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Parvati Gauri Haimavati Uma : As daughter of Parvat (king of mountains) she is Pārvati, as daughter of king Hīmavan or Hīmavat or Himālayās (Hīma, snow, + ālaya, abode) she is Haimāvati. Her other names associated with mountains are Shailajā, Adrijā, Nagajā, Shailaputri, Girijā or Girirājaputri. She is also known as Gauri the fair one, Ishwari & Maheshwari counterpart of Shiva as Ishwara & Mahā-Isha or Mahesha. She is an embodiment of the Divine Mother who is simultaneously Transcendent, Universal, & Immanent. Two of Pārvati’s most famous epithets are Umā & Aparnā. Umā is used for Sati (Shiva’s first wife who was reborn as Pārvati) in earlier texts. She is also Ambikā (Mother), Shakti (Power), Dūrga (Invincible), Bhairavi (Fearful), & Bhawāni. As Shakti, she is Sheer Power & Energy; her wrath crystallizes into Shyāmā (dark, black) a blood-thirsty, tangled-hair Goddess with an open mouth & a drooping tongue. This goddess is usually identified as the terrible Mahākāli. ― The Ten Mahāvidyās are the ten aspects of Shakti. In Tantra, all have importance & all are different aspects of Pārvati. The fifty-two Shakti-Peethas suggest all goddesses are expansions of the goddess Pārvati. The Nava-Dūrga are nine forms of Pārvati worshipped during Navarātri. She is also known as Meenākshi, goddess with eyes shaped like a fish; Kāmākshi, goddess of love & devotion; Lalita, the playful Goddess of the Universe, the Lalitā sahasranāma contains a list of 1,000 names of Pārvati as Lalita; Akhilandeshwari, found in coastal regions of India, is the goddess associated with water; Annapūrna, the Mother who fulfils all man’s wishes, waiting for when he yearns only Her Presence & Love.
... towards low ground? Wisely, Parvati waited till her father knew of her resolve. Then at the right moment, she approached him through a friend and requested permission to dwell in the forest for practising austerity and meditation till she obtained the fruit of her desire. Her father, pleased with this passion so worthy of her, gave his permission. Then Gauri, the fair lady, went to a peacock-... knowledge. Always hospitable to guests, Parvati welcomed him with great respect. Those like her, whose mind is centered, are full of reverence towards exceptional beings, even if there happens to be equality between them. The stranger accepted the hospitality offered according to tradition and pretended to rest for a while. Then looking innocently at Uma and without deviating from the usual norms... when he, like Indra releasing the rains on a ploughed and thirsty earth, will favour her." Thus, knowing the secret of her heart, her companion had revealed Parvati's real sentiments. The handsome brahmacharin, hiding his delight, asked Uma whether this was true or simply a joke. The daughter of the Mountain took her rosary of crystal beads and let her fingers, pointed upwards like a rose-bud ...
... Parvati's Tapasya Uma - Abaninidranath Tagore Parvati's Tapasya Introduction Her aim was nothing less than to win the heart of the supreme ascetic, silent and motionless in his abode of ice and snow. The great Shiva clothed in ashes, whom neither desire nor grief can touch, whose meditation is like Infinity contemplating Infinity, by whom worlds... said to have exclaimed U Ma! "Don't!" — a cry supposedly at the-origin of Parvati's other name Uma), she does it with a fierce determination, but this austere discipline does not make her lose any of her charm; on the contrary her tapasya enhances the beauty of her frail body like some strange and unique ornament. The divine Parvati appears to us with all the shyness of a maiden in love; she blushes when... rs" and the birth of their daughter, Parvati. We are told that Shiva has renounced marriage after the death of his first wife, Sati, but that Sati has been reborn as Parvati, to whom sciences and wisdoms came back "out of the former life, like swans that haste in autumn to a sacred river's shores". She grows up and Kalidasa describes the blossoming of Parvati's perfect body, beautiful curve after beautiful ...
... formless; the Gods too are formless and yet have forms, but a Godhead can take many forms, here Maheshwari, there Pallas Athene. Maheshwari herself has many forms in her lesser manifestations, Durga, Uma, Parvati, Chandi etc. The Gods are not limited to human forms—man also has not always seen them in human forms only. 1 September 1935 ...
... Pippalada in the Prashna Upanishad, or Brahma, the first of the Gods — devanam Prathamah, to Atharvan, he to Angir, Angir to Satyavaha the Bhardwaja, or Angiras in the Mundaka Upanishad or as Uma Haimavati, the Divine Mother who knows the Supreme, in the Kena Upanishad. "Arise, awake, find out the great ones and learn from them; for sharp as a razor's edge, hard to Page 21 traverse, difficult... But while Agni and Vayu came back, Indra did not turn back from the quest. He pursued his way through the highest ether of the pure mentality and there he approached the Woman, the many- shining, Uma Haimavati. From her he learned that the Yaksha, this Daemon, is the Brahman by whom alone the gods of mind and life and body conquer and affirm themselves, and in whom alone they are great. She said to him:... various faculties, symbolised as gods; we develop them to their point of maturity; these functionings become aware of their source by the intervention of the divine Intelligence, symbolised as Uma Haimavati, the Mother of the gods; there arc flashes from the higher functionings; to use the Vedic imagery, there are workings and descents of the powers of revelation, inspirations, intuitions, discriminations ...
... his way through the highest ether of the pure mentality and there he approaches the Woman, the many-shining, Uma Haimavati; from her he learns that this Daemon is the Brahman by whom alone the gods of mind and life and body conquer and affirm themselves, and in whom alone they are great. Uma is the supreme Nature from whom the whole cosmic action takes its birth; she is the pure summit and highest power ...
... formless; the Gods too are formless and yet have forms, but a Godhead can take many forms, here Maheshwari, there Pallas Athene. Maheshwari herself has many forms in her lesser manifestations, Durga, Uma, Parvati, Chandi etc. The Gods are not limited to human forms—man also has not always seen them in human forms only. The Gods and the Overmind The natives of the Overmind are Gods. Naturally the Gods ...
