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At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [3]
Beyond Man [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [2]
Emergence of the Psychic [2]
Essays Divine and Human [4]
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Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [2]
Evolving India [1]
Gautam Chawalla's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [3]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [2]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [3]
In the Mother's Light [5]
Inspiration and Effort [2]
Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [1]
Isha Upanishad [6]
Jagannath Vedalankar's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Kena and Other Upanishads [2]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [3]
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Life of Sri Aurobindo [1]
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Mother’s Agenda 1961 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
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Mother’s Agenda 1964 [1]
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Mother’s Agenda 1968 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [2]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [1]
Nagin Bhai Tells Me [1]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
On The Mother [1]
Our Many Selves [5]
Overman [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [2]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Psychology, Mental Health and Yoga [2]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [1]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [2]
Questions and Answers (1954) [1]
Questions and Answers (1955) [3]
Questions and Answers (1956) [2]
Record of Yoga [4]
Some Answers from the Mother [2]
Some Letters from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [1]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [4]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [2]
Talks by Nirodbaran [3]
Talks on Poetry [1]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [3]
The Destiny of the Body [14]
The Hidden Forces of Life [2]
The Inspiration of Paradise Lost [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Life Divine [12]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [3]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [3]
The Psychic Being [1]
The Riddle of This World [1]
The Secret of the Veda [2]
The Synthesis of Yoga [6]
Vedic and Philological Studies [2]
Visions of Champaklal [3]
Words of Long Ago [1]
217 result/s found for Waking consciousness

... are sometimes spoiled in this way at a very early age. When the waking consciousness has renounced the indulgence of the sexual desires and impulses, these take refuge in the subconscient as impressions, memories, suppressed desires and come up in sleep as dreams and involuntary sleep emissions. If the waking consciousness is not itself clear, if, that is to say, though there is no physical ... if the waking consciousness is clear, the subconscient emergences can still come for a time, but in time they diminish. Some are able to get rid of this by putting a strong prohibiting will or force on the subconscient or on the sex-centre before going to sleep, but this does not succeed with everyone. The main thing is to get the increasing force of brahmacharya in the waking consciousness, complete... one makes Page 526 the waking consciousness entirely pure, then by putting a will or force on the subconscient (especially before going to sleep) one can after a time eliminate the sex-dreams and emissions. It is obviously an attack which falls upon your nervous system through the subconscient. It comes in sleep because in the waking consciousness you are more on your guard and able ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... no more than a mere bubble on the ocean of our total existence. As a matter of fact, there are broadly speaking, four clear and distinct regions in the totality of our being: (i) the waking consciousness, (ii) the subconscient, (iii) the intraconscient and circumconscient subliminal, and finally (iv) the superconscient. Apart from a very small and restricted part of our waking individual co... totally ignorant of the rest of our being — so appalling indeed is the extent Page 314 and intensity of our present psycho-constitutional ignorance. Our ordinary 'waking consciousness' is a limping and cabined surface consciousness shut up in the body limitation and within the confines of the little bit of personal mind. In this part of our being, we receive consciously... Page 317 been wiped away from the memory of the waking physical mind. And this obliteration may be due to any of the following reasons: (i) Turn over of consciousness: Our waking consciousness is ordinarily externalised and gazes outward while our inner dream consciousness has its eyes turned inward. Thus the transition from the sleep state to the waking state is very often associated ...

... part of their waking consciousness, while for others, the mere reasoning mind is still a remote possibility of inner development; in other words, the line dividing the superconscient from the rest tends to recede upward as our evolution progresses. If the subconscient is our evolutionary past, the Superconscient is our evolutionary future, gradually becoming our normal waking consciousness. We will... perfect equilibrium, ineffable bliss, in which one's awareness of the world is dissolved, annihilated. Brahman, the Spirit, appears therefore to have absolutely nothing to do with our regular waking consciousness; He is outside all that we know; He is not of this world. Others who were not Indians have said the same. In fact, all the religions of the world have said it. And whether we speak of "salvation"... subconscient (we use the word subconscient as Sri Aurobindo used it, in the etymological Page 109 sense, meaning that which is historically sub-conscious, not below the level of our waking consciousness but below the conscious stage in the evolutionary sense, as in the animal or the plant); 98 in other words, the consciousness returns to its evolutionary past, which may bring out an array ...

... this kind of dream becomes very common; then subconscious dreams cease to predominate. Letters on Yoga, pp. 1499-1500 Ordinarily when one sleeps a complex phenomenon happens. The waking consciousness is no longer there, for all has been withdrawn within into the inner realms of which we are not aware when we are awake, though they exist; for then all that is put behind a veil by the waking... dreams are going on, but they are either too deep down to reach the recording surface or are forgotten, all recollection of their having existed even is wiped out in the transition to the waking consciousness. Ordinary dreams are for the most part or seem to be incoherent, because they are either woven by the subconscient out of deep-lying impressions left in it by our past inner and outer life... for the first time into our dreams with some kind of scientific understanding, has established in them a system of meanings, a key to things in us which need to be known and handled by the waking consciousness; this of itself changes the whole character and value of our dream-experience. It begins to look as if there were something real behind it and as if too that something were an element of no ...


... Inner Being in Sleep Your second experience is a first movement of the awakening of the inner being in sleep. Ordinarily when one sleeps a complex Page 259 phenomenon happens. The waking consciousness is no longer there, for all has been withdrawn within into the inner realms of which we are not aware when we are awake, though they exist; for then all that is put behind a veil by the waking... fact dreams are going on, but they are either too deep down to reach the recording surface or are forgotten, all recollection of their having existed even is wiped out in the transition to the waking consciousness. Ordinary dreams are for the most part or seem to be incoherent, because they are either woven by the subconscient out of deep-lying impressions left in it by our past inner and outer life,... report of it even in the transition from the sleep to the waking state which usually abolishes by oblivion all but fragments of the record of sleep-happenings. You are right in feeling that the waking consciousness and this which is awake in sleep are not the same—they are different parts of the being. When this growth of the inner sleep consciousness begins, there is often a pull to go inside and pursue ...


... go inside—into Samadhi of some kind. Samadhi means a state in which one is not awake and aware of outward things, but also one is not asleep, one is conscious inwardly with another than the waking consciousness. If this comes, it is not to be avoided, as Yogic realisation can take place in this condition as well as in the waking state. It is a state of inner immobile silence that one gets in... as it was. It is necessary to bring out what is experienced and make it a power for transformation both of the inner and the outer being. But it can be done without going into Samadhi in the waking consciousness itself. Concentration of course is indispensable. Page 250 Kinds of Samadhi Nirvikalpa Samadhi according to tradition is simply a trance from which one cannot be awakened even... be paid to them. This last is not usually called samadhi, but it is a kind of waking samadhi. All conditions from the deep samadhi of complete trance to the working of the Force in the fully waking consciousness are used in this Yoga; one need not insist on complete trance always, for the others also are necessary and without them the complete change cannot take place. It is good that the higher ...


... the wider mental, vital or subtle physical plane and have a meaning which the figures of the dream are trying to communicate. It often happens that when something is thrown out of the waking consciousness it still occurs in dream. This recurrence is of two kinds. One is when the thing is gone, but the memory and impression of it remains in the subconscient and comes up in dream-form in sleep... than realities. The other is when dreams come in the vital to test or to show how far in some part of the inner being the old movement remains or is conquered. For in sleep the control of the waking consciousness and will is not there. If then even in spite of that one is conscious in sleep and either does not feel the old movement when the circumstances that formerly caused it are repeated in dream... see many dreams of the vital plane when they sleep. In sleep the being goes out into other worlds and planes and it has to pass through the vital on the way—and as the vital is nearest to the waking consciousness, it is there it most vividly remembers. Probably you see better dreams but do not remember them. In dreams on the vital plane there is always a deviation from the norm of the physical ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... records and translates them more or less perfectly, more or less coherently, depending on the state of development of our being, we are said to have dreams. When we come back to our waking consciousness at the termination of the period of sleep, we may at times retain the memory of these dreams and at other times not. But since the movement of our consciousness in the state of our physical... Page 199 pass on then to the consideration of the second factor giving rise to the phenomenon of apparently dreamless sleep. Turn over of consciousness : Our waking consciousness is ordinarily externalised and gazes outward while our inner dream consciousness has its eyes turned inward. Thus the transition from the sleep state to waking state is very often associated... which "the dream-state disappears more or less abruptly, effacing the fugitive impression made by the dream events (or rather their transcription) on the physical sheath." 1 If the return to waking consciousness is more composed and less abrupt, then perhaps the memory remains of the last of the dreams or of the one that was the most impressive during sleep. Otherwise everything experienced in sleep ...

... waking consciousness could not solve, warnings, premonitions, indications of the future, veridical dreams replace the normal subconscious incoherence. There can come also a structure of symbol images, some of a mental character, some of a vital nature: the former are precise in their figures, clear in their significance; the latter are often complex and baffling to our waking consciousness, but... this imitative sequence is shadowy and imperfect, fails and breaks always and is often wholly absent. We see too that the dream-consciousness seems to be wholly devoid of that control which the waking consciousness exercises to a certain extent over life-circumstances; it has the Nature-automatism of a subconscient construction and nothing of the conscious will and organising force of the evolved mind... look for the first time into our dreams with some kind of scientific understanding, has established in them a system of meanings, a key to things in us which need to be known and handled by the waking consciousness; this of itself changes the whole character and value of our dream-experience. It begins to look as if there were something real behind it and as if too that something were an element of no ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... are rejected by the waking consciousness they try to take refuge in the subconscient or else in what may be called the environmental consciousness and from there they press upon the consciousness trying to recover their hold or simply to recur for a time. If they are in the subconscient they come up most usually in dreams, but they may also surge up into the waking consciousness. If they come from the... strange forms can surge up into dream or into the waking nature. For if these impressions rise up most in dream in an incoherent and disorganised manner, they can also and do rise up into our waking consciousness as a mechanical repetition of old thoughts, old mental, vital and physical habits or an obscure stimulus to sensations, actions, emotions which do not originate in or from our conscious thought... parts; so long as the subconscient is not cleared, the seed you speak of remains. The material [ consciousness ] is for the most part subconscient—it depends upon the subtler parts for its waking consciousness. The subconscient material plane is a field that still opposes the entrance of the Divine Light. Until they [ the material and subconscient parts of the being ] aspire or at least ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... the smaller self that is on the surface. But the truth is that all this that is behind, this sea of which our waking consciousness is only a wave or series of waves, cannot be described by any one term, for it is very complex. Part of it is subconscient, lower than our waking consciousness; part of it is on a level with it but behind and much larger than it; part is above and superconscient to us.... are rejected by the waking consciousness they try to take refuge in the subconscient or else in what may be called the environmental consciousness and from there they press upon the consciousness trying to recover their hold or simply to recur for a time. If they are in the subconscient they come up most usually in dreams, but they may also surge up into the waking consciousness. If they come from the... is only an appearance of this. As I said, in a dream when one goes there, one knows things which one doesn’t know, one can do things, one is in touch with things which one doesn’t know in the waking consciousness, because it is too superficial. It is like the inside of something. The outside is the expression of that, but an altogether surface expression. So naturally it looks the same; in any case ...


... ss, we are normally perfectly ignorant of the whole of the rest of our being — so appalling indeed is the extent and intensity of our psychological sleep! The waking consciousness : Our ordinary waking consciousness is a limping and cabined surface consciousness that is shut up in the body limitation and within the confines of the little bit of personal mind. In this part of our being... personality is only a bubble on the ocean of our existence." 1 As a matter of fact, there are, broadly speaking, four clear and distinct elements in the totality of our being: (i) the waking consciousness, (ii) the subconscient, (iii) the intraconscient and circumconscient subliminal, and finally (iv) the superconscient. Apart from a very small and restricted part of our waking individual... "what is on the surface, what we know or think we know of ourselves and even believe that that is all we are, is only a small part of our being" 1 and by far the larger part of which our waking consciousness is no more than a wave or series of waves, lies hidden "behind the frontal consciousness, behind the veil, occult and known only by an occult knowledge." 2 The subconscient : ...

... of the gulf of oblivion, the spiritual experiences of the superconscient trance-state lose all their dynamic value for the waking consciousness. But this disability has to be remedied. Since we seek to bring down the Superconscient into our normal waking consciousness, we must somehow bridge the gulf, heighten and intensify our spiritual awakening even in the normally superconscient reaches... this most elevated trance-state proves to be adequate if the goal is to pass away into the Superconscient and not to bring down the Power and Glory of the Superconscient into our normal waking consciousness. But Samadhi experiences cannot suffice in the least for the object of our Yoga of Transformatio n; for, our goal is no less than the dynamic divinisation of our total existence including... of our existence. (v)The Yogic trance helps us to fix the spiritual experiences in our inner consciousness alone; it cannot automatically lead to the spiritualisation of the outer waking consciousness. So for us who aim at a total spiritual And supramental change, even, and in particular, of the outer parts of our Nature, Samadhi as an instrumentation proves to be altogether inadequate ...

