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Soul of India : a book (1911) by Bipin Chandra Pal.
... been sent to attempt and accomplish. Our first point that Sri Aurobindo's politics was the politics of a Yogi, divinely directed and multiply oriented, preluding and preparing the rebirth of the soul of India for the regeneration of mankind, has thus been substantially confirmed. This leads us to another point, a collateral issue, which we have to tackle here, if we would understand the whole... his influence still working gigantically, we know not well how, we know not well where, in something that is not yet formed, something leonine, grand, intuitive, upheaving that has entered the soul of India, and we say: 'Behold, Vivekananda still lives in the soul of his Mother and in the souls of her children.' " The first incipient outline of an unprecedented synthesis was thus traced, and the... of India's mighty spirituality were unsealed. Bankim, Page 182 Rabindranath Tagore, Abanindranath Tagore, Jagadish Chandra Bose, and a few others evoked various powers of the soul of India and considerably helped the expansion and enrichment of her culture. In the field of politics and social reform, there came a glorious band of dynamic personalities, all impelled by the overmastering ...
... of Truth. In spite of all, India has a single soul and while we have to wait till we can speak of an India one and indivisible, our cry must be: Let the soul of India live for ever! What was meant by the "soul of India"? Had a nation - a human aggregate inhabiting an arbitrary geographical area - a "soul"? As if answering these doubts, the Mother explained in the course of a talk... immediate little danger and the ignoration of the bigger ultimate danger, all had conspired to force partition on the country, but at least there was the hope - if not also the assurance - that the "soul of India" wouldn't be rent in two. And so, in the fullness of time, the great Friday dawned - Friday, 15 August 1947, the day of India's independence and Sri Aurobindo's seventy-fifth birthday as well... there came to them on Independence Day the right prayer for the auspicious-anguished occasion, a prayer given by the Mother in her vast compassionate understanding: O our Mother, O Soul of India, Mother who hast never forsaken thy children even in the days of darkest depression, even when they turned away from thy voice, served other masters and denied thee, now when they have arisen ...
... more favourable conditions. Untill that attempt comes a serious danger besets the soul of India. What are the steps to be taken to fulfil this task? The first step is to recreate the spirit of the Freedom Movement leading to the rebirth of the soul of India. But if there is to be a rebirth of the soul of India, it must insist much more finally and integrally than it has as yet done on its spiritual... we can serve the spirit of Truth. In spite of all, India has a single soul and while we have to wait till we can speak of an India one and indivisible, our cry must be: LET THE SOUL OF INDIA LIVE FOR EVER! Summary of the Freedom Movement We shall take up now a brief resume of the political movements in India in the last century and a half. The first phase ...
... spirit of Truth. In spite of all, India has a single soul and while we have to wait till we can speak of an India one and indivisible, our cry must be: Let the soul of India live for ever! 18 But what is meant by "the soul of India"? Has a nation - a human aggregate inhabiting a seemingly arbitrary geographical area - a soul of its own? As if answering these doubts, Nolini explained in an editorial... of the subcontinent, all had conspired to batter down Congress resistance and stampede the leaders into ignominious acquiescence. But at least, the Mother hoped and the Mother prayed, that "the soul of India" wouldn't be rent in two but would still maintain its native splendorous unity. Sri Aurobindo too, although he had perforce to accept the event, was far from satisfied. Someone asked him whether... these anguished children the right prayer for the occasion that evoked joy and sorrow at once, was given by the Mother out of her vast compassionate understanding and love: O our Mother, O Soul of India, Mother who hast never forsaken thy children even in the days of darkest depression, even when they turned away from thy voice, served other masters and denied thee, now when they have arisen and ...
... one and indivisible, our cry must be: Let the soul of India live forever! 3 June 1947 The Soul of India is one and indivisible. India is conscious of her mission in the world. She is waiting for the exterior means of manifestation. 6 June 1947 Page 351 INVOCATION 15 August 1947 O our Mother, O Soul of India, Mother who hast never forsaken thy children even... expect from those who are not under the direct and immediate influence? The only remedy: "Awake and collaborate!" 31 January 1964 Nehru leaves his body but his soul is one with the Soul of India that lives for Eternity. 27 May 1964 ( About "the Mother's map of India", which includes Pakistan, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Burma and Sri Lanka. The "partition" mentioned in ...
... world and its ways are forms of one Truth which appears in this material world in ever new bodies In India, the chosen land, [that Truth] is preserved; in the soul of India it sleeps expectant on that soul's awakening, the soul of India leonine, luminous, locked in the closed petals of the ancient lotus of love, strength and wisdom, not in her weak, soiled, transient and miserable externals. India... too would not have had the experience or obtained a full development____ But now the time has come to take hold of the substance instead of extending the shadow. We have to awaken the true soul of India and in its image fashion all works. For the last ten years I have been silently pouring my influence into this European political vessel, and there has been some result. I can continue to do this ...
... Indianness is to plunge ourselves into the depths of Indian history and to discern those characteristics that are unique to India and which bring us to the understanding of the genius, spirit and soul of India. Geographically, India's boundaries have often been fluctuating, although the great land between the Himalayas and the Indian ocean gives us a sense of unity of our dwelling, the land of our... years. The period of decline has to be admitted, and we have to acknowledge that the decline reached a nadir of setting energy. But that period cannot give us basic clues to the real spirit and soul of India and its expressive power of life, its intellectuality and creativity. The British rulers gave to us three words to describe what they understood to be the chief characteristic of India, namely... sages sitting in their groves ready to test and teach the visitor; we witness also princes and learned Brahmins and even great landed nobles going about in search of knowledge, and we see how the soul of India was born and how the highest vistas of the knowledge of the Spirit came to be embodied and expressed in terms, less symbolic and much more accessible to philosophical thought. The Vedic and the ...
... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 Vivekananda VIVEKANANDA is the embodiment of the newly awakened, heroic and eternal soul of India. India forgot herself, forgot I what she was, what was her mission in the world. With the true nature of her psychic being gone out of her consciousness, India was sunk in slumber. India had lost her spirit... go together. His creative genius is the fruit of his Page 230 vision. The seer-vision of Vivekananda cast aside all veils and non-essentials and penetrated straight into the soul of India and, like Bhagirath, inundated the world with her glory. With the force and fire of his dynamic vital he gave her a living and mighty reality. Hosts of seers and saints had invoked the awakening... establish India's life on the Brahman. He has awakened and dynamised the eternal soul and spiritual being of India and stimulated her life. . The eternal power of the Brahman residing in the soul of India has been activised by this lion of a man. But how to give it a practical form in life in all its minute detail and to make a subtle and apt application of it – that he has not indicated; and to ...
... Light, the Life Divine. The first reaction of the soul of India to the impact of Western Materialism was a reaffirmation of the bare truth of the transcendent Absolute, and an uncompromising rejection of almost all that constitutes the richness and diversity of Indian spirituality. It was, as if, at that moment of eager return, the soul of India was trying to clutch at the roots of spirituality, which... of its evolution. But the ardours of the first return soon shed their narrow intensity and began to assume the large catholicity of the ancient spiritual tradition, for the decision taken by the soul of India at the fateful turning of its life was not for any narrow and one-sided achievement, however high it might be, but for the widest synthesis: for the reconciliation of Spirit Page 39 ...
