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English [98]
A Centenary Tribute [3]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Vision of United India [1]
Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother [3]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [3]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Auroville references in Mother's Agenda [2]
Bande Mataram [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [2]
Down Memory Lane [1]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [2]
Hitler and his God [7]
Images Of The Future [1]
Karmayogin [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [3]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [2]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [1]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [2]
Mother or The New Species - II [3]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [7]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
Our Light and Delight [2]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [2]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Prithwi Singh's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Problems of Early Christianity [5]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [1]
The Aim of Life [2]
The Crucifixion [5]
The Great Sense [1]
The Human Cycle [2]
The Mother on Auroville [1]
The Poetic Genius of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Wonder that is K D Sethna alias Amal Kiran [1]
Words of Long Ago [3]
Words of the Mother - I [2]
Filtered by: Show All
English [98]
A Centenary Tribute [3]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Vision of United India [1]
Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother [3]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [3]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Auroville references in Mother's Agenda [2]
Bande Mataram [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [2]
Down Memory Lane [1]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [2]
Hitler and his God [7]
Images Of The Future [1]
Karmayogin [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [3]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [2]
Mother or The Divine Materialism - I [1]
Mother or The Mutation Of Death - III [2]
Mother or The New Species - II [3]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [7]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
Our Light and Delight [2]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [2]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Prithwi Singh's Correspondence with The Mother [2]
Problems of Early Christianity [5]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [1]
The Aim of Life [2]
The Crucifixion [5]
The Great Sense [1]
The Human Cycle [2]
The Mother on Auroville [1]
The Poetic Genius of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Wonder that is K D Sethna alias Amal Kiran [1]
Words of Long Ago [3]
Words of the Mother - I [2]

Israel : denotes both the Jewish state & the people who are descendants of Jacob. In the Old Testament, the term “Kingdom of Israel” is used to designate two political units: the united kingdom of Israel under kings Saul, David, & Solomon that lasted from c.1020 to 922 BC; & the northern kingdom of Israel including the territories of the ten northern tribes, that was established in 922 BC. The southern kingdom, ruled by David’s dynasty, was thereafter referred to as Judah.

98 result/s found for Israel

... 9 "And now, behold, the cry of the people of Israel (see note) has come to me, and I have seen the oppression with which the Egyptians oppress them. 10 Come, I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring forth my people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt. " 11 But Moses said to God, "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?" (Exodus 3: 9-11). The... Moses said to God, "If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you,' and they ask me, 'What is his name?' what shall I say to them?" 14 God said to Moses, "I am who I am." And he said, "Say this to the people of Israel, 'I am has sent me to you.'" 15 God also said to Moses, "Say this to the people of Israel, 'The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God... since has there arisen a prophet in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face. 11 He was unequaled for all the signs and wonders that the Lord sent him to perform in the land of Egypt, against Pharaoh and all his servants and his entire land, 12 and for all the mighty deeds and all the terrifying displays of power that Moses performed in the sight of all Israel. (Deuteronomy. 34:1-12) ...


... Here Jesus is, as Paul says of himself elsewhere, "of the people of Israel..., a Hebrew born of Hebrews" (Phil. 3:5). The very issue of universality, supposedly the distinction between Paul and Judaism, was, for Paul, what made it necessary that Jesus be a Jew. For only through the Jewishness of Jesus could the covenant of God with Israel, the gracious gifts of God, and his irrevocable calling become available... opened his mouth and said: "Truly I perceive that God shows no partiality, 35 but in every nation any one who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him. 36 You know the word which he sent to Israel, preaching good news of peace by Jesus Christ (he is Lord of all), 37 the word which was proclaimed throughout all Judea, beginning from Galilee after the baptism which John preached: 38 how God anointed... religious Jews, even four times a day. Its importance in both meaning and ritual is so fundamental to Judaism that this statement which is said in prayers daily is given a name, the Sh'ma. 4 "Hear, 0 Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord; 5 and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. (Deuteronomy 6: 4) 6. Jesus also teaches as a ...


... spirit of the Sermon on the Mount and may be looked upon as that Sermon in seed-form. Peter's sermon (Acts 10:36-43) declares to the Gentiles about God and Jesus: "You know the word which he sent to Israel, preaching good news of peace by Jesus Christ (he is Lord of all), the word which was proclaimed throughout Judaea..." Peter ends by saying of Jesus: "And he commanded us to preach to the people... 109 The JB annotates "the whole world": "The 'inhabited world' (oikoumene), i.e. the Graeco-Roman world. All the Jews of the empire are destined to hear the good news before punishment comes to Israel. Cf. Rm. 10:18. The earliest 'witness' will be directed against the faithlessness of Judaism. Cf. Mt. 10:18. Before 70 AD the gospel had already reached the main parts of the Roman empire. Cf. 1... is essentially a record of this revelation of the eternal in time, of the absolute in history. I would have thought that this was congenial to a disciple of Sri Aurobindo. I visited Italy, Israel, Germany, Austria, Denmark and Sweden in my travels talking on the 'marriage of East and West'. There is considerable interest in the West about this. I did not like the 'holy land' at all. It is ...

