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Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [1]
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Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [1]
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Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Early Cultural Writings [5]
Education for Tomorrow [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [3]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
In the Mother's Light [2]
India's Rebirth [3]
Isha Upanishad [3]
Kena and Other Upanishads [4]
Landmarks of Hinduism [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [2]
Letters on Poetry and Art [1]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Letters on Yoga - III [2]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [3]
Living in The Presence [1]
Moments Eternal [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [5]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [9]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [1]
Nishikanto - the Brahmaputra of inspiration [1]
Old Long Since [1]
On The Mother [3]
Our Many Selves [1]
Parvati's Tapasya [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems [2]
Record of Yoga [1]
Reminiscences [1]
Selected Episodes From Raghuvamsam of Kalidasa [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [3]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The New World [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [2]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [4]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [5]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [3]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Destiny of the Body [1]
The Golden Path [1]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Psychic Being [1]
The Renaissance in India [2]
The Spirit of Auroville [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [1]
Visions of Champaklal [1]
Wager of Ambrosia [2]
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English [135]
A Pilgrimage to Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Vision of United India [1]
Among the Not So Great [1]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
Bande Mataram [3]
Bhagavadgita and Contemporary Crisis [1]
By The Way - Part III [1]
Chaitanya and Mira [2]
Champaklal Speaks [1]
Champaklal's Treasures [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [1]
Collected Poems [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [1]
Early Cultural Writings [5]
Education for Tomorrow [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [3]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
In the Mother's Light [2]
India's Rebirth [3]
Isha Upanishad [3]
Kena and Other Upanishads [4]
Landmarks of Hinduism [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [2]
Letters on Poetry and Art [1]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Letters on Yoga - III [2]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [3]
Living in The Presence [1]
Moments Eternal [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [5]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [9]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [1]
Nishikanto - the Brahmaputra of inspiration [1]
Old Long Since [1]
On The Mother [3]
Our Many Selves [1]
Parvati's Tapasya [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems [2]
Record of Yoga [1]
Reminiscences [1]
Selected Episodes From Raghuvamsam of Kalidasa [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [3]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The New World [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [2]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [4]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [5]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [3]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Destiny of the Body [1]
The Golden Path [1]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Psychic Being [1]
The Renaissance in India [2]
The Spirit of Auroville [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [1]
Visions of Champaklal [1]
Wager of Ambrosia [2]

Shankaracharya Shankar : (c.788-820) At the time which just preceded the incarnation of Ādi (the first) Shankarāchārya, the primary menace to Dharma was the chaos & darkness of superstition & bigotry created by constant conflicts between over seventy sects especially the powerful Charavakas, Lokāyathikas, Kapālikas, Shāktas, Sānkhyās, Bouddhas & Mādhyamikas. And the external forces opposed to Vedic religion & philosophy were so numerous & powerful that Bhāratavarsha would never have survived the murderous sword, the devastating fire & the religious intolerance of the successive invaders, if Shankarāchārya had not lived the life he lived & taught the lessons he taught. Shankara was born in a Brahmin family in a village named Kālādi on the banks of the river Purṇa (now Periyār) in the Southern Indian coastal state Kerala. His parents, Shivaguru & Ᾱryambā, had been childless for a long time & the birth of Shankara was a joyous & blessed occasion for the couple. Legend has it that Ᾱryambā had a vision of Lord Shiva & promised her that he would incarnate in the form of her first-born child. He was a prodigious child & was hailed as ‘Eka-Shruti-Dara’, one who can retain anything that has been read just once. He entered the Sanyāsa order early in life & mastered the Vedas & Vedāṅgas & recited extensively from the epics & Puranas. He also studied the philosophies of diverse sects & was a storehouse of philosophical knowledge. He is known as Bhāgavatpāda Āchārya as apart from refurbishing the scriptures, he cleansed the Vedic religious practices of ritualistic excesses & restructured various forms of desultory religious practices into acceptable norms & stressed on the ways of worship as laid down in the Vedas. By the time he visited Kashmir (q.v.) in first quarter of 9th century, he had travelled the entire country in his mission of re-establishing the ancient Vedic Dharma. In Srinagar a shāstrārtha was arranged between him & Ubhayabhārati (q.v.), subsequently he accepted the supremacy of the Shiva-Shakti cult & though not an adherent of any form of sectarian Shaivism, he did much to popularise the worship of Shiva & Shakti. Though not an adherent of any form of sectarian Shaivism, Shankara did much to popularise the devotion to Shiva & Shakti but it was his reinterpretations of Hindu scriptures, esp. Upanishads or Vedanta that had a profound influence on the growth of the main currents of Hinduism. For, he was a great organiser & spread the tenets of Adwaita Vedanta; the most enduring testimonial of his organising zeal are the famous monasteries at Shringeri in Mysore, Dwārkā in Kāṭhiāwār, Puri in Odishā & Badrināth in the Himalayas. He died in the Himalayas. Sri Aurobindo: “Krishna opened the possibility of Overmind with its two sides of realisation, static & dynamic. Buddha tried to shoot from mind to Nirvana in the Supreme, just as Shankara did in another way after him. Both agree in overleaping the other stages & trying to get at a nameless & featureless Absolute. Krishna on the other hand was leading by the normal course of evolution. The next normal step is not a featureless Absolute, but the Supermind.” [CWSA 28:488]

135 result/s found for Shankaracharya Shankar

... have seen in the Guest House the floor marked by your walking at that time. SRI AUROBINDO: The Guest House? Which room? DR. BECHARLAL: Amal's room. SRI AUROBINDO: No, no, no! I fasted in Shankar Chetty's house. Experiences on the vital plane are most exalting and exhilarating at the same time that they are most dangerous and terrible. There are many pitfalls and no reality. Yogis living... had not yet begun Yoga and knew nothing about it. I was more or less an agnostic. Then I had two experiences of contact with the Infinite-one at Poona on the Parvati hills and the other on the Shankaracharya hill in Kashmir. Again, at Karnali, where there are many temples, I went to one of them and saw in an image of Kali the living Presence. After that, I came to believe in God. NIRODBARAN: What ...

... ("anuṣṭhāya na śocati vimuktaśca vimucyate" : Kaṭha-Upani ṣ ad, V.I.). "The Jivanmukta, even while he is still alive, has in reality no body at all" ("jīvato'pi aśariratvaṁ siddham": Shankar). "The liberation that one gains at the fall of the body is indeed the highest one, for this liberation cannot be negatived any more" ("piṇḍapātena yā muktiḥ sa muktirna tu hanyate": Yo... continues for a while to remain in his body, merely to exhaust the momentum of the Prarabdha" ("prārabdhakarmavegena jīvanmukto yadā bhavet. Kañcit kālamathārabdhakarmavandhasya saṅkṣaye": Shankaracharya, Vākyavṛtti, 52). "He has to wait [for his Videhamukti] only so long as he is not released from his body. At the fall of the body he attains to the supreme status" ("tasya tāvadeva... para-mātmani": Dattatreya, Avadhūta-Gītā; 1.69). "Once one attains to Videhamukti, there is no more return to this phenomenal world" ("punārdvṛttirahitaṁ kaivalyaṁ prati-padyate": Shankaracharya, Vākyavṛtti). "There is no more coming back for them" (tesāṁ na punar-āvṛtiḥ": Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upani ṣ ad, 6.2.15). "No more wheeling in this human whirlpool" ("imaṁ mānav-amāvartaṁ ...

