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A Centenary Tribute [4]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [1]
A Vision of United India [2]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Among the Not So Great [2]
Ancient India in a New Light [4]
Arguments for the Existence of God [2]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Autobiographical Notes [2]
Bande Mataram [1]
Beyond Man [1]
By The Way - Part II [1]
Chaitanya and Mira [3]
Champaklal Speaks [1]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Collected Plays and Stories [1]
Collected Poems [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [5]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [3]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Essays Divine and Human [8]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [6]
Essays on the Gita [14]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [5]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [6]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [4]
Gods and the World [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [12]
I Remember [1]
India's Rebirth [1]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [1]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [1]
Isha Upanishad [10]
Karmayogin [1]
Kena and Other Upanishads [10]
Landmarks of Hinduism [4]
Lectures on Savitri [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [2]
Letters on Yoga - I [2]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Letters on Yoga - III [3]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Light and Laughter [1]
Living in The Presence [1]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [19]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
Moments Eternal [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [4]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [1]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [2]
Nachiketas [1]
Nagin Bhai Tells Me [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [3]
Old Long Since [1]
On Art - Addresses and Writings [1]
On Savitri [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [2]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
Parables from the Upanishads [1]
Parvati's Tapasya [3]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [6]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [8]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [2]
Prayers and Aspirations [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [2]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [2]
Questions and Answers (1955) [2]
Record of Yoga [35]
Savitri [5]
Selected Episodes From Raghuvamsam of Kalidasa [2]
Significance of Indian Yoga [3]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [3]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [6]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [2]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [2]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [2]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [3]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [2]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [2]
Sri Rama [4]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [3]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [1]
Taittiriya Upanishad [2]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [3]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [1]
The Adventure of the Apocalypse [1]
The Aim of Life [2]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
The Birth of Savitr [2]
The Destiny of the Body [4]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Gita and its Synthesis of Yoga [3]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [2]
The Human Cycle [3]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [5]
The Life Divine [1]
The Mother (biography) [2]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [1]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [1]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [4]
The Renaissance in India [4]
The Secret Splendour [1]
The Secret of the Veda [7]
The Spirit of Auroville [1]
The Sun and The Rainbow [2]
The Synthesis of Yoga [4]
The Veda and Indian Culture [3]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [3]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [5]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 2 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [2]
Towards A New Social Order [2]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [7]
Visions and Voices [1]
Vyasa's Savitri [2]
Wager of Ambrosia [7]
Words of Long Ago [1]
Writings in Bengali and Sanskrit [2]
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A Centenary Tribute [4]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [1]
A Vision of United India [2]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Among the Not So Great [2]
Ancient India in a New Light [4]
Arguments for the Existence of God [2]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Autobiographical Notes [2]
Bande Mataram [1]
Beyond Man [1]
By The Way - Part II [1]
Chaitanya and Mira [3]
Champaklal Speaks [1]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Collected Plays and Stories [1]
Collected Poems [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [5]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 5 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [3]
Early Cultural Writings [1]
Essays Divine and Human [8]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [6]
Essays on the Gita [14]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [5]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [6]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [1]
From Man Human to Man Divine [4]
Gods and the World [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [12]
I Remember [1]
India's Rebirth [1]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [1]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [1]
Isha Upanishad [10]
Karmayogin [1]
Kena and Other Upanishads [10]
Landmarks of Hinduism [4]
Lectures on Savitri [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [2]
Letters on Yoga - I [2]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Letters on Yoga - III [3]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Light and Laughter [1]
Living in The Presence [1]
Mantra in Music by Sunil [19]
Memorable Contacts with The Mother [1]
Moments Eternal [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [4]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Six [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [3]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Two [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1951-1960 [2]
Mother’s Agenda 1961 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1962 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1966 [1]
Mysteries of Death, Fate, Karma and Rebirth [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [2]
Nachiketas [1]
Nagin Bhai Tells Me [1]
Nirodbaran's Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo [3]
Old Long Since [1]
On Art - Addresses and Writings [1]
On Savitri [1]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [2]
On Thoughts and Aphorisms [1]
Parables from the Upanishads [1]
Parvati's Tapasya [3]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [6]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [8]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [2]
Prayers and Aspirations [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [2]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [2]
Questions and Answers (1955) [2]
Record of Yoga [35]
Savitri [5]
Selected Episodes From Raghuvamsam of Kalidasa [2]
Significance of Indian Yoga [3]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo - A dream-dialogue with children [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [3]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [6]
Sri Aurobindo - some aspects of His Vision [2]
Sri Aurobindo And The Mother [2]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [2]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [3]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume III [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [3]
Sri Aurobindo's Life Divine [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [2]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [2]
Sri Rama [4]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [3]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [1]
Taittiriya Upanishad [2]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [3]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [1]
The Adventure of the Apocalypse [1]
The Aim of Life [2]
The Ascent of Sight in Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
The Birth of Savitr [2]
The Destiny of the Body [4]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Gita and its Synthesis of Yoga [3]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [2]
The Human Cycle [3]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [5]
The Life Divine [1]
The Mother (biography) [2]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [1]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [1]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [4]
The Renaissance in India [4]
The Secret Splendour [1]
The Secret of the Veda [7]
The Spirit of Auroville [1]
The Sun and The Rainbow [2]
The Synthesis of Yoga [4]
The Veda and Indian Culture [3]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [3]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [5]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 2 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [2]
Towards A New Social Order [2]
Tribute to Amrita on his Birth Centenary [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [1]
Vedic and Philological Studies [7]
Visions and Voices [1]
Vyasa's Savitri [2]
Wager of Ambrosia [7]
Words of Long Ago [1]
Writings in Bengali and Sanskrit [2]

Brahma : the Eternal’s Personality of Existence, the Power of the Divine that stands behind formation & the creation. “Brahmā, Vishnu, & Shiva, are only three Powers & Personalities of the One Cosmic Godhead…. All three are often spoken of as creating the universe – even Shiva who is by tradition the Destroyer.” [SABCL 22:390-91] The Vedas & Brāhmaṇas describe Brahmā as born of Hiraṇyagarbhā, the Golden Egg; they name him variously as Prajāpati, Brāhmaṇaspati etc. The Shatapatha Brāhmaṇa says that Brahma was born of the Supreme Being Brahman & the female energy known as Maya. Wishing to create the universe, Brahman first created the water, in which he placed his seed. This seed transformed into a golden egg, from which Brahma appeared. For this reason, Brahma is also known as ‘Hiraṇyagarbhā’. Later scriptures describe him as self-born out of a lotus that issued from Lord Vishnu’s navel, hence often depict him as seated on a lotus. The Vedas are attributed to Brahmā, & he is thus regarded as the father of Dharma. In order to help him govern the universe he created, he gave birth to his Mānasputras (mind-born sons) – the eleven Prajāpatis (forefathers) & the Saptarishis. Brahmā presides over Brahmalōka. The universe he creates is believed to exist for a single Brahmakalpa (a year equivalent to four billion earth-years) at the end of which it gets dissolved in a Pralaya, 100 such years is said to Brahma’s lifespan. After Brahma’s “death”, it is necessary that another 100 of his years pass until he is reborn & the whole creation begins anew. The Linga Purana says that Brahmā’s life is divided in one thousand cycles or Mahā Yugas. Note: Brahmā, nominative of the masculine noun Brahman, is not to be confused with Brahman, the neuter noun, which is the Ultimate Reality.

421 result/s found for Brahma

... young Brahmins are forced to think deeper and are led to find the solution to the problem by themselves. "Does the Brahmin discoursing on Brahma, have the experience of Brahma? " — "No ", so the logical conclusion is that Page 82 they do not know Brahma and therefore are not entitled to speak about it; and the question of a dispute should not arise. One should note that it is the... to union with Brahma. The young Brahmin Vasettha said: "I think that the path that has been announced by the Brahmin Pokkasarati is the straight path, the direct way which leads those who act according to it into a state of union with Brahma." Bharadvaga said: "I think the path of the Brahmin Tarukka is the straight path, the direct way which leads into a state of union with Brahma." But neither... the Vedas who has ever seen Brahma face to face?" "No, indeed, Gotama." "But is there then, Vasettha, a single one of the pupils of the teachers of the Brahmins versed in the Vedas who has seen Brahma face to face?" "No, indeed, Gotama." "But, Vasettha, is there a single one of the ancestors of all these Brahmins back to the seventh generation, who has seen Brahma face to face?" "No, indeed ...

... into the movements of higher nature, the divine's own nature, madbhāva. Attainment of Brahma-nirvana Perfection that is sought to be attained by the divine birth and divine action cannot be unassailable, unless at an appropriate stage of development, the experience and realization of Brahma-nirvana are attained. Towards the close of the fifth chapter and much of the sixth chapter is... is, therefore, devoted in the Gita to the experience and Page 90 realization of Brahma-nirvana. Mark of the status of Brahma-nirvana is the supreme peace of a calm self- extinction, śāntim nirvāna paramām (VI. 15). The Brahman, it is to be noted, connotes in the Upanishads primarily at least the inner timeless Self withdrawn from active participation even though immanent in the externality... knowledge, then great is the perdition." 89 Secondly, the state of brahma-nirvana does not imply continuous withdrawal into some deep sleep of Samadhi away from all world consciousness, nor is it the preparatory movement for a dissolution of the natural being and the individual soul into some absolute Self, since that state of brahma-nirvana can exist simultaneously with world-consciousness and it is ...

... imperfection of the vijnana and will disappear as the Tapas increases in its effectiveness. 3) Brahman & Krishna Kali The Anandam Brahma is now fixed in the vision of all things and only occasionally goes back for a moment into the Anantam Jnanam Brahma. Along with this finality there is also the finality of the Lilamaya darshana in all existences; there is no longer the sharp distinction... from postponed or deflected effectivity to 80° Telepathy is in the same condition, active, but not well-organised. Samadhi is obstructed. Krishnadarshana is firm in the Jnanam Brahma, but Anandam Brahma is not yet sufficiently brought forward,—therefore the full intensity is ordinarily absent. Sharira is still denied. Kriti is stronger than before, but very partial. Page... Rishi-idea by example of Bodhi-sattwas in Japan. 2) The waking drishti of the cigarette on the table. Suggestion of certain fulfilment by exceptional means. Found on floor. 24 April 1915 Anandam Brahma confirmed in its final generality. Renewal of the Anandas all contained together in the Suddha. Firm general definition of Karma. First entirely spontaneous & prolonged intensity of Vaidyuta ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... was a king. His queen was about to have a child. The king told his ministers 'When 'When the great Brahma has written down on the new-born's forehead his future, please find out from him what He has written. So the minister sat down comfortably at the door waiting. Page 38 Brahma turned up late at night. He saw the minister stretched out at the entrance. How could he go over ... minister asked. I am Brahma, the Lord of Providence. I've come to write the new-born's future on his forehead.' Fine then, I can clear the way for you. But I have a condition.' 'What's that?' You'll have to let me know what You are going to write on the prince's forehead.' 'All right. As you wish.' So the minister moved away from the door. Brahma entered the room of... what have you written?' Brahma answered: 'I've written that the king will soon lose his kingdom. And that this prince will become a poor hunter and live in the forest on deer.' Good heavens! What have you done. Lord? I beg you to somehow save the king and his family. Write something that will bring happiness to the king.' That can't be, Brahma replied, this is what is written ...

... vangh, to abuse, censure. Vághat may mean the sacrificial priest because he is the one who calls to the deity in the chant of the brahma, the sacred hymn. It may also mean one who increases in being, in his brahma, his soul, who is getting vája or substance. The word Brahma is a great word in Indian thought, the greatest of all the words in which Indian spirituality has expressed itself; it means in... the same association of ideas. But are we justified in supposing that this use of Brahma in the sense of soul dates back to the Rigveda? May it not have originated in the intermediate period between the period of the Vedic hymns and the final emergence of the Page 152 Upanishads? In most passages brahma can mean either hymn or soul; in some it seems to demand the sole sense of hymn. Without... towards asceticism. The Vedas are naturalistic, realistic, ritualistic, semi-barbarous, a sacrificial worship of material Nature-powers, henotheistic at their highest, Pagan, joyous and self-indulgent. Brahma & Shiva do not exist for the Veda; Vishnu & Rudra are minor, younger & unimportant deities. Many more discoveries of a startling nature, but now familiar to the most ignorant, have been successfully ...


... chatusthaya. Karma chatusthaya [ or Lila chatusthaya] Krishna, Kali, Karma, Kama [ last two sometimes reversed ] Sixth chatusthaya. Brahma chatusthaya Sarvam Brahma, Anantam Brahma, Jnanam Brahma, Anandam Brahma Seventh chatusthaya. Yoga chatusthaya [ or (San)siddhi chatusthaya] Shuddhi, Mukti, Bhukti, Siddhi This is what Sri Aurobindo... 1. Jnana 2. Trikaldrishti 3. Rupa(-siddhi) 4. Tapas 5. Samadhi 6. Arogya 7. Ananda 8. Utthapana 9. Saundarya 10. Krishna 11. Kali 12. Karma 13. Kama 14. Sarvam Brahma 15. Anantam Brahma 16. Jnanam Brahma 17. Anandam Brahma 18. Shuddhi 19. Mukti 20. Bhukti 21. Siddhi Sapta Chatusthaya. This text almost certainly was written on 20 November 1913. On that day Sri Aurobindo noted ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... old dead Prakriti. 3) Safe tapas .. εἰσɩδεɩν 4) Tonight . The 3d lipi of the group has been interpreted in Script as a .. direction to apply the fourfold Brahma-darshana to the things of life through the Sarvam Jnanam Brahma,—& the systematic application has actually begun in the form of the brihat satya telepathy & trikaldrishti which was given in type this morning. But in this type the... 24 March 1914 Saguna Brahmadrishti has now practically taken the place of the Nirguna which is now perceived only as a foundation for the action of the Saguna. It is seen that the Sarvam Brahma is prominent when the Tapas of mental Chaitanya is fixed on Matter, all else being felt as undifferentiated consciousness & Matter alone as real to the mind, unreal to the drishti; Sarvam Anantam is... by 2, Rupa by 3, Tapas by 4, Samadhi by 5, Health by 6, Ananda by 7, Utthapana by 8, Saundarya by 9, Kali by 10, Krishna by 11, Karma by 12, Kama by 13; so in succession with the 4 members of the Brahma-chatusthaya & the 4 of the Siddhi Chatusthaya making 21 in all. 3) पृष्टो भिंध्यामस्याः संशयं यथानुभवकथनेन. This refers to the persistent doubts of the sceptical intellect re the Karmasiddhi & points ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... had acquired Jnan as well as before. For the same reason Shankara's argument that कर्म must cease as a matter of sheer necessity as soon as one gains Brahma, because Brahma is अकर्ता, will not stand; for Janaka gained Brahma, Srikrishna was Brahma, and yet both did works; nay, Srikrishna in one place speaks of him as doing works; for indeed Brahman is both अकर्ता as Purusha and कर्ता as Prakriti;... Page 102 clothed by it. The Lord himself is present on the Ocean in various forms, Prajna, Hiranyagarbha & Virat, or Vishnu, Brahma and Maheshwara. This is what the Puranas represent as Vishnu on the Serpent of Time & Space in the Causal Ocean & Brahma growing out of the lotus in his navel etc. This is the Lord, the King & Ruler. We must therefore realise all things in this universe to be... कुतस्त्वा कश्मलमिदं विषमे समुपस्थितम् । अनार्यजुष्टमस्वर्ग्यमकीर्तिकरमर्जुन ॥ क्लैब्यं मा स्म गमः पार्थ नैतत् त्वय्युपपद्यते । Truly is such weakness unworthy of one who is no other than Brahma, the Eternal, the Creator and Destroyer of the worlds. Yet I would not be understood to decry the true vairagya of sorrow and disappointment; for sometimes when men have tried in ignorance for ignoble ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... Aurobindo: Archives and Research, Vol. 10, Nos. 1 and 2, 1986). ³. These summits are: Shuddhi, Mukti, Bhukti, Siddhi—pertaining to Siddhi Chatushthaya; Sarvam Brahma, Anantam Brahma, Jnanam Brahma, Anandam Brahma— pertaining to Brahma Chatushthaya; Krishna, Kali, Karma, Kama—pertaining to Karma Chatushthaya; Samata, Shanti, Sukha, Hasya—pertaining to Shanti Chatushthaya; Virya, Page 17 ... imperfections to imperfect and insecure perfections and only at last an absolute finality and security.... ...Formerly I realised the Impersonal God, Brahma or Sacchidan[an]dam separately from the Personal, Ishwara or Sacchidananda, Brahma has been thoroughly realised in its Page 20 absolute infinity & as the material & informing presence of the world & each thing it contains, yat... the Personality has not been realised with equal thoroughness or as one with the Impersonality. Hence while dwelling on the Paratman, the mind, whenever the Jivatman manifested itself in the sarvam Brahma, has been unable to assimilate it to the predominant realisation and an element of Dwaitabhava,—of Visishtadwaita has entered into its perception. Even when the assimilation is partly effected, ...

... He places in each cycle a Brahma or divine Man between Him and the search and worship of men. It is Brahma or divine Man who is called Parameshthi or the one Page 288 full of Parameshtham, that which is superlative and highest,—Hiranyagarbha. The power of Hiranyagarbha is in Brahma and creates through him the nama and rupa of things in this cycle. To Brahma Parameshthi Aswalayana comes... Parameshthi is Brahma—not the Creator Hiranyagarbha, but the soul who in this kalpa has climbed up to be the instrument of Creation, the first in time of the Gods, the Pitamaha or original & general Prajapati, the Pitamaha, because all the fathers or special Prajapatis, Daksha and others, are his mind born children. The confusion between the Grandsire and the Creator, who is also called Brahma, is common;... clear. Thus in the Mundaka Upanishad ब्रह्मा देवानां प्रथमः संबभूव, it is the first of Gods, the earliest birth of Time, the father of Atharva, and not the unborn eternal Hiranyagarbha. In the Puranas Brahma is described as in fear of his life from Madhu and Kaitabha, and cannot be the fearless and immortal Hiranyagarbha. Nor would it be possible for Aswalayana to come to Hiranyagarbha and say "Teach me ...


... unfaith & asiddhi is its means of entry. Page 516 Jnanam Brahma is now adding itself to Sarva & Ananta as a constant manifestation in the consciousness. Ananda is behind. Sat Brahman is always the base, but Ananta manifests normally in the Sat, Jnana now manifests less actively, but still normally in the Ananta. The Asat Brahma is behind & varies between Anandamay Asat in its purity, which... mind. Utthapana. Medial asana of left leg, 20 minutes. Mahima defective, more than anima. The Intimations The Anandam Brahma seems to be confirmed as the normal experience and its contradiction has suddenly become the exception. Jnanam Brahma is perfectly established. Lipi has now the capacity for stabilisation in longer phrases of variable intensity & legibility. Rupa has acquired... asiddhi; refusal of light, cloud in brain, lassitude in the nervous powers of the body. Samata & dasatya etc endure. Krishnadarshana of the first intensity correcting strong jnanam Brahma which tries to cover the Ananda Brahma. The second & third intensity have more hold on the state of asiddhi than before. Tapas effective, but only, usually, after long resistance. Lipi 4) Tapas — followed by ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... beast in him,—the beast so long & with such difficulty subdued & disciplined by Philosophy, Religion & Veda; she keeps telling him, "Thou, O brute body & nerve system, art Brahman," Annam vai Brahma, Prano vai Brahma, until his whole nature begins to believe it. One day, while she yet reigns, he is sure to rise,—the egoistic heartless lust of power & pleasure in man,—and demand that she shall be his servant... diminished, is now growing actual and imminent. The way to avoid it is not to deny the truth of Science, but to complete, correct and illuminate it. For the Veda also says with Science, Annam vai Brahma, Prano vai Brahma; it acknowledges the animal, the Pashu in man & God as the Master of the Animal, the Pashupati; but by completing the knowledge and putting it in its right relations, it completes him also... discovered gravitation or by spiritual intuition as in the methods of the great founders of religion or by a higher principle in us which sums up and yet transcends all these mighty channels of the Jnanam Brahma. It is such a higher undivided principle from which Vedanta professes to derive its knowledge. For the ancient Hindus, alone of earth's nations, seem to have not only trusted the internal revelation ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... Brahmanaspati, the Vedic originals of the later Puranic Triad Vishnu-Shiva-Brahma, provided the conditions of the Vedic work and stood themselves behind the more present and active gods, but are less close to it and in appearance less continually concerned with daily movements. The Puranic understanding of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva has a direct link and dependence on the Vedic understanding... and spiritual experience although ,it was less lofty than the Vedic experience. The Vedic gods rapidly lost their deep original significance; they even came to be overshadowed by the great Trinity, Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva; ultimately they faded altogether. A new pantheon appeared, which, in its outward symbolic aspect, expressed a deeper truth and larger range of religious experience, and intense feeling... Shaktis and their offshoots. It has been argued that the Trinity which became so dominant in the Puranas had minor importance in the Vedas. But while it is true that number of hymns addressed to Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva were fewer than those addressed to gods like Agni and Indra, it must be emphasised that they were not less significant or important. The functions assigned to them in the Vedas ...


... ranges of Time. They conceived of the lifespan of the Creator Brahma—he is dissolved when he attains the age of 120 of his own time-span. Then another Brahma comes into being. One day of Brahma— a Kalpa—is divided into fourteen parts. Each division is ruled by a Manu—man comes from Manu. So there are fourteen Manus in one day of Brahma. The lifespan of each Manu is called a Manwantara. In each Manwantara... the source of social beginnings. And in our own time India had Sri Aurobindo. He found out. He saw. The originator of chaturvarna, or the four castes as it has come to be known, was Brahma himself. From his own body Page 376 he brought them out. From his face were born the Brahmanas, Kshatriyas from his arms, Vaishyas issued from his thigh, and from his feet issued... we should take them as soul-conditions, and not geographical divisions of the cosmos. These are the worlds and times of the ancient tradition. Well, to return to our theme. I do think that Brahma was right. He had more common-sense than our inane legislators. It stands to reason that for the well-being of a body each of its parts must play its role for which it was created. Can the face do ...

... beyond both Guna & absence of Guna than Nirguna, is also that which expresses itself as Guna, extends itself in space & informs its own extension. We must say with the Mandukya, Sarvam hyetad Brahma—Ayam Atma Brahma—So'yam atma Page 406 chatushpat. All this world is Brahman, this Self is Brahman, & this Self which is Brahman is fourfold. Fourfold, not only the Transcendent Turiya, but also... method of composition must be taken into full account when we try to interpret his thinking. The theme which he has to develop arises from the fundamental doctrine of the Vedanta, Sarvam khalu idam Brahma, Verily all this is the Brahman. To realise that everything of which we have separate knowledge by the limited & dividing movement of the mind & senses, is limited & separate only in appearance, but... existence. He has stated the practical relation, Page 388 he now states the essential relation. It amounts in effect to the fundamental tenet of Vedanta in the Upanishads "Sarvam khalu idam Brahma." All this, in truth, is the Brahman. He says "There is One who unmoving is swifter than mind, neither have the gods reached It for it goes always in front. Standing, it outstrips others as they run ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... poverties that they bring who seek to conquer the Aryan. Commentary Brihaspati, Brahmanaspati, Brahma are the three names of the god to whom the Rishi Vamadeva addresses this mystic hymn of praise. In the later Puranic theogonies Brihaspati and Brahma have long become separate deities. Brahma is the Creator, one of the Three who form the great Puranic Trinity; Brihaspati is a figure of no great... This is the ideal state of man that the soul-force should lead him, Brihaspati, Brahma, the spiritual light and counsellor, and he realising himself as Indra, the royal divinity of action, should govern himself and all his environment in the right of their common Truth. Brahmā rājani pūrva eti . 10 For this Brahma, this creative Soul seeks to manifest and increase himself in the royalty of the... the Word out of the waters of the subconscient, apraketaṁ salilaṁ sarvam ,—the inconscient ocean that was this all, as it is plainly termed in the great Hymn of Creation. This power of the Deva is Brahma, the stress in the name falling more upon the conscious soul-power than upon the Word which expresses it. The manifestation of the different world-planes in the conscient human being culminates in ...


... said that sacrifice is born from work, work from brahman, brahman from the Akshara, and therefore the all-pervading Brahman, sarvagataṁ brahma , is established in the sacrifice. The connecting logic of the "therefore" and the repetition of the word brahma are significant; for it shows clearly that the brahman from which all work is born has to be understood with an eye not so much to the current... which brings the soul of man to the highest, param āpnoti pūruṣaḥ . The whole sense and drift of this teaching turns upon the interpretation we are to give to the important words, yajña, karma, brahma , sacrifice, work, Brahman. If the sacrifice is simply the Vedic sacrifice, if the work from which it is born is the Vedic rule of works and if the brahman from which the work itself is born is the... and kṣara . In both of these aspects the Divine Being, Purushottama, manifests himself in the universe; the immutable above all qualities is His poise of peace, self-possession, equality, samaṁ brahma ; from that proceeds His manifestation in the qualities of Prakriti and their universal workings; from the Purusha in Prakriti, from this Brahman with qualities, proceed all the works 1 of the universal ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... successful spiritual, intellectual, vital or mental activity of which the gods have their share. (12) The mantra consists of gayatra, brahma and arka, the formulation of thought into rhythmic speech to bring about a spiritual force or result, the filling of the soul (brahma) with the idea & name of the god of the mantra, the use of the mantra for effectuation of the external object or the activity desired... are doubtful in their sense, anwi, tana, vaghatah, brahmani; but none of them are of importance for our present purpose except brahmani. For reasons I shall give in the proper place I do not accept Brahma in the Veda as meaning speech of any kind, but as either soul or a mantra of the kind afterwards called dhyana, the object of which was meditation and formation in the soul of the divine Power meditated... sustaining Brahman of the vijnana, and we get this light on the subject Page 55 that, just as Bhur, Bhuvah, Swar are the lower or human half of existence, the aparardha of the Brahmanda, (the Brahma-circle or universe of manifest consciousness), and answer objectively to the subjective field covered by Annam, Prana & Manas, just as Mahas is the intermediate world, link between the divine & human ...


... consciousness, he will be conscious in the Brahman that is the All, sarvaṁ brahma , in the Brahman infinite in being and infinite in quality, anantaṁ brahma , in Brahman as self-existent consciousness and universal knowledge, jñānaṁ brahma , in Brahman as the self-existent bliss and its universal delight of being, ānandaṁ brahma . He will experience all the universe as the manifestation of the One,... all and therefore one to all; it is, as is said in the Gita which has developed fully this idea of equality and indicated its experience on at least one side of equality, the equal Brahman, samaṁ brahma ; the Gita even goes so far in one passage as to identify equality and yoga, samatvaṁ yoga ucyate . That is to say, equality is the sign of unity with the Brahman, of becoming Brahman, of growing ...


... Reality as revealed in our imaginative and emotional build-up. Although the Upanishad is finally leading us on the Path of Renunciation, Sanyas-Yoga, taking us to the City of Brahma, Brahma-Puri or Brahma-Dham or Brahma-Lok, the sense of all this magnificent universe, viśvam idam Page 150 varistham , as Brahman immortal and naught else is emphatically... having realised what is stated or expressed. The subject-matter could easily be scriptural and yet the realisations embodied by the scripture may not be the poet's — as, for instance, Emerson's Brahma: They reckon ill who leave me out; When me they fly, I am the wings; I am the doubter and the doubt, And I the hymn the Brahmin sings. It is very true, ...


... together 32 Ibid., p. 679. 33 R.Y. Deshpande, Vyasa's Savitri, pp. 19-21. in another delight, that the lustre of Brahma will be restored to its original brightness. It may even become multiply bright. In the beginning Brahma was alone and he desired company. There was the urge to be many, bahusyām prajāyeyeti. It is that which had caused the separation of his... experience. Indeed, the Sanskrit word Brahma also means the creative Word, the sacred and mystic syllable Om. In its manifestive-expressive sense it connotes the Gayatri Mantra. Thus it is in the dynamic breath of Gayatri as Chhanda-Devata, Goddess of the Metre, that the universe grows more and more in Light. This transcendental Gayatri, the radiant Spouse of Brahma, 52 in Truth-movement the Force... development. Without this Yoga the question of Savitri vanquishing Death would have remained unanswered. About the Savitri-tale we may get a certain light from the Pauranic accounts also. Once Brahma beheld himself and he was astonished to see that his own lustre was becoming dimmer and dimmer. A darkness was surrounding him and it was becoming more and more thick and opaque. He could ...

