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English [1339]
A Centenary Tribute [2]
A stream of Surrender : Minakshi-Amma [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [3]
Among the Not So Great [1]
Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Aspiring Swan [2]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [1]
Autobiographical Notes [2]
Beyond Man [9]
Blessings of the Grace [1]
By The Way - Part III [1]
Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi [9]
Champaklal Speaks [550]
Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother [59]
Champaklal's Treasures [35]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [239]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Down Memory Lane [3]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [3]
Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Growing up with the Mother [1]
Hitler and his God [1]
I Remember [4]
India's Rebirth [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [7]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [7]
Light and Laughter [5]
Living in The Presence [7]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [7]
Moments Eternal [8]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [2]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [8]
Mrinalini Devi [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [6]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [5]
Nishikanto - the Brahmaputra of inspiration [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On The Mother [24]
Our Light and Delight [10]
Overman [1]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Prayers and Aspirations [5]
Preparing for the Miraculous [2]
Record of Yoga [1]
Reminiscences [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [4]
Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Its Role, Responsibility and Future Destiny [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [6]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [84]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Golden Path [1]
The Growth of a Flame [5]
The Mother (biography) [11]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [5]
The Spirit of Auroville [2]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [10]
Visions of Champaklal [132]
Filtered by: Show All
English [1339]
A Centenary Tribute [2]
A stream of Surrender : Minakshi-Amma [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [3]
Among the Not So Great [1]
Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Aspiring Swan [2]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [1]
Autobiographical Notes [2]
Beyond Man [9]
Blessings of the Grace [1]
By The Way - Part III [1]
Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi [9]
Champaklal Speaks [550]
Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother [59]
Champaklal's Treasures [35]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [239]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Down Memory Lane [3]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [3]
Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Growing up with the Mother [1]
Hitler and his God [1]
I Remember [4]
India's Rebirth [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [7]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [7]
Light and Laughter [5]
Living in The Presence [7]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [7]
Moments Eternal [8]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [2]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [4]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [8]
Mrinalini Devi [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [6]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [5]
Nishikanto - the Brahmaputra of inspiration [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1973-1978 [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On The Mother [24]
Our Light and Delight [10]
Overman [1]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Prayers and Aspirations [5]
Preparing for the Miraculous [2]
Record of Yoga [1]
Reminiscences [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [4]
Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Its Role, Responsibility and Future Destiny [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [1]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [6]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [84]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Golden Path [1]
The Growth of a Flame [5]
The Mother (biography) [11]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [5]
The Spirit of Auroville [2]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [10]
Visions of Champaklal [132]
Showing 600 of 1339 result/s found for Champaklal

... Part III — Birthday Messages Champaklal Speaks Birthday Cards 2.2.1956 Bonne Fête to Champaklal 2.2.1957 To Champaklal with love and blessings 2.2.1959 A Champaklal Bonne Fête! 2.2.1960 To Champaklal with blessings 2.2.1961 To Champaklal Bonne Fête! With love and blessings 2.2.1963 ... 1970 Bonne Fête! Champaklal! 2.2.1971 From Sri Aurobindo to Champaklal Bonne Fête! Blessings The Mother 2.2.1971 To Champaklal 1st Prize of Faithfulness With my full love bonne fête The Mother 2.2.1972 Bonne Fête à Champaklal with love and blessings The Mother Mother said a few days before my birthday: “Champaklal, what do you want? You... of a painting of a white lotus with the Mother's feet in its centre and flames all around it.] To Champaklal Let it be the true image of your heart centre. The Mother (Mother said: “Champaklal, get it framed and keep it carefully.”—Champaklal.) 2.2.1964 Bonne Fête! To Champaklal the great doer of cards this card to tell him my appreciation of all what he has done and my expectation ...


... give it to you, Champaklal! Take it, it is for you. It is very pretty. You keep it. I did not answer and I did not take it. She said again: Take it Champaklal, I give you as my present. C: Mother! I have done it for you. Seeing the state of my mind she found a way out. She gave another broad smile and said to me slowly, almost in a whisper: Champaklal, I will take it... Page 69 2.2.1968 Bonne Fete! To Champaklal with love and blessings. THE MOTHER Champaklal, I am happy to say that you are my true child and becoming more and more so. THE MOTHER Page 70 Page 71 2.2.1969 Bonne Fete! Champaklal, Let the full Light be with you in a silent adoration. With... lotus: To Champaklal with blessings 2.2.40 SRI AUROBINDO After writing, he looked at me and gave a sweet smile. And on the top of the red lotus Mother wrote: The Avatar Sri Aurobindo Page 4 Aditi The Divine Mother The avatar Sri aurobindo And below the white lotus: To Champaklal With blessings ...


... these painted lotuses back to Champaklal-ji so She told him: “These two paintings are for you, Champaklal. They’re most beautiful! Keep them with you.” Champaklal-ji did not say anything. Neither did he take the two paintings from the Mother’s hands. The Mother repeated: “Here, Champaklal, take these two paintings. I am giving them to you.” Then Champaklal-ji replied: “Mother, I painted... Mother gave these significances on 2nd February 1930 on the occasion of Champaklal-ji’s birthday. Let me tell you now about an extraordinary incident connected with the red and white lotus. It was Champaklal-ji’s birthday on 2nd February, 1940. He felt a strong wish to give something to the Mother on this day. Champaklal-ji was a good artist and so he thought about painting the red and white... these for you.” The Mother understood Champaklal-ji’s feelings as She burst into a charmingly beautiful laughter. Then as if in a most secretive way She very sweetly told him: “Champaklal, I will take these two paintings to Sri Aurobindo and I shall ask Him to write something over them.” “You will take these paintings to Sri Aurobindo?” Champaklal-ji asked. “If you do, then please request ...


... 2.2.1968 Bonne Fête To Champaklal with love and blessings The Mother Champaklal, I am happy to say that you are my true child and becoming more and more so. The Mother (The Mother told me: “I come to you. You will read it carefully. It is concrete, my experience.” She repeated it.—Champaklal) 2.2.1969 Bonne Fête! Champaklal, Let the full Light be with you in... Mother 2.2.1965 Champaklal This year, I feel clearly that you have become a part of myself . For ever love The Mother 2.2.1966 Bonne Fête! Bonne Année! Bon Progrés! Champaklal, Let this year see the advent of the true joy of working in the Divine's Consciousness. With love The Mother 2.2.1967 Bonne Fête! To Champaklal with love and Blessings ... Part III — Birthday Messages Champaklal Speaks Birthday Reports Once I had a long talk with Mother and what she told me was very interesting. I was deeply moved. The next day I asked Mother if she would write for me what she had said. She wrote out: Champaklal, 1) Be always faithful to the Divine in your heart. 2) Let nothing interfere with ...


... Preface Champaklal Speaks Preface to the Present Edition Champaklaiji was very fond of his book Champaklal Speaks. "It is the Ramayana of my life," he would happily tell me. In the early 1970s, Nolini-da used to meet Champaklalji every morning and they would sit together for a few minutes. On 18th March 1975, soon after the book came out, Noiini-da... substance is very good." Here is what Champaklalji himself once wrote about his book: "Whatever Champaklal has written is not from a literary point of view. This writing is neither for intellectuals nor for advanced sadhaks but is written only for those who are by nature and attitude like Champaklal. From the very beginning all these incidents were inscribed in Champaklal's memory; that is why now... life is Sri Aurobindo and the Mother only. To write down their sweet memories is Champaklal's worship. It makes Champaklal most fortunate and his heart is filled with gratitude and bliss." No wonder, M.P. Pandit concluded his preface to the first edition with these words: "For what Champaklal Speaks is, is nothing but Mother Sri Aurobindo, Mother Sri Aurobindo." Champaklalji was not satisfied merely ...


... to be cleared up, especially regarding Grace versus effort. Nirodbaran told Champaklal that he would raise the topic again and inform Sri Aurobindo that Champaklal also did not believe in Tapasya. Champaklal said that Nirodbaran could tell this to Sri Aurobindo but only when Champaklal was present. In the evening Champaklal himself was in the mood to ask something and everybody saw him slowly approaching... everything by yourself. They don't believe in the soul, so male-female doesn't count. CHAMPAKLAL: If a man is not receptive, the Grace won't act? SRI AUROBINDO: It acts in order to make him receptive. CHAMPAKLAL: He receives the Grace then? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, but it doesn't descend into him. CHAMPAKLAL: How is that? NIRODBARAN: It means it acts only from above. SATYENDRA: From behind... made Nirodbaran laugh. SRI AUROBINDO: What is the matter? NIRODBARAN: Champaklal is going to ask something. CHAMPAKLAL: No, no. (immediately afterwards) Can a person receive something without his knowledge? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes; man doesn't know everything. He doesn't know what he is or can be. CHAMPAKLAL: Sometimes is it not better that he doesn't know? SRI AUROBINDO( smiling with ...


... day and night - many times missing his sleep - Champaklal used to do his work with meticulous care, 2. "Visions of Champaklal" compiled and edited by Roshan and Apurva. Page xvii which earned him the Mother's grace who said: "Champaklal is very particular and careful about his work." The Mother was so satisfied with Champaklal that once She told him as follows: "I am... Aspiring Swan Champaklal-One of the Hundred ************************************ CHAMPAKLAL 'ONE 0F THE HUNDRED' To be free from ego and become an instrument of God is indispensable for sadhana, Sri Aurobindo conveyed this in the following words, "I do not want hundreds of thousands of disciples. It will be enough if 1 can get a hundred complete... ever. En route vers la Réalisation." THE MOTHER Champaklal, who served Sri Aurobindo and the Mother for over five decades as their blessed child and faithful servitor was affectionately called by the Mother, "My Lion," "My true child," "My most faithful child," "A part of myself." Ever since his childhood, Champaklal had sincerely aspired to live constantly in the Divine presence ...


... Introduction Visions of Champaklal “True Child” of The Mother – Champaklal "Our normal consciousness is at such a low level that it becomes a hindrance to the growth of the Psychic Being, the soul. The “true child” of the Mother, Champaklal, as the Mother herself has called him, is a creative, living symbol of the growth of the Psychic Being—without any... journey of his soul to the higher levels of consciousness became possible by penetrating prayer, deep meditation and continuous contact with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, who are, to Champaklal, manifestations of God. Champaklal was born in Patan, Gujarat, on 2-2-1903. Even as a young boy he lost interest in everything except God. He did not like going to a school for formal education. Perhaps his mind... age of 15, Champaklal met a devotee of Sri Aurobindo, who asked him to follow the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo. His desire to see Sri Aurobindo grew very strong and along with a few other devotees he first arrived at Pondicherry on April 1, 1921. During his stay of eight days in Pondicherry, he met Sri Aurobindo every day and he used to have very interesting conversations with him. Champaklal told Sri Aurobindo ...


... Then when Kumud and Champaklal-ji had left after her lunch, I was with her; I noticed that she was making some strange sounds, and sometimes lifting her hands, but as she used to do this often in her sleep, I did not pay much , attention. I left at 2 o'clock, when Champaklal-ji and Kumud came. I reported to them what I had seen. When I came back at 5 o'clock, Champaklal-ji told me that he had... had seen the same thing, but sometimes Mother had been shouting a little louder. I was with her from 5 to 6:30. At 6:30 Champaklal-ji and Kumud came. As I was leaving, Mother called me and said, "Lift me up." Again from two sides Champaklal-ji and I held her and lifted her up. Then we lowered her on the bed and I left. At that time Kumud as usual asked her if she would take a few spoons of glucose... daily for work. She went on attending to that. It continued like that for some time but, to be exact, on the 20th of May, at about 9:30 p.m., when I left her room to go to the terrace after Champaklal-ji had come in, I was suddenly called to see what had happened to Mother. I found her extremely restless, a bit dejected and, I must say, annoyed with herself. At least that was what I saw, what ...


... (38) T his was round 1970-72. We were all sitting round Mother during lunch: Champaklal, Dyuman-bhai, Kumud, Dr.Sanyal and I. Champaklal had a Rishi-like long beard. I said to him: "Looking at your beard I am reminded of a story." Interested, Champaklal-ji said: "Tell us your story. Let's hear!" I said: "I hope you won't mind?" "No, no, not at all. I want... laughed a great deal listening to this story. Champaklal-ji too began measuring his beard while he continued to laugh. He realised that his beard too was much longer than three fists. Everyone burst into laughter once again. Champaklal-ji said: "Don't mind my saying so but I know that I am a veritable fool" I remember another little incident about Champaklal-ji. When Mother used to give darshan to her... her devotees in her room upstairs, Champaklal-ji used to stay with her to help her. To discourage people from taking too much time for darshan, he would tell them: "Please don't sit in front of Mother." One day I went up to Mother's room at that time. Champaklal-ji told me in great anger: "You know Pranab, a couple came for darshan this morning. I told them several times not to sit in front ...


... happily these were preserved both by Champaklal and Amal. Page 327 The latter didn't note down the names of the sadhaks against the respective definitions, and speaking about the event 40 years later,. he was driven to adroit guess-work. but quite a few are seen to be real hits, for they can be compared with the fuller record kept by Champaklal. Amal's general comment on the definition... personal mode. 19 Here are ten of the fourteen definitions as noted by Champaklal: To feel a warmth and a glow in the heart in my relation with You. (Amal) Transformation of my consciousness in terms of the consciousness of the Mother. (Amrita) To live in Mother and to know Mother's Will. (Champaklal) To do as Mother directs us to do. (Chandulal) A series of e... most Valuable experience in the context of the Integral Yoga, Champaklal it he was constantly conscious of the Mother's Grace, that he felt a sense of unity with her, and that his only aspiration was that' 'the exterior being with all its energy should be entirely consecrated to the service of the Mother". 23 . Just like Champaklal!! Page 329 ...


... :137 11. Aids: Pub Note 12. MI 3 Sep-49 13. MO 15:182 14. Champaklal :69 15. SA 25:19 16. Champaklal :78 17. Champaklal :6l 18. Champaklal :58-59 19. Champaklal :70 20. Champaklal :76 21. Champaklal :81 22. Champaklal:57, 66,71 23. Champaklal :73-75,155 34. Manifold Ministry 1. MO 12:262 2. SA 16:2-3 ... Feb-54:13 10. Champaklal : 161 11. L&L :67 12. Champaklal :161ff 13. MO 8:163-64 14. MO 8:164 15. Arya V:247-48; SA 12:350-51 16. SA 13:166 17. Arya 1-6:370; cf SA 20:53 18. SA 11:66,71;cf Arya IV:125,128 19. L&L :91-92 20. Champaklal : 170-71 21. Champaklal : 169 22. Champaklal : 171-72 23. Champaklal : l72 22... 7. Champaklal :78 8. MO 12:259 9. SA 16:6 10. MO 12:263-64 11. Savitri :343-44 12. 12 Years : 113-14 13. Champaklal :76-77 14. MO 12:453-72 15. Comedy :605-06 16. MO 4:298-99 17. SA 23:960,965 18. MO 12:472 19. MO 14:312 20. MO 8:302-03 21. MO 8:340 22. Savitri :612 23. Champaklal :83 24. Champaklal :93 ...


... individual chapters. Most visions have been translated from Gujarati by Champaklal himself, some by the late Shri Pujalal and some by Sushilaben with the help of Champaklal and Kamalaben. Many of them have appeared in the English monthly Mother India. We present this book with a deep sense of gratitude and reverence to Champaklal for his guidance, kind co-operation and patient hearing. We also offer... Visions of Champaklal Preface We present in this book a collection of dreams and visions of Champaklal whose very name evokes the memories of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother to their devotees. The collection is prepared without any distortion from the original writings. The word "Vision" is also used at some places to convey its wider sense of superconscious... in nature. Our purpose will be well served if this book can re-create, in the prepared reader, at least a semblance of the experiences of Champaklal. Champaklal used to ask Sri Aurobindo the meanings of his dreams, hence their interpretations by Sri Aurobindo are available. They are presented here. We have made an attempt to suggest possible interpretations of later dreams and visions, based on the ...


... when Sri Aurobindo resumed walking, instead of using crutches he leaned on Purani and Champaklal. After a few months Champaklal alone was retained. He stood on the left side while Sri Aurobindo used a stick on the right. Champaklal would of course never miss his chance as well as his duty. He would not be Champaklal if he did! Now, a desire was growing within me to hold, like him, Sri Aurobindo's arm... knew very little of him, I wrote to Sri Aurobindo, "Champaklal came to the Dispensary and had an outburst with me. I am sure he will tell the Mother about it." He replied, "Champaklal does not usually tell Mother about these things — outbursts of that kind are too common with him. And when heat meets heat — It is almost midsummer now." Champaklal is himself aware of his defects and repents them very... Becharlal, Dr. Satyendra, Champaklal, Mulshankar and myself. Dr. Manilal was an occasional visitor; he used to come, twice or thrice a year and after some weeks' stay he would go back to Baroda. About Dr. Rao and Dr. Savoor I need not mention more than I have done in their proper context. Three of us had the opportunity to serve the Master in our medical capacity. Champaklal had been in the Mother's ...

... them to you, Champaklal! Take them, they are for you. They are very pretty. You keep them.” I did not answer and did not take them. And she repeated: “Take them, Champaklal, I give them to you as my present.” C: “But Mother! I have done them for you.” Seeing the state of my mind she found a way out. She gave another broad smile and said softly, almost in a whisper: “Champaklal, I will take... Champaklal – Artist Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi Paintings Two Lotuses I wanted to offer something to the Mother. And I got the idea of painting two lotuses, one white and the other red. Curiously, I received two beautiful lotuses and took up the painting. But due to other work I could not finish them in a day. These too, like my other paintings... Aurobindo And under the white lotus she wrote: To Champaklal With blessings to my dear child 2.2.40 Mother Aditi The Divine Mother With a beautiful affectionate smile Sri Aurobindo said: “Umm.” Then he wrote above the white lotus: Aditi The Divine Mother And under the red lotus he wrote: To Champaklal With blessings 2.2.40 Sri Aurobindo Then Mother ...

... Midnapur to practise shooting. No doubt, it is true that I didn't know how to handle a gun. (Laughter) CHAMPAKLAL: But Anilbaran says you may not remember these incidents. PURANI: That is not possible. When circumstances and events are described, one can bring them back to memory. CHAMPAKLAL: Dutt says that at the Surat Congress Sri Aurobindo was protected by men with pistols. DR. MANILAL:... time. CHAMPAKLAL: But one can't walk with it. SRI AUROBINDO: The leg has to be immobile? It will then be more ankylosed. (Laughter) DR. MANILAL: No, it can be applied at night and removed in the morning. SRI AUROBINDO: But I don't see how a medicine meant to remove pain and swelling can produce flexion. DR. MANILAL: Neither do I, Sir, but the lady said it would. CHAMPAKLAL: Is it... Sri Aurobindo, as our Dr. Savoor was. SATYENDRA: I was a child at that time. I was standing far off at a safe distance in a volunteer's uniform and saw the procession going by. DR. MANILAL: Champaklal applied that medicine. Sir. Nothing untoward has happened to him. NIRODBARAN: There was also nothing untoward in him. SRI AUROBINDO: Quite so. NIRODBARAN: What about Purani? PURANI: There ...


... However, both men proved unequal in stature; the Mother made Champaklal replace Satyendra on the left side. Now the arrangement was just and perfect and Champaklal had his aspiration fulfilled. His was the last support Sri Aurobindo was to give up. For, as his steps gained in strength and firmness, he used a stick in the right hand, and Champaklal on the left. Finally he too was dropped. As soon as it came... Neither would he call for our assistance; he would go on fumbling. We would enjoy the scene from a distance till Champaklal, unable to restrain himself, would rush up and take the awkward business away from him. Thenceforth, recognising his limitations, perhaps, he waited for Champaklal to do the job. Nolini who knew Sri Aurobindo's ways from his early days, instructed us not to leave all these slight... looked around with an indulgent smile, and the Mother smiled graciously to lift me up from the crushing shame. But fortunately for the Guru and the disciple, it was not repeated. Afterwards both Champaklal and Mulshankar used the fan with a greater skill. When at the end of the walk he would stand in the middle of the room with the stick in his right hand, his upright figure with the flowing beard ...

... completion of the time allotted for the meeting. It was also in 1923 that young Champaklal came for good, and was asked to work with Mirra. A bit of their conversation at the time throws light on the nature of the relationship between them. When Mirra asked whether she was very severe with him, Champaklal answered, "No, no, I feel it is my own home"; and she said: "Ah! then it is all right... special relationship with her. This partly explains why Mirra had a cover made for a well to prevent her cats from falling into it, and also made special arrangements for feeding them. It was Champaklal who made the cover, and besides he helped Mina to prepare food for the cats: During those early days, Mother herself used to prepare a pudding. Of that pudding she would put aside a small... kettle, taking a hand in carpentry and masonry, and so on. Mirra's interests were manifold, and everywhere she brought a closeness of attention that bordered on identification; and people like Champaklal who Page 222 were ready and eager to help in every way also learnt a good deal from her, as if it was a part of the sadhana - and so indeed it was! V During the first years ...


... Down Memory Lane Champaklal Everyone connected with Sri Aurobindo and Mother hears the name of Champaklal. As Hanuman's is known along with Rama's. When I went to Mother, Champaklal would be always there, in the corridor or at the staircase or inside Mother's room. My contacts with him started and grew there only, as it must have been in the case of most... most of his friends and acquaintances. In my early days, when I received from Mother a big birthday card, clad in silk, Navajata complimented Champaklal for it. "I only made the card," Champaklal protested, "It is Mother who chose it." Champaklal always tried to be exact in his words, and in acceptance of compliments, whereas ordinarily men are prone to be pleased over unmerited compliments. ... of persons who would sit separately as a group there. In the course of the selection, Champaklal suggested the name of Poorna Prema, her grand-daughter. Mother did not agree. When Champaklal showed his keenness for her name, Mother said, "What will a woman do there?" (I do not remember the exact words.) Champaklal reminded her that according to her man and woman are equal. She then quietened him with ...

... with the Mother. CHAMPAKLAL (when Sri Aurohindo was lying in bed after his sponging) : What is then meant by complete reliance on the Divine Grace? SRI AUROBINDO: It means what it says. (Laughter) CHAMPAKLAL: No, no, I am asking a question. SRI AUROBINDO: I am also answering. (Laughter) You know what is meant by reliance and what is meant by complete. CHAMPAKLAL: Then how does effort... time because he did not understand what Champaklal was driving at by his analogy. CHAMPAKLAL: If a man goes on doing physical exercise every day and increases the hours of his exercise every day or week, he will improve his health. Can it be said that if a man meditates more and more he will get concrete results? SRI AUROBINDO: Not necessarily. CHAMPAKLAL: Then where is the place for effort?... inside. (Laughter) CHAMPAKLAL: Sometimes I am quite conscious of my physical posture changing or bending, but I don't correct it. SRI AUROBINDO: The inner state doesn't take notice of the change of the body. Rajangam also has no control. CHAMPAKLAL: No, but it is better now. SRI AUROBINDO: Some people have to support their neck against something. CHAMPAKLAL: Why is it so? SRI AUROBINDO: ...


... Champaklal – Artist Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi Marbling Champaklal did over seven hundred paintings by the marbling technique. The Mother gave titles to many of these paintings after looking into the movement of forces they suggested; these revelatory captions focus on the hidden meaning they represent. To those who are sensitive in their imagination... to go beyond its suggestive limits would be to turn it into a pseudo art-form, a decorative jugglery of some sort. (Ref: Champaklal as an artist. 1st Edition. P: 87 & 21) Picture 43, Champaklal is an artist Picture 44, Champaklal is an artist Champaklal's Diary Notes on Marbling 1951-04-07 7.4.1951 Long ago someone came on a... times she would ask for birthday folders with these paintings on them and would write the significance below them. As in every thing, her encouragement was extremely helpful in my painting. (Ref: Champaklal Speaks. 3rd Edition. P: 211-212) ...

... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Golden Virat Purusha 1987-01-01 Champaklal finds himself in an altogether strange place and he loses even his own individual identity. This new place or the “hall” is not the common type with doors, windows, etc., seen in the physical world. It is a place in the new world, filled with the golden light of the... lifted Champaklal into a higher consciousness where “Life from beyond grew a conqueror of death” as symbolised by the chant of “OM! Lead me from mortality to immortality” and the sound of victory bells. Thus, this beautiful vision begins with the “Forget thyself” 1 type of experience and gradually unfolds the process of transformation into a higher consciousness, immersing Champaklal in the light... soul was a delegation of the All That turned from, itself to join the one Supreme.” || 83.23 || Champaklal seeing a vision in Claude Monet's garden lawn × Devotional song written by Champaklal in 'Prarthna ane udagaro'. ...


... lamp. Champaklal brought down a big cauldron of hot soup and placed it in front of her on a stool. Then the Mother would go into a trance. In the course of her trance her arms would stretch forward over the soup-cauldron. For a minute they would remain there as if she were pouring something of her subtle-physical spirituality into the liquid … Then the Mother would open her eyes and Champaklal would... tray in a corner of the staircase near the door on the first floor. We received replies early next morning … Heaps of letters, at times up to a hundred, received his attention every night.’ 73 ‘Champaklal would take the tray to Sri Aurobindo’s room, where Sri Aurobindo read and discussed with the Mother the replies to be given … Generally, it was Sri Aurobindo who wrote the replies, though occasionally... Sri Aurobindo, The Mother, SABCL 25 pp. 121, 129, 130. × In Champaklal Speaks, p. 156. × The Mother, Questions and Answers 1954, CWM 6 pp. 444, 441. ...

... Madras! Soon most of them dropped out, but then a well-wisher sold his wife’s gold ornaments to buy train tickets for Champaklal and two companions. The trio arrived in Pondicherry on 1 April 1921. Amrita called them to meet Sri Aurobindo ‘at ten minutes to five,’ remembered Champaklal. ‘When we went upstairs Sri Aurobindo was seated there. I saw nothing except him and when I prostrated myself before... exceedingly kind to me and listened to me with great sympathy. I was charmed by her personality at once effulgent and soothing. Her being was haloed by beauty, but it was not an earthly beauty.’ 22 Champaklal said: ‘When I saw the Mother, I felt an extraordinary closeness to her and felt and saw in her an embodiment of beauty.’ 23 Considering the dates, one may conclude that the descent into... stay for good and take charge of the Guest House. We owe him the precious notes of many conversations with Sri Aurobindo, the first data on the life of Sri Aurobindo, and other seminal writings. Champaklal was a Gujarati Brahmin, born in a family of puraniks , whose profession it is to read the scriptures for the benefit of the local Hindu community. From an early age he had been steeped in the sacred ...

... the truth?     I remembered Champaklal-ji. I went at once to see him. He was busy working on the first-floor. I asked him, "Champaklal- Page 78 ji, would you have a little time? I would like to ask you something." "Yes, go on," he replied. "Yesterday was my birthday," I told him, "and the Mother gave me two books. Could you tell me, Champaklal-ji, what exactly happened in the... the Mother's room when She signed these books?" "What would you like to know?" Champaklal-ji asked me. "I want to know who selected the books that the Mother signed for me and what happened when She was actually signing them," I said. Champaklal-ji closed his eyes, and thought a little, then said, "Yesterday, like every day, I told the Mother the names of the people who had their birthday, 'Today is Shobha's... I asked Champaklal-ji, "Did you open the books to see what She had written?" "No," he replied. So I opened the first page of the book and showed it to him. He kept looking at the page for a while, then said in a voice full of gentle affection, "Shobha, you are most fortunate. The Mother has never given such a name to anyone before. You are exceptionally fortunate." Thus, even from Champaklal-ji, I failed ...


... gave fruit-juice to the Mother, and Champaklal who was by her side took her hand and, examining her life-line, exclaimed: "Oh! There is a very short life-line. But she has lived much more than that." Champaklal remembered Sri Aurobindo's long life-line, but he lived to be only seventy-eight. 16 At 6.30, she wanted to be lifted up from her bed, and Champaklal and Pranab held her up for a few seconds... of acute discomfort. In consultation with Champaklal, they sent for Dr. Sanyal and Pranab, and Dyuman came too. It was a little past seven. The Mother's pulse was clearly failing, and although Dr. Sanyal gave an external heart massage, it had no effect. Finally, at 7.25 p.m., he sadly announced that the Mother had left her body. 17 Pranab, Champaklal, Dyuman, Andre, Kumud, Dr. Sanyal held a quick... restricted routine of seeing probably not more than a dozen people every day continued. Then, on 20 May, at about 9.30 at night, she had a complete 'breakdown'. Only her personal attendants - Pranab, Champaklal, Kumud, Vasudha - were with her, or visited her from time to time. Her son, Andre, arrived from Paris, and saw her now and then. Dr. Sanyal of the Ashram and Dr. Bisht of JIPMER examined the Mother ...


... Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi Introduction This portrait of Champaklal was done in the 1930s by Chinmayee (Mehdi Begum), as a member of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. It was further worked upon and finished by the Mother, who taught painting to Chinmayee. Champaklal was not only a respected member of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, but almost... and found scope for development in the Ashram. Champaklal once showed the Mother one of his early attempts at drawing and asked: “How is it? Will I be able to learn?” The Mother replied, “To learn means months and months of study before any picture can be done; studies from nature, drawing first for a long time, painting only after.” Champaklal again asked her after some months, “Is there any... of itself at its own time. You are progressing rapidly.” Sri Aurobindo also wrote of him once, “Champaklal has a natural talent already developed to an unusual degree.” Another time he wrote, “You have the capacity. You have only to be steady in your endeavour.”... As a boy in Patan, Champaklal often copied from copy-books—perhaps from the Foster Series , which was common in those days. His ...

... Aurobindo and the Mother that were collected and preserved by Champaklal. These letters notes, messages and conversations delve deep into the values of a life based on truth, light, love, beauty, harmony and the divine consciousness. They are full of insights into the problems of transforming one's nature and offer ways to overcome them. Champaklal was interested in reading, writing, painting and music... (one whose delight and contentment is in the self) of the Upanishad." It was a great privilege for Champaklal to live constantly under the direct influence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Slowly he proved worthy of their faith. The Mother relied on him so much that once she exclaimed, "Champaklal is my memory!" He himself said, "Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are my all; they alone are my aradhyadeva... see some of his best works — from his early period to his last works in the marbling technique — in the book Champaklal as an Artist. One interesting work, Sri Ramakrishna with the image of Mother Kali in the background, is included here; this unfinished painting was made before Champaklal joined the Ashram. The Mother gave titles to many of his marbling paintings after looking into the movement of ...

... architect was offered. Mother asked, "What does Champaklal say about it? He is severe." Champaklal said, "It is very difficult to make a portrait of Mother." "What do you think of it?" Mother asked again. "Not good", said Champaklal. Then Mother asked me, "What do you say?" "Not first class," I replied. Then Champaklal asked Dr. Sanyal. He said, "Second class." ... year old and a one year old child, both born at Auroville. Mother agreed to see them. She called Champaklal and said, "Champaklal, I wish to make an exception in the case of children born in Auroville. They can come to me when they are one year old." "Yes, Mother," said Champaklal. She said that it was not good that children below one year be seen by her, but Kamoo was bringing even... * * Aurela Soap Industries had charged the first pan for making 501 Brand soap on 21.2.72. One soap tablet was offered today to Mother. Even the markings on the wrapper were noticed by her. Champaklal will send for it for washing clothes. * * * The letter dated 22nd February from some residents at Peace was read: Page 124 "On days when special meditations are ...

... architect was offered. Mother asked, "What does Champaklal say about it? He is severe." Champaklal said, "It is very difficult to make a portrait of Mother." "What do you think of it?" Mother asked again. "Not good", said Champaklal. Then Mother asked me, "What do you say?" "Not first class," I replied. Then Champaklal asked Dr. Sanyal. He said, "Second class." ... year old and a one year old child, both born at Auroville. Mother agreed to see them. She called Champaklal and said, "Champaklal, I wish to make an exception in the case of children born in Auroville. They can come to me when they are one year old." "Yes, Mother," said Champaklal. She said that it was not good that children below one year be seen by her, but Kamoo was bringing even... * * Aurela Soap Industries had charged the first pan for making 501 Brand soap on 21.2.72. One soap tablet was offered today to Mother. Even the markings on the wrapper were noticed by her. Champaklal will send for it for washing clothes. * * * The letter dated 22nd February from some residents at Peace was read: Page 124 "On days when special meditations are ...

... Introduction Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Champaklal has been seeing fascinating dreams and visions ever since 1929. These visions can be read at various levels of meaning depending on the level of consciousness of the reader. Some readers may consider them as naive and mythical types of representation; some may see in them a mere reflection... attunement of the reader to the spiritual consciousness from which these experiences of Champaklal are born. What do these visions indicate? The growth of the Psychic Being dominating the whole consciousness can develop visions, till it penetrates the inconscient and rebuilds the entire being. As in the case of Champaklal, the soul gets perfected by the process of life itself and the very sincerity of... Mother's Child Champaklal lies here. It is a very difficult thing to believe in God with the entire being. It requires a true hero and an inner warrior to do so. One must let a single consciousness ripen and take possession of one's entire being by means of steady contemplation. It is a very personal, intimate and inevitable process, which can be a “native act” to individuals like Champaklal, by which ...


... concentration he was cured, not only cured but he married afterwards and had children. CHAMPAKLAL (addressing Satyendra) : Do you hear? SATYENDRA: Yes. I didn't say I didn't believe in miracles. I have myself seen many. CHAMPAKLAL: You believe in them somewhere else but not here. After the sponging, Champaklal gave pictures by Krishnalal's brother to look at. The brother had come to the Ashram... to have such powers? THE MOTHER: No. CHAMPAKLAL: Yes, Mother; he has come for Darshan. Anilbaran says he has cured many cases of leprosy, typhoid and other illnesses. He cures by calling down your Force. THE MOTHER: If he cures with my Force, I can myself cure Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo can himself do it. Somebody else need not do it. CHAMPAKLAL: He has not offered to do anything. We simply... Hanumant Rao. THE MOTHER: Oh, yes, I remember him now. CHAMPAKLAL: Mother, why don't you cure Sri Aurobindo or why doesn't Sri Aurobindo himself do it? (The Mother simply smiled.) SATYENDRA: Sri Aurobindo has said the body can be transformed only after the descent of the Supermind into the subconscient. THE MOTHER: Naturally. CHAMPAKLAL: It can't be cured before that? THE MOTHER: It can ...


... Champaklal – Artist Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi Visions (There are also a few paintings in which Champaklal has attempted to translate his visions into form and colour. These have a boldness of colour and originality of conception so natural to him! Below are some paintings with their symbolic interpretations by Sri Aurobindo.) (Ref: Champaklal... Has it any meaning? It must be the fire of aspiration rising from the opened consciousness to the Sun of Truth with all its colours (forces) around it. SRI AUROBINDO (Ref: Visions of Champaklal, 1st Edition, P: 53) The Sun & the Flower 1934-08-25 Champaklal's vision painted by another artist as instructed by him. 25.8.1934 Early morning a vision came to me... and the building is the material consciousness that has become capable of receiving the light. The flowers indicate our presence in the material consciousness. SRI AUROBINDO (Ref: Visions of Champaklal, 1st Edition, P: 55) ...

... ended up in the midst of a crowd waiting to see the Mother. Each of us had a card with a number and two words. My card read: "47. Matter-of-fact. Independence." There was a sort of balcony from which Champaklal was calling out the numbers. I joined the queue and climbed up a staircase and reached the first floor. There was a room to the right. The Mother was sitting there, awaiting all of us. On the... I was no longer totally blind. The whole day passed well. In the afternoon my sister brought Sehra's Page 123 registered envelope containing the special blessing-packet given by Champaklal from the Mother's room. It was a glorious little purse in gold-paper with a press-button. Inside were the photos of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. The instructions were that what was inside should... the Mother. One had to leap over the breadth of the street to reach there. I had the impression that it was a space I had leaped over several times in the past. But now I was hesitating. Then Champaklal came along to the window and without a moment's thought took a leap. But he misjudged the distance and, instead of reaching safely the opposite house, he fell short of it and dropped vertically down ...

... them to you, Champaklal! Take them, they are for you. They are very pretty. You keep them.” I did not answer and did not take them. And she repeated: “Take them, Champaklal, I give them to you as my present.” C: “But Mother! I have done them for you.” Seeing the state of my mind she found a way out. She gave another broad smile and said softly, almost in a whisper: “Champaklal, I will take... white lotus: Aditi The Divine Mother And under the red lotus he wrote: To Champaklal With blessings 2.2.40 Sri Aurobindo After writing, he looked at me and gave a sweet smile. Then above the red lotus Mother wrote: The Avatar Sri Aurobindo And under the white lotus she wrote: To Champaklal With blessings to my dear child 2.2.40 Mother Then Mother told me not to... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Two Lotuses I wanted to offer something to the Mother. And I got the idea of painting two lotuses, one white and the other red. Curiously, I received two beautiful lotuses and took up the painting. But due to other work I could not finish them in a day. These too, like my other paintings ...


... Laughter ) Champaklal again brought up the subject of snoring. CHAMPAKLAL: Except for causing disturbance to others, does snoring harm one in any way? SRI AUROBINDO: Harm? You mean, is it immoral? ( Laughter ) There is no harm; while the body sleeps, the inner being meditates. It does not mean this happens in all cases. All cases of snoring are not meditation. CHAMPAKLAL: Why does one snore... desires? SRI AUROBINDO: No, the desires fall off with the death of the body. CHAMPAKLAL: When one snores in meditation, does it mean that one is sleeping instead of meditating? SRI AUROBINDO: One may be meditating. One's consciousness may have gone within—it is not quite Samadhi—while the body falls asleep. CHAMPAKLAL: I ask because very often I have felt that I have gone somewhere and am feeling... up I myself find I was snoring or others tell me I was doing so. SRI AUROBINDO: When you feel peace and calm it means you have gone within. But aren't you conscious of where you have gone? CHAMPAKLAL: No, only a feeling of going very deep into a pleasant region. And this has been happening for many years. What is the further stage and how is one to get it? SRI AUROBINDO: The further stage ...