... stronger than all their hypnotism and financial power — a purity of the soul Page 173 and Mother's strength behind you. Should you choose to appeal to this real strength and real soul of India, people will respond. But for that, one should not give time to the Enemy to weave a huge screen between you and the people — the hypnotic screen of propaganda and rumours and agitation. You... 1977 will overtake you if you do not seize on the short time which is left before uncontrollable forces take hold of India and of the world. Please forgive my audacity. I think that the soul of India is greater and stronger than all democracies and all oppositions — but one must speak the language of the soul and one must have the courage which springs only from the soul. Dare, and Mother... without anything else. So I don't know if we are going to win the legal battle, but another, more formidable battle may be in preparation ... a battle in which not only Auroville but the very soul of India is at stake. We are going to see, I think. Satprem * (Letter to an Aurovilian) Indeed, there was not a single voice in the Ashram to Page 180 defend Sri Aurobindo and ...
... Nature. They have entered in as a sort of leaven, a power of unformed stir and ferment out of which forms must result. One remembers them as great souls and great influences who live on in the soul of India. They are in us and we would not be what we are without them. But of no precise form can we say that this was what the man meant, still less that this form was the very body of that spirit. The... his influence still working gigantically, we know not well how, we know not well where, in something that is not yet formed, something leonine, grand, intuitive, upheaving that has entered the soul of India and we say, "Behold, Vivekananda still lives in the soul of his Mother and in the souls of her children." So it is with all. Not only are the men greater than their definite works, but their influence ...
... easily provide us with footholds for climbing beyond commonplaces into the revelatory intensities of literature, English alone enables at present the soul of India to attain the absolute peak of self-expression. And from that peak the soul of India will communicate, to the whole Commonwealth and to all America and to whatever country is in touch with them, the harmonious rhythms of its own greatness ...
... Karmayogin The Awakening Soul of India No national awakening is really vital and enduring which confines itself to a single field. It is when the soul awakens that a nation is really alive, and the life will then manifest itself in all the manifold forms of activity in which man seeks to express the strength and the delight of the expansive spirit within... even more rapid and thorough disintegration than actually took place and by giving respite and time for the persistent national self to emerge and find itself. It was in religion first that the soul of India awoke and triumphed. There were always indications, always great forerunners, but it was when the flower of the educated youth of Calcutta bowed down at the feet of an illiterate Hindu ascetic, ...
... from the Truth of the new Satya that is to be born, for it is Truth that restores itself always and persists. In India, the chosen land, it is preserved; in the soul of India it sleeps, expectant of that soul's awakening, the soul of India leonine, luminous, locked in the closed petals of the ancient lotus of strength and wisdom, not in her weak, sordid, transient & miserable externals. India alone ...
... great, unforeseeable and unprecedented. From the less worldwide viewpoint which most nearly concerns us in this country, we may say, that we find ourselves in a great hour of rebirth of the ancient soul of India. The momentous issues of this hour are producing their inevitable upheaval, change and effort at creation in the whole national life, politics, society, economical conditions, industry, commerce... half-shaped beginnings, is no doubt already decided in the secret spirit of the age and in the subconscient mind of the people. Behind the waverings and strivings of our twilit surface minds the soul of India knows no doubt what it intends and is moving us to great fulfilments. But it is well also for us to ponder and inquire what it is the national soul and the soul of humanity demand from us and on ...
... spirituality and profuse growth of number of religions, mutual understanding and harmonization among which has been an extremely important issue in the development of what may be called the heart and soul of India. The second is the robust intellectual and philosophical quest, resulting in the development of number of sciences and copious systems of rigorous speculations, systems of knowledge, and codes of... still continue and multiply. Only a permanent Commission can promise the possibility of the fulfillment of the needed work, if it is mandated to work out a new system of education, vibrant with the soul of India, and capable of inspiring in the new generations a true spirit of nationalism, which is not limited to self-glory, but, true to its own sense of universality, dedicated to the task of serving i ...
... the sad news came on 27 May that India's Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, had passed away, the Mother spontaneously issued this message: Nehru leaves his body but his soul is one with the Soul of India that lives for Eternity. 37 Nehru had paid his third and last visit to the Ashram on 13 June 1953 accompanied by Kamaraj and C. Subramaniam; he saw the Mother too and spent some time in the... India towards the beckoning horizons of the future. And now, after his dedicated labours in the service of the nation spread over several decades, Nehru was with the ages; he was "one with the Soul of India that lives for Eternity". In the middle of June, Dr. Kishor Gandhi, received an inspiration to form an association of the Higher Course students of the Centre of Education with the purpose of ...
... live on in the soul of India, "a very lion among men, but the definite work he has left behind is quite incommensurate with our impression of his creative might and energy. We perceive his influence still working gigantically, we know not well how, we know not well where, in something that is not yet formed, something leonine, grand, intuitive, up heaving that has entered the soul of India and we ...
... original school now developing among us and the last issues have each contained a picture—especially important not only by the intrinsic excellence of the work but by the perfect emergence of that soul of India which we attempted to characterise in an article in our second issue. 1 The picture in the July number is by Mahomed Hakim Khan, a student of the Government School of Art, Calcutta, and ... imagination, by passivity and plenary inspiration, in Yoga, from samadhi. Page 459 × See "The Awakening Soul of India", published on pages 61-66 of Karmayogin: Political Writings and Speeches 1909-1910, volume 8 of The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo.—Ed. ...
... provide us with footholds for climbing beyond commonplaces into the revelatory intensities of literature, English alone enables at present the soul of India to attain the absolute peak of self-expression. And from that peak the soul of India will communicate, to the whole Commonwealth and to all America and to whatever country is in touch with them, the harmonious rhythms of its own ...
... elements from the languages of India. All this has been brought beautifully in this extract from the writings of Sri Aurobindo on the spirit and soul of India: "What was this ancient spirit and characteristic soul of India? European writers, struck by the general metaphysical bent of the Indian mind, by its strong religious instincts and religious idealism, by its other-worldliness ...
... context of the latest philosophies of education and the modern march of knowledge, we may be able to give to India of today a new pedagogy which would be rooted in the ancient soul of India and yet ever progressive soul of India which has the capacity to express itself in new forms appropriate to the needs of the contemporary culture of India and of the world. II Formulation of Indian Pedagogy ...
... courts of kings who were also spiritual discoverers and thinkers and the great sacrificial assemblies where the sages met and compared their knowledge. We see here how in this critical moment the soul of India was born and how arose this unparalleled stir and seeking that secured for India a new line of spiritual resurgence and provided to all the posterity an unfailing fountain of spiritual waters... though only in brief glimpses, the picture of that extraordinary stir and movement of enquiry and passion for the highest knowledge which made the Upanishads possible. We see here how the soul of India was born, and we come to recognize the Vedas and Upanishads as not only the fountainhead of Indian philosophy and spirituality, of Indian art, poetry and These great names are those to whom ...
... Yogins in India withdraw from the world and practise Yoga for their own liberation and delight or for the liberation of a few disciples; but when the movement of knowledge again expands and the soul of India expands with it, they come forth once more and work in the world and for the world.... It is only India that can discover the harmony, because it is only by a change - not a mere readjustment... cultural self-assertion. In all spheres of life, one felt more and more the surging tide of a fresh vitality, the glow of an unwonted animation, the throbbing buoyancy of youthful idealism. The soul of India, reacting to the Western influence, imbibing what was life-giving and wholesome in its modernism, discarding what threatened to disrupt the bases of its own culture or deflect it from the ...
... achieve, Hinduism as summed up in the life of the Avatar of Dakshineswar has to attempt for all the world. Nor is it surprising that the soul of India would wake first in the grand workshop of spiritual experiment. "It was in religion first that the soul of India awoke and triumphed. There were always indications, always great forerunners, but it was when the flower of the educated youth of Calcutta ...
... an Page 418 education proper to the Indian soul and need and temperament and culture that we are in quest of, not indeed something faithful merely to the past, but to the developing soul of India, to her future need, to the greatness of her coming self-creation, to her eternal spirit. It is this that we have to get clear in our minds and for that we must penetrate down to fundamentals and ...
