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A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Aspiring Swan [1]
Beyond Man [2]
Blessings of the Grace [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Dilip's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Down Memory Lane [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
In the Mother's Light [1]
Lectures on Savitri [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [2]
Letters on Yoga - I [1]
Letters on Yoga - III [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Living in The Presence [1]
Moments Eternal [3]
Mother and Abhay [1]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [2]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On The Mother [9]
Our Light and Delight [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [1]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [2]
Questions and Answers (1954) [2]
Record of Yoga [25]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [3]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Growth of a Flame [1]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Mother (biography) [4]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [2]
The Mother Abides - Final Reflections [1]
The Mother on Auroville [1]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [5]
The Signature Of Truth [1]
The Spirit of Auroville [9]
The Story of a Soul [2]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Supreme [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 2 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [1]
To the Heights [1]
Words of the Mother - I [1]
Words of the Mother - III [2]
Work - an offering [1]
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English [127]
A Pilgrims Quest for the Highest and the Best [1]
Aspects of Sri Aurobindo [1]
Aspiring Swan [1]
Beyond Man [2]
Blessings of the Grace [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 1 [2]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 2 [1]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 3 [4]
Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta - Vol. 6 [1]
Dilip's Correspondence with The Mother [1]
Down Memory Lane [1]
Evolution and the Earthly Destiny [1]
In the Mother's Light [1]
Lectures on Savitri [1]
Letters on Himself and the Ashram [2]
Letters on Yoga - I [1]
Letters on Yoga - III [2]
Life-Poetry-Yoga (Vol 3) [1]
Living in The Presence [1]
Moments Eternal [3]
Mother and Abhay [1]
Mother steers Auroville [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Five [1]
Mother's Chronicles - Book Three [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1963 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1964 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1967 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1968 [1]
Mother’s Agenda 1972-1973 [1]
My Savitri work with the Mother [2]
Notebooks of an Apocalypse 1978-1982 [1]
On The Mother [9]
Our Light and Delight [1]
Philosophy and Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and Other Essays [1]
Questions and Answers (1929-1931) [1]
Questions and Answers (1950-1951) [2]
Questions and Answers (1954) [2]
Record of Yoga [25]
Sri Aurobindo - a biography and a history [3]
Sri Aurobindo came to Me [1]
Sri Aurobindo to Dilip - Volume I [1]
Synthesis of Yoga in the Upanishads [1]
Talks by Nirodbaran [1]
The Development of Sri Aurobindo's Spiritual System and The Mother's Contribution to it [1]
The Growth of a Flame [1]
The Indian Spirit and the World's Future [1]
The Mother (biography) [4]
The Mother - Past-Present-Future [2]
The Mother Abides - Final Reflections [1]
The Mother on Auroville [1]
The Mother with Letters on the Mother [5]
The Signature Of Truth [1]
The Spirit of Auroville [9]
The Story of a Soul [2]
The Sun and The Rainbow [1]
The Supreme [1]
The Synthesis of Yoga [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 2 [1]
The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo - Part 5 [1]
To the Heights [1]
Words of the Mother - I [1]
Words of the Mother - III [2]
Work - an offering [1]
127 result/s found for Mahasaraswati

... consciously and in accordance with the deep truth manifested in all things. February 26, 1951 MAHASARASWATI (Every year, I would go to the Mother on Saraswati Puja day. Once She spoke about Mahasaraswati.) You know, today is a great day, the descent of Mahasaraswati. She is particularly attached to me and renders me a lot of service from day to day. And I too love her. In each... the reward. Au revoir. Au revoir, Douce Mère. * *      * ( The Mother spoke about Mahasaraswati also on another occasion ) You must do everything for perfection. Do everything only for perfection. Find the inner perfection to express the perfection in the physical world. You know Mahasaraswati demands a perfection, a harmony and an exactitude which alone can satisfy her. January 23... with a dedication and a surrender to belong to me, then, spontaneously, the body absorbs these things in itself and the work of transformation is done much more easily. It is in this way that Mahasaraswati helps me to hasten the work of transformation. Sometimes, when I have a lot to do and I know that physically it would be impossible to accomplish so many things at the same time, I distribute ...


... seems to be preparing its movement rather than to be actually advancing. The dasya of Mahakali-Mahasaraswati with the Mahalakshmi tinge is now affirmed. Whenever the Mahakali consciousness has been affirmed in Mahasaraswati, it has had too strong a tendency to overwhelm both Mahasaraswati and Maheshwari & assert the violent Asuric Kali bhava. For this reason the combination Mahasaraswat... anandamaya nati is complete Anandamaya nati is the condition of madhura dasya and madhura dasya of the full vijnanasiddhi. But it must be the madhura dasya of Mahakali-Mahasaraswati, not of the merely passive Mahasaraswati. Trikaldrishti-Vani 4 days of progressive siddhi. 3 January 1915 The decisive Trikaldrishti 2 is now regularising itself, putting away to each side of it... but emerging out of the incomplete darshana in which Ananda is involved, not dominant & Krishna concealed by the extended Brahman. In the person Kali is organised in the Maheshwari-Mahaluxmi-Mahasaraswati combination, the second element as yet insufficient, but the dominant Mahakali is occasional only, the normal bhava being the contained and dominated Mahakali. This again is due to the gulf that ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... embraced by the conditioning Mahasaraswati. When the combination Mahakali-Mahasaraswati is perfect, the pratistha will be entirely covered. It only emerges when it is necessary to correct the tendency of Mahakali to assert the supremacy of her own peculiar bhava to the detriment of the Mahasaraswati cont[in]ent. The type fixed is the Mahakali bhava of the Mahasaraswati Personality, not the Mahakali... indifferent shanta Mahasaraswati bhava & negate the combination of Ananda + Tapas, centred in the Mahakali-Mahasaraswati Bhava; (2) to assert the passive Devi in place of the Asuro-Rakshasic (Chandi) Devi governed by the Deva in Krishna.     It is now a settled gain that the Maheshwari bhava as pratistha is practically covered over; it is dominated, first, by Mahasaraswati as continent and, secondly... of the sanction. Page 639     It is a circumstance of the imperfect assimilation of the Mahakali Bhava, which in its stronger movements tends to be the pure Mahakali using Mahasaraswati & not Mahasaraswati informed by Mahakali. It is therefore an imperfection of the Daivi Prakriti. 4 October 1914 तस्मा उ राधः कृणुत प्रशस्तं     प्रातर्मंक्षू धियावसुर्जगम्यात् In spite of all the ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... during the last two or three days. The chief movement has been the emergence of the fixed Mahakali temperament with fixity in the struggle and yuddhalipsa and the rejection of the tamasic Mahasaraswati temperament which draws back from apparently useless struggle & desires either an easy progress or acquiescence in an imposed immobility. 28 May 1915 Reemergence of the siddhi. Trikaldrishti... The disorganised mentality is again active & all parts of the Siddhi depressed. Lipi increases in regular activity. (Lipi— regularity of the lipi ) 19 June 1915 The Mahakali-Mahasaraswati consciousness with the Maheshwari pratistha & the Mahaluxmi colouring is now being firmly & finally established. Page 874 A similar finality of Krishna Kali is in process of final... kept only to found a particular vibration of the pure Ananda. 2) Daivi Prakriti The daivi prakriti and the fundamental sraddha are founded firmly and the Mahakali energy has occupied the Mahasaraswati frame, covered the Maheshwari pratistha, assumed the Mahaluxmi colouring and made its fiercer working compatible with the anandamaya samata . This movement is not yet touched to the final perfection ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... afternoon. The afternoon has passed under Vritra, the power slow to act, the trikaldrishti & jnana uncertain, the physical brain dull and overcast. The Maheshwari-Mahasaraswati shanti is giving place under such circumstances to the Mahasaraswati-Mahakali quietude based on a concealed Maheshwari pratistha. Nirukta is now acting under the rule of the vijnana normally & bhasha begins to follow suit; the intellect... isolated instances & brief periods of it in the past of the sadhana) and justified by success; but the basis of hidden calm & self-possession in the Maheshwari-bhava of Mahasaraswati has to be maintained and all has to be in the [Mahasaraswati] 17 mould which demands thoroughness, perfect [contrivance], 18 faultless elaboration of detail in the consummate Page 170 whole. The literary work... minuteness. At first, the Maheshwari bhava will retain some prominence, but will afterwards become implicit only in its Mahasaraswati continent. The first necessity is, however, that the Mahakali method should be justified in the results so that the intellectual sceptic & critic in Mahasaraswati may be assured of the correctness of the instructions given. Bhasha. Bh's [Bharati's] Panchali Sapatham taken ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Mahasaraswati Today, immersed in deep meditation, I saw a beautiful chakra opening above my head, and on that chakra two lotuses were blooming and on those lotuses you and the Mother were sitting. After that, I invoked the Mother in my entire being and then I saw Mahasaraswati descending. Why did Mahasaraswati descend at my call and why did the chakra... such other details of structure? Is it the work of Mahasaraswati? Yes—all perfection in intricacy of detail shows the touch of Mahasaraswati. 19 September 1933 Sitting in meditation today I saw a river flowing from the higher consciousness level to the heart level in me. On this river was a golden boat and seated in it was Mahasaraswati, travelling down the river in golden and white light... my head? It is Mahasaraswati's work to use the power and light and experiences that come in from above so as to change in detail the whole outer nature. 24 April 1933 Is it mostly the Mahasaraswati aspect of the Mother that works in our sadhana here? Page 71 At present since the sadhana came down to the physical consciousness—or rather it is a combination of MaheshwariMahasaraswati ...