... fount of delight and keen and sweeping aspirations—the Anahata of the Tantras. The fifth is the region of the crown of the head, the domain of Brahma and the Sadhyas: it is the Overmind status from where comes the descending inflatus, the creative Maya of Brahma. And when you go beyond, you pass into the ultimate status of the Sun, the reality absolute, the Transcendent which is indescribable, unseizable... + tat). 'This' means the Universal Brahman: it is what is referred to when the Upanishad says: Isavasyamidam sarvam: All this is for habitation by the Lord; or , Sarvam khalvidam brahma: All this is indeed the Brahman; or, Sa evedam sarvam: He is indeed all this; or, Ahamevedam sarvam: I am indeed all this; or, Atmaivedam sarvam: The Self indeed is all this; ... principles of delight—immortalities, the Veda would say— that form the inner core of the pyramid of creation. They form a rising tier and are ruled respectively by the gods— Agni, Indra, Varuna, Soma and Brahma—with their emanations and instrumental personalities—the Vasus, the Rudras, the Adityas, the Maruts and the Sadhyas. We suggest that these refer to the five well-known levels of being, the modes or ...

... about Revati. Her father wanted to get her married and wished to consult Brahma, the creator, about it. So he went to the Brahma-loka and he was entertained with a song by an Apsara. After the song was over Brahma asked him about the object of his visit. He asked about his daughter's marriage and suggested certain names. Brahma said all those people had already died ! While he was listening to the song... song some ten thousand human years had passed and all was changed ! The father asked Brahma what was to be done. He said : "Well, Krishna and Balaram, and others have gone down – to humanity – you may go and give your daughter to Balaram." So, Revati was married to Balaram. When she came to Balaram after marriage he looked up to her as she was very much taller Page 145 than ...

... its unformed & discriminate mental nature or reduced to quietism & immobility. Mind can either rest voiceless & actionless, lost Page 538 to itself, in the shantam Brahma or it can find itself in the ejad Brahma; but it cannot combine the two opposites, it cannot at once live in the silent stability of God & throw itself into the voiceful motion of things. That is a privilege of the divine... in an ineffable Nirvana. Bhrigu Varuni was not allowed by his father Varuna to rest in the formula of the mental Brahma. Sent back to the austerity of his self-contemplation he had to arrive at the perception no longer of the mind but of the pure Idea as the Sole Existence, Vijnanam Brahma. We arrive, now, at states of being, consciousness & living experience which are far remote from ordinary human... Varuni was bidden by his father Varuna to discover, entering into tapas in his thought, what is Brahman, his first conclusion was naturally & inevitably this that Matter is the Sole Existence,—Annam Brahma. "For verily out of Matter are these existences born, by Matter they live, into Matter they pass away and enter in." We arrive, then, by reason considering only the forms of things and the changes ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... jewels among the gods: — (10) "I regard myself as a human being, Rama (by name), sprung from the loins of (Emperor) Daśaratha. Still let the glorious, lord (Brahma), tell me that which I as such (really) am and whence I have come."(11) Brahma (the creator), the foremost of the knowers of Brah man, replied (as follows) to Śrī Rāma (a scion of Kakutstha) who was speaking in this strain: — "0 Rama... Cosmic Person (Lord Nārāyana) supporting (all) the three worlds as also the gods, the Gandharvas (celestial musicians) and the demons, 0 Rama! I (Brahma) constitute your heart, while Goddess SaraswatT, 0 Rama, your tongue. (23) The gods created by Brahma are the hair on your limbs, 0 Lord! Night has been recognized as the closing of your eyelids and the day as the opening of your eyelids. (24) And... gods, who has been referred to here as Brahma by virtue of his creative talent), which has been secured by the high souled Śrī Rāma after killing Ravana along with his kinsfolk. (3031) This celestial aerial car, swift as thought, which is carrying Śrī Rāma and shines brightly as the rising sun, belongs to Kubera (the bestower of riches) by the grace of Brahma (who bestowed it on that god). (32) In ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... Action. Kama is the Divine Enjoyment. VI. Brahma Chatusthaya Sarvam, Anantam, Jnanam, Anandam Brahma Sarvam Brahma—when we realise one thing in the universe. Anantam Brahma—when we realise Infinite Force and Quality at play in all forms. Jnanam Brahma—when we realise a consciousness in everything which is aware of all. Anandam Brahma—when we realise in that consciousness a delight... (Ananda) Chidananda—Ananda of pure consciousness without the gunas (Chit-tapas) Sadananda—Ananda of pure existence apart from all objects and experiences (Sat) Siddhi of the five Chatusthayas, Brahma, Karma, Sharira, Vijnana and Samata. Page 1481 × MS ( scribal ) owing to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... reality, Matter as the Eternal, Matter as the Brahman, annaṁ brahma . Afterwards it had begun to turn towards the conception of existence as the large pulsation of a great evolving Life, the creator of Matter, which would have enabled it to deal with our existence on the basis of Life as the original reality, Life as the great Eternal, prāṇo brahma . And already it has in germ, in preparation a third conception... a master-power of existence, and that should lead towards a rich attempt to deal with our possibilities and our ways of living on the basis of Mind as the original reality, the great Eternal, mano brahma . It would also be a sign of promise if these conceptions succeeded each other with rapidity, with a large but swift evocation of the possibilities of each level; for that would show that there is... a secondary power of the Spirit's working and of the Spirit as the great Eternal, the original and, in spite of the many terms in which it is both expressed and hidden, the sole reality, ayam ātmā brahma . Then only will the real, the decisive endeavour begin and life and the world be studied, known, dealt with in all directions as the self-finding and self-expression of the Spirit. Then only will ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... living & acting presence. The mantra then, when it is thought of as operating to bring out the ukthyam, the thing desired & to be expressed, out of the soul into the mind state, mati, is called brahma orángúsham brahma or, briefly, ángúsham; when it is thought of as mentalising the ukthyam, it is called manma or mantra, when it is thought of as expressing by speech the ukthyam in the thinker's practical... and the confirmation or firm establishment of the activity once expressed, when it is termed stoma. All these expressions, brahma, manma, vachas, shansa, stoma, stava or stavas, can be and are often used to express the effect of the mantra no less than the mantra itself,—brahma then means the soul-movement or soul-state expressed in the heart or temperament, manma the mental realisation, vachas the ...


... Parameshwara & universal Anumanta. This consummation is also attended by a ripening realisation of the Divine Master. Formerly I realised the Impersonal God, Brahma or Sacchidan[an]dam separately from the Personal, Ishwara or Sacchidananda. Brahma has been thoroughly realised in its absolute infinity & as the material & informing presence of the world & each thing it contains, yat kincha jagatyam jagat... the Personality has not been realised with equal thoroughness or as one with the Impersonality. Hence while dwelling on the Paratman, the mind, whenever the Jivatman manifested itself in the sarvam Brahma, has been unable to assimilate it to the predominant realisation and an Page 76 element of Dwaitabhava,—of Visishtadwaita has entered into its perception. Even when the assimilation is... tamas is still strong, though the depression of the annamaya system, persistent recently, has been modified. Internal ananda is yet weak & overshadowed; only the buddhi keeps its grasp on the Anandam Brahma. Sleep at night six hours, in daytime half an hour. 19 July 1912 Programme. 1) Continuation of karma (Bhasha, Sahitya, nirukta, prerana, kavya); preparation of kama with strong action of madhura ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... When the ananda-darshana falls back into the mentality, it tends to be replaced by the Brahma-darshana; when it remains in the vijnana, it is firm. There is now a tendency to have the Ishwara vision in the mentality even, but only as a circumstance of the Brahma vision. In the vijnana the two become one, Brahma (Akshara and Kshara) being only aspects of the Ishwara. Samadhi is now in possession... being; thus it is often in vaira or virodha with their lower desires which it yet accepts as part of its system and as material of its work. The sixth chatusthaya of Sarvam Anantam Jnanam Anandam Brahma is now complete in itself. Its completeness of contents depends on the perfection of the third, fourth and fifth chatusthayas. Subjective bhukti may be now considered complete as well as subjective ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... highest mental plane which you saw as the world of ParvatiShankara. Narayana, Vishnu, Brahma, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Ananta Narayana is usually taken as a name of Vishnu—to the Vaishnavas he is the Supreme as Shiva is to the Shaivas. Both are Page 155 cosmic Personalities of the Divine and both like Brahma have their original plane in the Overmind, although they take different forms to the... Universe which he maintains as a seed in himself even in the intervals between one creation and another. Out of that seed in his navel (the navel is the central seat of the Vital, the Life-Principle) Brahma the Creator arises in the Lotus (cosmic consciousness) which grows from it when Vishnu awakens from the inter-cyclic sleep. The Snake Ananta is the Energy of the cosmic manifestation of the Infinite... identified with Ganesh. Kartikeya The peacock is the bird of victory and Kartikeya the leader of the divine forces. Sanatkumar Sanatkumar is, I believe, one of the four mind-born sons of Brahma; he cannot therefore be identical with Skanda who is a son of Shiva. Buddha Buddha stands for the conquest over the Ignorance of the lower Nature. Apsaras Apsaras generally indicate sexual ...


... on the mental vijnanamaya plane, it has had to sink back into vijnana and mentalised vijnana in order to redevelop on the ideal plane. Sarvam brahma is always there in bhava, always at disposal to the thought by smarana. The fullness of Anantam and Jnanam brahma awaits the fullness of the vijnana. 1 March 1920 The shakti in the body has suddenly changed its base from the fixed revelatory intuitive... immediate progress. Speech has now been for some time vijnanamaya with drishti in the third and is now often ideal in the second condition; but there is as yet no speech of trikaldrishti. B. [Brahma] Darshana has long settled in the vijnana, but without the Ananda[,] the object being to get rid of the remnants of the mental form of vision. Now it is being raised to the vijnana Ananda, which it... its outline on the logistic level. B. Darshana is fixing itself more firmly in the vijnana Ananda Page 1222 and insisting on its higher intensities which reveal the Purushottama in the Brahma. Samadhi still struggles with more and more success, but still a very difficult success against nidra and tamas. Tamas more than nidra is now the real obstacle. Rupa siddhi does not act freely ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... the word, that by which the word is expressed, know that indeed to be the Brahman..." (na tatra cak ṣ ur gacchati na v ā g gacchati no mano... yad v ā c ā nabhyudita ṁ yena v ā g abhyudyate tadeva brahma tva ṁ viddhi...) (Kena Upanishad, 3, 4: Sri Aurobindo's translation.) "The man who findeth God loseth his speech.... Only the Unconscious knoweth this Consciousness." (Man a'rafa... certainly not speaking of any mind-made word we know of. Similarly, when the Vedic mystic affirms that all world is a creation by the Word, he is referring to some supreme form of Speech, the v ā k brahma of Indian esoteric schools. In the words of Sri Aurobindo, "the Supermind using the Word is the creative Logos" 93 . And it is because of this all-determining power of the primal Speech ... Rig-Veda as the 'Lord of Speech, the ordainer of everything' (vacaspati ṁ visvakarm ā -nam) 94 ; for 'Speech' is verily His power of creation: 'Speech is no other than Brahman Himself (y ā vad brahma bi ṣṭ hitam t ā vati v ā k 95 ). It needs no pointing out that this supreme Speech is not the speech as we ordinarily understand by the term. As a matter of fact, according to the Vedic ...

... "God said, Let there be light: and there was light" 37 . Thus Speech, the Logos, becomes the original determinant. All speech no doubt possesses some creative power and the supreme Speech, the v ā k brahma of the Indian mystics, is without question supremely creative. For, in the words of Sri Aurobindo, "the Supermind using the Word is the creative Logos" 38 . And what is "this all-containing, all-... Rig Veda as the 'Lord of Speech, the ordainer of everything' (v ā caspati ṁ vi ś vakarm ā nam 41 ); for 'Speech' is verily His power of creation: Speech is no other than Brahman Himself (y ā vad brahma vi ṣṭ hitam t ā vat ī v ā k 42 .) It needs no pointing out that this supreme Speech is not the speech as we ordinarily understand by the term As a matter of fact, according to the Vedic seers... 51 : the Spirit 'looked' and the creation arose with the 47. Ibid., X. 71. 2. 48. The Life Divine, p. 26. 49. St. John. I. 1. Compare the Upanishadic revelation: Vāk brahma ("The Word is brahman"). 50. The Life Divine, p. 108. 51. Chhandogya Upanishad. Page 109 primal splendours of Light (jyotirupakram ā tu. 52 ) About this supremely ...

... indicating a wide-ranging mind and a will that affirms itself in life. Referring to the inverted tree of the first shloka of the fifteenth chapter, he says: “It is a description of the Eternal Tree, Brahma Vriksha, which otherwise is known as the World Tree, Samsar Vriksha. Samsar here means the world as is visible to us, the phenomenal world or the creation we can perceive and cognise, and not just... just the trivial rounds of our daily life. Sankhya calls it the multifold wideness of the active Page 35 Prakriti and Vedanta the sprawling expanse of God’s Maya. Anugita names it Brahma Vriksha and Brahmavana or Brahmaranya. The way an imposing sky-embracing tree grows from a tiny seed, so appears out of the unmanifest Supreme Lord this tree in the nature of a visible creation. This metaphor... the act of creation. As it is wrong to speak of the children of a barren woman, so is she known to us—known only in ignorance and appearing unreal in knowledge. Indeed, there is no illusory Maya in Brahma Jnana, in the Knowledge of the Eternal. Elaborating further on the nature of this mysterious Maya, Jnaneshwar gives a number of examples. She is a chest of drawers containing innumerable doctrines ...


... Indra woven, warp and woof?' 'On the worlds of Prajāpati, O Gārgī.' 'On what then, pray, are the worlds of Prajāpati woven, warp and woof?' 'On the worlds of Brahma, O Gārgī.' 'On what then, pray, are the worlds of Brahma woven, warp and woof?' Yājnavalkya said: 'Gārgī, do not question too much, lest your head fall off. In truth, you are questioning too much about divinity about which... was in the beginning. May He yoke us with a bright and gracious understanding. "God is fire that burneth and the Sun in heaven and the Wind that bloweth: He too is the Moon. His is the seed and Brahma and the waters and He is Prajapati, the Father of his peoples. "Thou art woman and Thou art man also; Thou art the boy, or else Thou art the young virgin, and Thou art yonder worn and aged man... would not come into being again. A mortal, when cut down by death - From what root does he grow up? Page 79 When born, indeed, he is not born. Who would again beget him? Brahma is knowledge, is bliss, The final goal of the giver of offerings, Of him, too, who stands still and knows It.' The entire series of dialogues, nine in all in the third chapter, ended, and ...

... points out, "he will be conscious in the Brahman that is the All, sarvam brahma, in the Brahman infinite in being and infinite in quality, anantam brahma, in Brahman as self- existent consciousness and universal knowledge, jnānam brahma, in Brahman as the self-existent bliss and its universal delight of being, ānandamdm brahma. He will experience all the universe as the manifestation of the One ...

... all of you whole again." Thirty-six pairs of beautiful, sad eyes looked at him. "We can regain our lost limbs only if someone sings the pure notes." Narada vowed to redeem himself. He went to Brahma the Creator. Narrating his tale, he asked him if he would sing the pure notes and restore to those unfortunate youths their limbs. The Creator shook his four heads. "I am not a singer. Go to Vishnu... tremulously asked him, "Will you, Lord, sing?" "I can, but only ..." Shiva paused. "Only if there is someone who can appreciate true music." Narada winced, more and more humiliated. Back he went to Brahma and Vishnu and brought them to Kailash. As soon as the two great gods were Page 165 seated, Mahadeva 1 began his great song. Over the still face came a quiver and a colour of... of crimson flame. Listening with his whole being to the song of Rudra 1 the Destroyer, Vishnu entered the diamond heart wherein the undraped fires burn. In that brazier of gold he melted. Brahma had sat there watching the proceedings, unable to fathom the Destroyer's song. But when the Creator saw that the Preserver was melting, he gathered up the waters in his water-pot, the kamandalu. ...

... चन्द्रमाः। तदेव शुक्रं तद् ब्रह्म तदापस्तत्प्रजापतिः॥२॥ tadevāgnistadādityastad vāyustadu candramāḥ, tadeva śukraṁ tad brahma tadāpastatprajāpatiḥ.2 God is fire that burneth and the Sun in heaven and the Wind that bloweth: He too is the Moon. His is the seed and Brahma and the waters and He is Prajapati, the Father of his peoples. Shwetashwatara Upanishad 4.2 Translation by Sri Aurobindo... सर्वमसि सर्वायुः अभिभूरोम् ॥५९॥ ॐ आगच्छ वरदे देवि जप्ये मे सन्निधा भव । गायन्तं त्रायसे यस्माद् गायत्री त्वमतः स्मृता ॥६० ॥ om āyātu varadā devi akṣarabrahmasammitam, gāyatrī chandasāṁ mātā idaṁ brahma juṣasva naḥ. 58 om ojo'si saho'si balamasi bhrājo'si devānāṁ dhāma nāmāsi viśvamasi viśvāyuḥ sarvamasi sarvāyuḥ abhibhūrom. 59 om āgaccha varade devi japye me sannidhā bhava, gāyantaṁ trāyase... who deliverest us who sing. Rigvediya Sandhyapaddhati 58, 59, 60 ॐ सत्यम्। Om satyam. OM the Truth ॐ आपो ज्योती रसोऽमृतं ब्रह्म भूर्भुवः स्वः ॥१०॥ om āpo jyotī raso' mṛtaṁ brahma bhūrbhuvaḥ svaḥ. 10 Om Brahman, the material World, the World of various Becomings, the Mind, the Waters of consciousness, the Light, Delight and Immortality. Yajurvediya Sandhyapadhati Gayatri ...

... resumed. 3 May 1914 Unable to bring back the Brahmadarshana to the mere Saguna or Sarva Brahma, the Asiddhi now presses on the NaraNarayana as a lower substitute for the Lilamaya Krishna. Meanwhile the perception of the Ananta Brahma is growing in intensity & fullness, but the contents of the Jnana Brahma are somewhat veiled. This defect aids the evolution of the Pranic steeds into luminous herds... subject to a more purely physical resistance. 5) simplex, duplex .    Eka, Dwita? 6) Tejas in the desire has to be changed into self-regarding ideality Indications 1) The jnanam Brahma & Anandam Brahma will not be held continuously in the full active consciousness for some time yet. 2) The same with the fullness of activity of the vijnanamaya knowledge & power. There is much development... herds of enlightened conscious powers, but that evolution can only be complete when the contents of the Jnana Brahma become also full & intense to the consciousness. Page 461 Lipis 1) Obey. 2) The effectuality of the destiny is resisted. 3) Loftily effecting the internal dignity. 4) Lofty ideal of the destiny. 5) Objections to the ideality 6) Life & its fortunes ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... difference, because disinterested, not attached to any particular form or name in manifestation; and, finally, Atman or Self seated in mind. This Atman is Sat and Asat, positive and negative, Sad Brahma and Sunyam Brahma; both positive and negative are contained in the Sa or Vasudeva and Tat or Parabrahman, and Sa and Tat are both the same. The Buddhi again is divided into understanding (medha), which merely... selfmanifest and luminous to the Yogin. Without this sanyama no Yoga is possible, no effective action of any kind is possible. When Brahma turned his mind to creation, it was the cry of "tapas, tapas" that was heard on the waters of the karan samudra (Mahakaranam or Sad Brahma). The immense importance of Agni as the Ritwij to the Yogin, therefore, becomes manifest; and it is also clear why he is पुरोहितं... understanding and manas; Vayu of the sukshma prana; Mitra, Varuna, Aryama and Bhaga are the four masters of the emotional mind or character; Brihaspati of the sahaituka chit or tapas of knowledge; Brahma of the sahaituka sat; Agni of the sahaituka tapas etc. This is only an indication. Page 471 The various characteristics and energies of the gods are best developed by an examination of ...


... of magic priestcraft, Brahmanhood" and is, as Heinrich Zimmer rightly says, "the female counterpart and divine energy, Shakti, of Savitra-Brahma, the Creator of the world; she is the all-moving, all-inspiring divine principle of creation." 47 Consort of Brahma in the Transcendent if she is known as Gayatri, here as Satyavan's beloved she becomes Savitri. But when the philosopher fails to recognise... help and succour in their spiritual endeavour; they invoke the Master of Sacrifice, they invite "to birth the immortal in mortals, the divine who brings in the divinity." Indeed, the all-pervading Brahma, who is the giver of all fruit, is himself established in the great sacrifice. All flows from sacrifice. Savitri, well-versed in the lore of tradition and an expert in the Yoga of Meditation, enters... sacrificing himself created innumerable sacrifices. The five Yajnas bom of the Maha-Yajna maintain a fulfilling relationship, a mutually enriching harmony in different parts of this vast creation. If in Brahma-Yajna the supreme deity is invoked by chanting the Riks of the Vedas, by Manushya-Yajna the sacrificers grow by helping each other. The Devas take of the offerings of the sacrifice and to its performer ...

... to the world of Brahma being ordered by Brahmā, returned, having a mind to hear what will happen to the scion of Raghu thereafter in the future. Then the most powerful Śrī Rāma after hearing the holy words spoken by the God of gods (Brahma) said to Vālmīki: "0 revered teacher, the Uttarakānda pertaining to what (will hap- pen to) me in the future, that the sages of the world of Brahma desire to hear... by Sītā. (10) Sītā followed the sage, with face bowed down and hands folded, full of tears, her mind fixed on Śrī Rāma. (11) Seeing Sita approaching after Vālmīki (as) the Sruti (Vedas) follows Brahma (creator). (There) was a great uproar of appreciation. (12) Thereafter there was all over the sound of sorrowful sighs from those who were distressed with grief arising out of vast suffering. (13)... Lava; let her chastity be acknowledged by the world and let my love be restored to me." (5) Knowing the intention of Śrī Rāma, all the great gods, came for the oath-taking of Sītā. (6) Having Brahma at their head, the Ādityas, Vasus, Rudras, Viśvadevas, the hosts of Maruts, all the Sadhya gods, all great sages, the Nāgas, Suparnas and the Siddhas, all came joyfully. (7-8) Seeing all the gods and ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... single-pointed dedication to the Truth. She grants him a boon. She tells him that soon a radiant daughter will be bom to him. The Goddess also tells him that the boon has the sanction of Creator-Father Brahma himself. The birth of the radiant daughter is therefore already marked by a high intention. It carries in it the Will of the Supreme himself. Soon the princess grows into full maidenhood. But... that Brahma's conceptive-expressive power as the supreme Creatrix is present in two aspects,—in the modes of transcendental and terrestrial creation. That Creatrix in the nature of the Word is held by Brahma in his clasp 5 and, when she comes out, she comes out as Gayatri in the Transcendent and Savitri in this world of ours. While as Gayatri she is the creative force in the Transcendent, in the mortal... worlds," 6 there is also the evolutionary delight in a mysterious unfoldment of the eternal Time. We can meet the underlying identity of these two goddesses in the dynamism of the Truth-Being, in Brahma himself. In him Satyam and Ritam are one and inseparable. In fact their oneness belongs to the manifestive Truth in its twofold operation. If Savitri as the Truth-Word gives form and definiteness to ...

...     Swapna-samadhi continues in the same condition. Coherent sabda now occurs in jagrat, but only a sentence at a time. Page 671 12 November 1914 All are now personalised in the Brahma Darsh[ana] as the one Person who is the Tat. The normalisation of the perception of Many in One is beginning. Here the ego in the mind of others is the obstacle The Master of the Yoga remanifests... but failed. Reaction strong in the body afterwards. Rupa At night very clear & perfect shadow forms on a background. 16 November 1914 Darshana has now a large & sure form of the Jnanam Brahma. Personality is therefore firm in the vision. But the Ananda Brahman, although always present, is not yet sufficiently strong & vivid. Vijnana— Certain trikaldrishti is now often entirely... rectified. Page 726 It is allowed to recur in order that the displeasure of the physical being may be turned into the pleasure of a contact forcibly endured. Brahman The Jnanam Brahma is now as strong as the Sarvam was previously & all beings are seen as personalities of that Brahman.     Anandam & Anantam are held a little back in order that there may be a full sense of weakness ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... the most distinguished one of Gokula, has gone with her into solitude as a special mark of favour to her. 29. O Friends! The dust of Śrī Krsna's feet that you find here is very holy, indeed. For Brahma, Śiva and Rāma apply it to their heads for the efface-ment of all sins! 30. But these footprints of the woman cause great agitation in our minds. For she has stolen away what is the common property... Krsna's mysterious power, the Gopas felt that their women were with them all the while, and had no Page 117 ground to feel any ill will to Śrī Krsna. 39. Towards early morning when the Brahma-muhūrta had begun, the Gopīs, persuaded by Śrī Krsna their beloved, and congratulated by him, went hack home unwillingly. 40. Whoever hears or recites again and again the account of Śrī Krsna's... common among the Gopas, and a self-taught expert at flute, applies his lips to the flute and produces varied original tunes — then hearing that music even leading celestials like Indra, Parameswara and Brahma bend their heads in humility and in astonishment at the exquisiteness of that music. 16-17. When playing on his flute, Śrī Krsna moves about in Vraja, removing the distress of its soil, arising ...


... fount of delight and keen and sweeping aspirations-the Anahata of the Tantras. The fifth is the region of the crown of the head, the domain of Brahma and the Sadhyas: it is the Overmind status from where comes the descending inflatus, the creative Maya of Brahma. And when you go beyond, you pass into the ultimate status of the Sun, the reality absolute, the Transcendent which is indescribable, unseizable... + tat). 'This' means the Universal Brahman: it is what is referred to when the Upanishad says: Iśāvāsyamidam sarvam : All this is for habitation by the Lord; or, Sarvam khalvidam brahma: All this is indeed the Brahman; or, Sa evedam sarvam: He is indeed all this; or, Ahamevedam sarvam: I am indeed all this; or, Atmaivedam sarvam: The Self indeed is all this; or... principles of delight – immortalities, the Veda would say – that form the inner core of the pyramid of creation. They form a rising tier and are ruled respectively by the gods Agni, Indra, Varuna, Soma and Brahma-with their emanations and instrumental personalities-the Vasus, the Rudras, the Adityas, the Maruts and the Sadhyas. We suggest that these refer to the five well-known levels of being, the modes or ...

... earthly existence with the treasures of the Spirit that he was called. He must have heard the dumb appeal of Matter for a restitution of its innate divinity. For, Matter, too, is Brahman, annam brahma. Another thing that stands out in his letters to his wife is the phenomenal rapidity of his spiritual progress just after he began the practice of Yoga. Not only the signs and symptoms we have... He wanted the political freedom of India as a step and means to the freedom and fulfilment of her soul, to a spiritual reconstruction of her thought, life and society. That can be done only by Brahma-teja, the blazing power of spiritual knowledge. He perceived that the power was in himself, he felt that it was growing in him, and he knew that it would never fail him. His politics was a prelude... calls him "a Universal Man". He was a religious humanist and a staunch rationalist who effected a reconciliation between reason and religious faith. He was the first translator into Bengali of the Brahma Sutra and the Upanishads. He was the first social reformer in Bengal whose success in reforms was so great as to throw into the shade even his far greater achievements in other fields of work. He was ...

... the companies of the Siddhas bow down before thee in adoration. How should they not do thee homage, O great Spirit? For thou art the original Creator and Doer of works and greater even than creative Brahma. O thou Infinite, O thou Lord of the gods, O thou abode of the universe, thou art the Immutable and thou art what is and is not and thou art that which is the Supreme. Thou art the ancient Soul and... the Master of the cosmic Godheads, in whom the world and all its action are securely seated. He is the original and ever originating Creator, one greater than that figure of creative Power called Brahma which he shows to us in the form of things as one aspect of his trinity, creation chequered by a balance of preservation and destruction. The real divine creation is eternal; it is the Infinite manifested... is an infinity of his material and spiritual forms. He is all the many gods from the least to the greatest; he is the father of creatures and all are his children and his people. He is the origin of Brahma, the father to the first father of the divine creators of these different races of living things. On this truth there is a constant insistence. Again it is repeated that he is the All, he is each ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... macadamised, made secure and public. 5 October 1935 Brahma - Brahman - Brahmin Please favour me with the correct transliteration of the words ब्रह्म and ब्राह्मण in the English language. In the Essays on the Gita, they are spelt alike, viz. Brahman. What is the necessity of an "n" when transliterating ब्रह्म? In English, Brahma = the Creator, one of the Trinity. Brahman is the Eternal... Sannyasi. 1 February 1933 You have given me the spellings of ब्रह्म (the Eternal) and ब्रह्मा (the Creator). Kindly write to me the correct spelling of ब्राह्मण (a caste) also. I spoke of Brahma the Creator in order to explain why the n was necessary in transliterating ब्रह्म the Eternal. As for the other word the correct English is Brahmin, but it is often transliterated Brahmana or Brahman ...