... expression of its thought and its religious Page 310 feeling, history and legend, but a revealing interpretation of the spiritual sense of Buddhism and its profounder meaning to the soul of India. To understand that—we must always seek first and foremost this kind of deeper intention—is to understand the reason of the differences between the occidental and the Indian treatment of the ...
... Eternal, the ashramas, the courts of kings who were also spiritual discoverers and thinkers, the great sacrificial assemblies where the sages met and compared their knowledge. And we see how the soul of India was born and how arose this great birth-song in which it soared from its earth into the supreme empyrean of the spirit. The Vedas and the Upanishads are not only the sufficient fountain-head of ...
... nothing about, never bargained for, didn't understand either. 31 October 1935 This-Worldliness and Other-Worldliness One thing I feel I must say in connection with your remark about the soul of India and X 's observation about "this stress on this-worldliness to the exclusion of other-worldliness". I do not quite understand in what connection his remark was made or what he meant by this-worldliness ...
... The Genius Of India THE GENIUS OF INDIA* What was this ancient spirit and characteristic soul of India? European writers, struck by the general metaphysical bent of the Indian mind, by its strong religious instincts and religious idealism, by its other-worldliness, are inclined to write as if this were all the Indian spirit. An abstract, metaphysical ...
... life, Page 59 and by uniting with this aspiration the whole country can recover a unity that has never ceased to exist for the superior mentality. * The soul of India is one and indivisible. India is conscious of her mission in the world. She is waiting for the exterior means of manifestation. * * Education has ...
... Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India THE MOTHER INVOCATION 15 August 1947 O our Mother, O Soul of India, Mother who hast never forsaken thy children even in the days of darkest depression, even when they turned away from the voice,served other Masters and denied thee, now when they have arisen and the light is on ...
... giving it shape, it is an education proper to the indian soul and need and temperament and culture that we are in quest of, not indeed something faithful merely to the past, but to the developing soul of India, to her future need, to the greatness of her coming self-creation, to her eternal spirit. It is this that we have to get clear in our minds and for that we must penetrate down to fundamentals and ...
... Western ideals, his mind first caught the meaning of the sudden arising of India, first proclaimed the spiritual character of the movement, first discovered that it was not only the body but the soul of India that was awaking from the sleep of the ages. On Saturday when he spoke of India as the saviour of Europe, he again gave expression to a prophetic thought, again looked with more than human insight ...
... of despair and look to violence as their only remedy. These conditions of the worst districts tend to become general and unless something is done to stem the tide of evil, it will sweep away the soul of India in its turbid current and leave only a shapeless monstrosity of all that is worst in human nature. We are convinced, of course, that India is destined to rise again, we await with confidence ...
... in place of the ardours of high aspiration for the nation and the individual. When spirituality is lost all is lost. This is the fate from which we have narrowly escaped by the resurgence of the soul of India in Nationalism. But that resurgence is not yet complete. There is the sentiment of Indianism, there is not yet the knowledge. There is a vague idea, there is no definite conception or deep insight ...
... word, the active compassion and helpfulness which it inherited from its parent Buddhism. Where it could not apply this lever, it has failed totally and even this lever it may easily lose; for the soul of India reawakened by the new impact is beginning to recover its lost tendencies. The social forms of the past are changing where they are unsuited to the new political and economic conditions and ideals ...
... yogins in India withdraw from the world and practise yoga for their own liberation and delight or for the liberation of a few disciples; but when the movement of knowledge again expands and the soul of India expands with it, they come forth once more and work in the world and for the world. Yogins like Janaka, Ajatashatru and Kartavirya once more sit on the thrones of the world and govern the nations ...
... dreams was distantly calling to him more and more and here from the Mother's eyes he could receive its touch. Her blessings went with him, working to bring closer to him the depths of that mighty "Soul of India" with whom his soul had always been in love, depths hinted by the Mother's phrase that India's Soul lives for Eternity. To live for Eternity is not only to exist forever but also to exist for the ...
... 118 may observe here that Sri Aurobindo, during his political life in British India, had raised the cry of "The Divine Mother", the World -Creatrix whose frontal aspect was to him the Soul of India, the presiding Goddess of this country's career through time, this country whose most characteristic trait has been its seeking for the infinite and eternal Spirit all through her long history. ...
... What appeared at first to be hurdles, would clear up somehow.’ 12 The reader will remember Sri Aurobindo’s prediction that India would become one again. The Mother wrote in 1947: ‘The Soul of India is one and indivisible. India is conscious of her mission in the world. She is waiting for the exterior means of manifestation.’ 13 In the meantime, many of the first disciples, some of ...
... we want you to do it. You are surely quite free, as everybody is quite free, to take your own way in such matters. One thing I feel I must say in connection with your remark about the soul of India and Doraiswamy’s observation about “this stress on this-worldliness to the exclusion of the other-worldliness. “ I do not quite understand in what connection his remark was made or what he meant ...
... was not decreed, it was a human deformation. It is beyond question a human deformation.’) On the day of India’s independence the Mother distributed the following invocation: ‘O our Mother, O Soul of India, Mother who hast never forsaken thy children even in the days of darkest depression, even when they turned away from the voice, served other masters and denied thee, now when they have arisen and ...
... with a single-hearted purpose, living constantly in that all-founding peace and feeling the near and greatening descent of that light and power, the way becomes increasingly clear. One sees the soul of India ready to enter into the fullness of her heritage and the hour of an unparalleled greatness approaching when from her soil shall go forth the call and the leading to the highest destinies of the ...
... × There is another side to the story. When Nehru died, Mother said in a message of May 27, 1964: " Nehru leaves his body but his soul is ONE with the Soul of India, that lives for Eternity." × All the same, Satprem did keep this conversation, being unable to ...
... experience. There is still some need of it, not so much in Bengal as in the other provinces of India. But the time has come to no longer extend the shadow but seize on the reality. We must get to the soul of India and make all its works in the image. People now talk of spiritualising politics. Its result will be, if there be any permanent result, some kind of Indianised Bolshevism. To that kind of work ...
... intelligence more than the psychic; the latter was very evident in other photos of him that I have seen here and there. I fear that to accede to your request for a page and a half on the mystic soul of India is physically impossible now and psychologically a little difficult. I have once more the full flood of correspondence, in spite of the rules of time which have proved an insufficient dam. Each ...
... the Upanishads continue the Vedic effort of Yoga and the Upanishads provided to the Indian people a sure foundation of their own special genius. We find in the Upanishads the real budding of the soul of India, which has been continuously striving to bloom to its fullness during the long course of its history. Fortunately, in the writings of Sri Aurobindo we find an authentic account of the gradual ...
... context of the Indian system of education, — proposals which are indispensable and which can be postponed only on the peril of risking loss of cultural identity and even of crippling the very soul of India. Let us examine this aspect in some detail. We are all aware that the current Indian system of education was designed by the Britishers for their narrower purposes and for promoting in ...
... the religion and an expression of its thought and its religious feeling, history and legend, but a revealing interpretation of the spiritual sense of Buddhism and its profounder meaning to the soul of India. 3 IV Art opens the gates of our consciousness to the depths of truth and beauty; it imparts to our consciousness the sense and experience of joy and love and adoration and uplifts ...
... century but an initiation of the centuries to come, not a reversion but a break forward away from a present artificial falsity to India's own greater innate potentialities, which are demanded by the soul of India. Page 137 The major question, he pointed out, is not merely what science we learn, but what we shall do with our science and how too, acquiring the scientific mind and recovering the ...
... Brahma satyam jaganmithya jivo brahmaiva naparah, "Brahman alone is real, the universe is unreal, and the individual soul is no other than the Brahman ": the call of the centuries that has held the soul of India in its spell. Some resounding echo of this powerful and impelling cry can still be heard in the remote corners of our own being — even though we belong to another age. The One Transcendent Reality ...