... Page 132 considered it as the fundamental glue to Pakistan's existence as a nation. This is what he said: "Other than Israel, Pakistan is the only state created on religious grounds. We are created on the basis of Islam. Look at Israel: its religion and its ideology are the main sources of its strength. We in Pakistan have lost sight of the importance of these things. And without... East and Pakistan, the author writes: "There is a pervasive belief, held more widely outside Pakistan than in the country itself, that Pakistan like Israel and Iran, is one of three confessional states in the world; that, like Israel, Pakistan's very origin was to fulfil a religious ideal, to create an Islamic state and Islamic society for Muslims of India. This is but only one of... to be the final model for Pakistan. This is heresy to most Pakistanis, for whom the partition is a point of pride, a landmark historical event comparable to the declaration of the state of Israel for Zionists. And to many Pakistanis, the individual most responsible for the partition is nothing less than a Muslim paladin. "It's as though you're telling Americans that George Washington wasn't ...

... Abraham, 'the father of many.' His grandson Jacob, after an experience of wrestling with an angel, was renamed 'Israel,' he who wrestles with God. Ultimately the descendants of the Abra-hamic family came to be known by this name. It was Jacob who was the progenitor of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Jacob's immediate descendants migrated to Egypt, where they fell on bad days. How Moses led the Exodus... years' reign (971-931 B.C.). That glorious period was short-lived. For upon Solomon's death ten tribes seceded, formed the Kingdom of Israel which was conquered by the Assyrians (in 722 B.C.), and lost their identity. They are counted as the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. The other two formed the kingdom of Judah, which was conquered by the Chaldeans (in 586 B.C.) who started the Diaspora —the dispersion... mentioned by Mother or the 'previous cycle of civilisation' of which Sri Aurobindo saw a vestige in the first, so-called 'primitive' stage of our own cycle. However, recent archeological findings in Israel (reported in February 1988 in the science journal Nature) seem to indicate that the 'age' of modern man will have to be revised to about 100,000 years. This is still hardly enough, but archeology ...

... Satprem a packet of soup from Israel ) Poor Israel... Oh, it's disgusting! There's another disgusting story. 1 Oh, yes!... That business is trumped up from start to finish, and India—India ... Bah! India goes and gives her support to that fellow. It's sad. That's a villainy they've done there. I've received a letter from someone (not from Israel) who writes to me that there... × President Nasser of Egypt has just closed the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli ships and proclaimed he wanted "the destruction of Israel." ...


... tribes were then united in one kingdom with its capital at Jerusalem. After the first three kings (Saul, David, Solomon), there was secession and two kingdoms were created (Israel and Judah). After 750 BC, the kingdom of Israel disappeared forever, with the establishment of the Assyrian Empire. The smaller kingdom of Judah was able to survive, at times independent, at times a vassal kingdom, under... that day. At the sight of the child he went into ecstasy, and made mysterious predictions about him. The sage expressed his gratitude to God for being allowed to see with his own eyes the Savior of Israel (Luke 2: 22-35). Whenever Mary appears in the Gospels she is shown as a most beautiful example of surrender to the Divine's will. For this reason she has rightly inspired profound devotion among Christians... a self-righteous, hypocritical person. Page 121 Already Jesus was famous for his words and for his miracles. Expectations were high that he might be the Messiah so ardently awaited in Israel. We may well imagine the eagerness of the crowd when he began to speak. And then the surprise: what kind of words are these? In the harsh world of those days, where oppression, cruelty and revenge ...


... believe that what you think about it has the slightest importance? (2) One of the world-problems has been whether the existence of Israel would be firmly established or not. The Arab countries had sworn to exterminate Israel from Palestine. Now the Israel victory will call for a final acceptance of her existence by all and the assurance of a life-line for her in the Gulf of Aqaba. Could one... (Correspondence with Amal Kiran) Amal Kiran's Correspondence with The Mother 11 June 1967 ( Regarding the Six-Day War between Israel and Egypt ) Dearest Mother, Not at all with an eye to publication but for my own knowledge, may I ask you two questions: (1) The quick conclusion of the war in the Middle East and the avoidance thereby of the ...

... A Centenary Tribute Revolutionising Ancient History: The Case of Israel and Christianity     BECOMING a poet, a political commentator, a literary critic while editing a monthly journal of culture without stirring out of an ashram in South India may not be a matter provoking comment let alone arousing wonder. But to revolutionise the very chronology... pre-internet era - could not but astonish. It becomes all the more amazing when the subject is not just the prehistory of one's own country but so distant a subject as the beginnings of history for Israel and Christianity. The short compass of this paper does not permit examination of both; so, we shall restrict ourselves to the "foreign" sphere of scholar-extraordinaire K.D. Sethna's research. ... 1968 lectures Professor Chaim Rabin of Hebrew University delivered in India placing the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt in the mid-13th century B.C., Sethna, in The Beginning of History for Israel 1 challenges this as well as archaeologist W.F. Albright's dating of the Exodus to c. 1294 B.C. and his identification of the Pharaoh responsible for this as Ramses II. While? painstakingly taking ...


... publicly declared that the Israeli nation had no right to exist and had to disappear. Three days ago, Nasser declared that he wanted "the destruction of Israel: wiped off the map." Yes, that's it. But three years ago, they declared that Israel shouldn't exist. So that clearly puts them in the wrong. I don't know how the others replied.... The whole world lives in falsehood, without a doubt,... the danger is there. ( silence ) All that will go into the [Agenda] "box," it can't be published. But you know—I have rarely felt that—yesterday there was really something like a prayer for Israel. Indeed there was! You really say to yourself, "This MUST NOT be." That's it, absolutely. It was so strong. ( silence ) But is there a way for you to contact those people in Delhi ...


