Find in Savitri Poems Flowers
... e Verses (10 January 1958) Every Friday I shall read out to you a few verses of the Dhammapada, then we shall meditate on that text. This is to teach you mental control. If I think it necessary I shall give you an explanation. The Dhammapada begins with conjugate verses; here is the first one: In all things the primordial element is mind. Mind predominates... this is what the Dhammapada points out here: what it calls the infernal world consists of psychological ranges, particular states of consciousness you enter when you do wrong, that is to say, when you stray away from all that is beautiful, pure, happy and you live in ugliness and wickedness. Nothing is more disheartening than to live in an atmosphere of wickedness. What the Dhammapada says here in an... Everything proceeds from mind. If a man speaks or acts with a purified mind, happiness accompanies him as closely as his inseparable shadow. This is the counterpart of what we read last time. The Dhammapada contrasts a purified mind with an evil mind. We have already said that there are four successive stages for the purification of the mind. A purified mind is naturally a mind that does not admit any ...
... On The Mother CHAPTER 47 Readings in "Dhammapada" I From the middle of August 1957 till September 1958, every Friday evening the Mother used to read a few verses from the Dhammapada to a class consisting of students, teachers and Ashramites. Her commentaries, based on a French translation of the Pali text, were in French and were tape-recorded... formulas profitably, it can be very helpful... . 2 The Dhammapada is among the supreme scriptures of the world, an analogue to the Bhagavad Gita and The Imitation of Christ; and although primarily addressed to Buddhists, it has a message for all, and will have always a freshness of its own. Whether or not the verses in the Dhammapada were actually uttered by the Buddha, they doubtless convey... Answers, volume 3 of the Mother's Collected Works, pages 183-298; those pages were photographically reproduced in book-form in 1989 as Commentaries on the Dhammapada. Page 639 II While giving readings from the Dhammapada and commentaries on them followed by meditations, the Mother was not only putting the children of the Ashram in rapport with the core of the Buddha's teaching ...
... writings, the Dhammapada (in Pali: "Words of Doctrine", or "Way of Truth") is probably the best known book in the Pali Buddhist canon and the most quoted in other Buddhist writings: an anthology of basic Buddhist teachings (primarily ethical teachings) in an easy aphoristic style. As the second text in the Khuddaka Nikaya ("Short Collection") of the Sutta Pittaka, The Dhammapada contains 423... 423 stanzas arranged in 26 chapters. Page 41 Ajanta Page 42 Dhammapada (a few extracts) The Flowers Who will conquer this world of illusion and the kingdom of Yama' and the world of the gods? Who will discover the path of the Law as the skilled gardener discovers the rarest of flowers? The disciple on the right path will conquer this world of illusion and... Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. Buddha and the Gospel of Buddhism. New York: Verry, 1964. David-Neel, Alexandra. Buddhism : its Doctrines and its Methods. London: B.I. Publications, 1977. Dhammapada, The. Trs. Thera Narada. London: John Murray, 1972. Saddhatissa, H. Buddhist Ethics. London: Alien & Unwin, 1970. The Buddha s Way. London: Alien & Unwin, 1971 The Life of the ...
... Ambu's Correspondence with The Mother 15 January 1935 Ma! What is the "Dhammapada"? What does it mean? It was written by whom? The Dhammapada is the book containing the teachings of the Buddha (Cakya Muni). "Dhammapada" is a Pali word which means the foundation of the Law. Love and blessings to my dear faithful Baby 15 January 1935 ...
... 1997. Page 313 Commentaries on the Dhammapada. The Mother based her commentaries on the Dhammapada on a French translation of the Pali text made by a French disciple. The commentaries, given in French, were tape-recorded and then transcribed. The text and commentaries were first published in 1960 under the title Commentaires sur le Dhammapada. A second edition appeared in 1964. An English ...
