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... take her out of the bed again.’ At about four o’clock in the morning, ‘she started saying: “Pranab, lift me up and make me walk. My legs are getting paralysed. If you help me to walk again, they will become all right.” But we did not listen.’ From the 15th onwards ‘she became absolutely obedient,’ said Pranab. Time and again she asked to be lifted up from the bed for a while. Then, in the evening of... of the 17th, while her son André was with her, Kumud, one of the attendants together with Pranab and Champaklal, was alarmed by the unusual movements the Mother made. Dr Sanyal was called, and so was Pranab. ‘I arrived at about five past seven and saw that Dr Sanyal was already there examining her. Dyuman also had come. I went and felt Mother’s pulse. It was still there, beating at long intervals.... × Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya, I Remember , pp. 313ff. × Shyam Sundar, En route , p. 41. × Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya, op. cit., p. 320. ...
... hesitate to express himself: "How could you reject Rabindranath's Hungry Stones, Pranab?" Then Satyabrata hired a theatre outside and arranged for the screening of the film there. The amusing part of it all was that after seeing the film Nolini Page 121 Sen came and told me: "No you were right Pranab to reject the film!" And that is why this is such a thankless job. If I reject... qualities of Europe: accurate practical knowledge and skilful mastery over every aspect Page 144 Pencil Sketch of Pranab by Mother Page 145 Mother with Pranab at her room on the second-floor - 4.1.60 Page 146 of earthly life. On the other hand, she also possessed the Eastern or rather... I Remember One day, when Mother was passing that way, she said: "This house, Pranab, will be kept for your children's kitchen and dining room." At that time the house belonged to someone else. There was no hope of our getting it. And yet Mother said this. Before long, legal proceedings began between the Marwari and the French Company. In the end the ...
... was to have a new photograph of the Mother for the following year’s calendar. During the years 1969, 1970 and 1971, Pranab and I took photos of the Mother each year on my birthday in colour transparencies, colour negatives and black and white negatives. On all three occasions Pranab concentrated on the colour photos while I took the black and white photos. The three photographs reproduced were amongst... on their birthdays. During 1958—60, Sanyalda (Dr. P.K. Sanyal) took some beautiful close up pictures of the Mother in Her room for the first time. This was followed by a series of photos taken by Pranab in January—February 1960 on colour slides which were often projected at the Playground. I would make black and white prints of many of these photos for distribution by the Mother. I also asked the... exceptional and particularly expressive moment, it cannot in any way reproduce the whole personality. 5 November 1959 * * * Sweet Mother, I would like to know how You have chosen the photos Pranab has taken, because many that You have not approved are beautiful and pleasing to our eyes. From the outer point of view, it is merely a matter of taste and has only a very relative importance. ...
... Mother’s room followed by Pranab. Nolini’s face was a mask, but Pranab uttered the fatal words in his grave voice, "Mother has left her body." The shock was too great to bear and the loss too deep to be told. It was decided that the news should not go abroad at the moment. The body was to be brought down first and kept in the Meditation Hall. Page 165 Pranab carried her in his arms and... and he could give no detailed news either, but there was always in his speech an uncertain tone ending with "Only He can help", or something to that effect. At times he used to be called urgently by Pranab at night while he was taking food or resting and he would rush up. Dr. Bisht was called at one stage. An electro-cardiogram was taken; other tests also were done, and all the reports were depressing... the last. The condition began to deteriorate from that day. On Andre’s birthday soon after the Darshan it seems she made no response. The attendants kept a vigil round the clock. Night after night Pranab and Champaklal were alternately by her side. From below one could hear Pranab’s voice telling the Mother something or other. Page 164 Arrived 17th November, the fatal day. It was my birthday ...
... But in 1969 I remember that I sent a message to her through Pranab about my health. I was suffering from general weakness. The Mother sent word that I must do every- Page 123 thing necessary to improve my health. She sanctioned some pocket-money to purchase whatever I needed for the purpose. On the first day of every month, Pranab used to bring a small envelope of different colours, different... survived till the Darshan day. Just after the darshan was over, we brought him on a stretcher for the Mother’s darshan. The stretcher was placed at the foot of the staircase. She came down followed by Pranab and others. We raised the stretcher. Nishikanta stretched out his feeble hands. The Mother at once clutched them with both her hands and, drawing them towards herself, silently smiled into his wide... different shapes, containing the sum, with my name beautifully written by the Mother on the envelope. Sometimes when I was asleep at noon, Pranab would tuck it under my pillow and go away. I have a whole lot of these: they make a fine demonstration of her calligraphy. In later times when she was not keeping well, the envelopes used to come with the name written on a piece of paper by somebody else. ...
... INTRODUCTION TO DISCIPLINE Thereafter, Pranab Da would write out the lessons in a notebook everyday and Usha and I would teach the Group. He would stand near by to watch and correct us when necessary. Around 1947, when we were all pursuing physical education activities very enthusiastically, Pranab Da wanted us to learn to march smartly. The Mother contacted the governor... actually saw the Mother playing Table Tennis. Pranab Da attended on her throughout, from the very first day. As a result, Usha and I were completely on our own, teaching children who were often barely one or two years younger than us. Soon after this, the Tennis Courts were ready and Mother started going to the Tennis Ground for playing Tennis. Pranab Da was always Mother’s partner during the Mother’s... wanted that we should also give the orders in French. French was then the compulsory medium of instruction in all the schools of the French colony. Consequently, She started taking the lessons that Pranab Da wrote for us and translated them into French in our notebooks. My notebook was taken up by Her on 27th August 1948. Usha and I, both being captains of Group A, our notebooks would go to her alternately ...
... difference in a general protection and a conscious protection. You can always inform me through Pranab.” I was doing that until Her Mahasamadhi. I continued taking Pranab-da’s permission — not just giving the information. I had the belief that I could claim Her protection via Pranab-da. After Pranab-da’s demise my claims for Her protection are the same. The solar system has no anxiety about... somewhat fierce when showing us. He was agile for his age and build. All these were due to the push of Pranab-da. But boxing was the sport close to his heart. He and Biren-da were our teachers. We saw P knock out one Govindaraju in a practice bout — Govindaraju was near P’s age, well-built but slow. Pranab-da’s constant pushing brought forth rapid expansions. We got, of course with time gaps, sometimes... Gangaram give them Rs 5 lakhs — and that was that. My conclusions after all these episodes would be that the Divine Mother was more and more manifesting in the Physical and Pranab-da served as the vehicle — the doer. Pranab-da’s temper as mentioned was both a boon and a bane. There was an episode where I was much involved. The story unfolds in the PED office. I was there doing some writing in the ...
... tired. Page 393 (Satprem:) No, Mother, but Pranab is here. Oh, he's here! Call him. 4 (Pranab, in a dreadful tone:) Yes, Mother? I have.... I can't speak. (Pranab:) Don't speak Mother! [The attendant laughs.] I have asked Satprem to explain to you what is happening—why I must make a change.... (Pranab:) Mother, I am not interested, Mother. No? I am not... comes with you if she wants to. ( Mother plunges in again ) ( Enter Pranab. The attendant briefly explains to him that "Satprem has something to tell him on Mother's behalf." She had in fact listened to the whole conversation. Instant outburst of anger from Pranab. He shouts from the other end of the room. ) (Pranab, in Bengali:) Nonsense! Nobody can fool me. I know everything. (Then... meanwhile, for this work, she may have to go as if in an inner sleep.... (Pranab:) Let her go! What is there! (Satprem:) So then we have to.... (Pranab:) That she has told me. Long before Mother has told me. It is not a new thing, Mother! You had told me, explained to me. Then, it's all right. Pranab:) I don't want to listen to anything, Mother. Let it happen—what will happen will ...
... the staff of Pranab, Mother’s “bodyguard.”) April 7, 1973 Sleeping Beauty. Mother: “All of them will think it’s the end.” S.: “I can tell them.” Mother: “Will he believe you?” Enter Pranab. Outburst of anger from Pranab. Afterward, Mother says to Satprem: “Will you be able to come every day?” April 8, 1973 Satprem to Abhay Singh [Sujata’s brother]: “One day, Pranab will close Mother’s... 1973 Pranab makes a speech at the Ashram Playground. Nirod introduces the speech: “Pranab has protected the Mother... he is identified with the Mother ...” The general inoculation. “I was fully prepared from the beginning,” says Pranab. He concludes: “It makes no difference to me.” (Mother s departure). December 13, 1973 I have started reading Mother’s works again for my book. Pranab goes... Mother’s door on me.” April 10, 1973 Pranab to Pradyot [one of the Ashram’s trustees]: “Get ready for Mother’s departure.” Pradyot, shocked, comes to see Sujata. April 11, 1973 Page 50 Sujata comes across André M. (Mother’s son) and tells him the horrible things Pranab is spreading. Sujata, astounded, hears him reply, “He is right, people must be prepared.” They are ...
... ( On the way to Victory.) Page 157 (To Pranab, Bonne Fête! Victory to you, the victory for which you aspire the most, with my blessings.) Page 158 (To Pranab. Let it be the assurance of an integral Victory. With my love and blessings.) Page 159 (To Pranab with all my love and confidence. He shall be victorious.) Page... transform. In love we realise.) Page 167 (To Pranab. The divine love and affection wishes you Bonne Fête and Bonne Année.) Page 168 (To Pranab. Let the Divine's Love be with you at every moment and in everything.) Page 169 (Bonne Fête! to Pranab. May Heaven and earth collaborate to make you live in Light, Force and Joy... (Bonne Fête! To Pranab. Love manifested in Truth, is the Supreme Victor and will conquer earth for the Divine Life. With love.) Page 171 (My loved one. The Divine's love is with you always and for ever.) Page 172 (Bonne Fête To Pranab with everlasting love.) Page 173 Pranab, The Divine loves you.) Page ...
... go on right up to the end. * * * Page 78 Pranab in his youth Pranab in 1965 aged 43 Pranab in the 1944 Bengal Amateur Championship (the only Bengali boxer to reach the Finals) The Red-cross Boxing Competition in 1944 (Pranab and the other competitors) Twenty-five Years Ago This article... club started the Murshidabad District Sports Association led by Sri Pranab Sen was also Page 85 taking shape. Inspired by Pranab Sen's enthusiasm and organising capability our District Association grew up and progressed with new hope, energy and activity. Our club had a very close relationship with Pranab Sen. As we had followed his advice we had been able to come up successfully... I have written something myself to you some information about myself. I have written in the person. Perhaps it will do." (Originally in English) Page 74 Information about Pranab Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya was born on 18.10.23, in a family of respectable lineage staying at Berhampur, a district town, 116 miles north of Calcutta. His father's name was Dakshina Pada Bhattacharya ...
... Even for a second. Your mind should always remain full of faith, love and surrender like a flawless diamond. Like the immobile, clear morning sky. That is why Navajata used to say: 'I respect Pranab for that reason, but I also envy him.' * Whenever Dada speaks about the Mother his face and eyes light up with a divine glow. He is immersed in the Mother then. Dada smiled... U-boat and I was not ready to accept . The following morning when I went to the Mother, She had collected some books and documents. Showing me these Page 122 She said: 'Here, Pranab, look for yourself. The Emden was a U-boat made by the Germans.' I accepted Her word and agreed I was wrong. Then I came to know that the British used to often call German-made U-boats... had been going on year after year and the Mother would not miss a single one. Some people used to photograph the Mother on certain occasions and show the photos to Her. She once instructed me: 'Pranab, don't show or give all my photos to everyone.' The Mother divided Her photos in three groups: One, those that could be given or shown to everyone. Two, those that could be shown but ...
