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... stores of mental material for any mental activity or sacrifice. But first of all she is purifying, pavaka. Therefore she is not merely or not essentially a goddess of mental force, but of enlightenment; for enlightenment is the mental force that purifies. And she is dhiyavasu, richly stored with understanding, buddhi, the discerning intellect, which holds firmly in their place, fixes, establishes all mental... ely express this settling in of the mantra, dhishnya, combined with the word girah. And we know that the gods in the Veda are called girvanah, those who delight in the mantra; Indra, the god of mental force, is girvahas, he who supports or bears the mantra. Why should Nature gods delight in speech or the god of thunder & rain be the supporter or bearer of any kind of speech? The hymns? But what is... ani) which Madhuchchhandas asks first from the gods.Therefore his first call is to the Aswins. Next, it is to Indra that he turns. I have already said that in my view Indra is the master of mental force. Let us see whether there is anything here to contradict the hypothesis. Indra yahi chitrabhano suta ime tu ayavah, Anwibhis tana putasah. Indrayahi dhiyeshito viprajutah sutavatah Upa brahmani ...
... rushing & impetuous ecstasy produced by the Soma wine. It is then that men know the ultimate perceptions of mind, the highest realisations that can be given by the intellect when Indra, lord of mental force & power, is full of the ecstasy of the immortalising juice. This clear & easy sense being fixed for these two verses, we can return to the first & discover its connection with what follows. From... at once becomes perfectly clear & true. The forms are those beautiful & myriad images of things in all the three worlds, the three akashas, dyavi dyavi, which appear to the eye of the Yogin when mental force in the Yoga is at its height, the impetuous & joyous activity (revato madah) of the mingled Ananda and Mahas fills the brain with Ojas and the highest intellectual perceptions, those akin to the... obstructors & upholders of limitation, are slain by the help of Indra, by the result of the yajnartham karma, by alliance with the armed gods in mighty internal battle; Indra, the god within our mental force, manifests himself as supreme and full of the nature of ideal truth from which his greatness weaponed with the vajra, vidyut or electric principle, derives (mahitwam astu vajrine). The mind, instinct ...
... vitality; it is first expressed in the terms of joy & vitality; it is next purified; purified it is spent in the putting out of mental force for the manifestation of divine Mind, Indra; Indra manifests at once, सद्यो अजायथाः, but he manifests वृध्यो increased; a greater mental force appears than has been experienced in the past stages of Page 379 the Yoga or the life. Indra appears thus increased... consummate dexterity. ऊतिः Page 381 is expansion, see [ ] & appendix. Indra is supposed to have increased mental force in accordance with past experience (वृद्धो अजायथाः, अवीवृधन्) and in answer to the prayer त्वां वर्धंतु नो गिरः; the Rishi prays that that increased mental force may remain unimpaired अक्षित, and that the Lord of the Force, thus preserved in the expansion of his power, may safeguard... those who would slay, do harm against us (अभि in our direction); do thou, Indra, lord of mental force, in the strength of the mantra, govern our bodies and when the blow comes in our direction ward it off or enable us to ward it off (यवया, causal).” The reference seems to me to be to that power of the mental force in which the Indian Yogin has always believed, the power which, substituting a divine mental ...
... mental power, the mental force exactly here ( gesture ); the mental activity was generated there, and no longer in the head. And he had cured a considerable number of people, considerable, some hundreds, who used to suffer from terrible headaches; he had cured them in this way. I have tried it, it is quite easy, precisely because, as I told you a while ago, the mental force, mental activity is... is independent of the brain. We are in the habit of using the brain but we can use something else or rather, concentrate the mental force elsewhere, and have the impression that our mental activity comes from there. One can concentrate one's mental force in the solar plexus, here ( gesture ), and feel the mental activity coming out from there. That man used to say, "Haven't you noticed that all men... all sit on their knees as one does in Japan. He struck a table with a stick and everyone brought down his mental force to the stomach; and then they remained like that for... oh! at least half an hour. And after half an hour he struck the table a second time and they released their mental force and began chatting... not very much, for the Japanese do not talk much, but nevertheless they talk. There ...
