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The Life Divine [19]
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The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [1]
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A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Greater Psychology [5]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [2]
A Scheme for The Education of Bengal [2]
A Vision of United India [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [1]
Arguments for the Existence of God [2]
Arjuna's Argument At Kurukshetra And Sri Krishna's Answers [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Blake's Tyger [2]
Champaklal Speaks [1]
Champaklal's Treasures - Edition-II [1]
Child, Teacher and Teacher Education [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [5]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 7 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 8 [2]
Essays Divine and Human [5]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [6]
Essays on the Gita [12]
From Man Human to Man Divine [2]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 1 [1]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [1]
Hymns to the Mystic Fire [8]
In the Mother's Light [6]
Indian Poets and English Poetry [1]
Inspiration and Effort [2]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [1]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [1]
Isha Upanishad [9]
Kena and Other Upanishads [5]
Landmarks of Hinduism [1]
Letters on Yoga - I [2]
Letters on Yoga - II [1]
Letters on Yoga - III [1]
Letters on Yoga - IV [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 1) [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [2]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Four [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1965 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1970 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
Nachiketas [2]
Notes on the Way [1]
On Education [2]
On Sri Aurobindo's Savitri [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [2]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Problems of Early Christianity [2]
Questions and Answers (1953) [1]
Questions and Answers (1954) [1]
Questions and Answers (1956) [2]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [2]
Record of Yoga [2]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [1]
Significance of Indian Yoga [1]
Sri Aurobindo - The Poet [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [2]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Message [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [2]
Sri Krishna In Brindavan [1]
Supermind in Integral Yoga [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Veda [3]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [1]
The Aim of Life [1]
The Destiny of the Body [3]
The Divine Collaborators [2]
The Hidden Forces of Life [1]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [5]
The Life Divine [19]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [1]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [1]
The Problem Of Aryan Origins [1]
The Renaissance in India [2]
The Secret of the Veda [16]
The Sunlit Path [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [14]
The Thinking Corner [1]
The Veda and Indian Culture [1]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 10 [2]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 6 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 8 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 9 [1]
Varieties of Yogic Experience and Integral Realisation [2]
Vedic and Philological Studies [1]
223 result/s found for Divine existence

... highest stature, refine and expand into their most subtle opulence. All imperfections, all perfections have to be taken into view in our consideration of the difference between an undivine and a divine existence: but ordinarily, when we make the distinction, we do it as human beings struggling under the pressure of life and the difficulties of our conduct Page 404 amidst its immediate problems... consciousness, force, experience of things represent—not in their very self, but in their surface pragmatic nature—a principle or an effective phenomenon of division or rupture in the unity of the Divine Existence. This division becomes in its inevitable practical effect a limitation of the divine consciousness and knowledge, the divine delight and beauty, the divine power and capacity, the divine harmony... unless we know the real cause of ignorance, imperfection and suffering and their place in the cosmic purpose or cosmic order. There are three propositions about God and the world,—if we admit the Divine Existence,—to which the general reason and consciousness of mankind bear witness; but, one of the three,—which is yet necessitated by the character of the world we live in,—does not harmonise with the two ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... scarlet-eyed.... Swetaswatara Upanishad. (IV. 3, 4.) This whole world is filled with beings who are His members. Swetaswatara Upanishad. (IV. 10.) An involution of the Divine Existence, the spiritual Reality, in the apparent inconscience of Matter is the starting-point of the evolution. But that Reality is in its nature an eternal Existence, Consciousness, Delight of Existence:... our existence. But our surface formulation of these things is not that, it is a mistranslation into the terms of the Ignorance. Our I is not that spiritual being which can look on the Divine Page 712 Existence and say, "That am I"; our mentality is not that spiritual consciousness; our will is not that force of consciousness; our pain and pleasure, even our highest joys and ecstasies are not... on, but by rejecting his own ignorance of it and the results of his ignorance, that he can best lift up and offer the whole of his being and consciousness and energy and joy of being into the Divine Existence. He may do this through himself, one manifestation, or he may do it through the universe, another manifestation. Arriving through himself alone, it is possible for him to plunge into an individual ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... existence & supracosmic freedom. God is possessed; the world is not renounced or rather renounced as an aim in itself, but possessed as the play of God. A selfless and transcendent perfection in the divine existence is the goal in this path of Yoga. 145 There are many Yogas, many spiritual disciplines, paths towards liberation and perfection, Godward ways of the spirit. Each has its separate aim... Gita describes in the words samagram mam , "the whole Me" of the Divine Being. Its method is an integral opening of the whole consciousness, mind, heart, life, will, body to that Reality, to the Divine Existence, Consciousness, Beatitude, to its being and its integral transformation of the whole nature[.] 148 Our Yoga is the integral Yoga. Its object is the harmony of a total spiritual realisation... Knowledge, not to blot out joy but to renounce human pleasure for a divine griefless beatitude, not to give up but to transform all world-nature and world-existence into a power of the Truth of the Divine Existence. Asceticism is not the final condition or characteristic means of this Yoga, although it does not exclude, whenever that is needful ascetic self-mastery or ascetic endeavour. To become one ...


... conception of the basic structure has to be quantitative. Science cannot, by its very character, give us the living conscious reality of the Divine Existence which is the spiritual seeker's objective and which he seeks by non-mathematical means. But if the Divine Existence is, as the spiritual view implies, Page 128 what has manifested or expressed itself as the physical universe, it automatically... automatically becomes, in the form of that universe, subject to quantitative treatment if such treatment is desired as by science. A mathematical exploration of the Divine Existence in its self-figuration as the physical cosmos is not irrelevant to mysticism. So, when the quantitative or mathematical terms in which the basic structure of physical reality is satisfactorily described are such that they carry ...

... of the Divine. It would in fact be the individual seeking peace and rest of union in a motionless identity, but rejecting delight and various joy of union in the nature and act and power of the divine Existence. That is possible, but there is no necessity to uphold it as the ultimate aim of our being or as our ultimate perfection. Or the one possible reason would be that in the power, the act of ... recovering after having lost His unity. Certainly, we may prefer the absorption in a pure exclusive unity or a departure into a supracosmic transcendence, but there is in the spiritual truth of the Divine Existence no compelling reason why we should not participate in this large possession and bliss of His universal being which is the fulfilment of our individuality. But we see farther that it is not... egoistic or self-separative, but of which the essential character is practical mutuality founded in essential Page 387 unity. This mutuality founded in unity is the whole secret of the divine existence in its perfect manifestation; it must be the basis of anything to which we can give the name of a divine life. But, secondly, we see that the whole difficulty and confusion into which the normal ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... ḥ , to the gods, or to the divinised Ancestors, or to elemental powers and spirits, devān, pitṝn, bhūtāni . Men consecrate their life and works ordinarily to partial powers or aspects of the divine Existence as they see or conceive them—mostly powers and aspects that ensoul to them things prominent in Nature and man or else reflect to them their own humanity in a divine exceeding symbol. If they do... spirit and brings in response an entire descent and self-giving of the Godhead to the human being, and that at Page 334 once reshapes and assimilates everything in us to the law of the divine existence by a rapid transformation of the lower into the spiritual nature. The will of self-giving forces away by its power the veil between God and man; it annuls every error and annihilates every obstacle... the Lord of the worlds and all our worship and aspiration one adoration of him and self-surrender, to direct the whole self Godwards in an entire union is the way to rise out of a mundane into a divine existence. This is the Gita's teaching of divine love and devotion, in which knowledge, works and the heart's longing become one in a supreme unification, a merging of all their divergences, an intertwining ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... whole explanation or the solution it proposes the sole true issue. The next affirmation which we put forward is that the fundamental reality of the Absolute is to our spiritual perception a Divine Existence, Consciousness and Delight of Being which is a supracosmic Reality, self-existent, but also the secret truth underlying the whole manifestation; for the fundamental truth of Being must necessarily... evolutionary Energy and its ultimate intention—to know and to grow into this truth of itself, to become one with the Divine Being, to raise its nature to the Divine Nature, its existence into the Divine Existence, its consciousness into the Divine Consciousness, its delight of being into the divine Delight of Being, and to receive all this into its becoming, to make the becoming an expression of that highest... we can rise; when we do so, we can become aware of supreme planes or levels of fundamental manifestation or self formulation of the spiritual reality in which is put in front the unity of the Divine Existence, the power of the Divine Consciousness, the bliss of the Divine Delight of existence,—not concealed or disguised as here, for we can possess them in their full independent reality. A fourth principle ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... e and even regarded him as in a way the Page 352 sole deity. This invention of henotheism is the attempt of an alien mentality to understand and account for the Indian idea of one Divine Existence who manifests Himself in many names and forms, each of which is for the worshipper of that name and form the one and supreme Deity. That idea of the Divine, fundamental to the Puranic religions... ), liberated into the infinity of the Vast ( bṛhat ). Divas pṛṣṭham adhi tiṣṭhanti cetasā . So far the Rishi has spoken of Soma in his impersonal manifestation, as the Ananda or delight of divine existence in the human being's conscious experience. He now turns, as is the habit of the Vedic Rishis, from the divine manifestation to the divine Person and at once Soma appears as the supreme Personality ...


... to search for it?" Over and above or rather behind and beyond the push of the typal mental plane to pursue ideas and theories for their own sake, there is one aspect of the Divine Nature, the Divine Existence, responsible for this urge. The ultimate reality is Omniscience (All-Knowledge) along with Omnipotence (All-Power) and Omnipresence (All-Pervasion), to which we may add Omnifelicity and Omniexpression... Aurobindo and the Mother under any circumstances have had their touch - and to have received that touch is the only thing we should be concerned with, for it guarantees to us the entire riches of the Divine Existence in proportion to our capacity. As for the opportunity to stay in the Ashram, it depends on a number of things. When Sri Aurobindo and the Mother were in our midst they themselves on several occasions ...


... s towards universality and transcendence. We may, therefore, if we will, pose eight 1 principles instead of seven, and then we perceive that our existence is a sort of refraction of the divine existence, in inverted order of ascent and descent, thus ranged,— Existence Matter Consciousness-Force Life Bliss Psyche Supermind Mind The Divine descends... realise its divine self in the all-possessing all-blissful Ananda, life repossess its divine power in the play of omnipotent Conscious-Force and Matter open to its divine liberty as a form of the divine Existence. And if there be any goal to the evolution which finds here its present crown and head in the human being, other than an aimless circling and an individual escape from the circling, if the infinite ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... and the eclipse of soul by material Nature? What would be its consciousness, living in the original Truth of things, in the inalienable unity, in the world of its own infinite being, like the Divine Existence itself, but able by the play of the Divine Maya and by the distinction of the comprehending and apprehending Truth-Consciousness to enjoy also difference from God at the same time as unity with... by the stumblings of mental error and the misprisions of our striving will because it never departs from truth and oneness, never falls from the inherent light and the natural harmony of its divine existence. It would be, finally, a pure and inalienable delight in its eternal self-experience and in Time a free variation of bliss unaffected by our perversions of dislike, hatred, discontent and suffering ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... svasti (the good state of existence, right being) and by others less technically used such as vāryam, rayiḥ, rāyaḥ . For the Vedic Rishi Truth is the passage and the antechamber, the Bliss of the divine existence is the goal, or else Truth is the foundation, Bliss the supreme result. Such, then, is the character of Saraswati as a psychological principle, her peculiar function and her relation to her... consciousness, are no longer the father and mother, but the two mothers. The triple principle was doubly recognised, first in the threefold divine principle answering to the later Sachchidananda, the divine existence, consciousness and bliss, and secondly in the threefold mundane principle, Mind, Life, Body, upon which is built the triple world of the Veda and Puranas. But the full number ordinarily recognised ...


... on the surrounding world from each as from a centre of living spiritual consciousness whose circumference is lost in the infinite. More, the spiritual individual remains as a little universe of divine existence at once independent and inseparable from the whole infinite universe of the divine self-manifestation of which we see a petty portion around us. A portion of the Transcendent, creative, he creates... spiritual being, a living power of the living Eternal. He is not merely a temporary form of lower Nature, but an eternal portion of the Highest in his supreme Prakriti, an eternal conscious ray of the divine existence and as everlasting as that supernal Prakriti. One side of the highest perfection and status of our liberated consciousness must then be to assume the true place of the Jiva in a supreme spiritual ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... Matter and Spirit, and also the realms between. It is like a stairway, and the way up is but the reverse of the way down: ...we perceive that our existence is a sort of refraction of the divine existence, in inverted order of ascent and descent, thus ranged, - Existence Consciousness-Force Bliss Supermind Matter ... realise its divine self in the all-possessing all-blissful Ananda, life repossess its divine power in the play of omnipotent Conscious-Force and Matter open to its divine liberty as a form of the divine Existence. And if there be any goal to the evolution... such a luminous and puissant transfiguration and emergence of the Divine in the creature (man) must be that high-uplifted goal and that supreme s ...

