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English [245]
A Captive of Her Love [1]
A Centenary Tribute [1]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [2]
A National Agenda for Education [1]
A Vision of United India [1]
Adventures in Criticism [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [2]
Ambu's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Among the Not So Great [1]
Ancient India in a New Light [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [3]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
Bande Mataram [2]
Beyond Man [1]
Blake's Tyger [4]
By The Way - Part II [1]
By The Way - Part III [2]
Champaklal's Treasures [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [1]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Collected Poems [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [7]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [5]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [1]
Early Cultural Writings [2]
Education For Character Development [1]
Education and the Aim of human life [1]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Essays Divine and Human [1]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [2]
Essays on the Gita [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [2]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [8]
Evolving India [1]
Hitler and his God [9]
In the Mother's Light [2]
India's Rebirth [4]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [3]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Karmayogin [2]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Letters on Poetry and Art [2]
Letters on Yoga - I [2]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
My Burning Heart [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On Education [1]
On Savitri [1]
On The Mother [3]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [3]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [4]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [2]
Preparing for the Miraculous [4]
Problems of Early Christianity [13]
Questions and Answers (1954) [1]
Questions and Answers (1956) [1]
Reminiscences [2]
Some Answers from the Mother [1]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [3]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [3]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [1]
Sri Rama [1]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [2]
Talks on Poetry [5]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [5]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [4]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Crucifixion [6]
The Destiny of the Body [1]
The Future Poetry [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [2]
The Inspiration of Paradise Lost [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Mind Of The Cells [1]
The Mother (biography) [4]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [2]
The Poetic Genius of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [1]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [2]
The Renaissance in India [3]
The Revolt Of The Earth [1]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [1]
The Sunlit Path [1]
The Thinking Corner [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 3 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 4 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [1]
Towards A New Society [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [1]
Words of Long Ago [4]
Words of the Mother - III [1]
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English [245]
A Captive of Her Love [1]
A Centenary Tribute [1]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [2]
A National Agenda for Education [1]
A Vision of United India [1]
Adventures in Criticism [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [2]
Ambu's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Among the Not So Great [1]
Ancient India in a New Light [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [3]
Autobiographical Notes [1]
Bande Mataram [2]
Beyond Man [1]
Blake's Tyger [4]
By The Way - Part II [1]
By The Way - Part III [2]
Champaklal's Treasures [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [1]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Collected Poems [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [7]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [5]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [1]
Early Cultural Writings [2]
Education For Character Development [1]
Education and the Aim of human life [1]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Essays Divine and Human [1]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [2]
Essays on the Gita [1]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [4]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [2]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [8]
Evolving India [1]
Hitler and his God [9]
In the Mother's Light [2]
India's Rebirth [4]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [3]
Isha Upanishad [1]
Karmayogin [2]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [1]
Letters on Poetry and Art [2]
Letters on Yoga - I [2]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 2) [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
My Burning Heart [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On Education [1]
On Savitri [1]
On The Mother [3]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [3]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [4]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [2]
Preparing for the Miraculous [4]
Problems of Early Christianity [13]
Questions and Answers (1954) [1]
Questions and Answers (1956) [1]
Reminiscences [2]
Some Answers from the Mother [1]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [3]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [2]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [3]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [1]
Sri Rama [1]
Sudhir Kumar Sarkar: A Spirit Indomitable [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [2]
Talks on Poetry [5]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [5]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [4]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Crucifixion [6]
The Destiny of the Body [1]
The Future Poetry [1]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [2]
The Inspiration of Paradise Lost [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Mind Of The Cells [1]
The Mother (biography) [4]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [2]
The Poetic Genius of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [1]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [2]
The Renaissance in India [3]
The Revolt Of The Earth [1]
The Role of South India in the Freedom Movement [1]
The Sunlit Path [1]
The Thinking Corner [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 3 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 4 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 7 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [1]
Towards A New Society [1]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [1]
Words of Long Ago [4]
Words of the Mother - III [1]

The Bible : the main written source of the life history of Jesus Christ is divided into two parts: the Old Testament & New Testament. The first, compiled in Hebrew from 13th to 1st century BC, contains 39 books (which are also Jewish scriptures) with a supplement of 14 books known as the Apocrypha. The second was written probably in Greek during the 1st century AD. No original manuscripts of either survived. The first Latin translation-version of the whole Bible was done in the 4th century by St. Jerome (c.347-419?), the Father of the Catholic Church. The first English translation-version of the New Testament done in 1382 & followed by many others – the chief among them is the Authorized or King James Bible of 1611. Controversies on the inerrancy of the Bible led the Roman Catholic Church to insist that only her interpretations published as notes on the text in its various editions are authentic, while the Protestants claim that individuals have Right to interpret it as they read it. Sri Aurobindo: The letter of the Scripture binds & confuses, as the apostle of Christianity warned his disciples when he said that the letter killeth & it is the spirit that saves [for it] is only a verbal form of the inner self-luminous Reality which, being the infinite Truth is greater than its word…. Take all the Scriptures that are or have been, Bible & Koran, & the books of the Chinese, Veda & Upanishads & Purana & Tantra & Shāstra & the Gita itself & the sayings of thinkers & sages, prophets & Avatars, still you shall not say that there is nothing else or that the truth your intellect cannot find there is not true because you cannot find it there…. Heard or unheard before, that always is the truth which is seen by the heart of man in its illumined depths or heard within from the Master of all knowledge, the Knower of the eternal Veda. [SABCL Vol.13:86]

245 result/s found for The Bible

... itself can help us understand the Bible better. All are aware that Sri Aurobindo has re-interpreted the Veda, the Upanishad and the Gita and brings out their inner significance fully and comprehensively than ever before. One wishes he had re-interpreted at least portions of the Bible. But a study of Savitri does seem to make at least one great Book of the Bible, perhaps the most spiritual of... what they have in the original, sometimes even beyond recognition. The term "God's covenant", a frequent expression in the Old Testament of the Bible, for example, undergoes a sea-change when Sri Aurobindo employs it in Savitri. In the Bible the term is used with reference to God's compact with the Israelites who were considered as God's chosen people. Sri Aurobindo speaks of" God's covenant... Scripture including the Veda and the Gita. What the Bible does is to anticipate, however distantly, something of the experience. In his Problems of Early Christianity, Amal Kiran quotes from St. Paul and shows how there is such an anticipation. To the extent there is, it becomes relevant to our brief study of the relationship between the Bible and Savitri. After quoting from the Epistles of ...

... Virginal Conception (pp. 19-20): "As we have said, the Second Vatican Council reversed a tendency of applying inerrancy to almost every aspect of the Bible and applied it only in a very general way.... The recognition that the Bible can be fallible as regards details of historical accuracy is very important for the logic of our discussions in this book. For instance, we shall see that... Aurobindo and ancient tradition, my position is that the great 'revelations' of the past are fundamental. In a sense we can never go beyond what has been revealed in the Vedas, the Buddhist scriptures, the Bible and the Koran. But we can have ever new insights into the value and significance of these scriptures. For me Sri Aurobindo brought a new and profound insight into the understanding of the Vedic revelation... position you adopt at the start of your letter: "...the great 'revelations' of the past are fundamental. In a sense we can never go beyond what has been revealed in the Vedas, the Buddhist scriptures, the Bible and the Koran. But we can have ever new insights into the value and significance of these scriptures. For me Sri Aurobindo brought a new and profound insight into the understanding Page 48 ...

... after their death, so that one can speak of a difference between these men as they were in history and as they are in the popular evaluation."   According to Brown, 28 "the recognition that the Bible can be fallible as regards details of historical accuracy is very important" for "discussions" like those in his book. He offers instances of how the new outlook would work. One of them is relevant... consent, any exegete to regard time-hallowed episodes in the NT as fictitious if grounds could be provided for doubt. His introductory pronouncement 54 in this connection is worth heeding: "Within the Bible are historical writings of varying degrees of accuracy, poems epic and lyrical, sermons, letters, parables, fiction, etc. As the Constitution on Divine Revelation of Vatican II insisted (Dei Verbum... any other book (New Testament Introduction, London: Nelson; New York: Herder & Herder, 1958, p. 198). Page 152 standards; and so, sweeping statements about the inerrancy of the Bible are inapplicable. Biblical fiction and parable (books like Judith, Esther, Jonah) remain fiction and parable even though the composition was inspired by God; inspiration does not turn fiction and ...

... violently? A description of a school period by a contemporary of his should give a clear indication: Every day the first period was devoted to reading the Bible. We began at the place where we had left off the day before until we had "finished" the Bible. Then we immediately restarted at the first word of the first book of Genesis and continued through to the last word of the Revelation of John. Thus... struck a few times with the cane. For us the Bible was no more than a reader which was only of interest to us because with its help we could show how well and quickly we were able to read. The contents were mostly incomprehensible to us, especially to the children who spoke dialect; moreover we did not pay much attention to the contents. Of course, we knew the Bible was God's word; but we did not really... understand what Page 272 that meant. For us the title-page, the prefaces, and the chapter headings were equally God's word because they were in the Bible, and if the bookbinder had felt like binding another book in with the Bible we would not have doubted but that it was equally God's word. The cruelty of the schoolmasters, the severity of the discipline have possibly been exaggerated ...

... A : Yes, it is the realization of the original creative impulse, of the creative Truth. There are many sayings in the Bible that express profound spiritual experience. But it does not seem to have been understood in the right sense by the followers. First of all, the Bible is not the expression of Christ's personal experience. This is one difficulty. We know it should be 90 % authentic because... of man and his problem, and the universe, in language." Then we would have been satisfied that we have an authentic exposition. So, with regard to the the Bible the one great difficulty is that the authenticity of Page 123 the Bible, so far as it concerns the responsibility of Christ, is certainly in doubt. We take it as an honest attempt and accept it as true; but it is so piecemeal... toward that Light, thereby explaining the individual and the collective life of man—these things are lacking. What I have seen is that the modern mind is faced with so many different problems that the Bible though a great revelation in a certain sense, does not satisfy it to-day. This is one great advantage of Sri Aurobindo. He does not require a commentator. If you can go to the original the ...


... two in Ramses II (1304-1238 B.C.) who enslaved the Jews to build the store-cities of Raamses and Pithom leading to the Exodus in c. 1294 B.C. This leaves Ramses II living for 46 years more, whereas the Bible states that the oppressive Pharaoh died before Moses returned to Egypt. On the other hand, if the Exodus occurred in the reign of his successor Merneptah and the Jews wandered for 40 years en ... mummies of both Pharaohs have been found, how can either be the one who was drowned in the yam suf in the miraculous parting of the waters?   Sethna alone points out that nowhere does the Bible say that it was the Pharaoh who went into the sea. It was his horse and horsemen, while he rode in a chariot. Sethna conclusively demolishes F. Mayani's special pleading, showing how he distorts the... first in southern Egypt (usually called Upper Egypt), then shifting northwards to Middle Egypt and concluding in Lower (northern) Egypt. That is why the Israelites have to range far and wide, says the Bible, to gather stubble. Goshen, with its rich alluvial clay is ideal for brick-making.   Sethna, the Devil's Advocate par excellence , now asks: "But is there any Egyptian evidence of this when ...


... many versions in English of the Bible. The one chosen for this essay employs modern English rather than older versions which use archaic spellings and grammar. The Bible is the only source of the events as well as words of both Jesus and Moses. Modern scholarship and archaeological research are making attempts to clarify as many points as possible. However, it is the Bible which has been the foundation... There is no mistaking the fact that the Bible has been considered to be the absolute truth, the Word of God, for much of its existence. And in consideration of this history, the present essay has been written as if this were the case. That is, regardless of the doubts and problems raised by modern scholarship and one's own personal faith, this essay treats the Bible as if it were the truth. Page... basic theology of all of Christianity is based on the Nicene Creed, each sect of Christianity interprets the Bible somewhat differently. The present essay does its best to avoid any interpretation and discusses only the actual passages, descriptions and sayings of Jesus and Moses found in the Bible. For this reason, although the term "Christ" is explained, Jesus himself is only referred to as "Jesus" ...


... permitted us, at the end of the day’s labour, to read books. Nagendra who had asked for the Gita had been given the Bible instead. In the witness box he would tell me of his feelings on reading the Bible. Nagendra hadn’t read the Gita but I noticed with surprise that instead of speaking about the Bible he was expressing the inner sense of the Gita’s verse — once in a while it even appeared as if the sublime... sublime and divine statements of Krishna at Kurukshetra were coming out of the same lotus lips of Vasudeva in the Alipore dock. Without reading the Gita to be able to realise in the Bible the spirit of equality, renunciation of the desire for fruit, to see the Divine in all things, etc., is the index of a not negligible inner life or spiritual capacity, s ādhan ā . Dharani was not as intelligent as Nagendra ...

