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English [161]
A Greater Psychology [1]
A National Agenda for Education [1]
A stream of Surrender : Minakshi-Amma [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Among the Not So Great [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [3]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [1]
Beyond Man [2]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [1]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [1]
Education For Character Development [1]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Finding the Psychic Being [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [2]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [9]
Letters on Poetry and Art [4]
Letters on Yoga - I [6]
Letters on Yoga - II [11]
Letters on Yoga - III [9]
Letters on Yoga - IV [10]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [2]
Light and Laughter [1]
Lights on Yoga [1]
Man-handling of Savitri [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [2]
My Savitri work with the Mother [2]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [3]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [2]
On The Mother [4]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [3]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [2]
Savitri [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [2]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Its Role, Responsibility and Future Destiny [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [2]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [4]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [4]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [1]
The Adventure of the Apocalypse [1]
The Destiny of the Body [1]
The Golden Path [1]
The Hidden Forces of Life [2]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [4]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [1]
The Psychic Being [1]
The Riddle of This World [1]
The Secret Splendour [1]
The Signature Of Truth [2]
The Sunlit Path [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [1]
Visions of Champaklal [1]
Work - an offering [1]
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English [161]
A Greater Psychology [1]
A National Agenda for Education [1]
A stream of Surrender : Minakshi-Amma [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Among the Not So Great [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [3]
At the feet of The Mother and Sri Aurobindo [1]
Beyond Man [2]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [1]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [1]
Education For Character Development [1]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
Finding the Psychic Being [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [2]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [9]
Letters on Poetry and Art [4]
Letters on Yoga - I [6]
Letters on Yoga - II [11]
Letters on Yoga - III [9]
Letters on Yoga - IV [10]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [2]
Light and Laughter [1]
Lights on Yoga [1]
Man-handling of Savitri [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
My Pilgrimage to the Spirit [2]
My Savitri work with the Mother [2]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [3]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [2]
On The Mother [4]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [3]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [2]
Savitri [1]
Some Answers from the Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Smiling Master [1]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [2]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [1]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [1]
Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Its Role, Responsibility and Future Destiny [1]
Sri Aurobindo and Integral Yoga [2]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [4]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [4]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [1]
The Adventure of the Apocalypse [1]
The Destiny of the Body [1]
The Golden Path [1]
The Hidden Forces of Life [2]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [4]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [1]
The Psychic Being [1]
The Riddle of This World [1]
The Secret Splendour [1]
The Signature Of Truth [2]
The Sunlit Path [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
Twelve Years with Sri Aurobindo [2]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [1]
Visions of Champaklal [1]
Work - an offering [1]
161 result/s found for Yogic consciousness

... to larger consciousness. To the yogic consciousness religion is not valuable as a form, but only in so far as it may aid the ordinary consciousness of man to turn towards something that is deeper and higher and, even there, it stresses the necessity for every man to have his own distinctive spiritual discipline. It may also be mentioned that yogic consciousness Page 82 welcomes agnosticism... are often framed that they prove unworkable and are, therefore, rejected by Nature. Or, sometimes, they are turned into a series of compromises and become obsolete in the march of Time. In the Yogic consciousness and in the knowledge and the effectivity that it produces the highest elements that morality in the deepest core seeks are fulfilled. But Yoga replaces the moral law by a progressive law of self-... always as a provisional device. It always looks forward to a time when one can arrive at a higher plane of consciousness in which the Right and the Good can find spontaneous expression. To the yogic consciousness, moral virtue is valuable as an expression of certain qualities which are for the time being necessary and useful for a given individual in an upward journey. Again, these qualities become modified ...

... foundations on which the total and permanent siddhi can be created—or one may say they are the constituents of the Yogic as opposed to the ordinary consciousness. When one has arrived fully at this Yogic consciousness, one can be called a Yogi, till then one is a sadhak. So much as all that is not demanded immediately from a sadhak. From the sadhak all that is asked is "a sincerity in the aspiration and a... these are not Himalayan conditions—it is not putting an impossible price on what is asked for. As for the difficulty, as it has also been said in the book, when one once enters into the true (Yogic) consciousness, "then you see that everything can be done, even if at present only a slight beginning has been made; but a beginning is enough, once the Force, the Power are there" [ pp. 33-34 ]. It is not... inner—that is the work of the sadhana and it is sure to come with sincerity, aspiration, and patience. All that is not excessively stern or exacting. As a description of the constituents of the Yogic consciousness, the bases of realisation, I don't think the book can be called staggering or its suggestions Himalayan—for in fact they have already been stated by the Gita and other books on Yoga and, after ...


... beyond into a plane of a spontaneous expression of the Right and the Good. To the yogic consciousness, moral virtue is not valuable in itself, but as an expression of a complex of certain qualities which are for the time being necessary and useful for a given individual in an upward journey. Again, for the yogic consciousness, what is commonly called a vice has, too, behind it, a complex of certain qualities... any fundamental or useful meaning. To the yogic consciousness, religion is not valuable as a form, but only in so far as it may aid the too ignorant consciousness of man to turn towards something that is deeper and higher and, even there, it stresses the necessity for every man to have his own distinctive religion. And again, for the yogic consciousness, what is commonly called agnosticism, scepticism... increasing change of consciousness by an entry into a domain higher than the body-life-mind complex. In other words, Yoga is an exploration of consciousness through consciousness. In the yogic consciousness and in the knowledge and the effectivity that it delivers, there is the fulfilment of the highest element that morality and religion in their deepest core seek for but fail to realise. Yoga replaces ...

... ss and its little restless workings—is the first liberation, the liberation of Purusha from Prakriti, and it is a fundamental experience. The day when you can keep it, you can know that the Yogic consciousness has been founded in you. This time it has increased in intensity, but it must also increase in duration. These things do not "drop"—what you have felt was there in you all the time, but you... over control of servants, godown work as well as over poetry or painting, it is always the same—the Shakti, the Mother. ... The day when I am able to keep the experiences, only then the Yogic consciousness will be founded in me!! But that day seems to be an ever-receding one, for it seems there are many sadhaks living here for four to five years who still haven't established themselves in this... fell swoop the two volumes of the Essays on the Gita and all the seven volumes of the Arya? Work by itself is only a preparation, so is meditation by itself, but work done in the increasing Yogic consciousness is a means of realisation as much as meditation is. In Dilip's letter also you say that work helps to prepare for the direct contact with the inmost. In another, you say that work prepares ...

... Doubt and the repartee in your book—but I am afraid it will make it very miscellaneous! The invisible Force producing tangible results both inward and outward is the whole meaning of the yogic consciousness. Your question about Yoga bringing merely a feeling of Power without any result was really very strange. Who would be satisfied with such a meaningless hallucination and call it Power? If we... of the piercing of the veil, the beginning of the power of inner experience as opposed to the lesser experiences of the surface, the opening of the inner being, which is necessary for the Yogic consciousness. A certain amount of vital purification has taken place which made the resumption of this kind of experience possible. You certainly need not be afraid of going into unconsciousness, for... before (though your physical mind does not yet believe) that these experiences show at once that your inner being is a Yogi capable of trance, ecstasy, intensest bhakti, fully aware of Yoga and Yogic consciousness, and showing himself the very moment you get inside yourself, even as the outer man is very much the other way round, modernised, externalised, vigorously outward vital (for the Yoga is inward-vital ...

... change of consciousness. Mastery over bodily limitations possible only at the highest levels of yoga. 6. The concept of the divine body. II. Aids for the Development of the Yogic Consciousness and Experience: 1. Elementary powers of expression. Necessity and methods of development of these powers, particularly, in relation to: (a) Faultless language expression... knowledge; some striking examples. 4. Systems of yoga: Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Tantra, Integral Yoga. II. Aids for the Development of the Yogic Consciousness and Experience: 1. Need for the systematic knowledge of the principles and methods of yoga. 2. Need for the Teacher: the real inner Teacher. 3. Need for inner aspiration... Experience of the Cosmic Consciousness. 4. Integral experience of the simultaneous Silence and Dynamism. 5. Supramental time-vision. III. Aids for the Development of the Yogic Consciousness and experience: A brief study of the following topics: 1. All life must be accepted, but all life must be transformed. Works of knowledge Works of love ...

