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English [182]
A Centenary Tribute [1]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Greater Psychology [4]
A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man [1]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [2]
A Scheme for The Education of Bengal [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [3]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Bande Mataram [2]
Beyond Man [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Early Cultural Writings [3]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [2]
Education and the Aim of human life [4]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Essays Divine and Human [2]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [8]
Essays on the Gita [2]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [3]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [4]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [3]
From Man Human to Man Divine [3]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [1]
Hitler and his God [1]
In the Mother's Light [3]
India's Rebirth [2]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [1]
Innovations in Education [1]
Inspiration and Effort [1]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [1]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [1]
Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [1]
Integral yoga and Evolutionary Mutation [1]
Isha Upanishad [4]
Karmayogin [5]
Landmarks of Hinduism [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [4]
Letters on Yoga - I [2]
Letters on Yoga - IV [1]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Mother or The New Species - II [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [1]
My Burning Heart [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [2]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On Education [2]
On The Mother [2]
On the Way to Supermanhood [1]
Our Light and Delight [1]
Overman [2]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [3]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [2]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1953) [1]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [2]
Record of Yoga [2]
Savitri [1]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [1]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [2]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [3]
Sri Rama [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [2]
The Destiny of the Body [1]
The Divine Collaborators [1]
The Future Poetry [1]
The Gita and its Synthesis of Yoga [2]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Hidden Forces of Life [1]
The Human Cycle [6]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [2]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Life Divine [6]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [1]
The Psychic Being [1]
The Renaissance in India [1]
The Secret of the Veda [2]
The Synthesis of Yoga [4]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 8 [1]
Towards A New Social Order [1]
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English [182]
A Centenary Tribute [1]
A Follower of Christ and a Disciple of Sri Aurobindo [1]
A Greater Psychology [4]
A Philosophy of Evolution for the Contemporary Man [1]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [2]
A Scheme for The Education of Bengal [1]
Amal-Kiran - Poet and Critic [3]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [2]
Bande Mataram [2]
Beyond Man [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [3]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 4 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Early Cultural Writings [3]
Eckhart Tolle and Sri Aurobindo [2]
Education and the Aim of human life [4]
Emergence of the Psychic [1]
Essays Divine and Human [2]
Essays in Philosophy and Yoga [8]
Essays on the Gita [2]
Evening Talks with Sri Aurobindo [3]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [4]
Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God [3]
From Man Human to Man Divine [3]
Guidance from Sri Aurobindo - Volume 3 [1]
Hitler and his God [1]
In the Mother's Light [3]
India's Rebirth [2]
Indian Identity and Cultural Continuity [1]
Innovations in Education [1]
Inspiration and Effort [1]
Integral Yoga - Major Aims, Methods, Processes and Results [1]
Integral Yoga of Transformation [1]
Integral Yoga, Evolution and the Next Species [1]
Integral yoga and Evolutionary Mutation [1]
Isha Upanishad [4]
Karmayogin [5]
Landmarks of Hinduism [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [4]
Letters on Yoga - I [2]
Letters on Yoga - IV [1]
Life of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Mother or The New Species - II [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1969 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1971 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [1]
My Burning Heart [1]
Mystery and Excellence of the Human Body [2]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On Education [2]
On The Mother [2]
On the Way to Supermanhood [1]
Our Light and Delight [1]
Overman [2]
Patterns of the Present [1]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 1 [3]
Perspectives of Savitri - Part 2 [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [2]
Philosophy of Value-Oriented Education [1]
Preparing for the Miraculous [1]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [1]
Questions and Answers (1953) [1]
Questions and Answers (1957-1958) [2]
Record of Yoga [2]
Savitri [1]
Science, Materialism, Mysticism [1]
Spiritual bouquets to a friend [1]
Sri Aurobindo - His Life Unique [2]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [1]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [2]
Sri Aurobindo for All Ages [1]
Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume II [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume IV [1]
Sri Aurobindo's Savitri - An Approach And A Study [3]
Sri Rama [1]
Talks with Sri Aurobindo [1]
Teilhard de Chardin and our Time [2]
The Destiny of the Body [1]
The Divine Collaborators [1]
The Future Poetry [1]
The Gita and its Synthesis of Yoga [2]
The Good Teacher and The Good Pupil [1]
The Hidden Forces of Life [1]
The Human Cycle [6]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [2]
The Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo [2]
The Life Divine [6]
The Mother (biography) [1]
The Practice of the Integral Yoga [1]
The Psychic Being [1]
The Renaissance in India [1]
The Secret of the Veda [2]
The Synthesis of Yoga [4]
The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 11 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 8 [1]
Towards A New Social Order [1]
182 result/s found for Human evolution

... the whole constituting an evolution that is cyclic rather than in one straight line. A theory of cycles of human civilisation has been advanced, we may yet arrive at the theory of cycles of human evolution, the kalpas and manvantaras of the Hindu theory. If its affirmation of cycles of world-existence is farther off from affirmation, it is because they must be so vast in their periods as to... 66-67 (c) The Three Stages of Social Evolution — Infrarational, Rational, Suprarational ...there are necessarily three stages of the social evolution or, generally, of the human evolution in both individual and society. Our evolution starts with an infrarational stage in which men have not yet learned to refer their life and action in its principles and its forms to the judgment... thought, feeling and action, the moulder, destroyer and re-creator of his leading ideas, aims Page 262 and intuitions. Finally, if our analysis and forecast are correct, the human evolution must move through a subjective towards a suprarational or spiritual age in which he will develop progressively a greater spiritual, supra-intellectual and intuitive, perhaps in the end a more ...


... evolution … “If the appearance in animal being of a type similar in some respects to the ape-kind but already from the beginning endowed with the elements of humanity was the method of the human evolution, the appearance in the human being of a spiritual type resembling mental-animal humanity but already with the stamp of the spiritual aspiration on it would be the obvious method of Nature for the... the whole constituting an evolution that is cyclic rather than in one straight line. A theory of cycles of human civilisation has been advanced[^;] we may yet arrive at the theory of cycles of human evolution, the Kalpa and Manwantaras of the Hindu theory. If its affirmation of cycles of world-existence is farther off from affirmation, it is because they must be so vast in their periods as to escape... precisely at this end – the point where the Snake bites its tail – that the Work of change to enter the Golden Age can be done in its most concentrated and most effective form. The cycles of the human evolution are not exact and eternal repetitions of a given sequence of events, as is for instance Nietzsche’s “eternal return”, but “cycles of a growing but still imperfect harmony and synthesis”. Nature ...

... s, though a full advance may possibly not be made, a great step forward can be predicted. We have seen that there are necessarily three stages of the social evolution or, generally, of the human evolution in both individual and society. Our evolution starts with an infrarational stage in which men have not yet learned to refer their life and action in its principles and its forms to the judgment... and presiding motive of his thought, feeling and action, the moulder, destroyer and re-creator of his leading ideas, aims and intuitions. Finally, if our analysis and forecast are correct, the human evolution must move through a subjective towards a suprarational or spiritual age in which he will develop progressively a greater spiritual, supra-intellectual and intuitive, perhaps in the end a more than ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... diminishes, degrades and corrupts them: but it is in this attempt that lies religion's greatest utility as an intercessor between spirit and nature. Truth and error live always together in the human evolution and the truth is not to be rejected because of its accompanying errors, though these have to be eliminated,—often a difficult business and, if crudely done, resulting in surgical harm inflicted... of the mind in Matter, this great direction and this rare change have been stigmatised as no true evolution of consciousness but rather a sublimated crudity of ignorance deviating from the true human evolution, which should be solely an evolution of life-power, the practical physical mind, the reason governing thought and conduct and the discovering and organising intelligence. In this epoch religion ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... succession in the evolution, first the evolution of Matter, next the evolution of Life in Matter, then the evolution of Mind in living Matter, and in this last stage an animal evolution followed by a human evolution. The first three terms of the succession are too evident to be disputable. It may be debated whether there was a succession Page 868 of man to animal or a simultaneous initial development... the transition. If the appearance in animal being of a type similar in some respects to the ape-kind but already from the beginning endowed with the elements of humanity was the method of the human evolution, the appearance in the human being of a spiritual type resembling mental-animal humanity but already with the stamp of the spiritual aspiration on it would be the obvious method of Nature for the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... language falls short somewhere. Still, I feel that so far as a particular period of human evolution is concerned and so far as the nature and scope of philosophical language permit we can speak of absoluteness and finality. At the present moment, for instance, there is a certain stretch of possibility of human evolution into the Divine: with reference to this stretch, that system is final and absolute ...


... is Nature's great term of transition in which she grows conscious of her aim; in him she looks up. from the animal with open eyes towards her divine ideal." Thus Sri Aurobindo envisages human evolution to continue with unabated vigour, to continue not merely as a secondary operation confined solely to the outer existence of man but primarily as a qualitative transmutation of his consciousness... December '56) And on this hopeful note does our First Chapter close. xix It is not from below but from above, not from outside but from inside, that the new phase of human evolution will be effectively directed. It is not the prior material organisation which will shape and mould the indwelling consciousness; the order will be reversed and it is the new manifesting consciousness ...