... of mind which has always been supposed in India to be in its material element made of tejas or pure light.We may conclude, therefore, that in Indra, master of Swarga, we have the divine lord of mental force & power. It is as this mental power that he comes sutávatah upa brahmáni vághatah, to the soul-movements of the chanter of the sacred song, of the holder of the nectar-wine. He is asked to come... second rik, the mantras taken up by the Aswins into the understanding in order to prepare for action & creation. Indra is to come to these mantras and support them by the brilliant substance of a mental force richly varied in its effulgent manifestation, controlled by the understanding and driven forward to its task in various ways. But it seems to me that the rendering is not quite satisfactory. The ...
... after death and produce effects on the vital plane. Now suppose we Supramentalise the body. In that case we can carry the full physical experience and return with the fullest physical, vital and mental force and manifest the Divine. That is what happens in the case of Avatars and Vibhutis, – there is full memory of the past vital and mental experience and in the case of the Avatar even of the physical... : What is the nature of the balance between the physical and the vital? ; Sri Aurobindo : What do you mean by the nature of the balance ? There is a fixed quantity of vital force and mental force that can be used by the physical body. The body is not able to bear a very great amount of those forces. That is why modern civilized man is much more delicate than the savage. All these words ...
... reduced to rule. There are general lines, in these matters, but no rules, the working of a non-mental Force has necessarily to be plastic, not rigid and tied to formulas. If you want to reduce things to patterns and formulas, you will necessarily fail to understand the workings of a spiritual (non-mental) Force. (5) All that I say here refers to spiritual Force. I am not speaking of the Supramental... general, poet, medico, etc.—sounds strange to me otherwise. Because you have the damnably false idea that nothing can be done in the world except by mental means—that Force must necessarily be a mental Force and can't be anything else. The strangest thing of all is that if the Divine wills, why can't an effective drug in a case be revealed to him, medico or no medico? Why the devil should He... (1) The Force is a divine Force, so obviously it can apply itself in any direction; it can inspire the poet, set in motion the soldier, doctor, scientist, everybody. (2) The Force is not a mental Force—it is not bound to go out from the Communicator with every detail mentally arranged, precise in its place, and communicate it mentally to the Recipient. It can go out as a global Force containing ...
... would probably be over. ( silence ) That consciousness feels a sort of anxiety towards mental force; the moment a mental force manifests, it goes like this ( gesture of recoil ): "Oh, no! Enough of that, enough, enough!" As though mental force were the cause of all its torment. It feels mental force as something so hard, dry, rigid, ruthless, above all dry—dry, empty—empty of the true Vibration ...
... reduced to rule. There are general lines, in these matters, but no rules; the working of a non-mental Force has necessarily to be plastic, not rigid and tied to formulas. If you want to reduce things to patterns and formulas, you will necessarily fail to understand the workings of a spiritual (non-mental) Force. (5) All that I say here refers to spiritual Force. I am not speaking of the Supramental... general, poet, medico, etc.—sounds strange to me otherwise. Because you have the damnably false idea that nothing can be done in the world except by mental means—that Force must necessarily be a mental Force and can't be anything else. The strangest thing of all is that if the Divine wills, why can't an effective drug in a case be revealed to him, medico or no medico? Why the devil should He... (1) The Force is a divine Force, so obviously it can apply itself in any direction; it can inspire the poet, set in motion the soldier, doctor, scientist, everybody. (2) The Force is not a mental Force—it is not bound to go out from the Communicator with every detail mentally arranged, precise in its place, and communicate it mentally to the Recipient. It can go out as a global Force containing ...
... so much that it expects nothing but blows. It's sad. And this physical substance feels a sort of anxiety towards mental force; the moment a mental force manifests, it cries out: “Oh, no! Enough of that, enough!” As though it were the cause of all its torment. It feels the mental force as something so hard, dry, rigid, implacable — above all dry, empty: empty of the true vibration. It seems to regard ...