... gone. CHAMPAKLAL: So it was only to prevent him from going to Darshan that the fever came. NIRODBARAN: Looks like it. CHAMPAKLAL (to Sri Aurobindo) : Is it a coincidence? Or are there forces which put such obstacles on the way? They say that forces put these obstacles. DR. MANILAL: If a man is keen, he can put down all obstacles or come for Darshan in spite of the fever. CHAMPAKLAL: Even... Even if a man is keen, sometimes things happen which he can't prevent and he is overcome by them or can't fight against them. SRI AUROBINDO: It depends on the case. CHAMPAKLAL: This particular case, for example? SRI AUROBINDO: I have not studied this case, so I don't know. DR. MANILAL: But he must have been keen to come for the Darshan. SRI AUROBINDO: Why did he want to come for the Darshan... AUROBINDO: Why? DR. MANILAL: Because he thought that if Puranmal gave so much he must either give more or nothing at all. He chose the latter course. SRI AUROBINDO: I hear he has lost heavily. CHAMPAKLAL: It is right punishment for him. Not only did he not give anything; he took away one loaf (Sri Aurobindo laughed.) DR. MANILAL: How can it be a punishment? The Divine can't be vindictive. ...


... past. CHAMPAKLAL: There is no more chance for that. SATYENDRA: Why? Why do you close the door like that? (Sri Aurobindo smiled.) CHAMPAKLAL: How can it be possible with so many people? Even without an accident the blessings would have been stopped some day. The accident served as an excuse. SRI AUROBINDO: Do you mean I broke my leg to stop the blessings? (Laughter) CHAMPAKLAL: No, no... SRI AUROBINDO: So it is a case of the blind leading not the blind but the seeing! CHAMPAKLAL: I know a blind Sadhu who could recognise by the sound whether it was a one-anna piece or a two-anna one. SATYENDRA: He acquired a money-sense. SRI AUROBINDO: Was it the only sense he was aware of? CHAMPAKLAL: By their footsteps he could know persons. SRI AUROBINDO: Footsteps, of course. Everybody... the first thing she says is: "What do you want Yoga for? For peace? It is not enough." At the Maharshi's place it is different. People do get peace there because it is almost the main thing. CHAMPAKLAL: One really can't get peace here if one wants it? SRI AUROBINDO: It depends on the person. Europeans who come here get peace, they say. It is because they come with an agitated mind, I suppose ...


... Mother; Letters on Champaklal; Some letters written by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother mostly to devotees connected with Champaklal; Some valuable notes and memos left by the Mother with Champaklal now and then; Quotes from the Mother's observations, remarks and replies, recorded by him. A few years ago, when he received from Mother some colour pencils, Champaklal casually drew some patterns... Preface Champaklal Speaks Preface to the First Edition Champaklal does not write. He may draw, he may paint, he may design new perspectives drawing encomiums from even such a profound artist as the Mother, but writing, no. He will tell you that he is not used to it. Champaklal will not speak either. For did not Sri Aurobindo ask him as long back as... someone said to Mother: Make me your child, like Champaklal. Mother replied: If you want to become like that you must undergo a very hard discipline. Ask him how hard a discipline I have given him. Much later she was to tell Champaklal: When people ask for work and want to live with me, I give them your name and say, 'First you become unselfish like Champaklal.' Some years ago I had occasion to write ...


... I became in-drawn. Yet I was aware of everything. I could even see all that was happening around. I kept standing still for a long time. Once again, a very tender note was heard: “Champaklal! Champaklal! Champaklal! Come!” And clasping my hand, She took me forward. When the Mother had appeared, I had sighted Sri Aurobindo at a little distance. That distance remained constant. I felt I was rising... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal A Magnificent Mystic Darshan 1984-07-13 I was with the Mother. It was an extremely beautiful, fascinating, ethereal and futuristic place. To write about its uniqueness, there are simply no words. I am obliged to use the word 'Place' as I can think of no other word. Inexpressible, marvellous lights were constantly... if my body would be immediately burnt to ashes. But when the Mother, seizing my hand, declared, 'Champaklal! Now you sit here,' and kept both her hands on my head, instantly I felt an extraordinary peace accompanied with a pleasant coolness in my whole body. Once again, the Mother pronounced, 'Champaklal, now you will only sit here, peacefully. Do not open your eyes. You shall open them only when you ...


... I never knew! Champaklal, you know, this man from whom you had asked me to get the book was very happy when he learned that I had come from you. He was much moved to see me. He told me that he had somehow managed to get that book from you. He remarked, “How sweet is the word 'Champaklal'! The Mother and Sri Aurobindo have said this name several times—so I say only 'Champaklal'. Perhaps you know... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal A Journey to the New World 1979-11-14 Morning There was a huge tent. I went around, it looking for an entrance to get in but could not find any. At last an idea came to me: why not try to lift up the bottom of the tent from one side, and see if it is possible that way to get in? I saw it was possible... me with pleasure. You could see it so vividly on his face.” Champaklal, it was a pleasure to see such a man. While he was speaking to me thus, I saw tears flowing from his eyes. It is rare to see such a sadhak. What humility! While talking to him, I gathered what knowledge he has—I found him very learned too! Again I say, Champaklal, you gave me a nice, a rare opportunity to see such a man. He has ...


... feeling of oneness and love. She asked me, “What is this, Champaklal?” She did what she used to do whenever there was something specific to convey; I said, “Mother! Nowadays my leaning is more and more towards carelessness and disinterestedness.” The Mother said, “Disinterestedness, Champaklal! Disinterestedness! Disinterestedness!” Champaklal: “Mother! This is very natural for me.” The Mother nodded... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal The Mother’s Grace - A Vision Seen after 4.30 a.m. 1978-07-03 The Mother asked Kamalaben something about me, but I could not hear Kamalaben's answer to which the Mother said that she too had noticed it. Even earlier, Kamalaben used to draw my attention repeatedly to my carelessness. I had told her that it ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal An Unforgettable Wonderful Experience in Kottakal 1980-09-14 “The clear, commanding, compassionate voice which is neither Sri Aurobindo's nor the Mother's must be Champaklal's own inmost or highest being calling to his outer consciousness. It may be his psychic being speaking, because it is telling him, “Come... The hidden consciousness proper to it is pulled upward. This is a phenomenon to which it is not accustomed and it cannot respond rightly at first. Naturally some uneasiness and fear are caused in Champaklal. But soon the assurance is given that from every side there is an illuminating protection, the four lamps on the four corners of the Dhara Patthi. With this help and guidance the basic physical ... Passing through the sun it grows entirely new and comes into touch with all the depth beyond depth of the transcendent existence, marked by sun after sun at great distances from each other. “When Champaklal returns from the high experience, the bodily newness he felt is represented now by the fact that he feels as if he was a little above the patthi and he finds the light of planes beyond the physical ...


... Patel's son. Kamalaben was the youngest. They all came to Pondicherry and stayed for a few years; then all of them went back except Kamalaben and Kashibhai who stayed on in the Ashram. According to Champaklal, Sri Aurobindo once said, "Kashibhai wants to go to heaven with the members of his family." Kamalaben lost her mother when she was one year old. Her grandmother wanted to bring her up, but she... moulding the lives of his children, for whose sake he often invited saintly persons to his Ashram. He was a very kind, helpful and generous person, a great reformist but also a strict disciplinarian. Champaklal had very high respect for him, and he joined the Kansia Ashram when he was seventeen. He considered him a detached householder like Janakavidehi. Kashibhai's brother Haribhai was a well-known political... childhood. I used to collect them from my school garden and put them daily on my teacher's table. Then, after coming to the Ashram, the Mother gave me the work of counting 'Aspiration' flowers!" Champaklal also has written about Kamalaben's stay in the Ashram. I am giving here an edited version of the translation from the original in Gujarati. Episodes of the Infinite Grace of the Mother ...


... big difference. I was called in: the Mother was seated in her chair, looking very fresh, a picture of sweetness and light. I did my pranam. She smiled very Page 131 affably. "Maharaj" Champaklal gave me a low stool to sit on her right side while he sat on the floor in front of us. Kumud was silently busy with her work. The white glow, hushed silence, the shadowy branches of the Service tree... giving it a stylistic perfection. When after passing through many versions, it was almost ready to come out, I prayed to the Mother with hesitation, if she would write something. She at once asked Champaklal to give her a piece of paper. He rushed for the paper and her favourite felt pen. Then she wrote, "Grâce à Nirod nous avons la révélation de tout un côté inconnu de ce qu’ était Sri Aurobindo... however, felt it my duty to read Arabinda’s submission to the Mother. What followed was quite unexpected. The Mother kept quiet for a short while, then began to concentrate. I do not know how Champaklal read the situation but he kept paper and a pen ready at hand. The Mother was in a trance. When she came to, she started writing on the paper. After a moment she stopped and closed her eyes again ...

... years later till she had stopped going to the Playground, every night on her way to her room she gave her benedictions to Kamala, Champaklal and myself as we used to wait to wish her "Bonne nuit". One night Champaklal was not present. The Mother enquired, "Where is Champaklal?" I replied, "I don’t know, Mother; perhaps he has gone down." She was not satisfied with the answer and was visibly concerned... "I should think so," she answered dubiously. I cannot say how far she was assured by my reply, but leaving us in a perplexed mood, she went slowly up to her room. I do not remember now what made Champaklal absent himself that night or if there was any ground for her remark. The construction of our lovely swimming pool in the Sportsground had been complete and was thrown open to all the Groups of... matter, though I suspected that she had already been consulted before the step was taken. It was the usual morning Pranam time and people had gathered, among whom were Nolini, Amrita, Pavitra, Champaklal, Madhav and others. The Pranam being over, the Mother was on her way to her room on the top floor, when I asked her, "Mother, what should I do? Shall I join the Group?" The question led to a discussion ...

... saw him behind you in a dazzling white light." The following day Champaklal told me that during his Page 112 meditation in the Mother’s room he had a long dream in which Sri Aurobindo was telling me how all the pains that he had felt at each stage of his last illness were felt by Champaklal himself in his body. Champaklal was full of joy and gratitude for this recognition on the Master’s... grace. I remember someone who had committed such a treachery. When she was suffering from a long illness and asked the Mother’s .pardon, the Mother told me, "You know what she has done." If I were Champaklal, I would have appealed to her compassion, but I kept silent. We heard, however, that the person had been repeating the Mother’s name and had a peaceful end. Somewhere in 1961, after a lapse of... It bears out the truth of what the Mother had said, "I see Sri Aurobindo all the time busy Page 111 with you." The irony of it is that he is seen or heard only at critical times! In Champaklal Speaks there is a reference to an illness of mine that I had forgotten altogether. Dr. Sanyal had brought some instruments for me. The Mother asked in surprise, "For Nirod? He does not need them; ...

... and constitute the hub of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, and the Mother continued to stay there. Till November 1938, Sri Aurobindo usually attended to his comforts himself, although the ever-faithful Champaklal was always at his Master's service. Sri Aurobindo would thus himself daily light up the mosquito coils at the four corners of his bed before retiring for the night. He worked till late at night... ing gesture. Of the kind of constant human-divine life Sri Aurobindo lived in those days, who can bear witness except the Mother - or such reverent observant beloved attendants like Champaklal and Nirod? For example, the Mother has recalled a singular incident on the night of a cyclone when the noise was terrific and the rain-blast shook doors and windows and water splashed into the... and its progress or arrest. Then once the Mother spoke to Sanyal in the ante-room: "He is fully conscious within, but he is losing interest in himself." It was the well-beloved, ever-faithful Champaklal who ventured to put the crucial question to the Master: "Are you not using your Force?" "No" came the ominous answer. But why? "If you don't use your Force, how is the disease to be cured?" interposed ...

... mean that the central Sri Aurobindo, Sri Aurobindo himself, is there. He is here with me all the time and working through me." The book Champaklal Speaks quotes a direct letter to the person concerned, written on 5.5.1953:¹ ¹ Champaklal Speaks, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1975, p. 25. Page 9 "I do not deny that you have got a connection with something... ng, and my closing anecdote starts from the event concerned in it. Champaklal reports on page 85 of his first book that in the presence of Amrita and himself the Mother told Satyakarma that when in 1920 she had fasted for ten days she had not taken anything, "not even a drop of water." I expressed to Champaklal my doubt about this. I said a fast of such a kind was not possible. He countered... time was there any question of abstention from water. And I am all the more positive about the Mother because I have myself heard her speak of this fast of hers. Both Champaklal and Amrita were present when she spoke, but Champaklal has perhaps forgotten the talk. It was in the "Stores" (Prosperity Room) on the first floor of the Library House one evening before the Soup-distribution downstairs ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal A Magnificent Mystic Darshan 1984-07-13 In this experience, Champaklal already finds himself with the Mother in the new world (“Futuristic place”) which received the light of the Supramental Consciousness (“golden light”) and from where Sri Aurobindo also could be seen in his, new supramentalised body. ... expand and merge into the gross universe. The Mother now leads Champaklal in the new world, towards the Divine Truth symbolised by the golden sun. The saviour touch of the Divine (the Mother) brings coolness to Champaklal's body and does not allow the intense heat to burn it to ashes. A “Mighty transformation” is felt by Champaklal who experiences a “Celestial ecstasy”. The “transformation” can only... only be experienced, it cannot be expressed. Having transformed Champaklal, the. Mother herself leads him into the Light of the Supramental Truth and Force (the Golden Sun), Sri Aurobindo being its embodiment is there. Champaklal puts his head on Sri Aurobindo's lap signifying his total self-surrender and has the transcendental darshan of “two-in-one” symbolising the Ultimate who is both Ishwara ...


... Afterwards, when Sri Aurobindo sat on the bed, Champaklal beckoned to me to give him the chamber-pot as he occasionally needed it after the exercise. I was hesitant. Then he himself asked for it. Dr. Becharlal had not noticed it and so Champaklal gave him a call too. As Champaklal was insisting on it, all of us, including Sri Aurobindo, looked at Champaklal and laughed. SRI AUROBINDO: The question... question is now: who Calls? The dynamo, Nature or Champaklal? If not Champaklal, is it I or Nature? (Laughter) But I think it is Champaklal because my need was not urgent. (Laughter, and Champaklal abashed) Take the example of a machine. The machine is driven by an electric force. Now, is the Force driving the machine or is there a man behind it? Whichever it is, if a pig is put into the machine to ...


... god, his upper body bare and beautiful like Shiva's, chatting intimately just as he used to do with us. But how on earth did they enter this forbidden place? Who let them in? Puzzled,! turned to Champaklal who was quietly standing behind Sri Aurobindo. A naughty smile was playing on his lips, and with every nod of his head his white beard bobbed up and down as if to say - "Do you think Sri Aurobindo... beauty. Her red-tinted feet glistening with gold anklets wore a pair of white sandals with golden straps. She came into the room and instantly it was filled with light and sweetness and perfume. Champaklal and I turned eagerly towards Sri Aurobindo. Leaning against the back-rest, he was watching the Mother. Page 9 His hair fell over his broad shoulders, his silky white beard stirred in... evening the children will come again." Evening. Sri Aurobindo seemed to be waiting for his young guests. His eyes were closed. The little children assembled very silently in the outer hall, since Champaklal was signalling to them with his finger on his lips to keep quiet. Then he led them in one by one and placed them around three sides of the bed, like a garland. They all stood, with folded hands, ...

... often came out of the trance, and each time leaned forward, hugged and kissed Champaklal who was sitting by the side of his bed. Champaklal also hugged him in return. A wonderful sight it was, though so strangely unlike Sri Aurobindo who had rarely called us even by our names in these twelve years. We knew that Champaklal particularly longed for some tender outward expression. But Sri Aurobindo's impersonal... I was reluctant to bring out the numerous files containing the Savitri manuscript, just for half an hour, he would say, "We shall work a little." This provoked my other colleagues, particularly Champaklal, to an impish mirth, for they loved work and I did not, at least I did not then. And almost till his withdrawal the miscellaneous literary works and the labour on Savitri were carried on in full... impersonal nature kept at bay all personal touches except during our birthday or Darshan pranams when he would pat and caress our heads. Now Champaklal had his heart's yearning gratified to the full extent. But on what grounds? Was it the repayment of God's debt to his "servant" for his lifelong dedicated service without the expectation of any other meed than perhaps some occasional look or touch or ...

... in which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother lived for about a decade before we broke into their seclusion. Sri Aurobindo had not gone one step out of this house, nor seen any visitors or inmates; only Champaklal, his personal attendant, had glimpses of him. He used to find his body shining like gold. Our work too was to serve the Lord as is done in the temple, — not as medical attendants, for henceforth... rarely with knife and fork. He would take off his ring, place it in Champaklal's hand and wash. Champakal would put it back on his finger afterwards. Sometimes when he forgot to take off the ring, Champaklal caught hold of the hand before it was dipped in the water. Then the Mother would come, prepare and lay the table, push it herself up to Sri Aurobindo and arrange the various foods in bowls or glass... one chilly for him who is said in the old days to have taken a lump of opium with impunity! We have also seen him finishing his meal somehow, if for some reason the Mother could not be present and Champaklal had to serve instead. The story goes that once Mridu's dish went back without being touched by Sri Aurobindo, and she raised a storm. Sri Aurobindo had to quiet her with the plea that the Mother ...

... I was to find out that he was Champaklal-ji) called out from the Meditation hall staircase, "Is there anyone who has not had the Mother's darshan?" My brother excitedly exclaimed, "Yes, we haven't had the Mother's darshan!" "Hurry up. then, Champaklal-ji urged us. The Mother is waiting." And he turned around and went up the stairs. That day I did not know who Champaklal-ji was but later on he became... were going to come?" Nolini-da replied, "Of course, the Mother knew! Champaklal told me this morning that sometimes even after the Mother's darshan is over, She does not go in for Her dinner. She simply stands and waits there. That is when Champaklal comes down to enquire if anybody has not had Her darshan. Yesterday, Champaklal came down thrice to find out if anybody had missed Her darshan. Only then... walk over this stone-filled road and reached the Ashram gate. There was a light burning above the main gate. I noticed a gentleman coming out with a big pot of flowers. Later found out that it was Champaklal-ji's brother, Bansidhar-ji. My brother asked him, "Could you kindly tell us what time the Mother's darshan is?" He replied, "The Mother's darshan? But that ended a long time ago!" And saying this ...


... Champaklal – Artist Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi Graphic Designs (At one stage Champaklal also did a number of graphic designs with colour pencils or felt-pens. These interesting designs have a spontaneity about them and are far from being conventional patterns or mere decorative motifs. Below are some of his works.) (Ref: Champaklal as an artist... show all these colours here. This is an ordinary sketch from which I wanted to make a large painting, but it does not seem possible now. It is also difficult to write about it.” CHAMPAKLAL (Ref: Visions of Champaklal, 1st Edition, P: 63) ... artist. 1st Edition. P: 22 Free Hand Design Free-hand Design. A Free-hand Design. Done with colour felt-pen incorporating the letters M and A (Mother and Sri Aurobindo). (Ref: Champaklal as an artist. 1st Edition. P: 86) Sketch after seeing a vision " Sketch of a vision. “The Vision had a marvellous effect on my entire body. OM, SHREEMA, M—all these ...

... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal A Message from the Mother 1985-02-20 The Mother and Sri Aurobindo gave me Darshan in a dream on 20th February 1985. The Mother was in peals of laughter. Seeing this, Sri Aurobindo kept on looking at me and then at the Mother with a buoyant smile. What a delightful laughter it was! The Mother was gazing at... re-organise your environment. Do you not understand even then? You have yet to work further, more and more. Au revoir.... Champaklal.... Au revoir!” Bidding me good bye and smiling sweetly, the Mother left. Then Sri Aurobindo smiled gently and asked me, “Champaklal, did you follow? Did you grasp what the Mother told you?” Having said this, Sri Aurobindo roared with laughter and my eyes opened... at me with fond affection. It was an extraordinary sight! Then the Mother exclaimed, “Champaklal, Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! But is this the way? What are you doing? Have you not written about us (and our way of working) in your book? You were shown everything. You understood well too.... Why are you then reacting in such a way?” On hearing these words, Sri Aurobindo burst into laughter. Usually Sri Aurobindo ...


... The Mother was very serious. I put my head in Her lap. She starting caressing my head softly and tenderly and continued to do so for some time. Then She called out, “Champaklal, Champaklal, Champaklal!” I did not answer and remained in the same position. I lost all control over myself and could not lift my head. Then I do not know how and in what manner my head was raised and I was gazing at the... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal The Assurance from the Mother (A Dream but too real to be called a Dream) 1981-04-08 2.30 a.m. Somewhere there was a place totally different and unknown, the entire construction of this place was also different as if this place was in space and there was nothing else in space except this place. ... again gave me a very loving and compassionate look. Her eyes were piercing me as if penetrating each cell of my body. She said, “Champaklal, the coming year is very bad, very bad, speak!” I replied, “Yes, Mother, I have nothing to say.” She said, “Yes, I know, Champaklal, yes, I know well now.” And the Mother bent Her whole Body over me. Her Body began to grow larger and larger, it became endless and ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal A Vision at the Lake Estate 1979-08-14 “The place visited is outside of our divisions of time, for even those who have passed away are present. It is a place where the psychic consciousness prevails, as is proved by “folded hands and a deep prayerful mood”. But here this consciousness is not only within; it... their palms are opened after the eyes have looked up. “Champaklal's own psychic being is seen in the form of that “charming young boy” who comes to guide and who acts as if he knew Champaklal and with whom Champaklal too feels familiar. Some traits of the plane are revealed by the animals with whom the children are playing—the speed of spiritual progress (deer), strength with illumined wisdom (elephants)... dish, giving what we have named the quintessence of the Divine, comes out, bringing the marvellous Prasad. “While Champaklal is coming out of the Bhavan he gets a view of the vital world under the psychic influence—the exceptionally pretty fishes of varied forms and colours. Champaklal draws an inference about earthly food being cooked in the future by solar energy. His inference is symbolic too. It ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal An Experience of Boundless Ananda 1981-12-23 The vision begins with Champaklal having, a very sincere aspiration to attain or reach a realm of consciousness (place) guided by Sri Aurobindo. He seems to be sitting on the verge of the higher mental plane (indicated by 'thought') which readily responds to the... in the sadhana and one can do it if one is clear about the path, as is the case with Champaklal. He comes to the right place but it is surrounded by many other “fascinating” buildings symbolising the distractions and outward temptations that one may encounter in sadhana. The right place is only one, which Champaklal naturally identifies correctly and he gets drawn to it because he has already established... of various doubts and obstacles created by the mind and one can have amazing experiences and feel the Divine presence and the Unseen Force that guides, pulls and charts out the entire course. Champaklal at one stage, the penultimate stage, feels very uneasy and greatly suffocated, indicating that his inner consciousness has reached such a height that it can no longer remain confined or imprisoned ...


... hugged and kissed Champaklal, who was sitting by the side of his bed. Champaklal also hugged him in return. A wonderful sight it was, though so strangely unlike Sri Aurobindo who had rarely called us even by our names in these twelve years.’ 47 Is it not obvious that the Avatar, in his love for humanity, was here taking leave of that humanity in the person of the pure Champaklal? It was ‘the embrace... diploma. In the thirty-three years of their separation, the Mother, though always in inner contact with him, had written scarcely twenty letters. Now Mother and son would meet again. According to Champaklal, the Mother said to Sri Aurobindo: ‘Perhaps if we met on the road without being introduced to each other I would not know him, and he too would not recognize me.’ 28 She had arranged for him... the room, he left. Then they called me back immediately.’ 50 This is how Sanyal tells of the end: ‘I stood behind the Master and started stroking his hair which he always liked. Nirod and Champaklal sat by the side of the bed and caressed his feet. We were all quietly watching him. We now knew that anything might happen, any time … I perceived a slight quiver in his body, almost imperceptible ...

... atmosphere of those golden days. It is difficult to write about Kamalaben without remembering Champaklal because her association with him grew from her childhood days. I had the privilege of first knowing them quite a few years ago. Later, I got close to them during the publication of some books on Champaklal. Kamalaben came to the Ashram at the young age of thirteen on 20 February 1928. She had... Divine Mother and later on she served Champaklal till his last moment. She hardly speaks about herself. I have found her sincere, straightforward, warm, generous and a silent servitor of the Divine. She looked upon Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as her true Father and Mother. Her initiation and development have taken place under their direct guidance. Champaklal once showed me some of the correspondence... provide an insight into the soul's progress and the guidance available at a spiritual level. Kamalaben was also fortunate to get a variety of beautiful folders and cards meticulously prepared by Champaklal with the Mother's blessings. They are a treasure to her. One of these folder-cards with the Mother's photograph is printed at the start of this book. Kamalaben is a person who came to the Ashram ...


... opportunity of renewing my contact with the Mother after a long interval and it was one of the closest and happiest, as if some old barrier had broken down. It came about in an unexpected manner. Champaklal had fallen ill during the last months of the year. Dr. Sanyal was treating him. I was one of the attendants. When after recovery he went to the Mother I accompanied him till he reached the door of... him. Though I had a strong impulse, I hesitated to go without previous permission, but he insisted and told the Mother what he had done. She did not, mind, of course, and received me very sweetly. Champaklal was naturally overwhelmed to meet her after such an ordeal and a long absence. He complained that the doctors would not allow him but added that he had heard her call. The Mother’s response needs... some months till again the curtain fell upon the light and I had to come down before the cup was even half-full, and wait for the fullness which was not to be. Back to our story: I used to follow Champaklal every morning and the Mother, sitting in her chair before her breakfast, divinely fresh, would see me. She used to take Page 116 hold of my hands, look steadily into my eyes and caress ...

... read the Arya too. CHAMPAKLAL: Pujalal was saying that Parvati, worshipping the sun by gazing at it, obtained Shiva. How is it she didn't go blind by gazing at the sun? SRI AUROBINDO: Why should she go blind? CHAMPAKLAL: We have a saying by gazing at the sun one goes blind. PURANI: Because of its strong rays, especially midday you will go blind. CHAMPAKLAL: Is that a symbolic sun at... blind!" But I didn't go blind. CHAMPAKLAL: You also practised it? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. Of course everyone can't do it. PURANI: One has to start with the morning sun. I could gaze about three hours. EVENING CHAMPAKLAL: Puljalal was asking if the light of the sun can help one spiritually. SRI AUROBINDO: Spiritually? It can help indirectly. CHAMPAKLAL: He was also asking what effect... effect the practice of eating leaves, fasting etc. can have. SRI AUROBINDO: They help one too get mastery over the body and will. CHAMPAKLAL: And does the light of the sun also help physically? SRI AUROBINDO: That is Agarwal's department. (Laughter) It is a yogic practice. Of course, it does not. give you the knowledge of the Brahman but it helps indirectly, as I said, by preparing you for it ...


... Champaklal - The Yogi Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi About my Silence Man's normal daily interactions proceed through the medium of words and gestures. This medium is so handy and easy that we do not realise its importance and it is to a great extent even misused. When I decided to set aside the medium of speech, it was natural that people were... were perplexed and sometimes I was asked about it. A friend wrote to me asking for an explanation: “Some people are saying that Champaklal has been keeping mauna because of some throat disease and Sri Aurobindo asked him to observe silence so that it might not spread.” But when there never was any such disease, where was the question of its spreading? Secondly, Sri Aurobindo left his body in 1950... is the proof that you have not lost your voice?” I explained to her in writing that as you children enjoy talking so I enjoy my silence. I enjoy it even more than when I was talking..... (Ref: Champaklal Speaks. 3rd Edition. P: 287-290) ...

... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Vision I saw a grand, majestic and very alluring figure. It was a Digambar's and appeared to be made of luminous white snow. It was so fascinating that I could not take my eyes off him. He gazed at me with his charming, penetrating and captivating eyes, and said, “Champaklal!” I could not answer. I simply looked... looked at him. He caught hold of my hand and called again—”“Champaklal, come!” He held my hand in such a way as to make me get up. We started walking, and walked a long distance. At last we came to a wide-open and very fascinating place—the luminous white snow was seen everywhere. Now there was no way. I was led by him. We were going higher and higher and covered quite a bit of the long distance. I enjoyed ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Traditional Learning and Champaklal As you know, every Brahmin must learn certain rituals after his upanayana [sacred-thread ceremony]. My father taught me sandhya [worship at dawn, noon and dusk] but I was never interested in this ritual. My elder brother, Sunderlal, who was brought up under the... way. One day something unexpected happened. Usually punditji did not go out of his pole. But that day he came to the gate and saw me. I did not know it. On going back he asked my brother: “What? Champaklal is grazing donkeys there?” My brother kept quiet. Later, punditji reported the matter to my father, but he, unique in many ways, did not say anything. My father provided all facilities for our... Vyas also took the same examinations with me. 2 × For a collection of Champaklal's paintings see Champaklal as an Artist , 1995. ...


... along with his wife Champaben. Sri Aurobindo agreed. When Punamchand went to Patan to bring back his wife, Sri Aurobindo asked about Champaklal and told him, "Bring him also when you come here. " Punamchand, his wife Champaben, Kamala's brother Mahesh, and Champaklal arrived in Pondicherry on 12 June 1923 and lived there for four years. One day he ingured his leg, which had to be operated upon... the work of collecting the funds for building up the Ashram in Pondicherry. He approached many persons, particularly businessmen in Mumbai and Gujarat, for contributions. In his reminiscences, Champaklal writes: "Punamchand was well known in our town. I met him in the Akhada (gymnasium), which was quite popular, where I went regularly. He was well built and not only looked after the boys' exercises... also followed the yoga of Sri Aurobindo. I was much influenced by him. The Mother told me how hard she had to work to remove his influence over me; it remained with me till 1930. "] 1) See Champaklal Speaks, 2002 ed., pp. 3-4, 38-39. ...

... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Champaklal is a Psychologist 1952-10-16 Photographer Chiman's birthday. Mother told him: “You have all the photographs with you. So that is not in question. What book do you want? Last Poems ?” Champaklal: “Give him photographs, Mother.” Mother: “You are pleading.” C: “I am pleading... in his place I would not ask but would like to have them from you without asking. I would expect that from you. Mother.” Mother then went in to fetch them from her room and then told Chiman: “Champaklal is a psychologist!” When Mother said this I knew the meaning of the word but not the slightest idea why she was describing me like this. But now she has explained to me through experience. For ...


... Correspondence Champaklal's Treasures With Champaklal Champaklal Write to Punamchand that now that Vithaldas has seen the Mother, he should communicate his experience or his difficulties direct to her. It is not desirable that in matters of the Sadhana Punamchand or anybody else should come in between, even as a channel of communication. The Mother's... Mother's force must go direct undisturbed by any other influence. December 1928 Sri Aurobindo Champaklal As regards the Vedic “Dictionary” write to Punamchand that I do not want anything of this kind to be made out of my unfinished work. If it is to be done, it will be in the future and must be only under my express directions and supervision. December 1928 Sri Aurobindo Mother... book a few months later even though I did not know French even then. What was interesting was that she had numbered my copy 5 and kept it for me. 2 The inscription read: 21-9-32 No. 5 à Champaklal Mira During meditations I find that my head and trunk bend down again and again. I am conscious but I cannot help it. Should I stop coming for meditations? It does not matter. ...


... redoubled force. He went to his bed and plunged within. ‘It was during this period that he often came out of the trance, and each time leaned forward, hugged and kissed Champaklal on the cheek, who was sitting by the side of his bed. Champaklal also hugged him in return. A wonderful sight it was, though so strangely unlike Sri Aurobindo who had rarely called us even by our names in these twelve years.’ 16... and others have remained puzzled about this unusual behaviour of Sri Aurobindo. Is it not obvious that the Avatar, in his love for humanity, is here taking leave of that humanity in the person of Champaklal? It was ‘the embrace that takes to itself the body of God in man,’ as Sri Aurobindo had written in the Synthesis. 17 In the Ashram only a handful of people, taken into the confidence of... there, near the feet of Sri Aurobindo: her hair had been undressed and was flowing about her shoulders. Her look was so fierce that I could not face those eyes. With a piercing gaze she stood there. Champaklal could not bear it and sobbingly he implored, “Mother, tell me Dr. Sanyal is not right, he is alive.” The Mother looked at him and he became quiet and composed as if touched by a magic wand. She stood ...


... about Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Champaklal remembers: ‘At one time C[hinmoy] was very close to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. And as happens in the case of many who come too close to them, she also lost her head. She became hostile. This has happened so often and exceptions are rare. Their speech is very sweet. Mother warned me several times against it: “Champaklal, take care, it is slow poison.” ... certain person won’t help us in any way. We are fighting with the hostile force [behind her], not with the person. If you send away one person, it will catch hold of another.’ Now you understand, Champaklal?” And she looked on both of us with great kindness.’ 4 The Mother also said that people like this attendant were targeted for possession by the powerful Titan who was put into the world... × Ibid. × Champaklal Speaks , p. 107. × Mother’s Agenda, 24-25 July 1959. ...

... peace.   I was interested to read your account of the Champaklal-episode at Puri. I wonder what exactly was the relation conceived between Champaklal and the Jagannath temple. Evidently a high value was set on this temple and especially on the special prasad cooked there, which was proposed to be brought to him. But I don't think Champaklal was considered to be blessed by the projected visit by him... religions. Most followers of Sri Aurobindo's philosophy do not quite realise the line he and the Mother draw between the old Hindu scriptures and the popular practices. Perhaps the personal figure of Champaklal did not encourage the Puri-receptionists to mark such a line. For he throughout his life in the Ashram and in the exemplary service of his Gurus retained on his body the traditional "sacred thread" ...


... if he needed help at any time. This was sixteen or seventeen years ago. CHAMPAKLAL: Anilbaran says the man has always been very honest but he has been cheated by everybody. SRI AUROBINDO: That is the fate of honest people. The rule is: you shouldn't cheat but you should know how it is done. (Laughter) CHAMPAKLAL: What is your opinion about Nandalal's paintings you saw in the morning? (Purani... (Purani had shown them.) PURANI: He hasn't yet seen the complete set. CHAMPAKLAL: But he can speak about what he has seen. SRI AUROBINDO: (looking at Champaklal) : What I saw, I saw. PURANI: Nandlal is trying to follow the modern tendency democratic art. His modern paintings seem to be like that: for example the village minstrel. SRI AUROBINDO: They tried to be grotesque, didn't they ...


... goes within, while the surface consciousness falls into the subconscient or one goes down into the subconscient altogether. NIRODBARAN: Champaklal was also sleeping. SRI AUROBINDO: Champaklal can sleep anytime unless he has a toothache. (Laughter. Champaklal was actually suffering from a toothache at this time.) NIRODBARAN: Are there no dreams in tamasic sleep? SRI AUROBINDO: There are... weep, he would not get any realisation. So Lele said, "Pretend to weep." The man pretended and then the emotion became real and he began to weep uncontrollably. It is a kind of auto-suggestion. CHAMPAKLAL: Yes, Lele also made my niece weep like that. Another thing he did was to give the mantra Om Dattatreya SRI AUROBINDO: He never gave me any mantra. He said the mantra would rise from within. ...


... I don't know; it may possibly be guidance. PURANI: Champaklal had a vision. CHAMPAKLAL: I saw Nirodbaran meditating under a canopy in a Buddha-like posture. Does it mean anything? SRI AUROBINDO: I can't say. CHAMPAKLAL: I also saw him doing pranam, and you patting him. SRI AUROBINDO: Do you see many visions of him? CHAMPAKLAL: I have had three or four. While Sri Aurobindo was lying ...


... pronounced that there was a fracture of the thigh bone. Sri Aurobindo simply heard the verdict and made no comment. A team of attendants was formed consisting of Dr. Manilal, three other medical men, Champaklal (Sri Aurobindo's personal attendant) and Purani, who had acquired the right by his past association with Sri Aurobindo to be included. One more hand was still needed. The Mother simply looked through... injured leg was put in a cast as a first aid. The next move was to take the Lord to his bed. We found it quite a job to carry him in spite of our having three muscular figures amongst us, Purani, Champaklal and Satyendra. His physical frame had considerable weight like the spiritual substance it enshrined. Already two hours had passed and the news had flown all over the Ashram — a real bolt from... by the entire team was required only at particular times, if, for instance, the body needed some adjustment after a long stay in one position. He who had had the Mother as the sole companion, and Champaklal as the only attendant, now had to admit others into his sanctum. Circumstances broke down the barriers of solitude and forced upon him a new pattern of life. Little by little the air of unfamiliarity ...

... happened in Dilip's case. He had sent the timing of his radio programme from Calcutta and beseeched Sri Aurobindo to hear him. Sri Aurobindo asked Champaklal to remind him of it. Champaklal, probably, did not. When the music was over, he asked Champaklal, "Where is Dilip's music?" He laughed and said that it was already finished! Lastly, those who have read Talks with Sri Aurobindo and his Co... shining torso different times in different postures, look at these replicas and murmur sadly, "Was this the figure that we loved and worshipped?" The Mother showing a painting of Sri Aurobindo to Champaklal asked him his opinion, he kept quiet. She then repeated, "You don't like it?" Then he burst out, "How can I like it, Mother? This is sheer mockery. I won't look at it!" The Mother smiled. But people ...

