-da, Amrita-da, Pavitra-da, Andréda, Nirod-da, Dyuman-da, Purani-ji and so many other senior sadhaks always looked upon the Mother as Mother Aditi Herself, as Maheshwari. Whenever the Mother called out Pavitrada’s name he would at once answer the call with the greatest humility and obedience. As soon as André-da entered the Tennis Court, the Mother... so detached from the world even though they respected all the rites and rituals of a Hindu family. She had understood at the very first glimpse of the Mother during the darshan that She was Mother Aditi herself. The Mother had heard her call. The same thing happened in the life of my Mejo-mashima [second maternal aunt]. In 1972 she came with the ‘Pathmandir’ group and went to the Mother’s room for ...


... becoming may we become you, O Heaven and Earth," sanema mitrāvaruṇā sananto, bhavema dyāvāpṛthivī bhavantaḥ . This is evidently the sense that we are to possess and become the infinities or children of Aditi, the godheads, Page 189 aditayaḥ, ādityāso . Mitra and Varuna, we must remember, are powers of Surya Savitri, the Lord of the Light and the Truth. And the third verse runs, "May the Angirases... which is evidently the same as that wide being or world which, according to Kanwa, men create when they slay Vritra and pass beyond heaven and earth; it is the vast Truth and the infinite being of Aditi. "In the level wideness they meet together and unite their knowledge (or, know perfectly) and strive not together; they Page 197 diminish not (limit not or hurt not) the workings of the ...


... dissolved at death into its principle, ether; it is the mental being that appears to be born and reborn, but in reality birth and death are merely semblances and operations of Nature,—of Aditi full of the gods, Aditi devatāmayī ; the spirit is really one in all bodies and is neither born nor dies. Nachiketas in the Katha Upanishad raises the question whether the man as we know and conceive him really ...


... the pure energy which distributes them to the proper centres. आदित्यान् .. तान् हि. Hi is here simply emphatic, not causal & the tan refers back to देवा of the last line. The Adityas, sons of Aditi, the infinite existence in the paravat, parardha or higher being of man & the world. उश्मसि. The word is from the root उश् and must therefore mean "desire, wish, yearning out, aspiration". But... those Asuric forces which are opposed to our divine growth & manifestation. The दुःशंसाः are those who are identified with self-division & self-limitation, the sons of Diti who stand in the way of Aditi or infinite being & oppose the शंस referred to in the last verse. जहि is, in the usage of later Sanscrit, the imperative of हन् but in origin it is evidently the imperative of ज to slay, strike ...


... India's agelong prohibition of cow-slaughter. The Mother of the Gods, Aditi, the Infinite Consciousness, gets the title "Cow unslayable", pointing to her immortal nature, the epithet "unslayable" was caught hold of by later commentators and interpreted as forbidding the slaughter of cows. Actually, it is used as a distinguishing mark of Aditi from cows that are slayable. Modern researchers like our own Sankalia ...


... And by a coincidence which yet seemed most natural, the voice identified itself as "Aditi"! The grandest conception in the Rigveda - greater than that of Mitra-Varuna or Indra-Agni or Surya-Soma - is the one in which the Rishis bring close to our souls from a rapturous all-ruling remoteness the Mother of the Gods: Aditi, the personification of the Illimitable, the Ultimate. Appropriate here would be those ...


... mares (aśvah), they are called sapta vānīh, the seven Words of the creative Vak - Speech, the expressive power of Aditi..." 9 And when we come to Aditī we reach one of the greatest conceptions of the Vedic religion. For, above all goddesses and above all gods stands Aditi, the infinite Consciousness and Force, Mother of every god whom the Rigveda throws into relief and who even in that relief ...


... 1. 72.9. Page 141 "They who entered into all things that bear right fruits formed a path towards immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness and by the Great Ones, mother Aditi, with her sons manifested herself for the upholding." This is an extremely important Statement, and it underlines the fact that the Vedic Rishis achieved their goal, not by escaping from life... power of the great godheads who reign on those planes. At that stage, the physical being exceeds-its limits, opens out to the Light, and is upheld in its new wideness by infinite consciousness (mother Aditi), and her sons, the divine Powers of the Supreme Deva. There are further details of the path. There is, first, the emphasis on aspiration. This aspiration is the fire of our inmost being. It ...


... path of truth and that this path is built by man's expansion into cosmic consciousness and by his interchange with cosmic powers who enable him to reach the Supreme creative consciousness, mother Aditi, who is one with the original substance, the Supreme Triple Reality. As Rishi Parashara explains: "Our fathers broke open the firm and strong places by their words, yea, the Angirasas broke open... the path which leads to immortality. "They who enter all things that bear right fruits form a path towards the immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness and by Great Ones, the mother Aditi with her sons came (or, manifested herself) for the upholding."² The secret of the interchange between man and the cosmic powers, which are called Devas in the Vedas, is the inner sacrifice of ...


... That Reality, the deva, is the Friend and Lover of man, the pastoral Master of the Herds, who gives us the sweet milk and the clarified butter from the udder of the shinning cow of the infinitude, Aditi. This deva is to be found by the soul of man who soars as the Bird, -the Hamsa, passes the shinning firmaments of physical and mental consciousness, climbs as a traveller and fighter beyond earth... Vishnu, the all-pervading godhead; and Shiva and Rudra, the mighty, who breaks down all defective formations and who is also the supreme healer. There are also female energies, among whom Aditi, infinite mother of the gods, comes first, and there are five powers of truth-consciousness: mahi or bharati vast word; Ila, the power of revelation; Saraswati, the power of inspiration; Sarama ...


... Institute for Evolutionary Research (13 Volumes). For distribution in India: Mira Aditi Centre, Mysore. Satprem. Mother. 3 Volumes: I The Divine Materialism, II The New Species, III The Mutation of Death. Paris: Institute for Evolutionary Research For distribution in India: Mira Aditi Centre, Mysore. Page 317 Pictures credit — Mayaura, Auroville: p ...


... Mother, My friend B is helping me in the gatekeeping work regularly. I also want to take his help in keyboarding for Aditi and other Hindi publications. Once I got your approval for it, but R did not like it, so he could not be trained. Now as the work on the August issue of Aditi is soon to begin, I want B to be trained and become helpful. Your sanction is required. First I must know, trained ...

... move out of its original unified status and move abroad and away, as it liked. Thus the Supreme saw himself as his own power of self-manifestation, and that is the Mother Consciousness, Adya Shakti, Aditi—consciousness-power, who again in her forward creative urge expressed herself in the first four major Emanations (Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Maha-saraswati). But this free urge, free to... very opposite of consciousness. It was a dead silence, more silent than Death and more dead than Silence itself. And it was utter helplessness and hopelessness. . The Divine Consciousness —Aditi—saw the terrible line of destiny that freedom had taken and ended in: she could stand it no longer and a cry went out for succour, for help. And the Page 20 answer came immediate ...

... like the God of Life, they bestow as the right impulsions break forth, life's energies; and these he enjoys who has the immortal drink purified. [18] O Mother of the gods, the very Army of Aditi, the flaming             knowledge of sacrifice, shine forth in thy vastness.   Page 131 O Creator of the perfect expression, manifest yourself in us for the... [19]   The varied work which Dawns bring forward for him who accomplishes the sacrifice, who gives the perfect expression- that is the Supreme Good, That may Mitra and Varuna, and Aditi, and the waters and Earth and Heaven protect for us. [20]       HYMN TO THE SUN   Rishi Dirghatama   (Rig-Veda – Mandala I, Sukta 164) ...