... forceful, and sometimes touched. Aishwaryabhava and sraddha (swashaktyam) are improved, but not yet firm, except for the sraddha in yoga-siddhi, minus shârira . There is no sraddha in adesh-siddhi. Brahma chatusthaya is now complete, constant in Sarvam, Anantam, Jnanam; established but not always intense in Anandam. The Person is manifest in all, but not always vividly and there is still a divorce between... automatic, even when Ananda Brahman is depressed and sense of Lila not prominent. Only the invariability & intensity have now to be confirmed and the perfect union of Krishnakali bhava and the now complete Brahma chatusthaya will be founded. The right interpretation of lipi and the lekha (sortilege) is now automatic. The swapnasamadhi has now definitely advanced. Formerly the drishya there was... telepathy becomes more & more ritam; general satya of trikaldrishti preparing. Growth of the more intense Vishayananda of the mind in all the objects of sense. Growth of Krishna Kali bhava in the Brahma darshana 2 March 1916 In the evening telepathic trikaldrishti that N [Nolini] will come soon after 8.30, M [Moni] soon after 9.0, S [Saurin] soon after 9.30. N came at 8.35, M at 9.8, S at 9 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... health, but the progress seems still to continue. 22 January 1927 Sarvam Anantam Anandam Brahma seems to be well established in its fundamental universality (except for some duhkhabhoga of result on the vital plane and some movements of physical semi-discomfort) and is growing in intensity. Gnanam Brahma consciousness grows, but needs development of T³ & T² for full play. Increase in Ananda... It is doubted whether gnosis is at all manifested or anything but a mixed mind and supermind with at most a few true supramental movements. Universal perception of the Sarvam Anantam Anandam Brahma-Purusha. Ananda complete in all vishayas, especially sight, but not the intense completeness. The intensity came afterwards, but subsided. The completeness of the quiet Vishaya Ananda and universal ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Time and Timelessness in the highest Absolute. The One is Four for ever in his supramental quaternary of Being, Consciousness, Force and Ananda. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Krishna, these are the eternal Four, the quadruple Infinite. Brahma is the Eternal's Personality of Existence; from him all is created, by his presence, by his power, by his impulse. Vishnu is the Eternal's Personality... concentration. Krishna is the Eternal's Personality of Ananda; because [of] him all creation is possible, because of his play, because of his delight, because of his sweetness. Page 208 Brahma is Immortality, Vishnu is Eternity, Shiva is Infinity; Krishna is the Supreme's eternal, infinite, immortal self-possession, self-issuing, self-manifestation, self-finding. Manifestation, Not Illusion ...


... darshana does not suppress, but can hold a non-insistent diminished prema. Prema increases the ananda in the vijnana; ananda increases prema. Brahma-vision seeing things as objects of the unifying cognizance tends to be without prema; Purusha Brahma or Ishwara brahma darshana brings the deeper unity, prema and ananda. K.A has recovered its force, but is still easily depressed by the interruption of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... outward things. Kama is personal, but not yet moved towards exteriorisation. Sixth Chatusthaya.     Fundamental Brahma darshana complete in the Ananda vijnana, sometimes descends towards the mentality to effect a better fusion of ahaituka, prema, kama, vijnana and shuddha ananda. Brahma sight is full of the Purusha, but only sometimes contains the Ishwara seeing. Seventh Chatusthaya.     Suddhi... extend its force of perfection in the personal working and its power on outward eventuality. Kama to complete its personal basis in the subjectivity. VI. Ishwara darshana to take up the perfected Brahma vision. VII. Perfection in the first two, initial perfection in the third and sixth, preparation of completion in the other chatusthayas. 1 August 1919 Action of ideality in thought to perceive ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... for the time. There is however a mixture of intelligence. Sharira Ananda discontinued at night by sleep and recovered with some difficulty in the morning. Brahma chatusthaya complete in Sarvam Anandam Brahma, Anantam Jnanam in essence. The Brahma-vision has now to be filled in with the vijnana. Rupa and Samadhi are progressing; rupa is still in the first stability, occasionally on the border of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... × The Hindu Trinity consists of Brahma, the creator, Vishnu, the preserver and according to tradition the Divine aspect incarnating in the succession of Avatars, and Shiva, the destroyer. One should not confound Brahma with the Brahman. × ... Sethna says: ‘I vividly remember the substance of her account of it to me in an interview. She said she had come to possess the Word of Creation. When I looked a little puzzled she added: “You know that Brahma 92 is said to create by his Word. In the same way whatever I would express could take place. I willed to express a whole new world of superhuman reality. Everything was prepared in subtle dimensions ...


... though English is the language I heard about my cradle." Fortunately for us, English is a remarkably hospitable language and has already accepted Sanskrit words like karma, maya, dharma, amrita, Brahma, mantra if not lila, bhakti, pranam, japa, mukti, bhava, ananda, samskara which, as A.E. rightly says, have no counterparts in English. But as — to quote Sri Aurobindo, the Poet- Seer — "the mind... scent": from a famous Sanskrit proverb: Ushtro yatha chandanabharavahi bharasya vetta na tu chandanasya Page 49. "All... Brahman": from Chhandogya Upanishad: Sarvam khalvidam Brahma "What is here ... traced": from Katha Upanishad: Yadeveha tadamutra yadamutra tadanviha Page 49. "Krishna is ... peaks": from a famous Sanskrit pronun- ciamento: Jale... Page 50. "You may discuss... attained": from a couplet in Shankaracharya's Viveka-chudamani: Na gachchhati vina panam vyadhiroushadha-shabdatah Vina parokshanubhavam Brahma shabdairna muchyate Page 53. The opening song is translated from a famous, ancient Sanskrit hymn : Tvameva mata cha pita tvameva Tvameva bandhushcha sakha tvameva Tvameva ...


... sacrifice. The Dasyu or Pani is the opposite of the Aryan as well as of the gods. The Aryan in the sacrifice finds the divine word. The Dasyus, the Panis, are the haters and destroyers of the word, brahma-dvisah, spoilers of speech, mridhra-vāchasah. They have no force of the divine breath or no mouth to speak the mantra, they are anāsah. 21. Ibid., pp. 347, 356-57. 22. Ibid., p.... profoundest aspect as the expression of the intuition arising out of the depth of the soul or being." 41 What Sri Aurobindo says is but the explanatory version of the same idea as we find in Macdonell: "Brahma (neuter) in the Rigveda signifies nothing more than 'prayer' or 'devotion'." 42 It is with religious utterance, the soul-charged sound, that Indra and the other gods operate. Thus in the closing... 44 and his "bow" is mentioned, 45 we soon learn both the nature of the power his weapons really deploy and the way in which he works through his devotees: "O Indra, by the speakers of the word (brahma-bhih) thou didst cast out the Dasyu, attacking those who can think not (the Truth) by those who think, amanyamānān abhi manyamanaih ."46 To ascribe to the Rigvedic Indra and to his fellow-deities ...


... y alerts his audience, telling the attentive to get ready to listen to what the Teacher of the Gita is soon going to speak about the seven Words pertaining to things spiritual, brahma vakya . He will speak of tad brahma (that Eternal), adhyatma (the soul’s abiding in the conduct and law of the Spirit), karma (active and creative dynamism in the working of the world), adhibhuta (the manner... very freedom which is enjoyed by the Spirit. In it is the happy repose of the primal Nature; in it falls mute for ever the Word of the Veda, the expressive-descriptive Will of the Eternal, shabda brahma . Such truly is the wide and tranquil ocean of wisdom of the Gita; but for the common man that wisdom has remained all along inaccessible, because for him it has stayed sealed in Sanskrit. Now, however ...


... Gods rapidly lost in the Puranas their deep original significance. The great Trinity, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva came to dominate and gave rise to a new pantheon. It must, however, be remarked that the predominance of this Trinity was a result of the significance that was attached to these three Gods in the Veda. Brahma evidently developed out of Brahmanaspati, Vishnu was already recognised as the a... Vedic work and assisted from behind the more present and active Gods. Brahmanaspati is the Creator by the word, and it is from this creative aspect of Brahmanaspati that the Puranic conception of Brahma, the Creator, arose. For the upward movement of Brahmanaspati's formations, Rudra supplies the force; he is named in the Veda the mighty one of heaven, but he begins his work upon the earth and ...


... ethical and aesthetic one may profitably look into the inner meanings of the terms like Brahma, Visnu and Mahesvara. The intended meaning of all these words are traceable to Brhat and Mahat, vast, immense, all-pervasive, cosmic etc. Philosophically speaking, Self and the highest Page 55 reality, Brahma, Visnu or Maheswara, by whatever name it is referred to, are identical at bottom. True... whom all things lie. It connotes auspicious, propitious, gracious, favourable, benign, kind, benevolent, friendly, dear, happy and fortunate. In the Hindu pantheon we find three main Gods, Trimurti, Brahma (Creator), Visnu (Preserver) and Maheswara (Destroyer). Siva is symbolic not only of destruction but also of reproduction. At times Siva has been referred to in the Epics and Puranas as Supreme God ...

... choice for the latter even when the former is guaranteed. Next, this inquiry is to be aided by a competent teacher, such as Yama in the Katha Upanishad, or as Pippalada in the Prashna Upanishad, or Brahma, the first of the Gods — devanam Prathamah, to Atharvan, he to Angir, Angir to Satyavaha the Bhardwaja, or Angiras in the Mundaka Upanishad or as Uma Haimavati, the Divine Mother who knows the Supreme... That; he knows that It is not unknown to him. "35 Ekam eva advitiyam, the One without the second, that Absolute, that Spaceless and Timeless Reality is also all this Universe, sarvam khalu idam brahma. Brahman is all this by his Yoga-Maya, by the power of his consciousness — Force put out in self-manifestation; he is the Conscious Being, Soul, Spirit, Purusha, and it is by his Nature, the force... know not the Eternal; they know the godheads, they do not know God. Therefore they see the victory as their own, the greatness as their own. The victory was really due to the Brahman, the Eternal; brahma ha devebhyo vijigye, the Eternal conquered for the gods. 44 Therefore, Brahman manifests Himself before the exultant gods and puts to them by His silence the heart-shaking question: "If you are all ...


... The Aim of Life Shadows in the water. Photo: Carlos, Auroville Brahman is Real The world is a Lie Introduction Brahma satyam jaganmithya jivo brahmaiva naparah, "Brahman alone is real, the universe is unreal, and the individual soul is no other than the Brahman ": the call of the centuries that has held the soul of India in its spell. Some... verses, of which a small selection is being given here to help us savour the experience embodied in this writing. We must make mention of the other major works of Shankara. His commentary on the Brahma-sutras is considered a classic of Vedantic thought and literature. There are also his commentaries (or, Bhasya) on the ten principal Upanishads: Isha, Kena, Katha, Prasna, Mundaka, Mandukya, Aitareya... the highly qualified preceptor, and may refer either to Shankara's own Guru or to God himself, who is the Guru of Gurus. 2, Lifetime, etc. — That is, an indefinite length of time. One day of Brahma (the Creator) is equivalent to 432 million years of human computation, which is supposed to be the duration of the world. 3. Duly — That is, according to the prescribed mode (Vide Mundake ...


... give as an example a passage of the second canto in which Kalidasa depicts the gods complaining to Brahma about the atrocities committed by the demon Taraka. These deities have been terribly harassed and humiliated by the Asura; they feel totally helpless and there they stand, in front of Brahma, crestfallen and resembling faded flowers: Varuna's noose droops in his hand, Yama aimlessly scrapes the... canto and the reader is transported to Brahma's abode: all the gods have gathered there. They are harassed by the demon Taraka, and they complain that they are powerless against this great evil being; Brahma reveals that only a son born from Shiva and Parvati (Kumara, also known as Skanda or Kartikeya) will lead the armies of the gods to victory against Taraka. In order to awaken passion in the great anchorite ...


... Pushkar lakes. There still exists a temple dedicated to Brahma the Creator— extremely rare! A myth has grown up around these three lakes. Brahma was once thinking of finding a nice place on the Earth for performing a sacred rite in order to make a new creation. The lotus he always holds in one of his four hands suddenly dropped to the Earth. Brahma came down and saw that the lotus had bounced and touched ...

... fate has overtaken or is preparing to overtake them all. They flourish for a moment, then the impulse wanes, the fire dies out, and if they endure, it is only as empty shells, forms from which the Brahma has gone or in which it lies overpowered Page 80 with tamas and inert. Our beginnings are mighty, but they have neither sequel nor fruit. Now we are beginning in another direction;... three hundred millions of people; but she is inactive, imprisoned in the magic circle of tamas , the self-indulgent inertia and ignorance of her sons. To get rid of tamas we have but to wake the Brahma within. Page 83 IT IS OUR OWN CHOICE WHETHER WE CREATE A NATION OR PERISH. What is it that so many thousands of holy men, Sadhus and Sannyasis, have preached to us silently by their... drawing it from the internal and inexhaustible reservoirs of the Spirit, from that Adya-Shakti of the Eternal which is the fountain of all new existence. To be born again means nothing but to revive the Brahma within us, and that is a spiritual process,—no effort of the body or the intellect can compass it. RELIGION THE PATH NATURAL TO THE NATIONAL MIND. III. All great awakenings in India, all her ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... clear for the Page 364 entire perception of Ananta Brahman (guna, constituent forces and determining force or will), for its union in the Sarvam Brahma with the Jnanam Brahma and for its perfection in the sarvam samam anandam Brahma. Vishayananda (ahaituka) now manifests sufficient intensity & continuity when it enters the physical system in company with the other physical anandas. When... n in saundarya. The fifth is still in a state of preparation, seed-sowing & crude initial consistencies. The sixth is well advanced, but unable to hold its own without smarana except in the sarvam Brahma. The seventh is well advanced except in certain parts of the siddhi, especially in ritam. Page 371 January 1914 विश्रयंतामृतावृधो द्वारो देवीरसश्र्चतः Let the divine doors swing ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... now only the occasional recurrence of an old habit, must be finally removed. This can be done by bringing forward the delight in the asiddhi . Brahma Strong Ishwaradarshana sarvabhuteshu , followed by jyotih of the Anantam (Jnanam) Brahma in things. This was preceded half an hour ago by the lipi 15, several times repeated, the number of the Anantam in the enumeration of the siddhis... 14) Sarvam Brahma, 15) Anantam, 16) Jnanam, 17) Anandam, 18) suddhi, 19) mukti, 20) bhukti, 21) siddhi. This jyotih is not yet to be free from interruption and diminution, but it is founded and from henceforth bound to increase. It is jyoti not tejas , ideal light, not the mental. It is now trying to ally itself entirely with the Jnanam and Anandam Brahma .. These manifest ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... vehemently effective recurrence. There is no visible action of utthapana or saundarya. Brahma . All is now fixed in the vijnana brahma darshana with an occasional emergence of the undertone of intuitive manasa which is [immediately] 1 penetrated by and taken up into vijnana. In the V.B. [Vijnana Brahma] Ananda is organising itself, vijnana Ananda informed with the Ahaituka and manifesting in... only about the body and the karma and is falling away from the fixity of the ҫraddha. Shakti . Complete, but awaiting for its fuller activities the perfection of the vijnana and the shârira and Brahma-darshana. The most sensible progress has been in the two weak parts, the tertiary dasya and ҫraddha. The Ishwara is now felt in all the activities of the Shakti, though not with an entire completeness ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... darkness of the Asat, Sunyam Brahma or eternal nothingness which is the ultimate negation of this manifest existence shines ever with the light unknown of which seven rays are sufficient to illuminate all these universal systems. He is that perceivable but unknowable glory seated for ever beyond the darkness that swallows up the worlds, tamasah parastat. Out of Him the Asad Brahma appears, the general negation... totality, are nothing but the One. Nothing is but God; we too are God, each one of us is He, and that which we dwell in is God. The fundamental sayings, So Aham; Tattwamasi, Swetaketo; sarvam khalu idam Brahma, are the sum of all Veda and Vedanta. All is merely the manifestation of Him for the sake of various delight; for Ananda the worlds are, from Ananda they proceeded, by Ananda they abide, to Ananda... Therefore it is that as the featureless, free, inactive Sad Atman the Eternal first manifests Himself on this side of the darkness of Asat. Next, in Atman, He appears to His self-knowledge as the Nirgun Brahma, the Being without quality of the Parabrahman, manifesting an impersonal self-existence, an impersonal self-awareness and an impersonal self-delight, Sat, Page 514 Chit, Ananda. This too ...


... cannot yet manifest, without provoking a strong relapse. Ahankara-Mukti-Siddhi The aham karta is now replaced by the kartri brahma, so the aham jnata by the jnatri, the aham bhokta by the bhoktri, the aham bhartá by the bhartri, the aham sakshi by the sakshi brahma. What is left of the aham is a kendra of action, a kendra of knowledge, a kendra of vision, a kendra of enjoyment. In this kendra... old dualities. There will be a farther advance today, but the final immunity of the subjective bhukti from disturbance or adverse touch is still delayed Ananda Samatá .. bhukti .. Anandam Brahma. These are the three stages of the Ananda. The ananda in the Lilamaya had already been realised, the Ananda in the Brahman is now realised. It was there in an indeterminate perception before; now it... the will, the action, the vision, the bhoga, the knowledge. The two have now to be harmonised, the Kalibhava & the Krishnabhava in the one Brahman. The dissolution of the sakshi aham into the sakshi Brahma has rendered this possible at last in its finality and completeness. Faith Ishwarabhava . Abhayam . Premakáman This represents the immediate strength of the second chatusthaya as the result ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... circumstances of mentality, to establish the organisation of the ritam in trikaldrishti, telepathy etc on the basis of entire Brahmabodha including especially the jnanam Brahma. The one positive result is the intensity of the Brahma bodha. Subjective ananda has ceased in the prema, except occasionally; the chidghana is assailed by obstructions which prevent the secure possession of its bhoga, & even... temporarily overpower them. In all cases there is rasagrahana, but not pritih or ananda. Pritih is only beginning. Kamananda is resuming its former maithuna intensity. An extension of the jnanam Brahma has brought into play a rich action of the telepathic trikaldrishti. Hitherto what was seen were the immediate forces of possibility & actuality in operation outside the living objects which act, pranad... bringing with it entire premananda on men, animals, objects & events. The movement now is to confirm all the anandas, except the physical, & the subjective siddhi generally, prema, kama, shama in the Ekam Brahma, so assuring it on the bahu, & no longer perfected by application through the Avidya to each object separately. So far as that movement was necessary, it has been accomplished, but it can only be finally ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Dhruva who is the son of Uttanapada, the third son of Manu Svāyambhuva "who is said to have been born of Brahma" and who is "also known as Viraj". Pusalker adds: "The Vayu Purāna mentions Ananda as a Brahma (supreme ruler) who was a predecessor of Manu Svāyambhuva." Mankad 1 cites the Brahma Purāna for a detailed genealogy with explicit links. We may accept it as the most helpful for our purposes:... Magadha the list went back, with whatever intermediate breaks, to an original Magadhan monarch. Seen through Purānic eyes, the equation of Prithu to Dionysus makes Dionysus such a monarch. Thus the Brahma Purāna (4.67), which in the midst of later accretions is held 1 to have very ancient matter enshrined in it, bears a legend in which Prithu is, in B. C. Law's words, 2 "the first Samrat or Emperor ...


... consciousness, he will be conscious in the Brahman that is the All, sarvam brahma, in the Brahman infinite in being and infinite in quality, anantam brahma, in Brahman as self-existent consciousness and universal knowledge, jñānam brahma, in Brahman as the self-existent bliss and its universal delight of being, ānandam brahma. He will experience all the universe as the manifestation of the One ...


... Shakhas is alive. 17. According to the tradition, the word Purana is so-called because it is supposed to refer to the most ancient knowledge. It is said that Brahma had received the knowledge containing the Puranas from the Supreme Divine; Brahma transmitted it to his four mind-bom sons, one of whom Sanat Kumara transmitted it to Narada, who, in turn, transmitted it to Krishna Dwaipayana, Veda Vyasa... there was a farther widening and fathoming of psychic and spiritual experience. The Vedic pantheon gradually faded out altogether under the weight of the increasing importance of the great Trinity, Brahma - Vishnu - Shiva. Anew pantheon appeared; its outward symbolic aspect expressed a deeper truth and larger range of experience, feeling and idea. The tradition of the Vedic sacrifice began to break... the condition of the soul after the death of body. They also deal with the question relating to philosophic and yogic matters.Most importantly, Puranas are related to great deities, particularly of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. An important contribution of the Purana is related to the concept of divine incarnation, avatara. The texts connected with Tantra are numerous, probably sixty-four or even more ...


... has overtaken or is preparing to overtake them all. They flourish for a moment, then the impulse wanes, the fire dies out, and if they endure, it is only as empty shells, forms from which the Brahma has gone or in which it lies overpowered with Tamas and inert. Our beginnings are mighty, but they have neither sequel nor fruit. Now we are beginning in another direction; we have started... of three hundred million people; but she is inactive, imprisoned in the magic circle of Tamas, the self-indulgent inertia and ignorance of her sons. To get rid of Tamas we have but to wake the Brahma within. It Is Our Own Choice Whether We Create a Nation or Perish. What is it that so many thousands of holy men, Sadhus and Sannyasis, have preached to us silently by their lives?... from the internal and inexhaustible reservoirs of the Spirit, from that Adya-Shakti of the Eternal which is the fountain of all new existence. To be born again means nothing but to revive the Brahma within us, and that is a spiritual process – no effort of the body or the intellect can compass it. Page 73 Religion, the Path Natural to the National Mind III. All great ...


... wished to consult Brahma, the Creator, about it." King Revat was the king of Kushasthali on the Arabian Sea; it is over its ruins that in another age Krishna built his Dwaraka. Revat lived in Treta Yuga when men mingled freely with gods. Princess Revati accompanied her father. "So he went to the Brahmaloka and he was entertained with a song by an Apsara. After the song was over Brahma asked about the... the object of his visit. Revat asked about his daughter's marriage and suggested certain names. Brahma said all those people had already died! While he was listening to the song some ten thousand human years had passed and all was changed! The father asked Brahma what was to be done. He said, 'Well, Krishna and Balaram and others have gone down to humanity, you may go and give your daughter to Balaram ...

... every other universe is the Time existence of the timeless Spirit. 11 There is one sole reality and there can be no other, the One, the Divine, the Eternal and Infinite. Ekam evadvitiyam brahma . The One is at the same time the All, for it exists in all, all exists by it, it is all. Whatever be [the] plane of being, whatever be the cosmos, whatever be the individual, the truth of its... less than of the One, of the Personal no less than of the Impersonal, of the individual and the cosmos no less than of the supercosmic, of the relative no less than of the Absolute. Ekam evadvitiyam Brahma . The Eternal is in his very truth of being Existence, Consciousness and Bliss of existence. These three are a trinity and inseparable—they are not three but one; it is only in a certain play of... are only physical concentrations of Light, but the splendour they concentrate for us is self-born and everywhere. God is everywhere and wherever God is, there is Light. Jnanam chaitanyam jyotir Brahma. Of all that we know we know only the outside; even when we imagine that we have intimately seized the innermost thing, we have touched only an inner external. It is still a sheath of the covering ...


... function they fulfilled was of a constant and immediate importance in the Vedic discipline. On the other hand, Vishnu, Rudra, Brahmanaspati, the Vedic originals of the later Puranic Triad, Vishnu-Shiva-Brahma, provide the conditions of the Vedic work and assist it from behind the more present and active gods, but are less close to it and in appearance less continually concerned in its daily movements. ... of the inconscient ocean and speeds the formations of conscious being upward to their supreme goal. It is from this creative aspect of Brahmanaspati Page 345 that the later conception of Brahma the Creator arose. For the upward movement of Brahmanaspati's formations Rudra supplies the force. He is named in the Veda the Mighty One of Heaven, but he begins his work upon the earth and gives... progressive precision of their human or personal aspects under the stress of a growing mythology that led to their degradation and the enthronement of the less used and more general names and forms, Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra, in the final Puranic formulation of the Hindu theogony. In this hymn of Dirghatamas Auchathya to the all-pervading Vishnu it is his significant activity, it is the greatness of ...


... with and without attributes, is not admitted by this logic. If formlessness, oneness, infinity of the Brahman are true, then attributes, forms, multiplicity and finiteness of Brahman are false; brahma satyam jaganmithya , 'the Brahman is the sole reality, the world is an illusion' - such a totally ruinous deduction is the final outcome of that philosophic dictum. The Seer-Rishi of the Upanishad... order to explain or rather explain away the text of the original? Doubtless it was the overwhelming logical force of the Law of Contradiction as the criterion of Reality. 13 In his commentary on the Brahma Sutras     11. B engali Writings , Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, 1991, p. 67. 12.  Ibid. , p. 68. 13. K.C. Bhattacharya points out that in Sri Sankara, 'the union of contr... relativity is thus abolished. Sri Sankara's position hinges on the Law of Contradiction. The Absolute and the relative are irreconcilable opposites. Oneness with God is incompatible       14.  Brahma-Sutra Sankara-Bhasya , Eng. Trans. V.M. Apte, Bombay: 'opular Book Depot. 15.  Ibid. , III. ii. 11. 16.  Ibid ., III. ii. 21. Page 387 with the idea of having relations ...


... Tagore in which he told him a good many things about you and his conception of you. Briefly it is this, Biren writes, "Rabindranath has a strand of atheism in his composition: he admits the nirākār brahma [formless Brahman] on the one hand and this material world of forms on the other. Beyond this nothing. It is true his verses depict some ideas and perceptions in between, but he himself looks upon... of this? Is Biren's impression correct? Tagore is a humanitarian but I didn't take him to be atheistic? I suppose he is not an atheist; Brahmo- prabh á v [influence of brahmoism] and Nirākār Brahma [Formless Brahman] are not atheism—but I suppose his beliefs are rather thin and vague. His idealism even is just idealism—it is good for the mind and soul to have "spiritual" ideas, but this cannot... limitations, but keep yourself open and plastic to greater possibilities in the future. My own experience is not limited to a radiant peace; I know very well what ecstasy and ananda are from the Brahma- nanda35 down to the śārābgtyy76ra ananda36 and can experience them at any time. But of these things I prefer to speak only when my work is done—for it is in a transformed consciousness here and ...

... ions of the Prasthāna Tray ī as expounded by the Vedantic teachers Shankara, Ramanuja and Madhva respectively. Shankara was the first to comment upon the Brahma-sutras, his interpretation known as the Brahma-sūtra bhāsya is considered as a masterpiece in Vedantic literature. Page 132 ... fit what I have to say into an expression which will be at once short and enlightening and not needing a commentary like the aphorisms of the Brahmas ū tras.' 1 ____________________ Brahma-sūtras, also known as Vedanta-sūtras, is one of three Page 131 1931 ? There is only one answer to Sachin's question—marriage and Yoga are two different movements going opposite ...

... you my views on the matter. "Avatara" is the descent of God on earth in human form. The aspirant can only become first an aspirant, then a Siddha or Mukta or to use the language of Gita a Brahma Bhuta; and later on, can become merged in God, "enter Me". This is the basic idea of Aryan culture as developed in India. God descends on earth as a man and a man can merge himself into Him by complete... by his sect. The other day a Sadhu came to me and, throughout a forty-minute conversation, referred to himself as Bhagwan. The basic concept of Avatara, however, is that he is very much more than a Brahma Bhuta, Siddha or Mukta. The line of demarcation appears to me to be at the point which separates an elaborate effort at self-discipline and the sudden unveiling of Divine Consciousness, leaving... but as a part of earth's collective being. Provided he did these things he never bothered whether the doing of them made people look at him Page 135 as at an Avatar or as at only a Brahma Bhuta or Siddha or Mukta. But one saying of his is very suggestive; "I am not doing anything for myself, as I have no personal need of anything, neither of salvation (Moksha) nor supramentalisa-tion ...


... delight of finding and reception and holding, a spiritual enthusiasm, passion, or ecstasy; a power of light full of spiritual force, illumination and purity of working manifests its empire, brahma-tejas, brahma-varcas ; a bottomless steadiness and illimitable calm upholds all the illumination, movement, action as on some rock of ages, equal, unperturbed, unmoved, acyuta . The godhead, the soul-power... There is a truth in both attitudes. For this force in the material world is at once in its necessity the foundation of material existence or rather that on which it moves, the feet of the creator Brahma in the old parable, and in its primal state not uplifted by knowledge, mutuality or strength a thing which reposes on instinct, desire and inertia. The well-developed Shudra soul-type has the instinct ...