... " Everything that helps humanity to make progress is a help, and all that prevents it from making progress is an obstacle! In fact, you are asking this because we study and meditate on the Dhammapada.... 3 Naturally, I took this text because I consider that at a particular stage of development it can be very useful. It is a discipline which has been crystallised in certain formulas and if... else and see that historically it was useful but now is so no longer. Certainly, to those who have reached, for instance, a certain state of development and mental control, I won't say, "Read the Dhammapada and meditate on it"; it would be a waste of time. I give it to those who have not gone beyond the stage where it is necessary. But always man takes upon his shoulders an interminable burden. He does... × For some months, every Friday in the younger children's class Mother used to read a few verses from the Dhammapada, the most sacred text of Buddhist Teaching. ...
... accomplishments, him in truth I consider to be a Brahmin. Such is the conclusion of the Dhammapada and if we have put into practice—to use its image—only a mustard seed of all that has been taught to us, well, we have not wasted our time. There is one thing which is not spoken of here, in the Dhammapada: a supreme disinterestedness and a supreme liberation is to follow the discipline of self- ...
... this result, then it will be an excellent thing. We can select three things from what I have read this evening. The first is that you must persist in what you do if you want to get a result. The Dhammapada tells us, for example, that if you have a mantra and do not repeat it sufficiently, there is no use in having it and that if you are inattentive, you lose the benefit of vigilance, and that if you... of numerous difficulties in one's character and also one avoids a great many frictions and misunderstandings. This is true. Another point to remember from our reading concerns impurity and the Dhammapada gives the example of bad will and wrong action. Wrong action, says our text, is a taint in this world as well as in others. In the next verse it is said that there is no greater impurity than ignorance ...
... one of these sentences expresses a very deep truth. It is one of those happy sentences which are very expressive. So that helps you to find the truth that is behind. When we have finished the Dhammapada, that is what I intend to do. I am at present translating the latest of Sri Aurobindo's books we have published, Thoughts and Aphorisms , and I intend, every Friday, to give one single sentence... I took it very seriously. I am going to keep my promise. There. Page 384 × At that time it was from the Dhammapada. ...
... seized again by his mania for the road, the Agenda of 1959, alas, is strewn with great gaps and is almost nonexistent. The following conversation is in regard to one of Mother's commentaries on the Dhammapada: 'Evil' ) I spent a night—a night of battle—when, for some reason or other, a multitude of vital formations of all kinds entered into the room: beings, things, embryos of beings, residues of ... end to it!' It is quite interesting to watch it once, but it isn't very pleasant. × In this Commentary on the Dhammapada . ...
... 2 J. H. Bateson, "Buddhist Attitude towards Body" in Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Vol. II. Page 10 (Dhammapada). All evil passions proceed from the body (Sutta Nipāta). There is no pain like the body (Dhammapada). A complete release from suffering is possible only by emancipation from body and matter; hence, the summum bonum of Buddhism and ...
... 239, 255, 321, 325, 328-9, 674, 691 David-Neel, Mme Alexandra 29, 633 Daulatram Sharma 230 Dayanand Saraswati 624 Deshmukh, C.D. 652 Devi Mahatmyam 278, 662 Dhar, Manoranjan 821 Dhammapada 82, 192, 506, 639ff, 668, 836 Dilip Kumar Roy 48, 92, 213, 226, 255, 260ff, 296-7, 358, 370, 372, 430, 503 Diwakar, R.R. 596, 662, 695 Dostoevsky, Fyodor 481 Drouet, Mifaou 621 Duraiswami... by the Mother 375 Youth 468 Energy Inexhaustible 469 Towards the Future 470ff, 758 Foresight 479 The Ideal Child 480 Tales of All Times 480ff, 505 Commentaries on the Dhammapada 506, 639ff On Education 508ff Science of Living 509 Transformation 515 The Four Austerities and the Four Liberations 540ff, 545 A Dream 574-5, 726 Ascent to the Truth 575 ...