... terms of intelligence, will, sense-mind, heart, the vital and sensational being, and translate them by a luminous and harmonising conversion into a unity of the truth, power and delight of a divine existence. It will lift into that light and force and convert into their own highest sense our whole intellectual, volitional., dynamic, ethical, aesthetic, sensational, vital and physical being."¹ ... touch, smell and taste the Divine Being, saccidānanda, as concretely as we sense the material objects. Its action is direct, immediate and intimate. It makes us contact the substance of the divine Existence, the substance of the divine Consciousness, the substance of the divine Force, and the substance of the divine Delight. "The supermind acting through sense feels all as God and in God, all as ...

... ity conceivable and, because conceivable, therefore in a way inevitable, for all possibilities push towards actuality until they reach it, so is it with these contraries of the aspects of the Divine Existence. It may be said on this ground that these opposites, since they must be immediately perceivable by the manifesting Consciousness on the very threshold of manifestation, can take rank as implied... maintain their reign in the manifestation, they oppose the increase of light and truth and good and, still more, are antagonistic to the progress of the soul towards a divine consciousness and divine existence. It is this feature of existence that we see figured in the tradition of the Page 624 conflict between the Powers of Light and Darkness, Good and Evil, cosmic Harmony and cosmic Anarchy... Divine Being who is the omnipresent Reality in Nature and above Nature. But the last division to be removed is the scission between this Nature and the Supernature which is the Self-Power of the Divine Existence. Even before the dynamic Knowledge-Ignorance is removed, while it still remains as an inadequate instrumentation of the spirit, the supreme Shakti or Supernature can work through us and we can ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... He dwells in it as the Enjoyer and Knower, Lord and Self; we have seen that our dual terms of sensation, mind, force, being can only be representations of His delight, His conscious force, His divine existence. But it would seem that they are actually so much the opposite of what He really and supernally is that we cannot while dwelling in the cause of these opposites, cannot while contained in the... undivine can only be an action of the four divine principles themselves, such action of them as was necessary to create this universe of forms. Those forms have been created not outside but in the divine existence, conscious-force and bliss, not outside but in and as a part of the working of the divine Real-Idea. There is therefore no reason to suppose that there cannot be any real play of the higher divine... of movement and various view of the one substance, force, consciousness, delight which each is actually deploying at any given moment of Time or in any given field of Space. Granted that in the divine Existence, perfectly aware of itself, this is not a binding limitation, not an identification to which the soul Page 176 becomes enslaved and which it cannot exceed as we are enslaved to our ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... created it or rather manifested it in His own infinite Being: the creation is nothing but the manifestation of the Timeless Eternal in Time Eternity. Each thing created is a form of that manifest Divine Existence, each is divine in itself by the spiritual presence within it, whatever its appearance, its figure or character in Nature. The supreme Truth-Aspect thus manifesting itself founds all things... imprisoned Divine. 27 This Supermind manifesting the Spirit's self-knowledge and whole knowledge will bring about, by an inherent necessity and inevitability, the dynamic manifestation here of the divine Existence, Consciousness and Delight of Existence. It is this that is the significance of the plan and order of the terrestrial evolution and it is this necessity that has determined and must determine... knowledge and delight is the middle — man's imperfection is nothing but the sign of a transitional state, a growth not yet completed; finally, a consummation and a supreme fulfilment of the Divine Existence-Consciousness-Bliss in manifestation is the culmination. To summarise in Sri Aurobindo's own illuminating words: "A spiritual evolution, an evolution of consciousness in Matter in a ...

... Ayasya, who has the seven-headed thought, and the world of the light of the supramental truth, swar, is attained. The seven-headed thought is the knowledge of the divine existence with its seven heads or powers, since the divine existence is seven fold. The seven headed thought of Ayasya enables him to become viswajanya, and thus he becomes universal, as a result of which he is able to discover a... Indra has therefore been described as the fashioner of perfect forms. The activity of the pure illumined intelligence is sustained and increased by the conscious expression in us of the delight in divine existence and divine activity typified by the intoxicating wine of supreme delight, Soma-wine. 17 Indra is connected with sumati, — light in the thoughts and a bright gladness and kindness in the soul ...

... placed for us in the cave and is concealed in the waters of being, the waters in which the Thought of the Fathers has to be set, apsu dhiyaṁ dadhiṣe . It is the hidden Sun, the secret Light of our divine existence which has to be found and taken out by knowledge from the darkness in which it is concealed. That this light is not physical is shown by the word vijānan , for it is through right knowledge that... birth of divine vision is that man's path manifests itself to him and those journeyings of the gods or to Page 196 the gods ( devayānāḥ ) which lead to the infinite wideness of the divine existence. "Before me the paths of the journeyings of the gods have become visible, journeyings that violate not, whose movement was formed by the Vasus. The eye of Dawn has come into being in front and ...


... rahasyam . An integral knowledge in our self-giving is the first condition of its effective force. And therefore we have first of all to know this Purusha in all the powers and principles of his divine existence, tattvataḥ , in the whole harmony of it, in its eternal essence and living process. But to the ancient thought all the value of this knowledge, tattvajñāna , lay in its power for release out... but a status original, sempiternal and supreme, paraṁ sthānam ādyam . The Gita describes the last state of the mind of the Yogin in which he passes from life through death to this supreme divine existence. A motionless mind, a soul armed with the strength of Yoga, a union with God in bhakti,—the union by love is not here superseded by the featureless unification through knowledge, it remains ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... is only the divine Purusha acting by the divine Prakriti in His own being, offering everything into the fire of His self-conscious cosmic energy, while the knowledge and the possession of His divine existence and consciousness by the soul unified with Him is the goal of all this God-directed movement and activity. To know that and to live and act in this unifying consciousness is to be free. Page... sacrifice, eliminating desire, we arrive at knowledge and at the soul's possession of itself; by works done in self-knowledge and God-knowledge we are liberated into the unity, peace and joy of the divine existence. Page 123 × That this is the right interpretation results also from the opening of the eighth chapter ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... are the Vedic formula of divine Existence. By the action of Agni, kratwá, the soul achieving Truth merges itself in the divine principle of Love poured out into the offering to God of human life, Mitro na yajniyah, and with it in that principle, realising throughout our consciousness the divine Beatitude, rises into the free play of the infinite Tapas of the divine Existence. In that Tapas the sacrificial ...


... the seven principles of conscious being by which that manifestation works out its involution and evolution. In Brahman Matarishwan disposes the waters, the sevenfold movement of the divine Existence. That divine Existence is the Lord who has gone abroad in the movement and unrolled the universe in His three modes as All-Seer of the Truth of things, Thinker-out of their possibilities, Realiser of their ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... cloth of the beggar or the imperial crown. APPENDIX [5] [ Written in a different notebook; beginning lost or point of insertion unknown. Related thematically to Draft A of "The Life Divine". ] [.....] existence, lies the justification of all that is said in the scriptures of the liberated & perfected soul. He who would be free in this world, must be detached from it, though belonging to it, above... All this he cannot have unless in the roots of his conscious being he feels not concealed or subliminal, but manifest & always present to him, the Bright, Calm, Unconcerned, Unbound, Unrelated Divine Existence. This Pure Existence is not only an impersonal state of divine being, it is God Himself in His pure personality. For in all the divine manifestation, there is always this double aspect of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... concealed, not non-existent. The Divine is there below in the inconscience itself—mind and life are concealed in Matter, so is Supermind and Sachchidananda. The below is not something outside the Divine Existence. But as mind manifested in Matter only after the descent of Mind opened it into creation, so it is with Supermind. Page 6 Aspects of the Divine The Divine is infinite and a single... movements so that we may grow out of the Ignorance into the Light. 3) The Divine is transcendent Being and Spirit, all bliss and light and divine knowledge and power, and towards that highest divine existence and its Light we have to rise and bring down the reality of it more and more into our consciousness and life. In the ordinary nature we live in the Ignorance and do not know the Divine. The ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... perfect world, nobody in India at least, or the best possible world or put that forth as a proof of the Divine Existence. It is known that it is a world of death, ignorance, suffering and that its pleasures are not enduring. The spiritual seeker takes that not as a disproof of the Divine Existence, but as a greater spur for seeking and finding it out. He may seek it as a means of escape from life and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... divine life in Matter; but even a philosophy admitting a soul or spirit or a spiritual terminus of the evolutionary movement here could very well deny the capacity of earth for a divine life: a divine existence could only be achieved by a departure from earth and the body. Even if cosmic existence is not an illusion or Maya, a divine or a completely spiritual being is likely to be possible only in another... and Matter, the fulfilment of their meaning, their inherent principle and tendencies, the necessary perfection of their imperfection, the summit to which all are climbing, the consummation of divine existence, consciousness and bliss to which it is leading, the last result of the birth of things and supreme goal of this progressive manifestation which we see here in life. The full emergence of supermind ...


... body which form the lower being. That is the wideness of the higher being to which we have to ascend breaking beyond the two enclosing firmaments of the mental and physical; it is described as a divine existence free and large in its unbounded range; it is a wideness where there is no obstacle nor any siege of limitation; it is the fear-free pasture of the luminous herds of the Sun; it is the seat and... of the name there emerged before the poetic eye of the ancient mystics the images that are our nearest concrete representation of the Infinite. They saw God as a highest covering Heaven, felt divine existence like an encompassing ocean, lived in its boundless presence as in a pure and pervading ether. Varuna is this highest heaven, this soul-surrounding ocean, this ethereal possession and infinite ...


... arrive at an Absolute in itself or at the separate absolute of the soul, even if they reject the many rapturous infinities of the Absolute which the true possession of Nature by the soul in its divine existence offers to the eternal seeker in man. Uplifted into the Spirit the soul is no longer subject to Nature; it is above this mental activity. It may be above it in detachment and aloofness, udāsīna... and effecting all, that Force is the Will side of this double divine Power in which knowledge is always present and effectual. He is aware of himself also, even individually, as a centre of the divine existence,—a portion of the Lord, the Gita expresses it,—controlling so far the action of Nature which he views, upholds, sanctions, enjoys, knows and by the determinative power of knowledge controls. And ...


... does not exist because of all this; it is too great to be limited by the movement in Time and Space which it inhabits and supports. This foundation enables us to possess in the security of the divine existence the whole universe within our own being. We are no longer limited and shut in by what we inhabit, but like the Divine contain in ourselves all that for the purpose of the movement of Nature we... Vijānataḥ. Vijnana is the knowledge of the One and the Many, by which the Many are seen in the terms of the One, in the infinite unifying Truth, Right, Vast of the divine existence. × jagatyāṁ jagat. Isha Upanishad. ...


... self-divisible in its conscious experience and can concentrate itself in many states at a time. It is by this Page 138 tapas, by this varied concentration of self-knowledge that Divine Existence creates and supports the world and is at once the same God and Nature and world, Personal and Impersonal, Pure and Varied, Qualified and without qualities, Krishna and Kali, and Shiva and Brahma... Now I reach that ticklish topic: pantheism. Pantheos has been the experience of numerous mystics. He is a fact of realisation. No use denying Him. But surely He is not the sole truth of divine existence. Krishna in the Gita is much more than Pantheos. Still, your attempt to repudiate pantheism in the teaching of Krishna of the Gita on the basis of Krishna's own words is misguided. One of the ...

... Mind, life and body can only operate out of that which is contained in the being of which they are forces. This is what we mean when we say that all things act according to their nature. The divine Existence is pure and unlimited being in possession of all itself, it is sat ; whatever it puts forth in Page 120 its limitless purity of self-awareness is truth of itself, satya ; the divine... himself, not in his small ego or mind, but within this vast and infinite self with which he is now constantly identified. All action in the universe he sees as arising in this being, out of the divine Existence and under the stress of the divine Truth, Knowledge, Will and Power. He begins to participate consciously in its working and to see all things in the light of that divine truth and governance; ...


