... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks C.R. Reddy C.R. Reddy saw Sri Aurobindo on the 20th of December, 1948, to present the award of Andhra University. That day Mother came at 8.30 a.m. and told me that she was going to come to Sri Aurobindo's room at 9.45 to prepare things. C.R. Reddy came in at 10.58 a.m. and was there for half an ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks On “Physical Perfection” 1949-02-07 The Mother asked Sri Aurobindo to write an article on physical perfection for the Bulletin 1 . And she smiled at him. × The first issue of Bulletin of Physical Education ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Pranab’s Fist 1949-02-04 When Mother came to Sri Aurobindo's room in the afternoon brought the sketch she had done of Pranab's fist and profile showed it to Sri Aurobindo who looked at it, smiled and nodded. On seeing the sketch, I said it was full of strength. Mother pointed out the fist ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks My Hand 1948-10-06 Mother saw my right hand when we were in her salon and said; “One aim in life. All lines are joined.” Then Mother examined my nails and said: “Dreamer; Writer; Poet.” Long back, when Lele had seen my right hand, he had pointed out the three main lines and said, “Very ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Vows 1952-03-31 Once I asked the Mother about orthodox people making vows either to gain what they wished or to fulfil some desire. This was especially strong in the matter of eating. People took vows that they would not eat such and such a thing until some wish was fulfilled or some goal attained ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Behind Externals 1952-05-01 Sri Aurobindo and the Mother's books always used to be sent upstairs and shown to the Mother before being posted. Recently, the person in charge starred sending books intended for foreign countries directly to the Press for despatch. When it was pointed to him that ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks ‘Convincing’ Mother 1951-07-24 A sadhak had written something and Mother had already answered it. He wrote again. When he came for Pranam, Mother told him: “You want to convince me? You know I am impossible.” And she repeated it. ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Cartier-Bresson’s Negatives 1951-06-26 Negatives of the photographs taken by Cartier-Bresson have come—in all 460 of them, some spoiled, some faded. “They are all locked up in my safe,” Mother said. ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks During French Revolution 1952-01-03 Speaking of the French Revolution, Mother said: “Pujalal was there. But I did not know that Bansidhar also was there, helping me. Strange!” ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother on Her Birth July 1951 Mother: “I was born in France because some special education was necessary.” ...
... Part II — Spiritual Games Champaklal Speaks The Flower Sentences The Divine solicitude is with you (meaning, you are getting all the help you need). But keep up your aspiration , remain faithful and the wrong movement will be changed into the right movement , so that the Victorious Love may manifest. 21.9.1929 Divine solicitude is ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Photograph in Alipore Jail When we went to Calcutta we visited the solitary cell in Alipore Jail where Sri Aurobindo was detained in 1908-09. We saw that a photograph of Sri Aurobindo was kept there along with framed pictures of many gods and goddesses. I did not like it but I did not speak about ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Very Precious 1972-11-05 The niece of our Joshibhai (Laboratory) used to bring something special to be offered to Mother each time she visited the Ashram. On the last occasion, she brought a box containing 1,111 blessing packets arranged beautifully in square marbled envelopes. In each envelope ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks After Mother’s Mahasamadhi Those of us who were attending on the Mother did not shed a single tear on her passing away. She had prepared us for it a long time ago. You may ask, “How did she prepare you?” I am unable to explain it. And the days pass so quickly. Though the Mother's absence in a ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother’s Life-line 1973-11-17 I have said little about the later years with the Mother, though some incidents were very interesting. I will say only a bit about the last day. It was between 4.30 and 5 p.m. Kumud was giving fruit juice to Mother. She was on one side of Mother's chair and I was ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Only one Matrimandir 1971-10-05 Some devotees who constructed a special building at their centre asked Mother to give her consent to their naming it 'Matrimandir'. I said: “Mother, there is only one Matrimandir, the one you are building in Auroville. This name should not be used anywhere else ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks In Difficulty X was in great difficulty. When he came to Mother, she said: “Forget everything. Don't do again what is not to be done.” And she looked at him. The words were few but a change came over him and he went away smiling. ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Signing Papers 1949-04-15 When Mother came to Sri Aurobindo's room, she sometimes used to bring papers that she had to sign. Today she brought a sheaf of children's reports. After signing them, she asked me: “Have you seen how long it took to sign these? If you had noted the time, we would have ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Confusion in Timings 1949-08-07 Mother went to the military grounds as Ashram boys were participating in Pondicherry Sports. Before going she said that she would be back at 5.30 p.m. As she did not come as scheduled, Sri Aurobindo enquired twice about it. Finally she came to Sri Aurobindo's room ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Unwell but Work Continues 1949-07-17 When Mother opened the upstairs door today, 72 sadhaks received flowers and blessings just outside the door, at the top of the staircase. Inside the vestibule she met 22 others, making altogether 94. She was not well, even then she saw all these people. ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks No Time to Spare 1949-04-26 When Mother came to Sri Aurobindo's room she told him: “It has been going on like this from morning to night for the last four days. For want of time I could not even play tennis. This is my condition at present. Today again I am late by half an hour.” Sri Aurobindo ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Article for “Bulletin” 1949-07-10 Mother came smiling to Sri Aurobindo's room and told him: “I heard the article which you have written for the Bulletin . Nolini read it to me. It is wonderful, just what is wanted.” More than her words it was her expression when she was looking at Sri Aurobindo ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Sri Aurobindo’s Humility 1946-08-04 Sri Aurobindo used to go to bed after Mother had retired. Today it became very late; Sri Aurobindo went on waiting for Mother to retire but in vain. Finally he said: “I suppose there is no objection to my going to bed?” “Certainly not!” I said. Then he retired ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother’s Sleep 1949-07-23 Mother said this morning: “People think I am sleeping but I do not sleep. I go deep deep inside. But all the while I know all about my surroundings. I hear even the ticking of the clock.” ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Practical Philosophy 1949-07-07 Mother said to Sri Aurobindo: “I am writing the practical side of your writings.” ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother’s Moving to the Top Floor On the morning of the 9th December, 1953, after meditation, Mother informed Dyuman that she would go up to her new room on the second floor from that night. Thereafter she spent the nights there. And now and then she would spend some time there during the daytime ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Always be Conscious This was before Mother's second-floor apartment was built. At that time, on the southern side of Mother's salon, under the window opening on the western side, there was an old Japanese seat, on which Mother sat when she worked or met people. It was here that, before going for ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “She was Ambitious” 1953-03-31 Yesterday Mother saw the film Julius Caesar at the Playground. Today she said: “The play is very interesting. In future, some may say about me that I was very ambitious. So I have written something very very interesting. But I won't show it now. I have kept it ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Kissing and Joy 1952-08-04 Mother spoke to me of an incident that had taken place at her grandmother's when Mother was about 12 or 13. She said: “Two relatives, a boy and a girl, had come. The girl was sitting in the boy's lap. They were kissing each other very vigorously. I say now that they ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Man of long Ago 1952-10-12 Mother: “It was in 1898, I was 20. The man whom I saw at that time you are going to see tomorrow in the cinema.” 1 × This is part of Mother's conversation with Nirodbaran; they had ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Robbers on the Way 1953-10-26 (Dated 26.10.1963 in Champaklal's Treasures , 1976, p. 7; here changed to 26.10.1953 as per Champaklal's note in his papers.) I read and liked the following sentence in an article by Maulana Azad: “I know the path, but what can I do if robbers rob me on the way ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Significances of Colours Once while discussing a colour scheme, Mother gave the following list of significances: Poetry — Pale Blue (Sky Blue) Painting — Rainbow Sculpture — Red Music — Green Dance — White Thought — Yellow Physico-vital life — Red Mental-vital life — Deep Blue Spiritual ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks In the Psychic 1952-10-13 Mother: “Neither a passionate vital attraction nor an agitated withdrawal should be there. There is no place for all this in the psychic.” ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 16 July 1933 I noticed D doing certain uncontrolled actions. Is he possessed by some hostile force? He is possessed occasionally. If it is a possession by some hostile force, why should it go to him only? Because he accepts it. When there is such possession, does it take place by his calling it consciously ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 7 August 1933 Why did you not tell X that it is a mistake to interpret the Mother's smiling or not smiling, putting her whole hand or a finger only, a sign of pleasure or displeasure or of this sadhak's good or bad condition? It is quite a mistake. It is when the Mother is very much absorbed or drawn within or ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 16 July 1933 P was making all kinds of gestures and movements and then began to dance wildly. What was this force? Some material energy, not hostile. Will material energy manifest in this form or is it that P made it to manifest in this form? Material energy manifests at present in many ways—motor-accidents ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 11 September 1933 Is there any possibility in me of doing something creative or original in, drawing or painting? If so what should I do? Go on studying and it will come of itself at its own time. You are progressing rapidly. 11.9.1933 Sri Aurobindo ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 23 July 1933 Today I have tried to draw human figures from this book. If I try these figures will it be helpful in learning portrait drawing? No, except for drawing the line. You could copy things with more variety in them. 23.7.1933 Sri Aurobindo ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 9 July 1933 What is discipline and how does it apply here in our yoga? It is not the discipline of yoga but the discipline of an organisation, the exterior material discipline one has to accept if one is to be part of an organisation. 9.7.1933 Sri Aurobindo ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 8 August 1933 I begin to feel sleepy whenever I want to read or write or study. Why? It is because the body needs sleep; and so when you concentrate on reading or writing it turns the concentration into sleep. 8.8.1933 Sri Aurobindo ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 5 August 1933 I saw a beautiful lotus and inside it a coconut. The lotus was not quite open but one after another the petals were opening. It is the Consciousness opening, with the offering to the Divine within it. 5.8.1933 Sri Aurobindo ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 25 May 1933 Today I tried these roses but could not succeed. The shading is good; they are very well done. 25.5.1933 Sri Aurobindo ...
... Treasures Mother has come for Work One day, during the later years, Mother had not been well physically. After her sparse breakfast, she asked me: Champaklal, what shall I do? Rest or work? C: Work, Mother. MOTHER: Why? C: You have come for work. Mother. MOTHER: All right, call the people. She said it so readily and sweetly. I rushed out ...
... free here, and tell her that she should relax and just feel as if she were all the time in sunshine. 16 September 1968 "The Light will come down to bring peace in the world" Painting by Champaklal 25.12.71 The time has come for the rule of falsehood to end. In the Truth alone is salvation. The Mother  Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 4 February 1935 P was telling me that if Mother's portrait of me is left as it is, it may fade away and that it would be better to have it fixed with fixing solution. I like to know from Mother what she would like me to do. No, it will not fade; it is pencil, not charcoal ...
... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 29 August 1936 X wants to learn music. Can she learn from a violinist from the town? Surely not violin; the way in which violin is played here is simply offensive. And to learn true violin, one must begin to learn when 8 years old. But if she finds somebody to teach her the ...
... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1941 This year you must wholly overcome and throw out the hostile suggestion that has been harassing you, rejecting it in such a way that it will never come back again. Your home, your place and your fulfilment are here. 2 February 1941 ...
... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 1935 Mother, I tried to draw [the flower] "Light without obscurity", but could not succeed; the flower is spoiled. It is not so bad. If you give a little shade of crimson lake it will be quite all right. 1935 ...
... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1930 BIRTHDAY MESSAGES Red lotus—Symbol of the manifestation of the Supreme upon earth. White lotus—Symbol of the Divine Consciousness. 2 February 1930 ...
... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1942 In front of the repeated attacks from the enemy you must keep your faith intact and endure till the Victory is won. 2 February 1942 ...
... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1949 My dear child, now it is time for the faith to become truly active and to stand unshaken against all contradictions. Have the faith, the true faith, that you are cured and the cure is bound to come. My love and blessings 2 February 1949 ...
... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1948 My dear child, Let your receptivity increase this year, to the extent of giving you the power to fully utilise the force that is at work for restoring perfect good health in you. With my love and blessings 2 February 1948 ...
... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1945 I am glad to he able to say that your openness and your receptivity have increased during last year. Do not stop now and let them become perfect in the year to come. With my love and blessings 2 February 1945 ...
... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1953 A steady progress and a clear understanding of what you must be. These are the gains of the finished year. Now there is only to continue. With my love and blessings 2 February 1953 ...
... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1958 To my dear child— One more year; one more step towards perfect service in a total surrender. With my love and blessings 2 February 1958 ...
... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1952 Patience Perseverance Endurance Faith and an Unshakable courage ... ...We are approaching the goal. With my love and blessings 2 February 1952 ...
... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1943 Let this year be for you the year of a complete opening and of the breaking of all limitations. 2 February 1943 ...
... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 2 February 1944 Let this year bring to you the true faith—a faith that no darkness can obscure. 2 February 1944 ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Her Grace The Mother asked me to lie down near Sri Aurobindo's chair in the 'long passage' while she was taking her lunch in her room. (Sri Aurobindo's chair is still in the same place. Mother called the room outside Sri Aurobindo's room the 'long passage'; sometimes Sri Aurobindo also walked there—lucky ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks My Nature On 7 February 1933 my mother, Umiyaben, came here for a visit. After some days she told me, “Now I want to go back.” All I asked was, “Do you really want to go?” And she replied, “Yes. I must go because your father is there. Should I nor go?” When she thus spoke of her duty, what could ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Tea in the Ashram Mother said to me once that she did not like people in the Ashram taking tea. Then she added: “I don't like it. But I cannot forbid them because Sri Aurobindo himself takes tea.” Speaking of Sri Aurobindo's tea, which he stopped after his accident in 1938, let me tell you he ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Vase of Roses As I told you, when Sri Aurobindo and Mother lived in Library House, Sri Aurobindo used to remove (with Chinese chopsticks) the bones from the fish that Mother fed the cats. After coming to Meditation House, Sri Aurobindo used to arrange one vase of roses every day and keep it on ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Priceless There was a small tea-pot in which the Mother served tea to Sri Aurobindo. One day when I came for work, I saw it broken into pieces and lying in a corner; obviously the servant had thrown it there. I collected the pieces, glued them together and remade the pot. It is still with me! ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “Have Patience” 1926-09-06 I made pranam to Mother and wept and wept, placing my head in her lap. Mother: “Yesterday your condition was very good. You were very close to receiving what is coming down. But again you have brought back these things. I told you to throw them away and I also told ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Consideration [In Library House] Mother used to prepare a soup for Sri Aurobindo. Later she asked me to prepare that soup. She would take a cupful for Sri Aurobindo and leave some for me, after sipping it. One day it so happened that the cat, Bushy, 1 put her mouth in the cup meant for me. ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Writing “Savitri” After dinner, Sri Aurobindo used to sit in his chair in the 'long passage' outside his room (this chair is now kept along the wall) and write Savitri generally up to midnight. He would place the pad on the armrest of the chair. After writing down the lines he would read them to ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Taking Care of Money From the beginning Mother used to count the money offered by visitors and devotees coming from outside. She would carefully separate the notes according to their denominations, place them head up so that the figure could be easily read, bundle them neatly etc. If anyone had put ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Wonderful Luck Nolini brought a young visitor to the Mother during Pranam. He did not know English and could not answer when he was asked his age. Mother asked him to go to Dr. Nripendra (obviously for a medical check-up). Then while giving him flowers, she held his hand and looked at his palm for ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Fulfilment of Unspoken Wishes 1950-01-21 It was Bansidhar's birthday today. I thought how nice it would be if Mother wrote something for him. But I did not ask her for it. I used to ask for others on their birthdays at times, but here I did not. It so happened, however, that Bansidhar gave Mother ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Insincere Nolini spoke to Mother of two sannyasins who had arrived wanted to stay here. Mother: “Only if they stop wearing ochre robes.” N: “Yes, Mother, they will do that.” Mother: “This kind of insincere people I do not need here.” After we returned upstairs I asked Mother how they ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Do not Hide Someone sent Sri Aurobindo's book The Mother for his autograph. It was found that on the page meant for the autograph, he had first written his own name and afterwards tried to hide it by pasting a piece of paper over it. The Mother saw through it and wrote: “Do not try to hide things ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks My Illness Once I was ill. Mother ascertained some things from the doctor and told me: “I have informed Sri Aurobindo what the doctor said. You will be quite all right now.” And indeed, soon I was all right. ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Sri Aurobindo on Himself On one occasion, Sri Aurobindo said: “As a father I am stupid.” ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Children in Sri Aurobindo’s Room Children were allowed in Sri Aurobindo's room only after 1950. As you know, I have always had a special feeling for children, irrespective of whether they are known to me or not. That is why I often go out of my way and take interest in them. It is quite an ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother’s Sketches Mother had kept some sketches done by herself in a file and given it to me for safekeeping. Some years later she asked for the file. When I brought it, what took place in the case of the old soap-bits happened here as well. Mother told me: “No, you keep the file. I give it to ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother’s Way There was a time when Mother was very particular about X, a sadhika. She would always give top priority to X's letters, needs, etc. But X had many pursuits, what you might call distractions. One day Mother gave me a letter to be delivered to X and said, “Tout de suite”, meaning immediately ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Sees Others’ Convenience Almost on every Christmas Mother used to call Mona 1 who is in charge of Golconde but at a time that was convenient to her. Mother adjusted her programme to suit Mona's convenience! And she would see each thing brought by Mona with keen interest and appreciation. It was ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Nice Girl but not Obedient 1968-04-28 Someone sent photographs of a boy and a girl considering marriage to be shown to Mother. The parents of the boy did not like the girl, but the girl was pursuing the boy. On seeing the girl's photo, Mother said: “She is a nice girl, clever; but she won't be ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks April 1934 The chit for an orange for Seetha, which Mother left for me on 23rd, was wrongly read by me. I read Sudhir in place of Seetha. As I happened to meet the Doctor I showed him the chit and asked him to read