... Cf. S. Foster Damon: "...the works of Milton influenced Blake more than any other book except the Bible" ("Blake and Milton" in The Divine Vision, Studies in the Poetry and Art of William Blake, edited by Vivian de Sola Pinto [London], 1957, p. 95). Also Northrop Frye: "Blake...was brought upon the Bible and on Milton" ("Blake After Two Centuries", op. cit., p. 62). Page 53 gous... 4 The Miltonic Basis of the Poem (a) Paradise Lost is called by Bernard Blackstone 1 "a poem which influenced Blake more than anything outside the Bible itself." 2 And critics have noted three kinds of influence by Milton's epic on The Tyger. We may take these as our starting-point. But before we do so a few words will be in place on how the poem... is a direct anticipation of Blake - the bringing together of divine seeing and work and approval - except that Blake casts his line into the form of a query with an undertone of doubt. Milton, not the Bible, is Blake's source. And a more specific Miltonic colour is perceived on our remembering that in Paradise Lost God as Christ the Son is the Creator: 41 Christ's seeing and work and approval are ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... some clarity in the confusion should be worth our while. Creationism Creationism is the belief that the world originated through an act of God as described in the Bible, a collection of books holy to the early Hebrew tribes. The Bible was, and still is, a sacred text of three major religions – in historical order: Judaism, Christianity and Islam – although in each religion it has been complemented... geology and paleontology. Religious scientists who accept creation as truth “no more think alike than do evolutionists.” There are the literalists, for whom everything happened exactly as written in the Bible. Their belief is called “the young Earth interpretation” because it holds that the creation of the Earth, and all things on it, happened not more than a few thousand years ago. The Anglican archbishop... who writes: “Only the revelation and incarnation [of Christ] allow us to discover what is the ultimate aim of the creation.” The creation was not complete in the beginning, as one might infer from the Bible, for it cannot be completed without Christ. “In Christ is the meaning of the creation and he realizes in himself the final goal of it. … The aim of creation is the divinization of the human being ...

... and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age." (Matt 28:19-20) Page 113 —The Bible Basically the Bible consists of the sacred writings of the Jews (The Old Testament) and those of the Christians (The New Testament). For Christianity, much of the Old Testament is considered relevant, p... his own original teachings, these will have been the stuff out of which Jesus created much of his teaching and his preaching. Since the story of Jesus is told entirely in The New Testament of the Bible, it is very important that we understand that book. Of course, at the time of Jesus' ministry, there was only The Old Testament or the Hebrew Bible. Although the New Testament's history is very complex... book is then further divided into chapter and verse. This organisation of book-chapter-verse was continued and carried over to the writing of the New Testament as we find it today. References to the Bible in this essay has been made according to this organization. Genesis, the first book, tells the story of the Creation of the Universe and the World, including the story of Adam and Eve in the ...


... the Roman Empire. This organization, because of its hierarchical structure and its faith, survived the collapse of the Empire and became the dominant institution in the Middle Ages. Its holy book, the Bible , was supposed to be the Word of God and therefore indubitable truth, together with its interpretations by the Church Fathers. What remained of the former Greek and Roman culture was used as a source... which disdained life on Earth and supported its dogmatic affirmations with a literature from bygone times, outmoded despite being declared the eternal Word of God. It seems rather paradoxical that the Bible throughout the history of Christianity remained intertwined with the “heathen” literature and philosophy of the ancient Greeks and Romans. The Renaissance brought these classical treasures to the... any human – led inevitably to the decline of the angry and vengeful God of the Hebrews, whom Christ’s Father of Love had not succeeded in replacing. Moreover, experts now investigated the text of the Bible with the same objectivity as they examined any other text, and found numerous surprisingly human features in the “Word of God.” This, and the increasing resistance against the very human and corrupt ...

... heavy and rough across them before death on the cross. A narrow incision is to be seen in the right side and the sign of a spike driven through both the feet.   Enthusiastic students of the Bible at once drew parallels between this report and the Gospel accounts and the Shroud was taken to be the linen in which the body of Jesus was said to have been wrapped after the crucifixion. The past... popular Christianity puts forth. Thus it is the only Gospel which mentions nails as having been used in the crucifixion. As the Roman Catholic authority John L. McKenzie says in his Dictionary of the Bible, 1 the fastening of a condemned man's limbs to the cross was done either by ropes or by nails. Nowhere in Matthew, Mark or Luke do we have a reference to either ropes or nails. Only in John do we... proclamation of Cardinal Belestrero in tune with the laboratories of Switzerland, England and the U.S.A. Page 79 References   1. John L. McKenzie, Dictionary of the Bible (Bangalore: Indian Edition by Asian Trading Corporation, 1984), p. 162, col. 1. 2.  Ibid., p. 110, col. 2. 3. Raymond E. Brown, Biblical Exegesis and Christian Doctrine (London: ...

... Marechal and the indivisibility envisaged by Teilhard of Christ's role as saviour of evolution and as saviour of souls, we may define Teilhard's own broad position vis-a-vis the Bible and the Roman Church. For, the Bible as the scripture of the Cosmic Christ and the Church as his instrument, had to Teilhard   17.Teilhard de Chardin; The Man and His Meaning, p. 147, 18.Letter... other functions than those which orthodoxy primarily claims for them. Rideau 22 confesses:   "Teilhard does not seem to have paid much attention to the purifying and illuminating influence of the Bible. In fact he seldom uses the word. He was content to take a number of passages - not many, but admittedly of capital importance -from the New Testament to confirm his theory of the convergence ...

... this is not without amusement. As you know, Mrs. Drewett was a very orthodox Christian and she used to hold prayers at home with readings from the Bible. At times the eldest brother Benoybhusan, had to perform this duty. One day, before their dinner, the Bible reading had just finished when Manmohan, in a mood of exasperation and mischief, cried out: 'This fellow Moses was rightly served when his people... but at the same time it would be true to say that he was largely self-taught. As the young boy grew up, his studies covered a wide field: poetry, literature, history; Shakespeare, Shelley and the Bible were his habitual companions. Shelley's 'Revolt of Islam' pleased him a lot, although as he said later, much of it was then not intelligible to him but the vision of freedom from tyranny and injustice ...


... from the book Deuteronomy is here quoted from Sam Harris’ The End of Faith . Lots of passages from Deuteronomy and other books constituting the Bible are ready ammunition for use by the anti-religious, not entirely without justification, for the Bible has provided, in the West, the religious and moral inspiration for centuries. Another easily accessible provision of anti-religious ammunition... Like so many other concepts in the Christian religion, the mental idea of ‘God’ is, in itself, confused and contradictory. Arthur Lovejoy called “the word ‘God’ in the last degree ambiguous.” In the Bible we find at least three different kinds of God: the tribal terrible, jealous and vengeful Yahweh, the metaphysical God of the prophets, and the loving God, the Father, of Jesus Christ. To these quite ...

... our study shows. Russi Mody, India's most charismatic corporate leader, believes that the leader's main source of strength lies in human relationships. He says, 'The Bible is the only book on modern management that I have read. The Bible contains the wisdom of the Ten Commandments. Two of the commandments are: A) Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. B) Love thy neighbour as thyself..... aim of life). We have a scientific terrestrial aim of life and we have a text from Einstein called The World as I see it. As far as the Supra-terrestrial is concerned, we have taken a text from the Bible, the text from the' Sermon on the Mount' and also from the Koran. And then for Supracosmic, we have taken a text from the Dhammapada and a text from Shankaracharya, his Vivekacudamani. We ...

... whereafter they arranged them in a systematic manner. That is why the Veda is no human creation. The staunch Hindus subscribe to this view. Can we look upon the Vedas as the Christians look upon the Bible and the Mohammedans the Koran? All the epi­thets that we apply to the Vedas are equally applied by the Christians and the Mohammedans to their respective holy scriptures. And it is no wonder that... enquiry. It is quite surprising that very few people in India have any acquaintance with the Vedas. Most have not been fortunate enough even to have a glimpse of this mighty work. But the fate of the Bible has been otherwise in Europe. The common run of people in India were satisfied with the Ramayana, the Mahabharata and the Puranas. And the learned few concerned themselves with the Upanishads and... fount of the civilisation and culture of Hindu India? If the Veda were nothing save nursery rhymes and the like, then how could it exert a lasting influence on our minds and life through centuries? The Bible and the Koran contain some eternal truths beneficial to the life and conduct of men for all time. But according to the naturalistic interpretation of the Western scholars and the sacrificial explanation ...

... and ethical and social and political teaching, and their effect and hold on the mind and life of the people have been so great that they have been described as the bible of the Indian people. That is not quite an accurate analogy, for the bible of the Indian people contains also the Veda and Upanishads, the Purana and Tantras and the Dharmashastras, not to speak of a large bulk of the religious poetry ...


... that we may regard poetry as the very first self-expression of man. Do you know what the first words of Adam to Eve were in the Garden of Eden? According to the Bible, Eve was created from one of Adam's ribs while he was asleep. What the Bible forgets to tell us is that as soon as he woke up and found her in front of him he bowed and introduced himself to her with the couplet: Madam, I'm Adam ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... Blake's poem merely depicts with a mythopoeic vision and with an emotion of fascinated religious terror the war which Christian tradition tells us to have been waged in Heaven. The last book in the Bible, The Revelation of St. John the Divine, has the passage: "And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not;... Second Person of the Trinity and God the First? Although essentially one, may not the two Persons have a difference of degree in practical functioning? Do not the words of the incarnate Jesus of the Bible imply the essential unity and yet this difference again and again? Let us listen to some of his sayings. "I and my Father are one" 27 - "thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee" 28 - "All things ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... occupied. The creationist theory of evolution budded into several variants: literalist, short-term and long-term, with some more theories composed according to the idiosyncratic interpretation of the Bible by their inspired authors. Then there was orthogenesis, which held that evolution was the work of an inner driving force. And Lamarckism and neo-Lamarckism were intertwined or confused with natural... the theorists with a gradually increasing complexity which suggested transformation, and of which the relationships could be “descent with modification.” It was also the time that the myths of the Bible, which had become an integral part of the mental implementation of the Western world, could at last be openly put into question, albeit not yet without risk. The medieval, Catholic paradigm could ...

... according to the Mother's wish. During the work she encouraged me. But I never felt easy with my work, because it was not my real work. I was given numerous clippings from newspapers and psalms from the Bible—in extremely small print. I had to type forty to fifty pages, whose sense I could hardly understand. The idea of the organisers was to adopt the theory of Vinoba Bhave to go from place to place and... Consciousness. My soul disagreed. I informed the Mother. Yet she insisted that I should continue my work. Then I went to her and gave concrete reasons why I wanted to leave the work. I showed her the Bible and told her: Mother, first unity is to be formed in one's being, then among co¬workers: after that in the Ashram and in the town, gradually in India and finally in the world. The Mother understood ...


... Communist. ( silence ) Page 304 Are they militant Protestants in that hospital? Oh, yes! There are big signs everywhere in the rooms: "He died for our sins," and verses from the Bible all over the place. Oh! They are Protestants through and through. You can hear religious chants all the time.... ( after a silence ) Those Protestants are much worse than the Catholics... did she? There's even a Bible in one corner.... No, no, no question of having that removed! In her room! Yes. And when you were ill there, did they put a Bible? No, I didn't see the Bible, but there was also a sign (I forget what). They propagandize. Oh, yes, of course. ( long silence ) Is there nothing, no work? Do you have anything? Page 307 V. has again ...


... Aurobindo, because of some vague unease, with that line from his poem Musa Spiritus: "All make tranquil, all make free." Somehow I had to pass through what the Bible terms "the Valley of the Shadow" (luckily not "of Death", as the Bible has it) before my appeal was answered.   It seems rather relevant in the cardiac context to note the whole stanza from which I had culled that line. It runs: ...


... which baby Moses had been left on a river's bank. This gave me the approximate date of the birth of Moses. From it I could work out all the other necessary dates according to the numbers given by the Bible. This series of dates differed by nearly a century and a half from the chronology currently accepted by scholars and even by the State of Israel - with small variations here and there. That chronology... Albright. So I was faced with the job of demolishing him in favour of the scheme inspired by the Mother. Just the fact that he was the great Panjandrum in this sphere made me feel like the war-horse in the Bible neighing "Ha-ha" at the smell of the Page 178 battlefield. "The fascination of what's difficult", as Yeats puts it in a poem, drove me on through months and months of close study ...


... 169. 3.Letter to the author, dated 4.1.1957. 4. C. 270 B.C. (The Concise Oxford Dictionary, 1952, p. 1135). Page 258 "Only at a later stage of the Books of the Bible did the word Yāvān accept the meaning 'Greeks'. Thus in the Book of Joel IV, 6: 'And you have sold the sons of Jerusalem to the sons of Yāvān', the Septuagint translates the last phrase by 'Tois... there' (tammāh), towards the West - of this famous route. One knows that the name of Tadmor appears in the cuneiform texts, about the beginning of the second millennium B.C., that it figures in the Bible, that Tadmor (or Palmyra) knew in the Hellenistic epoch and finally in the Roman epoch an extremely prosperous period. It is surely a little surprising, at first glance, to encounter this name in ...


... out of the question.   The limitation under which the missions of Jesus worked is borne out even by the travels of St. Paul who made himself the champion of preaching to the Gentiles. As the Bible testifies, he preached to the Thessalonians, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Romans - all strictly the people of the regions contained within the Roman Empire under... of as having had an eye on a country as distant as India.   Another equally strong argument against an Indian mission is in Mr. Vedanthan's statement: "There are plenty of references in the Bible to show that the disciples of Jesus expected him to come again and usher in the Messianic Kingdom any moment into Jerusalem." No doubt, as the Scripture says, the exact hour and day are known only ...