... on which the total and permanent siddhi can be erected—or one may say they are the constituents of the Yogic as opposed to the ordinary consciousness. When one has arrived fully at this Yogic consciousness, one can be called a Yogi, till then one is a sadhak. So much as all that is not demanded immediately from a sadhak. From the sadhak Page 112 all that is asked is "a sincerity... these are not Himalayan conditions—it is not putting an impossible price on what is asked for. As for the difficulty as it has also been said in the book, when one once enters into the true (Yogic) consciousness, "then you see that anything can be done, even if at present only a slight beginning has been made; but a beginning is enough, once the Force, the Power are there". It is not really on the... is the work of the sadhana and it is sure to come with sincerity, aspiration, and patience. All that is not excessively stern or exacting. As a description of the constituents of the Yogic consciousness, the bases of realisation, I don't think the book can be called staggering or its suggestions Himalayan—for in fact they have already been stated by the Gita and other books on Yoga and, after ...

... fell swoop the two volumes of the Essays on the Gita and all the seven volumes of the Arya ? Work by itself is only a preparation, so is meditation by itself, but work done in the increasing Yogic consciousness is a means of realisation as much as meditation is. In your letter to X 1 you say that work helps to prepare for the direct contact with the inmost. In another letter you say that work... ] It does not mean that I lose the higher consciousness while doing the work of correspondence. If I did that, I would not only not be supramental, but would be very far even from the full Yogic consciousness. Say "by correspondence alone". If I have to help somebody to repel an attack, I can't do it by only writing a note, I have to send him some Force or else concentrate and do the work for him... special cause for it. It is always so with everybody Page 747 unless one feels the Mother's Force working through one in the action. I find it hard to work while remaining in the Yogic consciousness. My inner state is too passive. It is possible to work through the passive state even, provided one feels that one is not doing the work but it is being done through one. You suggested ...


... sadhana the object of Yoga cannot be attained. Work itself must be taken as part of sadhana. But naturally when you are working, you must think of the work, which you will learn to do from the Yogic consciousness as an instrument and with the memory of the Divine. Sadhana and work done disinterestedly as part of the sadhana cannot be incompatible with each other—provided the work is attended to... Asram like others—the members are not Sannyasis; it is not mokṣa that is the sole aim of the Yoga here. What is being done here is a preparation for a work—a work which will be founded on Yogic consciousness and Yoga-Shakti, and can have no other foundation. Meanwhile every member here is expected to do some work in the Asram as part of his spiritual preparation. Recommendation to X not... have the capacity of receiving and retaining it. If that happened or if the Prakriti-Purusha realisation came, the whole sadhana would proceed on a strong permanent base with a new and entirely Yogic consciousness instead of the purely mental endeavour which is always difficult and slow. I do not however want to press these things upon him; they come in their own time and to press towards them prematurely ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... and the inner will comes then only. The exterior being has to become aware of the inner—the veil between the inner and outer consciousness has to be removed, it is only then that a real Yogic consciousness begins. The outer has to be merely an instrument or channel for the inner to express itself and communicate with the outer physical world. The inner again has to have free communication with... and its little restless workings, is the first liberation, the liberation of Purusha from Prakriti, and it is the fundamental experience. The day when you can keep it, you can know that the Yogic consciousness has been founded in you. This time it has increased in intensity, but it must also increase in duration. These things do not "drop"—what you have felt was there in you all the time, but you... piercing of the veil, the beginning of the power of inner experience as opposed to the lesser experiences of the surface, the opening of the inner being, which is necessary for bringing the Yogic consciousness. A certain amount of vital purification has taken place which made the resumption of this kind of experience possible. You certainly need not be afraid of going into unconsciousness, for it ...


... Need for change of consciousness. Mastery over bodily limitations possible only at the highest levels of yoga. The concept of the divine body. Aids for the Development of the Yogic Consciousness and Experience Elementary powers of expression. Necessity and methods of development of these powers, particularly in relation to: Faultless language expression. Faultless bodily... examples. Page 57 Systems of yoga: Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Tantra, Integral Yoga. Aids for the Development of the Yogic Consciousness and Experience Need for the systematic knowledge of the principles and methods of yoga. Need for the Teacher: the real inner Teacher. Need for inner aspiration in the student. ... ss. Integral experience of the simultaneous Silence and Dynamism. Supramental time-vision. Change and transformation of human nature. Aids for the Development of the Yogic Consciousness and experience Page 59 A brief study of the following topics: All life must be accepted, but all life must be transformed. Works of knowledge Works ...

... Need for change of consciousness. Mastery over bodily limitations possible only at the highest levels of yoga. 6. The concept of the divine body. II. Aids for the Development of the Yogic Consciousness and Experience 1. Elementary powers of expression. Necessity and methods of development of these powers, particularly in relation to: (a) Faultless language expression. (b)... scientific knowledge: some striking examples. 4. Systems of yoga: Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Tantra, Integral Yoga. II. Aids for the Development of the Yogic Consciousness and Experience 1. Need for the systematic knowledge of the principles and methods of yoga. 2. Need for the Teacher: the real inner Teacher. 3. Need for inner aspiration in the... experience of the simultaneous Silence and Dynamism. 5. Supramental time-vision. Page 102 6. Change and transformation of human nature. III. Aids for the Development of the Yogic Consciousness and experience A brief study of the following topics: 1. All life must be accepted, but all life must be transformed. -Works of knowledge -Works of love -Works of ...

... You seem to use the word meditation for a state of higher consciousness; or do you use it for thinking about the Divine? One can have a state of Yogic consciousness behind the reading or study or one can read or study from a state of Yogic consciousness, but that is not called meditation. Page 66 LEARNING LOGIC   Does logic help us to observe, think, judge... spent in meditation? If the power to meditate long is there, a sadhak will naturally do it and care little for reading, - unless he has reached the stage when everything is part of the Yogic consciousness because that is permanent. Sadhana is the aim of a sadhak, not mental development. But if he has spare time, those who have the mental turn will naturally spend it in reading or study of some ...

... qualities, interchange of psychological moods, states and movements, depressions, exhaustion—the whole gamut. People don't know it—which is a mercy of God upon them—but when one gets into a certain Yogic consciousness, one becomes very much aware and sensitive to all this interchange and action and reaction, but also one can build a wall against, reject etc., etc. Dr. Rao thinks that it is better to isolate... interchange is subtle and covert, it takes place through what is called the subconscient, but is rather a behind-consciousness covered by the surface waking mind. When one gets into a certain Yogic consciousness, one becomes very much aware of this covert movement, very sensitive to all this interchange and action and reaction; but one has this advantage that one can consciously build a wall against... poetry—well, the less said the better! Or perhaps he saw within your soul the Sri Aurobindo of future Supramental glory? Because I told him I wanted to do Yoga in order to get a new inner Yogic consciousness for life and action, not for leaving life. So he said that. A poet writes from an inner source, not from the external mind, he is moved by inspiration to write, i.e. he writes what a greater ...

... truly high fulfilment. It is Yoga Page 261 and the Yogic consciousness. Yoga is the science and art of discovering the higher truths, indeed, the highest reality and of living there, not a midway moral elevation only. In its integral view it combines all the three processes mentioned above. The Yogic consciousness seeks to lift the consciousness as high as possible, in fact, to the... identity (with the highest Reality, Spirit or God). Thus it has the true perception or vision of the forces that act in and upon the world and the powers that decide and is in union with them. The Yogic consciousness and power is also embodied in the Divine Incarnation – for he is Yogeshwara: and in India it is accepted as a commonplace that God descends in a human shape, whenever there is a great crisis ...

... our outer being and can do for us things that we are normally incapable of doing: One had to have the passage clear between the outer mind and something in the inner being... for they (the Yogic consciousness and its powers) are already there within you, 32 and the best way of "clearing" the passage is to silence the mind. We do not know who we are, and still less what we are capable of. But... so that it shall enter somebody's head in America, etc. etc. 55 He further explains: The Invisible Force producing tangible results both inward and outward is the whole meaning of the Yogic consciousness.... If we had not had thousands of experiences showing that the Power within could alter the mind, develop its powers, add new ones, bring in new ranges of knowledge, master the vital movements... to receive or to reject, and which can be manipulated once we have reached a sufficient yogic development. If it were merely a question of improving life's present conditions, the ordinary yogic consciousness would be enough: extension of life at will, immunity against diseases, and even a lasting youth are but some of the frequent results of that discipline. But, as we have said, we seek to change ...