it. He read it and went on insisting and at last convinced me that it was Sudhir and not Seetha ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 21 April 1934 This morning at pranam time I saw a very small baby standing in front of me with a very happy cheerful face and carrying on his shoulders a pot of water which looked too heavy for a baby. He offered me water from the pot and said: “Take this water, Mother will again fill it up.” I took it and saw ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 15 March 1934 My All, After receiving the last letter from you I felt my outer consciousness turned within and with this inward turn I felt myself calm and peaceful and more gathered within than before. Mother, I pray to Thee to make me entirely free from any other influence except Thine. I would like to ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 18 October 1934 In winter I get pain all over my body and in some places it is unbearable. In my fingers swelling appears periodically. I wish to know whether there is an end to this pain and suffering or I have to go through it indefinitely? You must keep a constant faith that these things must go and call ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 15 May 1934 If one went to the Himalayas, the likelihood is that one would make oneself fit for inactive meditation and quite unfit for life and the Mother's service—so in the next life the character would be like that. This is simply the influence of old ideas that have no application in this yoga. It is here ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 25 August 1934 My All, Mother Gracious, Early morning I saw a vision and I tried to represent it in this painting. Does it have a significance? The sun is of course the Truth and the building is the material consciousness that has become capable of receiving the light. The flowers indicate our presence in ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 14 April 1934 When will my inner eyes open? Kindly tell me what is the chief obstacle in my way. Do you mean the inner eyes which see the Divine face to face? There must be a complete consecration of everything to the Divine without allowing pride or any kind of attachment to intervene. 14.4.1934 Sri ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 25 September 1934 I do not understand why I am becoming more lazy day by day. I pray Mother may kindly let me know. Why do you say you are lazy? We don't see any sign of it. 25.9.1934 Sri Aurobindo ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 5 October 1934 I do not know what is the meaning of the phrase “Advanced sadhaks”. I suppose this simply meant that he had been here a long time and had long practised sadhana. 5.10.1934 Sri Aurobindo ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “You will be Given” 1926-11-18 While giving me my soup cup after sipping a little of the soup, Mother said: “Take this cup and you will be fully conscious.” Later she said: “Whatever you have asked will be given. You have to do nothing. Your sadhana depends on mine; it is being done and ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Siddhi Day 1926-11-24 Datta spoke: Krishna the Lord has come. He has ended the hell of suffering. He has conquered pain. He has conquered death. He has conquered all. He has descended tonight Bringing Immortality and Bliss. As each one made pranam to the Mother and she gave h blessing ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “You will Get It” 1926-08-25 Mother: “I have been trying something in you since the last three weeks. You have been coming to me and talking to me (not this way, but in another way) and I know when your time will come. You will have to be patient. I have also told Sri Aurobindo. We know what you ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “Tie yourself with Devotion” 1929-02-01 Today, on the eve of my birthday, Mother tied a tulsi garland around my neck, saying: “Tie yourself with devotion.” As you know, devotion is the significance she had given to tulsi . ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “Who is Working?” 1926-10-03 After the day's work was over. Mother said to me: “Do you think that you are working? No, your Mother is working.” (Two days later.) Mother: “You know, only one Purusha is working in the whole world.” ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Rapid Changes You know I came here with the object of God-realisation. Here I found the stress on Transformation. Very soon, however, both receded and service hold of my being entirely. ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “I am your Mother” 1926-09-13 Mother: “One day you came running and weeping to me and fell in my lap. 'Be my mother, be my mother,' you told me. I answered, 'I am your mother.'“ ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks You are Depending upon Us” 1926-11-17 Mother: “Surely, we know you are depending upon us. But only when the body will change, you will realise what you want.” ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Protection 1928-03-28 Mother said of someone: “How can he expect me to protect him if he is constantly going out of my protection?” ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Descending December 1926 Mother: “Now things are descending upon you, everything will be all right.” ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Divine Observation and Human Boasting 1944-06-09 Just after returning from the Balcony 1 at 7.15. a.m. (the time was changing from day to day) Mother met Dyuman and Pujalal. They were among those whom she used to give flowers at that time. 2 After giving the flowers she asked them to show ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother’s Self-Portrait 1944-07-18 When the Mother came to Sri Aurobindo's room this morning, I showed her her self-portrait done for Chandanbala [Dr. Manilal's daughter]. And she exclaimed: “Seigneur! Qu'est-ce que c'est? (Lord! What is this?)” Then she saw her signature and asked: ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Two Children 1944-06-17 When Sri Aurobindo used to sit in his sofa for writing we used to place a writing-desk in front. Once while writing he asked for water. As he was drinking, some water was spilt; a little later some more was spilt. He asked me why that was happening. Since his accident ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Nishikanta’s Paintings 1944-02-29 Nishikanta had sent some paintings of his to Mother for showing to Sri Aurobindo. He wanted Mother to choose some from them and show only those to Sri Aurobindo. Mother remarked that Nishikanta himself ought to have made the selection. All the same she chose three ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Care of Rubber Tubes 1944-07-10 While combing Sri Aurobindo's hair, Mother suggested to Nirod a way to preserve the rubber tubes in his Dispensary: “Take a nice airtight tin. Put in it an open bottle of clove oil. Put your rubber tubes in that tin alongside the open bottle, and close the tin, ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Expenses 1944-08-02 When Mother came to Sri Aurobindo's room at night, she handed him a slip of paper on which was written: Rs. 2,000 for milk per month. Rs. 8,000 for grains etc. Then she remarked: “You see, how much is our expense!” Sri Aurobindo: “Oh, oh!” ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Ahimsa 1944-05-25 Dr. Manilal: “Sir, what is the true definition of Ahimsa?” Sri Aurobindo: “No objection to killing when it is necessary. A perfect ahimsa nobody could follow; it is impossible.” ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Aggressive 1944-08-02 Referring to S whom she had met for the first time. Mother said: “I have never met such an aggressive man—an image of aggressiveness.” ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Death 1941-12-06 Sri Aurobindo: “All depends on the consciousness in which one dies.” ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Pastille in the Wrong Mouth 1949-11-30 Sri Aurobindo used to take a pastille after finishing his food. These pastilles came from France. But during war-time they were prepared here by Sujata according to the formula given by Pavitra. Sri Aurobindo used to take the pastille at different times ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Andre 1949-11-04 Mother informed Sri Aurobindo: “André 1 is coming today from France. They want to arrange things in such a way that he can meet me as soon as he comes from Madras without waiting. I do not know where to see him; there is no place where I could see him alone. Generally ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Bad Temper 1949-11-16 Copies of the latest number of the Bulletin had arrived. Mother gave me one. I said: “I don't need.” Mother: “You don't need it?” She repeated the question three times. C: “No, Mother. I don't need it.” Mother: “You are not interested in this?” She opened Bulletin ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Averting Rains 4.10.1949 Mother informed Sri Aurobindo that harvesting was going on it Cazanove 1 and that if it rained it would spoil the paddy. It did not rain. 5.10.1949 Mother told Sri Aurobindo: “Today also there shall be no rain; up to Friday.” Sri Aurobindo: “Oh ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Useless to Guide 1949-11-04 The Mother came to Sri Aurobindo's room as usual. She told him: “Today I am going to see X, but I do not feel like seeing him. Every time he says 'Yes, yes', and never does what I say. There are men who are creatures of circumstances, and there are those who master ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks American Edition of “The Life Divine” 1949-11-03 Copies of the American edition of The Life Divine arrived today and Mother presented them to Sri Aurobindo. He looked happy and remarked: “Oh, in one volume!” All the previous editions in India had been issued in two volumes, at times in three ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “Good Lord!” 1949-12-12 Sri Aurobindo was waiting to retire. It was 1.20 a.m. He asked me whether Mother was still downstairs. C: “No. Mother will first open the door; she has not yet opened it. Next she will see some people at the door and only then will she go down.” Sri Aurobindo: “Good ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks He Enquires 1949-11-07 It was midnight. Sri Aurobindo asked me whether Mother had, come up after the Pranam. “Yes, long back, at 11.40,” I replied. Sri Aurobindo: “Then, why did you not tell me?” C: “I thought you must have known!” Usually I did not inform him about it unless asked. ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Caring for Mother It was X's birthday. When I informed Mother about it, she told me to keep Sri Aurobindo's Letters on the Mother , for giving to him. I asked Mother to give him two photographs also. Mother: “Why two? Give only Sri Aurobindo's. Not mine. He does not care for me. Do you think ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Sri Aurobindo’s Protection after Death 1959-05-17 In the morning I informed Mother of the passing away of Mrityunjoy's elder sister. Mother said: “Yes, she was not keeping well for a long rime. She was sick.” While Mother was having breakfast after Balcony darshan, she said that she had come ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Premature Supramental World 1958-02-15 Mother wrote in her diary: “Last night I had a vision of what the supramental world would be like if the people were not sufficiently prepared. The confusion that now exists on earth is nothing in comparison with what may happen. Just imagine any strong will ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “If I Tear?” In those days the Mother used to count and arrange the currency notes that had been offered. Once it happened that some of the one-rupee notes had been stapled by the bank and she had some difficulty in separating them. I offered to do it. She looked at me and said, in a disarming manner: ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Chinese Language On seeing the artistically designed cover of the Chinese translation of The Life Divine , Mother was specially pleased and remarked on Chinese habits and referred to their language. She said: “In Japan I had also learnt some Chinese besides the Japanese Language; but only so much ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 10 October 1933 Today I was very much disappointed in drawing and began to get suggestions for giving up the whole thing. There is no reason for any such disappointment. Most of your work has shown that you have an innate capacity. As for failures, an artist learning his art has no right to be discouraged even ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 11 January 1934 Day before yesterday I had asked something for copying from Mother. But I did not get any answer. Is it better for me to give up this drawing? Perhaps there is no possibility in me. I forgot to take Mother's answer in the hurry of the work. Mother is giving you a painting to begin with; you ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 3 March 1934 I prepare the juice for the day as follows: Morning—8.15 a.m.—1 tumbler—5 1/2 oranges Afternoon—1.15 p.m.—1 tumbler—5 1/2 oranges For Sri Aurobindo—1/4 tumbler—2 1/2 oranges Now I would like to know how much juice should I prepare for the night to put in the thermos? When there is no ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 18 November 1933 About 20 days back I saw a flame of fire coming out of a lotus. At that time I thought it was only my imagination. Today I see something like that on the cover of the book The Mother . I have tried to draw it. Has it any meaning? It must be the fire of aspiration rising from the opened co ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 23 September 1933 I would like to know what I have to do to develop my drawing. Try to look at things for a long time till you have an impression which you can keep in your mind. Then come back and reproduce the impression you kept. 23.9.1933 Sri Aurobindo ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 12 January 1934 Though I feel I have full faith I think there is some part that still has not got faith. All the parts do not get enlightened at the same time; the subconscient parts are slow to change, but they change in the end. 12.1.1934 Sri Aurobindo ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 11 January 1934 Will you say something about my work? What is the defect and what change I must make in my attitude? Mother says you are doing your work perfectly well; so you need not worry thinking it has defects. 11.1.1934 Sri Aurobindo ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 6 October 1933 I find painting very interesting but also very difficult. You have the capacity. You have only to be steady in your endeavour. 6.10.1933 Sri Aurobindo ...
... Part I: Letters of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II The Burden of the Past Champaklal, Tell D on behalf of myself and the Mother that she must not allow herself to be crushed by the burden of the past. All she has to do is to turn her back on this past and sexual weakness, for which she was not herself primarily responsible ...