... growth and nervous response are the characteristic activities. Vedantic thought sees, on the contrary, that all energy apparent in matter is one Life-energy; nervous force, electric force, even mental force so far as it works in matter are different forms of one working, which it calls Pranashakti, Energy of Life, formulated force of Existence throwing itself out in the currents & knotting itself into... these forces have, originally and secretly, been fixed, created and moved by universal mind and are really its evolutions & formations. All forms of life-energy in this world are thus formations of mental force in which the principle of mind broods self-absorbed in work of life and concealed in form of life to emerge in man, the mental being. Just as life, working but form-absorbed and concealed in the ...
... always a dichotomy in it, a sort of division between the force of Nature and the conscious force of Being that holds the same force of Nature. For example, there is a mental person and there is a mental force. If you carefully observe, the force that is working as mental energy is not the same as the conscious being who holds himself as the mental being or mental person. Between the mental being, the... person wills. There is no correspondence between conscious force of nature, and conscious being that holds that nature as its form, or as its mould. It holds mind as its mould for expression, but mental force or mental energy that is working is not under the control of the mental Puru-sha, it does not run parallel to the will of the mental Purusha. The nature force operating in mind has another way of ...
... removal of tamas was effected by the discipline of moral purity, which awakened the energy of tejas and electricity in the system and by the power of tapasyā trained it to be a reservoir of mental force and clarity. The awakening of illumination was actively effected by the triple method of repetition, meditation and discussion. Āvṛtti or repetition was meant to fill the recording part of the ...
... will! What has the Supermind to do here? Who told you that I was using the supramental Force? I have said all along that it was not the supramental Force that was acting. If you want the supra mental Force, you had better go to Jogesh Mama of Chittagong. I hear from Chittagong that the supramental Force is descending in him. I have put down a few comments to throw cold water on all this blazing ...
... We are not something enclosed in a bag and independent from the rest: all forces, all vibrations, all movements enter into us and pass Page 344 through us. And so we have a certain mental force held in, that is to say, ready to be used by the formative or creative mental power. These are, as it were, free forces. As soon as a thought coming from outside or a force or movement enters our ...
... own body and vital existence. This is necessary to the largeness of her purpose in him. His first natural absorption in the body and the life is narrow and unintelligent; as his intelligence and mental force increase, he disengages himself to some extent, is able to mount higher, but is still tied to his vital and material roots by need and desire and has to return upon them with a larger curiosity ...
... and daksha. Kratu has several shades of significance, action or activity, more especially, the yajna or action of sacrifice; power that expresses itself in action, the Greek kratos; & power as a mental force corresponding very nearly to the European conception of Will. We have in our philosophy no exact synonym of the English word Will, because Will to us, as opposed to mere wish, ichchhá, is simply ...
... They are called in conjointly as the two lords of brilliant force, śavasaspatī , as in another hymn, in a former Mandala, they are invoked as lords of thought, dhiyaspatī . Indra is the master of mental force, Vayu of nervous or vital force and their union is necessary for thought and for action. They are invited to come in one common chariot and drink together of the wine of the Ananda which brings ...
... oppressed, he takes refuge in a passive & equal indifference, and is no longer in love with mental activities. In this state man takes this enemy of Indra & of his own perfection as a friend and helper. Mental force becoming entirely luminous in knowledge, súrih, is to pierce this dangerous disguise & make clear to the inner eye the true nature of this harmful agency, sama indeed, but asunvan, sama because ...
... means of realization, not an end. I understand now that as long as my whole being has not ACCEPTED that it must finish its life here, there is no way out nor any 'recovery' possible. Through my mental force alone, this acceptance is impossible; I have been turning infernally in circles these past two months, and the mind is in league with the vital. Therefore, a force greater than mine must help me ...
... Page 163 For reason walks on stilts whereas true faith And fervour can serve you with angel wings, And aspiration dower you with strength, Not the frail physical might or mental force, But the soul's invincible power which fortifies Your flame-will to attain the Pinnacle Of His sun-love, star-knowledge and moon-delight. ( Pointing to Mira ) Your soul ...
... recommended for us, both because it is the easiest – following as it does the line of least resistance, also because it gives the fullness of the result demanded. Instead of trying to manipulate the mental force with one's personal will and effort, instead of seeking to control and command the consciousness, the best thing to do would be to remain quiet as far as it is normally possible for one without ...