... In England he belonged for a long time to the "Sri Aurobindo Group," then when the war between Israel and Egypt broke out (or a little before), he became fanatical, a fanatical Israelite: "I want to work for Israel alone." And as he had been contacted about Auroville, he answered, "Can Auroville help Israel?" Things of that sort. And right now, it's the New Year there, so he sent me this ( Mother shows ...


... from Israel, saying that their success, their victory exceeded anything they had hoped for. And he Page 182 adds, "They seem to be too materialistic to know the real source of it"—he knew. But he says (he is American, not an Israeli; he may be Jewish by religion, I don't know, but he is American by birth), he says he greatly admires the way the country is organized, there in Israel, and... Mother’s Agenda 1967 June 17, 1967 With this Israel affair, I have been made to write all sorts of things, to answer all kinds of questions ( Mother looks for her notes ).... Did I show you this? "Those who serve the Truth cannot take one side or another. Truth is above conflict or opposition. In Truth all countries unite in a common effort towards ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1967 July 5, 1967 You remember that man who had left for Israel, the Indian Embassy has refused him a visa to come back here! 1 ... So he is forced to go to America (America is his country, he is American), he is going to return to America, there he tells me he will make some money so he can come and bring... it to me! Another boy here was to go and work in Germany with E., everything was arranged, then Germany said, "No, we don't want any Indians." So there's universal brotherhood. But with the Israel affair and the stand they have taken, the Indians haven't made many friends. No. Oh, but from Holland, a woman who was here wrote to me (during the events), "I have never in my life seen such... 203 Grant that everything in us may be ready for Your manifestation. × Because India does not "recognize" Israel. × In fact, the best definition would be pale orange, or salmon pink. ...


... revered and studied by Orthodox Jews. One of the laws of the Torah further declares, ...when all Israel comes to be seen at the presence of YHWH your God at the place that he chooses, (= the synagogue) you are to proclaim this Instruction (= The Torah) in front of all Israel, in their ears. (= Read the Torah aloud) Deuteronomy 31:11 This is true even today. Throughout... the 2000 years after the Romans scattered the Jewish nation into the Diaspora after 70 CE. While always waiting and praying for the time that the Jewish nation could return to the Promised Land (now Israel), the Pharisees became the rabbis of the scattered Jewish communities and taught that it was the duty of all true Jews to give whole-hearted devotion to the Law, as well as to keeping the many ...


... water and make it usable — obviously that would be the solution to the problem. But it already exists. It exists, but not in a sufficient proportion. Yes, in Israel. They do it in Israel? They use sea water? Obviously, that would be the solution - the sea is there. It has to be studied. Then the water would have to be sent uphill. A yacht club wouldn't ...

... make it utilisable—obviously, that would be the solution to the problem. But that already exists. It exists, but not on a sufficiently large scale. It does in Israel. Do they do that in Israel? Do they use sea-water? Obviously, that would be the solution—the sea is there. We shall see. It would have to be brought up. A yachting club would be rather ...


... Apropos of the passing of Sri Aurobindo AN OLD CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN DR. IMMANUEL OLSVANGER AND K. D. SETHNA 1 3, Gaza Road, Jerusalem, Israel, 7-2-52 Dear Mr. Sethna, I acknowledge with many thanks the receipt by airmail of your article "The Mystical and the Misty" in Mother India of January 19, 1952. I have read and reread... spiritual reality known by Sri Aurobindo. Sri Aurobindo, by the way, is not just a philosopher with a mystical bent. I was amazed at the conclusion to your fine tribute to him published in India and Israel. You spoke of Radhakrishnan taking up the baton dropped by Sri Aurobindo. Without minimising Radhakrishnan's gifts, one may state categorically that he and Sri Aurobindo belong to two entirely different ...


... to defend verities contained in the books of the Ancient Testament . Did one not read there: “On that day when the Lord delivered the Amorites into the hands of Israel, Joshua spoke with the Lord, and he said in the presence of Israel: ‘Stand Still, O Sun, over Gideon, and Moon, you also, over the Valley of Aijalon.’ And the Sun stood still and the Moon halted, till the people had vengeance on their ...

... sea-water and make it utilisable―obviously, that would be the solution to the problem. But that already exists. It exists, but not on a sufficiently large scale. It does in Israel. Do they do that in Israel? Do they use sea-water? Obviously, that would be the solution―the sea is there. We shall see. It would have to be brought up. A yachting club would be rather nice? Ah! ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... last I have decided to send off to a publisher in Holland who has lately been bringing out researches in Jewish subjects. My book - don't gasp at the title - is called The Beginning of History for Israel. The subtitle is: "How long did the Israelites stay in Egypt? - When was their Exodus? -What was the Period of their Conquest of Palestine?" and a general pointer to the work done by me is called... necessary dates according to the numbers given by the Bible. This series of dates differed by nearly a century and a half from the chronology currently accepted by scholars and even by the State of Israel - with small variations here and there. That chronology stems from the greatest authority on the subject: William Foxwell Albright. So I was faced with the job of demolishing him in favour of the scheme ...


... normally been conceded. In Acts Luke marks off the period of appearances as forty days, seemingly with the purpose of drawing attention to the parallels between Christian origins and the origins of Israel with whom God made a covenant during their stay of forty years in the desert. This interpretation of Lucan thought is supported by the fact that motifs of the covenant, the exodus, and the desert... Lord that Saul has harmed Christians, is told by the Lord: "You must go all the same, because this man is my chosen instrument to bring my name before pagans and pagan kings and before the people of Israel." 120 Next we learn from Acts 9:20-21 and 26-28 that Paul started to preach in the synagogues of Damascus and then "got to Jerusalem... to join the disciples" and "started to go round with them in ...