... × Whenever we first met the Mother in the morning, I used to say, “Bonjour. douce Mere” (Good Morning, Mother!). The Mother used to reply “Bonjour, Champaklal!” This sounds sweeter in French than in English. (The Mother would greet only a few persons by their names.) ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Two Aspects of the Mother During Mother's lifetime, work and those who did the work kept changing. Bansidhar, my brother (who first came here in November 1927) was fortunate to get the work of sweeping and cleaning Mother's room in Meditation House, or rather she made him fortunate. When I remembered ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Clock that Chimes 1946-06-23 I came to know that Kapadia has offered one big wall clock which chimes. I thought that it would be very convenient for Sri Aurobindo if it were kept in his room. For every now and then he himself used to pick up the timepiece kept on a stool near his bed and look ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Sri Aurobindo’s Hand 1946-05-27 When Sri Aurobindo was to sign and autograph books sitting on his bed, we used to place a table in front of him. Today, however, there was only one book and so no table was placed. I sat by his side on the floor and after the book was signed, I showed him my palm ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks My Portrait 1944-10-06 I showed to Mother my portrait done by her on my birthday in 1935. Some small yellow spots had appeared on the paper. Mother: “That happens when the paper is not good.” C: “But this paper is of a good quality.” Mother: “There must have been some defect in ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Bottles and Corks 1946-06-11 Right from the time I started work with Mother, she used to give me bottles whose corks would not easily open. Somehow, most of the time, I used to succeed. In this connection she told me once: “You know, before you came, if a bottle could not be opened, I used to ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Hard Work 1946-07-05 Today it was a record. Sri Aurobindo finished his lunch at 2.04 p.m. Since sometime it has been advancing from 12 to 12.30, 1, 1.30 and so on, due to delay in Mother's coming—Mother's time being taken up with work. Mother has been more and more occupied. At times she has ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Possession 1944-12-04 While combing Sri Aurobindo's hair Mother told him about V: “It seems to me it is a possession. If I do anything it is dangerous for her. Better she does not see me; that is good for her. Seeing me won't be good for her. Perhaps pining may do good. By giving shocks to the ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Fall of Poland 1944-10-04 After listening to a Polish visitor, Mother said: “As if they are living for the Truth only and they are the people who will give the Truth to the world! There are people there who worship the Black Mary; I think it is a deformation of Kali. But they are not sincere in ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks “Like Us!” 1944-09-17 Mother: “Chinese soldiers quarrel in ordinary matters, without understanding the seriousness of the situation.” Sri Aurobindo: “Like us!” ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Datta Datta was not keeping well. Mother went to see her and after coming from there, she told Sri Aurobindo: “Peaceful, detached.” Sri Aurobindo: “Ah!” ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Burden on Mother As you know, in the early days people used to offer roses or jasmines with their nice fragrance. After Mother gave significances to flowers, people began bringing more and more flowers of different kinds to her. They started giving in Mother's hand flower after flower, one by one; ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Flexible You know the photograph of Sri Aurobindo in profile. It was taken. the Danish artist [Johannes Hohlenberg] when came here [in 1915] to make a portrait of Sri Aurobindo. As Sri Aurobindo could not be expected to sit for as long a time as required, the artist this photograph to help him do ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Choice of Envelopes Mother was always particular in choosing the right envelopes for her letters. The envelope had to be just the right size—neither too big nor too tight. The recipient should find it convenient to take out the letter easily—this was her requirement. After the envelope was chosen ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Mother’s Humility I clearly remember this small but significant incident. In those days Mother was not keeping well. She came out other salon at night and stood near Sri Aurobindo's door. I was sitting near Sri Aurobindo's bed. She looked at me and asked: “Can I see Sri Aurobindo?” Truly her ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Bimalendu the Dancer Bimalendu was a talented and gifted dancer. He was on a visit to the Ashram and was very anxious that Mother should see his dance. It was arranged that he would dance at night in Mridu's room [in Prasad House] and Mother would watch from the Balcony from where she used to give ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks No Time for Food 1949-12-12 Mother told me: “For the last two days I have not been able to have food for want of time. Today also I could not. I want to eat m. I Go and inform the people that I won't open the door before 1.30. p.m.” Accordingly I went and informed the people. This is typical ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 16 March 1933 At times I feel that I have lost the devotion which I had when I first came to you. At times I feel that the devotion is not lost but has become more steady and quiet. What is the fact? No, you have not lost your devotion; it may have lost some effervescence, but not its intensity. Though I ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 6 November 1932 Mother, I wrote a letter to Sri Aurobindo [regarding my afternoon rest]. He replied, “She does not Insist.” I misunderstood its meaning and stopped taking rest and started drawing and painting flowers during resting time. But now that I have understood my mistake I beg your pardon. I do not want ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 5 January 1933 During meditations I find that my head and trunk bend down again and again. I am conscious but I cannot help it. Should I stop coming for meditations? It does not matter. You must not stop coming to meditation. Sri Aurobindo I have learnt that Mother does not like people coming for ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 14 May 1933 [Regarding Pranam, in which the Mother blessed the sadhaks through her eyes and by placing her hand upon their heads.] No, only sometimes she does not press with the whole hand. It depends on different things with different sadhaks. But most often it depends more on the Mother's own condition; ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 6 January 1933 I have done this picture without anybody's help. How is it? Will I be able to learn? To learn means months and months of study before any picture can be done; studies from nature, drawing first for a long time, painting only after. If you are ready to study hard and regularly, then you can ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 20 September 1932 G does not come for pranam in the morning. Is this a higher state in his sadhana? If he does not go out of his house one can understand but I see him going about with others as usual. How to abstain from Pranam can be the sign of a “higher state of sadhana”? It is simply a fancy of his ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 3 November 1932 There is a cavity in my left upper molar tooth, which has become bigger than before. There is occasional bleeding from the gums surrounding the tooth cavity. I pray Mother to let me know whether it is necessary for me to consult a dentist. You can get the tooth filled, but do not let him pull ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 3 April 1933 Today one big calamity has happened. The watch chain which Mother gave me is lost. But the watch is there. Why did I lose it? What meaning can it have? How did you “lose” it if the watch is still there? Is it not possible that it is merely mislaid somewhere? 3.4.1933 Sri Aurobindo ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 4 April 1933 By the Grace of the Mother I got back the chain which I lost yesterday. It was lying on the footpath. 4.4.1933 ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 6 June 1935 I talk as little as possible; I avoid going out. This is why I feel these things arise from within myself. Quite wrong. I have explained how they come. Why do I rejoice only when Mother smiles at me or gives a special opportunity? I ought to rejoice in all situations. If after living so many ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 30 May 1935 Even though I know that I am very near to you and Mother by Thy Grace, why do I still doubt whether I am progressing or not? It is the doubt that most or many are raising now in the Ashram. “Where am I? Where am I going? Am I really doing the Yoga? it seems to me I am getting nothing. There is no ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 30 March 1948 The generosity of your absolute self-giving will bring to you the revelation of the generosity of the Divine's Love. 30.3.1948 The Mother (I once received a telegram from someone who was in great difficulty. I sent it to Mother for reply. Sri Aurobindo wrote): Keep faith quietude ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 7 July 1936 After living here for so many years I have still no control over my anger. I hear that there is a medicine for it in homeopathy. Should I try it? If the irritability were the result of an illness (nervous or other), it might be treated by homeopathy, but this is not that. It is one of the folds ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 19 April 1940 Mother, For the past few months I get the idea of going from here. Is it from you? If it is Mother's wish I can go. Your ignorant child, Champak, with Pranam. No, it is a hostile suggestion trying to send you away because your presence is most helpful and necessary. I hope you will dismiss ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 4 July 1935 About my getting pain. Mother, you said, “It depends on something”. It depends on what? I think it was not recently that Mother said that but a long time ago. She meant that it was the bondage to the physical consciousness movements (physical mind, physical vital) which prevented the response in ...