... or samadhi] is that trance becomes indispensable and the problem of the waking consciousness is not solved; it remain imperfect." "Waking consciousness is not solved"? And naturally! Because if in order to have a meditation or a relation with the inner world, you are obliged to enter into samadhi , your waking consciousness always remain what it is, without ever changing. That's what I said in... meditation. When they come out of their meditation they are no Page 427 better than they were before. All their defects are there which come back as soon as they come back into their waking consciousness; and they never make any progress because they do not establish a relation between their deeper consciousness, the truth of their being, and their outer being. You see, they take off their outer ...


... Samadhi ] is that trance becomes indispensable and the problem of the waking consciousness is not solved; it remain imperfect.” “Waking consciousness is not solved”? And naturally! Because if in order to have a meditation or a relation with the inner world, you are obliged to enter into samādhi , your waking consciousness always remain what it is, without ever changing. That’s what I said in... only in very deep meditation. When they come out of their meditation they are no better than they were before. All their defects are there which come back as soon as they come back into their waking consciousness; and they never make any progress because they do not establish a relation between their deeper consciousness, the truth of their being, and their outer being. You see, they take off their outer ...


... different. Dreams about old bygone things come up from the subconscient which retains the old impressions and the seeds of the old movements and habits long after the waking consciousness has dropped them. Abandoned by the waking consciousness, they still come up in dreams; for in sleep the outer physical consciousness goes down into the subconscient or towards it and many dreams come up from there. ... formation and a firm transparence in which the greater vision and experience descending from the higher planes could be clearly reflected. As for the other experience, his rejection of the waking consciousness evidently had the result of throwing him into an Page 220 inner awareness in which he began to have contact with the supraphysical planes. What was meant by the sea of red colour... planes, then he would have had no occasion to fear. In any case, if he wants to go into the inner consciousness and move in the inner planes—which will inevitably happen if he shuts off the waking consciousness in his meditation—he must cast away fear. Probably he expected to get the silence or the touch of the divine consciousness by following out the suggestion of the Gita. But the silence or the ...


... not merely static and introspective, but creative and dynamic — which man can possibly hope to ascend? And is it at all possible for man to devlop and organise these supernal planes in his waking consciousness so much so that he may outgrow and transcend his present mental status and become something more than human? The answer and hope lie in the process of evolutionary elaboration of... our present evolutionary status, we must seek to become conscious in what is now superconscient to us and ascend to the native heights of the Spirit not at present accessible to our waking consciousness. Thus, "the psychic movement inward to the inner being, ...must be completed by an opening upward to a supreme spiritual status." 2 Now, this is the second — and from our point of... undertaken, the inner being exerts a growing pressure on the "strong hard and bright lid of mind, — mind constricting, dividing and separative" 3 — that clouds the superconscient from our waking consciousness. This pressure be- 1 The Life Divine, p. 276. (Italics ours) 2 Ibid, p. 910. 3 Ibid., p. 910. Page 127 comes in the end so great that ...

... still and withdraw from the mental consciousness and retire to the supra-mental reaches. This is what can be called the 'trance-solution.' (iv)To transform the nature of the normal waking consciousness, to divinise it as we would say, by bringing down there the fullest wealth and splendour of the spiritual heights, so that its present opacity and refractoriness may be altogether rectified... Yoga, pp. 500-01. 2 Ibid., pp. 499-500. Page 80 impossibility for any records or transcripts of the experiences therein to reach the portals of the normal waking consciousness. This is the state of Nirvikalpa Samadhi claimed to be the highest status of spiritual attainment and assiduously sought after by every seeker after trance. In this ultimate trance-state... That, in the state of Nirvikalpa trance, the body becomes immobile like a painted image (citrārpita iv ā cala ḥ 2 ) and even a violent sense-appeal fails to bring back the soul to the waking consciousness has been equally forcefully brought out by the Yoga-Vasishtha in the following account of the Samadhi of Shikhidhvaja : "The queen Chudala went to the forest and found there the king ...

... can easily have the experience of the Brahman everywhere and in all things.       If he means by leaving the physical consciousness going into samadhi that is not much use - it is the waking consciousness of the Brahman everywhere that is needed - and for that the physical consciousness must be there.         During today's experience, even my body consciousness was so much submerged... submerged in peace and silence that had it not been for the last vestiges of my sense of the mind, it would have been a complete trance.       Trance would be not sufficient - the waking consciousness must be the same.         Why is trance not sufficient? Is it not my present need? It is not a trance but a new consciousness that is wanted.         During the noon nap I sometimes... recorded experiences.         Why are certain things of the sadhana better worked out in samadhi than in the waking state?       It is easier to do it in samadhi so long as the waking consciousness is not governed consciously by the inner being.         In that case samadhi is a useful state even for our Yoga. But Page 191 some time ago you wrote to ...

... 12. Sight in the Waking State: We now come to the waking consciousness, the habitual consciousness of most men, which the subliminal and the subconscient have thrown up on the surface, just a wave of their secret surge. The normal man's waking consciousness is a limping Page 49 surface consciousness shut up in the body's limitation... hidden "behind the frontal consciousness, behind the veil, occult and known only by an occult knowledge." (Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga, p. 348) While dwelling in this normal waking consciousness, a man becomes externalised and gazes outward and rarely if ever inward. No true spiritual life or any higher or deeper realisation becomes possible if one remains fettered to this waking... close to the most material." (CWM, Vol. 3, p. 13) However that may be, we now proceed to select some verses from Savitri characterising the sights of different parts of the waking consciousness of the majority of men, starting with his material body and culminating in Reason, the highest faculty, passing through the different rungs such as "little life", "greater life", "heart", ...

... you can't sleep... remain stretched out, remain quiet, don't sleep and you may have visions. Dreams come when one is asleep, that is, when one has no longer the waking consciousness; whereas in vision one is in the waking consciousness, but one quietens or immobilises it, and it is another more inner consciousness which awakens; yet one is not asleep, the body is not asleep, it is just made quiet... you are in the habit of its being like that. That's all. No questions? I have a question still. Still one? Sweet Mother, when one sleeps the consciousness is different from the waking consciousness... Yes, and so "Why?" ( Laughter ) How is it different? But you have never noticed that it is different? For example, your physical consciousness or your subtle physical consciousness ...


... in the involved mind in matter. There are the same variable phenomena with the internal knowledge. All the knowledge translated here into mental values forms the stuff of our waking consciousness. This waking consciousness accepted by the manomaya purusha as itself & organised round a central I-sense is the waking ego. The Jiva or embodied mental being is in its consciousness much wider than the... which it fails to trace to their origin. Man progresses in proportion as he widens his consciousness & renders ever wider & finer experiences available for the perception & delight of the waking consciousness & in proportion as he can ascend to higher reaches of mind & beyond mind to ideality & spirit. The swiftest & most effective means of his advance & self-fulfilment is to dissolve his waking ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... ; the Dream Consciousness or Hiranyagarbha is a selection from the wider Sleep Consciousness, and the Waking Consciousness Virat or Vaisvanor is a selection from the wider Dream Consciousness; similarly each individual consciousness is only a selection from the wider Universal Waking Consciousness, each step involving a narrower & ever narrowing consciousness until we come to that extremely narrow... or after death. This wider consciousness is called the Dream Condition and the body or upadhi in which it works is called the Subtle Body. The Dream Consciousness may be said to surround the waking consciousness and its body as a robe surrounds its wearer, for it is wider & less trammelled in its nature & range; it is the selecting agency from which & by which a part is selected for waking purposes ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... the smaller self that is on the surface. But the truth is that all this that is behind, this sea of which our waking consciousness is only a wave or series of waves, cannot be described by any one term, for it is very complex. Part of it is subconscient, lower than our waking consciousness, part of it is on a level with it but behind and much larger than it; part is above and superconscient to us... self and our nature as a whole, in the depths as well as on the surface, that we can acquire a true basis of knowledge. The Life Divine, p. 523 A superficial observation of our waking consciousness shows us that of a great part of our individual being and becoming we are quite ignorant; it is to us the Inconscient, just as much as the life of the plant, the metal, the earth, the elements ...


... Integral Yoga does not favour this kind of escapist spirituality. It demands that the Truth, the Light, the Power, the Bliss realised in the inner consciousness should enter into the outer waking consciousness also and become entirely effective there. Hence for the sadhaka of the Integral Yoga each act of meditation has to be outwardly dynamic and not confine itself to being merely subjective.... for us is not to remain floating on the surface level of our consciousness but rather to enter into the depths of our being, dwell there permanently, and send from there into our habitual waking consciousness all the spiritual glories and treasures. We should not miss the import of the last part of the above sentence, for therein lies the special character of the Integral Yoga. We do not... places in the comprehensive framework of the Integral Yoga. For in that case whatever supernal treasures and realisations we shall garner through meditation, we shall bring them into our outer waking consciousness, and stabilise them there. In this way a bridge will be built between the inner and outer ranges of our being. Let us recapitulate: If we would like to be Spiritual sadhakas ...

... now, there would be no individual, and with the ego the world cannot become divine." 3 Similarly, desire in all its guises gross and subtle must be altogether extirpated from our waking consciousness, if we would like to acquire a divine life of action and creation firmly established in the consummated transcendence of the universal Ignorance; for, contrary to what is generally assumed... contest the possibility of any divine transformation of our waking physical existence. And if in reality, as it is generally assumed, such is the destined state of spiritual penury of the waking consciousness, the traditional spirituality is justified in putting its sole stress on the inner Realisation, leaving the outer Nature-part to participate as much as it possibly can in the Illumination... never enough to assert a high goal and a laudable objective; it is necessary too to see whether they are at all realisable in practice. And for that we must now examine the actual state of our waking consciousness, its present penury and future possibilities and seek to disengage the conditions whose fulfilment will lead to its divine transformation. 1 The Life of Swami Vivekananda by his ...

... our waking consciousness could not solve, warnings, premonitions, indications of the future, veridical dreams replace the normal subconscious incoherence. There can come also a structure of symbol images, some of a mental character, some of a vital nature : the former are precise in their figures, clear in their significance; the later are often complex and baffling to our waking consciousness, but... normal state, is a petty, limited portion of our total consciousness. Below it and behind and above are infinite ranges with incalculable possibilities and powers which have to be annexed to our waking consciousness, if we want to be integrally conscious. This extension of our consciousness and its free functioning in our sleep can be effected by a steady exercise of concentration, which is the one universal ...


... there and it is only a superficial arrangement created by that limited part Page 112 of us which is uppermost in our waking consciousness. This triple reaction is created as a superficial necessity and temporary arrangement by the waking consciousness. If you go deep down, it will be found that even the human mental personality has behind it an impersonal ground or plane where it is... has gone through a great crisis, and if he can become conscious within himself, when he is alone, he knows that all that has nothing to do with him. This world is not his master. Even in the waking consciousness, this perception can come to the human individual in calmness because within him is the realisation of the Lord. It is the true Being that is in him. This self can smile at nature, and it can ...


... interplay at once, answering to the tangled relations we see in our human existence. This relation, created by the fundamental duality of God's play with His becomings, can be realised by us in our waking consciousness or exist unconscious in our secret soul; but in any case it is a condition of subjection, conscious or Page 523 unconscious, to the sole Ishwara, since even as enemy or rebel we... for that divine Knowledge-Will working in us to fulfil infallibly & inevitably its foreseen & intended result, as it fulfils it in the universal working of Nature—foreseen & intended in our waking consciousness, always indeed with a less extended working but still essentially & typically as God works, with a divine science if not the extended divine omniscience, a partial divine victoriousness if not... groupings, relations & interactions of forces & processes, by which the Will acts out its rhythm [of] prearranged eventualities. The mechanism is a mechanism of self-possessed & continually waking consciousness that knows its whole future, present & past. The fixity of things & events is merely the term of practical executive wisdom in an original & inalienable freedom. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... universe. The secret Spirit in man is always infinitely calm and free from the touches of its action; the sphere of disturbance is always on the surface only of the ocean of being in the waking consciousness. We should attain in waking mind, too, to that stillness; for without it there can be no freedom in our outward living. We should be perfectly & consciously still in the soul even though a whirlwind... look within for a principle of eternal stability. To look within is to look behind the veil of our material life. The very movement supposes that material existence is not everything, that our waking consciousness is not the whole field of our consciousness, but only one outward movement of our being & there is something more in us that is curtained and can be unveiled. This attempt necessitates in practice... escape; freedom & bliss in the world are only a statement of Scripture, an experience abnormal to ordinary humanity and if eternally existent, then existent in our supraliminal self and not in our waking consciousness. Therefore India failing in the ancient power of Vedic tapasya has inertly accepted & combined the Buddhist Law of Karma & Rebirth & Shankara's gospel of cosmic Illusion & actionless Peace. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... has visions. Or at night you can't sleep... remain stretched out, quiet and you may have visions. Dreams come when one is asleep... when one has no longer the waking consciousness; whereas in vision one is in the waking consciousness, but one quietens or immobilises it, and it is another more inner consciousness which awakens.... Vision is another plane of perception which awakes. It is the senses... set of circumstances where you ought to take a decision and don't know what decision to take; or else some way of being of your own character which does not show itself to you clearly in the waking consciousness... but something that harms your development and obscures your consciousness, and which appears to you in a symbolic revelatory dream, and you become clearly aware of the thing, then you can ...