... the true evolution of consciousness; the evolution of spiritual consciousness may even be stigmatized as a sublimated crudity of ignorance deviating from the true human evolution. It may be contended that the right direction of human evolution should be solely an evolution of life-power, the practical physical mind, the reason governing thought and conduct and the discovery and organizing intelligence ...

... aim it limited military obligation to the small class of Kshatriyas. The rest of the community was guarded from slaughter and outrage. War was considered an inevitable part of a certain stage of human evolution, when people are not sufficiently trained morally and spiritually to develop a social life based on mutual goodwill. At the same time, ancient Indian civilization maintained that harmony is greater... humanity and chivalry were exacted from the warrior. War of this kind and under these conditions is what the Gita envisaged. War is considered an inevitable part of life at a certain stage of human evolution, but even then is so restricted and regulated as to serve, like other activities, mankind's ethical and spiritual development —for this is regarded as the whole real object of life. Perhaps ...

... gave to these Page 9 earlier preoccupations the reality and the beauty they attained and the fullness of their significance. He worked for human evolution, that was his life mission. He thus formulates the stages of human evolution: ".Family, nationality, humanity are Vishnu's three strides from an isolated to a collective unity. The first has been fulfilled, we yet strive for ...

... Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 A Chapter of Human Evolution THE appearance of the Greeks on the stage of human civilisation is a mystery to historians. They are so different from all that preceded them. There does not seem to exist any logical link between them and the races from whom they are supposed to have descended or whose successors they... us, even into the air of today. Homer and Solon, Socrates and Aristotle, Pythagoras and Plato are still the presiding gods ruling over the human spirit that was born on Olympus and Ida. Human evolution took a decisive turn with the advent of the Hellenic culture and civilisation. All crises in evolution are a sudden revelation, an unexpected outburst, a saltum, a leap into the unknown. Now ...

... Essays in Philosophy and Yoga Yoga and Human Evolution 03-July-1909 The whole burden of our human progress has been an attempt to escape from the bondage to the body and the vital impulses. According to the scientific theory, the human being began as the animal, developed through the savage and consummated in the modern civilised man. The Indian... humanity which are called in the Purana the first or tamasic creation. This animal ignorance the development of the intellect tends to dispel and it assumes therefore an all-important place in human evolution. But it is not only through the intellect that man rises. If the clarified intellect is not supported by purified emotions, the intellect tends to be dominated once more by the body and to put... and which a distinguished British statesman declared the other day to be the condition to which all Europe approached. The development of the emotions is therefore the first condition of a sound human evolution. Unless the feelings tend away from the body and the love of others takes increasingly the place of the brute love of self, there can be no progress upward. The organisation of human society tends ...


... What is their place in evolution ? Could it go on without them ? Sri Aurobindo : There is the old idea of devas and asuas – divine beings or Gods, – the titans – struggling to control human evolution. The Asuras are responsible for the great complexity of the world, but in my opinion they are not a necessity. The Asuras realise themselves through revolt, suffering, struggle, and difficulty... Prakriti deceiving  Purusha – Adam. The Purusha consented and they fell : this they speak of as the fall of Adam, the cosmic man. In India this struggle, – as to who should control the course of human evolution, – between the Devas and the Asuras expresses the same truth. Disciple : What is then the truth in the Puranic idea of worshipping God through vaira bhava – feeling of "opposition", or... who became Asuras and chose the path of opposition to the Divine. It is really a fall and it shows that the course of evolution for man is not to become an Asura. That is to say, the course of human evolution is not from the animal Page 267 to the vital being and then to the Asura. Asuric life is regarded as a fall for man. If you got converted Asuric nature then you lose the ...

... for spirituality, but this is a much higher function, the highest of all, of which all the others are coverings and veils. Here we get to the fountain, the source to which we return, the goal of human evolution. But although spirituality has often entered into humanity in great waves, it has done so merely to create a temporary impetus and retire into the souls of a few, leaving only its coverings and... spiritual utility of Art. This is its loftiest function, its fullest consummation, its most perfect privilege. Page 452 The National Value of Art - VI The enormous value of Art to human evolution has been made sufficiently apparent from the analysis, incomplete in itself, which we have attempted. We have also incidentally pointed out its value as a factor in education. It is obvious that ...


... of the ancient Indians, Greeks, Romans, for at that time the maintenance of the ordered community, not the separate development and satisfaction of the individual was the pressing need of the human evolution) he sacrificed his own happiness and domes- tic life and the happiness of Sita. In that he was at one with the moral sense of all the antique races, though at variance with the later romantic ... being enlightened out of existence, all that makes for harmony being changed into its divine equivalent, purer, greater, nobler, more beautiful and much being added which has been lacking to the human evolution. I meant that things could move more swiftly towards this if the sadhaks had a less ignorant attitude, but if they could not yet reach that, we had of course to go on anyhow until the supramental ...

... conditions, but it is other and greater than its members. If the psychic entity had been from the beginning unveiled and known to its ministers, not a secluded King in a screened chamber, the human evolution would have been a rapid soul outflowering, not the difficult, chequered and disfigured development it now is; but the veil is thick and we know not the secret Light within us, the light in the... the maintenance of the life and the body: this is his normal type of personality, but it is crossed, however feebly, with influences by which he can proceed, if they are developed, to a higher human evolution. If the inner subtle-physical Purusha insists, he can arrive at the idea of a finer, more beautiful and perfect physical life and hope or attempt to realise it in his own or in the collective or ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... led to an erroneous view of this science as something mystic, far-off and unreal. The secrecy which has been observed with regard to Yogic practices,—a necessary secrecy in the former stages of human evolution,—has stereotyped this error. Practices followed by men who form secret circles and confine the instruction in the mysteries strictly to those who have a certain preparatory fitness, inevitably... almost come when India can no longer keep her light to herself but must pour it out upon the world. Yoga must be revealed to mankind because without it mankind cannot take the next step in the human evolution. The psychology of the human race has not yet been discovered by Science. All creation is essentially the same and proceeds by similar though not identical laws. If therefore we see in the outside ...


... me with a heart full of spirituality, and free from craving, free from selfish claims, fight! Let the fever of thy soul pass from thee." There is a mighty law of life, a great principle of human evolution, a body of spiritual knowledge and experience of which India has always been destined to be guardian, exemplar and missionary. This is the sanatoria dharma.... The European sets great store... end of a stage of evolution is usually marked by a powerful recrudescence of all that has to go out of the evolution .... The law is the same for the mass as for the individual. The process of human evolution has been seen by the eye of inspired observation to be that of working out the tiger and the ape. The forces of cruelty, lust, mischievous destruction, pain-giving, folly, brutality, ignorance ...


... mean, of course, that man has actually "descended from the monkeys" as used to be generally believed in the late nineteenth century. In fact, "although specialists agree on the main events of human evolution and their significance, they argue about the precise course of evolution. Has man been separated from the apes and monkeys for many millions of years, or is he a recent arrival, perhaps distinct... that the close similarity in the arms of man and ape shows that our direct ancestors were arm-swinging apes, perhaps not very different from the living chimpanzee". 8 8. S. L. Washburn, "Human Evolution" in Anthropology by Kluck Kohn, p. 322. Page 9 Kinsmen of the Past Mammals have existed on earth for 60 million years and man's first mammalian ancestor was a ...

... And yet Narada is not the last word of the human evolution. Because he is still in the end of the subtle world, he has not undergone the material bodily transformation, he has not yet arrived at the golden body of which Sri Aurobindo speaks, the receptacle of Life Divine. The divinely trans- formed human body is the next stage or consummation of human evolution. Page 14 ...

... in him from behind and gave to these earlier preoccupations the reality and the beauty they attained and the fullness of their significance. He worked for human evolution, that was his life mission. He thus formulates the stages of human evolution:         "Family, nationality, humanity are Vishnu's three strides from an isolated to a collective unity. The first has been fulfilled, we yet strive ...

... these Page 357 earlier preoccupations the reality and the beauty they attained and the fullness of their significance. He worked for human evolution, that was his life' mission. He thus formulates the stages of human evolution: "Family, nationality, humanity are Vishnu's three strides from an isolated to a collective unity. The first has been fulfilled, we yet strive for the ...

... (Maya) and their connections as a chain (Karma), what was left in these doctrines to animate and direct human evolution? 85 And yet, over twenty years before Teilhard wrote these lines, Sri Aurobindo had already formulated his Supramental Manifesto, showing how the pace of human evolution was to be accelerated and how the rebuilding of the world was to be promoted with a view to the establishment ...

... some, fades into homeliness & routine for others & preserves its real undying, unageing and unforsakeable freshness & delight only to the few constant & unswerving souls, who are the elect of our human evolution. In all this the idea of the Opsara coincides with the actuality of the Hetaira. In choosing the Hetaira therefore for the Page 219 Opsara's earthly similitude, the Hindu mind showed ...


... the whole necessity of past birth and karma. I am a persistent being who pursue my evolution within the persistent being of the world. I have evolved my human birth and I help constantly in the human evolution. I have created by my past karma my own conditions and my relations with the life of others and the general karma. That shapes my heredity, my environment, my affinities, my connections, my material ...