... Mother's Chronicles - Book Six 4 Shankar Chetty's House On their way from Cours Chabrol to Shankar Chetty's house, as they rode in the horse carriage, Srinivasachari and Bharati explained to Sri Aurobindo the arrangements made for his lodging. At first the Guest was reluctant to live in another man's house and said he would rather have... the first three months none of the three ever stepped outside the house. Even to the courtyard, they went down but once a day for bath, such was their seclusion. Page 37 Shankar Chetty's house as it was in the 1950s. Sri Aurobindo probably lived in the small rooms at the top. After that Sri Aurobindo allowed the two teenagers to go out, though he denied himself... graders of the Ashram School, which included my two younger sisters. He was a stickler for good manners, was Mouttayen. Well, at any rate, he had the privilege of witnessing Sri Aurobindo walk in Shankar Chetty's compound. We have had the occasion already, when speaking of Sri Aurobindo's two long fasts, 1 to state that the longer one took place here, in this house. He fasted for twenty-three days ...

... got down with Bejoykanta and made straight for Shankar Chetty’s house in Comoutty Street. The persons who escorted Sri Aurobindo to Shankar Chetty’s house were Srinivasachari, C. Subramania Bharati, Suresh Chandra Chakravarti and Shankar Chetty. Of them only Srinivasachari is still alive (1962). Sri Aurobindo lived incognito for six months in Shankar Chetty’s house. Later on, his stay in Pondicherry... Pondicherry came to be known more and more by others. It was during his stay at Shankar Chetty’s that he observed a fast for twenty-one days. Though he lost weight, as he said, due to this fast, his energy increased many times. It was again in Shankar Chetty’s house that a distinguished scholar and savant from France met Sri Aurobindo in secret. His name was Paul Richard. While returning to France ...

... The Invasion of the Infinite It was here in Srinagar that Sri Aurobindo had an experience about which he spoke often. It was the experience of the Infinite. Atop the nearly 300-metre high Shankaracharya Hill — also called by Muslims Takht-i-Suleiman, meaning the seat of Solomon —there is a temple. The temple can be seen from any part of Srinagar. And from the temple one gets a scenic view of the... d with patches of green are a feast for the eyes. The temple stands at the very top of the hill. Made entirely of stone, it is said to have been built some twelve hundred years ago by Adi Shankaracharya. Steps cut in the rocky slope lead up to the temple. They end at a small landing, from which another flight of stairs ascends steeply to the shrine, in front of which is a big bell. Five more steps... room about three metres wide. The large Shivalingam in the centre, made of a greenish stone, is almost two metres high and one and a half Page 177 The temple atop Shankaracharya Hill metres in diametre. Behind it stands a South Indian bronze: a statue of Nataraja —Shiva in the dancing pose. He is shown four-armed. The upper hands hold the drum and the fire; ...

... temple built some hundreds of years ago by Adi Shankaracharya. This can be viewed from any part of Shrinagar (Kashmir). There is a huge Shivalingam in the centre of the innermost temple. Sri Aurobindo had his third experience here. He has stated: That is the atmosphere of the place. Another instance is the sense of the Infinite I had at the Shankaracharya Hill, and at Parvati Hill near Poona, and ...

... Prema Nandakumar (Vide her Subramania Bharati in the National Biography Series, 1968, pp. 35-6). In his book Mahakavi Bharatiyar, Va Ra says that he accompanied Bharati to Shankar Chettiar's house to get his help. Shankar Chettiar, on being apprised of the situation, got the required five signatures (his own being one) within two hours. On being asked to sing his latest song , Bharati recited with... in Pondicherry. Accordingly, Srinivasachariar and Moni received Sri Aurobindo and Bejoy on 4 April in the afternoon at the Pondicherry port and took him to the house of a prominent citizen, Calve Shankar Chettiar. II At the Calcutta end, the mysterious disappearance of Sri Aurobindo and the continued mystery regarding his whereabouts and intentions were a constant irritant to the b... SS. Dupleix on the afternoon of 4 April 1910, Sri Aurobindo (and Bejoy nag) had walked down to the Cours Charbol, and were taken in ft jutka (horse-drawn carriage) by Srinivasachariar and Moni to Shankar Chettiar's two-storey house in Rue Camoutty Chetti (Komutti Chetty Street). Sri Aurobindo occupied a room on the second floor of the spacious house till the end of September, and Moni and Bejoy also ...

... appears to move very near to Shankaracharya. Sri Aurobindo Ghose told him when he (the sadhak) was at Pondicherry on 15th August 1923 that we should not accept ignorance of life and as ordinary life is full of ignorance, the only possible solution is to reject ordinary life and as this doctrine is preached by Shankaracharya, so Sri Aurobindo Ghose is near to Shankaracharya and therefore there is very... Supermind. There are several curves and circles coming up and down. They have to be understood and used for transforming the ordinary life. Shankaracharya understood Vijnan as a superior mental consciousness and as this was still mental he rejected that Vijnan, Shankaracharya did not believe in manifestation which to him was Maya. Manifestation is truth of Divine power and has to be accepted. That power is ...

... Rs. 20 a month. Sri Aurobindo with Bejoy and Moni had already spent some six months—'less three and half days' to quote Moni— at Shankar Chetty's house. Then Sri Aurobindo's brother-in-law, Saurin Bose, turned up on 30 th September, the 'last day' (Moni says) at Shankar Chetty's, and passed the night with the two young men. Next day, on the forenoon of 1 st October, the four of them moved to their... smaller room which was taken by Bejoy, and Nolini when he arrived in November. The western door communicated with the kitchen. 1 Moni and Bejoy kept up their job as cooks, just as they had done at Shankar Chetty's. Now Nolini and Saurin joined them. "We did the cooking ourselves," said Nolini, "and each of us developed a specialty. I did the rice, perhaps because that was the easiest. Moni took charge... Sometime later he secured a copy of Sayana's 'Commentary' " It was indeed when Sri Aurobindo was living at Sundar Chetty's house that he started studying the Rig-Veda in the original Sanskrit. At Shankar Chetty's house, with nothing to do, Moni had taken up writing in Bengali during the first three months. But in the new house, Sri Aurobindo began to educate the four young men. Almost the first need ...