... bringing Durga with Her. On Lakshmi-puja day She would come to the Meditation hall along with Lakshmi. And then on Kali-puja day Mahakali came with the Mother. On Mahasaraswati-puja day the Mother came down in Her aspect of Mahasaraswati. We were able to have the Darshan of these different aspects of the Mother without having to make any effort. When the Mother would read Sri Aurobindo’s The Mother... Moments Eternal Memories O Mother Maheshwari, Mother Mahakali, Mother Mahalakshmi, Mother Mahasaraswati! Thus invoking Your Lotus Feet I set forth in my boat of memories… What boundless joy a fleeting glimpse of the Mother would give us! How Her presence drew us like a magnet and kept us rooted to our seats for hours together in absolute stillness... I kept staring at the Mother, quite stunned. On seeing me the Mother started laughing so much that her eyes glistened with tears. And so in this way, day and night, the Mother in Her Mahasaraswati aspect goes on labouring untiringly. In this context a very amusing incident comes to mind. One morning, a young person from our group went to receive flower-blessings from the Mother. While ...


... has been prepared in the Rakshasa by the Gandharva type of Rakshasa who is also नारिकेलजः, born not of Prakriti's full act of enjoyment, but of her full mood of enjoyment (the Gandharvi bhava in Mahasaraswati). The thought-telepathy is now coming more freely; sometimes it is seen as a thought with impulse & proved by the immediately subsequent act; sometimes it is entertained by the mind not as a... comparatively unprogressive balance. The issue now is as to the relations of the Maheshwari and Mahakali forces. The Maheshwari pratistha has to be covered over entirely by the Mahakali contents of the Mahasaraswati bhava & that again to inform itself with the colouring of the Mahalakshmi bhava (love, madhurya). All these results are preparing, but largely dosha , in the avyakta. 8 April 1914 Dream... even aware of itself at the time, but only remembered itself after the dream was over. On the other hand swapnasamadhi is back in the stage of obscure stability. Today Mahakali personality of Mahasaraswati with the Mahalaxmi colouring has manifested & the Maheshwari element has lost its conscious place in the personality & been reduced to a base of calm sentience seen physically as a pedestal of level ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... yet developed on the new basis of Mahakali Mahasaraswati. 4 March 1917 Stability and vivid legibility of the unsuggested lipi is developing against the obstruction. The Maheswari bhava concealed as pratistha in Mahalakshmi-Mahasaraswati has again risen, though it can no longer possess; it has to be concealed again in the Mahakali-Mahasaraswati with the Mahalakshmi colour. Tapas is... of dense, even developed images, sometimes lifelike, but unstable except when sadhara, continues. Devibhava Mahakalibhava seems to be now normal and the reversion to Mahaluxmi-Mahasaraswati empty of it, is rare. But there is variation between raw Mahakali bhava too ugra and saumya Mahakali with Mahaluxmi colour. Maheshwari, normally, is quite covered and a pratistha only. ... rudra energy has been successfully laid and the Maheshwari in Mahakali once dominated (taken in as pratistha) will be perfected." The Maheshwari already taken in as pratistha was Maheshwari in Mahasaraswati, the other sometimes manifest is Maheshwari in Mahalakshmi. Once in Ch. [Chandernagore] Maheshwari herself was manifest. This is the last stage of the pratistha preparation. It is connected with ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... , has brought the completion of the Devibhava, not yet altogether perfect, but firm fundamentally. It is Mahasaraswati personality with the Mahakali bhava; the Mahaluxmi colour, a hidden Maheswari base ( pratishtha ). Defects still existent. (1) Occasionally the ῥαθυμɩα of the Mahasaraswati gets the better of the rudra tejas ; this is mostly when things are getting on well or when the samata in... 20 April - 20 May 1918 20 April 1918 A manifest change has been the accomplishment of the Chandi personality in the Devibhava of the Prakriti. This bhava is in its nature Mahasaraswati, the Aniruddha-shakti. It has for its base Maheshwari; it is strongly coloured with Mahaluxmi. This combination was finally expressed in a strong and long-permanent personality, perfect in equality... hasya or a combination of them. It has not yet occupied the place of the original colourless and featureless hasyam (ahaituka), but is preparing its occupation. Incidentally the ῥαθυμɩα of the Mahasaraswati is being taken up by the Mahakali,—it is an Page 1039 anandamaya titiksha-udasinata-nati—and will be converted into an element of the sama tapas (shamomaya tapas). Sraddha, ishwarabhava ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... 209 of Mahasaraswati has found its especial embodiment in Horace and Racine and our Kalidasa. Michael Angelo in his fury of inspirations seems to have been impelled by Mahakali, while Mahalakshmi sheds her genial favour upon Raphael and Titian; and the meticulous care and the detailed surety in a Tintoretto makes us think of Mahasaraswati's grace. Mahasaraswati too seems to have especially... purusa line, are the great names: Mahavira, Balarama, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. And the corresponding four aspects of Ishwari form the other great quaternary: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. They embody the four major attributes of the Divine in his relation to the created universe: Knowledge, Power, Love and skill in work. They also represent thus a divine fourfold order. The first... Mahalakshmi). Page 207 Other gods of the same category are Bhaga and Soma. The Balarama or Mahakali aspect is manifested in Aryaman: Rudra being another form of the same. And Mahasaraswati (or Aniruddha) must have given birth to and inspired the Ribhus, who are artisans of divinity. The Puranic trinity – Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva – with lndra as the fourth member forms a parallel system ...

... the Mahalakshmi, the Maheshwari and even the Mahakali in the Mother, and yet it was the Mahasaraswati of Sri Aurobindo's inspired portraiture that came nearest to their daily, hourly, minutely observance of the Mother and of their progressive understanding of her movements and ministrations: Mahasaraswati is the Mother's Power of Work and her spirit of perfection and order. The youngest of... key to the mystic machinery of her ministry on the earth. It is in the sixth and last section of the book that four of her great "Powers and Personalities" (Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati) are invoked with a mantra-shakti - the sheer verbal élan - for which there are no exact parallels even in Sri Aurobindo's writings. He is certainly not doing an exercise in elaborate description;... and the nearest to physical Nature. Maheshwari lays down the large lines of the world-forces, Mahakali drives their energy and impetus, Mahalakshmi discovers their rhythms and measures, but Mahasaraswati presides over their detail of organisation and execution, relation of parts and effective combination of forces and unfailing exactitude of result and fulfilment. The science and craft and technique ...