... say: (1) That the hostile forces were permitted by God to pervert this creation at the time of the evolution of the human type. No, I said "when life began to appear", that is before the human evolution. (2) That when the supermind comes down and manifests itself in the transformed earth consciousness they will go away or be driven out as there would be no need of their presence in this creation ...


... being enlightened out of existence, all that makes for harmony being changed into its divine equivalent, purer, greater, nobler, more beautiful and much being added which has been lacking to the human evolution. I meant that things could move more swiftly towards this if the sadhaks had a less ignorant attitude, but if they could not yet reach that, we had of course to go on anyhow until the supramental ...


... to deal with the Russians or the German Nazis, they would have long ago put him out of their way. January 15, 1939 It is easy to see that the process of evolution is universal and human evolution cannot be bound down to a set of philosophical ideas or rules of practice. No epoch, no individual, no group has the monopoly of truth. It is the same with religion—Christian, Mohammedan, etc. ...


... conditions, but it is other and greater than its members. If the psychic entity had been from the beginning unveiled and known to its ministers, not a secluded King in a screened chamber, the human evolution would have been a rapid soul outflowering, not the difficult, chequered and disfigured development it now is; but the veil is thick and we know not the secret Light within us, the light in the ...


... the transition. If the appearance in animal being of a type similar in some respects to the ape-kind but already from the beginning endowed with the elements of humanity was the method of the human evolution, the appearance in the human being of a spiritual type resembling mental-animal humanity but already with the stamp of the spiritual aspiration on it would be the obvious method of Nature for the ...


... but still of the Inconscient developing the secret consciousness concealed within it and growing in light of knowledge, power and Ananda. We have to take it at the point it has reached in its human evolution in these things, make as full a use of them as may be and, as much as we can, further this evolution to as high a degree as is permitted by the force Page 77 of the individual ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   Compilations   >   On Education

... heresies, practical extravagances which contradict the facts of life, the limits of human nature and the ultimate truths of existence. It is therefore the office of Asia to take up the work of human evolution when Europe comes to a standstill and loses itself in a clash of vain speculations, barren experiments and helpless struggles to escape from the consequences of her own mistakes. Such a time has ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... necessity of union was entirely absent; on the contrary, distance created a positive mental separation. Each colony had a clear-cut separate physical body and seemed predestined, on the lines on which human evolution was then running, to become a separate nation. The economic interests of the mother country and the colonies were disparate, aloof from each other, often opposite as was shown by the adoption by ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... higher progress of the race. In this new order India with her spiritual culture turned towards the highest aims of humanity would find her rightful place and would become one of the leaders of the human evolution by the greatness of her ideals and the capacity of her peoples for the spiritualisation of life. Page 685 × ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... worlds, the "sunlit" worlds and states of felicity, and returns upon material existence to complete its evolution in the body. A progressively perfect realisation in the body is the aim of human evolution. It is also possible for the soul to withdraw for an indefinable period into the pure state of Sachchidananda. The realisation of the Self as Sachchidananda is the aim of human existence ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... egoism, not true spirituality, but an aberration, a misdirection of the will and life. All that might be admirable and true—as certainly all the things thus eulogised have their place in the human evolution, if the premiss on which it were founded were true—that the seeking for something behind, something beyond, something of which the evolution of mind, life and body was only a veil or a preparation ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... Creation, then, has been a downward evolution which has for its object to create a body fit for an upward evolution into the region of pure spirit. It is in this direction that the future of human evolution lies. When man has mastered the physical world and its forces, when the earth is his and the fullness thereof, he must turn his efforts towards mastering the world within himself. Instead of allowing ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... heavy brake of tamasic indolence, ignorance and prejudice, but by the patient and tolerant control and guidance of the spirit of true science, sympathy and wisdom. The farthest advance made by human evolution is the sub-rajaso-tamasic stage in which sattwa partially evolved tries to dominate its companions. Of this kind of community China, India and more recently Japan are the only Page 297 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... according to his feeling, insight or experience until the greater Power and Light are there to turn their unerring scrutiny on all that is below and choose or reject their material out of what the human evolution has prepared for the divine labour. How precisely or by what stages this progression and change will take place must depend on the form, need and powers of the individual nature. In the spiritual ...


... two traditions, the Semitic and the Oriental, need to meet and to correct each other's imbalance. This is the last point which I want to make. I believe that we have reached a stage in human evolution, when the different religions of the world need to meet and share each other's insights, and in this meeting I believe that Sri Aurobindo has an important, if not a unique, part to play. By ...

... The Vision and Work of Sri Aurobindo Sri Aurobindo and Human Evolution "I have no intention of giving any sanction to a new edition of the old fiasco."¹ These ringing challenging words come from the greatest spiritual figure of modern India: Sri Aurobindo. They were meant to refuse acceptance of what he called "a partial and transient spiritual opening ...

... collectivity. Furthermore, not only is the national Being an already realised if not always intellectually acknowledged entity, but also is it a valuable, an essential part of the scheme of human evolution. Neither the consciousness of the one Spirit of Man in all countries nor that of the universal Spirit should annul the consciousness of nationhood. The wonderful world around us and above us ...

... equality and fraternity. These words cast forth into being from the great stir and movement of the eighteenth century continue to act on men because they point to the ultimate goal towards which human evolution ever moves. This liberty to which we progress is liberation out of a state of bondage. We move from a state of bondage to an original liberty. This is what our own religion teaches. This is what ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... Liberalism, but his Bill is a concession to that watery British substitute for it which is only Imperialism afraid of its convictions. OTHER WRITINGS BY SRI AUROBINDO IN THIS ISSUE Yoga and Human Evolution The Katha Upanishad I.1 Page 99 ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... include all these in one entity which we believe to be all-important, the dharma , the national religion which we also believe to be universal. There is a mighty law of life, a great principle of human evolution, a body of spiritual knowledge and experience of which India has always been destined to be guardian, exemplar and missionary. This is the sanātana dharma , the eternal religion. Under the stress ...


... working only when He raises them up for His purposes. This is nirliptatā , the state of absolute freedom within the līlā . The law is the same for the mass as for the individual. The process of human evolution has been seen by the eye of inspired Page 35 observation to be that of working out the tiger and the ape. The forces of cruelty, lust, mischievous destruction, pain-giving, folly, brutality ...


... recoil, the whole constituting an evolution that is cyclic rather than in one straight line. A theory of cycles of human civilisation has been advanced, we may yet arrive at the theory of cycles of human evolution, the Kalpa and Manwantaras of the Hindu theory. If its affirmation of cycles of world-existence is farther off from affirmation, it is because they must be so vast in their periods Page 173 ...


... and to gross uses of vitalistic success. We say of it that this was not the perfection to which humanity ought to aspire and that this trend travels away from and not towards the higher curve of human evolution. It must be our definite verdict upon it that it was inferior as an age of culture to ancient Athens, to Italy of the Renascence, to ancient or classical India. For great as might be the deficiencies ...


... thought-process but in its transcendence to obtain another and more comprehensive view of existence. The seemingly autonomous and autocratic activity of the human mind is only a stage in human evolution; it is a necessary step by which mankind is pulled out of the blind and blinding parameters of the vigorous vital and the crude dictation of the gross physical. There are many more luminous ...


... this confirmed in Sri Aurobindo. “Are we then to suppose an eternal or continual Avatar himself evolving, we might say, his own mental and physical body according to the needs and the pace of the human evolution and so appearing from age to age, yuge yuge ? In some such spirit some would interpret the ten incarnations of Vishnu, first in animal forms, then in the animal man, then in the dwarf man-soul ...

... amongst the writings on sociology and historical philosophy. Taking the theory of the German historian Karl Lamprecht (1856-1915) as his point of departure, Sri Aurobindo divides the curve of human evolution in a symbolical, a typal 94 , a conventional and an individualistic age, and to this he adds a future subjective age. The symbolical age is the one at the very origin of man as a social being ...


... to the subject: “If the appearance in animal being of a type similar in some respects to the ape-kind but already from the beginning endowed with the elements of humanity was the method of the human evolution, the appearance in the human being of a spiritual type resembling mental-animal humanity but already with the stamp of the spiritual aspiration on it would be the obvious method of Nature for the ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... because that was His business at the time and all that could be done then; He did not bring down the Supermind, because that was not possible or at least not intended at that stage of the human evolution. I did not mean that He could not have brought down the Supermind if that had been willed at the time. You listen too easily to anybody, G. H. or Q. Let us say, and treat their ingenious hair ...


... dynamic play of Supernature (parā prak ṛ ti) and act as "an overtly operative power in the terrestrial workings..., — in the same way in which thinking Mind has been established through the human evolution as an overtly operative power in Life and Matter. This would mean the appearance in the evolution of a gnostic being or Purusha and a gnostic Prakriti, a gnostic Nature. There must be an emergent ...