... We have the Ashrams, the courts of kings who were also spiritual discoverers and thinkers, the great sacrificial assemblies where the sages met and compared their knowledge. We see here how the soul of India was born, and we come to recognize the Vedas and Upanishads as not only the fountain-head of Indian philosophy and spirituality, of Indian art, poetry and literature, but also of Indian education ...
... subtractions, modifications of detail and curriculum and giving it a gloss of Indian colour. A rightly conceived Indian "national education" will be one which will be faithful to the developing soul of India, to her future need, to the greatness of her coming self-creation, to her eternal spirit. It has to take its foundation on our own being, our own mind and our own spirit. Thus, when Sri Aurobindo ...
... kind of education that is not yet being conceived, although greatest pioneers of the freedom struggle have already given us the glimpses of that education. If education has to reflect the soul of India, and if India has to prepare itself to fulfill its own swadharma; If India has to play a leading role in meeting the challenges of the contemporary civilization and also the contemporary crisis; ...
... there is a need for it, not so much in Bengal as in the other provinces of India. But now the time has come to take hold of the substance instead of extending the shadow. We have to awaken the true soul of India and to do everything in accordance with it. For the last ten years I have been silently pouring-my influence into this foreign political vessel, and there has been some result. I can continue to ...
... guidance, 547; on Siddhi day, 548; translation of Synthesis, 551; Barindra on her role, 574; on vibration of Harmony, 591; on Savitri, 659, 662; as Savitri, 685; on the Partition, 711; on the Soul of India, 712; prayer to Mother India, 714; on energy inexhaustible, 719; visit of André, 726; talk with Sri Aurobindo on leaving her body, 732; on Sri Aurobindo's passing, 735ff, 739-40; Kapali Sastry on ...
... Our educational machinery, our ruling ideas, our imported models, all were shoddy in appearance and poisonous in their effects. As he wrote many years later in an article entitled 'The Awakening Soul of India': The nineteenth century in India was imitative, self-forgetful, artificial. It aimed at a successful reproduction of Europe in India, forgetting the deep saying of the Gita, "Better the ...
... n's June 2 proposal for the partition of India: 'In spite of all, India has a single soul and while we have to wait till we can speak of an India one and indivisible, our cry must be;: Let the soul of India live forever!' - Jul-Oct Holds classes based (on Prayers and Meditations. - Aug 15 Hoists her Spiritual! Flag of United India on the Ashram main building. Anti-Ashram elements attack ...
... very next day, 3 June 1947: "In spite of all, India has a single soul and while Page 840 we have to wait till we can speak of an India one and indivisible, our cry must be: 'Let the soul of India live forever!' " 20 With her faith in India and her vision of India's true destiny as the Guru of the Nations of the World, the Mother could see even at the time of the Partition the ensouled image ...
... India's Independence synchronising with Sri Aurobindo's birthday. Sri Aurobindo's historic Declaration broadcast by the All-India Radio, Trichinopoly, along with Mother's sigli6cant Invocation to the Soul of India. Mother hoisting the spiritual flag of India on the roof of Sri Aurobindo's room was greeted with cries of Vande Mataram by all assembled in the street. In a moving voice she ...
... ventilating and illuminating the atmosphere of mankind, we have to recognise that, with their excessive passivity and detachment, they were incapable of building the world. The primitive soul of India arose in its hour like a great wind but, like a great wind also, again in its hour, it passed away. How indeed could it have been otherwise? Phenomena regarded as an illusion (Maya) ...
... Eternal, the Ashramas, the courts of kings who were also spiritual discoverers and thinkers, the great sacrificial assemblies where the sages met and compared their knowledge. And we see how the soul of India was born and how arose this great birth-song in which it soared from this earth into the supreme empyrean of the spirit. The Vedas and the Upanishads are not only the sufficient fountain-head of ...
... and twentieth century India was an importation from Europe, and had proved an imitative exercise leading more and more to frustration. The time had come to go deeper: "We must get to the true soul of India and in its image fashion all works." The consummation to be aimed at was not detestation of the world or minimisation of man, but delight of existence in living every moment of one's life, and ...
... more than fifty years. On the day of Independence, 15 August 1947, standing on the terrace in front of her room Mother read to us her 'Invocation.' Page 577 "O our Mother, O Soul of India, Mother who hast never forsaken thy children even in the days of darkest depression, even when they turned away from thy voice, served other masters and denied thee, now when they have arisen and ...
... Page 969 soil of the Indian intellect, suppressed originality and invention, created a gulf between the classes and the masses and done its best to kill that spirituality which is the soul of India. The petty privileges which British statecraft has thrown to us as morsels from the rich repast of liberty, have pauperised us politically, preserved all that was low, weak and dependent in our ...
... in Europe, but in Asia. The Russo-Japanese war, the Chinese Revolution, the constitutional changes in Turkey & Persia and last but most momentous the revival however indeterminate as yet of the soul of India, are the really significant events of the young century. In Europe except in its one Asiatic corner there has been no event of corresponding magnitude & importance. The abortive orgy of revolutionary ...
... Balarama, manifest themselves no more. Gone are Janaka & Ajatashatru, Arjuna & Vyasa, the great scientists, the great lawgivers. The cry of OM Tapas with which God creates has grown faint in the soul of India, the cry of OM Shanti with which He withdraws from life alone arouses & directs the best energies of a national consciousness to whose thought all life is sorrow, self-delusion & an undivine blunder ...
... wonderful intensity, security and persistence not exampled in any other people. It is indeed largely the work of these philosophers who were at the same time Yogins that Page 371 saved the soul of India alive through the gathering night of her decadence. This however could not have been done without the aid of a great body of more easily seizable ideas, forms, images, appealing to the imagination ...
... liberation was pursued in hostility to life and not as its full-orbed result and high crowning. But still some strong basis of the old knowledge remained to inspire, to harmonise, to keep alive the soul of India. Even when deterioration came and a slow collapse, even when the life of the community degenerated into an uneasily petrified ignorance and confusion, the old spiritual aim and tradition remained ...
... —forms not contradictory of the truths of life which the old expressed, but rather expressive of those truths restated, cured of defect, completed. What was this ancient spirit and characteristic soul of India? European writers, struck by the general metaphysical bent of the Indian mind, by its strong religious instincts and religious idealism, by its other-worldliness, are inclined to write as if this ...
... finger-post on the roads. The attempt is bound to be renewed as soon as a wider gate is opened under more favourable conditions. Till that attempt comes and succeeds, a serious danger besets the soul of India; for a political Europeanisation would be followed by a social turn of the same kind and bring a cultural and spiritual death in its train. Aggression must be successful and creative if the defence ...
... The Renaissance in India - 4 The renaissance thus determining itself, but not yet finally determined, if it is to be what the name implies, a rebirth of the soul of India into a new body of energy, a new form of its innate and ancient spirit, prajñā purāṇī , must insist much more finally and integrally than it has as yet done on its spiritual turn, on the greater ...
... world full of beings and powers heaped upon one another laying bare the interaction of these complex worlds and man's life upon earth. Here in Savitri it is not the ethical and the religious soul of India embodying a national tradition only; it is the soul of man in the mould of the Indian spirit widening out into the vast Soul of Humanity under the stress of an intense spiritual aspiration — ...
... dripping tenderness and solicitude. Patiently and laboriously as ever, he answered me once again, point by point. "One thing I feel I must say," he wrote "in connection with your remark about the soul of India and Duraiswami's observation about my stress on this worldliness to the exclusion of other-worldliness. I do not quite understand in what connection his remark was made or what he meant by this ...