... consent, acquiesce .. adore, worship, love, to contain, embrace. an      to be, breathe, live .. Page 602 [2] अः Name of Vishnu (Virat-purusha—अ in ओम्). Name of Shiva, Brahma, Vayu or Vaishwanara. N[ote]. It is doubtful whether अः in the sense of Vishnu had in its origin any connection of dependence with अ, the first letter of the sacred syllable; both rather proceed... widest sense of the idea, being primal, all pervading, vague and indefinable. Hence it is applicable to any of the three great deities who occupy & represent infinite & universal being, Vishnu, Shiva or Brahma; by a natural figure emphatic of the sense of व्याप्ति it became applicable to Vaiswanara or Virat Purusha. By transference to the idea of pervasive life & movement to Vayu, the god of wind, breath... death.. alms. मृतकः      dead man मृतकम्      corpse, death.. ceremonial impurity by death of relation. मृतिः      death मृतिमन्      mortality. मृत्युः      death, decease.. Yama .. Brahma, Vishnu, Kali, Maya.. god of love. मृ      to hurt, kill. मर्तः      mortal; earth. मर्त्य      mortal मत्य:      mortal, earth मर्त्यम्      body. मरः      (Ved.) Death.. the ...


... experience, there is a greater consciousness, na idaṁ yad upāsate : 1 and yet at the same time all this is the Eternal, all this is the perennial self-seeing of the Self, sarvaṁ khalu idaṁ brahma, 2 ayam ātmā brahma . 3 The eternal has become all existences, ātmā abhūt sarvāṇi bhūtāni ; 4 as the Swetaswatara puts it, "Thou art this boy and yonder girl and that old man walking supported on his... only when we live in it, but not real in essence, and that is why, when we go back into self, it falls away from our incorruptible essence. That is the familiar cutting of the knot of the riddle, brahma satyaṁ jagan mithyā . The Gita does not take refuge in this explanation which has enormous difficulties of its own, besides its failure to account for the illusion,—for it only says that it ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... Rājasastra which their fathers, Bhrgu and Ahgiras respectively, had not done. Similarly, in his Kāmasūtra (1.5.7) Vātsyāyana (c. 3rd century A.D.) has stated that out of the archetypal work of Brahma Manu prepared his treatise on Dharma, Brhaspati on Artha and Nandin on Kama. In his Pratima Nātaka at one place (Act V) Bhāsa makes Ravana enumerate the most important works on the various sciences... post-Brāhmanical age of rationalism was ushered in and the cult of sacrifice fell into comparative disuse, the worship of Prajāpati declined. But the theists coined a new name for him and called him Brahma, first of the later Hindu Trinity." We have also F. W. Thomas 6 wondering - as we have seen in an earlier part of our book - how the Buddhist scriptures which are commonly considered contemporaneous... Greek ambassador reports Śiva and Krishna under the names of Dionysus and Heracles as receiving the greatest share of popular adoration. Instead of separating the Mauryas from Megasthenes and thinking Brahma and Indra natural to the religious denominations enumerated by Aśoka's edicts which betray no sign of the Krishna-cult, Thomas 1. Readings in Kautilya's Arthaśāstra (Agam Prakashan, Delhi ...


... D.A., 504 Black Sea, 461 Bloch, J., 284 Bodh-gayā, 41, 280 Bodhi/Boudyas, 121, 122, 123, 224 Book of Joel IV, 6; 259 Boudyas, see Bodhi Brahma, 243, 580, 582 Brahmā Purana, 71 Brahma-sphuta-siddhanta, 19 Brahmagupta: Khandakhadiyaka, 19, 25, 515 Brahmajala Sutta, 327 Brāhmanas (and Śramanas), 108, 234, 235, 241, 242, 247... 91 Purānas, 68, 339, 474, 475 Purānic geography, 57-9 Purānic chronology, i-viii, 2-16, 46-57. 102-113, 126-52, 223-8 applied to Buddha's date, 368 Chaturyuga/The Four Yugas, 126-39; Brahma, day and night of, 127; Kalpa (aeon), 127; Dvaparayuga, 49, 139; Kaliyuga, 2, 3, 13, 14-16, 19, 46-49, 98-9, 104, 134, 145, 224; Krita Age, 133, 139, 145; Tretayuga, 139 generation units, 134-6 Magha ...


... them with flowers and incense and sandal and water. 10.In all these rising worlds they have thronged and wide they spread, those beauteous forms of Krishna — the unclad Rudra, is there, Indra, Brahma, all. The Iron Age shall cease to be — do ye but unite and serve these. * * * Page 166 Love-Mad* The poetic image used in the following verses is characteristically Indian... minds, and we understand, Nothing can argue with our eyes, says Sur, so obstinate and fixed, so blind. Page 196 Nandadas What light of Brahma? Who are we to hear? Of knowledge, Uddhav? Shyam the fair is ours! Our path of love is straight — Mohan reveals In eye, ear, nostril, voice His form so dear, Snatching... flute — Casting love's spell, O friend of Shyam. You call him Kanha — he who's fatherless, Not born of mother! — and from whom arose The universe entire, The egg of Brahma! He took man's shape, and came to earth To work his will as Shyam; But yoga's discipline alone wins him And highest Brahma's city is his home, O women of Braj! Tell ...


... opens the door of mukti by opening Kundalini by means of Hatha Yoga. Page 592 The Parameswari (Kundalini) sleeps, covering the hole of the passage by which one can go to the seat of Brahma which is free from pains. Kundali Sakti sleeps on the bulb, for the purpose of giving moksa to Yogis and bondage to the ignorant. He who knows it, knows Yoga. Kundali is of a bent... of the working of the mind.) Page 597 Mind disappears by removing the knowable, and, on its disappearance, atma only remains behind. Arambha Avastha When the Brahma granthi (in the heart) is pierced through by Pranayama, then a sort of happiness is experienced in the vacuum of the heart, and the anahat sounds, like various tinkling sounds of ornaments, are... As long as the Prana does not enter and flow in the middle channel and the bindu does not become firm by the control of the movements of the Prana; as long as the mind does not assume the form of Brahma without any effort in contemplation, so long all the talk of knowledge and wisdom is merely the nonsensical babbling of a mad man. Reading Yoga Pradipika, one marvels at the depth of the great ...

... who was greatly esteemed by her spouse, followed her husband up to the gate. (21) "(Having once installed you in the office of Prince Regent), the king ought to consecrate you (in course of time), as Brahma (the maker of the universe) consecrated Indra, for the Rajasuya sacrifice, as his kingdom is inhabited by (learned) Brāhmanas (well versed in ritual acts). (22) Seeing you consecrated (for the said... with the wishes of one's elders. (36) High souled men (exclusively) devoted to their parents secure (after their death) the regions of the gods and the Gandharvas, the seventh heaven presided over by Brahma (the creator) and other regions, nay, (even) Goloka. (37) I wish to do precisely as my celebrated father, devoted to the path of truthfulness and virtue, enjoins me to do; for such is the eternal... among the Brāhmanas!" (10) Accepting the gift, when requested as aforesaid by Śrī Rāma , the celebrated Suyajna for his part pronounced benign blessings on Śrī Rāma , Laksmana and Sītā. (11) As Brahma (the creator) would address Indra (the ruler of gods), Śrī Rāma then spoke as follows to his celebrated and beloved brother, Laksmana (son of Sumitrā), who was polite of speech and stood unperturbed ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... bliss. In the sālokya mukti, there is an eternal 'dwelling in the highest existence of the Supreme. Both the@e states of liberation are acknowledged in the Gita, when it speaks of the status of the brahma bh ū ta 129 (sāyujya miukti), and when it speaks of that status in which "thou shalt dwell in Me", nivasisyasi mayī eva. 130 But the Gita speaks also of the status of those who have become... yam of the Upanishad, That, tat, is the Brahman, the experience and realization of which is so uplifting, so transcendental that everything else stands extinguished in it; it is the experience of Brahma-nirvana of which the Gita speaks in the sixth chapter. This is akshara Purusha of the Gita and also akshara Brahman, since the two words are used interchangeably, considering that the word Purusha... of desire, and at the same time, a more difficult task of uniting with the dynamic nature of the Supreme. By inner renunciation of desire, one can assume the status of the self of eternal silence, brahma bh ū y ā ya, 155 but also the states of a still greater and more marvellous divine becoming, madbh ā va. 156 Indeed, to get at that greatest perfection, one has indeed to be immobile in ...

... Upanishad, Māndūkya Upanishad, and Svetāśvatara Upanishad. The one common subject of all these Upanishads is brahma-vidyā, the highest object of yogic knowledge, namely, Brahman, but each Upanishad approaches this subject with a particular angle and enters into the kingdom Page 7 of brahma-vidya by its own gates, follows its own path or detour, aims at its own point of arrival. If we take, for... in Whom all phenomena dissolve, Who is calm, who is Good, who is the One than Whom there is no other, who is the Self, and who is the object of knowledge. The Taittirīya Upanishad enters into brahma-vidya by describing the process of teaching and learning, and through an illustration of the process of meditation and tapasya by Page 10 which the highest Self is known, successively ...

... therefore to go. [Evening] For heaven's sake don't include yourself in the misfortunes! But I never said that I was one of the misfortunes. I am not Brahma to take them as part of the lila! I thought everybody was Brahma, সর্ব্বমিদং ব্রহ্ম. 113 Anyway you are trying to do Yoga, so the sooner you adopt the lila attitude the better. Moreover, plenty of people undergo these "misfortunes"... can also produce poetry. If one could remain there! In the abyss? why? April 30, 1937 × sarvamidam Brahma : all this is Brahman. × Hospital-attendants. ...

... development in an inner or psychological Time is, it seems to me, that which is symbolised by the sacrificial year and by the ten months that have to be spent before the revealing hymn of the soul ( brahma ) is able to discover the seven-headed, heaven-conquering thought which finally carries us beyond the harms of Vritra and the Panis. We get the connection of the rivers and the worlds very clearly... saptaraśmiḥ , he is the seven-faced or seven-mouthed Angiras, born in many forms, saptāsyas tuvijātaḥ , nine-rayed, ten-rayed. The seven mouths are the seven Angirases who repeat the divine word ( brahma ) which comes from the seat of the Truth, Swar, and of which he is the lord ( brahmaṇaspatiḥ ). Each also corresponds to Page 181 one of the seven rays of Brihaspati; therefore they are ...


... to make it quite clear that it is not the Buddhist's Nirvana in a blissful negation of being, but the Vedantic loss of a partial in a perfect being that it intends, the Gita uses always the phrase brahma-nirvāṇa , extinction in the Brahman; and the Brahman here certainly seems to mean the Immutable, to denote primarily at least the inner timeless Self withdrawn from active participation even though... śarīra-vimokṣaṇāt . It then continues, "He who has the inner happiness and the inner ease and repose and the inner light, that Yogin becomes the Brahman and reaches self-extinction in the Brahman, brahma-nirvāṇam ." Here, very clearly, Nirvana means the extinction of the ego in the higher spiritual, inner Self, that which is for ever timeless, spaceless, not bound by the chain of cause and effect and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... of the supreme Divine in the cosmos. All the originative and effective aspects of it are there, all that concerns the soul in its return to integral self-knowledge. First there is that Brahman, tad brahma; adhyātma , second, the principle of the self in Nature; adhibhūta and adhidaiva next, the objective phenomenon and subjective phenomenon of being; adhiyajña last, the secret of the cosmic principle... part of Indian cosmological notions. There is an eternal cycle of alternating periods of cosmic manifestation and non-manifestation, each period called respectively a day and a night of the creator Brahma, each of equal length in Time, the long aeon of his working which endures for a thousand ages, the long aeon of his sleep of another thousand silent ages. At the coming of the Day all mani ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... ūta-kalmaṣāḥ . The result is, says the Gita, a perfect equality to all things and all persons; and then only can we repose our works completely in the Brahman. For the Brahman is equal, samaṁ brahma , and it is only when we have this perfect equality, sāmye sthitaṁ manaḥ , "seeing with an equal eye the learned and cultured Brahmin, the cow, the elephant, the dog, the outcaste" and knowing all... living in the supreme and divine Nature there is no longer fault or defect in our works; for these are created by the inequalities of the ignorance. The equal Brahman is faultless, nirdoṣaṁ hi samaṁ brahma , beyond the confusion of good and evil, and living in the Brahman we Page 202 too rise beyond good and evil; we act in that purity, stainlessly, with an equal and single purpose of fulfilling ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... me to do things which have no harm in them?" The voice from the pipal-tree replied: "I am a Brahma-Rakshasa. In my last life I was a Brahmin and very learned in the art of music, but I was unwilling to impart my learning to others. I kept my knowledge to myself. And now I am doomed to be a Brahma-Rakshasa and every day I have to listen to a piper, and I cannot tell you how badly he plays. It is ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of Long Ago

... This is true even of such involuntary motions as the closing or blinking of the eyelids, nimishannapi or the direction of the gaze. The sixth or Brahma chatusthaya is similarly established; the general (samena samavasthita) sarvam anantam jnanam anandam Brahma is seen everywhere, when the attention is awake. The nitya anusmaran is not established as yet, nor can it be established unless there is the capacity ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Review; as also part of the afternoon. The process with the first two Chatusthayas continues, as well as the progressive normalisation of the Krishna Kali consciousness in all vessels. The Anandam Brahma is already normalised. 3 The Tapasic stress reveals itself more & more as a force working for a future effect in opposition to resistances (tamasic stress) and mistaken in its idea of time... thrown back violently & Sharira generally retarded. The Ishwaradarshan is now securely normalised with the Krishna Kali Ananda, Guna & Jnana as its contents. This is the first chatusthaya (Brahma) entirely satisfactory in its finality. Only intensity of bhava and fullness of detail have to be added, but this depends partly on the progress in other chatusthayas. Samata is also final, ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Ritwik—देवमृत्विजं. ऋत्विक् is usually derived from ऋतु + इज् and supposed to mean one who sacrifices in season. But this would apply equally to every priest in the sacrifice. The names Purohita, Hota, Brahma, Udgata etc all apply to particular functions & bear that function on their face. It must be the same with Adhwaryu & Ritwik. ऋत्विक् is either from ऋतु + इज् in the sense of one who knows the laws... provided always that the system can bear the vibration. The Purva ratha may mean either full, supreme delight or the pristine delight of the soul before it is stained by imperfections, when it enjoys its Brahma-state avranam, unwounded. In any case, the sense is full or supreme delight. सुन्वतो. Throughout the Veda in connection with the word सोम, the wine symbolic of the joy of immortality, the nectar ...


... religions is a Person in the human sense of the word, limited by His qualities though otherwise possessed of omnipotence and omniscience; it answers to the Indian special conceptions of Shiva or Vishnu or Brahma or of the Divine Mother of all, Durga or Kali. Each religion really erects a different personal Deity according to its own heart and thought to adore and serve. The fierce and inexorable God of Calvin... loving and beneficent Kali who has pity even in her slaying and saves by her destructions. Shiva, the God of ascetic renunciation who destroys all things seems to be a different being from Vishnu and Brahma, who act by grace, love, preservation of the creature or for life and creation. It is obvious that such conceptions can be only in a very partial and relative sense true descriptions of the infinite ...


... the sapta catuṣṭaya itself can be found, interspersed with explanations in English, in the Introduction to the Record of Yoga (volume 10 of THE COMPLETE WORKS, pages 3-23). Ekamevādvitīyaṁ Brahma . This composition inspired by a well-known phrase from the Chhandogya Upanishad, with which it begins, is found in a large notebook used by Sri Aurobindo around 1912-13 for Vedic and philological... Upanishads and other writings. Untitled in the manuscript, it was first published with an English translation in Sri Aurobindo: Archives and Research in December 1978 under the title Ekamevādvitīyam Brahma (“Brahman, one without a second”, the first words of the text), with the subtitle Śrīaravindopajñā Upaniṣad . As the editorial subtitle suggests, it maybe considered a new Upanishad with Sri Aurobindo ...


... of life; you will see the Self in all existing things and all existing things in the Self, ātmānaṁ sarvabhūteṣu sarvabhūtāni cātmani ; you will be aware of all things as Brahman, sarvaṁ khalvidaṁ brahma . But the crowning realisation of this yoga is when you become aware of the whole world as the expression, play or Lila of an infinite divine personality, when you see in all, not the impersonal Sad... can be misused for the purposes of egoism, the egoism of virtue and the egoism of prejudice and personal opinion. At its best it is a great means towards the preparation of liberation. It is śabda-brahma . But we must not be satisfied with mere preparation, we must, as soon as our eyes are opened, hasten on to actual freedom. The liberated soul and the sadhak of liberation who has surrendered even ...


... Gandharvis in distress. Shiva agreed, but on condition that He must have in His audience at least one perfect listener!   Who were the perfect listeners? There were only two -Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma.   Narada met the two who were but too willing to oblige him, for an opportunity to listen to Shiva singing came but rarely.   The event took place with the two great Gods as well as... presiding spirits of music.   But something most unexpected happened too. Lord Vishnu became so completely identified with the flow of music that his aura melted and began to flow away. Lord Brahma, however, captured the flow in his Kamandalu and did not let it go waste. (That was the genesis of Ganga. Later He released it in heavens and later still Prince Bhagiratha   Page 292 ...


... lacking in point when evidently the same foes are "those who speak contemptuously". But all explanations lead us astray unless we take into account, as Sri Aurobindo does, 377 an analogous phrase brahma-dvisah occurring in several hymns: e.g., 5,42,9; 8,45,23; 10,36,9; 10,160,4; 10,182,3. Griffith 378 translates it "those who hate devotion" or "prayer-haters". This locution sets the Aryans and the... function they fulfilled was of a constant and immediate importance in the Vedic discipline. On the other hand, Vishnu, Rudra, Brāhmaṇaspati, the Vedic originals of the later Puranic Triad, Vishnu-Shiva-Brahma, provide the conditions of the Vedic work and assist it from behind the more present and active gods, but are less close to it and in appearance less continually concerned in its daily movements. ...


... Inever thought of worshipping him as a Deva. How about it? Does Krishnaprem mean that Surya is a conscient god? Yes, obviously. If it is meant god in the sense that sarvam khalvidam brahma [All this is the Brahman. Chhandogyopanishad, 3.14.1] – the point is lost for why then pick out Surya Deva as a God – the little stream flowing there is surely as much a flowing God? No... though of course they were not the only results. Moreover, even if on Kurukshetra’s field Krishna was weaponless, on other occasions he was by no means so. What can I say in the end but as Brahma said to Krishna in Brindaban, “Let those who know, know: what can I say save that your powers are beyond the range of my body, mind and speech. Page 94 “ All I know is that there ...

... Impenetrable, occult, voiceless, obscure. 129 In these lines are interwoven some great Upanishadic ideas: 1) sarvaṃ khalv idaṃ brahma All this is indeed Brahman. 130 2) yat prāṇena na prāṇiti yena prāṇah praṇiyatel tad eva brahma tvaṃ viddhi... 131 That which breathes not with the breath, that by which life-breath is led forward in its paths, know That to ...

... d oblations he offers to Savitri even while observing the strictest ritual-vowsduring the entire period. The Goddess is immensely pleased by his devotion to her and approaches the Father-Creator Brahma to grant a son to him. But he is to get the gift of a radiant daughter and he is told not to have any uneasy feeling in accepting what has been sanctioned. When a baby-girl was bom, she was app... rich with its own wonders. When Vyasa speaks of Savitri (see Vyasa's Savitri) as dhyānyogaparāyaṇā - Adept in the Yoga of Meditation - Satyavan as guṇasāgara - Ocean of Merit - an epithet of Brahma himself -Yama as pitrarājastāṃ bhagavān — King-Father Lord - the saints guiding the sun, upholding the earth, giving refuge to the three divisions of Time, and protecting the world, or the incantatory ...

... in response to Aswapati's prayer to the goddess Savitri. It is she who incarnated herself as his daughter in fulfilment of the exceptional boon granted to him, through her, by the Creator-Father Brahma himself. A cosmic-transcendental dimension is thus already set in the story narrated as a simple human tale belonging to the early times. This entire paraphernalia has been pressed into the story... worships goddess Savitri. Pleased with his commitment to truth the goddess emerges out of the sacrificial flames and grants him the boon of a daughter. She assures him that this has the sanction of Brahma the Creator himself. In the course of time Savitri is born. She is brought up in the dignity of the tradition and soon grows into beautiful maidenhood. But because of her fiery youthful splendour ...


... own birth was in response to Aswapati's prayer to the goddess Savitri who incarnated herself as his daughter in fulfilment of the exceptional boon granted to him, through her, by the Creator-Father Brahma himself. A cosmic-transcendental dimension is thus already set in the story narrated as a simple human tale belonging to early times. The Pandavas have lost the game of dice and have been ordered... thousand oblations to her. Pleased with his sincerity and devotion, the goddess emerges out of the sacrificial flames and grants him the boon of a daughter. She assures him that she had approached Brahma the Creator himself and it is actually he who has bestowed this boon upon him. She adds that a beautiful and effulgent daughter will be soon bom to him, kanyā tejasvini. Given as she was ...

... the context of his soul's choice. She went home and opened kath ā mrita and read the description given by the Paramhamsa regarding brahma-chetan ā , the Consciousness-Flame of the Eternal. She at once recognised that Nagin-bhai had attained brahma-chetan ā . It was Sri Aurobindo himself who had come to take care of Nagin-bhai's soul. While on one hand Nagin-bhai was repeatedly saying ...


... the denial and betrayal of the Grace, which becomes the iron curtain separating the being from That. The solution recommended in all spiritual disciplines to avoid this perilous rejection of Grace, brahma nir ā kara ṇ a, is to offer the gifts of the Divine Mother to Herself for Her use and work. This keeps the being always in contact with the Divine, before, during and after the act of receiving. And... evidence of one stupendous truth, A Truth in which negation had no place, A being and a living consciousness, A stark and absolute Reality. All are seen as the Brahman, sarvam khalwidaṁ brahma, vāsudeavḥ sarvaṁ. The Reality is not only all being but also all becoming, purusha evedaṁ sarvaṁ. There the unreal could not find a place, The sense of unreality was slain: There ...

... one of them is called Purāna. The names of these Puranas are given in the following table along with the number of verses mentioned against each: Name Number of verses Brahma Purāna 10,000 Padma Purāna 55,000 Visnu Purāna 23,000 Śiva Purāna 24,000 Bhāgavata Purāna 18,000 Nārada Purāna 25,000 Mārkandeya... of the soul after the death of the body. We also find in them questions and answers dealing with philosophic and yogic matters. Most importantly, Puranas are related to great deities, particularly Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Bhāgavata Purāna is considered to be the most valuable book on Lord Krishna, and it is looked upon as an unparalleled composition on the theme of Shri Krishna and devotion to ...


... thou rich with ascetic force, I am eager to ask you something. Pray forgive me, I am curious like all seekers of knowledge. If it is not a secret, do answer me. "You were born in the family of Brahma, the first creator; in your body has arisen the combined beauty of the three worlds, as it were; you do not need to search for wealth and the happiness it gives; you are in the prime of your youth... with the red petals of heavenly trees. "O wrecked soul, although you wish to speak ill of the Lord, you have made one correct statement: He, who is said to be the cause of even the self-existent Brahma, how could his origin be known? Page 29 This bas-relief from Angkor in Cambodia is supposed to represent Parvati pluggging her ears in order not to listen to criticism directed ...


... that the vital is based on and looks from above upon the physical. Disciple : Does the Christian Trinity correspond to Brahma. Vishnu and Shiva ? Sri Aurobindo : No. The Indian trinity refers to cosmic powers which preside over certain movements in the universe Brahma-creative etc. "Son" in the Christian Trinity means perhaps the "Divine in man". "Holy Ghost" symbolises the "Divine Consciousness" ...

... course. I am not speaking of men who do the real genuine Bhakti yoga, they have to do lot of things systematically and gradually. Disciple : There are very cheap yogis – some who used to give brahma. darsana, – vision of Brahman, for five rupees. Some press the eyeballs and make people see the "light" ! Sri Aurobindo : The Gaekwad of Baroda also used to say  the same thing. He used to say;... not due to anything physical. It is the light from one of the inner centres, especially the. ajna cakra – the centre of will – and you can make it very bright and big by connecting it with the brahma-randhra , – the centre on the top of the head. Disciple : Is every sense connected – like the eye with an inner centre ? Sri Aurobindo : Yes. After all the distinctions we make between ...

... umbrella and facing downward. The great Holy Feet is possessed of all sciences, embodies the Powers of all deities. It represents the three strides of the holy preceptor in the three centres, the crown (Brahma-randhra), the heart and the lower abdomen, even as it is richly decorated with resplendent ornaments." Then the sadhak must contemplate the Twin Deity, Shiva and Parvati, the aggregate of all the... bliss in the inner instruments of my consciousness. May she pierce and open the six centres that are now closed and inhabited by ghouls and goblins; and may she open them in an intimacy with the gods, Brahma and others, through the the action of the mystical letters [numbered four, six, ten, twelve, sixteen and two respectively, beginning with 'sa' to which 'ksha' and 'ha' are also added.] "The sadhaka ...

... गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णुः गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः। गुरुः साक्षात् परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः॥ Gururbrahmā gururviṣṇuḥ gururdevo maheswaraḥ Guruḥ sākṣāt param Brahma tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ . which means "Guru is Brahma, Guru is Vishnu, Guru is the Lord Maheswara, Guru is the Supreme Brahman Himself. Salutations to Him, the Guru." Apart from these, he might have also used verses which he ...

... । अधश्चोर्ध्वं च प्रसृतं ब्रह्मैवेदं विश्वमिदं वरिष्ठम् ॥१२॥ bhidyate hṛdayagranthiśchidyante sarvasaṁśayāḥ, kṣīyante cāsya karmāṇi tasmin dṛṣṭe parāvare.9 brahmaivedamamṛtaṁ purastād brahma paścād brahma dakṣiṇatascottareṇa, adhascordhvaṁ ca prasṛtaṁ brahmaivedaṁ viśvamidaṁ variṣṭham.12 The knot of the heart strings is rent, cut away are all doubts, and a man's works are spent and perish ...

... precious stones. I do not want a wife who is desirable to everybody. Please manifest Thyself within my sight, O the Lord of the universe, whose sport is ever sung by Siva. O Who is the Crown of Brahma, Whose eyes are like the pet-als of a full blown Lotus, Who resides under the Ocean, Whose feet rest on the head of Ananta, the King of the serpents, Who is full of love, Who is Blissful in the embrace... ḥ stunvanti divyaiḥ stavair- vedaiḥ sāṅgapadakramopaniṣadairgāyanti yaṁ sāmagāḥ, dhyānāvasthitatadgatena manasā paśyanti yaṁ yogino yasyāntaṁ na viduḥ surāsuragaṇā devāya tasmai namaḥ, Whom Brahma, Varuna, Indra and Vayu praise with celestial hymns; of whom the Samavedins sing with vedas, vedangas, padas, kramas and the upanishads; whom the yogins see in samadhi with one pointed concentration ...

... be ideally perceived. This is now being done more & more. All this action is principally in the "school", not yet applied to life at large. Antarjyoti may now be considered as established. Brahma-bhava is growing, but has to be made more vivid & steady. The पाजः, पृथ्वी प्रसिति & तृष्वी प्रसिति are founded. What is left is the destruction of the limiting Rakshasas and the royal march of... but not steadily. Each mentality the mind of God in spite of anishabhava less vividly, less steadily. The sense of the Spirit = Deva presiding over mind and body comes only occasionally. Ananda Brahma has been for many days in suspension in favour of Manas Brahman. It is now returning sometimes with, sometimes without vijnanananda. Sraddha swashaktyam (subject by dasya to sraddha bhagavati) ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... ज्येष्ठपुत्राय प्राह ॥१॥ 1) Brahma first of the Gods was born, the creator of all, the world's protector; he to Atharvan, his eldest son, declared the God-knowledge in which all sciences have their foundation. अथर्वणे यां प्रवदेत ब्रह्माथर्वा तां पुरोवाचाङ्गिरे ब्रह्मविद्याम् । स भारद्वाजाय सत्यवहाय प्राह भारद्वाजोऽङ्गिरसे परावराम् ॥२॥ 2) The God-knowledge by Brahma declared to Atharvan, Atharvan ...


... ब्रह्मयोनिम् । ये पूर्वदेवा ऋषयश्च तद्विदुस्ते तन्मया अमृता वै बभूवुः ॥६॥ 6) This is that secret mystery which is hidden in Upanishads; for the Upanishad is the secret of the Veda. This is that which Brahma knoweth for the Womb of the Eternal and the older Gods and the sages who knew of This, became This & were immortal. गुणान्वयो यः फलकर्मकर्ता कृतस्य तस्यैव स चोपभोक्ता । स विश्वरुपस्त्रिगुणस्त... there is no other source of lordship and kingliness. यो ब्रह्माणं विदधाति पूर्वं यो वै वेदांश्च प्रहिणोति तस्मै । तं ह देवमात्मबुद्धिप्रकाशं मुमुक्षुर्वै शरणमहं प्रपद्ये ॥१८॥ 18) He ordained Brahma the Creator from of old and sent forth unto him the Veda, I will hasten unto God who standeth self-revealed in the Spirit & in the Understanding. I will take refuge in the Lord for my salvation; ...