... By The Way - Part III BY THE WAY Part - III Note from the Publisher Dada (Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya) is present in his office every morning from 8.30 to 11.45. During this time boys, girls and grownups from the Ashram comet see him. He also receives visitors. They all have something to ask him and Dada answers their... sits in a corner and quietly notes everything down. The present selection of these jottings is the third part of By the Way and it is sincerely hoped that the readers enjoy it. Pranab with the Mother in Her Room The Mother in trance during Darshan A visitor came to see Dada. As he finished talking with him he said at the end: 'Dada, I would like to ask you... out, etc. and he regularly showed his notes to the Mother. The Mother would sign the daily sheet. He would also report to the Mother about the state of the sea, whether Page 4 Pranab and Vishwajit at work in the photographic darkroom Page 5 the sea was calm or there were lots of waves, etc. And he would communicate this in his kind of English: Mother, today less ...
... Nolini-da to the Persons connected with the Theatre work. Then I got news that Pranab-da had said that this programme could not take Place on 14 th August. Infuriated by this, I went at once to see Pranab-da. I was fuming inside, thinking, "What Cheek! That Pranab-da dares overrule the Mother's decision!" I went and Stood in Pranab-da's office. He started, "Shobha, Your Programme cannot take place on 14... regrettable. The Mother wants you to go to Pranab and excuse yourself." I was still boiling, "Nolini-da, doesn't Mother's decision..." Nolini-da cut me short, "I don't want to hear any further! The Mother wants you to go to Pranab and excuse yourself." In that uncontrollable wrath, with that wounded pride, I had to go and tell Pranab-da, "I'm sorry, Pranab-da, I misbehaved with you. Please excuse me... suddenly I realised the truth of his statement. So I told him, "It really completely escaped me, Pranab-da." Pranab-da continued, "Yes, Mother also said the same thing, that it had escaped Her. You Mother-daughter forget something, and then you vent your anger on me! Naturally I have to be hard." I replied, "Pranab-da, in that case, we'll do the programme on the 16 th ." He was sitting in his chair and beside ...
... umbrella to strike, found it awkward, — with Pranab-da in between pulling him down and trying to pacify him. But he shot back, “Dui din age eshe amake Mayer kaj bujhachche?” (He has come two days back and he is trying to teach me what the Mother’s work is!) Pranab-da saved the day. The meeting was over. Each one knew the other a little better. Pranab-da himself was at the receiving end once. I cannot... Yogananda told me of it, that he had met Pranab-da and told him: “I don’t care for anyone, not you nor any other. This is the Mother’s kingdom. None can hold me down. My ‘gerua’ (ochre robe) is ready. I can put it on and go away.” 2-3 days later I met Yogananda in the Sports Ground. He held out two Ganpatram toffees, saying: “ Ei nao, Pranab diyechhe.” (Take these. Pranab has given.) He was in a good mood... bicycle and pedalled off. Barun wisely emerged only after Yogananda left. The outcome was strange and fateful for me. Both Yogananda and Barun went to Pranab-da and tendered their resignations as ‘In-charge’, to step down and push me up as the in-charge. Pranab-da called me and gave me the information. I agreed to give it a try — there was nothing to try. The work was the same, only a change in the suffixes ...
... allowed to go to his Samadhi, Sri Aurobindo would himself come to me. Now he had chosen to turn to Pranab. Upto that point of time my contact with Pranab was limited to mutual greetings on the way to Mother, and Pradyot had a Page 64 powerful lobby of the Ashram and Society at his back. Pranab, known for his fearlessness and capacity to stand for truth, was not willing to oblige him without... three of us, Counouma, Udar and Madanlal also were there. Pranab kept on pursuing the matter and the issues were concluded. Pradyot could not bear the shock and resigned from Sri Aurobindo's Action. He was one of the two well-known Ashramites about whom Nolini had said, "They only know politics." Pradyot was much elder to us and Pranab is always respectful to elders, a trait of our Indian culture... culture, but when some plain speaking was needed, Pranab told him frankly, "You are too sensitive." And it worked. Similarly, on one occasion he told Udar, "You are not consistent", and it worked. I saw these as instances of truth, frankness and firmness combined. Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya is his full name. He is also lovingly known as Dada (elder brother). Mother, in some of her diary notes, refers ...
... true, they won't allow me to enter your room. But people who are here, like K. or Sujata, WITH THEIR FAITH, they can do something—or Pranab. But Pranab, only you can.... But Pranab... Pranab will think I am dead! Yes, that's so. Exactly. Yes.... Yes, Pranab doesn't believe, he doesn't have faith. ( Mother nods her head ) Personally, I think that only the faith of people like—well... years. Pranab had an instinctive aversion toward me, as he had toward Pavitra (whom he badly mistreated), and in general toward anything that exceeded his primitive intellect—Pranab could only love what he was able to dominate. He was also openly xenophobic: the "sahibs," as he would say, forgetting, or maybe not, that Mother, too, was a "foreigner." There were never any exchanges between Pranab and myself... hearts. Each player plays his part, in black or white, for an unfathomable goal where everything is reconciled... But in the meantime.... Mother's immediate entourage was then composed of: Pranab, her "bodyguard," a former boxer, a violent and arrogant man whose flagrant flaws were the reverse side of a Love he never accepted, because it would have meant surrendering himself. "A for-mi-dable ...
... she asked Pranab to lift her shoulders from the bed, then her legs, then her whole body. It seemed to give her some relief. Her suffering, once again, must have been terrible. ‘I am nothing but a speck of dust, but a speck of dust that is suffering,’ she had once said. Her body started showing bedsores. That night, she asked every ten or fifteen minutes to be lifted from the bed, and Pranab and Champaklal... Mother, I would not have recognized her, so much her face had changed.’ How had it happened? The best source of information about the last days and the departure of the Mother is the improvised talk Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya held for the Ashramites at the Playground on 4 December 1973. For years, night and day, he had been living in the company of the Mother, which means that he had not only seen what... In one of his birthday cards she wrote: ‘To thee whom my love selected when the time had come to start my work on the most material level.’ 2 The serious troubles with the Mother’s health, Pranab told, had started in the month of April 1973. Nonetheless she did not want to stop her daily task and went on receiving about a dozen persons per day, mainly the secretaries and heads of departments ...
... mum after this. Much later at night I saw Mother fidget. I understood that she was feeling cold, but I ventured no suggestions. After some time, I heard Mother call me: "Pranab!" "Yes, Mother?" "Pranab, you were wiser! Close the windows." Page 3 I had just arrived in the Ashram and as is usual in the beginning many questions cropped up in my mind. I put these questions... afternoons. Mother said: "Pranab, you and I, we'll play against Pavita and her partner. Her false pride must be broken. Serve hard so that Pavita is unable to return." The game started. I began serving hard. Pavita just stood transfixed, her mouth gaping wide, unable to return a single serve. After losing the set she came to Mother and said: "Mother, Pranab served so hard that I could... Perhaps out of jealousy she reported one day to Mother: "Mother, Pranab is playing vulgar music at the Playground for the physical demonstration." When Mother asked me I said: "Mother, I don't understand much about Western music. We selected the piece after listening to the melody and the rhythm." Mother said: "No, Pranab, the music that was played wasn't good. If you come to me at five ...
... I was summoned by Pranab-da. I understood at once that it had to do with the late conclusion of the previous evening's programme. Hardly had I got into the office that Pranab-da told me, “These visiting artists' programmes can no longer take place in the Playground. Find some other venue." I kept excusing myself and assured him that this mistake would not be repeated. But Pranab-da was adamant. So... programmes. The subsequent programmes were to be more or less on the same lines as the one we had organised in the Playground. I was asked to go and talk to Pranab-da about it as the Mother had informed him in this regard. I went to see Pranab-da and as soon as I entered his office he said, "Come, come Shobhamoyi, Mother has spoken to me about you. All the arrangements had been made. The Mother also... understand? You will not escape." Everyone in the room burst out laughing, listening to Pranab-da's words. I folded my hands in salutation, and said, "Dada, I will try to Page 118 do this work in all sincerity and I shall see that I don't make any mistakes." After discussing with Pranab-da, it was decided that the programmes of Visiting artists, if they were held in the ...
... Indians could do it. It was beyond French pundits. When and if Selvanadin had to speak to the Mother, or She to him, Pranab-da had to act as interpreter. He translated Selvanadin’s French into English for the Mother and translated into French Mother’s reply in English for the bandmaster. Pranab-da knew English and bandmaster’s French, and enough of the pukka French spoken by the Mother. Selvanadin knew no... band of our own. But we did celebrate the school’s Anniversary on the 2nd of December. In 1945 there were a few items, like Sukol drill or Wand drill etc. The movements went along with Biren-da’s or Pranab-da’s counts or whistle! There was even at intervals a crank-up type gramophone pouring out some western music (78 RPM records). In a year or two we got some sophistication. We called in the Police... tolerance and strictness, a elder-brotherliness in his approach to teaching, and last but not least — a devotion to the Mother (mixed may be with a sort of “military-obeisance” which last he paid to Pranab-da too). He took on any newcomer — no matter whether musically dead or innocent. If the student was sent to him he tried, with never a hint of “you would be better off trying some other art” or “do ...
... a police case would follow." How anxious Mother was for me! However, the matter did not go that far. Incidentally, one evening, much later, Mother sent me a chit through Amrita-da. "Pranab," she wrote, "I have a strange feeling that there's some danger hovering over you. Be alert." But thanks to Mother's grace no danger came my way. Page 40 This is just an instance... of Mother's hands (mudras). Let me tell you about this. One day Udar's sister, Millie, wrote to Mother: "Mother, the hands you've used to build a new world should be photographed. Please ask Pranab to take some photos." It was 1972, the year the Government of India issued a special stamp on Sri Aurobindo. Mother was to accept the first day cover and the first cancellation of the stamp... scolding. When I arrived I saw Mother still waiting for lunch. She had not eaten and neither had Sri Aurobindo. But Mother did not scold me at all. When I told her about the trip she said: "Pranab, I have full faith in you, I know nothing can happen to you. But since you take young children, their parents get worried about them. If others begin to go out to the sea following your example that ...
... and gay. Hop, hop, hop we go, In our simple play. Golden light around, Fresh air abound, High, high, high we go, To sing our joy profound... 9.6.97 Pranab Page 51 A PICNIC SONG Picnic, Picnic, Come quick, come quick, Picnic we shall go; I go, you go, He goes, she goes, All would like to go. ... When day is done, We end our fun, Thanking Mother Divine; Our spirit is high, Next to the sky, All is well and fine. Come Ho ! Come Ho ! 25.3.92 pranab Page 53 TO ACTION On to duty, To our work, May we put our Heart and Soul ! To build anew, Our good, old world, We must play our Heroic... is set. (3) That work is our Body's prayer, We must always keep in mind; A work done well, Is sure to bring A supreme joy, we shall nowhere find.(4) pranab 24.11.2000 page - 54 Dada remarked: 'After a long time on Praveen's birthday I went out for a drive. I thought to myself that I had not passed in front of the Ashram for a long ...