... by that; one has to remain quiet and call back the higher consciousness. The consciousness in the night almost always descends below the level of what one has gained by sadhana in the waking consciousness—unless there are special experiences of an uplifting character in the time of sleep or unless the Yogic consciousness acquired is so strong in the physical itself as to counteract the pull of... influence more actively the mind and vital. When the physical consciousness is spiritually awake, you will no longer feel the trouble and obstruction you now have and will be as open in the waking consciousness as in sleep. Concentration before and after Sleep The gap made by the night and waking with the ordinary consciousness Page 450 is the case with everybody almost (of course... not be able to sleep. You are mixing up different things altogether—that is why you cannot understand [ the previous reply ]. I was simply explaining the difference between the ordinary waking consciousness and the ordinary sleep consciousness as they work in men whether sadhaks or not sadhaks—and it has nothing to do with the true self or psychic being. Sleep and waking are determined not by the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... By dhyana you awake the inner being; by concentration in life, in work, in the outer consciousness you make the outer being also fit to receive the Divine Light and Force. It is in the waking consciousness that all has to be realised. But that cannot be done without a full preparation in the inner being and it is this preparation that is being done for you in dhyāna . You have not to remain... quiet and not get nervous or dejected—till the force acts again. Page 318 Meditation, Sleep and Samadhi When one tries to meditate, there is a pressure to go inside, lose the waking consciousness and wake inside, in a deep inner consciousness. But at first the mind takes it for a pressure to go to sleep, since sleep is the only kind of inner consciousness to which it has been accustomed... ways—(1) by the intensifying of the force of concentration—(2) by the sleep itself becoming a kind of swapna samadhi in which one is conscious of inner experiences that are not dreams (i.e. the waking consciousness is lost for the time, but it is replaced not by sleep but by an inward conscious state in which one moves in the supraphysical of the mental or vital being). The Yogic sleep is good only ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... ignorant self-view towards the supreme superconscience of the highest state of his self-being. But what are the essential traits of these four statuses? The Waking State : Our waking consciousness, the consciousness that we normally possess and that is dominated by the physical mind, is a limping surface consciousness shut up in the body limitation and within the confines of the little... of our being" 3 , and by far the larger part lies hidden "behind the frontal consciousness, behind the veil, occult and known only by an occult knowledge." 4 While in. this normal waking consciousness, a man becomes 1 The Synthesis of Yoga, pp. 498-99. 2 Vide, in particular, Mandukya Upanishad and Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. 3 4 Letters on Yoga, p. ... progressive ascension of the mind to higher and still higher planes or degrees of consciousness. But here a serious and seemingly insuperable hitch presents itself. For mind is the sole waking consciousness actually possessed by man the mental being and this mind in its actuality completely fails to remain awake, beyond a certain line, in the really higher states of realisation where the heightened ...

... being is like an iceberg. Perhaps four-fifth of it is below the surface in the subconscient, the inconscient, and one-fifth is visible in the waking consciousness. This one-fifth is largely governed by that which is below. So the waking consciousness cannot be taken as its characteristic, or as the whole of man's possible consciousness. The materialistic outlook is that however vast the con... the result of physical organs; and one becomes conscious by the use of the physical organs. Because one has eyes, therefore one has sight. Having the physical organism for expression, the waking consciousness attaches itself to this material organism, never realizing that there is consciousness that is free from this organized material unit or organism which it is using. Consciousness is there ...


... than the smaller self that is on the surface. But the truth is that all that is behind, this sea of which our waking consciousness is only a wave or series of waves, cannot be described by any one term, for it is very complex. Part of it is subconscient lower than our waking consciousness, part of it is on a level with it but behind and much larger than it; part is above and superconscient to us... 350 Page 149 dream or into the waking nature. For if these impressions rise up most in dream in an incoherent and disorganised manner, they can also and do rise up into our waking consciousness as a mechanical repetition of old thoughts old mental, vital and physical habits or an obscure mind full of obstinate Sanskaras, impressions, associations, fixed notions, habitual reactions ...

... matter,—to take direct cognisance of the objects of sense without the aid of the sense-organs. This is what happens in experiments of hypnosis and cognate psychological phenomena. Because our waking consciousness is determined and limited by the balance between mind and matter worked out by life in its evolution, this direct cognisance is usually impossible in our ordinary waking state and has therefore... held by it to be even at their highest a reflection in mental identifications and not the supreme self-existent identity. We have to go beyond the mind and the reason. The reason active in our waking consciousness is only a mediator between the subconscient All that we come from in our evolution upwards and the superconscient All towards which we are impelled by that evolution. The subconscient and the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... passed into samadhi, which means that they did not attempt to be conscious in these higher planes—their aim being to pass away into the Superconscient and not to bring the Superconscient into the waking consciousness, which is that of my Yoga. 26 July 1935 We do not find the process of descent elsewhere—not in Patanjali or Sankhya or Hathayoga, not even in the Upanishads that I have read. In the Tantras... goes into the silence? It does not seem that there is anything like a process of descent in Rajayoga or Vedantic Jnanayoga. Moreover, in Rajayoga there is nowhere any mention of silence in the waking consciousness—always it is a question of going into Samadhi. In Jnanayoga, however, it does seem as though the waking state becomes illumined and full of peace and brahmānanda. I never heard of silence ...


... the smaller self that is on the surface. But the truth is that all this that is behind, this sea of which our waking consciousness is only a wave or series of waves, cannot be described by any one term, for it is very complex. Part of it is subconscient, lower than our waking consciousness; part of it is on a level with it but behind and much larger than it; part is above and superconscient to us. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... transmission between the soul and the outer world. You take the outer waking consciousness as if it were the real person or being and conclude that if it is not this but something else that has the realisation or abides in the realisation, then no one has it—for there is no one here except this waking consciousness. That is the very error by which the ignorance lasts and cannot be got rid of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... is to say, the great powers which work in our being to uplift the mortal to divinity, find the hidden Force of God concealed in the secret working of these sisters & bring him to light in our waking consciousness. 4) अवर्धयन्त्सुभगं सप्त यह्वीः श्वेतं जज्ञानमरुषं महित्वा । शिशुं न जातमभ्यारुरश्वा देवासो अग्निं जनिमन्वपुष्यन् ॥४॥ Sayana:—The seven flowing great (rivers) increased Agni of good... difficult for us to be in touch with—they being sushupta in us,—that we also in our ordinary state must become sushupta in the trance of Samadhi to reach them and cannot command them in our waking consciousness. 10) पितुश्च गर्भं जनितुश्च बभ्रे पूर्वाीरेको अधयत्पीप्यानाः । वृष्णे सपत्नी शुचये सबंधू उभे अस्मै मनुष्ये नि पाहि ॥१०॥ Sayana. This Agni bears the world (herbs etc) of the Brahman ...


... constitution of our being. It includes the large action of an inner intelligence and inner sense-mind, of an inner vital, even of an inner subtle-physical being which upholds and embraces our waking consciousness, which is not brought to the front, which is subliminal, in the modern phrase. But when we can enter and explore this hidden self, we find that our waking sense and intelligence are for the... superficial mind and living within, in an inner mind, an inner life, an inmost soul of our being that we can be fully self-aware,—by this and by rising to a higher plane of mind than that which our waking consciousness inhabits. An enlargement and completion of our present evolutionary status, now still so hampered and truncated, would be the result of such an inward living; but an evolution beyond it can ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... and expanding energy meets with the superconscient self which sits concealed behind and above our physical and mental existence; this meeting leads to a profound samadhi of union in which our waking consciousness loses itself in the superconscient. Thus by the thorough and unremitting practice of Pranayama the Hathayogin attains in his own way the psychic and spiritual results which are pursued through... divisions by which only the ordinary mechanical processes of the vitality are possible to the normal life. It opens entirely the six centres of the psycho-physical system and brings into the waking consciousness the power of the awakened Shakti and the light of the unveiled Purusha on each of the ascending planes. Coupled with the use of the mantra it brings the divine energy into the body and prepares ...


... latest researches of psychology make it almost overwhelming in its insistence & next door to the actual proof. We now know that within men there is a dream self or sleep self other than the waking consciousness, active in the stunned, the drugged, the hypnotised, the sleeping, which knows what the waking mind does not know, understands what the waking mind does not understand, remembers accurately... trouble to notice. Who is this apparent sleeper in the waking, this waker in the sleeping in comparison with whose comprehensive attentiveness & perfect observation, memory and intelligence our waking consciousness is only a fragmentary & hasty dream? Mark this capital point that this more perfect consciousness within us is not the product of evolution,—nowhere in the evolved & waking world is there such ...


... the subconscient... and thus trace out an easily followed path between these two domains of consciousness. The absence of memories is very often due to the abruptness of the return to the waking consciousness. (The waking should not be too abrupt.... If possible, do not make any abrupt movements in bed at the time of waking.) Where there is no consciousness, there can be no memory. Consequently... relation between them and the happenings of your waking hours.... In sleep some action or other is always going on in your mental or vital or other plane; things happen there and they govern your waking consciousness. The daily habit of reviewing with interest the various dreams of the night, whose traces will gradually become transformed into precise memories, as well as the habit of noting them down ...


... even perfectly obvious: it's not only easy to imagine, it's a fact; but the PASSAGE?... The passage, which for most people is like passing from the waking consciousness to the sleep consciousness and from the sleep consciousness to the waking consciousness.... The most concrete experience I have had was like taking a step here and then taking a step there—there is still a step; there is still this-that ...


... t and circumconscient... includes the large action of an inner intelligence and inner sense-mind, of an inner vital, even of an inner subtle-physical being which upholds and embraces our waking consciousness, which is not brought to the front, which is subliminal, in the modern phrase. But when we can enter and explore this hidden self, we find that our waking sense Page 76 and ... mind and living within, in an inner mind, an inner life, an inmost soul of our being that we can be fully self-aware, — by this and by rising to a higher plane of mind than that which our waking consciousness inhabits. An Page 77 enlargement and completion of our present evolutionary status, now still so hampered and truncated, would be the result of such an inward living; but an ...


... It must be quietly fought out till you have recovered any lost ground and achieved a complete control. As for the bad dreams, that is involuntary and even those who are quite free in the waking consciousness some- times have them—what has to be avoided is these having any repercussion on the consciousness. These dreams even come sometimes without any psychological sex cause from a purely physical... sleep is not sleep but an inner consciousness, in which she is in communication with people or working everywhere. At the time she is aware, but she does not carry all that always into her waking consciousness or in her memory. A call would come in the occupied waking mind as the thought of the person coming—in a more free or a concentrated state as a communication from the person in question; in ...

...         Is the time come for me to start becoming conscious of my nights? My normal sleep is filled with unconsciousness.       It does not matter much at present. Put your waking consciousness right.         The sleep-consciousness has to be changed quickly as it is a fundamental basis. Otherwise whatever is gained during the day after so much tapasya gets devoured during... the sleep consciousness; but to be always conscious in sleep needs a change in the subconscient itself — in its very stuff.         A certain intensity of Force must come into the waking consciousness which will be strong enough to persist in the sleep.         Only a few days back I requested for a change of my sleep consciousness. Now the Mothers grace has responded. Bad dreams ...

... , even for a short time, all is covered up. Why so?   Page 177       It depends on the state of the waking consciousness.         What should be done to maintain the inner gains throughout the day?       The waking consciousness has to be concentrated or receptive.         How to decide the movements of the sadhana (whether they are right or ...

... real and original. We begin by the senses and move towards the Spirit. The Sun is the first and the most immediate source of light that man has and needs. He is the presiding deity of our waking consciousness and has his seat in the eye— caksusah adityah, adityah caksuh bhutva aksini pravisat. The eye is the representative Page 347 of the senses; it is the sense par excellence. ... consciousness to seize, almost in a human form. Finally, once the Truth is reached, it is to be held fast, firmly established, embodied and fixed in its inherent nature here in life and the waking consciousness. This is Svadha, The Gods feed upon Svadha and Vasat, as these represent the ascending movement of human consciousness: it is man's self-giving and aspiration and the upward urge ...

... usually disturbed or arrested or reversed before the restorative ten minutes' period. With most people, Page 601 the consciousness in the night descends below the level of the waking consciousness. The aim in the yoga is not to rely on sleep alone to give the sadhak the needed ten minutes' susupti state of Brahman consciousness, but rather to tune the waking state itself to intensities... So one of the Upanishads speaks of the Ishwara consciousness as susupti, deep Sleep, because it is only in Samadhi that man usually enters into it, so long as he does not try to turn his waking consciousness into a higher state. 73 The central aim therefore should be to achieve a condition of heightened Brahman consciousness, not in the sushupti stage of sleep alone (which is all too brief ...