... Aphorisms; on other days she distributed groundnuts or sweets, enabling all those assembled to go to her and receive her blessings. In the Friday classes, a sentence or a group of sentences from the Dhammapada was read, and the children were asked to meditate for a while. What was the purpose of the brief meditation? A sentence was but a mental formation, and wouldn't meditation on a sentence degenerate... Well, hadn't she been speaking about the spiritual life already, and about the difference between the popular notion of God and her own idea of the Divine? There had been readings from the Dhammapada, followed by meditations and discussions; wasn't all that about spiritual life? And she was always willing to answer specific queries. Now one of the children asked: "Why don't we profit as ...
... × Mothers Agenda XII, 10.27.1971 × Commentaires sur le Dhammapada × Entretiens, 5.3.1951 × ... × Entretiens, 7.29.1953 × Commentaires sur le Dhammapada × Mere repond (4ime serie), 12.9.1964 ...
... according to his nature and his receptivity. *** There is a stain, the worst of all stains, the stain of ignorance. Purify yourselves of that stain, O disciples, and be free of the mud. (Dhammapada) *** Men and women live in the world without yet having the least idea of either the invisible or the visible world. (Farid-uddin-Attar) *** A view of the recitation class ... mountain without passing through rough and difficult tracks. (Confucius) *** Seek for a guide who can lead you to the gates of knowledge where shines the light free of all darkness. (Dhammapada) *** ...
... 15 August 1958 This short talk was given on a Friday, the day on which the Dhammapada was usually read. As today is Sri Aurobindo's birthday I thought that instead of reading the Dhammapada I could read to you something which will both interest you and show you how Sri Aurobindo visualised our relation with the gods. You know, ...
... Agenda 1951-1960 January 31, 1960 ( Letter from Mother to the disciple concerning her former commentaries on the 'Dhammapada' at the Playground ) ...When I began the readings from the Dhammapada, I had hoped that my listeners would take enough interest in the 'practical' spiritual side for me to read only one verse at a time. But quite quickly, I saw they ...
... 23. MO 9:146-51 24. MO 9:158-59 25. MO 9:171 26. MO 9:193-94 27. MO 9:139 28. MO 9:141 29. MO 9:173-74 47. Readings in Dhammapada 1. MO 3:Pub Note (cf Note, 1989 ed.) 2. MO 9:196 3. Dhammapada : Pref 4. MO 9:197 5. MO 3:187 48. Supramental World 1. MO 15:171 2. Light- 48 3. Light- 48 4. MO 9:210 5. ...
... based on the philosophy of Lao-Tse and towards the end, She took up the ‘Dhammapada’. She took this up because it was a simple method of teaching meditation to the children. Since after 1956, these classes were held in the Playground and were all recorded and subsequently printed as The Mother’s Commentaries On The Dhammapada and since they are already available as a book, I am not adding in the present ...
... the mighty structures of the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, Kalidasa and Bhavabhuti and Bhartrihari and Jayadeva and the other rich creations of classical Indian drama and poetry and romance, the Dhammapada and the Jatakas, the Panchatantra, Tulsidas, Vidyapati and Chandidas and Ramprasad, Ramdas and Tukaram, Tiruvalluvar and Kamban and the songs of Nanak and Kabir and Mirabai and the southern Shaiva ...
... like a cyclone, and nothing could have stopped me.” 952 Mirra was a headstrong character, and the floodgates were opened. Now she read all the spiritual literature she could lay her hands on, the Dhammapada and other Buddhist and Hinduist texts. These were, besides, the decades of a general discovery of the art and the religions of the East, stimulated by writers like the Maupassant brothers and by ...
... statues, so that the place became really a kind of a temple to her. She read extensively in the religious literature of the East, deepened her knowledge of the Bhagavad Gita, the Rig Veda, the Dhammapada and other essential texts, and discovered her vocation as an orientalist and a Buddhist. Her biographer, Jean Chalon, points out: ‘For Alexandra Buddhism was not a religion but a philosophy.’ ...