... But it prepares & represents the intensity of the Mahakali energy, involving also after purification an energy of the light & joy, which is to replace the Page 495 calm Maheshwari-Mahasaraswati passivity of the empty vessel. These things are not to be done slowly, gradually & with difficulty, but rapidly, victoriously and without relapse. The point at which this will be possible, is... dhana which is in possession now once for all. It has only to be progressively intensified & cast more & more into the Mahakalibhava. It still Page 505 keeps too much of the Maheshwari-Mahasaraswati bhava. St . Sayana Bhur—ie the physical consciousness has now to be solarised (moulded into the ideality). N.B. Before seeing, it was intimated to the thought-perception that today's sortilege... has to be given, when too insistent, a change of activity Intervals of intense bodily passivity & inner calm still arrive, as this night, which belong to Maheshwari rather than to Mahakali-Mahasaraswati. They are used for the ever increasing fullness & force of the pratistha which is always the Maheshwari pratistha. Great stability has been achieved in the rupa of swapnasamadhi & lipi there ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... resists . ie the devatas who watch & are guided by immediate forces are unwilling to allow the force & the vision to go beyond them. They approve the siddhi of Maheshwari-Mahasaraswati, but are opposed to the siddhi of Mahakali-Mahasaraswati. The whole struggle in the siddhi now is between the present & the future, between the telepathic knowledge that sees & admits the present & the vijnanamaya that... ; but the former is diminished in force by being confined to personality and barred from control over the bhava and the action in which the other three vary their combinations. Prema & kama of Mahasaraswati (the Sudrani) generalise themselves more & more & with them grows the dasya to individuals arising out of the dasya to God as well as the general dasyalipsa. This is today confirmed in universal... of working forces seem impossible, but there is a limit of effectiveness which the power is not yet able to overpass. It is suggested that the power now is in its use hampered by the Maheshwari-Mahasaraswati temperament of slow and regular unhasting pressure & has not yet sufficient ugrata in the asu poured into it. Mahasaraswati's habit of giving way to the immediate event or the most powerful pressure ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... perfect artisanship of Mahasaraswati has found its especial embodiment in Horace and Racine and our Kalidasa. Michael Angelo in his fury of inspiration seems to have been impelled by Mahakali, while Mahalakshmi sheds her genial favour upon Raphael and Titian; and the meticulous care and the detailed surety in a Tintoretto makes us think of Mahasaraswati's grace. Mahasaraswati too seems to have especially... purusha line, are the great names: Mahavira, Balarama, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. And the corresponding four aspects of Ishwari form the other great quaternary: Maheshwari Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. They embody the four major attributes of the Divine in his relation to the created universe: Knowledge, Power, Love and Skill in work. They also represent thus a divine fourfold order. The first... emanation of Pradyumna (or Mahalakshmi). Other gods of the same category are Bhaga and Soma. The Balarama or Mahakali aspect is manifested in Aryaman: Rudra being another form of the same. And Mahasaraswati (or Aniruddha) must have given birth to and inspired the Ribhus, who are artisans of divinity. The Puranic trinity —Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva—with Indra as the fourth member forms a parallel system ...

... charm and attraction…. My uncontrollable curiosity compelled me once again and I could not help asking: “Are you Mother Mahasaraswati?” The Mother answered each of my questions with the same compassionate love and for a few seconds revealed to me Her Mahasaraswati aspect. Her patience was infinite. I couldn’t control my curiosity and the questions kept coming. “Mother, are you Rajrajeshwari... felt that terrifying shiver while we just went on looking at Her in stunned silence. The Mother in Her Mahasaraswati Aspect Just as for Durga-puja, Lakshmi-puja and Kali-puja, the Meditation Hall was tastefully decorated for Saraswati-puja as well. The Mother would bring down the Mahasaraswati aspect on this day. We received a special flower-blessing then. When the Mother came down, I was naturally... beloved goddess Saraswati in such a lovely form with my own eyes! My heart spilled over with delight. A long-cherished dream of childhood got fulfilled all at once! Sri Aurobindo has written: Mahasaraswati is the Mother’s Power of Work and her spirit of perfection and order. We were always surprised by the Mother’s guidance in the field of work. She was at every moment showing us how to accomplish ...


... aesthetic life, a perfection of the plenty of life and a perfection of material life. There you have got the four aspects in which perfection must be realized: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati, the four aspects of the supreme Mother that are perfect. This conception was never given before - that is why I particularly point it out because people think it is the same message. Yes, it is... message in a sense, but so much amplified as to become quite a new message, so filled up with content that you would say, "Oh, yes, this is quite new." Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati -these are the four main aspects of the supreme Mother: wisdom, power, harmony, and perfection in work. Physical and material work that is perfect, harmony and love and cooperation in life, irresistible... ordinary knowledge will have to bring the Maheshwari aspect into his consciousness so that she may give him true Knowledge. The man who is dedicated to machinery will have to bring into his life the Mahasaraswati aspect - perfect detail and organization in material life - so as to make matter a fit receptacle of the spirit, to make matter express the spirit perfectly. That is how the four aspects of the ...


... and then what the results will be. She has a universal vision, she is less concerned with the details than with the whole. "All the work of the other Powers lean on her [Mahasaraswati] for its completeness...." Mahasaraswati. Yes, because she is... ( silence ) precisely the goddess of perfection. For her everything must be done down to the last detail, and done in an absolutely perfect way. And... must keep the will not to make them any longer, and be sure that one day or another one will triumph over the difficulty if one persists in one's will. There we are! Sweet Mother, why is Mahasaraswati the youngest of the four? Because her work came last; so she came last. ( Silence ) It is in this order that they manifested, in the order given here. These aspects are like the attributes of ...


... it endure for ever. MAHASARASWATI is the Mother's Power of Work and her spirit of perfection and order. The youngest of the Four, she is the most skilful in executive faculty and the nearest to physical Nature. Maheshwari lays down the large lines of the worldforces, Mahakali drives their energy and impetus, Mahalakshmi discovers their rhythms and measures, but Mahasaraswati presides over their detail... degree of their ascension in those who can open their earthly nature to the direct and living influence of the Mother. To the four we give the four great names, Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati. Imperial MAHESHWARI is seated in the wideness above the thinking mind and will and sublimates and greatens them into wisdom and largeness or floods with a splendour beyond them. For she is the ...

... The second chatusthaya is now complete in all its circumstances with the one fault that the Kali element in the Devibhava, which is constant, is not steady; the ordinary condition is that of the Mahasaraswati with a strong Mahaluxmi colouring and submerged Maheshwari basis. This is full of shama ananda, but insufficient in tapas. It is the Mahakali element that carries the full tapas, ishwarabhava and... the Mahaluxmi colouring and ananda intensity diminishes; this defect is the cause of the unsteadiness. Tapas ananda has to take possession of shama ananda; Mahakali has to mould itself into the Mahasaraswati, and be the contained in that continent. After a long period of lower working the revelatory ideality is taking possession. The old physical lethargy of the mind can no longer act; but in... been violently obstructed and persistently expelled, but it retains its ground, though often reduced to a minimum. There is a continual alternation now between the Mahakali bhava and the Mahasaraswati for possession, the latter becoming more and more full of the former. 25 March 1918 The Mahakali element has fixed itself. Eight days are given by the lipi, up to April 2, for its taking full ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Mother's own marvellous and many-sided ministry. It was, perhaps, the inspired portraiture of Mahasaraswati - a prose-poem charged with mantric power - that came nearest to the sadhaks' daily and progressive understanding of the Mother's movements and ministrations: Page 748 Mahasaraswati is the Mother's Power of work and her spirit of perfection and order. The youngest of the Four... faculty and the nearest to physical Nature. Maheshwari lays down the large lines of the world-forces, Mahakali drives their energy and impetus, Mahalakshmi discovers their rhythms and measures, but Mahasaraswati presides over their detail of organisation and execution, relation of parts and effective combination of forces and unfailing exactitude of result and fulfilment. The science and craft and technique ...