... our sensational experience in the three vibrations of pain, pleasure and indifference can only be a superficial arrangement created by that limited part of ourselves which is uppermost in our waking consciousness. Behind there must be something in us,—much vaster, profounder, truer than the superficial consciousness,—which takes delight impartially in all experiences; it is that delight which secretly... equal success from returning to his habitual reaction of suffering when he is awakened. The reason of this phenomenon is perfectly simple; it is because the hypnotiser suspends the habitual waking consciousness which is the slave of nervous habits and is able to appeal to the subliminal mental being in the depths, the inner mental being who is master, if he wills, of the nerves and the body. But this ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... strange forms can surge up into dream or into the waking nature. For if these impressions rise up most in dream in an incoherent and disorganized manner, they can also and do rise up into our waking consciousness as a mechanical repetition of old thoughts, old mental, vital and physical habits or an obscure stimulus to sensations, actions, emotions which do not originate in or from our conscious thought... superficial mind and living within, in an inner mind, an inner life, an inmost soul of our being that we can be fully self-aware,- by this and by rising to a higher plane of mind than that which our waking consciousness inhabits. An enlargement and completion of our present evolutionary status, now still so hampered and truncated, would be the result of such an inward living; but an evolution beyond it can ...

... which lead to the opening of the inner self into the outer so as to influence and change it are not accepted, the experiences of the subtle consciousness and the trance consciousness, how is the waking consciousness to expand out of the narrow prison of the body and body-mind and the senses? For, to the physical mind untouched by the inner awakened consciousness, even the experience of the cosmic consciousness... the waking mind is subject or surrendered to the inner consciousness and willing to become its instrument, then even from the beginning these openings can Page 164 through the waking consciousness. That again is a familiar law of the yoga I may add that when you complain of the want of response, are probably expecting immediately some kind of direct manifestation of the Divine which ...

... deepen and intensify afterwards; but it must be affirmed and accepted, not denied and doubted. The "Essay on Doubt" will be written, never fear; but I have no time for it just now. Keep your waking consciousness as pure as possible; the dreams will then get discouraged in the end. The subconscious always takes time to clear altogether. November 1931? (...) such fuming helps not. But... her forces even when she is not physically present and this not only in your sleep or inward drawn condition (which seems to be sufficiently easy for Page 122 you) but in your waking consciousness whether in meditation or in ordinary hours. And this I want because it would give a great push to your Yoga. It would besides give a deeper meaning and power to your physical contact with her ...

... are not only what we know of ourselves but an immense more which we do not know; our momentary personality is only a bubble on the ocean of our existence. A superficial observation of our waking consciousness shows us that of a great part of our individual being and becoming we are quite ignorant; it is to us the Inconscient, just as much as the life of the plant, the metal, the earth, the elements... body; there is the subliminal, which comprises the inner being, taken in its entirety of inner mind, inner life, inner physical with the soul or psychic entity supporting them; there is this waking consciousness which the subliminal and the subconscient throw up on the surface, a wave of their secret surge. But even this is not an adequate account of what we are; for there is not only something deep ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... is able to pass without any gulf of oblivion from the inner to the outer waking. Secondly, when this has been once done, what is attained in the inner state, becomes easier to acquire by the waking consciousness and to turn into the normal experience, powers, mental status of the waking life. The subtle mind which is normally eclipsed by the insistence of the physical being, becomes powerful even in... ble, the higher and more difficult of access become the planes on which the heightened spiritual experience is sought. Once attained there, it has to be brought as much as possible into the waking consciousness. For in a Yoga which embraces Page 526 all life completely and without reserve, the full use of Samadhi comes only when its gains can be made the normal possession and experience ...


... courage. It is the Mother's force that descended to work in the system. There are two things that have to be established in order to make a foundation for the workings of the sadhana in the waking consciousness, 1st a descent of Peace from above, 2nd a descent of the Force. If one has these two things permanently established in the consciousness, then one has the basis. By Force I mean not mental... Force from above, is a great step forward in the sadhana. The fear of a syncope was due only to the sanskara in the mind; it must be dismissed. The Force can very well come down in the full waking consciousness; if it brings a kind of samadhi, it is usually a conscious inner condition—the consciousness taken away from outward things, but in full power within. Even if a trance came, it would be a trance ...


... they first appear. If the waking mind is subject or surrendered to the inner consciousness and willing to become its instrument, then even from the beginning these openings can come through the waking consciousness. That again is a familiar law of the Yoga. I may add that when you complain of the want of response, you are probably expecting immediately some kind of direct manifestation of the Divine... which lead to the opening of the inner self into the outer so as to influence and change it are not accepted, the experiences of the subtle consciousness and the trance consciousness, how is the waking consciousness to expand out of the narrow prison of the body and the body-mind and the senses? For, to the physical mind untouched by the inner awakened consciousness, even the experience of the cosmic c ...


... secret forces that determine our destiny and our internal and external growth or decline. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - III: The Inward Movement A superficial observation of our waking consciousness shows us that of a great part of our individual being and becoming we are quite ignorant; it is to us the Inconscient, just as much as the life of the plant, the metal, the earth, the elements... strange forms can surge up into dream or into the waking nature. For if these impressions rise up most in dream in an incoherent and disorganised manner, they can also and do rise up into our waking consciousness as a mechanical repetition of old thoughts, old mental, vital and physical habits or an obscure stimulus to sensations, actions, emotions which do not originate in or from our conscious thought ...


... said one had to be capable of 'maintaining this state,' she meant that one should be capable of bringing it back here, into the waking consciousness. However, Mother rectified: 'It is a state with no "here" or "there". I have had this experience in the waking consciousness and both perceptions (the true and the false) were simultaneous.' ...


... our dream consciousness, there is sometimes an activity of our subliminal intelligence, — dream becomes a series of thoughts, often strangely or vividly figured, problems are solved which our waking consciousness could not solve, warnings, premonitions, indications of the future, veridical dreams replace the normal subconscious incoherence. There can come also a structure of symbol-images, some of a... a Page 266 mental character, some of a vital nature: the former are precise in their figures, clear in their significance; the latter are often complex and baffling to our waking consciousness, but if we can seize the clue they reveal their own sense and peculiar system of coherence. Finally, there can come to us the records of happenings seen or experienced by us on other planes of ...

... our sensational experience in the three vibrations of pain, pleasure and indifference can only be a superficial arrangement created by that limited part of ourselves which is uppermost in our waking consciousness. Behind there must be something in us, — much vaster, profounder, truer than the superficial consciousness, — which takes delight impartially in all experiences; it is that delight which secretly... equal success from returning to his habitual reaction of suffering when he is awakened. The reason of this phenomenon is perfectly simple; it is because the hypnotiser suspends the habitual waking consciousness which is the slave of nervous habits and is able to appeal to the subliminal mental being in the depths, the inner mental being who is master, if he wills, of the nerves and the body. But this ...

... body; there is the subliminal, which comprises the inner being, taken in its entirety of inner mind, inner life, inner physical with the soul or psychic entity supporting them; there is this waking consciousness which the subliminal and the subconscient throw up on the surface, a wave of their secret surge. But even this is not an adequate account of what we are; for there is not only something deep... eliminated. It is with the growth of expansion of experience and knowledge of various degrees of probabilities and certainties that one can begin to live and experience what lies behind the surface waking consciousness. One comes to discover the astonishing phenomena of the subliminal consciousness in which complexities of the subtle physical consciousness, inner vital consciousness and inner mental consciousness ...


... written in his waking consciousness. Some of these poems I think I'll read out to you later. So there, ladies and gentlemen, there again, a phenomenon: in trance, in samadhi, you can say things, you can write things which in your normal state of consciousness you can never do. The phenomenon or the way on which this is based is obvious - because our normal waking consciousness goes to sleep ...


... real and original. We begin by the senses and move towards the Spirit. The Sun is the first and the most immediate source of light that man has and needs. He is the presiding deity of our waking consciousness and has his seat in the eye – cakşusah ādityah, ādityah caksuh bhūtvā aksinī prāviśat. The eye is the representative Page 14 of the senses; it is the sense par excellence... consciousness to seize, almost in a human form. Finally, once the Truth is reached, it is to be held fast, firmly established, embodied and fixed in its inherent nature here in life and the waking consciousness. This is Svadhā. The Gods feed upon Svādhā and Vasat, as these represent the ascending movement of human consciousness: it is man's self-giving and aspiration and the upward urge of ...

... man's Ignorance our attention is mainly directed to his waking condition, to his apparent being. But, is man really the waking consciousness only ? Is he only that which apepars to us from outside,—the surface consiousness ? Modern psychology will tell you that man's waking consciousness is only a fraction of his subconscious being. In fact, what man does on the surface-consciousness is very often the ...


... the body I had two nights ago were to materialize . . . . But how?... 5 The passage? The passage, which for most people is like passing from the waking consciousness to the sleep consciousness and from the sleep consciousness to the waking consciousness.... There is still a step; there is still this-that [Mother twisted two fingers as if to indicate a shift or change of consciousness from one state ...

... formation and a firm transparence in which the greater vision and experience desending from the higher planes could be clearly reflected. As for the other experience, his rejection of the waking consciousness evidently had the result of throwing him into an inner awareness in which he began to have contact with the supra physical planes. What was meant by the sea of red ether and stars depends on... then he would have had no occasion to fear. In any case if he wants to go into the inner consciousness and move in the inner planes — which will inevitably happen if he shuts off the waking consciousness in his meditation — he must cast away fear. Probably, he expected to get the silence or the touch of the divine consciousness by following out the suggestion of the Gita? But the silence or ...

... Being. It is then necessary to examine into the relation between Force and Consciousness. But what do we mean by the latter term? Ordinarily we mean by it our first obvious idea of a mental waking consciousness such as is possessed by the human being during the major part of his bodily existence, when he is not asleep, stunned or otherwise deprived of his physical and superficial methods of sensation ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... set of circumstances where you ought to take a decision and don't know what decision to take; or else some way of being of your own character which does not show itself to you clearly in the waking consciousness—because you are so accustomed to it that you are not aware of it—but something that harms your development and obscures your consciousness, and which appears to you in a symbolic revelatory ...


... think the contact is not enough. The contact with the Mother's consciousness will lead to all necessary realisations and the fulfilment of all true aspirations. 14 January 1932 In my waking consciousness I feel that I flow always in the stream of sadhana, but in my sleep I am quite a different person. I want to be changed in my sleep also. During sleep I want to keep in constant contact with ...

... ss, because that is for the most part limited to a reception and utilisation of the contacts of the physical world: but the moment we either go back into our subliminal being or enlarge our waking consciousness beyond the scope of the physical contacts, we become aware of something of this higher action. We find even that the human being can project himself partially into these higher planes under ...


... sleep, which is active, uses the body without the physical consciousness as intermediary and makes it do things directly. That is how one becomes a somnambulist. According to my experience, the waking consciousness goes to sleep for some reason or other (usually due to fatigue), but the inner being is awake, and the body is so tied to it that it follows it automatically. That is why you do fantastic things ...


... was first published in 1962, Mother added the following commentary: "There are also some people who enter domains where they are conscious, but between this conscious state and their normal waking consciousness there is a gap: their personality does not exist between the waking state and this deeper state; so, during the passage they forget. They cannot bring the consciousness they had there back into ...


... e. So one of the Upanishads speaks of the Ishwara consciousness as susupti, deep Sleep, because it is only in Samadhi that man usually enters into it, so long as he does not try to turn his waking consciousness into a higher state.     There are, in fact, two systems simultaneously active in the organisation of the being and its parts: one is concentric, a series of rings or sheaths ...


... each man has his own way of following it. The frequent seeing of lights such as those he writes of in his letter is usually a sign that the seer is not limited by his outward surface or waking consciousness but has a latent capacity (which can be perfected by training and practice) for entering into the experiences of the inner consciousness of which most people are unaware but which opens by the ...


... and awaken to right thinking because she has access to the Maho Arnas, the great ocean. On that level of consciousness, we are usually it must be remembered asleep, sushupta. The chetana or waking consciousness has no access; it lies behind our active consciousness, is, as we might say, superconscious, for us, asleep. Saraswati brings it forward into active consciousness by means of the ketu or perceptive ...


... approaching, áyatím, like a cow coming from the distance to its Page 703 pasture; it is then that the power divine stirs in its receptacle, seizes upon all that is available in the waking consciousness of the creature and, kindled, streams up towards the altitudes of the pure mind in the face of the coming divine knowledge which it rises to meet. Divine knowledge, revealing, inspiring, suggesting ...


... gomati mahi, where all is Truth & Light. Uti is the state of manifestation in Sat, in being, when that conscious existence which we are is stimulated into intensity & produces easily to the waking consciousness states of existence, movements of knowledge, outpourings of bliss which ordinarily it holds guha, in the secret parts of being. The next passage to which I shall turn is the eighth verse ...