... and hence this arrangement was made. × Alauddin Khan, founder of the Mainar gharana and guru of All. Khan, Ravi Shankar and others, spent a few days in the Ashram. He also gave sarod concerts at Prasad House and Arogya House. ...

... Sonnets from Manuscripts (Circa 1934-1947) Collected Poems Adwaita Know more > I walked on the high-wayed Seat of Solomon     Where Shankaracharya's tiny temple stands Facing Infinity from Time's edge, alone     On the bare ridge ending earth's vain romance. Around me was a formless solitude:     All had become one strange Unnameable ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... beginning. Here is Moni 1 with Smritikatha. Page 219 his customary vivacious tale, of which I give just the gist in English translation. After the first three months in Shankar Chetty's house, when Moni and Bejoy were allowed by Sri Aurobindo to go out, they regularly set forth towards five in the evening for a stroll along the sea, walking up and down the pier for about... Madras Presidency 1884-1915. Page 223 "five gentlemen of standing belonging to Pondicherry." Bharati collected the forms from the 'alien' patriots all duly filled in, and took these to Shankar Chetty. The latter went immediately into action. By the afternoon he procured all the necessary bureaucratic signatures. In this way all the 'aliens' were registered at the French police station. Do... Do you know who "the five noble men who affixed their signatures" were? Nolini recorded their names. "1) Rassendren (the father of our Jules Rassendren), 2) De Zir Naidu, 3) Le Beau, 4) Shankar Chettiar (in whose house Sri Aurobindo had put up on arrival), 5) Murugesh Chettiar." Those were the Five Good Men. "The names of these five should be engraved in letters of gold," said a grateful ...

... Pictures of Sri Aurobindo's poems Adwaita Read poem > I walked on the high-wayed Seat of Solomon    Where Shankaracharya's tiny temple stands Facing Infinity from Time's edge, alone    On the bare ridge ending earth's vain romance 19.10.1939 Sri Aurobindo, Collected Poems: Adwaita ============= ...

... I read the following in The Indian Express of 2.9.88: Auroville Foundation Bill introduced. New Delhi, Sept 1 (UNI): Human Resource Development Minister P. Shiv Shankar on Wednesday introduced a bill in the Rajya Sabha to provide for acquisition and transfer of the undertakings of Auroville in Pondicherry to a foundation. The Auroville Foundation Bill 1988 seeks ...

... The Mother 23 December 1966 “Sometimes naked, sometimes mad, now as a scholar, again as a saint. Thus they appear on the earth, the Paramahansas.”— Shankaracharya Isn’t this rather a sign of weakness than of a growth of consciousness? Yes, certainly. Formerly in spiritual life, one did not care about the body; one even despised it, and at the first ...

... final push when he was hesitating to take the plunge, because he had not got any- thing 'tangible' from his Guru: "You are bargaining with the Divine?" The shaft went home, says Dilip. To: Sri Shankar Bandopadhyay of Hari Krishna Mandir Trust, Pune, without whose sweet collaboration, nothing could have been properly done. To: The Hari Krishna Mandir Trust for entrusting us with this work. ...

... dance study formally? After finishing my education in the Ashram school I began formal dance study. My father saw that I was restless and fidgety. One day he said, “Uday Shankar [brother of the famed Sitarist, Ravi Shankar] is dancing in Madras.” He sent me to see the company perform. I was just sixteen years old and it was the first time I had ever experienced a professional dance company. It... help the company stay alive ceased. Sri A.B. Purani (Anu’s father) with Tulsi offering for Sri Aurobindo Shankar wanted to act in a film about his life that he was to direct. He wanted us all to be in it, but we did not agree with it. There was a big fight between Shankar and the dance troupe because we refused. We had an engagement in the capitol of Gujarat. Everything was already booked... learned Bharatanatyam dance [the classical dance of India] and was well liked by Rukmini Devi. I was there for two years and came back to the Ashram for holidays. Then I received a pamphlet from Uday Shankar in Almora, in the foothills of the Himalayan mountains. It was a beautiful, hilly paradise. He had a dance school there for the summer months. I joined up. After I arrived and started the program, ...

... great precaution should be taken to guard the material body while the subtle body or the spirit goes out of it. 1 It can be darned dangerous. 1. A story from Shankaracharya's life (788-820 A.D.) illustrates this. Shankaracharya had beena sannyasin since his childhood, and once he needed to have the experience of worldly life. Having asked a disciple of his to keep a close Page 202 ... could recognize the characters as Sanskrit. So he told me to watch over his body for a year, he left it and entered the body of a dying king. After living a king's life for a whole year, Shankaracharya left the king's body and returned to his own, having acquired the knowledge he wanted. He would seem to have acquired a Tantric process —a siddhi—by which yogis transfer themselves into another ...

... Satprem which he personally sent me in February, 2005. r r fevrier 2005 To Shankar In this auspicious month of the Divine Mother it is most touching to read re-read and re-read Your faithfulness in the Truth Divine With my deepest Love and Mother’s Love Satprem Shankar Bandyopadhyay Hari Krishna Mandir, Pune January 22, 2011 Page 5 ...

... has to cut off the tail? PURANI: Vivekananda himself has done many new things. SRI AUROBINDO: One can do new things but can't have new ideas, I suppose! NIRODBARAN: In the same issue Girija Shankar has started writing your biography. SRI AUROBINDO: Good Lord! What does he know about my life? Sri Aurobindo cast a glance here and there at the article and read in the last portion: "It was ...

... 29 Front page of India, a Tamil weekly 33 The old pier at Pondicherry (Abhay Singh's collection) 34 A horse cart like the ones used around 1910 (Abhay Singh's coll.) 38 Shankar Chetty's house (Abhay Singh's coll.) 49 V. Ramaswamy Iyengar (Va. Ra. of Tamil literature) 151 A view of Pondicherry in 1790 154 Duplex and his wife 155 Ananda Ranga Pillai ...

... . CHAMPAKLAL: I also seem to be going somewhere very deep; it is very pleasant and nice there. One would like to be there for ever. SRI AUROBINDO: That is the inner being. You feel like Shankaracharya who said, "I went somewhere to a region of Bliss. I wish I could remain there." After this, the talk turned to the Hindu Mahasabha, whose conference was taking place in Madurai. DR. MANILAL: ...

... Lahori Chatterjee) 118 Sri Aurobindo and Mrinalini (from Abhay Singh's collection) 172 Kashmir's Dal Lake early this century (from an old postcard) 178 The temple atop Shankaracharya Hill at Srinagar (courtesy Shri Seshadri Chari) 181 View from Parvati Hill near Poona at the beginning of the century (from an old postcard) 202 Mahalakshmi, Brihadeeswaran temple ...