... with unrestrained joy. All those who were present in the Playground were thrilled. Pranab was delighted and listened with a gentle smile. He had after all formed them,—Mona, Sumantra, Debu, Harit, Kittu, Manoj, Amarendra, Batti, Narendra, Vishweshwar, and so many others loved and nurtured by Pranab. Therefore Pranab was especially happy to see his efforts bear fruit. I kept looking at everybody... group of these boys and they used to make some arrangements for them to play. Nirmal-da and Shanti-bhai were these children’s captains. The real physical education that you see now, started when Pranab came here in 1945. Slowly all the groups got organised and in 1949 the J.S.A.S.A was formed. That same year the first issue of the Bulletin was also printed in our press. Chitra, Sujata, Suprabha ...
... HOW I BECAME A CAPTAIN Sometime in 1947, Pranab Da did not come on time at 4:30 p.m. to take the Group A sports classes. My friend from the boarding house, Usha and I were a bit bewildered because punctuality for all activities in the Ashram was a very important part of our lives. So when Pranab Da did not turn up on time, we ran to Pranab Da’s house to find out the reason. As soon as we opened... you will conduct Group A until I come back.” We ran back to the Playground and described to everybody what had happened, then very seriously Usha and I started taking Group A classes. After a week Pranab Da came back and sat on the parapet near the gate to see how we were faring. He reported to the Mother about the activities in his absence and also informed Her that Usha and I were taking the Group ...
... -ji told me in great anger: "You know Pranab, a couple came for darshan this morning. I told them several times not to sit in front of Mother but they didn't listen to me. The wife went and sat down in front of Mother. I asked: 'Why did you sit? Didn't I ask you not to?' So her husband leaned towards me and whispered into my ear: 'She is carrying.' But Pranab, I tell you she had nothing in her hands... visit to Biren's room (Pranab also lived here) in 1954 Page 241 angry by teasing him. One day a devotee sent some fruits to Mother through him. I don't remember what fruit it was, it may have been a fruit that Mother liked. Mother told Pavitra-da that the fruits should be finished while they were still fresh. Then jokingly Mother said: "You know Pranab, the place Pavitra comes... her withdrawal André-da took me to one side of the room and said that Mother had once told him that if ever she were to leave her body, Pranab is the one who would be most affected. André-da had replied that they were all there and they would take care of Pranab. André-da told me not to worry, that they would see that everything was all right. And that is what happened. I have not experienced any ...
... body She suffered a lot from the pain. But She would hardly ever mention anything about Her pain. Page 48 The Mother Terrace Darshan of 21.2.73 with Pranab watching over Her Pranab in his late 50's on18th October One day Dada said: Without absolute freedom the Mother's work cannot be done. One cannot do Her work through force and regimentation... provided by present leadership is as confusing. We took up this subject in our Editorial "Crisis of Leadership' and asked Pranab-da to throw some light on the present phenomenon in his own column. The response was a valuable correspondence between Sri Madhav Pandit and Pranab-da, both leaders in their own right and in their respective fields carrying influence and impact which is more than evident... Mother to send us a true leader, who would guide us in our day-to-day activity and help us to achieve the ideal set before us by the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. Pranab 2.11.91 Page 62 Ashram 6.11.91 My dear Pranab, I thank you for your warm, constructive and live response to my plea for promoting a minimum sense of oneness in the Ashram. I agree with you on every point ...
... Isn’t it unbelievable! So one day this lady proudly declared in the Playground: “I can run very fast. I’m sure nobody can beat me!” Pranab was standing next to the Mother. The Mother whispered to him: “Get some of your girls and prepare for a race.” So Pranab at once called out some of the girls and told them: “Get ready for a race with Doutsie.” As far as my memory goes Sujata, Minou... not stop laughing. I turned to see the Mother: She too was laughing heartily. Let me tell you of another amusing incident. An elderly French gentleman told Pranab: “You know I can box very well. I’d love to box with you.” So Pranab and the gentleman got into the boxing ring and began their boxing match. The Mother sat in Her chair and watched the fight. We also followed it with great eagerness... from the invisible world.” He said many other such things with great pride. After listening to him Pranab made all the arrangements in the Playground for him to show his skills. The Mother was present too. He began by saying all sorts of things and doing all kinds of movements. Then suddenly Pranab roared out and approaching the gentleman told him: “I know this game of yours. You are not materialising ...
... you give a limit that you think is right we can try to compromise. Pranab : I won’t go for a compromise. Tara : Pranab says he will not compromise. The Mother: Who? Tara : Pranab, Mother. The Mother: He is right. Pranab : If I compromise, Mother, it will disturb my programme. The Mother: Yes. Pranab : What is best is that they do not take any more new people and slowly... slowly it will be absorbed in three, four, five years’ time. The Mother: I see that there is only one way: it is to take nobody new until... Pranab : The number becomes normal. The Mother: Yes, I’m sure it is the only right solution Pranab : Yes, Mother. The Mother: And we should... well, I would like to see Tanmaya again, and I will see with him what he can do. And then I would... I will see that we don’t take people with small children. And I will tell the big ones, “I am sorry, but there is no school.” No, you see, with the playground, I feel supported because I know that Pranab feels the same way. So for me it is very easy: I say “no” and then “no”, and there you are! For the school, I must convince Kireet to take only the children coming from below, those who are already ...
... gate. The only person known to me there was Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya. The person on duty at the gate enquired if I had any "letter". I said, "No. I just wish to meet with Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya." The person immediately retorted that no one is allowed to enter the Ashram without a letter of reference. I repeated my request for permission to meet Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya. Now the person lost his... manning the gate explained the situation to her. For some reason unknown to me, the lady took me to the playground and assured me that she would arrange a meeting with Pranab. I waited at the entrance of the playground. After a while, Pranab came out in red pants and a sando-genji (sleeveless vest). He wanted to know who I was. I identified myself as the brother of Tadit Talukdar. He could not recognise... started. There was utter silence all around for quite some time. Then Pranab-da took me to meet Sri Ma. At my first meeting, I just folded my hands and did a namaskar to Her, instead of doing a pranam at Her feet, which was the norm. This aroused strong feelings in the people around. Yet I was allowed to stay. I shared Pranab-da’s room that night. ...
... Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya Among the Not So Great Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya (Pranab-da) He is great who is most often in men’s good thoughts. This is another “Great” to be included in “Among The Not So Great”. In fact he is a colossus, on whom for long I have hesitated to write. I have pushed the event further for more than one reason... living. Others, long buried, are not so. One interesting fact is that he and I arrived here the same year. He in February of 1945 and I in July 1945. (I believe he had made a short visit earlier.) Pranab-da was a well-built man — obviously exercised and familiar with the care of the body and its material needs. He carried a good head with ‘frank’ open eyes which held a strength with the reassurance... well in his work and elsewhere too. What he lacked was fear and what was extra was his temper even through this last (dis)qualification served well at times, as long as it did not take control. Pranab-da was a good worker. His first request to the Mother was to give him some “physical” work. So he was given work in the Ashram Laundry (Blanchisserie). Back in those days all washings of its 600-700 ...
... said: "Pranab, lift me up and make me walk. My legs are getting paralysed; if you help me to walk again, they will become all right." The attendants did not co-operate: they could not bring themselves to face further danger. The whole of that day the Mother was quiet, but at night she wanted to walk. The attendants said: "Mother, you should not walk." She, as Pranab tells us, "obeyed" them. Pranab continues:... place from the effort of body-transformation to acceptance of body-abandonment, we should, in my opinion, put it after certain incidents reported by Pranab. 2 On 14 November last year, the Mother tried to do some walking with the help of Champaklal and Pranab but could not and had a severe temporary collapse. She took twenty minutes to recover. Immediately on recovery she said: "Lift me up again, I shall... there would not have been so much suffering for Her, but that She did not want..." Then, citing her conversation with Dr. Bisht, to whom she said "She was undergoing a process of transformation", Pranab 2 concludes after recording the details of the talk: "So from that we can understand how eager She was to continue Her work of physical Transformation." And there is also Pranab's statement: 3 "I ...
... itself, I would take Her photograph. Of course, Pranab-da used to take Her photographs all the time. Once my birthday was near. I wrote to Mother asking for Her permission : “Mother, I would like to photograph you on my birthday”. Mother replied,”Ok”. I took it as Her assent. I was filled with joy. I met Pranab-da and told him everything. Pranab-da advised me to carry the letter with me, when... Recollections Photography Pranab-da encouraged my interest in photography. I became competent in both still photography as well as photography of moving objects. Sri Ma played tennis during those days. I obtained Pranab-da’s permission to take Her photographs at the tennis court. After clicking many photographs, I was readying myself to take another shot. Mother... Her feet. She kept Her hands pressed on my head for quite some time. I stood up after a while and said,”Mother, I would like to take some photographs.” Mother said, “I do not allow anyone other than Pranab to take my photographs. You can photograph me when I am at the balcony.” I said, “Mother, but You had yourself granted me the permission earlier.” Mother said forcefully, “I do not give such a permission ...
... When that same little Pranab grew up and came to the Ashram, the Mother began celebrating his birthday in a special way from the very beginning. A wave of joy would unfurl over the Playground. On the Mother’s instructions, a special physical demonstration was organised by the boys and girls of the different groups. The Mother watched this demonstration along with Pranab. Before starting, the groups... his birthday in a very special way. In his hometown, little Pranab’s birthday used to be a very simple affair. His mother, Prafullamayi-di, would fast on his birthday and pray for her son. Little Pranab was served a bowl of rice-milk dessert which he ate with great relish. In our days this is how birthdays were celebrated back home. All the mothers spent the day in deep prayer for their son’s ... four times in the four directions. Then everyone repeated Bonne Fête after Her, all together. The whole atmosphere at that time was indescribable. The Mother would start collecting gifts for Pranab on his birthday right from the beginning of the year: seven or eight boxes of different clothes, shoes, socks, toiletries, perfumes and colognes. Half a dozen people would go to fetch these boxes. ...
... individuals or what people will say or think of it — wrest it from its present, tiny reality, in order to change it into a great Symbol of the transformation of the Earth. Yes, there is Theon, Richard, Pranab, the great shadows of Death, all that resists and refuses or only wants the old way, the whole old species thrashing about. No, She is not a saint, She is a great Adventuress and hers is a formidable... the wounds men have inflicted on her. Perhaps She is a little fed up with the Pondicherrians, no? Is She going to shut herself up again in a yellow dungeon, under the supervision of some little Pranab? To be surrounded by worshippers who will not understand Mother No. 2 any more than Mother No. 1 or Mother No. 10,000 — one keeps going round and round in circles, but who wants to become the ... Here, as you know, Auroville is slipping out of Nava's claws, with difficulty, but irrevocably. Even more symbolic, I think, is the story of this young girl from Ashram Press, named Antu, who sent Pranab a letter of several pages to protest against the oppression — she even had her letter duplicated. There, too, things are secretly moving. That a girl takes the first step does not surprise me. The ...