... be written and finished, but as a field of experimentation to see how far poetry could be written from one's own yogic consciousness and how that could be made creative. 14 Any approach to the epic has to keep in mind this fact that it is Sri Aurobindo's yogic consciousness that is transmitting mystic experiences that have been seen and felt. His attempts to set them in mantric poetry have ...

... or not, at any rate it is a standpoint and I think a rational one. I am writing only on the surface and I do not speak of what is behind or from the Yogic standpoint, the standpoint of the Yogic consciousness from which we act; that would be more difficult to express. This is merely for intellectual satisfaction, and there, there is always room for dispute. I hope you will soon be able... experiences in which it acted and produced results of every kind. This idea of the Force has nothing to do with theory or reasoning but is felt constantly by every Yogin; it is a part of his yogic consciousness and his constant spiritual activity. August 13, 1945 I never said anything of this kind and never mentioned Krishna in connection with the Mikado. All that I said about the ...

... possibility that you may have a long and hard work before you " etc.* I had not even fully envisaged what was implied by his wanting to change the stuff of our nature without which the higher Yogic consciousness could not, he stressed, possibly come to stay. I only knew of the rejection of the wrong impulses, which everybody equates more or less with controlling or curbing. But the more I curbed... changes stressed by my friend incontrovertible? — and so on! To which he wrote back: "The Invisible Force producing tangible results both inward and outward is the whole meaning of the Yogic consciousness. Your question about Yoga bringing merely a feeling of Power without any result was really very strange. Who would be satisfied with such a meaningless hallucination and call it Power? If we ...


... passage clear between the outer mind and something in the inner being. That is why you got the poetic power as soon as you began Yoga,—yogic force made the passage clear. It is the same with yogic consciousness and its powers; the thing is to get the passage clear,—for they are already there within you. Of course, the first thing is to believe, aspire and, with the true urge within, make the endeavour... that attachment and predilection are losing their old place in the nature. It is also an excellent sign if empty social meetings are no longer attractive,—a sure sign that the psychic and the Yogic consciousness are gaining ground. As for sex, the progress you report is also excellent; sex is almost the strongest of human vital pulls and to master it altogether takes time, but here too a good beginning ...

... which may be eventually right and yet need modification in detail, but with a vision that sees also the standpoint of others. This broad seeing, quiet and impersonal, is needed in the full Yogic consciousness. Having it one can insist on what has to be insisted on with firmness but at the same time with a consideration and understanding of the other that removes the chance of any clash of personal... ancient peoples knew that and so they saw a spirit or "genius" in every physical thing. The rough handling and careless breaking or waste and misuse of physical things is a denial of the Yogic Consciousness and a great hindrance to the bringing down of the Divine Truth to the material plane. Wanton waste, careless spoiling of physical things in an incredibly short time, loose disorder, misuse ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 2 THE TRUE YOGIC CONSCIOUSNESS       DETACHMENT AND LIBERATION         Now it is as if the Mother were carrying me into herself, leaving behind only a projection of her Force which works in my external nature.       That was what was needed — on one side the dwelling in the Mother, on the other the... falsehood and close to the Mother. Not that the ordinary nature and its movements are gone for ever, but due to my separateness their reactions do not touch me.       It is the true Yogic consciousness in which one feels that oneness and lives in it, not touched by the outer being and its inferior movements, but looking on them with a smile at their ignorance and smallness. It will become much ...

... the circumstances of your life and especially if you feel this calmness, strength and light of which you speak, it means a great progress—for this is the real beginning of the spiritual and yogic consciousness and it shows that the foundation of the true being and the true consciousness is being laid in you. The psychic centre is that turned in all things towards the Divine, while the vital is that... Asram like others—the members are not Sannyasis; it is not mokṣa that is the sole aim of the Yoga here. What is being done here is a preparation for a work—a work which will be founded on Yogic consciousness and Yoga-Shakti, and can have no other foundation. Meanwhile every member here is expected to do some work in the Asram as part of his spiritual preparation. 16 August 1932 Your effort ...


... the power and habit to control whatever needs control in the movements of the nature. When these are fairly established one has laid a foundation on which one can develop the Yogic consciousness and with the Yogic consciousness there comes an easy opening to realisation and experience. Page 32 The progress does not always come in the way that people expect. There is first a preparation ...


... call for the workings of the Divine Power. As soon as there is an opening, the Divine Power descends and conducts the necessary working, does what is needed, each thing in its time, and the Yogic consciousness begins to be born in the sadhaka. The force which you felt must evidently have been a rising of the Kundalini ascending to join the Force above and bring down the energy needed to ease... or with the universal (cosmic) consciousness or with some deeper consciousness within in which one is aware of one's own soul, one's own inner being and of the real truth of existence. In the Yogic consciousness one is not only aware of things, but of forces, not only of forces but of the conscious being behind the forces. One is aware of all this not only in oneself but in the universe. There is ...


... IV Chapter I Illness and Health Illness and Yoga Whatever it may be—the power of the illness to prevent the sadhana ought not to exist. The Yogic consciousness and its activities must be there whether there is health or illness. You ought not to allow the physical illnesses to interfere with your sadhana or affect your mind—these illnesses are... as a release could have a force because of her advanced spiritual consciousness which it would not have in ordinary people. On the other side there can be an opposite use and result of the Yogic consciousness: illness can be repelled from one's own body or cured, even chronic or deep-seated illnesses and long-established constitutional defects remedied or expelled and even a predestined death delayed ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... Aurobindo and the Mother ... With all my power of faith and aspiration I kept outstretching invisible hands to them, calling and calling. I pulled at the saving and healing light that is their Yogic consciousness and when I thought a blue sheen and a gold glow enveloped my heart I sensed a subtle supporting strength gradually taking outward effect. A doctor had been summoned. By the time he came I had... you that we - common mortals, constituted as we are - resist nothing as stubbornly as suffering and agony, self-pity and despair. How can I then help wondering whether your ascending peak of Yogic consciousness has not made you somewhat aloof, perforce, from what really happens down in our plains of blood and sweat and tears? ... It is only because I find your prescription too outlandish that I ...

... oneself to be governed by one's own vital feelings and reactions should not be the rule of life here." The Mother's being a greater or above-mind Consciousness, "at the very least a Yogic consciousness", it would be wrong to judge it by mental categories. As for understanding her and her actions one must first "become conscious with the true consciousness"; and for that "faith and surrender... better are the results. 29 The Ashram, organised not for the renunciation of the world nor for a life of meditative retirement, but for advancing the work of future-building on yogic consciousness and yoga-shakti, had to place the accent on Karma yoga which would both help the Ashram to thrive as a self-poised, self-sustained human aggregate and also advance the sadhaks' spiritual ...


... Sri Aurobindo was able to bring about concrete results on the material plane; indeed, "the invisible Force producing tangible results both inward and outward is the whole meaning of the Yogic consciousness."³ We have seen that Sri Aurobindo had long been using his force on his sadhaks, to cure them of illness, for example, or to help them progress in their sadhana. But the range of a spiritual... that level . ... In fact Savitri has not been regarded by me as a poem to be written and finished, but as a field of experimentation to see how far poetry could be written from one's own yogic consciousness and how that could be made creative."³ With each revision Sri Aurobindo tried to lift the level of the poem higher and higher towards what he called "Over-mind poetry", the mantric, revelatory ...


... members are not Sannyasis; nor is the object the same; it is not ‘moksha’ that is the aim of Yoga here. What is being done here is a preparation for a work — a work which will be founded on yogic consciousness.... Meanwhile every member here is therefore expected to do some work as preparation, work often of the most ordinary and uninteresting kind and they do not spend their time in meditation and ...