... succession in the evolution, first the evolution of Matter, next the evolution of Life in Matter, then the evolution of Mind in living Matter, and in this last stage an animal evolution followed by a human evolution." 29 In reality, a spiritual unfolding on earth is the hidden truth of our birth into Matter, and "if it is fundamentally an evolution of consciousness that has been taking place in Nature, then ...

... education of the body—of the body's CONSCIOUSNESS—and that's quite interesting. And this education isn't something personal at all: it's the vision of the earth's evolution, especially concentrated on human evolution. There are no doubt notions of the whole, and with very particular things, quite particular viewpoints, but then, with precise details and with insistence, lasting sometimes an hour on one subject ...


... religions," as the following letter in answer to a question from a teacher at the School bears witness. ) "...And finally, what was the occult influence of this Judaism Page 50 on human evolution? The more I think about it, the more the threads of it all appear to me so tied up and entangled together that only a knowledge 'in overview' seems capable of helping to bring out the essential ...


... stands for the establishment of the dharmic (ethical) mind over the mental titanism on the one hand and on the Page 109 other the animal mentality, two trends in the path of human evolution.) Sri Aurobindo also declares that in the Rama depicted by Valmiki he can feel the afflatus of Avatarhood, the movements of a consciousness beyond the personal, a consciousness that has a cosmic ...


... develop the divine consciousness. However, we must add that even the Avatar has to go through a sadhana before he becomes the Guru, for otherwise he would not be the true meaningful pioneer in human evolution. On the other hand, it is very necessary for the disciples to remember, side by side with the Guru's example-setting sadhana, the fact of his descent from above, the dynamic truth of Avatarhood ...


... - Nature and Supernature playing into each other's hands, the former getting super-created into the latter, the latter completing by that super-creation the former's development of the ultra-human. Evolution is again the conditio sine qua non. As the letter" just before Teilhard's death puts it: "Evolution, that is to say ultra-Creation!" And, when Evolution is concerned, we must have a Supernature ...

... anarchy of all things, he has proposed a new centre of the creative self, a luminous totality, in brief, the New Being. It is this strongly held idea — more than an idea, a vision — of human evolution that distinguishes Sri Aurobindo's later poems. The experience has been expressed in a variety of ways, an encyclopaedia of insights, clear, consistent, rewarding: I saw my soul a traveller ...

... Page 486 new world in which the life of man — in fact the whole view of the cosmos — undergoes a radical change. Savitri is a vision of the world in terms of current laws of human evolution as seen by the ideal mind. It opens up a new world of consciousness for mankind. It is concerned with the revelation of the divine life. In it the relation of man with God is direct. ...

... ECKHART: Yes, I see it happening, and it is the next evolutionary dimension, evolutionary leap, more than a gradual progression. There are sometimes leaps in evolution. This is the next stage in human evolution. I do see it like that, but the main reason why I say it is not so much based on a certain view of things. I can see it happening. It happened through this form, and I can see how many people are ...

... Stanislav, 322, 391 Gunas, 108-18 transcendence of, 115-16 transformation of, 117-18 Higher Mind, see under Mind Horace, 39 Human development, 390-401 Human evolution cycles of, 250, 255 three successive elements, 255-61 Hypnosis (hypnotism), 53, 82, 246-47 Ignorance (the), 24, 49, 61, 88, 106, 143, 355 and the Inconscient ...


... self. The true self is the essence of one's being and of all Being. It belongs to the realm of no-mind, a consciousness without thought. It is a realm of stillness and Presence. The next step in human evolution is that of rising above mind and transcending thought. Sri Aurobindo, too, speaks of the next step in the evolution of consciousness as the emergence of a principle beyond, called by him ...

... (without 'cosmic' contradiction) err 'statistically'" (Faith in Peace, 1947, in The Future of Man, p. 152). A letter of Teilhard to Rideau, 21 of 13 June 1953, may also be called to witness: "Human evolution is both conscious and self-directed. Nevertheless it is, at the same time, statistically determined in this sense: 1. That there are natural through-roads and deadends about which our freedom can ...

... incarnation is thus an important feature of the law of evolution. For that reason, every avatar is an example that serves as a manifest embodiment of the divine descent and human ascent, so that human evolution is facilitated by the example of the life and work of the divine avatar. In this connection, therefore, it is significant that Sri Krishna in the following verse lays down the role of the best ...

... about ageing, death and indefinite prolongation of life. There are already speculations that death is a habit and that it can be cured. But even more important will be the question of accelerating human evolution and of the means and direction of the future evolution of the human species. It is against this context that the task which has been accomplished by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in the development ...

... evolution; first the evolution of Matter, next the evolution of Life in Matter, then the evolution of Mind in living Matter, and in this last stage an animal evolution followed by a human evolution. In particular, the essential point in the theory of spiritual evolution is the fact of the evolution of consciousness, a progression of spiritual manifestation in material existence.37 ...

... of the ancient Indians, Greeks, Romans, for at that time the maintenance of the ordered community, not the separate development and satisfaction of the individual was the pressing need of the human evolution) he sacrificed his own happiness and domestic life and the happiness of Sita. In that he was at one with the moral sense of all the antique races, though at variance with the later romantic in ...

Kireet Joshi   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Sri Rama

... method of a synthesis of Yoga. In this synthesis, they came to underline certain profounder aspects of physical education, which have far-reaching implications for the contemporary problem of human evolution. We have, therefore, presented in this part a few selections from the writings of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother which have a direct bearing on the theme of physical education as a part of a larger ...

... version of that passage: "There is first the profounder cause of the radical opposition between the sullied and imperfect nature of life in the world as it now is in the present stage of our human evolution and the nature of spiritual living.... A second cause is the soul's hunger for personal salvation, for escape into some farther or farthest height of unalloyed bliss and peace... or else it is ...

... experience. This was the main thesis of the original experiments of Gurudev Rabindra Nath Tagore. The interrelationship between humanity and environment, the interrelationship between humanity and human evolution, humanity and the theme of integration — these are all interrelated themes, and they need to be encouraged. XII UNESCO has spoken of learning to be as also of learning to learn, learning ...


... speaks of a Sanatana Dharma, it is not of creed and dogmas, rites and rituals, that he speaks. As he was to explain further in the Karmayogin: 'There is a mighty law of life, a great principle of human evolution, a body of spiritual knowledge and experience of which India has always been destined to be a guardian, exemplar and missionary. This is the sanatana dharma. the eternal religion.' In order ...


... activity before it takes deep root? What do you mean? Activity of the physical mind is not a new thing that needs to take root. It has been there very well rooted since you began your human evolution in the primaeval forests.   The physical mental or externalising mind is part of the mental consciousness, not part of the physical consciousness. But it is closely connected with the ...

... wants perfection and at present life is not perfect. Many fields of life are at present dominated by Ignorance. We want to change the whole mould of life. We want to gain the Supramental state in human evolution as the next higher step from the Mind. Now that there are signs of its coming we must try to bring it down into the physical being. It is comparatively easy to ascend to the Supermind. But, then ...

... aside the animal creation, if we consider man himself and his prospect, certain conclusions forcibly present themselves which we shall try to clarify. On a comparatively shorter view of the human evolution we observe as, for example, Spengler has shown, a serial or serials of the rise and fall of races and nations and cultures. Is that a mere repetition, more or less of the same or very similar facts ...

... round and say that a man was destined to think as he thought and thus to bring his contribution to the process of evolution. But it is easy to see that the process of evolution is universal and human evolution cannot be bound down to a set of philosophical ideas or rules of practice. No epoch, no individual, no group has the monopoly of truth. It is the same with religion—Christian, Mohammedan, etc. ...


... nor by Horace, the almost incomparable craftsman among the ancients in the domain of poetry. Man has become, to be sure, a self-conscious creator to the pith of his bone. Such a stage in human evolution, the advent of Homo Faber, has been a necessity; it has to serve a purpose and it has done admirably its work. Only we have to put it in its proper place. Page 89 The salvation of ...

... body, the progress of the physical consciousness obviously cannot pass into the next life; everything gets scattered on the funeral pyre or dissipates in the earth. So if we want a continuity in human evolution, if we want the supramental being to manifest in our own flesh rather than in some new, unknown organism that would supersede our mental humanity, it is necessary for one human being to accomplish ...

... indeed could it have been otherwise? Phenomena regarded as an illusion (Maya) and their connections as a chain (Karma), what was left in these doctrines to animate and direct human evolution? 70   This is, of course, a misreading of ancient Hindu thought and an equating of Indian philosophy with a caricature of Mayavada and Advaita-Vedanta. Besides, de Chardin could not have ...


... launching of the Arya and, twelve years later, to the establishment of the Ashram at Pondicherry, with him and her as the preordained hub or "divine Centre" of the chariot wheel of the future human evolution from a mental to a supramental race. As early as 1914, then, Mirra and Sri Aurobindo were indeed the "first-born of a new supernal race", and it was perhaps decreed even then - The incarnate ...


... Divine Mother, the supreme Consciousness—Force, Chit-tapas, of Sachchidananda. The Gita is a monumental synthesis of the various principles and aims of the Yogas current at that stage of human evolution. Mankind has moved on since, and many a new element has entered into Sri Aurobindo's synthesis which were not needed then, but without which modern man cannot fully satisfy his soul. Evolution ...