... released. We know Mirra's role, don't we? And ... it was Sri Aurobindo's birthday. He was to be forty-two years old. This was his fifth birth anniversary at Pondicherry. He had been a recluse at Shankar Chetty's house on his first birthday. His second and third birthdays in 1911 and 1912 were 'celebrated' quietly in the Raghavan House; he crossed the thirties and stepped into his forties. It was going ...

... appears to move very near to Shankaracharya. Sri Aurobindo Ghose told him when he (the Sadhak) was at Pondicherry on 15th August, 1923 that we should not accept ignorance of life and as ordinary life is full of ignorance, the only possible solution is to reject ordinary life and as this doctrine is preached by Shankaracharya, so Sri Aurobindo Ghose is near to Shankaracharya and therefore there is very... supermind. There are several curves and circles coming up and down. They have to be understood and used for transforming the ordinary life. Shankaracharya understood Vijnan as a superior mental consciousness and as this was still mental he rejected that Vijnan, Shankaracharya did not believe in manifestation which to him was Maya. Manifestation is truth of Divine power and has to be accepted. That power is ...

... same way as a child would. This is interesting—but only for me—not for others; they might not even understand it. They might take it to be mere imagination. A similar thing had happened at Shankaracharya's hill. We were standing and the hill started moving. On a second occasion, Dilipda's samadhi also had started moving. Today, the same thing happened for the third time, but there was a difference ...

... completely ignorant. Anyway... Mother takes up "Savitri" Then disappointed to the Void he turns And in its happy nothingness asks release ( X.IV.644 ) That's the Nihilists: Shankaracharya and so on, the worshipers of Nothingness. The worshipers of Nothingness... I don't know, the farther I go, the more I have a sense of a... very, very sweet, very full Nothingness, but still ...

... the main door would remain closed during his bath. That was the residence of Calve Shankar Chettiar. A prominent citizen of Pondicherry, he was an honorary magistrate, an important businessman, and one of the richest men of the town. When Moni, escorted by his guide, went up to the second floor of Shankar Chetty's house, "on entering a small room I saw Aurobindo sitting in an easy chair, while ...

... Supramental consciousness on the glorious heights where: "The Spirit shall look out through Matter's gaze, And Matter shall reveal the Spirit's face." Savitri XI.I.709 Shankar Bandyopadhyay Harikrishna Mandir, Pune Page 10 ...

... that he had revolutionized the whole Philosophical thought of India. He travelled from North to South and across the country from West to East. He organized the Monism of Vedanta. According to the Shankar's school of Monism the Infinite Reality is the ultimate truth and the world is a secondary reality, i.e. a reality of the second order. Therefore, the purpose of this creation is to rise to and merge... , but here you have a field of infinite possibilities. Overmind becomes therefore an obstacle to our seeking because when we enter it we see infinite possibilities. It is likely that the great Shankaracharya came in contact with this Overmind plane and seeing it full of infinite potentialities and possibilities concluded that the Higher Nature also was Maya, illusory. Perhaps he thought that there... Q : Purani, are you going to tell us sometime more about your personal experience, not personal but your experiences with Sri Aurobindo. A : Yes, I can. Sometime. Q : Who was Shankaracharya ? A: He came after the Buddhistic period in India in the 8th Century. He was born in South India, and was precocious even from his childhood. That is the traditional story. At the age of ...

... our humble pranams to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, Dadaji Sri Dilip Kumar Roy and Ma Indira Devi. We seek their blessings for our journey of the Spirit. Dol Purnima 26th March 2005 Shankar Bandopadhyay Hari Krishna Mandir Page 12 ...

... God in man is the whole revelation and the whole of religion. What Christianity taught dimly, Hinduism made plain to the intellect in Vedanta. When India remembers the teaching she received from Shankaracharya, Ramanuja and Madhva, when she realises what Sri Ramakrishna came to reveal, then she will rise. Her very life is Vedanta. If anyone thinks that we are merely intellectual beings, he is not ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Jounalism SubEditor, Indian Express, Loksatta Bhavan, Nagarwada, Baroda-390 001. 9. Swamini Swaprakashanandaji (SS) (Swami Dayanand Saraswati Mission) Krishna Niwas,Brahman Falia, Shankar Tekri, Baroda-390 001. 10. Mrs. Thrity Vaswani (TV) Reader, Deptt. of Social Work, M.S. University of Baroda, Opp. Fatehganj Post Office, Baroda-390 002. COVERAGE ...

... Accordingly he committed two serious errors of judgment; he imagined that by sitting in Oxford and evolving new meanings out of his own brilliant fancy he could understand the Upanishads better than Shankaracharya or any other Hindu of parts and learning; and he also imagined that what was important for Europe to know about the Upanishads was what he and other European scholars considered they ought to mean... Upanishads really do mean, so far as their exoteric teaching extends, and in a less degree what philosophic Hinduism took them to mean. The latter knowledge may be gathered from the commentaries of Shankaracharya and other philosophers which may be studied in the original or in the translations which the Dravidian Presidency, ignorantly called benighted by the materialists, has been issuing with a truly ...

... of Sri Aurobindo Ashram and Mr. Saphal of All India Press for their sincere help and active cooperation. May Sri Aurobindo, the Mother, Dadaji Sri Dilip Kumar and Ma Indiradevi bless them all. SHANKAR BANDYOPADHYAY Secretary 24th Nov. 2004 Harikrishna Mandir, Pune - 411016 Page XIII ...

... conclusiveness, the absoluteness that this experience carries for the human mind has been difficult to match. The individual who embodied it and gave it an overwhelmingly powerful expression was Sri Shankaracharya: a name deeply revered, a remarkable personality that combined in itself the soul of an ardent and most intrepid spiritual seeker with a powerful and keen intellect, capable of the most subtle... incomparable. The work itself is like a mighty orchestra, mounting up in a crescendo to the One Note, in the passion fo r Oneness that exhausts all other passions. Page 171 Shankaracharya debates with Mandana Mishra, a leading exponent of Mimamsa philosophy I bow to Govinda, whose nature is Bliss Supreme, who is the Sadguru, 1 who can be known only from the import... dialogue between the Teacher and the disciple, has the nature of the Atman been ascertained for the easy comprehension of seekers after liberation. Extracts from Vivekachudamani of Sri Shankaracharya, text in Devanagari with English translation, notes and Index, by Swami Madhavananda (Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama, 1974). Suggestions for further reading Dasgupta, S. N. History ...