... governing principle of the human consciousness. We shall live in the supramental consciousness and work with the supramental force, even as we now live in the mental consciousness and work with the mental force. The revolutionary nature of the transition from the mind to the Supermind need not paralyse our aspiration with doubt or distrust, for the transitions from stones or minerals to plants, and from ...
... depth of my being, that the power of Divine Love is greater than the power of Divine wrath. Now I will pray to be enlightened on one point. At present the working is going on with direct Supra-mental Force. Its immediate action on the world of selfishness, strife and disharmony is not encouraging. We see everywhere clashes; the world is going on in the old way as usual, perhaps worse. One is reminded ...
... to the first mechanism of life in Matter. And finally, it is the same Force that is at work, through the Mind, the heart, the body or the stone—depending on the level we have crossed, we speak of mental force, vital or atomic force; and it does take on a mental, vital or atomic vibration, but it is always one and the same Force, the Supramental Shakti, at work clearing various levels of herself. The ...
... our eyes blinkered with obscurity. The moment one is slightly formed, conscious, developed in one’s mental consciousness, when these are no longer mere “ideas” that one juggles by the dozen, but a mental force, an emotional force or a spiritual one that one concentrates around oneself and handles, a subtle body starts forming itself: a mental body, a body of consciousness, of energy, one could say, formed ...
... superpower except in ourselves, no other source of new energy than in ourselves! This is what is being hammered into the head of the earth, this something that has been “thrown into it," this “Supra- mental Force," which is pushing and pushing us to find the real secret of Matter, the real power, true life without death, true fraternity without gunfire, justice without a guillotine, and men masters of their ...
... the nation to decide. But the main principles and divergent branches which national energy is bound to take if it would do its work thoroughly may well be very briefly specified. To improve the mental force of the race will be our first object; and for this we need that we ourselves should think, more deeply, as well as that we should [ incomplete ] Page 67 ...
... attainment. All the accumulated discoveries & varied information of the modern scientist will not make him mentally the superior of Aristotle or Socrates; he is neither an acuter mind nor a greater mental force. All the varied activities of modern philanthropy will not produce a greater moral type than Buddha or St Francis. The invention of the motor car will not make up for the lost swiftness & endurance ...
... described has established itself in the siddhi; effort, no longer self-effort, manifests itself as a force throwing itself on the enemy & breaking down all opposition. This struggle is the working of mental force (Indra) possessed by the Vijnana and filled with mental ananda (Soma). Whenever Indra is thus infused with Soma, opposition seems to disappear; it is only when Indra works without Soma, that the ...
... desire, but Will embracing desire and exceeding it. It is not even choice, wish or intention. Will, in the Vedic idea, is essentially knowledge taking the form of force. Agni, therefore, is purely mental force, necessary to all concentration. Once we perceive this Vedic conception, we realise the immense importance of Agni and are in a position to understand the hymn we are studying. The word Agni ...
... Philosophy failed to be an ethical control or a spiritual force, Science has failed still more completely, and for a very simple reason—the intellect does not control the conduct. There is quite another mental force which controls it and which turns into motives of action only those intellectual conceptions of which it can be got to approve. We arrive therefore at this dilemma that Philosophy & Science can ...
... kuṇḍalinī , the coiled and sleeping serpent of Energy within. This done, the system proceeds to the perfect quieting of the restless mind and its elevation to a higher plane through concentration of mental force by the successive stages which lead to the utmost inner concentration or ingathered state of the consciousness which is called Samadhi. By Samadhi, in which the mind acquires the capacity of ...
... man; for this end man has become an individual soul, that the One may find and manifest Himself in each human being. That end is not indeed achieved by the individual human being in his unaided mental force. He needs the help of the secret Divine above his mentality in his superconscient self; he needs the help also of the secret Divine around him in Nature and in his fellow-men. Everything in Nature ...
... aware therefore only of a fragmentary movement of its own total activities. The whole crux and difficulty of human life lies here. Man is this mental being, this mental consciousness working as mental force, aware in a way of the universal force and life of which he is part but, because he has not knowledge of its universality or even of the totality of his own being, unable to deal either with life ...