... death". The two passages prove that the night-forests could be the habitat of a burning Tyger-power of Urizen and that, like this power, they could symbolize the world of Nature cut off from the Divine Existence, the Infinite. Raine informs us that forests are the classical symbol of natural existence and their night is the night of the Hades of the temporal world. According to her, forests in Blake's... "The Sea, the Stars, the Sun, the Moon, driv'n forth by my disease." 183 Mark the phrase: "the Forests fled." It proves that unfallen Albion, the Eternal Man, contained in his divine existence the very forests which come to symbolize the temporal world split from the light of the All. Now, if forests no less than night are a phase or aspect of Heaven, surely we should put forests ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... col. 1. 482. Ibid., p. 228, col. 2. 483. The Secret of the Veda, pp. 447-48. Page 395 representation of the Infinite. They saw God as a highest covering Heaven, felt divine existence like an encompassing ocean, lived in its boundless presence as in a pure and pervading ether. Varuṇa is this highest heaven, this soul-surrounding ocean, this ethereal possession and infinite... of asva, "horse", for vital force, Sri Aurobindo 520 supplies the explanatory note: "The Horse-sacrifice is the offering of the Life-Power with all its impulses, desires, enjoyments to the divine existence. The Life-Soul... is itself the giver of the sacrifice which it performs when by the power of Agni it attains to vision on its own plane, when it becomes, in the figure of the hymn, the illumined ...


... understand that, we have to take note of the fact that to the highest spiritual perception the supreme Reality of the Absolute reveals itself as a triune Sachchidananda (Sat-Cit-Ānanda), a Divine Existence-Consciousness-Bliss. This infinite and absolute Existence, infinite and absolute Consciousness, infinite and absolute Force and Will, infinite and absolute Delight of Being, this Sachchidananda... the triune Reality, the 'divinity's lapse from its own splendours' into 'the Inconscient's boundless sleep', deliberately adopted for a great cosmic purpose: the dynamic manifestation of the divine Existence, Consciousness and Delight of Being here in the very mould of an apparently inconscient, insensible and viewless Matter. 1 The Life Divine p. 550. (Italics ours) Page 183 ...

... pleasant. And the body consciousness (which is now taking form more and more clearly), even the one that is subject to the old habit, is conscious of the divine existence, I might say (the existence of the Divine and almost the divine existence), but it still has a sense of helplessness, and also, within that helplessness, of a complete surrender to the divine Will: "If we aren't ready, it will be ...


... the Divine. It would in fact be the individual seeking peace and rest of union in a motionless identity, but rejecting delight and various joy of union in the nature and act and power of the divine Existence. That is possible, but there is no necessity to uphold it as the ultimate aim of our being or as our ultimate perfection. The Life Divine, pp. 367-70 The ordinary existence of man... being's immersion in the sole experience of unity, the liberated play is the taking up of his mind into the spiritual being for the free realisation and delight of oneness. For the nature of the divine existence is to possess always its unity, but to possess it also in an infinite experience, from many standpoints, on many planes, through many conscious powers or selves of itself, individualities — ...


... of escape. The other way would be the ascent after death into these higher planes — the heavens of the religions signify after all nothing but such an urge to a greater, luminous, beatific Divine Existence. But, one might ask, if the higher planes or if the overmind itself were to manifest their consciousness with all their power, light, freedom and vastness and these things were to descend... reach back to the absolute freedom of the Non-Being without therefore losing its hold on Existence and the universe. It would thus reproduce in itself perpetually the eternal miracle of the divine Existence, in the universe, yet always beyond it and even, as it were, beyond itself. The opposite experience could only be a concentration of mentality in the individual upon Non-existence with the ...


... perfect world, nobody in India at least, or the best possible world or put that forth as a proof of the Divine existence. It is known that it is a world of death, ignorance, suffering and that its pleasures are not enduring. The spiritual seeker takes that not as a disproof of the Divine Existence, but as a greater spur for seeking and finding it out. He may seek it as a means of escape from life and ...

... divine life in Matter; but even a philosophy admitting a soul or spirit or a spiritual terminus of the evolutionary movement here could very well deny the capacity of earth for a divine life: a divine existence could only be achieved by a departure from earth and the body. Even if cosmic existence is not an illusion or Maya, a divine or a completely spiritual being is likely to be possible only in another... and Matter, the fulfilment of their meaning, their inherent principle and tendencies, the necessary perfection of their imperfection, the summit to which all are climbing, the consummation of divine existence, consciousness and bliss to which it is leading, the last result of the birth of things and supreme goal of Page 202 this progressive manifestation which we see here in life. ...

... repelled and afflicted by its poverty, squalor and ugliness, when we approach Her, as Mahālaksmī , She pours into our hearts and our lives the wealth and harmony, the sweet- ness and beauty of Her divine existence. Her radiant smile enfolds us in its heavenly charm, and her tenderness heals us of all grief and sorrow. And, as Mahāsaraswatī , She teaches us the arts and crafts of life, the techniques of... all our worship and aspiration one adoration of Him and self-surrender, to direct the whole self God wards in an entire union is the way to rise out of Page 339 a mundane into a divine existence."¹ The Integral Yoga starts with this wide synthesis of the Gitâ, leavened and lit up by bhakti , but takes particular care from the very start to put it into the hands of the Mother and gear ...

... Sevenfold Chord of Being Argument There are, therefore, seven or else eight principles of being and the four which constitute human existence are a refraction of the four which constitute divine existence, but in inverted order. The Divine descends from pure existence to Supermind to cast itself into cosmic existence; the creature ascends from Matter toMind towards the Divine and meets it where ...


... dualisers; there are confiners or censurers. But we are given also many specific names. Vritra, the Serpent, is the grand Adversary; for he obstructs with his coils of darkness all possibility of divine existence and divine action. And even when Vritra is slain by the light, fiercer enemies arise out of him. Shushna afflicts us with his impure and ineffective force, Namuchi fights man by his weaknesses ...


... परिवीतः in the sense of pervading, from ví, to go, suits best with the phrase anante antah. अर्यः as in अरति = one fit to do the work of अरणं, the fight, journey or ascension from mortality to the divine existence. Page 637 8) He, the messenger, controlleth all habitations, the priest of the offering with his chariot of gold, with his tongue of delight; red are his steeds, full of body ...


... submission to an inner flame. Namas , the obeisance, implies also obedience; the verb is used in the Veda in the sense of subduing. Now Agni kavikratuh is the luminous force or will-power of the Divine Existence, ekam sat ; the force is the flame, the light of the flame is the knowledge; therefore he is the shining guardian of the Truth, for his unified power and knowledge protect all the workings of ...


... occupies all the energies. The Seer-Will is the godhead in us which is most powerful thus to establish, hold, order the action of the Delight in us. This delight is represented as the wealth of the divine existence, by the words रयिः, राधः, राः, रत्न, each of which has a different connotation. रयिः is simply the accumulation of the riches, the mass of the felicity; राधः its riches as affecting the mental ...


... × The necklace of many figures is Prakriti, creative Nature which comes under the control of the soul that has attained to the divine existence. × Probably, the divine force utilised to raise to divinity the triple being of man. ...


... be and must be in some way or other a part of our task; but the greatest helpfulness of all is this, to be a human centre of the Light, the Glory, the Bliss, the Strength, the Knowledge of the Divine Existence through whom it shall communicate itself lavishly to other men and attract by its magnet of delight their souls to that which is the Highest. Page 98 ...


... world outside this petty world, see the boundless heavens above & breast the wide & circumambient air of our infinite existence. The first necessity is to know the One, to be in possession of the divine Existence; afterwards we can have all the knowledge, joy & power for action that is intended for our souls,—for He being known all is known, tasmin vijnate sarvam vijnatam, not at once by any miraculous ...


... impulse he has created by the intrusion of a shallow and minor injunction, that he should say in effect, "Seeing God everywhere, abandon the whole world in Spirit that thou mayst enjoy the whole of divine existence,—but take care not to lust after other people's property." Such an interjection would be either a grotesquely unneeded warning to a soul free from desire and already enjoying the whole world in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... experience. If once it is established by the experience of the Jivanmuktas that works & salvation are compatible, by the experience of the Karmayogins that works also lead to freedom in the Infinite & Divine Existence,—although they need not be the only path, nor the only requisite, Page 583 although, even, it may be difficult to harmonise an active existence with the calm & peace of Infinity,—then ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... he is manifest by his power in the Vibhuti; he is the Godhead secret in every human being. All the gods whom men worship are only personalities and forms and names and mental bodies of the one Divine Existence. "The Supreme has manifested the world from his spiritual essence and in his own infinite existence and manifested himself too variously in the world. All things are his powers and figures ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... of consciousness in which its transfiguration by a perfect self-discovery becomes possible. To fulfil God in life is man's manhood. He starts from the animal vitality and its activities, but a divine existence is his objective. But as in Thought, so in Life, the true rule of self-realisation is a progressive comprehension. Brahman expresses Itself in many successive forms of consciousness, successive ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... brings equally the contact of a supreme power of beauty. In doing this it appears to exercise a mode of consciousness that goes deeper than Richardsian science and to touch a perfect reality, a divine existence of which Richardsian science has no inkling. Not in poetic content but in poetic form, in the inwardly animated manner of poetic speech, the Magical View seems basically involved and the ...


... starting-point for our study. The words - "for the coming of our Lord" - show Paul, as often elsewhere, haunted by the idea of the Parousia which would transfigure the Christian, inducting him into a divine existence. But, as 1 Corinthians 15:44, 50 makes it explicit, what exists before the transfiguration is the soul-body, the animated physicality: the transfiguration brings about a spirit-body and this ...

... movement leading to great sinister worlds full of perversion, crookedness and falsehood and pretensions which throw all their influence upon man. Wanting to find the source of this evil, this anti-divine existence, Aswapati dives deeper only to come face to face with the Mother of Evil and the Sons of Darkness: I saw that a falsehood was planted deep At the very root of things Where the grey ...

... and yoga. tapas , Tapas — the essential principle of energy. Transcendence, the Transcendent — the seat of the Transcendent Consciousness is above in an absoluteness of divine Existence of which our mentality can form no conception and of which even our greatest spiritual experience is only a divine reflection. See also the Divine. triguṇātī ta — above or beyond ...


... instrument of knowledge that is the human mind is, in effect: "In the endless range of possibilities of manifestation, the possibility had to come up of a world starting from the very opposite of the divine existence, consciousness-force and bliss and such a possibility was accepted as a challenge to this existence, consciousness-force and bliss to develop out of it with a rare richness the original perfection ...


... incompatible with even divine Page 14 speech strikes me as a partial experience — an experience due to our inability to reconcile or hold together seeming opposites of the divine Existence. The Personal and the Impersonal, the Multiple and the Unitary, the Active and the Passive, the Voiceful and the Silent — these are some of the contraries in which God has been conceived and realised ...


... through their opposition as well as interplay - a reality not "neutral" in its "stuff" a la Bertrand Russell but more luminous than mind and more substantial than matter: in short, a fundamental divine Existence variously creative of its own forms. It is indeed this Existence after which we Aurobindonians Page 34 strive and by which we hope to change matter no less than mind to a perfect ...


... evolutionary Energy and its ultimate intention - to know and to grow into this truth of itself, to become one with the Divine Being, to raise its nature to the Divine Nature, its existence into the Divine Existence, its consciousness into the Divine Consciousness, its delight of being into the Divine Delight of Being, and to receive all this into its becoming, to make the becoming an expression of that ...

... vowels and four consecutive stresses at the start and three at the end. The slow weighty stretched movement conveys the sense of a massive flood drawn towards earth from the distance of a divine existence - the profound secrecy of the Soul. Here again, as before, we have the Soul as the source of poetry and this source is not only deep within us but also itself a great depth, holding as it ...


... way of escape. The other way would be the ascent after death into these higher planes,—the heavens of the religions signify after all nothing but such an urge to a greater, luminous, beatific Divine Existence. But, one might ask, if the higher planes or if the Overmind itself were to manifest their consciousness with all that power, light, freedom and vastness and these things were to descend into ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... that transcendent spiritual power and presence within it which is one with all and in sympathy with each thing and creature and with all the collective personalities and powers of the divine Page 205 existence, and yet it transcends them and is not bound by the egoism of any creature or collectivity or limited by the ignorant controls of their lower nature. This is the high realisation in ...


... does not depend upon withdrawal from life, we are able to become without egoism, bondage or reaction the channel in our mind and body for a divine action poured out freely upon the world. The divine existence is of the nature not only of freedom, but of purity, beatitude and perfection. An integral purity which shall enable on the one hand the perfect reflection of the divine Being in ourselves and ...