... beginning and extension of subtle seeing which may seem unimportant at first but is the vestibule to deeper experience. They can have considerable importance in the development of the first yogic consciousness, that of the inner mind, inner vital, inner physical or for an occult understanding of the universe. Visions which are real can help the spiritual progress, I mean, those which show us inner ...


... consciousness and are governed by physical, vital, and mental motives of ordinary consciousness. This defeats the yogic ideal, which is to regard all life as yoga and to perform all acts with yogic consciousness. Secondly, in striving to attain something in the future rather than to Page 151 be at each moment, one unconsciously tends to introduce self-seeking through the back ...

... of the same mint. In fact Savitri has not been regarded by me as a poem to be written and finished, but as a field of experimentation to see how far poetry could be written from one's own yogic consciousness and how that could be made creative. I did not rewrite Rose of God or the sonnets except for two or three verbal alterations made at the moment." 13 [Nirodbaran's question to Sri Aurobindo ...

... always descends below the level of what one has gained by sadhana in the waking consciousness, unless there are special experiences of an uplifting character in the time of sleep or unless the yogic consciousness acquired Page 237 is so strong in the physical itself as to counteract the pull of the subconscient inertia. In ordinary sleep the consciousness in the body is that of the ...


... Sri Aurobindo had made his associates a part of his conscious effort, and the primary inspiration took advantage of every situation, everything was turned into the white-gold dazzle of his yogic consciousness. How can these be disengaged-disconnected when, organically, they had become integral in the entire creative process? To be sure, the creative writer had accepted all the ‘hazards’ of the manner ...


... some of which may have truth, while others are false and misleading, or they may be a sort of artistry of that plane. They can have considerable importance in the development of the first Yogic consciousness, that of the inner mind, inner vital, inner physical or for an occult understanding of the universe. Visions which are real can help the spiritual progress, I mean, those which show us inner ...

... though your physical mind does not yet believe — that these experiences show at once that your inner being is a Yogi capable of trance, ecstasy, intensest bhakti, fully aware of Yoga and Yogic consciousness and showing himself the very moment you get inside yourself even as the outer man is very much the other way round — modernised, externalised, vigorously outward vital and knowing nothing of ...


... clear between the outer mind and something in the inner being. That is why you got the poetic power as soon as you began Yoga — Yogic force made the passage clear. It is the same with the Yogic consciousness and its powers; the thing is to get the passage clear, —for they are already there within you. Of course the first thing is to believe, aspire and, with the true urge within, make the endeavour ...


... possible of the same mint. Savitri has not been regarded by me as a poem to be written and finished, but as a field of experimentation to see how far poetry could be written from one’s own Yogic consciousness and how that could be made creative.’ 3 Sri Aurobindo called Savitri ‘a legend and a symbol’. The legend goes as follows: Savitri, daughter of King Aswapati, undertakes in her magnificent ...


... himself: ‘It does not mean that I lose the higher consciousness while doing the work of correspondence. If I did that, I would not only not be supramental, but would be very far even from the full Yogic consciousness.’ 28 As mentioned earlier, many of Sri Aurobindo’s letters have been gathered in three volumes of the Centenary Edition of his Collected Works under the title Letters on Yoga. This is ...


... He wills, then most of your personal difficulty will disappear—I mean that which still remains, and there will be only the lesser difficulties of the transformation of the ordinary into the yogic consciousness, normal to all sadhana. Your mental difficulty has been all along that you wanted to mould the sadhana and the reception of experience and the response of the Divine according to your own pr ...

... Nirodbaran (29.3.36): " Savitri has not been regarded by me as a poem to be written and finished, but as a field of experimentation to see how far poetry could be written from one's own Yogic consciousness and how that could be made creative." Before this statement we read: "I used Savitri as a means of ascension. I began with it on a certain mental level, Page 90 each time ...


... epic. Again, if he had touched on "problems" connected with rendering the English tongue more and more plastic to the stress of what Sri Aurobindo describes as the "overhead planes", levels of Yogic consciousness beyond the mental, he Page 338 would have justly indicated the reason why Sri Aurobindo rewrote some portions of Savitri nearly a dozen times. But it is quite another matter ...


... whose disciple I still was. With all my power of faith and aspiration I kept outstretching invisible hands to them, calling and calling. I pulled at the saving and healing light that is their Yogic consciousness and when I thought a blue sheen and a gold glow enveloped my heart I sensed a subtle supporting strength gradually taking outward effect.   A doctor had been summoned. By the time he came ...


... books or while formulating, modifying or maintaining our relation with the society and the world around us, our measure of sleep or of personal effort in sadhana —all should proceed from the Yogic consciousness from the central preoccupations to realize and express the Divine. Whether it be a consideration of the Divine will or of ego or surrender or approach to the Mother; whether it be an understanding ...

... and use their art for the expression of the inner world, they grow in consciousness by this concentration, which is not other than the consciousness given by Yoga. Why then should not Yogic consciousness be a help to artistic creation? After that the Mother started sending me numerous objects from her rare collections for painting, and also many varieties of exquisite flowers, along with ...


... of the same mint. In fact, Savitri has not been regarded by me as a poem to be written and finished, but as a field of experimentation to see how far poetry could be written from one's own Yogic consciousness and how that could be made creative. I did not rewrite Rose of God or the Sonnets except for two or three verbal alterations made at the moment. 29 March 1936 In Savitri there is no ...


... or psychic experiences Page 238 and perceptions in the heart, become frequent—gradually one becomes aware of one's inner being as separate from the outer and what can be called a Yogic consciousness with all its deeper movements develops in the place of the ordinary superficial mental and vital movements. A third eye does open there [ in the centre of the forehead ]—it represents ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... I don't understand why Lele told you that because you are a poet, sadhana will be easy to you through poetry. Because I told him I wanted to do Yoga in order to get a new inner Yogic consciousness for life and action, not for leaving life. So he said that. A poet writes from an inner source, not from the external mind, he is moved by inspiration to write, i.e. he writes what a greater ...


... an instinctive withdrawal from all that is the opposite are its most visible characteristics. The Psychic Being and the External Being What you experience is the first condition of the Yogic consciousness and self-knowledge. The ordinary mind knows itself only as an ego with all the movements of the nature in a jumble and, identifying itself with these movements, thinks "I am doing this, feeling ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... your energies in this direction at present. Allow your consciousness to grow. If when the consciousness develops, a greater energy of inspiration comes, not out of the ordinary but out of the Yogic consciousness, then you can write and, if it is found that the energy not only comes from the true source but is able to mould for itself the true transcription in rhythm and language, can continue. 6 June ...


... view of possibility after much arduous self-conquest and self-exceeding, at the end of many long and trying stages of a difficult self-evolution of the nature. One must first acquire an inner Yogic consciousness and replace by it our ordinary view of things, natural movements, motives of life; one must revolutionise the whole present build of our being. Next, we have to go still deeper, discover our ...


... the ugly, the sordid, the repellent and triumphantly conveying it through his material,—through the word, through line and colour, through the sculptured shape? There is a certain state of Yogic consciousness in which all things become beautiful to the eye of the seer simply because they spiritually are—because they are a rendering in line and form of the quality and force of existence, of the co ...