... Part IV – Correspondence Champaklal Speaks 29 August 1936 X wants to learn music. Can she learn from a violinist from the town? Surely not violin; the way in which violin is played here is simply offensive. And to learn true violin, one must begin to learn when 8 years old. But if she finds somebody to teach her the Veena it is all right. 29.8.1936 ...
... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother c. 1930 Mother, I am really attached to my family a lot and especially to my father. Would you please write down for me whatever you said this morning because it has helped me a lot? Though I am not fit to be your child, by Thy Grace all is possible. Thy Grace is my Mantra. I ...
... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 15 March 1934 Mother, When I came up at 8.30 p.m., S was sitting on the stairs facing the door which opens inside. He asked me whose footsteps were being heard? Who was walking inside? I said to him that I did not know. Mother I would like to know whether my answer was all ...
... (Correspondence with Champaklal) Champaklal's Correspondence with The Mother 9 March 1934 My child, your work is what it has always been, worthy of the trust we have put in you and you need not worry at all about that. But be very careful to let no influence diminish your confidence in me and allow nothing or nobody to separate you from me. 9 March ...
... Mother used this term more and more for the supramental, especially when concretely perceived. × Champaklal Speaks , 251. × The Mother: Notes on the Way, p. 229. ...
... effort, the descent into matter of the higher, supramental Consciousness was expected. Now the circumstances of Sri Aurobindo’s life changed drastically. Where before only the Mother and the faithful Champaklal had been regular visitors to his rooms, now doctors, medical assistants and one or two other helpers had to be admitted, for the fracture of the thigh had been nasty and took a long time to heal ...
... One is so open and so receptive that one can assimilate all that is given. I can then do many things, that is why it is important.’ 26 Each one got a beautiful birthday card, made or chosen by Champaklal, with the name of the person, a few words in her handwriting and her signature (representing a bird of Peace). Each one received that smile and that look. Her body was everywhere, therefore surely ...
... demands of this integral path and would leave it, sometimes after many years; others would become the pillars of the work. There are names that have become well-known for a variety of reasons: Dyuman, Champaklal, Barin, Purani, Dilip Kumar Roy, Pavitra, Pujalal, Nirodbaran, K.D. Sethna (of his Ashram name Amal Kiran), etc. Others, and not necessarily less notable, have given their best in anonymity. In 1925 ...
... O Love, You are my only refuge. All right, my dear little one. I wanted to write to you this morning to put an end to all this. It is really quite useless. Rest, and on 19th morning come with Champaklal to arrange the curios. And we will speak no more about illness! Tenderness and blessings 17 April 1963 ...
... Gautam Chawalla) Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother 14 December 1962 Gautam, my dear child, The new room will be cleaned by Dyuman and Champaklal who are already taking care of the old room. So, for the time being, no one else is necessary. Anyway, I know very well that you wanted to do this work, thinking it would give you the opportunity ...
... greater quietude in people's minds would have allowed the incident to be 'liquidated' in a less uproarious fashion — but the Mother was absorbed in the music and could only intervene later on when Champaklal consulted her. That is all." And sometimes, though rarely, we had pure fun as well — just unqualified laughter and mirth. To give; an instance or two: I had a friend whom we called Bindu ...
... × Kireet Joshi, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother , p. 118. × Champaklal Speaks , p. 251. × Kireet Joshi, op. cit., p. 118. ...
... In springtime from the Cuckoo-bird Breaking the silence of the seas Among the farthest Hebrides. Your recent experiences in England interest me a great deal. The appearance of Champaklal in your midst must have been indeed inspiring. How did his globe-trotting steps turn right towards your Kentish house? Your short but vivid account of Champaklal's play with the ancient sword sent ...
... to my flat. Most probably we walked hand in hand, for I had always the urge to catch her hand. On several occasions when I was on my knees before her and had moved slightly aside to let Champaklal or someone else talk with her, I would gently hold the hand hanging by her side. What was most delightful to me was not just my clasp on her - it was the immediate response of her fingers, her s ...
... adequately? Will I be a first-rate follower of Sri Aurobindo, a full-fledged child of the Mother?" Perhaps there is a streak of Page 57 unacknowledged ambition - a jealousy of Nolini and Champaklal and Pavitra and Dyuman, possibly even of stumbling, fumbling and still onward-rumbling Amal Kiran! On the other hand, you underrate your own powers of intelligence and application and industry, your ...
... Nolini, on occasion, must have been heard yawning and seen drooping his eyelids. At present - November 1987 - I can't quite say "Yawned" in our hearing with regard to another of our notable sadhaks, Champaklal, for that might break his 12-year old mauna, voluntary muteness! Yet some sign of semi-somnolence of soul must have been there at times for him too. In any case, though we may seem to recede from ...
... thread no less than the sacred shirt of the Parsis. Both these characteristics are more a sign of the Zoroastrian religion as distinct from the Aurobindonian path than the Hindu sacred thread which Champaklal kept wearing. For the latter is exclusive to the Brahmins among the Hindus and does not have the universal sweep of the pre-Aurobindonian as does my long-discarded Parsi symbols of religious commitment ...
... copy. After a few days I drew her attention to the fact and declared what Savitri meant to me. I made the resounding statement: "I would give my heart's blood for Savitri." She at once asked Champaklal for a copy and, writing my name on it and signing, presented it to me. Yes, I would give my heart's blood because it is as if it were itself given to me by Savitri! Ever since, apropos ...