... done even long before she had the slightest idea of reincarnation. Eager for knowledge and understanding of her experiences, she read everything she could find about spirituality, including the Dhammapada and other Buddhist texts. But she was never satisfied with mental knowledge only and always tried out in practice what she read. We may suppose that it was at some time during these years that the ...
... and lofty thought can be eminently Page 90 beneficial, so also a malevolent, base, wicked and selfish thought can be baneful. On this matter, I shall quote to you a passage from the Dhammapada which will give you an idea of the enormous importance attributed to thought by the wisdom of the past. "Whatever an enemy may do to an enemy, whatever a hater may do to a hater, the harm caused ...
... myself headlong into the work in order to forget all this. There is a lot of work with Herbert's things to correct, the revision of The Synthesis of Yoga , your old Questions and Answers and the Dhammapada , and perhaps you would accept to take up our work together again? Otherwise, if you consider it preferable to wait, I could go join Swami in Rameswaram, discarding all my little personal reactions ...
... × Savitri , III.IV.343 . × On the Dhammapada. × The Hour of God , XVII.1 . ...
... death of the Wise') and for that again one has to grow into the sense of one's spirit-eternity while still in the body. For an aspirant thus made 'ripe', the advent 1 thirst. 2 Dhammapada, Chapter XI. (Translation by De La Vallee Poussain) 3 Katha Upanishad, I .1.6. (Sri Aurobindo's translation) Page 347 of physical death is indeed a welcome event, for ...
... Supra-terrestrial is concerned, we have taken a text from the Bible, the text from the' Sermon on the Mount' and also from the Koran. And then for Supracosmic, we have taken a text from the Dhammapada and a text from Shankaracharya, his Vivekacudamani. We have written all the introductions so that each one is sympathetically understood and expounded and how each one can ultimately be synthesised ...
... the path of self-consecration and self-surrender have behind them such and allied misgivings whispered into their consciousness by their inordinate self-love. In her commentary on The Dhammapada the Mother has alluded to this noxious whispering of self-love in another context. The purpose of this whispering is of course to dissuade the sadhaka from following the path of the Spirit in ...
... DANDAKARANYA,276 Dante, 53, 60-1, 71, 85, 169, 176,219 -Inferno, 53, 60n., 149, 169n -Paradiso, 53, 71, 149 Danton, 103 Delille, 85 Denmark,175 Descartes, 286 Dhammapada, 279n Diocles, 108, 109n Dionysus, 182-3 Dirghatama, 162-6 Discabolo, 170 Donne, 74, 80 -Divine Poems, 80 ln -"Annvnciation", 81n -"The Litanie", 80n ...
... it in your mind, that is to say you must see and recognise that it is a new light and ask for it. And mind is the first or the topmost receptacle in man. You may remember here the opening line of Dhammapada containing the epitome of Buddha's teaching: "Manopubbangama dhamma" – mind is the foremost of all human functions. Mind surpasses all, embraces all. Now, the light as it comes down and enters ...
... Cyclops, 99 DAITYA, 46 Danege1d, 117 Dante, l8ln., 203, 209 – Divina Commedia, 181n. – Irifemo, 181n. Danton, 94 Da Vinci, Leonardo, 210 Debussy, 427 Devas, 253 Dhammapada , the, 9n., 159 Dionysus, 47 Dirghatamas, 44 Page 431 Diti,46 Durga, 98 EGYPT, 70, 133, 192, 199-200,419 Einstein, 274 England, 198 Esau, 397 ...
... said misery is the hallmark of things created; sorrow is the marrow and pith and the great secret of existence. Sabbe samkhara anichcha. Sabbe samkhara dukkha. Sabbe dhamma anatta.¹ ¹ Dhammapada, 278. Page 279 ...
