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... outset? Why has it allowed pain and evil which exist in its essence? If human evil can be attributed to men, the injustice that smites animals and plants can only be attributed to the divine order. Why has the divine order not organised everything in delight? Pain does not always lead us to perfection; more often, it casts us into incurable despair." ...
... and just, but men hold some things to be good, others unjust." There is then an absolute good, an absolute beauty, an absolute justice of which all things are the relative expression. There is a divine order in the world; each thing fulfils its nature according to its place in the order and in its place and symmetry in the one Reason of things is good, just and beautiful precisely because it fulfils ...
... this spiritual self-power develops infinite primal qualities of becoming in the inwardness of things and turns them into an external surface of form and action. For in her essential, secret and divine order the spiritual truth of each and all comes first, a thing of her deep identities; their psychological truth of quality and nature is dependent on the spiritual for all in it that is authentic, it ...
... supramental authority. Your feeling therefore was probably right. 10 September 1936 Yesterday after dusk, I felt as if some welcome revolution Page 361 had taken place in the Divine order of things. I attended the meditation and felt the whole place filled with calm and silence.... Then descended a virāṭ mahāpuruṣa, Himalayan in proportions, in the form of Sri Aurobindo, who, as ...
... Certainly this is not the last, for there are farther ranges of being; but now we are at work to bring down the supramental, to effect a reorganisation of the world, to bring the world back to the true divine order. It is essentially a creation of order, a putting of everything in its true Page 118 place; and the chief spirit or force, the Shakti active at present is Mahasaraswati, the Goddess ...
... whole organisation has Page 2 to be remade on a new basis, so that there is not a second when everything is not in perpetual movement. But if the movement is in accordance with the divine order, it is harmonious, so perfectly harmonious that it is hardly perceptible, it is difficult to see it. Now, if one comes down again from this consciousness to a more external consciousness, naturally ...
... of movement, action, manifestation, an infallible truth of will and heart and knowledge, a perfect truth of thought and word and emotion; it is the spontaneous Right, the free Law, the original divine order of things untouched by the falsehoods of the divided and separative consciousness. It is the vast divine and self-luminous synthesis born of a fundamental unity, of which our petty existence is ...
... been sublimely held or glorified by shining and golden examples, need we consider it the integral and ultimate wisdom. Rather, liberating ourselves from all passion and revolt, let us see what this divine order of the universe means, and, as for this great knot and tangle of Matter denying the Spirit, let us seek to find out and separate its strands so as to loosen it by a solution and not cut through ...
... extinction, not a Nirvana but a sublime fulfilment of our manifested Nature. It possesses the first realisations under its own conditions after it has transformed them and made them elements of a divine order. The gnostic soul is the child, but the king-child; 2 here is the royal and eternal childhood whose toys are the worlds and all universal Nature is the miraculous garden of the play that tires ...
... consciousness to enlighten them. All who are able to do so, should profit by this. Truth will conquer in spite of the turmoil. Even within the confusion, there is the seed of the Divine order. Inwardly things seem to be improving; outwardly a sort of disintegration seems to be at the door. Where do we stand? In front of a beautiful realisation. Page 67 Every ...
... must be replaced by a more luminous and truer law and not by disorder and corruption. 4 October 1969 And what is this more luminous law? 2 Perfect and spontaneous obedience to the divine order that must replace all law. 26 September 1970 Is it good to break all moral and social conventions as the new generation is doing? Don't these things have any value? What has value at ...
... where food is prepared, makes food undigestible. The cooking must be done in silence and harmony. Insincerity leads on the path to ruin. Even within the confusion, there is the seed of the Divine order. It is good to read a Divine Teaching. It is better to learn it. The best is to live it. Indeed, the goodwill hidden in all things reveals itself everywhere to that one who carries goodwill ...
... that we are composed not of one but many personalities and each has its own demands and differing nature. Our being is a roughly constituted chaos into which we have to introduce the principle of a divine order." (The Synthesis of Yoga, p. 69) Such being the case there are bound to arise occasionally some problems in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram which consists of almost two thousand souls at different ...