... down with Bejoykanta and made straight for Shankar Chetty's house in Comoutty Street. The persons who escorted Sri Aurobindo to Shankar Chetty's house were Srinivasachari, C. Subramania Bharati, Suresh Chandra Chakravarti and Shankar Chetty. Of them only Srinivasachari is still alive (1962). Sri Aurobindo lived incognito for six months in Shankar Chetty's house. Later on, his stay in Pondicherry... Pondicherry came to be known more and more by others. It was during his stay at Shankar Chetty's that he observed a fast for 21 days. Though he lost weight, as he said, due to this fast, his energy increased many times. Page 26 It was again in Shankar Chetty's house that a distinguished scholar and savant from France met Sri Aurobindo in secret. His name was Paul Richard. He was ...

Amrita   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Old Long Since

... who was a disciple of Shambhu Maharaj. As there was nobody in the Ashram who could teach me this style, my kathak learning came to a stop. Anuben who had been a student of the renowned dancer Uday Shankar was responsible for teaching dance at the Ashram then. Taking permission from the Mother I began my dance lessons with her. After a few days of classes, I once again asked the Mother on finding the ...

... as to make administration impossible or of breaking up meetings by force. If they adopt the third alternative, the leaders should then go from place to place and house to house, like political Shankaracharyas, gathering the people together in groups in private houses and compounds and speaking to them in their gates, advising them, organising them. In this way the fire of Nationalism will enter into ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Orchestra. 39 . Indira Devi. 40 . Roxy – a cinema-cum-Theatre Hall of Calcutta where Dilipda sang. Tagore used to bring his Santiniketan Dance Troupe to perform there, Uday Shankar’s first dance was staged there under Haren Ghosh, an impresario friend of Prithwi Singh and Dilipda. Page 268 41 . Raja Dhirendra Narayan Rao of Lalgola, Murshidabad, Bengal ...

... philosophic & scholastic temperament of the half Dravidian southern nations which produced the great grammarians and commentators and the mightiest of the purely logical philosophers, Madhva, Ramanuja, Shankaracharya. The Malavas were Westerners and the Western nations of India have always been material, practical & sensuous. For the different races of this country have preserved their basic temperaments with ...

... Sudra, no inequality in the single Virat Purusha of which each was a necessary part. Chokha Mela, the Maratha Pariah, became the guru of Brahmins proud of their caste purity; the Chandala taught Shankaracharya: for the Brahman was revealed in the body of the Pariah and in the Chandala there was the utter presence of Shiva the Almighty. Heredity entered into caste divisions, and in the light of the c ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... tried to meet Sri Aurobindo at K.K. Mitra's house at College Square, but without success. This is how Va. Ra. describes his first meeting with Sri Aurobindo in the room on the top floor of Shankar Chetty's house. "That day was ever memorable to me." wrote Va. Ra. in December 1950. "It was a sumptuous treat to me to see Aurobindo and Bharati talk. The conversation was a sort of variety entertainment ...

... some questions to be solved by an Indian Yogi. And they were solved by Sri Aurobindo. I don't think there was any mystery. He came for political purposes and enquired of Naidu or perhaps from Shankar Chettiar in whose house I was living whether there was any Indian Guru here and my name was mentioned and they brought him to see me. He showed me some signs employed in Indian, Egyptian and other ...

... I also think so. Otherwise what is the meaning of Gita laying so much stress on Buddhi? Buddhi helps you to detach yourself and prepares you for the higher perception of the Purusha. And even Shankar, I believe does not say that reason is quite useless. He also admits that reason prepares the human spirit for what is beyond. Even for going beyond Sattwa, it is a stepping stone. Disciple ...

... Bagan. Let me tell you about two amusing incidents here. This Chakra was actually Moni or Suresh Chakravarty. He had preceded Sri Aurobindo to Pondicherry to make arrangements for his stay here. Shankar Chettiar revered Sri Aurobindo. He asked Sri Aurobindo, Bejoy Nag and Suresh Chakravarty to come and stay in his two-storeyed house. It is difficult to imagine that under 20-year olds like Moni... fish-preparation in at a time when there was nobody downstairs. One day Moni bought some fish from the market, fried it in Iyer’s house and, wrapping it properly in some paper, brought it directly to Shankar Chettiar’s house. As he entered the house with the paper-wrapped fish he noticed Mr. Chettiar sitting in the living room. The staircase leading to the top floor was at the southeastern corner of this ...

... of people from outside started writing in English and Bengali about his life. One biography that gained some Popularity in Bengal and drew public attention was by a Bengali littérateur Shri Girija Shankar Roy Chowdhury. He was reputed to be a scholar and his articles were coming out in the well-known Bengali journal Udbodhan . But many of the facts he had collected and collated from heterogenous sources... often by biographers, Sri Aurobindo discouraged the sadhaks from writing about his life since he did not "want to be murdered by his own disciples in cold print". The greatest drawback of Girija Shankar's book is that he does not seem to be an impersonal seeker of the truth about Sri Aurobindo's life. He was already a partisan even when he began his so-called biography. Among the interviews granted ...

... it has no real existence. But I found that the experience behind this idea is quite different. I had that experience at Baroda, and if I had stopped there I would have been an orthodox  Vedantin.[ Shankar's followers disagree. According to Sri Aurobindo , God is one and many at the same time – they may say, "a logical contradiction". So is Maya – true and false at the same time. That also is a logical ...

... life and work. Some of them contained altogether fanciful accounts even of the incidents in his life. Among them may be mentioned, Mr. Kulkarni's biography in Marathi, Yogi Aurobindo Ghose, Girija Shankar Roy Chowdhury's so called life of Sri Aurobindo which appeared serially in the Bengali monthly, Udbodhan, and Hemchandra Das's story of the revolutionary movement in Bengal. I had occasion to ...

... with you.' Sri Aurobindo was none too pleased, but anyway the coincidence seemed rather interesting to him; he received him. That was in 1910." Sri Aurobindo was lodged in the third storey of Shankar Chetty's house on April 4, 1910. A three-storey building was a rare sight in Pondicherry in those days. Two young Bengali boys —Bijoy and Moni — were with him. Moni gives an eye-witness account (in ...

... ‘This Grace shall unto you be given’ And this Holy Boon did enliven The spirits of Jnanadeva. 3: V. L. Date’s Pasayadan entitled Gift of Grace is based on Sartha Jnaneshwari edited by Shankar Waman Dandekar, 9th edition, page 824. Page 129 May God manifested in the world be pleased by this literary sacrifice and having been pleased bestow on me the gift of his grace — ...

... He is no longer a creative genius, but an ordinary man, but with a heart enriched or enriching itself with its intense or generous movements. (One can remember in this connection the story of Shankaracharya who being a Sannyasi from boyhood has had no experience of love; he entered the body of a king in order to gather this experience.) It is not rare to see psychic beings that have reached the ...

... selfless work. We offer our humble pranams to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as well as to Dadaji Sri Dilip Kumar Roy and Ma Indira Devi. We seek their blessings for our journey of the spirit. Shankar Bandyopadhyay Hari Krishna Mandir, Pune February 21, 2003 Page 16 ...