... of Works An integral Yoga includes as a vital and indispensable element in its total and ultimate aim the conversion of the whole being into a higher spiritual consciousness and a larger divine existence. Our parts of will and action, our parts of knowledge, our thinking being, our emotional being, our being of life, all our self and nature must seek the Divine, enter into the Infinite, unite ...


... that all cosmic manifestation would otherwise become impossible; but it would be a quite different manifestation from the one in which we live; it would be confined to the higher worlds of the divine Existence or to a typal non-evolving cosmos where each being lived in the whole light of its own law of nature, and this obverse manifestation, this evolving cycle, would be impossible. What is here the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... that we can best assure even that evolutionary, collective, altruistic aim our modern thought and idealism have set before us. But it is in itself a secondary aim; to find, know and possess the Divine existence, consciousness and nature and to live in it for the Divine is our true aim and the one perfection to which we must aspire. It is then in the way of the spiritual philosophies and religions ...


... which love is the human symbol, all its essential instincts divinised, raised, satisfied in the bliss from which our life was born and towards which by oneness it returns in the Ananda of the divine existence where love is absolute, eternal and unalloyed. Page 570 × These are three of the four classes of devotee ...


... 12.2 "O perceiver of the Truth, perceive the Truth alone, cleave out many streams of the Truth"), establish for men the supreme good and the supreme good 2 is the felicity, the bliss of the divine existence. Still, neither in these hymns nor in Vamadeva's is there an express mention of the seven rivers. We will turn therefore to the first hymn of Vishwamitra, his hymn to Agni (III.l), from its ...


... powers until through the enlarged and ever-opening worlds of his being the soul of man rises, sees the divine doors ( devīr dvāraḥ ) swing open to his call and enters into the supreme felicity of a divine existence beyond heaven and earth. This ascent is the parable of the Angiras Rishis. All the gods are conquerors and givers of the Cow, the Horse and the divine riches, but it is especially the great ...


... express that secret of its own being. Therefore Ananda is the tongue of the gods with which they taste the delight of existence, it is the nodus in which all the activities of the immortal state or divine existence are bound together. Vamadeva goes on to say, "Let us give expression to this secret name of the clarity,—that is to say, let us bring out this Soma-wine, this hidden delight of existence; let ...


... activity pouring rays in a rich yield upon the receptive mind. The activity of the pure illuminated Intelligence is sustained and increased by the conscious expression in us of the delight in divine existence and divine activity typified by the Soma wine. As the Intelligence feeds upon it, its action becomes an intoxicated ecstasy of inspiration by which the rays come pouring abundantly and joyously ...


... here comes to be translated into terms of good, felicity, bliss. "And thou encompassest Night upon both sides, and thou becomest, O God, Mitra by the laws of thy action." The Truth of the divine existence becomes eventually the sole Lord of all creation in ourselves; and by his constant visitations or by his continual progressions the Creator becomes the Increaser, Savitri becomes Pushan. He a ...


... the rule of a divine action; many are the thoughts she brings in that motion, but her steps are sure and all desirable things, all supreme boons, the boons of the Ananda, the blessings of the divine existence,—are in her hands. She is ancient and eternal, Page 295 the dawn of the Light that was from the beginning, purāṇī , but in her coming she is ever young and fresh to the soul that ...


... integrally in all his powers and principles, then all is known, not only the pure Self, but the world and action and Nature. There is then nothing else here left to be known, because all is that Divine Existence. It is only because our view here is not thus integral, because it rests on the dividing mind and reason and the separative idea of the ego, that our mental perception of things is an ignorance ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... Sayana feels that an importance is attached to the appellation, but misses the equal importance of the collocation देवेभ्यो देव. To him who gives to the godheads, the Seer-Will representing the divine existence responds with the gift of light, of power, of vastness. Sayana's rendering. Also, O shining Agni, to him who gives to the gods, thou bringest a shining wealth endowed with good energy ...


... felicity full of the spiritual riches, rāye . That state of beatitude is intended, self-content in the principle of pure Love and Joy, which the Vedic initiates regarded as the source of the divine existence in the universe and the foundation of the divine life in the human being. It is the deformation of this principle by egoism which appears as desire and the lust of possession in the lower worlds ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... later doctrine of Ramanuja. Still this much is clear that there is an eternal, a real and not only an illusive Page 445 principle of multiplicity in the spiritual being of the one divine Existence. This eternal individual is not other than or in any way really separate from the Divine Purusha. It is the Lord himself, the Ishwara who by virtue of the eternal multiplicity of his oneness—is ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... basis—that of the Overmind is in between the two hemispheres. The lower hemisphere must contain all the mind including its higher planes, the vital, the physical. The upper hemisphere contains the Divine existence-consciousness-bliss, with the Supermind as its means of self-formulation. The Overmind is at the head of the lower hemisphere and is the intermediate or transitional plane between the two. ...


... not just the monstrosity we see, that there is the Divine, the Divine exists. And each time that the least thing puts you either directly or indirectly in contact with this sublime Reality of divine existence, the heart is filled with so intense, so marvellous a joy, such a gratitude as of all things has the most delightful taste. There is nothing which gives you a joy equal to that of gratitude ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   The Sunlit Path

... fleeting contact, for in the human being love is immediately mixed with lower egoistic movements which debase it and rob it of its power of purity. But even if it remained pure, this contact with the divine existence could not last for ever, for love is only one aspect of the Divine, an aspect which here on earth has suffered the same distortions as the others. Besides, all these experiences are very good ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... are a secrecy of heavenly spaces not only fathomless but also searingly ablaze, and the skies are a manifestation of them not only ample but also transfiguringly splendourous. The deeps are a Divine Existence above as an infinite blinding profound of light, and the skies the same Existence as an infinite irradiating wideness of it. If we may revert to an old comparison, we may call the former the empyrean ...

Amal Kiran   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Blake's Tyger

... next, last even the Dog of my Gate; the Forests fled... In my book I have commented: "Mark the phrase 'the Forests fled'. It proves that unfallen Albion, the Eternal Man, contained in his divine existence the very forests which come to symbolize the temporal world split from the light of the All." Night and forests don't come into being with the Fall from Heaven: their divine counterparts are ...

... intensities of love where all its essential instincts are divinised, raised, satisfied in the bliss from which our life was born and towards which by oneness it returns, in the Ananda of the Divine existence where Love is absolute, eternal and unalloyed. Such is the possibility which is awaiting us if we choose to make of it the aim of our life; in fact, even if we don't, it may still happen to us ...


... which love is the human symbol, all its essential instincts divinised, raised, satisfied in the bliss from which our life was born and towards which by oneness it returns in the Ananda of the divine existence where love is absolute, eternal and unalloyed. — Sri Aurobindo Page 12 All music is only the sound of His laughter, All beauty the smile of His passionate bliss; ...


... and Knower who has manifested Himself out of the Brahman. 4. The necklace of many figures is Prakriti, creative Nature whifch comes under the control of the soul that has attained to the divine existence. Page 41 17. "Whoso lights the three fires' of Nachiketas and comes to union with the Three6 and does the triple works,7 beyond birth and death he crosses; for he finds the ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Nachiketas

... ly developing "exterior metre mould of form which is devised to sustain in matter the rising intonations of the spiritual harmony." 22 In Sri Aurobindo's view, "an involution of the Divine Existence, the spiritual Reality, in the apparent inconscience of Matter 21.Bernal, The Physical Basis of Life. 22.Sri Aurobindo, The Problem of Rebirth (1969 ed.), p. 75. Page ...

... mutuality founded in essential unity. As Sri Aurobindo points out, once again, based upon his own supramental experience, this mutuality is founded in unity, and that is the whole secret of the divine existence in its perfect manifestation. In fact, the entire basis of the integral yoga, which not only aims at the integral realization of the Infinite but also at the full manifestation of the supramental ...


... any of these three poises with the stigma of falsehood and illusion. The language of the Upanishads, the supreme ancient authority for these truths of a higher experience, when they speak of the Divine existence which is manifesting itself, implies the validity of all these experiences." 88 The conflict among various positions of Vedantic philosophy finds a resolution in the experience of the ...


... greatest, existence that is superior to phenomena of qualities and forms which fluctuate and which are contingent, is the one thing that can be conceived. As Sri Aurobindo points out in the Life Divine, "existence without quantity, without quality, Page 75 without form is not only conceivable, but it is the one thing we can conceive behind these phenomena". 16 This simple statement, we may ...

... which love is the human symbol, all its essential instincts divinised, raised, satisfied in the bliss from which our life was born and towards which by oneness it returns in the Ananda of the divine existence where love is absolute, eternal and unalloyed."16 At the highest stage of Bhakti yoga, one becomes universalised and the way of the Divine love and delight is raised to its intensities, ...

... supreme. And the greatest helpfulness that one can render for the supreme victory of the Brahman is to be a human centre of the Light, the Glory, the Bliss, the Strength and the knowledge of the Divine Existence through whom it shall communicate itself lavishly to other men and attract by its Page 17 magnet of delight their souls to that which is the Highest. Such is the message that one ...

... was invented, and they called it henotheism. In reality, the Veda is not polytheistic, nor is it monotheistic in the modern sense of the word; the Vedic experience of the reality is that of one Divine Existence who manifests Himself in many names and forms, each of which is for the worshipper of that name and form, the one and supreme Deity. This idea was also continued in the Puranic religions of India ...

... alas, in human distress! Now if one goes to the very source, the very root of the matter, the cardinal fact of unity is that of the supreme Consciousness, the original oneness of the one Divine Existence. It is the Ultimate One, inviolate, inviolable —ekam sat. That unity is transferred or translated or imaged on all the levels and strands of creation. That is the basic reality that holds ...

... will go on indefinitely without stop towards a better that will be always greater than the preceding better. Such people may indeed have a great aspiration, they need have no notion of a divine existence for that. Aspiration necessarily includes a faith, but it need not be a faith in the divine Being. Prayer, on the other hand, cannot exist unless it is addressed to a divine Being. ...

... said the outer existence, the material life does not continue long, it comes sooner or later to a dead stop. Thus the inner being is liberated completely and is freed into the life beyond, the Divine Existence, the Brahman. It is said that when each and every seed of the various elements that compose the being, that sprouts into the luxuriant tree of material life, when each and every seed is burnt ...

... manifestations in the free movement of the Divine; they themselves moved free, according to their individualised conscious will. They stood out, as if in bold relief, on the background of the Divine Existence. For originally, although they differentiated themselves from each other and from the Divine, yet they formed a unified harmony and lived and moved and had their being as different members of ...

... progress will go on indefinitely without stop towards a better that will be always greater than the preceding better. Such people may indeed have a great aspiration, they need have no notion of a divine existence for that. Aspiration necessarily includes a faith, but it need not be a faith in the divine Being. Prayer, on the other hand, cannot exist unless it is addressed to a divine Being. Page ...

... progress will go on indefinitely without stop towards a better that will be always greater than the preceding better. Such people may indeed have a great aspiration, they need have no notion of a divine existence for that. Aspiration necessarily includes a faith, but it need not be a faith in the divine Being. Prayer, on the other hand, cannot exist unless it is addressed to a divine Being. Page ...

... which love is the human symbol, all its essential instincts divinized, raised, satisfied in the bliss from which our life was born and towards which by oneness it returns in the Ananda of the divine existence where love is absolute, eternal and unalloyed." 42 The path of divine love passes through many moods of love that is turned to the Divine; there is in these moods the joy of musing and ...

... experienced by the inspired and liberated knowers of the Eternal throughout a great and fruitful period of spiritual seeking". 63 The Upanishads link the lower mortal existence to the higher divine existence by the causal Idea or supramental Knowledge-Will, vijndna, which we find elaborated upon in the Taittiriya Upanishad. It is the vijndna which, by supporting and secretly guiding the confused ...

... higher, but by the transformation of the lower and its elevation to the higher Nature. It is because the aim is that of a transformation of our integral being into the terms of the supramental divine existence that the synthesis of yoga or integral yoga becomes indispensable. The one common principle and the one central dynamic Force in all systems of yoga is that of concentration; in the new synthesis ...

... rending of their cave, the Veda declares, the herds of the divine dawn which are the rays of the Sun of Truth ascend the hill of being and the Sun itself ascends to the luminous upper ocean of the divine existence, led over it by the thinkers like a ship over the waters till it reaches its farther shore. In simple terms, the light is one, it is the same everywhere. It is not merely there above ...