... Divine, there has never been anything but the Divine, Joy, Light, the quiet and smiling and all- powerful Rhythm. And we are reminded of Mother’s words: There is a CONSTANT Reality, a CONSTANT divine Order, and it's only the incapacity to perceive it that makes the present Disorder and Falsehood. 15 A wrong gaze. And She uttered these mysterious words, which now become clearer: At every moment ...
... food is prepared, makes food indigestible. The cooking must be done in silence and harmony. Insincerity leads on the path to ruin. Even within the confusion, there is the seed of the Divine order. It is good to read a Divine Teaching It is better to learn it. The best is to live it. Indeed, the goodwill hidden in all things reveals itself everywhere to that one who carries goodwill ...
... been sublimely held or glorified by shining and golden examples, need we consider it the integral and ultimate wisdom. Rather, liberating ourselves from all passion and revolt, let us see what this divine order of the universe means, and, as for this great knot and tangle of Matter denying the spirit, let us seek to find out and separate its strands so as to loosen it by a solution and not cut through ...
... an example of how Sri Aurobindo lifted his poem again and again to a higher level of revelation: Veiled by the ray no mortal eye can bear. Even things other than "grace" in the divine order are never quite dear. For instance, Sri Aurobindo once wrote that X was a bom Yogi: how then did it happen that he started to act queerly and finally left the Ashram? Maybe this too was grace: he ...
... a flowing sea not divided in itself, but only divided in the observing consciousness,’ wrote Sri Aurobindo in The Life Divine. And the Mother said: ‘There is a constant Reality, a constant Divine Order, and it is only the incapability to perceiving it which constitutes Disorder, the actual Falsehood.’ 33 We do not experience the world as it is, we experience a distorted reproduction of the ...
... that we are composed not of one but many personalities and each has its own demands and differing nature. Our being is a roughly constituted chaos into which we have to introduce the principle of a divine order. Moreover, we find that inwardly too, no less than outwardly, we are not alone in the world; the sharp separateness of our ego was no more than a strong imposition and delusion; we do not exist ...
... their own advantage. In some cases it comes up to the surface and upsets the mental and the vital being and throws all their settled arrangements and habits into disorder, pressing for a new and divine order. But if the mind or the vital being is stronger than the psychic then it casts only an occasional influence and gradually retires behind. All its cry is in the wilderness; and the mental or the ...
... February Questions and Answers (1950-1951) 10 February 1951 "You must be able, if you are ready to follow the Divine order, to take up whatever work you are given, even a stupendous work, and leave it the next day with the same quietness with which you took it up and not feel that the responsibility is yours. There should be no attachment—to any ...
... Certainly this is not the last, for there are farther ranges of being; but now we are at work to bring down the supramental, to effect a reorganisation of the world, to bring the world back to the true divine order. It is essentially a creation of order, a putting of everything in its true place; and the chief spirit or force, the Shakti active at present is Mahasaraswati, the Goddess of perfect organisation ...
... when the disciples go away or who seizes on anybody that comes and tries to make him a disciple, is evidently following nothing but his ambition. You must be able, if you are ready to follow the divine order, to take up whatever work you are given, even a stupendous work, and leave it the next day with the same quietness with which you took it up and not feel that the responsibility is yours. There ...
... that we are composed not of one but many personalities and each has its own demands and differing nature. Our being is a roughly constituted chaos into which we have to introduce the principle of a divine order. Sri Aurobindo The Synthesis of Yoga - I: Self-Consecration … why then are we not normally aware of so much that is behind us and always pressing upon us? For the same reason that we ...
... that we are posed not of one but many personalities and each has its own demands and differing nature. Our being is a roughly constituted chaos into which we have to introduce the principle of a divine order. " Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis of Yoga, SABCL, Vol. 20, p. 69 This is indeed very fine. (Another disciple) I had prepared a question. (He takes the Synthesis and reads:) " ...
... Gratitude and Faithfulness Words of the Mother - II Obedience The obedience to the Divine Will must be total. Perfect obedience: obedience to the divine order with joy and without hesitation or reserve in all parts of the being. To learn to obey is good; to obey only the Divine is better. Page 157 ...