... second chatusthaya especially of sraddha bhagavati, devibhava and confirmed dasya . In the latter madhura has to be increased. Aishwarya has to be encouraged & devibhava to be less Maheshwari-Mahasaraswati with more in it of Mahakali. The Mahalakshmi colour comes with the positive ananda & madhura , fades with the sinking back towards mere shanti and general samata & sukha . The rest awaits... It is now returning sometimes with, sometimes without vijnanananda. Sraddha swashaktyam (subject by dasya to sraddha bhagavati) is founded,—so too Devi bhava of the Dasi-Ishwari (Mahakali-Mahasaraswati) and as a result a qualified daiva aishwaryabhava T³ is formulating itself; but there is confusion owing to misplacement of detail by intellectual tapas. This is removed in general thought... सौंदर्यलिप्सा स्नेहहास्यं स. दास्यं बुद्धिचतुर्यं कर्मलिप्सा प्रीतिः Common to the four दया ईश्र्वरभावः सर्वकर्मसामथ्रर्य The last three bhavas, ई ल स [i.e., Maheshwari, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati], are now complete; the first is there except अट्टहास्यं, but not steady nor well combined with the rest. The afternoon has passed in a massive resistance to the recent siddhi, which has developed ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... their incomplete hold in regard to the karmasiddhi & the necessary rapidity of Yogasiddhi prevents a complete & forcible finality of the shakti, retains the excess of the Mahasaraswati-Maheswari combination in the Mahakali Mahasaraswati temperament and hampers the expression & activity of the Mahakali tapas. The third chatusthaya is founded in all its parts, but insecure in the jnana, unfinished in the... jagrat antardrishta the transfer of intellectual movements to the ideality has definitely begun. Throughout the rest of the day, there were constant attacks of asiddhi, but the relapse into the Mahasaraswati form of udasina ananda could not again be enforced. The siddhi here appears to be complete. The only positive damage done by the attack was a partial bringing back of touches of physical discomfort ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... established is once more interrupted and only fitfully recurrent. The combination of the ananda, samata & knowledge with the effective Mahakali tapas in the Mahakali-Mahasaraswati personality was again effected, but the Mahasaraswati element predominates & the stronger movements of the tapas are only occasionally active. Sraddha in the kriti is wanting, & sraddha in the rapidity has been modified.... when they offer themselves, are immediately or almost immediately rejected. These conditions persist even though the Mahakali tapas has been remanifested even though with small intensity. The Mahasaraswati nature with the Mahakali tapas has accepted entirely the full dasya. Faith is now imposed on the intellect even in the saundarya-siddhi as the result of two or three slight but noticeable effects ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... always with the udasina lipsa. The tapas is not yet pure of the temperamental stress left by desire & preference. There is still a preference, but of tapas purely, not of Ananda. The full Mahakali Mahasaraswati Tapas cannot manifest without a greater power of vijnana. There must now emerge the determinative knowledge & the determinative aishwarya, forming the ritam of the jnana & tejas, satyatapatya, ... yesterday. 11 December 1913 The Mahakali tapas persists in spite of attack & pressure, but feels the pressure & tends to relapse more in personality than tapas Page 340 towards the Mahasaraswati form. The ugrata of the faith & tapas has abated in obedience to ill-result aided by the quieting effects of relief from the immediate amangala. Rupa grows stronger, but cannot stabilise in the... laghima, ananima expelled, but sometimes recurrent Strong attack on the first three chatusthayas, successful in disturbing samata & clouding sraddha, but resultant in confirmation of the Mahakali-Mahasaraswati form of the personality & the growth of the ugrata. Vijnana very full & active in jnana in the morning, disturbed for the rest of the day. 12 December 1913 The strong confusion of the thought ...

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... that actually allotted to them. The Maheshwari patience is still needed to support these tyrannies,—samata, dhairyam. Mahakali tapas begins to break through the habitual restrictions of the Mahasaraswati bhava. 18 November 1913 The second chatusthaya is still capable of check and thin cloudings, owing to the non-fulfilment of tapas and prakasha. But this defect does not belong to itself; it... ed by the revival of the brihat activity of the Vijnána. It will not again be allowed to be broken. But it must be assimilated with the Mahakali tapas; it must be not the acquiescent ananda of Mahasaraswati, but the temporary acceptance of Mahakali who takes defeat only as a step on the way to victory & presses forward immediately to the siddhi and yashahprápti. Page 317 There remains the... taken their seat; they have to be harmonised & subjected to the Deva-Asura who will give them the bali . The Ananda of defeat is now right in temperament and well-established. The doubts of the Mahasaraswati vibhuti have not yet been set at rest; they persist and find their justification in the falterings of the siddhi and the continued success of the obstruction The authority of the trikaldrishti ...

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... very, very pale light, very bright. He found it interesting, and continued to watch. And all of a sudden, he saw in the light the shape of what he calls ... I think it's Mahasaraswati (I forget which, but I think it's Mahasaraswati: "perfection in work"), that he saw there, staying there. And at the same time he felt in himself, oh, a great desire to serve, to work well, to consecrate his life to the... according to his conception. But it's interesting. But above all, I don't want anyone to know what I am saying here: everyone must be left to his own conception. As for him, he is convinced it's Mahasaraswati who gave him back his life (all the same, he has much devotion for me, but that doesn't matter ...). I don't want it known. I didn't say anything to him, I smiled at him—yes, I told him, "You are ...


... that each has to open—by whatever degrees—and call it into himself. 30 June 1933 Is it mostly the Mahasaraswati aspect of the Mother that works in our sadhana here? At present since the sadhana came down to the physical consciousness—or rather it is a combination of Maheshwari-Mahasaraswati forces. 25 August 1933 Page 325 You wrote to me yesterday, "Now there is a sufficient ...


... of the Master and combines in itself, yet exceeds, the other three. It is this dasya which has to become the normal form of activity from today. It will be the dasya of the Mahakali bhava in the Mahasaraswati Prakriti. Although not yet justified by results,—because of the old sanskara in the external nature which always reacted successfully against the asuddha Asuric force in the adhara,—it is sanctioned... condition of progress. It is now necessary to overlay & fill the shanti, udasinata, & passivity, the Maheshwari basis, with an active & even violent Page 210 & rapid tapas of Mahakali-Mahasaraswati; but the habitual reaction of failure caused by the irruption of false tejas & false tapas has first to be eliminated before the harmonisation can be managed. Since the above was written, prediction ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... was given during the day to confine it henceforth to a six hours maximum to be reduced successively to 4, 2½ and nil. The Kalibhava was developed in the terms of the second chatusthaya, Mahakali, Mahasaraswati with a previous return to Maheshwari & Mahakali. 17 July 1912 Programme 1) Renewal of the force of the siddhi in the body 2) Forward movement of the vijnanam 3) Fifth chatusthaya... the manas prevent[s] the sensations from succumbing to the error of the physical sense. The most important & decisive results were in the second and sixth chatusthayas. The Mahakali bhava in Mahasaraswati continent, after being clouded for some time, finally revealed itself as perfectly established and is developing the permanent ugrata, ishwarabhava etc; the ishwarabhava is tending to become independent ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Forms, Powers, Personalities and Appearances of the Mother The Mother with Letters on the Mother Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati Yesterday night I saw Maheshwari above my head, Mahakali in my vital being and Mahalakshmi seated in my mind and heart. Each one radiated a different light from her body. Then I saw a few subtle powers descending... higher vital which is the instrument of force and power. Mahalakshmi acts through the heart—in your case at present she is acting through the mind also, though that is less usual—ordinarily it is Mahasaraswati. 31 August 1933 ...

... built in a huge crater, dug out diligently handful after handful in the red earth. The Mother called the pillars after the four Powers of the Great Mother: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. We have briefly commented upon them at the moment when Mirra Alfassa realized her identification with the Universal Mother. Here it may be suitable to evoke her four, ever active Powers again,... Mahalakshmi, the goddess of the supreme love and delight, and her gifts are the spirit’s grace and the charm and beauty of the Ananda and protection and every divine and human blessing; she is Mahasaraswati, the goddess of divine skill and of the works of the Spirit, and hers is the yoga that is skill in works and the utilities of divine knowledge and the self-application of the spirit to life and ...

... ‘The Mother’s Vibhutis would usually be feminine personalities most of whom would be dominated by one of the four personalities of the Mother’ 6 – i.e. Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. She has talked about some reincarnations only in passing; she has said, for instance, that she had lived several times in Babylonia – ‘I have extremely precise memories, completely objective’ ... our four characteristics, the reader will doubtlessly have observed some of the characteristics of Maheshwari (majesty, greatness), Mahakali (strength, daring), Mahalakshmi (beauty, harmony) and Mahasaraswati (learning, industry), functioning within the given, limited circumstances of our Earth at particular moments of its evolution and history, and in each reincarnation present in the required proportion ...

... Mahalakshmi: Kindness and Beauty Mahasaraswati: Integral Perfection Maheshwari: All-knowledge and Wisdom Mahakali: Power and Generous Love They have differently shaped aureoles behind their head depending on what they represent. Also, the Mother disclosed the colours of their attires: Mahalakshmi: Pink, green and mauve, all pastel colours Mahasaraswati: White and red Maheshwari: ...