... creation is a globe, there are three worlds above, that is the higher hemisphere and three other below forming the lower hemisphere. The higher worlds are as you all know Sat-Chit-Ananda, – the Divine Existence, the Divine Consciousness and the Divine Delight. Below in the lower half there is the mind, the vital and the body, – manas, prana and anna. Three above, three below, in between there is ...

... truth-consciousness. Still these levels might become stages of the ascent which some would reach and pause there while others went higher and could reach and live on superior strata of a semi- divine existence. It is not to be supposed that all humanity would rise in a block into the supermind; at first those only might attain to the highest or some intermediate height of the ascent whose inner evolution ...

... divine illumination. The result of the birth of divine vision is that man's path manifests itself to him and those journeyings of the gods or to the gods which lead to the infinite wideness of the divine existence". "The eye of Dawn has come into being in front. The path of man is that of his journey to the Supreme plane. There is a divine law of the life into which soul has to grow". The Dawn leads ...

... realise its divine self in the all-possessing all- blissful Ananda, life possess its divine power in the play of omnipotent Conscious-Force and Matter open to its divine liberty as a form of the divine Existence. And if there be any goal to the evolution which finds here its present crown and head in the human being, other than an aimless circling and an individual escape from the circling, if the infinite ...


... from which we receive intimations of freedom, purity, infinity and immortality. It is the psychic that enlivens us with a sense of beauty and makes us participate in the termless ecstasy of the Divine Existence. It is the psychic that inflames us with love and devotion for the Divine, and compels the discords of our life to dissolve into order and harmony. ¹ The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo, Part ...


... persistence through the perpetuation of the species. In mental life, the keynote is continual enlargement, improvement and the pull towards endless change and variability. In spiritual life or divine existence, the mind longs for a self-existent perfection and immutable infinity and can find peace only when these are realised. If the mind starts regulating the bodily life, the externals alone are rapidly ...

... the glories of his spiritual existence, he does not necessarily die to his mental - and material life, but can bring those glories down into his earthly nature, and achieve a dynamic harmony of divine existence. Therefore, any philosophy or culture that clips his spiritual wings and chains him to the material- life is, by the very logic of evolution, an obscurantism,, a reactionary movement doomed to ...

... theory, the seven principles of conscious being in their divine fulfilment in the Truth and Page 178 Bliss. This is why the seven-headed thought,—that is to say, the knowledge of the divine existence with its seven heads or powers, the seven-rayed knowledge of Brihaspati, saptagum , has to be confirmed or held in thought in the waters, the seven rivers, that is to say the seven forms of divine ...


... Mother— aditaye anāgasaḥ , or for the infinite existence, as it is elsewhere expressed. Then in the ninth and tenth verses we have, expressed in various formulas, the idea of the united human and divine existence, Diti and Aditi, the latter founding, controlling and flooding with itself the former. "The Truth controlled by the Truth I desire (i.e. the human by the divine), together the unripe things of ...


... the Panis. By the rending of that cave the herds of the divine dawn which are the rays of the Sun of Truth ascend the hill of being and the Sun itself ascends to the luminous upper ocean of the divine existence, led over it by the thinkers like a ship over the waters, till it reaches its farther shore. The Panis who conceal the herds, the masters of the nether cavern, are a class of Dasyus who are ...


... bears up all beings, the sea is the brother & the sea is the birthplace. There can be no doubt of the meaning of this symbol. It is the upper ocean of the Veda in which it imaged the superior & divine existence, these are the waters of supramaterial causality. From that this lower ocean of our manifestation derives its waters, its flowing energies, apah; from that when the Vritras are slain & the firmaments ...


... should do, in connection with all that it has been saying throughout the work and especially in the last twelve chapters. The Gita's philosophy of life and works is that all proceeds from the Divine Existence, the transcendent and universal Spirit. All is a veiled manifestation of the Godhead, Vasudeva, yataḥ pravṛttir bhūtānāṁ yena sarvam idaṁ tatam , and to unveil the Immortal within and in the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... with the Divine and part and parcel of his divinity: it could not be or become immortal if it were merely a creature of mental, vital and physical Nature. All existence is a manifestation of the divine Existence and that which is within us is spirit of the eternal Spirit. We have come indeed into the lower material nature and are under its influence, but we have come there from the supreme spiritual nature: ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... say, and not entirely That in any part or sum of their appearance, but still they could not be significative of him if they were something else and not term and stuff of the Page 315 divine existence. That is the Real; but they are its expressive realities. 3 This is what is intended by the phrase, vāsudevaḥ sarvam iti ; the Godhead is all that is universe and all that is in the universe ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... the one Brahman in all beings and in all the various movement of the cosmos we attain beyond these things to the infinity, the omnipotent being, the omniscient light, the pure beatitude of that divine existence. This great achievement must be done here in this mortal world, in this limited body; for if we do it, we arrive at our true existence and are no longer bound down to our phenomenal becoming; ...


... Nature, That or He can be met by each individual soul in itself, in its own spiritual part, because there is something in it that is intimately one or at least intimately related with the one divine Existence. The essence of Indian religion is to aim at so growing and so living that we can grow out of the Ignorance which veils this self-knowledge from our mind and life and become aware of the Divinity ...


... sannyāsa , while Yoga held to be quite sufficient the inner renunciation of desire, the purification of the subjective principle which leads to action and the turning of works Godwards, towards the divine existence and towards liberation. Yet both had the same aim, the transcendence of birth and of this terrestrial existence and the union of the human soul with the Highest. This at least is the difference ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... them to the great liberation. For the Lord and the immutable Brahman are not two different beings, but one and the same Being, and whoever strives towards either, is striving towards that one divine Existence. All works in their totality find their culmination and completeness in the knowledge of the Divine, sarvaṁ karmākhilaṁ pārtha jñāne parisamāpyate . They are not an obstacle, but the way to ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... consummation? For on those relations and on the process they follow depend the whole philosophy and practice of a divine life for man. We arrive at the conception and at the knowledge of a divine existence by exceeding the evidence of the senses and piercing beyond the walls of the physical mind. So long as we confine ourselves to sense-evidence and the physical consciousness, we can conceive nothing ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... ordinary consciousness does not feel or miss this Divine support because it takes as its own the knowledge and power that are given to it; it is quite satisfied with that and is not aware of the Divine Existence behind it, or the Divine Force and Knowledge. 19 April 1937 "For there is nothing in the world which has not its ultimate truth and support in the Divine" [ p. 27 ]. To know this perfectly ...

... that this progress will go on indefinitely without stopping, towards an ever greater good. Well, these people can have a very great aspiration for progress, and they don't even need any idea of a divine existence for that. Aspiration necessarily implies a faith but not necessarily faith in a divine being; whilst prayer cannot exist if it is not addressed to a divine being. And pray to what? One does not ...


... contact, for in the human being love is immediately mixed with lower egoistic movements, which debase it and rob it of its power of purity. But even if it remained pure, this contact with the divine existence could not last for ever, for love is only one aspect of the Divine, an aspect which here on earth has suffered the same distortions as the others." What is it, what haven't you understood ...


... in the human being love is immediately mixed with the egoistic lower movements that tarnish it and take away all the power of its purity. Yet, even if it had remained pure, this contact with a divine existence could not always endure. For love is only one aspect of the Divine, an aspect that has upon earth suAered the same deformations as the rest.     Moreover, all these experiences are quite ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... maintain their reign in the manifestation, they oppose the increase of light and truth and good and, still more, are antagonistic to the progress of the soul towards a divine consciousness and divine existence. It is this feature of existence that we see figured in the tradition of the conflict between the Powers of Light and Darkness, Good and Evil, cosmic Harmony and cosmic Anarchy, a tradition universal ...


... even of all of them together. It is possible to take another view of the spiritual significance and the inner process of terrestrial existence. If each thing created is a form of the manifest Divine Existence, each is divine in itself by the spiritual presence within it, whatever its appearance, its figure or character in Nature. In each form of manifestation the Divine takes the delight of existence ...


... not just the monstrosity we see, that there is the Divine, the Divine exists. And each time that the least thing puts you either directly or indirectly in contact with this sublime Reality of divine existence, the heart is filled with so intense, so marvellous a joy, such a gratitude as of all things has the most delightful taste. There is nothing which gives you a joy equal to that of gratitude ...


... truth-consciousness. Still these levels might become stages of the ascent which some would reach and pause there while others went higher and could reach and live on superior strata of a semi-divine existence. It is not to be supposed that all humanity would rise in a block into the supermind...." The Supramental Manifestation, SABCL, Vol. 16, pp. 20-22 It is precisely about this progressive ...


... make up the aparardha or Page 33 lower half of our conscious-being; the ideal (vijnanamaya) which links the lower to the parardha or higher half; the divine or Anandamaya in which the divine existence (Amrita) is concentrated for communion with our lower human being. These are the pancha kshitis, five earths or rather dwelling places of the Veda. But in Yoga we speak usually of the five koshas ...


... many Persons, and both between the One and the Many and among the Many themselves there is the possibility of an infinite variety of relations. These relations are determined by the play of the divine existence, the Lord, entering into His manifested habitations. They exist at first as conscious relations between individual souls; they are then taken up by them and used as a means of entering into conscious ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... also the infinite all-effective Will (Chit-Tapas), Atman is the all-conscious Soul that is source and lord of the universe, caitanya puruṣa . In the consciousness proper to the state of pure divine existence Atman is sat puruṣa , the pure divine Self. Man, being one in his true Self with the Lord who inhabits all forms, can live in any of these states of the Self in the world and partake of its ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... truth-consciousness. Still these levels might become stages of the ascent which some would reach and pause there while others went higher and could reach and live on superior strata of a semi-divine existence. It is not to be supposed that all humanity would rise in a block into the supermind; at first those only might attain to the highest or some intermediate height of the ascent whose inner evolution ...


... its universe. God-consciousness is not exclusive of world-consciousness; Nature is not an outcast from Spirit, but its Image, world is not a falsity contradicting Brahman, but the symbol of a divine Existence. God is the reverse side of Nature, Nature the obverse side of God. Since the soul in the body is eternally & inalienably free, its bondage to egoism, law of bodily nature, law of mental ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... ocean of the superconscient, for he is the aspiring toiler set here to that end by the gods. Let him then so rise and take possession for man of all the vastnesses, the different worlds of the divine existence. 3) क्षेष्यंतो to. S. takes in a double sense, first, as applied to the gods = when about to go to their home, then as proper to the simile = as men going for wealth leave a friend to ...


... × The Horse-sacrifice is the offering of the Life-power with all its impulses, desires, enjoyments to the divine existence. The Life-Soul (Dwita) is itself the giver of the sacrifice which it performs when by the power of Agni it attains to vision on its own vital plane, when it becomes, in the figure of the hymn ...


... the planes of our being. × Mitra, who creates the perfect and unhurt harmonies of our higher, divine existence. × Gati . The word is still used for the spiritual or supraterrestrial status gained by man's ...


... confiners or censurers. But we are given also Page 24 many specific names. Vritra, the Serpent, is the grand Adversary; for he obstructs with his coils of darkness all possibility of divine existence and divine action. And even when Vritra is slain by the light, fiercer enemies arise out of him. Shushna afflicts us with his impure and ineffective force, Namuchi fights man by his weaknesses ...


... which is the basis of our existence here in the material world, a mental life into which we emerge and by which we raise the bodily to higher uses and enlarge it into a greater completeness, and a divine existence which is at once the goal of the other two and returns upon them to liberate them into their highest possibilities. Regarding none of them as either beyond our reach or below our nature and the ...