... knowledge and its manifestation. For this reason and because of the diminishing of its native light and power it is unable to do fully what is needed and has to call in a greater power, the supra mental force, to liberate and fulfil it. As the psychic change has to call in the spiritual to complete it, so the first spiritual change has to call in the supramental transformation to complete it. For all ...
... again Nature has created within her mental unity, formed in the universal Mind separate-seeming dynamos as it were of mentality, constant centres for the generation, distribution and reabsorption of mental force and mental activities, stations as it were in a system of mental telegraphy where messages are conceived, written, sent, received, deciphered, and these messages and these activities are of many ...
... Vedic and Philological Studies Mandala Ten SUKTA 54 Hymn of Brihaduktha Vamadevya to Indra, Master of Mental Force, when he exceeded Mind and entered Mahas, yet maintained the lower firmaments,—realising his unity with Sah, the supreme Purusha. (1) When thou hadst given wholly the fullness of the ideal to thy fame, O Maghavan of the fullness ...
... on and rapidity of the Truth-consciousness. The powers that attack the Aryan fighter, would create in him poverties of mind and poverties of the emotive nature, all infelicities. Soul force and mental force increasing together, destroy all such poverty and insufficiency. Together they bring man to his crowning and his perfect kinghood. 13 Page 325 ...
... angles. This isolated rapidity is a strong contrast to the occasional slow & slight progress covering many months & the usual failure of all success in other attempts of the psychic body to alter by mental force the physical sheath into its own image. 8 July 1913 Programme. (1) Aishwarya begins to reign. For a time the power and the knowledge both seemed to have retrograded & the first to ...
... mind is unmoved, something in the vital or physical or perhaps even some little bit on the surface at once starts vibrating. It is possible that X has experiences for he has probably some mental force and through that can build up mental realisations of what he reads, but he lives in the vital and whatever he experiences or receives the vital takes it and makes it a hundred times bigger in its ...
... No, it is a mental deformation. There is not much will in this. If the will intervened, it would become less absurd, perhaps. No, they are mental movements, the formation of the mind, the mental force which moves all the time, which comes and goes, like a squirrel in a cage which runs round and round and does not know why. Then, is it a universal play? No, not very universal; it exists ...
... new rhythm in the nature. It can bring down too a higher and yet higher force and range of the higher nature until, if that be the aim of the Sadhana, it becomes possible to bring down the supra-mental force and existence. All this is prepared, assisted, farthered by the work of the psychic being in the heart centre; the more it is open, in front, active, the quicker, safer, easier the working of the ...
... how to do all that, it is written in their books. These are words and ceremonies having a certain power. Naturally, those who do that must have a vital force. A vital force is necessary—a little mental force also, not much, even very little—but quite a strong vital power to control these little entities, govern them. And these people rule them precisely through fear, for they have the power to dissolve ...
... general ideas and look at world problems—these people make an inner effort or a mental effort, and in one way or another enter into contact with the great currents of forces, at first currents of mental force, of the higher light and sometimes of spiritual force. Then they receive a kind of drop of that within their consciousness, and this produces in them the illumination of a revelation, and they feel ...
... understand "slayer, smiter, deadly one". Then the translation would be: "Let not the slayers of the body do hurt towards us, Indra who delightest in the mantra; govern them (our bodies with thy mental force) and give us to ward off the stroke." Taking our cue from all this gloss of Sri Aurobindo's of an earlier phase when he clearly admits outer human enemies no less than inner spiritual ones, ...
... not to consider fame or the appreciation of others, but do whatever work one can do as an offering of one's capacity to the Divine. Of course, P.S. qualified his statement by saying that Supra-mental Force may do miracles. Such being the case, why not then direct one's energies towards spiritual achievements? Certainly the energies should be directed towards spiritual achievement here—other things ...
... [A separate note:] Guru, please read T's medical report tonight. I am absolutely staggered at her sudden voracious appetite. Finished one cabbage in the evening! Have you pumped some Supra-mental Force into her stomach or what? [ Sri Aurobindo :] I have of course put pressure for no fever and a good appetite, but did not expect any supramental effects in the latter direction. By the way ...