... On The Mother PART THREE ADITI Aditi for protection: the builder of Karma Yogins; the ageless, the Consort of Truth; manifold her strength; she our sure refuge encompasses the Vast: perfect is her ministry. (Yajur Veda, 21.5.) Page 499 The Mother CHAPTER 36 Her Lonely Strength ...


... Bring to our country, India, unity, make Her one, O Lord.” I still utter the same prayer regularly. Will not the Lord fulfil our prayer? We love the Mother. We have all felt Her, sometimes as Mother Aditi Herself, sometimes as Maheshwari, at other times as Mahakali, Mahalakshmi or as Maha-saraswati. Standing next to a fire, how can our body not be touched by its warmth? And in spite of our untransformed... even occurred to us that this human body of the Mother, in whose protection we have been advancing on this difficult path, is in its every atom and in its very external form too, the body of Mother Aditi Herself. Being so close to the Mother we always looked upon the Mother physically as our best friend. But how immeasurably valuable this was, was revealed to us one day by the Mother Herself in the ...


... Aurobindo And under the white lotus she wrote: To Champaklal With blessings to my dear child 2.2.40 Mother Aditi The Divine Mother With a beautiful affectionate smile Sri Aurobindo said: “Umm.” Then he wrote above the white lotus: Aditi The Divine Mother And under the red lotus he wrote: To Champaklal With blessings 2.2.40 Sri Aurobindo Then Mother told ...

... ratnāni ; the seven flames, tongues or rays of Agni, sapta arciṣaḥ, sapta jvālāḥ ; the seven forms of the Thought-principle, sapta dhītayaḥ ; the seven Rays or Cows, forms of the Cow unslayable, Aditi, mother of the gods, sapta gāvaḥ ; the seven rivers, the seven mothers or fostering cows, sapta mātaraḥ, sapta dhenavaḥ , a term applied indifferently to the Rays and to the Rivers. All these sets... planes as we would now call them and formulating Matter-mind, if we may so call it, nervous mind, pure mind, truth-mind and so on to the highest summit, paramā parāvat . The seven rays or cows are Aditi the infinite Mother, the Cow unslayable, supreme Nature or infinite Consciousness, pristine source of the later idea of Prakriti or Shakti,—the Purusha is in this early pastoral imagery the Bull, Vrishabha ...


... অপরিতেক্ত হেইয়া Hymn 44 (1) Dadhikra first of you (or for you) I call, the Aswins, Dawn & Agni kindled high & Bhaga for my increase; Indra & Vishnu & Pushan, Brahmanaspati & the sons of Aditi, Earth & Heaven & the waters & Swar. अपः waters or the Antariksha? (2) Let us awaken by adoration Dadhikra & impel him upward; let us approach the sacrifice & seating Ila the goddess on the seat... cleaving & clinging. (4) Dadhikra, first & full of strength & action, appeareth in front of the chariots (the movements of Delight) consciously perceiving, one in knowledge with Surya & the sons of Aditi & the Vasus & the Angiras (with the divine illumination & the gods of the infinite Being & the lords of Substance & the lords of Puissance). अंगिरस् here evidently a class of gods. (5) May Dadhikra ...


... path which leads to immortality, "They who entered into all things that bear right fruit formed a path towards immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness and by the Great Ones, the mother Aditi with her sons came (or, manifested herself) for the upholding" (1.72.9). The meaning of these cryptic verses is that the physical being is visited by the greatness of the infinite planes above and by... power of the great godheads who reign on those planes. This breaks the limits of the physical being, which opens out to the Light and is upheld in its new wideness by the infinite Consciousness, mother Aditi, and her sons, the divine powers of the supreme Deva or Lord. This was the meaning of Vedic immortality. Page 53 There are also references in the second hymn of the fourth Mandala to the ...

... ( sah) that is one with Aditi, the Divine Mother; it is identified with the Immortality, the supreme triple Principle, the vast Existence ( vasu ) , Energy of Consciousness ( urja ), and Bliss ( Madhu). That Reality is unmoving; it is the oneness of the gods that manifest from that Reality. It is said: "The Unmoving is born as the Vast in the seat of the Cow (Aditi),....the vast, the mightiness ...

... move out of its original unified status and move abroad and away, as it liked. Thus the Supreme saw himself as his own power of self-manifestation, and that is the Mother Consciousness, Adya Shakti, Aditi – consciousness-power, who again in her forward creative urge expressed herself in the first four major Emanations (Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati). But this free urge, free to... was the very opposite of consciousness. It was a dead silence, more silent than Death and more dead than Silence itself. And it was utter helplessness and hopelessness. The Divine Consciousness – Aditi – saw the terrible line of destiny that freedom had taken and ended in: she could stand it no longer and a cry went out for succour, for help. And the answer came immediate, a ray shot down from the ...

... Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 Page 86 Agni WHEN Agni, the Flame awakes, all other gods awake – Vayu and Soma and Indra and AditiAditi, the Mother, one and indivisible, and the Word inviolate. All is burnt, burnt, burnt to ashes! It is the same, the Fire and the offering and the offerer; It is the same, the Energy ...

... infinite planes above and by the power of the great godheads who reign on those planes, breaks its limits, opens out to the Light and is upheld in its new wideness by the infinite Consciousness, Mother Aditi, and her sons, the divine powers of the Supreme Deva or the Divine Being. 61 The great attainments of the Vedic Rishis have been summarized by Sri Aurobindo in the following words: "They... 110 The Vedic synthesis was a synthesis of the Ultimate Reality that was at once 'tad ekam' (That One), the Deva, the supreme person, and also the source of cosmic forces and gods, the sons of Aditi. The Vedic synthesis was a synthesis of the Divine as the transcendental, cosmic, and individual. It was also a synthesis of seven planes of existence that provided the basis for linking Matter, Prithvi ...

... wrote on the top of the white lotus: Aditi The Divine Mother And below the red lotus: To Champaklal with blessings 2.2.40 SRI AUROBINDO After writing, he looked at me and gave a sweet smile. And on the top of the red lotus Mother wrote: The Avatar Sri Aurobindo Page 4 Aditi The Divine Mother ...


... of divine grace and beauty. In remembering Her, my entire consciousness sinks deep within my heart. At that time it seemed the most natural of thing, that life would go on in this way! When Mother Aditi Herself had descended upon the Earth, Her infinite Love would naturally be showered on us, Her children. This was our firm conviction. With small children the Mother would Herself become a child... Ashram and first offer this garland at Sri Aurobindo’s Feet. Those who have had the privilege of witnessing this marvellous scene are blessed. I am overjoyed just trying to imagine the scene. Mother Aditi Herself offering a garland of flowers at the Feet of the Supreme Purusha! And such an incident has taken place on our earth of ordinary dust. Blessed is our Mother Vasundhara and blessed are we human ...


... like the God of Life, they bestow as the right impulsions break forth, life's energies;     and these he enjoys who has the immortal drink purified. ( 18 ) O Mother of the gods, the very Army of Aditi, the flaming     knowledge of sacrifice, shine forth in thy vastness. O Creator of the perfect expression, manifest yourself in us for the sake of the supreme word:     O All-desirable, bring us... birth. ( 19 ) The varied work, which Dawns bring forward for him who accomplishes the sacrifice,     who gives the perfect expression — that is the Supreme Good, That may Mitra and Varuna, and Aditi, and the waters and Earth and Heaven protect us. ( 20 ) (Translation by Nolini Kanta Gupta) ...