... not come until all the pagans were converted. The reference is to Romans 11:25 where the Jews are told they would not lose the "blindness Page 82 in part" that "has happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in". Surely the concluding phrase need mean nothing more than that the process of converting the Gentiles should reach a proper rounding-off. The epistle... taste of death till they see the kingdom of God" (9:17). Matthew has also put into the mouth of Jesus the Page 83 words: "I say unto you, ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of Man be come" (10:23).   One group of the anti-Schweitzerians will fling against all this testimony another saying from Matthew, which is anticipated in Mark. Mark says of ...

... old commentators have given Indian roots and interpreted as meaning a gold seal or ornament?... When are you visiting Pondi again?   Amal was now busy revising The Beginning of History for Israel. In his letter of 19.11.85 one finds Amal regretting that he has had to demolish one of his favourite writers, besides a quite uncharacteristic reference to the weather and the Prime Minister: ... immensely bucked up by your seal of approval on my latest treatment of Velikovsky. I'll weave this and the earlier instalment together and make them independent of my book The Beginning of History for Israel , and send them to the SIS Review...   He went on to type out several pages from Ancient India in a New Light ("the light now covered up by the Press's lockout" as he writes?) showing how ...


... to transform sea water and make it usable—obviously that would be the solution to the problem. But it already exists. It exists, but not in a sufficient proportion. Yes, in Israel. They do it in Israel? They use sea water? Obviously, that would be the solution—the sea is there. It has to be studied. Then the water would have to be sent uphill. A yacht club wouldn't be bad, ...


... 2 that came with Nazism caused Einstein to openly admit his Jewish origins. He even became interested in helping to form the state of Israel, while at the same time calling for an understanding of the Arab situation. In 1948 he was offered the Presidency of Israel, which he politely declined. After leaving Germany, Einstein made his permanent home at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton ...


... Christological Interpretation; 10. Indian Poets and English Poetry; 11. The Beginning of History for Israel; 12. “Overhead Poetry”; 13. KarpasaIt in Prehistoric India; and a host of others. It becomes a little difficult to believe that books as disparate in nature as The Beginning of History for Israel, Blake’s Tyger and Karpasa in Prehistoric India have issued forth from the pen of Page 12 ...

... Six-Day War between Israel and Egypt)* Ma douce Mère, The war in the Middle East is perhaps a direct result of the resistance to the Supramental working. It seems, in Sri Aurobindo's words, that "Rudra still holds the world in the hollow of his hands." In this connection I would like to know what attitude one should keep with regard to this developing Arab-Israel war. Whether our ...

... There's not enough water? There's water, but just enough for one or two houses; in short there isn't enough water to create a permanent stream. They would have to convert sea water. In Israel they have found a way to do it economically (we even have brochures about it), but you understand, "economical" for a city, not for an individual! And so we have to get water in order to make this ...

... golden vultures. On each side of the throne there were also two golden lions between two pillars of emerald. And golden vines bearing ruby grapes twined around the trunks of the trees. The elders of Israel were seated at Solomon's right hand and their seats were of gold, the genies sat at his left hand and their seats were of silver. When the king held his court of justice the people were allowed ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... civilisation and protected in that community with each other and in their diversity from others by favourable geographical circumstances. Thus Greece, Italy, Gaul, Egypt, China, Medo-Persia, India, Arabia, Israel, all began with a loose cultural and geographical aggregation which made them separate and distinct culture-units before they could become nation-units. Within that loose unity the tribe, clan or city ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... faith and live it, there was no fear for the ultimate triumph of the faithful. It is described in the Christian Bible how the cult of the true faith was almost extinguished by persecution and all Israel turned from Jehovah to foreign idols, and even the chief prophet of the faith thought himself alone and hid his head. God called to him to go forth and strive with the priests of Baal. "Always," He ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... isn't enough underground water. Not enough water? There is water, but it's enough for one or two houses, anyway not enough to create a permanent flow. We would need transformed sea water. In Israel they have found a way to do it economically (we even have brochures on this), but you understand, economical for a city, not economical for an individual! So then, we'd need to have water to make this ...


... with Kathleen Raine, the foremost authority of our times on William Blake; and who can write a book which makes an in-depth study of French poet Stephane Mallarmé ; and another on the origin of Israel and also write two tomes on the supposed invasion of India by the Aryans; who with astounding mastery proves that the chronology of ancient India is wrong and should be pushed back hundreds of ...


... sum, the Jews are not a race but a nationality, of which the primary common characteristics are the religion and a special psychology, due to a small number of Canaanite infiltrations. In reality, Israel is outspread over the nations, and even weighs heavily upon them, but there is no Israelite race in the anthropological sense of the word … The persecution of them, which has little by little raised ...


... killed his younger brother, that one his parents, wife and children. All accepted wholeheartedly the divine verdict [of their death]; recommending their souls to the Eternal, they cried out: “Hear, o Israel, the Eternal is our God, the Eternal is One!” Poliakov considers the slaughter by the crusaders “a capital moment” in the history of the Jews. In the course of that summer of 1096, he writes, the tradition ...


... developed their particular historical memory of being Jews.” In Babylonia most of the Jews were farmers. Studying that period “one discovers how highly manual labour was esteemed by the sages of Israel; it was then the predominant occupation and placed well above commerce”. It was in Babylonia that the Talmud was codified in its definitive form, and if there is one point in the Talmud on which everybody ...