... recommended for us, both because it is the easiest—following as it does the line of least resistance, also because it gives the fullness of the result demanded. Instead of trying to manipulate the mental force with one's personal will and effort, instead of seeking to control and command the consciousness, the best thing to do would be to remain quiet as far as it is normally possible for one without ...
... removal of tamas was effected by the discipline of moral purity, which awakened the energy of tejas and electricity in the system and by the power of tapasya trained it to be a reservoir of mental force and clarity. The awakening of illumination was actively effected by the triple method of repetition, meditation and discussion. Avrtti or repetition was meant to fill the recording part of the ...
... purer, more material, more corporeal, at the very heart of the cleared cellular substance. And in fact, we say “Supramental,” but it is that which functions everywhere, through all levels, through mental force on the spiritual summits as well as through sentiments, instincts, formations or deformations, or depravities, through everything; it is that which is the sole driving force through complications ...
... case it is a miracle. But to do as you suggest, make it a common or everyday phenomenon, would be hardly practicable and spiritually not useful, as it is not a spiritual force which gives the power but an occult mental-vital force. It would turn the Yoga into a display of occultism, rather than a process of spiritual change. 20 October 1935 You have said that the Mother's materialising herself ...
... going and it repeats itself for a certain time, and then whoosh! it goes off on a tangent and you get going on something else. I can't make it steady. Or else I have to re-start the movement mentally, by force. By applying the mind. ( after a silence ) I don't know, for me it comes spontaneously. At times it's very intense, very much in the forefront (depending very much on circumstances or ...
... creative ideas that become dynamic for farther life development: on the other side it receives Page 842 new thought and mental experience from the mental plane or more fundamentally from the idea power of the Infinite and immediately turns it into mental idea force and a power for actual being and living. The whole turn of this pragmatic idea mind is towards action and experience, inward as... lower assistance, but rather the lower operations depend on the higher not only for their guidance but for their existence. The lower mental operations are therefore not only changed in character by the transformation, but are made entirely subordinate. And the higher mental operations too change their character, because, supramentalised, they begin to derive their light directly from the highest, the ... thing which is in its nature a form consciousness and a contact consciousness, but the mental idea and experience of sense can give no conception of the essential and characteristic action of this supramentalised sense consciousness. Thought too in the supramental action is a different thing from the thought of the mental intelligence. The supramental thinking is felt at its basis as a conscious contact ...
... not make him less omnipotent. His self limitation is itself an act of omnipotence. The fact that X was not changed by the mental-spiritual force put on him proves that. It does not prove it for a moment. It simply proves that the omnipotent unconditioned supramental force was not put out there—any more than it was when Christ was put on the cross Page 403 or when after healing thousands... millions and millions of years in order to realise it. So too the rigid distinction of One against Many, a One that cannot be many or of an All that is made up by addition and not self-existent are crude mental notions of the outer finite mind that cannot be applied to the Infinite. If the All were of this material and unspiritual character, tied down to a primary arithmetic and geometry, the realisation... than the preceding Avatar Rama, even though Krishna was an Avatar of a higher plane. It is not a question of Sri Krishna's disciples, but of the earth Page 407 consciousness—Rama was a mental man, there is no touch of the overmind consciousness (direct) in anything he said or did, but what he did was done with the greatness of the Avatar. But there have since been men who did live in touch ...
... that you spent so much Force on P but to no avail? Is it that you did not use the supramental Force, which alone can work irresistibly without the necessity of adapting itself to existing conditions? Certainly, supramental Force was not the force used in that case, it was mental-spiritual. In such cases the object of the Force has always the right to say No. I put the force on him because he said... not make him less omnipotent. His self-limitation is itself an act of omnipotence. The fact that P was not changed by the mental-spiritual force put on him proves that. It does not prove it for a moment. It simply proves that the omnipotent unconditioned supramental force was not put out there any more than it was when Christ was put on the cross or when after healing thousands he failed to heal... improvement agreed exactly with the thought I put out in the force? Well, it may be so. Modern science says there is no such thing as cause and effect, only conditions and statistics. But what are these unseen factors? (The Doctor at any rate thought it miraculous. And what about the hundreds of cases of healing by suggestion or other mental forces everywhere?) You say "natural and inevitable" things ...
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