... from her bed, and Champaklal and Pranab held her up for a few seconds, and then lowered her on the bed. Kumud relieved them, and on the Mother's request, lifted her from (he bed. After Andre came, they heard a strange sound coming from the Mother's throat and saw other signs of acute discomfort. In consultation with Champaklal, they sent for Dr. Sanyal and Pranab, and Dyuman came too. It was a little... this restricted routine of seeing probably not more than a dozen people every day continued. Then, on 20 May, at about 9.30 at night, she had a complete 'breakdown'. Only her personal attendants - Pranab, Champaklal, Kumud, Vasudha - were with her, or visited her from time to time. Her son, Andre, arrived from Paris, and saw her now and then. Dr. Sanyal of the Ashram and Dr. Bisht of JIPMER examined... little food during the next three days, and lying on the bed in the same position, she now developed bed-sores on her back, hips and some other parts of her body. On the 13th night, on her request, Pranab and Champaklal lifted her from the bed and held her above the bed for a while. This was repeated from time to time almost the whole night, for it seemed to give some temporary relief or even comfort ...
... daily—"a perpetual discomfort," she used to say. In those repeated little minutes we can pinpoint the cause of what happened at 7:25 p.m. on November 17,1973. There is no better eyewitness than Pranab, Mother's "bodyguard" since he was almost constantly physically present and even slept in Mother's room. Asked about the cause of Mother's departure, this is what he stated in a public speech on December... throwing upon Her was increasing, increasing and increasing, I felt and I have seen also some kind of despair...." We know that all too well, alas: they thought she was old and disabled But Pranab adds the following, which suddenly gives us the magnitude of the real tragedy—we could almost say the horror Mother had to face in her body. This is what he says, and let us remember we are today in... and there, who are silently "responsible" and the invisible actors in the drama. There is no one to put on trial here—except millions who are but ourselves. It would therefore be absurd to say that Pranab was the author, or the sole author, of that "formation" ("Everywhere, there are wills Page 256 that it [the body] should die!" she said), but he certainly fostered it and transmitted it ...
... I happened to go into quite a new building. There on the floor, I could see rows and rows of beds but not a single one was occupied. Later I learnt that Pranab was staying in that house and that the big hall inside was his. Just then I saw Pranab coming. He wore a coloured silk dhoti and was dressed like a prince. He just glanced at me and went to his room. The ceiling of this big hall was very high... onal picture. If one kept on looking at it, one could feel as if the Mother herself were sitting there, smiling sweetly and looking at us. One would go on looking at Her and never be satisfied. Pranab went straight to the Mother's picture, and he did साष्टांग दंडवत् प्रणाम (i.e. he stretched his body fully on the ground in obeisance). Both his hands were extended in front in a folded posture. He ...
... it. It could only be to Pranab. I showed it to him and asked if it was for him. In a low voice, humbly, he said: “Yes.” Then I asked him whether it could be published. He was not willing—”too personal,” he said. Then I told him that I wanted it for a purpose. After a little hesitation he consented. I understood he did not want to refuse me. On further thought I told Pranab that the writing on my... and I felt that Mother might have written something more in the message she had given to him. On many occasions, while copying out what she had written, she used to add or change things. The next day Pranab gave me the complete message given to him on his birthday: 18.10.1957 To my beloved child and faithful companion in the building up of the New World. With my love, my trust and my blessings ...
... back, Kamala was fortunate to have Sri Aurobindo's darshan. Pranab s bowl of flowers : The Mother used to arrange a bowl of flowers for Pranab. Later she gave this work to Kamala. After the bowl was ready, Mother and Kamala would together place the bowl on a piece of cloth and tie it up into a bundle which was kept for giving to Pranab. Of course there were many changes in this work later. Polishing ...
... evidently was quite plump. He weighed three and a half quintals. One zamindar from Malda whose name I now can't recall was also quite fat and weighed three quintals. Once this zamindar, Motakaka, Pranab Sen, a Sports organiser of Berhampur, and myself, we went on a hunt in Malda. The marshes of Malda were reputed as a hunting- ground. Many kinds of birds used to come there. Even the governor used... 'Dada, when the Mother was physically there your birthday was celebrated with great festivity. Did you ever go to the Mother on your birthday?' Page 44 The Mother blessing Pranab with flowers on his birthday in the children's courtyard The Mother distributing sweets to children on Pranab's birthday. Dada replied: "Nothing more than usual. I would... Manoj (Dasgupta) and his family lived on the first floor of a double-storeyed house on that street. Seeing me go to the market one of them, either Priti or Tapati, told the Mother that they had seen Pranab going to the market. The Mother asked me that very day: 'Did you go to the market today?' "Yes, Mother." 'What did you go to the market for?' "I needed some buttons for a shirt so I went ...
... Mother with Pranab on his birthday watching a physical demonstration - 18.10.51/52 Page 332 (78) O n my birthday in 1949 when children came to wish me Happy Birthday, they had been given something by Mother to read before me. Later she gave me a copy of it too. 18.10.49 Happy Birthday to Pranab! Our big brother, our good friend... established the supramental consciousness in them they are at least marching ahead on this path and soon we will see its result. I thought this especially after hearing Mother say to me one day: "Pranab, this time there will be no tragedy. We will certainly complete our work. Pavitra, Nolini and all these old sadhaks are waiting to witness the supramental realisation. I can't dishearten them." ...
... also came forward to meet the demand. Sisirkumar Mitra from Vishwabharati, with a long teaching experience, and Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya from Calcutta, an expert in physical culture, came and were given charge of the two wings of education, mental and physical. Particularly in young Pranab, the Mother found an excellent instrument for physical culture and with his help she quickly built up the centre... smartness of the young boys' group. The Mother became so preoccupied with the various activities in the Playground that she would return at about 8 or 9 p.m. with a garland around her neck (put by Pranab) and she would offer it at Sri Aurobindo's feet. Her intensive concentration at the Playground made people remark that the Supermind would descend there first. When Sri Aurobindo was told about it ...
... Ashram was Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya, commonly known as Dada (elder brother in Bengali). Pranab had joined the Ashram in 1945 together with his four brothers. He had come from Calcutta, where for years he had undergone a thorough physical training. A month after his arrival he started doing some training in his own house. Some of the young members who had recently joined the Ashram asked Pranab to teach... teach them physical exercises. When Pranab proposed to the Mother to start regular playground activities, she agreed. ‘Thus started physical education in the Ashram, with fourteen youngsters.’ 21 Most of them would themselves become instructors – or ‘captains’ as they are called in the Ashram. Pranab would grow very close to the Mother, who has drawn some remarkable portraits of him. The second ...
... strength, and make us your perfect instruments in your work of Integral transformation so that we are ready for the advent of the Superman, who is coming to our rescue. Let Thy Will be done. Pranab 18.11.99 After reading Dada's comment Tejbabu reacted enthusiastically: 'It's really marvellous, Dada. It is the absolute truth, pure and straight.' After a few more words Tejbabu... 'Yes, of course.' Then Tejbabu opened I Remember and began reading. 'Listen, this is what the Mother has written in Her own hand on Dada's birthday on 18.10.49: Page 32 Pranab You are our joy of everyday Our hope of to-day Our victory of to-morrow. And she ends it with this: Let this wine of immortality be the wine of your... hometown. The mother cried so much for her son that she became blind and his wife's health deteriorated out of sorrow. One day Chimanbhai while telling me about his inner anguish said: "Pranab, if ever you come to the Ashram then never get married." The one who walks on the spiritual path doesn't know what his fate will be, how his life will unfold. How can one take the responsibility ...
... Temple at Tiruvannamalai Page 63 Gingee Fort Pranab with children of Periamokkal village - 1975 Page 64 Temple at Mahabalipuram beach Page 65 Mahabalipuram - the... contained only some vegetable peelings, leaves and grass. He was terribly disappointed and began beating up Kiran-da angrily. Kiran-da returned home limping. He would always tell me: "You know, Pranab, I may starve but I must feed my cows." I would ask him in jest: "Kiran-da how many cows' food can you eat?" In fact, even though he worked so hard and spent quite some money to rear his... went to bed early after his meal, woke up before daybreak and trundled off to the Sports Ground with his sitar and began to play there with his habitual zest. One day he came to me and said: "Pranab, you were right. I can hardly describe to you the joy I get playing the sitar in the Sports Ground before dawn. I'm so overjoyed that I even trot out four or five times round the track!" That ...
... did and I admitted I liked them. Mother asked: "Pranab, shall I get you a dish everyday?" I said: "No Mother, since you don't like non-vegetarian food, I won't take it either." Sometime later later the Soviet gymnasts came to the Ashram. Mother decided to feed them non-vegetarian food cooked in Mother's Kitchen. Mother said: "Pranab, just eat and tell me how it's been cooked." I... waist. Whenever you saw him his dhoti was always stacked with mango leaves. One day I asked him: "Haradhan-da what do you do with all this heap of mango leaves?" Smiling he said: "You know Pranab how fond I am of mango leaves." "But what do you do with so many leaves?" I asked. "Why," he said: "I decorate my room with them." After his return to the Ashram he used to stay... for a moment. Then he went forward to meet Mother. He did his pranam to Mother and spoke a few words. After the Darshan was over the Maharaja went out. With a soft laugh Mother said: "You see Pranab, before my Darshan the Maharaja had yours!" (88) O ne day, I was recounting to Mother the story of the famous strong man of Bengal, Shyamakanto. He had in him equal measures ...
... PART II Translated from the Bengali by Maurice Shukla Pranab garlanding Mother at the Playground on 21.2.52 Mother accepting flowers from Pranab in the "Children's court-yard" on 23/24.4.50 Our Motto Dedicated Service and Self-Culture Our... into the bathroom to prepare two sets of "mouthwash" to be used after the meal. Just then Pavitra-da entered holding some papers and photographs. He looked rather upset as he exclaimed: "Pranab, you know how ruthless the Germans are! You'd shudder to know the kind of atrocities they're perpetrating in war!" He held out the papers and photographs saying: "Are you strong-hearted... getting upset?" "Pavitra-da," I replied, "the victors have always behaved atrociously with the losers. This isn't true only of the Germans. They're all the same." "What are you saying, Pranab?" Pavitra-da retorted, "can you justify this abominable heartlessness? Has anyone ever behaved like this?" I said: "Why, the French didn't? After conquering Algeria the French rolled their tanks ...
... Recollections My early days in the Ashram I spent two days and nights in Pranab-da’s room. Pranab-da’s mother showered her affection on me and cooked various delicacies for me. I was accommodated in another place after this period. On the second day, I had a fever at night. The high fever was accompanied with a splitting headache - the agony was unbearable. I... unable to. At that moment, Pranab-da arrived. He said I was being tested by Sri Ma. I asked him the reason for Sri Ma’s test. Eventually the night passed. When morning came, the fever, the headache and the agony just melted away. I did not have any fever after that. After taking a bath, I went upstairs to Sri Ma. Sri Ma gave me a mala . ........... Assistant to Pranab I was given the job... job of assisting Pranab-da. He spent most of his time in the service of Sri Ma... ........... ...