... even of all of them together. It is possible to take another view of the spiritual significance and the inner process of terrestrial existence. If each thing created is a form of the manifest Divine Existence, each is divine in itself by the spiritual presence within it, whatever its appearance, its figure or character in Nature. In each form of manifestation the Divine takes the delight of existence ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... and it is nothing other than or different from Brahman. If indeed Matter were cut off from Spirit, this would not be so; but it is, as we have seen, only a final form and objective aspect of the divine Existence with all of God ever present in it and behind it. As this apparently brute and inert Matter is everywhere and always instinct with a mighty dynamic force of Life, as this dynamic but apparently ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... Bliss, a pure Conscious Power or pure Being replace Mind as the dominant principle, and we enter into those ranges of cosmic existence which to the old Vedic seers were the worlds of illuminated divine existence and the foundation of what they termed Immortality and which later Indian religions imaged in figures like the Brahmaloka or Goloka, some supreme self-expression of the Being as Spirit in which ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... the universe. That new life and power of the human integer must necessarily repose on a realisation of the great verities which translate into our mode of conceiving things the nature of the divine existence. It must proceed through a renunciation by the ego of its false standpoint and false certainties, through its entry into a right relation and harmony with the totalities of which it forms a part ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... soul reach back to the absolute freedom of the Non-Being without therefore losing its hold on Existence and the universe. It would thus reproduce in itself perpetually the eternal miracle of the divine Existence, in the universe, yet always beyond it and even, as it were, beyond itself. The opposite experience could only be a concentration of mentality in the individual upon Non-existence with the result ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... any of these three poises with the stigma of falsehood and illusion. The language of the Upanishads, the supreme ancient authority for these truths of a higher experience, when they speak of the Divine existence which is manifesting itself, implies the validity of all these experiences. We can only assert the priority of the oneness to the multiplicity, a priority not in time but in relation of consciousness ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... this means that it is not at one with God; for to be at one with God is to be at one with oneself, at one with the universe and at one with all beings. This oneness is the secret of a right and a divine existence. But the ego cannot have it, because it is in its very nature separative and because even with regard to ourselves, to our own psychological existence it is a false centre of unity; for it tries ...


... the terms of intelligence, will, sense-mind, heart, the vital and sensational being and translate them by a luminous and harmonising conversion into a unity of the truth, power and delight of a divine existence. It will lift into that light and force and convert into their own highest sense our whole intellectual, volitional, dynamic, ethical, aesthetic, sensational, vital and physical being. It has ...


... or Wisdom-Formation of the Eternal. Gnosis is the divine Knowledge-Will of the divine Consciousness-Force; it is harmonic consciousness and action of Prakriti-Purusha full of the delight of the divine existence. In the Ananda the knowledge goes back from these willed harmonies into pure self-consciousness, the will dissolves into pure transcendent force and both are taken up into the pure delight of ...


... being's immersion in the sole experience of unity, the liberated play is the taking up of his mind into the spiritual being for the free realisation and delight of oneness. For the nature of the divine existence is to possess always its unity, but to possess it also in Page 438 an infinite experience, from many standpoints, on many planes, through many conscious powers or selves of itself ...


... shaping it into that which as yet it is not, is the Source of our being, the Source of our works and their Master. But the seat of the Transcendent Consciousness is above in an absoluteness of divine Existence—and there too is the absolute Power, Truth, Bliss of the Eternal—of which our mentality can form no conception and of which even our greatest spiritual experience is only a diminished reflection ...


... for he has no further personal necessity of works, no sense of works being done by him; but there is no need to flee from action or to take refuge in a blissful inertia. For now he acts as the Divine Existence acts without any binding necessity and without any compelling ignorance. Even in doing works he does not work at all; he undertakes Page 265 no personal initiative. It is the Divine ...


... ideal. On more than one occasion, so complete was her withdrawal from the body that the latter lay in a condition of temporary death. But the release, which could have absorbed her into the Divine Existence for good and plunged the embodied being into its Page 76 Supreme Origin, was refused by her. She saw the world in its long travail and returned to the body ...

... "the secret of the variety of human religions and philosophies". It runs: "Whether they see dimly the material world as the body of the Divine, or life as a great pulsation of the breath of Divine Existence, or all things as thoughts of the cosmic Mind, or realise that there is a Spirit which is greater than these things, their Page 393 subtler and yet more wonderful source and creator ...


... infinite consciousness in absolute substance. If our mind were not cut off from Supermind, if it could connect with the supramental power, it would initiate in the most genuine sense a divine existence on earth and not be in its cognition the groper and stumbler or, at best, the totterer that it is. The Truth-Consciousnesss would be at work in mental terms. The mind would be no movement ...

... world-picture carries, Sri Aurobindo looks forward to a continuing progression. Fol- Page 38 lowing upon Supramentalisation there will be the embodiment of a still deeper aspect of Divine Existence — what Sri Aurobindo, employing the ancient Indian terminology, would call the Bliss-state, the Ananda-aspect, of the Absolute, which is behind the supramental Truth-consciousness, the Vijnana-aspect ...


... state. The intellectual Asura determines his actions by his reason or his ideal, the emotional Asura by his feelings. But the shuddha determines them by the higher inspiration proceeding from the divine existence in the Vijnana. That is what people often call the Adesha. Only the shuddha can safely rely on having this kind of Adesha, the asuddha Yogin often mistakes his own ideas, imaginations, emotions ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... the veil, is the true superman and the last product of that progressive self-manifestation of God in world, Spirit out of matter, which is now called the principle of evolution. To rise into divine existence, force, light & bliss and recast in that mould all mundane existence is the supreme aspiration of religion & the complete practical aim of Yoga. The aim is to realise God in the universe, but ...


... forcefully inconscient and violently active enigma. God must be beyond limitation by our ideas of good, otherwise the universe such as it is could not exist whether as the partly manifested being of a divine Existence or a thing created or permitted by a divine Will. He cannot, either, be evil, otherwise in man, his highest terrestrial creature or his highest terrestrial manifestation, there could not be this ...


... pure being, it is freely self-divisible in its conscious experience & can concentrate itself in many states at a time. It is by this tapas, by this varied concentration of self-knowledge that Divine Existence creates & supports the world & is at one & the same [time] God & Nature & World, Personal & Impersonal, Pure & Varied, Qualitied & without Qualities, Krishna & Kali, Shiva & Brahma & Vishnu, man ...


... Ahaṅkāra must be blotted out in order that we may have, as God intends us ultimately to have, the perfect bliss, the perfect calm and knowledge and the perfect activity of Page 73 the divine existence. If this attitude of perfect self-surrender can be even imperfectly established, all necessity of Yogic kriyā inevitably ceases. For then God himself in us becomes the sadhaka and the siddha ...


... sincerely... thinks only of the Divine, wants only the Divine. But it is utterly conscious of its incapacity. You know, it's like a live demonstration of the existence of the Divine and what the Divine existence is—an absolute existence and what it is—and then what it has become. ( silence ) I don't hear, I don't see, I can't eat, I can't speak—all that seemingly deteriorated—I don't understand ...


... long vowels and four consecutive stresses at the start and three at the end. The slow weighty stretched movement conveys the sense of a massive flood drawn towards earth from the distance of a divine existence —the profound secrecy of the Soul. Here again, as before, we have the Soul as the source of poetry and this source is not only deep within us but also itself a great depth, holding as it were ...


... could come quickly. First of all, one has only to try, as I do, on one's own body, see the difference between matter as it is, the constitution as it is, and then... what one may conceive of a divine existence—that is to say, divine , which is not at every second tied to the obscurity of a half inconscient matter... How long will it take? How long has it taken to change the stone into the plant, the ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Notes on the Way

... come quickly. First of all, if one tries, as I do, with one's own body, to see the difference between matter as it is, its constitution as it is, and ... well, and what we can conceive of as a divine existence—"divine," that is, not tied down every second to the darkness of a nearly unconscious matter.... How long will it take? How long did it take to change the stone into the plant, the plant into ...


... long vowels and four consecutive stresses at the start and three at the end. The slow weighty stretched movement conveys the sense of a massive flood drawn towards earth from the distance of a divine existence - the profound secrecy of the Soul. Here again, as before, we have the Soul as the source of poetry and this source is not only deep within us but also itself a great depth, holding as it were ...


... sky is compared can be felt in its own rights as an expanse of luminous azure. There is the blue sky of our common experience because the mystical Page 73 origin of it is a divine existence that can be experienced as a never-ending blue of absolute bliss and because between that ultimate being and our ordinary firmament there are amplitudes of sapphire expressing grades of happiness ...


... long vowels and four consecutive stresses at the start and three at the end. The slow weighty stretched movement conveys the sense of a massive flood drawn towards earth from the distance of a divine existence — the profound secrecy of the Soul. Here again, as before, we have the Soul as the source of poetry and this source is not only deep within us but also itself a great depth, holding as it were ...

... Twelve). Page 427 Thus have I heard the Revelation of Savitri, Sri Aurobindo's epic poem, truly an Apocalypse of the treasuries of spiritual experience and of the Perfect Divine Existence. JUDITH TYBSRG (Jyotipriya) Page 428 ...

... is the basis of our existence here in the material world, a mental life into which we emerge and by which we raise the bodily to higher uses and enlarge it into a greater completeness, and a divine existence which is at once the goal of the other two and returns upon them to liberate them into their highest possibilities. The Synthesis of Yoga, pp. 5-14 The Self of man is a thing hidden ...


... spiritual ideal. On more than one occasion, so complete was her withdrawal from the body that the latter lay in a condition of temporary death. But the release, which could have absorbed her into the Divine Existence for good and plunged the embodied being into its Supreme Origin, was refused by her. She saw the world in its long travail and returned to the body by sheer force, a painful process when the ...

... the Divine Being, so that the same may be removed, and man may finally become blameless before the Infinite Mother - aditaye anagasah. Then Vamadeva expresses the idea of the united human and divine existence, diti and aditi, the latter founding, controlling and flooding with itself the Page 45 former. He expresses his aspiration: "The Truth controlled by the Truth I desire, together ...

... higher, but by the transformation of the lower and its elevation to the higher Nature. It is because the aim is that of a transformation of our integral being into the terms of the supramental divine existence that the synthesis of yoga or integral yoga becomes indispensable. The one common principle and the one central dynamic Force in all systems of yoga is that of concentration; in the ...

... of him, and not entirely That in part or some of their appearances but still they Page 63 could not be significative of him if they were something else and not term and stuff of the divine existence. That is the Real; but they are its expressive reality. This means that in the yogic ś ās tra, there is recognition not only of variety of yogic experience but also of a hierarchy 01 yogic ...

... but to the pursuit of our personality it reveals Page 57 itself out of the secrecy of things as God or deva, the nameless that has many names. The Supreme Reality is divine existence, builder of the worlds, lord and begetter of all beings, Male and Female, Being and Consciousness, Father and Mother of the worlds and their inhabitants. He is also their son, and ours; for he ...


... he is manifest by his power in the Vibhuti; he is the Godhead secret in every human being. All the gods whom men worship are only personalities and forms and names and mental bodies of the one Divine Existence. "The Supreme has manifested the world from his spiritual essence and in his own infinite existence and manifested himself too variously in the world. All things are his powers and figures ...

... the terms of intelligence, will, sense- mind, heart, the vital and sensational being and transmute them by a luminous and harmonizing conversion into a unity of the truth, power and delight of a divine existence. The super mind has the power even of overcoming physical limitation and developing a more perfect and divinely instrumental body. Explaining this third element of perfection that comes about ...

... that all cosmic manifestation would otherwise become impossible; but it would be a quite different manifestation from the one in which we live; it would be confined to the higher worlds of the divine Existence or to a typal non evolving cosmos where each being lived in the whole light of its own law of nature, and this obverse manifestation, this evolving cycle, would be impossible. What is here the ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Nachiketas

... God The importance of the traditional proofs of the existence of God has greatly diminished in modern times. No one, remarks the late Prof. Pfleiderer, now holds it possible to prove the divine existence from an abstract conception of God, or, from an abstract conception of the world, to reach by inference a God who is separate from the world. 3 Nor can it be said that these proofs have ever ...

... Spirit's self-knowledge and world-knowledge, will bring into overt action, by an inherent necessity and inevitability, the dynamic manifestation here upon our earth itself of Sachchidananda or the divine Existence, Consciousness and Delight of being and becoming. It is this that is the inner significance of the plan and sequence of the terrestrial evolution and it is this spiritually inexorable ...

... concealed, not manifest. The Divine is there below in the inconscience itself, mind and life are concealed in Matter, so is Supermind and Sachchidananda. The below is not something outside the Divine Existence. But as mind manifested in Matter only after the descent of Mind opened it into action, so it is with Supermind. You have not noticed the word "opening" which implies that it was shut in there ...

...       What are the stages of the silence? Is the non-existence one of them?       In the silence one comes to feel the Existence, not the non-existence, and afterwards all that is in the Divine Existence by direct realisation.         What is this Existence?       What one feels first is the pure existence of the self, without any idea, characteristic or movement - existence pure ...

... Nature, That or He can be met by each individual soul in itself, in its own spiritual part, because there is something in it that is intimately one or at least intimately related with the one divine Existence. These three things put together are the whole of Hindu religion, its essential sense and, if any credo is needed, its credo. Some consequences of this approach The natural ...