... February 21st. So, for the next year—1977—I should like to take precautions beforehand so that things may be smoother. Now two pillars still remain to receive our offerings—those of Maheshwari and Mahasaraswati. I sincerely feel that from the occult and the spiritual point of view these pillars too must receive our offerings. Otherwise there will be no meaning. 1978, the Mother's Birth centenary Year... When the time comes, I will take personally as usual the flowers from you, and will surely show you everything which will be taken and to be put into the two pillars—of Maheshwari as well as Mahasaraswati. I am sure you will understand my feeling—as you always do. Thank you ever so much for your kind support and help. With deep regards in the Mother's Light. Yours, Huta Nolini-da ...


... the world of Ananda, Bliss is the determinant. Then there is the Supramental world, with the four Maha-Shaktis, aspects of the Divine Mother: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. Below the Supermind and behind the universe of Mind, Life and Matter is the world of the Great Gods. They receive light from the Supramental. It is they that govern our universe. Hindu culture... not tell precisely in what year had arrived on earth temporarily the power and personality of Ananda which, unlike her four great powers and personalities - Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati - had never appeared in the manifestation so far: she could only declare that it had arrived before Sri Aurobindo left his body (5 December 1950). When a disciple mentioned 1946 she felt he was ...

... going over all the commas and full stops; and if I had put three etceteras' somewhere, he said, "It's not done, two will do!" He was particular for perfection in detail - this is the aspect of Mahasaraswati. 23 He did everything as perfectly as possible, and that, my friends, is the Mother's and Sri Aurobindo's way. All this cannot but be the manifestation of the inner growth of the soul. Generally... Violence and Destruction (Mahakali), 3) Splendour, Opulence, and Beauty (Mahalakshmi), and 4) Service, skill in works (especially those involving intricacy and detail), and practical knowledge (Mahasaraswati). Page 9 ship floundered, and a second ship never came! Once I wrote asking about this incident and the Mother gave me a long explanation lasting half an hour in which she ...


... unfold itself in time, it is we who move in time as we speak, otherwise we cannot express ourselves. 23 The Powers described in Sri Aurobindo's The Mother - Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati - are in their original manifestation "quite close to the Supermind", though a series of descents in the lines of consciousness might lead, not only to the Overmind, but to the still lower and lower... are unhappy. But when one gives oneself generously, without reckoning, one is never unhappy, never. It is he who wants to take that is unhappy; he who gives himself is never so. 25 As for Mahasaraswati, the last in the order of manifestation, "She likes young people, children, things in the making, which have a long way before them to be transformed and perfected." 26 IX Even thus ...


... a single source that is Maheshwari, the all-comprehending all-enveloping "Wisdom supernal". And the double gesture I would imagine as ultimately issuing into the worldward creative dynamism of Mahasaraswati, the Mother-Power of harmony and order, missioned to change turbulent Sansara (World-existence) into blissful Brahman. Here your "Pondicherry sea" comes in as the next link. Indian spiritual... Mahasaras-wati-aspect, the infinite transformative force turned personal and individual for the Divine's delight in perfection of detail in earth-life, is the object of the waiting." I have referred to Mahasaraswati as descending from above: now to meet this descent I would imagine an emergence of the same Goddess-presence from the sea, as if in answer to the reflection of the descending divinity in the vast ...


... A third is vivid and sweet and wonderful with her deep secret of beauty and harmony and fine rhythm, her intricate and subtle opulence, her compelling attraction and captivating grace. (Mahasaraswati — West) The fourth is equipped with her close and profound capacity of intimate knowledge and careful flawless work and quiet and exact perfection in all things. Wisdom, Strength, Harmony... Mahalakshmi, the goddess of the supreme love and delight, and her gifts are the spirit's grace and the charm and beauty of the Ananda and protection and every divine and human blessing: she is Mahasaraswati, the goddess of divine skill and of the works of the Spirit, and hers is the Yoga that is skill in works, yogah karmasu kaus'alam, and the utilities of divine knowledge and the self-application ...


... tertiary; tejas & tapas have now become habitually active when the prakasha is clouded by the partial nirananda & unfaith; the bhava of Mahakali on the Maheshwari pratistha has occupied permanently the Mahasaraswati continent without this time ploughing up the pratistha & continent by the tendency to drag Page 291 them also over to the rudrabhava. Faith is now almost complete & grows in intensity;... to their full vigour. The Mahakali bhava has therefore tended without effacing itself to draw back, no longer into its Maheshwari pratistha,—this is the difference,—but upon rather than into its Mahasaraswati continent. Trikaldrishti after displaying yesterday a great wideness & freedom of the satya is now removing the remnants of anritam, ordering the ritam in the ordinary practical trikaldrishti ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... mental and intelligent parts, the other siddhis sink to a low intensity and show whatever imperfections are still defectively purged out of them. Mahasaraswati tapas with the Maheshwari basis sometimes covered, sometimes visible through a thin veil of Mahasaraswati bhava. Recurrence on a small scale of the crisis of asiddhi in the Page 330 first two chatusthayas centred in asraddha. After ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... and, for the rest, in its application progressively. The time has also come to apply finally though not yet invariably, the perfect aishwarya, ishita, vashita of Mahakali in Mahasaraswati. This is not it; that is Mahasaraswati-Maheswari used by Page 303 Mahakali. That is done. Now it has to be lifted into the ritam. 30 September 1913 The perfect establishment of invincible udasinata ...

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... Ignorance. What do Mahasaraswati and Mahalakshmi look like? What? Page 274 What do they look like? My child, you must see them. 1 When you see them you will know... The aspect is different in each case, according to the people to whom she shows herself, according to the work she does... not the one seen in this body. Are the images we see of Mahasaraswati true? Oh, Lord ...


... out “The Four Aspects of the Mother” from Sri Aurobindo’s book The Mother , we all just stared at Her face unblinkingly. While reading the descriptions of Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati, She would bring down the Power of each one on to the Playground. Even Her voice would change for each of the four Powers. “ Mahakali is of another nature. Not wideness but height, not wisdom but... come.” Today I feel like hearing these words from the Mother once again. Now when I read the Mother’s or Sri Aurobindo’s books I quite enjoy them. Now it is not as difficult as before. Mother Mahasaraswati with all Her skilfulness and artistry has shaped our minds and intelligence with exceeding patience, even without our knowing. How many different forms have we seen of the Mother’s ceaseless, untiring ...


... Mother Durga and a lot of the actors for the dance-drama had been selected by the Mother Herself: for instance, Mother Durga was Anu-ben, Maheshwari was Gauri Pinto, Mahalakshmi was Light Ganguly, Mahasaraswati was Jhumur and Mahakali was myself. In addition, there were three Asuras: Shumbha, Nishumbha and Raktabeej, played respectively by Mona, Vishweshwar and Niranjan, if I recall correctly. I don't... on stage, her foot on the chest of one of the slain demons. Then, slowly the four aspects of the Mother came on to the stage and stood around Mother Durga - Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati. The concluding strains of Sunil-da's music had uplifted the atmosphere with such sweeping beauty and emotion that I find it difficult to describe and impossible to forget. In the final part of ...


... perfection in minutiae, a season for the cultivation of the integral as well as the miniature; in a word, the Japanese interim had proved a sanctuary and phoenix-hour for the whole tapasya of a Mahasaraswati: Page 201 The science and craft and technique of things are Mahasarawati's province. Always she holds in her nature and can give to those whom she has chosen the intimate and precise... chaos of the non-arrangements pleaded for instant attention. Unobtrusively she took the matter in hand, and day by day order began evolving out of the old chaos and insufficiency. It was a job for Mahasaraswati in close alliance with Mahalakshmi, and Mirra seemed to be equal to the task. Ambalal Purani, who had come earlier in 1918, visited again in 1921, and the changes he witnessed took his breath away ...


... successful con- summation of our work, a descent of which the full glory has not yet been or else the whole face of life would have been different. The Mother Spirit of perfection and order Mahasaraswati is the Mother's Power of Work and her spirit of perfection and order. Sri Aurobindo God's final seal ...the perfecting of the body also should be the last triumph of the Spirit and to ...