... the God of life, they bestow as the right impulsions     break forth, life's energies;     and these he enjoys who has the Immortal drink purified. ( 18 ) O Mother of the gods, the very Army of Aditi,     the flaming knowledge of sacrifice, shine forth in thy vastness. O Creator of the perfect expression, manifest yourself in us for     the sake of the supreme word; O All-desirable, bring us... ( 19 ) The varied work, which Dawns bring forward for him     who accomplishes the sacrifice,     who gives the perfect expression — that is the Supreme Good, That may Mitra and Varuna, and Aditi, and the     waters and Earth and Heaven protect us. ( 20 ) (Translation by Nolini Kanta Gupta) कृष्णं नियानं हरयः सुपर्णा अपो वसाना दिवमुत्पतन्ति । त आववृत्रन् त्सदनादृतस्यादिद् घृतेन पृथिवी ...

... protector of all who are born in the sign. Indra (Zeus, Odin) protects the Ram, Agni (Moloch, Thor) the Bull, the Aswins (Castor & Pollux) the Twins, Upendra (Baal) the Crab, Varuna (Poseidon) the Lion, Aditi, called also Savitri or Sita (Astarte, Aphrodite) the Girl, Yama (Hades) the Balance, Aryama (Ares) the Scorpion, Mitra or Bhava (Apollo Phoebus) the Archer, Saraswati called also Ganga (Nais) the Crocodile ...


... the Veda Chapter XXII The Conquest over the Dasyus The Dasyus stand in opposition to both the Aryan gods and the Aryan seers. The Gods are born from Aditi in the supreme Truth of things, the Dasyus or Danavas from Diti in the nether darkness; they are the Lords of Light and the Lords of Night fronting each other across the triple world of earth, heaven ...


... existence to their utmost capacity and, exceeding these, create in their turn the higher worlds or planes. The higher existence is the divine, the infinite of which the shining Cow, the infinite Mother, Aditi, is the symbol; the lower is subject to her dark form Diti. The object of the sacrifice is to win the higher or divine being and possess with it and make subject to its law and truth the lower or human ...


... one's aspiration. Page 394 Mother, in your symbol the twelve petals signify the twelve inner planes, don't they? It signifies anything one wants, you see. Twelve: that's the number of Aditi, of Mahashakti. So it applies to everything; all her action has twelve aspects. There are also her twelve virtues, her twelve powers, her twelve aspects, and then her twelve planes of manifestation ...


... The poetic Truth of which I am speaking has nothing to do with any of these limitations. Truth, as she is seen by us in the end, is an infinite goddess, the very front and face of Infinity and Aditi herself, the illimitable mother of all the gods. This infinite, eternal and eternally creative Truth is no enemy of imagination or even of free fancy, for they too are godheads and can wear one of her ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... religion, for it brings in real soul-values, has by its limitation its own dangers. A spirit which is all life because it is greater than life, is rather the truth in which we shall most powerfully live. Aditi, the infinite Mother, cries in the ancient Vedic hymn to Indra the divine Power now about to be born in her womb, "This is the path of old discovered again by which all the gods rose up into birth, ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... the human in us from the divine, & to cross over from the human to the divine, from this small & divided finite to that one, great & infinite, from this death to that immortality, leaving Diti for Aditi, alpam for bhuma, martyam for amritam is the great preoccupation & final aim of Veda & Vedanta. We can now understand the intention of the Rishi in his last verse and the greatness of the climax ...


... ( gavaḥ ) and go ( gāvaḥ ) bear throughout the Vedic hymns this double sense of cows and radiances. In the ancient Indian system of thought being and consciousness were aspects of each other, and Aditi, infinite existence from whom the gods are born, described as the Mother with her seven names and seven seats ( dhāmāni ), is also conceived as the infinite consciousness, the Cow, the primal Light ...


... दिविष्टिषु while sharpening the Vajra 11 The Rodasi lighten in response to Indra 12 The eight footed word ऋतस्पृशं Creation of body & word Rodasi and Rita 77 2 ҫavasî as name of Aditi—Indra son of Çavas Aurnavabha Ahiҫuva 4 Three hundred lakes of Soma. 5 Gandharva. अबुध्नेषु रजःसु 6 Food taken out from the Mountains 7 Arrow of Indra & 11 Bow 8 Indra Ribhusthira ...


... in the Veda, राये expresses the purpose of the action रास्व & उरुष्य, दिति & अदिति are the fixed terms expressing in Diti the broken & divided consciousness ( bheda ) of the Avidya ( achittim ) & in Aditi the infinite unbroken consciousness of the Vidya. Sayana is driven to ignore the fixed sense of अदिति in the Veda, because he cannot see any other sense in उरुष्य except ward off, get rid of, protect ...


... ः । प्रति ब्रवो अदितये तुराय साधा दिवो जातवेदश्चिकित्वान् ॥ How to the strength of the Maruts that is true in its paths, how to Surya vast when he questioned thee? or what didst thou reply to Aditi & Tura? Know & perfect the heavens in us, O world-Knower. 9) ऋतेन ऋतं नियतमीळ आ गोर् आमा सचा मधुमत्पक्वमग्ने । कृष्णा सती रुशता धासिनैषा जामर्येण पयसा पीपाय ॥ By the truth I seek continually ...


... contradiction of the sukham making itself an ananda of asukham & ashivam. [13] March 1916 वाड्मनःकर्मभिः पत्यौ व्यभिचारो यथा न मे (स्यात्)—तथा विश्वंभरे देवि मामंतर्धातुमहर्सि ।। विश्वंभरा देवी = Aditi, अनंताभेदमयी चिच्छक्तिः तस्या एवांतः प्रतिष्ठां दातुं— A new brihattwa, deepening, intensifying and unification of Page 915 Titiksha, Udasinata & Nati with each other and all three with ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... ् समिध्यसे देवेभ्यो हव्यवाहन । आदित्यै रुद्रैर्वसुभिर्न आ गहि मृळीकाय न आ गहि ॥१॥ 1) Already kindled thou art kindled again for the gods, O carrier of the offering, come along with the sons of Aditi and with the Rudras and with the Shining Ones, come to us for grace. इमं यज्ञमिदं वचो जुजुषाण उपागहि । मर्तासस्त्वा समिधान हवामहे मृळीकाय हवामहे ॥२॥ 2) Accepting this sacrifice, this word ...


... Bliss of the supreme Consciousness. There are also female energies; for theDeva is bothMale and Female and the gods also are either activising souls or passively executive and methodising energies. Aditi, infinite Mother of the Gods, comes first; and there are besides five powers of the Truth-consciousness,—Mahi or Bharati, the vast Word that brings us all things out of the divine source; Ila, the strong ...


... GENERAL TRUTHS AND PERSONAL FACTS The One whom we call the Supreme is the utter Unmanifest. The creative Conscious Force of the Supreme is the Divine Mother in Her transcendent poise, Aditi, holding the Truths that have to be manifested out of the absolute Mystery. Through the transcendent Mother and by Her creativity the whole universe has taken birth. And when the Supreme manifests ...