... manifest, the whole reorganization must be built on a new basis, and thus there isn't a second when ALL is not in perpetual Page 411 movement. And when the movement is in accord with the divine order, it's harmonious, so perfectly harmonious that it's almost imperceptible.... Now, if you descend from this consciousness towards a more external consciousness, you begin naturally to have a very ...
... that we may grow conscious of Your Presence." And that gives a clear sense of Unreality and Unconsciousness—and of all the consequent disorder. Because there is a CONSTANT Reality, a CONSTANT divine Order, and it's only the incapacity to perceive it that makes the present Disorder and Falsehood. The experiences go on multiplying. But then, outwardly, everyone seems to start squabbling and quarreling ...
... vitality and body. So Sri Aurobindo speaks of a descent into us of what he designates as Gnosis or Supermind as well as of an ascent to it. The descent will mean an embodied existence of a divine order in every respect and no longer of an order that is flawed by the human and the mortal. Yes, in every respect there must be Godhead and immortality: even our physical stuff must be entirely ...
... composed not of one but many personalities and each has its own demands and differing nature. We find ourselves to be a roughly constituted chaos and we are called upon to introduce the principle of a divine order. As we begin to live more and more inwardly we begin to find that we do not exist in ourselves, we do not really live apart in an inner privacy or solitude. We find that the sharp separateness ...
... Himself and on The Mother, p. 30. Page 208 in the body and freed in the soul, shall fulfil the Will of God in the world, and lead humanity to the harmony and perfection of a new, a divine order of existence: this was the message and mission of Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo. Lala Lajpat Rai Lala Lajpat Rai, the lion of the Punjab as he was aptly called, was a fearless ...
... really mean the capacity to participate in the Plan and further it, and this can best be done if man, a creature of the 'natural order', makes himself the instrument of God, who is the source of the 'divine order'. 136 When Sri Aurobindo describes Aswapati as journeying through the several occult realms in the World-Stair, he is not luxuriating in pseudo-romantic escapism but merely recording ...
... inevitability of the supramental descent - as "this Copernicus of the spiritual world". As for the Ashram, it was the Mother's "laboratory for the Great Transformation, her seed-plot for the new Divine Order", her 'colony of heaven' on this as yet flawed and unredeemed earth. 6 II The Mother's question-and-answer sessions that commenced in December 1950 continued till June 1951, and ...
... main building, the Mother had guided, advised, organised, administered the far-flung community of sadhaks, children, devotees, admirers, and she had ordained with her invisible sovereign powers the divine order to be. Her helping hand and her word of cheer and her smile of Grace had been the means of rescue and redemption to tens of thousands of souls wrecked on the disturbed sea of our life without faith ...
... ignorance can be shown to be explicable in the context of the operations of the supermind. This introductory book will, it is hoped, stimulate readers to study Sri Aurobindo's ' The Life Divine' in order to find out many answers that remain to be discovered in the context of world's history of philosophy and yogic adventure of consciousness. Kireet Joshi ... the supermind in Matter. A systematic and philosophic exposition of the supermind is to be found for the first time in the history of philosophy in Sri Aurobindo's 'The Life Divine' and, what is most striking in 'The Life Divine' is Sri Aurobindo's account of the origin of the ignorance in one of the subordinate functionings of the supermind. This stands in contrast to the ordinary general view, which... inexplicable and that the earthly life is inextricably connected with Ignorance. As a result, it has come to be maintained that the worldly life and ignorance are so inseparable from each other that in order to depart from ignorance one must depart from earthly and material life of the world. This view has now come to be shown to be mistaken, not only philosophically but even in yogic process of ...