... Divine A SPECIAL sense attaches to the word "service" in the Mother's philosophy of Yogic action. She has given the word such a heightened connotation that it has become the key- word of human evolution and spiritual fulfilment. According to her, human birth has only one objective : the service of the Divine; and all human activities and endeavours, pursued from birth to birth, are but a long ...


... will naturally culminate in a constant and complete union with the Divine and an unimpeded expression of His Will in the life of the human instrument. This Will is, for the present period of human evolution at least, as we learn from the Mother and Sri Aurobindo a Will to Victory over the forces of darkness and death, and a manifestation of God's supramental sovereignty and splendour in the ...


... but the Vedic urge towards it was no longer there in its ancient intensity and amplitude. However that may be, it was Sri Aurobindo who first fixed upon the creative Supermind as the goal of human evolution and laboured to call down and canalise its all-achieving Force for the birth of a new race of humanity, the race of gnostic supermen. This new birth will be an emergence of man, as the culmination ...


... but the Vedic urge towards it was no longer there in its ancient intensity and amplitude. However that may be, it was Sri Aurobindo who first fixed upon the creative Supermind as the goal of human evolution and laboured to call down and canalise its all-achieving Force for the birth of a new race of humanity, the race of gnostic supermen. This new birth will be an emergence of man, as the culmination ...


... Writings The Malavas Once in the long history of poetry the great powers who are ever working the finest energies of nature into the warp of our human evolution, met together and resolved to unite in creating a poetical intellect & imagination that, endowed with the most noble & various poetical gifts, capable in all the great forms used by creative genius ...


... include all these in one entity which we believe to be all-important, the dharma , the national religion which we also believe to be universal. There is a mighty law of life, a great principle of human evolution, a body of spiritual knowledge and experience of which India has always been destined to be guardian, exemplar and missionary. This is the sanatana dharma , the eternal religion. Under the stress ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... a higher knowledge;—the sudden return of India upon itself at a time when all that was peculiarly Indian seemed to wear upon it the irrevocable death-sentence passed on all things that in the human evolution are no longer needed;—the miraculous Page 93 uprising and transformation of weakness into strength brought about by that return;—all this seems to us to be not fortuitous and accidental ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... self-conscious & self-concealing to be easily detected. It is not easy to detect at first the common Britishness, if we may be allowed the word, of two men so different, at such opposite poles of human evolution as Mr. John Morley, the litterateur, politician, philosopher & fine perfection of the most serious & sober British culture, and the vulgar Newmaniac, the loud, ranting, blustering, impudently lying ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Bande Mataram

... Translations Anandamath Some Aphorisms of Bhartrihari Volume 13. Essays in Philosophy and Yoga The Ideal of the Karmayogin Karmayoga Man—Slave or Free? Yoga and Human Evolution Yoga and Hypnotism The Greatness of the Individual The Process of Evolution Stead and the Spirits Stead and Maskelyne Fate and Free-Will The Three Purushas The Strength ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Karmayogin

... Inconscient developing the secret consciousness concealed within Page 528 it and growing in light of knowledge, power and Ananda. We have to take it at the point it has reached in its human evolution in these things, make as full a use of them as may be and, as much as we can, further this evolution to as high a degree as is permitted by the force of the individual temperament and nature. In ...


... seven ecstasies of the divine Life. 2 This divine Birth is represented by the Ribhus who, once human, have become immortal. By their accomplishings of the work,—the great work of upward human evolution which is the summit of the world-sacrifice,—they have gained in that sacrifice their divine share and privilege along with the divine powers. They are the sublimated human energies of formation ...


... synthesis. But all these ways of self-exceeding led to a highest self-becoming. To become one with universal being and all existences, one with the self and spirit, united with God completed the human evolution, built the final step of man's self-culture. Page 230 × The Tantric distinction is between the animal ...


... those who seek the truth of the spirit will be compelled by the necessities of the path to confront the powers of Darkness face to face. This confrontation is the "dark right" of forces opposed to human evolution, whose presence and influence is confirmed by Sri Aurobindo in numerous letters and poems as well 20 T.V. Kapali Shastri, Lights on the Tantra. 21 Savitri, p. 202. Page 134 ...

... dharma, is seen triumphing over the forces of Titanic egoism that were trying to establish their reign. Savitri is not a rendering, or a vision of the world in terms of the current laws of human evolution as seen by the ideal mind. In enunciates a new law, a new world of consciousness transcending — and yet fulfilling at the same time — the evolution attained by man up till now. And it renders ...

... maintenance of the life and the body: this is his normal type of personality, but it is crossed, however feebly, with influences by which he can proceed, if they are developed, to a higher human evolution. If the inner subtle-physical Purusha insists, he can arrive at the idea of a finer, more beautiful and perfect physical life and hope or attempt to realise it in his own or in the collective ...


... because that was his business at the time and all that could be then done; he did not bring down the Supermind, because that was not possible or at least not intended at that stage of the human evolution. I did not mean that he could not have brought down the Supermind if that had been willed at the time. You listen too easily to anybody, G.H. or Q. let us say, and treat their ingenious hai ...

... which we, ignorant people, were unable to comprehend in its full extent. On such occasions Hitler spoke like a seer and an initiate … To acquire the ‘magic vision’ appeared to him the goal of human evolution. Personally, he felt that he had already reached the threshold of this magic knowledge, and he ascribed his successes and his future significance to it. A Munich savant had written, besides specialized ...


... succession in the evolution, first the evolution of Matter, next the evolution of Life in Matter, then the evolution of Mind in living Matter, and in this last stage an animal evolution followed by a human evolution. The first three terms of the succession are too evident to be disputable.” 20 This gradation has indeed been the general way of viewing existence practically all over the world. “… [It] was ...

Georges van Vrekhem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   Overman

... in a cask of rum. The males have a horrible appearance; they attain to a stature of five feet, with wrists four times the size of a man’s.” 39 As far as Darwin knew, fossil evidence for human evolution had not yet been found. “Java Man” was discovered in 1891 by Eugen Dubois, who was unjustly ridiculed for suggesting that he had found a link between the primates and Homo sapiens . The “Taung ...

... because that was his business at the time and all that could be done then; he did not bring down the Supermind, because that was not possible or at least not intended at that stage of the human evolution. I did not mean that he could not have brought down the Supermind if that had been willed at the time. You listen too easily to anybody, G.H. or Q. let us say, and treat their ingenious hair-splitting ...


... was the cardinal aim of the education as worked out by the Mother in the Ashram school. Becoming a consciously incarnated soul (one is always an unconsciously incarnated one) is the meaning of human evolution, collectively and individually; it is also a realizable possibility at the point where humanity has arrived now. As humanity is inevitably to be followed by a higher species, the supramental being ...

... teaching and his personal influence, his putting us in the way of his books and his permitting us to sit at his feet in meditation.   Deeming ultra-mental poetry to be an immense aid to human evolution, I hesitate to stop trying my hand at it side by side with mental. And I feel sure that if you who have so keen and sensitive yet critical an approach to the Muse gave closer thought to the question ...


... the ages the Rama-figure stands for the establishment of the dharmic (ethical) mind over the mental titanism on the one hand and on the other the animal mentality, two trends in the path of human evolution. Sri Aurobindo also declares that in the Rama depicted by Valmiki he can feel the afflatus of Avatarhood, the movements of a consciousness beyond the personal, a consciousness that has a ...


... of Sri Aurobindo's Yoga and another on Path to Perfection comprising selections from the Mother's writings. Like the essays on Sri Aurobindo (for example, Sri Aurobindo and Human Evolution, Aurobindonian Viewpoints and Sri Aurobindo and the Veda), those on the Mother (especially Some General Truths and Personal Facts ) will also be read with gratitude by a widening circle ...


... the divine universality of his nature. The individual must have followed this line of development; he must have presided over a soul-experience in the lower forms of life before he took up the human evolution: as the One was capable of assuming in its universality these lower forms of the plant and animal, so must the individual, now human, have been capable of assuming them in his previous stages of ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... against the diviner law of his being and maim his higher potentiality. Material and vital Nature is only a first form of our being and to overcome and rise beyond its formula is the very sense of a human evolution. Another and greater Power than hers is the master of this effort, and human reason or human science is not that Godhead, but can only be at best one and not the greatest of its ministers. It is ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... of it, though they seemed a revolt against its Page 113 principles. This apparent paradox of a development draped in the colours of revolt is a constant psychological feature of all human evolution. In this turn we are struck by its most glaring feature, the vehement waving of the revolutionary red flag of realism. Realism is in its essence an attempt to see man and his world as they really ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Future Poetry

... eyes of the ancient Indians, Greeks, Romans, for at that time the maintenance of the ordered community, not the separate development and satisfaction of the individual was the pressing need of human evolution) he sacrificed his own happiness and domestic life and the happiness of Sita. In that he was at one with the moral sense of all the antique races, though at variance with the later romantic in ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... 997 of the supramental Consciousness-Force as an overtly operative power in the terrestrial workings of Nature,—in the same way in which thinking Mind has been established through the human evolution as an overtly operative power in Life and Matter. This would mean the appearance in the evolution of a gnostic being or Purusha and a gnostic Prakriti, a gnostic Nature. There must be an emergent ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... vitalistic success. We say of it that this was not the perfection to which humanity ought to aspire and that this trend travels away from and not Page 92 towards the higher curve of human evolution. It must be our definite verdict upon it that it was inferior as an age of culture to ancient Athens, to Italy of the Renascence, to ancient or classical India. For great as might be the deficiencies ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... intelligence and will into the greater action of a spiritual will and knowledge. The movement of the buddhi to exceed the limits of the sense-mind is an effort already half accomplished in the human evolution; it is part of the common operation of Nature in man. The original action of the thought-mind, the intelligence and will in man, is a subject action. It accepts the evidence of the senses, the ...


