

Huta's letter to The Mother in 1965 inspired the creation of Matrimandir; it was to Huta that The Mother first explained Her concept of Auroville's town-plan.

The Spirit of Auroville

  The Mother : Contact   Auroville


Huta had a strong connection with Auroville – a letter of hers to the Mother in 1965 inspired the creation of Matrimandir, the Mother’s Shrine; and it was to Huta that the Mother first explained, with sketches, her concept for the town-plan of Auroville. In 1966 Huta produced the painting which the Mother named ‘The Spirit of Auroville.’ All this is told in her books 'Matrimandir the Mother’s Truth and Love' and 'The Spirit of Auroville'.

The Spirit of Auroville
 PDF     The Mother : Contact  Auroville

The Mother saw me in her music-cum-interview room on 25.2.66.

I offered her a flower: Couroupita guianensis. According to the Mother it signifies: "Prosperity—stays constantly only with those who offer it to the Divine" She smiled and asked:

Is it for Auroville?

I said, "Yes, Mother."

The Mother gave me a card and said:

Child, when I was looking for some papers for Birthdays, Sri Aurobindo was there. He gave me this card and said, "This is for Huta."

I opened the card and read on it Sri Aurobindo's words:

Fix not the time and the way in which thy ideal shall be fulfilled. Work and leave time and way to God All-knowing.

Sri Aurobindo, Essays Divine and Human: Karma

The Mother and I exchanged smiles.

Then suddenly I asked her whether gods and goddesses of the Overmind would collaborate and help in the project of Auroville. She went into a trance for quite a long time. She awoke and revealed:

Gods and Goddesses of the Overmind haven't yet surrendered to the Supreme Lord because they have their own great power and they live in the Higher Consciousness.

When Sri Aurobindo was in his body, I used to give blessings on the Puja days. They used to come.... Also when I was going downstairs and giving meditations all these Gods and Goddesses used to assemble over there. But they are indeed independent; you see, for example, one of Kali's many aspects comes to me and tells me when human beings do wrong things. And I keep Her quiet. Also one of the aspects of Durga came to me last year on one of the Puja days. She was simply magnificent. I asked Her to surrender to the Supreme Lord. She said, "This is exactly what I wanted You to tell me. I am ready!" She was really wonderful.

In 1960, on the night previous to the First Anniversary of the Supramental Manifestation, Krishna came to me and told me, "It is I who will distribute tomorrow's message." So the next day when I went down, He sat on my lap and started giving blessings to people. It was really so amusing, seeing Him do so.... So, you see, these Gods are independent with their own Powers and are free to do as they like.

When I was staying in another house (not here) I was very much attached to Shiva. I asked Him to manifest on earth. He said, "No, I will not do so. I shall come only when the Supramental Race will be on this earth." So I had nothing to say. He is free.

Ever since I took birth on this earth, these Gods and Goddesses have been constantly with me.

In the old days, when I was taking a walk near Sri Aurobindo's room, Krishna used to walk with me.

I know that these Gods and Goddesses will help human beings in the New Creation, the New World of the Supermind...

The Mother has explained in Vol. 4, [pp. 395-396] about Overmind and Supermind:

I believe I have already told you once that these are the original beings in their higher reality and these are of a particular kind; then, as they manifest in more and more material regions, nearer and nearer the earth, they assume different forms and also multiply in a strange way. If you like, the beings Sri Aurobindo speaks of here belong to regions quite close to Supermind, they are still in quite a clear and conscious contact with the supramental origin. These beings manifest also in what Sri Aurobindo calls Overmind and in these the form becomes as it were more marked, a little more precise and at the same time reduced in power and capacity. Then from the Overmind they come down into the human mind, the terrestrial mind.

The Mother, Questions and Answers (1950 - 1951): 11 May 1951

Sri Aurobindo has written about Gods:

Gods are Personalities or Powers put forth by the Divine, they are therefore in fact limited emanations, although the full Divine is behind each of them.

Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I: The Gods

They are in origin and essence permanent emanations of the Divine put forth from the Supreme by the Transcendent Mother, the Adya Shakti; in their cosmic action they are powers and personalities of the Divine, each with his independent cosmic standing, function and work in the Universe. They are not impersonal entities but cosmic personalities, although they can and do veil themselves behind the movement of impersonal forces. But while in the Overmind and the triple world they appear as independent beings, they return in the Supermind into the One and stand there united in a single harmonious action as multiple personalities of the One Person, the Divine Purushottama.

Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I: Terminology

The Gods cannot be transformed, for they are typal and not evolutionary beings, they can come for conversion, that is to say, to give up their own ideas and outlook on things and conform themselves to the higher Will and Supra-mental truth of the Divine.

Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - I: The Gods

Sri Aurobindo threw some light on the Vedic Idea:

The Vedic Rishis never attained to the Supermind for the earth or perhaps did not even make the attempt. They tried to rise individually to the supramental plane, but they did not bring it down and make it a permanent part of the earth-consciousness. Even there are verses of the Upanishad in which it is hinted that it is impossible to pass through the gates of the Sun (the symbol of the Supermind) and yet retain an earthly body.

Sri Aurobindo, Letters on Yoga - II: Distinctive Features of the Integral Yoga

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