... with fortitude after a long time Parvati, the daughter of Himavat, got herself initiated for the observance of ritualistic activities. 36. She performed penance in the excellent holy centre Srngitirtha which (later) acquired the title "Gauri-Sikhara" due to her performance of penance thereon. 37. 0 sage, many beautiful holy plants were laid there by Parvati for testing the fruitfulness of... child with six mouths. Canto 11. There was a great dispute between the Ganges, the Krittikas and Agni as to who would take the divine child. Shiva and Parvati came to that place and Parvati was told by Shiva that it was her own son. Parvati then took hold of the child. The child attained on his sixth day fresh youth and talents and he became a master of all weapons. Canto 12. Indra came with... 36-37 and Mahabharata, Vanaparva, chap 223-231). The marriage of Shiva and Parvati is related in a few Puranas, particularly in the Brahma-Purana, the Skanda-Purana and in the Shiva- Purana. The version in the Shiva-Purana is quite detailed: its Parvati- khanda starts with the marriage of Himavan and ends with Shiva and Parvati's marriage. However it is not certain that Kalidasa borrowed from the Puranas ...
... founds all things and secretly supports and pervades all things. Supermind is the self-determining power of expression of that Supreme Reality. It is the Divine Maya and Aditi of the Veda; it is Haimavati Uma of the Upanishad; it is the Para Prakriti of the Gita, it is the Supreme Shakti of the Tantra. Supermind is also termed as Real-Idea, for in Supermind knowledge the Idea is not divorced from Will ...
... more the Mother showed us, the more nervous I became and just stood there transfixed! Then the Mother called Gauri. And both of them began this new game together. I said to myself that if Gauri moved her leg too vigorously then the Mother would surely fall. I felt extremely nervous and told Gauri so as soon as the exercise ended: “Let us bow down before the Mother. Whatever it be, you have touched... especially on Gauri and Violette. * Let me tell you about another amusing incident. As I said earlier, Pranab used to teach the captains after all the classes in the Playground were over. At that time the Mother would come and sit in the open ground. Many of us like Gauri, Debu, I and several others sat round the Mother. I remember, once it was very cold. I was freezing, sitting there. Gauri and I decided... we played together, Who my playmate was I did not know. Without a fear, without a shame, Life in quiet ease did flow. Gauri and I used to exercise with the Mother. On some days after coming back from the Tennis Ground, the Mother would take Gauri and me behind the stage. (In those days the cultural programme of 1st December took place in the Playground itself on a stage that was specially ...
... Gauri Pinto ( Teacher in the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education ) My return visit to “Fenêtres” on Rue St. Gilles in Pondicherry, home of the Pinto family, found me again being greeted at the door by the furry likes of “Starry”, “Jackie-Boy”, “Cutie”, “Tina”, “Brownie”, “Radha” and others of Gauri Pinto’s numerous cats and dogs that... with the cyclone. As we began our interview Gauri served my favorite drink; “Power Syrup”, made in the Ashram. It is a blend of the essences of hibiscus flowers, rose petals and lemon juice diluted in water with some sugar added. The drink was introduced to me in 1968 by the Pinto family. It is a most refreshing, cooling drink in the tropics. Gauri told me that she was born Judy Ann Pinto on 16... her eating habits became normalized and she gained the proper weight. Gauri told me that Ambu, the late Ashram hatha yoga teacher, (to whom the Mother addressed her letters “To My Faithful Baby”) was her “nanny”! “Ambu looked after me, gave me oil baths, fed me and took me for walks while my parents worked for the Mother”, Gauri said. Ambu in Hatha Yoga pose, Ashram 1983 What was your ...
... Parvati's Tapasya Glossary 1. Cupid: god of Love (or Desire) for the Romans. In Sanskrit this god has many names: Kama (desire), Manobhava (born of the mind), Smara (remembrance), Manmatha (the one who churns the mind), Madana (the one who intoxicates). 2. The daughter of the Mountain: Parvati means the daughter of Parvat, i.e. the mountain, Himalaya. Shailaja... Shailaja, another name for Parvati, means also the daughter of the rocs or of the mountain. 3 . Shirisha: One of the most beautiful Indian flowering trees (latin name: Albizzia lebbek). The delicate flowers (also called Sitapushpa) look like miniature powder-puffs. The leaves are sensitive and fold up on being touched. Shirisha flower 4. Tawny: pale golden brown 5. ... or mantras. Rudraksha beads (brown seeds with furrowed surfaces that are the pits of a fruit) are worn by Shaivaite devotees. 8. Saplings: young trees 9 . Kartikeya: the son whom Parvati will get from her union with Shiva (the Kumara of the title). In this particular Sanskrit verse, the name Guha is used. Guha can mean "leader of armies" or "born in a cave". 10 . Chakravaka; ...
... are not correct and have to be discarded or set right when a higher knowledge comes. Your experience means manifestly the uniting of the IshwaraShakti sides of the manifestation—as in the Hara-Gauri figure—with the result of a universalisation of the individual consciousness indicated by the shooting out towards infinite distances. The currents are of course the currents of the double force working... are those of the mind opening to the higher mental planes and trying to bring down something from them and their powers into the mind, life and body. (2) E.g. his classification of four worlds (Parvati-Shankar etc.) is an attempt of the mind to interpret something he had seen, but it has not got it at all right. If Mahasaraswati stopped him at this moment, it must have been because his mind was making ...
... atmosphere of the place. Another instance is the sense of Page 179 the Infinite I had at the Shankaracharya Hill at Kashmir and at Parvati Hill near Poona, and the reality of the image in a temple at Karnali near Chandod." In his visit to the Parvati Hill in 1908 he was accompanied by Lele. Sri Aurobindo, in a letter to Dilip, gave a comprehensive account of his pre-yogic spiritual e... issued from the body of Rudra. She is specially Page 180 View from Parvati Hill near Poona at the beginning of the century invoked for the cure of snake bites. In 1939 Sri Aurobindo described these three experiences in sonnets: Adwaita, The Hill-Top Temple of the Parvati Hill — his two experiences of contact with the Infinite; and The Stone Goddess on the northern ...
... Parvati's Tapasya Acknowledgements This monograph is part of a series on Value-oriented Education centered on three values: Illumination, Heroism and Harmony. The research, preparation and publication of the monographs that form part of this series are the result of the cooperation of the following members of the research team of the Sri Aurobindo International... compilation. Our special thanks to Veronique Nicolet (from Auroville) for her painting used on the cover as well as in the preface, and to Olivier Barot (also from Auroville) for his photographs of Parvati. Design: Auroville Press Publishers Cover design: Serge Brelin The Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR) acknowledges with gratitude the labor of research and editing of ...