... interchange is subtle and covert, it takes place through what is called the subconscient, but is rather a behind-consciousness covered by the surface waking mind. When one gets into a certain Yogic consciousness, one becomes very much aware of this covert movement, very sensitive to all this interchange and action and reaction; but one has this advantage that one can consciously build a wall against ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... always descends below the level of what one has gained by sadhana in the waking consciousness—unless there are special experiences of an uplifting character in the time of sleep or unless the Yogic consciousness acquired is so strong in the physical itself as to counteract the pull of the subconscient inertia. In ordinary sleep the consciousness in the body is that of the subconscient physical, which ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... this struggle and these difficulties can be greatly minimised. The power of concentration in the eyebrows is to open the centre there, liberate the inner mind and vision and the inner or Yogic consciousness and its experiences and powers. From here also one can open upwards and act also in the lower centres; but the danger of this process is that one may get shut up in one's mental spiritual formations ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... by the conscious will. It is the higher Force working in us that in its natural course will open the subconscient to itself and bring down into it its control and light. It is in the Yogic consciousness that one feels the seat of the subconscient below the feet, but the influence of the subconscious is not confined there—it is spread in the body. In the waking state it is overpowered by the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... their deeper secret—hence my defence of works. Work and Meditation Work by itself is only a preparation [ for spiritual life ], so is meditation by itself, but work done in the increasing Yogic consciousness is a means of realisation as much as meditation is. I have not said, I hope, that work only prepares. Meditation also prepares for the direct contact. If we are to do work only as a preparation ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... and by the power of the psychic to purify and change the being so that it may become ready for transformation and in union with the Divine Knowledge, Will and Love. Secondly, to develop the Yogic consciousness—i.e. to universalise the being on all the planes, become aware of the cosmic being and cosmic forces and be in union with the Divine on all the planes up to the Overmind. Thirdly, to come into ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... as has been already established in the vital nature. Have confidence in the final result and give time for the Power to do its work. Wideness and calmness are the foundation of the Yogic consciousness and the best condition for inner growth and experience. If a wide calm can be established in the physical consciousness, occupying and filling the very body and all its cells, that can become ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... is necessary in these things. Control of Speech Yes, it would be better to get full control of the speech—it is an important step towards going inward and developing a true inner and Yogic consciousness. Yes. The speech must come from within and be controlled from within. Yes, control of the speech is very necessary for the physical change. To control speech is to stand ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... with or not, at any rate it is a standpoint and I think a rational one. I am writing only on the surface and I do not speak of what is behind or from the Yogic standpoint, the standpoint of the Yogic consciousness from which we act; that would be more difficult to express. This is merely for intellectual satisfaction, and there there is always room for dispute. 25 February 1945 As for Golconde, it ...

... conversion of the physical and its openness to inner supraphysical experience. Apart from the vital and its disturbances the physical is the chief difficulty in establishing a continuity of Yogic consciousness and experience. If the physical is thoroughly transformed—opened and conscious—then stability and continuity become easy. 16 October 1933 It is quite necessary to realise the Mother in ...

... which it acted Page 37 and produced results of every kind. This idea of the Force has nothing to do with theory or reasoning but is felt constantly by every Yogin; it is part of his yogic consciousness and his constant spiritual activity. 18 May 1945 Demands on His Time It is quite impossible for me to do any literary work (original or revision) just now, if that is what he wants. ...


... vital nature. If you do not believe that she has a consciousness Page 341 greater and wider than yours and not measurable by ordinary standards and judgments, at the very least a Yogic consciousness, I do not see on what ground you are practising Yoga here under her guidance. Those who constantly doubt and criticise and blame or attribute her actions to the most common and vulgar human feelings ...

... He wills, then most of your personal difficulty will disappear—I mean that which still remains, and there will be only the lesser difficulties of the transformation of the ordinary into the Yogic consciousness, normal to all sadhana. Your mental difficulty has been all along that you wanted to mould the sadhana and the reception of experience and the response of the Divine according to your own pr ...


... Sri Aurobindo's Force Concreteness of the Force The invisible Force producing tangible results both inward and outward is the whole meaning of the Yogic consciousness. Your question about Yoga bringing merely a feeling of Power without any result was really very strange. Who would be satisfied with such a meaningless hallucination and call it Power? If we ...


... beyond and use their art for the expression of the inner world, they grow in consciousness by this concentration, which is not other than the consciousness given by Yoga. Why then should not Yogic consciousness be a help to artistic creation? I have known some who had very little training and skill and yet through Yoga acquired a fine capacity in writing and painting. Two examples I can cite to you ...


... assumes to be the true, the real world. But in fact it adapts "causes" to "effects", for it has already taken that which is for the true, the real, and seeks only to explain it mentally. For the yogic consciousness, however, this world is not the final reality. Rising above the mind into the Overmind and then into the Supermind, it enters the divine world of first truths, and looking down from there sees ...


... beyond and use their art for the expression of the inner world, they grow in consciousness by this concentration, which is not other than the consciousness given by Yoga. Why then should not Yogic consciousness be a help to artistic creation? I have known some who had very little training and skill and yet through Yoga acquired a fine capacity in writing and painting. Two examples I can cite to you ...


... assumes to be the true, the real world. Hut in fact it adapts "causes" to "effects", for it has already taken that which is for the true, the real, and seeks only to explain it mentally. For the yogic consciousness, however, this world is nor the final reality. Rising above the mind into the Over-mind and then into the Supermind, it enters the divine world of first truths, and looking down from there sees ...


... or with the universal (cosmic) consciousness or with some deeper consciousness within in which one is aware of one's own soul, one's own inner being and of the real truth of existence. In the Yogic consciousness one is not only aware of things, but of forces, not only of forces, but of the conscious being behind the forces. One is aware of all this not only in oneself but in the universe. There ...


... beyond and use their art for the expression of the inner world, they grow in consciousness by this concentration, which is not other than the consciousness given by Yoga. Why then should not Yogic consciousness be a help to artistic creation? I have known some who had very little training and skill and yet through Yoga acquired a fine capacity in writing and painting. Source A Living Art ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... rational as well as possible. Sri Aurobindo Letters on Yoga - II: The Divine Force The invisible Force producing tangible results both inward and outward is the whole meaning of the Yogic consciousness. Your question about Yoga bringing merely a feeling of Power without any result was really very strange. Who would be satisfied with such a meaningless hallucination and call it Power? If we ...


... this struggle and these difficulties can be greatly minimised. The power of concentration in the eyebrows is to open the centre there, liberate the inner mind and vision and the inner or yogic consciousness and its experiences and powers. From here also one can open upwards and act also in the lower centres; but the danger of this process is that one may get shut up in one's mental spiritual formations ...


... Blessings. 11 December 1969 Sweet Mother, What does Sri Aurobindo mean when he speaks of change of consciousness? Passing from the general ignorant human consciousness to the yogic consciousness founded on the knowledge of the Divine Presence. Blessings. 13 December 1969 Page 403 Sweet Mother, Why is it better to go to bed early and to get up early? ...


... distortion; and how, going through it, it awakens in the individual a sense of power and the collaboration of the individual will. If it is (I saw the two things at the same time), if it's a yogic consciousness with the calm and IMPERSONALITY (that is, without any desire and any preference), then it's STILL MORE POWERFUL, because it's directed towards a precise spot instead of working in a general way—it's ...


... of the same mint. In fact Savitri has not been regarded by me as a poem to be written and finished, but as a field of experimentation to see how far poetry could be written from one's own yogic consciousness and how that could be made creative." We can gather several points here. First and foremost, Savitri is an adventure in poetry. But the aim is not merely to write good poetry. The poetry ...


... epic. Again, if he had touched on "problems" connected with rendering the English tongue more and more plastic to the stress of what Sri Aurobindo describes as the "overhead planes", levels of Yogic consciousness beyond the mental, he would have justly indicated the reason why Sri Aurobindo rewrote some portions of Savitri nearly a dozen times. But it is quite another matter to speak of Sri Aurobindo ...


... struggle and these difficulties can be greatly minimised.       The power of concentration in the eyebrows is to open the centre there, liberate the inner mind and vision and the inner or yogic consciousness and its experiences and powers. From here also one can open upwards and act also in the lower centres; but the danger of this process is that one may get shut up in one's mental spiritual formations ...

... media that he maintained his contact with the details of the fast-changing movements in the political and cultural world, whose general aspects he could be inwardly aware of by his universalised yogic consciousness. ...

... of his important letters Sri Aurobindo made the position clear: "What is being done here [in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram] is a preparation for a work - a work which will be founded on yogic consciousness and Yoga-Shakti, and can have no other foundation." (Letters on Yoga, p. 847, italics ours) In another letter dated 25-2-45, just five years before his passing, Sri Aurobindo wrote "The ...

... world-nature, intangible energies, of 62; see also Nature Yājnavalkya 97 yama 26 Yoga 21, 29; collective 15; cosmic 15; the conscious adventure of 53: the first steps of 54 Yogic consciousness 80 Page 106 ...