... didn't know it) that the U.S. president would go to Moscow to sign a peace treaty with Vietnam. There were three wars, one of which had stopped but wasn't resolved: that was the war between Egypt and Israel, over which they have reached an agreement. I forget the third. And all three wars at the same time. But the most serious of the three was the war between America and Vietnam. So I said that to her; ...


... Paris again and physically known the Left Bank of the Seine, to which I temperamentally belong. During my stay in the Ashram I had several offers from friends to visit England and the U.S.A. and once Israel. But I never accepted any of them. Now, of course, my deteriorated legs make even trips to nearby places almost impossible. The Samadhi is the Ultima Thule at present. Recently, connected with ...


... Lady Bountiful.   One reason is that the literary life-force in me breaks out in many directions and finds satisfaction even in such a fantastic-seeming project as The Beginning of History for Israel. The other is that Sri Aurobindo, while giving a tremendous push to the writer in me, has yet so moulded my being that the main urge of my life is to be the disciple of his Integral Yoga and to go ...


... ( Mother looks very tired. This morning she did not eat anything nor did she receive anyone. When Satprem comes in, she gives him flowers and soup packets received from Israel: ) But you are the one who doesn't eat! I didn't feel like it. Yet these soups are about the only thing I Page 276 take.... But you understand, I don't do any exercise, the whole ...


... Mother 19.Problems of Early Christianity 20.Science, Materialism, Mysticism 21.Sri Aurobindo and Greece 22.Teilhard De Chardin and our Time 23.The Beginning of History for Israel 24.The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and the Mother's Contribution to it 25.The Inspiration of Paradise Lost 26.The Mother: Past, Present, Future Page 380 ...


... the team tells us:   "One may debate whether 'His Son' implies pre-existence or not, but in any case Paul is certainly stressing Jesus' humanity ('one born of a woman') and his relation to Israel ('one born under the Law').   "The phrase, genemenon ek gynaikos, 'born of a woman,' is a frequently-used Jewish expression to designate a person's human condition. It reflects adam yelud'issah ...

... of vitality and with the woman's uncleanness springing from contact with the male semen— This cultic unworthiness arising from sexual intercourse was common among the ancients, and its antiquity in Israel is reflected in 1 Samuel 21:4-5."   "Cultic unworthiness" - there we have perhaps a hint of what is explicit in Job, my main concern. Here the Professor is quite off the mark when he asserts: ...

... Life-Poetry-Yoga: Personal Letters, Vols 1 & II 3. The Inspiration of Paradise Lost 4. Inspiration and Effort: Studies in Literary Expression 5. The Beginning of History for Israel Unpublished Books: 1. Problems of Early Christianity 2. Problems of Ancient India 3. The Greco-Aramaic Inscription of Kandhar: Its Call for a Revolution ...


... answers. If you approve I can publish both of your statements typed below. Also there is one sentence of yours in the preceding letter. Do you think it could be used to begin the series? It ran: “Israel as a nation has the same right to exist as all the other nations.” Yes. I have corrected the typed sheet you sent me to make the sentence more clear. Note carefully the correction. 18 ...

... of the human mass at the end of history as a necessary preliminary to the Parousia, is purely hypothetical. The realism of the beatitudes, modelled on the long, austere and dramatic experience of Israel, can hardly be reconciled with this triumphalism. Rather than this hypothetical vision, some would prefer - and rightly - that of a humanity or a Church that is constantly staggering under a burden ...

... During his ministry, his attention primarily turned toward sinners. He and his disciples were eating together with tax collectors and others who were thought to be sinners by religious people of Israel. And so these religious people demanded of Jesus why he kept such poor company and he typically answered: "Those who are well don't need a physician, but those who are sick. I didn't come to ...


... passages allowed the Passion narrative to be coloured with divine purpose and interpretive details. Jesus' fate was the fulfillment of God's will revealed through the ages in the sacred writings of Israel. As one notable example, here is the clearest prophecy from the Book of Isaiah in the Old Testament. 52:13 Behold, my servant shall prosper, he shall be exalted and lifted up, and shall be very ...


... more direct and immediate perception of things, Intuition and Instinct, on the one hand, and on the other, the perception given by the senses and a power of control over material things. Take Egypt or Israel or Chaldea, what one finds prominent there is the instinctive-intuitive man, spontaneous – prime-sautier – ima ginative, Page 219 mythopoeic, clairvoyant, clairaudient (although not ...

... Aurobindonian message in England during the years (1953-68) he served as Spalding Lecturer at the University of Durham. And so centre after centre in U.S.A., Canada, Mexico, England, France, Germany, Israel and other countries received and cherished and benefited by the Light from Pondicherry. A war-weary, fear-tormented, terror-haunted world, with pockets of plenty few and far between, a world of wasteful ...

... third one to wait. * * * 24.4.72 Darshan day. Offerings presented. * * * 25.4.72 Offerings of Seyril, Jacqueline and Yen presented. For Seyril's going to Israel, Mother said, "It is alright". * * * Shanta of France wishes to come to Auroville. Approved. * * * Pierre can go to the hills for health if he thinks that it will do ...

... third one to wait. * * * 24.4.72 Darshan day. Offerings presented. * * * 25.4.72 Offerings of Seyril, Jacqueline and Yen presented. For Seyril's going to Israel, Mother said, "It is alright". * * * Shanta of France wishes to come to Auroville. Approved. * * * Pierre can go to the hills for health if he thinks that it will do ...