... easy for him to proceed on the way. Offering One offers to the Divine in order to get rid of the illusion of separation—the very act of offering implies that all belongs to the Divine. Have attachment to nothing [ in order to offer all to the Divine ]—aspire until you get the consciousness of the Divine—call on the Divine to control and take up all you are and have. (1) Offer yourself... url=/cwsa/29/faith (2) If you have faults and weaknesses, hold them up before the Divine to be changed or abolished. (3) Try to do what I told you, concentrate in the heart till you constantly feel the Presence there. Remain quiet, put your will always on the side of the Truth, offer yourself entirely to the Divine. Page 104 ... Yoga - II Chapter IX Consecration and Offering Consecration Consecration is a process by which one trains the consciousness to give itself to the Divine. The general principle of self-consecration and self-giving is the same for all in this Yoga, but each has his own way of consecration and self-giving. The way that X takes is good for X ...
... think of the whole world, where the Supreme Force is also active. Whoever is sincere, open and receptive, the Force makes Its instrument. I request you all—let us get together and work for the Divine in order to fulfil Her Dream. All of us know how practical and precise the Mother was. She believed in the beauty of simplicity. I am perfectly aware that the Mother said so many things to so many... difference between the Ashram and Auroville. For She has written: The Ashram is the central consciousness. Auroville is one of the outward expressions. In both places equally the work is done for the Divine . I remember M. André to have informed me more than once that when the Mother was on Her deathbed She lost all interest except in the Matrimandir. When She left Her body at 7.25 p.m., at that very... forgetting all the past reactions, and did something concretely to bring about the Supreme's Victory in all of us, as well as upon the Earth. We all came upon the earth to accomplish the mission the Divine has entrusted to us. The Mother wrote to me on 6th November, 1955: No child of mine can be a zero; in fact, each one of my children has his or her place and special mission to fulfil. I love ...
... these incorrigible Elders could not forget or wholly give up their old habit and nature. They now wanted to work for the Divine Fulfilment in order to magnify themselves thereby; they consented to serve the Divine in order to make the Divine serve them, utilise the Divine End for their own purposes. They wished to see the new creation after their own heart's desire. That is how things have... movement of the Divine; they themselves moved free, according to their individualised conscious will. They stood out, as if in relief, on the background of the Divine Existence. For originally, although they differentiated themselves from each other and from the Divine, yet they formed a unified harmony and lived and moved and had their being as different members of the same divine Body. At first... sown, a grain that is to be the epitome and symbol of material creation and in and through which the Divine will claim back all the elements gone astray, the prodigal ones who will return to recognise and fulfil the Divine. That was Earth. And the earth, in her turn, in her labour towards the Divine Fulfilment, out of her bosom, threw up a being who would again symbolise and epitomise the earth ...
... Page 253 could not forget or wholly give up their old habit and nature. They now wanted to work for the Divine Fulfilment in order to magnify themselves thereby; they consented to serve the Divine in order to make the Divine serve them, utilise the Divine End for their own purposes. They wished to see the new creation after their own heart's desire. That is how things have become... movement of the Divine; they themselves moved free, according to their individualised conscious will. They stood out, as if in bold relief, on the background of the Divine Existence. For originally, although they differentiated themselves from each other and from the Divine, yet they formed a unified harmony and lived and moved and had their being as different members of the same divine Body. At first... sown, a grain that is to be the epitome and symbol of material creation and in and through which the Divine will claim back all the elements gone astray, the prodigal ones who will return to recognise and fulfil the Divine. That was Earth. And the earth, in her turn, in her labour towards the Divine Fulfilment, out of her bosom, threw up a being who would again symbolise and epitomise the earth and ...
... Krishna. 13 November 1935 [A disciple of Sri Aurobindo's wrote an article on the significance of the realisation of 24 November 1926, in which he quoted the following passage from The Life Divine:] In order that the involved principles of Overmind and Supermind should emerge from their veiled secrecy, the being and powers of the superconscience must descend into us and uplift us and formulate... that day that you had conquered sleep, food, disease and death. On what authority did she proclaim it then? I am not aware of this gorgeous proclamation. What was said was that the Divine (Krishna or the Divine Presence or whatever you like) had come down into the material. It was also pro claimed that I was retiring—obviously to work things out. If all that was achieved on the 24th [November]... Ananda. Krishna is the Anandamaya, he supports the evolution through the Overmind leading it towards his Ananda. I believe that on the 24th November Sri Aurobindo realised that the Mother is the Divine Consciousness and the Force. No. I knew that long before. 2 November 1935 Page 272 I knew that Krishna is not the Supermind. But because some say it was the descent of the supramental ...