... lofty and august tradition. There is first the profounder cause of the radical opposition between the sullied and imperfect nature of life in the world as it now is in the present stage of our human evolution and the nature of spiritual living; and this opposition has led to the entire rejection of world-existence as a lie, an insanity of the soul, a troubled and unhappy dream or at best a flawed, specious ...


... the preponderant physicality of the evolving nature. Our belief in the birth of an ascending soul into the human form and its repeated rebirth in that form, without which it cannot complete its human evolution, rests, from the point of view of the reasoning intelligence, on the basis that the progressive transit of the soul into higher and higher grades of the earthly existence and, once it has reached ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Life Divine

... The history and study of man like the history and study of Nature lead towards the perception of the eternal and universal Power and Being whose thought and will work out through the cosmic and human evolution. Action itself forces us into contact with the divine Power which works through, uses, overrules our actions. The intellect begins to perceive and understand, the emotions to feel and desire and ...


... "Veda-haters" freely cursed in the hymns themselves,—and, however acquired, the first seed of the later Vedantic speculations. This modern theory is in accord with the received idea of a rapid human evolution from the quite recent savage; it is supported by an imposing apparatus of critical research and upheld by a number of Sciences, unhappily still young and still largely conjectural in their methods ...


... Pashus disappeared & the Asura Rakshasa type reappeared, then took up something of the Gandharva & advanced one step towards the Asura-Pashu of the Asura type. By such overleapings & recoilings human evolution has always advanced. Notes on Images - V There are certain images of animals dating from these early aeons which should be recorded here although they are not of the first Pashu period ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... perfection of the being unto the very end. Slowly and steadily, whether conscious or unconscious to the being itself, they are Page 1464 performing their functions in the onward march of human evolution. Be we unconscious of them, it will take a pretty long time to attain to that perfection. But once we are conscious, then we become the Will itself. Consciously we can quicken the progress. This ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... illusory barrier of associations which confines my sense of self to my own body, mind & vitality. That this can be done, is a common experience of humanity, to which the name of love is given. Human evolution rises through Page 186 love and towards love. This truth is instinctively recognised by all the great religions, even when they cannot provide any philosophical justification for a ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Isha Upanishad

... without any reference to the soul. Are we then to suppose an eternal or continual Avatar himself evolving, we might say, his own fit mental and physical body according to the needs and pace of the human evolution and so appearing from age to age, yuge yuge ? In some such spirit some would interpret the ten incarnations of Vishnu, first in animal forms, then in the animal man, then in the dwarf man-soul ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... history, in which great forces clash together for a huge destruction and reconstruction, intellectual, social, moral, religious, political, and these in the actual psychological and social stage of human evolution culminate usually through a violent physical convulsion of strife, war or revolution. The Gita proceeds from the acceptance of the necessity in Nature for such vehement crises and it accepts not ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Essays on the Gita

... That prospect has its attractions, and for the humanist and the intellectual it is in one form or another their utopia of the future. But this would not really Page 415 carry the human evolution farther; it would only give it for a time a larger, finer and freer movement in its widest attainable circle. If the mentality remained too pragmatic, too eager to rationalise or organise life ...


... later in The Ideal of the Karmayogin. Man — Slave or Free? Published in the Karmayogin , 26 June 1909, and later in Man — Slave or Free? and The Need in Nationalism. Yoga and Human Evolution . Published in the Karmayogin , 3 July 1909, and later in Man — Slave or Free? Yoga and Hypnotism . Published in the Karmayogin , 17 July 1909, and later in Man — Slave or Free? The ...


... Physical Mind and Sadhana The Activity of the Physical Mind Activity of the physical mind is not a new thing that needs to take root. It has been there very well rooted since you began your human evolution in the primaeval forests. What you have now seen and describe in your letter is the ordinary activity of the physical mind which is full of ordinary habitual and constantly recurrent thoughts ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - IV

... from the world? It is said that it was done to break Arjuna's pride so that he might see his strength was not his, but the Divine's alone. Page 430 Throughout the history of human evolution we see that the Avatar brings light into the world. But when he retires, very little of this light remains. There is no substantial change. Does the Divine will it to be so? You have only to ...


... hard to swallow the whole of this altruism. It looks like an exaggeration to me because (1) it would not be possible to eliminate suffering from, say, animals or men who have just begun their human evolution and (2) true bliss cannot depend on the suffering or liberation of others.... Your objections are sound. It is the usual overstatement by which the human mind tries to give an added and s ...


... great difference, but this is the true raison d'être of art. Have you understood? A little! Why are today's painters not so good as those of the days of Leonardo da Vinci? Because human evolution goes in spirals. I have explained this. 1 I said that art had become an altogether mercenary affair, obscure and ignorant, from the beginning of the last century till its middle. It had become ...


... conditions, but it is other and greater than its members. If the psychic entity had been from the beginning unveiled and known to its ministers, not a secluded King in a screened chamber, the human evolution would have been a rapid soul-outflowering, not the difficult, chequered and disfigured development it now is; but the veil is thick and we know not the secret Light within us, the light in the ...


... conditions, but it is other and greater than its members. If the psychic entity had been from the beginning unveiled and known to its ministers, not a secluded King in a screened chamber, the human evolution would have been a rapid soul-outflowering, not the difficult, chequered and disfigured development it now is; but the veil is thick and we know not the secret Light within us, the light in the ...


... Yes, this work would be of interest, but only if it is based on Sri Aurobindo's The Human Cycle (it has been published in the Bulletin ). For in this book, not only are all the problems of human evolution posed, they are also solved. Each time that Sri Aurobindo mentions a civilisation or a country, the corresponding historical facts could be studied, and this work would be really interesting. ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   On Education

... mental, vital or physical consciousness, and often it this attempt that lies religion's greatest utility as an intercessor between spirit and nature. Truth and error live always together in the human evolution and the truth is not to be rejected because of its accompanying errors, though these have to be eliminated,—often a difficult business and, if crudely done, resulting in surgical harm inflicted ...


... great and persistent is their thirst for the Absolute—for that? abides under one name or another and that very thirst is the surest sign of a fullness to come. At this crucial juncture in human evolution, Sri Aurobindo brings a luminous message to which I hope to draw your attention through this letter and the book I am taking the liberty of sending you. I think the youth of Europe have a profound ...


... reforms there, foment revolutions and counterrevolutions. But all Page 328 this is only an appearance; in fact, unwittingly, we are looking for the new being. We are in the midst of human evolution. And Sri Aurobindo gives us the key. It may be that the sense of our own revolution escapes us because we try to prolong that which already exists, to refine it, improve it, sublimate it. But ...


... with meaning and fail to see our future bound up with his presence in our midst - our future of true self-growth political as well as cultural and of leadership among the nations on the path of human evolution towards Godhead? We cannot yet declare that the scales have been shed from our eyes. But increasingly the darkness thins and more and more there are openings and through them the country ...

... raison d'etre in the modern age of national freedom, whereas the former with its dogmas of master race and absolute dictator and merciless regimentation was a current contrary to the drive of human evolution with its many-sided variation both individual and collective. Churchill was England's Prime Minister at the time. He had been known as a die-hard Imperialist. All of a sudden he appeared to ...


... everything? What would be the level for such a change? What would be the key? In the Aurobindonian perspective, such a global change is indeed possible; and notjust possible but, in the course of human evolution, inevitable. And education, in the widest and deepest sense, would be the necessary lever for such a change. But what kind of education? Our existing educational system has obviously not worked ...

... but still of the Inconscient developing the secret conscious ness concealed within it and growing in light of knowledge, power and Ananda. We have to take it at the point it has reached in its human evolution in these things, make as full a use of them as may be and, as much as we can, further this evolution to as high a degree as is permitted by the force of the individual temperament and nature. In ...

... especially in the domain of art and literature, for it is here that the soul of a people finds expression most easily and spontaneously. Indeed, if we look at the panorama that the course of human evolution unfolds, we see epochs of high light in various countries spread out as towering beacons or soaring peaks bathed in sunlight dominating the flat plains or darksome valleys of the usual normal periods ...

... all depends on the meaning we attach to the words, the shade trailing behind the thought. For, first of all, it is true, it is even a truism that the rebel is a necessary agent in the economy of human evolution; but if by rebel we mean the sheer iconoclast, the mere or in the main destroyer – and the word, especially since it is given preference, does carry that connotation – then the sentence loses most ...