... head—night. Night, or what? They drove twenty-five screws into her coffin. She was ninety-five. She fought like a lion to the very end. But where is the end? Outside, it was the second war in Israel. November 1973. The petroleum tap had just been turned off for the first time—a tiny little tap. Palestinian commandoes carried out their machine gun attacks in Khartoum, Athens, Fiumi- cino. There ...

... really the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal to whom we listened and by whose counsel we were guided. The voice was the voice of Bhupen, but the thought was the thought of Andrew. These be thy gods, O Israel! Page 310 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... man who claims, we hear, to have preceded the Nationalists as a prophet of self-sacrifice and the cult of the motherland. Well may we echo the cry of the Israelite malcontents, "These be thy gods, O Israel!" The People's Proclamation In our last issue we commented on the importance and significance of the People's Proclamation as part of the celebration of the l6th October. It is a curious irony ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... 2. Karpasa in Prehistoric India: A Chronological and Cultural Clue 3. Problems of Ancient India 4. Ancient India in a New Light 5. The Beginning of History for Israel 6. Life-Poetry-Yoga, Personal Letters, Vol. I 7. Life-Poetry-Yoga, Personal Letters, Vol. II 8. Life-Poetry-Yoga, Personal Letters, Vol. Ill 9. Pamessians 10 ...


... From an Indian Point of View 2.Karpasa in Prehistoric India: A Chronological and Cultural Clue 3.Problems of Ancient India 4.Ancient India in a New Light 5.The Beginning of History for Israel 6.Life-Poetry-Yoga, Personal Letters, Vol. I 7.Life-Poetry-Yoga, Personal Letters, Vol. II 8.Life-Poetry-Yoga, Personal Letters, Vol. III 9.Parnassians 10."Two Loves" and "A Worthier ...


... From an Indian Point of View 2.Karpasa in Prehistoric India: A Chronological and Cultural Clue 3.Problems of Ancient India 4.Ancient India in a New Light 5.The Beginning of History for Israel 6.Life-Poetry-Yoga, Personal Letters, Vol. I 7.Life-Poetry-Yoga, Personal Letters, Vol. II 8.Life-Poetry-Yoga, Personal Letters, Vol. III 9.Parnassians 10."Two Loves" and "A Worthier ...

... Foundation. 37. 1995 Mandukya Upanishad: English Version Notes and Commentary, Waterford, U.S.A.: The Integral Life Foundation. 38. 1995 The Beginning of History for Israel, Waterford, U.S.A.: The Integral Life Foundation. 39. 1995 Science, Materialism, Mysticism, Waterford, U.S.A.: The Integral Life Foundation. 40. 1996 Adventures ...


... family of Jesus but change over to cousin when dealing with another family? Can we question that Paul knew Hebrew and Aramaic? The Jerusalem Bible 16 quotes him as saying: "I was born of the race of Israel and of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew born of Hebrew parents... As for the Law, I was a Pharisee..." (Philippians 3:5). The annotation 17 refers to Acts 21:40 and informs us that "Paul spoke Aramaic ...

... bane is highlighted in many other contexts in Paradise Lost . The heathens often worship brutes in the form of deities accompanied with gay rituals, fanfare and gold. 7 Even the chosen race of Israel succumbed to this temptation of paying homage to the gold calf in Oreb till the Lord struck the idol-worshippers with his wrath. 8 The flag of Lucifer, when unfurled, is compared to a meteor blazing ...

... never separated from each other but at the same time clearly distinguished in the nature of their manifestation. This may be illustrated with a story from the Bible. Jacob, who was named Israel by the angel of God and whose name today the Jewish State bears, had a wondrous mystical dream. 5 He saw a ladder that reached from Earth to Heaven, and he saw the angels of God ascending and ...

... positions of power and prestige. They were enormously influential in commerce, dominating the giant Deutsche, Dresdner and Darmstädter banks, and huge department stores like Wertheim, Tietz and Kaufhaus Israel. The most important newspaper groups were owned by Jews, and, to a very considerable extent, the spectacular culture of Berlin in the 1920’s; the culture dominated by personalities like Max Reinhardt ...


... pamphlet, The Jewish Question , in which his attacks on the Jews were as poisonous as those of Hitler. “What was the basis of the Jewish religion? The practical need, egoism … Money is the jealous god of Israel, before whom no other god must remain … The bill of exchange, that is the true god of the Jews … The Law without foundation or reason of the Jews is no more than a religious caricature of morality ...


... against this man, and shall lay upon him all the curses which are written in the book of the law. The Lord shall destroy his name under the sun, and cut him off for his undoing from all the tribes of Israel, with all the curses of the firmament which are written in the book of the law.’” 8 Excommunication was common practice in the Catholic Church also. Some popes excommunicated whole nations, thereby ...

... reader:) Esau, son of Isaac and Rebecca, elder twin brother of Jacob to whom he sold his birthright for a mess of red pottage. Traditional founder of Edomites. Jacob is the traditional founder of Israel. 147. The following passage within brackets has been omitted from the version published in the Centenary Edition (1972). 148. "With the Guru's grace all difficulties can disappear in a flash ...

... and such as is supposed in India to cure the scorpion-sting if not the snake-bite too. But really it is a hexagram and, under its second name, it is at present the official emblem of the State of Israel — a six-pointed star made of two intersecting triangles with their apexes in opposite directions up and down. With the triangles isosceles in shape, enabling a square to be formed at the centre ...