... don't remember which line exactly, but I do remember that I could see from where I was standing the two windows of Gauri-di's room and that there were some people watching our programme from there. I was looking in their direction, and then suddenly I felt I could see on the wall of Gauri-di's room, very hazily, two feet. Nothing else but these two hazy feet on the grey coloured wall. Seeing the feet... recite the first lines. The programme did not take place at the Theater then, but at the Playground. The Mother sat right in front of the stage in a chair. On either side of the Mother sat Amiyo-da, Gauri-di, Minnie-di, Millie-di, Priti-di and Violette-ji. Four of us, Arati-di, Light, Chhanda and I, dressed in white Georgette sari and white blouse, stood on the stage ready for the programme to begin ...
... tree rustled overhead. Suddenly I burst out laughing. Gauri looked at me very puzzled. “Why are you laughing, Priti?” “You know, Gauri,” I said, “when the Supramental Light manifests, the Mother will distribute all Her sarees to Her girls. We will wear those sarees and go to the Mother to get Her blessings. Won’t that be lovely?” Gauri was a little nonplussed. “How did you ever get such... place? How would it take place?” Such questions never cropped up in our minds. You can imagine how very ignorant we were. My friend Gauri and I would sit on a cement bench in our Nanteuil house under the huge Ashwattha tree and chat about all sorts of things. One day Gauri asked me: “Do you understand anything about this Supramental manifestation that the elderly keep talking about? What is it?” “That... Violette, Gauri and I, were given the privilege of staying next to the Mother. The Mother used to enjoy talking to us about a host of things. She would watch very attentively how each person marched. One day all of a sudden She exclaimed: “Look there, a spider!” We turned and saw that one of the sadhaks was stretching his arms sideways in such a way that he really looked like a spider. Gauri and I ...
... thus is obliterated the sense of Being and Non-Being, all doubts and difficulties as to whether It exists or not. On the screen of the individual consciousness there arises a strange Form, like Uma-Haimavati of the Upanishad. Bhusuku, this is your true Natural Form. Once you know and recognise It, all the bonds of sense are broken, the heart fills of itself with a supreme delight. This is the real ...
... me not to bring Promesse as the force that was working at that moment was too strong for him. At the beginning of 1951, the Mother asked Gauri to come and join our group and from 16 th May, 1951, Parul also joined us. The six of us, Chum, Jhumur, Bubu, Gauri, Parul and I, continued to see the Mother every day until December 1958 when the Mother stopped a number of Her activities. The Mother’s programme ...
... creativity is endless. This present monograph is entitled Parvati's Tapasya. It presents an episode of the life of the goddess as recounted by Kalidasa in his epic Kumarasambhava. The great poet describes one of the greatest instruments used by ancient Indian seekers in their quest, the method of tapasya, here undertaken by Parvati herself for the sake of love. Tapasya can be said to include... Parvati's Tapasya Illumination, Heroism and Harmony Preface The task of preparing teaching-learning material for value- oriented education is enormous. There is, first, the idea that value-oriented education should be exploratory rather than prescriptive, and that the teaching- learning material should provide to the learners a growing experience of ...
... Pilgrimage to the Spirit February 20, 1932 Your experience means manifestly the uniting of the Ishwara-Shakti sides of the manifestation—as in the Hara-Gauri figure—with the result of a universalization of the individual consciousness indicated by the shooting out towards infinite distances. The currents are of course, the currents of the double force working ...
... there then! How strange!" And after he had made that remark he began recounting an incident. Several years before we came to live in the Red House Udar-da, Mona, his wife and his daughter Gauri who was very small then, used to live there. The first few Christmas celebrations in the Ashram had taken place in the Red House. Anyway, on one such occasion, the Mother Visited their house. As Udar-da ...
... necessary to know more about his first Guru — Bharat Brahmachari. It is he who moulded, guided — one can say almost gave “re-birth” to Yogananda’s life, from 1918 to 1932, from the time he joined the Gauri Ashram to the day he met Sri Aurobindo and joined this, the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, when the Mother and Sri Aurobindo took up the “adolescent”, impatient and impetuous Jogdananda. Yogananda had written ...
... Shiva), and after their puja he was resting, sleeping, with his head on Anusuya's knees. Meanwhile, the gods had descended upon earth, Page 216 particularly this Parvati, and they saw Anusuya like that. Then Parvati exclaimed, 'This is a good occasion!' Not very far away a cooking fire was burning. With her power, she sent the fire rolling down onto Anusuya's feet—which startled her because... And because she invoked Shiva (it is lovely in the story), because she invoked Shiva, Shiva's foot began burning! ( Mother laughs ) Then Narada showed Shiva to Parvati: 'Look what you are doing; you are burning your husband's foot!' So Parvati made the opposite gesture and the fire was put out. That's how it went. Lovely. Oh, the story was very lovely all along. There was one thing after another... Shiva—joined forces (!) and tried all kinds of things to foil Narada. I no longer recall the details of the story ... Oh yes, the story begins like this: one of the three—I believe it was Shiva's consort, Parvati (she was the worst one, by the way!)—was doing her puja. Shiva was in meditation, and she began doing her puja in front of him; she was using an oil lamp for the puja, and the lamp fell down and burned ...
... Whenever the Mother watched any programme after the Darshan March-past, it was performed on the ground and not on a stage. She would sit in front of the map of India with the usual people on either side, Gauri-di, Amiyo-da, Millie-di, Minnie-di, Violette-ji, etc. Pranab-da stood either at the entrance to Her room or on the left of the map at the door that led to the old body-building gymnasium. Our play was ...
... Mother had named “Fenêtres” (Windows). This is home to Udar Pinto, his English wife Mona, manager extraordinaire of Golconde, and their daughter Gauri, a teacher at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education. Sri Aurobindo gave Udar (Generous) and Gauri (another name for Durga meaning the Fair One) their names but asked that Mona keep her own name as it reminded him of the Mona Lisa. At “Fenêtres”... glorious courtyard ablaze with vibrant colors of bougainvillea, marigolds, roses, other types of flowering plants, graceful arrangements of potted plants and an upstairs terrace filled with orchids. Gauri’s animals (she rescues cats and dogs from the streets of Pondicherry and nurses them back to health) either playfully greet one at the door or in the case of some dogs stand back and snarl and growl... met his beloved Mona while attending school in England and she waited three years for him while he got settled in Pondicherry. Finally, in 1937, he sent for her and they were married. Their daughter, Gauri, was born at the end of that year in November. First Darshan of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother After Mona and Udar were married somebody suggested that they should have darshan of Sri Aurobindo ...
... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 Hymn to Hara-Gauri SHE is anointed with camphor and sandal And He with ashes of the funeral pyre; She wears true ear-rings And He rings of swaying snakes; I bow to Her, I bow to Him. She is decorated with garlands of Mandara And He with garlands of ...