... said the outer existence, the material life does not continue long, it comes sooner or later to a dead stop. Thus the inner being is liberated completely and is freed into the life beyond, the Divine Existence, the Brahman. It is said that when each and every seed of the various elements that compose the being, that sprouts into the luxuriant tree of material life, when each and every seed is burnt ...

... inherent in each object. The Somarasa is the transcendental Delight, and this De­light is nothing rather than Immortality. It is also an im­mensely conscious and luminous exhilaration of the divine existence of the Gods. Truth must be revealed with the rhythm and words of direct knowledge, and the delight of the realised truth must be made manifest in life. Those who have done it are called "Aharvida" ...

... were manifestations in the free movement of the Divine; they themselves moved free, according to their individualised conscious will. They stood out, as if in relief, on the background of the Divine Existence. For originally, although they differentiated themselves from each other and from the Divine, yet they formed a unified harmony and lived and moved and had their being as different members of ...

... the gates of the spirit and brings in response an entire descent and self-giving of the Godhead to the human being, and that at once reshapes and assimilates everything in us to the law of the divine existence by a rapid transformation of the lower into the spiritual nature. The will of self-giving forces away by its power the veil between God and man; it annuls every error and annihilates every obstacle ...


... Now if one goes to the very source, the very root of the matter, the cardinal fact of unity is that of the supreme Consciousness, Page 196 the original oneness of the one Divine Existence. It is the Ultimate One, inviolate, inviolable – ekam sat. That unity is transferred or translated or imaged on all the levels and strands of creation. That is the basic reality that holds together ...

... ordinary language."¹ It is evident from the above quotation that the Mother is speaking of her experience of that plane of consciousness which is intermediate between the featureless unity of the Divine Existence and the multitudinous flux of the manifested world. The experience is born of identification, and it gives her a perfect knowledge of the transcendent ¹ Prayers and Meditations of the ...

... provides the rationale of the physical transformation. There is an involved yearning in Matter for a permanent union with the Divine; for essentially Matter is the death- less substance of the divine Existence, and its conversion into that substance even here, in Time and Space, will be its supreme fulfilment, and assure the immortality of the human body. This too can only be achieved by the Supermind ...


... regard the world and all beings with the imperturbable calm of a wide, detached and impersonal consciousness, if we aspire to rise into the infinite freedom and all-comprehending knowledge of the divine existence. It is only in such serene, impersonal wideness that we can cultivate sincerity and call upon the Divine to liberate and transform our nature. Sincerity can develop only in the inner freedom and ...


... describes "the most perfect form of contemplation", but it is also a constant union and communion between the transmuted substance of the individual body with the infinite luminous substance of the divine Existence. It was perhaps some such integral dynamic ideal that was in the background of the Upanishadic verses :— "Know the body for a chariot and the soul for the master of the driving, the ...


... But in order that this emergence may be complete and securely established on earth, it is essential, as a pre-condition, that Matter should be transmuted into the luminous substance of the divine existence from which it is derived, and that the physical nature of man should, in consequence, be definitively freed from the dark density, inertia and insensibility which are its heritage from its ...


... man. But in order that this emergence may be complete and securely established on earth, it is essential, as a pre-condition, that Matter should be transmuted into the luminous substance of the divine existence from which it is derived, and that the physical nature of man should, in consequence, be definitively freed from the dark density, inertia and insensibility which are its heritage from its inconscient ...


... is his own supreme eternal Self, by the recovery of his universal and transcendent existence, and make his whole being and nature—his entire individuality—a manifesting centre and medium of the divine Existence—Consciousness—Bliss. His essential individuality has not to abolish itself, but continue to reveal the glory of the Universal and Transcendent, of which it is a delegate and representative in ...

... realise its divine self in the all-possessing all-blissful Ananda, life possess its divine power in the play of omnipotent Conscious-Force and Matter open to its divine liberty as a form of the divine Existence. And if there be any goal to the evolution which finds here its present crown and head in the human being, other than an aimless circling and an individual escape from the circling, if the ...


... necessary then to strive for peace and bliss for they would be self-existent and action would be "...A ripple in the Infinite And birth a gesture of Eternity." In that state of the divine Existence where human contraries are reconciled in a supreme self-existent harmony, it would be possible for the earth to attain her dream. For "Then God could be visible here, here take a shape; ...

... there are dualisers; there are confiners or censurers." Among the Sons of Darkness is Vritra the Python, the grand Adversary, "for he obstructs with his coils of darkness all possibility of divine existence and divine action." Vritra the Besieger prevents the sevenfold Waters of Truth from flowing down upon the earth-consciousness in which we mortals live. These streams of Truth do not flow upon ...

... What is confidence in the Divine, faith in the Divine and trust in the Divine? Faith is a general word— sraddha —the soul's belief in the Divine's existence, wisdom, power, love and grace; confidence and trust are aspects of faith and results of it. Confidence is a feeling of sureness that the Divine will hear when sincerely called and help and, that all the Divine does is for the best. Trust... Trust is the mind's and heart's complete reliance on the Divine and its guidance and protection. 1.7.1935 Sri Aurobindo ...


... the vast truth. And of what type are those divine messages? They are the divine existences, they follow the divine na­ture. They infuse the aspirant with a clear and pointed intellect which can discern the quintessence of truth. Page 110 7. The true mental being and his pure thought-powers, Indra and Maruts, are reflected in that pure divine mind. 8. Indra is the being of knowledge... knowledge and delight and Marut is his power of divine play. On one side is the pure mental existence, on the other there rise and spread the pure thoughts from that mental existence. With their united help the spiritual Sacrifice of the aspirant becomes a receptacle of luminous fulfilment. 9. Then the truth and riches of all the levels and worlds of consciousness make their appearance in the aspirant... (the consciousness of duality) had been divided into forty-nine parts by the Lord Indra. As a result, the Maruts, sub-divisions or various forms of Wind, came into existence. We also know that Vayu is the life-energy and Indra is the divine mental being. Diti is the divided consciousness, the source of multiplicity. Aditi means the undivided, indivisible and infinite consciousness. When the wave ...

... Page 4 Existence is not an illusion Existence is not a fluke, a random creation bv nobody, a thing that unaccountably happened to be. It carries in itself the Word of God, it is full of a hidden Divine Presence. Existence is not a blind machine that somehow came and started a set ignoble motion without object or sense or purpose. Existence is a Truth of things unfolding... Existence is not an illusion, a Maya that had no reason, no business to exist, could not exist, does not exist but only seems to be. A mighty Reality manifests in itself this marvelous universe. * Manifestation is not an episode of the Eternal. It is his face and body of glory that is imperishable, it is the movement of his joy and power... * The Divine that we... we adore is not only a remote extra-cosmic Reality, but a half-veiled Manifestation present and near to us here in the universe. Life is the field of a divine manifestation not yet complete: here, in life, on earth, in the body, — ihniva,1 as the Upanishads insist, — we have to unveil the Godhead; here we must make its transcendent greatness, light and sweetness real to our consciousness, here ...


... gladness in you. Every time the least thing puts you in contact with this sublime reality of the Divine's existence, whether directly or indirectly, your heart is filled with a feeling so intense, so marvellous, the feeling precisely of a profound gratitude which has of all things the sweetest savour, that no other joy can bring. So I say devotion by itself is incomplete, it must have gratitude as its companion... not made of a complete trust in the Divine or if you begin to lose the trust, then you gradually lose faith in the Divine Power or in the Divine Goodness or in the trust that the Divine has in you. These are the three great stumbling-blocks. It happens at times, if not quite often, that starting with a faith which you describe unshakable, the faith that the Divine alone does everything and can do ... or in others, everywhere, is the work of the Divine and of none other than the Divine and you continue to the logical end, apparently at least, till after a time you begin to accuse the Divine of the most frightful misdeeds, make him a veritable demon being the author or abettor of all the evils in the world. Or you say, you have faith in the Divine, but as to this world, you know what it is and ...

... gladness in you. Every time the least thing puts you in contact with this sublime reality of the Divine's existence, whether directly or indirectly, your heart is filled with a feeling so intense, so marvellous, the feeling precisely of a profound gratitude which has of all things the sweetest savour, that no other joy can bring. So I say devotion by itself is incomplete, it must have gratitude as its companion... made of a complete trust in the Divine or if you begin to lose the trust, then you gradually lose faith in the Divine Power or in the Divine Goodness or in the trust that the Divine has in you. These are the three great stumbling-blocks. It happens at times, if not quite often, that starting with a faith which you describe unshakable, the faith that the Divine alone does everything and can do... or in others, everywhere, is the work of the Divine and of none other than the Divine, you continuing to the logical end, apparently at least, till after a time you begin to accuse the Divine of the most frightful misdeeds, make him a veritable demon being the author or abettor of all the evils in the world. Or you say, you have faith in the Divine, but as to this world, you know what it is and ...

... Him but we disbelieve and despise Him. Where has man the vision to see the inner truth? The human form is a unique thing. We have said that God makes it His own abode. But all kinds of non-divine existences too may appear in it. The Pishacha or Rakshasa or Asura can become manifest in the human form; so may the Gods. In man exist all the worlds and all the elements of these worlds. Therefore any... make a constant progress, nirarata (Rig Veda), may accept other qualities and transformation and thereby achieve the higher and the nobler existence. The human receptacle acts as a unique catalytic agent in this chemical progress. A benediction, a divine Grace reposes on this apparently weak and perishable human body. God accepts this human body burdened with diseases and afflictions, because... to drink of it any more. God having become a man shows by example how one can rise to a godly or divine nature from a human nature. God reveals this sadhana through his human life. Man knows himself as sinful, afflicted, weak and helpless. To him the spiritual realisation, the divine Life, the divine Consciousness may seem to be futile and hollow dreams, like the castle in the air. These are only ...

... Chapter XXIV Appendix II: Matter Life then is not an inexplicable dream or impossible evil; it is a force of being, a pulsation of the divine All-existence capable of divine outflowering. But there still remains the problem of Matter. This problem is of a fundamental importance. For all here, mind, life, body, depend on Matter, evolve out of it; Matter... division. In divine Mind the two actions are simultaneous and prevent the division from being real. In ignorant or involved Mind the division seems real; the movement towards union becomes a contact of consciousness and primarily a contact of sense. Material substance is the form in which Mind acting through sense contacts being as object,—as a general object, a mass of objective existence and a multitude... determined and constructed the relations of form with form and the rhythms of the universe. 1 But how is this done? Existence in its activity is a Consciousness-Force which presents the workings of its Force to its consciousness as forms of being. The Force of Existence of the one sole conscious being can by its workings produce no results that are not forms of that Being. Matter as substance ...


... consciousness (in the body, I mean) is growing clearer and clearer, more and more precise. The consciousness isn't an idea, it's a sort of... yes, a state of consciousness, an awareness of the Divines sole existence, of the sole Reality, and when it's there, everything becomes wonderful (physically, materially). There are moments full of an intensity of harmony... quite exceptional. But then, when things ...


... as well, goes on from the deepmost heart, seeking the Divine, carrying upon itself the whole sense of one's being and carrying in a movement of offering the sense of all events, persons, interrelations, problems. I said "seeking the Divine" but actually what is a seeking at one end is a finding at the other. The reality of the Divine's existence and presence is felt at all moments, and no matter where... itself is Something of the Divine flowing out to Everything of the Divine beyond ourselves from the same Everything within Page 93 us. In order to be authentically psychic, the radiation you speak of has to be of a deep quiet intensity that gives and gives and never feels wasted if there is no response from the human recipient, for it really goes forth to the Divine who has worn the face... friendly consciousness. The question of being with them brings in your cry "Oh Divine! How far art Thou!" for a bit of comment. I know that the way your soul has expressed itself must cause what you call "a tint of pain" in your aspiration. But I should like to point out that it is not the Divine who is far: the Divine is always with us. His very attribute of "Omnipresence" assures this: it is we who ...


... the problem to himself and never given the faintest thought to the existence of the Divine is certainly farther away from the Divine than one who hates Him or denies Him. For one can't deny something one has never thought about. He who says or writes: "I declare, I certify, all my experience goes to prove that there is no Divine, no such thing exists, it is just man's imagination, man's creation... And this is still stronger in one who hates Him, for if he did not have somewhere far within himself the certitude of the Divine's existence, how could he hate Him? This has been symbolised here in India in the stories of those who wanted to identify themselves with the divine Reality and chose to become His enemies, for the path of the enemy was more direct than the path of the worshipper. These... you do attain it absolutely perfectly, everything around you will necessarily become divine. And so? I don't even understand the argument. (The teacher) He was objectifying the Divine and was thinking: when somebody is the Divine's enemy, he is an enemy of a divine form, and this divine form sees the Divine in his enemy, therefore the enemy must be converted. No, I still haven't caught it ...