... manifest. Then I understood, precisely, that the individuality served to put into contact, in this flood, all that reached out towards what is called 'I'—this individualized representation of the Divine—in order to receive help and support from it, and to be put into contact. I did not say 'put into contact WITH this flood' but 'put into contact IN this flood,' for it was not happening outside—nothing... disintegrated for the first time in such a total way. Nothing remained but the Force, nothing remained but Sat-Chit-Ananda , 1 and not only in the consciousness but in the physical sensation—the divine Satchidananda spreading in a constant flood throughout the universe. These experiences are always absolute, as long as they last; then, through certain signs that I know (I am accustomed to it) ...
... pleasure or suffering, all that comes to me from Thee will be welcome." Does the Divine give suffering or sorrow? Well, my child, that text, you know what it is: it is Radha's prayer to Krishna. And so, it is such a personification of divine forces that one is obliged to extend human feelings to the Divine in order to be able to express oneself. To understand it in its true form a whole long explanation... consciousness, perfect bliss, perfect power in order to accept the state of ignorance of the outer world so as to pull it out of that ignorance. If this state were not accepted, there would be no contact with it. No relation would be possible. And this is the reason of the incarnations. Otherwise, there would be no necessity. If the divine consciousness and divine force could work directly from the place... to have the same vibrations as they, in order to be able to enter into contact with them and pull them out of the state they are in. If she did not enter into contact with them, she would not be felt at all or no one could bear her radiance.... This has been said in all kinds of forms, in all kinds of religions, and they have spoken very often of the divine Sacrifice, but from a certain point of view ...
... the true soul, call down into the mind and the life-energy and the body the Divine Consciousness by a direct process of Yoga. By Yoga I don't imply a sitting in a fixed posture or breath-exercises or any special ascetic regime. Yoga is simply the leap of the consciousness towards the Eternal, the Infinite, the Divine in order to achieve a union with that Perfection, a union both in rest and activity... and the soul is just the centre and guide of a world which is not ultimately a contradiction of its divine spark but a veiled perfection which it has to clear of encumbrances and help to unveil. A divine Mind, a divine Life Force, even a divine Matter have to be realised and established. Then alone the aim of evolution will be fulfilled. The complete and integral divinisation of our whole being is the... therefore, can only be given by those who have caught something of the Divine's delight and fullness. What you call "self-knowledge" and consider "the beginning of wisdom" is precisely the awakening of one's real soul whose spontaneous movement is always to be in communion with the Divine and be charged with the Divine's Truth, Rightness, Beatitude and Wideness. The more this movement develops ...
... body was a help to the soul's development. Of course, anything that happens to us can be made a path to the Divine, but to put a premium On suffering and sickness in order to advance spirituality is to be both ignorant and sick in mind. Such an attitude forgets that the body too has the Divine in its substance and such an attitude has its eyes set chiefly on the life beyond. All this is old-worldly... towards both life and death. Serenely and happily you have left them to the Mother's decision, yet realising that persisting health is necessary for enough time to proceed on your path to the Divine. The "order", along with the assurance, you heard in April when awakening from a nap -"Surely, 1 will help you, but you must not be impatient!" - is, without any doubt, the Mother's own voice. What you... Ever we hear in the heart of the peril a flute go before us... In the midst of what I have termed "a dangerous movement" is the "within" to the emotional self and there glides forward the divine flute-player who is the unfailing Page 231 saviour calling us to himself and guiding us to our own being's secret plenitude. In this secret plenitude the essence of our whole existence ...