... is motionless, Who lies on the peak of the Mountain, the Consort of the daughter of the Mountain, Parvati, O Siva, O Sambhu, O lord of all beings, the Reliever of fear of the frightened, My Lord, the Lord of the World, deliver me from the deep forest called the world. O the Dear of the heart of Parvati (daughter of the Mountain), Wearing the moon as His Crown, the Lord of living beings and the Lord ...
... you need to know that?” I was nonplussed. Gauri and I used to go to the Mother in the evening together. After taking the flower-blessings we would come back home chatting all the way. One evening I don’t know what happened but just as I reached Minu’s house all of a sudden, as I was talking, I fell almost unconscious on Gauri’s shoulder. Poor Gauri somehow dragged me home. “Go and lie down a... In the meantime, my mother, Bibhavati, learning about my condition came to my side. She sat next to me looking worried. Then Gauri returned. She had brought flowers from the Mother. “The Mother has asked you to place these flowers on your chest and lie quietly.” Both Gauri and my mother closed the door and went away. The following day I had hardly reached the Mother than She started scolding me... continues to do so even today. One day in the Playground, the Mother came out of Her room in order to take the salute at the March Past. Evening had almost fallen. All of us (Minnie-di, Milli-di, Gauri, Violet and I) were standing as usual next to the map of India, waiting for the Mother. The Mother arrived and looked at us gravely for a while. We stiffened with fear. “What had we done, now?” we wondered ...
... temple. Sri Aurobindo had his third experience here. He has stated: That is the atmosphere of the place. Another instance is the sense of the Infinite I had at the Shankaracharya Hill, and at Parvati Hill near Poona, and the reality of the image in a temple at Karnali near Chandod. In 1939 Sri Aurobindo described these three experiences in sonnets: Adwaita, The Hill-top Temple and The Stone ...
... स तस्मिन्नेवाकाशे स्त्रियमाजगाम बहुशोभमानामुमां हैमवतीं तां होवाच किमेतद्यक्षमिति ॥१२॥ Page 9 12) He in the same ether came upon the Woman, even upon Her who shines out in many forms, Uma daughter of the snowy summits. To her he said, "What was this mighty Daemon?" ...
... decided to write down this story and send it to the Mother. We did start writing the story down in the class but unfortunately we never got around to sending it to Her. 1.Arima 2.Gauri 3.Kirti 4.Lalbabu 5.Lauren 6.Lakshmi 7.Mukund 8. Mina 9. Padma 10. Prithwiraj 11. Touyamani 12. Vasant 13. Vimla Page 106 ...
... Monnet Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Taittiriya Upanishad Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Svapna Vasavadattam Arguments for the Existence of ...
... of the Mother (fourth Series)’ into French. By then I had left the school but Mother wanted me to continue my study of French. So She started a translation class for six of us: Chum, Jhumur, Bubu, Gauri, Parul and myself. We used to go daily to the Mother together. The class was held outside Pavitra Da’s room, in the corridor. Mother would sit on a stool with the six of us around Her. She gave each ...
... Men Jean Monnet Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Philosophy of Supermind and Contemporary Crisis Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism ...
... the new moon, when I felt very down, he gave me the first tantric mantra—a mantra to Durga. For a period of 41 days, I must repeat it 125,000 times and go every morning to the Temple, stand before Parvati and recite this mantra within me for at least one hour. Then I must go to the sanctuary of Shiva and recite another mantra for half an hour. Practically speaking, I have to repeat constantly within... with pain, filled with a nameless despair, for nowhere was there a way out. The sea was nearby and I could Page 255 have thrown myself into it; otherwise, there was only the sanctuary of Parvati—but there was no more Africa to flee to, everything closed in all around me, and I kept repeating, 'Why? Why?' This much suffering was truly inhuman, as if my last twenty years of nightmare were ...
... वन्दे भक्तजनाश्रयञ्च वरदं वन्दे श्रीअरविन्दम् ॥ १५॥ vande devamumāpatiṁ suraguruṁ vande jagatkāraṇam, vande bhaktajanāśrayañca varadaṁ vande śrīaravindam.15 I worship Sri Aurobindo, the lord of Uma Who is the Guru of the gods and the creator of the world. I worship Sri Aurobindo, the giver of boons and the refuge of devotees. Shivaparadhakshamapanastotram देवेन्द्रमौलिमन्दारमकरन्दकणारुणाः। ...
... and Mother's full consent he went to Calcutta. And... and there he found the voice... as though the new melody had taken a human form to propagate itself— destiny's seal was upon it. She was Hashi (Uma Bose). Like Dilip da she too was born on a 22 January 1921, and discarded her human body on 22 January 1942 at the age of 21 years. For the world. It is one of the well-known laws of the occult ...
... s poems The Hill-Top Temple Read poem > One of Sri Aurobindo's experiences, of the contact with the Infinite, was on the Hill-top Temple of the Parvati Hill in Poona. After unnumbered steps of a hill-stair I saw upon earth's head brilliant with sun The immobile Goddess in her house of stone In a loneliness of meditating air. 21 ...
... with great force and vividness in his Introduction. But it should be manifest even to a careless reader of the Hymns. Take the following passage:— Reverence to Her who is eternal, Raudra, To Gauri and Dhatri, reverence and again reverence, Page 573 To Her who is moonlight and in the form of the moon, To Her who is supreme bliss, reverence for ever. That is from the famous... the best known in sacred literature; but everywhere we find the same crowding of different aspects. In a hymn of which the eleventh verse is a sensuous description of the physical goddess,— O Gauri! with all my heart I contemplate Thy form, Beauteous of face, With its weight of hanging hair, With full breasts and rounded slender waist, Holding in three hands a rosary, a pitcher and book ...
... the Playground. After the activities were over, She would sit on a bench and watch Pranab (whom I began calling Dada) do his exercises. A very ordinary bench painted in green was arranged for Her. Gauri-di would cover the bench with a clean cloth and a cushion. Six or seven lady-disciples who accompanied the Mother wherever She went in the Playground sat on the floor at Her feet. I lived in “Dortoir”... stopped the classes on Prayers and Meditations . Some time later however, early in June 1951, the Mother took up these classes again. At first there were only the six of us: Chum, Jhumur, Bubu, Gauri, Parul and me who went together daily to see the Mother upstairs in Her room. One day while we were with Her, She announced that She was going to hold special classes at the playground for us on Wednesdays ...
... Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati 's Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism Towards Universal Fraternity ...