... All beings are portions of her power of existence. Seven times seven are the planes of the Supreme Goddess, the steps of ascent and descent of the Divine Transcendent and Universal Adyashakti. Above are the thrice seven supreme planes of Sat-Chit-Ananda, त्रिः सप्त परमा पदानि मातुः in between are the seven planes of the Page 1339 Divine Truth and Vastness, Mahad Brahma, सत्यमृतं... in themselves centres of Truth in Life even as the seven Suns are each a flaming heart of Truth in luminous Divine-Mind-Existence; but these lotuses have been veiled, closed, shut into their own occult energies by the Ignorance. Hence the obscurity, falsehood, death, suffering of our existence. The Jewel-Centres of the Earth-Mother are seven luminous jewel-hearts of Truth in Substance; but they have... then will appear in its entire truth, the Supreme Absolute, One in Two, each entirely in the other and both one in an ineffable Existence, Consciousness and Ananda. Sat is the eternal and infinite truth of Sachchidananda ready for manifestation. It is the One Existence, but the Two in One are there, each in each, each perfect in the other. OM is the manifestation. The Mahashakti comes forth from ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... moved toward pre-existence." Next Brown remarks: "The NT authors did not have the difficult task of reconciling these two 'pre-ministry' christologies, one centred on conception, the other on pre-existence; for we have no evidence that the proponents of one were aware of the other." What Brown tells us is that Matthew and Luke are not only devoid of the vision of Jesus' divine pre-existence but also unaware... personality godhead and manhood are not divided..." 29 Elsewhere we are informed of Philippians 2:6-11: "...this poem is our chief proof that the early Church believed in the divine pre-existence of Jesus." 30 This "pre-existence" is something typical of Paul and the Evangelist John and the writer of one other portion of the New Testament which will shortly get mentioned. The mode in which it becomes... the son of God made man..." 28 We are referred to the note at Philippians 2:5+, where we read about the poem in verses 6-11: "... Each stanza deals with one stage of the mystery of Christ: divine pre-existence, kenosis [self-emptying] in the Incarnation, his further kenosis in death, his glorification, adoration by the cosmos, new title of Lord. This hymn is concerned solely with the historical ...


... word = śraddhā —the soul's belief in the Divine's existence, wisdom, power, love and grace—confidence and trust are aspects of faith and results of it. Confidence is a feeling of sureness that the Divine will hear when sincerely called and help and that all the Divine does is for the best. Trust is the mind's and heart's complete reliance on the Divine and its guidance and protection. ... if I have faith in God, then I can arrive at the experience of the Divine. Faith and Experience Mental theories are of no fundamental importance, for the mind forms or accepts the theories that support the turn of the being. What is important is that turn and the call within you. The knowledge that there is a Supreme Existence, Consciousness and Bliss which is not merely a negative Nirvana or... (1) that the Divine's Will is behind all movements and happenings, (2) that the Divine Will is distorted in the manifestation. There are two kinds of faith: The faith that calls down the equanimity and the faith that calls down the realisation. These two faiths correspond to two different aspects of the Divine. There is the Transcendent Divine and there is the Cosmic Divine. The Will ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - II

... personally to remould my life towards a Divine- oriented existence, a birth into a new consciousness. My heart overflows with gratitude as I remember the many sacred moments I have shared with him. Those were beautiful days when I worked under his presence and guidance. Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have given to the modern world the sublime vision of a divine life on earth. Our minds are uplifted... love, beauty, harmony and the divine consciousness. They are full of insights into the problems of transforming one's nature and offer ways to overcome them. Champaklal was interested in reading, writing, painting and music, but always his central aspiration was to serve the Divine. Sincere aspiration, even when not expressed in words, evokes a response from the Divine Grace. Champaklal's life is... faith. The Mother relied on him so much that once she exclaimed, "Champaklal is my memory!" He himself said, "Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are my all; they alone are my aradhyadeva, the form of the Divine that I worship. Whatever they have taught me, through words or gestures or writings, I follow to my utmost capacity." Whenever Champaklal was free, he used to note down the events of his daily life ...

... only possible source, the substantial stuff of other living beings, must our body too, the body of man who is as yet the summit product of organic evolution and an aspiring candidate to a divine physical existence, remain doomed to play the unavoidable and ignoble role of a rapacious grabber that cannot subsist except by tearing up other living matter? But the case is not so desperate as it... Thus the predatory behaviour of living bodies that we see exhibited everywhere is an accidental global phenomenon not at all binding in the very nature of life but fortuitously imposed on embodied existence by a provisional disability of the organism's body, that can very well admit rectification if only the proper approach is made. For all the elements like nitrogen and oxygen, carbon and ...

... possession, wide enjoyment or wide desire or even desire of wideness; but the चिद् .. चिद् shows that a contrast is intended between the ordinary mortal life & the higher existence; human enjoyment in its widest largeness & an increased divine & bliss are possessed in harmony by the siddha. अर्यः, अरिः always suggests the high tapasya of the seeker after godhead or the exalted nature which is the result of... चक्षुः. Sy. तेजः. This is just possible; but चक्षुः also & more commonly means sight or eye; it Page 652 may also mean that which is seen. Agni is the sight or the eye of the divine life & existence, through him it sees the births or worlds hidden from the mortal vision. 20) Etá te agna uchatháni vedho, avocháma kavaye tá jushasva; Uchchhochasva kṛiṇuhi vasyaso no, maho ráyah puruvára... balanced rhythm & structure चिदकृप्रन् .. चिदर्यः demand the same subject for both clauses. आयोः may mean either existence or the being who exists, either life or man. We may take "the higher man" as opposed to मर्तानाम्, but the expression would be a little forced & "existence" is more natural & gives the same sense more easily & straightforwardly. 19) Akarma te svapaso abhúma, ṛitam avasrann ...


... Universe The Life Divine Chapter XXIV Matter He arrived at the knowledge that Matter is Brahman. Taittiriya Upanishad. (III. 2.) We have now the rational assurance that Life is neither an inexplicable dream nor an impossible evil that has yet become a dolorous fact, but a mighty pulsation of the divine All-Existence. We see something... labour of the Divine in the universe continues, but without any satisfying solution of the problem or any victorious accomplishment of the labour. Therefore, since our own standpoint is that Sachchidananda is the beginning and the middle and the end and Page 247 that struggle and discord cannot be eternal and fundamental principles in His being but by their very existence imply labour towards... mental activity and a higher moral being. It is in this struggle that the impatience of Life, the disgust of the body and the recoil from both towards a pure mental and moral existence take their rise. When man awakens to an existence beyond Mind, he carries yet farther this principle of discord. Mind, Body and Life are condemned as the trinity of the world, the flesh and the devil. Mind too is banned as ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... these opposites, the Silence of the Divine and the divine Dynamis, the immobile Brahman aloof from existence, without qualities, and the active Brahman with qualities, Lord of existence, Being and Becoming, the Divine Person and an impersonal pure Existence; it can then cut itself away from the one and plunge itself into the other as the sole abiding Truth of existence. It can regard the Person as the... state of the possessor and possessed in the divine unity of souls which is the foundation of the supramental existence. If we scrutinise these terms carefully we Page 231 shall see that they are shapes and stages of the soul's seeking for the individual and universal delight of things; the ascent of Life is in its nature the ascent of the divine Delight in things from its dumb conception... have distinguished a fourfold principle of divine Being creative of the universe,—Existence, Conscious-Force, Bliss and Supermind. Supermind, we have seen, is omnipresent in the material cosmos, but veiled; it is behind the actual phenomenon of things and occultly expresses itself there, but uses for effectuation its own subordinate term, Mind. The divine Conscious-Force is omnipresent in the material ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... grow into his divine self-existence. Every life is a step which he can take backward or forward; his action in life, his will in life, his thought and knowledge by which he governs and directs his life, determine what he is yet to be from the earliest stages to the last transcendence. Yathā karma yathā śrutam . This belief in a gradual soul evolution with a final perfection or divine transcendence... practice of a highest change, familiarised him with the conception of a spiritual existence and sowed in him a hunger for the divine and the infinite. The symbols of his religion were filled with suggestions which led towards it; at every step he was reminded of lives behind and in front and of worlds beyond the material existence; he was brought close to the nearness, even to the call and pressure of the... must be perused, interpreted and fathomed; its values must be worked out, possessed and lived; its enjoyments must be fully taken on their own level. Only afterwards can we go on to self-existence or a supra-existence. The spiritual perfection which opens before man is the crown of a long, patient, millennial outflowering of the spirit in life and nature. This belief in a gradual spiritual progress and ...


... first, an integral realisation of Divine Being; and there is also an integral liberation, mukti, not only sayujya mukti in which the individual being attains unbroken contact in all its parts with the Divine, not only salokya mukti by which the whole conscious existence dwells in the state of Sachchidananda, but also sadharmya mukti, in which the divine nature is acquired by the transformation... but a mighty pulsation of the divine All-Existence." 6 And these assurances are again confirmed in direct spiritual and supramental experiences. All-comprehensive integrality is the basic characteristic of the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo. It is the philosophy of integral Monism that reconciles the supra-cosmic, supra- terrestrial and cosmic views of existence. In the history of Indian philosophy... Aurobindo presents in the very first chapter of The Life Divine. Let us refer to this argument that he presents, since the rest of the book can, in a certain sense, be considered as an elucidation of this argument and its consequences for our life in the world at the present stage of evolution: Page 30 For all problems of existence are essentially problems of harmony. They arise from the ...

... relation in opposition is all that is immediately necessary to base the rule of divine living which it is his one object in the Upanishad to found upon a right knowledge of God & existence. The self then of every man, every animal and every object, whether animate or inanimate, is God; the soul in us, therefore, is something divine, free and self-aware. If it seems to be anything else,—bound, miserable... is separate existence, individual thing or form of motion, yat kincha; the first, jagati, is general and indicates both the resultant sum and the formative principle of all these particular existences, sarvam idam yat kincha. Sarvam idam is Nature regarded objectively as Page 433 the sum of her creations; jagati is Nature regarded subjectively and essentially as that divine principle, expressed... power & joy of these seven divine rivers. Man they saw as a soul dwelling in matter, deriving his activities from mind & holding them in mind but going back in the roots of his being to the divine trilogy. Earth, in the language of their thought, was the footing & pedestal of the human unit, but the heavens of Ananda concealed the secret & ungrasped crown of his world-existence. This conception of the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... anda (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss) Sachchidananda is the supracosmic Reality, the Divine, the Supreme Being who "manifests Himself as infinite existence of which the essentiality is consciousness, of which again the essentiality is bliss, is self-delight...." 54 [Sachchidananda] is one eternal Existence that we then are, one eternal Consciousness which sees its own works in... "Universe is a diffusion of the Divine All in infinite Space and Time, the individual its concentration within limits of Space and Time." 30 It is the ego that creates a wall and sense of separation between the individual being and the universal being. In the lower nature man is an ego making a clean cut in conception between himself and all other existence; the ego is to him self, but... foundation of our present natural or evolutionary existence and from which nature in us is trying to arrive at self-knowledge and world-knowledge and a right consciousness and the right use of our existence in the universe. The Supermind, because it is a truth-consciousness, has this knowledge inherent in it and this power of true existence; its course is straight and can go direct to its aim ...


... Man Essays Divine and Human Nature: The World-Manifestation The Divine and the Manifestation 22 All existence is Brahman, Atman & Iswara, three names for one unnameable reality which alone exists. We shall give to this sole real existence the general name of God, because we find it ultimately to be not an abstract state of Existence not conscious... and we have to judge his answer. 43 Existence is not a fluke, a random creation by nobody, a thing that unaccountably happened to be. It carries in itself the Word of God, it is full of a hidden Divine Presence. Existence is not a blind machine that somehow came and started a set ignoble motion without object or sense or purpose. Existence is a Truth of things unfolding by a gradual process... an evolution of its own involved Reality. Existence is not an illusion, a Maya that had no reason, no business to exist, could not exist, does not exist but only seems to be. A mighty Reality manifests in itself this marvellous universe. 44 All that is is the manifestation of a Divine Infinite. The universe has no other reason for existence. There is an eternal manifestation and there ...