... extension and organisation are not yet possible. Page 1263 31 January 1927 A day of relapse and resistance. 1 February 1927 The siddhi began to recover. A step forward in Darshana (Aditi holding Pᵃ-Pⁱ [Parameshwara-Parameshwari] in all living things, less vividly in all objects). This is not yet entirely universalised but it is increasing. Primary utthapana oppressed during the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... his friends nearer Sri Aurobindo, because that is the luminous stuff he is made of. My brother and I feel he is a beautiful Consciousness crystallised around a flame lit by Sri Aurobindo. ADITI VASISHTHA References 1. The Secret Splendour, p. 378. 2. Ibid., p. 6. . 3. Ibid., p. 9. 4. Ibid., p. 388. 5. Ibid., p. 459. 6. Ibid. ...


... member of the Divine Trimurti, makes this member a Vibhuti of his by saying: "Among the Adityas I am Vishnu..." (X. 21). Evidently, to Krishna the Adityas, solar sons of the Infinite Mother-Goddess Aditi, are a class of supernatural beings and Vishnu is its outstanding exemplar or Vibhuti. Like Rama the warrior, he occurs in the Gita's Vibhuti-chapter. All in all, the Gita's doctrine of Avatarhood ...


... SOME GENERAL TRUTHS AND PERSONAL FACTS The One whom we call the Supreme is the utter Unmanifest. The creative Conscious Force of the Supreme is the Divine Mother in Her transcendent poise, Aditi, holding the Truths that have to be manifested out of the absolute Mystery. Through the transcendent Mother and by Her creativity the whole universe has taken birth. And when the Supreme manifests ...

... with meticulous care and the Hari Krishna Mandir, which he later established in Pune, where these letters were enshrined, has now taken up this task of publishing them, with the collaboration of Mira Aditi. Of all the disciples of Sri Aurobindo, Dilip Kumar Roy was one to whom the Guru gave the utmost indulgence, possibly because he was ever aware of this disciple's utterly sensitive nature and lest ...

... the Mutation of Death, 1987. Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness (1984). On the Way to Supermanhood (1986). Sujata Nahar: Mother's Chronicles, 7 volumes (published by MIRA Aditi Centre, Mysore). Kireet Joshi: Sri Aurobindo and The Mother (published by Mother's Institute of Research and Motilal Banarsidass Pvt. Ltd.) Page 18 ...

... the supramental Light." 66 As in the Veda and in the Upanishad, so also in the Gita there is, Sri Aurobindo points out, the idea of the higher levels of knowledge of the supermind (rita-chit, Aditi, Shakti, Para Prakriti). But the road by which the lower nature can be transformed into the higher nature was found by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to be blocked, and it can be said that the mighty ...


... asked to go down into the darkness so that the light can come out of it, even they refused. They said: It is so dark, we shall not enter into it. It was then that the Gods saw in the Divine Mother, in Aditi (this is the Sanskrit name for Divine Mother) a special Light, something special, and they said: if that can be brought down, then it can bring back light into this darkness. That Light is the mystic ...

... infinite planes above and by the power of the great godheads who reign on those planes breaks its limits, opens out to the Light and is upheld in its new wideness by the infinite Consciousness, mother Aditi, and her sons, the divine Powers the supreme Deva. 1 It was the search of this victory that we find in the Kathopanishad when Nachiketas asks of Yama to reveal to him the meaning of immortality ...

... not pretend—be Do not promise—act Do not dream—realize * * * 1. India the Mother, A Selection from Mother's Words (Institut de Recherches Evolutives, Paris & Mira Aditi, Mysore), p. 119 Page 50 VALUE IN THE CONTEXT OF LEARNING D.P. CHATTOPADHYAYA PREFATORY Learning and education are a journey from the darkness to light, from ...

... 5.2), the experiences of the "boy suppressed in the secret cavern", of Kumara, of the immortal in the mortals, amartyeshu amritah. Immortality of the inmost soul derived from the immortality of Aditi, the Supreme Mother, who is one with the eternal and immortal Purusha, revealed in the Veda is described here in a less veiled language and with a very vivid figure of that soul as "no bigger than a ...


... transformation of the physical consciousness and fulfilled the work that Sri Aurobindo had given to her. 49 Vide., Mother's Agenda (Vols. 1-13), Institut de Recherches Evolutives, Paris & Mira Aditi, Mysore ; The Mother: Her Life and Work (A Brief Outline) The Mother (Mirra Alfassa) was bom in Paris on the 21st February, 1878. Her mother was Egyptian and her father was Turkish-both ...

... Ibid., Letters on Yoga, Vol. 22, pp. 326 - 353. 31 Vide., Ibid., pp. 351 - 53; vide also. The Life Divine, Vol. 19, pp. 733-4 32 Vide also Satprem, The Mind of the Cells, Mira Aditi and The Mother's Institute of Research, Delhi, 2002, pp. 138 - 67. 33 Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, SABCL, Pondicherry, 1971. Vol. 18,p.426. 34 Ibid., pp. 535 - 7. 35 Ibid., p. 539 ...

... 2 *** They who entered into all things that bear right fruit formed a path towards immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness of the Great Ones; the mother Aditi with her sons came for the upholding. Rig-Veda, 1.72.9 Page 37 ...

... between soul, intellect, mind and senses. The first chapter of the second cycle describes the complex relationship between the Supreme Reality, the divine creative Page 13 Mother (Aditi), the individual soul Jiva), and the inner soul, which is described poetically as 'no bigger than the thumb.' The second chapter of this cycle describes what happens to man after the death of his ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Nachiketas

... (Correspondence with Jagannath) Jagannath Vedalankar's Correspondence with The Mother 27 December 1948 Gracious Mother, A subscriber of Aditi wants to organise a Sri Aurobindo centre in his native village, Isharapur, in U.P. He writes thus: “Kindly ask the Mother if I can be allowed to conduct a centre for Sri Aurobindo’s work.” Yes. “I ...

... (Correspondence with Jagannath) Jagannath Vedalankar's Correspondence with The Mother 26 December 1946 Divine Mother, Aditya can be a useful hand for Aditi work because he is competent in Sanskrit and Hindi. He will joyfully spare some time for it with your blessing and sanction. He is fully busy in the Granary and I wonder how he could find time ...

... s or various forms of Wind, came into existence. We also know that Vayu is the life-energy and Indra is the divine mental being. Diti is the divided consciousness, the source of multiplicity. Aditi means the undivided, indivisible and infinite consciousness. When the wave of life-energy rises into the mind and expresses itself as multiple thoughts, it turns into Maruts. In the Rigveda the God ...

...         Savitri partly harks back to the Sun God who is addressed in a Vedic hymn "as the source of divine knowledge and the creator of the inner worlds", 24 and partly to the infinite Mother, Aditi, also with hoary Vedic associations; and above all to the creative inspiration behind Savitri in Sri Aurobindo's own metaphysics as outlined in The Life Divine and his dynamic psychology as set forth ...


... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 Index   ACHERON, 103 Aditi, 131-2 Adityas, the, 144­ Aesop, 21 Agastya, 74 Agni, 133, 138-40, 144 Ajdeb, 277 Algeria , 12 Amrita, 38, 192, 194 Andamans, the, II Androgyne, 296-7 Anu, 71n        ...

... the Dark Mother, seems to be the personification of the lower Overmind, Jehovah and Satan of the Hebrews, Olympians and Titans of the Greeks, Ahriman and Ahura Mazda of old Iran, the sons of Diti and Aditi the Indian Puranas speak of, are powers and personalities of consciousness when it has descended entirely into the mind and the vital where the division is complete. These lower reaches have completely ...