... the body, even though it may seem to be confined in the body and compelled by Nature's results and its own works. The soul in us has the inherent power not only of becoming in this outward & waking consciousness what it is in reality, the continent of the body which seems to contain it, but of transcending in consciousness all bodily relation and relation with the universe. From the action of Nature ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... strange forms can surge up into dream or into the waking nature. For if these impressions rise up most in dream in an incoherent and disorganised manner, they can also and do rise up into our waking consciousness as a mechanical repetition of old thoughts, old mental, vital and physical habits or an obscure stimulus to sensations, actions, emotions which do not originate in or from our conscious thought ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... flicker that, once established, lasts intermittently through sleep and waking while life lasts and disappears with the dissolution of life. The ordinary mind identifies consciousness with human waking consciousness possibly shared by the animal—though that is not certain, for many refuse consciousness to the animal. A man is conscious while he lives, when he is dead consciousness disappears, when he is ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... So one of the Upanishads speaks of the Ishwara consciousness as suṣupta , deep Sleep, because it is only in Samadhi that man usually enters into it, so long as he does not try to turn his waking consciousness into a higher state. There are in fact two systems simultaneously active in the organisation of the being and its parts;—one is concentric, a series of rings or sheaths with the psychic at ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... changes into timelessness, into the eternal present. No doubt, the physical regulated time consciousness belongs mainly to the waking state but it can be subliminal as well as of the mental waking consciousness. E.g. sometimes one wills at night to get up at a fixed time in the morning and wakes exactly at that hour and minute—it is something in the subliminal being that recorded the time and vigilantly ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... quiet, the physical mind is in a state of torpor, the inner consciousness is left free to go on with its experiences. The disadvantage is that trance becomes indispensable and the problem of the waking consciousness is not solved; it remains imperfect. The Dual Nature of the Human Being There are usually in the human being two different tendencies in two parts of the being, one psychic or mental supported ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... Mother's sleep is not sleep but an inner consciousness, in which she is in communication with people or working everywhere. At the time she is aware, but she does not carry all that always into her waking consciousness or in her memory. A call would come in the occupied waking mind as the thought of the person coming—in a more free or in a concentrated state as a communication from the person in question; ...

... been lost to us, possibly beyond hope of recovery until Vishnu descends once more as the Varaha into the sea of oblivion and lifts up the lost Veda on his mighty tusks into the light of our waking consciousness and on to the firm soil of our externalised knowledge. Not therefore the conception of semi-savages or half civilised philosophers, but the disjecta membra of a profound spiritual culture ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... as a pure Impersonality or as a cosmic Personality manifesting the universe. But in Yoga they are regarded also in their psychological aspects as states of subjective existence to which our waking consciousness is now alien, but which dwell in us in a superconscious plane and to which, therefore, we may always ascend. For, as is indicated by the name, causal body ( kāraṇa ), as opposed to the two ...


... extensive mentalised sense-faculty not limited by the grosser conditions of the life nature or the physical nature. Man too has in himself, subliminal, unknown and unseen, concealed behind his waking consciousness and visible organism this mental soul, mental nature, mental body and a mental plane, not materialised, in which the principle of Mind is at home and not as here at strife with a world which ...


... occult and strange, but a direct, simple, inherent and spontaneous action. The spirit is not limited like the waking material consciousness, and the supermind when it takes possession of the waking consciousness, dematerialises it, delivers it from its limits, converts the material and the psychic into the nature of the spiritual being. The mental activity that can be most readily organised is, as ...


... which we call God, Nature or Brahman. Yoga, generally, is the power which the soul in one body has of entering into effective relation with other souls, with parts of itself which are behind the waking consciousness, with forces of Nature and objects in Nature, with the Supreme Intelligence, Power & Bliss which governs the world either for the sake of that union in itself or for the purpose of increasing ...


... in subconscious mentality or where it approaches or touches the superconscient being, it is capable of bridging the artificial separation. Page 304 Taking this separative basis of waking consciousness for itself and for a reality, the house of imprisoned awareness from which it looks at the world, it is bound to see objects as external to this awareness and this conscious vision. Embodied ...


... the deity in which it dwells, of the finite with the Infinite, of the as yet accomplished evolving & imperfect humanity with its yet unevolved attainable perfection, of the outwardly active waking consciousness which is controlled with the inwardly active controlling consciousness, of man with God, of the changing outward apparent ego with the secret real and immutable Self. By that contact the lower ...


... hair-raising stories... and some take place here. At the same time, the consciousness is clear, clear, increasingly clear. But I can't see what has the power to dissolve that, because in the waking consciousness one is more or less... I won't say luminous, but anyway, striving towards the Light; then you close your eyes and fall asleep—three minutes later you're being chased and fighting against things ...


... implied, the country of earth and the country of the soul, the former a surface region, the latter a "deeper" domain. And by "earth" with its "vivid imagery" is meant the contents of our normal waking consciousness packed with thousands of observations, whereas the "soul" stands for a consciousness other than the life-force and mind operating in conjunction with a material body and brain. This consciousness ...


... aspect of being, as all past religious practice has tended to do. But world-values it did create and could not help creating, because the reflection of so grand a reality as Nirvana in the waking consciousness must unseal in a healthy and "rounded" constitution the divine spring of creative power that waits above the purely personal tanha- ridden mind. Though only one aspect and not the integral ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Evolving India

... merge". Underlying this and similar poems of Amal Kiran is the realization of the power of poetic language and its ability to concretely bring forth aspects of reality before our waking consciousness. A stanza from his poem Words for instance, very vividly portrays the power of this new poetry: Words are the shadows of enhaloed hawks: The shadows cling to clay and seem ...


... On 5 December Sri Aurobindo left his body as the outer consequence of a strange uraemic coma from which, visibly by an act of highest yogic mastery, he time and again rose up regaining full waking consciousness. He was entering death consciously because the Law the Creator had imposed upon Himself demanded this unprecedented “strategic” sacrifice. The yogic master-act was possible because the Avatar ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... veridical dreams, dream-experiences of great value, conveying truths that are not so easy to get in our ordinary waking state. Thus problems are solved in our dream consciousness, which our waking consciousness could not possibly cope with; we are provided with warnings and premonitions and indications of the future and with "records of happenings seen or experienced by us on other planes of our ...

... The first of these limitations is that it is altogether unconsciously as it were that we make the passage to these higher and deeper realms of our being, so that when we come back to our waking consciousness we retain very little of the sublime experiences that 1 The Life Divine, p. 452. 2 Ibid. 3 A. E. Taylor, "Dream and Sleep", in Encyclopaedia of Religion and ...

... the Spirit. And these ascents must be made in full awareness and not merely in the immobile trance-state of absorbed superconscience. For in the latter case, on the return to the waking consciousness from these temporary sojourns, only an indeterminate spiritual impression may abide but not much of dynamic effect. In order to have the dynamis of the higher spiritual grades of being active ...

... after waking up I cannot recognise my room. Why? It is because you have become more conscious of the part in your being that dreams and that, on returning to your body, still dominates your waking consciousness. 31 October 1966 ...

... anything last night? Feel anything? ?? I am asking because last night I tried... it was around four in the morning and I was concentrating on trying to build that bridge [between your waking consciousness and the other consciousness]. You didn't feel anything? It's very vague. It's another way of remembering, that's why. It must give a sort of woolly effect to someone not used to it ...


... only when it enters the body. You can't imagine the accumulation of impressions recorded and stored in the subconscient, heaped one on top of another. Outwardly, you don't even notice, the waking consciousness isn't aware of it; but they come in, they keep on coming and coming, piling up... hideous! Page 86 So we'll see how long this is going to last.... I understand why people have never ...


... strange forms can surge up into dream or into the waking nature. For if these impressions rise up most in dream in an incoherent and disorganized manner, they can also and do rise up into our waking consciousness as a mechanical repetition of old thoughts, old mental, vital and physical habits or an obscure stimulus to sensations, actions, emotions which do not originate in or from our conscious thought ...


... implied, the country of earth and the country of the soul, the former a surface region, the latter a "deeper" domain. And by "earth" with its "vivid imagery" is meant the contents of our normal waking consciousness packed with thousands of observations, whereas the "soul" stands for a consciousness other than the life-force and mind operating in conjunction with a material body and brain. This consciousness ...


... course, reader and reader will differ in response and some may kindle up more than others. But amidst the extremest oddity and alienness of the revelation a grip will be felt even on our whole waking consciousness and the intelligence will stir with an immense philosophical joy of ineffably understanding what yet "passeth understanding". Not only symbol at its most living and most intimate but also philosophy ...


... cognisance of the objects of sense without the Page 52 aid of the sense-organs. This is what happens in experiments of hypnosis and cognate psychological phenomena. Because our waking consciousness is determined and limited by the balance between mind and matter worked out by life in its evolution, this direct cognisance is usually impossible in our ordinary waking state and has therefore ...


... another important distinction which has not yet been made in modern psychology - the distinction between the physical, the vital and the mental aspects which characterise not only the ordinary waking consciousness but also the subconscient and the subliminal. Regarding the prevailing lack of such a distinction, Sri Aurobindo writes: "Each plane of our being - mental, vital, physical - has its own ...

... implied, the country of earth and the country of the soul, the former a surface region, the latter a "deeper" domain. And by "earth" with its "vivid imagery" is meant the contents of our normal waking consciousness packed with thousands of observations, whereas the "soul" stands for a consciousness other than the life-force and mind operating in conjunction with a material body and brain. This consciousness ...

... a pure Impersonality or as a cosmic Personality manifesting the universe. But in Yoga they are regarded also in their psychological aspects as states of subjective existence to which our waking consciousness is now alien, Page 260 but which dwell in us in a superconscious plane and to which, therefore, we may always ascend.... We perceive then, these three steps in Nature ...


... able to pass without any gulf of oblivion from the inner to the outer waking. Secondly, when this has been once done, what is attained in the inner state, becomes easier to acquire by the waking consciousness and to turn into the normal experience, powers, mental status of the waking life. The subtle mind which is normally eclipsed by the insistence of the physical being, Page 217 ...


... a repetition of the experience, though we may be right in viewing The Ancient Mariner and Christabel as resulting from a sort of prolongation or projection of the dream-state into the waking consciousness. If Milton is to be believed, he had a Kubla-Khan experience night after night from the Autumnal to the Vernal Equinox during several years. Might we not suggest that not only was his ear ...

... worlds. Description of Four states of Consciousness in the Mandukya Upanishad: Yogic Terms of States of Ignorance and Knowledge 29 Mandukya Upanishad speaks of the surface waking consciousness in which we ordinarily live as the state of wakefulness (jāgarita), where one feels and enjoys gross Page 36 objects of our physical world. This state is distinguished from ...


... more precise meaning of the term "consciousness". According to Sri Aurobindo, if we examine the totality of phenomena of consciousness, it becomes clear that our first obvious idea of a mental waking consciousness such as is possessed by the human being during the major part of his bodily existence cannot be accepted as the fundamental nature of consciousness. Sri Aurobindo points out that there is something ...

... Being. It is then necessary to examine into the relation between Force and Consciousness. But what do we mean by the latter term? Ordinarily we mean by it our first obvious idea of a mental waking consciousness such as is possessed by the human being during the major part of his bodily existence, when he is not asleep, stunned or otherwise deprived of his physical and superficial methods of sensation ...

... hostile forces and beings fulfil this role admirably. For they mercilessly target these weaknesses of the sadhaka, excite them either through lure or through menace, and project them out into the waking consciousness with such fury that the sadhaka cannot ignore them any longer. There are then left only two alternatives before the sadhaka: either to succumb to the suggestions prompted by the hostiles and ...

... Jagannath Vedalankar's Correspondence with The Mother 20 March 1947 Divine Mother, Since riots and disturbances have begun in the Punjab, my waking consciousness has been lowered down and sunk into the mire of attachment for my relatives who are suffering in their native place. When my mind is at rest, various thoughts come to it over and over again: ...

... earth, and instead of running after the ignis fatuus it would be more sensible to pass away into the Superconscient and not to seek to bring down the Superconscient into the field of our waking consciousness. As a matter of fact, this has been so far the general trend. For "in the ordinary is only necessary to recognise two planes of our consciousness, the spiritual and materialised ...

... experiences, a change more deeply penetrating than any other and more prolonged and tangible even than experiences in the waking state. But it is said that samadhi does not bring any change in the waking consciousness. It depends on how far the inner being imposes the result of its experience on the outer.   After the samadhi is over, many parts of my being continue to remain indrawn. ...

... hidden the Light of know­ledge. The divine mental being, in search of that kine of Light, delivers them by breaking down those firm, secret and dark recesses. It is he indeed who brings into the waking consciousness the dawn of knowledge. 6. What does actually happen when Indra reveals the Light of knowledge dissipating the darkness of ignorance? There echo in the occult hearing the concrete messages ...

... totally sacrificed as obstacles. The Indian's soul is not imbedded in some far-off region of his unconscious nature; he has succeeded in raising it up and bringing it forward to the level of his waking consciousness – ­as the gold-tusked Divine Boar lifted the Earth out of the dark depths of the primeval deluge to the light of the Day.   The French, for example, have developed as a people a ...

... fooled you a bit in the past, but this is no fooling here ( Laughter) ; this is true, it was an actual conversation that took place, though I didn't know or remember anything about it in my waking consciousness. Such things are possible and such things have happened. I told you long, long ago, that when Sri Aurobindo was in jail, He used to be visited by Vivekananda. You remember, it occurred ...