... this mess immediately and prepare myself for the coming occasion (15th August Darshan).       Whatever it may be — the power of illness to prevent the sadhana ought not to exist. The Yogic Consciousness and its activities must be there whether there is health or illness.         The coming of the cold in the head has encouraged my outer consciousness to rise above! For, if it remains ...

... deep into the peace and silence.       It is all right. It is the fire of aspiration and purification with the beginning of the true inner experience which, if it continues, creates the Yogic consciousness and in the end replaces by it the ordinary outer consciousness.       The central fire is in the psychic being, but it can be lit in all the parts of the being.         There is ...

... have to acquire in and through the activities of the normal life. It was what Sri Krishna taught to Arjuna. Arjuna was a representative of the common man, Arjuna was thought to be always in the yogic consciousness even while he was engaged in battle.         Thus we are at the world's finest hour, for it shall find its soul. Page 61 ...

... accuracy and inevitability of 1Deliverance is not for me in renunciation. I feel the embrace of freedom in a thousand bonds of delight." — Gitanjali, 73. Page 371 a Yogic consciousness. Still his major perceptions, those that count, stand and are borne out by the highest spiritual realisation. Tagore is no inventor or innovator when he posits Spirit as Beauty, the spiritual ...

... by the power of the psychic to purify and change the being so that it may become ready for transformation and be in union with the Divine Knowledge, Will and Love. Secondly, to develop the yogic consciousness, i.e., to universalise the being in all the planes, become aware of the cosmic being and cosmic forces and be in union with the Divine on all the planes up to the overmind. Thirdly, to come ...

... force—like the force of a Higher Consciousness —can produce tangible results, he wrote : "The invisible Force producing tangible results both inward and outward is the whole meaning of the yogic consciousness.. .Who would be satisfied with such meaningless hallucination and call it power ? If we had not thousands of experiences showing that the power within could alter the mind, develop its powers ...


... upon others, upon the world, upon the play of forces." (19-12-1934).11 (3) " The invisible Force producing tangible results both inward and outward is the whole meaning of the yogic consciousness. Who would be satisfied with such meaningless hallucination and call it power ? If we had not had thousands of experiences showing that the power within could alter the mind, develop its powers ...

... significant victory, no doubt; but the victory was also tinged with disappointment. As he told Dilip Kumar Roy: It was then that my outlook changed with the knowledge born of my new Yogic consciousness. But then I found, to my utter disillusionment, that it was only my ignorance which had led me to think that the impossible was feasible here and now... in order to help humanity out, it was ...

... flaming power of love. 13 In another letter he said that he looked upon the composition of Savitri as a field of experimentation to see how far poetry could be written from one's own Yogic consciousness and how that could be made creative"; in fact, the poem itself was for him "a means of ascension". 14 And the Mother too was to say in the course of a conversation in French with an ardent ...


... part which was always fundamentally responsible for all your bad passages and painful movements even when the direct difficulty was higher up. Its nature is to cling to the old habitual pre-Yogic consciousness and to shut up doors and windows against the help that is offered and lament in the darkness when it has felt itself hurt. This is a thing that everybody must get rid of who wants to progress ...

... He deprecates all impatience and over-eagerness and straining as positively disturbing and impeding, and teaches that "wideness and calmness are Page 77 the foundation of the Yogic consciousness and the best condition for inner growth and experience. If a wide calm can be established in the physical consciousness, occupying and filling the very body and all its cells, that can become ...

... dispute and without flaw. But what one has to lean on in Yoga is not the reasonings of the physical mind, but faith in the soul and the secret certitude of the Spirit. I want to have the Yogic consciousness at all times and never lose it. This constant moving between light and darkness, peace and struggle cannot be a proof of progress. In what way am I incorrect? Absolutely incorrect. The progress ...


... on the Mother What Is the Mother's Force? What is the Yoga shakti? What is Yogic mind-force, Yogic life-force and Yogic body-force? In the Yogic consciousness one is not only aware of things, but of forces, not only of forces, but of the conscious being behind the forces. One is aware of all this not only in oneself but in the universe. There is a ...

... death as a release could have a force because of her advanced spiritual consciousness which it would not have in ordinary people. On the other side there can be an opposite use and result of the Yogic consciousness: illness can be repelled from one's own body or cured, even chronic or deep-seated illnesses and long-established constitutional defects remedied or expelled and even a predestined death delayed ...


... the passage clear between the outer mind and something in the inner being. That is why you got the poetic power as soon as you began Yoga—Yoga-force made the passage clear. It is the same with Yogic consciousness and its powers; the thing is to get the passage clear,—for they are already there within you. Of course the first thing is to believe, aspire and, with the true urge within, make the endeavour ...


... poetry—well, the less said the better! Or perhaps he saw within your soul the Sri Aurobindo of future Supramental glory? Because I told him I wanted to do Yoga in order to get a new inner Yogic consciousness for life and action, not for leaving life. So he said that. A poet writes from an inner source, not from the external mind, he is moved by inspiration to write, i.e. he writes what a greater ...


... this struggle and these difficulties can be greatly minimised. The power of concentration in the eyebrows is to open the centre there, liberate the inner mind and vision and the inner or yogic consciousness and its experiences and powers. From here also one can open upwards and act also in the lower centres; but the danger of this process is that one may get shut up in one's mental spiritual formations ...


... interchange is subtle and covert, it takes place through what is called the subconscient, but is rather a behind-consciousness covered by the surface waking mind. When one gets into a certain Yogic consciousness, one becomes very much aware of this covert movement, very sensitive to all this interchange and action and reaction; but one has this advantage that one can consciously build a wall against ...


... them is a great progress of consciousness. Sri Aurobindo Misuse of physical things The rough handling and careless breaking or waste and misuse of physical things is a denial of the yogic consciousness and a great hindrance to the bringing down of the Divine Truth to the material plane. Sri Aurobindo The best possible use Many a time I say, "No, use what you have. Try to make the ...


... a truer discrimination and some revelations of the divine truth and the divine will. This obedience of the vital to the. psychic and the higher mind is the beginning of the outgoing of the Yogic consciousness in its dynamic action upon life.     But this too is not Sufficient for the divine life. To come into contact With the higher mind consciousness is not enough, it is only an indispensable ...


... are done. It is the Divine Power that works and if one makes oneself its instrument, even what is impossible for the personal capacity can be done. When one once enters into the true (Yogic) consciousness, then you see that everything can be done, even if at present only a slight beginning has been made; but a beginning is enough, once the Force, the Power are there. It is not really on the capacity ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... of the Divine. Peace is the first condition, but peace of itself does not bring Force—it is a receptacle of Force, not a bringer of Force. A peaceful state is the basis of the Yogic consciousness. It is only when that is complete and fully established that the true intensity and energy can come. The greater the quietude, the greater the energy that can be received. Peace, Love ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... that you have had this experience; for this kind of consciousness full of equality (samata) is just the thing that Page 134 has to be acquired and the very basis on which a sound Yogic consciousness full of the Mother can be built up. If it can be fixed, then most of the trouble and difficulty of sadhana disappears—all necessary changes can proceed quietly without these disturbances and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... s. There are many abnormal experiences that are not spiritual. There are two kinds of experiences: (1) subordinate things (like visions etc.) that help to open or build up or furnish a new (Yogic) consciousness; (2) the great experiences of Self, Peace, Light, Ananda, etc., also the perception of a deeper knowledge which shows us the truths of Soul and Nature and of the aspects of the Divine. This ...


... is not always felt like that. Sometimes one simply feels currents or a Force of some kind rising up or just an ascending movement of consciousness. But in all cases it is the release of the Yogic consciousness which is shut up in the chakras and its ascent to meet the Divine Consciousness above. It is this and the corresponding descent from above that make Yogic experiences and realisations possible ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... not necessarily a delusion and that this belief can be rational as well as possible. The invisible Force producing tangible results both inward and outward is the whole meaning of the Yogic consciousness. Your question about Yoga bringing merely a feeling of Power without any result was really very strange. Who would be satisfied with such a meaningless hallucination and call it Power? If we ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... plane, some of which may have truth, while others are false and misleading, or they may be a sort of artistry of that plane. They can have considerable importance in the development of the first Yogic consciousness, that of the inner mind, inner vital, inner physical or for an occult understanding of the universe. Visions which are real can help the spiritual progress, I mean, those which show us inner ...