... had crossed the time-limit; still I could not stop since she seemed to be so intent on listening. Pranab arrived and waited, perhaps with a certain displeasure, for 7.30 had been fixed for her dinner at the doctor’s bidding. We knew that the Mother had very often to be irregular for her meals. So, Pranab saw to it that the rule was observed and he would not tolerate any breach on that score. Somewhat... much like to hear it, but when?" We were waiting with suppressed animation. Then she added herself, "Tomorrow André is leaving. We can use that time. You can start reading at 7 and stop at 7.30 when Pranab comes." How glad we were both for her consent and for our conjecture proving successful. I was also struck by the happy coincidence of all these circumstances as if a Force had been guiding them from... she, on her part, took hold of my hand, by way of a second demonstration perhaps, pressed it and asked, "Is it strong?" "Yes, Mother, very strong!" I replied enthusiastically. At this moment Pranab arrived and it was our signal to go. I had to stop reading. She found the piece very interesting and wanted to hear more of it. But as I had pronounced that the time was up, she exclaimed, "C’esf dommage ...
... did not come down at all. Now, one early morning in 1954, I was urgently called by Pranab to see the Mother in her room. This was my first visit to the room. I saw her sitting on the couch with her legs stretched out, the hair flowing down. I was told she had fallen in the bathroom and injured her head. Pranab showed me the site of injury. I saw a tiny cut near the crown, blood was oozing slowly... Mother gave her consent. I found him still in bed. He heard the story, got up and quickly dressed himself. Both of us returned together. He examined the wound carefully and confirmed ’my observation. Pranab reminded me that the Mother strongly protested to the Page 59 doctor’s cutting the hair for the purpose of examining the wound. However, while he was dressing the cut, she started talking... Mother would come down as usual. Should we ask her about her condition? We decided, however, that both of us would stand in the corridor through which she would pass. Soon she came down, followed by Pranab, and silently passed by us. We also kept quiet, our question remained unuttered. Our conclusion was that she must be all right. This is the way of the Divine, I suppose. Page 61 ...
... the same context Dada told us: 'You know, my father was extremely short-tempered. He loved us very much but when he got angry, there was no escaping. In my childhood I used to tell myself "Pranab, see that you do not become short-tempered like your father."' Hearing those words of Dada's I was quite surprised. He has been so conscious about self-development from such a young age. The motto... Mother gave more importance to someone for a particular work, more attention, and the others who were close to Her felt bad, jealous or angry. Seeing these reactions, I would tell myself: "Beware, Pranab, see that such thoughts do not get into you. Today the Mother has kept you close but if tomorrow She does not give you the same affection, the same attention, you must not change your attitude in any... look at that! Quickly, give me a slip of paper.' So the Mother wrote a note to Albert-da, who is in charge of the Ashram clothes department, asking him to quickly Page 102 make Pranab some pairs of white and khaki shorts and shirts and whatever else he needed. The Mother felt very uneasy and embarrassed. Why hadn't She paid any attention to this side of the problem? 'From ...
... and finally the older girls were in Group E. This nomenclature changed in 1958 to the present system. In the early years, Group A and Group B were totally supervised by Pranab Da. I was placed in Group B. Every month, Pranab Da would appoint one girl and one boy as monitors for Group B, who would be responsible for marking the attendance of the Group and maintaining discipline. They would also be... and joined the Ashram. He had been running a club for young boys in Kolkata and knew many games and exercises which he then started teaching the young boys in the school Playground. Mid May 1945, Pranab Da came and joined the Ashram. He had been a member of Biren Da’s Gym club and had learnt Boxing, body building and games from him. Biren Da put him in charge of teaching us, the younger children.... This leadership training was part of our physical education activity right from the beginning. By 1948, we were probably about 20 to 25 children in Group B, and a slightly lesser number in Group A. Pranab Da himself would take Group A (Green Group) from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.; and then from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., he would take Group B, simultaneously training the young monitors. ...
... scribe, that is all... and I love her, because it's lovely to love.) Now, in that speech, we find a small remark, the kind of remark one makes in passing, as the most "natural" thing in the world. Pranab is describing the "last days." You call them the "last days" AFTERWARDS, when the story is over—in the meantime, it's just life as usual: ( original English ) "At night [on November 14], She... She might rest quietly. Then we gave Her SIQUIL as the doctor had prescribed. It took Her about 45 minutes to become quiet and She slept from 2 to 4 o'clock, but after getting up She started saying, 'Pranab, lift Page 402 me up and make me walk. My legs are getting paralysed; if you help me to walk again, they will become all right.' But we did not listen. She went on entreating till about... asleep." Yes, she fought like a lioness—till the very end Is this the plea of someone "who has decided to leave"? This was on November 14, three days before the "end" "On the 15th," Pranab reports, "at night again... She wanted us to help Her to walk, we refused to do that. We said, 'Mother, you should not walk.' She immediately obeyed us.... From that day She became absolutely obedient ...
... [the reporters] cannot get something from one person, they go to somebody else—and it works. In any event, I won't see them anymore. (Pranab explodes:) If I meet them again, I'll smash their cameras. I don't want any violence or nasty scenes here. ( Pranab retreats to the other end of the room, muttering angrily ) ( Mother sits with her head in her hands ) I have worked all my life so people... December Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 December 26, 1972 ( Mother sees some teachers from the school. Towards the end of the meeting, Pranab enters Mother's room in his customary manner, heads straight for Mother, and launches into a violent diatribe against some French television reporters—whom Mother had received the day before—because they filmed Sri A ...
... The Mother used to read to us from Her Prayers and Meditations in the Darshan room usually after half past twelve. Wise, experienced sadhaks also joined us young immature girls and boys. Dada (Pranab) sat facing the Mother. Behind the Mother’s chair sat one of Her devoted attendants. All of us would sit facing the Mother, all around Her. The grown-ups sat behind us. The Mother used to answer all... would invite us one day to read Prayers and Meditations !” And in that anticipated joy we kept memorising all the prayers. We did not know then that She used to read out from this book to Dada (Pranab) every day. The Mother came out on the terrace at about ten o’clock (this was known as the Terrace Darshan). We would be waiting from much earlier at the Ashram in the open courtyard near Satyakarma’s... this thought in my head. “Would you like to study Prayers and Meditations ?” I went wild with this unexpected joy! On entering the room I saw that Tapati and Chitra were happily seated next to Pranab. Their eyes seemed to say: “Just see, how our prayer has been answered!” So we were four to start with. And that is how the Prayers and Meditations class started. On Tapati’s birthday the Mother ...
... I forbear writing about Sudhir-da’s other activities, as they have been amply brought out by other writers. One appreciative remark of the Mother sums up the man’s true metal. Our Sudhir-da PRANAB BHATTACHARYA ( Director of the Ashram’s Department of Physical Education ) I first met Sudhir-da at the Pondicherry Railway Station. It was in 1942, towards the beginning of April, just before... he got warmed up with enthusiasm. Later I snapped a photo of him and showed it to the Mother. She commented, “Exactly the carved features of an ancient Roman.” Sudhir Kumar Sarkar with Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya (at the centre is Wilfred Pinto) Sudhir-da loved his Motherland more than his own life. He used to keep track of all developments, good or bad, affecting the country. He ... for elderly persons was started, he joined it. I used to conduct the gymnastic marching of this group of Grown-ups. Sudhir-da was very enthusiastic about this marching. He used to cry in delight, “Pranab, they perform the Bharat Natyam, but we perform the Mahabharat Natyam!” As I was his neighbour, whenever I got the chance, I would go to him and listen to stories of the old days. Oh, innumerable ...
... . Now came a pause. The whole day of November 14 she was quiet but at night again she wanted to walk. The attendants said: "Mother, you should not walk." She, as her main attendant Pranab tells us, "obeyed" them. Pranab continues: "That was on the 15th. From that day she became absolutely obedient. Whatever we told her she did." This calm passivity of the Mother was obviously the pointer to the knowledge ...
... May 27, 1971 ( Extract from Satprem's notebook ) Pranab-desh. 1 × What made Satprem put this laconic note in his notebook, what was the occasion, the reason? It is like a forewarning, which we shall leave as it is. Pranab is the name of Mother's "guard." Desh = territory or country. ...
... her notebook and said: "This evening I am seeing Amal." After everything was finished I sat chatting with a friend. Suddenly after 20 minutes or so of chatting, I caught sight of the Mother and Pranab going out of the Mother's room on the other side. I felt awfully ashamed. I made a resolve never to chat lightly outside Sri Aurobindo's sacred room and within such easy earshot of the Mother. I went... I want so much to be wholly yours. Won't you do something to absorb me into yourself? What should I do on my side?" I kept my note on a table near the place where the Mother took her lunch with Pranab. As usual I sat in the space outside her bathroom. When she finished her lunch she took my note and went into the bathroom by its inner door. Having read the note she came out through the outer door ...
... all the others who used to be around her from about 9 a.m. up to 12 had gone home. At that hour she would go behind a small screen for her lunch with Pranab and I would wait in the passage near the stairs. I could hear all the talk she had with Pranab during lunch. I would in the Page 68 meantime write little notes to her, tiptoe to a table in the proximity of the screen and put my ...
... out the reason and happened to meet Debu 1 He said Mother was talking to Pranab, I went back to Sri Aurobindo and told him. Sri Aurobindo: “Ah, ah!” Mother came back at 9.35 p.m. × Deb Kumar Bhattacharya, a younger brother of Pranab Kumar; a highly gifted homeopath, he also treated the Mother. ...
... July 1945 Mother asked Pranab to take the Ashram children to the Salle Jeanne d'Arc to see Pinocchio . “After this, on two occasions I went with Mother to a cinema outside the Ashram. One was a film on Rodin, his life and sculpture, and the other a Russian film on the May Day parade.... On both these occasions, we hired and booked the entire cinema hall for ourselves.”—Pranab Kumar, Bhattacharya, ...
... encouraged me in my work. He was helpful in my starting group-activities for the elderly. I used to conduct gymnastic marching for the elderly. He was extremely interested in this and would say: "Pranab, they do Bharatnatyam whereas we do Mahabharatnayam!" And he encouraged everybody to actively participate in the gymnastic marching and in physical education. While we remained neighbours, I... had translated my English commands of Gymnastic Marching into French. Page 286 Mother with Nehru, Kamaraj and Indira Gandhi, Amrita-da, Nolini-da and Pranab are on the left. Page 287 Mother on her way to the "Island" on 18.3.59 Page 288 Mother visiting the Handmade Paper Unit on ...
... " "When we can't answer them satisfactorily, we ask them to go and speak to Nolinida, Pavitrada or Dada," answered Rahul. "Who is Dada?" "Don't you know Dada? Why, it's Pranabda." "Oh! Pranab I know, not Dada." "We all call him Dada, our elder brother. We've just finished our exercises; had a quick wash in order to come to you. We have a very strict programme of physical education which... the Sadhana, it was very necessary. Just as, now that you children are here, it is necessary for the Mother to see to your food, your health. Doctor Nripen says, 'Give the children more vitamins.' Pranab asks for more exercises, also for eggs, meat and fish, sometimes even a picnic or two. Pavitra and Sisir ask for a school and for Knowledge! (Laughter) And there is a great deal more. All these have ...