... Mother's sleep is not sleep but an inner consciousness in which she is in connection with people or working everywhere. At the time she is aware, but she does not carry all that always into her waking consciousness or in her memory. A call would come in the occupied waking mind as the thought of the person coming - in a more free or in a concentrated state as a communication from the person in question; ...


... as if the land about me was tossing like the boat  – of course a subtle physical impression, but vivid enough.4 4-4-1935   Dreams of this kind can last for years and years after the waking consciousness has ceased to interest itself in things of that kind. The subconscient is exceedingly obstinate in the keeping of its old impressions. I find myself even recently having a dream of revolutionary ...


... or the adoption of a mental rule, but in the spiritualisation of human nature including even the subconscient; for it is often seen that when violence is completely expelled from the normal waking consciousness, it sinks into the sub-conscient and re-emerges from there in sudden, fretful spurts, playing havoc with the order and security of individual and collective life. Besides, violence cannot ...


... last two days I wake up at night with a kind of twisting pain in my chest. The feeling at that time is like this: “What has happened? Why has it so happened?” Everything appears strange. In my waking consciousness, there is no such perception of pain. It comes in sleep, and when I am awake I drive it away; but at the same time the mind keeps on thinking that still there is some attachment in the subconscient ...

... way the physical consciousness as a whole. If the peace descends there, this restlessness will disappear. The sex-sensation came from the subconscient. When it is unable to manifest in the waking consciousness, it appears from the subconscient in sleep. The mind must not allow itself to be disturbed — it will go out with the rest. (20.9.34) ...

... animal & the reason the end & summit of his evolution. Man did not begin with reason, neither will he end with it. There are faculties within us which transcend reason and are asleep to our waking consciousness, just as life is asleep in the metal, consciousness in the tree, reason in the animal. Our evolution is not over, we have not completed even half of the great journey. And if now we are striving ...


... and Pranakosha,—this he normally is,—but in the mental sheath or manahkosha, and there in his normal condition he is only partially active. Once awake in the mental body, he has to extend his waking consciousness,—whoever can so far develop,—into the Vijnana and Anandakoshas. What are these bodies and these Atmas? The Vedantins of old recognised that divine consciousness on whatever level always creates ...


... physical carries in it a mental psychological content, impressions of past events, habits, fixed mental and vital formations, fixed forms of character, and sends them up by an occult process to the waking consciousness, thus originating or influencing many activities of our nature. On the same basis there would be no difficulty in under standing why the physiological functionings of the body help to determine ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... call on her and aspire to feel her presence and her power working in you .... The frequent seeing of lights... is usually a sign that the seer is not limited by his outward surface or a waking consciousness but has a latent capacity (which can be perfected by training and practice) for entering into the experiences of the inner consciousness of which most people are unaware but which opens by the ...


... not to touch him or touch Power; now this has happened. I had asked,—and I had willed,—for supramental peace and strength and purity. But now I have become very nervous; my external or waking consciousness,—there is nervousness in it. For some time now I have stopped meditating in the morning. The Mother has entered in me and I am told that my body is becoming consciousness. Not ...


... features of the transpersonal approach include: a focus on the whole person, including body, intellect, emotions and spirit; an interest in states of consciousness, including an assumption that waking consciousness is not the highest or most satisfying state; an interest in ultimate values and principles.... 3 (R. Frager) Transpersonal psychology investigates the evolution of consciousness ...


... no contact and they seem to it unconscious, — supramental or overmental and submental ranges. 17 Ordinarily we mean by it [consciousness] our first obvious idea of a mental waking consciousness such as is possessed by the human being during the major part of his bodily existence, when he is not asleep, stunned or otherwise deprived of his physical and superficial methods of sensation ...


... 12 The Superconscient: Gradations of the Higher Consciousness We become aware, in a certain experience, of a range of being superconscient to all these three [the waking consciousness, the subconscient and the subliminal], aware too of something, a supreme highest Reality sustaining and exceeding them all, which humanity speaks of vaguely as Spirit, God, the Oversoul: from ...


... body; there is the subliminal, which comprises the inner being, taken in its entirety of inner mind, inner life, inner physical with the soul or psychic entity supporting them; there is this waking consciousness which the subliminal and the subconscient throw up on the surface, a wave of their secret surge. But even this is not an adequate account of what we are; for there is not only something deep ...


... strange forms can surge up into dream or into the waking nature. For if these impressions rise up most in dream in an incoherent and disorganized manner, they can also and do rise up into our waking consciousness as a mechanical repetition of old thoughts, old mental, vital and physical habits or an obscure stimulus to sensations, actions, emotions which do not originate in or from our conscious thought ...


... equal success from returning to his habitual reaction of suffering when he is awakened. The reason of this phenomenon is perfectly simple; it is because the hypnotiser suspends the habitual waking consciousness which is the slave of nervous habits and is able to appeal to the subliminal mental being in the depths, Page 246 the inner mental being who is master, if he wills, of the nerves ...


... that the Inconscient and Subconscient form the basis of Matter and consequently of the cells, of everything our material body consists of. We are those foul worlds under the waterline of our waking consciousness. There is nothing we experience that does not sink down in those twilight zones, peopled by the puny and the big monsters of our deep sea. Everything we have forgotten, everything we have lived ...


... and it can be dropped at the earliest opportunity. From that moment you are soul-powered and your contact with the Lord is so deep and strong and continuous that it overflows into the outer waking consciousness and you had those marvellous five minutes of utter soul-life in the wakeful state on the physical plane just after the dream. What happened is the promise of a more luminous future than ever ...


... the surface or, rather, makes the surface feel more intensely the soul which is mostly hovering there after all these years of seeking for the presence of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother with the waking consciousness. They have said, while not discouraging meditation, that to remain calm and concentrated and self-consecrated in the midst of one's occupations in life is more helpful towards our goal than ...


... language, a palpable motion of that word-body as well as the soul's sign from afar. This means that not merely the subtle mind or the inner vision but at the same time the energy of the full waking consciousness is employed to catch inspi- Page 320 ration. What is thus created acquires a certain impetuous diversity; and in AE the new movement comes when he begins to write with a ...


... quiet, the physical mind is in a state of torpor, the inner consciousness is left free to go on with its experience. The disadvantage is, that trance becomes indispensable and the problem of the waking consciousness is not solved, it remains imperfect. Sri Aurobindo ...

... ss, because that is for the most part limited to a reception and utilisation of the contacts of the physical world: but the moment we either go back into our subliminal being or enlarge our waking consciousness beyond the scope of the physical contacts, we become aware of something of this higher action. We find even that the human being can project himself partially into these higher planes under ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... inevitably beyond every surface appearance. He must discover the will and intelligence secret in the works of Force, operative in material and vital phenomena; he must perceive it as one in the waking consciousness, the subconscient and the superconscient: he must find the soul in the body of the material universe. Pursuing Nature through these categories in which he recognises his unity with the rest ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... and characteristically is, but in the inconscience of material Nature. This inconscience is no more real than the ignorance of exclusive concentration in our temporary being which limits the waking consciousness of man; for as in us, so in the atom, the metal, the plant, in every form of material Page 609 Nature, in every energy of material Nature, there is, we know, a secret soul, a secret ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... retains some effect or some gain of its temporary sojourn in these higher countries of the spirit. These ascents take place for many in trance, but are perfectly possible in a concentration of the waking consciousness Page 945 or, where that consciousness has become sufficiently psychic, at any unconcentrated moment by an upward attraction or affinity. But these two types of contact with the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... puissant will towards victory over all that resists and hampers. But it must be an integral exaltation. All the joys that the human being seeks with his desire, all the active energies of his waking consciousness,—his days, as it is expressed in the brief symbolic language of the Veda,—must be uplifted to that higher plane. By vanāni are meant the receptive sensations seeking in all objectivities the ...


... as a chariot framed for the movement of the gods, giving to the Thought that meditates the illuminative comprehension which allows the forms of the divine Powers to outline themselves in our waking consciousness. Then may those other mighty Ones who bring with them the plenitudes of the higher life, Indra and the Ashwins, Usha and Surya, Varuna and Mitra and Aryaman, assume with that formative extension ...


... left the stream and went steadily & swiftly downwards. Afterwards the source of the trikaldrishti was seen, a coming movement of pranic energy, prepared in the sat-Brahman, latent both to the waking consciousness of the ant & my own, but caught by the vijnanamaya drishti. In another instance the same movement of energy was perceived in another ant and followed by an indicative movement, but it was also ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... doubt had receded to an observing distance, with a rattache[ment] in the mind. Rupa & samadhi have begun to advance irresistibly & methodically. They must now be extended to the outermost waking consciousness. Lipi etc 1) Intelligent type of the ideality at its least intensity 2) Lion force (inferior vani) 3) Type of the ideal intensity 4) Fortnightly effectivity 5) Rupa .. tapas ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... on its object to extend the range of knowledge & consciousness through all the three states of waking, sleep & dream, to the realisation of those tattwas of the Brahman to which the ordinary waking consciousness is blind and to the experience, either in reflected images or in the things themselves, of other worlds and planes of consciousness than the material earth or this waking physical consciousness ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... consciousness or as it is said "superconscient" or "subconscient". Samadhi may be in three states—Jagrat or waking, Swapna or dream, Sushupta or deep sleep. Jagrat Samadhi is when in the waking consciousness, we are able to concentrate and become aware of things beyond our consciousness. Page 1475 This Samadhi may either bring images and experiences seen outside one's own self as if ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... g agency. That would not mean that it was a creation of her personal mind, but only a transcription given to her just within the bounds of what it could seize, even though unfamiliar to her waking consciousness. Once the receptivity of the mind awakened, the rest came to her freely through the channel created by the vision. That her mind did not create the song is confirmed by the fact that it came ...


... in these two ways that the hostiles try to recover their hold. But the rising from the subconscient is not so important except for its long persistence—it comes up in dream or it is, in the waking consciousness, fragmentary. But when it comes from the environmental consciousness then it can be a strong attack and it is evidently that which is taking place now. I think what lends force to these attacks ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... her help, the working of her forces even when she is not physically present and this not only in your sleep or inward-drawn condition (which seems to be sufficiently easy for you) but in your waking consciousness whether in meditation or in ordinary hours. And this I want because it would give a great push to your Yoga. It would besides give a deeper meaning and power to your physical contact with her ...

... the difference. Vision in trance is vision no less than vision in the waking state. It is only the condition of the recipient consciousness that varies Page 101 —in one the waking consciousness shares in the vision, in the other it is excluded for the sake of greater facility and range in the inner experience. But in both it is the inner vision that sees. The physical things ...


... means that they did not attempt to be conscious in these higher planes—their aim being to pass away into the Page 377 Superconscient and not to bring the Superconscient into the waking consciousness, which is that of my Yoga. I explain this absence of the descent experiences myself by the old Yogas having been mainly confined to the psycho-spiritual-occult range of experience—in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... So one of the Upanishads speaks of the Ishwara consciousness as suṣupta , deep Sleep, because it is only in Samadhi that man usually enters into it, so long as he does not try to turn his waking consciousness into a higher state. Finally, I may observe that the Cabbala system seems to look at and describe the whole from a certain spiritual-mental or spiritual-psychic view from below the supernals ...


... meeting strange people, moving about, etc. Why has there been no change in this respect in spite of my three years of sadhana here? Dreams of this kind can last for years and years after the waking consciousness has ceased to interest itself in things of that kind. The subconscient is exceedingly obstinate in the keeping of its old impressions. I find myself even recently having a dream of Page ...


... you let yourself be possessed by mental formations, this is what happens most often—mental formations which, most often, you yourself have made, besides. And as the control of the rational, waking consciousness has gone, all this begins to dance a saraband in the head, with a kind of raging madness; ideas get entangled, collide, fight, it is truly hallucinating. Then, unless you have the power to bring ...


... often the condition of your day to the condition of your night. In sleep some action or other is always going on in your mental or vital or other plane; things happen there and they govern your waking consciousness. For instance, some are very anxious to perfect themselves and make a great effort during the day. They go to sleep and, when they rise the next day, they find no trace of the gains of their ...


... between these two domains of consciousness. "One useful remark to be made from this point of view is that the absence of memories is very often due to the abruptness of the return to the waking consciousness. (The waking should not be too abrupt.) Page 38 "As a matter of fact, at that moment, the new activities breaking into the field of consciousness force out everything that is unfamiliar ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... strange forms can surge up into dream or into the waking nature. For if these impressions rise up most in dream in an incoherent and disorganised manner, they can also and do rise up into our waking consciousness as a mechanical repetition of old thoughts, old mental, vital and physical habits or an obscure stimulus to sensations, actions, emotions which do not originate in or from our conscious thought ...


... strange forms can surge up into dream or into the waking nature. For if these impressions rise up most in dream in an incoherent and disorganised manner, they can also and do rise up into our waking consciousness as a mechanical repetition of old thoughts, old mental, vital and physical habits or an obscure stimulus to sensations, actions, emotions which do not originate in or from our conscious thought ...