... self-preservation and the integrality of its outlook. A new spirit of oneness will take hold of the human race Page 133. Other titles in the Illumination and Harmony series Parvati's Tapasya Nala and Damayanti The siege Of Troy Alexander the great Homer and the Iliad- Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Joan of Arc The crucifixion ...
... collection) 172 Kashmir's Dal Lake early this century (from an old postcard) 178 The temple atop Shankaracharya Hill at Srinagar (courtesy Shri Seshadri Chari) 181 View from Parvati Hill near Poona at the beginning of the century (from an old postcard) 202 Mahalakshmi, Brihadeeswaran temple, Thanjavur (courtesy Michel Danino) 205 Sri Aurobindo as a professor in ...
... of all scriptures! Thou art Durga and alone art the boat in our raging sea of life. Thou art indeed Lakshmi ever residing in the heart of the slayer of the demon Kaitabha (Vishnu); verily art Thou Gauri who is established in the moon-crested Shiva. Shakradikritadevistotram 10 ॐ दुर्गायै नमः। ॐ मीरायै नमः॥ om durgāyai namaḥ, om mīrāyai namaḥ OM to Durga our salutations OM to Mira our ...
... sa tasminnevakase striyamajagama bahusobhamanamumam haimavatim tam hovaca kimetadyaksamiti. 12. 12. He in the same ether came upon the Woman, even upon Her who shines out in many forms, Uma daughter of the snowy summits. To her he said, "What was this mighty Daemon?" Fourth Part sa hrahmeti hovaca hrahmano va etadvijaye mahiya dhvamiti tato haiva vidancakara ...
... vande śrīaravindam prasīda kamalā parāparāṇāṁ parameśvari, śaraṇāgataṁ rakṣa rakṣādhunā. I sing the glory of Shiva who holds Ganga. I sing the glory of the God Agni. I adore the beloved of Parvati, the essence of the three worlds. I worship Sri Aurobindo. O Supreme Goddess Kamala, higher than the high, be gracious, protect now the one who has come to Thy refuge. ( Source unknown ) ...
... Playground and everybody ran to their spots in their respective group. The Mother came out of Her room and stood in front of the map of India. Four or five of us girls—Minnie-di, Milli-di, Violet, Gauri and I—always waited for the Mother near the map. The Mother came in front of the map of India, stretched out Her arms on either side and said: “ Je suis crucifiée .” (I am crucified.) Hardly had ...
... speaking slowly. He looked at us and wanted to know if what he had stated related to our question. Then the reading went a bit faster. Often, in between, he would say, "Now Shiva says further to Parvati." He started from the arrival of a great Yogi from the North and a French lady of divine powers at Pondicherry and the founding of a great Yoga Ashram there and then spoke of the founding of a ...
... pervading everywhere and I had not got it in the steamer. That is the atmosphere of the place. Another instance is the sense of the Infinite I had at the Shankeracharya Hill at Kashmir and at Parvati Hill near Poona, and the reality of the image in a temple at Karnali near Chandod. Disciple : I asked X why the Jews are so much persecuted in Germany. He said that they were a rich minority ...
... , the march and progress of the divine forces, the Gods and their powers, the transformation of the nature into a higher consciousness. It was these powers that you saw passing in your vision. Parvati-Shankara It is probably the realm of the dynamic creative Spirit on the highest mental plane which you saw as the world of ParvatiShankara. Narayana, Vishnu, Brahma, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Ananta ...
... He wanted advice from me, but as I kept silent he wrote to Purani. He has been in contact with many Yogis but remains unsatisfied. He has read the Arya too. CHAMPAKLAL: Pujalal was saying that Parvati, worshipping the sun by gazing at it, obtained Shiva. How is it she didn't go blind by gazing at the sun? SRI AUROBINDO: Why should she go blind? CHAMPAKLAL: We have a saying by gazing at the ...
... Niranjan and another brother Sudhiranjan used to visit often but did not live here. One brother Chittaranjan passed away sometime later. The rest Amiyoranjan, Kanakranjan and Robiranjan and sisters Gauri and Chobi lived close to the Mother. Manoranjan’s family too settled here since 1944. His wife Jyotsna with children — Arun, Karobi, Ashok, Runu, Barin and Madhuri consisted the family. Chittaranjan’s... photography in Ashram. He too excelled in tennis and table-tennis. Did not make much efforts to do well in other fields. Maybe he could have if he would have. He too worked in the Printing Press. Gauri(di) is their sister. She is also Sunilda’s wife. She was close to the Mother. Attended on Her when She came to the Play Ground. Gauridi was in charge of the Room. She arranged the flower vases, made ...
... place. Pasupati, the lord of all creatures great and small, was getting married. The animals were running, for they did not want to miss the great event. The lion was taking them to the Himalayas. Uma, the daughter of Himavat and Menaka, was the Bride. Hosts from heaven and hosts from hell had come trooping. Bhutas and Pramathas' had escorted their Lord from Kailash, dancing and beating skull ...
... any other man." 2 1. Life-Work of Sri Aurobindo. 2.West Bengal govt.'s I. B. Records (L.N.54A). From Haridas and Uma Mukherji's Sri Aurobindo ba Banglar Biplabbad. Page 358 We have further details from Professors Haridas and Uma Mukherjee. 1 "Aurobindo was arrested on August 16 and the Manager and the Printer on August 19 and August 21 respectively. From the ...
... Aptts., Surat-395 007.Tel. No. 669141. 4. Mr. Manish Soni (MS) Vedic Scholar, 10-B, Ankur Park Society, Subhanpura, Baroda-390 007. Tel. No.383186 OR 381759 (R) 5. Mr. R. Uma Anavartam (UA) Teacher, Firdaus Amrut Center, 15-Cantonment, Ahmedabad-380 003.Tel. No.786-6393 , (0). 6. Dr. Savita Guar (SG) Deptt. of Comparative Literature, South Gujarat ...
... Page 105 Tantric Sadhakas 33, 34 Tapas 27, 77 Titans 4 Trinity 13 Triton 14, 17, 103 Turya 14 Tyrrhenian 35 U Uchathya 9 Uma 18 Upanishad 37 Upanishadic Assurance 53 Upanishadic Rishis 8 V Vaishnava Poet 78 Vaishnava Poetry 91 Valmiki 13, 40, 103, 104 Varna 15 Varuna 1, 4, ...