... the true divine order. It is essentially a creation of order, a putting of everything in its true Page 118 place; and the chief spirit or force, the Shakti active at present is Mahasaraswati, the Goddess of perfect organisation. The work of achieving a continuity which permits one to go up and down and bring into the material what is above, is done inside the consciousness. He ...


... it is sometimes a little disturbing. I gave the example of Mahakali, because the conception of Mahakali in the human consciousness is especially horrible. When one goes to other divinities like Mahasaraswati, for instance, to whom all kinds of artistic, literary and other capacities are ascribed, it is no longer so terrible. But Mahakali particularly... Their conception of power, force, warlike energy ...


... emerged, as far as can be seen, entirely perfected. Shadows have fallen on the last two without being able to [affect] 1 them substantially. Tejas of the nature of dhairyam and tapas of the Mahasaraswati type have also remained unaffected; there has been no sinking back into tamasic udasinata, although movements in that direction were attempted. Sraddha in the eventual Yogasiddhi has remained s ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... in the subtle body that this opening of the head takes place though the sensation is felt as if physical. The Force came down and went up presided over by the Mother's forms of Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati and made the movement of ascent and descent (here in the spinal column which is the main channel of the Yogic force passing through the centres) which helps to join the higher with the lower co ...


... the mind, life and body. (2) E.g. his classification of four worlds (Parvati-Shankar etc.) is an attempt of the mind to interpret something he had seen, but it has not got it at all right. If Mahasaraswati stopped him at this moment, it must have been because his mind was making a wrong formation and it was no use carrying it any farther. At this stage of his Yoga he must observe what is going ...


... Mahalakshmi, the goddess of the supreme love and delight, and her gifts are the spirit's grace and the charm and beauty of the Ananda and protection and every divine and human blessing: she is Mahasaraswati, the goddess of divine skill and of the works of the Spirit, and hers is the Yoga that is skill in works, yogaḥ karmasu kauśalam , and the utilities of divine knowledge and the self-application ...


... don't remember when we moved here, when was it?... In 1927... forty-five years ago! It's the same with the four. What are the four? They must be Mahakali, Maheshwari, Mahalakshmi, and Mahasaraswati. Yes, but I don't mean the popular deities. Sri Aurobindo gave each one a special significance. Yes, you mean what he wrote in "The Mother." But that's a long text. What are these ...


... Aurobindo speaks of as being hers: Maheshwari the vast and calm and all-controlling Knowledge, Mahakali the Truth-flashing Warrior of the Worlds, Mahalakshmi the Ever-blissful and All-beautiful, Mahasaraswati the Doer of Perfect Work and the Maker of Flawless Form. With hardly any sleep and very little food she could carry on her day's spiritual activities and her night's occult labours. But the tra ...


... four aspects or "sides" of the universal Mother: Maheshwari (the supreme Mother), Mahakali (the warrior aspect and the aspect of love), Mahalakshmi (the aspect of harmony and beauty), and Mahasaraswati (perfection in the arts and in work). × We give the complete passage in Addendum . ...


... the personification of the supreme power and wisdom, as Mahalakshmi of harmony and beauty, as Mahakali of the combative force which destroys with Love in order to build up what is greater, and as Mahasaraswati she is the omnipotent but meticulous power who organizes the cosmos and the molecule. The Family of the Aspiration The Mother was present everywhere simultaneously, in worlds with beings ...


... but what little I know about him convinces me that there is in him one of the highest spiritual forces of the world. Page X A Few Words (About this edition) 'Mahasaraswati is perfection in details' - Sri Aurobindo. Sri Dilipkumar - one of the closest disciples of Sri Aurobindo followed this Maha Vakya in every act of his life which was illumined by spiritual ...


... August 1954 the Mother read out from chapter six of Sri Aurobindo’s booklet The Mother a passage following his description of her four universal Powers: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. 91 ‘There are other great Personalities of the Divine Mother, but they were more difficult to bring down and have not stood out in front with so much prominence in the evolution of the Earth-spirit ...

... mi] is vivid and sweet and wonderful with her deep secret of beauty and harmony and fine rhythm, her intricate and supple opulence, her compelling attraction and captivating grace. The fourth [Mahasaraswati] is equipped with her close and profound capacity of intimate knowledge and careful flawless work and quiet and exact perfection in all things. Wisdom, Strength, Harmony, Perfection are their several ...

... On each Puja day the Mother wore a sari and crown or bandeau to suit the occasion. On Durga Puja day, for instance, she dressed in a red sari. On the Puja days of Mahalakshmi, Mahakali, and Mahasaraswati her attire corresponded to the particular quality and power of the specific goddess. ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... 1960 My Savitri work with the Mother 02 February 1960 The Mother distributed on 2nd February 1960—the day of Mahasaraswati Puja—the message she had sent me in advance. Sri Aurobindo throws more light on the Gayatri: The Sun is the symbol of the divine Light that is coming down and Gayatri gives expression to the aspiration asking the divine Light ...


... 1960 My Savitri work with the Mother 05 January 1960 On the 5th a folder arrived from the Mother. There was a picture of Mahasaraswati on the right side—beneath it, the Mother had written: To my dear child Huta With blessings On the left I read a message from Sri Aurobindo in Sanskrit reproduced in his own handwriting: (Tat savitur varam ...


... with gardens and trees . Mahalakshmi: East—Cultural zone The shape will be round—the circle means 'integral Power'. The colour will be pale orange. This zone will have 3 sections . Mahasaraswati: West—International zone The shape will be the triangle, which signifies wisdom. The colour will be pale blue, which means peace. The Pavilions of all the Nations will be in this area ...


... I wrote to Nolini-da: Some months back I wrote a letter to you regarding the two pillars of Matrimandir, into which the offerings still remained to be placed. These are the pillars of Mahasaraswati and Maheshwari. You have replied: "It is all right." The other day I just happened to meet Piero and Gloria near the Ashram. We had a talk about the same matter. They asked me whether you would ...


... full of wit and her eyes never failed to sparkle when anybody was quick and keen in mind. Let me say then that, while we have heard of her four great aspects—Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati—very few have heard of the Mother as "Maha-Examineri". And by this new name I do not mean her all-seeing, all-probing, all-evaluating, all-classifying consciousness in dealing with our Yoga from ...

... 1926. Page 15 Sri Aurobindo has spoken of the four personalities of the Mother, namely, those of Wisdom (Maheshwari), Power (Mahakali), Harmony (Mahalakshmi) and Perfection in works (Mahasaraswati). In all her activities, these four personalities of the Mother could be seen at work. The work was microscopic; it was complex; it was both external and internal. It became clearer that the task ...

... known as Shakti, Mahashakti, Parashakti and as Parameshwari. In Sri Aurobindo's book. The Mother, four aspects of Aditi have been described, namely, those of Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. 8 The word intuition is often used in religions and philosophical literature so as to include in its connotation all the levels of consciousness that transcend mental consciousness. In a more ...

... This was in 1926. Sri Aurobindo has spoken of the four personalities of the Mother, namely, those of Wisdom (Maheshwari), Power (Mahakali), Harmony (Mahalakshmi) and Perfection in works (Mahasaraswati). In all her activities, these four personalities of the Mother could be seen at work. The work was microscopic; it was complex; it was both external and internal. It became clearer that the task ...

... the infinite details of execution, through countless repetitions and mazes: patience and perseverance are the very badge and blazon of the tribe. Ribhus, the artisans of immortality – children of Mahasaraswati – were originally men, men who. have laboured into godhood. Human nature knows to wait, wait infinitely, as it has all the eternity before it and can afford and is prepared to continue and persist ...

... trail the Dawn! Hasten to welcome her, O heart, hasten! 0Lest she turn away - For she will not force herself, Our adorable and shy Mother! October 10, 1932 IX MAHASARASWATI SUPREME Artisan and Fashioner of perfection, Atom by atom she builds up the world-she is slow, patient, faultless. And by her consummate craftsmanship the universe-and each object in ...

... and execution in detail. Coriesponding with these Four there are the other Four Powers and Personalities of the Divine Mother – íśwarií (i) Maheshwari, (ii) Mahakali, (iii) Mahalakshmi and (iv) Mahasaraswati. Next in the downward gradient comes the Overmind where the individualised powers and personalities of the Divine tend to become self-sufficient and self-regarding; their absolute unity is loosened ...