... disbursement. * * * The Films Division of the Government of India wanted to come to make a film on the Ashram and Auroville. In the morning a telegram was sent asking them not to come. Pranab does not want them to come for the Ashram, but for Auroville it is alright, so another telegram is to go. Mother did not like the matter having gone to her in two parts. * * * Anjani... known. If I had this dream it could be known." A nutritious biscuit has been prepared by Chernet at Aspiration. Some pieces were sent to Mother. She wished these to be given to Kumud for Pranab, Champaklal, Dr. Sanyal, and Kumud herself. * * * Page 224 22.9.72 The question of Tibetan children was referred to Mother by Shanti and Katak. Should they be dispersed ...
... not say anything. After the Mother had gone back to Her room, I started walking towards Milli-di's green-room in order to change my costume. Before I could reach the green-room, I heard Mota-kaka's (Pranab-da's elder uncle, Charupada Bhattacharya) voice, "Shobha, the Mother is calling you!" On entering Her room, I saw Her sitting on a cushioned chair on the left. I went and sat down at Her Feet and bowed... getting Her blessing I came out of Her room. That day's experience is still as fresh as ever, to this day. I remained in the Playground for some time: there were still a lot of people and I could hear Pranab-da's powerful voice; the door to the Mother's room, the map of India and so many other sights floated before my eyes. These were all earthly sights and yet they felt unearthly. It all felt so different ...
... presentation in the Ashram playground and over the years the dramatization of Savitri has become a very special regular activity of the Ashram. This was also the time when, with the arrival of Pranab, the work of physical education was started in the school. In the early days, the Mother took a walk around the main playground and asked a few of the women present to join her in the walk and she... wearing saris, in white shorts and shirts and a headgear called “kitty caps” for their playground activities. The younger boys and girls were organized into various groups under the overall care of Pranab with his team of group captains. A detailed and varied pattern of physical education gradually came into being as an essential element of the expanding activities of the school. The body needed to ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Sketch of Pranab 1949-03-22 Just as Sri Aurobindo was beginning his meal. Mother brought a sketch of Pranab done by her and showed it to him. She said that she did it when he was resting. Sri Aurobindo received it with a smile and showed his appreciation more by expression than ...
... down for her lunch with Pranab on the first floor behind a screen. At about 12 everyone went home. Only I was left behind, sitting in the small passage between the staircase door and the bathroom. How I came into this exceptional role I can't recollect. But, as I have recounted elsewhere, I sat by myself through her lunch - within earshot of her varied talk with Pranab. Usually I would leave a ...
... continued to be on this floor even after everybody else had left. I would sit on the mat in the passage between the Mother's bathroom and the staircase to the first floor, while she had her lunch with Pranab behind a screen at the end of the room from which she could go up to her retiring room on the second floor. I could hear all the talk going on between the two and sometimes their discussion of certain... serve for the final supramentalisation. She could have gone on for some time more but the state in which she was would not have been to the benefit of the Ashram. Her physical condition about which Pranab spoke in a talk soon after her departure was a severe strain on her children and so she removed the irremediable burden at a moment she thought tit. According to me, things being what they ...
... some others and myself were waiting for the Mother at the gate of Huta House. For at last the renovation of my apartment had been completed. Her car approached driven by Pavitra with Pranab beside him. The Mother asked Pranab to remain in the car. Along with all of us she climbed the long red staircase. The key was in the Yale lock which she turned, declaring my apartment open. The door led to my studio ...
... and a Conclusion by THE MOTHER in collaboration with NOLINI (The Writer) PAVITRA (The Scientist) ANDRÉ (The Industrialist) PRANAB (The Athlete) Letter of the Mother Concerning "The Great Secret" My dear André, I know that you are a very busy man and that you do not have much time to spare. However... industrialist's speech as I conceive it, but of course you can make any changes you find necessary. I have asked Pavitra to write the account of the scientist, Nolini is dealing with the man of letters, Pranab has already written what the sportsman will say (in English, but I shall put it into French), I have already outlined the statesman, I am taking care of the artist and of course the Unknown Man, since ...
... spiritual traditions and the glory that India once was and still is, though covered with poverty and other problems. At the beginning, as I was entering the playground, there was a light drizzle. I met Pranab at the gate, and he said, "Namashkar, Nirod-da." Somehow he has taken a very venerating attitude towards me! (Laughter) Then he told me, "It doesn't matter if it rains today, tomorrow we will... Radha and other gopis, 127 etc., 123Bhima was one of the five Pandava brothers in the epic Mahabharata. He was a brave warrior and physically a very strong man. Here Nirod-da is comparing Pranab to Bhima because Ptanab was also physically very strong. 124Mace-bearer. 125Mace. 126Spinning metal disc with serrated edge: the mighty weapon or Lord Krishna. 127 The gopis ...
... giant!" In our doubles tennis tournament, we also used to play with the Mother; Pranab was her invariable partner. Once before going for the match, she told me, "Today our match? I hope we shall have a good game, but," she added lowering her voice, "you know it does not depend on me." We knew of course that Pranab was in the habit of falling into a bad humour and would not then put his heart into ...
... upon my knee-trouble in the same way. * Dada said: I was studying in college then. During the winter holidays we would sometimes go to the river Padma to hunt the birds. Motakaka, Pranab Sen, Abdallah, myself and a couple of others. We would hire a boat, take our guns and go to the river to hunt birds. The boatman was a Muslim. After the hunt, the birds were cooked on the boat itself... There will be no other gain. Trying to teach this girl some maths is much more important.' Motakaka couldn't say anything else after this. Page 108 The Mother with Pranab, Motakaka (Charupada) and others. A view of the Ganga (Bhagirathi) flowing through Berhampur in West Bengal. Motakaka's death too was as beautiful as him. He was ...
... me. You will, won't you?" I did not answer. So he asked again: "Dada-babu, when will you get angry again?" When the Mother heard about this incident she remarked: "So, when you got angry, Pranab, you would give away your things? The European nature is just the opposite. When they get angry they take away other people's things!" And the Mother started laughing.' 'We had two dogs,' Dada... all this, but he said; , "Yes, Babu, it's true, even today we can hear the sound of the khol and the cymbals and the kirtans late at night."' Page 130 Pranab playing the clarinet in his room Page 131 Dada was telling us the other day: 'When Sri Aurobindo used to give Darshan during the period prior to 1938, a list was prepared of all ...
... Moments Eternal Vande Mataram On every Darshan, after all the groups had reached their assigned spots during the evening March Past in the Playground, Pranab would shake heaven and earth with his resounding voice: Victoire à la Douce Mère (Victory to the Mother) followed by Vande Mataram (I adore the Mother)! It was on a 21st February Darshan, after... persecution and torture because they kept repeating the maha-mantra Vande Mataram . Now let me return to the Playground where we heard for the first time the cry of Vande Mataram . As soon as Pranab had uttered Vande Mataram we too, unknowingly carried by the tremendous force of that maha-mantra , echoed it again and again, Vande Mataram ! Vande Mataram ! Vande Mataram ! Four heroic sons ...
... They made me enter the Mother's room and closed the door behind me. She was seated in an easy-chair. Pranab-da was standing next to Her, talking. As soon as I entered the room, She turned Her gaze on me. She laughed. Then She stretched out both Her arms, beckoning me towards Her. At this point, Pranab-da went out of the room. As soon as I was in front of Her, She held both my arms. I sat down in front ...
... it was rheumatism. Page 110 Mother - I had told you so. I - So I should do a lot of exercise, as you told me; Mother - Yes, my dear child. Yes, my child, tell Pranab about your back pain, he will show you some exercises for it. The Mother placed Her hand on my shoulder and caressed me affectionately. My heart was filled with He; compassion. I felt Mother... Page 111 if you have a tumor on your heel? You have other parts of your body, exercise them. Don't do any running or jumps. But you can do the throws, you can do some gymnastics. Tell Pranab to show you some light exercises, do these regularly. Don't stop your Group activities, go daily. So in deference to the Mother's instruction, I went for my Group activities every day. I exercised ...
... 42 The Next Future I The Great Secret, 1 subtitled "Six Monologues and a Conclusion", was conceived and written by the Mother with the collaboration of Nolini, Pavitra, Andre and Pranab. The Mother visualised a situation of extreme limit, as it were on the edge of time. A ship carrying six famous men indifferent spheres of life, and an unknown young man, who are all on their way to... and without this discovery all our efforts are in vain". Page 579 The last of the eminent men to speak is the Athlete - the writing of this part was assigned, appropriately enough, to Pranab Bhattacharya. Like the Statesman, the Athlete too claims a hereditary bent towards games, sports and physical exercises. His own father's speciality has been body-building and wrestling, his mother's ...
... care. Once the Mother accepted children, she also assumed all the attendant responsibilities. If she found in Sisirkumar Mitra, formerly of Shantiniketan, a seasoned academic head, she likewise found Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya a dedicated exponent of physical culture; and there was Pavitra to give purpose and shape and proper direction to the School. While the academic courses were organised on efficient... after eight, or even as late as nine. Her evenings were thus crowded, and for the pupils and the sadhaks they were a period packed with miscellaneous fulfilment. When the evening's schedule was over, Pranab would offer a garland to the Mother, and back in the Ashram, she would in her turn place it at Sri Aurobindo's feet. VI When the Mother found that it was rather cumbersome for women to complete ...
... watch the various physical education activities. Sometime in 1949, the Mother extended the duration of Her stay in the Playground. After the activities were over, She would sit on a bench and watch Pranab (whom I began calling Dada) do his exercises. A very ordinary bench painted in green was arranged for Her. Gauri-di would cover the bench with a clean cloth and a cushion. Six or seven lady-disciples... contour on the ground. She knew all this, but continued Her explanations for the benefit of the ladies. This lasted only for three or four days because by then I was able to do the twenty-five push-ups. Pranab made me do them in the Mother’s presence. When I completed the dips successfully, the Mother took my hands in Hers, congratulated me and with a radiant smile sent me off for my first lesson with the ...
... Six Monologues and a Conclusion by THE MOTHER in collaboration with NOLINI ( The Writer ) PAVITRA ( The Scientist ) ANDRÉ ( The Industrialist ) PRANAB ( The Athlete ) Six of the world's most famous men have been brought together, apparently by chance, in a life-boat in which they have taken refuge when the ship that was carrying them to a world ...
... January Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 January 22, 1972 ( Two days earlier, as Pranab was leaving Mother's room late, he had remarked to Sujata, "Usual trouble. Heart, giddiness." ) The work is going on with increasing clarity. But it's difficult.... On its own, the physical is terribly pessimistic. It is steeped in atavistic habits of helplessness, con ...
... × Mother was never allowed to live her experience. A few days after she left her body, in a speech before the assembled disciples, Pranab, Mother's "bodyguard," ingenuously declared: "According to the advice of Dr. Sanyal, we were to give Her about 20 to 25 ozs. of food every day. It consisted of a little vegetable soup, milk with some ...
... again—it might start again. But then I would be... I may be incapable of speaking at that time, of saying this. So I am saying it to you—Satprem knows. One other person should also know. I believe Pranab also knows it. Page 128 I don't know, I have never said anything to him. Because we had noted it down, and your instructions are here in the drawer. They've been kept here as "instructions ...
... The door was effectively barricaded, the Mother could not come out. We all stood ready outside and the Mother stood inside and Mridu-di sat in between, immovable. Half an hour passed. Several people, Pranab-da, Puraniji etc. tried to plead, cajole, convince Mridu-di to move. Nothing doing. Finally the Mother came out of the other smaller door (side room) and the March Past started off. Mridu-di had not ...