... 13 So faith, hope, love abide,* these three; but the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:1-13) The word Love has so many meanings and shades of meanings that when translating the Bible from Greek into English, the translators came upon the word agape, which has been ___________ *abide: to always dwell in a place or in one's heart/mind. Page 26 translated... very nature of this person, Jesus himself. Conflict and debate continued (often of an angry and vicious kind), since varying positions on major theological issues can all equally find support in the Bible. Where these divisions have been translated into Church life and politics, they frequently led to animosities, wars and persecutions among Christians which have made a mockery of the early description ...


... and ethical and social and political teaching, and their effect and hold on the mind and life of the people have been so great that they have been described as the bible of the Indian people. That is not quite an accurate analogy, for the bible of the Indian people contains also the Veda and Upanishads, the Purana and Tantras and the Dharmashastras, not to speak of a large bulk of the religious poetry ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... given to it is Indian the essen­tial spirit is Christian and he may not be exactly Christ but at any rate he comes in continuation of the same movement. He is largely influenced by Tolstoi and the Bible and by Jainism in his preachings ; at any rate, more than by the Indian scriptures – the Upanishads or the Gita which he interprets in the light of his own ideas. Disciple : Many educated... consciousness, or whatever you like to call it. There is the recorded instance of the servant girl of a famous French scholar of Hebrew. She used to hear, while at work, her master repeating the Bible in Hebrew. To her it was meaningless gibberish. Then Page 235 when she was in an abnormal condition she repeated her master's speech exactly, with the same accents and without ...

... he thought: "All right, let me test him. Let me see what his intentions are." So one day, on a table, he placed a bottle of alcohol, a wad of hundred rupee notes, a pistol and a copy of the Bible. He placed them in the room in such a way that the boy would see them immediately on entering. And he hid himself to spy on the boy. From what he picked up he would know about the boy's future. ... pocket. Then he took the pistol and put it in another pocket. The gentleman now thought to himself: "So the boy will end up a brigand and a swindler!" After this he saw the boy pick up the Bible, place it under his arm and go out of the room. The gentleman now exclaimed: "Ah! now I see. My boy will neither be a drunkard nor a swindler and a brigand. He will be a pucca politician ...

... unconnected, if not opposed and mutually contradictory of each other. The place of knowledge is taken by faith or belief stripped of any reason for the belief. The average Christian believes that the Bible is God's book, but ordinarily he does not consider anything in God's book binding on him in practice except to believe in God and go to Church once a week; the rest is only meant for the exceptionally... India and Europe, we may fix the genuine minimum of religion at this,—to know God, to love and to serve him. The Europeans think that to fear God is a noble part of religion, forgetting the dictum of the Bible that perfect love casteth out fear and that the devils also believe and tremble. Perfect knowledge, perfect service also cast out fear. One may know, love and serve God as the Master, Lover, Friend ...


... figure of great beauty and holiness who embraced him and disappeared into his body, causing an ecstatic trance. Later he asked his disciples what the Bible had to say about the physical features of Jesus. They replied: "Sir, we have not seen it written in the Bible anywhere; but born a Jew, he must have been very fair in complexion with long eyes and aquiline nose to be sure." Ramakrishna answered: "But ...

... col. 1, note e. 66.  Ibid., p. 333. 67.  The Virginal Conception. .., p. 87. 68. Bernhard W. Anderson, Rediscovering the Bible, pp. 212-13. 69. The Jerusalem Bible, The New Testament, p. 307, col. 2, note e. 70.  Rediscovering the Bible, p. 212 & fn. 1. 71. The Jerusalem Bible, The New Testament, p. 309, col. 1, note 1. 72.  Ibid., p. 255. 73. Giinther ...

... order to change it. The elaborate biblical picture of Christ is taken as an illustration. The Son of God comes as the Son of Man to drink the bitter cup. This is a direct echo of Christ's words in the Bible with the symbolism that is at once obvious. Jesus undergoes intense agony not long before the great sacrifice. The cause of this agony is Man's callousness, denial, betrayal. The phrase... reveals his Infinity to Job. "Once Job sees the Lord with his own eyes, there is neither pain nor grief. It is possible that a study of Savitri could throw at least some light on other portions of the Bible as it can on other Scriptures." This is so because Savitri is a Scripture that includes, and transcends, the essence of all other Scriptures. 10: The epic Savitri is a wonderful piece of ...

... heavenly ascending and descending, never separated from each other but at the same time clearly distinguished in the nature of their manifestation. This may be illustrated with a story from the Bible. Jacob, who was named Israel by the angel of God and whose name today the Jewish State bears, had a wondrous mystical dream. 5 He saw a ladder that reached from Earth to Heaven, and he saw the... The Way of Life There are two ways to see life: First, life is a test to please the Providence, to prove one's goodness by overcoming evil and as a result winning the Kingdom of God. In the Bible we read several 27 Savitri, p. 402. Page 316 instances where God tests His chosen ones. He tests Abraham, when he is already old and his wife advanced in age and unable ...

... support of his new construing of the Bible and his rejection of papal claims. In his 1523 pamphlet, On the Fact that Christ was born a Jew, he argued that there was now no reason at all why they should not embrace Christ, and foolishly looked forward to a voluntary mass conversion. When the Jews retorted that the Talmud conveyed an even better understanding of the Bible than his own, and reciprocated ...


... schools of Gnosticism; according to the gnostic myths, souls (sparks of the Divine) get lost in the world of the Ignorance and can only be saved by a redeemer who reminds them of their origin. In the Bible, Satan (originally the Angel of Light) revolts against God and becomes the devil. The Mother herself has more than once told the same story in its complete form: the four attributes of the Divine... divided into two: the greater part, where all worlds and levels of existence were perfect heavens, and the nether part, ruled by the blind god (by the Gnostics also identified with the Yahweh of the Bible), and where there is ignorance, suffering and death. Sometimes souls, sparks of the divine, happen to fall into the nether world, the material hemisphere. Recovery from the fallen state can only be ...

... it the ideas of his mind, prefers the desires of his vital being and the habits of his physical. I don't know how many of you have read the Bible; it is not very entertaining to read it, and besides, it is very long, but still, Page 161 in the Bible there is a story I have always liked very much. There were two brothers, if I am not mistaken, Esau and Jacob. Well, Esau was very hungry ...


... prefers to it the ideas of his mind, prefers the desires of his vital being and the habits of his physical. I don't know how many of you have read the Bible; it is not very entertaining to read it, and besides, it is very long, but still, in the Bible there is a story I have always liked very much. There were two brothers, if I am not mistaken, Esau and Jacob. Well, Esau was very hungry, that's the ...


... physical preoccupations, is to bear evidence of a remarkable spirit. Source Esau and Jacob I don't know how many of you have read the Bible; it is not very entertaining to read it, and besides, it is very long, but still, in the Bible there is a story I have always liked very much. There were two brothers, if I am not mistaken, Esau and Jacob. Well, Esau was very hungry, that's the ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... way every one has established idol-worship. He has criticized the Arya Samaj but why not criticize Mahomedan-ism ? His statement is adulatory of the Koran and of Christianity which is idolatry of the Bible, Christ and the Cross. Man is hardly able to do without externals and only a few will go to the kernel. August 17, 1924 (A few months earlier, Gandhi had sent his son Devadas to Pondicherry... is Indian the essential spirit is Christian. He may not be Christ, but at any Page 175 rate he comes in continuation of the same impulsion. He is largely influenced by Tolstoy, the Bible, and has a strong Jain tinge in his teachings; at any rate more than by the Indian scriptures—the Upanishads or the Gita which he interprets in the light of his own ideas. Many educated ...


... part refers, of course, to the common unredeemed world with its constituents ruled by an established universal Law. The first part alludes to another facet of the same condition, as is obvious from the Bible itself when Jesus speaks of John the Baptist who, for all Page 44 his greatness, is shown by Luke (1:13) to be the product of Zechariah's marital relations with Elisabeth. Luke puts... there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist..." Matthew (11:11) has, almost verbatim, an identical report of Jesus's pronouncement. Paul's two expressions are invariably associated in the Bible with natural humanity. To St. Paul the birth of Jesus was like that of any other man. But, even granting that there is scriptural authority for something extraordinary happening to Mary's body, how ...


... only to the darkening of the light. Sri Aurobindo was an evolutionist and optimist & I hope he may be right, but the possibility of a different outcome looks very real. And so it is foretold in the Bible, the Koran and other Islamic texts, I understand, and in the Mahabharata, most vividly. (19.4.1989) From Kathleen Raine You keep me hard at work. I have now read most of the "Two... interpreted Englishly: they SAT and SANG. I incline to look upon them and others of their kind in all parts of the globe not as desperate fighters for a lost cause in a time which, according to "the Bible, the Koran and other Islamic texts" as welt as the Hindu Mahabharata, is the beginning of the end, a Gotterdammerung, a Pralaya, a universal holocaust. I look upon them as scattered harbingers ...

... history, Page 5 etc. Mrs. Drewett taught him geography, arithmetic and French. As he was studying at home he had plenty of time to read books according to his own taste, including the Bible, Shakespeare, Shelley and Keats. He not only read poetry but wrote verses for Fox's Weekly, even at that early age. It 'seems he did not play any games, except cricket, which he tried once without... gives us the reason for changing his residence from 49, St. Stephen's Avenue to 128, Cromwell Road. Mrs. Drewett was a pious Christian and every day there used to be family prayers. Passages from the Bible were read; the three brothers had to participate. Sometimes the eldest brother used to conduct the worship. One day at prayer time Manmohan was in an insolent mood and said that old Moses was well ...


... in English, and taught him history, etc. While Mrs. Drewett taught him geography, arithmetic and French, Sri Aurobindo found time at home to read on his own Keats and Shelley, Shakespeare and the Bible, and he even wrote some verse for the Fox's Weekly. While games did not appeal to him, he seems to have played cricket in Mr. Drewett's garden, though not at all well. An interesting incident... taken lodgings for them, was with the boys in London, for St. Paul's was but a day school. At the St. Stephen's Avenue house, the old lady, who was pious Christian, used to have passages from the Bible read at prayer time. The boys were expected to participate in all this, and Benoy Bhushan often conducted the worship. On one occasion, however, Manomohan was in a puckish mood and said that old ...

... me French, Geography and Arithmetic. No Science; it was not in fashion at that time." As he was studying at home the little boy got plenty of time to indulge his own tastes in books. He read the Bible, Shakespeare, Shelley, Keats and others. Young that he was he not only read poetry but composed verses for the Fox Family Magazine. Percy B. Shelley was a favorite of Sri Aurobindo's. "The... in London, at 49 St. Stephen's Avenue, Uxbridge Road, Shepherd's Bush. Now, pious Christian that the old lady was, every day in London she held family prayers in the chapel and passages from the Bible were read. The three brothers had to participate in them and sometimes Beno would conduct the worship. One day at prayer time Mano was in an insolent mood and he said that old Moses was well served ...

... ss the exclusive Avidya (vide Bible, Book of Genesis). I am not aware of it—not on this earth at any rate. If he was a God-man, why did he allow the interference and degeneration in himself? The Bible to which you refer supposes Adam to have been innocent but ignorant in the beginning. In 1926 you said that this creation was not intended to be as it is, but that a self-contradictory spirit ...


... He had lived in the family of a Non-conformist clergyman, minister of a chapel belonging to the "Congregational" denomination; though he never became a Christian, this was the only religion and the Bible the only scripture with which he was acquainted in his childhood; but in the form in which it presented itself to him, it repelled rather than attracted him and the hideous story of persecution staining ...


... compulsion, always rhythmic and always quantitative in its rhythm. If we take similarly passages from literary prose, we shall find the same law of rhythm lifted to a higher level. Shakespeare and the Bible will give us the best and most concentrated examples of this rhythm in prose. Our first quotation, from the New Testament, can indeed be arranged, omitting the superfluous word "even" before "Solomon" ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... oneself would be sufficient to reject it or keep it aloof. I think that is all I can say upon the data given in her letter. It is difficult to say [ why Christ healed people ]—it looks from the Bible account as if he did it as a sign that he was one sent by the Divine with power. Page 579 Miracles What do you mean by a miracle? What people call a miracle is only something done in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... single religion. The Divine Being is eternal and universal and infinite and cannot be the sole property of the Mussulmans or of the Semitic religions only,—those that happened to be in a line from the Bible and to have Jewish or Arabian prophets for their founders. Hindus and Confucians and Taoists and all others have as much right to enter into relation with God and find the Truth in their own way. ...

... single religion. The Divine Being is eternal and universal and infinite and cannot be the sole property of the Mussulmans or of the Semitic religions only,—those that happened to be in a line from the Bible and to have Jewish or Arabian prophets for their founders. Hindus and Confucians and Taoists and all others have as much right to enter into relation with God and find the Truth in their own way. ...


... more great poets in the tradition of our culture is because of the impoverishment of the language itself. Words no longer resonate with a whole tradition, no one knows the myths any more, or even the bible, words are flat and factual, a kind of instant language as used on the television and the daily press. But the question demands another letter and meanwhile I must post this one, and the two copies ...

... done something of the same sort. To quote Sri Aurobindo again: "His power of vision has created a Shakespearian world of his own." Not only that; this world is in a sense superior to the world which the Bible makes God create in seven days: it is, as Sri Aurobindo says, "a world of the wonder and free power of life and not of its mere external realities, where what is here dulled and hampered finds a greater ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... Occident must first meet in a common humanity and the day dawn when some knowledge of the substance of [the] Upanishads will be as necessary to an universal culture as a knowledge of the substance of the Bible, Shankara's theories as familiar as the speculations of Teutonic thinkers and Kalidasa, Valmekie & Vyasa as near and common to the subject matter of the European critical intellect as Dante or Homer ...