... it in the papers, singling it out from the mass of ordinary eminent people.’ 72 And when Nehru died, in 1964, the Mother said of him: ‘Nehru leaves his body, but his soul is one with the soul of India that lives for eternity.’ 73 The Entretiens The Mother resumed teaching French to some youngsters as soon as the twelve days, during which all Ashram activities were suspended after ...
... little bounded being made of the mental impressions they have grouped about a mean & grovelling ego; meanwhile the spaceless & timeless Soul is denied its joyous & splendid manifestation. 361) O soul of India, hide thyself no longer with the darkened Pandits of the Kaliyuga in the kitchen & the chapel, veil not thyself with the soulless rite, the obsolete law and the unblessed money of the dakshina; ...
... mysterious term, like our famous kalpataru of Indra's garden which promises to its worshippers any fruit they covet. I fear that to accede to your request for a page and a half on the mystic soul of India is physically impossible now and psychologically a little difficult. I have once more the full flood of correspondence, in spite of the rules of time which have proved an insufficient dam. Each ...
... present difficulties. There is the pressing cry for clothes in this quarter, as these articles seem to be with us to remind us now constantly of the paucity of matter. I have received Bepin Pal's Soul of India. Can you add to it by getting from Hiranyagarbha Sister Nivedita's My Master as I saw him. I am also in need, as I wrote to you once before, of R. C. Dutt's Bengali translation of the Vedas. Neither ...
... jarring elements into the harmony of a higher divine consciousness and existence. This-Worldliness and Other-Worldliness One thing I feel I must say in connection with your remark about the soul of India and X 's observation about "this stress on this-worldliness to the exclusion of other-worldliness". I do not quite understand in what connection his remark was made or what he meant by this-worldliness ...
... these essentials of Western civilisation ..........These conditions of the worst districts tend to become general and unless something is done to stem the tide of evil, it will sweep away the soul of India in its turbid current and leave only a shapeless monstrosity of all that is worst in human nature. * * * April 11, 1908 The Mother's feet are on the threshold, but she waits ...
... On Thoughts and Aphorisms Aphorism - 362 362—O soul of India, hide thyself no longer with the darkened Pandits 1 of the Kaliyuga in the kitchen and the chapel, veil not thyself with the soulless rite, the obsolete law and the unblessed money of the Dakshina; 2 but seek in thy soul, ask of God and recover thy true Brahminhood and Kshatriyahood ...
... is still some need of it, not so much in Bengal as in the other provinces of India. But the time has come to stop the shadow from extending and to seize on the reality. We must get to the true soul of India and in its image fashion all works. People now talk of spiritualizing politics. Its result will be, if Page 272 there be any permanent result, some kind of Indianized Bolshevism. ...
... × The Mother's Messages, issued upon the passing of Jawaharlal Nehru in May 1964 , was: "Nehru leaves his body but his soul is one with the Soul of India that lives for Eternity." × The Laundry. ...
... purpose, living constantly in that all-founding peace and feeling the near and greatening Page 174 descent of that light and power, the way becomes increasingly clear. One sees the soul of India ready to enter into the fullness of her heritage and the hour of an unparalleled greatness approaching when from her soil shall go forth the call and the leading to the highest destinies of the ...
... openly religious and spiritual song like Bande Mataram - a cry of obeisance to the divine creative Power that is mother of the world and that is visioned as the ultimate being of the National Soul of India the God-intoxicated country - is made to play second fiddle to a much inferior though by no means crude national anthem which never inspired any heroism or sacrifice as the other constantly did ...
... same mistake, but except the taking up of arms on behalf of Fascism nothing could have been more Himalayan a blunder than the pitting of ahimsa against a Hitler. Did Gandhi Embody the Soul of India? The idealisation of non-violence at all costs serves also to throw into relief the precise meaning of Gandhi's saying: "Politics are to me subservient to religion." If religion primarily ...
... end). Each year a series of talks, audio-visuals and interactive sessions is organized at schools, colleges, academic training and management institutes, under the title: 'In Search of the Soul of India' (the Spiritual and Cultural Heritage of India Talks Series). Integral Education for Children, Students, Youth Including Value Education, Training of the Mental Faculties, Training ...
... movement for nonalignment. Nehru came to symbolise India. On the day of his death the Mother in Pondicherry gave the following message: "Nehru leaves his body but his soul is one with the soul of India that lives for Eternity. " The following essay was written by Nehru during his imprisonment in Ahmadnagar Fort prison camp during the years 1942 to 1945, and forms part of his book The Discovery ...
... Throughout its long and uninterrupted history of the Vedic tradition, these ideas have remained constant up to the present day. III. Vedic Age and Upanishads: Formation of the Spiritual Soul of India The Vedic beginning was a high beginning, and it was secured in its results by a larger sublime efflorescence. This is what we find in the Upanishads, which have always been recognised in ...
... context of the Indian system of education, — the proposals which are indispensable and which can be postponed only on the peril of risking loss of cultural identity and even of crippling the very soul of India. Let us examine this aspect in some detail. We are all aware that the current Indian system of education was designed by the Britishers for their narrower purposes and for promoting in ...
... t that the yogic process which began with the Veda, culminated in the first cycle of knowledge in the Upanishads, which are called Vedanta, giving us the indication as to how and when the true soul of India was born. The description that we find in a few pages of the Upanishads restore for us the picture of that extraordinary stir and movement of spiritual inquiry and passion for the highest knowledge ...
... the religion and an expression of its thought and its religious feeling, history and legend, but a revealing interpretation of the spiritual sense of Buddhism and its profounder meaning to the soul of India." 3 Art opens the gates of our consciousness to the depths of truth and beauty; it imparts to our consciousness the sense and experience of joy and love and adoration and uplifts us into realms ...
... who were also spiritual discoverers and thinkers, and the great sacrificial assemblies where the sages met and compared their intuitions. It is in the pages of the Upanishads that we see how the soul of India was born, and how Indian culture came to place yoga as the highest discipline of knowledge. Principal Upanishads The number of Upanishads has grown over a long stretch of time, and ...
... can serve the spirit of Truth. In spite of all, India has a single soul and while we have to wait till we can speak of an India one and indivisible, our cry must be: LET THE SOUL OF INDIA LIVE FOR EVER 1 Integration of the Princely States During the early part of the nineteenth century, the policy of the British tended towards annexation, but the Indian ...
... On one occasion, when nothing seemed to be going right for one person, the world seemed to be going wrong, and many people were upset, Mother consoled that person, "Don't you worry. I'm the Soul of India." One experience of this sort (identification of consciousness) is worth a hundred books - if you're interested in books. I don't say you'll get it immediately but by persistence you can. She ...
... attempt to revive the deeper and genuine Indian spirit is bound to be renewed as soon as a wider gate is opened under more favourable conditions. Till that attempt comes, a serious danger besets the soul of India. Let us briefly state the political philosophy of Gandhi's movement. This political philosophy was based on three planks, namely non-violence, non-cooperation and Hindu-Muslim unity. ...
... but with the power of knowledge. The strength of the warriors is not the only kind of strength, there is also the power of the Brahman, which is founded on knowledge. " This was the logic of the soul of India which the small number of the nationalists, like Sri Aurobindo, followed. After the nine nationalist leaders were deported from East Bengal the Jhalakati Conference was held in 1909. A photo ...
... world full of beings and powers heaped upon one another laying bare the inter- action of these complex worlds and man's life upon earth. Here in Sāvitrī it is not the ethical and the religious soul of India embodying a national tradition only; it is the soul of man in the mould of the Indian spirit widening out into the vast Soul of Humanity under the stress of an intense spiritual aspiration—ascending ...