... wish to have a photograph taken of the Mother and myself together, so that she could keep it always with her. Later one copy was sent to her, and another was given to me by the Mother. It was taken by Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya—Director of Physical Education. When the time came for her to leave, my mother hugged me and kissed my cheeks. She wanted me to go with her. I was torn between my emotion ...
... along with a few other people, 1 would spend my time from nearly 8.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. in its proximity. From 12.30 to 1,40 I would be alone nearby waiting for the Mother to finish her lunch with Pranab and go to her bathroom and then meet me before going for her short siesta. As soon as my chair was placed in the sanctum I became keenly aware of the Presence that had lived there in an embodied ...
... days of constant pain: "Leave everything in my hands." Finally, at the Samadhi on 22.3.92 I figured myself as kneeling to the Mother as I used to do every afternoon when, on finishing her lunch with Pranab, she would go to her bathroom by an inner door and come out by an outer one leading to where I would be sitting and waiting for her. When I told her of my difficulties and perplexities I heard her ...
... announced my plan to her. She opened her eyes wide. At once I added: "Yes, I'm going to write on you but I'm not going to show you my article before publishing it." She looked at me incredulously. Pranab was present and he looked both surprised and amused. I explained: "If I let you see it beforehand, you won't let me say all that I want." The article in question is the one entitled: The Mother ...
... is all right.” Even so, she wrote “Blessings” on the pictures. Mother had liked the mounted pictures so much that the next day she asked me to fetch them from Kamala as she wanted to show them to Pranab. While showing them to him she remarked: “How nicely they are arranged by Champaklal! Isn't it so?” × The German weekly ...
... me to narrate the morning programme before Balcony darshan and immediately after, I shall do so. After my bath at 4 a.m. I go up and wait outside the netted outer door of the Mother's room. After Pranab leaves I go inside. Today he leaves at 4.22 a.m. When I go in, Mother may be there, or she may have already gone to the inner room where she remains for some time, but comes out if there is some work ...
... Mother decided to give some of her jewels in exchange for some money. It was decided that according to their capacities devotees would be given a jewel or two to keep as sacred souvenir from Mother.”—Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya, I Remember , 1993, p.52. ...
... the necessity of providing them with a system of physical education to make their growing bodies supple and strong and to inculcate a sense of discipline in them. With the help of a young disciple, Pranab Bhattacharya, who had recently joined the Ashram and had specialised in this field, a Department of Physical Education was started in May 1944. A spacious playground was constructed and a programme ...
... By The Way - Part II BY THE WAY Part - II Note from the Publisher Dada (Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya) is present in his office every morning from 8.30 to 11.45. During this time boys, girls and growing-ups from the Ashram come to see him. He also receives visitors. They all have something to ask him and he answers their questions ...
... only a guess. Perhaps you saw, those 161Let us come back to our sheep. 162The south-east corner of the Ashram Building, on the first floor. Page 111 who were near, that Pranab came twice and looked at our side. Well! These are passing instances. Anyhow, Mother came, and She looked at us. We were very glad indeed to see the Divine, but nothing unusual happened. We were waiting ...
... 207-28 29. Mother India, December 1952, p. 72 30. Ibid., September 1952, p. 6 31. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 17, p. 204. Also in A Scheme of Education, edited by Pranab Bhattacharya (1952), p. 32 32. The Mother, Vol. 12, pp. 37-38 33. The Mother, Vol. 2, pp. 47-48 34. The Mother, Vol. 1, p. 113 35. Sri Aurobindo, Vol. 15 ...
... Indian Nationalist Movement: 1883-1920 (1967) Banerjee, Surendranath. A Nation in the Making(l927) Bharati, Shuddhananda. Sri Aurobindo: The Divine Master (1948) Bhattacharya, Pranab. A Scheme of Education (1952) Bose, Bejoy Krishna. The Alipur Bomb Trial (1922) Chandrasekharam, V. Sri Aurobindo's 'The Life Divine': A brief Study (1961); Sri Aurobindo: Three Essays ...
... MO 13:43 20. MO 13:359 21. For 18 October 1950, members of P.E.D. decorated the Playground and made this map with "New Birth" (Sweet Marjoram) leaves and "Plasticity" (marigolds). See also Pranab : 198 22. Bull Aug-51:36,III-IV 23. MO 13:376 24. By K.D. Sethna 25. MO 13:64; MO 9:192-93 26. MO 15:103 27. cf MO 9:144-51 28. cf Savitri :55 29. Savitri ...
... others, too numerous to recall at the moment, who have given us assistance and encouragement and have contributed in some way to the making of the book. Late Sunderlal Pateseria Late Ashit Gupta Pranab Bhattacharya Jayantilal Parekh Mrinal Das Gupta Bishwanath Roy Manik Mitra Dr. Srinivas Iyengar Pulak Banerjee Abani Sinha Hriday Narayan Mrityunjoy Mukherjee Samar Sen Aniruddha ...
... bathing rub your body thoroughly and afterwards dry yourself with a clean, rough towel. Finally, at the end of this booklet, some important health habits have been given to guide the readers.. Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya Director J .S.A.S.A. Department of Physical Education, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry -605002. ...
... able to gather and assimilate the force, the body and the nerves must be quiet and strong. (Based on The Mother's talk) The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo > Equality of the Body... Pranab conducting his Asana class, September 1994 ...
... concentration during the practice of Surya Namaskar is maintained. For, it is the full concentration, or the lack of it, that will make this exercise system a success or a failure. 25.04.1986 Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya Director Department of Physical Education, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry-605002. Concentration means fixing the consciousness in one place or one object ...
... that I can rely upon you and this is very comfortable. Page 651 Let this progress spread to the body now and give you good health steadily. With my love and blessings. 8 To Pranab Bhattacharya she wrote on 18 October: To my beloved child and faithful companion in the building up of the New World. With my love, my trust and my blessings for ever. 9 To Huta, the ...
... accord, and in a few minutes the sketch was finished - and an excellent portrait it was. Likewise she did the portrait of another close to her, Kamala. On yet another occasion, she drew a portrait of Pranab when he was resting. There were two striking self-portraits too, and one of them, drawn in 1935, matched with her portrait of Sri Aurobindo of the same period. According to Champaklal, she was persuaded ...
... Prasad in charge of the granary and the garnerer of choice anecdotes on the Mother's ministry, Nirodbaran, Sethna, Kishor Gandhi, all seasoned apostles and beloved children of the Mother, Champaklal, Pranab, Vasudha, Kamala, all constant and dedicated in their ministrations to the Mother, senior sadhak like Sahana Devi, Duraiswami, Rishabhchand, Prithwisingh, Chandradip, Sundaram, Jayantilal, Indra Sen ...
... I am reminded here of Kaké, Tara and Lata’s brother. After finishing all Her work in the Playground, the Mother used to sit and attentively watch the captains’ exercises. With limitless patience Pranab would teach each captain vaulting, parallel bars, freehand exercises and all kinds of other things. During this time, I would sit with Gauri and several others near the Mother. One day, suddenly, Kaké ...
... Moments Eternal Eternal Sacrifice My mind often goes back to the memories of that evening… Pranab had just given the solemn order for ‘Rassemblement’ in the Playground and everybody ran to their spots in their respective group. The Mother came out of Her room and stood in front of the map of India. Four or five of us girls—Minnie-di, Milli-di, Violet ...
... soul came out to me and said: ‘Mother, this is our last meeting. I shall not see you again in this mortal body.’ And I blessed Saroj.” Memories of that day come back to me. The ground was empty. Pranab was busy with the children’s group. The Mother kept talking with Dada. I was the only one standing a little further away. The Mother said: “Saroj’s soul was very developed. In comparison, his ...
... March-past, it was performed on the ground and not on a stage. She would sit in front of the map of India with the usual people on either side, Gauri-di, Amiyo-da, Millie-di, Minnie-di, Violette-ji, etc. Pranab-da stood either at the entrance to Her room or on the left of the map at the door that led to the old body-building gymnasium. Our play was acted out just there in front of that door. Other sports ...
... see Nolini-da, I came to know that a proposal had been put forward to the Mother to have one additional show besides the one slated for the 5 th of May. And the Mother had agreed. After talking to Pranab-da, the Mother had asked Nolini-da to inform me about this show being fixed for the 7 th . After telling me this Nolini-da said to me that he had gone to see the dance-drama and had liked it very much ...
... shone through the melody unmistakably. Those who had participated in its realisation were: Debu and Manoj on the sitar, Anil-da (Sunil-da's elder brother) and Bacchu on the sarod, (Debu and Bacchu were Pranab-da's younger brothers), Runu (Manoranjan-da's son) on the flute and Sunil-da himself on the harmonium. The musical composition on bhakti was extremely sweet and melodious. However, since I was accustomed ...
... DEMERITS For deciding upon the awards, along with the attendance we were also encouraged to award daily marks out of 10 for discipline, for which a table of merits and demerits was made with Pranab Da’s help. I then typed out the list and several copies were sent to the Mother for distributing to the captains of all the Groups. I have two sheets of Merits and Demerits with the Mother’s added ...
... Learning with the Mother PRAYER FOR THE SUN Each year for the birthday of Pranab Da, Director of the Ashram Physical Education Department, we the captains and group members secretly prepared an informal demonstration of physical culture which would be put up before the Mother on the 18th of October every year. The Mother took a keen interest in this particular ...
... in charge of the Pool. Soon he will be moving around well dressed — trousers and...” Poornananda cut him short saying: “Hobé na, or ar Pranaber kokhuno full-pant hobé na.” (“It won’t happen. He and Pranab (Dada) will never wear trousers.”) Poornananda was a terror to the local rickshawallas, coolies, beggars, etc. They in their country-side innocent ways would squat down on any roadside to answer ...
... scenes as if they were just in front of me. In order to have a view of those scenes, special seats were artistically erected on suitable trees. Among those who were the spectators, I could only see Pranab, the other individuals were unrecognisable, or perhaps they did not want themselves to be recognised, as was my impression. I saw there many Sadhus, Sanyasins, Tantric Kapaliks, Vairagins, Avadhuts ...
... people. It was here that, before going for the Balcony darshan, Mother would write the messages for Biren 1 which have been published in facsimile. And for a period she also had her meals here with Pranab. Beside this Japanese seat, there used to be a big cupboard in which Mother kept the books she gave to people. Now, for my convenience, a shelf had been fixed between the upper and lower parts ...
... on growing despite the difficult financial and material times. There was Sisir Kumar Mitra, who had been a professor at Tagore’s Vishva Bharati and who now became the Head of the school; there was Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya, who would become the head of the Department of Physical Education and a very close assistant of the Mother. 93 We will see more about the Ashram school in a later chapter. ...
... till the last breath, they might somehow make the body's end itself a critical phase of the Yogic process and turn it to the purposes of their earth-transformative ideal. And it is a fact attested by Pranab and the rest of the Mother's attendants that, though she had considered death as possible, she never accepted it as probable and she worked unremittingly for the physical divinisation with which Sri ...
... April Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 April 10, 1973 Pranab declares to P.B., one of the Ashram's trustees, "Get ready for Mother's departure." P.B. asks Satprem through someone, what it means. ...