... white and red, and offered the pictures to the Mother. She was very pleased and said she would take them to Sri Aurobindo and ask him to write something. He wrote under the painting of the white lotus: Aditi, The Divine Mother. And the Mother wrote on the other: The Avatar. But she forbade Champaklal to show them to anyone, for people would not understand what they meant. Champaklal is the custodian ...

... anything irrevocably and eternally condemned to perdition. Even the Asura, the anti-Divine is viewed, in the last analysis of things, also as an aspect, a formation of the Divine himself. Diti and Aditi are sisters, twin aspects of the same Supreme Being. All the legends in narrating the life history of the Asura describe his end as a submission to the Divine Will and a merging in Him. An entire ...

... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 Index ADITI, 287 Agnl,189,221,280,327,371 Ahriman, 287 Akbar, 196 Algeria, 141 Amrita, 29 Arjuna, 206, 350 Aryama, 330 Ashram, the, 57, 118-9, 161, 269, 270, 390 Ashwapati, 237-41, 243, 246, 274 Asura, 250, 287, 368 Atris, 372 BEATRICE, 284 Beethoven, 273 ...

... common Lover (the Sun)... common they, though different their forms." (I.113.2.3) At the end of the "pilgrimage" of ascent and descent, the seeker is "a son of the two Mothers (III.55.7): the son of Aditi , the white Mother 251 of the superconscious infinite, and the son of Diti , the earthly Mother of "the dark infinite." He possesses "the two births," human and divine, "eternal and in one nest ...

... Poetic Truth"? Sri Aurobindo doesn't flinch from the task of answering the question: Truth, as she is seen by us in the end, is an infinite .goddess, the very front and face of Infinity and Aditi herself, the illimitable mother of all the gods. This infinite, eternal and eternally creative Truth is no enemy of imagination eleven of free fancy.... Now it is something of this infinite Truth which ...

... completing the work at last, he offered the painting to the Mother on his thirty-seventh birthday (2 February 1940). She was pleased, and took it to Sri Aurobindo who wrote on the top of the white lotus "Aditi: The Divine Mother", and the Mother wrote on the top of the red lotus "The Avatar: Sri Aurobindo", and they both inscribed their blessings to Champaklal. 5 Thus auspiciously started on his sadhana ...


... ātmasamarpana of "Radha's Prayer" - Mirra in wartime France and among Japan's lights and silences and humane graces - and after her second coming to Pondicherry, Mirra the Mother in the role of Aditi, perfect in her ministry and the builder of Karmayogins - this multi-faceted Mirra was at once the Transcendent Infinite, the universal Shakti, and the finite divine-human being who had her birth on ...


... about a year, day after day my limping narrative followed the Mother's life-history Paris, Tlemcen, Pondicherry, Paris again, Tokyo, Kyoto, Pondicherry again I saw her as Mirra and as Mother and as Aditi "perfect in her ministry" and the whole typescript was ready by 21 February 1977. I was now able, on 3 April 1977, to make my offering, and send it to Nolini-da through Jayantilal Parekh. The ...


... justify their claim except one solitary Sukta, called the Vak; Ambhrani Page 142 It is a Valkhilya. There Ambhrani speaks of herself as the creatrix of the Gods. Of course one can take Aditi, the Infinite divine consciousness as the root of Tantra if one likes. Sri Aurobindo : The principle of Tantra may be as old as the Veda but the known Tantras are later. Disciple : The ...

... various phases of inevitable construction and destruction towards the goal of perfection which She, in Her infinite Love and Knowledge, has decreed for them. She was worshipped by the Vedic seers as Aditi, by the Tântrics as Adyâshakti and Mahâshakti, and traces of her worship are found in the fading memories of the Babylonian, Egyptian,. Assyrian and Chinese traditions of the Mother-cult, or the creative ...

... on any of the subtle planes of consciousness." 1 The significance Mother gave much later to the red lotus is: 'The Avatar—the Supreme Manifested on Earth in a Body'; and to the white lotus: 'Aditi — the Divine Consciousness.' 1. A. B. Purani, The Life of Sri Aurobindo. Page 277 ...

... within was engulfed in the darkness. They enter the cave on their hands and knees. And in that heart of darkness they discover Martanda, who had been concealed there by the Titans. The eighth son of Aditi —the all-creating infinite Mother —was seated there immense and alone. He is the black or dark, the lost, the hidden sun. The Sun hidden in Matter. The treasure was found of a supernal Day. ...

... VII.62 . Surya made by ऋतु, the Will in action & perfected by the doers. उपममकँ,. Arka, Archis, Rich. Mitra मित्रस्य प्रियतमस्य नृणां । The most loved or the most loving of the Purushas. Aditi different from Earth. गव्यूतिमुक्षतं घृतेन VII.63 . समानं चक्रं साधारणः मानुषाणाम् समानं न प्रतिनाति धाम— All referring to the Mahas or Vijnana which is the same for all mortals. रेभैरन ...


... of the supreme Consciousness. There are also female energies; for the Deva is both Male and Female and the gods also are either activising souls or passively executive and methodising energies. Aditi, infinite Mother of the gods, comes first; and there are besides five powers of the Truth-consciousness,—Mahi or Bharati, the vast Word that brings us all things out of the divine source; Ila, the strong ...


... Immortality, the supreme triple Principle, the vast Bliss to which the human being aspires. The Brahman is the Unmoving, the Oneness of the Gods. "The Unmoving is born as the Vast in the seat of the Cow (Aditi), ... the vast, the mightiness of the Gods, the One" (III.55.1). It is the one Existent to whom the seers give different names, Indra, Matarishwan, Agni, (I.164.46). This Brahman, the one Existence ...


... there He stands by the mingling of the elements. This is the thing thou seekest. या प्राणेन सम्भवत्यदितिर्देवतामयी । गुहां प्रविश्य तिष्ठन्तीं या भूतेभिर्व्यजायत । एतद्वै तत् ॥७॥ 7) This is Aditi, the mother of the Gods, who was born through the Prana and by the mingling of the elements had her being: deep in the heart of things she has entered, there she is seated. This is the thing thou seekest ...


... they are the soul of Satyavan and the soul of Savitri. But the great sacrifice has to also grow on other levels. On the cosmic dimension in her house of meditation Agni is the Lord of the House with Aditi as Swaha seated to his left offering oblations. In its transcendental aspect the Supreme himself is the house-lord with the executrix Shakti as his mate engaged in this sacrifice for the sake of the ...

... on them I will give them to him. He wants you to write on the white lotus and I on the red.” With a beautiful affectionate smile Sri Aurobindo said: “Umm.” Then he wrote above the white lotus: Aditi The Divine Mother And under the red lotus he wrote: To Champaklal With blessings 2.2.40 Sri Aurobindo After writing, he looked at me and gave a sweet smile. Then above the red lotus ...


... he consumes the sevenfold food. But then who is the Yajamanin, the Grihapatni, the Spouse of Agni, Agnayi, seated to his left and offering with him the oblations, the Havis? Indeed, she seems to be Aditi herself under the name of Swaha bom as Daksha's daughter in the manifestation, a bright and youthful bride in rich golden-red attire, she who is participating in the Yajna and fulfilling the Act in ...