... 739-40; Mother's hymn of gratitude, 741; the nine withdrawals, 741; divers roles, 742; the occult reason for the final withdrawal, 742; the samadhi, 744,751; on Mother's consciousness, 748; on Mahasaraswati, 748-50; proliferation of influence, 752ff; E.F.F. Hill on, 752; Robert Bristow on, 752; advice to Government on the Indian French possessions, 754; Jean Herbert on, 760-1; Memorial Convention, ...

... the ladder there is a new creation upon earth .... The step which is being added now Sri Aurobindo has called the Supramental. .. and the chief spirit or force, the Shakti active at present is Mahasaraswati, the Goddess of perfect organisation. ... Once, however, the connection is made, it must have its effect in the outward world in the form of a new creation, beginning with a model town and ...


... potency. If one must go into greater detail, one may say that the central circle signifies the Divine Consciousness, the four surrounding petals connote Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati, and the twelve outer petals or twelve powers "the vibrations that are necessary for the complete manifestation". Sri Aurobindo also gave his approval to the interpretation of a disciple that ...


... with Sri Aurobindo." * * * P.S. 1996 My diary notes end with my last visit to Mother. Twenty-three years have gone by since. I remember that era of my visits to Mahasaraswati. Her love, her training, her urge for progress, her helping hand, her solicitude and toil for me, for Auroville, for all. I remember her holding my hands in hers before I would leave. My hands ...

... with Sri Aurobindo." * * * P.S. 1996 My diary notes end with my last visit to Mother. Twenty-three years have gone by since. I remember that era of my visits to Mahasaraswati. Her love, her training, her urge for progress, her helping hand, her solicitude and toil for me, for Auroville, for all. I remember her holding my hands in hers before I would leave. My hands ...

... direct than the 'sense' it symbolised - that the Divine was Knowledge, Power, Protection and Mutuality, and Work and Service, all at once, even as Shakti is Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati -Wisdom, Power, Harmony and Work, the four supreme godheads of the cosmic order. With the passage of time, however, 'symbol' became 'type', and what had been spiritual and religious became ...

... divinised vital and physical existence in whatever way the Divine Mother herself decides in her creative vision." There are four great aspects of the Mother —Maheswari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. The "third is vivid and sweet and wonderful with her deep secret of beauty and harmony and fine rhythm, her intricate and subtle opulence, her compelling attraction and captivating grace." That ...

... three seed sounds," she revealed. "I don't recall now, but each of them represents one aspect of the Mother." "Sujata told me it's Mahalakshmi." "I was hesitating between Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati." Page 148 Mother sat in a reverie where figures shimmered, then came into focus on her mind's screen. "It is clearly taken as a symbol of the gestation of the New Birth, the second ...

... temporary will and tortuous movement to siddhi when temporary. Dasyam completed by intensity and universality. The Ishwarabhava belongs to the Ishwara at present, the Shakti has only the Mahasaraswati dâsîbhâva . So also sraddha in the power of the Ishwara; not yet in swashakti as its expression. The sraddha is now in the accomplishment of the will of the Ishwara, whatever it may be, through ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... Matter. The globe, with a diameter of about thirty meters, rests on four gigantic supports representing the four active powers of the Mother in the universe: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. The most important feature inside the globe is a ‘chamber’ with a diameter of about twenty meters and near the wall twelve round columns seemingly supporting the ceiling but not touching it. The ...


... aspect in the play of those four goddess-personalities which, according to Sri Aurobindo, have been put forward by the Mother in her world-work down the ages: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati. Those who have served Sri Aurobindo have often been struck with a detached contemplative grandeur holding at the same time a tremendous reserve of power and felt in this combination the presence ...


... highest spiritual level to work in the human instruments and she could manifest even in her physical form something of her four goddess personalities and powers: Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati. A kind of miraculous sadhana went on. If it had been successfully carried through, the Supermind would soon have taken direct charge. But the method of action from above could not sweep to its ...

... The Mother smiled and said to me: You will paint the walls of the Auditorium . I raised my eyebrows and returned no answer. She continued: Mahasaraswati: International Zone. Pavilions of all the countries which present their customs and cultures. For this sketch the Mother said: Ah! Now the Mother Pavilion. This will be a separate ...


... are meant for Civil Services like Post Offices, Banks, Telecom, Telegraph and so on. The four petals represent four Powers of the Supreme Mother. They are Mahakali, Maheshwari, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati . Mahakali: Industrial area. Small industries will be in this place. The big ones will be on the seaside. And further towards Madras the land will be extended covering some 50 miles or so. Also ...


... topmost of the petals is marked by the Mother as 1.65 meters, her own height. At the top are four lotus petals, signifying the four Powers of the Supreme Mother, Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati. Around these four petals are twelve more signifying the twelve Attributes of the four Powers. The Mother also indicated the colour of the lotus: " Marbre rose ou blanc " —pink or white marble ...


... Matrimandir. With love Gloria Too much criticism, many hindrances, enormous ill will, numerous obstructions took place. Despite this, all the four pillars—Mahalakshmi, Mahakali, Maheshwari and Mahasaraswati—received our humble offerings. I felt that it was the Victory of the Supreme Mother. ...


... dynamic being manifested in Prakriti for the works of the plane to which he belongs. There is an immense difference. Yes, Mitra is rather a combination of the two powers [ Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati ]. Page 458 I indicate the psychological powers which they [ six Vedic Gods ] bring with them: Mitra—Harmony. Varuna—Wideness. Aryaman—Power, Tapasya. Brihaspati—Wisdom ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Letters on Yoga - I

... though not in Page 264 certainty; samadhi in coherence & continuity; vyapti prakamya in fulness & frequency; aishwarya in purity. 21 June 1913 Script Tejas must be of the Mahasaraswati, not the Mahakali order with a clear intelligence even in its speed & fire. The rapidity of the siddhi cannot be of the meteoric speed, but still it must become rapid & unresisted. At present tamas ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... sure of the presence of the power, certainly; but do not limit its action by too prudent a beginning. The power of the work is not the power of your past life nor temperament, not the power of Mahasaraswati which governed the past existences that have been revealed to you, but of Mahakali, the swift and forceful Shakti. The desire to lay a slow and sure basis which belongs to the careful reason and ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... means the possession of the four Shaktis—Maheshwari, the Shakti of greatness and knowledge; Mahakali, the Shakti of force and violence; Mahalakshmi, the Shakti of beauty, love and delight; and Mahasaraswati, the Shakti of worldly reason (science) and work. The possession of these Shaktis carries with it a sense of the Divine Power, of general compassion [and] helpfulness to the world, and of faculty ...

Sri Aurobindo   >   Books   >   CWSA   >   Record of Yoga

... yes. It may even be said that each Vibhuti draws his energies from the Four, from one of them predominantly in most cases, as Napoleon from Mahakali, Rama from Mahalakshmi, Augustus Caesar from Mahasaraswati. 31 October 1935 "Four great Aspects of the Mother, four of her leading Powers and Personalities have stood in front in her guidance of this Universe and in her dealings with the terrestrial ...


... Mother with Letters on the Mother The Radha-Power In the Chandi the names of the four Cosmic Powers of the Mother—Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati—are mentioned along with others, but the name Radha is not mentioned. This is a clear proof of the fact that when the Chandi was composed the Radha-Power was not manifested to the vision of the ...

... yes. It may even be said that each Vibhuti draws his energies from the Four, from one of them predominantly in most cases, as Napoleon from Mahakali, Rama from Mahalakshmi, Augustus Caesar from Mahasaraswati. 31 October 1935 ...

... to bring the world back to the true divine order. It is essentially a creation of order, a putting of everything in its true place; and the chief spirit or force, the Shakti active at present is Mahasaraswati, the Goddess of perfect organisation. The work of achieving a continuity which permits one to go up and down and bring into the material what is above, is done inside the consciousness. He who ...


... People always complain that love is impermanent and passing. To tell the truth, they should be very grateful that it manifested in them in spite of the sordidness of the house they gave it. "Mahasaraswati is the Mother's Power of Work and her Page 402 spirit of perfection and order. The youngest of the Four, she is the most skilful in executive faculty and the nearest to physical Nature ...