... that the present crisis is an evolutionary crisis and the human species cannot expect to be delivered except through radical means which can transmute the Mind, which is today the leader of human evolution, into the supermind which can thenceforth lead the future and develop divine life on the earth and can also solve the problems that humanity is struggling to solve but which it is incapable to ...

... perfection; no yoga is possible, if one tends to accept life as it is. The Karma Yoga of the Gita accepts life, but it intends to transform it. Life and action as we find them in the present stage of human evolution is riddled with desire and with the operation of the three gunas of Prakriti which are born from groping movement of ignorance. Hence, while accepting life and action, the Gita lays down the path ...

... succession in the evolution; first the evolution of Matter, next the evolution of Life in Matter, then the evolution of Mind in living Matter, and in this last stage an animal evolution followed by a human evolution. In particular, the essential point in the theory of spiritual evolution is the fact of the evolution of consciousness, a progression of spiritual manifestation in material existence. But ...

... only a sort of subtler soul- colour which has been given to the major prominent operation Page 79 of the fixed modes of nature. But just as the psychic being, at a suitable stage of human evolution, begins to come forward more openly and sovereignly on the surface consciousness and takes recourse to the path of knowledge, divine work and divine love, even so, it brings out more and more ...

... especially in the domain of art and literature, for it is here that the soul of a people finds expression most easily and spontaneously. Indeed, if we look at the panorama that the course of human evolution unfolds, we see epochs of high light in various countries spread out as towering beacons or soaring peaks bathed in sunlight dominating the flat plains or darksome valleys of the usual normal periods ...

... aside the animal creation, if we consider man himself and his prospect, certain conclusions forcibly present themselves which we shall try to clarify. On a comparatively shorter view of the human evolution we observe as, for example, Spengler has shown, a serial or serials of the rise and fall of races and nations and cultures. Is that a mere repetition, more or less of the same or very similar facts ...

... absolute beauty awakens exactly at the moment when one is ready to receive a new consciousness. For a very long time, perhaps from the very beginning —I do not mean from the beginning of human evolution, for there have been earlier periods when, before the true man appeared, intermediate beings at first were tried who were much nearer the animal; I mean the beginning of a sufficiently developed ...

... nor .by Horace, the almost incomparable craftsman among the ancients in the domain of poetry. Man has become, to be sure, a self-conscious creator to the pith of his bone. Such a stage in human evolution, the advent of Homo Faber, has been a necessity; it has to serve a purpose and it has done admirably its work. Only we have to put it in its proper place. Page 317 The salvation ...

... and absolute beauty awakens exactly at the moment when one is ready to receive a new consciousness. For a very long time, perhaps from the very beginning – I do not mean from the beginning of human evolution, for there have been earlier periods when, before the true man appeared, intermediate beings at first were tried who were much nearer to the animal; I mean the beginning of a sufficiently developed ...

... a certain largeness, can take into itself the powers of the others and lead to methods of evolution that have been at work at various stages of evolution, and which are particularly related to human evolution and to what Sri Aurobindo puts forward as the supramental evolution of the divine body by a process of triple transformation. In the development of this method, Sri Aurobindo and the Mother found ...

... research work, the parallel of which does not exist. For this is the first time when a program of yogic research has been seen, developed and executed as a conscious and deliberate program of human evolution, the goal of which is to bring about a definitive mutation of human species into a new and divine superhuman species. Sri Aurobindo kept a record of his own practice of yoga in a series of diaries ...

... political development of humanity, scholarly exegesis of the Veda, Upanishads, and the Gita as also of the religious, scientific and other secular literature that has bearing on the problems of human evolution and its future; he has given us basic clues to be found in the ancient Indian wisdom and in the theistic religious traditions and in the recovered sense of Buddhism, as also in the revelations ...


... political development of humanity, scholarly exegesis of the Veda, Upanishads, and the Gita as also of the religious, scientific and other secular literature that has bearing on the problems of human evolution and its future; he has given us basic clues to be found in the ancient Indian wisdom and in the theistic religious traditions and in the recovered sense of Buddhism, as also in the revelations ...

... and fraternity. These words cast forth into being from the great stir and movement of the eighteenth century continue to act on men because they point to the ultimate goal towards which human evolution ever moves. This liberty to which we progress is liberation out of a state of bondage. We move from a state of bondage to an original liberty. This is what our own religion teaches. This ...

... Inconscient developing the secret consciousness concealed within it and growing in light of knowledge, power and Ananda. We have to take it Page 134 at the point it has reached in its human evolution in these things, make as full a use of them as may be and, as much as we can, further this evolution to as high a degree as is permitted by the force of the individual temperament and nature. In ...

... and grow, but it is also the creation of the child and a part of his being, in fact it is at that time the whole of his being. It is certainly true that childhood recapitulates the whole human evolution. Every educator knows how at various stages the child is fascinated by different stories, stories of the life in the jungle or in the Far West, of taming of animals, of adventure and heroic deeds ...

... mutation or the sequence of mutations, as well as a period of adaptation and flowering out that follows the mutation Sri Aurobindo asserts that we have arrived at a great crucial moment in human evolution, where the descent of new powers of consciousness and their establishment on the earth have begun to occur. The present world crisis is nothing but the break-up of the past indispensable to the ...

... his destiny. In the meanwhile, he will have learnt - at least to some extent how to work and how to learn. Now, during the three college years, some time is given regularly to the study of human evolution, social and Page 166 political, but mainly spiritual, with a special reference to the present day world situation, so that the young people may understand the nature of the world ...

... and 1921.they were later revised by him and published in book form by the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry. 4. If the reader wishes to know Sri Aurobindo's views on the later stages of human evolution, he is reffered to the last six chapters of The Life Divine, in which Sri Aurobindo deals with the triple transformation (psychic, spiritual, supramental) and the advent of a race of supramental ...

... Indian myth by turning it into a rich episode full of significance for the human soul and its destiny. He has turned a local legend into a tremendous psychological fact full of significance for the human evolution. It is this transforming power which is the alchemy of the great Master. The originality of the poet scintillates when he deals with the life of Savitri and Satyavan after the conquest, of Death ...

... of a world-transforming spirituality is amply attested even by his very early writings. In his The Ideal of the Karmayogin he says: "There is a mighty law of life, a great principle of human evolution, a body of spiritual knowledge and experience of which India has always been destined to be guardian, exemplar and missionary. This is the Sanatana Dharma, the eternal religion. Under the stress ...

... Dharma, is seen triumphing over the forces of Titanic egoism that were trying to establish their reign. Sāvitrī is not a rendering, or a vision of the world in terms of the current laws of human evolution as seen by the ideal mind. It enunciates a new law, a new world of consciousness transcending—and yet fulfilling at the same time— the evolution attained by man up till now. And it renders it ...

... attaining the highest spiritual knowledge and perfection because of their inherent defects. And, yet, in man's imperfect state there is a godhead struggling. And the real leader of the course of human evolution is God himself behind the apparent veil of ignorance. Therefore, we need not despair of man. "His failure is not failure whom God leads; "And how shall the end be vain when God ...

... Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1966 The 1922 Edition contained five essays from the Karmayogin: "Man—Slave or Free?" (June 26, 1909), Page 395 "Yoga and Human Evolution" (July 3, 1909), "Yoga and Hypnotism" (July 17, 1909), "Fate and Free-Will" (January 29, 1910) and "The Principle of Evil" (February 26, 1910). The 1966 Edition contained, in addition, "The ...


... We can turn round and say that he was destined to think as he thought and thus make his contribution to human progress. But it is easy to see that the process of evolution is universal and that human evolution cannot Page 99 be bound down to a set of ideas of philosophy or rules of practice. No epoch, no individual, no group has the monopoly of truth. It is the same with the religions ...

... from any creed or non-creed, can agree on this necessity of some sort of experimental evolution — not a new "idea" among the billions of rotting ideas, but a new dynamism, a new experiment on human evolution, a new hope in this otherwise hopeless world. How is the next man or the next being on earth produced? Then all the "curtains" will fall in front of this real problem . ...... And let ...

... of the Overmind plane or from elsewhere. 2 On 28 October, when a child asks the Mother why today's painters are not as good as those of the days of Leonardo da Vinci, she answers: "Because human evolution goes in spirals." And, she explains further, that evolution a constant progress. But if you made it in a straight line, you would cover only a single part - the world is a globe, it is ...


... divine universality of his nature. The individual must have followed this line of development; he must have presided over a soul- experience in the lower forms of life before he took up the human evolution: as the One was capable of assuming in its universality these lower forms of the plant and the animal, so must the individual, now human, have been capable of assuming them in his previous stages ...

... for it. But these are the last convulsions of a colossus with feet of clay – which is actually a gnome, an oversized, overoutfitted gnome. The ancient sages of India knew it well. They divided human evolution into four concentric circles: that of the men of knowledge (Brahmins), who lived at the beginning of humanity, in the “age of truth”; that of the nobles and warriors (Kshatriya), when only “three ...