... soul's uses, in this Hinduism we find the basis of the future world-religion. This sanātana dharma has many scriptures, Veda, Vedanta, Gita, Upanishad, Darshana, Purana, Tantra, nor could it reject the Bible or the Koran; but its real, most authoritative scripture is in the heart in which the Eternal has His dwelling. It is in our inner spiritual experiences that we shall find the proof and source of ...


... Jeffrey, 42 Jerusalem, 65,75,151,155,193,248 Jerusalem, Emanative, 1,53,55,244, 245,246,247,248,251,262 Jesus, Jesus the Imagination, 262,265, 266 Jesus of the Bible, 51-52 Job, 47 John o' London's Weekly, 141 fn. 8 John the Baptist, 108 Jung, 4,141,142,146 Kazin, Alfred, 22 Kelley, Maurice, 101 Keynes, Geoffrey, i, ii, iii ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... the prolific output of this literary giant K.D. Sethna, who is constantly emptying his brains of its treasures by pouring them out in his writings; who writes with equal ease on the Vedas and the Bible (the Pope may with difficulty find one amongst his cardinals who knows so much about Christianity); who can write a book about the Black Lady on William Shakespeare and who can with credit break ...


... evolutionary possibilities. It is a sure indication of Sri Aurobindo's centrality to our age that this happens to be a cornerstone of his theory of Man, Nature and God. It is said that The Bible, Newton's Principia Mathematica, Marx's Das Kapital, and Darwin's Origin of the Species rank among the most influential (if least read!) books of all time. The full title of Darwin's ...


... methods appropriate to them and explain their facts in the language and tokens of the vital and mental Brahman.” 34 Western scientific materialism, after initially accepting the Book of God (the Bible ) and the Book of Nature, as Galileo and Kepler did, has rejected the former and accepts exclusively the latter, not realizing that it is trying to decipher an amputated version. To solve its own ...

... that the fossil remains of several intermediary beings have been found and classified by paleontologists. The Mother confirms the teachings of the ancient traditions and also what is stated in the Bible: that beings from a higher world first came on the Earth in their pure form, but that later on they united with the higher animals, which resulted in a long transition of probably very bizarre corporeal ...


... reached me, though I have not had time to do more than glance at it yet. Certainly, the gentleman Ego has to be kept in view, for otherwise with all that he might grow fat like the fellow in the Bible and kick—so much coming his way in the nature of food, strong meat of eulogy and lucbis 105 of appreciation from all quarters and heady wine of victory. But you know the gentleman in question ...

... Oxford), taught him Latin and history, Mrs. Drewett French, geography and arithmetic. ‘As the young boy grew up, his studies covered a wide field: poetry, literature, history; Shakespeare, Shelley and the Bible were his habitual companions.’ 6 ‘Auro was a very quiet and gentle boy, but at times could be terribly obstinate,’ his elder brother would remember. Proof of his early talent is a poem entitled ...

... Cerfaux speaks of "The ancient Stoic formulas, pantheist in tone..." (Le Chretien dans la Theologie Paulinienne, 1962, p. 212). Edgar Haulotte, S.J., tells us that "Paul puts the language of the Bible into words that can be understood by the Epicureans and Stoics to whom he is speaking" [L'Esprit de Yahwe dans L'Ancien Testament in the symposium L'Homme devant Dieu, 1964, I, p. 28.). ...

... a ride. Of course, to be domesticated does not mean that the animal loses its spirit. Not at all. It remains fine-strung, a sensitively fiery creature, cavorting and tossing its head, saying - as the Bible puts it -"Ha, ha" to the sound of the trumpets, but everywhere obedient to its master: the inmost self as well as the highest. It is the purified vitality serving to express an enlightened consciousness ...


... 26-27 with fn. 13.  The Virginal Conception ..., p. 115, fn. 196. 14. The Jerusalem Bible (London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1966), The New Testament, p. 222. 15.  Rediscovering the Bible (New York: A Haddon House Book, Associations Press, 1951), p. 221. 16. The Jerusalem Bible, The New Testament, pp. 222-23. 17.  The Young Church in Action: The Acts of the Apostles in ...

... since "Christ is all, and in all." Men and women of all kinds and of all countries and races are covered by the passage. The implication is that Paul has met examples of them and converted them. As the Bible testifies, he has preached to Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians and Romans. We know also of the various travels he made to places far removed from one another ...

... s and flourishing trade, ensured not only the survival and transmission of the Classical heritage but also the means for the diffusion of Christ's message.   References   1.  The Bible as History by Werner Keller (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1957), p. 327. 2.  Ibid., pp. 330-31. 3.  Ibid., p. 334. 4.  Ibid., p. 331. 5.  Ibid., p. 336. 6 .  Ibid ...

... passage through death."   Rideau's words definitely attest to Teilhard's fundamental non-orthodoxy: else he would not speak of the "logic" of Teilhard's "thought" as ignoring the evidence of the Bible. But he endeavours at the same time to make this non-orthodoxy look like a matter of missionary convenience - a strategic disguise in order better to impress the modern world and win acceptance by ...

... for several lives together. We cannot but believe this. This feeling gets confirmed when we read his 'Smritikatha'. His wonderful vision, standing beside the pond at dusk—reminds us of the Magis of the Bible. I had occasion to see him a couple of times with Sri Aurobindo. I remember once he had come with all his papers to Sri Aurobindo for his signature. He waited at the door for permission. Without it ...

... work of tomorrow for younger generations who will be the builders of the New . World. She also revealed: Savitri is the prophetic vision of Sri Aurobindo. It will surpass the Gita and the Bible. Without reading Savitri intellectually I could not go any further. So in 1961 the Mother arranged for me to read it with Ambalal Purani. We finished reading Book One. Then in 1963 he went ...

... obvious. Christ, who is addressing his disciples, refers obviously to matters which would be revealed in their own lifetime and not in after-ages. In the second place, it is easy to prove from both the Bible and the Church's pronouncements that the doctrinal scope of Christ's "many things" and "all the truth" is severely restricted and can never be made to extend to whatever one wants. We may draw upon ...

... higher than it, in whatever form, manifest in their initial and luminous purity, not containing any vestige of the sense of condescension in the compassion or of inferiority in the gratitude. In the Bible, God calls Cain and asks him: 'What have you done with your brother?' Today I call man and ask him: “What have you done with the earth?” You have brought down upon earth Peace and Freedom. ...


... elite of modern musical circle—so conclude what logic allows you to conclude and pardon my human nature which obeying its human logic can't be a little joyous. So, that's that Well, even the Bible which is a spiritual book [exclaims], "Shout aloud, O mountains, and skip, you little hills ! ” So joy permitted in honour of the occasion. Glad to send you a sweet song of Nirod's. I wish ...

... had precocious discussions with the scholars there. We also are told that Joseph was a carpenter, and we might presume that he learned that craft, although nothing is said about that possibility in the Bible. The Meeting with John the Baptist John the Baptist, as he is best known, was the cousin of Jesus. His birth was six months before that of Jesus and was also miraculous, but in a different ...


... discuss these differences. Instead, the Passion story will be told by blending together the four accounts. In fact, this is the general understanding of most Christians, and only those familiar with the Bible concern themselves with comparing the four Gospels. The story of the Passion begins: The priests and scribes decide to kill Jesus [Mat 26:1] When Jesus had finished all these ...


... Development of Value-Consciousness and Experience Calm and intimate company of plants, trees and flowers. A study of the: Stories of Bodhisattva from the Jatakas. Parables from the Bible. Questions put to Yuddhishthira on the bank of the lake and his answers. Messages received by Prophet Muhammad from the Angel. Page 50 Account of ...

... and Experience Page 94 1. Calm and intimate company of plants, trees and flowers; 2. A study of the : (a) Stories of Bodhisattva from the jatakas. (b) Parables from the Bible. (c) Questions put to Yudhishthira on the bank of the lake and his answers. (d) Messages received by Prophet Muhammad from the Angel. (e) Account of Rabindranath Tagore's experience ...

... by external means. Had these children, maybe, found the orbit of their cycle, like the stars that circle unwearying and which, without departing from their order, shine through eternity? Of these the Bible speaks, in words that could be applied to such children, "And the stars have given light in their watches and rejoiced: They were called, and they said: Here we are, and with cheerfulness have shined ...

... believes in one and only one God, while Hinduism accepts many incarnations of the one God. Islam believes in one sacred book, the Koran; Hinduism accepts many scriptures and includes even the Bible and the Koran. Islam has fixed rituals, which every Muslim has to follow; Hinduism has rituals but nothing fixed which every Hindu has to follow. Islam does not believe in idol worship ...

... One may begin a story in two ways. One way is to begin at the beginning, from the ādikānda and Genesis, and then develop the theme gradually, as is done in the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, the Bible. The other method is to start suddenly, from the middle of the story, a method largely preferred by Western artists, like Homer and Shakespeare for instance. But it was not found possible for ...


... enough, without any hesitation or reservation. Hitler's Mein Kampf has become the Scripture of the New Order; it has come with a more categorical imperative, a more supernal authority than the Veda, the Bible or the Koran. When man was a dweller of the forest,—a jungle man —akin to his forbear the ape, his character was wild and savage, his motives and impulsions crude, violent, egoistic, almost ...


... life. In conformity with the ancient Indian teaching he declares the original divinity of man: it is because man is potentially and essentially divine that he can become actually and wholly divine. The Bible speaks indeed of man becoming perfect even as the Father in Heaven is perfect: but that is due exclusively to the Grace showered upon man, not because of any inherent perfection in him. But in according ...

... e - tama ā s ī t tamas ā g ūḍ hamagre - 'in the beginning darkness was engulfed in darkness'. This is the asat, non-being, this is the acit, the inconscience, this is the blackest night. The Bible also speaks of a similar darkness - Job's terrible vision: "A land of darkness, as darkness itself; and of the shadow of death, without any order and where the light is as darkness."' The lamp of ...


... are in the line of progress and fulfilment. Or else if you stand against and come into clash with the Power that drives inevitably towards its high goal, then the result is, in the graphic words of the Bible; "And whatsoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken; but on whatsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder." (Matthew 22) Page 36 ...

... saints, there was always a group or a line of practicants that followed the occult system, although outwardly observing the official creed. It is curious to note that often where the original text of the Bible speaks of gods, in the plural, referring to the deities or occult powers, the official version translates it as God, to give the necessary theistic value and atmosphere. But if occultism is ...

... can judge from the manner in which he treats this Presence. He prefers to it his mental ideas, he prefers to it his vital desires, he prefers to it his bodily habits. There is a story in the Bible which I always liked. Two brothers were there, Esau and Jacob. Esau returns home hungry and tells his brother Jacob that he is very hungry. He was so hungry that he proposed to his brother, "Listen ...

... life. In conformity with the ancient Indian teaching he declares the original divinity of man: it is because man is potentially and essentially divine that he can become actually and wholly divine. The Bible speaks indeed of man becoming perfect even as the Father in Heaven is perfect: but that is due exclusively to the Grace showered upon man, not because of any inherent perfection in him. But in according ...

... beyond. He was able to see its necessity and its utility. For calamities are blessings in disguise. Indeed, they should be looked upon s a special Grace of the Divine. The poet cites a parable of the Bible: Near by stood a fig tree, Fruitless, nothing but branches and leaves. Page 198 He said to it: "What joy have I of you? Of what profit are you, standing there like ...

... fulfilling one's own law of life than to flourish by fulfilling another's law. By being curious about another's Dharma—it is this kind of curiosity that led to the original fall of man, according to the Bible—that is to say, if one is vitally curious, allows onself to be influenced and so affected and diverted by what is an outside and foreign force, because not in the line of one's own truth and development ...

... character. The Divine or the spiritual consciousness, instead of being a simple unitary entity, is a vast, complex, stratified reality. "There are many chambers in my Father's mansion", says the Bible: many chambers on many stories, one may add. Also there are different levels or approaches that serve different seekers each with his own starting-point, his point de repaire. When one speaks of ...

... or reservation. Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' has become the Scripture of the New Order; Page 6 it has come with a more categorical imperative, a more supernal authority than the Veda, the Bible or the Koran. When man was a dweller of the forest, — a jungle man,—akin to his forbear the ape, his character was wild and savage, his motives and impulsions crude, violent, egoistic, almost ...


... sense. But he went away to Austra­lia and we came to India. Page 165 When we were staying in London this old lady used to have daily family prayers and reading of some passage from the Bible. One day Mano Mohan said something about Moses which made her wild. She said she did not want to live under the same roof with unbelievers, and went to live somewhere else. I felt infinitely relieved ...

... doesn't know English, and what he writes is Swedish English. He says reading The Life Divine is all sadhana. Sadhana of hunger and incapacity. (Laughter) PURANI: He says it should be like the Bible: "O ye!" SRI AUROBINDO: "Suffer the little children to come unto me"? PURANI: Yes. EVENING NIRODBARAN: O'Dwyer has been shot dead in an East London hall by a Punjabi, and Zetland and others ...