... unconditional? Take the famous case of Israel's "Operation Jonathan" to rescue over a hundred hostages held in a hijacked plane which had landed in Idi Amin's Uganda. Idi Amin refused to free the hostages. Israel flew 2000 miles to take by surprise the airport at Entebbe, killed the terrorists concerned and freed the hostages, at the cost of one life of her own - unfortunately the heroic leader Jonathan ...


... an Indian Point of View Z Karpāsa in Prehistoric India: A Chronological and Cultural Clue 3. Problems of Ancient India 4. Ancient India in a New Light 5. The Beginning of History for Israel 6. Is Velikovsk's Revised Chronology Tenable? A Scrutiny of Four Fundamental Themes 7. Life-Literature-Yoga: Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo 8. Life-Poetry-Yoga, Personal Letters, ...

... cal questions of Relativity Theory and Quantum Mechanics no less than problems of biological thought; chronological researches in the history of ancient India and the beginnings of history for Israel; Christian traditions and the problems of Christianity; Fate and Free-will; comments and opinions about national and international issues and events; hundreds of letters ...


... was exerted by The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion. The Protocols pretended to provide a report of the instructions given by a mysterious Supreme Master to the heads of the twelve tribes of Israel at midnight on the Jewish churchyard in Prague. Their objective was Jewish supremacy over the whole world, their strategy a ruthless but surreptitious campaign against everything held sacred by the ...


... a radical rewrite of modern evolutionary theory. Not surprisingly, there are some who see that as heresy. ‘It means the demise of the selfish-gene theory’, says Eva Jablonka at Tel Aviv University, Israel. ‘The whole discourse about heredity and evolution will change.’” 41 “There is more than a little irony in the present state of affairs,” writes Evelyn Fox Keller, “for never in the history of ...

... but not fused into a single unity. Modern Europe owes two-thirds of its civilisation to three such supreme moments of human history, the religious life of the congeries of tribes which called itself Israel and, subsequently, of the little nation of the Jews, the many-sided life of the small Greek city states, the similar, though more restricted artistic and intellectual life of mediaeval Italy. Nor was ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... like the man who speaks not but acts." The demon laughed at these wise words. But before long his boasting tongue was silent for ever. You have heard of great Solomon who was the King of Israel many years ago. There are many stories in the Bible and in other books which tell of his glory and his majesty. I shall tell you one story about him. He was very rich. He had a magnificent throne ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... serve the Truth cannot take one side or another. Truth is above conflict and opposition. In Truth, all countries unite in a common effort towards progress and realisation. 8 June 1967 Israel as a nation has the same right to exist as all the other nations. 12 June 1967 How can you believe that the Grace works for one nation or against another? The Grace works for Truth and ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... that the other courtiers, physically as brave as he, would not have let fall from their lips. This courage of the mind is known as moral courage. Such was the courage of Moses, the leader of Israel, who demanded from the Pharaoh of Egypt the freedom of the oppressed Jewish people. Such was the courage of Mohammed, the Prophet, who imparted his religious thought to the Arabs, and who refused ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... but Jewish. In Germany, they still aren't kind at all; Hitler's influence has been disastrous, the Jews are still treated with contempt—it's disgusting, utterly disgusting. So these ladies went to Israel. They are very generous. But some people still have prejudices, you know! In France, with Pétain, there was that grotesque affair of the "yellow star"; I think it has also left a very bad imprint ...


... man on the earth, another race in our midst. "'Man is a transitional being,' Sri Aurobindo said. We are right in the middle of this transition, it is bursting forth on every side: in Biafra, in Israel, in China, on the Boul'Mich'. 1 Man is uncomfortable in his skin. "And the Great Sense, the True Sense, tells us that the only thing we can do is to set to work to prepare that other man and ...


... Mother’s Agenda 1967 June 14, 1967 ( For the past eight days Mother has been "ill," just as the conflict between Israel and Egypt was unfolding. ) A great battle.... I have learned a great many things. And it's going on. I've made discoveries.... Diseases, accidents, catastrophes, wars, all that, is because the ...


... unprecedented acceleration and exceedingly strong emphasis on the technological * This is based on a presentation to the Second Jerusalem International Science and Technology Education Conference in Israel, January 8-11, 1996. Page 333 aspect of human activity. The fact is that five or six thousand years ago, the rise of the great civilizations was not brought about by technology alone ...

... (Thailand) 1945 participants from 18 countries 6th Asian Games: 1970 Bangkok (Thailand) 2000 participants from 18 countries (Burma, Kampuchea, Ceylon, Honking, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, South Vietnam and Thailand) 7th Asian Games: 1974 Teheran (Iran) 3000 participants from 25 countries ...

... Religion, 341n Iraq, 106 Ireland 106, 127, 151 Irish Renaissance, 152 Ishwara, 4 Inquisition, the, 123 Isis, 220 Islam, 55-6, 110 Israel, 219 Italy, 89, 244 JANAKA,396 Japan, 70, 160,209 Jayachand,9O Jeanne d'Arc, 90 Jeans, Sir James, 317-18, 332-3 -Physics & Philosophy, 317n ...

... Aurobindo marks out particularly three such moments in human history to which modern Europe owes two-third of its civilisation. The first of these moments is to be found in the religious life of tribes in Israel; the second moment was that of the many-sided life of the small Greek city states; and the third was the smaller, though more restricted artistic and intellectual life of medieval Italy. Similarly ...