... heard Amenhotep, I remembered. Then I knew the child was Amenhotep. So I know that I spoke: I spoke a language but I don't remember it now. I remembered "Amenhotep" because I know it in my waking consciousness: "Amenhotep." But otherwise, the other sounds did not remain. I have no memory for sounds. And I know I was his mother; at that moment I knew who I was, for I know Amenhotep is the son of ...


... is only an appearance of this. As I said, in a dream when one goes there, one knows things which one doesn't know, one can do things, one is in touch with things which one doesn't know in the waking consciousness, because it is too superficial. It is like the inside of something. The outside is the expression of that, but an altogether surface expression. So naturally it looks the same; in any case ...


... inner life, inner physical, with the soul or psychic entity supporting them. The subliminal in man is the largest part of his nature; it is not subconscient, but conscient and greater than the waking consciousness. The subconscient is that which is below the ordinary physical consciousness, the subliminal that which is behind and supports it. Supermind —the Supramental, the Truth-Consciousness ...


... free to expect more help from an invisible and silent Mother (who never contradicts you openly) if he likes. 15 August 1932 Why do I do something in dream which I would not do in the waking consciousness? The movement comes from a subconscient layer which is not allowed to express itself in the daytime. Is it because there is no mental control in the dream state and hence the vital ...


... Meditate where you meditate best—that is to say, wherever you are most silent and calm. 31 January 1963 ( Regarding a bad dream ) I call that mental fermentation. As soon as your waking consciousness falls asleep or leaves your body, the brain-cells you have not taken the trouble to quiet down begin to fidget restlessly and produce what is called a dream, but it is nothing more than disorderly ...


... language, a palpable motion of that word-body as well as the soul's sign from afar. This means that not merely the subtle mind or the inner vision but at the same time the energy of the full waking consciousness is employed to catch inspiration. What is thus created acquires a certain impetuous diversity; and in AE the new movement comes when he Page 35 begins to write with a more ...


... And last night, there was the Answer, as it were. This morning, when I got up, I didn't remember clearly, but in the middle of the night I knew it very well. (It's not going from sleep to the waking consciousness: it is coming out of one state to enter another one, and when I came out of that state to enter the so-called normal one, I remembered very well.) I was as if made to live the WAY of turning ...


... light—the dawning of a light. If this goes on, it will be fine. It will change a lot of things. It was in the subconscient of individuals? Of individuals, yes. It wasn't their waking consciousness? No, no! It's not individuals as they know themselves—it is their subconscient. It is in the subconscient. The subconscient is a realm just as the material world is a realm—it's in the ...


... hear the end of a sentence: 'Such is the will of...tep.' The entire name is uttered very clearly, but when I got up (too abruptly), only the syllable 'tep' was retained by the memory of the waking consciousness. It was the tutor speaking to me about the child. I am the Pharaoh's wife or the high priestess of the temple, with full authority." That was my first memory on waking up. But he is Amenhotep ...


... implied, the country of earth and the country of the soul, the former a surface territory, the latter a "deeper" domain. And by "earth" with its "vivid imagery" is meant the contents of our normal waking consciousness packed with thousands of observations, whereas the "soul" stands for a consciousness other than the life-force and mind operating in conjunction with a material body and brain. This consciousness ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Talks on Poetry

... conscious: it's not a dream (I don't sleep in the ordinary way; I am as if asleep, but I don't sleep; and I don't "dream": I ACT), I am wholly conscious, with the same kind of consciousness as the waking consciousness—it's not a dream. I was doing that, and explaining to you how all those figures were organizing themselves and determining future events. When I wake up, or get up, rather (I can't say "wake ...


... The following are my ideas after reading p. 256 of the book you wanted me to consult: Sri Aurobindo's Letters on Yoga, Tome I. In the first letter, after the mention of the external waking consciousness and then the inner subliminal whose movements are felt like things of dream and vision, there is the phrase: "the Superconscient (Supermind, Overmind etc.) is beyond even that range and is to ...


... depths and superconscient Page 212 heights and make these an acquisition of our waking life. Our physical consciousness has to be "spiritually awake" 1 and "as open in the waking consciousness as in sleep." 2 We have somehow to "arrive at a point when one remains outwardly conscious and yet lives in the inner being and has at will the indrawn or the outpoured condition." 3 ...

... have a talk with Him. I had an occasion also, long after that, to be told by the Mother that I had been there, and she has told many others also about it; only at that time I didn't know, in my waking consciousness, that I had been there. That reminds me again of another experience I had long before this. I didn't know anything about the abode that Sri Aurobindo had there or had built there. The ...


... consciousness. It includes the large action of the inner mind, inner Intelligence and inner sense-mind, of an inner vital, and of an inner subtle-physical being which upholds and embraces our waking consciousness but which is not brought to the front. Our subliminal being is not, like our surface being, an outcome of the energy of the Inconscient. It is a meeting place of the consciousness that emerges ...

... the cataleptic state of Samadhi can offer itself as the most natural status of divine consciousness that an embodied soul can aspire after. This so-claimed incapacity of our normal waking consciousness to allow of a complete spiritual illumination has often been cited as one of the most potent and pertinent grounds for the disparagement and denigration of the physical body. In ancient ...

... being aware of, and finally of actively functioning in any of the levels of this immensely extended field of consciousness. Thus one need not remain "limited by his outward surface or waking consciousness". Everyone has "a latent capacity [which can be perfected by training and practice] for entering into the experiences of the inner consciousness' '. (Letters on Yoga, p. 932) The ...

... Aurobindo's Savitri 6. Consciousness: Its Quadridirectional Movement: There are four different types of "looks" possible for the normal waking consciousness of man: a "downlook", an "inlook", an "outlook" and an "uplook". To understand well the real significances of these rather odd terms, we have to remember that what we habitually know ourselves ...

... after state of consciousness to a brief period of luminous and peaceful dreamless rest, which is the true restorer of the energies of the waking nature, and then returning by the same way to the waking consciousness. Page 132 The Nature of Sleep: the Scientific Viewpoint In order to try to understand sleep, scientists use an apparatus known as an electroencephalogram (EEG). In sleep ...

... a peace that there is not the slightest stir in it when I soar high above. If the little mental sense were not there it would be a trance!       Trance could not be sufficient — the waking consciousness must be the same.         What greater day can there be than the one when the Mother is accepted even by my lower vital?       Yes, when that has been done, it is one of the ...

... totally sacrificed as obstacles. The Indian's soul is not imbedded in some far-off region of his unconscious nature; he has succeeded in raising it up and bringing it forward to the level of his waking consciousness,— as the gold-tusked Divine Boar lifted the Earth out of the dark depths of the primeval deluge to the light of the Day. The French, for example, have developed as a people a special c ...

... different. It would be a gross blunder to attempt a chart of any of these other systems, to use an Einsteinian term, with the measures and conventions of the system to which our external waking consciousness belongs. For, there "the sun shines not, nor the moon, nor the stars, neither these lightnings nor this fire." The difficulty is further enhanced by the fact that there are very many unseen ...

... consciousness. It includes the large action of the inner mind, inner Intelligence and inner sense-mind, of an inner vital, and of an inner subtle-physical being which upholds and embraces our waking consciousness but is not brought to the front. Our subliminal being is not, like our surface being, an outcome of the energy of the Inconscient. It is a meeting-place of the consciousness that emerges ...

... the inspiration of life-energy becomes divinely blissful and lasting, the more the aspirant is endowed with the pure intelligence, divine power and fulfilment, and at last he manifests in the waking consciousness the streams of the Vast, of direct sight and creation beyond mind and intelli­gence. In the present sukta there are four groups of three riks each, graded according to the spiritual progression ...

... its dependence upon matter has become now very great, almost an established habit. Mind is not operating in its freedom and purity. There is a barrier between mind and matter and the normal waking consciousness is so much habituated to depend upon the evidence of the sense data, so extroverted, that direct knowledge is not possible by the mind only. But the sense mind has a free' action if it is ...


... the transcendental glory of his destiny. His spirituality, which germinated in England, 177 and developed in India, was an ascent of his soul, not through trance, or a suspension of the waking consciousness, but a fully conscious, exploratory, and heuristic ascent from level to level of experience, and from world to world of beings and forces, to the highest peaks of the transcendent Spirit ...

... short of it may be a partial, but can never be a complete or integral union. A seeker of integral union has to be identified with the Chatushpada Brahman of the Upanishad—the Brahman of the waking consciousness, the Brahman of the dream or subliminal consciousness, the Brahman of the sleep consciousness, and That of the transcendent, absolute consciousness. When one is fully identified with the Divine ...


... psychological functioning, and a fully conscious mind equipped with a developed reason and a self- directing will. But however free and self-directing man's will may be, however wide and limpid his waking consciousness, the roots of his life and nature lie still embedded in the swamps of the Inconscient. The inertia, the insensibility, the ignorance, the dual tendency of atomic aggregation and disaggregation ...


... a yellow floor, and an individual who resembled the big storekeeper of the village, had a number of indescribable things carried into the room (that is, they had no meaning in my external waking consciousness, they were like chairs or tables turned upside down , of which I mainly saw the feet), in short, things I did not want in my bedroom. So I took them out of my room, he brought them in again ...

... some specific work on a particular plane of consciousness by a momentarily exclusive concentration; but the consummating achievement is the power of multiple concentration, normalised in the waking consciousness and commanding a total and simultaneous knowledge of God and soul and Nature and life. It is this total knowledge that Sri Krishna means when he speaks of the rare yogi—one among a thousand ...

... Part - II At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo 13 September 1932 MYSELF: Sweet Mother, in my waking consciousness I feel that I flow always in the stream of sadhana, but in my sleep I am quite a different person. I want to be changed in my sleep also. How to improve it? During sleep too I want to keep the constant contact with you. Will my sleep ...

... diversions of this secret urge at the source and heart of things. That ideal is a norm and a force that is ever dynamic and has become doubly so since it has entered the earth atmosphere and the waking human consciousness and is labouring there. It is always safer and wiser to recognise that fact, to help in the realisation of that truth and be profited by it. Page 51 ... even as one lies happily on a royal couch, bathes and anoints himself with all the perfumes of the world, has attendants all around and always to serve him, even so, one can be full of the divine consciousness from the crown of the head to the tip of his toe-nail. In fact, a poor or a prosperous life is in no direct or even indirect ratio to a spiritual life. All the miseries and immediate needs of a... we go within, the farther we are away from the surface, the nearer we come to the roots and sources of things even most superficial. The spiritual view sees and declares that it is the Brahmic consciousness that holds, inspires, builds up Matter, the physical body and form of Brahman. The highest ideal, the very highest which God and Nature and Man have in view, is not and cannot be kept in cold ...

... Mantra is that it is a word of power born out of the secret depths of our being where it has been brooded upon by a deeper consciousness than the mental, framed in the heart and not constructed by the intellect, held in the mind, again concentrated on by the waking mental consciousness and then thrown out silently or vocally—the silent word is perhaps held to be more potent than the Page 30 ... it seeks to express is itself only a form or presentation of another Reality. That reality is Brahman, Brahman expresses by the Word a form or presentation of himself in the objects of sense and consciousness which constitute the universe, just as the human word expresses a mental image of those objects. That Word is creative in a deeper and more original sense than human speech and with a power of which... ancient Vedic system. This, then, is the supreme Word, Speech of our speech. It is vibration of pure Existence, instinct with the perceptive and originative power of infinite and omnipotent consciousness, shaped by the Mind behind mind into the inevitable word of the Truth of things; out of whatever substance on whatever plane, the form or physical expression emerges by its creative agency. The ...


... only a small and partial, concealed and mixed or diluted influence on the life of most men. By coming forward is meant that it comes from behind the veil, its presence is felt already in the waking daily consciousness, its influence fills, dominates, transforms the mind and vital and their movements, even the physical. One is aware of one's soul, feels the psychic to be one's true being, the mind and the... veil and its consciousness also; only a little comes out in the mind and vital and physical. When that consciousness is not concealed, when you are aware of your soul (the psychic being), when its feelings and consciousness are yours, then you have got the consciousness of the psychic being. The feelings and aspiration of the psychic being are all turned towards truth and right consciousness and the Divine;... it is in the depths of the consciousness and supports all that you do, and you never lose the contact. Then many things disappear. For instance, depression is one of these things, discontentment, revolt, fatigue, depression, all these difficulties. And if one makes it a habit to step back, as we say, in one's consciousness and see on the screen of one's psychic consciousness—see all the circumstances ...


... elements disturb or depress us, because we do not perceive the underlying harmony. And when we travel beyond the triple separative consciousness, we enter by trance into a state of absorbed immersion in the unconditioned Infinite, which excludes all awareness of the normal waking state .and its movements. Both of these states are mutually exclusive, the ksara 1 and the aksara, 2 and a simultaneous... goal; its process is rather one of inclusion and synthesis, and a raising of the integrated being of man into the glories of the Supermind. It insists on an increasing expansion of the waking human consciousness, and its ascent beyond the mind, beyond even the spiritual ranges of the mind, to that plane where Sachchidânanda stands as at once the transcendent Absolute and the timeless Creator of... We have seen that the ascent to the Supermind has to be achieved by a progressive heightening and expansion of our being and its manifold consciousness, and not by the traditional method of trance. The difficulty of this kind of waking ascent loomed so large before some of the Upanishadic Rishis that they declared that one could not pass through the gates of the Sun (meaning the Supermind ...