... , Truth turned to Falsehood, Love and Delight gave place to Hatred and Suffering and finally, instead of Life and Immortality there appeared Death. That was how separation, "the disobedience" of the Bible, caused the distortion that turned the gods into Asuras, that was how Lucifer became Satan. And that was how Paradise was lost. But the story of Paradise Regained is yet more marvellous. When ...

... life. In conformity with the ancient Indian teaching he declares the original divinity of man: it is because man is potentially and essentially divine that he can become actually and wholly divine. The Bible speaks indeed of man becoming perfect even as the Father in Heaven is perfect: but that is due exclusively to the Grace showered upon man, not because of any inherent perfection in him. But in according ...

... in character. The Divine or the spiritual consciousness, instead of being a simple unitary entity, is a vast, complex, stratified reality. "There are many chambers in my Father's mansion", says the Bible: many chambers on many stories, one may add. Also there are different levels or approaches that serve different seekers each with his own starting-point, his point de repaire. When one speaks of ...

... fulfilling one's own law of life than to flourish by fulfilling another's law. By being curious about another's Dharma – it is this kind of curiosity that led to the original fall of man, according to the Bible – that is to say, if one is vitally curious, allows oneself to be influenced and so affected and diverted by what is an outside and foreign force, because not in the line of one's own truth and d ...

... saints, there was always a group or a line of practicants that followed the occult system, although outwardly observing the official creed. It is curious to note that often where the original text of the Bible speaks of gods, in the plural, referring to the deities or occult powers, the official version translates it as God, to give the necessary theistic value and atmosphere. But if occultism is to ...

... on some earth and put it on a blind man's eyes and the man was made to see. CHAMPAKLAL: Satyen's Guru also cured a case of leprosy and the man became a painter afterwards! SRI AUROBINDO: In the Bible there is also the multiplication of fish and the descent of the Holy Ghost and the disciples getting gift of tongues—speaking many languages perhaps? I don't understand what they mean by it. SATYENDRA: ...


... Will, you said that Christ knew that he was to be put on the cross and yet one part of him didn't want it. Did you mean that the crucifixion had been divinely willed? SRI AUROBINDO: That is what the Bible says. It says that Christ came to take the sins of humanity upon himself and deliver humanity from suffering. Even then some parts of his lower vital didn't want it because of the suffering, the desertion ...


... character. The Divine or the spiritual consciousness, instead of being a simple unitary entity, is a vast, complex stratified reality. "There are many chambers in my Father's mansions", says the Bible: many chambers on many storeys, one may add. Also there are different levels or approaches that serve different seekers, each with his own starting-point, his point de rep è re. When one speaks ...

... enough, without any hesitation or reservation. Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' has become the Scripture of the New Order; it has come with a more categorical imperative, a more supernal authority than the Veda, the Bible or the Koran.   When man was a dweller of the forest, – a jungle man, – akin to his forbear the ape, his character was wild and savage, his motives and impulsions crude, violent, egoistic ...

... and uncomfortable about the situation. As you know she was a very pious Christian and wanted very much that we too be converted to her beliefs. So we were obliged to say grace before meals, read the Bible and go with her to church, which we unwillingly did. Perhaps she still hoped to draw our souls into the Christian fold, and there were times when the tyranny of her religious zeal seemed unbearable ...

... as one can judge from the manner in which he treats this Presence. He prefers to it his mental ideas, he prefers to it his vital desires, he prefers to it his bodily habits. There is a story in the Bible which I always liked. Two brothers were there, Esau and Jacob. Esau returns home hungry and tells his brother Jacob that he is very hungry. He was so hungry that he proposed to his brother, "Listen ...

... ns have been cropping up always demanding that God is to be called God, He cannot be called by any other name. He is to be worshipped as God. No lesser gods but the Supreme God Himself. Does not the Bible say: "I the Lord thy God am a jealous God" ? ¹ A Godless morality or a Religion of Humanity, even at its best is a truncated truth. These do not possess the imperious urge of the total man; it ...

... due to the divided being which distorts the original truth. How did it happen—this division ? It is caused by the separation of man's consciousness from its origin, the Divine. It is this that the Bible speaks of as the "fall of man". The temptation of Adam by Eve is the temptation of the Soul —the Purusha—by the potentialities of Nature : the Soul Page 43 was attracted by Nature ...


... sustenance, light and joy to humanity ¹ & ² Words of the Mother. Page 214 through the ages, are words of revelation, and not of reason. The Veda, the Upanishad, the Bible, the Avesta, for example, are so powerfully revealing, because they embody direct revelation. They are perennially fresh and creative, inspiring and ennobling and exalting, because they were not ...


... the human intellect, and manifests itself only to the mind that has surrendered to it with aspiration and renunciation. The knowledge that speaks in the Vedas and the Upanishads, in the Avesta and the Bible, and in the utterances of the mystics, is a supra-intellectual knowledge, not born of reason and reflection, but self-revealed to the silent and surrendered mind, and it is this knowledge that is ...

... that way every one has established idol-worship. He has criticised the Arya Samaj but why not criticise Madanism ? His statement is adulatory of the Koran and of Christianity which is idolatry of the Bible, Christ and the Gross. Man is hardly able to do without externals and only a few will go to the kernel.  About conversion also you "do not merely change compartments", as he says, but you change ...

... even now, the Guru who is the guide Page 239 helps the disciple by giving him a second birth. And the second birth is an inner birth, not an outer birth. Q: It is said in the Bible that we must be born again. A. Yes, that's true. And the second birth is an inner birth and not an outer birth. The second birth takes place when you awaken to your spiritual possibilities. ...


... charm and power of persuasion. The initial difficulty that militates against an understanding of Hinduism is that it seems to be many things to many people. Has it a single scripture like the Bible or the Koran? a single Founder like the Buddha, Christ or Mahomet? "The only thing fixed, rigid, positive, clear is the social law," says Sri Aurobindo; "and even that varies in different castes, ...

... White Chief? That tells it all. What gives? Exploitation. That is the mainspring impelling the Westerners. "That spring," pointed out a friend to me, "is to be found on the very first page of the Bible." It opened my eyes. Did not the 'Lord' tell his flock to go forth and exploit the earth? It's not for nothing that Mother had such a hearty dislike for the 'Lord' of that religion. If we read but ...

... start smiting the Moderates and the foreign masters with 'an edge surpassing swords'! Sri Aurobindo's first turn towards spiritual seeking came in England in the last year of his stay there. The Bible was the only scripture with which he had been acquainted in his childhood. The narrowness and intolerance of Christianity repelled him considerably. "After a short period of complete atheism, he accepted ...

... Shelley in the well-known lyric "The Cloud". Sri Aurobindo remarked in 1926 that as a child in Manchester, he went through the works of Shelley again and again. He also wrote that he read the Bible "assiduously" while living in the house of his guardian, William H. Drewett, a Congregationalist clergyman. Songs to Myrtilla This, Sri Aurobindo's first ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... soul's uses, in this Hinduism we find the basis of the future world-religion. This sanatana dharma has many scriptures, Veda, Vedanta, Gita, Upanishad, Darshana, Purana, Tantra, nor could it reject the Bible or the Koran; but its real, most authoritative scripture is in the heart in which the Eternal has His dwelling. It is in our inner spiritual experiences that we shall find the proof and source of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... of vacant & pompous ceremonial & the truth of Vedanta which we have mistranslated into the inexplicable explanation, the baffling mystery of an incomprehensible Maya. Veda & Vedanta are not only the Bible of hermits or the textbook of metaphysicians, but a gospel of life and a guide to life for the individual, for the nation & for all humanity. The Isha Upanishad stands first in the order of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... tends to fix the ideal - Christ - in its outward aspect and thus rob it of its mysterious relation to the inner man. It is this prejudice, for instance, which impels the Protestant interpreters of the Bible to interpret entos uinim (referring to the Kingdom of God) as 'among you' instead of 'within you'."   It is a tormenting subject, perhaps best left alone, and the effort used to find the ...

... "It is said in the Ecclesiasticus: 'I am the Mother of pure love and of science and of sacred hope.") My dear faithful Baby, The Ecclesiasticus is one of the Hebrew sacred books (not part of the Bible) and in the quoted sentence, it is the Mother speaking of herself. With love and blessings 20 February 1935 ...

... Among the Not So Great Stranger [ The “STRANGER” of the title and the first para does not refer to the “angel” in the quote from the Bible. ] Be not forgetful to entertain strangers Lest we turn away angels unawares. Bible I have not named the person. But I am penning my story to show how it was in those days when the Ashram ...


... Galatians 1:19 supplies to us the designation: "James the Lord's brother." Interestingly, Josephus, the Jewish historian (first century A.D.), the earliest writer outside Page 42 the Bible to mention Jesus, does so at one place - which is adjudged authentic and not an interpolation 7 - by way of mentioning "James... the brother of Jesus who was called Christ" ( Antiquities, XX.9,1) ...

... 14 Paradise Lost, II, 890-897. 15 Savitri, p. 98. 16 The Future Poetry, SABCL, Vol. 9, p. 83. 17 Paradise Lost, HI, 60. Page 476 truth of the Bible apart, Milton embodies in his epic his own rational life-experience too: the lesson is that, despite original sin, man himself is responsible for his fall and that he can avoid making a wrong choice ...

... higher than it, in whatever form, manifest in their initial and luminous purity, not containing any vestige of the sense of condescension in the compassion or of inferiority in the gratitude. In the Bible, God calls Cain and asks him:. 'What have you done with your brother?' Today I call man and ask him: "What have you done with the earth?" You have brought down upon earth Peace and Freedom. ...

... non-existence — tama āslt tamasā gūḍdhamagre — "in the beginning darkness was engulfed in darkness." This is theasat, non-being, this is the acit, the inconscience, this the blackest night. The Bible also speaks of a similar darkness — Job's terrible vision: "A land of darkness, as darkness itself; and of the shadow of death, without any order and where the light is as darkness." 1 The lamp ...

... accepted, Galileo had discovered new heavenly bodies, and Newton’s laws suggested a universe hardly compatible with the Biblical stories of creation. Besides, scholars like Richard Simon had shown that the Bible, when philologically examined like any other literary document, proved to be a much less consistent document than could be expected of the Word of God. England, the country of origin of the En ...


... the insight lights up in me: this is the new man.” 810 Jünger was personally admired and his writings were widely read. Especially his war reminiscences In Stahlgewittern (in storms of steel), the bible of the Free Corps, was a very popular book, read by those who had been battered in such storms and by those who regretted having been too young to be there. When Hitler exclaims that the new man ...


... world-change and take part in it.” 948 In 1885 Aravinda went to the esteemed St Paul’s School in London. He became proficient in Greek and Latin, and in English literature. He also studied “divinity” (the Bible), French and mathematics. His reports show that these subjects provided him with no difficulty, and he found time to study on the side Italian, German and Spanish in order to be able to read Dante ...


... traditions which hold that an “accident” happened during the creation of the world, or that this world was created by a demiurg. The fallen angels, with Lucifer at their head, are also mentioned in the Bible. The difference with these dualistic conceptions of existence is that in the way the Mother tells the story the effects of the Fall are not permanent, but that there is an evolutionary process by ...


... those formidable autarchies, From what inconscient blind infinity … ? 27 Numerous instances could be cited from the gnostic tradition in which this kind of knowledge was very much alive. The Bible too has a similar knowledge, but there the four “fallen” Powers are reduced to only one, Lucifer, the Light-Bearer. “How are you fallen from heaven, day star, son of the dawn! How are you fallen ...

... the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life (1859), and The Descent of Man (1872). The first book has had an enormous impact on the way humanity came to see itself. It has become the bible of present-day Darwinian biology and is quoted with reverence. To this end it is very useful, as in some cases Darwin has defended both sides of his arguments. “Before Darwin’s death in 1882 the ...

... would be needed to accumulate rock sediments and to raise and erode mountains.” 6 In Darwin’s days the first trains were on the rails, but the idea of time was still based on interpretations of the Bible. In 1620 Archbishop James Ussher, “who had laboured over his studies for decades, even when he became chaplain to the king of England,” had concluded that Adam was created at 9 a.m. on Sunday, 23 ...

... religion,” writes Dorothy Nelkin. 69 In the same essay she continues: “The language used by geneticists to describe the genes is permeated with biblical imagery. Geneticists call the genome ‘the Bible’, ‘the Book of Man’ and ‘the Holy Grail’. They convey an image of this molecular structure as more than a powerful biological entity: it is also a mystical force that defines the natural and moral ...

... the science of the medieval scholastics, which was mainly rhetorical verbosity and sophistry, a mental juggling game in the void with quotations from ancient authors and references as “proofs” from the Bible, the Church Fathers, and dozens of other mostly contradictory sources. The last premise had perhaps the most direct influence on the founding of la nuova scienza : all guesses, theses, or theories ...

... transformed the scientific and popular debate over biological origins … The staid voice of establishment in England, The Times of London , featured a wonderfully favourable review.” 6 “Along with the Bible, De Revolutionibus [Copernicus] , Principia Mathematica [Newton] and Das Kapital [Marx], Darwin’s Origin of Species must rank among the least read (at least in full) and most influential books ...

... became the black Inconscient; Life became Death; Bliss became Suffering. (One finds in this story the elements of many great traditions all over the world, although most remember only part of it. The Bible, for instance, mentions only the Being of Light.) The manifestation had taken a turn for the worse. The Universal Mother, upon seeing this, was greatly disturbed and turned to God, asking him to ...