... life, which, however, can be gained over only in this way and not by compulsion or coercion or violence. Na hi vairena vairani samyantiha kadacana. Never by enmity is enmity appeased, says the Dhammapada.¹ This is a way of cutting the Gordian knot. But the problem is not so simple as the moralist would have it. Resist not evil: if it is made an absolute rule, would not the whole world be filled ...
... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 DHAMMAPADA Pali The Twins [1] Mind is the foremost of all movements, mind is the highest of all movements, mind enters into all movements. If with an evil mind you speak or act, suffering ...
... of life, which, however, can be gained over only in this way and not by compulsion or coercion or violence. Na hi verena verani samantidha kudachana. Never by enmity is enmity appeased, says the Dhammapada. This is a way of cutting the Gordian knot. But the problem is not so simple as the moralist would have it. Resist not evil: if it is made an absolute rule, would not the whole world be filled ...
... and the means of its fulfilment, extract a code of ethics, a set of lofty moral rules and principles from the great religions and make them do duty for spirituality. The Sermon on the Mount, the Dhammapada or the Nitisutras are considered the very essence of the religions from which they have sprung, and it is believed that a devout following of their injunctions in the growing light of one's intelligence ...
... and as She was about to come out of the room, She saw Pavitra-da standing there waiting for Her, and went back in to speak with them. I had wanted to ask the Mother a question too, as I was reading Dhammapada, a book the Mother had given me recently and in which I was quite immersed. After a few minutes, the Mother came out with Pavitra-da and that gentleman. I was standing on the Mother's path. As soon ...
... All Times: stories for children. And other writings. Vol.3 Questions and Answers. Oral answers to questions about Yoga raised by disciples in 1929 and in 1930-31. Oral commentary on The Dhammapada in 1957-58. Vol.4 Questions and Answers 1950-51. Oral answers to questions about the Mother's essays on education and self-development, about her Questions and Answers 1929, and about ...
... Buddha and Brihaspati, could not dethrone the Veda or destroy India’s spiritual allegiance. India by an inevitable law of her being casts out, sooner or later, everything that is not Vedic. The Dhammapada has become a Scripture for foreign peoples. Brihaspati’s strictures are only remembered as a curiosity of our intellectual history. Religious movements & revolutions have come & gone or left their ...
... Correct seeing . To see things as they are, that is to say, a pure, accurate vision, the best vision. Three conditions characterise existence: pain, impermanence, the absence of a fixed ego. So the Dhammapada says. But it is not quite that, it is rather the absence of a fixed, durable and separate personality in the psychological aggregate, the lack of a true continuity in the personal consciousness. ...
... dogmas simply because that is what they have been taught. But he "has the sense of the Uncreated", that is to say, he is in contact with invisible things and knows them as they are, by identity. The Dhammapada has told us, to begin with, that the greatest of men is he who has no faith in what is taught but has a personal experience of things that are not visible, he who is free from all belief and has ...
... effectuated in action—speak little, act well. Beautiful words, they say, that are mere words, are like flowers without fragrance. And finally, lest you get discouraged by your own faults, the Dhammapada gives you this solacing image: the purest lily can spring out of a heap of rubbish by the wayside. That is to say, there is nothing so rotten that it cannot give birth to the purest realisation. ...
... giving you explanations on what I read. We have even begun, in the small class, to meditate on the disciplines which are necessary to lead a spiritual life. And when I took up the reading of the Dhammapada, we read many things leading to the knowledge of spiritual life. But if you have a precise question on a special point, you can ask it, I shall reply. Sweet Mother, why don't we profit as much ...
... reached the third step, not only is one cured but one has made a permanent progress. Source Concentrate on What You Want to Be ...lest you get discouraged by your own faults, the Dhammapada gives you this solacing image: the purest lily can spring out of a heap of rubbish by the wayside. That is to say, there is nothing so rotten that it cannot give birth to the purest realisation. ...