... atmosphere. But unlike the meteor the dazzling light he shed on Indian politics did not vanish with him." Commenting on the 'sudden emergence' of Sri Aurobindo in the political arena, Girija Shankar Roy Choudhuri exclaimed, "His first advent is not lit up by the rays of the morning sun; rather he enters with hidden steps by a terrible path concealed in darkness. This advent is novel, awe-inspiring ...

... Bombay" (6 February 1893). -The experience of the 'Godhead' when he "sat behind the dance of Danger's hooves" at Baroda. -The sense of the Infinite, 'Adwaita,' which he experienced at the Shankaracharya Hill at Kashmir, or -the invasion of the Infinite he felt when he stood atop the Parvati hill near Pune. -Standing before a temple of goddess Kali at Karnali, looking at the sculpture ...

... translated in this volume are, however, taken from other sources besides the Tantras. Many of them are from the considerable body of devotional hymns attributed by tradition to the philosopher Shankaracharya, a few from the Mahabharata and the Puranas. Most are well-known stotras addressed to the various forms and names of the female Energy, Mother of the worlds, whose worship is an important part ...

... planes of consciousness above the mind all is the same — the psychic being and the Atman, etc.? Sri Aurobindo: If you mean "Everything is One" then it merely comes to the old Adwaitavada of Shankaracharya. Really speaking, it is not a matter for the mind to decide. It is a matter of experience. In a certain experience you find that "All is One" and Shankara is right. But there are other experiences ...

... difficulty is one of the most interesting passages of Vedantic literature. It is the sole Upanishad which offered almost insuperable difficulties to the extreme illusionism and anti-pragmatism of Shankaracharya and it was even, for this reason, excised from the list of authoritative Upanishads by one of his greatest followers. THE PRINCIPLE OF THE UPANISHAD The principle it follows throughout is ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... Bejoykanta and made straight for Shankar Chetty's house in Comoutty Street. The persons who escorted Sri Aurobindo to Shankar Chetty's house were Srinivasachari, C. Subramania Bharati, Suresh Chandra Chakravarti and Shankar Chetty. Of them only Srinivasachari is still alive (1962). Sri Aurobindo lived incognito for six months in Shankar Chetty's house. Later on, his stay... stay in Pondicherry came to be known more and more by others. It was during his stay at Shankar Chetty's that he observed a fast for 21 days. Though he lost weight, as he said, due to this fast, his energy increased many times. Page 26 It was again in Shankar Chetty's house that a distinguished scholar and savant from France met Sri Aurobindo in secret. His name ...

... those of the mind opening to the higher mental planes and trying to bring down something from them and their powers into the mind, life and body. (2) E.g. his classification of four worlds (Parvati-Shankar etc.) is an attempt of the mind to interpret something he had seen, but it has not got it at all right. If Mahasaraswati stopped him at this moment, it must have been because his mind was making a ...

... essential in the path of the integral Yoga. 28 April 1949 An Experience in Kashmir Kashmir is a magnificent place, its rivers unforgettable and on one of its mountains with a shrine of Shankaracharya on it I got my second realisation of the Infinite (long before I started Yoga). June 1934 Signs of Yogic Opening Your bells etc. mentioned by you as recent experiences were already enumerated ...

... "Krishna is ... peaks": from a famous Sanskrit pronun- ciamento: Jale Krishnah sthale Krishnah Krishnah parvata-mastake Page 50. "You may discuss... attained": from a couplet in Shankaracharya's Viveka-chudamani: Na gachchhati vina panam vyadhiroushadha-shabdatah Vina parokshanubhavam Brahma shabdairna muchyate Page 53. The opening song is translated from ...

... seen through a teenager's eyes. * * * That is how Sri Aurobindo's forty-first birth anniversary was celebrated. His fourth birthday in Pondicherry. The first one, 15 August 1910, was in Shankar Chetty's house; the second and the third—15 August 1911 and 1912—were both celebrated in the Raghavan House. It was but one day among the many he spent in that fourth house. And what was ...

... 1903, Sri Aurobindo was on a tour of Kashmir and he visited the hill of Shankaracharya (also known as the Takhti-Suleman-Seat of Solomon), and experienced the vacant Infinite in a very tangible way. He has described this experience in his poem, 'Adwaita'.³ 'I walked on the high-wayed Seat of Solomon Where Shankaracharya's tiny temple stands Facing Infinity from Time's edge, alone On ...

... discipline whose only value is to prepare a man for Bhakti or Jnan. They will not easily concede that karma can be by itself a direct and sufficient road to Brahman. So Shankaracharya disparages karma , and Shankaracharya's is an authority which no man can dare to belittle. Nevertheless even the greatest are conditioned by their nature, by the times they work in and by the kind of work they have... Eternal they can best develop their divine strength ( Brahmatej ) to use it for divine purposes. Once attained they pour it in a stream of divine knowledge or divine love over the world; such were Shankaracharya and Ramakrishna. Sometimes it is the sorrows & miseries of the world that find them in ease & felicity and drive them out, as Buddha & Christ were driven out, to seek light for the ignorant ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... He is no longer a creative genius, but an ordinary man, but with a heart enriched or enriching itself with its intense or generous movements. (One can remember in this connection the story of Shankaracharya who being a Sannyasi from boyhood has had no experience of love: he entered the body of a king in order to gather this experience.) It is not rare to see psychic beings that have reached the maximum ...

... down with Bejoykanta and made straight for Shankar Chetty's house in Comoutty Street. The persons who escorted Sri Aurobindo to Shankar Chetty's house were Srinivasachari, C. Subramania Bharati, Suresh Chandra Chakravarti and Shankar Chetty. Of them only Srinivasachari is still alive (1962). Sri Aurobindo lived incognito for six months in Shankar Chetty's house. Later on, his stay in Pondicherry... Pondicherry came to be known more and more by others. It was during his stay at Shankar Chetty's that he observed a fast for 21 days. Though he lost weight, as he said, due to this fast, his energy increased many times. It was again in Shankar Chetty's house that a distinguished scholar and savant from France met Sri Aurobindo in secret. His name was Paul Richard. He was sent from France ...

... another's body and another personality in order to go through a necessary experience and gather an element needed for the growth of its being and consciousness. One can recall here the famous story of Shankaracharya ! Who entered into the body of a king (just dead, made him alive and lead the life of the king) in order Page 292 to experience love and enjoyment, things of which, being a Sannyasi ...

... sun; on top of the Nandan hill to the north-west was a crumbling temple (since renovated), its walls covered with growing trees. The Nandan hills were inviting and the young 1. To Girija Shankar Roy Chowdhuri. Page 56 people would go on climbing excursions, with their Boromama, Jogin as leader. But perhaps the most favourite walks Sejda took along with his brother and cousins ...