... but which is now to be opened through fire by the Powers of the Light, to lead it towards the new Civilization – that of the Spirit!’ Which strangely contradicts the motto of the book, taken from the Bible and referring to Jehovah: ‘He shall rule the Nations with a rod of iron.’ Says Richard: ‘They talk of the war aims of all the belligerents. But they speak not of those which alone count – for it is ...

... of painters, for reasons they were mostly still unable to formulate, started working in a way that ran counter to all the standardized, academic rules of the day. Instead of painting scenes from the Bible, from Greek or Roman history, or from traditional European history, they chose as their subjects everyday life – as they saw it. They painted scenes from Paris, its streets, churches and monuments ...

... yet a strange all-sufficiency and the sole existence. What you went through on that first school-day of yours, sparked off by the words of the first chapter of Genesis, was an experience older than the Bible. The atmosphere of the ancient Upani-shads enveloped you, setting apart the child that you were as Page 159 the child that you would be of one who fulfilled and out-Upanishaded all ...


... I remember Crashaw writing somewhere about Christ on the Cross, that the purple in which he was clothed Page 103 came from the wardrobe opened in his side. Christ, according to the Bible, was wounded by a spear in the ribs by one of the Roman soldiers and blood flowed out and covered him. Crashaw's version of this is very fanciful, with a good deal of incongruousness, yet somehow ...


... disciple and follower”. 37 It was Lanz who coined the term “ariosophy”, applicable to his own and List’s teachings (and showing the influence of theosophy). Ex-monk Lanz was also a learned student of the Bible, for the “true” understanding of which he invented a new key, and he felt a deep longing to realize the ideals of the Knights Templar, or what he supposed those ideals to have been. In later years ...


... myth, and of its utilization for various ends, reflects accurately the rise and fall of the Third Reich itself.” According to Cohn, “one may not be mistaken when writing that, exception made for the Bible, the Protocols were around 1925 the most widely read book in the whole world”. 333 About the Protocols Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf : “How much the whole existence of [the Jewish] people is ...


... boarding house and day after day pore over the book containing Sri Ramakrishna's teachings. My efforts to practise whatever I understood from the book were rewarded with happy experiences. I read the Bible, too, and under its influence tried the method of prayer to cure ailing friends. I also made successful experiments in thought-transference through mental communion with friends and sending messages ...

... being rigid in its present habits (called laws). But a different basis can only be created by the supramental action itself. What else but the supermind can determine its own basis? I read the Bible,—very assiduously at one time. When I have looked at it, it has always given me a sense of imprecision in the Page 307 thought-substance, in spite of the vividness of the expression, and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... principle of the Mantra and of japa. One repeats the name of the Divine and the vibrations created in the consciousness prepare the realisation of the Divine. It is the same idea that is expressed in the Bible, "God said, Let there be Light, and there was Light." It is creation by the Word. 6 May 1933 Creative Power and the Human Instrument A poem may pre-exist in the timeless as all creation ...


... beings is there. Also the sentence, "La Paix régnera sur terre"—has the author not copied these words from the Mother's prayers? Not necessarily, as the phrase can easily come to one who has read the Bible and the English are very biblical. The idea of the hostile beings also is not new, in fact it is as old as the Veda. The expectation of the Advent is also pretty widespread, as according Page ...

... principle of the Mantra and of japa. One repeats the name of the Divine and the vibrations created in the consciousness prepare the realisation of the Divine. It is the same idea that is expressed in the Bible, "God said, Let there be Light, and there was Light." It is creation by the Word. The Word has power—even the ordinary written word has a power. If it is an inspired word it has still more ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... demon laughed at these wise words. But before long his boasting tongue was silent for ever. You have heard of great Solomon who was the King of Israel many years ago. There are many stories in the Bible and in other books which tell of his glory and his majesty. I shall tell you one story about him. He was very rich. He had a magnificent throne, his plates were of gold, and in his palace silver ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... and darkness. And the first act of God was to throw light upon this disorder, just as a man shines the light of his lamp into the gloom of the dark and dirty cellar he wants to enter. After that the Bible tells how, day by day, things emerged from the chaos in an orderly way until at last the human race appeared. It is the glory of man to create order and to discover it everywhere. The astronomer ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... conscious of this origin in himself? It is by understanding himself, by learning to know himself, Page 40 that he can make the supreme discovery and cry out in wonder like the patriarch in the Bible, "The house of God is here and I knew it not." That is why we must express that sublime thought, creatrix of the material worlds, and make known to all the word that fills the heavens and the earth ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... still? And then, something else: was the cuneiform script of Assyria phonetic or hieroglyphic? I believe that there too it is possible to read the sounds, for quite a number of names given in the Bible have been set right and it has been found that there were deformations: Nabuchodonsor, for example. Yes. Oh! that has been changed. Now, whether they are absolutely sure of having found the ...


... this leap to be taken? Each one in his own way. Why have You used the Biblical term "Blessed" in this year's message? Has it any significance? "Blessed" is not the exclusive property of the Bible. 24 February 1971 Twenty-Third Seminar: 25 April 1971 What is our ideal of integral perfection? 29 Conscious union with the Divine. 28 March 1971 Page 313 ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... evil reputation? The Christians say that it is the spirit of Evil. ( Silence ) But all this is a misunderstanding. The occultist I spoke of used to say that the true interpretation of the Bible story about Paradise and the serpent is that man wanted to rise from a state of animal divinity—like the animals—to a state of conscious divinity through the development of the mind—and that is what ...


... which it abounds.... * *  * Early 1910 There is no word so plastic and uncertain in its meaning as the word religion. The word is European____ The average Christian believes that the Bible is God's book, but ordinarily he does not consider anything in God's book binding on him in practice except to believe in God and go to Church once a week; the rest is only meant for the exceptionally ...


... single religion. The Divine Being is eternal and universal and infinite and cannot be the sole property of the Mussulmans or of the Semitic religions only,—those that happened to be in a line from the Bible and to have Jewish or Arabian prophets for their founders. Hindus and Confucians and Taoists and all others have as much right to enter into relation with God and find the Truth in their own way. ...


... details. From a distance the details fade and only the principal lines appear, giving a slightly more logical aspect to circumstances. It may be that life on earth has always been a chaos—whatever the Bible may say, the Light has not yet made its appearance. Let us hope that it will not be long in coming. 23 August 1936 A small booklet is being published in Geneva, containing a talk I gave in ...


... you utter the sublime word "Peace" when there is no peace in your hearts? The War is over, so you say, and yet everywhere man is slaying man and Cain still sheds his brother's blood! In the Bible, God calls Cain and asks him: "What have you done with your brother?" Today I call man and ask him: "What have you done with the earth?" For all those whom the Divine Grace has kept far from ...


... ill served by it. M.L. Rosenthal and A.J.M. Smith, authors of Exploring Poetry, 6 make the couplet a remembrance of "the miraculous events on the night Christ was born". But when we turn to the Bible we find the Gospel of Luke 7 mentioning the angel of the Lord coming upon the shepherds who were at watch over their flock at night and asking them not to be afraid of the glory of the Lord that ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... felicitous a surprise are several examples Chesterton provides of a mixed exaggeration, the three types interblended. Here is one — the closing metaphor about the illumined pages in a medieval copy of the Bible:   It was wrought in the monk's slow manner, From silver and sanguine shell, Where the scenes are little and terrible Keyholes of heaven and hell.   But surely the most ...


... and sometimes befriend farmers by pulling their plows. But on the whole the "white horse" is associated with death, I suppose from the Book of Revelation, but water-horses certainly don't come from the Bible. Nor the Mari whose skull is carried round the Welsh village (or until recently was) asking Page 219 riddles. 1 just had not associated you with riding before an army, riding to hounds ...

... law" (Galatians 4:4) or, as the Roman Catholic Jerusalem Bible phrases it, "born of a woman, born a subject of the Law". 2 St. Paul's two expressions are invariably associated everywhere else in the Bible with natural humanity. To him the birth of Jesus was like that of any other man. But, even granting that there is scriptural authority for something extraordinary happening to Mary's body, how can ...

... that conveys the intensity and the immensity of the experience of which she is speaking. It is as if she saw, for the first time, something which had come out of the mind of the Supreme Creator. In the Bible, God is declared to have made the world, looked at it, found it good and then smiled. So it is a wide-ranging and completely Page 407 satisfying response to the world of beauty that ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... History" in Weizsacker's book? Talking of religion, he writes: The rationalistic explanation quickly comes to mind that man has made God in his image. The Bible has it the other way: God created man in His image... This, I believe, is the profounder truth. In non-mythical language: the image in which God appears to ...


... doing nothing. When I say that, maybe, it already is, I mean that I feel Her doing the work - not that the channel is clean. I want to go to the library today and read some of the psalms from the Bible, the ones where the human soul, being at peace, adores the Lord. So I feel, I aspire for more and more true, deep humility. How can I stand before my Lord without perfect humility? She is the Lord ...


... worse. NIRODBARAN: The world is already getting darker and darker. SRI AUROBINDO: Yes, but that has been foreseen. SATYENDRA: Foreseen by whom? SRI AUROBINDO: Foreseen since the age of the Bible that the Asura will dominate the world for a time. (After a while) Gandhi's interview with the Viceroy seems to be the same old story. There is likely to be no change in Simla's attitude. Poor Gandhi ...


... Because Tolstoy said it and Gandhi said it after him! PURANI: He is also against temples. There is no necessity of temples according to him. As somebody said, churches are not necessary, for the Bible can be read in the fields. SRI AUROBINDO: Why houses then? Everybody can live in the fields like the birds and animals; it will be quite natural. SATYENDRA: Rumania seems to be in luck. It has ...


... truth. History has no parallel of a maniac using all kinds of falsehood, hypocrisy, perversity to capture the imagination of a cultured race like the Germans. Sri Aurobindo found his Mein Kampf —the Bible of the Nazis — a tissue of lies and would not touch it. Looking at a photograph in L'Illustration , he described Hitler, Goebbels and Goering, the trio, in unmistakable terms: "Hitler gives the ...

... become mingled. (iii) In Judaism2: A. J. Heschel contests the supposition that Judaism is a world-view of unalloyed optimism. Except for the first chapter of the Book of Genesis, the rest of the Bible, as he remarks, does not cease to refer to the sorrow, sins and evil of this world. When the prophets look 'unto the earth', they behold 'distress and darkness, the gloom of anguish' (Isaiah 8:22) ...

... the strangeness of the remark, the passer-by turned his horse, and asked the boy what he meant by his phrase. "Sir," replied the would-be wit, "I meant no offence in the world, but I have read in the Bible at school that a man's life is but a span, and I am sure your face is double that length." 89 19. Clever trapping: Example: (Play on the words "Here, here" and "hear, hear".) - Once ...

... all spirituality with an ascetic orientation it is asserted that a sadhakas love for the Divine should be exclusive; that is to say, it should admit of no sharing with others . Do we not read in the Bible? - "1the Lord thy God am a jealous God." The Mother also has said: 'To love truly the Divine we must rise above all attachments. To become conscious of the Divine Love, all other love must be ...

... ousness and Experience: 1. Calm and intimate company of plants, trees and flowers. 2. A study of the: (a) Stories of Bodhisattva from the Jatakas. (b) Parables from the Bible. (c) Questions put to Yuddhishthira on the bank of the lake and his answers. (d) Messages received by Prophet Mohammad from the Angel. (e) Account of Rabindra Nath Tagore's ...

... the Pachaiyappa's School in 1842 with a view to providing education to the students withdrawn from missionary institutions. By the 1850s the missionaries had almost set the stage for introducing the Bible as a textbook in Government schools. About this time, in 1852, Danbay Seymour, Member of British Parliament, was sojourning in Madras as the guest of Gazulu. The latter availed himself of this favourable ...

... non-existence— tama ā s ī t tamas ā g ūḍ hamagre —'in the beginning darkness was engulfed in darkness'. This is the asat, non-being, this is the acit, the inconscience, this is the blackest night. The Bible also speaks of a similar darkness—Job's terrible vision: "A land of darkness, as darkness itself; and of the shadow of death, without any order and where the light is as darkness." The lamp of co ...

... manner he has been treating this presence. He prefers to it his mental ideals, he prefers to it his vital demands and he prefers to it his physical habits. I do not know how many of you have read the Bible. But there is a story that I used to like always. There were two brothers, Esau and Jacob. Esau had gone out hunting and felt tired and hungry. He came back home and found his brother preparing ...

... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 The Novel Alchemy ACCORDING to the Bible, God said, "Let there be Creation", and the Creation came. God was pleased, not only because the Creation came but also because the Creation was all-perfect, with nothing to change: it was like an edifice firm and solid and flawless, it would endure eternally firm and ...

... the non-existence – tamaasit tamasa gudhamagre – 'in the beginning darkness was engulfed in darkness'. This is the asat, non-being, this is the acit, the inconscience, this is the blackest night. The Bible also speaks of a similar darkness – Job's terrible vision: "A land of darkness, as darkness itself; and of the shadow of death, without any order and where the light is as darkness."¹ The lamp of ...