... to acceptance of body-abandonment, we should, in my opinion, put it after certain incidents reported by Pranab. 2 On 14 November last year, the Mother tried to do some walking with the help of Champaklal and Pranab but could not and had a severe temporary collapse. She took twenty minutes to recover. Immediately on recovery she said: "Lift me up again, I shall walk." She was told that it would be ...
... moustache at times and wait for her to come out with the right formula instead of himself rushing forward with his own version. Once when she asked him for a statement and he would not say a word, Champaklal drew everybody's attention to his modest behaviour. By his half-shy half-patient dumbness we got the Mother's own statement: otherwise she might have let pass a lesser couching of the truth. ...
... February 2001, pp. 99-101. Page 84 people endowed with partial knowledge, preoccupied with preconceived notions, and limited ability to see things holistically. I used to think of Champaklal as the Mother's Lion, guarding Her physical domain. Likewise, I view Amal Kiran as Sri Aurobindo's Lion of mental-spiritual pursuits. Yes, all these and some more are the reasons why I was ...
... of dust, but a speck of dust that is suffering,’ she had once said. Her body started showing bedsores. That night, she asked every ten or fifteen minutes to be lifted from the bed, and Pranab and Champaklal did so till she fell asleep around four o’clock in the morning. On 14 November she wanted to walk: ‘Make me walk!’ ‘We were hesitant,’ says Pranab, ‘but as she insisted, we lifted her up from ...
... The Spirit of Auroville Later the Mother told Nolini Kanta Gupta, Counouma, Dyuman, André, Amrita, Champaklal, Vasudha, Navajata and others that I had received the correct vision. It was nice to read the Mother's talk of 23-6-65 in Mother India, Monthly Review of Culture , special issue of February 1967: Have you heard of Auroville? For a long ...
... The Divine Grace—Thy goodness is infinite; I bow before Thee in gratitude! These flowers were arranged against a background formed by a cloth hung over the back of a chair. Jayantilal and Champaklal were present. We waited for the Mother. The minutes ticked by and I became impatient and nervous. I was shaken considerably by this trial, which had not been of my seeking. The Mother came smiling—but ...
... most exquisite picture-cards, so that I might perceive and grasp their beauties and obtain inspiration from Nature: trees, flowers, mountains, rivers, animals and so on. These cards were prepared by Champaklal. He used to paste the pictures on folders, on which the Mother wrote to me. Surely the Mother did not take up the Savitri work abruptly. She educated me both outwardly and inwardly, knowing ...
... International Salon of Photography which had been sponsored by the Sri Aurobindo Ashram photographers. I remember that the Mother had sent me several snaps of chosen photographs, as cards prepared by Champaklal, her personal attendant, on which she had written messages and her perpetual love and blessings. The Mother's view of photography was: Photography is an art when the photographer is ...
... Record of Yoga Record of Drishti, 30 July 1927 July 30ᵗʰ 1927 1) Chl [Champaklal] lolling and rolling in a chair trance-awake. Intimation. "The most material will now be conscious." 2) A palm-tree of inordinate length growing from the bottom of the side of a well, climbing up and emerging above the earth level. All below now open (the ...
... Devotion to the Divine, fidelity to his work and obedience to his will are the first supports of the Yoga. On these pillars all the rest can be supported. 11 February 1948 Page 841 For Champaklal Tranquillise and widen your consciousness; go deeper into your soul. 2 February 1940 A clarified consciousness with strength to reject all inconscience and receive all that comes from the ...
... On Himself, 26. 172 129. Ibid., 26 .168- 169 142. Ibid., 26 .416 130. Leiters on Yoga, 22.424 -425 143. The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth, 16.73 13 1. Champaklal Speaks ( 1976), p.66 144. Mother's Agenda Vo l. 8, p. 173 132. On Him self, 26 .169-170 133 . Ibid., 26.401 -402 134. Ibid., 26.46 Page 262 ...
... Not the blackout of a faint—my eyes no longer saw. I saw only shadows. 'Ah!' I said to myself, 'where is the step?!' And to avoid missing it, I clutched the railing. What a commotion that made! Champaklal came rushing up, thinking I was about to fall! Anyhow.... It was only afterwards, a long time after, that I began to see again. It was clearly something that was NOT WILLING. But when will ...
... merging with yours, and then a kind of vast immobility—a powerful immobility. Ah, that's it! That must be why! Yes, the body must be getting alarmed. Yes, that must be it. ( Mother plunges in, Champaklal rings the bell ) Is it time?... Oh, mon petit.... ( Satprem rests his head on Mother's lap ) × Coincidentally ...
... quiet! All right. All right, then. I don't want to hear anything from anybody. All right, then. ( Pranab goes to the other end of the room. He shouts for the benefit of Dr. Sanyal, Champaklal, Mother's attendant and Vasudha, who are all present. ) (Pranab:) I have my faith, I have my conviction, I have my purpose, and even if I am in the dark.... (Satprem to Mother:) Shall I ...
... these people that they are selfish and stupid, and I want nothing from them ." And I banged on the table.... Oh, oh!... Everyone was petrified. ( Mother laughs ) The doctor was there, and Nolini, Champaklal, Amrita.... Something in me was laughing a lot! Oh, they thought I was in a terrible fit: "They'll see what will happen to them!..." And you know, those vibrations are familiar to me—they're terrifying ...
... wanted to wait till I had seen him the second time before telling you the story. Here is what happened: I do my usual "bath of the Lord" and it Page 344 is arranged that, after a time, Champaklal opens the door—which signals to me the end of the visit. So I looked at X, just to see (I had looked at him several times before, but there was nothing particular), I looked at him and saw in front ...
... Signed: Eugène Card. Tisserand It's interesting. Who has replaced him? I don't know, nobody has been appointed yet. But since then, they've been quiet here. ( Mother plunges in Champaklal comes up to Mother, abruptly pulling her out of her state ) I was in Italy. Stories with cardinals.... × See ...
... In the morning the Mother said: "I am not giving you any books on this birthday. You have all of them." I replied: "Not all. I don't have On the Veda and Poems from Bengali." She asked Champaklal to keep them ready. When she went for lunch, I kept a note for her on the table by which she would pass on her way to the bathroom: "The books you will be giving me are certainly welcome, but what ...
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