... our Savitri work. I was surprised to read in Mother India — Monthly Review of Culture—June 1993—page 400— Nirodbaran's talk on Champaklal . He has stated about Champaklal: He used to be present during the Mother's work with Huta. This is a mistake. Champaklal was never present when the Mother and I worked together on Savitri . She never wished or allowed any third person to be present while... Savitri the doors were closed and the Mother gave strict orders to Vasudha (her personal attendant) not to allow anybody in the room and disturb the Savitri work. So there was no question of either Champaklal or anybody else being present during our Savitri work. ...


... happened in Dilip's case. He had sent the timing of his radio programme from Calcutta and beseeched Sri Aurobindo to hear him. Sri Aurobindo asked Champaklal to remind him of it. When the music was over, he asked Champaklal, 'Where is Dilip's music?' Champaklal laughed and said that it was already finished!" 21 Sri Aurobindo was not even a conversationalist - as we normally understand and use the... Yes, 'sparkling with his ready wit and humour'. Here are two specimens of Sri Aurobindo's conversational jokes made during these periods of relaxed intermission. Nirodbaran is recounting: 1."Champaklal is the custodian of all their relics such as hair, nails, teeth. He has even stored up all the ashes of the burnt mosquito-coils. Here is a humorous incident in connection with the ashes: "Once ...

... laborious path, found myself at the summit, alas, just for a short-lived Dawn - this will be the account of the following pages. After Sri Aurobindo’s passing, my occupation seemed to have gone. Champaklal had served both the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. So he could easily find his anchor fixed in the Mother. I had lost mine and had no other "talent" with which to serve her. I had the fear that I would... to the blue sky and green trees, that my poetic heart felt like "dancing in glee". In addition, I could have a view of the Mother through the long passage when she was meeting people in her room. Champaklal supplied me with Page 46 a table used by Sri Aurobindo. Then I told the Mother that I had to work on the Savitri manuscript, type it and get it ready for publication. I don’t remember... from my office the Mother meeting people and giving them blessings. She could see me, but did not call me. I kept myself aloof waiting to be called. For, I had taken up an attitude like my friend Champaklal that I should not ask anything for myself. Things should come in their natural course. I do not know if this movement sprang from pride or humility. But throughout the rest of my life I have tried ...

... those waiting for pranam or blessings. When Champaklal once suggested that she might take a day off from her work, she answered smiling: "I do not have so much freedom." 21 But, then, she could also somehow find time, amidst her crowding preoccupations and the exhausting demands of her work, to do pencil sketches - of Sri Aurobindo, of herself, of Champaklal, of Pranab's fist and profile! 22 If only... In 1948, at a time of scarcity, she directed that soap-bits, instead of being thrown away, should be kneaded into new cakes and used again. "The world's economy is in my hands," she explained to Champaklal, "so I had to start from the Ashram." 14 Page 463 From the apparently trivial to the incomprehensibly cosmic, her attention was everywhere all at once, and between her waking and... example, coming to know of the death of Champaklal's father, she "kept silent, looked down for a long time" and there ensued this brief conversation: Mother: Now your mother is alone there? Champaklal: No, Mother, my elder brother is there. Mother: Yes, that I know. She does not want to come here? Last time she was here she told me that she would like to come and stay here.... If she wants ...


... Champaklal - The Yogi Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi We Arrive (Champaklal finally came in 1923 to the Ashram with Champaben, Punamchandbhai's wife as instructed by Sri Aurobindo) (Ref: Champaklal Speaks. 3rd Edition. P: 37) Holy staircase where Champaklal had his first darshan of Sri Aurobindo Before that, as we were sitting in the... two or three days, and yet every day, when we were leaving he used to say, “Now, tomorrow.” This shows how he showered his infinite grace to keep us in his presence for some more days..... (Ref: Champaklal Speaks. 3rd Edition. P: 6-14 ) ...

... Dreams and Visions of Champaklal (With Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretations) Visions of Champaklal On Champaklal Champaklal as a Soldier 1934-01-12 Mother, I was seeing in a dream that Champaklal has taken the dress of soldier, and one gun also is in his hand. What is the meaning of it, Mother? Champaklal as a soldier means that he is a warrior ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal A Vision at the Lake Estate 1979-08-14 I was just sitting on the window sill of one of the houses at the Lake Estate of the Ashram and looking at the lake. The sight of a vast landscape always makes me happy. There was no water in the lake, even then I very much enjoyed the view. Whenever I see such a scene... fruit trees. As I walked further, a very charming young boy came towards me in such a way as if he knew me. I too had the same feeling of familiarity. He spoke smilingly: “The Mother has said when Champaklal comes, bring him to me.” I walked with him. On the way, I saw many birds and animals moving freely, and some children played with them freely. I saw deers, elephants, horses, cows and some others... not see myself there. I laughed and laughed again. The boy did not ask me any question but he too began to laugh. When we reached the place where the Mother was with grown up boys, She asked me, “Champaklal! What makes you laugh so much?” I replied, “Mother, I saw you there. And you are here also at the same time! But I did not see myself with you there. If I had seen myself there and here also with ...


... back, a lot of fun, laughing and joking around amongst ourselves. And one day, She remarked: "I have eyes at the back!" Oh yes, I forgot to mention that Champaklal and I used to wash the Lord's hands in a bowl of water. Champaklal washed them before the meal, and I, after. ... to know something. Out of the four or five of us who came into close contact with Him, only two or three are still alive, and of these few, I am taking the burden of speaking to you. My friend Champaklal doesn't believe in talking; my other friend, Dr. Satyendra, I don't know what he believes in! (Laughter) So, forced by circumstances, I am the only one who has been given this task of saying... some of you remember. One or two examples of Her strictest hardness we had the chance to see, but it is not for you young children. So, after this interlude, we will now resume our story: Champaklal, as you know, was His attendant from a long time ago. He came here as a young boy and he told the Mother one day, long ago, before Sri Aurobindo was accepted as an Avatar and a Guru, "Mother, I ...


... Aurobindo 26 DECEMBER 1938 At about 5:30 p.m., four of our group—Champaklal, Satyendra, Becharlal and Nirodbaran— were seated on the carpet behind the head of Sri Aurobindo's bed and were whispering among themselves. Over some topic Champaklal broke into suppressed laughter and had to run away from the room. Satyendra and Nirodbaran controlled themselves... was still absent. SRI AUROBINDO (looking at us) : What Divine Descent was it? NIRODBARAN: It was Champaklal who burst into laughter. SRI AUROBINDO: Oh, then it was Vishnu's Ananda that descended! As soon as he encouraged us by his voluntary question we flocked near his bed. CHAMPAKLAL: It is peculiar how I break into laughter so easily. Formerly I used to weep also at the slightest provocation... come out with some problem. DR. BECHARLAL: What is meant by self-offering? How is one to do it? SRI AUROBINDO (with a surprised humorous frown) : How? I don't know how. One simply does it! CHAMPAKLAL (interrupting the talk) : My eyes always remain watery. SRI AUROBINDO: Virgil had eyes like that, while Horace used to breathe hard. Once Mycaenas, the great patron of literature in the reign ...


... of the Ashram perhaps. EVENING CHAMPAKLAL: It seems the Bengali professor was very much impressed by the meditation. He said, "I know now what meditation is." After the meditation he couldn't move, it seems. He a made pranam to Anilbaran. Sri Aurobindo smiled when he heard that the man had made pranam to Anilbaran, and looked at Champaklal. CHAMPAKLAL: Yes, he touched his feet, I am told... doesn't mean that he is doing it because Anilbaran is a big Yogi. CHAMPAKLAL: But in our parts they very rarely do it. If they do pranam like that, it means only one thing. It is a sign of great respect. SATYENDRA: It is done commonly among Sadhus. CHAMPAKLAL: In Gujarat? SATYENDRA: Yes, why do you doubt it? CHAMPAKLAL: I didn't know it. SATYENDRA: In the circles I have moved I saw ...


... AUROBINDO: May be or may not. CHAMPAKLAL: Many thefts are committed in the Ashram. Do you know who the thief is? Or perhaps you don't want to know and wish to play the part of Ignorance? SRI AUROBINDO: Why would I know? It is not my work. It is the concern of the police. You are asking like those who ask me about the share-market or horse-racing in Bombay. CHAMPAKLAL: The Mother said she is much... bothered by these thefts. She wants to know— SRI AUROBINDO: Does she? CHAMPAKLAL: She sees and knows many things— SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, she sees many things that she doesn't want to see. It doesn't mean that she will see this too. We are not concerned with it and she does not use her inner power for these things. CHAMPAKLAL: Then it is not that you can't know; only you are not concerned with it... give up as dross...' " SRI AUROBINDO(after a little while) : Well? NIRODBARAN: "Well? Which is correct? SRI AUROBINDO: It may be either. A has written it and he knows what he means. CHAMPAKLAL: I think A wants to know whether what he says is a fact. K was telling me—she studies with P—that she understood it in A's sense while Purani doesn't agree. Purani says it can't be true. SRI ...


... Champaklal - The Yogi Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi Mother’s Lion "My Lion" - The Mother (1960) Champaklalji was extremely fond of this photograph of his with the Mother which she captioned it “My Lion”. While choosing it as the cover for the Gujarati edition of Champaklal Speaks , he noted this incident: Once, on seeing this photo, Pranab's... Pranab's uncle Charubabu exclaimed, “Mother, here Champaklal looks like Durga's lion! “ And Mother forcefully replied, “He is my lion!” (Ref: Champaklal Speaks. 3rd Edition. Preface) ...

... about, near the verandah, growling as she looked up and did not want to go near. Champaklal was watching intently. Umaben tried to tell the dog to be quiet, but she would not, and Champaklal seeing something behind this strange behaviour of the dog, signed to Umaben not to stop the dog from barking. Again and again Champaklal signed to her. “Then perhaps to show us that the Mother's photograph was the... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal An Experience with the Mother’s Photograph 1977-07-20 On the day we arrived at brother Kanad's house at Jammu, the first thing I saw was the Mother's beautiful photograph hanging on the wall of the verandah. I have seen many photographs of this type. But this one was exceptionally beautiful. It made me very ...


... Diary Notes of Champaklal Speaks, there is a note dated 6 February 1940. It says: ‘Mother was arranging flowers. It was an understanding that in order to save time I could show to her paintings, etc., at that hour when she arranged flowers. Champaklal: “Can I show the plate now?” Mother smiled and said: “Yes, yes.” After seeing the painting Mother said: “This is the best.” Champaklal: “Is that so?”... ” Mother: “I think so. We shall see. Sri Aurobindo was the artist.” Champaklal: “Leonardo da Vinci?” Mother smiled sweetly and said: “Yes.” Then I pointed to the picture [of Mona Lisa] and said: “Mother, it seems this is yours?” Mother: “Yes.”’ 34 In his Reminiscences, Udar narrates that he wanted a Sanskrit name for his wife Mona and that the Mother said she would ask Sri Aurobindo. ‘The next... × See Mark Twain, op. cit. × Champaklal Speaks , p. 46. × Reminiscences of Udar, in More Vignettes of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother , p ...

... the game, I asked Champaklal to plead to Sri Aurobindo on our behalf. The play started, there was quite a crowd. The Mother was watching with keen interest. The upshot was that we lost sadly and badly. Curiously enough, we missed even simple shots. On my return in the evening, I told Champaklal of our ignoble defeat. Later on, Sri Aurobindo himself enquired and learning from Champaklal about the result... was ignorant of this; besides, I had a grand occasion, I thought, to offer something. Her organisation worked so well because of her intuitive choice of the right persons. To give one example, Champaklal was selected from the beginning for Sri Aurobindo's personal service and no choice could have been better. I have already spoken of her solicitude for Sri Aurobindo's health. From the time she came... informed: before going to the meditation and after it, before going for a drive and after it, or before seeing any visitor, she would come and see him. Sri Aurobindo also would inquire about her from Champaklal, whether she had finished her food and gone to bed or not, and as I have said, until she had retired, he kept awake. If by chance she was late in returning from a drive Sri Aurobindo would inquire ...

... a job in some Canadian insurance company and made money. He is here now and wants to stay and lead a spiritual life. CHAMPAKLAL: Does this going to jail benefit one? SRI AUROBINDO: Benefit in which way? You get the benefit of the experience of jail. (Laughter) CHAMPAKLAL: I mean: Is one helped in any way by trying to keep one's promise and going to jail? Should one always keep one's promise... out of Pondicherry. Not only that: one has no right, he says, to break a promise. For instance, he told our Govindbhai that he had deserted his duty and he should go back to nationalist work. CHAMPAKLAL: Is one bound to keep such promises and does one profit by keeping them? SRI AUROBINDO: There is no rule covering all promises. It is not a question of benefit but of doing one's duty. If one... in his eyes. He does not take his stand on a spiritual standard. SRI AUROBINDO: The question is not that. The question is whether one is bound to keep one's promise, bound to do one's duty. CHAMPAKLAL: That is the point on which we want to know your view. SRI AUROBINDO: One is not bound to keep a promise if there is a call felt for a higher life or if the object or goal of life for which the ...


... March, the Mother did not stand while seeing people, as she used to before, but sat in a chair. The demands on her attention were so many that she needed to have eyes on her back as she informed Champaklal on 11 May. On 7 June, after seeing several people at different times in the early morning, she told him: You cannot imagine even, how sick I become, it is suffocating. People are so much deep... issue of victory or defeat - at least of a postponement of victory - for the cause represented by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. People who met Sri Aurobindo daily and were in constant attendance like Champaklal and Nirodbaran could Page 489 see that he was becoming more and more withdrawn, as if pondering issues of cosmic amplitude and importance. The daily talks with Sri Aurobindo covering... losing interest in himself.... It all depends on him."* But the next day, as Nirodbaran notes, "he emerged from the depth", and got up and sat in his chair. Then he was asked entreatingly by Champaklal whether he was not using his spiritual force to cure himself, he said "No!" When the question was repeated he gave the same answer. "Why not?" they persisted, "How is the disease going to be cured ...


... Champaklal - The Yogi Champaklal - The Artist and a Yogi The Grace Arranges my Work One day I said to Mother: “Mother, I would like to wash my father's dhoti.” She smiled and said that she would ask Sri Aurobindo. The next day when I went to Sri Aurobindo he looked at me and said: “You want to wash my dhoti?” C: “Yes.” Sri Aurobindo: “Are you... aspiration, even when not expressed in words, evokes response from the Grace. Your life has been a standing example of this truth. Sorry to interrupt you, Champak-bhai, please proceed.”.... (Ref: Champaklal Speaks. 3rd Edition. P: 48-52) ...

... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal A Sketch after seeing the vision: “The Vision had a marvellous effect on my entire body. OM, SHREEMA, M—all these symbols, the way I saw them were looking real, alive. How can that be shown? A variety of rays of light of various colours were spreading.out from all its sides. I could not show all these colours... colours here. This is an ordinary sketch from which I wanted to make a large painting, but it does not seem possible now. It is also difficult to write about it.” CHAMPAKLAL, Champaklal’s dream about our School Children 1976-09-02 There was a function arranged by the boys and girls of our school. I saw a wide open place filled with luminous golden Light. There in its midst the ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Vision I spoke to Kamalaben that I was going out for a walk. “You too come and join me; it is a very beautiful place where we are to go.” But Kamalaben said, “No, no; you alone can go.” I said, “Come and see for yourself, you will find it very interesting.” At last both of us started. There was a forest... filled with their fragrance. There were birds and animals too of many kinds and their voices created a sweet music for our ears. Advancing further, we saw that two children were moving towards us. “Champaklal”, they cried from afar, and I wondered how they could recognise me from such a distance. The boy and the girl approached me and were very happy on seeing me. They said, “Come to our house.” Kamalaben ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal A Vision of the Famous French Artist 1985-06-02 Claude Monet Whenever I visit beautiful places and also the spots of natural grandeur, I keep on looking at them with great admiration, I also feel inclined to simply close my eyes and lie down. Today I could not control this tendency of mine 1 ... white glistening liquid inside and applied something on my tongue. Then I saw myself clinging to him. He told me, “You have to come with me. Sri Aurobindo has instructed me, 'You have to go down. My Champaklal has come there. I had arranged his coming. You too will be glad to go to your own place'.” The Being added, “Sri Aurobindo seemed to be very pleased as he said this. I have never seen him so happy ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal The Mother in the Golden Lotus (A Vision at Paris) 1985 The Mother's loving, sweet voice is heard, but she is not seen. I look around eagerly, but still she can't be seen. I become impatient to see her. The Mother says, “Champaklal, first you listen to me quietly. Initially, when you started working with ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal A Vision at Nainital 1980 I looked at the compound of the building, at its right I saw a mountain. I was surprised as to how I had missed it at first. It was not of ordinary rocks, but was made of multi-coloured layers, beautiful and shining. Steaming hot water was flowing out of them. The steam was spreading... colour. Some being of a golden colour was sitting on top of the mountain and was very clearly visible even at a great height. (That being was not a human being.) [In response to our question, Champaklal answered that the 'being' was Lord Shiva.—Ed.] ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Ascent to Peace, Joy and Ananda 1976-09-02 The child is indicative of the psychic being. The light, colours and flowers are seen when there is a working of forces. The light indicates an illumination of the consciousness, the colour indicates the play of forces—mental, vital, physical—for the enlightenment... The flowers indicate psychic activity, a blossoming of the consciousness. It is, therefore, evident that during this vision a very active psychic and a highly illumined consciousness are present in Champaklal. Even the Tree that is seen is of “Patience”. A tree normally symbolises the subconscient vital. Here, in his case, the tree is full of golden light (the light of the Divine Truth) and flowers which ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal A Vision of the Famous French Artist, Claude Monet Claude Monet, 1840-1926, France, impressionist painter, was born in Paris and first studied under Boudin. In 1860, he went to Africa, where he performed two years military service. After his return to Paris he became one of the original group of impressionist... followers with a new method of rendering qualities of atmosphere and of light. (Webster's Unified Dictionary and Encyclopedia 4, K-Pend, p. 1126) 1985-06-02 After seeing the vision Champaklal was told that this had been Claude Monet's favourite tree, which he had drawn in most of his paintings. Art (in this case painting) can be one of the many means of expressing the Self and the ...


... tender love and joy, looked at me and stretching out her hand said, “Champaklal, take this. I give it to you for your pocket expenses.” I saw in her hand a French currency note (the first one from her, it is still with me), but I could not extend my hand and receive it. Noticing my hesitation and unwillingness she said, “Champaklal, take it. Sri Aurobindo has said that it is indispensable to have a... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks We Arrive [ The following account is based on Champaklal's diary. ] At last, Natwarlal, Kanti and myself arrived at Pondicherry at a.m. on April 1, 1921. Feeling that it was not proper to sit in rickshaws pulled by human beings we did not hire one. We walked the distance from the railway station ...


... this was far more striking than her words. Once, no one knew how, it was lost. I managed to find it and gave it to her. She exclaimed joyously: “O Champaklal, truly you are an angel! Champaklal, truly you are an angel!” Then she gave me a pen holder as a present saying it was her cadeau (the French word for gift). In olden days one could buy a type of “paper” pencil which did not need to be sharpened... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “You are an Angel!” Sri Aurobindo gave a small pencil to the Mother and. she kept k very carefully guarded. It was of a kind not found nowadays, Whenever she showed it she would say, with a specially notable expression: “You see, this is Sri Aurobindo's pencil.” Her expression when she said this ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Champaklal Hiding After Sri Aurobindo's accident my work changed. But my going down with Mother when she went downstairs to give Pranam was retained. Both Kamala and I used to accompany her. I would be in Sri Aurobindo's room. At the time of going down either Mother or Kamala used to call me. ... and the 'long passage' (when visiting his room, we enter by one and come out by the other). Once it so happened that when Mother came to call me, she stood near one of them and asked Kamala: “Has Champaklal gone?” Coming out by the other door, I stood behind her and replied: “Mother, I am here.” Mother turned round at once and said to Kamala: “See how he is hiding behind me!” Then she looked at me ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother’s Faith in Champaklal “When the new bathroom for Sri Aurobindo was made, 1 there was a proposal to instal an electric geyser there for making hot water, Mother was told that if the button was switched on without checking if the tap on the pipe taking water to the geyser was open the result... result could be disastrous. The Mother immediately instructions that none of the attendants should touch the switch except Champaklal. However, later this plan was dropped and another arrangement made. × After the accident, Sri Aurobindo's attendants used to give him a sponge bath every day in his room. Some years later ...


... do it properly.” Then I took the pad, tore a sheet and gave it to the Mother. Mother: “Champaklal is careful.” She wrote something on that chit, looked round and said: “This paper is to be kept by one who can remember and who can keep it carefully.” Then, turning to me, she said: “Champaklal, you keep this.” ... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Careful You know those small chit pads from France with perforated sheets. Once Mother wanted a sheet, and she tore out one from the pad, but it was not properly torn. Amrita tried, again not properly. Mother: “Oh Amrita, you also have done the same thing!” A: “It was caught by a wire, so I ...


... written on it. Once again he gave me a gentle smile and happily wrote below the sketch: To Champaklal my love and blessings February 2, 1947 Sri Aurobindo The same day I also prayed Mother to let me have an outline of her feet and she drew it with her own hand. Under it she wrote: To Champaklal 2.2.1947 With love and blessings Mother ... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Sri Aurobindo’s Feet 1947-02-02 It was my birthday: 2.2.1947. I was very happy, indeed very very happy. The Mother was very gracious, as on every birthday of mine. When she came to Sri Aurobindo's room where we all were waiting for her, she looked at me with a broad smile which had a deep intimacy ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Champaklal Becomes a Demigod Long back, I had once told Mother: “I want to see the Divine with these very physical eyes.” Mother had replied: “Yes, you will see Him.” On 22nd December, Mother told me: “There is something in your nature that has to be removed. It is not an easy task. Leave... close to her like a small child and made me a divine child. What can I say about my experiences during that session? When Mother narrated all that had happened to Sri Aurobindo, he remarked, “Champaklal has become a demigod.” I do not know whether I became a demigod, but I do know that for a long time afterwards I felt very different, as if my very existence had become Their instrument. I felt ...


... life in this; that is why Champaklal likes it. In the other photo there is supramental light but no life. That is why he does not prefer it. 1923: Inmates of the Ashram Top: Rajangam, Tirupati* Khitish*Nolinida* Satyen* Kanai* Bejoy* Purani* and Nagaratnam (a local devotee) Centre: Punamchand* Champaben, Mrs. Kodandaraman, Mr. kodandaraman Bottom: Champaklal, Moni* Amrita,* Manmohan... Reminiscences Champaklal's Treasures Why Champaklal Does Not Like? Once it happened that some photographs were before Mother' for autograph. I pointed to the photo of Sri Aurobindo (the one without the chair at the back) and said: Mother, I do not like this photo at all. Mother looked at me with surprise and asked: What? C: Yes, Mother, I do not ...


... can come and see the size of my cloth!” I spoke with a touch of vehemence. She kept quiet: she did not say anything. The next day she started telling me, very sweetly: “ Champaklal, you know, people were saying, how can Champaklal talk to Mother like that?” I did not at all realise what was wrong and exclaimed: “What is there?” Again she fell silent and did not say anything more. It was much... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Why so many Clips? It was long ago. I used to wash dhoti everyday and dry it myself. Once it so happened that I needed clips to hold the dhoti on the cloth line. I asked for some from Prosperity. Purushottam was then in charge of Prosperity. Every evening he would present all requisition chits from ...


... ns and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Hostile Force in nearby Persons At one time X was very close to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. And as happened in the case of many who come too close to them, she lost her head. She became hostile. The speech of such persons is very sweet. Mother warned me several times against it: “Champaklal, take care, it is slow... Sending away one person won't help us in any way. We are fighting with the hostile force—not with the person. If you send away one person, it will catch hold of another.' Now do you understand, Champaklal?” Then she looked at both of us with great tenderness. ...


... take. [Champaklal's note]) It is not for me personal. Something is being done in order to save them—the work of transformation,” The Mother patted Champaklal and blessed him and said: “Do not worry.” The Mother repeated this three times to Champaklal and continued: “It is the image of the world.” The Mother called Nolini and said: “It is not an illness. I will tell you one day what it is.” 2 ... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Towards Transformation 1968-08-09 (about 10 a.m.) The following was noted by Amrita at my instance and later approved by the Mother. The Mother said: “Something is going on which is interesting. They are saying I am not collaborating. 1 (The Mother was “ill” but she refused to take the ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Add ‘sincere’ 1967-04-22 When I went into Mother's room with a glass of coconut water, Amrita said: “Champaklal has come.” Mother immediately asked me to bring the thick sketching pen. With that she wrote “SINCERITY” and gave it to Amrita. It was for someone. Then she wrote on another piece... honest, faithful, patient, enduring... and happy! C: “Add 'sincere', Mother.” Mother: “NO!” C: “I want it for myself, Mother.” Mother: “All right.” Then she wrote on another paper: Champaklal, Be honest, sincere, faithful, patient, enduring... and happy! With love The Mother ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Why Champaklal does not Like Once it happened that some photographs were placed before Mother for signing. I pointed to a photo of Sri Aurobindo—the one without the chair at the back—and said: “Mother, I do not like this photo at all.” Mother looked at me with surprise: “What?” C: “Yes, Mother... away to my place at a little distance. At that time Amrita was with the Mother with some papers. She turned to him and said: “There is vital force, a living atmosphere in this photo; that is why Champaklal likes it. In the other photo there is supramental light but no vital life. That is why he does not like it.” ...


... decided that Sri Aurobindo must walk leaning on two persons and not use crutches. Dr. Manilal chose Purani and Satyendra but as they were not of the same height, Mother made Champaklal replace Satyendra on the left side. “Champaklal had his aspiration fulfilled. His was the last support Sri Aurobindo was to give up.”—Nirodbaran, Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo , 1988, p. 24. ... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks My Sacred Thread As you know I have always worn my yajnopavita (sacred thread). One day it occurred to me that I could do without it. But as I thinking of removing it, the idea came: How can I remove it when: Sri Aurobindo has touched it so many times? I must explain. When, after the accident ...


... drastically. Until then the Mother and Champaklal, his faithful attendant, had been the only persons to enter his apartment freely. Now a team was formed to look after him. It consisted mainly of disciples who were medical doctors: Nirodbaran, Becharlal, Satyendra, and, when he visited, Manilal; the laymen were Mulshankar, who had some medical training, Champaklal and Purani. ‘Little by little the air... period from the accident up to August 1941. He confesses that he has omitted recording at least a third of the talks because of laziness or negligence. In his defence it must be said that he and Champaklal slept every night in Sri Aurobindo’s room and that he sometimes had to note down the conversations at an ungodly hour and after a full day’s work. Gradually he became Sri Aurobindo’s amanuensis. ...

... facts reported by the sadhaks. Physical facts so impress and obsess us that we find any disrespect to them, or brushing away of them, a very disturbing if not incomprehensible matter. I have heard Champaklal say to me that these things mean much to our exterior consciousness but from the Mother's inner and higher viewpoint they can become very small and insignificant. This was said after observing... involving directly or indirectly a plant known to have been of Pujalal's rearing. She had shaken her head as if saying "No" to that information. The reason for her queer-seeming behaviour was, as both Champaklal and I realised, her concern primarily with spiritual truth, the true God-touched consciousness she was bent on evoking, encouraging and strengthening in us. If she found a sadhak reporting something... day's work. It struck both Sehra and me as Page 24 obvious that out of some freak of jealously this person had done the disfigurement. I mentioned our condemnatory conclusion to Champaklal. He did not seem convinced. But I asked him: "Is there any other possible person on the scene?" Pujalal and I put our heads together and decided that the matter should be brought to the Mother's ...


... the only persons present on the occasion?" What I gathered from Champaklal, in addition to what I have already said on "Amar", is as follows: At that time (1926) Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were living in the "Library House", the building to which the principal Ashram gate directly leads. A day or two before November 26, Champaklal arranged flowers on the floor of the Mother's room in the form... one of the two or three who alone remember that a great occasion led to the designation "Immortality Day". On observing the almost universal ignorance about it I made up my mind to have a talk with Champaklal who, according to my memory of the Ashram's early days, had been a participant in the ceremony which had taken place on November 26 forty-nine years before. A natural chance came when I went ...

... 27, 1972 ( Champaklal hands Satprem the French and English texts of the Christmas message so Mother can put it in her own handwriting. ) (Satprem.:) You've put: We want to show to the world that man can become a true servitor of the Divine. Who will collaborate in all sincerity? (Champaklal, in English:) Mother, shall I give you paper? Mother... Mother will write now? To send to Press? (Satprem:) Is it necessary? But I can't write.... ( Champaklal is upset ) Page 331 ...I'd better write it. ( Mother spends twenty minutes copying the message by hand, then she holds out her hands to Satprem and plunges in ) ...


... horizontal—at various levels, the vital being, the heart, etc. CHAMPAKLAL: Is it true that illness comes from sadhana? SRI AUROBINDO: From sadhana? NIRODBARAN: I think he means that illness may come in the course of sadhana for purification. SRI AUROBINDO: That's a different thing. It can be a circumstance in sadhana. CHAMPAKLAL: When I was still a new comer and having some physical troubles... suppose you are thinking of your own case? DR. BECHARLAL: How then is one to get rid of it? SRI AUROBINDO: As I said, you have first to be conscious of the subtle body before you can do it. CHAMPAKLAL: X told me once how she used to have a headache which remained just above the head and it was very severe. We used to laugh at her because we couldn't believe in a headache of that nature. SRI ...


... No; I asked two more, but they are personal. NIRODBARAN: Ah! Let us hear them. CHAMPAKLAL: Are they about some future fulfilment? SRI AUROBINDO: He is keeping the interesting parts secret. DR. MANILAL: No, Sir. There can be nothing secret from you. But if I speak of them I may lose faith. CHAMPAKLAL: But does a prophecy's success depend on telling or not telling it? If it is to come... No, Sir! PURANI: After Kant you would realise how easy The Life Divine is. NIRODBARAN: Don't worry, Dr. Manilal, I am in the same boat as you. PURANI: Many doctors will be in it. . CHAMPAKLAL: But Rajangam finds The Life Divine easy. He says that one shouldn't read anything else except this book. He is in ecstasies over it. PURANI: I also find it very clear. SRI AUROBINDO: One ...


... is the general impression. SRI AUROBINDO: Your impression? NIRODBARAN: Not particularly mine. SATYENDRA: People here have impressions of many things which may not happen to be correct. CHAMPAKLAL: Very often people form their impressions from the Mother's way of dealing with people. Some say that those who remain near her are more receptive. Because they are more receptive the Mother keeps... AUROBINDO: There are many psychically advanced sadthaks whom the Mother sees only once or twice a year. Receptivity is a complex phenomenon. One may be receptive in one way, another in another way. CHAMPAKLAL: Sometimes people hear something said by the Mother about somebody and they build up a story. For example, Y was said to be very receptive and to have had a past relation with the Mother and so was... was called by the Mother for special pranams, etc. SRI AUROBINDO: Past relation? Receptivity is a different thing. There is no single reason for which the Mother sees people. CHAMPAKLAL: Of course, they also say that the Mother may see some people very often because of their special needs or difficulties. SRI AUROBINDO (smiling) : All chat is humbug, because it is deduced by mental reasoning ...


... 28 JANUARY 1939 In the morning, during the sponging, Champaklal and Purani were engaged in killing flies. They were making a clapping sound. Champaklal burst into laughter. We reported the cause of the laughter to Aurobindo. SRI AUROBINDO: This is not Ahimsa. Champaklal should be sent to Vinoba at the Gandhi Ashram. PURANI: Oh, he will be given severe punishment ...


... That is akin to our idea. At this point we noticed that Champaklal was shaking his head with closed eyes and we began to laugh. SRI AUROBINDO: What is it? NIRODBARAN: Champaklal is shaking his head. SRI AUROBINDO: Because he doesn't understand us? SATYENDRA: Probably he is shaking to the rhythm of my speech. CHAMPAKLAL: Both. (Laughter) SATYENDRA: To go back to Meher Baba: his ...


... Nations, the League of Informations. EVENING As usual Purani entered with a strong military step and took a few deep breaths looking at Sri Aurobindo. Champaklal and Nirodbaran were stealing a smile at each other over him when suddenly Champaklal burst out laughing and Purani looked at him. Sri Aurobindo also looked and, raising his right hand, made a gesture as if to say, "Don't know what to make... DECEMBER 1939 The Mother told Sri Aurobindo that the prices of things have gone up. Vegetables are getting scarce and costly. When the soldiers come, it will be still more difficult to get them. Champaklal remarked that the price of one house-paint has gone up from two rupees to a thousand. SRI AUROBINDO: That means that it is not available for purchase. But I don't know why vegetables should be ...


... necessarily. Without faith one may also be cured. Many patients get cured without their knowing about the action of the Force. Lack of faith may be an obstacle too, especially a positive disbelief. CHAMPAKLAL: Is one born with faith? SRI AUROBINDO: One is not born with it, but one may be born with a capacity for faith. EVENING DR. MANILAL: The Sarvajnas— (Laughter, Sri Aurobindo exclaimed, "Oh... She said to one three years and to the other as many years as there are leaves on a tree. The latter began to dance— SRI AUROBINDO: Oh, that is Narada's story of the Tapaswi and the Bhakta. CHAMPAKLAL: That story you told me when I asked you on my first visit, "Shall I have realisation?" SRI AUROBINDO: This is more pointed than the Jain story. At this stage Dr. Manilal departed. NIRODBARAN:... in her universal entity? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. It is not necessary for her to know in her body. There are many people whom the Mother has not met or seen but who call the Mother and get help. CHAMPAKLAL: Yes, Mother told us such a story in her stories, that some people were calling her. PURANI: I remember distinctly her other story while sitting among us. Suddenly she went into a trance and returned ...


... Sri Aurobindo with such a smile and tone said: "Yes!" that we all roared with laughter. EVENING Champaklal forgot today to give the wiping cloth to Sri Aurobindo and Nirodbaran did it instead. We laughed over it. Sri Aurobindo asked why we were laughing. When we said that Champaklal had forgotten to give the cloth he said, "The Inconscient?" NIRODBARAN: Is the Inconscient the last? ... NIRODBARAN: If it is only in the Ashram, he will be left out, so he says sadhaks. DR. MANILAL: Even among those outside who have faith. SRI AUROBINDO: You bring in the faith condition now. Champaklal and Purani gave instances in which even without any faith people had been cured by a flower from the Mother. SRI AUROBINDO: So you see (looking at Dr. Manilal), the problem is very complex ...


... is what the Governor of Malaya says. If true, he shouldn't have said it. After this there was an interval in which Satyendra, Champaklal and Purani were talking among themselves. There was a stain on Satyendra's shirt which brought up the following topic. CHAMPAKLAL: Paul Richard used to say that a stain on the clothes means a stain on the soul. If he saw any stain on his clothes—a dhobi stain... on his soul. SRI AUROBINDO (laughing): If it was a dhobi stain, it would be a stain on the washerman's soul. (Laughter) That was one thing Richard believed in—signs, emblems, omens, etc. CHAMPAKLAL: Every time he saw a stain, it would make him angry. SRI AUROBINDO: If he knew the cause of the stain, why should he be angry afterwards? SATYENDRA: He did not like the cause to be revealed ...


... the Western nations lost their independence. EVENING Champaklal and Purani standing at either extremity were making gestures at each other; Champaklal burst suddenly into laughter and Purani joined in. Sri Aurobindo looked at them. They continued to laugh. SRI AUROBINDO: Unspoken jokes seem to be more successful. PURANI: Champaklal was showing different poses of standing. The British have ...


... were talking in whispers among ourselves. Champaklal who had been trying to suppress his laughter let go suddenly and had to run away from the room. Sri Aurobindo, looking at us, said, "What divine descent was it?" I replied, checking my mirth, "Champaklal burst into laughter." Sri Aurobindo: Oh, so it was Vishnu's Ananda that descended! Later on, Champaklal said, "My eyes always remain watery." ...

... strength, he must come on that solemn occasion.” [77] At the same time the Mother asked Nirodbaran to approach the same doctor whose name Champaklal had referred to. When the doctor was approached he immediately started his “gigantic treatment”. Champaklal also visited Nishikanto and assured him that he would be all right. At last the “day of destiny dawned”. On 24 April 1956 in the morning,... to trouble him and gradually his condition began to drift towards a coma but he kept alive the hope of seeing the Mother. Nirodbaran was deeply perturbed by Nishikanto’s failing health. One day Champaklal suggested to him that a certain doctor be consulted for Nishikanto, instead of the one who was treating him as the former “carries a silent force with him ”. On the following day when Nirodbaran ...