... िवेकस्तावद् ब्रह्मैव नित्यं वस्तु ततोऽन्यदखिलमनित्यमिति विवेचनम् ॥१६॥ 16) By Discrimination of eternal objects from the transient we understand the discernment of Brahma as the one thing eternal and of everything other than Brahma as transient and perishable. Page 333 ...


... can be lived. Fact of material existence or no, it is an indubitable fact of spiritual experience and seems for a time to be the only wholly blissful fact, the one thing of which we can say Anandam Brahma, Delight is the eternal Reality, Bliss is Brahman. It is as described in the Upanishad, shukram akáyam avranam asnáviram shuddham apápaviddham, luminous, bodiless, invulnerable, without sinews of force... untouched by it, udásínavad ásínah, yet is not that the last goal nor the unsurpassable resting-place. Beyond & containing the Kshara and the Akshara Brahman we perceive the supreme existence of the Param Brahma which, transcendent, realises in Itself the harmony of [the] stillness & the movement; beyond and containing the Kshara & the Akshara Purusha we arrive at & inhabit the supreme soul-state of the P ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... tejasvini, though the king had prayed for sons at first (putra me bahavo devi bhaveyu kulapāvanāh). At the same time, the Goddess makes it clear that the boon she was granting had its origin in Brahma. It was the Creator who had ordained that the child be a girl. While we should not be carried away by the gender-differentiation in its minutiae, the fact that the incarnation is cast as a female... spiritual experience of Savitri when the latent power that had lain coiled at her base (the Muladhara) begins to climb upwards, undoing the knots (also centres imaged as lotuses), of Vishnu-granthi, Brahma-granthi and Rudra-granthi, and meets at the thousand-petalled Sahasrara at the crown, receive the nectarian powers there only to pour through the cleared channels of the body all these powers readied ...

... nd oblations he offers to Savitri even while observing the strictest ritual-vows during the entire period. The Goddess is immensely pleased by his devotion to her and approaches the Father-Creator Brahma to grant a son to him. But he is to get the gift of a radiant daughter and he is told not to have any uneasy feeling in accepting what has been sanctioned. Page 92 When a baby-girl... deeper interiors making them rich with its own wonders. When Vyasa speaks of Savitri as dhyānyogaparāyana — Adept in the Yoga of Meditation Satyavan as gunasāgara Ocean of Merit an epithet of Brahma himself Yama as pitrarājastām bhagavān — King-Father Lord the saints guiding the sun, upholding the earth, giving refuge to the three divisions of Time, and protecting the world, or the incantatory ...


... Goddess of Wisdom Apocalyptic Virgin Theotakos—Mother of God The Divine Feminine Swayamprabhā of the Ramayana Page 21 Canto Twenty Then Brahma engaged himself in gold-bright tapas And the directions were born and the word And out of the truth-idea, the splendid womb Sprang readily seven rhythms of creation And the great rishis... the topaz rock And heard seven great notes; flooded her the sound Occult soham ̣ - om ̣ - ham ̣ - yam ̣ - ram ̣ - vam ̣ - lam.̣ 26 May 2002 Brahmāndhāra : Darkness of Brahma or the Great Night, the Night of God; Dryden's is genuine night full of idiocy and ignorance. soham ,̣ om,̣ ham,̣ yam,̣ ram,̣ vam,̣ lam ̣are the seven sounds that come from the seven Chakras ...


... the companies of the Siddhas bow down before thee in adoration. How should they not do thee homage, O great Spirit? For thou art the original Creator and Doer of works and greater even than creative Brahma. O thou Infinite, O thou Lord of the gods, O thou abode of the universe, thou art the Immutable and thou art what is and is not and thou art that which is the Supreme. Thou art the ancient Soul and... All-Pervasive Page 28 and you are Yama the Ordainer and, living in creature-kind, you are Agni. Varuna the Ruler over the Waters you are, and Soma the Moon-God. You are the Creator as Brahma and even beyond him, that Supreme, you are; you are yourself the begetter of the great Grandsire. O Master of the Universe, besides this existence, all that is visible or invisible, all that has taken ...


... wer, Tapasya. Brihaspati—Wisdom (Word and Knowledge). Vishnu—Cosmic Consciousness. Vayu—Life. Post-Vedic Gods of the Indian Tradition Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva are only three Powers and Personalities of the One Cosmic Godhead. Brahma is the Power of the Divine that stands behind formation and creation. As for Vishnu being the creator, all the three Gods are often spoken of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... 7 September 1913 The morning began with a chequered movement. Afterwards, there came the lipi "First God & liberty, then telepathy." The mind turned towards the perception of the Jnanam Anandam Brahma which has been increasing in force & persistence & perceived very powerfully the delight of Brahman in Avidya, limitation & suffering & the last knot of attachment to liberation was removed from the... buddhi & the soul, it has to be stamped firmly on the rest of the antahkaran. Afterwards, a very minute & brihat telepathy commenced—the realisation in practical mentality of the Sarvam Anantam Jnanam Brahma. All the perceptions do not yet come at the right time, some revealing themselves after the thing perceived has passed out of the mind of the object. Nevertheless the movements of men & animals are ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... as (Revised Order) Yoganga— Sapta Chatusthaya— 1) Siddhichatusthaya—                              Shuddhi, Mukti, Bhukti, Siddhi. 2) Brahma Chatusthaya—                              Sarvam Anantam Jnanam Anandam Brahma. 3) Karma Chatusthaya—                              Krishna, Kali, Karma, Kama 4) Shanti Chatusthaya—                              Samata, Shanti, Sukha ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... governs, preserves and maintains the sensible creation which Hiranyagarbha has shaped. He is triple again as Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu; Shiva, the destroyer, the Yogin, the Lord of brute or inert life; the Master of Samadhi, the Refuge of the outcast & of those who have no refuge; Brahma, the Creator, who puts forth life and stays not his hand for a moment; Vishnu, the Preserver & Saviour, the Master of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... the Taoist thinkers. There there seems to be an impersonal ineffable Eternal who is spirit and at the same time the one life of the universe: it supports and flows impartially in all things, samaṁ brahma ; it is a One that is nothing, Asat, because other than all that we perceive and yet the totality of all these existences. The fluid personality that forms like foam on this Infinite, the mobile ego... mayi . This is the profound comprehensiveness of the teaching of the Gita that while it recognises the truth of the universalised impersonality into which we enter by the extinction of ego, brahma-nirvāṇa , Page 549 —for indeed without it there can be no liberation or at least no absolute release,—it recognises too the persistent spiritual truth of our personality as a factor of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... back to spiritual freedom is to cast away entirely all that belongs to the dynamics of the ignorance and to convert the soul into a pure spiritual existence. That is what is called becoming Brahman, brahma-bhūya . It is to put off the lower mental, vital, physical existence and to put on the pure spiritual being. This can best be done by the intelligence and will, buddhi , our present topmost principle... are in the end one thing; a total and perfect spirituality makes us one with all the Divine in self and in nature. In fact this becoming Brahman, this assumption into the self of eternal silence, brahma-bhūya , is not all our objective, but only the necessary immense base for a still greater and more marvellous divine becoming, madbhāva . And to get to that greatest spiritual perfection we have indeed ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... marvel and joy and fear he bows down and adores with words of awe and with clasped hands the tremendous vision. "I see" he cries "all the gods in thy body, O God, and different companies of beings, Brahma the creating lord seated in the Lotus, and the Rishis and the race of the divine Serpents. I see numberless arms and bellies and eyes and faces, I see thy infinite forms on every side, but... indicates the double intention in the vision. This is the figure of the supreme and universal Being, the Ancient of Days who is for ever, sanātanaṁ puruṣaṁ purāṇam , this is he who for ever creates, for Brahma the Creator is one of the Godheads seen in his body, he who keeps the world always in existence, for he is the guardian of the eternal laws, but who is always too destroying in order that he may new-create ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... of unchanging measures. Nietzsche denied Being, but had to speak of a universal Will-to-be; which again, when you come to think of it, seems to be no more than a translation of the Upanishadic tapo brahma , "Will-Energy is Brahman." The later Sankhya denied the unity of conscious existences, but asserted the unity of Nature, Prakriti, which is again at once the original principle and substance of things... generalises, he puts it widely enough; it is the One that is All, it is the All that is One,—Zeus, eternity, the Fire. He could have said with the Upanishad, "All this is the Brahman", sarvaṁ khalu idaṁ brahma , though he could not have gone on and said, "This Self is the Brahman", but would have declared rather of Agni what a Vedantic formula says of Vayu, tvaṁ pratyakṣaṁ brahmāsi , "Thou art manifest ...


... of the intellectual, Sankhya attract the admiration of the analytical mind, Buddha capture the rationalist in search of a less material synthesis than the modern scientist's continual Annam Brahma Pranam Brahma, but these are only grandiose intellectualities. The world at large does not live by the pure intellect, concrete itself it stands by things concrete or practical, although, immaterial in its ...


... guruparampara as an essential instrument for the survival of Veda. The truth of Brahman is the thing to be known, the Veda and Vedanta are the word-symbol and formal expression of the Brahman,—shabdam Brahma, the guru is the human receptacle of the knowledge who transmits it to his worthiest disciples. Thus the guruparampara forms the succession of spiritual torchbearers, who, as in the ancient Greek festival... of Yoga & the revelatory experience of great souls, be repaired. We possess intellectually the general truths of Vedanta, the transcendental unity of things and the universal unity, ekam adwitíyam Brahma and so’ham asmi, the secret of divine renunciation of the Ascetic and the secret of divine joy of the Vaishnava, with much else that is sovereign, vital, a priceless heritage. We possess many symbolic ...


... form one of the most sacred clans of Rishies, and Purshurama, the destroyer of princes, was of his offspring. By the Titaness Puloma this mighty seer and patriarch, himself one of the mind-children of Brahma had a son Chyavan—who inherited even from the womb his father's personality, greatness and ascetic energy. Chyavan too became an instructor and former of historic minds and a father of civilization;... unexpressed idea of existence which by her expression takes visible form and being; for the word is prior to and more real, because more spiritual, than the thing it expresses; she is the daughter of Brahma and has inherited the creative power of her father, the wife of Vishnou and shares the preservative energy of her husband; Vasuqie, also, and Seshanaga, the great serpent with his hosts, whose name ...


... supramental creation. Sweet Mother, here you have said that the Supreme Mother is the creatrix of the universe. But in India usually it is said that Brahma is the creator. But Sri Aurobindo has said that the Supreme Mother is the mother of Brahma. She is the Mother of all the gods. The genders of the gods and goddesses are also human formations? No, no! Why should they be human formations ...


... Department of Education, MHRD has declared prominent NGO's like Ramakrishna Institute of Moral and Spiritual Education (RIMSE) Mysore, Sri Aurobindo Education Society, New Delhi, Chinmoy Mission, Prajapita Brahma Kumaris lswariya Viswa Vidyalaya, Santi Kunj, Hardwar, Kendriyajeevan Vigyan Academy, National Spiritual Assembly of Bahais of India and Sri Satya Sai Institute of Higher Learning as Regional Resource... number of prominent NGO's as Regional Resource Centres in Value Education. These are Rama Krishna Mission Institute of Moral and Spiritual Education, Mysore (RIMSE), Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Prajapita Brahma Kumaris lshwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Satya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, National Spiritual Assembly of Bahai's of India, Chinmaya Mission and Kendriya Jeevan Vigyan Academy. NCERT will coordinate ...

... The living truth of you.¹ _____________ ¹ Ibid., pp. 99-102. Page 238 APPENDIX II Glossary Ananta infinite. Anandam Brahma (realisation of) the Brahman as the self-existent bliss and its universal delight of being; the fourth member of the brahmacatustaya. Arogya health; freedom from disease... 'laughter', the final member of the samatacatustaya: it is 'an active internal state of gladness and cheerfulness which no adverse experience mental or physical can trouble.¹ Jnanam Brahma (realisation of) the Brahman as the self-existent consciousness and universal knowledge; the third member of the brahmacatustaya. ___________________________ ¹ 'Record of ...

... Reality, samam brahma. One can expect to possess this supernal equality only when one arrives at the concrete experience of the Presence of the 'One-without-sec-ond', ekam eva advitīyam, in and behind everything in this world of manifestation. It is impossible to attain it in any other way. Sri Aurobindo has lucidly spelt out the nature of this realisation of samam brahma on pages 211-13 ...

... marvel and joy and fear he bows down and adores with words of awe and with clasped hands the tremendous vision. "I see" he cries "all the gods in thy body, , O God, and different companies of beings, Brahma the creating lord seated in the Lotus, and the Rishis and the race of the divine Serpents. I see numberless arms and bellies and eyes and faces, I see thy infinite forms on every side, but I see not... indicates the double intention in the vision. This is the figure of the supreme and universal Being, the Ancient of Days who is for ever, sanātanaṁ puruṣaṁ purāṇam, this is he who for ever creates, for Brahma the Creator is one of the Godheads seen in his body, he who keeps the world always in existence, for he is the guardian of the eternal laws, but who is always too destroying in order that he may new-create ...

... furnish proof of their (gods') existence." 1 The Indian teleological argument formulated by Śankara (788-820 C. E.?) has been highlighted by Nakamura by citing the following from Sahkara's Brahma-sutrabhasya: "When the matter is considered with the help of examples only, it is seen that in the world of non-intelligent objects without being guided by an intelligence brings forth from... House, 1937), vol. II, p. 628. 2.Sarikara defines the Brahman as follows: "Brahman is the omniscient and omnipotent cause of the origin, persistence and passing away of the world." Śankara's Brahma-sūtrabhāsya, Bibliotheca Indica, p. 90, 1. 3. Cf. Deussen, System of the Vedânta, p. 123. 3. Brahmasutra II, 3, 9. 4. Chand. Up. II, 2, 2. 5. Śvet. Up. II, 9. 6. Br ...

... with a stupendous intensity the world as a cinematographic play of vacant forms in the impersonal universality of the Absolute Brahman. 119 " Evidently, it was an experience of what the Gita calls Brahma-Nirvana. The Akshara Brahman alone existed, all- pervasive, silent, passive and immutable, and the world appeared as "a cinematographic play of vacant forms in the 116. 117. Sri Aurobindo... 120 He could have realised in the Purushottama, as the Gita makes abundantly clear and conclusive, or in the Purusha of the Veda and the Upanishads, the eternal oneness of Matter and Spirit, annam Brahma, of the Self and the universe, of unity and multiplicity, vidyā and avidyā. That would have been, indeed, the true, the perfect Adwaita without the bewildering, inexplicable shadow of Maya hanging ...

... epigrammatic expression in which the whole quintessence of philosophy is contained. They will say: "Satyam, shivam, sundaram": the true, the good, the beautiful. Or they will say: "Satyam, jnanam, anantam brahma": Truth, knowledge, infinite. Question: Does that belong to the Truth? "Truth, knowledge, infinite": it is from the Upanishad. That's how it is expressed sometimes. Or "Satyam, Ritam... sundaram - that's the ultimate functioning of some highest reality. If you ask one who has seen it, well, he would like to put it like that. Or Truth, Knowledge and Infinity: Satyam, Jnanam, Anantam Brahma - they say it like that in the Upanishadic language, or they will say: Satyam, Ritam, Brihat. It is a Vedic term - from which the word Brahman also comes. Page 51 Now the poet ...


... a or siddhānta) by reference to ancient authority has been the traditional Indian way of convincingly projecting a dialectic, and Sankara, Ramanuja, and the numerous other commentators on the Brahma Sutras and the Gita have not hesitated to draw profusely on scripture. This universe is, after all, a self-adjusted continuum in \which nothing suddenly erupts as from a total vacuum, and what strikes... "Who, then, is this god Agni to whom language of so mystic a fervour is addressed, to whom functions so vast and profound are ascribed?" 25 In one Hymn (II.i), Agni is addressed as Indra, Vishnu, Brahma, Rudra, Varuna, Twashtri, Pushan, Savitri, Bhaga, Ribhu, Aditi, Bharati, Ila and Saraswati! In another, again, there is this multiple-identification: Thou art Varuna, O Fire, when thou art ...

... marvel and joy and fear he bows down and adores with words of awe and with clasped hands the tremendous vision. 'I see,' he cries, 'all the gods in Thy body, O God, and different companies of beings, Brahma the creating lord seated in the Lotus, and the Rishis and the race of the divine Serpents. I see numberless arms and bellies and eyes and faces, I see Thy infinite forms on every side, but I see not... abandoned as soon as its utility is over. It flies right in the ' face of the comprehensive outlook of the Veda, the Upanishads¹ and the Gita in splitting existence into two: ¹ Sarvam khalvidam brahma (All this world is verily the Brahman), brahmaivedam viśwamidam varistham (All this universe is verily the Supreme Brahman). Page 295 Reality and Illusion. While the ancient wisdom ...

... earth look like a little particle of dust, Water seems to be just a small drop, Fire seems to be an insignificantly small spark, Wind seems to be a soft breath. Sky looks a minute hole, Gods like Siva, Brahma etc. seem like the smallest of insects, Victory be to the dust-particle of those beautiful feet. Mukundamalastotram 19 या ते रुद्र शिवा तनूरघोरा पापनाशिनी। तया नस्तन्वा शंतमया गिरिशन्ता... Nilarudra Upanishad 1.8 Translation by Sri Aurobindo Sri Aurobindo, Kena and Other Upanishads: Nila Rudra Upanishad ततः परं ब्रह्म परं बृहन्तं यथानिकायं सर्वभूतेषु गूढम् ॥ tataḥ paraṁ brahma paraṁ bṛhantaṁ yathānikāyaṁ sarvabhūteṣu gūḍham, Thereafter, the great and Supreme Brahman is concealed in all beings in accordance with the difference in their bodies. Shwetashwatara Upanishad ...

... solely to Thy service. The Mother, Prayers and Meditations: May 3, 1914 ब्रह्मार्पणं ब्रह्म हविर्ब्रह्माग्नौ ब्रह्मणा हुतम्। ब्रह्मैव तेन गन्तव्यं ब्रह्मकर्मसमाधिना॥ brahmārpaṇaṁ brahma havirbrahmāgnau brahmaṇā hutaṁ, brahmaiva tena gantavyaṁ brahmakarmasamādhinā. Brahman is the giving, Brahman is the food offering, by Brahman it is offered into the Brahman-fire; Brahman is that... whose face is bright and beautiful like the full moon of Autumn, whose smiling lips are red like Bimba-fruit, who showers the nectar of Her compassion, who is adored even by Lords like Vishnu, Siva, Brahma, She — the aspired for by all and the giver of boons — is to be meditated upon. Sitadhyanam वन्दे मीरां जगद्धात्रीम् मीरा नामैव नामैव मम जीवनम् मीरा नामैव मम शरणम् मीरा मम शरणम् vande ...

... blest,     Those hills renowned. In Vishnu's house where wide Love builds his nest,     My feet have stood. MANU Is he not That, the blue-winged Dove of peace,     Father of Good? RISHI Nor Brahma, though the suns and hills and seas     Are called his brood. Page 225 MANU Is God a dream then? are the heavenly coasts     Visions vain? RISHI I came to Shiva's roof; the flitting ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... This is nothing more nor less than the truth proclaimed by the Vedas, "One existent the sages call by many names." Brahman is willing to be called Vishnu, and yet he is not willing, because he is also Brahma and Maheshwara and all the gods and the world and all principles and all that is, and yet not any of these things, neti neti . As men approach him, so he accepts them. But the One to Heraclitus as ...


... receive, uphold, impel his sacrifice are yajata, yajatra , powers of the sacrifice; the Dasyu is the opposite of both, he is ayajyu . The Aryan in the sacrifice finds the divine word, gīḥ, mantra, brahma, uktha, he is the brahmā or singer of the word; the gods delight in and uphold the word, girvāhas, girvaṇas , the Dasyus are haters and destroyers of the Word, brahmadviṣaḥ , spoilers of speech ...


... light; the chariot drawn by the horses yoked by the Truth finds (by knowledge, svarvidā nābhinā ) the luminous vastnesses of being and consciousness and delight now concealed from our vision. "By the brahma Indra pierces Vala, conceals the darkness, makes Swar visible" (II.24.3), ud gā ājad abhinad brahmaṇā valam agūhat tamo vyacakṣayat svaḥ . The whole Rig Veda is a triumph-chant of the powers of ...


... the vahana, He bears them up on His infinite strength & speed & motion. He bears all of them without respect of differences, samabhavena, with the divine impartiality and equality of soul—samam hi Brahma. To the type of each individual being this Universal Might adapts himself & seems to take upon himself their image. He is Haya to the Gods, Arvan to the Asura, Vajin to the Gandharvas, Aswa to men ...


... doctrine that the objective world is not Brahman and is therefore an illusion. The objections to the interpretation seem to me insuperable. The words are not Tadeva Brahmeti twam viddhi, but Tadeva Brahma twam viddhi, which we should naturally interpret "Seek to know that Brahman" i.e., "seek to know Brahman in That Consciousness" and not in the form of this objective world to which most men are attached ...


... glimpse of it in the symbolic idea of Indian religion which attributes each of these qualities respectively to one member of the cosmic Trinity, sattwa to the preserver Vishnu, rajas to the creator Brahma, tamas to the destroyer Rudra. Looking behind this idea for the rationale of the triple ascription, we might define the three modes or qualities in terms of the motion of the universal Energy as Nature's ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... executive Energy, Will or Law, Maya, Prakriti, Shakti or Karma, is behind all happenings, whether to us they seem good or bad, acceptable or inacceptable, fortunate or adverse. The Infinite creates and is Brahma; it preserves and is Vishnu; it destroys or takes to itself and is Rudra or Shiva. The supreme Energy beneficent in upholding and protection is or else formulates itself as the Mother of the worlds ...


... let us hear, they begin the citation. With OM they sing the hymns of the Sama; with OM SHOM they pronounce the Shastra. With OM the priest officiating at the sacrifice sayeth the response. With OM Brahma beginneth creation (or With OM the chief priest giveth sanction). With OM one sanctioneth the burnt offering. With OM the Brahmin ere he expound the Knowledge, crieth "May I attain the Eternal." The ...


... the orthodox Vedanta was, at any rate in its main tendencies, pantheistic at the basis, monistic at the summit. 5 It knew of the Brahman, one without a second; it knew of the Gods, Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma and the rest, who all resolve themselves into the Brahman; but the one supreme Brahman as the one Ishwara, Purusha, Deva—words often applied to it in the Upanishads and justifying to that extent, yet ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... as well expect to have a practical knowledge of high mathematics by knowing that Einstein is a great mathematician. Queer ideas you have! Are they A? B? C? D? E? F?—but he can't be for he is a Brahma himself, so keeps himself secluded like Him, no? ??????? 18 July 1937 "Advanced Sadhaks" X is an advanced sadhak? This word "advanced" has no sense, it merely feeds the egoism of those ...


... in their supreme truth,—the truth of Knowledge, the truth of Bhakti, the truth of ecstasy and Ananda, everything is there. There is also a manifestation of Light—the Upanishads speak of jyotir brahma , the Light that is Brahman. Very often the sadhak feels a flow of Light upon him or around him or a flow of Light invading his centres or even his whole being and body, penetrating and illumining ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... the producers and support of society, the Shudras its servants. As if that were all, as if the men of those days would have so profound a reverence for mere poetical figures like this of the body of Brahma or that other of the marriages of Suryā, would have built upon them elaborate systems of ritual and sacred ceremony, enduring institutions, great demarcations of social type and ethical discipline ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... contract; and numerous others. From the same idea of limitation we get another shade of significance, the sense of confinement, control, containing or contents,—or embrace.We find मः as a name of Shiva, Brahma & Vishnu who embrace & control all things, मम्, contents, substance, wealth, welfare. The cases of अहं, मां, मे etc spring from the same idea of I as the containing self. The mother who bears or contains ...


... becomes everywhere, the Self-existent" or "the Self-Becoming". The Immutable is the still and secret foundation of the play and the movement, extended equally, impartially in all things, samaṁ brahma , 2 lending its support to all without choice or active participation. Secure and free in His eternal immutability the Lord projects Himself into the play and the movement, becoming there in His ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... order to maintain the secrecy of the निण्यं वचः about the soul. I cannot accept Sayana's interpretation of ब्रह्मणे = परिवृढाय तुभ्यं. ब्रह्मणे in Veda means either to the mantra, or to the soul, or to Brahma; we need not embarrass ourselves with a fourth & unnecessary choice. 7) सेदग्ने अस्तु सुभगः सुदानु- र्यस्त्वा नित्येन हविषा य उक्थैः । पिप्रीषति स्व आयुषि दुरोणे विश्वेदस्मै सुदिना सासदिष्टिः ...


... all practical Vedanta. This transcendence & dissolution may result either in loss of the waking self & relapse into some sleepbound principle, undifferentiated Prakriti, sushupta Purusha, Sunyam Brahma (Nihil), etc or in loss of the world self in Parabrahman or in Page 356 universalisation of the waking self & the joy of God's divine being in & beyond the world, Amritam. The last is the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... no other person besides God in the universe. Whatever different masks He may wear, from house to house of His habitation, it is always He. The disguises may be utterly concealing. He may manifest as Brahma & Vishnu, Surya & Agni or as the Yaksha & the Pishacha; he may dwell here as the man or dwell here as the animal; he may shine out as the saint or lust in Himself as the criminal; but all these are ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... hampered by the refusal of the annam to obey or even contain the vijnanamaya movements of the vak. On the other hand artha becomes more & more full and clear, powerful and luminous. Jnanam & Anandam Brahma are steadily deepening. The chief struggle is over the third & fourth chatusthayas where the annamaya obstruction has concentrated the best of its strength. Ananda has risen from the ratha of r ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... higher, getting wider and wider; but there is a certain intense ecstasy about the first complete plunge which is extraordinarily seizing. It is not only the bhakta's rapture, but the jnani's plunge into Brahma-Nirvana or Brahmananda or release into the still eternity of the Self that is of that seizing and Page 401 absorbing character—it does not look at first as if one could or would care or ...


... Prakriti can also disappear gradually from one field after another till none is left. For this a perfect samata even in the cells of the body and in every vibration of the being is necessary— samaṁ hi brahma . One is then quite free from it in works also. The individual remains but that is not the small separative ego, but a form and power of the Universal which feels itself one with all beings, an acting ...


... symbol of purity; the pure Sat, the inactive luminous Brahman is imaged in the Vedanta as of a white lustre, शुभ्रं, शुक्रं; Shiva is white; sattwaguna is white; on the other [hand] red is the colour of Brahma, the creator, of the rajoguna and symbolic of action, force, desire etc. The rose brings in the idea of love & delight into the idea of action. Agni is सुबन्धुः, सुभगः. If we accept, as we have already ...


... character and for higher purposes gave place to a new pantheon. They had to give precedence to Puranic deities who developed out of the early company but assumed larger cosmic functions, Vishnu, Rudra, Brahma—developing from the Vedic Brihaspati, or Brahmanaspati,—Shiva, Lakshmi, Durga. Thus in India the change in the gods was less complete, the earlier deities became the inferior divinities of the Puranic ...


... the heart. In each Kaliyuga mankind gains something in essential spirituality. Whether we take the modern scientific or the ancient Hindu standpoint the progress of humanity is a fact. The wheel of Brahma rotates for ever but it does not turn in the same place; its rotations carry it forward." The psychical researcher and doctor Mary Scott is both right and wrong. I remember a statement of Sri Aurobindo ...

... Existence creates and supports the world and is at once the same God and Nature and world, Personal and Impersonal, Pure and Varied, Qualified and without qualities, Krishna and Kali, and Shiva and Brahma and Vishnu, man and animal and vegetable and stone, all aspects of Himself and all symbols. We need not doubt therefore that we, recovering our divine reality, shall not be bound to a single condition ...

... r period terminated with an incident of profound significance which the Mother recounted to the present writer. She received one day what she has called the Word of Creation. Just as the God Brahma is said to have brought forth the world with his Word of Creation, the fiat of a new world that could be marvellously built lay ready with the Mother. A superhuman world was on the verge of ...

... (London, 1914), II, p. 7. 2."The Vikrama Sarhvat", Vikrama Commemoration Volume, Ujjain, 1948), p. 565. 3. Op. cit., p. 6. Page 18 Albērūnī . Brahmagupta, in his Brahma-Sphuta-Siddhānta (1,26), writes that when the Śakas came to an end 3179 years of the Kaliyuga [of 3102-3101 B.C.] had passed.' The next verse repeats the calculation with a variant expression still ...


... Divine. I vividly remember the substance of her account of it to me in an interview. She said she had come to possess the Word of Creation. When I looked a little puzzled she added: "You know that Brahma is said to create by his Word. In the same way whatever I would express could take place. I had willed to express a whole new world of superhuman reality. Everything was prepared in the subtle dimension ...