... the 1955 edition of the book. Around the same time that Sri Aurobindo worked on the chapter published as "Appendix: Chapter XIII", he produced several drafts of a chapter entitled "The Yogic Consciousness and Works", which he also intended to place at the end of Part I. None of these drafts are sufficiently well worked out to be published as part of the text of The Synthesis of Yoga . The most ...


... ]—it is wide and calm and strong and aspires to union and surrender—it is many things besides, but this is the essential. It [ an experience reported by the correspondent ] is the true Yogic consciousness in which one feels the oneness and lives in it, not touched by the outer being and its inferior movements, but looking on them with a smile at their ignorance and smallness. It will become much ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... from there to the surface and do not know its source or how it comes. By Yoga the wall is slowly broken down and we become aware of this inner and inmost being—by doing so we build up a new, a Yogic, consciousness which is able to communicate direct with the universal consciousness around and the higher spiritual above. As the individual has a consciousness of his own, so too there is a universal ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... within in one consciousness while the external being (mind, life, body) goes on of itself under the impulsion of the cosmic Force, doing quietly whatever is necessary to do. This is part of the Yogic consciousness and to have it means a very real and considerable advance on the path of Yoga. You have been accustomed to feel your outer consciousness as if it were yourself and so, when you are in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... the passage clear between the outer mind and something in the inner being. That is why you got the poetic power as soon as you began Yoga—Yoga-force made the passage clear. It is the same with Yogic consciousness and its powers; the thing is to get the passage clear,—for they are already there within you. Of course the first thing is to believe, aspire and, with the true urge within, make the endeavour ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... passage of neutral quiet,—the vital withdrawing its stimulus gives to the neutrality a colour of dryness. To live in the peace is the natural condition of the Self and therefore the basis of the Yogic consciousness—it is possible when the peace has so deepened and generalised itself that even a vital attack cannot cover it up or penetrate it. The slight dryness must have been the reaction caused ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... , a truer discrimination and some revelations of the divine truth and the divine will. This obedience of the vital to the psychic and the higher mind is the beginning of the outgoing of the Yogic consciousness in its dynamic action upon life. But this, too, is not sufficient for the divine life. To come into contact with the higher mind consciousness is not enough, it is only an indispensable stage ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... external consciousness. If the power to meditate long is there, a sadhak will naturally do it and care little for reading—unless he has reached the stage when everything is part of the Yogic consciousness because that is permanent. Sadhana is the aim of a sadhak, not mental development. But if he has spare time, those who have the mental turn will naturally spend it in reading or study of some ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... consciousness behind, the other a smaller consciousness in front, is also a familiar feature of sadhana. In itself it is a necessary movement; it should naturally result in the growth of a larger Yogic consciousness prevailing over the small external consciousness and becoming a means for transformation under the pressure of the Divine Shakti. But here too it is possible for errors to take place—especially ...


... their significance. It is only when the experiences are in the vital realm that some are likely to be false formations. These of which you write are simply the common experiences of an opening Yogic consciousness and they have to be understood, simply. Here it is the breaking up of the small surface vital into the largeness of the true or inner vital being which can at once open to the Higher Consciousness ...


... to the cosmic consciousness—kept on the spiritualised level, the vision or feeling of the Divine Ananda without seeking for possession or a gross outer enjoyment, it would have established a Yogic consciousness and made a base for knowledge and peace and power and psychic love and surrender to come down. The Cosmic Consciousness and the Physical One cannot be high in the cosmic consciousness unless ...


... stop it by turning the mind elsewhere. To let the memory or imagination dwell on things that excite the sex-desire is unhealthy for the sadhana and an obstacle to the development of the Yogic consciousness. Discourage these imaginations and memories when they come. That [ support of the sex-sensation by the imagination ] is the difficulty. The imagination means a consent of the physical ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... has, one takes the rasa in a free unattached way—if one does not get or loses them, it makes not the slightest difference. The true Ananda is the Ananda of the Divine and when one has the Yogic consciousness, it is the Divine one sees everywhere and has the Ananda of that, but there is no attachment to objects as objects. It is not necessary to be a Sannyasi to have this inner freedom; it is only ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... whose disciple I still was. With all my power of faith and aspiration I kept outstretching invisible hands to them, calling and calling. I pulled at the saving and healing light that is their Yogic consciousness and when I thought a blue sheen and a gold glow enveloped my heart I sensed a subtle supporting strength gradually taking outward effect. A doctor had been summoned ...

... you will be helping to remove the world's evil and suffering from the very foundation. Work in the midst of humanity and ostensibly for humanity need not always cease, but during the work the Yogic consciousness will go on and the work itself will be really done as an offering to the Divine and not either for oneself or for humanity which is after all a repetition of oneself on a huge scale. Your ...

... only because it winged with the right words a certain view of Plato but also because it summed up his own insight into the truth of Platonism vis-a-vis the Ultimate Truth as seized by his yogic consciousness. The line by Amal Kiran suggests at the same time that Plato had his mind set glowing with a wonderful perception of spiritual reality and that, for all the extreme brilliance of this perception ...


... universalised mind must look up from its cosmic consciousness to the Supernal and derive from that all its sense of being and movement of works. This is the fundamental truth from which the Yogic consciousness starts; it helps the individual to universalise himself and then to transcend the cosmic formula. And this transformation acts not only on his status of being but on his active consciousness ...


... the other is Page 163 almost or near to be grasped but cannot be brought into action, always comes at a certain stage in the transition between the ordinary consciousness and the Yogic consciousness. It is obviously very troublesome. One has to keep a firm mind as much as possible. There are two ways of dealing with it. One is to sit quiet with a silent will to get rapidly through to the ...


... appealing to the Mother and Sri Aurobindo was the only decisive help that could be drawn. With all his power of faith and aspiration he pulled at the saving and healing Light that is their Yogic Consciousness and when he thought a blue sheen and a gold enveloped his heart he sensed a subtle supporting strength gradually taking outward effect. "A doctor was summoned. By the time he came ...


... Aurobindo considered his comments as representative of a competent critical mind and he wanted this kind of mind to realize the newness of such poetry as Savitri, which was written from a yogic consciousness. Sri Aurobindo’s answers to various criticisms by me helped to make clear the level from which Sri Aurobindo wrote his spiritual poetry. Sri Aurobindo said my questions to him were based on some ...


... front and by the power of the psychic to purify and change the being, so that, it may become ready for transformation and in union with Divine Knowledge, Will and Love. Secondly, to develop the Yogic consciousness, e.g., to universalize the being in all the planes, become aware of the cosmic being and cosmic forces and be in union with the Divine in all the planes up to the overmind. Thirdly, to come into ...

... the capacity of receiving and retaining it. If that happened or if the Prakriti-Purusha realisation came, the whole sadhana would proceed on a strong permanent base with a new and entirely yogic consciousness instead of the purely mental endeavour which is always difficult and slow. I do not however want to press these things upon him; they come in their own time and to press towards them prematurely ...

... have noted times out of number, that my mind experiences only a deep discomfort to see anybody suffer or groan or writhe in agony. How can I then help wondering whether your ascending peak of Yogic consciousness has not made you somewhat aloof, perforce, from what really happens down in our plains of blood and sweat .and tears? And then it is not just for the fun of doubting either. For diagnose as ...


... is this practice "the cause of an inevitable breakdown of health or of the final illnesses which bring about their departure from the body". As a matter of fact, through the proper use of Yogic consciousness and Yoga-Shakti, "illness can be repelled from one's body or cured, even chronic or deep-seated illnesses and long-established constitutional defects remedied or expelled and even a predestined ...

... as a release could have a force because of her advanced spiritual consciousness which it would not have in ordinary people. On the other side, there can be an opposite use and result of the yogic consciousness: illness can be repelled from one’s own body or cured, even chronic or deep-seated illnesses and long-established constitutional defects remedied or expelled and even a predestined death ...