... form the other great quaternary: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. They embody the four major attributes of the Divine in his relation to the created universe: Knowledge, Power, Love and skill in work. They also represent thus a divine fourfold order. The first embodies the Brahmin quality of large wisdom, wide comprehension, a vast consciousness; the second has the Kshatriya quality... harmony, beauty, mutuality and the fourth has the Shudra quality of perfect execution, thoroughness in detailed working, order and arrangement. The higher Gods, like those, for example, envisaged in the Veda, may be considered each as an emanation of one or other of these Divine Aspects. They are dwellers of Swar or the Overmind. Varuna seems to be an emanation of Mahavira, a son of Maheshwari: for... little. At the apex of the pyramid of existence is the Divine, the Supreme Person, the Purushottama. Even there as He begins to lean and look dawn, He expresses himself at the very outset as the dual personality of Ishwara and Shakti (the Divine Father and the Divine Mother) – sa dvitiyam aicchat, as the Upanishad says. That is still the Divine in His highest transcendent status, paratpara. Next ...
... Ishwari form the other great quaternary: Maheshwari Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. They embody the four major attributes of the Divine in his relation to the created universe: Knowledge, Power, Love and Skill in work. They also represent thus a divine fourfold order. The first embodies the Brahmin quality of large wisdom, wide comprehension, a vast consciousness; the second has the Kshat-riya quality... harmony, beauty, mutuality and the fourth has the Shudra quality of perfect execution, thoroughness in detailed working, order and arrangement. The higher Gods, like those, for example, envisaged in the Veda, may be considered each as an emanation of one or other of these Divine Aspects. They are dwellers of Swar or the Overmind. Varuna seems to be an emanation of Mahavira, a son of Maheshwari:... little. At the apex of the pyramid of existence is the Divine, the Supreme Person, the Purushottama. Even there as He begins to lean and look down, He expresses himself at the very outset as the dual personality of Ishwara and Shakti (the Divine Father and the Divine Mother) —sa dvitiyam aichhat, as the Upanishad says. That is still the Divine in His highest transcendent status, par ā tpara. Next ...
... the birth of superhumanity is being prepared, the ego has to disappear and give way to the psychic being, which has slowly been formed by divine intervention in order to manifest the Divine in the human being. It is under the psychic influence that the Divine manifests in man and thus prepares the coming of superhumanity. The psychic is immortal and it is through the psychic that immortality... they that they would not hesitate to make the Divine a slave of their ego, if such a thing were possible, in order to avoid giving themselves to the Divine. 10 February 1972 Supreme Lord, teach us to be silent, that in the silence we may receive Your force and understand Your will. 11 February 1972 We want to be true servitors of the Divine. "Supreme Lord, Perfect Consciousness, You... small personal egoism and turn exclusively to the Divine for help and light. The wisdom of men is ignorant. Only the Divine knows. 7 December 1971 Our human consciousness has windows that open upon the Infinite. But generally men keep these windows carefully closed. We have to open them wide and allow the Infinite to enter us freely in order to transform us. Two conditions are necessary ...
... stretching out the hand of Grace to those of the mortals Page 278 who wish to come out of the nightmare of life, sever the coils of earthly existence. But the Divine in order to be and remain divine need not hold to his seat above and outside the creation, severely separated from his creatures. He can, on the contrary, become truly the ordinary man and labour as all others, yet... process, for the maintenance of the natural order and harmony, lokasamgraha. God can be more than that, individualised in a special, even a human sense. His individual being can and does hold within itself his cosmic and transcendental self covertly in a way but overtly too in a singular manner at the same time. The humanised personality of the Divine with his special role and function is at the... among men and lived like one of them, sharing their sorrow and pain and, what is divine, taking up the evil into himself, drinking, as it were, out of the poisoned bowl, so that man, frail mortal creature, may escape his doom. This way too, as all other ways, has indeed been the way of escape. God came down in order to take away some men with him. They were the blessed ones, but the normal humanity ...
... the birth of superhumanity is being prepared, the ego has to disappear and give way to the psychic being, which has slowly been formed by divine intervention in order to manifest the Divine in the human being. It is under the psychic influence that the Divine manifests in man and thus prepares the coming of superhumanity. The psychic is immortal and it is through the psychic that immortality... 5 July 1971 The victory is the one that we must win over ourselves so that we belong to the Divine alone. Love. 18.10.71 In the creation Mahakali manifests the divine love; but so powerful and sublime is this love that most men are afraid of it. * * * We are on earth in order to progress and to perfect ourselves in the course of many successive lives. What we cannot do... small personal egoism and turn exclusively to the Divine for help and light. The wisdom of men is ignorant. Only the Divine knows. 7 December 1971 * * * Our human consciousness has windows that open upon the Infinite, but generally men keep these windows carefully closed. We have to open them wide and allow the Infinite to enter us freely in order to transform us. Two conditions are necessary ...