... "Karmayoga", both from the Karmayogin of June 19, 1909. The Second Edition was enlarged to include the following Karmayogin articles: "In Either Case" (March 26, 1910), "The Awakening Soul of India" (June 26, 1909), "The Doctrine of Sacrifice" (July 24, 1909), "The Process of Evolution" (September 18, 1909); "The Strength of Stillness" (February 19, 1910), "The Three Purushas" (February ...
... watched the Mother’s firmness of a challenging warrior, it would fill our hearts with bliss. In a second the pain and anguish of losing part of one’s country would vanish into thin air. The soul of India is one and indivisible. ...
... lyrics, the power of its heart and its dharma, this song of a Bengali set to music by a Bengali, will be sung by the whole of India as a triumphant Victory call. It was as if the inner soul of India was giving out its divine prophecy through Balendranath Thakur’s utterance. It was as though Indians were through this song, for the first time, awakening a living India with their heart’s fervour ...
... servile imitators of a dead past, or living present of Europe. Let us free ourselves from the false notion that holding on to Indian technique—of whatever period or school—is the way to express the soul of India in art-forms. In order to bring home to our young friends with force some of my contentions I would put two or three points of view before even I begin my discourse. We all know ...
... asked Nolini-da to hand over this responsibility to me. And so, I prepared a programme entitled Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on India and Her Future which was conceived to evoke and invoke the soul of India. The core of the programme was composed of extraordinary lines from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother touching upon India's past, present and Her future. Interspersed with these lines were patriotic ...
... the real Page 371 connections between the ancient languages, and by the same stroke rediscover "the eternal Truth hidden in the Vedas and the Upanishads." And we see "how the soul of India was born and how arose this great birth-song in which it soared from its earth into the supreme empyrean of the spirit." That it was Sri Aurobindo's intention to pursue this line of exploration ...
... Yes, he is now in Pakistan. Page 140 I don't know. But a thought came to Nolini and he wrote it down: Mujibur's Bengal risked her body but saved her soul. Indira's India neither risked her body nor saved her soul. I refuse. I don't want to say anything against Indira! Yes, but what happened is that he wrote this down, left it on his table, and as usual people go by; they ...
... Period 6.Feb-3.May.1908 Bande Mataram The Soul and India's Mission 21-February-1908 Wind and Water Wind and water are always types of the human soul in our literature. Wind is so light a substance that we cannot grasp it, water so fluid that we cannot seize it. When the soul is in a state of lightness and fluidity, it is then that it is compared to wind... drawn between life and death. The one is only the positive, the other the negative of God's presence. Body and Soul Soul is a presence, body a piece of Maya. When the body is full of the presence of the soul it lives, but when the soul withdraws from it, it dies. In other words, the soul while in the body feels a sense of imprisonment which ceases as soon as the body falls from it. This is the work... therefore the cradle of every great religion. Christianity, Mahomedanism, Buddhism and the creeds of China and Japan are all offshoots of one great and eternal religion of which India has the keeping. India's Mission So with India rests the future of the world. Whenever she is aroused from her sleep, she gives forth some wonderful shining ray of light to the world which is enough to illuminate the nations ...
... of the world. The future structure of the world depends on India. India is the living soul. India is incarnating the spiritual knowledge in the world. The Government of India ought to recognise the significance of India in this sphere and plan their action accordingly . The Mother, Words of the Mother - I: India ... Mother's words on India: India has become the symbolic representation of all the difficulties of modern mankind. India will be the land of its resurrection—the resurrection to a higher and truer life . The Mother, Words of the Mother - I: India The following message the Mother gave in February 1954 about India is quite apt: The future of India is very clear. India is the Guru of... to be the Silver Jubilee of the Independence of India. It was significant, because for India Sri Aurobindo's birth was the beginning of a New Age. India got her independence on Sri Aurobindo's 75th birthday. About India, Sri Aurobindo has written: The old forms and methods are no longer sufficient for the purpose of the Time Spirit. India can no longer fulfil herself on lines that are too ...
... a man cannot give a new vitality, Page 12 a contemporary life, to India's ancient wisdom - for he will not at all embody that wisdom at its purest and profoundest. This is not to refuse greatness to him, but it is not the greatness ancient India upheld as the top reach of the human soul. If India has anything to give humanity at present, it would be that wisdom in a form suitable... world's degeneration will be halted: the hope of the future is in the renascence and resurgence of essential India. And all the more powerful will be her influence because her genius is not only the typical idealist of the Divine but also a multi-mooded idealist, holding something of all national souls, functioning with an assimilative capacity which makes her as diverse in expression as she is single in... present, because of many causes, a general decline of values and a general confusion of mind all over the earth. In India this state of affairs has a critical significance obtaining nowhere else. Not that the Indians are in comparison with other peoples more demoralised or distracted. But India has been in history the home of the immensest aspiration and the intensest search after the Good, the Beautiful ...
... Christianity, Mahomedanism with all their countless sects. But the grand workshop of spiritual experiment, the laboratory of the soul has been India, where thousands of great spirits have been born in every generation who were content to work quietly in their own souls, perfect their knowledge, hand down the results of their experiments to a few disciples and leave the rest to others to complete.... by the purity of their desires. Of all these souls Sri Ramakrishna was the last and greatest, for while others felt God in a single or limited aspect, he felt Him in His illimitable unity as the sum of an illimitable variety. In him the spiritual experiences of the millions of saints who had gone before were renewed and united. Sri Ramakrishna gave to India the final message of Hinduism to the world... brief period and among a limited number of men, Hinduism as summed up in the life of Sri Ramakrishna has to attempt for all the world. This is the reason of India's resurgence, this is why God has breathed life into her once more, why great souls are at work to bring about her salvation, why a sudden change is coming over the hearts of her sons. The movement of which the first outbreak was political ...
... of the need for India's freedom which was the first condition for India to recover her spiritual freedom. For, on the spiritual life of India depended the world's destiny. "So with India rests the future of the world." No other nation but India had what it takes for the spiritualization of the human race. "India," he said, "is the guru of the nations, the physician of the human soul in its profounder... simply. "O India, Land of Light and spiritual knowledge, wake up to your true mission in the world. Show the way to harmony and unity." And Sri Aurobindo. "The world waits for the rising of India to receive the divine flood in its fullness." The Reader has certainly understood the reason for this insistence on India. "The grand workshop of spiritual experiment, the laboratory of the soul has been... them. Their souls stirred strangely: like the breath of the Eternal and the Infinite blowing through the conch-shell of Time. Sri Aurobindo revealed here the change of tack. He used to say before that "Nationalism is a religion, a creed, a faith." Now he said, "It is the Sanatan Dharma which for us is Nationalism...." Fourteen months earlier he had written: "God has set apart India as the eternal ...
... oneness in the diverse, innumerable and variegated life of India. The unity of India does not lie in the mental plane alone, gradually it is taking shape in the vital and is going to get embodied even in the physical. It is the descent of the soul-power of India that is pressing to fuse India into a single nation. The political unity of India is not only possible but inevitable, and the secret of that... Perhaps Europe has had to start from a political union or oneness in order gradually and finally to attain to the unity-of the soul, and achieve her own individuality. India has long acquired the unity of the soul and this self-conscious individuality is the last word of India's oneness. Page 246 ... true power that is at play behind the external form. The unity of India lies in her soul-power. The unity that we see in the education, culture, behaviour, conduct and the mould of her character are the outer manifestation of an inalienable unity which is derived from a still profounder living being. Behind India stands the 'One Being', purusam ekam. That is the person who alone brings about harmony ...