... rule of conduct or a rhythm of evolution in life without an Absolute embracing and leading them together in the steps of its own shadowless light. If the relativities are real—with an apology to Shankar and Berkeley—if the constituents of life are real and living, then the Absolute in whom they subsist and grow is also real and living. This real living Absolute is God, the Life of all life. ...

... direction and form given to it by Guru Govind Singh in the democratic institution of the Khalsa. The Buddhist Sangha and its councils, the creation of a sort of divided pontifical authority by Shankaracharya, an authority transmitted from generation to generation for more than a thousand years and even now not altogether effete, the Sikh Khalsa, the adoption of the congregational form called Samaj... separative force, because its spiritual substance, as opposed to its credal parts, was absorbed by the religious mind of Hindu India. Even so, it survived in the North and was exterminated not by Shankaracharya or another, but by the invading force of Islam. × This explanation of Indian polytheism is not ...

... 1903, Sri Aurobindo was on a tour of Kashmir and visited the hill of Shankaracharya (also known as the Takht-i-Suleman—Seat of Solomon), and experienced the vacant Infinite in a very tangible way. He has described this experience in his poem, 'Adwaita':¹ I walked on the high-wayed Seat of Solomon Where Shankaracharya's tiny temple stands Facing Infinity from Time's edge, alone On ...

... Schweitzer, Albert, 359 Sedan, 106 Shakespeare, , 120, 160, 182, 194, 197, 251, 337 -Hamlet, 185, 188n., 386n -King Lear, 185 -Mm;beth, 185 Shankaracharya, 8, 215-16, 229, 276 Shaw, Bernard, 140, 145, 254 -Back to Methuselah, 140 Shelley, 194 Shiva, 268 Shivaji,93, 394, 396 Shylock, 100 ...

... 'The gentleman must be ill. He won't live long.' Although I lost weight considerably, I could lift a pail of water above my head, which I couldn't do ordinarily." The second fast took place at Shankar Chetty's house, where Sri Aurobindo lived from April to October 1910. "Then at Pondicherry," he went on, "while I was fasting, I kept up full mental and vital and Yogic activity. I was walking eight ...

... Kurus and Panchalas at Kurukshetra, the development of the Vedanta commenced and went on progressing till in its turn it reached its extreme & excessive development in the teachings of Buddha and Shankaracharya. But at the period of the Chhandogya it is in its early stage of development. The first sections of the Upanishad are taken up with an esoteric development of the inner meaning of certain parts ...

... So, the idea of a public reception was abandoned, and only Moni and Srinivasachari went to the port to receive Sri Aurobindo.¹ Sri Aurobindo, Bejoy and Moni were lodged on the second floor of Shankar Chetty's house in Comoutty Street. They stayed there till October. It was the same house where Swami Vivekananda had stayed when he had visited Pondicherry, sometime ago. As there was no bathroom... Aurobindo on board the steamer, took tea with him at the cabin, and brought down his luggage etc. Page 349 floor every day for his bath. They stayed there for about six months as Shankar Chetty's guests. It was a completely secluded life; and, though the agents of the British Government must have been about, prowling and prying, they could discover no clue to their whereabouts. During... night. They discussed literature, society, politics, the various arts...." 2 Long afterwards "Bharati leamt the Rig Veda from Sri Aurobindo". About a week after Sri Aurobindo was lodged at Shankar ². Old Long Since: by Amrita (Mother India: August 1962). Amrita, who was manager of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, came into contact with Sri Aurobindo as early as 1913, when he was a school boy ...

... supreme, occupying the best energies of the race and stamping themselves on its life and consciousness. In obedience to this impulse the centuries between the rise of Buddhism and the advent of Shankaracharya became, though not agnostic and sceptical, for they rejected violently the doctrines of Charvak, yet profoundly scientific and outward-going even in their spiritualism. It was therefore the great ...

... and acting from the psychic and from the spiritual centre. For the truth of the being is there and the secret of Harmony also is there. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - II: The Adwaita of Shankaracharya When humanity was first created, the ego was the unifying element. It was around the ego that the different states of being were grouped; but now that the birth of super-humanity is being ...

... have not to desire to see Him, but actually to open our eyes and see Him. A flaming faith passes into vision and culminates in knowledge. One remembers in this connection a very apt teaching of Shankaracharya : "Steep your sight in knowledge and contemplate the world as full of Brahman." The desire to see the Divine is, as the Mother says, "a mental agitation which obscures Thy eternal Presence ...

... the triple seal of the Brahmavidya. When was this traditional honour first lost or at least tarnished and the ancient Scripture relegated to the inferior position it occupies in the thought of Shankaracharya? I presume there can be little doubt that the chief agent in this work of destruction was the power of Buddhism. The preachings of Gautama and his followers worked against Vedic knowledge by a... follow in this Kali Yuga less difficult paths and more modern systems. But the ritualistic interpretation of the Rigveda does not stand on the authority of Sayana alone. It is justified by Shankaracharya’s rigid division of karmakanda and jnanakanda and by a long tradition dating back to the propaganda of Buddha which found in the Vedic hymns a great system of Page 175 ceremonial or... the Eternal Lord himself, for Idandra is his secret name; nor should we forget that this piece of mysticism is founded on the hymns of the Veda itself which speak of the secret names of the gods. Shankaracharya recognised this truth so perfectly that he uses the gods and the Page 177 senses as equivalent terms in his great commentary. Finally in the Isha Upanishad,—itself a part of the White ...

... spiritual order were secured by the succession of Gurus or spiritual teachers. In due course of history, there developed institutions of sanghas, of a sort of divided pontifical authority by Shankaracharya, of the Sikh Khalsa, and the adoption of the congregational form of samaj by the modem reforming sects. But it is noteworthy that even in these attempts, the freedom and plasticity and living ...

... Gaudapada. Editorial title . Circa 1900. This classic Vedantic text was written by Gaudapada in or around the eighth century. Sri Aurobindo translated only the first twelve verses, along with Shankaracharya's commentary on them. The words italicised in his translation were supplied by him to make the meaning of the Sanskrit more clear. It was first published in The Upanishads in 1971. S ...

... supreme, occupying the best energies of the race and stamping themselves on its life and consciousness. In obedience to this impulse the centuries between the rise of Buddhism and the advent of Shankaracharya became — though not agnostic and skeptical, for they rejected violently the doctrines of Charvak — yet profoundly scientific and outward-going even in their spiritualism. It was therefore the great ...