... to stand in front of the map of India (at the Playground) and all the groups would go past Her in a salute. Then She would sit in a chair in front of the map and on either side of Her sat Amiyo-da, Gauri-di, Milli-di, Minnie-di, Priti-di and Violette and there would sometimes be performances of music, dance or theater in front of Her. This happened not on a stage but on the sandy ground. If any sadhak ...
... contact with a place that gives you an experience and sometimes the experience is appropriate to the place. For instance, the sense of the Infinite I had on the Sankaracharya Hill in Kashmir or on the Parvati hills at Poona, and the perception of the reality of Goddess at the Karnali temple. PURANI (after a pause) : To return to the Herberts: I asked Hubert why the Jews are so much repressed and persecuted ...
... an Auroville Health Centre in the early 1990s (previously there was nothing of this caliber in Auroville) and she continues her practice of medicine there. Krishna and Kamla have four daughters. Uma, the eldest, who retired as a Lt. Colonel from the Army Medical Corps two years ago, is now working in the Auroville Health Centre. She and her doctor husband have not joined Auroville as yet. He is... both hold Ph D. degrees in physics and teach at Amhurst University in Massachusetts. They have two children. On my last day in Pondicherry, January 4, 2003, before returning to the United States, Uma and General Tewari paid me a visit at the Seaside Guest House. They drove in from Auroville and Krishna had been very ill with a persistent fever. He was still weak and not fully recovered, but they ...
... Aurobindo and the Mother. He wrote to Sri Aurobindo, " I surrender unconditionally to you all I have and am. You must accept me." 1937 A brief visit to Calcutta after nine years. Met Uma Bose who had an enchanting voice, and taught her music. 1938 On invitation from the Calcutta University and the Director of public instruction, Dilip wrote Geetashree for the music... music. Another book, Sangitikee, gave a historical account of classical and folk music of Northern India. Both books were pre- scribed texts of the Calcutta University. 22 Jan. 1942 Uma Bose passed away, leaving a vacuum in Bengali music. Her untimely death was a great loss for Dilip but his musical and literary creativity never ceased. 7 Oct. 1946 Met Janak Kumari ...
... Hymenocallis (Spider Lily). × Tantric ceremonies in the temple of Parvati. × In fact, it was not X who said this, but one of his acolytes, N., who would later throw a great ...
... ODYSSEY, 22 PADMA,287 Palit, Labanya, 169 Panchatantra, 77 Panis, 272 Paraclete, 23 Parasurama, 148 Parvati, 152, 154 Pondicherry , 11n., 12 Pulastya, 149 RADHA, 307 Ramakrishna, 106 Ramprasad, 159-61 Raoutu,283 Ravana, 148 ...
... my test before the Mother. At the designated time, She came and sat facing the stage. The stage had been set up on the western side of the Playground between Milli-di's egg-distribution service and Gauri-di's house. At that time there weren't many people in the Playground: a team of electricians, Vishwanath-da and the regular people who stayed around the Mother, and the music-composer of my dance, Sunil-da ...
... Aurobindo : God knows how! It began very early perhaps. When I landed on the Indian soil a great calm and quiet descended on me. There were also other characteristic experiences – at Poona on the Parvati hills and then in Kashmir on the Shankeracharya hill, – a sense of a great infinite Reality was felt. It was very real. Then at Baroda Deshpande tried to convert me to yoga; but I had the usual ...
... Aurobindo chhada.” (I have seen the Mother’s book. There no name was written but that of Sri Aurobindo.) Bharat Brahmachari passed away in 1928. His guru Loknath Brahmachari passed away earlier. Now the Gauri Ashram hardly exists. Parul, Badol and their father Jogendra (Yogananda’s brother) visited the Ashram in l980. What they saw brought tears to Jogendra who had seen it in its pristine days. One old man ...
... formless; the Gods too are formless and yet have forms, but a Godhead can take many forms, here Maheshwari, there Pallas Athene. Maheshwari herself has many forms in her lesser manifestations, Durga, Uma, Parvati, Chandi, etc. The Gods are not limited to human forms — man also has not always seen them in human forms only.’ 4 They were and are often seen as forms of light or as a play of lights. The ...
... She would then give the glass to Ravindra. The Mother plays the organ In between I went to Mother in the afternoon as well. Sometimes She would give me sweets and sometimes flowers. Tara, Gauri, Parul, Rababala, Mrityunjoy da, Pavitra-da would also be there. Mother would take French classes for them where She Herself was the teacher. She would give dictation and then check the notebooks. I ...
... Purani's Life and Keshavmurti's Sri Aurobindo — The Hope of Man. [In SABCL see Vol. 1.] 36. Quoted in Haridas & Uma Mukherjee's Sri Aurobindo and the New Thought in Indian Politics (1964), pp. XXV-XXVI 37. Haridas and Uma Mukherjee, The Origins of the National Education Movement (1957), p. 74 38. Quoted in Loving Homage (1958)... Foreword to Haridas and Uma Mukherjee's Sri Aurobindo and the New Thought in Indian Politics, p. viii 9. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 1, pp. 595-600 10. Purani, The Life, p. 106 11. A. C. Mazumdar, Indian National Evolution (W5), pp. 111-12 12. Ibid., p. 112' 13. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 26, p. 31 14. Haridas and Uma Mukherjee, India's Fight... 51. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 26, p. 57 Chapter 4: Translations 1. 'New Lamps for Old' is included in Sri Aurobindo's Political Thought: 1893-1908, edited by Haridas and Uma Mukherjee (1958), pp. 61-123; and the other series is reprinted as Bankim Chandra Chatterjee (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1954).[In SABCL, see Vols.1 and 17 resp. See also Vol.27, p. 349] ...
... yavaccandra-divakarau. I was now reminded of the story of Parvati in the Kumarasambhava of Kalidasa. Mahadeva comes in disguise to beguile her mind. He says, "What you have set your heart on is but Page 329 a ghost, a goblin, a dirty creature. Is it meet to have such a low despicable thing for a husband?” And Parvati answer back, “You may say what you like, but my mind is set ...
... Monnet Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati's Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism Towards Universal Fraternity ...
... poem, the marriage of Siva and Parvati, typified in its original idea the union of Purusha and Prakriti, the supreme Soul and dynamic Nature by which the world is created; but this type of divine legend was used esoterically to typify also the Nature-Soul's search for and attainment of God, and something of this conception pierces through the description of Parvati's seeking after Siva. Such was the ...
... happened before, what happens at that time and what happens afterwards. If it is just a snake like that, with two heads... It was in this room, Sweet Mother. I don't know who was there, but in Gauri's drawer, here, there was the snake, and as soon as I opened it, it came out. Then you took it by the tail, and it bit you—but that did nothing. Then you let it go out by the other window. It was ...