... of Bengal as a sub-nation in India was throughout a strongly subjective movement," he said, describing the discovery of the Nation-Soul which had become the demand of the Time-Spirit. "The movement of 1905 in Bengal pursued a quite new conception of the nation not merely as a country, but a soul, a psychological, almost a spiritual being...." The soul that was India told her children to dare. For... ineffugable than it ever was in the past." The Government could not afford to lose control of the education of the country, it had to keep its hold on the mind of the young—the India of the future. It certainly did not want to lose India I Professor Jyotishchandra noticed particularly a certain characteristic trait in Sri Aurobindo, while referring to "certain illegal and unconstitutional barriers which... their eyes. A glorious dawn, breaking the gloom of centuries, bathed their Mother in a golden-rose light. The loud trumpet of thunder was the music of Rudra. Its blare infused strength into their souls. "I am the Spirit of freedom and pride," pealed the Voice. "The pride in our past, the pain in our present, the passion for the future are the trunk and branches of our Indian life," wrote Sri ...
... therefore she has always been rapidly assimilative; her strong temperamental persistence has been enough to preserve her national stamp and her artistic vision a sufficient power to keep her soul alive. But India lives centrally in the spirit, with less buoyancy and vivacity and therefore with a less ready adaptiveness of creation, but a greater, intenser, more brooding depth; her processes are apt to... The Renaissance in India The Renaissance in India The Renaissance in India The Renaissance in India - 2 The process which has led up to the renaissance now inevitable, may be analysed, both historically and logically, into three steps by which a transition is being managed, a complex breaking, reshaping and new building, with the final result yet distant... the Shakti of India mastering and taking possession of the modern influence, no longer possessed or overcome by it. Nothing in the many processes of Nature, whether she deals with men or with things, comes by chance or accident or is really at the mercy of external causes. What things are inwardly, determines the course of even their most considerable changes; and timeless India being what she ...
... elsewhere [in the world]; whatever is not in the book does not exist anywhere [in the world]."* The work of these epics was to popularize through stories the discoveries of the great minds and souls of India: "That which was for the cultured classes contained in Veda and Upanishad, shut into profound philosophical aphorism and treatise or inculcated in Dharmashastra and Arthashastra, was put here... many-sided perfection. This urge, this aspiration is the sign of the soul. Gods are not thirsty. The human soul is. It searches for truth, freedom, unmixed bliss. It is that thirst, that aspiration that leads the soul in its voyage towards greater and greater lights. And this is the experience Damayanti seeks: the travel of the soul towards greater and greater perfection. It is why she chooses Nala.... questions, the story of Nala and Damayanti is considered an invaluable lesson in human life. There is nothing surprising in the fact that this story, like all those to be found in the ancient epics of India, contains great knowledge. The poets who wrote them did not intend merely to tell a tale in a beautiful or noble manner or to create an interesting poem, although they did this with great success. ...
... extending zealously her gains and her interests, dominating even Page 503 a large part of the world, but in this apparently magnificent progression forfeiting its Swadharma, losing its soul. Then ancient India and her spirit might disappear altogether and we would have only one more nation like the others and that would be a real gain neither to the world nor to us. There is a question whether she... reconstruction of the artificial British-made Presidencies and Provinces into natural divisions forming a new system, new and yet founded on the principle of diversity in unity attempted by ancient India. India, shut into a separate existence by the Himalayas and the ocean, has always been the home of a peculiar people with characteristics of its own recognisably distinct from all others, with its own... and architecture which yet succeeded in fitting into the general Indian type of civilisation and culture. India's history throughout has been marked by a tendency, a constant effort to unite all this diversity of elements into a single political whole under a central imperial rule so that India might be politically as well as culturally one. Even after a rift had been created by the irruption of the ...
... guarding and extending zealously her gains and her interests, dominating even a large part of the world, but in this apparently magnificent progression forfeiting its Swadharma, losing its soul. Then ancient India and her spirit might disappear altogether and we would have only one more nation like the others and that would be a real gain neither to the world nor to us. There is a question whether she... reconstruction of the artificial British-made Presidencies and Provinces into natural divisions forming a new system, new and yet founded on the principle of diversity in unity attempted by ancient India. India, shut into a separate existence by the Himalayas and the ocean, has always been the home of a peculiar people with characteristics of its own recognisably distinct from all others, with its own... and architecture which yet succeeded in fitting into the general Indian type of civilisation and culture. India's history throughout has been marked by a tendency, a constant effort to unite all this diversity of elements into a single political whole under a central imperial rule so that India might be politically as well as culturally one. Even after a rift had been created by the irruption of the ...
... background of India's illumined past in relation to the Aurobindonian future. Sri Aurobindo's Ashram stands in India. It is to India that the world has to turn to become Aurobindonian - and this is because India is always more than Indian and holds the best promise of being Aurobindonian. In our modernism and our eclecticism and our universalism let us not underrate the role and the soul of Mother... claims and capacities of the true soul whether in the Occident or the Orient, goes back only to the Vedas and the Upanishads and the Gita and the Tantra for his spiritual antecedents? He was himself more Westernised than any Indian of a comparable calibre - but he came to see, as soon as he plunged into the ocean of spiritual realisation, that nowhere except in India could there be the basis of a wo... No doubt, he has gone beyond all that traditional India has taught, but the hints and glints of his integral spirituality could be traced by him only in neglected or forgotten parts of old Indian scriptures. We are Aurobindonians and thus belong to the future and are more than Indians, but the time has not come yet to put the world on a par with India in spirituality and we Page 260 ...
... was a great relief, even though he was hard put to it to make both ends meet. He now began looking for a job, so that he might return to India. His heart and soul panted for the breath of his motherland. It is said that when Vivekananda was returning to India after his triumphal tour of Europe and America, somebody asked him: "Well, Swami, you have been so long in the midst of the pomp and glory... pestilence ?" The Swami replied at once, his words burning with the fire of his soul: "India has always been my darling, my adored mother; but now that I return to her after a pretty long sojourn in foreign countries, I feel that her very dust is sacred to me." So might Sri Aurobindo say on the eve of his return to India. He had been in England for fourteen years - long years of budding life, devoted... at heart a patriot who smarted under the predatory and repressive rule of the British Government in India. He began "sending The Bengali newspaper with passages marked relating cases of maltreatment of Indians by Englishmen and he wrote in his letters denouncing the British Government in India as a heartless Government." The feeling that had been haunting Sri Aurobindo that he had a part to play ...
... the vision of the nation can stand out in the centre of their consciousness and they are able to feel and perceive the invisible but mighty soul of Mother India. At the same time, patriotism will also teach them to recognise the soul of other nations, the soul of entire humanity, in particular, the spirit of one united family of humanity. We need to ensure that students of today and tomorrow understand... came to be seen as a life-belt, as the pilot, as the star of guidance. Sri Aurobindo also saw the necessity of Swaraj for the fulfilment of India's true role in the comity of nations. He wrote: India is the guru of the nations, the physician of the human soul in its profounder maladies; she is destined once more to new-mould the life of the world and restore the peace of the human spirit. But... demands the discovery of our national soul, — these and their immense implications would constitute a new message that should guide the formulation of value-oriented education. In that new system of education, in that new system of value-oriented education, the heritage of India, the heritage that has always inspired the higher aspirations and achievements in India must form an integral part. Philosophy ...
... guarding and extending zealously her gains and her interests, dominating even a large part of the world, but in this apparently magnificent progression forfeiting its Swadharma, losing its soul. Then ancient India and her spirit might disappear altogether and we would have only one more nation like the others and that would be a real gain neither to the world nor to us. There is a question whether she... inevitability of India's future independence and partly under American pressure to secure her support during the war, sent Sir Stafford Cripps to India in March, 1942, with a proposal for dominion status after the war, as a first step towards full independence. Sri Aurobindo sent Cripps the following message.) As one who has been a nationalist leader and worker for India's independence... 1946 (A remark to a disciple on India's political scene.) Out of all of them, Patel* is the only strong man. 131 ________________ * Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (1875-1950), who as India's Home Minister after Independence showed great firmness in negotiating the integration of the princely states, Kashmir's accession to India, and the merger of the Hyderabad state. ...