... – a sun covered over by a great darkness. The rishis knew that. But if the rishis of five, six, seven thousand years ago had truly discovered and incarnated the secret, well, evolution, human evolution, would never have taken place! The secret couldn't have been discovered by a few rishis on their mountaintop. It has to be discovered – won-by humanity as a whole. Again, evolution is not the ...

Satprem   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   My Burning Heart

... never be accomplished. The highest dynamic Force of Spirit, the native Light and Law of Truth must come down and effectuate this long and complex work, which will be the crowning achievement of human evolution. Vijñāna śakti or the supramental Force» as Sri Aurobindo calls it, is the supreme Page 413 creative Force of the Divine, and it is only this Force with its Truth-Light that ...

... before it has found itself, may have time and freedom to evolve, to seek out its own truth, its own lines and so become ready to take up the spiral of the human social evolution where the curve of the Age of Reason naturally ends by its own normal evolution and make ready the ways of a deeper spirit." Page 20 ... the denial of Reason? - Is it not the suicide or execution of the rational and intellectual expansion of the human mental being? Is Totalitarianism likely to be the inevitable end of the Age of Reason ? Or is there some other possibility? Is Collectivism not an indispensable stage of Human development? Can not the defects of Collectivism be remedied? Can Collectivism be not spiritualised? What... "Its true nature, its real justification is the attempt of the Page 10 human reason to carry on the rational ordering of society to its fulfilment, its will to get rid of this great parasitical excrescence of unbridled competition, this giant obstacle to any decent ideal or practice of human living. Socialism sets out to replace a system of organised economic battle by an organised ...


... the same country? That depends on the person to whom you put the question. The explanation will be different accordingly. From the point of view of evolution, I think Sri Aurobindo has explained this very clearly in The Human Cycle. Evolution, that is to say, culture Page 309 and civilisation, describes a more or less regular spiral movement around the earth, and the results of one ...


... is found in two of the definitions quoted above. Sri Aurobindo deals with the human being in relation to the Reality as a whole, and speaks of human development in the context of the evolution of the universe, viewed essentially as the evolution of consciousness. The Nature of Reality and Evolution of Consciousness Sri Aurobindo's experience confirms the perennial spiritual... psychology investigates the evolution of consciousness and experiences which lie beyond the personal, including the Page 390 highest visions, goals and aspirations of human beings. 4 (Institute of Transpersonal Psychology) Transpersonal psychology is the study of human nature and development that proceeds on the assumption that human beings possess potentialities... is a model of the human psyche that recognizes the importance of the spiritual or cosmic dimensions and the potential for consciousness evolution. 6 (S. Grof) As will be apparent in the presentation that follows, Sri Aurobindo's integral view of human growth incorporates all the five themes just mentioned, and weaves them around a central concept — the evolution of consciousness — ...


... is oneness with him the perfect way of thy being[.] Page 333 124 The human being on earth is God playing at humanity in a world of matter under the conditions of a hampered density with the ulterior intention of imposing law of spirit on matter & nature of deity upon human nature. Evolution is nothing but the progressive unfolding of Spirit out of the density of material consciousness... rationalism & Science is to make man content with his humanity and contradict Nature, baffling her evolution; the aim of religion,—but not unhappily of the creeds & Churches—is to farther the great aim of Nature by pushing man towards his evolution. The attainment of God is the true object of all human effort for which all his other efforts political, social, literary, intellectual, are only a necessary... not cover the whole human being and nature. Most of them lead away from life and are useful only to the few who are moved to turn away from human existence and seek the bliss of some other state of being. To humanity at large this kind of Yoga has no real message. The complete Yoga will be one which accepts God in the world and oneness with all beings and solidarity with the human kind, fills life and ...


... intervention of animal means) Yoga and Evolution: The Modern Theory of Evolution, Indian Theory of Evolution: Samkhya, Vedanta, Integral Theory, Psychological basis of Evolution Page 370 The Origin of species from the standpoint of Yoga Yoga as a means of Mutation of the Human Species Evolution by means of Yogic Transformation: Psychic Transformation... of mental culture, but its fundamental nature of integral psychological process remains quite veiled. "Yoga", as Swami Vivekananda has said, "may be regarded as a means of compressing one's evolution into a single life or a few months or even a few hours of bodily existence." And, Education too, when rightly understood, would mean a rapid psychological process towards perfection. Education is... The Methods of Knowledge Evolution What is Time? The Destiny of the Individual Infinity and Eternity Mind, Life and Matter Page 361 In Search of the Soul Death and Conquest of Death Personal Effort The Meaning of Prayer The Supreme Teacher Varieties of Mystical Experience ...

... their real life—which is there so simple and noiseless behind the absurd layer. The first little window looking out upon another evolution. The first step of the new species. A "something" that is concealed in the very heart of Matter freed from its human ways. Evolution always seems to lead backwards: one finds what was there from the beginning. One un-forgets. I only put in you the necessary tr... in peace for a minute; nothing better could have been found to prevent your dozing off in the beatitude of natural evolution. If we have mistaken chemical valences and a Harvard Ph.D. for the goal, however, that is simply our misconception of "evolved animals." The intentions of evolution are far more marvelous, luckily. And so She taught them "in another way." In the evening, after her tennis... thousand in number. She read a few pages from The Synthesis of Yoga, or possibly the last chapters of The Life Divine: "Man and Evolution." Philosophy was becoming simple—it was living experience, what one sees and touches when the inner door opens, it was evolution right under one's nose: you see it, so you become it. You have it within, so you are in it everywhere, you enter the world everywhere ...


... The Human Cycle The Human Cycle The Human Cycle Chapter XIX The Curve of the Rational Age The present age of mankind may be characterised from this point of view of a graded psychological evolution of the race as a more and more rapidly accelerated attempt to discover and work out the right principle and secure foundations of a rational system of society... before it has found itself, may have time and freedom to evolve, to seek out its own truth, its own lines and so become ready to take up the spiral of the human social evolution where the curve of the Age of Reason naturally ends by its own normal evolution and make ready the ways of a deeper spirit. Page 207 × These... disfigure its true nature. Its true nature, its real justification is the attempt of the human reason to carry on the rational ordering of society to its fulfilment, its will to get rid of this great parasitical excrescence of unbridled competition, this giant obstacle to any decent ideal or practice of human living. Socialism sets out to replace a system of organised economic battle by an organised ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   The Human Cycle

... the light of evolution,” once more identifying the fact of evolution in general with the theory of neo-Darwinism in particular. Paul Davies words the same idea: “Darwinism is the central principle around which our understanding of biology is constructed,” in fact meaning that evolution, unlabeled, is the central principle. The difference is pivotal, has consequences in all fields of human endeavour,... never been able to provide evolution with a theoretical necessity, and it has always depended on external supports, with very few arguments deduced from its own premises.” (Pichot 8 ) As pointed out before, what was accepted was not Darwinism properly speaking, but evolution under the name of Darwinism. This acceptance was facilitated by the obvious fact that the human physiology resembles the ... the names Julian Huxley and evolution became more or less synonymous, and he was ranked as one of the five best brains of Britain. “Huxley believed in human progress with a religious zeal, and he wanted others to share his belief. For him, progress was embodied in the evolutionary process that gave us birth and would carry us ever upward if we let it.” 27 Evolution, in its new, neo-Darwinian look ...

... Church of Scientism. This selfish, egocentric attitude is common to everything naturally human, because it is common to life’s evolution of which we are the children. The human being is human in the measure that it can overcome its selfishness – curiously enough the argument of Richard Dawkins when he divides the human personality in the part that is subject to the selfishness of the genes and the part... nature can specify the meaning of our life by validating our inherent superiority, or by proving that evolution exists to generate us as the summit of life’s purpose,” writes Carl Zimmer. 55 Stephen Gould denies any sense of progress in evolution, and evaluates bacteria as more successful than humans. All the same, it would be wrong to include all scientists in the ranks of ‘black science’. There... Evolution, Religion and the Unknown God 13: Science and Religion After all, who or what besides myself will decide what I accept as truth? I know that if there are ultimate answers I’m surely not the court of last appeal as to what the answers are, but here in my study, on this human level, for myself, it appears I am. Does it matter very much what ...

... Further, if evolution is the key-process on earth and if an immortal individual entity is in every human evolute, then every such soul must be a sharer in that process and must have been in an overt or covert form behind other evolutes before the present one, other evolutes both within and outside the human series. Rebirth, and not only survival of death, is a necessary postulate when evolution is understood... towards surpassing himself and practically no explicit urge towards evolving a new species out of the human. But evolution in the true scientific sense means exactly the last three activities - or, rather, the very last with the other two as contributory factors. When the theory of evolution was first established, some- thing of this true sense of it was caught up in a poetically inspired though... , through a looking by the human personality into itself, through some sort of direct subjective exploration or evocation of the abyssus humanae conscientiae, through a kind of intense inner rapport with layers of being which exceed the normal focus of conscious- ness, the next evolutionary step can fundamentally be taken. Yes, the fundamental of further evolution - of man's self- surpassing ...