... been slain by Me" – the battle is fought, won or lost in another world beforehand; what we see on the material level are only the debris, disjecta membra, of forms and limbs thrown down ¹ The Bible: St. John. Page 345 from there. Only the sweeping or clearing is being done here for the appearance and establishment of what already has been built up unseen behind the material ...

... existence in Him. The great mantra of individual liberty, in the social and political domain, was given by Rousseau in that famous opening line of his famous book, The Social Contract, almost the Bible of an age; Man is born free. And the first considerable mass rising seeking to vindicate and realise that ideal came with the toxin of the mighty French Revolution. I t was really an awakening or ...

... that the inner life is a thing apart and follows its own line of movement, does not depend upon, is not subservient to, the kind of outer life that one may happen Page 49 to live under. The Bible says indeed, "Blessed are the poor, blessed are they that mourn"... But the Upanishad declares, on the other hand, that even as one lies happily on a royal couch, bathes and anoints himself with all ...

... manner he has been treating this presence. He prefers to it his mental ideals, he prefers to it his vital demands and he prefers to it his physical habits. I do not know how many of you have read the Bible. But there is a story that I used to like always. There were two brothers, Esau and Jacob. Esau had gone out hunting and felt tired and hungry. He came back home and found his brother preparing a ...

... vital, even through an enlightened physical consciousness, the remedy of the earthly malady has to be sought, not to meet violence with violence, not to be resentful, not to retaliate-that is what the Bible means when it says, "Resist not evil" – but rise in one's consciousness, above the dualities as the eastern wisdom says, seek a higher source from where springs the infallible energy of a purer light ...

... are in the line of progress and fulfilment. Or else if you stand against and come into clash with the Power that drives inevitably towards its high goal, then the result is, in the graphic words of the Bible: "And whatsoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken; but on whatsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder."! ¹ St. Matthew, 21 Page 186 ...

... of things. One may begin a story in two ways. One way is to begin at the beginning, from the adikada and Genesis, and then develop the theme gradually, as is done in the Ramayana, the Mahabharata, the Bible. The other method is to start suddenly, from the middle of the story, a method largely preferred by Western artists, like Homer and Shakespeare for instance. But it was not found possible for Sri ...

... character. The Divine or the spiritual consciousness, instead of being a simple unitary entity, is a vast, complex stratified reality. "There are many chambers in my Father's mansion", says the Bible: many chambers on many stories, one may add. Also there are different levels or approaches that serve different seekers each with his own starting-point, his point de' repaire. When one speaks ...

... knowledge and experience of sadhana so far. This is what Sri Aurobindo calls shastra. The second is from the sadhak's side, an enthusiasm, a willingness, an eagerness. Sri Aurobindo referring to the Bible says that the sadhak's enthusiasm and eagerness should be such that he will say: My zeal for the Lord has eaten me up. The third aid is the guru. His physical and living presence. His physical ...

... outside life. This happens because the Divine has reserved for him success in the inner spiritual life. He on whom the Divine bestows I Grace, his outer life He devastates. There is a saying in the Bible: "He that loseth life shall find life." The Mother used to sometimes say: "Don't ask for my Grace. My Grace is fire. It will burn up everything." That's why one day I told the Mother: ...

... Jouvenel in Diogène. No. 33, jan-mars 1961. 8. Billy Graham, Life Magezine, 15 August 1960 9. See Sri Aurobindo, The Ideal of Human unity, Ch, XXXIV. "The Religion of humanity. 10.the Bible says "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread." Compare this with "The greatest prospect that we face - indeed what must now be counted one of the central economic goals of our society - ...

... As Sāvitrī is a symbol it might be helpful to understand the place of symbols in life and in literature. One has only to turn to the most ancient scriptures of the world like the Veda and the Bible to find that symbols have been used profusely by men from the earliest times to convey their meaning. To men in those times everything seemed symbolic. Mr. H. W. Garrod is right when he says, "Once ...

... accomplished Latin scholar". He taught Sri Aurobindo Latin and English, while Mrs. Drewett taught him history, geography, arithmetic and French. Besides these subjects, Sri Aurobindo read himself the Bible, Shakespeare, Shelley, Keats, etc. Mr. Drewett grounded Sri Aurobindo so well in Latin that when Sri Aurobindo went to St. Paul's School in London, the headmaster of that school "took him up to ...

... considering his virtue as something very desirable. He prefers to it his mental ideas, he prefers to it his vital demands and he prefers to it his physical habits. I do not know how many of you have read the Bible. But there is a story that I used to like always. There were two brothers, Esau and Jacob. Esau had gone out hunting and felt tired and hungry. He came back home and found his brother preparing a ...


... vital beings living on their own plane. Do they also fight each other on their own plane ?i Sri Aurobindo : Yes. That is what is meant by the struggle between the angels and the devils in the Bible. The being I spoke of with regard to X was not from the hostile vital world, – it was from the higher level of the vital plane. Disciple : What is meant by the Supermind ? Is it what is called ...

... uses, in this Hinduism we find the basis of the future world-religion. This sanatoria dharma has many scriptures, Veda, Vedanta, Gita, Upanishad, Darshan, Purana, Tantra, nor could it reject the Bible or the Koran; but its real, most authoritative scripture is in the heart in which the Eternal has His dwelling. It is in our inner spiritual experiences that we shall find the proof and source ...

... all those French people — I could not help myself from bringing this to Sujata's attention, because I had not "seen" New-Zealanders like that, I thought that they were heavy Protestants full of the Bible and sheep. But they were very simple and charming, really unpretentious and open-minded — honest and inconspicuous people. And, above all, without that French pretentiousness and eyebrow raising ...

... from one of Sri Aurobindo's classics, opened at random, seemed a very chancy thing. People have found clues to conduct or timely solace or guidance in a moment of crisis by a sudden sampling of the Bible, the Guru Granth Sahib, Shakespeare's Complete Works or even Robinson Crusoe. In the Prosperity Room, the books thus sampled were the Arya volumes containing The Life Divine, The Synthesis of ...


... sea, space. Page 11 Religious Education: Walls Towarnicki: I wanted to ask you this: Were you reading at the time? And what were you reading? There was surely the Bible! There was surely the Breton religious atmosphere! There was surely Sunday services, the priest! Can I ask that question? Yes, certainly you can. Towarnicki: All right. Who, then, is the ...

Satprem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   My Burning Heart

... Jerusalem Bible, The New Testament, p. 349. 26.  Ibid., p. 261 (Introduction to the Letters of Saint Paul). 27.  Ibid., pp. 344-45. 28.  Ibid., p. 345, col. 1, note e. 29.  Ibid., p. 339, col. 1, note d. Page 113 30.  Ibid., p. 260 (Introduction to the Letters of Saint Paul). 31.  The Virginal Conception..., p. 44. 32. The Jerusalem Bible, p... Perhaps the most dramatic instance of the inconsistency of Acts with Paul's own Epistles is in the famous "conversion" of Paul from persecutor to preacher of Christianity. The Roman Catholic Jerusalem Bible 8 annotating Acts 9:3-9 says: "Crucial event in the Church's history. Luke gives three accounts whose discrepancies of detail are explained by their differing literary forms: the second and third accounts... Paul's own direct assertion (Galatians 1:11-21) is that for his mission he was not responsible to anyone except Jesus and needed neither telling nor confirming of it by human beings? The Jerusalem Bible 10 translates Paul: "The fact is, brothers, and I want you to realise this, the Good News I preached is not a human message that I was given by men, it is something I learnt only through a revelation ...


... Concise Oxford Dictionary (1964), p. 1502, col. 2. 15. The Jerusalem Bible (London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1966), The Old Testament, p. 743. 16.  Ibid., p. 745. 17.  Ibid., p. 756. 18.  Ibid., p. 743, col. 2, n.c. 19.  The Birth of the Messiah, p. 519, fn. 5a. 20. The Jerusalem Bible, The New Testament, p. 278. 21.  Ibid., p. 279, col. 2, note d. ... are eminently in Job. There are three of them, as marked in Mary in the New Testament. To respect orthodoxy let us draw upon the versions in the prestigious Roman Catholic production, The Jerusalem Bible:   (1) Man, born of woman, has a short life yet has his fill of sorrow.  He blossoms, and he withers like a flower; fleeting as a shadow, transient. And is this what... himself innocent, when confronted by God? Born of woman, how could he ever be clean? (25:4) 17   Two motifs are evident here in interconnection: human birth and uncleanness. The Jerusalem Bible 18 annotates the first passage (14:1-4): "Job acknowledges man's essential vileness but pleads it as an excuse. The emphasis is laid on the physical (and therefore ritual) uncleanness which man contracts ...


... the former with Gothic and the latter with Old High German. Now, if the inscriptions of the Achaemenid emperors of Irān were composed in Old High German, what would be the date assigned to Ulfila's Bible? Surely something like 1000 B.C. This then would be the approximate date of the Gāthās of the Avesta - with which the Rigveda in its present form must have been more or less contemporaneous." 1 Ghosh... determinative. There is no genuine proof that the language of the Achaemenid emperors took the same time to develop from that of the Gāthās as Old High German from the language of Ulfila's Gothic Bible. Nor, because the amount of linguistic change between the Rigveda and Pānini is not greater than that between Chaucer and Bernard Shaw, can we mechanically extrapolate to the former the 600 years of ...


... eyes of night with the corresponding lines in your poem, you can see the difference. I did not mean to suggest that it was necessary to change anything. 11 July 1937 The English Bible The English Bible is a translation, but it ranks among the finest pieces of literature in the world. 27 February 1936 Page 206 × ...


... nuance of "good" and "innocent" - "especially, if not entirely", as the Professor would put it. To be sure, merely ritualistic uncleanness falls into second place in Job.   As The Jerusalem Bible (p. 743, col. 2, note c) annotates: "Job acknowledges man's essential vileness... The emphasis is laid on the physical (and therefore ritual) uncleanness... But this ritual uncleanness... interpretation has seen in this passage at least an allusion to what was later recognised Page 34 as 'original sin' passed on from parent to child. Cf. Romans 5:12+." The Jerusalem Bible refers us to the penitential Psalm 51:5 - "You know I was born guilty, a sinner from the moment of conception." On p. 833, note c to this verse sends us not only to Proverbs 20:9 - "What man can say ...


... 206, 350 Aryama, 330 Ashram, the, 57, 118-9, 161, 269, 270, 390 Ashwapati, 237-41, 243, 246, 274 Asura, 250, 287, 368 Atris, 372 BEATRICE, 284 Beethoven, 273 Bharati, 189 Bible, the, 121, 305, 345n – Book of Job, 305n – St. John , 345n Borman, 316 Brahma, 256 Brahman, 181-2, 185, 188-9, 193, 205, 290, 299, 339, 368, 385 Brindaban, 385 Britain ...

... institutions, and the German youth had to learn by heart whole passages from it. Moreover, the German media studded their propaganda with quotations from the Führer’s book, which was revered as the Nazi bible. How literally one should take this is shown by the fact that a copy of Mein Kampf was to be present at the SS-ceremonies of baptism, initiation into the Order, marriage and death. We find another ...


... done before; they are the usual & blasphemous cant of nineteenth-century devil-worship formulated when Commerce began to take the place once nominally allowed to Christ and the ledger became Europe's Bible. Mr. Morley does it with more authority than others, but his own particular original faculty lies in the direction we indicated when we drew the distinction between the ordinary man & the extraordinary ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Guru, 151 Bhasunaka, 77 Bhattacharya, Purnenduprasad, 172 Bhattacharya, Sanjoy, 175, 177 Bhattacharya, Sisir, 182 Bhusuku, 259, 272-3, 275, 277, 283, 287 Bible, the, 24 –Exodus, 24n. Biruba, 257 Brahma, 154,212 Brahman, 17,49-51,57,85, 136, 159 Brahmanas, the, 152 Britain , 11 Buddha, the, 148, 208, 223 ...

... BABYLON, 199 Bach, 393,424,427 Ba1arama, 44, 207-8 Bankim (Chandra Chatterjee), 21 Beatrice, 203 Beethoven, 393-5, 424 Bengal, 21 Bergson, 143 Berkeley, 137 Bhaga,208 Bible, the, 100, 127, 152, 186, 192,397 Bois de Fontaineb1eu, 287 Book of the Dead, 133 Borodine, 427 Brahma, 208 Brahman, 3, 9-10, 22, 68, 85, 90, 92, 113, 151, 153, 204,289, 380 Brindaban ...

... spoke in praise of God and in dispraise of Satan, but the real, the esoteric Milton glorified Satan, who is the true God and minimised or caricatured the counterfeit or shadow God. Here is Blakean Bible in a nutshell: But first the notion that man has a body distinct from his soul is to be expunged.. . . If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is, infinite ...

... said before; they are the usual blasphemous cant of nineteenth century devil-worship formulated when Commerce began to take the place once nominally allowed to Christ and the ledger became Europe's Bible. Mr. Morley does it with more authority than others, but his own particular and original faculty lies in the direction I indicated when drawing the distinction between the ordinary man and the extraordinary ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... for each person. Some people have the superstition of the book. For an idea Page 81 to merit consideration in their eyes it must have been expressed in some famous book, in one of the bibles of humanity, and any thought coming in any other way will appear suspect to them. There are some who accept an idea only from the official sciences, and those who recognise one only in the established ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... unworthy! And all this to what purpose? I do not know why He was so generous. I was quite an average human being, why then rain upon me such a cascade of benevolence ? Was it due 10 From the Hebrew Bible, Isaiah 53. Page 4 to previous karma? That can never be, I could never have done so much! I needed to have either been an impertinent sinner like Jogai-Madhai 11 or an advanced yogi ...