... Gopal Mukhopadhyay for his constant encouragement, valuable suggestions and for explaining difficult Bengali and Sanskrit phrases in this invaluable collection. Revered Satprem and his team at Mira Aditi played a pivotal role in all aspects of this publication. We would like to make a special mention ofSujatadidi and her long association with Dadaji since her childhood. We want to thank her for her ...

... Sujatadi. We thank wholeheartedly Ms. Diane who took the responsibility on her able shoulders and ensured the preparation of the manuscript for the press. We also thank the whole team at Mira Aditi who willingly helped in many ways. Our thanks are due to Dr. Karan Singh for writing the preface. We acknowledge his love and respect for our Guru Sri Dilip Kumar Roy and his continued regard for ...

... bringing out these Letters Dr. Gobindo Gopal Mukho-padhyaya's guidance, inspiration and encouragement are invaluable. We are grateful to him. We also gratefully acknowledge the dedicated work of "Mira Aditi" team under the guidance of Revered Satprem and Sujata Didi. We offer our humble pranams to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Dadaji Sri Dilip Kumar Roy and Ma Indira Devi. We seek their blessings ...

... Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III A Few Words On 9th April and 4th May 2007, within a gap of one month, Revered Satprem, the heart and soul of "Mira Aditi", and his spiritual companion. Respected Sujata Nahar, left their mortal bodies. Their sudden withdrawal from the physical world came as a shock to all of us who were close to them and were associated ...

... 151. In the letter of 30 December 1935 Sri Aurobindo asks Prithwi Singh to arrange for the sale of Dilip's houses in Calcutta. (ref. Sri Aurobindo and Mother to Prithwi Singh, p.63-64., Mira Aditi Centre, Mysore). 152. Bejoy Chatterji (1879 - 1943). A barrister. Joined the staff of the paper Bande Mataram and worked with Sri Aurobindo as co-editor. END OP VOLUME TWO Page 405 ...

... humanity, Sri Aurobindo covers a wide range of matters and ideas. For the first time the unabridged letters of Sri Aurobindo to Dilip Kumar are being published jointly by Hari Krishna Mandir and Mira Aditi. This is the fourth volume of the series. Here I must recount my own close association with Dilipda. It was through his book Among the Great that, in the early 50s, I first learnt of ...

... Aurobindo's Ambassadress does - the Rigveda whose imagery so often gleams out in Savitri. Usha is described in I. 113.19, mātā devānām adder anīkam, "Mother of the gods, form (or power) of Aditi." A Rik (80.1) of the fifth Mandala presents Usha as "a form from far beatitudes" coming near: it describes her as dytad-yāmānam brhatīm rtena rtāvarim svar āvahamtīm, "of a luminous movement, vast ...


... Matrimandir as follows: Mahakali — North Maheshwari — South Mahalaksmi — East Mahasaraswa — West Each pillar represents one of the four powers of the Supreme Mother, Aditi. Sri Aurobindo has written in his book The Mother : Four great Aspects of the Mother, four of her leading Powers and Personalities have stood in front in her guidance of this Universe and ...


... Mahas, Page 45 and so to the divine Bliss. This is the "great passage" discovered by the Ancestors, the ancient Rishis. The gods I found to be described as children of Light, sons of Aditi, of Infinity; and without exception they are described as increasing man, bringing him light, pouring on him the fullness of the waters, the abundance of the heavens, increasing the truth in him, building ...


... clarified butter is a psychological symbol, the cow in which the gods find the clarified butter hidden by the Panis must also symbolise an inner illumination and not physical light. The cow is really Aditi, the infinite consciousness hidden in the subconscient, and the triple ghṛtam is the triple clarity of the liberated sensation finding its secret of delight, of the thought-mind attaining to light ...


... delightful possession & even the little he possesses with continuity. ऋतं. Cf 41.4. सुगः पन्था अनृक्षर आदित्यास ऋतं यते । नात्रावखादो अस्ति वः ।। Easy to travel & unswerving is the path, O sons of Aditi, for him who goes the way of Truth; nor is there in it any pitfall. Also 46.11. अभूदु पारमेतवे पंथा ऋतस्य साधुया । अदर्शि वि स्रुतिर्दिवः ।। By tapasya the path of the Truth was for the voyaging to ...


... therefore be spiritual offspring of the अपस्, children of our works, & श्रुत्यं “having the श्रुति or divine hearing, inspiration, knowledge”. II.30. 1 Savitri—Indra Ahighna, the Waters 2 Vritra, Aditi, the Waters. 3 Indra, Vritra. 4 Brihaspati, Indra, Vritra. 5 Indra 6 Indra, Soma 7 Indra 8 Saraswati Marutvati, Indra 9 Brihaspati or Indra & Brihaspati. 10 Brihaspati. 11 Maruts. Page ...


... 487 2 यत्.. तदहः on the day on which you were born गिरिष्ठाम् गिरि being expressed, पर्वत being completed or high; अद्रिः, being formed into substance. परि—all round योषा जनित्री Aditi Anandamayi—Mahah Pitur. The Vijnanamaya Purusha 3 ऐट्ट. S. अयाचत ईड् sought for .. cf अपश्यत् the result of the seeking. ऊधः a teat of abundance. 4 वशं. कामं t तुराषाळ् त्वरयाभिभविता— rather ...


... × Divine Being, Consciousness, Bliss,—Sachchidananda. × Aditi, the infinite Consciousness, Mother of the worlds. × The divine Purusha, Sachchidananda; the three ...


... अर्वाङिन्द्रेण देवैः सरथं तुरेभिः । बर्हिर्न आस्तामदितिः सुपुत्रा स्वाहा देवा अमृता मादयन्ताम् ॥११॥ 11) Come down to us, O Fire, high-kindled, in one chariot with Indra and swiftly journeying gods; let Aditi, mother of mighty sons, sit on the sacred grass, let the gods, the immortals, take rapture in svāhā . SUKTA 5 प्रत्यग्निरुषसश्चेकितानोऽबोधि विप्रः पदवीः कवीनाम् । पृथुपाजा देवयद्भिः समिद्धोऽप ...


... अर्वाङिन्द्रेण देवैः सरथं तुरेभिः । बर्हिर्न आस्तामदितिः सुपुत्रा स्वाहा देवा अमृता मादयन्ताम् ॥११॥ 11) Come down to us, O Fire, high-kindled, in one chariot with Indra and swiftly journeying gods; let Aditi, mother of mighty sons, sit on the sacred grass, let the gods, the immortals, take rapture in Swaha. SUKTA 3 अग्निं वो देवमग्निभिः सजोषा यजिष्ठं दूतमध्वरे कृणुध्वम् । यो मर्त्येषु निध्रुविर्ऋतावा ...


... will and knowledge; here its doors open downwards to flood the lower being. × The milk of the Cow Aditi, the infinite consciousness. × The Maruts as life-powers attaining to full thought-knowledge; they ...


... × Madhu, the Soma. × Aditi and Diti. ...


... the mystic galloping Dadhikravan who carries us through the battle to the goal of our voyaging. × Aditi, the vast Mother. ...


... instructor in wisdom and our builder of sacrifice. त्वमग्ने अदितिर्देव दाशुषे त्वं होत्रा भारती वर्धसे गिरा । त्वमिला शतहिमासि दक्षसे त्वं वृत्रहा वसुपते सरस्वती ॥११॥ 11) O Divine Fire, thou art Aditi, the indivisible Mother to the giver of the sacrifice; thou art Bharati, voice of the offering, and thou growest by the word. Thou art Ila of the hundred Page 33 winters wise to discern; ...