... would become the first Western woman to enter Lhasa, the forbidden Tibetan capital, in disguise. Mirra Richard also discovered the texts of Hinduism and Buddhism (e.g. the Bhagavad Gita and the Dhammapada). As it was her rule never to remain contented with theories but always to put them to the test, and given her natural endowments for occultism and spirituality, she made fast progress in a direction ...
... Chapter V The Misgiving and the Frown All that is born must taste death too ... (Gita, II, 27) Life, indeed, ends in death. ( Dhammapada, 148) Will all beings die ? Buddha said: "Short, O monks, is the life of man ... it is impossible that what is born should not die." (Abhidharmako ṣ avyākhyā) ...
... December, and I still do not know when they will resume. 3 Right now, I am translating the Aphorisms all alone and it seems to go quickly and well. This could also be revised and the book on the Dhammapada prepared for publication. For the time being, I am going downstairs only in the mornings at 6 for the balcony darshan and I immediately come back up without seeing anyone—then in the afternoons ...
... Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 Undated 1958 ( Concerning one of her commentaries on the Dhammapada, in the chapter 'The Thousand,' Mother remarks: ) All this seems quite dogmatic. Each time, only ONE aspect of the question is considered, whereas to be truly accurate, EVERYTHING would have to be said. It should be emphasized that this is only ONE point ...
... Bertrand Russell (iv) Scientific terrestrial aim of life The World as I See It by Einstein (v) Supra terrestrial aim of life Bible (vi) Supra-cosmic aim of life Dhammapada and Vivekacudamani by Samkaracharya *In the book, The Good Teacher and the Good Pupil, the authors have taken examples of good teachers and good pupils both from East and West ...
... David-Neel, Alexandra. Buddhism: Its Doctrines and Its Methods. London: B.I. Publications, 1977. Mukherjee, Radha Kumud. Ancient Indian Education. London: Macmillan, 1951. Niirada, Thera. trans. The Dhammapada. London: John Murray, 1972. Davids, Rhys. Buddhism. Delhi: Indological Book House, 1973. Page 101 ...
... happy sunlit state of someone who has resigned himself to the Divine's care for everything in his life, the Mother has said many important things in her Page 87 commentary on Dhammapada. Here is a rather long passage from her exposition: "...there is a certain state of consciousness — which one can acquire by aspiration and a persistent inner effort — in which joy in ...
... Suprême, 1912 Ire éd.1937 Éducation Ire éd.1952 Les Quatres Austérités & Les Quatres Libérations Ire éd.1953 Le Grand Secret Ire éd.1954 Commentaires sur le Dhammapada Ire éd.1960 Quelques Paroles Ire éd.1951 Paroles d'Autrefois Ire éd.1946 Quelques Réponses Ire éd.1964 Entretiens 1929 Ire éd.1933 Entretiens 1930-31, ...
... flesh). No longer shalt thou rear a house for me. Rafters and beams are shattered, and, with destruction of tanhā [ thirst for existence ], deliverance from repeated life is gained at last.' " (Dhammapada, Ch. xi). In the classical Illusionist theory of cosmic existence, a sole and supreme, self-existent and immutable Transcendence is accepted as the one and only Reality (Brahma satyam ...
... you must see and recognise that it is a new light and ask for it. And mind is the Page 24 first or the topmost receptacle in man. You may remember here the opening line of the Dhammapada containing the epitome of Buddha's teaching: "Manopubbangama dhammd" —Mind, is the foremost of all human functions. Mind surpasses all, embraces all. Now, as the light comes down and enters you ...
... This has been the highest consummation, the supreme goal which the purest spiritual experience and the deepest aspiration of the human consciousness generally sought to attain. 1 The Dhammapada, I. 1 Page 17 But in this view, the world or creation or Nature came in the end to be looked upon as fundamentally a product of Ignorance: ignorance and suffering and incapacity ...
... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 Dhammapada 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ...