... ready in refined repartee. He is one of those men, to be in whose company is a joy; and behind whose exterior, is a steadily glowing fire of unseen devotion to a cause." Professors Haridas and Uma Mukherjee are a pair of historians who have done much scrupulous research on the movement of 1905-10, and have written several books on Sri Aurobindo's political life. "At first he stayed behind the ...
... lunch. She got a glass of red grape-juice prepared. Then she took a sip from it and passed it on to Ravindra-ji, Mona, Gauri and Udar to do the same. Then she gave the glass to me. She wrote down something on a piece of paper and signed it and then she asked Ravindra-ji, Mona, Gauri and Udar to sign below her signature and gave it to me. Here is what she had written: Page 218 ... And from that time Udar and I started eating with her in the evenings. Later, Mother arranged for me to have lunch with her too. After some time, Udar asked Mother if his wife Mona and his daughter Gauri could also join us for lunch and she agreed. During this period Ali and Alice used to occasionally prepare some dishes for Mother and they would be present here during lunch. Sometimes Ravindra-ji... Be yourself and all will be well. Let this wine of immortality Be the wine of your complete victory. Mother Signed: Ravindra Mona Gauri Udar (31) Before 5th December 1950, the period before Sri Aurobindo's physical withdrawal, Mother used to return from the Playground at night and preside over ...
... watch the captains’ exercises. With limitless patience Pranab would teach each captain vaulting, parallel bars, freehand exercises and all kinds of other things. During this time, I would sit with Gauri and several others near the Mother. One day, suddenly, Kaké who must have been about four then, came out of Dortoir (a children’s boarding in the Playground) and went straight in front of the Mother ...
... realised its vast Golden Light of Truth-knowledge. There was an enjoyment of the dynamic play of the Lord, His play of the beginningless and endless Bliss. I realised the supreme Lord with His Shakti Uma as the Two-in-One in the vast Golden Realm of Truth, which even the great gods fail to see. I realised Him as the Lord of my soul and self, present everywhere and bestowing His Grace on the devoted faithful ...
... Lord of the Universe is now amidst us as the Word of the Gita. She is his puissant arm to establish his will in life. In the phrase of Jnaneshwar she is mantrapratipadya bhagawati , the Goddess Parvati expounding and firming up the might of the Supreme in a delightful revelatory manifestation. The Gita appears in the Book of Bhishma, Bhishma Parva of the Mahabharata, and begins with a description ...
... - Jean Monnet Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati’s Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism Towards Universal Fraternity Let us ...
... Uniting Men - Jean Monnet Joan of Arc Nala and Damayanti Alexander the Great Siege of Troy Homer and the Iliad - Sri Aurobindo and Ilion Catherine the Great Parvati’s Tapasya Sri Krishna in Vrindavan Socrates Nachiketas Sri Rama Compiled by Kireet Joshi On Materialism Towards Universal Fraternity Let us Dwell on ...
... aesthesis. Before closing this section I shall give one more example of this transformation. There is, I think, a subtle relation between the birth and growth of Kalidasa's Parvati and that of Sri Aurobindo's Savitri. Parvati is the Mother of the Universe bom as Himalaya's daughter. Mythologically she is divine. Yet when we read carefully about her birth and childhood, about her childish plays with... aesthesis the sensuous is transmuted into the spiritually tangible. Savitri's childhood, and youth surrounded by her companions are not less vividly depicted than Parvati's, but it is a different kind of vividness. About the day when Parvati was bom Kalidasa writes: śaririṇam sthāvara-jaṅgamānāṃ sukhāya taj-janma-dinam babhūva/ 111 The day of her birth made happy all embodied creatures... which embodies the vision, the poetic truth. Kalidasa compares the union (sahitya, togetherness) of the form and content with the union of Shiva, the supreme Lord, and Parvati, the Mother Nature. 150 Shiva is the soul, Parvati the body. Without the soul the body is meaningless, without the body the soul is unmanifest: "...form only exists as a manifestation of spirit and has no independent being ...
... programme. The story depicted the four aspects of Mother Durga and a lot of the actors for the dance-drama had been selected by the Mother Herself: for instance, Mother Durga was Anu-ben, Maheshwari was Gauri Pinto, Mahalakshmi was Light Ganguly, Mahasaraswati was Jhumur and Mahakali was myself. In addition, there were three Asuras: Shumbha, Nishumbha and Raktabeej, played respectively by Mona, Vishweshwar ...
... formless; the Gods too are formless and yet have forms, but a Godhead can take many forms, here Maheshwari, there Pallas Athene. Maheshwari herself has many forms in her lesser manifestations, Durga, Uma, Parvati, Chandi, etc. The Gods are not limited to human forms – man also has not always seen them in human forms only.’ 13 As the gods are descended from the One, or That, or Brahman, but remain ...
... person of one's mate and the emotional aching to merge oneself in it - foreshadows the cult of the Saviour and the Avatar, the supreme Mother and the All-Creatrix, the biune Godhead of Shiva and Parvati. It is the half-way house to the religion of the devotees, the bhaktas, the Sufi singers of the perfect Beloved. I think that to perceive a truth behind romantic idealism is also to tend, when ...
... been celebrated. That is why I could never imagine that my wish could come true. On the saptami (the seventh day of the Durga-puja) I went to the Ashram and what did I see? Minnie-di, Milli-di, Gauri, Bibha, Krishnalal-ji, Jayantilal-da and some others were busy decorating the Meditation Hall below and the staircase with vines and flowers. Ila-di (Chitra’s mother) was also deeply absorbed in the... statuette of Ganesha and offered it to me. “Pishi, offer flowers to my god Ganesha everyday.” I have kept this statuette near the photo of the Mother’s Feet. We little ones knew that Mother Parvati was god Ganesha’s mother. Ganesha was the Divine Mother’s first child and a most loved one too. Ganesha is the Giver of siddhi (realisation). He especially controls worldly wealth and money. All ...
... Purusha. I had these experiences when I had not yet begun Yoga and knew nothing about it. I was more or less an agnostic. Then I had two experiences of contact with the Infinite-one at Poona on the Parvati hills and the other on the Shankaracharya hill in Kashmir. Again, at Karnali, where there are many temples, I went to one of them and saw in an image of Kali the living Presence. After that, I came ...