... being formed. Then a colonel, he was chosen to accompany V P Menon on his historic mission to Kashmir. This is his version of that journey and its aftermath, as recorded in an interview with Prem Shankar Jha. A t about 2.30 in the afternoon, General Sir Roy Bucher walked into my room and said, 'Eh, you, go and pick up your toothbrush. You are going to Srinagar with V P Menon. The flight will... Colonel Manekshaw on behalf of C-in-C India, General Sir Roy Bucher. That must be lying in the Military Operations Directorate. Excerpted from Kashmir 1947, Rival Versions of History, by Prem Shankar Jha, Oxford University Press, 1996, Rs 275, with the publisher's permission. Readers in the US may secure a copy of the book from Oxford University Press Inc USA, 198, Madison Avenue, New York, New ...

... Spiritual Paths The Integral Yoga and Other Spiritual Paths Other Spiritual Paths and the Integral Yoga Letters on Yoga - II Chapter VI The Adwaita of Shankaracharya Shankara's Mayavada If Shankara's conception of the undifferentiated pure Consciousness as the Brahman is your view of it, then it is not the path of this Yoga that you should choose; ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... the right experience, the right voice or vision—for it is possible for a false guidance to come as it did with X and Y . These things [ the seeing of Buddha, Ramakrishna, Vivekananda, Shankaracharya in vision ] are the result of past thoughts and influences. They are of various kinds—sometimes merely thought-forms created by one's own thought-force to act as a vehicle for some mental real ...

... cannot recollect to have looked on delight of poetical creation or concentration in it as something undivine and a cause for despair. This seems to be excessive. Even Shankaracharya would not agree with you here!" 7 "Even Shankaracharya would not agree with you here." — What a delightful stroke! And how unexpected! (3) Sri Ramakrishna becoming a half-full jar? "You again try to floor me ...

... “Ask them their names and tell them to return later.” The man did just that, Kameshwar returned to his meditation and the couple waited some more time and left giving their names. The gentleman was Shankar and the lady (I forget but it was one of the names of Parvati). It was then that Kameshwar was suddenly struck by some vague sense of unease or a sense of something missing. He rushed out. His man ...

... on earth with its roots deep in the mud. With the beauty and fragrance of the lotus petals have mingled the sap and scent of earth's soil. . The Nihilism of the Buddhists and the Illusionism of Shankar a have cast a long shadow on these Charyapada verses. Nihil and Sahaja are often taken as being one and the same. But actually the two elements run like water and oil in separate streams in both. Nihil ...

... revolutionary cult and sent him to Calcutta to help Jatindra in revolutionary work. Visit to Kashmir with the Gaekwad. Had a spiritual experience of the vacant Infinite on Shankaracharya Hill. Drew up a scheme under the title 'Bhavani Mandir' on the lines of which was started Bharati Vidyalaya at the Ganganath Ashram, Sri Aurobindo helping K. G. Deshpande in maintaining it. The ...

... required a guarantee by five prominent local citizens certifying to the character of the refugees. This was checkmated when "the five noble men" (Rassendran. Zir Naidu, Le Beau, Murugesa Chettiar and Shankar Chettiar) readily furnished the guarantee, Page 131 enabling Sri Aurobindo, Subramania Bharati, V. V. S. Aiyar and the rest to remain undisturbed in Pondicherry. 27 Again, there ...

... Infested by flies, just like a cowshed. So I landed somewhere about four o'clock in the morning. Took up my lodging in a hotel; in a third-class, fourth-class, wretched hotel somewhere there. Not your Shankar Lodge and other places of today. Then, next morning, I went to see Dilip-da, he was living in Tresor House. The house was bought specially for him. I went to see him in my European clothes, if you ...

... spiritual need of mankind in this age call for a restoration of old Vedantic truth rather than for the prolonged dominion of that single side of it systematised by the mediaeval thinker. The great Shankaracharya needs no modern praise and can be hurt by no modern disagreement. Easily the first of metaphysical thinkers, the greatest genius in the history of philosophy, his commentary has also done an i ...

... supreme, occupying the best energies of the race and stamping themselves on its life and consciousness. In obedience to this impulse the centuries between the rise of Buddhism and the advent of Shankaracharya became — though not agnostic and sceptical, for they rejected violently the doctrines of Charvak — yet profoundly scientific and outward-going even in their spiritualism. It was therefore the great ...

... still it happened—but it took me some strenuous years to do it. So by all means let us always give the force a chance. About Shankar etc. As you see, there are several weak points on our side—e.g. if Esha's share is only due to her on. her coming of age, Shankar can't be made to disgorge before unless there is a special clause. What we have to be careful about is that nothing is done by which... and your uncle of the predestination fame. We must Page 250 know what there is—apart from Shankar's statements. After- wards we can consult Duraiswami and decide what to do. We shall certainly do what we can to get things done with the minimum of trouble, but you know what Shankar is when it is a question of money! Anyhow Maya has cut free—it has taken a little long for the forces to... recorded. We must be cool and careful in all we do. One thing more. What was the position Maya took when she left—that she was going definitely and would not return? If so, did she make it clear to Shankar? If not, what exactly did she convey to him. It is important to know that. P.S. I saw Maya's letter after writing this. It had better Page 248 wait till I have the above information ...

... been members of a Shankarite monastery. All the commentaries and translations published by the Mission faithfully follow Shankar, though Ramakrishna had declared more than once that he was not a Vedantin—he was a Vaishnav, a Tantric, and many things more. When a Vedantin (Shankar's Advaita Vedantin) says that God is both the efficeient and the material cause of the Universe, the Creator and the created ...

... absorption into Brahman. 36. sanra ananda: ananda in the body. 37. Fenetres: name of a house. 38 Maya was Dilip's only sister. She was married to Sri Bhava Page 392 Shankar Banerjee, the only son of Sir Surendranath Banerjee, the great nationalist leader. They mostly lived in Barrackpur, near Kolkata. 39. Vibhutis: incarnations of a particular power of a deity. ...

... the Veda, 117 its limitation. 197 superstition of, 87. 99 see also education secular (nothing secular). 146, 149 Shakespeare, 77 Shakti, 13,15, 139 . 152 -153 se e also India. strength Shankaracharya, 29 . 87 , 92. 94-95, 97,112,204 Shastra, 69. 86-87, 89. 146 Shiva, 29. 98(fn). 123 Shivaji,46 Shudras, 29,119,120-121 Sikh Gurus, 146 Sikhs, 63 Snide, Nana Saheb, 218 Socialism/Socialists ...

... power to be cultivated and the limb to be developed. The Age of the Darshanas or Systems Page 215 of Philosophy started with the Buddha and continued till it reached its peak in Shankaracharya. The age sought to give a bright and strong mental, even an intellectual body to the spiritual light, the consciousness of the highest truth and reality. In the Puranic Age the vital being was ...

... power to be cultivated and the limb to be developed. The Age of the Darshanas or Systems Page 105 of Philosophy started with the Buddha and continued till it reached its peak- in Shankaracharya. The age sought to give a bright and strong mental, even an intellectual body to the spiritual light/the consciousness of the highest truth and reality. In the Puranic Age the vital being was touched ...