... dead. Hard atheisms, selfish lusts instead Usurp her bosom; not honest blood but gold Runs liquid in her veins: for she has sold Her soul to commerce, Mammon is her creed, The ledger lined her Bible, and Christ must bleed In plundered nations that the modern Jew May prosper. This is not Europe that you knew When from the clash of mighty States you went Into harsh sultry deserts well-content ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... of their faith, so long as there were even a few who were ready to proclaim their faith and live it, there was no fear for the ultimate triumph of the faithful. It is described in the Christian Bible how the cult of the true faith was almost extinguished by persecution and all Israel turned from Jehovah to foreign idols, and even the chief prophet of the faith thought himself alone and hid his head ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... two dominant qualities - the psychic qualities, the qualities of the soul - that permeated his whole being. You must have felt the psychic warmth and the aura in his manner, 18Old Testament Bible, 16.3. 19Sri Aurobindo, "Passionate in flow, had not one turbid wave", Savitri, SABCL, 28: 15. Page 7 his demeanour and his ways. He was born of French aristocracy and nobility ...


... to be found in the second book of the Torah (see Note), Exodus. The hero of the story is Moses. But more than being a hero, Moses, after Jesus, is the second most important individual in the entire Bible. That means for the Jewish people who accept only the Old Testament, he is the greatest of the prophets. And there has not arisen a prophet since in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to... that at the prayers said at the Passover, the name of Moses is mentioned only once. And despite the extraordinary veneration accorded Moses "there has not arisen a prophet since like Moses" is the Bible's verdict (Deuteronomy 34:10) no Jewish thinker ever thought he was anything other than a man. That is to say, the freeing from Egyptian bondage, the giving of the Torah, and the covenant is due ...


... not suit Mr. Archer's thesis. Admire the logic, the rational consistency of this champion of rationalism! Mark that at the same time one of his objections to the Ramayana, admitted to be one of the Bibles of the Hindu people, is that its ideal characters, Rama and Sita, the effective patterns of the highest Indian manhood and womanhood, are much too virtuous for his taste. Rama is too saintly for human ...


... he felt obliged to preserve an impenetrable secrecy. Although in later life Russell was very active on the public scene, he was solitary by nature. He tells us that his grandmother once gave him a Bible in which she had written on the fly-leaf: "Thou shall not follow a multitude to do evil." Her emphasis on this precept, he says, helped him never to be afraid of belonging to small minorities. ... Notes 1. Moloch: A god of the Ammonites and Phoenicians to whom parents offered their children to be burnt in sacrifice. 2. Job is the chief character in the Book of Job (part of the Bible's Old Testament), who, despite great suffering and adversity, kept his faith in God. 3. Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881): Scottish essayist and historian. 4. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900): ...


... Bernard, Tristan, 373 Bernhardi, 24 Bethlehem, 215 Beveridge Plan, the, 129 Bharata, 93, 161 Bhasa, 96 Bhisma, 80 Bhrigu, 376 Bible, the, 70, 248, 267 Blake, 164 Boehme, 150 Bosanquet, 326 Boscovich, 333 BoseiJagadish Chandra, 306, 322 Bottrall, Ronald, 193-4 -The Thyrsus ...

... to be assisted and armed with strength, manhood and energy. Dayananda has brought this idea of the divine right and truth into the Veda; the Veda is as much and more a book of divine Law as Hebrew Bible or Zoroastrian Avesta. The cosmic element is not less conspicuous in the Veda; the Rishis speak always of the worlds, the firm laws that govern them, the divine workings in the cosmos. But Dayananda ...


... has the foggiest notion of what A.E. is singing about; yet A.E.'s poems are a living language, English written by an Irishman with the soul of an Indian. Can we or can we not stamp as English the Bible's poetic passages with their lavish oriental imagination their gorgeous Hebraic religiosity? The English language is the most composite in the world— influences Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, French, Greek, ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Evolving India

... enough but also whether he has even dived sufficiently into Boethius and Plotinus. Boethius expounds the "Blessedness" of a good life according to God's self-revelation as seen by him in the Christian Bible and glimpsed in Neoplatonism — a good life with its eye all the while on a heavenly hereafter. What could he have genuinely in common with Sri Aurobindo's setting forth of the Yogic process of "psy ...


... des Lettres, 1O9n Beethoven, 163 Bengal, 164, 228, 235, 261 Benois, 153 Berdyaev, Nicholas 129 Bergson, lOin., 248, 286 Bhattacharya, Purnendu Prasad, 215 -"I Embark", 214 Bible, the, 50 Blake, 74, 76, 81, 125-6, 128, 240 -"Auguries of Innocence", 74n., 81n -"Jerusalem",81n Bcdhisattwa, 242 Bonnefoy, Yves, 216 Brahma, 28-30 Brahman, 23, 25, 28 ...

... life of human beings. Angels and Page 125 demons were ranged on opposite sides. Also, there was to be a final resurrection of the dead similar to what is envisaged in the Christian Bible. The general mind of the West in its religious outlook would have been the same as now. Would poetry have differed greatly? Shakespeare is little con-cerned with religion; so he could not have been ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... passions.” 573 These examples leave little doubt about the general thrust of anti-Semitism in Germany at the end of the nineteenth century. The book that capped it all was the much admired “racist bible”, The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century, Houston Chamberlain’s blockbuster, published in 1899. “Convinced that all great creations stemmed from Teutonic blood, he believed the only flaw of the ...


... London with a baby three-months old?" Johnson would grow a trifle testy. And occasionally he would lose his temper. He was a somewhat irri-table old guy: he once knocked down a bookseller with a big Bible picked up from that chap's own counter. Socrates was just the opposite. He thought irritability the complete negation of the Page 225 philosophic mood. The philosopher must be master ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... observed astronomical phenomena were admirably accounted for by theories of spheres and I know not what else, before Galileo came in with his "And yet it moves," disturbing the infallibility of Popes and Bibles and the science and logic of the learned. One feels certain that admirable theories could be invented to account for the facts of gravitation if our intellects were not prejudiced and prepossessed ...


... the old Persian word "magus" which denotes a member of an ancient Persian priestly caste. The magi were Zoroastrian priests and the earliest tradition 1 about the three "wise men", as the English Bible translates the term "magi", is that their names were typically Parsi-sounding: Hormiz-dah, Yazdegerd and Perozadh. 2 Later, the names Balthazar, Melchior and Gaspar came into vogue. 3 So the Epiphany-day ...


... rendering of Galatians 2:19: "Through the Law I die to the Law..." What she has to do is to make a comment on the paradox. The key is supplied in brief by what follows. I am quoting the Jerusalem Bible: "... so that now I can live for God. I have been crucified with Christ, and I live now not with my own life but with the life of Christ who lives in me. The life I now live in this body I live in ...


... Ghirshman, R., 73 Ghosh, B.K., 11, 12, 13, 32fn., 90-94, 110 Goel, Sita Ram, iv Gomal, 14 Gomal Valley, 98 Gomatī, 14 Gordon, D.H., 61 Gothic, Gothic Bible, 90, 91 Grassmann, 115 Grave People, The, 99, 100 Griffith, Ralph T.H., 43, 44, 135 Guha, 70 Gujarat, Gujerat, 22, 23, 24 Gumla, 63, 99-101 Gupta times, ...


... as its embodiment en masse. To be holy scripture is not necessarily to be overhead with the revelatory rhythm with which the Indian Rishis often uttered their realisations. As a rule, the world's Bibles ring the note of Donne or Crashaw or Herbert, Hopkins or Eliot or other fine English poets turned mystics. Most of the existing religious and spiritual literature is wanting in the accent which leads ...


... the Vedavadins said of the Veda, nānyad astīti vādinaḥ . This is a saving and liberating word which must be applied to all the Scriptures of the world. Take all the Scriptures that are or have been, Bible and Koran Page 92 and the books of the Chinese, Veda and Upanishads and Purana and Tantra and Shastra and the Gita itself and the sayings of thinkers and sages, prophets and Avatars, still ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... hieroglyphs which can only be upheld as decipherable signs by Indians and Theosophists and mystical thinkers, a disreputable clan. It can understand dogma and speculation about spiritual truth, a priest, a Bible, whether disbelieving them or giving them a conventional acceptance; but profoundest verifiable spiritual truth, firmly ascertainable spiritual values! The idea is foreign to this mentality and sounds ...


... lines like: Towards which Time leads me, and the will of Heaven, 2 or As ever in my great Task-master's eye. 3 We hear also of his habit in later life to have the Hebrew Bible read out in the early morning and to sit in contemplation afterwards. The ethical conscience too was strong throughout. During his Italian tour he refrained from the slightest moral deviation even "in ...


... materialistic age was beyond her imagination. She could hear the Voice of the Lord saying to man, "Abandon all dharmas. Take refuge in me alone. I shall deliver thee from all Sin." The book was her Bible. She decided she must have the Darshan of such a unique person. The day passed in a happy rhythm. Most of the sadhaks had gone to bed early to prepare inwardly for the great event. Over the Ashram ...


... faith in the single aim - the Divine and the Divine Realisation." 8 Nishtha was now all eagerness to have her first darshan of the author of Essays on the Gita (which she considered her Bible). And so were the others - sadhaks, disciples, admirers, visitors - feeding on expectancy, sitting in the Ashram courtyard, or whispering to one another. The whole day passed in subdued animation ...


... 21,22, 67(fn), 180 partition of, 17, 18, 54 (fn) Bengal National College, 27 Bhaga vat Gila, 46 , 48 ,52, 125-126, 170,171, 176, 183 ,201,206 Bharati. Subramania, 100(fn) Bhawani Mandir, 13 Bible, 68 , 170. 176, 190 birth control, 185-186 see also overpopulation Bolshevism, 151, 183 ,200,203 Bose , Sub has Chandra, 223 , 230, 231,237(fn) Brahrnanas, 95 , 105 brahrnateja, 50 Brahmins ...


... which can only be upheld as decipherable signs by Indians and Theosophists and mystical thinkers, a disreputable clan. "It can understand dogma and speculation about spiritual truth, a priest, a Bible, whether disbelieving them or giving them a conventional acceptance; but profoundest verifiable spiritual truth, firmly ascertainable spiritual values! The idea is foreign to this mentality and sounds ...

... foreign to the West or to the Orient; it is "an idea known and understood everywhere". Third, the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo had no use for fanaticism, for "Truth cannot be shut up in a single book, Bible or Veda or Koran, or in a single religion." Fourth, people who thought that the Truth brought by Sri Aurobindo was too high for them were free to leave the Ashram and live in their own brand of ...


... to have been appreciated because it was "derivative", (though what exactly he means by "derivative", I don't know. I suppose he means a translation). What difference does that make? The English Bible is a translation but it ranks among the finest pieces of literature in the world. As for Conrad, according to Thompson, he is a Westerner, and surely there is a greater difference in tradition, ...

... man may follow, if he is so disposed. It may include various elements culled from different schools of Yoga and fused into a homogeneous whole. One may take something from the Gita, something from Bible, something from Sri Ramakrishna, something from the Vedanta and even something from T. Chardin. But there may be and must needs be a common way in the Integral Yoga itself. Here the broad and ...


... species of ours was nothing more than a link, a kind of “higher” baboon, and that we were on our way to something else. My heart was crying to find that “something else” – not in heaven, not in a Bible of one kind or another, but in my body! This wounded, cheated body, burdened with false knowledge, with religious and scientific injunctions and all the rest of it – all that to end in a human Horror ...


... aim of life A Free Man's Worship by Bertrand Russell (iv) Scientific terrestrial aim of life The World as I See It by Einstein (v) Supra terrestrial aim of life Bible (vi) Supra-cosmic aim of life Dhammapada and Vivekacudamani by Samkaracharya *In the book, The Good Teacher and the Good Pupil, the authors have taken examples of good teachers ...

... like a native in daily conversation. Before long he was spending much of his time reading. Almost from the start, he devoted himself to serious literature. As a ten-year-old he read the King James Bible." 12 Soon the attentive and wakeful student mastered half a dozen European languages, including Greek and Latin in which he scored highest marks ever obtained in a school examination. Not only ...

... scripture in a special way. Whatever wakes in us a feeling of the Divine is scriptural and yet there is a sense in which the ancient Page 79 Vedas and Upanishads stand apart from the other bibles of the world. The latter have a good deal of moving God-intoxicated lyricism, also a mass of forceful God-haunted meditation, but the note of the Indian Rishis is infrequent in them as in the majority ...

... his Journal, referring to the period of his youth when religion began to ferment within him seriously. "I fasted much," Fox says, "walked abroad in solitary places many days, and often took my Bible, and sat in hollow trees and lonesome places until night came on; and Page 125 frequently in the night walked mournfully about by myself for I was a man of sorrows in the time of the first ...

... religion, but they are not men. They are very ingenious digestive tracts. No species is more fake. A rat is what it is, without pretence. Man is not what he is — he pretends a lot of things, with a Bible in his hand and a necktie. Man and falsehood stick together. In other words, we are not yet men. Our falsehood is exploding in our faces. There is no other phenomenon. Man is becoming what he ...