... should contemplate on Parvati. She will swiftly pierce the three knots from the lowermost centre (Muladhara) upward, open the lotuses and awaken the dense intense bliss laden with consciousness, she will come forth from the fountain of nectar that flows from the nectared home of the vibrating heaven and shine like the impetuous lightning. "May the embodied form of Parvati grant us the abode and... three centres, the crown (Brahma-randhra), the heart and the lower abdomen, even as it is richly decorated with resplendent ornaments." Then the sadhak must contemplate the Twin Deity, Shiva and Parvati, the aggregate of all the gods, and possessed of the Gnostic Light displayed in the burning of the three cities of demons. They wear red and white garlands and garments, Page 152 ...
... to wash my clothes, to dress like an Indian and to take care of things. I made friends with Gauri’s dog, “Spotted Beauty”, a Dalmatian. They also had a donkey named “Baudet”. Udar had purchased it for the Mother and kept it in his garden. I asked Mother if I could look after it and she gave permission. Gauri was my friend but I did not have the time or take the time to make other friendships. I spent ...
... Shiva supports the Asuras, gives them boons. SRI AUROBINDO: He makes many blunders. SATYENDRA: And Vishnu comes to the rescue. NIRODBARAN: Sometimes it seems that Shiva favours one side and Parvati the opposite one. Madhusudan has depicted it in Meghnad, his epic poem. SRI AUROBINDO: Madhusudan had a sympathy for Ravana Then Purani read out from a Hindi paper an article by some Arya Samajist ...
... Danger's hooves" at Baroda. -The sense of the Infinite, 'Adwaita,' which he experienced at the Shankaracharya Hill at Kashmir, or -the invasion of the Infinite he felt when he stood atop the Parvati hill near Pune. -Standing before a temple of goddess Kali at Karnali, looking at the sculpture, unexpectedly, mysteriously he saw "a Face that looks into yours." -Sri Aurobindo began his ...
... here, each soul is destined to come, guided by the divine Planning. You are also under the divine Plan. That is how you are here. You don’t know, but your mother prayed to Uma for a child. 91 Do you know who Uma is? I am Uma. Her prayer was granted and with my blessings to your mother you were born. Since your childhood, in school and in your business I have been with you at each step. We have also... × Id., pp. 411-12. × The goddess Uma is the consort of the god Shankar, one of the names of Shiva. × Because of her paintings and the Mother’s ...
... 86 . The Times Literary Supplement, 62n., 126n Thibon, Gustave, 126-7 Thompson, Francis, 143 -"The Hound of Heaven", 143n Times, 127 Titan, 97, 159 Turkey, 284 UCHATHYA, 163 Uma,170 United Nations Organization, 263 Upanishads, the, 6, 8-9, ll-12, 15, 23, 25-30, 35, 37, 39-40, 50, 53, 57, 69, 73, 75, 77, 82-3, 96, 103-4, 120, 129,132, 149, 182,250,264-5, 281, 368 ...
... Vishweshwar, Ira, Smriti, Chhanda, Tublu. 5. A Vision of Science: a poem by Sri Aurobindo: Directed by Norman Dowsett, Arati, Amita. Voices: Jules, Arunbishnu, Sudha Anand, Reba, Dipu, Namita S, Gauri Gupta. 6. Surrender by Sri Aurobindo: Recitation by Arati, dance by Shobha. 7. Sri Aurobindo's photo will be projected on the cyclorama. Meditation with the Mother's organ music (5 minutes) ...
... no sweat but a smile broke out on his face — and he claimed to have won the race! Kartikeya protested, but lost the case. Ganesha’s circumambulations of the Universe were thrice around his mother Parvati, the Mother of the Universe, who contained the Universe, while Kartikeya in a hurry did what is usually done. ...
... marked out by the Yogi. In the epilogue to Jnaneshwari the author gives the lineage of his Gurus, starting from Matsyendranath who directly received the yogic lore of ancient times given to Goddess Parvati by Yogeshwar Shiva himself. Matsyendranath taught it to Gorakshanath from whom it came down to Nivrittinath. Later, this Nath Sampradaya went from Maharashtra to Bengal and from there spread to other ...
... went together to her and explained to her the situation, and at last persuaded her to follow them in their path, the long journey, the return journey homeward. We may recollect here also the image of Parvati sojourning in her earthly mother's home and returning to Kailash, to her heavenly Lord. There is also another, similar or parallel story in the Veda about the God Agni, about the disappearance of ...
... 48 A Seed-Force It was "in that condition of Nirvanic silence that I went first to Poona and then to Bombay." Lele went with him. They visited together the Parvati hill, where Sri Aurobindo had that experience at the 'Hill-Top Temple.' During his visit at Poona, supposedly a private one, "citizens thronged to see him whenever he appeared," reports the Bande ...
... genre. They are painted pictures, still life, on the whole, presented in two dimensions. Kalidasa himself has described the nature or character of this artistic effect. In describing a gesture of Uma he says, 'she moved not, she stopped not' (na yayau na tasthau); it was, as it were, a movement suddenly arrested and held up on a canvas. The imagery is as though of a petrification. The figures ...
... II Sastriar had a special spiritual relationship with his teacher, Vasistha Ganapati Muni, known also as "Nayana" (a Telegu word meaning "father"), author of the modern Sanskrit classic Uma Sahasram and a rare adept of Sri Vidya. Sastriar had also sat at the feet of Nayana's own Guru, Sri Ramana Maharishi of Tiruvannamalai. After Sastriar's contacts with Page 257 Sri Aurobindo... Aurobindo had thrown open to him new vistas of spiritual experience, it was natural enough that Ganapati Muni also should visit the Ashram sooner or later. When Sri Aurobindo received a copy of Uma Sahasram from Duraiswami Aiyar, the splendour of its diction and the authenticity of its vision made an immediate impression on the Master, and presently the Mother informed Aiyar: "If Ganapati Sastri... Aurobindo and the Mother. He was one of the great 'outsiders' who nevertheless bore witness to the manifest generosity and golden benevolence of the Mother, and this intrepid and inspired Laureate of Uma the Goddess Supreme died at Kharagpur in 1936, still at the height of his powers. But the Guru-Sishya alchemic chain-relationship ensured a spiritual continuity, and the Ganapati Muni-Kapali Sastry-Madhav ...
... significance of Radha's pining for Krishna has been appreciated only by the Bengalis. Mahadeva (Siva) has taken his abode in many places, but it is the Bengalis who have been mad over his consort, Gauri. The doctrine of Vedanta has spread all over and has absorbed all other doctrines, but the Bengali race has sought for a way of spiritual culture which transcends the injunctions of the Vedas. The worship ...
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