... 1921. A couple of years passed and, in different months of the year 1923, five more young aspirants, four from Gujarat and one from Bengal, came to live with Sri Aurobindo: they were A.B. Purani, Champaklal, Punamchand and his wife Champaben, and Kanailal Gangulee. The year 1924 saw the arrival of Punjalal, again from Gujarat. A French army engineer Phillipe Barbier Saint-Hillaire (Pavitra) came and... given by this particular photograph is as follows: (1) Suresh (Moni), (2) Bejoy, (3) Nolini, (4) Amrita, (5) Rajangam, (6) Purani, (7) Kanai, (8) Kodandaraman, (9) Mrs. Kodandaraman, (10) Champaklal, (11) Punamchand, (12) Champaben, (13) Saiyen, (14) Kshitish, (15) Tirupati, and (16) Manmohan. In the meantime the Mother had come back from Japan and joined Sri Aurobindo in his Tapasya... significance for the earth's destiny. (1) Suresh (Moni), (2) Bejoy, (3) Nolini, (4) Amrita, (5) Datta, (6) Barindra, (7) Rajangam, (8) Purani, (9) Kanai, (10) Punamchand, (11) Champaben, (12) Champaklal, (13) Punjalal, (14) Pavitra, (15) Satyen, (16) Lilavati (Purani's wife), (17) Dr. Upendra Nath Banerjee, (18) Nonibala (Upendra Nath's sister), (19) Rajanikanta Palit, (20) Kshitish Chandra Dutt ...

... was standing with Champaklal in the corner of his terrace ladder. There was one high wall near the door of the Rosary House which is Page 47 in the courtyard of the Library House. There was something like a terrace. On that, there were beautiful green crotons; Sri Aurobindo came near the wall from the new room and the Mother also followed him. I told Champaklal that Sri Aurobindo... back to the hall without taking that idol thinking that the Mother might finish the distribution of soup. I found that the Mother had already finished her work and got up and she was instructing Champaklal to keep the little remaining quantity of soup on the small stove in the hall so that it would remain hot. Thinking that the Mother would not know, I started going back but she saw and called me. ...


... bottom." Then Champaklal let the cat out of the bag: "Mother, they're serving you chicken soup in the name of chicken stock." Mother exclaimed: "Is that so?" Then she gave us a good scolding and said: "From now on don't serve me soup anymore." We kept quiet after Mother's scolding. In the afternoon she raised the topic again as if to console us. Champaklal said: "Whatever... country from a severe drought. But someone had to immolate himself in order to make the yagna successful. A rabbit agreed and was thereby released from all suffering." Very enthusiastically Champaklal volunteered: "Mother, then I want to be a chicken." Mother smiled: "No, my child. I won't be able to eat such a big chicken!" The day closed with laughter all around. (17) ...


... chance spells of unexpected sunshine. On one occasion early in 1940, Champaklal came in and showed the Mother a print of the celebrated 'Mona Lisa', and the following brief conversation ensued: Mother: Sri Aurobindo was the artist. Champaklal: Leonardo da Vinci? Mother smiled sweetly and said: Yes. Champaklal: Mother, it seems this [painting] is yours? Mother: Yes, do you ...


... and the University Grants Commissions 695, 715, 731-2, 754 'Free progress' system 728ff Chadwick, J.A. see Arjava Chakravarty, Jnanendranath 15fn Chamberlain, Neville 395-6, 403 Champaklal Purani 212, 222, 227, 231, 235-6, 239, 246, 254, 283, 288, 323, 328-9, 339, 374, 400, 420, 464-5, 470, 489, 492, 496, 551, 651, 679, 691, 700-1, 817, 819ff Chandradip Tripathi 691 Chandrasekharam... tion of her life 831-44 2. Others on the Mother Alexandra David-Neel 29 Amal Kiran 86-7, 264-5, 287, 319, 341, 549 Amrita 91-2 Page 909 André 478 Baron 662-3 Bibhas 670 Champaklal 212, 222, 420 Chidanandam 231, 765 Dilip Kumar 260 Ganapati Muni 258 Ganapatram 278 Huta 588 Jay Smith 547-8, 589 Jaya 239 Kanailal 218, 224 Kapali Sastry 256-7, 288-9 Kodandarama 212... what he came to tell us 669, 802 her understanding him anew 768 laying down Auroville's future 772 messages on his centenary 799-802 3. Others on Sri Aurobindo Amal Kiran 86-7 Andre 478 Champaklal 212, 420 Jaya 234, 239 Kapali Sastry 212, 360 Narayan Prasad 359 Nirodbaran 273-6, 360, 398-9, 408, 493 Nolini Kanta 86, 204, 217 Purani 212, 221, 225, 235 Richard, Paul 48-9 Shanti 271 ...


... Then Champaklal (who had brought the baby) didn't want him to go without having touched my feet (I thought it was going to cause a disaster): Champaklal put him on the floor, bent his head forward—as soon as the baby saw my feet, he caught them with his two hands, one hand on each foot! Seven months old! And not a noise: only that "Aaah!" He had never seen Champaklal before; Champaklal took ...


... Dreams and Visions of Champaklal (With Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretations) Visions of Champaklal On Champaklal - A Fighter on the Vital Plane 1932-07-02 The dream about Chandulal and the bandits was a happening in the vital world or else a symbolic scene witnessed there. In the first case, the bandits are vital beings attacking the work,—in the second... second, hostile forces, suggestions etc. The one thing clear in it is that Champaklal is a prompt and effective fighter on the vital plane. Sri Aurobindo ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal A Dream Transcending Time 1980-05-11 An actual experience, transcending time. This vision shows that in the path of yoga a total surrender and offering “of oneself and all one is and has and every plane of the consciousness and every movement to the Divine” is required. Here, under instructions from the... It is not possible for those, for whom the “Time is not yet right”. Champaklal himself has said in Prartbana ane Udgaro —”“Do whatever you can with total devotion—with all strength—surrender everything at the feet of the Divine alone—Gracious Mother will give happiness, peace and bliss.” After the end of the vision, Champaklal faces an unusual time-problem. The impression created by this phenomenon ...


... d and made ready as an instrument of the Divine is voiceful in these words. But who could it be? In those days there were five prominent workers in different ways. There was Chandulal, there was Champaklal, there was Dyuman, there was Doraiswamy and there was the Englishwoman Datta, originally Dorothy Hodgeson. Doraiswamy mostly worked outside the Ashram for the Ashram, and he had to deal with a lawyer's... Our sentence is phrased in a manner quite consistent with such a habit and it has the lawyer's language — well-knit and logical. So he could be its author. The statement is perhaps too long for Champaklal or Dyuman and is not quite in character with Datta's more direct and less ample movement. It is quite possible for Chandulal in its general bearing, but accurate expression of a complex thought was... had found there his happy repose.         Not much longer is the definition that follows: "To do as Mother directs us to do."         This could be any worker speaking. It could be Champaklal or Dyuman, the ever-ready obedient servants of the Mother, full of the zest of putting her Will into action. But perhaps there is here a certain leaning towards outer guidance, a waiting for the ...


... Harikant, was just a baby at that time. Besides Purushottam there were two or three people sitting there. Champaklal was always the Mother's attendant in those days, just as he has been in recent times. The Mother says she keeps some lions about her: they belong to the occult planes — but Champaklal looks almost like a physical lion guarding her — a faithful vehicle, vāhana, of her Power. In the course... on mats in the hall which is now the Reception Room. At about 8 the Mother   Page 63 would come down from the Prosperity Room upstairs and take her seat near the shaded lamp. Champaklal brought down a big cauldron of hot soup and placed it in front of her on a stool. Then the Mother would go into a trance. In the course of her trance her arms would stretch forward over the soup-cauldron... The idea must have been to give her own luminous subtle-physical substance and energy — a most concrete transference of spirituality into physical stuff. Then the Mother would open her eyes and Champaklal would remove the cauldron to one side and give her a big spoon. Each of us in turn would go and kneel before her and offer her our cup. The cup used to be called in the Ashram lingo "the animal cup": ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Champaklal does not Understand Jokes This incident took place when Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were living in Library House. Sri Aurobindo used to come to the bathroom to wash his hands and feet; when he went in he left his slippers outside the door. I would be present there and would turn the slippers... were ready. It was only my presence there that was awaited. Mother had been informed about this letter and she had already spoken to Sri Aurobindo. And now, in the bathroom, Sri Aurobindo said: “Champaklal, you have to go to Patan. We shall send you away.” I became very serious but seeing my face Sri Aurobindo started to smile mildly. In those days Sri Aurobindo believed sadhaks should not marry... gave his permission for it. So when he seemed ready to send me away to get married I was speechless. That evening, Sri Aurobindo recounted this incident to all during the talks and remarked: “Champaklal does not understand jokes.” My nature is still the same. ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 3 June 1934 I was wondering what would be the effect on me of a rebuke for some mistake of mine. I think Champaklal, Chandulal and Amrita do sometimes get rebukes from you, but I am sure their trust is not shaken because of that. Of course not. They get it frequently, especially Amrita and Chandulal. Formerly... (especially Chandulal), but that was long ago. Now they have learnt to take it in the right way. 3.6.1934 Sri Aurobindo My Sweet Mother, Champaklal and Kamala are painting so well but I am not making progress. What should I do? Champaklal has a natural talent already developed to an unusual degree. As for K she did very poor things at first and took a long time to develop—now she does ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Childlike Simplicity It was when Mother was ill. Sri Aurobindo used to attend on her in the afternoon. When he was in Mother's Salon (as she called her new room), I would wait in the small passage outside. 1 It was a Sunday, and raining heavily. Sri Aurobindo came out of Mother's room and... window?” (The window had a new kind of fitting.) Luckily, I had a good look at the window-mechanism the previous day and I could say: “Yes, I know.” Sri Aurobindo went in and told her: “Yes, Champaklal knows.” Then he came out, smiled and said: “Mother says you had better close the window if you know how to do it!” At that time there was no frigidaire with us. Mother had got a small wooden... bathroom and after his passing my room). After his bath he came there for his dinner. While Sri Aurobindo ate I sat in the 'long passage'. One day he came our in the middle of his meal and said: “Champaklal, come in.” I was wondering why he called me but followed him. Once inside, he said: “You know, this fan was steady; now it is rotating.” I did not know how to make it steady as I had not touched ...


... Mother, Here I am sending the books which I received from Mahesh. One is for Champaklal. The book on oil painting contains some good information about the nature of colours. THE MOTHER Mother, Here are some black and white pictures discarded by Champaklal because they got spoiled. The two coloured ones are done by me. Page 64 The flowers... Mother, I have copied this peacock from the cover of the book "Meghdoot". It is very pretty. Blessings. THE MOTHER Mother, Out of the pictures given to Champaklal I have drawn one which I found quite easy and today I am sending it to you. How do you find it? It is very well done. S RI A UROBINDO Page 63 Mother, I have... blessings. THE MOTHER Mother, Today also I have done on my own, as I had nothing to copy from. Page 65 Mother has given some pictures (Japanese paintings) to Champaklal. You can try those if he has finished. S RI A UROBINDO Mother, Today I have drawn this picture from my own imagination. I do not know how to draw a road. I have not drawn ...


... with Sri Aurobindo 28 DECEMBER 1938 About 5:30 p.m. Champaklal had another fit of laughter. Sri Aurobindo reacted to it by asking, "What's the dynamite explosion?" Then we had to check our merriment. But later on, about 6:30, the joke was repeated and Champaklal complained to Sri Aurobindo that Nirodbaran was making him laugh. Sri Aurobindo replied, "See that... like a firework!" We then assembled by the bedside. The atmosphere grew quiet and in consequence Nirodbaran began to yawn. Champaklal started mocking him. The result was again laughter, but a subdued gurgle of it. SRI AUROBINDO: What's the joke? DR. BECHARLAL: Champaklal is mocking at my yawns. SRI AUROBINDO: Doesn't he know that just as, according to X, yawning is a fatal symptom, mocking ...


... cure and goes with an illness. ( Laughter ) CHAMPAKLAL: How can permanent faith be established? SRI AUROBINDO: By having it permanently. ( Laughter ) CHAMPAKLAL: I mean, does it depend on experience, growth of consciousness and other things, or is it inborn? SRI AUROBINDO: All that. Some people have full faith from the beginning. CHAMPAKLAL: How? Acquired from a previous birth? SRI... SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, or owing to Karma or consciousness. Some have faith at the end. Some go on doubting even after having experiences. CHAMPAKLAL: All have faith in that way. SATYENDRA: If all had faith, everybody would come to do Sri Aurobindo's Yoga. ( Laughter ) SRI AUROBINDO: Or they have faith but they don't feel it like Nishikanto's pain. That is a splendid statement. NIRODBARAN: Somebody ...


... Aurobindo was preparing to sit down to write, Champaklal brought three copies of The Life Divine for his autograph. Champaklal read out the names of the buyers, which were written on a slip of paper. When his own name came, he kept silent. Then Nirodbaran said: "Champaklal." Sri Aurobindo turned and remarked, "You should have said, 'Who is this Champaklal?'" There was laughter again. ...


... Aurobindo", and they both inscribed their blessings to Champaklal. 5 Thus auspiciously started on his sadhana of painting, his talent prospered under the fostering care of the Master and the Mother during the following decades, and an exhibition of his paintings was held in the Ashram on the Mother's eighty-fourth birthday (21 February 1962). With Champaklal, colours were the native language of his soul,... years at Pondicherry she used to do sketches of some of the sadhaks in the mornings, and she made, besides, many psychically revealing self-portraits, as well as studies of Sri Aurobindco. 3 When Champaklal, then a young man, started painting flowers, she gave him all encouragement from the very beginning, and for a time he drew a flower every day, and she gave it a name in her own handwriting. Once... Page 700 When he was in two minds whether to continue to draw flowers or not, Sri Aurobindo asked him to carry on without worrying, merely allowing the inspiration to come spontaneously. Champaklal had thus appreciation and advice from both Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in the earlier years of his practice of the art, and he maintained a reasonably steady progress. Once early in 1935, the Mother ...


... Visions of Champaklal A Letter (This letter from K. D. Sethna (Amal Kiran) is about Champaklal's Vision: Mother in a Golden Body 16-4-1979) 14-5-79 Dear Champaklal, I was greatly impressed by your Golden Vision. It reveals the Mother in her full reality - not only the Universal Form of her but also the Individual Being. People often say that... sheer motiveless response to the Divine Will - the individual Mother within you going forth ecstatically into the Universal Mother which is your highest being outside the body that is the visible Champaklal. Yours affectionately, AMAL ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Golden Figure Enveloping Auroville 1979-01-04 Matrimandir Unexpectedly, again on 4th January 1979 I had an occasion to go to Matrimandir. As we reached there, brother Gerard came forward affectionately with a smiling face and welcomed us with the words “Hallo, Champaklal!” he told me, “There ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal “Gratitude” 1980-01-05 Vishnubhai came and gave me two beautiful bunches of the flower “Gratitude” and left without uttering a single word. Soon after he left, I realised that I should have given him one flower. Now he is gone. From where did he get such beautiful flowers? I have seen many “Gratitude” flowers... head in her lap; she patted my head with both her hands and pressed it frequently. When I raised my head, both my hands, with the flowers were seen pressed by her against her chest. She said, “Champaklal! This is your gratitude. How did you manage to get it? From where?” I narrated the whole incident. Then she happily gave me one of the two bunches, looking continuously into my eyes and from the ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Tears of Gratitude 1980-09-23 There was a building that was quite different from the ones which were seen till now. The walls were made of light and golden light was spreading in all the directions from there. This light entered into me and I could sense something unusual happening in my entire body. My body... His lap and tears started flowing out of my eyes. He began wiping my eyes with His handkerchief, but the flow of tears remained unabated. At last, He lifted my head and with a sweet smile said, “Champaklal! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me!”. I looked at Him. What I saw is indescribable. The tears stopped. They were the tears of Gratitude. ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Mysterious Numbers Champaklal says that after he had finished his meditation on the seventeenth of April he automatically took a piece of paper and without any thought wrote down the following figures and forgot them the next moment. He requests Mother India to publish them in the hope that some numerologist ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Annihilation of Evil 1976-11-23 Clouds are symbols of obscurity. Champaklal felt very uneasy at detecting this, which he saw as evil. However, with the help of a “formless” person emitting bright golden flames of Divine Truth the evil was annihilated. The entire atmosphere was filled with flames, but was extremely ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Loving Mother and the Baby 1980-02-02 Seeing of one's own dead body could mean that some obstructing part of consciousness is thrown out and one can, then, get suffused with the Mother's Consciousness (the white light). The snow-white ball on the heart is the Mother's pressure towards freeing the soul into... The beautiful baby in the Mother's lap is Champaklal's psychic being which is the “True Child of the Mother”. He wants to remain in the psychic consciousness always. It is quite significant that Champaklal got this dream on his birthday. “For me, your dreams are encouraging, inspiring and enlightening. They enhance my faith. “In this dream, I have noticed three things. “One—The inner ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal A Journey to the New World 1979-11-14 The vision is about a book on a journey to the New World. Many people are trying to undertake this journey or seek the truth. The huge tent might mean the ascending consciousness in transit or under transformation. Many people are bunched together in that state in their... their search for truth. It is symbolic that Champaklal forgot his own name, signifying that he perhaps lost his own sense of identity. This is but natural as the ego should get gradually eliminated when one gets more and more identified with the higher consciousness as one gets closer to it. Even the Mother wanted a hew world with a new race “that has no ego, that has in place of the ego the Divine ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Recitation of Savitri by Sri Aurobindo 1979-12-26 The flute is the symbol of the spiritual call or call of the Divine. Sri Krishna is connected with its playing—Sri Krishna who, is the Avatar from the Overmind plane. Champaklal has often heard the Divine's call from there—the magnetism of the spiritual co ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal A Message from the Mother 1985-02-20 One of the earlier visions (16.4.79): it was a symbolic indication that a lot of work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother was being done through Champaklal, who is now, spreading the Light of Truth wherever he goes. In this vision, this message is verbally communicated by ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Symbolic Vision in Waking State 1986-06-25 This is an actual experience of the rapid progress in sadhana by the Grace of the Mother who is Herself leading Champaklal. ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks In Sri Aurobindo’s Protection Punamchandbhai, his wife Champaben, Kamala's brother Mahesh and I arrived here on 12th June 1923. After about a month, as far as I remember, plans for the marriage of Champaben's brother were finalised. Punamchandbhai did not go but sent Champaben to attend the wedding... fortnight. Before we left, Punamchandbhai went to see Sri Aurobindo and I too went along. He told Sri Aurobindo, “My horoscope indicates a fatal accident in the near future, so I am not going. Champaklal will accompany Champa to Patan.” At that time while giving his permission, Sri Aurobindo had not made any comments. This happened some time after we had returned from the wedding. One day, Pu... Aurobindo asked Dr. Rajangam 2 , Purani and myself to accompany Punamchandbhai. Interestingly, when all preparations were made Sri Aurobindo asked me not to go and told Punamchandbhai that Champaklal will not go. The next day Punamchandbhai said I should place the facts before Sri Aurobindo. So I informed Sri Aurobindo that my going was necessary because I had to attend to Punamchandbhai's c ...


... s in the course of his “illness.” “It was during this period [on the very last day] that he often came out of the trance and each time leaned forward, hugged and kissed Champaklal who was sitting by the side of his bed. Champaklal also hugged him in return. A wonderful sight it was, though so strangely unlike Sri Aurobindo who had rarely called us even by our names in these twelve years.” 13 The... a sign of the slightest awareness that in 1947 the Work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, on which the future of humanity depended, was threatened with annulment? Nirodbaran, in those days with Champaklal the closest assistant of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, wrote in his priceless Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo : “We observed a noticeable change in his mood. Our talks … diminished. He was no longer ...

... temple of Egyptian or Greek times,’ 42 relates K.D. Sethna in a talk. And he writes: ‘Every evening … we used to sit in semi-darkness, meditating. The Mother would be in a chair in front of us. Champaklal would bring a big cauldron of hot soup and place it on a stool in front of her. He stood by while she went into trance. After some minutes, with her eyes still shut, she would spontaneously stretch... accomplish their work when terrestrial matter will be ready for it. Finally, a remarkable tale on this subject. It is from Champaklal’s memoirs as told in his simple style to a fellow sadhak. Champaklal narrates an event from 1959. ‘[I] informed Mother in the morning of the passing away of Mritunjoy’s elder sister. Mother said: “Yes, she was not keeping well for a long time. She was sick.” When... × Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo (Nirodbaran), 987 × Champaklal Speaks, 135 × The Mother 371 ...


... work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother that another Avatar, Shri Krishna, was present and embodied on Earth from 1926 to 1950 in the body, in the adhara of Sri Aurobindo. In Champaklal Speaks, a book in which Champaklal, the faithful disciple and great yogi who served Sri Aurobindo and the Mother all his life, narrates his experiences, he says the following: ‘When I came here to stay, Mahesh came... × On Himself , 446 × Champaklal Speaks, 12 × On Himself , 137 ...


... (laughter) All the Avatars had been Indians, so the Mother could not be an Avatar, she being French! But Champaklal had no such inhibition. And I believe Dyuman was there, too, though I am not very sure. He may have come a little later; at least he was later than Nolini, Amrita and Champaklal; but I think his devotional face was there when I arrived. 1 And on my arrival I found          1... of tea, so he penned a furious poem to the Mother:         Mother Almighty,       I have finished all my tea. (laughter)         Among the others who were present, there was Champaklal, young but an old hand. He had come* fairly early and he was one of the few, if not actually the only one, who from the beginning addressed the Mother as "Mother". Many were a little bit averse to ...


... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1970 Bonne Fête à Champaklal! From Mother to Champaklal Love Peace Strength Silence Consciousness 2 February 1970 ...

... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 29 July 1932 However, the book was given to me later though I did not know French even then. The inscription read: 21-9-32 No. 5 à Champaklal MIRA I was surprised to find the number 5 written on it. By this I understood that she had numbered my copy and kept it for me. In those days Mother used... used to give certain numbers to sadhaks; they had an occult significance. My number was 5.—Champaklal. At times I lie unintentionally. What I say does not represent the fact completely. I get disturbed. What is the wrong element in me? It is only a want of habit of control over the centre of expression. 29.7.1932 Sri Aurobindo ...


... Mother gave me a chit in which Chandulal had asked for the old numbers of Matin from Champaklal. Mother had replied on that note: “Champaklal can give only up to 1931 (included). 1932-33 are reserved and must not be given.” You can see how particular she was even in disposing of old newspapers. ... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Care of Old Newspapers When Mother lived in Library House she used to take much interest in the French newspaper Matin which she received regularly for many years. After she moved to Meditation House, all the old issues were left in Library House in my charge for safe custody. One day, Mother ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “Champaklal is in My Month!” Nolini came and informed Mother of the coming birthdays of certain disciples whom she generally saw. Mother: “But Champaklal is in my month!” Recently someone studied old calendars and he claims that the Mother was born on vasant panchami . 1 I too was born ...


... box with paper-wrapped ones. Mother saw everything. She admired and appreciated it so much that she said: “I cannot take them away; no, Champaklal, you keep them; I cannot take them.” She was very happy to see the box. Then she added: “But you see Champaklal, the world's economy is in my hands; so I have to start from the Ashram.” × ... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Old Soap-bits and World Economy 1948-09-23 Mother gave a new soap cake for Sri Aurobindo's use and asked me if I had kept the unusable bits of the old ones. She knew that I must have preserved them 1 I said: “Yes.” Mother: “Then bring them; they will be given to Pavitra and he will make ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Where is Champaklal? 1949-01-27 After his bath in the evening, Sri Aurobindo used to sit on his bed leaning against the back-rest. On hearing the approach of Mother's car returning from the Playground, Nirod and I would adjust the back-rest and arrange things a little before Mother came in. Today... Today I was not there and when Nirod started doing those things, Sri Aurobindo asked him: “What is the matter with Champaklal?” I was invariably present there, but somehow today I was a little late; although when Mother entered from one door I entered Sri Aurobindo's room from another—just in time for her. This was the first time I missed being there in time to arrange things. But when I heard that ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 22 November 1949 This is what Mother said to André. As Amrita too was present at that rime, I asked him to write it down and later showed to Mother. Champaklal. In introducing Andre to Champaklal, the Mother said with a great warmth: He came here when very young. I taught him many works. He taken up the ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 5 October 1933 Champaklal is very busy and has no time, that is why he must have done it. One case is not a habit and need not raise the bile. Sri Aurobindo All have their defects—but Champaklal has great qualities to atone for it. One has to look upon all with calm and charity and not get disturbed ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 21 February 1932 These extracts are from Sri Aurobindo's letters to sadhaks who later provided me with copies.—Champaklal. Chinmayi—Usual work wiping in Sri Aurobindo's room. Champaklal—Sweeping the corner room and the toilet room. Rajangam—Sweeping Sri Aurobindo's room. Bansidhar—Sweeping central ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 12 January 1934 Mother! I was seeing in a dream that Champaklal is wearing a soldier's uniform, and one gun also is in his hand. What is the meaning of it, Mother? Champaklal as a soldier means that he is a warrior in the vital field against the hostile forces. 12.1.1934 Sri Aurobindo ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Magnificent Champaklal 1928-09-01 Mother said: “This afternoon when you were coming with the tray of fruit juice for Sri Aurobindo, he saw you through the shutters of the meditation hall 1 and said, 'Champaklal looks magnificent; he looks like a priest.'“ She smiled and added: “You understand ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Horoscope Excellent 1933-03-14 Mother told me: “Champaklal, your horoscope is very, very good. It is one of the best.” Pointing at Pavitra who was present, she said: “Ask him. I am not telling a lie; ask, ask.” But I did not. It was Pavitra who had seen my horoscope. He had a good knowledge... knowledge of astrology. Then Mother looked quietly at me and said: “Excellent, Champaklal, it is excellent.” ...


... evident sense of having arrived. In 1923 when a devotee, Punamchand, was coming to the Ashram from Patan, Sri Aurobindo asked him to bring Champaklal along with him. So he had the rare grace of being chosen by the Master himself. In his book Champaklal Speaks , he writes: “I had aspired always to be able to spend all my time and all my energy in the service of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. This... Prayers and Aspirations About the Author Champaklal was born on 2.2.1903 in Patan, Gujarat, India. During his first visit to the Ashram in 1921, when he prostrated himself before Sri Aurobindo with his palms around his feet, he lay there for one full hour. Then Sri Aurobindo placed his hand on his head and blessed him. When he got up he felt that ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Saving Time 1948-03-19 When Mother came to Sri Aurobindo's room at 9.30 a.m. to comb his hair, she looked at me with a sweet smile and said to Sri Aurobindo: “Champaklal has found out a way to save my time, and today he has saved me half an hour.” Sri Aurobindo, happily: “Umm, umm, umm!” ... Mother: “It was taking a lot of time to choose flowers for giving to people. Champaklal brought a big dish, arranged four kinds of flowers in different heaps and took away all the rest. So a good deal of time was saved.” This thing could have been done long ago. But only when the Mother allows it does anything become possible. ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Aghori-baba and the Mother Once an aghori-baba 1 came into my dream and said to me, “I have come to take you away. This is not your path. You were with me. Purani. was also with me.” I told the Mother about this dream. Immediately she said, “Champaklal, I did not want to say what I had seen... seen, but now I am telling you. He came to take you away from me. Then I said to him emphatically, 'No, no. I want Champaklal.'“ I cannot forget the expression on the Mother's face when she said this. But who can say why she works the way she does? In the same dream I also saw that the aghori-baba had a disciple who was very close to him. Baba believed all he told him. This disciple was for some ...


... The saint had been invited to the room of a sadhak for a function. C: “Mother, I am going to attend this function.” Mother: “What, Champaklal! You also are going there? Champaklal, take care.” C: “Mother, I am like a stone. I do not go to take or to get anything spiritual; I go only to see.” Mother: “All right, go. Interesting.” ... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Others’ Spiritual Influences It was always a principle with Mother to discourage sadhaks from opening themselves to spiritual influences other than those of their Gurus. As you know, Sri Aurobindo has explained why it should be so. Once a well-known saint had come to our Ashram to see Mother. ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “Wait, Wait, Champaklal!” 1944-09-21 I said to Mother: “Latour, the photographer, is an admirer and a devotee of Sri Aurobindo. He is very anxious to take a new photograph of Sri Aurobindo. His father had taken the old ones. He too wants to take one. He says that if Mother does not allow him to... I do think your time for being photographed has come.” Mother: “No, no, my time also has not yet come.” C: “Mother, you move like a young girl...” 1 Mother: “No, no, no, wait, wait, Champaklal!” The time came in 1950. And we spent thousands of rupees. This too is Their Play. Whereas even if we had asked money from Latour he would have gladly paid it for the privilege of taking ...


... I had thought of asking Mother, but somehow didn't: what was the matter last evening with Purushottam ? 1 Champaklal 2 says there was nothing wrong there. Others ____________________ 1. A Gujarati disciple. He was put in charge of "Prosperity." 2. Champaklal Purani (2 February 1903 – 9 May 1992) came from Gujarat and had joined the Ashram in 1923. He was a painter and Sri... quietude in people's minds could perhaps have allowed the "incident" to be "liquidated" in a less uproarious fashion—but the Mother was absorbed in the music and could only intervene later when Champaklal consulted her. That is all. July 26, 1933 I enclose the book of verse of Buddhadev just out which he has presented to you, I am so glad, as his poetry is immensely superior ...

... with The Mother XVIII: ECLIPSE Now followed a long period of distress to her body to which the regular attendants alone were witnesses. I would meet Champaklal only at night, and he could give no detailed news either, but there was always in his speech an uncertain tone ending with "Only He can help", or something to that effect. At times he used to be... up. Dr. Bisht was called at one stage. An electro-cardiogram was taken; other tests also were done, and all the reports were depressing. Still, we hoped, as we had done in Sri Aurobindo’s case. Champaklal kept up his unvarying doubtful tone. I used to go upstairs every evening and pass some time in quiet concentration at my accustomed place on the terrace. The months rolled on and the August Darshaa... The condition began to deteriorate from that day. On Andre’s birthday soon after the Darshan it seems she made no response. The attendants kept a vigil round the clock. Night after night Pranab and Champaklal were alternately by her side. From below one could hear Pranab’s voice telling the Mother something or other. Page 164 Arrived 17th November, the fatal day. It was my birthday, too. There ...

... remained unwell for a few days. Nirod-da too started worrying a little. One day, as I went to her at about noon as usual, I found her room full of people - Sujata, Noren Singh, Satprem, Champaklal, Dr. Sanyal, Kumud - they were all there. The tape recorder was running. Barely had I entered when someone told me: "Mother has something to say to you." I asked Mother. Then someone... There were no directions at all about what I was to do after her physical withdrawal. So her last rites were performed according to what she had told me earlier. I consulted Nolini-da, Andre-da, Champaklal-ji, Dyuman­ bhai, Kumud and Dr. Sanyal before taking the decision. I consider it as Mother's supreme Grace that she did not leave any directions to me in the diary. First, Mother left me ... this money." I said: "That won't be necessary. But keep this risk in mind." After that, for the last two years, she gave me my birthday present in the presence of people like Dr. Sanyal or Champaklal, et al. That my fear was not unfounded was confirmed within a few days of her leaving the body. The Ashram authorities made a detailed inspection of the accounts of my department ranging over ...


... that something was going on. SRI AUROBINDO: What's the matter? PURANI: Nirodbaran is rolling with laughter! SRI AUROBINDO: Descent of Ananda? NIRODBARAN: It is Champaklal. SRI AUROBINDO: Oh, descent of Champaklal? At this the whole atmosphere changed and Purani, catching the opportunity, shot a question with a beaming face. PURANI: Because hostile forces offer resistance to the... 23 DECEMBER 1938 We assembled again as usual and were eager to start the talk, but nobody dared to begin without any hint or gesture from Sri Aurobindo. He was lying calmly on the bed. Champaklal slowly approached him, looking by turns at him and at us. We saw a ray of hope in this attempt, but looking at Champaklal's combination of eagerness and hesitation Nirodbaran could not check his ...


... difficult with that nature to get rid of ego. After this, Sri Aurobindo lay down and addressed Champaklal. SRI AUROBINDO: Champaklal, I am going to be Gandhi-like tomorrow. I will wear a dhoti high enough to make my walking easy and from tomorrow I will sit in the chair and write. CHAMPAKLAL: And what about going for bath? SRI AUROBINDO: Everything will come step by step. You don't want ...


... Everybody knew that he was connected with you. SRI AUROBINDO: He said at one time that his body was burning and his head was on fire—it was true—and that disappeared by his contact with me. CHAMPAKLAL: When the Mother first saw him, she is supposed to have said that he was wonderful. SRI AUROBINDO: Wonderful? I don't know about that; at least Mother didn't tell me. R said that he would be wonderful... address ): It is Mother's letter. It has been addressed to her. NIRODBARAN: Yes; it has been sent to be read to you. SRI AUROBINDO: Who has decided that? Mother's letters should go to her. CHAMPAKLAL: Isn't it the same? SRI AUROBINDO: Read it. Nirodbaran read the letter and there were instances of Rao's miraculous cures of madness, snakebites, etc., by using the Mother's Force, by the ... NIRODBARAN: No. SRI AUROBINDO: It is the vital force. There were many such cases of cures by placing the hand on the head. They used to call it the passage of fluid magnetism into the body. CHAMPAKLAL: He says it is the Mother's Force. SRI AUROBINDO: Why shouldn't it be? NIRODBARAN: You said vital force. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, force acting through the vital. It is the vital-physical force; ...


... everything. DR. MANILAL: Why, I have been trying. SRI AUROBINDO: Are you sure? DR. MANILAL: Well, Sir, not in that sense. (Laughter) CHAMPAKLAL: What about you, Nirod? How did you feel at Darshan? NIRODBARAN: Don't touch the sore. CHAMPAKLAL: Let us hear. NIRODBARAN: I am in the same boat with Manilal. So I think I must be in the physical consciousness. SRI AUROBINDO: Very possibly... stopped it during Darshan as I had things to do, and after Darshan I have been feeling lazy. I will try to do it again. PURANI (after Dr. Manilal had left and Sri Aurobindo started resting in bed) : Champaklal wants to know if Manilal's condition of being in the physical consciousness began after his direct contact with you; that is, after your accident. SRI AUROBINDO: No, no. It was there long before ...


... laugh.) CHAMPAKLAL: Anilbaran is extremely clever. He knows very well how to please a man. Looking at my pictures, he would exclaim, "O Champaklal, it is wonderful, marvellous!" Then looking from increasing distances of one foot, two feet and three feet would go on, "Admirable, excellent!" SRI AUROBINDO (laughing) : And you were pleased in spite of yourself. (Laughter) CHAMPAKLAL: Now I don't ...


... this background, it would have been merely banal if something of seminal significance had not happened sooner or later. But what exactly did happen? The reports of the sadhaks - Purani, Rajangam, Champaklal, Jaya Devi and others - are unanimous that, when Sri Aurobindo and the Mother had withdrawn after meditation, pranam and blessings, Datta spoke some words as if visioning something in a trance... 'freedom'. While some were openly critical of the new order, some merely found themselves unequal to the demands made upon them by the changed situation. Of. course, people like Nolini, Amrita, Champaklal and Pavitra had already accepted unquestioningly whatever Sri Aurobindo proposed or approved. Page 246 But it was otherwise with rebellious spirits like Sri Aurobindo's younger... with it: first, the Ananda of the thing because without that joy you couldn't carry on at all, and, secondly, the capacity - to some extent at least! 36 More pointedly, the Mother once told Champaklal, and this was more than a month before the founding of the Ashram: Do you think that you are working? No, your Mother is working. Then, two days later: You know, only one Purusha ...


... subdued light from a shaded lamp, and the cylindrical vessel containing the hot soup was placed before her and Champaklal removed the cover. The Mother went into meditation for a while with her hands stretched out over the container, invoking the Divine's Force. Thereafter Champaklal set the container to the Mother's right. Then, one by one the sadhaks went up to her, each with his own enamel... continuum of instruction and illumination. The sadhaks would leave their letters or notebooks up to 11 o'clock at night in a tray that was kept near the top of the staircase in the meditation hall. Champaklal would take the tray to Sri Aurobindo's room, where Sri Aurobindo read and discussed with the Mother the replies to be given. Before morning the replies would be ready. The Mother would put the ...


... I have seen this phenomenon again and again in a certain period of my friend Nirodbaran's sadhana. Both Champaklal and I used to recognise and watch the delightful drama of the inner contact gleaming through the outer meeting. The Mother was all smiles. Champaklal whispered to me on one occasion: "What has happened in Nirod is a clear example of what is called 'reversal of consciousness' ...


... Visions - Extracts from the Writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Visions of Champaklal Visions - Opening, Signs, Development A Painting after seeing the Vision “At first only darkness is seen every where but it sis nice. Then, very bright sparks are seen, Now everywhere light and only light is seen. Finally, the effect of this sparking light... light is felt on the entire earth. But all this could not be shown in this drawing.” CHAMPAKLAL, The thing seen or experienced may be fundamentally the same, but it is formulated differently according to the different make-up of the apprehending mind. It is only those that can go beyond beliefs and faiths and myths and traditions who are able to say what it really is; but these are few ...


... Dreams and Visions of Champaklal (With Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretations) Visions of Champaklal Are Visions Helpful in Sadhana? 1932-11-05 Some time, while working or preparing juice or while walking, I see different types of scenes (visions) with open eyes. Some of these are clear and some are not. Some of these are related and meaningful, while some ...


... Dreams and Visions of Champaklal (With Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretations) Visions of Champaklal Loss of the Key I was carrying the big key to the (Upper) door of the Mother's house, which was given to me by the Mother. And suddenly, the key disappeared from my hands. To reach there, I searched a lot for the key, but in vain. Hence, I got panicky and very ...


... Dreams and Visions of Champaklal (With Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretations) Visions of Champaklal Key with the Light 1952-11-15 I saw a long and big key with the letters MOTHER in white colour above it. All around there was light. Is there any meaning in this? Is it a key you saw? If so the meaning is clear; it is the key to the Divine realisation; ...