... and would advocate the gospel of love and compassion. Gandhi said that battle was completely symbolic. Well, that is what India has come to today. See the condition of the world: Russia, America, Israel, Nasser, Mao Tsetung. Well, really, our Indira Gandhi is hard put to it to manage her house. She looks with one eye at Russia, with another eye at Ametica and perhaps with both eyes at China ... ...


... another being on Earth, another race amongst us. Sri Aurobindo has said: man is a transitional being. We are right in the middle of this transition, it is cracking from all sides: in Biafra, in Israel, in China, on the Boulevard St. Michel [the famous boulevard in front of the Sorbonne in Paris where the student revolt of May 1968 took place]. Man is ill at ease in his skin. And the Great Sense ...

Satprem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Great Sense

... that will break the huge Illusion. Until we land in true Matter, on true Earth. The Marvel will be there, when we have had enough of all our clever stupidities. 1973 was the year of the second war of Israel, the first oil embargo and the fifteenth Chinese thermonuclear bomb, the fifth French nuclear explosion, Watergate and the filth plain for all to see everywhere, commandos and students’ unrest in Barcelona ...

... declared in 1968, just one month before the radical little operation. And She was quite serious about it. She was ninety years old that year, still five more years of this life to live. The first war in Israel had just ended, the war in Biafra was beginning. There was the inauguration of Auroville, the city of Sri Aurobindo, a few miles from Pondicherry, a symbol of actual human Unity. It took place on ...


... 19 July 1967 Ma douce Mère, I was struck by the power and intensity of Love when I saw You on my birthday. It was the same feeling when I received Your kind message on the Israeli war. All this has made me convinced, not mentally alone, but from the depth of my being, that the power of Divine Love is greater than the power of Divine wrath. Now I will pray to be enlightened... last. The action now looks to be similar. India is going on in the same old way, placating Pakistan and the Mussulmans and Russians. One sentence in the Mother's reply in connection with the Israeli-Arab war seems to me to be very ominous: "This is not the conflict that will decide the future of our civilisation." 17 Does it mean that there will be another bigger conflict in which the present ...

... an eye]. The world seems to be engulfed in a sort of violent chaos. They're fighting at the Olympic Games!... An athlete was killed by bullets. 2 That's how it is. Yes, they killed an Israeli. Yes, the Arabs did it. These Muslims really have something which is... something that must disappear, Mother. They're so fanatical! They are very violent. Yes, fanatical. Very... × Which means 11: 00 instead of 10: 30! × In fact, a dozen Israeli athletes were killed by Arab terrorists. ...

... sentence, “the” appears to have been inadvertently omitted in the transcription before “first normal obstacle”. Nolini also agrees, but we must ask you about it. Put back the “the”. P.S. The Arab-Israeli statement of yours hasn’t still reached me. Three days ago I gave it to be typed for you! 10 July 1967 ...

... last. The action now looks to be similar. India is going on in the same old way, placating Pakistan and the Musulmans and Russians. "One sentence in the Mother's reply in connection with the Israeli-Arab war seems to me to be very ominous: 'This is not the conflict that will decide the future of our civilisation.' Does it mean that there will be another bigger conflict in which the present ci ...

... prophets have transmitted to us over the centuries. From the Vedic rishis and Moses—the first to have crossed the intangible frontier which separates Space-Time from the Eternal and Infinite—to Israel's inspired prophets, bards of planetary immortality, and to Sri Aurobindo, pioneer of the physical transformation of our species, an entire current emerges, leading us intuitively to the threshold where ...

... you have given of the noto- Page 14 rious Eichmann is very pointed. As you recount, he who had sent hundreds to the horrors of the Gas Chamber exclaimed when he was caught by his Israeli pursuers in Latin America: "Oh, do not kill me, do not kill me!" You have doubted whether a monstrous person like Hitler could ever have been courageous. What distinguished him was the boldness of ...

... material Power, but [and Mother smiled] with no need for any material means! A world is trying to be born into this world. 133 It was the year of Bangladesh, Watergate, the assassination of the Israeli athletes at the Olympic Games in Munich, the withdrawal from Vietnam. The first journey of Nixon to Peking as well. And the problem of the transformation of this body begins to link itself definitely ...

... Insurrection in Budapest, and the calling in of the Russian troops. President Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal, French and British troops landed at Port Said, only to retreat—Suez was closed. The Israelis march on the Sinai desert. It was the period of the independence of Sudan, Morocco, Tunisia and Togolandthe beginning of the great "independences." Khrushchev had just indicted Stalin in a secret ...

... makes you know and prevents you from knowing, with extraordinary tiny subtleties of movement so nothing may happen too soon, that is, before everything is ready. 19 This was in 1967, the first Israeli war and China's first thermonuclear explosion. We seem to be at the core of the problem There is but one single body. The Unrealization of Falsehood The farther Mother progressed, the ...

... p. 176, 180. 770 Hermann Rauschning, op. cit., pp. 212, 83. Those who are familiar with George Steiner’s novel The Portage to San Cristobal of A.H. (1981), in which an aged Hitler, caught by Israeli Nazi hunters in South America, pronounces his own defence, will find in these paragraphs one of the main sources of the arguments. 771 Albert Speer: Spandau – The Secret Diaries, p. 16. 772 ...

... talismanic cure-all by Mahatma Gandhi in the twenties and after) was advocated by Hironmoyee Devi, as reported in the Bande Mataram of 30 December 1906, for a sound reason: * According to the Israeli scholar, Daniel Argov, "Aurovindo Ghosh gave the clearest exposition of Swaraj by declaring it synonymous with independence — 'a free national Government unhampered even in the least degree by ...