... . This has been the highest consummation, the supreme goal which the purest spiritual experience and the deepest aspiration of the human consciousness generally sought to attain. ¹ The Dhammapada , I. 1 Page 9 But in this view, the world or creation or Nature came in the end to be looked upon as fundamentally a product of Ignorance: ignorance and suffering and incapacity ...
... Times: stories for children. And other writings. Volume 3 — Questions and Answers. Oral answers to questions about Yoga raised by disciples in 1929 and in 1930-31. Oral commentary on The Dhammapada in 1957-58. Volume 4 — Questions and Answers 1950-51. Oral answers to questions about the Mother's essays on education and self-development, her Questions and Answers 1929, and Sri Aurobindo's ...
... Wisdom. But she knew too, right from the beginning, that while Reason could be helpful, Reason couldn't unseal the doors of Reality. She read with close attention dependable translations of the Dhammapada, the Gita and Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, as also Swami Vivekandanda's lectures on Raja Yoga. Surely new horizons were opening before her, and she was avid forknowledge, and it was as though she ...
... Richards as "rare examples of European Yogins", and he had been in spiritual as well as material correspondence with Mirra since 1910. 19 She had already read and pondered over the Gita and the Dhammapada, the Yoga and the Bhakti Sutras, and had felt increasingly drawn to India. The myths and legends of India were known to her, and she was held in fascination by several of them. Forty years later ...
... brought up in France; she completed her occult education in Algeria; she grew to high intellectual maturity in Paris; she sought the true Light in the scriptures of the Orient, the Gita, the Dhammapada, the Upanishads, the Yogasutras; she found a master of spiritual illumination in Pondicherry. And now, in Japan, she sought the clues to an orderly and artistic way of life, the graces of the ...
... motherly love divine. The range of these talks covered many of the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, 10 and (in her Friday classes in 1957-58) even the world-renowned spiritual classic, the Dhammapada. The classes aimed at an integral education, but the method was simple: What I read at the beginning ought to serve to canalise the thought, to direct and focus it on a particular problem ...
... × Savitri, XL 1.700 × Commentaires sur le Dhammapada × The Synthesis of Yoga, 20:68 ...
... × Savitri, III.IV.389 × Comments on Dhammapada, 27.12.57 × The Hour of God, XVII.1 ...
... On the Dhammapada On the Dhammapada Questions and Answers (1929-1931) Old Age Why this joy, this gladness, when the world is forever burning? O you who are enveloped in shadows, why do you not seek the light? See then this poor decorated form, this mass of corruptible elements, of infirmities and vain desires in which ...
... On the Dhammapada On the Dhammapada Questions and Answers (1929-1931) Anger One should cast away anger, one should reject pride, one should break all bonds. One who is not attached to name or form, who possesses nothing, is delivered from suffering. Whosoever masters rising anger, as one who controls a moving chariot ...
... On the Dhammapada On the Dhammapada Questions and Answers (1929-1931) The Mind Just as the arrow-maker straightens his arrows, so also the intelligent man straightens his thoughts, wavering and fickle, difficult to keep straight, difficult to master. Just as a fish cast out of the water, our mind quivers and gasps ...
... On the Dhammapada On the Dhammapada Questions and Answers (1929-1931) Pleasure One who gives himself entirely to what is unprofitable, who does not give himself to what is profitable, who sacrifices true knowledge for the sake of pleasure, will envy those who have chosen the path of self-knowledge. Therefore do not ...
... On the Dhammapada On the Dhammapada Questions and Answers (1929-1931) The World Do not follow the way of evil. Do not cultivate indolence of mind. Do not choose wrong views. Do not be of those who linger in the world. Arise. Cast off negligence. Follow the teaching of wisdom. The sage knows happiness in this world ...
... On the Dhammapada On the Dhammapada Questions and Answers (1929-1931) Happiness Among those who hate, happy are we to live without hatred. Among men who hate, let us live free from hatred. Among those who suffer, happy are we to live with-out suffering. Among men who suffer, let us live free from suffering. Among ...