... of the earth's atmosphere, so they affect only the atmosphere, not the earth itself.... The most immediate consequences are climatic. Yes, it's terrifically hot here!... ( Mother plunges in. Pranab comes in and says from the far end of the room, "It's late." Mother instantly comes back ) Is it time? Yes, Mother. × ...
... approach the Divine in the right way, to enter into contact with the Divine in the right way, in the right manner—it starts up again afterwards as before. ( Mother turns around ) Is he here? Pranab is here. Ah! Au revoir!... × Let us point out that on this day Mother had an indirect contact (through the family) ...
... Paul's with Jesus Christ, and similar ones of others; in our modern days, associations of Vivekananda, particularly, and of his friends with Ramakrishna, and lastly, in our present time, here, of Pranab-da and Vasudha-ben 263 with the Mother. Our association too belongs to that class, that category, but I won't say that it is of the same stature. However, it is an association worth dying for a ...
... the teachers to greet the students with namaskar. According to Tagore, the teachers must greet the students with namaskar - that way, it can help to awaken the soul in the students. And here, Pranab, as you know very well, greets you always with a namaskar and a broad smile. I don't know whether he smiles broadly at all of you or not, but I am fortunate in seeing his broad smile as well as ...
... might start again. But then I would be... I may be incapable of speaking at that time, of saying this. So I am saying it to you—Satprem knows. One other person should also know. I believe Pranab also knows it. I don't know, I have never said anything to him. Because we had noted it down, and your instructions are here in the drawer. They've been kept here as 'instructions’. ¹ ...
... absorbed, happy over my ... what shall I say ... prospective voyage to England. By the way, I must say in parenthesis: people don't believe that I have been to England. I don't know why. The other day, Pranab 69 said in the gymnasium, "Who will believe that Nirod-da had gone to England ?" I thought, What is the special stamp on an England-returned man? Is it because of my native Bengali clothes that they ...
... smallest details and arranges everything as needed. Even in this small instance, the Divine Hand is seen. And it is very important to me because I am, or rather was, somewhat of a materialist. Like Pranab, we want some tangible facts in order to believe. It seems he said to Mother one day: "It is no use telling me all these high-flown things; you show me by doing them." I have said the same thing ...
... might rest quietly. Then we gave her Siquil as the doctor had prescribed. It took her about 45 minutes to become quiet and she slept from 2 to 4 o'clock, but after getting up she started saying, "Pranab, lift me up and make me walk. My legs are getting paralysed; if you help me to walk again, they will become all right." But we did not listen. After the first frightening experience, we had to remain ...
... with the modern practice in any national scheme of physical education. And it is indeed now being introduced in many progressive institutions as part of physical training, at home and abroad. Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya Director of Physical Education, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry. ...
... while teaching. We too, after all, are teachers! We loved the way the children sat on the floor and wrote their dictation. You must have seen photographs of this class. There was a time when Dada (Pranab) garlanded the Mother in this courtyard before She started Her class. What a marvellous sight that was! How lovely the Mother looked! I cannot ever forget Her sweet smile. We would eagerly wait in ...
... pleasant. Finally, before you start on a programme of exercise it would be prudent to consult your doctor. This is particularly so in the case of older women who have not exercised earlier. Pranab Kumar Bhattacharya Director J .S.A.S.A. Department of Physical Education, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry -605002. ...
... and design came from Tejen-da, son of the celebrated Bagha Jatin. Tejen-da used to look after the little ones. Everyone called him ‘Borda’. Tejen-da had taken this initiative without informing Pranab so as to give him a surprise on his birthday. Manoranjan-da entrusted Bibha to make a royal swan in cotton to decorate the children’s courtyard for games. Almost ten full bags of cotton were used ...
... and explain something to a little girl. At other times, the Mother would be engaged in a conversation with someone in the Interview-Room while the ‘marching’ was going on. Until the Mother came out, Pranab could not stop the ‘marching’. The people had to go on marching. Then the Mother finally would come out of the Interview-Room, totally calm, relaxed, walking firmly and quietly. She did not lose any ...
... receiving prasad from Her hand. Everyone felt happy. The Mother would also give prasad and Her blessings to those whose birthday it was. Only after She had finished this would She begin Her other work. Pranab taught his group of captains all types of exercises. He was most attentive while teaching his captains, especially the women captains. He would stand very vigilant next to them while they practised ...
... in order to prove this about plants. And that marked a new beginning in the world of science. Jagdish Chandra Bose became a muchadmired scientist. So this neem tree was finally not chopped down. Pranab and the other elders knew how much the Mother loved trees. However this tree had to be removed from there so it was finally decided to transplant it by lifting it out of the soil with a crane without ...
... with them at the Theater. I thought that next year when they are in my class I could start at the very beginning of the session (1966) working regularly on the drama, fix a day with Vishwanath-da and Pranab-da and inform you accordingly. Now, I pray to have Your consent for taking up this work at the start of next year. If you agree, I could begin the work. Accept my New Year pranam, Dedicated ...
... and bring him to me," the Mother said. I still see that scene before my eyes: People have started assembling in the Playground. The Mother has almost arrived in front of the map of India and Pranab-da is standing near Her room in front of the microphone. I am escorting my father through that crowded ground to the Mother. Although Baba was to have several darshans of the Mother, that day was his ...
... questions.... One day when I went to Her upstairs. She was too busy and told me to bring my questions to Her in the Playground. She would answer while Page 549 She sat and watched Pranab-da teaching the Captains' group. I would sit in front of her and She would answer my questions. Naturally those who attended on her then also took interest.... Presently, the Mother selected ...
... birthday too, I went and stood there. A while later, Pavitra-da drove the Mother back to the Ashram. Getting down from the car, She went straight under the covered corridor to Debu's room (Debu is Pranab-da's brother) while all of us waited in a line. Then, She came out of Debu's room and headed for the staircase next to Nirod-da's room. I was standing right opposite the door opening to the staircase ...
... 89-90, 534, 571-2, 595, 756 Ponnuswami Aiyar, A.R. 353 Pournaprema (Francoise Morisset) 477 Poushpa Dass 745 Prabartak Sangha 200, 205, 213-4 Prabhat Sanyal, Dr 200, 491-5, 507, 817-8, 820 Pranab Bhattacharya 435, 437, 465, 549, 580, 652, 691, 734, 817-20 Prapatti (K.C. Pati) 691 Prasad, Rajendra 596 Prithwi Singh Nahar 408, 691 Prithwindra Mukherjee 29 Promode Kumar Chatterji 681 Punjalal ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Pranab’s Fist 1949-02-04 When Mother came to Sri Aurobindo's room in the afternoon brought the sketch she had done of Pranab's fist and profile showed it to Sri Aurobindo who looked at it, smiled and nodded. On seeing the sketch, I said it was full of strength. Mother pointed out the fist ...
... photograph of his with the Mother which she captioned it “My Lion”. While choosing it as the cover for the Gujarati edition of Champaklal Speaks , he noted this incident: Once, on seeing this photo, Pranab's uncle Charubabu exclaimed, “Mother, here Champaklal looks like Durga's lion! “ And Mother forcefully replied, “He is my lion!” (Ref: Champaklal Speaks. 3rd Edition. Preface) ...
... special today? Why is Mother so early today? Lunch also was early. Everything is early today.” I did not reply. He asked again: “You don't know? Is it a special blessings day?” C: “No, today is Pranab's birthday. I hear that Mother is going to take the salute and so she is going early to the Playground. 1 think that is why Mother must have come early.” Sri Aurobindo smiled and said: “Ah... ah ...
... Part I — Recollections and Diary Notes Champaklal Speaks Observation It was during Pranam one morning. As usual I was standing by Mother's side. Pranab's uncle Charupada, as he came near, asked me: “Not well, Champaklal?” Mother: “He looks that way because he has washed his hair.” Needless to say I was surprised. For I did not know that she had noticed ...
... significant utterance “I am the Mother”. Let me tell you about another incident. The Mother had come to the Playground after finishing Her game of tennis. Mota-kaka, Charuchandra Bhattacharya (Pranab’s uncle), walked into the Playground with a group of miserable looking boys. They were students of a primary school and looked extremely poor. They all wore dirty shorts and torn shirts. Their hair ...
... extremely fond of this photograph of his with the Mother which she captioned it "My Lion". While choosing it as the cover for the Gujarati edition, he noted this incident: Once, on seeing this photo, Pranab's uncle Charubabu exclaimed, "Mother, here Champaklal looks like Durga's lion!" And Mother forcefully replied, "He is my lion!" Champaklal Speaks illustrates how his first and foremost aspiration ...
... on; and, above all, it is thou who wilt make him accept the Presence and aspire for Realisation. 18 October 1953 This experience followed conclusively the one I had last night whilst seeing Pranab's film. I felt strongly that my children were emancipated and that they no longer need my physical intervention to do their work well. It is enough that my presence among them is an inspiration and ...
... before the present one was associated with the French Revolution. If he was a guillotined front-liner, we can think only of Danton and Robespierre. But the Mother has Page 82 seen Debu, Pranab's brother, as having been the latter. So Danton has to be our choice. To me Sri Aurobindo wrote that he had "a psychic memory" of Dilip Kumar Roy as Horace, evidently a carry-over from the time he had ...
... body at 8-40 p.m. When some people were trying to fill up that gap, the Mother told them, that Amrita was the first and the last Manager of the Ashram. Nolini: Amrita, I have been to Pranab's place for a medical check-up. Dr. Vyas says that I have improved in every way. Even my chest has increased! Amrita: That is fine. Wonderful, wonderful! Nolini: But you know, for a ...
... above all, it is thou who wilt make him accept the Presence and aspire for Realisation. 18.10.53 1954-05-16 This experience followed conclusively the one I had last night whilst seeing Pranab's film. I felt very strongly that my children were emancipated and that they no longer need my physical intervention to do their work well. It is enough that my presence among them is an inspiration ...
... 21 But, then, she could also somehow find time, amidst her crowding preoccupations and the exhausting demands of her work, to do pencil sketches - of Sri Aurobindo, of herself, of Champaklal, of Pranab's fist and profile! 22 If only she could be persuaded to find the time to do a painting of Sri Aurobindo in oil colours! Wouldn't that prove to be a real masterpiece? Although she finally agreed to ...
... birth immediately before the present one was associated with the French Revolution. If he was a guillotined front-liner, we can think only of Danton and Robespierre. But the Mother has seen Debu, Pranab's brother, as having been Page 298 the latter. So Danton has to be our choice. To me Sri Aurobindo wrote that he had "a psychic memory" of Dilip Kumar Roy as Horace, evidently a carry-over ...
... can watch the stars." (laughter) The Mother said: "I'll see about it." Very soon after, I got the room where Purani had been staying some years. It is the room in the Dortoir Annexe just opposite Pranab's place — the corner room up there. Now Purani was promoted to a room within the Ashram compound Page 24 itself and I was put in his place — a promotion for me also. But it is ...
... the house where I had spent the first 10 years of my stay in the Ashram. I had lived in the upstairs corner room of what had then been known as the Guest House. It is the present Dortoire opposite Pranab's place. Sri Aurobindo had lived there for 9 years, and when I arrived in Pondicherry Purani had his quarters there. Now in my dream I was again a resident of that room. I came out of the house and ...
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