... being guilty of exaggeration or partisanship that nobody has built a metaphysical thought-structure as grand as the one in Sri Aurobindo's The Life Divine, or sounded the depths of the soul-culture of India as he has in his The Secret of the Veda and The Foundations of Indian Culture. His comprehensive writings on yoga, on the evolution of social and political institutions, on the de... Sri Aurobindo and the Dominant Intellectual Paradigms of our Age IN HIS centenary tribute to Sri Aurobindo, K.D. Sethna (Mother India, 1972) observed: "This age, seen in its many-sided whole, will show itself secretly Aurobindonian. Sri Aurobindo will stand out as its truth-source and truth-focus, its natural gatherer-up and... contribution to political and social thought, to psychology, to the discovery of the real meaning of the Vedas, to the philological studies of Indian languages, his luminous interpretations of India's past, his epoch- making contributions to Yoga, and to philosophy which offer the best framework for reconciling most of the antinomies of the East and the West, - none of these has created any ...
... its old-world grace: It is as if the very air, the very soil retained and conveyed, in the midst of all modernisation, the chiselled lucidity that was the soul of antique Hellas, the moulded mystery that was the soul of early India .7 So the pukka Cantab English and our own Aurobindonian English meet in the glowing morning twilight of a distance-conversation. The diction meets and... optimistic in the face of all the bleakness of the contemporary world must have gone into Raine's statement of hope that India will be the teacher of the world for a beautiful future, the beauty of external living, the beauty of the soul. As she wrote in Resurgence : India, notwithstanding the deep wounds inflicted on her by Westernisation, still embodies a spiritual dimension which is virtually... developed with the modern spirit. But here in India where the voice of the Vedic Rishis is still vibrant and "Ever we hear in the heart of the peril a flute go before us" -the flute of Sri Krishna sounding from an eternal Brindavan in the collective consciousness - and the revelatory rhythms of Sri Aurobindo's message, "Sight's sound-waves breaking from the soul's great deeps", are about us stronger than ...
... Keir Hardie and India About Unity More about Unity Caste and Representation About Unmistakable Terms The Surat Congress The Awakening of Gujarat Lala Lajpat Rai's Refusal The Soul and India's Mission ... Second Sight Graduated Boycott Nationalism, Not Extremism Shall India Be Free? The Loyalist Gospel Shall India Be Free? National Development and Foreign Rule Shall India Be Free? Shall India Be Free? Unity and British Rule Lala Lajpat Rai Deported Mr. Morley's... 1906. Many of them were not completed or published during Sri Aurobindo's lifetime. India Renascent. 1890 - 92. Written in a notebook used by Sri Aurobindo at Cambridge. New Lamps for Old with India and the British Parliament The ten articles comprising "India and the British Parliament" and were published anonymously in the Indu Prakash , a Marathi - English ...
... After Man, who? But the question is: After Man, how? To Robert Laffont my French publisher who dared to understand the future with gratitude February 29, 1992 To the million souls of India unknown to themselves unknowing of their own Treasure with my love infinite May 21, 1992 1 Evolution II A mighty child in the womb he is called the son of the body Rig-Veda... All that says no and resists stokes its furnace as Page 16 much as its prophets do. We are forced to recognize, as I did when I came back to India, that the “milieu” is not favorable, which means it is very favorable to something else. India also speaks of pralaya , the end of a world, but it is only the beginning of another: there were six “pralayas,” it is said, before our present Earth... present zoology, be it scientific or spiritual, appeared to me to be a sort of pretense with hideous caves and abysses, or else evanescent heights without future except for problematic heavens. True, India had more rational openings Page 15 to offer with her concept of rebirth: you walk on from life to life, growing, filling the gaps of the old failings with renewed courage, conquering the ...
... guarding and extending zealously her gains and her interests, dominating even a large part of the world, but in this apparently magnificent progression forfeiting its Swadharma, losing its soul. Then ancient India and her spirit might disappear altogether and we would have only one more nation like the others and that would be a real gain neither to the world nor to us. There is a question whether she... childhood and youth and now watched in their beginning of fulfilment, because they are relevant to the freedom of India, since they are a part of what I believe to be India's future work, something in which she cannot but take a leading position. For I have always held and said that India was arising, not to serve her own material interests only, to achieve expansion, greatness, power and prosperity... Such is the content which I put into this date of India's liberation; Page 32 whether or how far or. how soon this connection will be fulfilled, depends upon this new and free India. * THE FIFTEENTH OF AUGUST 1947 II August 15th, 1947 is the birthday of free India. It marks for her the end of an old era, the beginning of a new ...
... guarding and extending zealously her gains and her interests, dominating even a large part of the world, but in this apparently magnificent progression forfeiting its Swadharma, losing its soul. Then ancient India and her spirit might disappear altogether and we would have only one more nation like the others and that would be a real gain neither to the world nor to us.... This must not and will surely... openly intervened in a political issue which vitally affected India's future. Japan had entered the War in December 1941 and within three months, sweeping everything before her, had reached the gates of India. Realising the extreme gravity of the situation Churchill announced in March 1942 that he would be sending Sir Stafford Cripps to India as his personal envoy to negotiate with the Congress and Muslim... Dominion Status and with a constitution to be framed by India's own representatives after the War. When Sir Stafford Cripps came to India to work out the details, Sri Aurobindo welcomed the mission and on March 31 sent a message to him in the following terms: have heard your broadcast. As one who has been a nationalist leader and worker for India's independence, though now my activity is no longer in ...
... himself, one after another, so many of the souls who were touched by his light and were destined to be the standard-beares of his epoch-making spiritual work. When the "Rose of God" blooms can the bees tarry to flock and forgather? II Let us digress for a moment in order to peep into the flurried mind of the almighty British bureaucracy in India. Sri Aurobindo's second "An open... obscurity of the mind into a higher Consciousness. Other- wise the struggle and the tossings will never end and one will have only the illusion of doing something useful. Spirituality is the very soul of India's culture, and to revert to it and to let it remould and direct life is the only way to national resurgence. Page 424 The Mother and Sri Aurobindo, 1950... at that time much interested in spiritual thought and practice, and he found an opportunity for coming to India. He wished to stand as a candidate for election as a representative of French India in the French Parliament. In those days there used to be two elected representatives of French India - one in the Upper Chamber, the Sénat, the other in the Lower House, the Chambre des Deputes.... "The ...
... sthūla, the sūksma and the kārana śarīra, the gross, subtle and causal bodies respectively. The reality of the soul of the nation was infinitely more important than the body or its apparent life-currents. It needed a Yogi and a Rishi to see this soul-truth about India and embody it in the mantra "Bande Mataram". From Amraoti to Nagpur, where Sri Aurobindo delivered three lectures, on "The... dimension that politics had acquired: The political strife has assumed a religious character, and the question now before the people is whether India - the India of the holy Rishis, the India that gave birth to a Rama, a Krishna and a Buddha, the India of Shivaji and Guru Gobinda - is destined for ever to lie prostrate at the proud feet of a conqueror. 21 And in a later essay, the Bande... England's connection with India.* The mischief had been largely the handiwork of these administrators in India, unthinkable *And in l947, it was a Labour Government, headed by Clement Attlee, that conceded independence to India (and Pakistan) on 15 August. Page 260 perversions of what had once been Englishmen! Need we be surprised now that all Anglo-India, all the higher echelons ...
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