... Auroville started way back in 1945-46, Mother had told me that she wanted a beautiful place with the sea, hills and rivers. There men would live without egoism, aspiring for the Divine in order to fulfil the dream of "divine life". She had not yet called it Auroville. This was a dream of Mother's. There is also a writing of hers titled A dream. Mother had many similar beautiful ideas. Mother would... after seeing this film she understood the reason for her uneasiness. Chopin became very ill towards the end of his life, yet, despite his illness, he went on touring Europe giving concerts in order to raise money for the freedom struggle in Poland. There were times when Chopin, while playing on the piano in a concert, would cough up blood. He would quietly wipe off the blood with his h... Dutsy. But she walked so fast that none of them could keep pace with her! We used to joke: "There goes Mother with her eight 'Sakhis'." (The reference was to the eight female companions of the Divine Mother in our scriptures.) Millie-di recounted an incident of that time to me. After her return from tennis, Mother took classes twice a week for the older people - a translation-class. Mother ...
... philosophical premises had to collapse sooner or later. That it collapses now makes its timing perfectly synchronous with the moment when the world is taking its momentous turn towards a new, divine world order. And not only is the collapse happening at this moment: it is part of the transitional event. According to the Mother a consciousness higher than the human rational mind has recently been... close of a century, and as the 20th century comes to an end there are many who see an entire world order – modernity – dissolving as an uncertain future quickly approaches (or is already here).” 7 (Stephen Best and Douglas Kellner) “Postmodernism is often associated with a revolt against order, representation, narrative, system and signification, and a tendency towards eclecticism, irony,... × Sri Aurobindo: The Life Divine, p. 190. × See the chapter called “The Divine Maya” in The Life Divine, p. 112 ff. – It is painful to read time and again how childish the notions of some of the most famous scientists ...
... human and terrestrial history was about to unfold indeed, and so the Mother solemnly declared as the message for the New Year (1963): Let us prepare for the Hour of God. It was the divine Generalissimo's order of the day asking her "sun-eyed children" to be ready to fight to a finish the definitive battle against the Inconscience. Nearly sixty years earlier, on the eve of the explosion of... magic wand," and giving up one's body in order to escape its problems would be merely "a useless and harmful action". The proper thing to do would be to give up "the small, silly and selfish ego" - as one might say, commit not body-cide but ego-cide. For ill-health, the Mother's prescription was simple as always. "Do not forget to try to bring down the divine peace," wrote the Mother. "Because no illness... abandon on the canvases so as to reveal the stupendous exuberance behind the Divine's phenomenal play. Was his painting classical? Was it futuristic? Was it symbolical? He painted so often and with such freedom as well as with such self-absorption that his art was his own, the fall-out of his sadhana of service to the Divine, and his colour-offerings were there for all who wished to establish an electric ...
... its origin and purity the Divine grace that sacrifices its perfection in order that creation may be saved from the prison of Inconscience. Love therefore is the immortal element in mortals. It maintains some of its original divine glow even when it manifests itself in human life and under human forms. It is a sign I from Heaven in man assuring him of his divine origin and destiny. When it... the total field of the divine governance. There is an occult order which is behind the material and mental order known to man. And it is that unseen and unknown occult world which governs from behind this outer material, vital and mental life. Faculties of the inmost, i.e. subliminal mind disclose the knowledge of the world's mystery. An ascending and a descend- ing order of worlds from Eternity... normal consciousness during such periods of downward movement. But even these periods of spiritual set-backs are utilised by the Divine within for his own work and are made to contribute to man's growth. The lower ignorant nature of man also has got to receive the divine in order to undergo a change, otherwise soul alone would reach its perfection and nature remain imperfect and earth unfulfilled. He found ...
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