... from that level … In fact Savitri has not been regarded by me as a poem to be written and finished, but as a field of experimentation to see how far poetry could be written from one’s own yogic consciousness and how that could be made creative.’ 33 ‘I wonder how he could go on dictating lines of poetry in this way,’ writes Nirodbaran, ‘as if a tap had been turned on and the water flowed, not ...

... beyond and use their art for the expression of the inner world, they grow in consciousness by this concentration, which is not other than the consciousness given by Yoga. Why then should not Yogic consciousness be a help to artistic creation?... There is one way in which Yoga may stop the artist's productive impulse. If the origin of his art is in the vital world, once he becomes a Yogi he will ...


... of the same mint. In fact Savitri has not been regarded by me as a poem to be written and finished, but as a field of experimentation to see how far poetry could be written from one's own Yogic consciousness and how that could be made creative. I did not rewrite Rose of God or the sonnets except for two or three verbal alterations made at the moment."   One issue touched upon here gives ...


... tosses in my long life of many sudden and violent contacts with the ground, thanks to my inefficient legs. And this fall brought for me paradoxically the high-water mark of the current year in Yogic consciousness. Already I have written the story of this memorable event to some friends. Let me repeat it to you. I have always valued old Confucius's maxim: "Our greatest glory lies not in never falling ...


... standpoint of Yoga. Of course she appreciates competent and skilful work of all kinds, but if she had to choose between great skill with no Yoga in it and smaller skill with a splash of the Yogic consciousness going with it, she would always tilt in favour of the latter. When she turned the pages of my drawing-book I found that she simply passed over paintings I had done with a great deal of cleverness ...


... Savitri has not been regarded by me as a poem to be written and finished, Page 340 but as a field of experimentation to see how far poetry could be written from one's own yogic consciousness and how that could be made creative." We can gather several points here. First and foremost, Savitri is an adventure in poetry. But the aim is not merely to write good poetry. The poetry ...


... that level... . In fact Savitri has not been regarded by me as a poem to be written and finished, but as a field of experimentation to see how far poetry could be written from one's own yogic consciousness and how that could be made creative." 2 In another letter he writes: "Savitri is the record of a seeing." 3 The birth and growth of Savitri as a "flame-child" is therefore a Yogi's ...

... that level... . In fact, Savitri has not been regarded by me as a poem to be written and finished, but as a field of experimentation to see how far poetry could be written from one's own yogic consciousness and how that could be made creative. 10 Savitri was thus Sadhana and recordation in one, and was to be the means of Sadhana: for others. It was still a fresh recital of the old legend ...

... repellent and triumphantly conveying it through Page 326 his material,—through the word, through line and colour, through the sculptured shape? There is a certain state of Yogic consciousness in which all things become beautiful to the eye of the seer, simply because they spiritually are—because they are a rendering in line and form of the quality and force of existence, of the ...

... of the nature. Describing the many stages that one has to cross to arrive at the view of possibility of the supramental change, Sri Aurobindo has stated: "One must first acquire an inner Yogic consciousness and replace by it our ordinary view of things, natural movements, motives of life; one must revolutionize the whole present build of our being. Next, we have to go still deeper, discover ...

... supramental change is difficult, distant, an ultimate stage;... it can only come into the View of possibility after much arduous self-conquest and self-exceeding... One must first acquire an inner Yogic consciousness and replace by it our ordinary view of things, natural movements, motives of life;... "Next, we have to go still deeper, discover our veiled psychic entity and in its light and under its ...

... drink, then, as the consciousness withdraws, the body lapses back into the grip of agony. Sri Aurobindo was suffering from uraemia, and he was having this peculiar coma, a coma controlled by yogic consciousness! On the 4th December, Mother said: 'He's withdrawing.' But Sri Aurobindo got up again and he sat in the big green armchair. The surgeon remarked: The Master seems cheerful again and ...

... possible of the same mint. In fact, Savitri has not been regarded by me as a poem to be written and finished, but as a field of experimentation to see how far poetry could be written from one's own Yogic consciousness and how that could be made creative. I did not rewrite Rose of God or the sonnets except for two or three verbal alterations made at the moment. If X could receive his inspiration without ...

...       From 12 noon to 5 p.m. my inner being was in a quiet repose. During this long period of peace there was no intensity or zeal.       A peaceful state is the basis of the Yogic consciousness. It is only when that is accepted and fully established that the true intensity and energy can come.         Equanimity and peace in all conditions in all parts of the being is the first ...

... from that level...In fact Savitri has not been regarded by me as a poem to be written and finished, but as a field of experimentation to see how far poetry could be written from one's own Yogic consciousness and how that could be made creative," 2 "°There can be hardly any doubt regarding the success of the experiment, and although there is much in Savitri that seems 'alien' to Page ...


... .cent accuracy and inevitability of ¹ "Deliverance is not for me in renunciation. I feel the embrace of freedom in a thousand bonds of delight." -Gitanjali, Page 99 a Yogic consciousness. Still his major perceptions, those that count, stand and are borne out by the highest spiritual realisation. Tagore is no inventor or innovator when he posits Spirit as Beauty, the spiritual ...

... into time — a shuttling between solid, familiar past and misty-to-darkening present is common at this stage of life — she had not in the least lost her ‘normal’ awareness. Her ever-growing yogic consciousness was, I believe, awakening in the deeper and higher ‘realities’ of her Self with the help of  the Sole Reality who is "Light of our light and Life of our life". On the 22 nd , Amma celebrated ...

... fruits and flowers to others. There are quarrels she must pacify and tempers she has to cool. Am I not right? Of course, all this seemingly surface business has to be tackled with the inner yogic consciousness. All has to be an offering to the Divine - and now there is the varied crowd of apparently ordinary things of life to be woven into the spiritual practice. I have always called my path the Integral ...

... possible of the same mint. In fact, Savitri has not been regarded by me as a poem to be written and finished; but as a field of experimentation to see how far poetry could be written from one's own Yogic consciousness and how that could be made creative. I did not rewrite Rose of God or the sonnets except for two or three verbal alterations made at the moment." All this was written to me in 1936. Since ...

... the activities of the normal life. It was what Page 349 Sri Krishna taught to Arjuna. Arjuna was a representative of the common man, Arjuna was thought to be always in the yogic consciousness even while he was engaged in battle. Thus we are at the world's finest hour, for it shall find its soul. Page 350 ...

... that level.... In fact, Savitri has not been regarded by me as a poem to be written and finished, but as a field of experimentation to see how far poetry could be written from one's own Yogic consciousness and how that could be made creative. 17 Savitri was thus sādhanā  and recordation in one, and was to be the means of sādhanā for others. It was still a fresh recital of the old ...

... current misuse; diseases, microbes and sanitary arrangements; universal will and individual initiative; love human and divine; the nature of religion; mental aberrations and physical ailments; Yogic consciousness; Yoga and Art; repulsion towards snakes and scorpions; surrender and sacrifice; and so on. Informative, friendly and revelatory, these intimate talks gently and irresistibly wind their meaning ...


... true thing and what one sees externally is only an image, that is to say, a projection on a screen, of something which exists altogether independently". 12 Didn't the Mother see with her true yogic consciousness all past, present and future at once, and hence apparently ignored the transient image on the screen before her? In a sadhak's life, indeed, such passing moments of defeat and gloom could ...


... we get is nothing compared to what is needed . . . .    ... I am writing only on the surface and I do not speak of what is behind or from the Yogic standpoint, the standpoint of the Yogic consciousness from which we act; that would be more difficult to express. This is merely for intellectual satisfaction and there is always room for dispute. ¹ 25-2-1945 The volume of the corr ...


... throbs with life, and is overflowing with delight. Beauty is revealed here in its most impersonal and universal aspect, in its utmost intensity. This once for all shatters the current notion that yogic consciousness is divorced from a sense and perception of Beauty. Narad says: "Who is this that comes, the bride, the flame-born' with lights flashing about her? "From what green glimmer of glades, bringest ...

... completely mastered the use of the Yoga Force, he explained a bit of it in one of his letters. "The invisible Force producing tangible results both inward and outward is the whole meaning of the Yogic consciousness.... When I speak of feeling Force of Power, I do not mean simply having a vague sense of it, but feeling it concretely and consequently being able to direct it, manipulate it, watch its movement ...