... rays aloft. समाकुलं भाविभिरास्यवर्यैर्ब्रह्माणमद्राक्षमथाभ्ररूपम्। सहस्रमक्षीणि ददर्श तस्मिन् प्रतीक्षमाणान्यभयं जनन्याः ॥४९॥ Crowded with glorious faces of the future, I beheld now the creator Brahma in the shape of a cloud whence looked forth a thousand eyes that foresaw the Mother’s deliverance from fear. द्विकोटिभास्वद्वरसूर्यभासं ज्योतिस्तदा सौम्यमरातिनाशि। नारीशरीरं रमणीयकान्ति दूरादु ...


... packed away in an accessible corner of the brain, Shankara's gospel of Maya, and start instead from the old Vedantic beginnings OM Tat Sat, That (Brahman) is the thing that Is, and Sarvam khalvidam Brahma, Verily, all this , everything of which we are aware, is Brahman. It is at least possible that we may return from this inquiry with a deeper idea both of sanskaras and of Maya and may find that we ...


... that Divine Existence creates & supports the world & is at one & the same [time] God & Nature & World, Personal & Impersonal, Pure & Varied, Qualitied & without Qualities, Krishna & Kali, Shiva & Brahma & Vishnu, man & animal & vegetable & stone, all aspects of Himself & all symbols. We need not doubt therefore that we, recovering our divine reality, shall not be bound to a single condition or aspect ...


... invisible objects is not yet developed beyond the telepathic action. What the ideal T² is now working on, is the present tendency and future action of visible objects. 30 April 1918 Completion of the Brahma-chatusthaya in the perception and sense of all things as the conscious body of the Purushottama. This was prepared by the sors , रसोऽहमप्सु कौन्तेय प्रभास्मि शशिसूर्ययोः प्रणवः सर्ववेदेषु शब्दः ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... elements of Çarira siddhi. The first two chatusthayas have enormously increased in breadth, power and finality, though not yet absolutely secure against superficial fragmentary and momentary disturbance. Brahma chatusthaya has enlarged in base and scope and taken on the supreme Ishwara, Purusha form. It has only to be thoroughly confirmed and filled in with the jnana, etc by the gnosis. The difficulty ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... ity and His universal Personality. And what was Vivekananda? A radiant glance from the eye of Shiva; but behind him is the divine gaze Page 442 from which he came and Shiva himself and Brahma and Vishnu and OM all-exceeding. 159) He who recognises not Krishna, the God in man, knows not God entirely; he who knows Krishna only, knows not even Krishna. Yet is the opposite truth also wholly ...


... past was moving and for the sake of which it lived. Then we perceive that there is no real opposition between these three; we see that they are parts of a single movement, a sort of Trinity of Vishnu-Brahma-Maheshwara fulfilling by an inseparable action the one Deity. Yet the human mind in its mania of division and opposition seeks to set them at strife and ranges humanity into various camps, the partisans ...


... story starts there. He began creating a whole imbroglio on earth just to prove his point. It was only a film story, but anyway, the goddesses, the three wives of the Trimurti—that is, the consort of Brahma, the consort of Vishnu and the consort of Shiva—joined forces (!) and tried all kinds of things to foil Narada. I no longer recall the details of the story ... Oh yes, the story begins like this: one ...


... oblivious slumber. Each day, with the advent of light they emerge into activity and con- Page 142 tinue their progress-creating career. Traditionally the moment of their awaking, termed "Brahma-muhurta", is 4 a.m. Every temple in India rings its bells and clangs its cymbals at 4 a.m. to stir the deities, no less than the devotees, into action. The "hour", therefore, which Savitri depicts ...


... there, of Sri Aurobindo becoming red at first and then golden. It was something grand and intense. The background Page 192 of the light was all dark and in the darkness all the gods — Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva — were lying as if heaped like rocks. It meant that their reign had been over and Sri Aurobindo's had begun. Page 193 ...


... and higher experiences that he had — as he himself wrote about them later. He talks of how the “thousand petalled lotus Centre above the head opened due to the Grace of the Divine Mother. So too the Brahma-randram. He experienced being transported to many regions of Golden Light, into the presence of the Supreme Lord, full of peace and Ananda. These are a few bits and pieces gathered and patched together ...


... Mother, music, painting (classical and futurist), handwork, manual labour — all claim his impartial and entire attention when they come before him. He exercises no preferences; to him all is samam brahma, the watchword of every yoga. He will again protest that he does not know yoga and say that he is only a worker whose Mantra is Service. True, he is the embodiment of Service and the manner and ...


... Divine; LY: Letters on Yoga; Sav: Savitri; SY: The Synthesis of Yoga. × Not to be confused with ‘Brahma’, the creator god of the Hindu trinity. × This “multiverse” has been evoked by Sri Aurobindo in his ...

... by the word, that by which the word is expressed, know that indeed to be the Brahman." (na tatra cak ṣ urgacchati na v ā g gacchati no memo... yad v ā c ā na-bhyuditam yena v ā g abhyudyate tadeva brahma tvam viddhi) This is indeed the dilemma: according to the unanimous assertions made by various seers and mystics, when the direct spiritual Sight is operative in its full potency, the human ...

... got what she termed “the Word of Creation.”’ 19 Elsewhere he writes: ‘She said [to Sethna] she had come to possess the Word of Creation. When I looked a little puzzled she added: “You know that Brahma is said to create by his Word. In the same way whatever I would express could take place. I had willed to express a whole new world of superhuman reality. Everything was prepared in the subtle dimension ...

... and hillocks. Animals wander fearlessly. Colourful birds continuously chant Her name melodiously among the splendours of magnificent nature. The Supreme Mother reclines on a unique divan supported by Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and Maheshwara. The whole Universe dwells in the nail of the big toe of Her right foot. I once related this story to the Mother. She was charmed. I never forgot to kiss her right ...


... × Anusuya : wife of the rishi Atri and endowed with a great inner force. In her husband's absence, three gods came (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) disguised as brahmins and asked her for something to eat. Then they refused to eat unless she served them naked. Since they were brahmins, she could not send them away without feeding ...


... have remained in contact with their Origin and they feel themselves to be the representation of the Origin, as in the Indian theogony in which they say that Shiva is the representative of the Supreme—Brahma, the creator, Vishnu, the preserver, Shiva, the transformer—and all three are conscious representatives of the Supreme, but partial ones. It's perfectly obvious that those are only manners of speaking ...


... Gods pass into an oblivious slumber. Each day, with the advent of light they emerge into activity and continue their progress-creating career. Traditionally the moment of their awaking, termed " Brahma-muhurta", is 4 a.m. Every temple in India rings its bells and clangs its cymbals at 4 a.m. to stir the deities, no less than the devotees, into action. The "hour", therefore, which Savitri depicts ...


... Avatar's work 63,273 Avidya 259,302 avyakta 302 B Beddoes 197 Benson, Robert Hugh 23 Binyon, Laurence 210,223 Blake 153,197 blank-verse 102,215 Brahma-muhurta 253 Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 302 brhat 302 Browning, Elizabeth 60,161 C Celtic fire and ether 197 ChadwickJohnA. 266 Chandidas 126 Chapman 189 ...


...         But the most astonishing result of the descent was — as the Mother once related to me — that she got what is called the Word of Creation. Yes, the Word of Creation — just as the God Brahma is supposed to have created the universe by his Word. Now a Power came to the Mother to create as it were a new world by the mere Word: whatever she would say would come true. And a whole new World ...


... behind the universe of Mind, Life and Matter is the world of the Great Gods. They receive light from the Supramental. It is they that govern our universe. Hindu culture represented these Gods as Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva in the Puranas. What the Puranas describe as the Gopi Rasalila, the play of Krishna with the Gopis who are ¹. "Sri Aurobindo at Evening Talk", Mother India., ...

... was a virtuous king in Madra, named Aswapati; he had no issue to inherit his throne and kingdom. With the purpose of getting sons bom to him, he propitiated goddess Savitri — the wedded partner of Brahma — and performed tapasya observing brahmacharya, regulated his dietary and took the curtailed food at regular intervals — once in the sixth period of Sometime after, a daughter was indeed ...

... Sea, 276 Boghazkoy, 280 Bolan Pass/River/Valley, 205, 219, 226, 228, 229, 231, 244, 253, 264, 357 Bopp, 273 Bos indie us, 248 Bos primogenius, 180 brahma-dvisah, 350 brahman, 196 Brāhmaṇas, 236, 246, 296-301, 371, 376, 380, 403 Brāhmaṇaspati, 337, 338, 395, 399 Brahmans, 163, 339, 346 brass, 236 Brbu, 362, 363 Brhaspati ...


... self-existent Spirit has become all things and creatures; life too is Brahman, the life-force is the very basis of our existence, the life-spirit, Vayu, is the manifest and evident Eternal, pratyaksam brahma. But it affirmed that the present way of existence of man is not the highest or the whole; his outward mind and life are not all his being; to be fulfilled and perfect he has to grow out of his ...

... focused in wonder on Pondicherry. But the spectacular period terminated with an incident of profound significance. The Mother received one day what she has called the Word of Creation. Just as the God Brahma is said to have brought forth the world with his Word of Creation, the fiat of a new world that could be marvellously built lay ready with the Mother. A superhuman world was on the verge of being ...

... t— With changing mood or mood unchangeable— Are lost for ever yet for ever found: The kindling cosmos, the fused flaming All Blaze without break from a timeless spaceless glow— Brahma outstretching omnipiesent life, Vishnu upholding one omniscient truth, Shiva sustaining both by omnipotent peace!   14.7.48 Page 338 ...


... getting wider and wider; but there is a certain intense ecstasy about the first complete plunge which is extraordinarily seizing. It is not only the bhakta's rapture, but the jnani's plunge into Brahma-Nirvana or Brahmananda or release into the still eternity of the Self that is of that seizing and absorbing character—it does not look at first as if one Page 44 could or would care ...

... attributive features have disappeared in the unmanifest state of deep slumber, ghana Page 58 ajnana or sushupti , which is just next to the state of the attainment of the Brahman, brahma prapti . In it meet the two states of wakefulness and dream, jagrita and swapna . These two states, of waking and dream, arising out of the perversions produced by the illusory power of Maya ...


... shall gradually wear itself out and finally disappear into the realisation of the ultimate Brahman. Page 87  At the end of a cycle of creation, kalpa , made of one day and one night of Brahma the Creator, all gets drowned in the great Cosmic Flood and there stays neither the sea nor the river. There exist no more these differentiated entities, but is present everywhere only the Brahman ...


... 34 the fathers who are full of the Soma and have the word and are therefore increasers of the truth. Indra provides fullness and force to the words of the Angirasas, angirasām ucathā jujusvān brahma tūtod gātum isnan. 35 It is by singing the rk, hymn of illumination, that the Angirasa rishis find the solar illuminations in the cave of our being . 36 In the process of the battle and ...

... the individual and collectivity. Its call is to awaken into us the vision of one underlying reality that can harmonise diversity into unity. It is consonant with the ancient Indian vision of samam brahma, one equal brahman, and it counsels us that when this vision is introduced practically into all aspects of our dynamic life, we can bring about the true reign of harmony. And the ideal of fraternity ...


... University of Madras, Chennai, 1972. Ayer, A.J., Language, Truth and Logic, London 1954. Balasubramanian, R., Advaita Vedanta, University of Madras, 1976. Balasubramanian, R., A Study of the Brahma Siddhi ofMandna Mis'ra, Chaukhamba Amar Bharati Prakashan, Varanasi, 1983. Balasubramanian, R., (ed., tr.), The Taittinyopanisad-Bhdsyavdrtika of Suresvara, Radhakrishnan Institute of Advanced ...

... thousands of men in battle, but he who is victorious over himself. The victory that one wins over oneself is of more value than victory over all the peoples. No god, no Gandharva,4 nor Mara nor Brahma can change that victory to defeat. If, month after month, for a hundred years one offers sacrifices by the thousand, and if for a single instant one offers homage to a being full of wisdom, that ...


... * VI. 2. l. Page 103 device, how intense the absorption it bestows upon the smallest of its works even as on the largest. This mighty energy is an equal and impartial mother, samam brahma, in the great term of the Gita, and its intensity and force of movement is the same in the formation and upholding of a system of suns and the organisation of the life of an ant-hill. It is the illusion ...

... were given a predominant position. In fact, not only the teacher, but the mother and the father and even the guest were given a place of high reverence. As 1 One well-known verse speaks of Guru as Brahma, as Vishnu and as Maheshwara. He is equated with the Supreme Absolute Being. Page 33 the Taittiriya Upanishad says: Matri devo bhava, pitri devo bhava, acharya devo bhava, atithi devo ...

... as also seven sons of ministers (Jambumalī and so on), and crushed the gallant Aksa (a son of Ravana), he allowed himself to be bound (under the spell of a Brahmastra or missile presided over by Brahma, the creator, Page 40 and discharged by Rāvana's heir apparent Meghanāda). (75) Though knowing himself as released by the (aforesaid) missile in consequence of a boon granted by Brahmā ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... analytical and partial knowledge). Therefore, we find Bhrigu making a further ascent from the Mind and discovering Vijnāna. As the Upanishad states: "He knew Knowledge for the Eternalˮ (vijnānam brahma iti vyajānāt). But even beyond vijnāna, there is a greater and higher principle of creativity to which Bhrigu ascended and came to know that Bliss is the Eternal. This is how the Taittiriya ...


... to be ready for a long journey and work out patiently these two tasks as quickly as possible and also as perfectly as possible. The Katha Upanishad, like all the other Upanishads, is centred on Brahma-Vidya, the knowledge of Brahman. The great-ness of the Upanishads lies in the fact that they give us a full description of the essence and nature of Brahman. That knowledge remains perennial, since ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Nachiketas

... various systems of thought, lead to the Lord Himself, just as all the streams of the river Ganges meet in the ocean (X. 26.). This reminds us, naturally, of the "Tattu samanvayāt" (1.1.4) sutra of the Brahma sutras of Bādarāyana; this is the fundamental philosophical attitude of the Indian philosopher in maintaining that all the differences in our ways of thinking, ways of worship, etc., are merely outward ...

... Absolute withdrawn into itself, but that Absolute in its outlook on the relative; it is the Lord, the Master-Soul, the governing Transcendent and All..." (SABCL, Vol. 12, p. 198) He is the samam Brahma, "the Brahman with unbounded equal vision" of the Gita. Here are some Savitri verses which strikingly bring out this impartial all-governing vision of the Divine in his dealing with the cosmos: ...

... " (Dhammapada, Ch. xi). In the classical Illusionist theory of cosmic existence, a sole and supreme, self-existent and immutable Transcendence is accepted as the one and only Reality (Brahma satyam, jaganmithyā. Ekam eva advitīyam). The universe superimposed on this Reality is either a non-existence, a semblance or in some inscrutable way (anir-vacaniyā māyā) unreally real (sadasat) ...

... existence, one, undivided, peaceful, inactive, undisturbed by the action of the world." 1 Although this Sad-Atman is the unique Origin and Sustainer of everything, sarvāni hyetad brahma, 2 being itself passive, the only relation it appears to have with this world of manifestation is that of "a disinterested Witness not at all involved in or affected or even touched by any of ...

... it might be answered that the right of the individual to any kind of egoistic freedom as against the State which represents the mind, the will, the good and interest of the whole community, sarvam brahma, is a dangerous fiction, a baneful myth. Individual liberty of life and action - even if liberty of thought and speech is for a time conceded, though this too can hardly remain unimpaired when once ...


... why do I? Their separative individuality is more robustly precise. Besides they have not the Man of Sorrows temperament as part of their make-up. You surely can't hold off Krishna, Shiva or Brahma because X treats the Divine like that. That would be acting not like a Friend, though maybe like the Divine! What do you mean? I am not holding off Krishna. It is Krishna who is holding off himself ...

... The present situation of Pakistan All these have put Pakistan in a most unenviable situation. Pakistan is being talked all over the world as a failed State. Here is an extract from Brahma Chellaney: "Economically, Pakistan has become a basket case under military rule, which has scared away investors with its bellicose rhetoric and cosy ties with fundamentalists. It is doubtful ...

... Better to have conquered one's own self than to have conquered all these peoples. And if one has conquered the self and moves always self-­controlled, neither gods nor angels nor Mara nor even Brahma can change that victory of his into defeat.   [7]   If month after month one offers sacrifices by thousands for one hundred years and if one worships an accomplished soul even ...

... . There are other forms of speech that are subtler and subtler as one rises in the scale of consciousness. The highest formulation of language, the supreme Word— v ā k —is 'OM'— n ā da — ś abda-brahma . That is the supreme speech-vibration. Page 60 the rhythmic articulation of the Supreme Consciousness Sachchidananda; the expression there is nearest to silence, almost merges ...

... the son of support. That son is self-sacrifice, as he devotes his life to support by hard manual labour his poor parents. So, the sacred Gayatri alias Savitri, the personification of Brahma-vidya, the heroine of disinterested love, elects him as the only fit husband for her. Her father Aswapati, the lord of horses, may be taken to signify one who has subdued the senses ...


... also mental qualities. The consciousness of the teacher has to be other than mental, something deeper, more abiding, more constant, less relative, something absolute. Do we then prescribe the supreme Brahma-consciousness for the teacher? Not quite. We mean the consciousness of a soul, the living light that is within every aspiring human being. It is a glad luminousness in the heart that can exist with ...

... doing and the deed, all are essentially He. In the sacrifice that is this moving, acting universe, the offerer, the offering and the offered, each and every element is the Brahman — brahmarpanam brahma havih. This gesture of the Divine Mother teaches us also what should be the approach and attitude of human beings in all their activities. In all our movements we should always remember Him ...

... inner nervous vigour and glow. What can be more bare and brief and full to the brim of a self-gathered luminous energy than, for example: yat pranena na praniti yena pranah praniyate tadeva brahma— That which lives not by Life, but which makes Life live— That is Brahman. or , nalpe sukhamasti bhumaiva sukham.. .yo vai bhuma tadamrtam atha yadalpam tanmartyam— ...

... We have reached the thousand mark and all of us are fit and strong." Then the Bull added something more. "Meanwhile, Satyakama," he said, "let me tell you something about the knowledge of Reality, brahma-vidyā - the very first lessons. Brahman has to be known in his four aspects; of these I shall tell you about the first just now. Of this first phase or aspect there are again four limbs. North, ...

... incommensurability. But can we say, 'I am born of God, and yet I am not God'? So the Indian boldly declares, all this is the supreme Divine, there is nothing else than the Divine— sarvam khalvidam brahma —I am He, Thou art That, or again, that which is in me and the conscious being which is there in the Sun are one and the same thing. God has created man and the world, He is in man and in the world ...

... also mental qualities. The consciousness of the teacher has to be other than mental, something deeper, more abiding, more constant, less relative, something absolute. Do we then prescribe the supreme Brahma-consciousness for the teacher? Not Page 124 quite. We mean the consciousness of a soul, the living light that is within every aspiring human being. It is a glad luminousness in the ...

... 172 Bhattacharya, Sanjoy, 175, 177 Bhattacharya, Sisir, 182 Bhusuku, 259, 272-3, 275, 277, 283, 287 Bible, the, 24 –Exodus, 24n. Biruba, 257 Brahma, 154,212 Brahman, 17,49-51,57,85, 136, 159 Brahmanas, the, 152 Britain , 11 Buddha, the, 148, 208, 223,234, 236, 245,247-8,265,268 Burma , 12   ...

... formulation of Matter is concerned: even then the opposition is only apparent and relative. This is the very crux of the problem. For, to such a regard Spirit becomes Matter also, it is also Matter —annam brahma eva. Spirit is consciousness, chit; and Matter, it is said, is unconsciousness, achit. But unconsciousness need not be and is not, in our view, the absolute negation or utter absence of consciousness ...

... but as we see it prior to manifestation) is in essence and principle an infinity and unity. Indeed, it is the infinite unity, and its fundamental character is a supreme and utter equality – samam brahma . It is then a status or statis , that is to say, a state of perfectly stable equilibrium in which there is no movement of difference or distinction, no ripple of high and low or ebb and flow, no ...

... on of Matter is concerned: even then the opposition is only apparent and relative. This is the very crux of the problem. For, to such a regard Spirit becomes Matter also, it is also Matter – annam brahma eva. Spirit is consciousness, cit; and Matter, it is said, is unconsciousness, act. But unconsciousness need not be and is not, in our view, the absolute negation or utter absence of consciousness ...

... is manifested in Aryaman: Rudra being another form of the same. And Mahasaraswati (or Aniruddha) must have given birth to and inspired the Ribhus, who are artisans of divinity. The Puranic trinity – Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva – with lndra as the fourth member forms a parallel system embodying a similar conception. Another tradition gives the Four Supernals as (1) Light or Consciousness, (2) Truth or ...

... incommensurability. But can we say, ‘I am born of God, and yet I am not God’? So the Indian boldly declares, all this is the supreme Divine, there is nothing else than the Divine – sarvam khalvidam brahma – I am He, Thou are That, or again, that which is in me and the conscious being which is there in the Sun are one and the same thing. God has created man and the world, He is in man and in the world ...

... inner nervous vigour and glow. What can be more bare and brief and full to the brim of a self-gathered luminous energy than, for example: yat prānena na praniti yena prānah prānīyate tadeva brahma – That which lives not by Life, but which makes Life live-That is Brahman. or, nālpe sukhamasti bhūmaiva sukham. . .yo vai bhūmā tadamrtam atka yadalpam tanmartyam – In ...

... of the Gita and of other things in her ecstatic mood. SATYENDRA: You said yesterday that the blue colour might be of Vishnu or of Krishna. What is the difference between them? SRI AUROBINDO: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva manifest certain powers of cosmic consciousness. Krishna manifests the Ananda. Krishna is said to be the Avatar of Vishnu, which means that he manifests the Vishnu aspect rather than ...


... deep luminous thought and vibrant rhythm. I could actually feel myself penetrated by their power! I always sought to experience the truth they expressed - that all here is the Lord, sarvam khalvidam brahma, everything is indeed the Brahman." "Can one seek to experience these truths?" "Why not, so long as they are sincerely sought for? And one day my efforts bore fruit, I did realise those truths ...

... the doing and the deed, all are essentially He. In the sacrifice that is this moving, acting universe, the offerer, the offering and the offered, each and every element is the Brahman – brahmarpanam brahma havib. This gesture of the Divine Mother teaches us also what should be the approach and attitude of human beings in all their activities. In all our movements we should always remem­ber Him, refer ...

... also mental qualities. The consciousness of the teacher has to be other than mental, something deeper, more abiding, more constant, less relative, something absolute. Do we then prescribe the supreme Brahma-consciousness for the teacher? Not quite. We mean the consciousness of a soul, the living light that is within every aspiring human being. It is a glad luminousness in the heart that can exist with ...

... 274 Asura, 250, 287, 368 Atris, 372 BEATRICE, 284 Beethoven, 273 Bharati, 189 Bible, the, 121, 305, 345n – Book of Job, 305n – St. John , 345n Borman, 316 Brahma, 256 Brahman, 181-2, 185, 188-9, 193, 205, 290, 299, 339, 368, 385 Brindaban, 385 Britain, 338 Buddha, 52-3, 104-6,182-3,196,221, 225,309,311, 344,349,400 CHINA, 54 Christ, 349, ...

... they tell of Him who marvel at sin/And smile at grief?" The angels themselves knew Him tot they only feared His frown, and they had static constricted minds. At least, at least the Trinity - Vishnu-Brahma-Shiva - could enlighten the Rishi? But no! they too were content to rest on their respective lonely eminences. What then? Had the Rishi but travelled in vain among the "unwonted stars" and covered ...

... unchanged in their typal worlds. Incidentally, the Puranic gods, though not as meek as a nun's hen, do tend to be ninnies. The slightest setback at the hands of the Asuras, and they run to Grandfather Brahma to be pulled out of their predicament. Mother's reference to the Puranas may be puzzling to those unfamiliar with Indian mythology. There are eighteen major Puranas and as many minor ones. They ...

... by the Goddess Usha. Is there no way for the ordinary mortal to cut through the coils of uncivilised demoniac dominations imposed by formless matter and embrace the Life Divine of civilised angelic Brahma-Knowledge? There is, says Sri Aurobindo, and paints in apt poetic hues the sufferings and successes of our Primordial Mother represented in the light-stepping slender-waisted Savitri.         ...


... the joy of the universal consciousness. That is why Vishwanath, the Sanskrit critic, speaks of the delight or Rasa — as " Brahmānanda sahodara " "Of the same nature as the spiritual delight of the Brahma". The meaning of the word " Rasa" can be easily grasped if we compare it with the liquid flow that keeps the tree alive. That sap is the " Rasa " of the tree's life. The life of the tree depends ...

... all reading and writing, not to speak of typing, and take complete rest. My youngest daughter has come here with her husband, and they have clamped down upon me almost the immobility of the Akshara Brahma. They assure me that the greater the rest I take the sooner will be the recovery. However all this has, as you know, spiritual significance and one must not complain of any suffering that comes in ...

... kaivalya of the Page 397 Sānkhyas and the mukti of the Vedântins. The Buddl speaks of the nirvāna or self-extinction in the infinite Void the Gitâ of nirvāna in the Brahman, Brahma-nirvāna and Jainism of nirvāna in the citswarūpa of the soul The sâdhaka, if he is sincere, is sure to end by realising .that which his consciousness has fixed upon as the supreme goal from ...

... high and profound experience, which may seem to most of us to be the very crown of all spiritual realisation—the experience of the Brahman everywhere, in all things and at all times, sarvam khalvidam brahma. It gives a knowledge which is essentially perfect and definitive, a knowledge which does not divide existence into two. Spirit and Matter, or Reality and Illusion, but reconciles and fuses all apparent ...

... outwardly as well as inwardly. The difference in the language of the Veda and that of the Upanishads is marked: where we have Agni, Indra, Aditi, Surya etc. in the Veda, in the latter we have Jnana, Satya, Brahma, Prakriti, Atma, but still as Sri Aurobindo has pointed out in his foreword to the " Hymns to the Mystic Fire, " there are passages wherein the two types of expression meet. The Upanishad, like the ...

... The gravamen of the charge is that Indian art is not "realistic". What do these ancient sculptors mean by giving four arms to Vishnu, eight or ten to Shiva, eighteen to Durga, or three heads to Brahma? Aren't such images unnatural, aren't these only masses of "monstrous and abortive miscreation"? Dhanam's incomparable melodies on the Veena once struck a European missionary at Madras as intolerable ...

... of the past; Sri Aurobindo's soul already experienced a calm and rich lucidity. He was now able, while mentally repeating the mantra that all was Brahman, all was Vasudeva - sarvam khalvidam brahma, vāsudevah sarvamiti - to project that realisation upon everything and every creature in the range of his daily experience. The prison ceased to be a prison. As he opened his wondering eyes, it ...

... radiant range of lightning in between the rain-clouds and thin and fair like the golden-yellow flower-spike of paddy grain, bright and subtle as an atom, in that flame is seated the Supreme Self. He is Brahma, He is Shiva, He is Hari, He is Indra, He is the Immutable, the Supreme, the Master himself. ॐ लोकनाथः त्रिलोकेशः कौस्तुभाभरणः हरिः। श्रीकृष्णः शरणं मम ॥ पीताम्बरः नीलवर्णः श्रीवत्सपदभूषितः ...

... harau kamalajo hantuṁ madhuṁ kaiṭabham, nīlāśmadyutimāsyapādadaśakāṁ seve mahākālikām. Devi Mahatmyam – Mahakalidhyanam Who shines like a blue stone and has ten feet and whom the lotus-born Brahma lauded in order to slay Madhu and Kaitava when Hari was asleep, I worship that Mahākālikā. (Translation by Shankaranarayanan) Glory of the Divine Mother , p. 133. सेवे महातारिका कोमलाङ्गि ...

... sarvataḥ pāhi māṁ nityā mahāmīrā namo'stu te. Om. Ever do I bow with adoration to Mira, to the goddess who is the embodiment of all the gods, to the remover of all the fears of the world, to whom Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu offer their salutations. Om. I bow to Chandika, to the One who is present in the Vindhyas, to the dweller of the divine abodes of the Vindhyas, to the Yogini and to her who is ...

... yāpahā. White-hued – White as the Kunda flower or the moon     or the snow-range, robed in white She bears in her arms the marvellous vina, seated     on the lotus, She is ever adored by Brahma and Vishnu and Shiva     and all the Gods. May Mira, the Goddess, save us, may She wipe out     all our slothness unto the last. Sarasvatistotram Translation by Nolini Kanta Gupta CWNKG ...

... us in a stream. ( 12 ) Peace be to the Heavens, Peace the Mid-region, Peace the Earth, Peace the Waters. May the Healing Plants be Peace, the great Trees be Peace; may the all-Gods be Peace, may Brahma, the Supreme, be Peace, may all be Peace, may Peace be Peace, may that Peace come to us. ( 17 ) (Translation by Nolini Kanta Gupta) ...