... Dreams and Visions of Champaklal (With Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretations) Visions of Champaklal The Calm Sea In the calm sea, on the horizon, I saw fire and the flames gradually reached the sky. The calm sea is the quiet vital, the flames are the aspiration rising to the higher consciousness to bring it down; on the horizon means this is the development ...


... Dreams and Visions of Champaklal (With Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretations) Visions of Champaklal A Lotus with a Coconut 1933-08-05 I saw a beautiful lotus and inside it a coconut. The lotus was not quite open but one after another the petals were opening. It is the Consciousness opening, with the offering to the Divine within it. Sri Aurobindo ...


... Dreams and Visions of Champaklal (With Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretations) Visions of Champaklal Blue Lotus What is the meaning of this blue lotus? It can be taken as the (Avatar) incarnation on the mental plane. Sri Aurobindo ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Ascent to Peace, Joy and Ananda 1976-09-02 It is very difficult to write but still I will try, because it is very interesting. Four little Ashram children came to me and said, “We are going to do something but we ourselves don't know what we are going to do. We have not informed anyone about this. We have ...


... Dreams and Visions of Champaklal (With Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretations) Visions of Champaklal Passing through the Workshop 1935-03-16 On the 15th instant (at night), I dreamt as follows: There was a huge place where a lot of people were working. The road leading to my destination was very long, but there was a short-cut through the workshop. Hence ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Annihilation of Evil 1976-11-23 It was the night of 23.11.76, the day just before 24th November, the Golden Jubilee Day of the great Descent of the Overmind Godhead into the Yoga-perfected body of Sri Aurobindo. At 1.30 a.m. I came back from our terrace and as usual was lying near Sri Aurobindo's bed. After ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Towards the Mountain with Golden Light As Recounted to Nirodbaran 1976-12-24 Both of us (you and I) went to a place with some people. We walked a pretty long distance. The others were all scattered about. Suddenly I realised I was alone, you were not there. So I began looking for you and walked on and on. ...


... Dreams and Visions of Champaklal (With Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretations) Visions of Champaklal The Faith and the Downward Pull 1936-10-12 There was water all around—difficult to say whether it was a river or a lake or a sea. I saw a man fallen in a place where it was hot possible to swim. That man was not in a position to come out. I had to follow the ...


... Dreams and Visions of Champaklal (With Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretations) Visions of Champaklal A Carriage Drawn by a Tiger 1936-04-01 The dream was very long. I am writing below only a small part of it, as I do not remember the entire dream. I travelled a lot by a carriage drawn by a tiger. Suddenly, the tiger became uncontrollable. I-was all alone ...


... Dreams and Visions of Champaklal (With Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretations) Visions of Champaklal A Baby with a Pot 1934-04-21 A copy by Priti Ghosh of Champaklal's original painting done on 25. 8. 1934. The symbolic interpretation is given overleaf. This morning at pranam time I saw a very small baby standing in front of me with a very ...


... Dreams and Visions of Champaklal (With Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretations) Visions of Champaklal Fire of Aspiration 1933-11-18 *About 20 days back I saw a fire flame coming out of a lotus. At that time I thought it was only my imagination. Today I see something like that on the cover of the book The Mother. I have tried to draw it. 1 Has it any ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Extraordinary Yajna at Tapogiri - On the Night I Spent at Tapogiri Tapogiri is such a large place that ordinary sight cannot distinctly see such a long distance; but I was able to see all the scenes as if they were just in front of me. In order to have a view of those scenes, special seats were artistically ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Wonderful Lion-shaped Figure - Night at Delhi Ashram Branch 1978-06-08 It was a vast expanse. Far far away, there were many mountains with several waterfalls cascading down. It was a superbly beautiful place, the like of which I have not seen in any part of the Himalayas I have visited. All the mountains ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Vision at Lower Part of Matrimandir 1978-12-07 It happened unexpectedly that on 7th December 1978 I went to Matrimandir (Auroville). I wanted to go down into the lower part of Matrimandir and have a look at it. The person who had taken us to Auroville told us that we were not to go down there as it was ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Illumined Place I was passing by several zigzag and intricate paths. I do not describe the paths. On the way there, I saw many different figures which were neither men nor animals nor birds. All of them were very busy. Some of them were even wanting to devour me. At some places, it was not possible to understand ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Arrows Turning into Beautiful Flowers 1979-02-10 Some people were standing in the middle of a vast open space. Some arrows were going towards them but I could not make out from where the arrows came. The wonder was that the arrows, as soon as they approached these persons, turned into beautiful flowers which ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Mount Paradise I was meditating in Bhai Arjun's room. I saw The Mother seated with a small child on Her lap. The child would sit there for a while and then get down. When the child would sit on Her lap, its figure would change. It did this many times. At last I saw Bhai Arjun seated in front of The Mother ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Tapogri 1978-06-17 I had many visions while in T apogiri, but I do not remember them all. Out of them, two were very interesting, and they 76 Visions 0/ C'hampaklal present themselves before my eyes as soon as the memory of the place awakes. Both of them were visions of the same night. ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal A Dream - Transcending Time 1980-05-11 Somewhere on top of a high mountain, a priest approached me and asked me to do some ceremony. I was not keen on doing it. But the priest said, “Just have an experience of this also. I know from where you come and I know that about you which you yourself even do not know ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Conquest of the Asura on Mahasamadhi Day 1979-12-09 It was on 9th December 1979, one of our unique, elevating and auspicious days. I saw the Samadhi courtyard a little bigger than what it is at present. The Rosary House (the building on the southern side of the Samadhi) was not there. I remember the Mother ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Vision of Auroville Foundation Ceremony 1979-02-21 Our brother Narad had arranged on 21st February 1979, The Mother's birthday, a flower-show at his place in Auroville as a loving offering to our Divine Mother from his dedicated family. For me to go to his garden would have been a joy even on any other day ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Mother in a Golden Body 1979-04-16 On 16th April 1979, just before we left Calcutta, I was sitting in Umeshbhai's drawing room. I saw the Mother standing in space, just in front of me, looking at me. The Mother's look was very intimate and full of compassion. She looked at my forehead with very penetrating ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in Gigantic Bodies 1980-01-07 Sri Aurobindo was taking his meal in some new building. There were no lights in the room, but it appeared as if the light was spreading out from Him in various colours. Finally, golden light was seen; the whole room was filled with it. Now, Sri Aurobindo ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal A Sheet of Cloth with Snow-white Light 1980-09-11 This vision was rather unusual. Some persons kept turning round while some others from afar came running towards them, jumped over them and vanished. A part of this scene was so strange that it looked uncivilised and at times even obscene. At that time, ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal On the Way to Hemkund 1979-07-01 We were going to Hemkund and had climbed three-fourths of the steps—steps not as in buildings, but arranged irregularly. That is why they went very well with Nature. I did not climb up to the end. But this place was also beautiful and wide-open—most of it covered with bright ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal The Mother and the “Aspiration” Flowers (In the Meditation Hall of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Delhi Branch) 1979-07-05 Today is the birthday of Tara Jauhar, one of the Mother's favourite children. Now she resides at the Delhi Ashram branch and does the Mother's work there. No human being can understand the Mother's ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal A Magnificent Heavenly Darshan in Matrimandir 1986-01-07 At the moment my right leg was not in a good condition. But that is how I feel every time; as I pass from one state of being to another, I become aware that the present plight is not good. The car could be taken right up to the entrance of Matri­mandir ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Prasad to the Deserving Only 1980-09-16 It was an altogether new place which was the Mother's residence. After finishing her meals, the Mother used to give me the bowl containing a little of the fruit “Ramful” that was left inside. Vasudhaben asked me for the bowl. I said, “Wait a little. I will give it ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Experience of Sudarshan Chakra Many new buildings were under construction at some place, but all were incomplete. However, in a complete and well-furnished room nearby someone was staying. Adjacent to it, there was a very old and disorderly room. A man was sweeping it. I took the broom from him which he gave ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Infinite Steps 1980-09-29 There was a huge building with innumerable steps to reach the top. While climbing one would often feel that only a few steps remained, but that was not to be as there was no end to the steps. This building belonged to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. The desire to go higher and higher ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal An Experience of Om 1981-06-06 I was sitting with my eyes closed, not in meditation, simply sitting. Many times I sit like that. I also lie down with eyes closed as I feel nice that way. Experience I hear the infinite sound of “Om” coming from afar, just one word “Om”, in the same prolonged rhythm ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Going Higher and Higher 1980 A vast, open place is seen; it is very beautiful. Many men and women, young boys and girls are seen there. Here, a charming, attractive person is seen, who picks up one individual at a time from the crowd and tosses him up. Although many are eager to go to him, the selection ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Golden Virat Purusha 1987-01-01 It is not a dream nor even a vision. The question is: by what name shall I call it? It is extremely difficult to put it in words. Yet I shall make an attempt. It gives me great delight. That is why I have made an effort to write. I would rather say that I cannot refrain from ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Symbolic Vision in Waking State 1986-06-25 I was sitting, quietly. There was a soothing breeze all around. (Kamlaben and I were sitting on a step.) My seat slowly began to move, and then it started running like a fast train. It kept running further and further. Similar to what is seen from a running fast train ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Journey of an Aspiring Soul towards Higher Planes 1978-12-08 The Voyage “A beautiful record of a beautiful Voyage through other heavens towards the Highest Heaven.” 16.1.1970 NOLINIDA “What you have seen in your vision is similar to what Aswapati saw, which is described in Book 2, Canto ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Vision of Auroville Foundation Ceremony 1979-02-21 At first the Mother's luminous love is seen permeating both the Auroville garden and the Matrimandir. Then there is a vision outlining the inner significance of the Auroville Foundation ceremony. The Mother in Her Light of Divine Truth, the Supramental ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Golden Figure Enveloping Auroville 1979-01-16 Matrimandir “A portrayal of the forces and formations behind the con­struction upholding and inspiring it.” 16.1.1979 NOLINIDA 4.1.1979 This could be the vision of the future of Auroville, confirming the presence of Sri Aurobindo and the ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Golden Waterfall 1978-06-08 The entire universe is covered, including its many open souls, by forces of darkness and obscurity, which are gradually van­quished with the appearance of a huge ball of dark red colour, symbolising the appearance of Divine Love. The “Waterfall” is a flow from the higher consciousness ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Interpretations of Champaklal’s Visions (Based on the interpretations of the Symbols given by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother) We have made an effort to suggest possible interpretations of most of the visions with the help of the interpretations of the symbols given by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.(A few interpretations ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Two Visions at Hyderabad, Darbar Hall 1979-02-10 Both the visions are a significant confirmation of what Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are doing from other worlds. ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Mother in Golden Body 1979-04-16 The interpretation by Amal Kiran is given after the Preface. “It is more than a vision. “It is a concrete experience. The reality of it communicates itself to the reader. It confirms our faith that Mother is very active and working through her chosen instruments. ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal The Mother and the “Aspiration” Flowers 1979-07-05 New-born babies indicate the opening of the psychic in various individuals. The place is charged with spiritual consciousness (blue light) and the light of Truth (golden light). Even the Mother's presence is seen, giving blessings to all. In this vision ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Mysterious Worlds 1980-02-29 The multi-storeyed building could be taken to indicate a new creation. The fullness of it consists in both ascent to the Truth and descent with the Truth to the earth. The centre on each level is where the representative of the Divine is situated. From there one has to seek help ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Vision at Govind Dham 1979-06-30 A vision of help in Sadhana by the Divine Grace from above. The path of yoga (climbing the mountain of existence) is full of obstacles (valleys) dotted by the activities of the subconscient vital (trees). The river represents some movements of con­sciousness. An awakening in ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal The Assurance from the Mother 1981-04-08 This vision is self-explanatory. We reproduce below a “Tribute to the Mother” by Nolinida from Shri Nirodbaran's book Sweet Mother . “Since we have no longer the support of her body on which we depended most exclusively, we are compelled to seek the true support ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal A Sheet of Cloth with Snow-white Light 1980-09-11 Some kind of activity of the vital being seems to be going on. Then a power from the higher world comes and takes up the individuals in a protective sheath of the inner self and absorbs their consciousness into the psychic plane. His hands with their various ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Gift of Brilliant Beautiful Asana 1979-10-03 The Asanas—of dazzling snow-white light—symbolise the basis of a supreme new earth-life of unchanging immortal Ananda-Light of the Divine Mother brought by the Supramental Godhead. On this basis a new luminous creation takes place with a diversity of embodied c ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Champaklal does not Understand Once my maternal uncle complained to my mother, “When Champak comes to our house he refuses to eat, even if we insist!” So she told me not to refuse in future. Unexpectedly, the very next morning an occasion arose and I was sent on an errand to Uncle's house. He ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Carpentry and Masonry Mother used to order a number of things from France so that sadhaks would not have to go to the bazaar for them; besides they were cheaper when so purchased. The dealwood boxes in which they were parcelled were kept for storing things. Lids for these boxes were made from planks... floor of Mother's room: one in the middle and another near the door leading to the store-room. There was a third, a deep one, in the' bathroom. One day Mother told me, “Sri Aurobindo asks, 'Can't Champaklal do something about them?'“ I was naturally very happy that Sri Aurobindo should have thought of me and immediately took up the work. Rajangam supplied all requirements, as always he was very helpful ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Flowers and their Significances In those days, Mother opened the door to Sri Aurobindo's and her rooms early in the mornings. It was locked in the afternoons so she had given me a duplicate key to open it when I came in the evening, A tray with handles had been specially made by Chandulal. In it... and placed the drawing along with the other letters in the tray, without saying anything to Mother. Imagine my surprise when she came out a little later, smiling, a paper in her hand and said: “Champaklal, here is something for you.” It was unexpected, though indeed I had wanted it very much. The paper she gave me was my drawing of the flower. Underneath she had written the significance of that ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Occult Workings In Library House, meditations were held in the verandah upstairs with people sitting around Sri Aurobindo. After some time Mother started a group meditation in Sri Aurobindo's room. She used to sit on Sri Aurobindo's cot. This meditation was meant only for women but Mother herself... herself asked me to join saying I could do my work afterwards. People used to joke that Champaklal is a woman. But I continued. And, you will be surprised to know, gradually, one by one, all asked for permission to join, and meditations with Sri Aurobindo automatically stopped. During these meditations the occult work was highly interesting. Once, on a deep impulse from within, I collected a number ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Jyotin and Flowers You remember the old Bakery house just opposite the Ashram main building? A small flour-mill was also there. Now the building has become part of the School. Jyotin 1 used to live there. When this house had to be vacated for the School, it was arranged that Jyotin would move... ascertained the facts from him and reported to Mother that actually Jyotin was ready to go wherever she asked him to. She was very pleased. When Jyotin came to Mother, she received him sweetly and said: “Champaklal was pleading for you very much.” She then looked at both of us and gave a very affectionate smile. All that is now an old story. Recently [early 1970s] he came with a significant smile on his ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks How I Came It was 1923. Punamchandbhai spoke to Sri Aurobindo about our ashram at Patan (which was moved there from Kansia). He mentioned that if his wife Champaben came to Pondicherry she would be very helpful in looking after the kitchen here. He said that he had discussed it with Purani, who... Guest House in those days. Sri Aurobindo approved of the idea and it was decided that Punamchandbhai would go and bring his wife. When he was ready to leave, Sri Aurobindo asked him: “What is Champaklal doing there?” Punamchandbhai described what we did in the ashram. Then Sri Aurobindo told him: “Bring him also when you come.” Now you know how I came here! ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Brahminic Arrogance 1949-09-18 C: “Mother, I do not know if you remember or not, but I remember very well, it was in Library House in 1923. I distinctly remember even the spot where you had said to me, 'You have Brahminic arrogance.' At that time, I did not fully understand the meaning, though... as you know, Mother. And yet, I still have not understood it. Now after a long time. Mother, I want to know from you what you meant. Is it not interesting?” Mother (smiling): “Very interesting, Champaklal. I remember, it very vividly. When it will go, you will understand very well; know what it is.” C: “Then, it is not interesting now?” Mother: “I find it very interesting; you remember it still ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 2 July 1931 After writing, she explained to me in English what was written in French. “O divine Master, with what ardent love I am Thy Serviteur!” Champaklal, The offering of your physical being will perfect your skill in works. Your skill in works will make perfect your physical offering. 2.7.1931 ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks December 1928 Champaklal, As regards the Vedic “Dictionary” write to Punamchand that I do not want anything of this kind to be made out of my unfinished work. If it is to be done, it will be in the future and must be only under my express directions and supervision. December 1928 Sri Aurobindo ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 13 February 1932 To Champaklal For 1932 Peaceful confidence in the mind, cheerful devotion in the heart, firm resolution in the vital, quiet energy in the body. 13.2.1932 The Mother ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks With Champaklal ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Sketch of Pranab 1949-03-22 Just as Sri Aurobindo was beginning his meal. Mother brought a sketch of Pranab done by her and showed it to him. She said that she did it when he was resting. Sri Aurobindo received it with a smile and showed his appreciation more by expression than... than by words. She looked at me and said: “I am going to have it photographed. Champaklal, I have done this with your pencil; it is very good. I shall ask for three copies.” C: “Mother, you ask for four. I would also like to have one.” Mother: “I have counted you among the three.” C: “Can it be given to Chiman for photographing?” Mother: “Chiman?” C: “Mother, you can give to whomsoever you ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother’s Self-Portraits 1948-03-04 In the evening, Mother brought to Sri Aurobindo two of her self portraits. She gave them in his hands saying that she had found out the period when they were done. She told Sri Aurobindo: “Champaklal wants to have them photographed. What do you ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Both Resting 1950-11-01 Mother told Kamala: “Inform Champaklal that I will go to Sri Aurobindo at 2.45 p.m. today.” It appears that Mother had come and peeped into Sri Aurobindo's room to tell this to me. But she went back as she found that Sri Aurobindo was resting and I was sitting with my ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Sari to Champaklal 1950-08-06 Mother distributed saris to sadhikas today. When everybody had finished, I went to offer pranam as usual. After my pranam was over, she gave me also a sari with a radiant smile. There was laughter all round. Indeed, the sari was like a dhoti; its border was very ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks August Darshan in 1950 1950-08-15 Time: 1.28 to 4.55 p.m. (sadhaks and other devotees) 4.55 to 5.17 p.m. (workers) At 5.57 p.m. Mother came to Sri Aurobindo's room and said: “I am going. Champaklal will give you fruit juice.” And then she went to the Playground. ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks About My Silence Man's normal daily interactions proceed through the medium of words and gestures. This medium is so handy and easy that we do not realise its importance and it is to a great extent even misused. When I decided to set aside the medium of speech, it was natural that people were... were perplexed and sometimes I was asked about it. A friend wrote to me asking for an explanation: “Some people are saying that Champaklal has been keeping mauna because of some throat disease and Sri Aurobindo asked him to observe silence so that it might not spread.” But when there never was any such disease, where was the question of its spreading? Secondly, Sri Aurobindo left his body in 1950 and ...


... Part II — Spiritual Games Champaklal Speaks “Realisation” Let Agni lead you to Realisation.—Amal You will have the Realisation of Faith.—Amrita Be enthusiastic for Realisation.—Champaklal Faith will lead you to Realisation.—Chandulal The Star of your Realisation is rising.—Datta Prayer will lead to Realisation.—Doraiswamy Your Faith is ...


... But now I see no other way than this. There are altogether nine souls in the Ashrama — I, my wife, Dixit and his wife and two children, a boy of six and a daughter of one year old, Kantilal, Champaklal and Natvarlal. All, we feel, have a spiritual tendency but externally very much undeveloped. The result is a very unpleasant discord. In the constructive work of the Ashrama, with regard to education... service) he is forced to do so owing to strong financial necessity of his house and family. He will return afterwards and stay and work with us. Now I will be in the Ashrama with my wife and two boys, Champaklal and Natvarlal. Now I have realised perfectly well, how difficult it is to establish a Deva Sangha or a spiritual unity even between a few souls. I fee] that it is most difficult or rather impossible ...

... end, and many changes were introduced which contained prophetic hints of his leaving the body very probably after he had taken his decision to do so. As I have already recorded, one day Champaklal observed that Sri Aurobindo was moving his lips at the end of his bath. Suspecting that he was probably murmuring lines of poetry, he told him that if he wanted to dictate them, I could take them... being delayed." From about the middle of that year the time was fixed from 11 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. without any break or interruption. Only once in between he would ask for a peppermint pastille and Champaklal was always at hand to serve it. As soon as the clock struck 11 a.m. I was ready with the usual small heap of manuscript and notebooks; would sit on the floor by his left side, and he would be sitting ...

... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Portrait That was not to Be 1949-03-25 When Mother came to Sri Aurobindo's room as usual, I said to her in Sri Aurobindo's presence: “Mother, there is a great chance for you to make the best portrait in the world!” Mother: “What, what? What did you say?” C: “Mother, you do a portrait of... P.A. Subramania Iyer. [M.P. Pandit's note] The badges were distributed on the 25th anniversary of Sri Aurobindo's arrival in Pondicherry. See 4.4.1935 in “Correspondence with Champaklal”, Part 4, p. 362 of this book. × In his copy of Champaklalna Sansmarano where this conclusion ...


... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 4 February 1938 Champaklal, Nowadays I am always late and in a hurry and I am not giving you time as I used to. That is why I want to see you for a few minutes tomorrow. But instead of seeing you at 1.30 as N said, I will call you in when I have finished with A at about 2.15 ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1933 To Champaklal for his birthday. The things which seem most difficult, most improbable, and perhaps even most impossible, become wholly realisable because Thy Presence is our assurance that the material world itself is prepared to manifest the new form of Thy ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1930 To Champaklal, Let this year be a year of progress and transformation—one more step on the way leading to the Divine Realisation. 2 February 1930 * ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1962 Champaklal, My dear child, All is well. You are progressing rapidly—there is only to continue steadily and the way will open before you more and more clear. My love and blessings 2 February 1962 ...

... Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Only Once I had never known Sri Aurobindo ask for anything. He would always wait for things to come but never ask for them. Once, however, I did see him ask for something. We used to give him a kerchief with which he would wipe the perspiration on his body during summer. One day he called softly: “Champaklal!” I was ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “My Memory” Nolini gave a book to the Mother. There was something to be done with it. She told Nolini: “Give it to Champaklal. He is my memory.” ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Appreciation of the Beautiful Mother never failed to notice anything beautiful and express her appreciation of it. It might be just a wrapping paper; still, if it was attractive, she would remark upon that. You know how Silloo, the sister of Soli Albless 1 , used to bring a lot of things wrapped... them; quite often she would appreciate the wrapper more than the thing inside! I would always stand by her side watching with pleasure. Once seeing my expression, Mother told Silloo: “You know Champaklal has as much love for paper as I have.” The German couple, Eckhard and his wife, were also bringing things beautifully packed and it was a joy to see Mother's happiness. Nothing would escape ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Gift 1969-01-21 As you know I am not in the habit of accepting presents from people. However once somebody had brought a box of chocolates or something like that. The Mother gave it to me saying: “C' est trés bon [It is very good]. Take it, Champaklal, it is from me.” Along with the box was ...


... Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Smile Always 1949-11-29 Every morning Mother would say “Bonjour!” to me. Today she picked up the flower Eternal smile , took my hand and put the flower in the centre of my palm. Then she pinched my palm, kept her hand pressed over it for some time and said: Champaklal, smile always, smile in d ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks The Ashram, the Samadhi, and the Symbols When I came to know that Shri Jauhar had named the centre he started in Delhi as Sri Aurobindo ASHRAM, I told Mother, “There is only one Sri Aurobindo Ashram and that is in Pondicherry.” Afterwards Mother asked Shri Jauhar to rename it 'Sri Aurobindo... for our permission to print it, it is better to consent. Otherwise what can we do if they print it without permission?” Similarly Mother did not like people writing an address in this way: Champaklal Chottalal Purani C/o Sri Aurobindo Ashram Pondicherry She did not like this c/o (care of) but what could be done! Thus, to make any final pronouncement on her working is extremely difficult ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother Teaches Sanskrit Recitation Do you remember the period when the Sanskrit recitations of Panditji of Rameshwaram were played in the Playground during meditations? One of those days Mother said to me: “Satyakarma says that you recite the Chandi shlokas nicely. I would like to hear it. If... reciting, words were not uttered physically, but her lips moved as if she spoke. She showed how the recitation ought to be done—slowly, each word distinct and separate, in quietness. Then she added: “Champaklal, you recite like this every morning. It will help you very much.” I did so and truly it was much help. Madhav: “Why did you recite so fast?” C: “I knew of no other way. From my childhood I ...


... Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks No Exception Charupada (who was in charge of the Ashram Reception department) brought a Minister from one of the States to the Mother for pranam during the morning. He asked Mother if the Minister could visit Sri Aurobindo's room immediately. Mother emphatically said: “NO. Champaklal is here.” As you know ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 9 March 1934 I want to know from my All why Mother is not pleased with me, my work and my progress. This feeling that she is displeased makes me very uncomfortable and I get the idea of going away from here. I know how difficult it is for me to stay away from Mother. What should I do? Mother is not displeased... × The problem I had then with speaking is now [1980s] with communicating in writing. And yet this writing continues!—Champaklal. ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Unforgettable Touch While living at Library House, Sri Aurobindo was using a net. But after coming to Meditation House it was used only short time. Thereafter anti-mosquito coils were placed at the four corners of his cot. Four small round trays in brass were specially prepared for the purpose in... would then ask Insectol . I used to give an open tube of it in his hand; he would hold the tube in one hand and rub the ointment with; the other. Sometime afterwards this changed. He would call “Champaklal”, and I would rush the moment my name was uttered and stand by his side near the bed. Sri Aurobindo show me the different places where mosquitoes had bitten often there were more places than he had ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Observation It was during Pranam one morning. As usual I was standing by Mother's side. Pranab's uncle Charupada, as he came near, asked me: “Not well, Champaklal?” Mother: “He looks that way because he has washed his hair.” Needless to say I was surprised. For I did not know that she had noticed ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 2 July 1932 The dream about Chandulal and the bandits was a happening in the vital world or else a symbolic scene witnessed there. In the first case, the bandits are vital beings attacking the work,—in the second, hostile forces, suggestions etc. The one thing clear in it is that Champaklal is a prompt and effective ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 12 November 1932 Mridu is quite mistaken in thinking Champaklal is greedy; he eats much too little and works enormously hard. If he wanted the prasad, it must have been because it was prasad and not as food for the stomach and palate. 12.11.1932 Sri Aurobindo ...


... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 12 February 1932 Champaklal, 1) Be always faithful to the Divine in your heart. 2) Let nothing interfere with the absoluteness of your consecration or stop your progress which has been up to now quite satisfactory. 3) Take the present circumstances and the coming back ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1967 Bonne Fête! To Champaklal With love and blessings The illness has come like a test and gone like a purification carrying away all that was standing in the way of the joy of an integral consecration. 2 February 1967 ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1973 Bonne Fête To Champaklal With all my love and confidence and my blessings to reach the goal. Let us all be eternally grateful to Him who has shown us and shows us constantly the way. 2 February 1973 ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1969 Bonne Fête! To Champaklal the faithful With love and blessings for a happy, healthy and useful year in light, joy and love. 2 February 1969 ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1966 Champaklal, Let this year see the advent of the true joy of working in the Divine's Consciousness. With love 2 February 1966 ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1969 Bonne Fête! Champaklal Let the full Light be with you in a silent adoration. With my love and blessings 2 February 1969 ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1965 Champaklal This year, I feel clearly that you have become a part of myself. For ever love 2 February 1965 ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1971 To Champaklal 1st Prize of Faithfulness With my full love Bonne Fête Blessings 2 February 1971 ...

... thorough changes. During twelve years he had had near him only the Mother and Champaklal, that epitome of the faithful servant. Now a team of physicians and volunteers was formed to assist Sri Aurobindo in his physical ordeal. The physicians were Manilal, Satyendra, Becharlal and Nirodbaran, and the other volunteers were Champaklal, Purani and Mulsankar. Theirs was the privilege to be allowed to enter the ...


... The Mother herself occasionally surprised her Indian disciples with her own uninhibited behaviour. In India one is taught to shudder at the idea of eating from the same spoon as somebody else. Champaklal has told me how his body instinctively shrank when once the Mother asked him to taste something with the spoon with which she had herself tasted it. The devotee in him got immediately the better... Aurobindo and the Mother on Darshan days, in order to reach up to a point on the wall where a fixture was to be made to suit the Mother. No Indian would commit such a "sacrilegious" act, but champaklal, recounting the incident to me, said "It is impossible to doubt Pavitra's devotion to the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. I can never consider it as less in any manner than my own. So one can pass no ...


... House" (9 rue de la Marine) and later in what is now the Reception Room downstairs in the same building, we used to sit in semi-darkness, meditating. The Mother would be in a chair in front of us. Champaklal would bring a big cauldron of hot soup and place it on a stool in front of her. He stood by while she went into a trance. After some minutes, with her eyes still shut, she would spontaneously... Aurobindo. An interesting bit of occult news I heard in the early days of my stay here when I was very chummy with the central group of the sadhaks — Nolini, Amrita, Purani, Anilbaran, Champaklal, Dyuman, Rajangam, Pavitra — was that, when in a past life of theirs Sri Aurobindo had been Leonardo da Vinci and the Mother Mona Lisa, Doraiswamy had been Francis 1, King of France (1494-1547) ...


... and Mina's meetings with the Mother started again. She told the Mother in her broken way that she could not say words with ease and frequency except "Mother" and "Sri Aurobindo". Hearing this, Champaklal who was somewhere near rushed into the Mother's presence and exclaimed: "Ideal condition. Mother, ideal condition! I also want to say nothing except these names." The Mother stared in a bit of... articulation. There was nothing organically wrong: some dietary deficiency appeared to be responsible. A period of silence was advised and treatment prescribed. The regime of keeping quiet suited Champaklal very much and he made it a rule not to speak even after the stipulated time was over and he had considerably improved. He has gone far beyond the "ideal condition" he had dreamt of, for now invariably ...


... indispensable inner Presence. Your request makes me recollect an incident connected with Page 169 Champaklal. A devotee from outside the Ashram once asked him if he could be given something touched by the Mother, which he could keep permanently with himself, Champaklal answered: "What about your own head? Hasn't the Mother touched it and isn't it always with you?" He might have punningly ...


... years in the Ashram. The Mother had written on a Japanese card: To My dear little child Huta With all my love and sweetest compassion. Pour une bonne fête.* In the afternoon Nolini, Amrita, Champaklal, Dyuman, Udar and his wife Mona, Maniben, some others and myself were waiting for the Mother at the gate of Huta House. For at last the renovation of my apartment had been completed. Her car approached... every thing minutely, including the roof-garden of my apartment. She expressed her happiness at the whole set-up. Then the Mother asked everyone to leave the apartment and wait for her downstairs. Champaklal, who carried a crystal bowl of white roses, gave it to the Mother and left. Now she and I were alone in my apartment. We went into the Meditation Room. Her glance fell on her own portrait which ...


... of a sort of vision and activity, precisely in this physical mind. Which isn't at all usual for me. I was here in this room, everything was exactly as it is physically, and someone (I think it was Champaklal) opened the door abruptly and said, " Oh, I am bringing bad news ." And I heard the sound physically, which means it was very close to the physical. " He has fallen and broken his head. " But it... time ago), and during the activity I said to myself, "But my brother died long ago!" And it caused a sort of tension ( gesture to the temples ) because... It's a little complicated to explain. When Champaklal gave me the news, I was in my usual consciousness, in which I immediately thought, "How come the Protection didn't act?" And I was looking at that when a sort of faraway memory came that my brother ...


... she was doing, sowing her bodyconsciousness with his doubts and medical impossibilities. Mother has referred to him on several occasions in this Agenda. The third person was Mother's helper, Champaklal, who had also been Sri Aurobindo's attendant. A pure-hearted man, simple and utterly devoted There is nothing to say about him, except my respect. He had come from his Gujarati village straight to... Suddenly, the body doesn't know if it will be able to hold on—that's what happens. So, for this reason, appearances may be very deceptive. (Satprem, aside to K.:) But couldn't someone like Champaklal understand that? (K.:) I don't think so. The big difficulty is the government, you see: a bunch of dimwits who know nothing outside of their rules and regulations. (Satprem:) No, no ...


... ations are common. There is Chand's recent wire. NIRODBARAN: Yes, the telegram read "Nirodasram" instead of Nirodbaran". CHAMPAKLAL: When is Chand coming here? NIRODBARAN: Soon after "arranging his affairs". SRI AUROBINDO: Is he still "arranging"? CHAMPAKLAL: Has he much property? NIRODBARAN: He has lost everything. SRI AUROBINDO: And yet he is "arranging" it? He is phenomenon ...


... for a life of silence but only for calorific speech. SATYENDRA: Radhananda also observes silence. CHAMPAKLAL: But he talks with particular people. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, Sarala 2 used to talk a lot with him during their French lessons, till they quarrelled over Communism. CHAMPAKLAL: Radhananda said Sarala was a newspaper. SRI AUROBINDO: But not a very reliable one. (Laughter) PURANI: ...


... says it is a shame that you call him Sotuda. How can a father call a son that? SRI AUROBINDO: Why not? A father calls his daughter "Ma". Does he want me to drop the "da" and just say "Sotu"? CHAMPAKLAL: Why not? There is Bapu here—and the Mother calls him Bapu. It doesn't mean he is the Mother's father. Bapu has simply become his name. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes. NIRODBARAN: So, Sotuda is not brother... 1943. SRI AUROBINDO: Good Lord! SATYENDRA: The whole world will be destroyed and Satyayuga will reign at the end of 1943. SRI AUROBINDO: Nobody will be left then to enjoy the Satyayuga. CHAMPAKLAL: It doesn't matter much to Satyendra if the world is destroyed. SATYENDRA (smiling) : No, what is the use of repeating and repeating the same old thing? PURANI: To go back to the idea of Moore: ...


... 8 FEBRUARY 1940 CHAMPAKLAL: Somebody has written to Gandhi that he suffers terribly from sex desire.. The sight of a woman wakes up passion in him. He can't even go out because of that. So he asked Gandhi who is a saint about the remedy and what to do in such a case. SRI AUROBINDO: Or he asked him, "What did you do?" (Laughter) CHAMPAKLAL: His wife has suggested to him that ...


... help themselves. (Laughter) NIRODBARAN: I think he will only lament. SRI AUROBINDO: And want me to lament with him? SATYENDRA: Champaklal is not satisfied with your answer to Sotuda. SRI AUROBINDO: No? (Beginning to smile) NIRODBARAN: Champaklal believes only in Grace. Therefore your answer cannot satisfy him. EVENING At about 6:15 p.m. the news came that Germany had invaded ...


... that here? Why isn't it the Congress flag?" SRI AUROBINDO: He thought the Congress has established Swaraj already? (Laughter) CHAMPAKLAL: But he exaggerates things and always talks about himself. SATYENDRA: People in retirement usually do that. CHAMPAKLAL: He had a bunch of bananas. He said they were for you, but he ate them all. SRI AUROBINDO: He has a strong imagination. Perhaps he ...


... likely to interfere with anybody. Suren and Ramachandra may. CHAMPAKLAL: Here the condition or atmosphere is quite different. There is no scope for anybody's domination, even if they wanted to. Isn't that correct? SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, the desire to dominate is in everybody, but there is no field here because of the Mother. CHAMPAKLAL: Yes, that is what I meant. Anilbaran couldn't understand ...


... Originally it belonged to the Czar's treasures. They were scattered during the revolution in Russia. I found it exceedingly lovely—full of feeling and vibrations. Much later, in the 1980s, I asked Champaklal to show me the Icon to revive my memory. He informed me that it was in the Art Gallery. Then I got it from Krishnalal and Vasudev and kept it in my apartment for some time in order to clean it and... the light and burned a candle. To my utter amazement I saw the Icon as living—and felt as if the Virgin would speak to me. The effect of the light on the Icon was fascinating. Later, I took it to Champaklal. He saw it, and was pleased with the cleaning. Then I returned it to the Art Gallery along with the text which I had got from Mme Luce Huguette Raymond alias "Padma", the name given by the Mother ...


... in those who can't. Is it possible to sanction some tea? I am rather ashamed as almost immediately after intending to do sadhana, I want to live according to "ordinary nature". You can ask Champaklal, Mother is giving a chit. As you know the stomach remains at the level of the umbilicus, but, in T's case, it has descended into the pelvis and is sitting snugly there. It is called ptosis or... perusal except the body addressed. I keep it for want of time. If two oranges per day are not possible, can pamplemousse juice be given to T, as long as he is on liquid diet? [ Mother :] Champaklal will give you two oranges daily for T. S's stomach is no more "gloomy"—bright and cheerful today. I am tempted to dance in glee. Is it the Force or Pancrinol, or both? You forget that the ...

... end up doing things here that they would not have done outside had they lived there. Many lose their mental balance. I remember, Champaklal once told me that living in the Ashram was living in a state of uncertainty: Page 36 "I myself, Champaklal, do not know what I will do tomorrow or what will happen to me." But if we will it from within then Sri Aurobindo and the Mother's ...

... "Pavitra' – P. B. St. Hilaire 12. Champaklal 13. Punamchand, and 14. Kanai Occasional participants: 1. S. Doraiswamy Aiyar 2. Rojoni Kanta Palit 3. Anil Baran Roy 4. V. Chandra Shekhar 5. Kodanda Ram Aiyar 6. Purushottam Patel 7. Naren Das Gupta 8. Sris Goswami From 1938 – 1950 1. Nirod Baran 2. Champaklal 3. Satyendra Thakore 4. Mulshanker ...