... On the Dhammapada On the Dhammapada Questions and Answers (1929-1931) The Fool Long is the night for one who sleeps not; long is the road for one who is weary; long is the cycle of births for the fool who knows not the true law. If a man cannot find a companion who is his superior or even his equal, he should resolutely ...
... On the Dhammapada On the Dhammapada Questions and Answers (1929-1931) The Thousands Better than a thousand words devoid of meaning is a single meaningful word which can bring tranquillity to one who hears it. Better than a thousand verses devoid of meaning is a single meaningful verse which can bring tranquillity to one who hears it. Better ...
... On the Dhammapada On the Dhammapada Questions and Answers (1929-1931) Craving The craving of a heedless man grows like the Maluva creeper. Like a monkey seeking fruits in the forest, he leaps from life to life. For one who in the world is overcome by the craving that clings, his miseries increase like Birana grass ...
... On the Dhammapada On the Dhammapada Questions and Answers (1929-1931) Miscellany If renouncing the slightest happiness enables him to realise a greater one, the intelligent man should renounce the lesser for the sake of the greater. If he seeks his own happiness by harming others, bound by hate, he remains the slave ...
... On the Dhammapada On the Dhammapada Questions and Answers (1929-1931) The Bhikkhu To control the eye is good; to control the ear is good; to control the nose and the tongue is good. It is good to control one's actions, words, mind. Control in all things is good. The Bhikkhu who controls himself entirely is delivered ...
... On the Dhammapada On the Dhammapada Questions and Answers (1929-1931) The Sage We should seek the company of the sage who shows us our faults, as if he were showing us a hidden treasure; it is best to cultivate relations with such a man because he cannot be harmful to us. He will bring us only good. One who exhorts ...
... On the Dhammapada On the Dhammapada Questions and Answers (1929-1931) Niraya (Hell) One who speaks untruth goes to Hell like one who, when he has done a thing, says: "I did not do it." Both, after death, will share the same fate, for these are men of evil. Though they wear the yellow robe, those who are dissolute ...
... On the Dhammapada On the Dhammapada Questions and Answers (1929-1931) The Elephant As the elephant on the battlefield endures the arrow shot from the bow, so also shall I patiently bear insult, for truly there are many of evil mind in the world. It is a tamed elephant that is led to the battlefield; one whom the Raja ...
... On the Dhammapada On the Dhammapada Questions and Answers (1929-1931) The Path The best of all paths is the Eightfold Path; the best of all truths is the Fourfold Truth; the best of all states is freedom from attachment; the best among men is the One who sees, the Buddha. Truly, this is the Path; there is no other ...
... On the Dhammapada On the Dhammapada Questions and Answers (1929-1931) Punishment All tremble when faced with punishment; all fear death. Seeing others as ourselves, do not strike, do not cause another to strike. All tremble when faced with punishment; life is dear to all. Seeing others as ourselves, do not strike ...
... On the Dhammapada On the Dhammapada Questions and Answers (1929-1931) Evil Hasten towards the good, leave behind all evil thoughts, for to do good without enthusiasm is to have a mind which delights in evil. If one does an evil action, he should not persist in it, he should not delight in it. For full of suffering ...
... On the Dhammapada On the Dhammapada Questions and Answers (1929-1931) The Just Man A man is not just if he judges arbitrarily. The wise man is one who distinguishes the just from the unjust, who judges others in full knowledge according to law and equity; this guardian of the Law is called a just man. The sage is ...
... On the Dhammapada On the Dhammapada Questions and Answers (1929-1931) The Ego If a man holds himself dear, let him guard himself closely. The sage should watch through one of the three vigils of his existence (youth, maturity, or old age). One should begin by establishing oneself in the right path; then, one will ...
... On the Dhammapada On the Dhammapada Questions and Answers (1929-1931) Vigilance + − AUDIO ...
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