... यस्मिँल्लोका निहिता लोकिनश्च । तदेतदक्षरं ब्रह्म स प्राणस्तदु वाङ्मनः तदेतत् सत्यं तदमृतं तद् वेद्धव्यं सौम्य विद्धि ॥ yadarcimad yadaṇubhyo’ṇu ca yasṁillokā nihitā lokinaśca, tadetadakṣaraṁ brahma sa prāṇastadu vāṇmanaḥ tadetat satyaṁ tadamṛtaṁ tad veddhavyaṁ saumya viddhi. Mundaka Upanishad 2.2.2 That which is the Luminous, that which is smaller than the atoms, that in which are ...

... vāyuryathaiko bhuvanaṁ praviṣṭo rūpaṁ rūpaṁ pratirūpo babhūva, ekastathā sarvabhūtāntarātmā rūpaṁ rūpaṁ pratirūpo bahiśca. 10 ya eṣa supteṣu jāgarti kāmaṁ kāmaṁ puruṣo nirmimāṇaḥ. tadeva śukraṁ tad brahma tadevāmṛtamucyate, tasmiṁllokāḥ śritāḥ sarve tadu nātyeti kaścana, etadvai tat.8 Even as one Fire has entered into the world, but it shapes itself to the forms it meets, so there is one Spirit ...

... devaṁ dvibhujaṁ pītavāsasam, om ādityaṁ viṣṇuṁ sūryam brahmāṇaṁ ca bṛhaspatim. Om to the God, having two hands, holding Conch and Discus and wearing a yellow robe. Om to Vishnu, to Surya, to Brahma and to Brihaspati. ( Source unknown ) ॐ स्वस्ति न इन्द्रो वृद्धश्रवाः स्वस्ति नः पूषा विश्ववेदाः। स्वस्ति नस्ताक्ष्यो अरिष्टनेमिः स्वस्ति नो बृहस्पतिर्दधातु ॥६॥ om svasti na indro vṛ ...

... prepared the common man for uncommon ideas by speaking out against the ineptitudes of the Congress Moderates and by exposing the foreign government's misdeeds . Sri Aurobindo said about its editor Brahma Bandhab Upadhyay, that he "was another great man." Upadhyay was arrested on 31 August 1907. He accepted full responsibility for the paper; then added, "But I don't want to take any part in the trial ...

... silent a long time, looking out of the window at a tree across the road. Then turning to the waiting gentlemen he said, "Yes, I know. I have already been told to take up the defence of Sri Aurobindo. Brahma Bandhav Upadhyay came three times to tell me." That was through planchette, for Upadhyay had died one year earlier. C.R. Das, who had known Ara from their Cambridge days, and who was one of his ...

... power. Tremendous." OM or AUM is known also as the first seed-mantra of the Vedas. It is also said that the three letters represent the three Godheads: A = Vishnu, U = Maheshwar (or Shiva), M = Brahma. "Do you know what they say?" Mother said to Satprem. "That OM is the totality of the sounds of the creation perceived by the Supreme; He hears OM like a call to Him. It's magnificent as idea ...

... exhaustively with the Kundalini Yoga of Tantra. Here is a genuine friend of India, with his profound understanding of Indian culture. 2 Brahmarandhra, the crown of head. Literally, the hole of Brahma! Page 319 correspondence between these chakras and certain centres in the physical proper." Normally quiescent, as we said, when the chakras are active we have the feeling that it ...

... each chaturyuga they come down together,—the chaturvyuha, Srikrishna, Balarama, Pradyumna, Aniruddha. Srikrishna contains all the others and puts them out from His being. He is Ishwara, Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu. Lordship is His manifestation, Might and Wisdom are His gunas. Balarama is the second Power. Force is His manifestation; strength and wrath are His attributes. Pradyumna is the third Power ...


... sent Jupiter spinning through heaven,     Spends all its cunning to fashion a curl. These are His works and His veils and His shadows;     But where is He then? by what name is He known? Is He Brahma or Vishnu? a man or a woman?     Bodied or bodiless? twin or alone? We have love for a boy who is dark and resplendent,     A woman is lord of us, naked and fierce. We have seen Him a-muse on ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... Out of My heart Suns shall flame up into the listless void, And the stars wheel in magic dances round Weaving the web of mortal life. For I Am love, am passion; I create the world. I am the only Brahma. My desire Takes many forms; I change and wheel and race, And with Me runs creation. I preserve, For I am Love. I weary of Myself, And the world circles back into the Vast. Delight and laughter ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... hair was a soft dimness With thoughts of light imprisoned in't; the gods, They said, looked down from heaven and saw my eyes Wishing that that were heaven. They told me, child, My face was such as Brahma once had dreamed of But could not,—no, for all the master-skill That made the worlds,—recapture in the flesh So rare a sweetness. They called my perfect body A feast of gracious beauty, a refrain ...


... necessary to induce motion before things can exist. The thing has next to sprout out of the seed and take a volatile and unfixed shape in the psychic world where it waits for a material birth. Here Brahma, the flaming, shapeless and many-shaped, holds them in his brilliant vibrating medium of active imagination and thought and by his daughter Vach, the Goddess Speech eldest-born of the world, puts them ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... derivation ऋतु & इज्, sacrificing in season, is a forced etymology, imposed after the word had contracted its modern meaning. The Ritwik was not a sacrificer in season any more than the Purohit, Hota, Brahma or Adhwaryu. The word meant originally "seer or knower of the truth, the right, the law, the Ritam", and in this sense it was applied to the priest whose duty it was to see that everything was done ...


... the Veda. × Sayana interprets "namas" sometimes as food, a sense which he gives to a host of Vedic words, even to brahma, dyumna etc. I do not see why he should avoid it here, where it goes so well with भरंतः. ...


... or praise might also fall to Page 541 the part of the होता; but in the system of the Rigveda the proper name for the reciter of the Mantra is ब्रह्मा. Agni is the Hotri, Brihaspati the Brahma. रत्न. Sy. यागफलरूपाणां रत्नानामतिशयेन धारयितारं पोषयितारं वा. धा to hold and धा to nourish (cf धात्री nurse). But in other passages he takes रत्न = रमणीयं धनं which shows that he took it to mean ...


... modern notions and to realise as closely as possible the associations that lay behind the early Vedantic use of words. We must recollect that in the Vedic system the Word was the creatrix; by the Word Brahma creates the forms of the universe. Moreover, human speech at its highest merely attempts to recover by revelation and inspiration an absolute expression of Truth which already exists in the Infinite ...


... opening sentences of the Taittiriya Upanishad's second section; they begin its elucidation of the highest truth. Or in the Sanskrit, brahmavid āpnoti param— tad eṣābhyuktā—satyaṁ jñānam anantaṁ brahma— yo veda nihitaṁ guhāyām—parame vyoman— so 'śnute sarvān kāmān saha—brahmaṇā vipaściteti. But what is Brahman? Whatever reality is in existence, by which all the rest subsists, that is ...


... through our brains. Thought, in fact, is one, although to be revealed to us, it has to be bodied forth and take separate shapes in sound forms which we are accustomed to perceive and understand. Brahman-Brahma as Thought Creative in Shakespeare brings them forth, Brahman-Vishnu as Thought Preservative in us maintains them, Brahman-Rudra as Thought Destructive or Oblivion will one day destroy them; but in ...


... but by deeper sight, by a more powerful concentration. He has arrived at it, tapas taptwa; that is the method laid down by Varuna to his son Bhrigu in the Taittiriya Upanishad; for, he adds, tapo Brahma, Tapas is Brahman. Tapas, in other words, is the dwelling of the soul on its object, by which Brahman originally created the world through vision—sa ikshata—saw Itself, that is to say, as world & what ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... psychic and spiritual experience. The Vedic gods rapidly lost their deep original significance. At first they kept their hold by their outer cosmic sense but were overshadowed by the great Trinity, Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva, and afterwards faded altogether. A new pantheon appeared which in its outward symbolic aspects expressed a deeper truth and larger range of religious experience, an intenser feeling, ...


... self-existent Spirit has become all these things and creatures; life too is Brahman, the life-force is the very basis of our existence, the life-spirit Vayu is the manifest and evident Eternal, pratyakṣaṁ brahma . But it affirmed that the present way of existence of man is not the highest or the whole; his outward mind and life are not all his being; to be fulfilled and perfect he has to grow out of his physical ...


... but not replacing the life and the spirit—always the true and sound constructors. The spiritual mind of India regarded life as a manifestation of the self: the community was the body of the creator Brahma, the people was a life body of Brahman in the samaṣṭi , the collectivity, it was the collective Narayana, as the individual was Brahman in the vyaṣṭi , the separate Jiva, the individual Narayana; ...


... minute is the care, how cunning the device, how intense the absorption it bestows upon the smallest of its works even as on the largest. This mighty energy is an equal and impartial mother, samaṁ brahma , in the great term of the Gita, and its intensity and force of movement is the same in the formation and upholding of a system of suns and the organisation of the life of an ant-hill. It is the illusion ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... supreme Page 356 Brahman, as the supracosmic All and Absolute of existence in which the soul can dwell when it rises out of this manifestation and this partial becoming to its source, paraṁ brahma, paraṁ dhāma . He accepts him as the supreme purity of the ever free Existence to which one arrives through the effacement of ego in the self's immutable impersonality calm and still for ever, pavitraṁ ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... and oppressive grip, the narrowing and perverting rule of the Titan, and long before, he threw himself entirely into the hands of the three principal flames or deities of the higher mind—Vishnu, Brahma, Siva—the three flames and forces of blue, white and red colours of the higher mind. They too like the Titan wanted only to utilise him instead of delivering him to their mother—Mahakali-Krishna ...

Amrita   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Old Long Since

... and oppressive grip, the narrowing and perverting rule of the Titan, and long before, he threw himself entirely into the hands of the three principal flames or deities of the higher mind—Vishnu, Brahma, Siva—the three flames and forces of blue, white and red colours of the higher mind. They too like the Titan wanted only to utilise him instead of delivering him to their mother—Mahakali-Krishna ...

... these external signs. His achievements may be hidden. Charu concluded too, through all these clashing thoughts, that to “preach without practising” is to fail in any endeavour, to impart knowledge of Brahma without being a Brahmagyani was an impossibility. He thought of all the difficulties that the Nation was facing: “Who can solve all these tremendous problems? It needs an ideal man, a “Rishi”. Who ...


... reach beyond the mental barrier. The following couplet expresses clearly a high philosophical idea, but if we place it beside the Upanishadic verses we see the difference:   Anadi nidhanam brahma sabda tattvam yad aksaram Vivartate artha-bhdvena prakriyajagato yatah (Bhartrihari, Vakyapadiya , 1.1.)   (The beginningless and endless Brahman, which is the imperishable substance ...


... consciousness, one in the body, we will not exclude anything. Full Oneness... All this is Brahman, the Page 270 fourth, the causal, the subtle, the gross, deep sleep, dream, waking, Brahma and Maya, Purusha, Prakriti, you, I, He is all, Vasudeva is all this, this is the root mantra of this Knowledge.   *   The Gita says equality is yoga, 'equality is said to be yoga'. Further ...


... and oppressive grip, the narrowing and perverting rule of the Titan, and long before, he threw himself entirely into the hands of the three principal flames or deities of the higher mind—Vishnu, Brahma, Siva—the three flames and forces of blue, white and red colours of the higher mind. They too like the Titan wanted only to utilise him instead of delivering him to their mother—Mahakali-Krishna ...

Amrita   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Visions and Voices

... consciousness... is not the Absolute withdrawn into itself, but that Absolute in its outlook on the relative; it is the Lord, the Master-Soul, the governing Transcendent and AH." 102 He is the samam brahma, "the Brahman with unbounded equal vision" of the Gita: Here are some Savitri verses which strikingly bring out this impartial all-governing vision of the Divine in his dealing with the cosmos: ...

... Savitri loved and suffered, how she strove and conquered Fate!" II The Tale of Savitri In the country of fair Madra lived a king in days of old, Faithful to the holy Brahma, pure in heart and righteous-souled. He was loved in town and country, in the court and hermit's den, Sacrificer to the bright gods helper to his brother men. But the monarch, ...

... Fully aware of this intention of yours, O King, did I speak long before to the great Father, God the Creator himself, to grant a child to you. And as ordained by the self-born Brahma, indeed by^ his gracious favour, soon you will have on earth an effulgent daughter, O gentle-natured, Page 5 You should not in the least utter anything or argue against it; ...


... doing and the deed, all are essentially He. In the sacrifice that is this moving, acting universe, the offerer, the offering and the offered, each and every element is the Brahman — brahmārpanam brahma haviḥ. This gesture of the Divine Mother teaches us also what should be the approach and attitude of human beings in all their activities. In all our movements we should always remember Him ...

...     Keep us constantly awake always. (3) Gracious Mother, Blissful Mother, Mother of     Consciousness, Mother of Truth,     Supreme Mother, Supreme Mother, Supreme Mother, (3)     Guru is Brahma (Creator), Guru is Vishnu (Sustainer)     Guru is Maheshwara (Great God), Guru is God incarnate, I bow to that Glorious Guru. I bow to Guru; I bow to Guru; I bow to Guru; He who has the form of ...


... days and nights, as if taking a new birth in the warm luminous womb of the Initiator. The Dikshakar takes upon himself the entire burden when the Dikshita surrenders to him totally. For him “Guru is Brahma, Guru is Vishnu, Guru is the great God Shiva; Guru is the transcendental Eternal,” and before this auspicious and benedictive excellence does he ever bow. is V ...


... perceive and get, and those who are established in the oneness of the Infinite ever enjoy. This is the song that has been well appreciated in the three worlds, a song that has been praised even by Brahma and Shiva. Page 19 Therefore in order to understand and grasp the Gita one has to be very alert and sensitive to its beauty and sweetness, to its evocative sense and to its truth. A right ...


... solution to it. But is it not the usual view from a phase of consciousness which goes beyond the ordinary human view and tries to see things from the impartial view-point of the equal Brahman, samam brahma and look with compassion and understanding on all beings struggling in the Ignorance to find their way in it or out of it. It is a phase through which one passes on the way to the highest Truth ...

... on its own God’s greatness. That is not the case. Page 152 And then what Krishna must I challenge – the Krishna of the Gita who is the transcendent godhead, Paramatma, Para-brahma, Purushottama, the cosmic Deity, master of the universe, Vasudeva who is all, the immanent in the heart of all creatures, or the Godhead who was incarnate at Brindavan and Dwarka and Kurukshetra ...

... deal too much of head-shaking when men live in and act from a deeper consciousness and talk to us of values which our superficial consciousness cannot appraise. Not for nothing did the First Creator, Brahma, warn the First Sage, Narada: The sages whose hearts and senses are delivered From the yoke of passions — know the Mystic Lore: But when the wordy storms again come surging The ...


... and feet. To us,” he comments, “this is merely a poetical image. As if this were all, as if the men of those days would have so profound a reverence for mere poetical figures like this of the body of Brahma. … We read always our mentality into that of these ancient forefathers and it is therefore that we can find in them nothing but imaginative barbarians. … The image was to these seers a revelative symbol ...

... other words a heaven on earth. Later the Mother said to K.D. Sethna that at that time she had got “the Word of Creation.” “When I looked a little puzzled,” remembered Sethna, “she added: ‘You know that Brahma is said to create by his Word. In the same way whatever I would express could take place. I had willed to express a whole new world of superhuman reality. Everything was prepared in the subtle dimension ...

... of so much Vedantic thought. The root of the trouble is just the mistaking of intellectual concepts for reality. When a man has seen something even of the Reality — call him Krishna or Buddha or Brahma — he then knows what is meant. He knows how He is nirakara but not cold and how He is anandamaya but not mere pleasure. Till we get experience and knowledge we shall always be in unreality ...


... cost that He smiles never on our Manifold flaws and foibles of the flesh? Your puerile, sentimental rhapsodies And popular songs, I warn you, never shall find Favour with Him, the Superconscient Brahma! THIRD PUNDIT ( in a tone of raillery ) I applaud you, my self-righteous friend! And therefore, I also, duly furious, shall take now ... Ahem ... my cue from you. We must all growl ...


... The whole world's chorus of applause or jeering. KESHAV ( impatiently ) But what, in the name of sanity, are we here Debating now? What is this approbation Of Krishna, Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma or Indra? And how can a human consciousness be sure Of the Gods' approving smile or deep or pale? Page 39 It seems to me, this, stark midsummer madness! ( He fixes Us eyes on ...


... Bhandarkar, R.G., 35fn., 93 Bhāratas, 126 Bhārata War, 57 Bharati, 38 Biridaswa, 32, 33 Boghaz-keui, 2, 36 Bollensen, 41, 114 Brahma, Brahman, Brahmand, 120 Brāhmaṇas, 108 Brahmavada, i, ii Brahmavarta, 16 Brahmins, 114 Brihaspati, 81, 104, 121, 133 "bugash", 35 ...


... within the One. On the other hand, in the universe as we know it, the sexes are the concrete expression of the spiritual truth of an initiating and a manifesting Divine. Every God has his Shakti: Brahma and Brahmani, Shiva and Parvati, Vishnu and Lakshmi. But it should be kept in mind that this division of the creative tasks into a male and female part is one of the features of the ‘lower hemisphere ...

... fundamental character is knowledge by identity, by that the Self is known, the Divine Sachchidananda is known, but also the truth of the manifestation is known, because this too is That— sarvaṁ khalvidaṁ brahma, Vāsudevaḥ sarvam etc. Mind is an instrument of the Ignorance trying to know—Supermind is the Knower possessing knowledge because one with it and the known, therefore seeing all things in the Light ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... altogether and cast oneself into the Unknowable. The integral Yoga of knowledge demands instead a divine return upon world-existence and its first step must be to realise the Self as the All, sarvaṁ brahma . First, concentrating on the Self-existent, we have to realise all of which the mind and senses are aware as a figure of things existing in this pure Self that we now are to our own consciousness ...


... it might be answered that the right of the individual to any kind of egoistic freedom as against the State which represents the mind, the will, the good and interest of the whole community, sarvaṁ brahma , is a dangerous fiction, a baneful myth. Individual liberty of life and action—even if liberty of thought and speech is for a time conceded, though this too can hardly remain unimpaired when once ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... शिक्षकोऽसि R. यद्वा होतर्यज पोतर्यजेत्यादिना प्रैषेण शास्तीति मैत्रावरूणः प्रशास्ता पुरोहितः पुरस्तदागामिनि स्वर्गादौ हितोऽनुकूलाचरणः or सर्वेषु कर्मसु पूर्वस्या दिशि आहवनीये स्थापितोऽसि. R. the Brahma— representative of Brihaspati—बृहस्पतिर्देवाना ब्राह्माहं मनुष्याणां (मंत्रांतरे) पुष्यसि S. takes वर्धयसि—may it not be वर्धसे? Page 457 (7) सुप्रतीकः S. शोभनांगः—rather well-fronting ...


... Angiras. He is, as we have seen, closely associated with the Angiras Rishis in the winning of the luminous cattle and he is so associated as Brahmanaspati, as the Master of the sacred or inspired word ( brahma ); for by his cry Vala is split to pieces and the cows answer lowing with desire to his call. As powers of Agni these Rishis are like him kavikratu ; they possess the divine Light, they act by it ...


... its superiority to resistance. 9) Utthapana to quell the defect of anima in the arms & legs 10) Saundarya to persist in its advance. 11) Kama to be well prepared in the body. 12) Anandam Brahma to become normal. Results. 1) There is no longer any struggle. The tejasic placement is more & more justifying itself and ceasing to be a misplacement, although still frequently a misinterpreted ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... the kamananda more continuous & persistent while walking. There is a throwback in the saundarya. The continuity and intensity of sharira Page 276 ananda are predicted. Lipi "17" (Anandam Brahma) already fulfilled in the strong emergence of Ananda & the Anandamaya in the environing Brahman. The necessity of aishwarya-tapas for helping the sharirananda is now removed; it remains for the other ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... ब्रह्मणस्पते त्वं विधर्तः सचसे पुरन्ध्या ॥३॥ 3) O Fire, thou art Indra the Bull of all that are and thou art wide-moving 2 Vishnu, one to be worshipped with obeisance. O Master of the Word, thou art Brahma, the finder of the Page 31 Riches: O Fire, who sustainest each and all, closely thou companionest the Goddess of the many thoughts. 3 त्वमग्ने राजा वरुणो घृतव्रतस्त्वं मित्रो ...


... to the appearance of man; for the fourteen Manus enjoy each a reign of seven chaturyugas of varying lengths and the first & last of the hundred belong not to any Manu but the opening chaturyuga to Brahma & Rudra, the closing to Kalki & to Shiva. Man in the first appears only tentatively at the end, in the last only as a survival at the beginning. The third image is that of a bear leaping on a smaller ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... of judging by present indications(वार्तमानिकः) and the insufficient power of judging by inner vision directly straight on the vishaya. This again is due to the insufficient realisation of the jnanam Brahma, anekadarshi ekam. 2) यदादित्यादिविलकक्षणं ज्योतिरान्तरं सिद्धमित्येत्दस्त् । Brih. Up. 552. All inner light effected, not of the vijnana, is asat & must be got rid of even if it seem to be intuition ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... कालि कामः कर्मेति कर्मचतुष्टयं । Krishnah, Kali, kamah, karma iti karmachatushtayam. 6) Brahmachatushtaya सर्वमनन्तं ज्ञानमानन्दं ब्रह्मेति ब्रह्मचतुष्टम् । Sarvam Anantam Jnanam Anandam Brahma, iti Brahmachatushtayam. 7) Yoga chatushtaya or Sansiddhi chatushtaya. शुद्धिर्मुक्तिर्भुक्तिः सिद्धिरिति योगचतुष्टयम् । Shuddhir, muktir, bhuktih, siddhir, iti yogachatushtayam. The last ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... shanti are the result of shuddhi & the condition of mukti— Positive Samata On the basis of Nati we proceed to the positive Samata, ie to say, to Sama Ananda. Its foundation is the Atmajnana or Brahma jnana by which we perceive the whole universe as a perception of one Being that manifests itself in multitudinous forms and activities. This One is therefore the one Self of all beings, my Self as ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Adyashakti. Above are the thrice seven supreme planes of Sat-Chit-Ananda, त्रिः सप्त परमा पदानि मातुः in between are the seven planes of the Page 1339 Divine Truth and Vastness, Mahad Brahma, सत्यमृतं बृहत्; below are the thrice seven steps of the ascent and descent into this evolutionary world of the earth existence. These three gradations are successively Supermind or TruthMind, with ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Godhead, but of the Godhead in its divided subjective and lower cosmic aspects, Page 276 sattwic, rajasic and tamasic. It is a cosmic veil which the Godhead has spun around our understanding; Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra have woven its complex threads; the Shakti, the Supreme Nature is there at its base and is hidden in its every tissue. We have to work out this web in ourselves and turn through it ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... सानसि. S. संभजनीयं and he gives वन षण संभक्तौ; but सन् also means to win, possess and only secondarily to enjoy. As we have ब्रह्मा सानसि in conjunction with the epithet अंगिरस्तम it can only mean the brahma that conquers, wins and takes possession of the wealth as did the hymn of the Angirases in connection with whose achievement the word सन् is continually used. अथा ते. S. तुभ्यं. I think it is ...


... view-point we are referred to the verses of the ancient seers, the seers of the Veda and Upanishads, in which we get the inspired and intuitive account of these creations of the Spirit, and to the Brahma Sutras which will give us the rational and philosophic analysis. The Gita contents itself with a brief practical statement of the lower nature of our being in the terms of the Sankhya thinkers. First ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... eminence of the peak in which they end, some snow-white heaven-cuttingMatterhorn of sovereign formula. What a magnificent exterminating sweep do we hear for instance in that old renowned sentence, brahma satyaṁ jagan mithyā , the Eternal alone is true, the universe is a lie, and how these four victorious words seem to settle the whole business of God and man and world and life at once and for ever ...


... the heart. In each Kaliyuga mankind gains something in essential spirituality. Whether we take the modern scientific or the ancient Hindu standpoint the progress of humanity is a fact. The wheel of Brahma rotates for ever but it does not turn in the same place; its rotations carry it forward. The animal is distinguished from man by its enslavement to the body and the vital impulses. Aśanāyā mṛtyuḥ ...


... of the unknown beyond which He dwells, tamasah parastat . They are guides to knowledge, brief indications to enlighten us on our path, not substitutes for thought and experience. They are shabdam Brahma , the Word, the oral expression of God, not the thing to be known itself nor the knowledge of Him. Shabdam has three elements, the word, the meaning and the spirit. The word is a symbol, vak or ...


... botany, zoology & entomology or for that matter, music or painting or the binomial theory or quadratic equations as Brahmavidya. In a sense they are so since everything is Brahman,—sarvam khalvidam Brahma. But language has its distinctions on which clear thinking depends, & we must insist on their being observed. All this matter of Theosophy is not Brahmavidya, but Devavidya. Devavidya is the true ...


... same time the great store of spiritual truth in the old sacred writings and their high value are Page 166 never doubted or depreciated. There is in all the Vedas as much utility to the Brahma-knower as to one who would drink there is utility in a well flooded with water on all its sides. Krishna speaking as God Himself declares “I alone am He who is to be known by all the Vedas; I am He ...


... though not necessary, is advisable. In the first place by your action you declare your commune to be an entirely separate thing from the rest of Hindu society; you will be following in the way of the Brahma Samaj or more exactly in that of Thakur Dayananda. That means a violent scission and a long struggle, which is likely greatly to complicate your other work and put difficulties in the way which need ...


... of men in battle, but he who is victorious over himself. The victory that one wins over oneself is of more value than victory over all the peoples. No god, no Gandharva, 1 nor Mara nor Brahma 2 can change that victory to defeat. If, month after month, for a hundred years one offers sacrifices by the thousand, and if for a single instant one offers homage to a being full of wisdom ...


... the sages, who have observed him day after day, for being intelligent, without reproach, endowed with knowledge and virtue, who then would dare to blame him who is as pure as gold? Even the gods and Brahma praise him. Be on your guard against the wrath of the body. Control your actions, and leaving behind wrong ways of acting, practise perfect conduct in action. Be on your guard against wrath ...


... in its sound... it is not only Page 342 the idea, it is in the sound that there's a power of creation. It is the origin, you see, of the mantra. In Indian mythology the creator God is Brahma, and I think that it was precisely his power which has been symbolised by this flower, "The Creative Word". And when one is in contact with it, the words spoken have a power of evocation or creation ...


... fate has overtaken or is preparing to overtake them all. They flourish for a moment, then the impulse wanes, the fire dies out, and if they endure, it is only as empty shells, forms from which the Brahma has gone or in which it lies overpowered with Tamas and inert. Our beginnings are mighty, but they have neither sequel nor fruit. Now we are beginning in another direction; we have started a great ...


... His infinite impersonality and His universal Personality. And what was Vivekananda? A radiant glance from the eye of Shiva; but behind him is the divine gaze from which he came and Shiva himself and Brahma and Vishnu and OM all-exceeding. Will the Avatars still need to take birth on earth once the supramental consciousness is firmly established? This question will be easier to answer when ...


... the Spirit as well as in the body. The body has consciousness, it is God's form. When you see God in everything that is in the world, when you have this vision that all this is Brahman, Sarvamidam Brahma , that Vasudeva is all this— Vasudevah sarvamiti —then you have the universal delight. The flow of that delight precipitates and courses even through the body. When you are in such a state, full of ...


... × Narayana : another name of Vishnu, one of the gods of the Hindu trinity. He watches over the creation, whereas Brahma is the creator and Shiva the destroyer. × Rakshasa : demon of the vital plane, as opposed to an ...


... ( silence ) It was the same thing when I made that overmental formation (we were heading for miracles!). One day Sri Aurobindo told me I had brought down into Amrita 6 a force of the creative Brahma (it's the creative Word, the Word that realizes itself automatically). And I don't know what happened... something, I can't recall what, that showed me it was working very well. Then a sort of idea ...


... With changing mood or mood unchangeable— Are lost for ever yet for ever found: The kindling cosmos, the fused flaming All Blaze without break from a timeless spaceless glow— Brahma outstretching omnipresent life, Vishnu upholding one omniscient truth, Shiva sustaining both by omnipotent peace! 14-7-48 Page 109 ...

... it catches to active uses. But the change due to Nirvana is not all that is involved in the Gita nor is Nirvana there the summum bonum. Though Sri Krishna in the Gita speaks of Nirvana - Brahma-Nirvana he terms it, suggesting a difference from the utterly negative shade given by Buddha - it is for him one aspect of Brahman, an aspect we cannot do without, yet not all-fulfilling ...