... condition, his long hair became all matted. When after three months he could sit up again his matted hair could finally be unloosened. Shiva’s attendants began unknotting Shiva’s matted locks. Champaklal-ji and Nirod-da courageously attempted this arduous task. These two heroes then (who themselves did not boast of a great amount of hair on their heads) got down to business. After about an hour... in his quiet voice: “You’ve left a few hairs on my head, I hope!” No one could hold his laughter. I can picture this clearly. Sri Aurobindo sitting quietly like a good boy while Nirod-da and Champaklal-ji valiantly struggled to unknot his hair. What can be more amusing than this? These two incidents reveal how close and friendly Sri Aurobindo was with them. ...


... Sometimes, it is good to feel oneself so free. We don’t remember enough that we Page 245 come from a great realm of vastness. We are flying to Madras on Monday evening, the 8th.   PS: Champaklal 71 is in Delhi, back from the first foothills of the Himalayas with pneumonia. Kumud and Pranab managed to make him give the keys back: he will no longer have access to Mother’s room. So be... never have been. I embrace you, Satprem September 10, 1977 Start of the japa-walk. Like a small electrode of Mother in the bath of mud. September 11, 1977 (Personal Letter) Champaklal wept this morning when Sujata gave him The Divine Materialism ... He remembered the time when Mother talked to me — sometimes, he remained crouching in a corner, looking at us: he had never seen ...

... a stay of a few days in 1921, he concluded that she was verily "a personification of 'Grace' ", and whenever he approached her, he felt "purity, peace and sublimity". 31 It was also in 1921 that Champaklal, then a boy of eighteen, first made an adventurous journey to Pondicherry from remote Gujarat, and having made pranam to Sri Aurobindo felt that he had "nothing more to do" in his life. He didn't... catching a glimpse of him through the opened Venetian blinds, she recognised in him a born servitor and "told Sri Aurobindo then itself: This boy will help me in my work; he will be very useful." When Champaklal came for good early in 1923, he saw first one and then the other. He felt that Sri Aurobindo was incarnate Shiva, Mirra was the Mother Divine! He experienced "an extraordinary closeness to her and ...


... course of the day that all was indeed well. By April 1939 there was substantial improvement, and Sri Aurobindo was able to walk, though for a time only with the support of Purani and Champaklal. The sadhaks and disciples who had already missed two Darshans in succession (24 November and 21 February) were unwilling to wait till 15 August, and so 24 April - the date of the Mother's... the accident, Sri Aurobindo's right leg was in plaster and he was confined to bed. He spoke little in the beginning, but as the days passed, he became more communicative. Besides Purani and Champaklal the doctors - Manilal, Nirod, Becharlal, Satyendra - were in attendance and at times there were two or three others besides. When questions were put to him, he was not unwilling to answer ...


... movements, articulations of each actor, and how she did not spare anyone.... Thanks to her assiduous personal training and attention, our novices learnt the art of acting with beauty and refinement." 12 Champaklal too has recorded a conversation between Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on 24 May 1949 about one of her theatre projects: When Mother came for Sri Aurobindo's food tonight she brought yesterday's... reunion was that of a mother and a son: "We were at once in full understanding and I had the strong impression of being still a small boy seeking safety in his mother's lap." 26 Introducing Champaklal the next day to André, the Mother said that, having come very young, he learnt many things from her and was attending with "devotion and joy" to "everything with regard to Sri Aurobindo", 27 As ...


... successive Wednesday evenings. It was about this time that the Mother saw at the Playground the film Julius Caesar. She told Champaklal: The play is very interesting. In future, some may say about me that I was very ambitious. Many years later, Champaklal found among her chit-papers this entry, which is an amplification of her earlier remark:: It will be said of me: "She was ...


... already pointed out, it is swallowing up all you collect. I do not see how you expect to be able to maintain this rate of expenditure for an indefinite period or what purpose it serves. [7] Champaklal Write to Punamchand that now that Vithaldas has seen the Mother, he should communicate his experience or his difficulties direct to her. It is not desirable that in matters of the Sadhana Punamchand... Punamchand or anybody else should come in between, even as a channel of communication. The Mother's force must go direct undisturbed by any other influence. December 1928 Page 432 [8] Champaklal As regards the Vedic "Dictionary" write to Punamchand that I do not want anything of this kind to be made out of my unfinished work. If it is to be done, it will be in the future and must be only ...


... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother August 1932 ( Letter of Amrita to Champaklal, with the Mother’s reply ) Champaklal, I do not want an explanation from you. I request you to pass this letter on to the Mother. This is not the first time you have been rude and inconsiderate towards me. Today you threw such ...

... Dreams and Visions of Champaklal (With Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretations) Visions of Champaklal Strange Dreams For quiet some time now, at night, I get strange dreams. I forget my way, come across many obstacles, but ultimately I would find my way by the Mother's Grace and also feel Her Protection. Earlier, I did not get such dreams at all. I used to fly ...


... Dreams and Visions of Champaklal (With Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretations) Visions of Champaklal An Unpleasant Dream Day before yesterday, I dreamt that I had a quarrel with the Mother and I left her consequently, I lost all my faith in Her. This aggrieved me a lot and I remained depressed. What does this mean? It is probably one part of your being ...


... Dreams and Visions of Champaklal (With Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretations) Visions of Champaklal A Fight with the Force of Discontent 1955-06-22 On the upper portion of some building, the Mother was sitting with some devotees (sadhakas) who were selected by her and who were close to her. I too was sifting there. Everyone was making merry. The Mother was ...


... Dreams and Visions of Champaklal (With Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretations) Visions of Champaklal An Accident at the Pond 1936-04-20 I wanted to go to that house at 10 p.m. As eight minutes were still to go, I rested myself on the terrace, during which time I saw the following dream. I saw Dilip running and going towards a pond. He dived in the water ...


... Dreams and Visions of Champaklal (With Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretations) Visions of Champaklal A Rope of Light 1935-03-19 The path that I was to follow was very long and arduous, I came across a number of intricate by-lanes which confused me a lot. I could not find my path despite many struggles. Finally, I looked up. I saw the Mother very high up. ...


... Dreams and Visions of Champaklal (With Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretations) Visions of Champaklal The Sun and the Darkness 1936-10-12 An experience, a few days ago. After passing several nights, at last, by the time the rays from the sun could reach and awaken me, some evil spirits would come frequently and carry me away into a pitch dark place, finally ...


... Dreams and Visions of Champaklal (With Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretations) Visions of Champaklal The Sun and the Flower 1934-08-25 Early morning a vision came to me. I have tried to represent in the picture what I saw. Is there any meaning in it? Or is it my own mental construction? The sun is of course the Truth and the building is the material ...


... Dreams and Visions of Champaklal (With Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretations) Visions of Champaklal Sun of Truth 1934-02-07 I could not draw exactly what I saw in the vision. Does this drawing mean anything? It seems to be the fire of aspiration towards the Truth (the Sun) supported by the Divine Presence and lifting up the nature towards the just visible ...


... Dreams and Visions of Champaklal (With Sri Aurobindo’s Interpretations) Visions of Champaklal An Attack on the Vital Plane 1932-11-22 These things are not usually prophesies of the future; it was an attack on the vital plane which you were strong enough to repulse. Sri Aurobindo ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Visions at Govind Dham 1979-06-30 I saw lofty mountains with their peaks covered with bright snow. They appeared to touch the skies. I kept walking and admiring all these beautiful Himalayan valleys full of different kinds of trees. As I walked on, I felt very happy. I laughed alone. Just then a sadhubaba ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Vision 1979-01-04 I noticed that the hall was ten times bigger than at present. It was packed with people. The children were in a greater number. Some ladies had come even with their new-born babies. Peace was pouring like heavy rainfall. The hall was charged with peace—nothing was felt except peace. Then ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Two Visions at Hyderabad, Darhar Hall Golden Waterfall 1979-02-10 I was sitting near brother Channa Reddy. A little later, when I looked at him, I saw his figure very hazy. I saw him going in order to give a speech but could not see him clearly. I heard his first two or three sentences only. I could not understand ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Gift of Brilliant Beautiful Asana (At Sri Aurobindo Nivas - Baroda In the Meditation Hall) 1979-10-03 A grand luminous golden Figure was descending slowly from a great height. The golden rays emanating from Him spread everywhere. As He was alighting, His body reflected different colours. The speed of shifting ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Lamp in Madhuvan A small lamp was burning. Then it went on increasing along with the expanse all around. I saw it going up and up. The flame of the lamp originated with many colours and as it rose it turned into a completely golden flame. It touched the sky and entering, it disappeared. ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Journey of an Aspiring Soul towards Higher Planes 1978-12-08 It was the night of 8th December. I woke up in the middle of it. It was 2.10 a.m. when I looked at the clock and I lay down again. I was lying with my eyes closed. Then I had a vision. ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Mysterious Worlds 1980-02-29 I saw a huge magnificent multi-storeyed building. A lot of people had gathered there. But amongst them not a single person was known to me. They were moving about in such a way as if they were in a great hurry. I noticed that despite their hurried movements, they did not push each ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal An Unforgettable Wonderful Experience in Kottakal 1980-09-14 There was a feeling of unusual joy since the morning. I looked at the calendar and noticed it was Rishi Panchami day. I remembered my native place Sidhpur Pattan in North Gujarat. On this day, according to the custom of our Moddh Chaturvedi Brahmin ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal The Sage and the Old Book 1980-09-28 We started with a few persons none of whom was known to us. Suddenly, I got isolated. I do not know how it happened. I looked around, but they all had left me and gone away. I was wondering what I should do. In the meantime, someone came and asked me, “Why are you sitting ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Recitation of Savitri by Sri Aurobindo 1979-12-26 **810.15 p.m.*** I was sleeping in Sri Aurobindo's room. Soon I had a dream. Sri Aurobindo was reciting Savitri in a very sweet and melodious voice. The tune of some musical instrument was also heard. It was something like a flute but not a flute. It ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Loving Mother and the Baby (A very Loving and Lovely Dream) 1980-02-02 I saw my own dead body just in front of me. The whole body was suffused with luminous snow-white light whose rays were spreading all over the place. There was a snow-white shining ball upon the heart. I watched all this solemnly and ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Mysterious Heaps 1980 There was a beautiful, bright and luminous hall. Its walls and ceiling were transparent. In this huge hall a number of heaps of various things were seen. Many heaps were of different types of coins of gold and silver, some had a variety of jewellery too. Every heap was different from ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal An Experience of Boundless Ananda 1981-12-23 'To go to a particular “Place”, with Sri Aurobindo, where we had been before': this thought arose in my mind. Just then a grand, luminous and typically new kind of vehicle appeared. I sat in it. There were others too but none of them were known to me. Sri Aurobindo ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Extraordinary Yajna at Tapogiri This vision shows that after sacrifice and surrender and through the action of various inner forces the golden flames of Truth can be seen. One can grow from death to immortality and get absorbed in the Light of Truth. There may be a temptation to rest somewhere in a divine realm ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Tapogiri - Illumined Place 1978-06-17 Zigzag paths seem to indicate that movement in life is intricate and progress in sadhana does not occur easily. Mountains of various colours signify the ascent towards the higher consciousness through various planes. The illumined place is first seen (where some persons ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Wonderful Lion-shaped Figure 1978-06-08 The seeing of a waterfall shows that the “seer” is a recipient of some flow from the higher consciousness above, and golden sunlight symbolises the seeing of the direct light of the Truth. As a symbol, the Lion means the vital force, strength, courage and power. Here ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Lamp in Madhuvan The flame of aspiration must burn constantly and must go beyond the influence of all intermediary splendours and rise ever upward until it can turn into golden flames—the sheer Light—of Truth. ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Conquest of the Asura on Mahasamadhi Day 1979-12-09 This is a vision of how Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are protecting everyone against evil forces. The Service Tree over the Samadhi is not ordinary, it does not cover only the Samadhi, but also the whole universe. It might represent here the transformed ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal The Vision at Lower Part of Matrimandir 1978-12-07 The smell of various flowers indicates the opening of the inner consciousness. The cutting of heads would indicate the removal of the mind consciousness which is man's ordinary instrument of inquiry and exploration. But behind the mind is the true power of ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal On the Way to Hemkund 1979-07-01 Digambar means a saint without clothes, here signifying a person who does not live in the physical consciousness. Only such a person could be the right guide in sadhana. At once, one begins to see another part of consciousness (water) which is beautiful. Another significant ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Arrows Turning into Beautiful Flowers 1978-06-08 The “arrows” coming from some unknown source are a sign of force going to its aim, in this case the blossoming of the consciousness and the activity of the psychic (symbolised by the mountains of flowers). This further, leads to the opening of another part of ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal An Experience of Om 1981-06-06 “AUM” The Mother has said, “Om has a transforming power. Om represents the Divine. Om is the signature of God.” Sri Aurobindo has said, “In all Yoga, there are indeed many preparatory objects of thought concentration, forms, verbal formulas of thought, significant ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal Experience of Sudarshan Chakra Significance of Chakras 1 “There are in the human system certain key centres of consciousness. They run along the spinal column, but not in the physical body. They are located in the subtle body though their areas of operation are in the physical. Each centre is a focus for ...


... Visions of Champaklal Visions of Champaklal The Mother in Golden Lotus (A Vision at Paris) 1985 The grace of the Mother (white light) and Sri Aurobindo pour over Paris and the Supramental Light with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother is seen. What started in Paris, became a Universal phenomenon and the sun of Supramental Light is at its full. A vision ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks My Father Of all my recollections about the elders of my family, the ones about my father are perfectly clear. His life was most sattwic due to which those who knew him well addressed him as 'Purani Maharaj'. Though externally he appeared to lead the life of a sanatani [practitioner of Vedic... never pranam . But that does not mean I believe I have progressed more than them. I write all this now only because nowadays Mother reveals everything to me. Sometimes some people wonder: “Why does Champaklal need to meet these people after staying so long with Sri Aurobindo?” Let me clarify that I do not go to them for guidance. I have an absolute faith in the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. They are doing ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Paul Richard and Champaklal When Paul Richard¹ visited Gujarat [in 1921], he made our ashram in Patan his headquarters. He visited other places from there. He became like one of our family. The first thing he would ask us when we met him in the morning was, “Did you have a good sleep? Did you ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Steadfast and Meticulous I was not 'educated' in the sense the word is commonly used. Yet Sri Aurobindo showered his infinite grace on me and called me to his Ashram. My ideas were indeed somewhat conservative and I was, and still am to some extent, quite temperamental. I did not possess the insight... Room was his dining room. Nolini, Amrita, Bijoy and Moni, who lived in Library House, also dined with him. One day while eating, Sri Aurobindo said, “Mirra (as Mother was then called) told me that Champaklal has a steadfast and meticulous mind. It is the first time she has found such a mind in an Indian.” Later, one of those four told it to Purani who narrated it to Punamchandbhai but told him not ...


... 37 said Pranab, the chief source of information about what happened in the last six months. ‘On 21 May 1973, when we were waiting at the staircase,’ writes one of the secretaries, ‘I remember, Champaklal came out of the Mother’s room with a grave face and said: “I don’t think Mother will ever see people again.” In fact, Mother did not receive people any more from that day.’ 38 She still gave... Pranab. Time and again she asked to be lifted up from the bed for a while. Then, in the evening of the 17th, while her son André was with her, Kumud, one of the attendants together with Pranab and Champaklal, was alarmed by the unusual movements the Mother made. Dr Sanyal was called, and so was Pranab. ‘I arrived at about five past seven and saw that Dr Sanyal was already there examining her. Dyuman ...

... exclaimed at the top of her voice, as though an inspired Prophetess of the old mysteries: “The Lord has descended. He has conquered death and sorrow. He has brought down immortality.”’ 7 And Champaklal noted down: ‘Datta spoke: “Krishna the Lord has come. He has ended the hell of suffering. He has conquered pain. He has conquered death. He has conquered all. He has descended tonight, bringing ... d “freedom.” While some were openly critical of the new order, some merely found themselves unequal to the demands made upon them by the changed situation. Of course, people like Nolini, Amrita, Champaklal and Pavitra had already accepted unquestioningly whatever Sri Aurobindo proposed or approved. But it was otherwise with rebellious spirits like Sri Aurobindo’s younger brother, Barin.’ 28 (K ...

... lovely, and she (the conscious part in her) was so per-fect-ly happy!... How can you tell that to the parents? They would say, "You're crazy..." But that's the FACT, the plain fact: I saw Champaklal come with the tray of flowers, and it [the psychic embryo] was floating above, like that; so when I saw her, I took a rose and... there was something SO lovely, SO luminous, like that (a very small... the facts that I gather from you it seems that there was not enough reason for her drowning—in spite of it her soul managed to leave her body. "This fact was further supported when this morning Champaklal brought a dish of flowers to be burnt on her body. I saw a pretty little flame in the center of the dish. Generally I do not give any flowers on the dish; I send it as it is. But today I was specially ...


... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1960 Champaklal, my dear child, I am glad to be able to say that you are progressing steadily. As you yourself remarked, your consciousness is growing and with one more effort you will soon emerge in the light and become wise. This one more effort is the control ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 25 April 1935 To Champaklal with our blessings. Your flowers are very pretty. Surely I hope you will do some more. 25 April 1935 ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1972 Bonne Fête To Sri Aurobindo's and Mother's Champak One of the hundred 2 With my love, appreciation, trust and blessings for ever. En route vers la Realisation 2 February 1972 × ... A few days before his birthday, the Mother gave Champaklal a card with a quotation by Sri Aurobindo: “I do not want tens of thousands of disciples. It will be enough if I can get a hundred complete men, purified of petty egoism, who will be instruments of God.” ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1964 Champaklal, my dear child A big step has been taken, a great change has taken place, the presence of your Soul is clearly felt not only in what you do—which is steadily progressing—but in what you are. This is a decisive year for you, heralding the realisation ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1963 Bonne Fête! Champaklal, my dear child The way is wide open and it is an artistic one, a fine way of expressing your soul, which will become more and more clear and powerful with the inner growth and flowering of your heart as a sincere expression of your ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1961 Champaklal, My dear child, Bonne Fête! Few words are needed. All is going on well. Steadily we are advancing towards the goal, and you are keeping pace with me. My love and blessings 2 February 1961 ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1968 Champaklal, I am happy to say that you are my true child and becoming more and more so. 2 February 1968 ...

... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Sitting Erect Madhav: “Champakbhai, I notice that you always sit erect, never leaning or bending. I am curious to know how you do that.” C: Ah, there is a story behind it. During my childhood, even at 6 or 7 years of age, I could not sit without leaning. Once my father asked me, “Why do you sit... that it was strange, for such backache comes only in old age. Things continued in this way till I came here to Mother at the age of 20. One day I told Mother of this difficulty. She told me: “Champaklal, you do what I say. Take a towel and rub your back with it, first vertically and then horizontally.” I starred doing it for a short time after bath, regularly. Once I looked at the watch to see ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother in Trance There was a time when while conversing with people Mother, would suddenly go into trance and later would say, “I fell asleep.” Now I did not like her saying this, because I knew that it was not that; she does not sleep but goes deep within to do some occult work. However for a long... one day I could not control myself and asked her: “Why do you keep saying, 'I fell asleep'? It is not true, you are not asleep.” She smiled sweetly and gave me a penetrating look. Then she said: “Champaklal, you are right. But I say this because people would not be able to understand my state.” Later, gradually she herself starred saying, “I went into trance.” But even when in trance she remained ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “Not Ordinary Mosquitoes” 1950-10-08 There was an understanding between Nirod and myself that one of us would always remain near Sri Aurobindo at night. One night I was not in the room. Sri Aurobindo asked Nirod: “Champaklal is not there? I cannot sleep.” N: “He is there on the terrace. ...


... and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Kamala’s Portrait 1951-04-12 Kamala's portrait done by Mother had faded. I took it to her and showed it saying: “Look Mother, what has happened!” Mother: “The drawing is very pretty.” She said it as if it had been done by somebody else! C: “Can you do something, Mother?” Mother: “Champaklal, but it is very ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Christmas Presents Madhav: “Champakbhai, I remember you had a very interesting meeting with the Mother on one Christmas day. I shall just recall it; would you please confirm if all the details are correct?” C: “Yes.” M: “You had just come back from the Ashram Theatre [ where the Christmas ... and. distribution were held ] and were sitting in your studio trying out the toys you had received—the whistle etc. Just then Amrita came out of Mother's room and told you: 'Mother says that if Champaklal wants to show his Christmas presents, she is ready to see them.' Accordingly you went up to her and showed those things. She took them one by one, tried the whistle and all. Then there was a small ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Special Pranam When Mother used to see people in the Music room, she would write their names and those of the birthday people who were expected to come up, in her interview book. Then she would prepare another list on a loose sheet of paper for me. I had to send everyone into her room in the order... come along with the person authorised. In such cases I had to inform her. And when I informed who wanted to come with whom, she would usually say: “All right.” One day, however, she asked me: “Champaklal, are you asking or is he asking?” C: “Mother, they like to come.” Mother: “But has he asked?” C: “Mother, some people ask and generally you allow. You rarely refuse. But some nice people ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother has Come for Work One day, during the later years. Mother was ill. After her sparse breakfast, she asked me: “Champaklal, what shall I do, rest or work?” C: “Work, Mother.” Mother: “Why?” C: “You have come for work. Mother.” Mother: “All right, call the people.” She said it ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 24 February 1929 Champaklal, from today you will sweep Sri Aurobindo's room at about 2.30 p.m., as Haradhan will remain in his room for rest. 24.2.1929 The Mother ...


... Prayers and Aspirations Letter to the Readers from the Translators These are the “Prayers and Aspirations” which the Mother has made Champaklal write. I thought you might like to know how much I have been helped myself, for the same help is there for you also. “True Surrender” were words to me and until my wife Sudha and I were caught in Kuwait on 2nd... song either, these are only my inner being's utterances. I have not written them, the Supreme Mother and Lord have made me write them. Whatever I have had to say I have said in these lines.” Champaklal ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother’s Sketches Mother used to call certain people to the Interview Room to do their sketches. Generally it was in the mornings. Usually she was indifferent about her own paintings, though she did like some of them very much. Whenever somebody asked to see them, she would avoid it by giving... The next day I mentioned to Mother that Kamala was sad and unhappy. Mother: “Why?” C: “You did not call her to see your paintings.” Mother: “All right. I will make her very happy. You see, Champaklal,” she added with a smiling, happy expression, “there is a sketch of Sri Aurobindo which I have done but not shown to anybody. I will show her that; tell her.” C: “Then what has happened is very ...


... s and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks To my Rescue 1950-02-26 Mother came to Sri Aurobindo's room for combing his hair at 10.17 a.m. and was there till 10.37 a.m. When she came in Mother said to me: “Oh, you are not ready!” C: “Mother, Sri Aurobindo's eyes were closed.” At this, Sri Aurobindo hastened to say: “What Champaklal says is true. Just ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mounting Darshan Photographs 1952-02-12 It was Kamala's birthday. Mother gave her a silver dish with a picture of Saraswati playing the Veena and said: “I am here.” She also gave a kerchief saying it was used by Sri Aurobindo in last August's Darshan. Nolini had brought a German magazine 1 ... the mounted pictures so much that the next day she asked me to fetch them from Kamala as she wanted to show them to Pranab. While showing them to him she remarked: “How nicely they are arranged by Champaklal! Isn't it so?” × The German weekly, Heute ('Today'), in its issue of 8 November 1950, carried a two-page spread ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Enquiry about the Envelope Once the Mother was offered some lined envelopes. She was very particular about using those envelopes. It so happened that a Ashramite offered some money or a letter in one such envelop After he left the Mother showed it to me. I had also noticed it and was wondering from... from where he had got it, when Mother asked “Champaklal, how did he get this envelope?” I could not give a answer but it set me thinking. Here something interesting comes to mind. When Mother's second-floor room was being constructed, I once went to the landing between the two flights of stairs that take us from the Salon to that room; I felt how wonderful it would be if I could live on that landing ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks A Birthday Message Once the Mother gave this message to someone: To give to the Divine what one has in excess is not an offering. One should give at least some thing out of what one needs. The Mother I liked it very much and asked the Mother to write it also for me and told... because people do not appreciate this message.” So though specially printed for giving on all birthdays, they were put aside. However, when she wanted to give that card to someone, she would say, “Champaklal, bring your birthday card.” Looking at a person I could judge which card Mother would want to give. At times, she gave that card to someone to whom she had previously refused to give it, saying, ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 3 December 1934 Mother, Today though I saw you near the table I did not stay there thinking that I should not take Mother's time, as even a minute is very precious to you. I went away. Did I do right or wrong? Champaklal, the intention was good but the movement was a mistaken one. These few seconds do not ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 26 May 1935 Champaklal, I am very much astonished by your questions. Are you not here to serve the Divine and are you not actually doing it? It is when you are doing it in all simplicity and full-heartedly that you are nearer to the goal. Beware of hostile suggestions or dangerous talks which make our mind ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 18 February 1935 Champaklal, Les cartes sont trés jolies. [The cards are very pretty.] I am sending one back. I would like you to draw a rose in the corner. With love and blessings always. 18.2.1935 The Mother ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 25 April 1935 To Champaklal with our blessings. Your flowers are very pretty . Surely I hope you will do some more. 25.4.1935 The Mother ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 30 November 1966 In a case like Champaklal's the psychological factor is at least as important as the physical one. I doubt whether to be taken away from the house would be good for him. As for the food, he can have here all that is needed and of the best quality. What is necessary is only somebody who takes... takes the trouble to know what is needed for him and what he must take. And from what is called Mother's kitchen, it will be got. 27.11.1966 The Mother Champaklal is much better this morning and the food properly arranged. 30.11.1966 The Mother ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks On Champaklal ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Dilemma In the early days, as you know, Sri Aurobindo used to smoke cigars. It was my work to collect the empty boxes and sell them in the market. Each time, on the way to the market, I wondered: the boxes in which Sri Aurobindo's cigars have come, which have been handled by him and also touched... n. She smiled beautifully. “All right,” she said, but took it back. Imagine my surprise when the next morning Sri Aurobindo took the timepiece in his hand and smiling sweetly asked me: “Champaklal, you want the clock?” And he placed it in my hands. Thereafter it stayed with me. Once, however, Dikshitbhai who had come on a visit had no watch with him and Punamchandbhai suggested I give this ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks The Mother’s Training When Mother's son Andre came to Pondicherry for the first time, she told him, “Champaklal has been trained by me.” I feel that she is still training me. There were many things that I did not like, and sometimes I spoke out my opposition. But sometimes when Mother herself ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother’s Programme 1950-05-27 Sri Aurobindo finished his lunch today at 12.08 p.m. After Mother left, as he was rubbing balm over his teeth and gums, he asked: “Champaklal, what is Mother's present programme?” On hearing it from me, he said: “All right.” ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Birthday Cards I do not remember when the Mother started giving birthday cards. Children used to receive flowers from her when they came to her. They would be given extra flowers on their birthdays. On those days she also started giving roses. I always had a liking for children who were open to... to put both their hands on Mother's feet and look at her so expressively while she was writing that it was a very interesting sight. On some occasions, when I did not give a card, Mother asked: “Champaklal, you have nothing for this child?” That made me feel bad, and so I started making cards for all the children Mother was very happy about it. Soon I also started making card; for adults. But I was ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Replacement not the Solution Once someone asked for a copy of the Bulletin from me. It was, he assured me, for Mother's work. I did not ask Mother about it for I knew the person and it was for her work. After some time he returned that copy. I saw that it was not in a good condition and looked... But one day something similar took place and at that time I told the Mother of this incident and said: “It is impossible to replace what has been spoilt. But the man wouldn't understand.” “Yes, Champaklal,” Mother said softly. “You are right.” She looked so happy at what I had said; her expression was beatific. True, in the ordinary life I too might have reacted in the same way as the other man ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Letter from Torn Bits The Mother had written something on a piece of paper and torn it up. I collected those pieces and kept them in a special envelope—not for reading, but because I could not bring myself to throw away her handwriting. She observed this and thereafter started passing on such bits... I had preserved. Mother: “What shall I do with these pieces?” C: “Mother, I will give you your letter.” So saying, I pasted the torn bits together and gave the letter to her. Mother: “Oh Champaklal, you are an angel; you are an angel!” ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Boasting I was once narrating to Mother something that had happened, taking care to be as exact as possible, avoiding all exaggeration. Suddenly she became serious and with a soft smile said: “Champaklal, don't boast.” C: “Mother, I am not boasting. I am telling you just what happened.” Mother ...


... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 13 February 1932 For 1932 To Champaklal Peaceful confidence in the mind, cheerful devotion in the heart, firm resolution in the vital, quiet energy in the body. 13 February 1932 ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 July 1931 Champaklal, The offering of your physical being will perfect your skill in works. Your skill in works will make perfect your physical offering. 2 July 1931 ...

... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Revising “Savitri” 1944-06-09 When Sri Aurobindo needed to revise lines of Savitri he used to write on small chit pads. He would collect a few sheets and pin them on the original manuscript pages in their appropriate places. I often watched him doing it. One day I saw him having some difficulty... he wanted. Somehow I succeeded in doing it. I received a broad smile. Oh, what a look! Thereafter he stopped doing that work himself and always called me to do it even when it was very easy. “Champaklal” would call. How sweet it was to hear the name from his mouth boundless delight filled me whenever he called me by name remember I had even kept a record of how many times in a day (and night) he ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Champaklal does not Know 1949-12-24 Sri Aurobindo asked: “Mother is not playing music. It seems some people are going to sing and go round the Ashram.” C: “I do not know.” Sri Aurobindo: “Oh, it may not be today. All right.” So saying he lifted his hands and laid them back on the cushions ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “Mother’s Grace on Kamala” The Mother has showered her grace on her children in such a way that every child can say, “This is a special grace of the Mother for me alone. For none else she has done this.” Kamala is indeed one of those children. Kamala does not write about herself, but I am interested... interested in observing all this on two counts: One was to see the Mother's ways of working; the other to see Mother showering her grace on Kamala. You have asked why Kamala alone is all the time with Champaklal. I have written all the above at length to show that by showering her infinite grace Mother has given me to Kamala from her childhood and has still kept me with her. Much more can be written about ...


... Part II — Spiritual Games Champaklal Speaks Spiritual Games In those early days of the Ashram, every evening the Mother came from Meditation House to Library House, which she entered through her former room (then mine and now my aunt Motiben's). After freshening up there, she went to Datta's room. Then she came to the Stores (later named Prosperity) where... Sri Aurobindo who sometimes corrected them; then she made a final copy, underlined the significances and put the dace. But in some cases she did not underline the significances and so, for those Champaklal copied for inclusion here, he underlined the significances. For the present edition, the published sentences have been compared with the originals. One must remember that in order to form a particular ...


... Part II — Spiritual Games Champaklal Speaks “What is Yoga?” To feel a warmth and a glow in the heart in my relation with You.—Amal Transformation of my consciousness in terms of the consciousness of the Mother.—Amrita To live in Mother and to know Mother's Will.—Champaklal To do as Mother directs us to do.—Chandulal A series of experiences which ...


... Part II — Spiritual Games Champaklal Speaks “What do You Want?” An all-surrendering love by which the whole vital being becomes purified and one-pointed.—Amal Full conversion and consecration of the physical consciousness. Liberation from all sexual impulses and desires.—Pavitra To be taken right into the Beyond in surrender.—Datta Deep and complete... entirely and truly to the Mother.—Amrita In the perfect peace the descent of the supramental light in the physical.—Dyuman Make my body a perfect instrument of your work.—Satyen Right attitude.—Champaklal ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks December 1928 Champaklal, Write to Punamchand that now that Vithaldas has seen the Mother, he should communicate his experience or his difficulties direct to her. It is not desirable that in matters of the Sadhana Punamchand or anybody else should come in between, even as a channel of communication. The Mother's ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks The Being who Wants to Manifest 1926-11-20 While giving Sri Aurobindo's lunch dish to me after he had finished, Mother said: “The Being we want to manifest in you demands your complete surrender. He is one of four brothers. He wants to manifest in you and is waiting for you to be ready. A that... being has entered into you.” The next day, she said: To bring down Immortality four pillars; are needed. Of them Purity is Kanai, Faith is Tirupati, Adoration is Rajangam, Aspiration is Champaklal. ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Birthdays 1946-08-09 When Mother came to Sri Aurobindo's room for combing his hair, she informed him that there were six birthdays today. Sri Aurobindo said to Mother: “Yes, Champaklal was working till late at night.” He used to note what I was doing. I was preparing the bouquets only after ...


... — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Drop of Consolation 1946-05-26 When Sri Aurobindo was having his meal, something happened and the tumbler of grape-juice was upset on the table. I picked it up and showed to Mother that one drop of juice was still left in it. Mother told Sri Aurobindo: “Champaklal says there is one drop of juice left ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Compassion My brother Bansidhar used to take two buckets from Sri Aurobindo's bathroom every day in order to bring hot water in them for his sponging. Sri Aurobindo would be sitting at this time at his table working on Savitri etc. Every day when Bansidhar went in for the buckets, 1 Sri Aurobindo... his preoccupation with the writing work. Similarly he took note of Bansidhar winding the clocks. Whenever the clock stopped or slowed down or went too fast, or stopped chiming, he would ask me: “Champaklal, have you informed Bansidhar?” And when Bansidhar came to repair it, he would watch with interest. Sri Aurobindo always had a special tender smile for Amrita. For Nolini he had a deep ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks A petal of the Red Lotus 1973-04-24 The Mother took one petal of a red lotus, held it in the closed palms other hands and concentrated for a considerable time. Then she held the petal pressed to her chest, looked at me and said: “This is for you, Champaklal.” And then she smiled. ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 10 February 1934 There is a feeling of sickness around. I have a heavy headache. What is it all due to? There are so many sadhaks who are sick at present. It is caught by one person from another or from the atmosphere. It is largely an auto-suggestion. Is it true that because the 21st [February] is coming... Sri Aurobindo × This I had asked because there were many sadhaks who said it. But I myself did not believe it.—Champaklal ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 1 February 1938 Champaklal, Nowadays I am always late and in a hurry and I am not giving you time as I used to. That is why I want to see you for a few minutes tomorrow. But instead of seeing you at 1.30 as Nolini said, I will call you in when I have finished with Arjava at about 2.15. It is just to increase ...


... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 26 May 1935 Champaklal, I am very much astonished by your questions. Are you not here to serve the Divine and are you not actually doing it? It is when you are doing it in all simplicity and full-heartedly that you are nearer to the goal. Beware of hostile suggestions or ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 18 February 1935 Champaklal, Les cartes sont très jolies. [The cards are very pretty.] I am sending one back. I would like you to draw a rose in the corner. With love and blessings always 18 February 1935 ...

... have a pleasing tone, still I started practising for half an hour — 9.30 to 10.00 a.m. Afterwards Champaklal started coming to learn music at my place. He informed me of your opinion about the harmonium. I never played it in the evening. Mahesh used to play it for sometime and Champaklal played between 7 to 7.30 p.m. Now my music practice has stopped. What shall I do to learn music? Shall ...


... no thrashing and no fury, it could not be for that. 41 (19) Heat meets heat! NB: [On April 26, 1935] Just now an outburst with Champaklal. I am sure he will tell you about it. I hate to trouble you with these trifles. Sri Aurobindo: Champaklal does not usually tell Mother about these things - outbursts of that kind are too common with him. And when heat meets heat - It is almost midsummer ...

... side. Purani and Satyendra were first chosen as the human supports but as their heights were different, Champaklal replaced Satyendra and this proved to be an ideal arrangement. Gradually, as Sri Aurobindo's steps gained in strength and firmness, he needed only a stick in the right hand, Champaklal continuing to support him on the left. Finally, just the stick was used. As soon as it came to be known ...


... was certainly some serious "indiscretions" about food. You have to keep a very strict eye on him as to diet, otherwise— Just now an outburst with Champaklal. I am sure he will tell you about it. I hate to trouble you with these trifles. Champaklal does not usually tell Mother about these things outbursts of that kind are too common with him. And when heat meets heat—It is almost midsummer now ...

... omnipotent power it could be done from above. Why should the Divine come down into a body for it? CHAMPAKLAL (after some rime): Just a while ago I heard distinctly the Mother's voice saying, "Hitler will die on the 26th." SRI AUROBINDO (laughing): That is too good to hope for. CHAMPAKLAL: I am not very sure about the date, whether it is the 26th or some other date. SRI AUROBINDO: I don't ...


... Doctor Upendrababu, who diagnosed the wound as necrosis (bone decay), wanted it operated at the earliest. Sri Aurobindo asked Appa to get the operation done at ‘Palm Grove’. Rajangam, Purani and Champaklal accompanied Punamchand. The surgeon, Dr. Rangachari, came in his Rolls Royce to Palm Grove where everything was set up for the operation. In 1927, Sri Aurobindo called Appa to witness the... no other way." One evening, in the last week of May in 1990, Shantaben recalled an interesting incident: "Once, when a visitor asked Amma, ‘Who is spiritually greater, J. Krishnamurti or Champaklal?’ she immediately replied, ‘How can I judge that? I have to be greater than both of them, before I can decide that.’" When I told Bharatiben this the next morning, she smiled and said, "Amma’s ...

... such crimes. SRI AUROBINDO: It is treason and one must bear the consequences. If India were free and had to fight she would do the same. CHAMPAKLAL: Mithran said some boys were shot. SRI AUROBINDO: Shot? Can't be. How old were they? CHAMPAKLAL: Below twenty perhaps. SRI AUROBINDO: I can't believe it. They couldn't have been shot. They may have been given some other punishment. This ...