... whether on that foundation a completer solution is not possible. We must first make it clear to ourselves that just as when we speak of universal consciousness we mean something different from, more essential and wider than the waking mental consciousness of the human being, so also when we speak of universal delight of existence we mean something different from, more essential and Page 130 ... continent of things and in Brahman an inherent self-consciousness inseparable from its being and throwing itself out as a force of movement of consciousness which is creative of forces, forms and worlds, we have yet no answer to the question "Why should Brahman, perfect, absolute, infinite, needing nothing, desiring nothing, at all throw out force of consciousness to create in itself these worlds of forms?"... as seen by the Vedantins, is not merely bare existence, or a conscious existence * II. 7; III. 6. Page 123 whose consciousness is crude force or power; it is a conscious existence the very term of whose being, the very term of whose consciousness is bliss. As in absolute existence there can be no nothingness, no night of inconscience, no deficiency, that is to say, no failure of ...

... that foundation a completer solution is not possible. We must first make it clear to ourselves that just as when we speak of universal consciousness we mean something different Page 105 from, more essential and wider than the waking mental consciousness of the human being, so also when we speak of universal delight of existence we mean something different from, more essential and wider... continent of things and in Brahman an inherent self-consciousness inseparable from its being and throwing itself out as a force of movement of consciousness which is creative of forces, forms and worlds, we have yet no answer to the question "Why should Brahman, perfect, absolute, infinite, needing nothing, desiring nothing, at all throw out force of consciousness to create in itself these worlds of forms?"... This primary, ultimate and eternal Existence, as seen by the Vedantins, is not merely bare existence, or a conscious existence whose consciousness is crude force or power; it is a conscious existence the very term of whose being, the very term of whose consciousness is bliss. As in absolute existence there can be no Page 98 nothingness, no night of inconscience, no deficiency, that is to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... This life of the dualities which is to them their day, their waking, their consciousness, their bright condition of activity and knowledge, is to him a night, a troubled sleep and darkness of the soul; that higher being which is to them a night, a sleep in which all knowledge and will cease, is to the self-mastering sage his waking, his luminous day of true being, knowledge and power. They are... only by juxtaposition to that consciousness, by contact with it, as we would say, not so much one at first as indeterminate, triple in its qualities, capable of evolution and involution. The contact of soul and nature generates the play of subjectivity and objectivity which is our experience of being; what is to us the subjective first evolves, because the soul-consciousness is the first cause, inconscient... objects of sense, the five elements of ancient philosophy or rather elementary conditions of Nature, pañca bhūta , which constitute objects by their various combination. Reflected in the pure consciousness of Purusha these degrees and powers of Nature-force become the material of our impure subjectivity, impure because its action is dependent on the perceptions of the objective world and on their ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... only a small and partial, concealed and mixed or diluted influence on the life of most men. By coming forward is meant that it comes from behind the veil, its presence is felt clearly in the waking daily consciousness, its influence fills, dominates, transforms the mind and vital and their movements, even the physical. One is aware of one's soul, feels the psychic to be one's true being, the mind and the... itself. But when these different parts are all under the control of the psychic and turned by it towards the reception of the higher consciousness, then there begins the harmonisation of all the parts and their progressive recasting into moulds of the higher consciousness growing in peace, light, force, love, knowledge, Ananda which is what we call the transformation. Page 355 The psychic... opening the vital to the greater Consciousness above. It has to be seen which of the two it is you feel within you. That is good. It means that the psychic has come up again. When the psychic is in the front, the sadhana becomes natural and easy and it is only a question of time and natural development. When the mind or the vital or the physical consciousness is on the top, then the sadhana is ...


... partial, concealed and mixed or diluted influence on the life of most men. By coming forward is meant that it comes from behind the veil, its presence is felt already in the waking Page 94 daily consciousness, its influence fills, dominates, transforms the mind and vital and their movements, even the physical. One is aware of one's soul, feels the psychic to be one's true being, the... which leads it up to the human state and evolves through it all a being of itself which we call the psychic being that supports the evolution and develops a physical, a vital, a mental human consciousness as its instruments of world-experience and of a disguised, imperfect, but growing self-expression. All this it does from behind a veil showing something of its divine self only in so far as the... turn all the instrumental nature towards a divine fulfilment. This is the beginning of the true spiritual life. The soul is able now to make itself ready for a higher evolution of manifested consciousness than the mental human — it can pass from the mental to the spiritual and through degrees of the spiritual to the supramental state. Letters on Yoga, pp. 438-39 The Jivatman, spark-soul ...


... of what is undeveloped. Here everything is shut up from the first in the violently working inconscient sleep of material force; therefore the whole aim of any material becoming must be the waking of consciousness out of the inconscient; the whole consummation of a material becoming must be the removal of the veil of matter and the luminous revelation of the entirely self-conscient Being to its own ... fellow-men, both from individuals and from the collective mind of humanity; and for the same reason that we are not aware of the greater part of our own being which is subconscient or subliminal to our waking mind and is always influencing and in an occult manner determining our surface existence. It is because we use, normally, only our corporeal senses and live almost wholly in the body and the physical... mentality and by their insufficient bodily signs and self-expressions. His consciousness is always falling back towards the inconscience in which a large part of it is always involved, his life towards death, his physical being towards dis-aggregation. His delight of being depends on the relations of this imperfect consciousness with its environment based upon physical sensations and the sense-mind, in ...


... only a small and partial, concealed and mixed or diluted influence on the life of most men. By coming forward is meant that it comes from behind the veil, its presence is felt already in the waking daily consciousness, its influence fills, dominates, transforms the mind and vital and their movements, even the physical. One is aware of one's soul, feels the psychic to be one's true being, the mind and the... ... it [the psychic being] is behind the veil and its consciousness also; only a little comes out in the mind and vital and physical. When that consciousness is not concealed, when you are aware of your soul (the psychic being), when its feelings Page 85 and consciousness are yours, then you have got the consciousness of the psychic being. The feelings and aspirations of the... the psychic awake and in front": what does "in front" mean? That is to say, in the forefront of the consciousness, instead of being pushed behind, in a background which is only very rarely seen; to keep it right in front of the consciousness, in the active consciousness. 95 — The Mother How can one know whether the psychic being is in front or not? ... It is ...


... influence of the psychic in the early stages of growth. For by emergence or the coming in front of the psychic is meant that "it comes from behind the veil, its presence is felt already in the waking daily consciousness, its influence fills, dominates, transforms the mind and vital and their movements, even the physical" (p. 90). 8 As the psychic emerges more and more ".. .it takes up its greater... usually develops only through sadhana, by learning to turn the consciousness within and learning to live within instead of being absorbed in the ordinary surface consciousness. At first and for a long time the contact is only occasional and momentary, followed by lapses into the ordinary consciousness. With the growth of consciousness, the contacts with the psychic become more and more frequent and... mental or with the vital being. You do not mistake them for the soul" (p. 86). A radical change of consciousness amounting to a reversal of consciousness takes place: the ordinary consciousness, in which one identifies oneself with the mental, vital and physical, is replaced by the psychic consciousness in which one is identified with one's soul. How can one know if one is in contact with the ...


... only a small and partial, concealed and mixed or diluted influence on the life of most men. By coming forward is meant that it comes from behind the veil, its presence is felt clearly in the waking daily consciousness, its influence fills, dominates, transforms the mind and vital and their movements, even the physical. One is aware of one’s soul, feels the psychic to be one’s true being, the mind and the... of “the psychic behind supporting all”. What does this mean? Well, yes, the psychic is behind the whole organisation, this triple organisation of human life and consciousness, the psychic is behind and supports it by its consciousness which is an immortal one. It is because of the psychic that we have so clear a sense of continuity. Otherwise if you compare what you now are with what you were when... if there is a new birth out of the mere mental, vital and physical into the psychic consciousness, then this Yoga can be done…” Why has he said “the inmost soul”? Is there a superficial soul? It is because this inmost soul, that is, the central psychic being, influences the superficial parts of the consciousness (superficial in comparison with it: mental parts, vital parts). The purest mind, the ...


... Mother's words give away part of that secret. As Aswapati climbs the World Stair, he experiences successively all the planes of consciousness that influence or impinge upon our own inner and outer being. These influences, for the most part undetected by our waking mental consciousness, are explored by Aswapati through the power of his Yoga. Their essence or their vibration as the Mother puts it, is captured... us—the new-bom infant searching the darkness—is a symbol of the divine consciousness "asleep" in a material universe and waiting "as the tree waits in the seed"; but it is no less, for the individual, an expression of the yearning in the deepest part of his being that calls the seeker to this path: An unshaped consciousness desired light And a blank prescience yearned toward distant change... culminating in an initiation, a change of consciousness or illumination making further progress possible. It is a journey of twenty-four steps lasting one lifetime or several (time and distance have no relevance here) through Part One of Savitri. The last step brings us home with one bound. But for now, let us experience the darkness of our own physical consciousness. We are about to leave behind the sightless ...

... existence through all its phases of self-development.” 8 “We must first make it clear to ourselves that just as when we speak of universal consciousness we mean something different from, more essential and wider than the waking mental consciousness of the human being; so also when we speak of universal delight of existence we mean something different from, more essential and wider than the ordinary... itself. The divine manifestation is a constant cosmic act of Consciousness/Force which far exceeds the ordinary capacity of the human mind, but which can be and has been acceded to by humans in a spiritual widening called “cosmic consciousness.” We do indeed find in some mystics who have been capable of acquiring the cosmic consciousness the supreme affirmation that all is good or right as it is. It... done. Then she was given the command to precipitate her Consciousness into this inconscience, her Love into this suffering, and her Truth into this falsehood. And a greater consciousness, a more total love, a more perfect truth than what had been emanated at first, plunged, so to say, into the horror of Matter in order to awaken in it Consciousness, Love and Truth, and to begin the movement of redemption ...

... to the contracting consciousness of humanity and that an intensive churning of the material levels had become an imperative need of the evolutionary Nature ? But the Mother would have us shun the easy paths and "aspire towards this inaccessible perfection” , short of which nothing can satisfy our deepest aspiration. This integral union in the waking, active consciousness of man is usually and... in fact, it is ultimately dispensed with, the whole consciousness enjoying an abysmal silence in the midst of the most stupendous action. Acting, thinking, feeling, sleeping—in all states of being and all modes of its operation—one abides in a perfect union and identification with the Divine. As the Divine has not to abrogate or annul his waking self to realize His transcendent immobility, or forfeit... any such disabling dichotomy and oscillate between peaceful passivity and agitated activity. An integral union denotes a union in all the four states of our being at one and the same time— Jagrat (waking state), Swapna (dream state), Sushupti (massed sleep-state) and Turiya (transcendent state). It is to become absolutely one with the Absolute, but not by self-annihilation or tranced merger. If we ...


... of physical alimentation gathered from outside; sex and sensuality will depart from the scene and the spiritual aspirant's upsoaring consciousness will not be drugged and dragged down into the mire by the unregenerate and unresponsive waking physical consciousness. In short, there will come about indeed a divine apotheosis of body and the bodily life upon earth: "The Spirit shall look... shorter or longer time. But the explanation for this phenomenon lies elsewhere — in the complex Law of Karma (We shall revert to this topic later on while discussing the spiritual penury of our 'Waking State': see Part Two, Chapter VI). We now proceed to consider the third category of theories, the supraterrestrial view of existence. ( C) The Supraterrestrial View ... being and consciousness is the culmination: these are the three stages of the cycle of the spirit's progressive self-expression in life. The two stages that have already their play seem at first sight to deny the possibility of the later consummating stage of the cycle, but logically they imply its emergence; for if the inconscience has evolved consciousness, the partial consciousness already reached ...

... words give away part of that secret. As Aswapati climbs the World Stair, he experiences successively all the planes of consciousness that influence or impinge upon our own inner and outer being. These influences, for the most part undetected by our waking mental consciousness, are explored by Aswapati through the power of his Yoga. Their essence or their vibration as the Mother puts it, is... the Mother has called "the true vibrations of each stage of consciousness." There is no doubt that we are brought into direct contact with these true vibations through the medium of Savitri: "Savitri has an extraordinary power, it gives out vibrations for him who can receive them, the true vibrations of each stage of consciousness. It is incomparable, it is truth in its plenitude, the Truth... by Raymond Brown. More than once Sri Aurobindo brings together the terms Wisdom and the Word with reference to the Mother. When Aswapati, as the Traveller of the Worlds (planes or states of Consciousness), is in the empire of the Little Mind he sees a whole crowd of tiny entities who rule human life and are responsible for the little actions of human beings. All move through friction and struggle ...