... if the soul's aspiration is strong and firm, if the spiritual aim is the chief thing in the life."³ Yes, the lexicographer cannot help bringing out Sri Aurobindo in a trm ürti aspect - Brahma of the Creative Word, Vishnu the World-Preserver and Dharma-Saviour, Shiva the Destroyer of Darkness. But naturally the stress falls on the main work for which the Truth-Consciousness that is Sri ...

... threefold division is either explicit or implicit, and though he admits the provisional efficacy of the first two methods of the soul's progress, he is set like flint against their claim to finality. "Brahma satyam, jagan mithya" remains his philosophical motto. Mark now the inconsistency between this philosophy and his own spiritual career. He was an undeviating worshipper of the Shakti - that ...

... are ripe, the juice dries up and the kernel separates from the shell. After the attainment of the Knowledge of Brahman, the 'milk' of worldly-mindedness dries up." 3 1 Cf. "Brahmavid brahma eva bhavati" ("one who knows the Divine becomes the Divine"). 2 Yoga-V ā si ṣṭ ha (Utpatti-Prakara ṇ a), Sarga 9, Sls. 4,6,7,9. 3 The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (Advaita Ashram ...

... let us hear,' they begin the citation. With OM they sing the hymns of the Sama; with OM SHOM they pronounce the Shastra. With OM the priest officiating at the sacrifice says the response. With OM Brahma begins creation.¹ With OM one sanctions the burnt offering. With OM the Brahmin ere he expound the Knowledge, cries "May I attain the Eternal." The Eternal verily he attains. Chapter Nine ...


... extraordinary cook is going to show that he is capable of amazing physical feats: Page 274 And there came athletes from all quarters by thousands, like hosts of celestials to the abode of Brahma or Siva to witness that festival. And they were endued with huge bodies and great prowess, like the demons called Kalakhanjas. And elated with their prowess and proud of their strength, they were ...

... of Kumara is found in the two epics (Ramayana, Balakanda, chap. 36-37 and Mahabharata, Vanaparva, chap 223-231). The marriage of Shiva and Parvati is related in a few Puranas, particularly in the Brahma-Purana, the Skanda-Purana and in the Shiva- Purana. The version in the Shiva-Purana is quite detailed: its Parvati- khanda starts with the marriage of Himavan and ends with Shiva and Parvati's marriage ...


... down-trodden, the pariah." SRI AUROBINDO: Are we to understand that the Brahman is more in the poor and the down-trodden than in others? PURANI: If the Brahman is at all present, it is samam brahma, Equal Brahman. SRI AUROBINDO: Anilbaran is right. Vivekananda brought in the idea of service of humanity from Christianity—and also from Buddhism. Both Vivekananda and Gandhi derive it from them ...


... still there. That's all. And yes, there was a long cane 270 A celestial being composed of exquisitely beautiful and perfect elements collected little by little from all the three worlds of Brahma. Page 219 chair, don't remember in which room, which was the only luxury that He could afford or that He wanted. Now, all of us, you will find, have in our room a bolster ...


... is like X trying to learn Greek at eighty. These things take too long and before he has taken a few steps he may be off. Then Purani gave Sri Aurobindo a typed review of The Life Divine by N.C. Brahma Sri Aurobindo read it and kept silent. PURANI: He says that what you have said is what Shankara has said. (Laughter) It is all Adwaita philosophy. SRI AUROBINDO: Adwaita, yes, but not Shankara's ...


... undergoes the process of birth has to meet the contrary phenomenon of death; and this law is universally valid and applicable, whether the subject in question is humanly great and noble, or the gods Brahma or Vishnu, or a miniscule organisms like the amoeba. None can escape this sombre fate and, what is more, one has to experience death all by oneself, one cannot share the "experience" with any other ...

... a secondary power of the Spirit's working and of the Spirit as the great Eternal, the original and, in spite of the many terms in which it is both expressed and hidden, the sole reality, ayam atma brahma. Then only will the real, the decisive endeavour begin and life and the world be studied, known, dealt with in all directions as the self-finding and self-expression of the Spirit. Then only will ...


... are joined in one great consensus that not in this world of the dualities can there be our kingdom of heaven, but beyond, whether in the joys of the eternal Vrindavan 3 or the high beatitude of Brahma-loka, 4 beyond all manifestations in some ineffable Nirvana 5 or 1 The Life Divine, p. 233. 2 Cf. Ekadanḍaṁ samgṛhya...sarvaṁ tyaktvā parivrajet (Vidyaranya Muni, Jīvanmukti ...

... ty ordains man to cross beyond death through Avidya and enjoy Immortality by the Knowledge, avidyay ā m ṛ tyu ṁ tirtv ā vidyay ā m ṛ tam ś nute. To its vision, Matter too is Brahman, anna ṁ brahma, and so it does not seek to annul or deny the positive knowledge which Science has gathered from an elaborate investigation and exploration of the processes of life and nature, but only completes ...

... manes; 3. Rashim-mathematics; 4. Daivam subject of natural disturbances; 5. Nidim mineralogy; 6. Vako vakyam logic; 7. EkayanamEthics; 8. Deva-vidyam Etymology; 9. Brahma-vidyam knowledge of the Vedas -Rig, Yajur and Sama regarding pronunciation, ceremonial, prosody and lighting of fire; 10. Bhutavidyam science of five elements; 11. Kstaravidyam science ...

... there was farther widening and fathoming of psychic and spiritual experience. The Vedic pantheon gradually faded out altogether under the weight of the increasing importance of the great Trinity, Brahma- Vishnu-Shiva. A new pantheon appeared; its outward symbolic aspect expressed a deeper truth and larger range of experience, feeling and idea. The tradition of the Vedic sacrifice began to break down; ...


... Bhakti Yoga with Karma Yoga, and this weaving is extraordinarily subtle and complex. The processes of Jnana Yoga and Bhakti Yoga can be all discerned. The descriptions that we find of buddhi yoga, brahma nirvana yoga, of the rajyogic practices of concentration and further expansion by which jnana is woven with vijnana all these are clearly parts of the path of Knowledge. It is shown that the path of ...

... Gods and the World The Upanishads The Parable of the Gods The Kena Upanishad (third part) brahma ha devebhyo vijigye tasya ha hrahmano vijaye deva amahiyanta, ta aiksantasmakamevayam vijayo smakamevayam mahimeti. 1 1. The Eternal conquered for the gods and in the victory of the Eternal the gods grew to greatness. This was what ...


... 17 RV,1.1.5. 18 RV, 1.154.4; tridhatu can be understood as triple Infinite, which is in the Upanishads called Sachchidananda. Page 69 19 RV, IV.50; Brihaspati becomes Brahma in the Puranic tradition. 20 RV, 1.154. 21 RV, 1.170.1; Compare the description of the Supreme in the Kena Upanishad, and Katha Upanishad. 22 RV, 1.71.2. 23 RV, 1.72.9. ...


... same tree, and eats the fruit and is bewildered but who becomes free from bewilderment when he sees the One who eats not. It is the Transcendental Being (parātpard), and yet All (sarvam khalu idam Brahma), and it is He who sits in the deepest cave of the human heart, having the size not bigger than the thumb (angusta mātra). It is Unmanifest (avyakta) and it is Manifest (yyakta) and even beyond ...

... Avidya, 29 Ayurveda, 104 Badarayana, 88,95 Bedekar, V.M, 71,75,78,82 Being, Pure, 58 Bhaga,10,11,12 Bhakti Yoga, 7 Bharadwaja, 31, 34 Bharat Muni, 102 Brahma Sutra, 88 Brahmacharin, 33,37,63 Brahmacharya, 33,52 Brahman, 24, 28,30,37 Brahmanas, 66,87,89 Brahmin, 42, 52 Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, 30,70 Brihaspati, 13,14 ...


... But he bids us ascend further. The second step is the realisation of the universal or cosmic Self which is one in all and the perception of the One and Divine infinitely everywhere, 'sarvam khalvidam brahma', verily, all this that is is the Brahman. And still there is a third and final step: to rise beyond the individual and the universal to the Transcendent through the Supramental consciousness and to ...


... realisation of the cosmic consciousness — of the Divine as all beings and all that is, Vasudevah sarvamiti, and it was the second of the four great realisations (of the first — the experience of Brahma-Nirvana at Baroda — I have already spoken) on which his yoga and spiritual philosophy are founded. After sometime Sri Aurobindo was transferred from the solitary cell to a large hall in the jail ...


... practical knowledge of high mathematics by knowing that Einstein is a great mathematician. Queer ideas you have! Are they Anilbaran? Pavitra? Datta? Dyuman? Nolini? Radhanand, but he can't be for he is Brahma himself, so keeps himself secluded like him, no? ??????? July 18, 1937 Self—Pus still coming out. Nose also angry! What a bad-tempered "pussy" cat of a nose! I dreamt that ...

... had no hesitation in running the risk. Even earlier, as a student of the Medical College, he had broken away from orthodoxy by marrying Swarnalata, the daughter of Rajnarayan Bose, in accordance with Brahma Samaj rites. Rajnarayan himself was an outstanding product of the new India that was then rising. A contemporary of Bankim Chandra Chatterjee and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, and a close friend of the ...


... practical questions about sadhana and work were given by the Mother. I observed how thorough they were in all matters trivial as well as serious, be the patient a sadhak or a workman. All were samam Brahma. I could not therefore make any supercilious bourgeois distinction between classes, besides, since everyone had the privilege of approaching the "Queen", I had to be on my guard about my behaviour ...

... said to join the Ganga and Yamuna at this point — a speck of white sand known as the Sangam. In Vedic times, there was a settlement at this confluence, known as Prayag, where the Vedas were written. Brahma himself is said to have performed a sacrifice here. Huen Tsang visited Prayag in 634 AD. It was under the Mogul Emperor Akbar that Prayag was renamed Illahabas, later to be changed to Allahabad. O ...

... last duty to be performed at the end of life, as the culmination of a full-length span of action and achievement; the way to Moksha lay through Dharma and Artha and Kama, Sannyasa had to be built upon Brahma- charya and Garhasthya. The integral ideal was epitomized by Kalidasa in his famous lines about the character of the Raghus: They devoted themselves to study in their boyhood, in youth they pursued ...

... the doing and the deed, all are essentially He. In the sacrifice that is this moving, acting universe, the offerer, the offering and the offered, each and every element is the Brahman— brahm ā rpanam brahma havi ḥ . This gesture of the Divine Mother teaches us also Page 109 what should be the approach and attitude of human beings in all their activities. In all our movements we ...

... separation, does not Page 167 approve of any feeling of contempt or disgust. The states of being or consciousness from the animal, or down from Matter itself up to the Supreme—ā brahma-stamba —constitute what is called a hierarchy. Hierarchy means a structure rising upward tier upon tier, step by step: it is a scale, as it were, of increasing values, only the values are not moral ...

... Prasad, 215 -"I Embark", 214 Bible, the, 50 Blake, 74, 76, 81, 125-6, 128, 240 -"Auguries of Innocence", 74n., 81n -"Jerusalem",81n Bcdhisattwa, 242 Bonnefoy, Yves, 216 Brahma, 28-30 Brahman, 23, 25, 28, 34, 39, 51, 98, 105, 119, 165,234, 243, 278, 280, 359 Bridges, 88 Browning, Robert, 71 Buddha, 34, 57-8, 130, 133, 242, 267, 274, 277-9, 281-3, 298, 304 ...

... n. There are other forms of speech that are subtler and subtler as one rises in the scale of consciousness. The highest formulation of language, the supreme Word –vâk – is ' OM ' – nâda – sabda-brahma. That is the supreme speech - vibration, the rhythmic articulation of the Supreme Consciousness Sachchidananda; the expression there is nearest to silence, almost merges into silence. Our human ...

... Radha and Krishna is not merely an assumption, an illusion but an etersal Page 10 reality in an eternal domain. The gradation of the spiritual domains is thus sometimes given as (I) Brahma-loka of the Vedantin, (2) Shivaloka of the Tantrik and finally (3) Goloka of the Vaishnava. The relation between the Supreme (over and above the creation) and the individual in the creation ...

... but as we see it prior to manifestation) is in essence and principle an infinity and unity. Indeed, it is the infinite unity, and its fundamental character is a supreme and utter equality — samam brahma. It is then a status or statis, that is to say, a state of perfectly stable equilibrium in which there is ho movement of difference or distinction, no ripple of high and low or ebb and flow, ...

... field of a spiritual realisation somewhere among these planes beyond life, mind and the above-mind. The Vedantins speak of the world of Brahman, they aim at realising the grand status of Brahman, brahma-loke mahiyate. But theirs is. something outside the created universe, beyond manifestation. The Vaishnavas have spoken of a highest spiritual world, go-taka, which is within the manifestation. The ...

... Matchless is the description of the glory of the human body of God found in the Vaishnava cult of Bengal. Goloka, the abode of the eternal sport of Radha and Krishna, which is far above the world of Brahma, is the supreme truth. And Radha and Krishna are meaningless without their human forms – rather all secrets of the dual personalities consist in the human form. The human form is not just one among ...

... being but as we see it prior to manifestation) is in essence and principle an infinity and unity. Indeed it is the infinite unity, and its fundamental character is a supreme and utter equality— samam brahma. It is then a status or statis, that is to say, a state of perfectly stable equilibrium in Page 17 which there is no movement of difference or distinction, no ripple of high and ...

... doing and the deed, all are essentially He. In the sacrifice that is this moving, acting universe, the offerer, the offering and the offered, each and every element is the Brahman - brahm ā rpanam brahma havi ḥ . This gesture of the Divine Mother teaches us also what should be the approach and attitude of human beings in all their activities. In all our movements we should always remember ...


... is nothing else than the One – ekamevādvitfyam; (2) the cosmic unity: all existence is one, whatever exists is that One, there Page 118 are no separate existences: sarvam khalvidam brahma neha nānāsti kincaña; (3) That One is I, you too are that One: so' ham, tattvamasi; this may be called the individual unity. As I have said, all spiritual experiences in India, of whatever school ...

... Beethoven, 393-5, 424 Bengal, 21 Bergson, 143 Berkeley, 137 Bhaga,208 Bible, the, 100, 127, 152, 186, 192,397 Bois de Fontaineb1eu, 287 Book of the Dead, 133 Borodine, 427 Brahma, 208 Brahman, 3, 9-10, 22, 68, 85, 90, 92, 113, 151, 153, 204,289, 380 Brindaban, 101 Britain, 96, 198 Broad, Prof., 55 Buddha, 9, 17, 112, 150, 187, 189,232, 268,317,347 Byron, 209 ...

... Power behind and above them all. These forces become powerful in proportion as they are instruments and functions of that one mother energy. The truth is most beautifully illustrated in the story of Brahma a and the gods in the Kena Upanishad. The gods conquered and were proud of their conquest; each thought that it was due to his own personal prowess that he conquered. But they were utterly discomfited ...

... to create systems and practices—through rule, tradition or other means—by which the demands of the higher self were given a predominant position. In One well-known verse speaks of C7uru as Brahma, as Vishnu and as Maheshwara. He is equated with the Supreme Absolute Being. Page 35 fact, not only the teacher, but the mother and the father and even the guest were given a ...


... Page 46 (17) Peace be the Heavens, Peace the Mid-region, Peace the Earth, Peace the Waters. May the Healing Plants be Peace, the great Trees be Peace; may the all-Gods be Peace, may Brahma, the Supreme, be Peace, may all be Peace: may Peace be Peace, may that Peace come to us. (18) Firm thou art, make me firm. For me may they with the eye of Mitra look at all beings. May I ...

... WHITE-hued — white as the Kunda flower or the moon or the snow-range, robed in white She bears in her arms the marvellous vina, seated on the lotus. She is ever adored by Brahma and Vishnu and Shiva and all the Gods. May Saraswati save us, the Goddess, may she wipe out all our slothness unto the last. Oh Saraswati, thou art the great destiny, the supreme ...

... is manifested in Aryaman: Rudra being another form of the same. And Mahasaraswati (or Aniruddha) must have given birth to and inspired the Ribhus, who are artisans of divinity. The Puranic trinity —Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva—with Indra as the fourth member forms a parallel system embodying a similar conception. Another tradition gives the Four Supernals as (I) Light or Consciousness, (2) Truth ...

... esoteric groups and often remain for ages hidden like an underground stream; they have been submerged in the lower reaches of society. They have taken as their chosen deity, not Durga or Lakshmi, nor Brahma or Vishnu, but Kali and Karali, Chandi and Baguli. In the Page 118 words of one of these poets: . For an entire epoch, the line of this particular form of spiritual ...

... a normal human initiation when you enter the spiritual life. You have to go to a Guru and the Guru gives you the mantra that awakens your consciousness. Now Agni gave as mantra the Divine word "Brahma" as the image of the Divine. She was to concentrate upon it till she became in consciousness identified with Him. She did so and after a time when she felt she recognised her Lord and accepted Him ...

... We have reached the thousand mark and all of us are fit and strong." Then the Bull added something more. "Meanwhile, Satyakama," he said, "let me tell you something about the knowledge of Reality, brahma-vidya - the very first lessons. Brahman has to be known in his four aspects; of these I shall tell you about the first just now. Of this first phase or aspect there are again four limbs. North, south ...

... coconut was the winner. While they were busy wrestling that potful of turmeric water would be poured onto their heads. And all the while one group would go on playing the drum and singing: Brahma dances, Bishnu dances, Indra dances too. Cowherds dance in Gokul with their friend, Gobinda blue. Such joy there is in dancing, friends, oh such entrancing joy! The tal-vadai dances with ...


... universe to m ā y ā . If you realize only "I am He", the mind may become enamoured of the experience and then the All would appear to it as non-entity. That would be only a partial realization. Idam Brahma — all this that is seen in front is, indeed, the Brahman, the infinite." Idam in Sanskrit means "that which I see in front of me". The three formulas in harmony give you the content of true knowledge ...


... eighteen years, the goddess Savitri, was propitiated and appeared before him out of the sacrificial fire. She declared herself pleased and said that his desire for having an issue would be satisfied by Brahma, the God of Creation. From her own self, as her prasād, her special grace, she bestowed upon him a daughter. In consequence of the boon, a daughter was born to him and as she was a gift of the goddess ...

... symbolic sense ). ³ For further clarification refer to "Studies in Vedic Interpretation" by the author, Chowkhambha Sanskrit Series, Benaras. Page 167 right season according to law; Brahma the voice of Rhythm the reciter of the word of creative power welling from the soul. The fruits of the sacrifice - go, ashwa, rayi, ratna^ vira, praja, tanaya - also are symbolic. The offerings— ...

... activities of the prisoners, I would try to realise the fundamental truth that the Lord dwells in all. Uttering silently in my mind the words, 'All this is verily the Eternal', sarvam khalu idam brahma , I would project that realisation on everything in existence, – trees and houses and walls, man, beast and bird, metals and clay. As I did this, I would get into a state in which the prison no longer ...


... ;the type-form, and it already exists in the Idea – the ; Real-Idea – before it exists in matter. Everything exists first in consciousness and then in matter. Disciple : Could that be the Mahat-Brahma of which the Gita speaks ? Sri Aurobindo : I do not know if Plato had some dim inti­mation of the Supramental; but as his mind was mathe­matical he cast it into rigid rational and mental forms ...

... and Jugantar about independence, guerrilla warfare, day after day in a paper. It wanted safety first. At that time three papers were running in Bengal 1. "Jugantar" 2. Bande Mataram 3. And Sandhya. Brahma Bandhava. Upadhyaya editor of Sandhya was another great man. He used to write so cleverly the Government could not charge him; and our financial condition was so bad and yet we carried on for five ...

... these darkened souls and misused bodies. 103   Although the ground is the absolute silence, there is structured above the many-chambered mansion of the divine manifestation Sarvam khalvidam Brahma: all is Brahman.         Third came, during the first four or five years of 'silent yoga' in Pondicherry, the experience of the glimpse of the possibility of the descent of Supermind into ...


... spiritual import. There is, on the whole, an unflagging mastery both of language and rhythm. Western and Indian mythology agreeably mingle in a poem like Who in which Jupiter figures in one stanza and Brahma in the next, and the rhythm has an anapaestic swing as in:         We will tell the whole world of His ways and His cunning: Page 40             He has rapture of ...


... magazine. Then, very reluctantly Bankim took this piece of paper and handed it to him. The worker went back to the printing-room with that white sheet of paper containing a maha-mantra , the fire of Brahma. And so in this way through an apparently insignificant event the seed of this maha-mantra was sown in the life of the Indian people. After the composition and publication of Vande Mataram in ...


... This illuminating description of the integral Brahman is preceded by a categoric affirmation, interspersed in many representative Upanishads, that verily everything here is Brahman— sarvam hyetad Brahma. There is nothing like illusion or hallucination; the world and all its names and forms— idam sarvam —all are, indeed, the indivisible and all-pervading Brahman... "Brahmaivedam viśvamidam varistam”— ...

... dissolved, this Kundalini is struck and awakened, it uncoils itself and begins to rise upward like a fiery serpent breaking open each lotus as it ascends until the Shakti meets the Purusha in the brahma-randhra in a deep Samadhi of union. 10 The aim in Rajayoga is invariably the trance of samadhi when the pure still mind is possessed by (and possesses for the nonce) the highest supra-cosmic ...

... drawing it from the internal and inexhaustible reservoirs of the Spirit, from that Adya Shakti of the Eternal which is the fountain of all new existence. To be born again means nothing but to revive the Brahma within us, and that is a spiritual process - no effort of the body or the intellect can compass it. The three things needful are, firstly, a temple for the Mother, the white Bhavani, the Mother ...

... could accompany us to Pondicherry for a few days. Neither of the brothers agreed.     On not getting any cooperation from my brothers, Ma called one of my paternal cousins, Nau-da (Sunil Kumar Brahma), and explained to him in detail the whole affair and requested him to accompany the two of us to Pondicherry. When he heard about the Mother's words, he at once agreed to be our escort. It was Nau-da ...


... foster the growth of the higher conscious- ness in it, heighten the powers and faculties of our nature, awaken those that are dormant, and transform the whole ¹ Compare the Gitâ's ideal of Brahma-karma Samadhi. Page 309 instrumentation of our personality. I repeat again that the object of Karmayoga as an organic part of the Integral Yoga is not only liberation from the bonds ...

... the Spirit as well as in the body. The body has consciousness, it is God's form. When you see God in everything that is in the world, when you have this vision that all this is Brahman, sarvamidam brahma, that Vasudeva is all this - vasudevaḥ sarvamiti, then you have the universal delight. The flow of that delight precipitates and courses even through this body... ... Not our strength but ...

... Roy Message of the Gita, p. 224 नारायणेवेदं सर्वम् नारायण परब्रह्म परम् नारायण परं ब्रह्म नारायण पुरतः नारायण उत्तरतः। nārāyaṇevedaṁ sarvam nārāyaṇa parabrahma param nārāyaṇa paraṁ brahma nārāyaṇa purataḥ nārāyaṇa uttarataḥ Narayana is all this. Narayana is beyond the highest Brahman. Narayana is the highest Brahman. Narayana is in front. Narayana is in beyond. पुण्यो गन्धः ...

... am 4, 5 नारायणः परो ज्योतिरात्मा नारायणः परः। नारायणः परं ब्रह्म तत्त्वं नारायणः परः। नारायणपरो ध्याता ध्यानं नारायणः परः॥४॥ nārāyaṇaḥ paro jyotirātmā nārāyaṇaḥ paraḥ, nārāyaṇaḥ paraṁ brahma tattvaṁ nārāyaṇaḥ paraḥ, nārāyaṇaparo dhyātā dhyānaṁ nārāyaṇaḥ paraḥ. 4 Narayana is the Real Knowledge, Narayana is the Highest Soul Narayana is the Real Brahman, Narayana is the Real Self. ...

... ऋतं वदिष्यामि । सत्यं वदिष्यामि । तन्मामवतु । तद्वक्तारमवतु। अवतु माम् । अवतु वक्तारम्। ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥ namo brahmaṇe, namaste vāyo, tvameva pratyakṣaṁ brahmāsi, tvāmeva pratyakṣaṁ brahma vadiṣyāmi, ṛtaṃ vadiṣyāmi, satyaṁ vadiṣyāmi, tanmāmavatu, tadvaktāramavatu, avatu mām, avatu vaktāram, om śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ. Adoration to the Eternal. Adoration to thee, O Vayu, Thou art the ...

... fate has overtaken or is preparing to overtake them all. They flourish for a moment, then the impulse wanes, the fire dies out, and if they endure, it is only as empty shells, forms from which the Brahma has gone or in which it lies overpowered with Tamas and inert. Our beginnings are mighty, but they have neither sequel nor fruit.... India therefore Needs Shakti Alone The deeper we look ...

... very fine personalities. 2 The leaders of the Movement were either yogis or disciples of yogis - men like Monoranjan Guha Thakurta, the disciple of Bejoy Goswami . ... Then there were others , like Brahma Bandhab Upadhyay. The influence of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda worked from behind." The genius of the Bengali race had, all of a sudden, burst into full bloom. Its main flowering was in the field ...

... प्राणो मनः सत्यं लोकाः कर्मसु चामृतम् ॥८॥ yathorṇanābhiḥ sṛjate gṛhṇate ca yathā pṛthivyāmoṣadhayaḥ sambhavanti, yathā sataḥ puruṣāt keśalomāni tathākṣarāt sambhavatīha viśvam. 7 tapasā cīyate brahma tato'nnamabhijāyate, annāt prāṇo manaḥ satyaṁ lokāḥ karmasu cāmṛtam. 8 Mundaka Upanishad 1.1. 7 , 8 As the spider puts out and gathers in, as herbs spring up upon the earth, as hair of head ...

... जातानि जीवन्ति । यत् प्रयन्त्यभिसंविशन्ति । तद् विजिज्ञासस्व। तद् ब्रह्म तद् ब्रह्मेति ॥ om yato vā imāni bhūtāni jāyante, yena jātāni jīvanti, yat prayantyabhisaṁviśanti, tad vijijñāsasva, tad brahma tad brahmeti. Seek thou to know that from which these creatures are born, whereby being born they live and to which they go hence and enter again; for that is the Eternal. Taittiriya Upanishad ...

... identity with each symbol which is also an order of reality:         A sealed identity within her woke;       She knew herself the Beloved of the Supreme:... 298   She is Mother, Brahma's word, Shiva's spouse, Krishna's Radha; and, indeed, she is the Adorer and Adored self-lost and one". Savitri now comes to the last chamber where she espies the formless fount of her "straying force" ...

... A matter delicate, proceed?" As if the king's doubts to allay, Came Narad Muni to the place A few days after. Old and gray, All loved to see the gossip's face, Great Brahma's son,—adored of men, Long abseht, doubly welcome he Unto the monarch, hoping then By his assistance, clear to see. No god in heaven, nor king on earth, But Narad knew his... The fatal truth—I tell you,—I, Upon this day as rounds the year The young Prince Satyavan shall die." This was enough. The monarch knew The future was no sealed book To Brahma's son. A clammy dew Spread on his brow,—he gently took Savitri's palm in his, and said: "No child can give away her hand, A pledge is nought unsanctioned; And here, if right ...

... They are recovered by the sacrifice and the fiery god Agni is the flame, the power and the priest of the sacrifice;—by the Word, and Brihaspati is the father of the Word, the Maruts its singers or Brahmas, brahmāṇo marutaḥ , Saraswati its inspiration;—by the Wine, and Soma is the god of the Wine and the Ashwins its seekers, finders, givers, drinkers. The herds are the herds of Light and the Light comes ...

... energy, the being of all the gods. She knew herself the Beloved of the Supreme: These Gods and Goddesses were he and she: The Mother was she of Beauty and Delight, The Word in Brahma's vast creating clasp. The World-Puissance on almighty Shiva's lap, — The Master and the Mother of all lives Watching the worlds their twin regard had made, And Krishna and Radha ...

... self", by identity. She passed from room to room of the soul and felt one with everything. "She knew herself Beloved of the Supreme: "Mother was she of Beauty and Delight, The Word in Brahma's vast creating clasp, "The Master and the Mother of all lives "And Krishna and Radha for ever entwined in bliss". Page 322 There she arrived in the last chamber where ...

... liquid-orbed Page 136 Bore to the youthful Chyavan's strong embrace This passionate face of earth with Eden touched. Chyavan was Bhrigu's child, Puloma bore, The Titaness,– Bhrigu, great Brahma's son. Love gave the flower that helps by anguish; therefore He chilled not with the breath of Hades, nor The cry of the infernal stream made stone." But at the name of Love all hell was moved. ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Collected Poems

... the very inside of the treasure-house. - Canto V. 26, 29 Kautsa's blessings bestowed Raghu with a son, who was named Aja. As the son was born in the early morning hours, known as Brahma's hour, he was named Aja (unborn, existing from all eternity), after Brahman himself (Canto V. 36). What is most significant however about the great hero, viz., Raghu, is that he had not only conquered ...