... Aurobindo 13 DECEMBER 1939 SRI AUROBINDO (hearing laughter) : What is the matter? NIRODBARAN: Purani and Champaklal are laughing together. SRI AUROBINDO:: That is their usual business. CHAMPAKLAL: Purani has hurt his big toe again. PURANI: A plank fell on it. SRI AUROBINDO: You are always knocking or pushing it over. (Laughter) At this ...


... seen at Darshan in the afternoon one remarkable man among the whole crowd: Buddhadev. (Laughter) NIRODBARAN: The product of an early marriage! At this time only Dr. Becharlal, Dr. Manilal, Champaklal and Nirodbaran were present. In the morning we had already indicated to Sri Aurobindo the huge proportions in length and breadth of Buddhadev. That is why he knew his name now. At sponging time Satyendra... passing away and there is no sea here!" Just at that moment the man was eating a sea-fish, got a bone stuck in his throat and at once died. The hour was exactly the one mentioned by the astrologer. CHAMPAKLAL: It was fated that he should die. SRI AUROBINDO: In this case it was. DR. MANILAL: If one is destined to die one can't escape. SRI AUROBINDO: There is not always a fixed destiny. Destiny ...


... many changes were introduced which contained prophetic hints of his leaving the body very probably after he had taken his decision to do so. As I have already recorded, one day after his bath Champaklal observed that Sri Aurobindo was moving his lips. Suspecting that he was probably murmuring lines of poetry, he told him that if he wanted to dictate them, I could take them down. He caught up the... being delayed." From about the middle of that year the time was fixed from 11 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. without any break or interruption. Only once in between he would ask for a peppermint pastille and Champaklal was always at hand to serve it. As soon as the clock struck 11 a.m. I was ready with the usual small heap of manuscripts and notebooks; would sit on the floor by his left side, and he would sit on ...

... Once, only once, did She sit at His table: 1 had no time to eat today... . Sri Aurobindo smiled. “This was the first and the last time we saw them taking food together,” 13 notes the faithful Champaklal. It was in August 1950, three months before Sri Aurobindo's depar­ture. She would bring Him a glass of fruit juice, a bowl of soup, the rare food He could take ... comb His long, white hair like... × Mother’s Agenda I, 10.19.1960; 11.26.1960 × Champaklal Speaks, p. 121 × Nirodbaran, op. cit. ...

... receive them in the morning on the spacious veranda upstairs, near the Ashram entrance, where He used to live in those days, and He allowed them to meditate ... “while He read the newspaper,” notes Champaklal 26 with a touch of surprise, who would be Sri Aurobindos faithful attendant until the end. No, Sri Auro­bindo did not at all need to close his eyes or to concen­trate—what does "concentrate” mean... × Early Letters, 27:481 × Champaklal Speaks, p. 14 × Early Letters, 27:481 ...

... without reserve," says Champaklal, "on her side she was giving herself entirely without reserve. She lost no opportunity to shower her love and grace, no occasion to express her identification and solicitude." 7 Year after year, she gave birthday messages to many sadhaks and disciples, and there was often a personal touch and the stamp of the Divine. Thus on 2 February 1957 to Champaklal: Bonne fete ...


... used to do sketches in the mornings, and once she exhibited some of them in Pavitra's room for the benefit of such of the sadhaks as were artistically inclined. On one occasion she did a portrait of Champaklal with her eyes closed; the pencil made 'free progress' as it were of its own accord, and in a few minutes the sketch was finished - and an excellent portrait it was. Likewise she did the portrait... drew a portrait of Pranab when he was resting. There were two striking self-portraits too, and one of them, drawn in 1935, matched with her portrait of Sri Aurobindo of the same period. According to Champaklal, she was persuaded by him to attempt a painting of Sri Aurobindo in oil colours, but somehow the painting was never done. 10 But we have fortunately her portrait-sketch of Sri Aurobindo alongside ...


... last time. After completing my ‘pranam’ as usual, and accepting the Mother’s flower-blessings, I was about to leave the room when Champaklal-ji called out: “Priti, the Mother is calling you.” From the door I quickly went back to the Mother. As I knelt down, Champaklal-ji handed the Mother a colour photograph of Her Divine Feet. She sweetly smiled and then gave me this photograph. I couldn’t ...


... "Pavitra" – P. B. 3t. Hilaire 12. Champaklal 13. Punamchand, and 14. Kanai Occasional participants : 1. S. Doraiswamy Aiyar 2. Rojoni Kanta Palit 3. Anil Baran Roy 4. V. Chandra Shekhar 5. Kodanda Ram Aiyya 6. Purushottam Patel 7. Naren Das Gupta 8. Srish Goswami From 1938-1950 1. Nirodbaran 2. Champaklal 3. Satyendra Thakore 4. Mulshanker ...

... the building in front of the main gate. I saw Anilbaran living in the room which Sri Aurobindo had once occupied. The Mother’s room on the north was now Champaklal’s. Since then we have been seeing Champaklal as the most devoted servant of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. The library was set up on the ground-floor, and in the adjacent room were kept newspapers spread on mats. It was named “Reading Room”... inner feeling increases, thinner and thinner becomes the small self.” Now Dr. Manilal of Baroda, Becharlal, Nirodbaran, Purani, Satyendra and Mulshankar were kept in attendance on Sri Aurobindo. Champaklal had already been in his personal service. So he was automatically there. Later on, Dr. Prabhat Sanyal, when he used to pay occasional visits from Calcutta, had the opportunity to see Sri Aurobindo ...

... to wear this for the evening?" "As you wish, Mother," I replied. "Then I will wear it this evening," She said. Then, once again she looked at the salwar-kameez closely and handed over the box to Champaklal-ji. Then She looked at me in silence with a very joyful expression. A little later, She asked, "What would you like from me today?" On every birthday, the Mother used to give us books and toffees... human beings." Maybe the Mother was not expecting such an aspiration from me. She straightened up in Her chair and very intently fixed Her eyes on me. In silence. Then taking the birthday card from Champaklal-ji, She wrote on it: Page-93     (Happy Birthday to Shobha!     With my blessings for the realisation of your highest aspiration.)     There was another ...


... revolutionary group, now appeared in Pondicherry as Swami Kevalananda, complete with matted hair, as head of a group of Sadhus! Many came and went like sea-waves, but a few remained with Sri Aurobindo. Champaklal, for example, first came in 1921 as a young man of eighteen, went back to Gujarat, and returned in 1923 to stay with Sri Aurobindo till the end, the most steadfast and tender-hearted of his disciples... permanently. By 1926, there were about twenty-five sādhaks staying with Sri Aurobindo. Some from Bengal, Nolini, Barindra, Bejoy, Moni, Page 539 Upendra; some from Gujarat, Purani, Champaklal, and the Punamchands; some from the South, Amrita, Chandrasekharam, Kothandaraman, Rajangam; and there were also the sadhaks from beyond the shores of India, Datta (Miss Hodgson) and Pavitra. "To ...

... normally worked. Similarly we have other ideas, the details of which will have to be worked out as the work proceeds. We shall also require a lot of help from different people, specially from Champaklal. Mother, if You approve of this idea we will go ahead with Your blessings. I would like to place before You the sample copy for Your approval on my birthday if I am able to finish it. ... of this book. On my birthday in 1970, the Mother allowed me to take Her pictures even while She was at lunch. The Mother at lunch. Also in the photo are: (from left to right) Pranab, Champaklal, Dyuman, Vasudha and Dr. Sanyal I enjoyed taking the Mother’s pictures, and working with them became a passion with me. I would literally spend hours working in the darkroom printing the Mother’s ...


... for myself. Suddenly I found that a particular hour was written on the wall before me, and exactly at that hour the tea was brought in." We know that Sri Aurobindo liked his tea and his cigar. Champaklal told us that Sri Aurobindo smoked Spencer's 'Flores.' These could be bought readymade from the market and he could smoke when he felt like it. But tea? Someone had to Page 295 make... after I heard him talk of it, & a minute after he came and made it." By the way, it is only after his knee accident in November 1938 that Sri Aurobindo stopped drinking tea. Thank goes again to Champaklal for this scrap of information. If you ask me why I am talking of such trivialities as tea, I shall reply that it is part and parcel of our life, and for Sri Aurobindo nothing in life was tr ...

... The Sun and The Rainbow Sex and Spirituality     This is the article which has aroused a lot of curiosity ever since the publication of CHAMPAKLAL SPEAKS (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1975). In that book there is on page 58 the entry dated 5-11-1944: "While going back from Sri Aurobindo's room Mother said: 'Amal's article on sex is good ...


... inclusion in the periodical I was editing, I remember submitting to the Mother a snatch of conversion reported by Nirodbaran. She enjoyed it but shook her head. * On page 96 of Champaklal Speaks it is recorded on December 15, 1949 that to meet the demand for bonus by the employed workers of the Ashram — Rs. 20,000 in that year — the Mother was thinking of selling some of her jewellery ...


... more exacting and satisfying duty Bula-da, Dyuman-bhai and Chinmayee had, and that was being the Mother’s personal “servants”. (Another team of equally dedicated “servants” for Sri Aurobindo was Champaklal-ji, Purani-ji, Nirod-da, Pujalal-ji, Moolshankar, Lallubhai, etc.) They had to be nimble-minded, nimble-footed and nimble-handed. Their jobs, small or big, were fixed to the minutest detail — as ...


... Mother said." He was a wonderful messenger full of understanding, goodwill, consideration and kindness. I am extremely sad to miss people like Amrita, Nolini, Pavitra, Andre, Vasudha, Champaklal, Dyuman, Parichand and so many others who dedicated their lives exclusively to the cause of the Supreme Lord. These people will never be forgotten. By the Grace of the Divine Mother, they may have ...

... Dreams - Extracts from the Writings of the Mother Visions of Champaklal Dreams - Types, Importance, Utility The great majority of dreams have no other value than that of a purely mechanical and uncontrolled activity of the physical brain, in which certain cells continue to function during sleep as generators of sensory images and impressions conforming ...


... Dreams - Extracts from the Writings of the Mother Visions of Champaklal Dreams - Origin, Formation It is sometimes said that in a man's sleep his true nature is revealed. They are a part of the body's functioning. Dreams are as natural as the activities of the day... From experiments, it is concluded that mental activity never really ceases; and ...


... Introduction Visions of Champaklal Need for the Eye Within The quest for reality and truth requires the development of spiritual vision and the conversion and lifting of the soul to higher and still higher levels of consciousness where is “seen” the divine radiance. But the question is, “Can the human mind with its superficial nature and preoccupation ...


... (Correspondence with Amrita) Amrita's Correspondence with The Mother c. 1930 Amrita, Champaklal will explain to you his complaint about the servant. I would like you to scold her and tell her that she must work properly and when she is told to, otherwise we cannot keep her. c. 1930 ...

... Sisir, and certainly he can perorate on philosophy with Arindam and Kireet, and even with Dr. Agarwal he can hold his own ( laughter ) - and with me on Supermind. ( laughter ) The other day my friend Champaklal remarked, "When these two persons get together they start talking about the Supermind as though they have put the Supermind into their pockets!" ( laughter ) Well, that is the Page 483 ...


... Visions - Extracts from the Writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Visions of Champaklal Visions - Characteristics, Types Usually, the vision is the expression of the consciousness in things. Can hallucinations be compared to visions? A vision is a perception by the visual organs, of phenomena that really exist in a world corresponding to the ...


... Visions - Extracts from the Writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Visions of Champaklal Visions - Importance, Utility The only vision that is true and sure is the vision of the divine Consciousness. So the problem is to become aware of the divine Consciousness and to keep this consciousness in all details all the time. The Mother All visions ...


... Introduction Visions of Champaklal Examples from History The educated man. of today with his thinking mind would tend to ask the question whether visions can be real. We have heard of great saints like Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and such supreme spiritual personalities as Sri Aurobindo, who had “seen God face to face” or “talked with ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks What Have you Given to the Lord? My father once narrated the story of Krishna and Sudama. I write this only for the moral of the story as he told it to us. When Sudama goes to meet him, Sri Krishna is overjoyed rushes out to meet Sudama. He embraces his friend lovingly and receives him with great ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Meeting an “avadhut” In 1921, after returning from my first meeting with Sri Aurobindo, I accompanied my father and my aunt Motiben on their pilgrimage to Nashik, Tryambakeshwar, etc. On our way back we visited Chanod and Karnali 3 where we bathed in the holy Narmada. The stone stairs of the ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Champaklal’s Letter to Sri Aurobindo OM Kansia, P.O. Ankleshwar, 28.4.21, 3.00 p.m. My Ishwara, I have a persistent desire since many days to write to you; but I cannot decide which things to write. I feel like writing down everything but am unable to put all in front of you in words ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Reminiscences of My Childhood ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Sri Aurobindo’s Accident 1938-11-24 The room to the east of Sri Aurobindo's room was once Mother's room. There they used to have their meals, and in the afternoons Sri Aurobindo rested there. The door leading from his room to this corner room used to be kept open most of the time. (In 1946, when ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Sri Aurobindo on Paintings 1941-01-10 Purani was showing some Ajanta paintings. Looking at a palace scene of the king conferring with his wife (Mahajanaka Jataka, Part I, plate XVII), Sri Aurobindo remarked: “Oh, very fine paintings.” He was also shown a volume of paintings by Van Gogh. Seeing ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Promode Kumar’s Paintings Sri Aurobindo: “His paintings are very living and very expressive. He is certainly an artist.... The artistic part is all right but there is nothing vast in the idea. Everything is all right except the figures. The faces are not satisfying. There is calm, trance or sweetness ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “I am very Pleased” 1940-06-01 Mother: I am very pleased with your work. I like your faithfulness, I like your sincerity, I like your steadiness, I like your regularity, I like your courage. ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Promode Kumar’s Darshan Painting 1962-08-15 Since I have mentioned Promode Kumar's Darshan painting I shall say something about it which is bound to enrapture those with natures like mine. Promode Kumar was one of the famous artists of Bengal. For some years he was the principal of Kalabhavan ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Pranam Like all of Mother's programmes, the arrangement for her giving Pranam also underwent many changes. In the early years Mother used to come downstairs for meditation and Pranam in the Meditation hall in which the Mother's couch is kept since 18th November 1973. During meditation and Pranam ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “Your” will be Done! X's son Nikhil came here to study in our School. Mother knew X very well and she also liked the boy. Nikhil was eager to stay here but not against the wishes of his father. Now, he was the only son and his mother could not live without him; so the father wired that Nikhil ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Wherever She Saw some Possibility 1964-04-27 Yvonne had brought Thoth 1 , the monkey she had adopted, Mother as it was his birthday today. The interview took place in the Music room 2 . I was there by Mother's side. It was interesting that from the moment Thoth came into the room he behaved ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Don’t Listen to People Often Mother used to ask for quotations. I used to select some, get Rose or Vasanti and later also X to type them out for me. Once I had given X the following four quotations from Sri Aurobindo's writings for typing: “Live within; be not shaken by outward happenings.” ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Seeing Mother’s Light Bijoy Nag's wife, Rani, had been asked to shift from her room in Delafon as it was the School's primary section and the School needed it. When I heard this, I told Mother: “Mother, there are many who look at the light in your room before retiring to bed. Sure Rani too must ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Painting for Nehru 1963-01-30 When Nehru came to the Ashram, I expressed to Mother my wish to present to him one of my paintings, if she approved of it. Mother liked the idea and said: “Yes.” I took a small painting to her. She liked it very much and at once wrote on it: The last fight for ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother and Rishi C: “Mother, you say I am your child and I was so in my previous birth also. But I have a strong feeling that I was the son of a Rishi.” Mother: “How do you know that I was not the Rishi?” ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 16 March 1935 Last night I had this dream: There was a huge workshop where many people were working. The road leading to my destination was very long, but there was a short-cut through the workshop. Hence, I requested the owner to allow me to go through it. He said there was absolutely no room inside, as people ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 25 May 1935 I do not understand my present condition. I am puzzled as to where I am going, what am I doing? Please guide me. I do not quite know what is the drift of your questions. It sounds as if you had been allowing yourself to be influenced by a vague and confused atmosphere of discouragement and barren ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 19 March 1935 In a dream some time back, the path that I was to follow was very long and arduous. I came across a number of intricate by-lanes which confused me. I could not find my path despite many attempts. Finally, I looked up. I saw the Mother very high up. From there, she sent a rope down for me. After a ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 12 December 1934 D keeps the door of the staircase wide open while talking to L. Even when D goes inside to fetch something for L she leaves the door open. This morning I happened to open the door when L knocked. In spite of L's request to leave it open, I closed it, saying that I shall send D. I would like ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 7 May 1935 D asked me yesterday, “Wouldn't it be better if Motibai continued washing Sri Aurobindo's dhoti?” She said that she has also spoken about it to Mother, and Mother had said “Yes, it's better.” Mother, is this true? Have you said so? Motibai feels badly the stopping of the washing and they also like ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 4 April 1935 I would like to know whether Sri Aurobindo and Mother liked the badges distributed today and the figure-heads of Sri Aurobindo and Mother on them. No. Mother is not distributing; they are given by P.A. Subramanya Ayer 1 ; only he asked that they should be given by Nolini as he could not distribute ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 14 February 1935 Ma chère Mère, What did you see in me this morning? After Pranam, when I looked at you, you did not smile at all. Why? Mon cher enfant, What I saw in you was as usual very good and it seems to me that I smiled as usual also—at least that was my intention. But if I was not smiling, it ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 4 February 1935 P was telling me that if Mother's portrait of me is left as it is, it may fade away and that it would be better to have it fixed with fixing solution. I like to know from Mother what she would like me to do. No, it will not fade; it is pencil, not charcoal and there is no need of fixing it. ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 4 February 1935 When I look into the portrait more and more, my figure disappears gradually, and finally I see instead of my portrait Sri Aurobindo's portrait before me. Mother, what is the meaning of this? You see Sri Aurobindo behind your being—supporting it. 4.2.1935 Sri Aurobindo ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother Tends a Banana Garden When Sri Aurobindo and the Mother lived in Library House, there was a small garden in the front; and at the back of Library House, where there is the Prosperity and Fruit Room building now, there was a banana garden. I learnt from Barin that the front garden was under ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks A Portrait by the Mother After Mother left Library House and I moved into her room, I found three of her old study-portraits done in oil when she was in France, lying in a corner unattended. After some time, I asked Mother: “Can I hang the study-portraits which you left behind on the wall of my ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Selfish? From my childhood I was always disinclined to share my things with others. I did not like to lend books, for instance, to people. But within myself I used to feel that I was being very selfish and I would castigate myself for it. It was only when I came to Mother and mentioned it to her ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Work or Meditation I was holding strong views on the subject of sadhana. I had always felt that meditation was not at all necessary. When I came to Mother, this idea became stronger. One day, however, I asked Sri Aurobindo whether work was not enough and meditation was at all necessary. He replied ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Rooms Change, Significance Remains My rooms have been changed so often. In 1923, the room I was given in Guest House was the Mother's room when she stayed in that house. So too, when she moved into Meditation House, she gave me the room she had occupied in Library House. And my present room in Meditation ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Wish Fulfilments I mentioned to you before that every wish in my life has been fulfilled and that if more arise they also will be fulfilled. That has been my observation and conviction. I have a firm faith that all that I have to attain has already been decided above. I once asked Mother if this ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “She has Her Reasons” I once told Sri Aurobindo that I could not understand how Mother could give different explanations to different people, different answers to different persons, for the same question. Sri Aurobindo answered: “She has her reasons for doing this.” At that time I only understood ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Meter Reading You would be interested to know that after Sri Aurobindo moved into Meditation House, he was himself recording the reading of the electricity meter which was fitted in the bathroom upstairs. He stopped doing this work after the meter was shifted to the ground floor. ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Her Training 1929-12-15 C: “I feel like going away.” Mother: “Oh, even after being trained by me?” ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Flowers in a Dish 1949-08-08 After Pranam, when she had finished seeing everyone. Mother used j to select some flowers and give them to me one by one in my palms. Today she gathered all the flowers in a dish, then put the dish in my hands. Certainly it was not to save time that she did that ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Cure of Diseases 1949-08-11 This morning while combing Sri Aurobindo's hair. Mother said that when she was a child she used to get pimples on the throat, from time to time. She would simply rub them out. In that connection an outstanding doctor of France once told her that a strong will can cures ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Spell-bound? 1949-09-23 In the course of some remarks in the presence of Sri Aurobindo, X referred to someone who always drew crowds whenever he spoke. I said that by itself that did not prove the man was great. Many could do that. At this point, X spoke of his own experiences and said: “You ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Attentive 1949-10-13 Every evening as soon as I heard the horn of Mother's car returning from the Playground, I used to go to Sri Aurobindo and inform him: “Mother is already back.” Today, however, I did not hear the horn but learnt that she was already back. I rushed to Sri Aurobindo and informed ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Sri Aurobindo’s Dilemma 1949-09-26 Sri Aurobindo was having his lunch. On seeing a bowl on the table, he asked me: “What is it?” C: “Lemon pickles.” Sri Aurobindo: “How is it to be taken? When is it to be taken?” I explained. Then he started taking it along with the vegetable, At times he ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Impossible 1949-09-23 Tonight when Mother came to Sri Aurobindo's room, she told him: “I am very late today.... Impossible.” Then she looked at me and said that she would not downstairs. Accordingly I went down and informed the people were waiting for the Pranam. ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Pondicherry Olympics 1949-09-24 The Mother went to the military grounds today to attend the Pondicherry Olympic Games. Members of the Ashram's physical education department went there marching, and those among them who were selected participated. ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Same Old Ways 1949-08-14 As soon as she came to Sri Aurobindo, Mother said: “I am terribly sick. What to do? Things are continuing in the same old way.” ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Cartier-Bresson and Photographs Madhav: “Champakbhai, do you remember Cartier-Bresson who was allowed to take photographs of Sri Aurobindo? If I remember right, Sri Aurobindo had not been photographed after he retired in 1926. I have heard that when Cartier-Bresson stood to photograph Sri Aurobindo ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “Was I Sleeping?” 1950-05-13 It was 12.32 at night. Sri Aurobindo asked me to put down his back-rest. After some time he asked: “What is the time?” C: “1.45 a.m.”? Sri Aurobindo: “Ah, ah!” And he closed his eyes again remained like that for some time. Then he called me and asked whether ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother’s Concern 1950-06-26 Today was the birthday of Sumedha, the daughter of Indra Sen's sister Rameshwari. Yesterday, Mother told Rameshwari that she had called Sumedha today early at 6 a.m., although Mother is not meeting people these days at this time for birthdays. Actually Sumedha had asked ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Pavitra’s Ointment 1950-07-23 An insect had bitten Sri Aurobindo in several places. He asked me to rub the ointment, and as I began rubbing it on the knee, he asked: “Is it Pavitra's or Insectol?” C: “Pavitra's. How do you find it?” Sri Aurobindo: “Oh, works very well.” Rubbing went on ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Wrist Watch for Sri Aurobindo 1950-05-15 Mother came to Sri Aurobindo's room today with a wrist watch in her hand. She said to him: “A man has come from France and he believes himself to be and introduces himself as a true child.of Sri Aurobindo. This wrist watch is from him for you.” So saying ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Even if his Eyes are Closed 1950-05-27 Mother used to see a few people near the door before she went downstairs for Pranam. I told Sri Aurobindo that Mother was near the door. He told me to inform him when the Mother came back. C: “I have to inform you even if your eyes are closed?” Sri ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Cure for Insect-bites 1950-07-10 Sri Aurobindo showed me his hand saying that some insect may have bitten it at night. The bite was on two fingers and the palm. He said: “Last time it was cured by your rubbing. So you can try.” So saying he stretched his hand. I rubbed ointment for 20 minutes—from ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Suffocation 1950-06-07 Mother opened the door this morning at 6.44 to meet people. She opened it a second time at 7.32 and people kept coming till 8.47. After closing the door, she told me: “You cannot even imagine how sick I become; it is suffocating. People are so deep in tamas, unconscious; ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Ashram Rules 1950-08-04 This morning, at 8.35, while combing Sri Aurobindo's hair Mother asked Nirod to read out the new Ashram rules. Some changes have been made and Mother wanted Sri Aurobindo to hear them. ...


... Part II — Spiritual Games Champaklal Speaks “Experience” 1930-08-29 Each had to write out his experience. When I told Mother that I was not conversant with English well enough to write my experience, she asked me to tell her privately what my experience was. And when I did she put it down in writing for me. Here it is: 1) Being fully conscious of ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 6 April 1932 A part of me wants to be ascetic as I was before coming here. Another part wants to have nice aesthetic things. I am unable to decide. Pray, enlighten me on this. You must be prepared to live in either condition, attached neither to luxury nor to asceticism. It is good to be able to live with very ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 13 January 1932 Am I open to the Mother or not? I feel at times an my parts are not open to the Mother, I pray for complete openness to her. No, you are quite open; the Mother is very pleased with your progress. Of course, there are things that are not perfect, but that will come of itself little by little ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Touching Sight It was during the period when Sri Aurobindo was attending to correspondence with the sadhaks. Nolini used to receive letters for Sri Aurobindo and the Mother from the inmates, arrange them on a tray which he then brought up and left in a fixed place at the top of the staircase to the ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Puzzling 1949-01-25 After seeing some people at the door on the top of the stairs from 6.50 to 7.10 a.m.. Mother went to the Balcony at 7.15. For various reasons the time of Balcony darshan never remained fixed. Then there was another programme after which she would go downstairs for Pranam and ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother’s Responses To infer anything from Mother's apparent behaviour often turns out to be quite contrary to the truth. For instance when physical education activities such as marching, drills and exercises were started in the Playground, those who wanted to participate had to give their names to ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks C.R. Reddy C.R. Reddy saw Sri Aurobindo on the 20th of December, 1948, to present the award of Andhra University. That day Mother came at 8.30 a.m. and told me that she was going to come to Sri Aurobindo's room at 9.45 to prepare things. C.R. Reddy came in at 10.58 a.m. and was there for half an ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks On “Physical Perfection” 1949-02-07 The Mother asked Sri Aurobindo to write an article on physical perfection for the Bulletin 1 . And she smiled at him. × The first issue of Bulletin of Physical Education ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Pranab’s Fist 1949-02-04 When Mother came to Sri Aurobindo's room in the afternoon brought the sketch she had done of Pranab's fist and profile showed it to Sri Aurobindo who looked at it, smiled and nodded. On seeing the sketch, I said it was full of strength. Mother pointed out the fist ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks My Hand 1948-10-06 Mother saw my right hand when we were in her salon and said; “One aim in life. All lines are joined.” Then Mother examined my nails and said: “Dreamer; Writer; Poet.” Long back, when Lele had seen my right hand, he had pointed out the three main lines and said, “Very ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Vows 1952-03-31 Once I asked the Mother about orthodox people making vows either to gain what they wished or to fulfil some desire. This was especially strong in the matter of eating. People took vows that they would not eat such and such a thing until some wish was fulfilled or some goal attained ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Behind Externals 1952-05-01 Sri Aurobindo and the Mother's books always used to be sent upstairs and shown to the Mother before being posted. Recently, the person in charge starred sending books intended for foreign countries directly to the Press for despatch. When it was pointed to him that ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks ‘Convincing’ Mother 1951-07-24 A sadhak had written something and Mother had already answered it. He wrote again. When he came for Pranam, Mother told him: “You want to convince me? You know I am impossible.” And she repeated it. ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Cartier-Bresson’s Negatives 1951-06-26 Negatives of the photographs taken by Cartier-Bresson have come—in all 460 of them, some spoiled, some faded. “They are all locked up in my safe,” Mother said. ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks During French Revolution 1952-01-03 Speaking of the French Revolution, Mother said: “Pujalal was there. But I did not know that Bansidhar also was there, helping me. Strange!” ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother on Her Birth July 1951 Mother: “I was born in France because some special education was necessary.” ...


... Part II — Spiritual Games Champaklal Speaks The Flower Sentences The Divine solicitude is with you (meaning, you are getting all the help you need). But keep up your aspiration , remain faithful and the wrong movement will be changed into the right movement , so that the Victorious Love may manifest. 21.9.1929 Divine solicitude is ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Photograph in Alipore Jail When we went to Calcutta we visited the solitary cell in Alipore Jail where Sri Aurobindo was detained in 1908-09. We saw that a photograph of Sri Aurobindo was kept there along with framed pictures of many gods and goddesses. I did not like it but I did not speak about ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Very Precious 1972-11-05 The niece of our Joshibhai (Laboratory) used to bring something special to be offered to Mother each time she visited the Ashram. On the last occasion, she brought a box containing 1,111 blessing packets arranged beautifully in square marbled envelopes. In each envelope ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks After Mother’s Mahasamadhi Those of us who were attending on the Mother did not shed a single tear on her passing away. She had prepared us for it a long time ago. You may ask, “How did she prepare you?” I am unable to explain it. And the days pass so quickly. Though the Mother's absence in a ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother’s Life-line 1973-11-17 I have said little about the later years with the Mother, though some incidents were very interesting. I will say only a bit about the last day. It was between 4.30 and 5 p.m. Kumud was giving fruit juice to Mother. She was on one side of Mother's chair and I was ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Only one Matrimandir 1971-10-05 Some devotees who constructed a special building at their centre asked Mother to give her consent to their naming it 'Matrimandir'. I said: “Mother, there is only one Matrimandir, the one you are building in Auroville. This name should not be used anywhere else ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks In Difficulty X was in great difficulty. When he came to Mother, she said: “Forget everything. Don't do again what is not to be done.” And she looked at him. The words were few but a change came over him and he went away smiling. ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Signing Papers 1949-04-15 When Mother came to Sri Aurobindo's room, she sometimes used to bring papers that she had to sign. Today she brought a sheaf of children's reports. After signing them, she asked me: “Have you seen how long it took to sign these? If you had noted the time, we would have ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Confusion in Timings 1949-08-07 Mother went to the military grounds as Ashram boys were participating in Pondicherry Sports. Before going she said that she would be back at 5.30 p.m. As she did not come as scheduled, Sri Aurobindo enquired twice about it. Finally she came to Sri Aurobindo's room ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Unwell but Work Continues 1949-07-17 When Mother opened the upstairs door today, 72 sadhaks received flowers and blessings just outside the door, at the top of the staircase. Inside the vestibule she met 22 others, making altogether 94. She was not well, even then she saw all these people. ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks No Time to Spare 1949-04-26 When Mother came to Sri Aurobindo's room she told him: “It has been going on like this from morning to night for the last four days. For want of time I could not even play tennis. This is my condition at present. Today again I am late by half an hour.” Sri Aurobindo ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Article for “Bulletin” 1949-07-10 Mother came smiling to Sri Aurobindo's room and told him: “I heard the article which you have written for the Bulletin . Nolini read it to me. It is wonderful, just what is wanted.” More than her words it was her expression when she was looking at Sri Aurobindo ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Sri Aurobindo’s Humility 1946-08-04 Sri Aurobindo used to go to bed after Mother had retired. Today it became very late; Sri Aurobindo went on waiting for Mother to retire but in vain. Finally he said: “I suppose there is no objection to my going to bed?” “Certainly not!” I said. Then he retired ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother’s Sleep 1949-07-23 Mother said this morning: “People think I am sleeping but I do not sleep. I go deep deep inside. But all the while I know all about my surroundings. I hear even the ticking of the clock.” ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Practical Philosophy 1949-07-07 Mother said to Sri Aurobindo: “I am writing the practical side of your writings.” ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother’s Moving to the Top Floor On the morning of the 9th December, 1953, after meditation, Mother informed Dyuman that she would go up to her new room on the second floor from that night. Thereafter she spent the nights there. And now and then she would spend some time there during the daytime ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Always be Conscious This was before Mother's second-floor apartment was built. At that time, on the southern side of Mother's salon, under the window opening on the western side, there was an old Japanese seat, on which Mother sat when she worked or met people. It was here that, before going for ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “She was Ambitious” 1953-03-31 Yesterday Mother saw the film Julius Caesar at the Playground. Today she said: “The play is very interesting. In future, some may say about me that I was very ambitious. So I have written something very very interesting. But I won't show it now. I have kept it ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Kissing and Joy 1952-08-04 Mother spoke to me of an incident that had taken place at her grandmother's when Mother was about 12 or 13. She said: “Two relatives, a boy and a girl, had come. The girl was sitting in the boy's lap. They were kissing each other very vigorously. I say now that they ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Man of long Ago 1952-10-12 Mother: “It was in 1898, I was 20. The man whom I saw at that time you are going to see tomorrow in the cinema.” 1 × This is part of Mother's conversation with Nirodbaran; they had ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Robbers on the Way 1953-10-26 (Dated 26.10.1963 in Champaklal's Treasures , 1976, p. 7; here changed to 26.10.1953 as per Champaklal's note in his papers.) I read and liked the following sentence in an article by Maulana Azad: “I know the path, but what can I do if robbers rob me on the way ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Significances of Colours Once while discussing a colour scheme, Mother gave the following list of significances: Poetry — Pale Blue (Sky Blue) Painting — Rainbow Sculpture — Red Music — Green Dance — White Thought — Yellow Physico-vital life — Red Mental-vital life — Deep Blue Spiritual ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks In the Psychic 1952-10-13 Mother: “Neither a passionate vital attraction nor an agitated withdrawal should be there. There is no place for all this in the psychic.” ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 16 July 1933 I noticed D doing certain uncontrolled actions. Is he possessed by some hostile force? He is possessed occasionally. If it is a possession by some hostile force, why should it go to him only? Because he accepts it. When there is such possession, does it take place by his calling it consciously ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 7 August 1933 Why did you not tell X that it is a mistake to interpret the Mother's smiling or not smiling, putting her whole hand or a finger only, a sign of pleasure or displeasure or of this sadhak's good or bad condition? It is quite a mistake. It is when the Mother is very much absorbed or drawn within or ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 16 July 1933 P was making all kinds of gestures and movements and then began to dance wildly. What was this force? Some material energy, not hostile. Will material energy manifest in this form or is it that P made it to manifest in this form? Material energy manifests at present in many ways—motor-accidents ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 11 September 1933 Is there any possibility in me of doing something creative or original in, drawing or painting? If so what should I do? Go on studying and it will come of itself at its own time. You are progressing rapidly. 11.9.1933 Sri Aurobindo ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 23 July 1933 Today I have tried to draw human figures from this book. If I try these figures will it be helpful in learning portrait drawing? No, except for drawing the line. You could copy things with more variety in them. 23.7.1933 Sri Aurobindo ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 9 July 1933 What is discipline and how does it apply here in our yoga? It is not the discipline of yoga but the discipline of an organisation, the exterior material discipline one has to accept if one is to be part of an organisation. 9.7.1933 Sri Aurobindo ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 8 August 1933 I begin to feel sleepy whenever I want to read or write or study. Why? It is because the body needs sleep; and so when you concentrate on reading or writing it turns the concentration into sleep. 8.8.1933 Sri Aurobindo ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 5 August 1933 I saw a beautiful lotus and inside it a coconut. The lotus was not quite open but one after another the petals were opening. It is the Consciousness opening, with the offering to the Divine within it. 5.8.1933 Sri Aurobindo ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 25 May 1933 Today I tried these roses but could not succeed. The shading is good; they are very well done. 25.5.1933 Sri Aurobindo ...


... Treasures Mother has come for Work One day, during the later years, Mother had not been well physically. After her sparse breakfast, she asked me: Champaklal, what shall I do? Rest or work? C: Work, Mother. MOTHER: Why? C: You have come for work. Mother. MOTHER: All right, call the people. She said it so readily and sweetly. I rushed out ...


... free here, and tell her that she should relax and just feel as if she were all the time in sunshine. 16 September 1968 "The Light will come down to bring peace in the world" Painting by Champaklal 25.12.71 The time has come for the rule of falsehood to end. In the Truth alone is salvation. The Mother ![Last page.jpg]( ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 4 February 1935 P was telling me that if Mother's portrait of me is left as it is, it may fade away and that it would be better to have it fixed with fixing solution. I like to know from Mother what she would like me to do. No, it will not fade; it is pencil, not charcoal ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 29 August 1936 X wants to learn music. Can she learn from a violinist from the town? Surely not violin; the way in which violin is played here is simply offensive. And to learn true violin, one must begin to learn when 8 years old. But if she finds somebody to teach her the ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1941 This year you must wholly overcome and throw out the hostile suggestion that has been harassing you, rejecting it in such a way that it will never come back again. Your home, your place and your fulfilment are here. 2 February 1941 ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 1935 Mother, I tried to draw [the flower] "Light without obscurity", but could not succeed; the flower is spoiled. It is not so bad. If you give a little shade of crimson lake it will be quite all right. 1935 ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1930 BIRTHDAY MESSAGES Red lotus—Symbol of the manifestation of the Supreme upon earth. White lotus—Symbol of the Divine Consciousness. 2 February 1930 ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1942 In front of the repeated attacks from the enemy you must keep your faith intact and endure till the Victory is won. 2 February 1942 ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1949 My dear child, now it is time for the faith to become truly active and to stand unshaken against all contradictions. Have the faith, the true faith, that you are cured and the cure is bound to come. My love and blessings 2 February 1949 ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1948 My dear child, Let your receptivity increase this year, to the extent of giving you the power to fully utilise the force that is at work for restoring perfect good health in you. With my love and blessings 2 February 1948 ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1945 I am glad to he able to say that your openness and your receptivity have increased during last year. Do not stop now and let them become perfect in the year to come. With my love and blessings 2 February 1945 ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1953 A steady progress and a clear understanding of what you must be. These are the gains of the finished year. Now there is only to continue. With my love and blessings 2 February 1953 ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1958 To my dear child— One more year; one more step towards perfect service in a total surrender. With my love and blessings 2 February 1958 ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1952 Patience Perseverance Endurance Faith and an Unshakable courage ... ...We are approaching the goal. With my love and blessings 2 February 1952 ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1943 Let this year be for you the year of a complete opening and of the breaking of all limitations. 2 February 1943 ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1944 Let this year bring to you the true faith—a faith that no darkness can obscure. 2 February 1944 ...

... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Her Grace The Mother asked me to lie down near Sri Aurobindo's chair in the 'long passage' while she was taking her lunch in her room. (Sri Aurobindo's chair is still in the same place. Mother called the room outside Sri Aurobindo's room the 'long passage'; sometimes Sri Aurobindo also walked there—lucky ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks My Nature On 7 February 1933 my mother, Umiyaben, came here for a visit. After some days she told me, “Now I want to go back.” All I asked was, “Do you really want to go?” And she replied, “Yes. I must go because your father is there. Should I nor go?” When she thus spoke of her duty, what could ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Tea in the Ashram Mother said to me once that she did not like people in the Ashram taking tea. Then she added: “I don't like it. But I cannot forbid them because Sri Aurobindo himself takes tea.” Speaking of Sri Aurobindo's tea, which he stopped after his accident in 1938, let me tell you he ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Vase of Roses As I told you, when Sri Aurobindo and Mother lived in Library House, Sri Aurobindo used to remove (with Chinese chopsticks) the bones from the fish that Mother fed the cats. After coming to Meditation House, Sri Aurobindo used to arrange one vase of roses every day and keep it on ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Priceless There was a small tea-pot in which the Mother served tea to Sri Aurobindo. One day when I came for work, I saw it broken into pieces and lying in a corner; obviously the servant had thrown it there. I collected the pieces, glued them together and remade the pot. It is still with me! ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “Have Patience” 1926-09-06 I made pranam to Mother and wept and wept, placing my head in her lap. Mother: “Yesterday your condition was very good. You were very close to receiving what is coming down. But again you have brought back these things. I told you to throw them away and I also told ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Consideration [In Library House] Mother used to prepare a soup for Sri Aurobindo. Later she asked me to prepare that soup. She would take a cupful for Sri Aurobindo and leave some for me, after sipping it. One day it so happened that the cat, Bushy, 1 put her mouth in the cup meant for me. ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Writing “Savitri” After dinner, Sri Aurobindo used to sit in his chair in the 'long passage' outside his room (this chair is now kept along the wall) and write Savitri generally up to midnight. He would place the pad on the armrest of the chair. After writing down the lines he would read them to ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Taking Care of Money From the beginning Mother used to count the money offered by visitors and devotees coming from outside. She would carefully separate the notes according to their denominations, place them head up so that the figure could be easily read, bundle them neatly etc. If anyone had put ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Wonderful Luck Nolini brought a young visitor to the Mother during Pranam. He did not know English and could not answer when he was asked his age. Mother asked him to go to Dr. Nripendra (obviously for a medical check-up). Then while giving him flowers, she held his hand and looked at his palm for ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Fulfilment of Unspoken Wishes 1950-01-21 It was Bansidhar's birthday today. I thought how nice it would be if Mother wrote something for him. But I did not ask her for it. I used to ask for others on their birthdays at times, but here I did not. It so happened, however, that Bansidhar gave Mother ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Insincere Nolini spoke to Mother of two sannyasins who had arrived wanted to stay here. Mother: “Only if they stop wearing ochre robes.” N: “Yes, Mother, they will do that.” Mother: “This kind of insincere people I do not need here.” After we returned upstairs I asked Mother how they ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Do not Hide Someone sent Sri Aurobindo's book The Mother for his autograph. It was found that on the page meant for the autograph, he had first written his own name and afterwards tried to hide it by pasting a piece of paper over it. The Mother saw through it and wrote: “Do not try to hide things ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks My Illness Once I was ill. Mother ascertained some things from the doctor and told me: “I have informed Sri Aurobindo what the doctor said. You will be quite all right now.” And indeed, soon I was all right. ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Sri Aurobindo on Himself On one occasion, Sri Aurobindo said: “As a father I am stupid.” ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Children in Sri Aurobindo’s Room Children were allowed in Sri Aurobindo's room only after 1950. As you know, I have always had a special feeling for children, irrespective of whether they are known to me or not. That is why I often go out of my way and take interest in them. It is quite an ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother’s Sketches Mother had kept some sketches done by herself in a file and given it to me for safekeeping. Some years later she asked for the file. When I brought it, what took place in the case of the old soap-bits happened here as well. Mother told me: “No, you keep the file. I give it to ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother’s Way There was a time when Mother was very particular about X, a sadhika. She would always give top priority to X's letters, needs, etc. But X had many pursuits, what you might call distractions. One day Mother gave me a letter to be delivered to X and said, “Tout de suite”, meaning immediately ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Sees Others’ Convenience Almost on every Christmas Mother used to call Mona 1 who is in charge of Golconde but at a time that was convenient to her. Mother adjusted her programme to suit Mona's convenience! And she would see each thing brought by Mona with keen interest and appreciation. It was ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Nice Girl but not Obedient 1968-04-28 Someone sent photographs of a boy and a girl considering marriage to be shown to Mother. The parents of the boy did not like the girl, but the girl was pursuing the boy. On seeing the girl's photo, Mother said: “She is a nice girl, clever; but she won't be ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks April 1934 The chit for an orange for Seetha, which Mother left for me on 23rd, was wrongly read by me. I read Sudhir in place of Seetha. As I happened to meet the Doctor I showed him the chit and asked him to read it. He read it and went on insisting and at last convinced me that it was Sudhir and not Seetha ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 21 April 1934 This morning at pranam time I saw a very small baby standing in front of me with a very happy cheerful face and carrying on his shoulders a pot of water which looked too heavy for a baby. He offered me water from the pot and said: “Take this water, Mother will again fill it up.” I took it and saw ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 15 March 1934 My All, After receiving the last letter from you I felt my outer consciousness turned within and with this inward turn I felt myself calm and peaceful and more gathered within than before. Mother, I pray to Thee to make me entirely free from any other influence except Thine. I would like to ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 18 October 1934 In winter I get pain all over my body and in some places it is unbearable. In my fingers swelling appears periodically. I wish to know whether there is an end to this pain and suffering or I have to go through it indefinitely? You must keep a constant faith that these things must go and call ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 15 May 1934 If one went to the Himalayas, the likelihood is that one would make oneself fit for inactive meditation and quite unfit for life and the Mother's service—so in the next life the character would be like that. This is simply the influence of old ideas that have no application in this yoga. It is here ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 25 August 1934 My All, Mother Gracious, Early morning I saw a vision and I tried to represent it in this painting. Does it have a significance? The sun is of course the Truth and the building is the material consciousness that has become capable of receiving the light. The flowers indicate our presence in ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 14 April 1934 When will my inner eyes open? Kindly tell me what is the chief obstacle in my way. Do you mean the inner eyes which see the Divine face to face? There must be a complete consecration of everything to the Divine without allowing pride or any kind of attachment to intervene. 14.4.1934 Sri ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 25 September 1934 I do not understand why I am becoming more lazy day by day. I pray Mother may kindly let me know. Why do you say you are lazy? We don't see any sign of it. 25.9.1934 Sri Aurobindo ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 5 October 1934 I do not know what is the meaning of the phrase “Advanced sadhaks”. I suppose this simply meant that he had been here a long time and had long practised sadhana. 5.10.1934 Sri Aurobindo ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “You will be Given” 1926-11-18 While giving me my soup cup after sipping a little of the soup, Mother said: “Take this cup and you will be fully conscious.” Later she said: “Whatever you have asked will be given. You have to do nothing. Your sadhana depends on mine; it is being done and ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Siddhi Day 1926-11-24 Datta spoke: Krishna the Lord has come. He has ended the hell of suffering. He has conquered pain. He has conquered death. He has conquered all. He has descended tonight Bringing Immortality and Bliss. As each one made pranam to the Mother and she gave h blessing ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “You will Get It” 1926-08-25 Mother: “I have been trying something in you since the last three weeks. You have been coming to me and talking to me (not this way, but in another way) and I know when your time will come. You will have to be patient. I have also told Sri Aurobindo. We know what you ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “Tie yourself with Devotion” 1929-02-01 Today, on the eve of my birthday, Mother tied a tulsi garland around my neck, saying: “Tie yourself with devotion.” As you know, devotion is the significance she had given to tulsi . ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “Who is Working?” 1926-10-03 After the day's work was over. Mother said to me: “Do you think that you are working? No, your Mother is working.” (Two days later.) Mother: “You know, only one Purusha is working in the whole world.” ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Rapid Changes You know I came here with the object of God-realisation. Here I found the stress on Transformation. Very soon, however, both receded and service hold of my being entirely. ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “I am your Mother” 1926-09-13 Mother: “One day you came running and weeping to me and fell in my lap. 'Be my mother, be my mother,' you told me. I answered, 'I am your mother.'“ ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks You are Depending upon Us” 1926-11-17 Mother: “Surely, we know you are depending upon us. But only when the body will change, you will realise what you want.” ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Protection 1928-03-28 Mother said of someone: “How can he expect me to protect him if he is constantly going out of my protection?” ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Descending December 1926 Mother: “Now things are descending upon you, everything will be all right.” ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Divine Observation and Human Boasting 1944-06-09 Just after returning from the Balcony 1 at 7.15. a.m. (the time was changing from day to day) Mother met Dyuman and Pujalal. They were among those whom she used to give flowers at that time. 2 After giving the flowers she asked them to show ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother’s Self-Portrait 1944-07-18 When the Mother came to Sri Aurobindo's room this morning, I showed her her self-portrait done for Chandanbala [Dr. Manilal's daughter]. And she exclaimed: “Seigneur! Qu'est-ce que c'est? (Lord! What is this?)” Then she saw her signature and asked: ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Two Children 1944-06-17 When Sri Aurobindo used to sit in his sofa for writing we used to place a writing-desk in front. Once while writing he asked for water. As he was drinking, some water was spilt; a little later some more was spilt. He asked me why that was happening. Since his accident ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Nishikanta’s Paintings 1944-02-29 Nishikanta had sent some paintings of his to Mother for showing to Sri Aurobindo. He wanted Mother to choose some from them and show only those to Sri Aurobindo. Mother remarked that Nishikanta himself ought to have made the selection. All the same she chose three ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Care of Rubber Tubes 1944-07-10 While combing Sri Aurobindo's hair, Mother suggested to Nirod a way to preserve the rubber tubes in his Dispensary: “Take a nice airtight tin. Put in it an open bottle of clove oil. Put your rubber tubes in that tin alongside the open bottle, and close the tin, ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Expenses 1944-08-02 When Mother came to Sri Aurobindo's room at night, she handed him a slip of paper on which was written: Rs. 2,000 for milk per month. Rs. 8,000 for grains etc. Then she remarked: “You see, how much is our expense!” Sri Aurobindo: “Oh, oh!” ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Ahimsa 1944-05-25 Dr. Manilal: “Sir, what is the true definition of Ahimsa?” Sri Aurobindo: “No objection to killing when it is necessary. A perfect ahimsa nobody could follow; it is impossible.” ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Aggressive 1944-08-02 Referring to S whom she had met for the first time. Mother said: “I have never met such an aggressive man—an image of aggressiveness.” ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Death 1941-12-06 Sri Aurobindo: “All depends on the consciousness in which one dies.” ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Pastille in the Wrong Mouth 1949-11-30 Sri Aurobindo used to take a pastille after finishing his food. These pastilles came from France. But during war-time they were prepared here by Sujata according to the formula given by Pavitra. Sri Aurobindo used to take the pastille at different times ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Andre 1949-11-04 Mother informed Sri Aurobindo: “André 1 is coming today from France. They want to arrange things in such a way that he can meet me as soon as he comes from Madras without waiting. I do not know where to see him; there is no place where I could see him alone. Generally ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Bad Temper 1949-11-16 Copies of the latest number of the Bulletin had arrived. Mother gave me one. I said: “I don't need.” Mother: “You don't need it?” She repeated the question three times. C: “No, Mother. I don't need it.” Mother: “You are not interested in this?” She opened Bulletin ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Averting Rains 4.10.1949 Mother informed Sri Aurobindo that harvesting was going on it Cazanove 1 and that if it rained it would spoil the paddy. It did not rain. 5.10.1949 Mother told Sri Aurobindo: “Today also there shall be no rain; up to Friday.” Sri Aurobindo: “Oh ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Useless to Guide 1949-11-04 The Mother came to Sri Aurobindo's room as usual. She told him: “Today I am going to see X, but I do not feel like seeing him. Every time he says 'Yes, yes', and never does what I say. There are men who are creatures of circumstances, and there are those who master ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks American Edition of “The Life Divine” 1949-11-03 Copies of the American edition of The Life Divine arrived today and Mother presented them to Sri Aurobindo. He looked happy and remarked: “Oh, in one volume!” All the previous editions in India had been issued in two volumes, at times in three ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “Good Lord!” 1949-12-12 Sri Aurobindo was waiting to retire. It was 1.20 a.m. He asked me whether Mother was still downstairs. C: “No. Mother will first open the door; she has not yet opened it. Next she will see some people at the door and only then will she go down.” Sri Aurobindo: “Good ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks He Enquires 1949-11-07 It was midnight. Sri Aurobindo asked me whether Mother had, come up after the Pranam. “Yes, long back, at 11.40,” I replied. Sri Aurobindo: “Then, why did you not tell me?” C: “I thought you must have known!” Usually I did not inform him about it unless asked. ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Caring for Mother It was X's birthday. When I informed Mother about it, she told me to keep Sri Aurobindo's Letters on the Mother , for giving to him. I asked Mother to give him two photographs also. Mother: “Why two? Give only Sri Aurobindo's. Not mine. He does not care for me. Do you think ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Sri Aurobindo’s Protection after Death 1959-05-17 In the morning I informed Mother of the passing away of Mrityunjoy's elder sister. Mother said: “Yes, she was not keeping well for a long rime. She was sick.” While Mother was having breakfast after Balcony darshan, she said that she had come ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Premature Supramental World 1958-02-15 Mother wrote in her diary: “Last night I had a vision of what the supramental world would be like if the people were not sufficiently prepared. The confusion that now exists on earth is nothing in comparison with what may happen. Just imagine any strong will ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “If I Tear?” In those days the Mother used to count and arrange the currency notes that had been offered. Once it happened that some of the one-rupee notes had been stapled by the bank and she had some difficulty in separating them. I offered to do it. She looked at me and said, in a disarming manner: ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Chinese Language On seeing the artistically designed cover of the Chinese translation of The Life Divine , Mother was specially pleased and remarked on Chinese habits and referred to their language. She said: “In Japan I had also learnt some Chinese besides the Japanese Language; but only so much ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 10 October 1933 Today I was very much disappointed in drawing and began to get suggestions for giving up the whole thing. There is no reason for any such disappointment. Most of your work has shown that you have an innate capacity. As for failures, an artist learning his art has no right to be discouraged even ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 11 January 1934 Day before yesterday I had asked something for copying from Mother. But I did not get any answer. Is it better for me to give up this drawing? Perhaps there is no possibility in me. I forgot to take Mother's answer in the hurry of the work. Mother is giving you a painting to begin with; you ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 3 March 1934 I prepare the juice for the day as follows: Morning—8.15 a.m.—1 tumbler—5 1/2 oranges Afternoon—1.15 p.m.—1 tumbler—5 1/2 oranges For Sri Aurobindo—1/4 tumbler—2 1/2 oranges Now I would like to know how much juice should I prepare for the night to put in the thermos? When there is no ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 18 November 1933 About 20 days back I saw a flame of fire coming out of a lotus. At that time I thought it was only my imagination. Today I see something like that on the cover of the book The Mother . I have tried to draw it. Has it any meaning? It must be the fire of aspiration rising from the opened co ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 23 September 1933 I would like to know what I have to do to develop my drawing. Try to look at things for a long time till you have an impression which you can keep in your mind. Then come back and reproduce the impression you kept. 23.9.1933 Sri Aurobindo ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 12 January 1934 Though I feel I have full faith I think there is some part that still has not got faith. All the parts do not get enlightened at the same time; the subconscient parts are slow to change, but they change in the end. 12.1.1934 Sri Aurobindo ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 11 January 1934 Will you say something about my work? What is the defect and what change I must make in my attitude? Mother says you are doing your work perfectly well; so you need not worry thinking it has defects. 11.1.1934 Sri Aurobindo ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 6 October 1933 I find painting very interesting but also very difficult. You have the capacity. You have only to be steady in your endeavour. 6.10.1933 Sri Aurobindo ...


... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II The Burden of the Past Champaklal, Tell D on behalf of myself and the Mother that she must not allow herself to be crushed by the burden of the past. All she has to do is to turn her back on this past and sexual weakness, for which she was not herself primarily responsible ...

... × Whenever we first met the Mother in the morning, I used to say, “Bonjour. douce Mere” (Good Morning, Mother!). The Mother used to reply “Bonjour, Champaklal!” This sounds sweeter in French than in English. (The Mother would greet only a few persons by their names.) ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Two Aspects of the Mother During Mother's lifetime, work and those who did the work kept changing. Bansidhar, my brother (who first came here in November 1927) was fortunate to get the work of sweeping and cleaning Mother's room in Meditation House, or rather she made him fortunate. When I remembered ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Clock that Chimes 1946-06-23 I came to know that Kapadia has offered one big wall clock which chimes. I thought that it would be very convenient for Sri Aurobindo if it were kept in his room. For every now and then he himself used to pick up the timepiece kept on a stool near his bed and look ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Sri Aurobindo’s Hand 1946-05-27 When Sri Aurobindo was to sign and autograph books sitting on his bed, we used to place a table in front of him. Today, however, there was only one book and so no table was placed. I sat by his side on the floor and after the book was signed, I showed him my palm ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks My Portrait 1944-10-06 I showed to Mother my portrait done by her on my birthday in 1935. Some small yellow spots had appeared on the paper. Mother: “That happens when the paper is not good.” C: “But this paper is of a good quality.” Mother: “There must have been some defect in ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Bottles and Corks 1946-06-11 Right from the time I started work with Mother, she used to give me bottles whose corks would not easily open. Somehow, most of the time, I used to succeed. In this connection she told me once: “You know, before you came, if a bottle could not be opened, I used to ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Hard Work 1946-07-05 Today it was a record. Sri Aurobindo finished his lunch at 2.04 p.m. Since sometime it has been advancing from 12 to 12.30, 1, 1.30 and so on, due to delay in Mother's coming—Mother's time being taken up with work. Mother has been more and more occupied. At times she has ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Possession 1944-12-04 While combing Sri Aurobindo's hair Mother told him about V: “It seems to me it is a possession. If I do anything it is dangerous for her. Better she does not see me; that is good for her. Seeing me won't be good for her. Perhaps pining may do good. By giving shocks to the ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Fall of Poland 1944-10-04 After listening to a Polish visitor, Mother said: “As if they are living for the Truth only and they are the people who will give the Truth to the world! There are people there who worship the Black Mary; I think it is a deformation of Kali. But they are not sincere in ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “Like Us!” 1944-09-17 Mother: “Chinese soldiers quarrel in ordinary matters, without understanding the seriousness of the situation.” Sri Aurobindo: “Like us!” ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Datta Datta was not keeping well. Mother went to see her and after coming from there, she told Sri Aurobindo: “Peaceful, detached.” Sri Aurobindo: “Ah!” ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Burden on Mother As you know, in the early days people used to offer roses or jasmines with their nice fragrance. After Mother gave significances to flowers, people began bringing more and more flowers of different kinds to her. They started giving in Mother's hand flower after flower, one by one; ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Flexible You know the photograph of Sri Aurobindo in profile. It was taken. the Danish artist [Johannes Hohlenberg] when came here [in 1915] to make a portrait of Sri Aurobindo. As Sri Aurobindo could not be expected to sit for as long a time as required, the artist this photograph to help him do ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Choice of Envelopes Mother was always particular in choosing the right envelopes for her letters. The envelope had to be just the right size—neither too big nor too tight. The recipient should find it convenient to take out the letter easily—this was her requirement. After the envelope was chosen ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother’s Humility I clearly remember this small but significant incident. In those days Mother was not keeping well. She came out other salon at night and stood near Sri Aurobindo's door. I was sitting near Sri Aurobindo's bed. She looked at me and asked: “Can I see Sri Aurobindo?” Truly her ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Bimalendu the Dancer Bimalendu was a talented and gifted dancer. He was on a visit to the Ashram and was very anxious that Mother should see his dance. It was arranged that he would dance at night in Mridu's room [in Prasad House] and Mother would watch from the Balcony from where she used to give ...


... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks No Time for Food 1949-12-12 Mother told me: “For the last two days I have not been able to have food for want of time. Today also I could not. I want to eat m. I Go and inform the people that I won't open the door before 1.30. p.m.” Accordingly I went and informed the people. This is typical ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 16 March 1933 At times I feel that I have lost the devotion which I had when I first came to you. At times I feel that the devotion is not lost but has become more steady and quiet. What is the fact? No, you have not lost your devotion; it may have lost some effervescence, but not its intensity. Though I ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 6 November 1932 Mother, I wrote a letter to Sri Aurobindo [regarding my afternoon rest]. He replied, “She does not Insist.” I misunderstood its meaning and stopped taking rest and started drawing and painting flowers during resting time. But now that I have understood my mistake I beg your pardon. I do not want ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 5 January 1933 During meditations I find that my head and trunk bend down again and again. I am conscious but I cannot help it. Should I stop coming for meditations? It does not matter. You must not stop coming to meditation. Sri Aurobindo I have learnt that Mother does not like people coming for ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 14 May 1933 [Regarding Pranam, in which the Mother blessed the sadhaks through her eyes and by placing her hand upon their heads.] No, only sometimes she does not press with the whole hand. It depends on different things with different sadhaks. But most often it depends more on the Mother's own condition; ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 6 January 1933 I have done this picture without anybody's help. How is it? Will I be able to learn? To learn means months and months of study before any picture can be done; studies from nature, drawing first for a long time, painting only after. If you are ready to study hard and regularly, then you can ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 20 September 1932 G does not come for pranam in the morning. Is this a higher state in his sadhana? If he does not go out of his house one can understand but I see him going about with others as usual. How to abstain from Pranam can be the sign of a “higher state of sadhana”? It is simply a fancy of his ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 3 November 1932 There is a cavity in my left upper molar tooth, which has become bigger than before. There is occasional bleeding from the gums surrounding the tooth cavity. I pray Mother to let me know whether it is necessary for me to consult a dentist. You can get the tooth filled, but do not let him pull ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 3 April 1933 Today one big calamity has happened. The watch chain which Mother gave me is lost. But the watch is there. Why did I lose it? What meaning can it have? How did you “lose” it if the watch is still there? Is it not possible that it is merely mislaid somewhere? 3.4.1933 Sri Aurobindo ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 4 April 1933 By the Grace of the Mother I got back the chain which I lost yesterday. It was lying on the footpath. 4.4.1933 ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 6 June 1935 I talk as little as possible; I avoid going out. This is why I feel these things arise from within myself. Quite wrong. I have explained how they come. Why do I rejoice only when Mother smiles at me or gives a special opportunity? I ought to rejoice in all situations. If after living so many ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 30 May 1935 Even though I know that I am very near to you and Mother by Thy Grace, why do I still doubt whether I am progressing or not? It is the doubt that most or many are raising now in the Ashram. “Where am I? Where am I going? Am I really doing the Yoga? it seems to me I am getting nothing. There is no ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 30 March 1948 The generosity of your absolute self-giving will bring to you the revelation of the generosity of the Divine's Love. 30.3.1948 The Mother (I once received a telegram from someone who was in great difficulty. I sent it to Mother for reply. Sri Aurobindo wrote): Keep faith quietude ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 7 July 1936 After living here for so many years I have still no control over my anger. I hear that there is a medicine for it in homeopathy. Should I try it? If the irritability were the result of an illness (nervous or other), it might be treated by homeopathy, but this is not that. It is one of the folds ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 19 April 1940 Mother, For the past few months I get the idea of going from here. Is it from you? If it is Mother's wish I can go. Your ignorant child, Champak, with Pranam. No, it is a hostile suggestion trying to send you away because your presence is most helpful and necessary. I hope you will dismiss ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 4 July 1935 About my getting pain. Mother, you said, “It depends on something”. It depends on what? I think it was not recently that Mother said that but a long time ago. She meant that it was the bondage to the physical consciousness movements (physical mind, physical vital) which prevented the response in ...


... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 29 August 1936 X wants to learn music. Can she learn from a violinist from the town? Surely not violin; the way in which violin is played here is simply offensive. And to learn true violin, one must begin to learn when 8 years old. But if she finds somebody to teach her the Veena it is all right. 29.8.1936 ...


... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother c. 1930 Mother, I am really attached to my family a lot and especially to my father. Would you please write down for me whatever you said this morning because it has helped me a lot? Though I am not fit to be your child, by Thy Grace all is possible. Thy Grace is my Mantra. I ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 15 March 1934 Mother, When I came up at 8.30 p.m., S was sitting on the stairs facing the door which opens inside. He asked me whose footsteps were being heard? Who was walking inside? I said to him that I did not know. Mother I would like to know whether my answer was all ...

... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 9 March 1934 My child, your work is what it has always been, worthy of the trust we have put in you and you need not worry at all about that. But be very careful to let no influence diminish your confidence in me and allow nothing or nobody to separate you from me. 9 March ...

... Mother used this term more and more for the supramental, especially when concretely perceived. × Champaklal Speaks , 251. × The Mother: Notes on the Way, p. 229. ...

... effort, the descent into matter of the higher, supramental Consciousness was expected. Now the circumstances of Sri Aurobindo’s life changed drastically. Where before only the Mother and the faithful Champaklal had been regular visitors to his rooms, now doctors, medical assistants and one or two other helpers had to be admitted, for the fracture of the thigh had been nasty and took a long time to heal ...


... One is so open and so receptive that one can assimilate all that is given. I can then do many things, that is why it is important.’ 26 Each one got a beautiful birthday card, made or chosen by Champaklal, with the name of the person, a few words in her handwriting and her signature (representing a bird of Peace). Each one received that smile and that look. Her body was everywhere, therefore surely ...


... demands of this integral path and would leave it, sometimes after many years; others would become the pillars of the work. There are names that have become well-known for a variety of reasons: Dyuman, Champaklal, Barin, Purani, Dilip Kumar Roy, Pavitra, Pujalal, Nirodbaran, K.D. Sethna (of his Ashram name Amal Kiran), etc. Others, and not necessarily less notable, have given their best in anonymity. In 1925 ...


... O Love, You are my only refuge. All right, my dear little one. I wanted to write to you this morning to put an end to all this. It is really quite useless. Rest, and on 19th morning come with Champaklal to arrange the curios. And we will speak no more about illness! Tenderness and blessings 17 April 1963 ...

... Gautam Chawalla) Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother 14 December 1962 Gautam, my dear child, The new room will be cleaned by Dyuman and Champaklal who are already taking care of the old room. So, for the time being, no one else is necessary. Anyway, I know very well that you wanted to do this work, thinking it would give you the opportunity ...

... greater quietude in people's minds would have allowed the incident to be 'liquidated' in a less uproarious fashion — but the Mother was absorbed in the music and could only intervene later on when Champaklal consulted her. That is all." And sometimes, though rarely, we had pure fun as well — just unqualified laughter and mirth. To give; an instance or two: I had a friend whom we called Bindu ...


... × Kireet Joshi, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother , p. 118. × Champaklal Speaks , p. 251. × Kireet Joshi, op. cit., p. 118. ...

... In springtime from the Cuckoo-bird Breaking the silence of the seas Among the farthest Hebrides.   Your recent experiences in England interest me a great deal. The appearance of Champaklal in your midst must have been indeed inspiring. How did his globe-trotting steps turn right towards your Kentish house? Your short but vivid account of Champaklal's play with the ancient sword sent ...


... to my flat.   Most probably we walked hand in hand, for I had always the urge to catch her hand. On several occasions when I was on my knees before her and had moved slightly aside to let Champaklal or someone else talk with her, I would gently hold the hand hanging by her side. What was most delightful to me was not just my clasp on her - it was the immediate response of her fingers, her s ...


... adequately? Will I be a first-rate follower of Sri Aurobindo, a full-fledged child of the Mother?" Perhaps there is a streak of Page 57 unacknowledged ambition - a jealousy of Nolini and Champaklal and Pavitra and Dyuman, possibly even of stumbling, fumbling and still onward-rumbling Amal Kiran! On the other hand, you underrate your own powers of intelligence and application and industry, your ...


... Nolini, on occasion, must have been heard yawning and seen drooping his eyelids. At present - November 1987 - I can't quite say "Yawned" in our hearing with regard to another of our notable sadhaks, Champaklal, for that might break his 12-year old mauna, voluntary muteness! Yet some sign of semi-somnolence of soul must have been there at times for him too. In any case, though we may seem to recede from ...


... thread no less than the sacred shirt of the Parsis. Both these characteristics are more a sign of the Zoroastrian religion as distinct from the Aurobindonian path than the Hindu sacred thread which Champaklal kept wearing. For the latter is exclusive to the Brahmins among the Hindus and does not have the universal sweep of the pre-Aurobindonian as does my long-discarded Parsi symbols of religious commitment ...


... copy. After a few days I drew her attention to the fact and declared what Savitri meant to me. I made the resounding statement: "I would give my heart's blood for Savitri." She at once asked Champaklal for a copy and, writing my name on it and signing, presented it to me. Yes, I would give my heart's blood because it is as if it were itself given to me by Savitri!  Ever since, apropos ...


... to acceptance of body-abandonment, we should, in my opinion, put it after certain incidents reported by Pranab. 2 On 14 November last year, the Mother tried to do some walking with the help of Champaklal and Pranab but could not and had a severe temporary collapse. She took twenty minutes to recover. Immediately on recovery she said: "Lift me up again, I shall walk." She was told that it would be ...

... moustache at times and wait for her to come out with the right formula instead of himself rushing forward with his own version. Once when she asked him for a statement and he would not say a word, Champaklal drew everybody's attention to his modest behaviour. By his half-shy half-patient dumbness we got the Mother's own statement: otherwise she might have let pass a lesser couching of the truth. ...


... February 2001, pp. 99-101. Page 84 people endowed with partial knowledge, preoccupied with preconceived notions, and limited ability to see things holistically. I used to think of Champaklal as the Mother's Lion, guarding Her physical domain. Likewise, I view Amal Kiran as Sri Aurobindo's Lion of mental-spiritual pursuits.   Yes, all these and some more are the reasons why I was ...


... of dust, but a speck of dust that is suffering,’ she had once said. Her body started showing bedsores. That night, she asked every ten or fifteen minutes to be lifted from the bed, and Pranab and Champaklal did so till she fell asleep around four o’clock in the morning. On 14 November she wanted to walk: ‘Make me walk!’ ‘We were hesitant,’ says Pranab, ‘but as she insisted, we lifted her up from ...


... The Spirit of Auroville Later the Mother told Nolini Kanta Gupta, Counouma, Dyuman, André, Amrita, Champaklal, Vasudha, Navajata and others that I had received the correct vision. It was nice to read the Mother's talk of 23-6-65 in Mother India, Monthly Review of Culture , special issue of February 1967: Have you heard of Auroville? For a long ...


... The Divine Grace—Thy goodness is infinite; I bow before Thee in gratitude! These flowers were arranged against a background formed by a cloth hung over the back of a chair. Jayantilal and Champaklal were present. We waited for the Mother. The minutes ticked by and I became impatient and nervous. I was shaken considerably by this trial, which had not been of my seeking. The Mother came smiling—but ...


... most exquisite picture-cards, so that I might perceive and grasp their beauties and obtain inspiration from Nature: trees, flowers, mountains, rivers, animals and so on. These cards were prepared by Champaklal. He used to paste the pictures on folders, on which the Mother wrote to me. Surely the Mother did not take up the Savitri work abruptly. She educated me both outwardly and inwardly, knowing ...


... International Salon of Photography which had been sponsored by the Sri Aurobindo Ashram photographers. I remember that the Mother had sent me several snaps of chosen photographs, as cards prepared by Champaklal, her personal attendant, on which she had written messages and her perpetual love and blessings. The Mother's view of photography was: Photography is an art when the photographer is ...


... Record of Yoga Record of Drishti, 30 July 1927 July 30ᵗʰ 1927 1) Chl [Champaklal] lolling and rolling in a chair trance-awake. Intimation. "The most material will now be conscious." 2) A palm-tree of inordinate length growing from the bottom of the side of a well, climbing up and emerging above the earth level. All below now open (the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Devotion to the Divine, fidelity to his work and obedience to his will are the first supports of the Yoga. On these pillars all the rest can be supported. 11 February 1948 Page 841 For Champaklal Tranquillise and widen your consciousness; go deeper into your soul. 2 February 1940 A clarified consciousness with strength to reject all inconscience and receive all that comes from the ...


... On Himself, 26. 172 129. Ibid., 26 .168- 169 142. Ibid., 26 .416 130. Leiters on Yoga, 22.424 -425 143. The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth, 16.73 13 1. Champaklal Speaks ( 1976), p.66 144. Mother's Agenda Vo l. 8, p. 173 132. On Him self, 26 .169-170 133 . Ibid., 26.401 -402 134. Ibid., 26.46 Page 262 ...


... Not the blackout of a faint—my eyes no longer saw. I saw only shadows. 'Ah!' I said to myself, 'where is the step?!' And to avoid missing it, I clutched the railing. What a commotion that made! Champaklal came rushing up, thinking I was about to fall! Anyhow.... It was only afterwards, a long time after, that I began to see again. It was clearly something that was NOT WILLING. But when will ...


... merging with yours, and then a kind of vast immobility—a powerful immobility. Ah, that's it! That must be why! Yes, the body must be getting alarmed. Yes, that must be it. ( Mother plunges in, Champaklal rings the bell ) Is it time?... Oh, mon petit.... ( Satprem rests his head on Mother's lap ) × Coincidentally ...


... quiet! All right. All right, then. I don't want to hear anything from anybody. All right, then. ( Pranab goes to the other end of the room. He shouts for the benefit of Dr. Sanyal, Champaklal, Mother's attendant and Vasudha, who are all present. ) (Pranab:) I have my faith, I have my conviction, I have my purpose, and even if I am in the dark.... (Satprem to Mother:) Shall I ...


... these people that they are selfish and stupid, and I want nothing from them ." And I banged on the table.... Oh, oh!... Everyone was petrified. ( Mother laughs ) The doctor was there, and Nolini, Champaklal, Amrita.... Something in me was laughing a lot! Oh, they thought I was in a terrible fit: "They'll see what will happen to them!..." And you know, those vibrations are familiar to me—they're terrifying ...


... wanted to wait till I had seen him the second time before telling you the story. Here is what happened: I do my usual "bath of the Lord" and it Page 344 is arranged that, after a time, Champaklal opens the door—which signals to me the end of the visit. So I looked at X, just to see (I had looked at him several times before, but there was nothing particular), I looked at him and saw in front ...


... Signed: Eugène Card. Tisserand It's interesting. Who has replaced him? I don't know, nobody has been appointed yet. But since then, they've been quiet here. ( Mother plunges in Champaklal comes up to Mother, abruptly pulling her out of her state ) I was in Italy. Stories with cardinals.... × See ...


... In the morning the Mother said: "I am not giving you any books on this birthday. You have all of them." I replied: "Not all. I don't have On the Veda and Poems from Bengali." She asked Champaklal to keep them ready. When she went for lunch, I kept a note for her on the table by which she would pass on her way to the bathroom: "The books you will be giving me are certainly welcome, but what ...


... by myself. ?? [ Sri Aurobindo put 2 interrogation marks. ] September 7, 1936 If any oranges can be spared for G, don't you think it will do him good? [ Mother :] You can go to Champaklal, he will give two oranges daily. Why two interrogations, Sir, against my using butter? Butter and cod-liver oil—which is two. Since the Force does not help, I have to seek fatness from ...

... grow quiet and I would suddenly experience the mental representation of the ideas expressed. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, it was the same with me when I was reading the Gita and the Upanishads in jail. CHAMPAKLAL: People say that Krishna gave the Gita into your hand. SRI AUROBINDO ( after laughing) : I think I said or wrote something like that. I didn't know that they would give a material interpretation ...


... DR. MANILAL: While meditating I had a momentary vision of a bakul tree with violet flowers. What meaning, Sir? SRI AUROBINDO: May be symbolic. Does anybody know the significance of bakul? CHAMPAKLAL: Patience! (Laughter) So it means you must have patience. NIRODBARAN: And violet? SRI AUROBINDO: It has many meanings. Maybe Krishna's compassion. DR. MANILAL: Patience till eternity? ...


... isolated himself with the consent of the Mother. And what is meant by "Sri Aurobindo's Yoga"? PURANI: Different people have different temperaments and isolation may be a temporary necessity for Z. CHAMPAKLAL: But he is not really isolated. He talks with many people, jokes and laughs freely. NIRODBARAN: X asks why Z shouldn't be free and easy with people. He quotes one instance. Z, it seems, went to ...