... gods—up to the present Surya, Varuna, Usha, Bhaga, Aryaman, Mitra, Aranyani are manifest in their forms & activities. They have now been followed rapidly by the others; Prithivi revealing herself as Aditi, Rudra manifest in the chanda form of all the gods etc. But these manifestations are not so close or so dominant as those of Indra, Agni & Vayu. It is the Vedic gods who so manifest. The others were ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... here have withdrawn their statement that our books were prohibited and have begun to send by Railway large parcels of our magazines (Advent, Bombay Annual, Path Mandir Annual, Page 494 Aditi etc.), so that there is no fear of loss or stoppage there. I may add that we can no longer get our full supply of milk here as the milkmen have no sufficient supply of fodder and Nestlé which helped ...


... For a general introduction to Sri Aurobindo's life, thought and work, we recommend Satprem's Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness (Institut de Recherches Evolutives, Paris, & Mira Aditi, Mysore, 1996). I Nearly all the texts in this section are from the Bande Mataram for the years 1893 to 1908 (vol. 1 in Cent. Ed., also with articles in vol. 17 and vol. 27), and from ...


... even jealousies. There are times when they are not much wiser than men. Sweet Mother, how were the gods and goddesses born? But it is precisely... it is part of the creation. What we call "Aditi" here, that is, the Creative Consciousness, well, the Creative Consciousness... I am going to tell you about this in an absolutely childish way: She formed at first four beings; when she received ...


... 'fearless light,' where there is no longer suffering nor falsehood nor death: it is immortality, amritam. Page 362 All is reconciled. The Rishi is 'the son of two mothers': son of Aditi , the luminous cow, Mother of infinite Light, creatrix of the worlds; and son as well of Diti , the black cow, Mother of 'the tenebrous infinite' and divided existence—for when Diti at last reaches ...


... whole, entire responsibility is the Lord's and nobody else's. So there is nothing to worry about. With my love and blessings. 26 February 1961 We have announced that in the proposed Aditi book series each book will have about 100 pages. The first book will be "White Roses". Is it necessary to keep Huta's introduction? Yes, because what I have written was for Huta and not for others—to ...


... man's mind did not introduce in it so many useless complications. 29 December 1962 Once the mind has started its working, it hampers the action of the Grace. Page 344 Beloved Aditi: At 8:15 a.m. today the mental words clearly came, "You must go back to Teachers' College now." This is an idea which I have never consciously entertained. Is He behind this? Beware of fanciful ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - II

... Ambassadress does—the Rigveda whose imagery so often gleams out in Savitri. Usha is described in I, 113.19, m ā t ā dev ā n ā m aditer an ī kam, "Mother of the gods, form (or power) of Aditi." A Rik (80.1) of the fifth Mandala presents Usha as "a form from far beatitudes" coming near: it describes her as dytad-y ā m ā nam brihatim ritena rit ā verim svar ā vahant ī m, "of a luminous ...


... descent from Prithu was Daksha, whose daughter's grandson, Manu Vaivasvata, saved humanity from the deluge..." The details of the picture may be filled in from the Purānas, 2 with Daksha's daughter Aditi substituted by her husband Kasyapa. We proceed bactward from the 1."Traditional History from the Earliest Time to the Accession of Parīkshit", The Vedic Age, edited by R. C. Majumdar and A ...


... 117 Achaemenian inscriptions of Xerxes, 438 Achaemenids, 251, 384, 385, 429, 549, 603; their art, 387-94; documents in Egypt, 330-31; satrapies, 56 Achyuta, 537, 539 Aditi (Kasyapa's daughter), 70 Aditya-sena, 487, 488, 490, 494, 605 Aelian, 202-3, 238, 386 Agalassoi (Agesinae/Argesinae), 426 Agathokles, 40, 441 Agrammes (Xandrames, ...


... 16 November 1948 Gracious Mother, (1) The gate area is still open to rain and showers. It needs to be covered as soon as possible. (2) The shed above the Aditi office drips profusely due to cracks in asbestos sheets. It requires urgent repair. Will you speak to K to see to these works? Yes, but nothing can be done so long as it rains. My love ...

... May he the knower discern perfectly the Knowledge and the Ignorance, the wide levels and the crooked that shut in mortals; and, 0 God, for a bliss fruitful in offspring, lavish on us Diti and protect Aditi. Rig Veda IV2.11 Now as the seven seers of Dawn, the Mother, the supreme disposers (of the sacrifice), may we beget for ourselves the gods; may we become the Angirasas, sons of Heaven, breaking ...

... before austerity and was before the waters: deep in the heart of the creature he sees Him, for there He stands by the mingling of the elements. This is That thou seekest. 7. "This is Aditi, the mother of the Gods, who was born through the Prana and by the mingling of the elements had her being: deep in the heart of things she has entered, there she is seated. This is That thou seekest ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Nachiketas

... Divine Mother, The postman who delivers posted articles to the Ashram Press says to me now and again, “I bring very heavy parcels of type for the Press, I deliver so many money orders to the Aditi office, but you do not give me any remuneration or gratification, whereas the postman who delivers postal articles in the Ashram gets two rupees per month from the Ashram.” I know that as a ...

... Dr. Indra Sen has agreed to keep the key of the Press keyboard with himself in my absence from the Press. It will be safer. I am busy preparing the manuscript for the February issue of Aditi , which is expected on or about the first January. There is an offer from D to help me. He also helps R in driving the tiffin-carriers’ cart. He wants to devote his spare time to preparing fair copies ...

... the following words: They who entered into all things that bear right fruit formed a path towards the immortality; earth stood wide for them by the greatness and by the Great Ones, the mother Aditi with her sons came (or, manifested herself) for the upholding. 5 In one of the most illuminating passage of the Ishopanishad, we have a brief description of the passage of the yogic process ...

... According to Sri Aurobindo, this founds all things and secretly supports and pervades all things. Supermind is the self-determining power of expression of that Supreme Reality. It is the Divine Maya and Aditi of the Veda; it is Haimavati Uma of the Upanishad; it is the Para Prakriti of the Gita, it is the Supreme Shakti of the Tantra. Supermind is also termed as Real-Idea, for in Supermind knowledge the ...


... Majumdar, R.C., The Vedic Age, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1951, Bombay. Mookerji, Radha Kumud, Ancient Indian Education, Motilal Banarasidass, 1989, Delhi . Mother, The, Mother's Agenda, Mira Aditi Centre, 1951-1973, Mysore, 13 Vols. Radhakrishnan, S., Indian Philosophy, Oxford University Press, 1989. Delhi, 2 Vols. Radhakrishnan, S. Tr. & Ed., The Principal Upanishads, Oxford University ...


... infinite planes above and by the power of the great godheads who reign on those planes breaks its limits, opens out to the Light and is upheld in its new wideness by the infinite Consciousness, mother Aditi, and her sons, the divine Powers the supreme Deva." 1 It was the search of this victory that we find in the Kathopanishad when Naciketas asks of Yama to reveal Page 68 to him the ...

... very close the Jiva, the individual Soul, who is the eater of sweetness, and it is also the self within our being that is lord of what was and what shall be. That immortal, the supreme Self is also Aditi,7 is the imperishable mother of the gods. Finally, that supreme self is the One Eternal and the transient, the Page 9 One consciousness in many conscious beings, and the seeker who is ...

... (concentrated force of action), and Satyam (existent). It is He, the Bull, and it is She as the cow; it is He, the supreme existence, (Parabrahman, Purushottama and Parameshwara), and it is She, (Aditi, Para Prakrit! and Parameshwari), it is He (Indra), and it is She (Maya of Indra). It is He with his companion, who sits on the same tree, and eats the fruit and is bewildered but who becomes free from ...

... The Veda and Indian Culture Index Acharyas,41 Adhikara, 33,53 Aditi, 63, 74 Agamas, 59 Agastya, 10 Age, Purano-tantric, 84 Age, Vedic, 50 Agni,6,7,8,9,13,64,65,66 Agnosticism, 61 Ahimsa, 33 Ajata Shatru, 18 Akbar, 84 Akshara, 22 Alexander, 84 Amritam, 12, 22 Angirasas, 13,14,15 ...


... 34 Savitri - II 35 Letters on Himself and the Ashram 36 Autobiographical Materials 37 Reference Volume Satprem, Institut de Recherches Evolutives, Paris and Mira Aditi, Mysore Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness, 1984. By the Body of the Earth or the Sannyasin, 1976. On the Way to Supermanhood, 1986. Mother: I The Divine ...

... anything irrevocably and eternally condemned to perdition. Even the Asura, the anti-Divine is viewed, in the last analysis of things, also as an aspect, a formation of the Divine himself. Did and Aditi are sisters, twin aspects of the same Supreme Being. All the legends in narrating the life-history of the Asura describe his end as a submission to the Divine Will and a merging in Him. An entire life ...

... anything irrevocably and eternally condemned to perdition. Even the Asura, the anti-Divine is viewed, in the last analysis of things, also as an aspect, a formation of the Divine himself. Diti and Aditi are sisters, twin aspects of the same Supreme Being. All the legends in narrating the life-history of the Asura describe his end Page 165 as a submission to the Divine Will and a merging ...

... the Dark Mother, seems to be the personification of the lower Overmind, Jehovah and Satan of the Hebrews, Olympians and Titans of the Greeks, Ahriman and Ahura Mazda of old Iran, the sons of Diti and Aditi the Indian Puranas speak of, are powers and personalities of consciousness when it has descended entirely into the mind and the vital where the division is complete. These lower reaches have completely ...

... be the personification Page 45 of the lower Overmind. Jehovah and Satan of the Hebrews, Olympians and Titans of the Greeks, Ahriman and Ahura Mazda of old Iran, the sons of Diti and Aditi the Indian Puranas speak of, are powers and personalities of consciousness when it has descended entirely into the mind and the vital where the division is complete. These lower reaches have completely ...

... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 Index Aditi, 46 Africa, 272, 323 Agni,44, 52, 120, 151 Ahriman, 46, 110 Ahura Mazda, 46 Alexander, 56-7 Allies, the, 66 America, 133,214,421 Aniruddha, 44, 207-8 Apollo, 47 Ardhanarishwara, 84 Arjuna,9, 14,76-8,93, 112n., 116, 161 Arnold, Matthew, 92, 119 Aryaman ...

... Baltimore, 1985, 1990 15 Vide., Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, SABCL, Pondicherry, 1971, last six chapters. 16 Vide., Mother’s Agenda, Institut de Recherches Evolutives, Paris, and Mira Aditi, Mysore, 1979, 13 volumes. 17 Sri Aurobindo, The Life Divine, SABCL, Pondicherry, 1971, Vol. 18, pp. 18-9. Page 56 18 Ibid., p. 302. 19 Ibid., pp. 3-4. 20 Ibid., pp. ...

... and their gifts be turned towards us. May we share the friendship of the Gods. May they carry forward our span of life. (3) With the ancient mantra we invoke them all – Bhaga and Mitra and Aditi and the unstumbling Daksha, Aryaman too, and Varuna and the twin Aswins. May Saraswati, Mother of bliss, create happiness for us. (4) That healing draught, creative of Delight, may the Wind ...

... journey to the Supreme plane. There is a divine law of the life into which soul has to grow". The Dawn leads to the "level wideness" Samāne ūrvé. This is the vast Truth and the infinite being of Aditi. The error, the crookedness, falsehood by which men violate the workings of the Gods and by which different principles of their being, consciousness and knowledge enter into confused conflict with ...

... drawn within a circle in Garsten Place at the All India Radio headquarters was also made in green cement! And it is Mother India herself, the Divine Mother of the world and the universe, Mother Aditi who says : It is the map of the true India in spite of all passing appearances, and it will always remain the map of the true India, whatever people may think about it. The Mother’s symbol in ...


... of Vande Mataram . At that divine moment a profound mystery was unveiled in our life and in that of the world-citizens: for we, the children of the Mother, had uttered Her mantra in front of Mother Aditi Herself with all that joyous enthusiasm and every atom of the body had burst forth in happy singing of Vande Mataram ! Quite indescribable, really, the wonder and rapture of that moment! In the presence ...


... the punishment that we merited for our conduct. The Mother’s Body was our protective shield. Like Karna on whom She had put the shield of the sun at the time of his birth, the divine Mother Herself, Aditi, was our shield. And this shield will protect us forever. It will protect us now from the attacks of the subtle world. * After the Mother’s physical withdrawal Nolini-da wrote: So long her ...


... fervour is addressed, to whom functions so vast and profound are ascribed?" 25 In one Hymn (II.i), Agni is addressed as Indra, Vishnu, Brahma, Rudra, Varuna, Twashtri, Pushan, Savitri, Bhaga, Ribhu, Aditi, Bharati, Ila and Saraswati! In another, again, there is this multiple-identification: Thou art Varuna, O Fire, when thou art born, thou becomest Mitra when thou blazest high; in thee are all ...

... valiant warriors who sacrificed everything for their Motherland, and only the Motherland existed for them. They had an unswerving sense of duty to the country. They worshipped India as the Mother — Aditi. Such was their devotion. Truly speaking, they were not ordinary people, they were beings from a higher world who came down here upon earth only to work with Sri Aurobindo, to accomplish His work. ...

... be done. I was angry as long as I still thought that something could be done, but we can do nothing. So we have to focus on the only thing that we can do: to try and organize an independent Mira Aditi 45 in Auroville, so that the Agenda is not at the mercy of those politicians. Of course, Micheline, I understand very well what you mean and what Carole would like: a "Bernard Pivot" [T.V ...

... this earth, "the two births" at once, human and divine, "eternal and in one nest," "as the enjoyer of his two wives" (I.62.7). All is reconciled. The Rishi is "the son of the two mothers," son of Aditi , the luminous cow, Mother of the infinite light, creatrix of the worlds, but also son of Diti , the dark cow, Mother of the "black infinite" and divided existence, for at the end of her apparent Night ...


... the Demonstration of 2nd December. Do you think he should still be given the prize for this year? The others who are receiving the prize are: Kanu Mistry (A1) Ajit Kothari (A1) Aditi Dhandhania (A2) All depends on how he left: whether it was to obey his parents or whether he wanted to go himself. If he wanted to leave, whatever his outer merit, it would perhaps be better not ...


... that is, because it was at the headwaters of the Danube that Celtic civilization is acknowledged to have evolved." 2 Danu? That rang a bell. In Indian tradition the great mother goddess is Aditi ('the infinite'). She has twelve sisters who are the root-mothers of a particular species, like Vinata mother of birds, or Kadru of serpents. Aditi's progenies are called the Adityas, or gods in common ...