... feeling in a consecration of the entire life. 21.2.1972 * Significance of the four pillars North    Mahakali    East    Mahalakshmi South    Maheshwari    East    Mahasaraswati * Significance of the twelve rooms Sincerity, Humility, Gratitude, Perseverance, Aspiration, Receptivity, Progress, Courage, Goodness, Generosity, Equality, Peace. July. 1972 ...


... in work and in feeling, in a consecration of the entire life. 21 February 1972 ( Significance of the four pillars ) North—Mahakali East—Mahalakshmi South—Maheshwari West—Mahasaraswati ( Significance of the twelve underground rooms which will radiate from the Matrimandir foundation ) Sincerity, Humility, Gratitude, Perseverance, Aspiration, Receptivity, Progress, Courage ...

The Mother   >   Books   >   CWM   >   Words of the Mother - I

... essential sounds. I don't remember now, but each of them represents one aspect of the Mother. Sujata told me it's Mahalakshmi. Page 134 I was hesitating between Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. ( Mother remains concentrated ) It is clearly taken as a symbol of the gestation of the new birth, the second birth, the divine birth. That's certain. He said 72 days? Three times ...


... The Gods, Superior Beings and Adverse Forces Words of the Mother - III Kali, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati When people speak against you, I feel as if a big flame with many tongues is arising in me and the person in front becomes docile. It must be Kali's force which you evoke. I want to ask you a question concerned with my reaction to ...


... Nature by saying that nothing could touch you. All these things combined and brought your mental difficulties, weakness and illness. You must change. You must try to fulfil the conditions of Mahasaraswati, make your work more and more perfect, make progress and try for a psychological transformation. Less than this will not help you. This is the minimum and if you try sincerely, my help will always ...


... but rather a sensation that the life of aspiration is more important than the dissolution. × Mahasaraswati, the universal Mother in her aspect of knowledge and perfection in work. ...


... pictured by the small centre in which all things seem to be held secretly concentrated. Out of this, four primary creative powers are shown as breaking: these are Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati - goddess-personalities of wisdom, puissance, harmonious beauty, flawless organisation. These personalities are then depicted as putting forth twelve manifesting powers that work within the periodic ...

... Lewis, Cecil Day, 195 Louis XIV, 207 Lucifer, 267 MACBETH, 186 Madhusudan Dutt, 120, 197 Mahabharata, the, 188,217,222 Mahalakshmi, 275 Mahasaraswati,271 Mahashakti, 327 Maheshwari, 275 Maitreyi, 160 Manchester Guardian, the, 163n Mao-tse-Tung,242 Mara,280 Mars, 323 Maruts, 222 ...

... Reality at work in Sri Aurobindo's Ashram. Out of the concentrated Seed-Shakti that is the centre, four primary powers of divinity are shown as breaking: they are Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati—goddess-personalities of wisdom, dynamism, harmonious beauty, flawless organisation. These four are then depicted as putting forth twelve manifesting forces that operate within the periodic time-process ...

Huta   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Story of a Soul

... veil. Do you understand? Have you understood well? Yes, Mother. Well, you know, I will tell you something. In those days, when I used to give special Blessings for the Pujas — Durga, Mahasaraswati, etc. at that time, Durga and the others used to come to me; besides, they used to meet me from time to time. They came by turns and even now they come for some work or the other. And I do not know ...

Mona Sarkar   >   Books   >   Other-Works   >   The Supreme

... execution in detail. Corresponding with these Four there are the other Four Powers and Personalities of the Divine Mother— Iswari: (i) Maheshwari, (ii) Mahakali, (iii) Mahalakshmi and (iv} Mahasaraswati. Next in the downward gradient comes the Overmind where the individualised powers and personalities of the Divine tend to become self-sufficient and self-regarding; their absolute unity is loosened ...

... execution in detail. Corresponding with these Four there are the other Four Powers and Personalities of the Divine Mother— Ishwari: (i) Mahesh-wari, (ii) Mahakali, (Hi) Mahalakshmi and (iv) Mahasaraswati. Next in the downward gradient comes the Overmind where the individualised powers and personalities of the Divine tend to become self-sufficient and self-regarding; their absolute unity is loosened ...

... Lenin, 142 Louis XIV, 209, 320, 418 Lucifer, 46, 81 MADAGASCAR, 323-4 Macbeth, 93 McDougall, 57 Mahakali, 44, 160, 207-10, 225, 382 Mahalakshmi, 44, 207, 209-10, 225 Mahasaraswati, 44, 207-10, 225 Mahashakti, 67, 198 Mahavira, 44, 207 Maheshwari, 44, 207, 209-10, 225 Manicheism, 127 Mary, 82 Matariswan, 44 Michael Angelo, 210 Middle Ages, the, 134 ...

... Mother Consciousness, Adya Shakti, Aditi – consciousness-power, who again in her forward creative urge expressed herself in the first four major Emanations (Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati). But this free urge, free to separate itself and proceed Page 225 in an independent movement of self-expression and evolution precipitated itself immediately, almost as ...

... Page 256 Mahakali has started her work of preparation, of elimination – of destruction and dissolution – to clear the path of Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati, – the infinite, love and compassion of Maheshwari sanctions and supports it. The new creation, the new world that Mother built and is still building with so much love and care is ready – ready ...

... Something like that, in fact the same thing, is happening now. Mahakali has started her work of preparation, of elimination, of destruction and dissolution, to clear the path for Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati; the infinite love and compassion of Maheshwari sanctions and supports it. The new creation, the new world that Mother built and is still building Page 56 with so much love and ...

... trail the Dawn! Hasten to welcome her, O heart, hasten! O Lest she turn away - For she will not force herself, Our adorable and shy Mother! October 10, 1932 IX MAHASARASWATI SUPREME Artisan and Fashioner of perfection, Atom by atom she builds up the world-she is slow, patient, faultless. And by her consummate craftsmanship the universe-and each object in ...


... ineffable Unnamed. All the powers and splendours of creation are her powers and splendours, derived from her, constituted by her, directed by ¹ Maheshwari , Mahakali , Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati. Page 333 her and offered to her own unmanifest, undifferentiated Eternity. What words will describe the mystery and marvel of that silent Unknowable ? After all we have seen ...


... Besides, I trust everything — except this flow of rats that does not appeal to me in the least. Tell me, it makes quite a few rats.... What are we going to do in all that? But please, Mahasaraswati and Co., spare me the TV team. Satprem   1980   January 19, 1980 (Personal letter) Page 123 ... In fact, I am perhaps writing the "appropriate ...

... him sent the manuscript copy of The Mother which he had just written. The rhapsodic description of the Mother's fourfold powers - Maheshwari, Mahakali, Page 255 Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati - so profoundly moved the disciple that he had to turn the piece into Mātr Upanisad m inspired Sanskrit verse. And in his hymn Matr-mahimā, Sastriar sang thus in praise of the Mother: ...


... and warms all hearts with its white down. Thou wilt lead them all to their supreme destiny. 37 These fivefold functions seem to be an astonishing anticipation of those of Mahakali, Mahasaraswati, Mahalakshmi, Maheshwari and, as Sri Aurobindo describes it, "that mysterious and powerful ecstasy and Ananda ... that alone can heal the gulf between the highest heights of the supramental spirit ...


... statement, or rather a piece of heartwarming revelation. Writing on the Divine Mother and her Powers and Personalities in 1927, Sri Aurobindo had described Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati, and then added that there were other great Powers of the Mother too, but they were difficult to bring down; and yet, however difficult, "her Personality of that mysterious and powerful ecstasy ...


... evolutionary principle 179 subjected to hard discipline 184 (cf 161) union of Devotee and Divine 185 catches flu 189 arrogant ignorant Man refuses her gift 196-7 integral liberation 198 as Mahasaraswati 201-2, 211, 294-5 returns to Pondicherry 201ff, 243 experiences Sri Aurobindo's aura 202 vision of Richard going down 207-8 moves to Sri Aurobindo's house 210 managing the household 210-1, ...


... and with them your painful difficulties. For what I was pouring in you was not Mèrely human kindness—though surely it contained all that human kindness can be at its best—but Mahalakshmi's love, Mahasaraswati's care, Maheshwari's embracing and enveloping light. Do not think of Divine Love as something cold or impersonal or distantly high—it is something as warm and close and tender as any feeling can ...

... and the quietness of an unfailing faith. THE MOTHER Page 106 Page 107 11.2.50 -11.2.51 My dear child, From this day of your birthday and Mahasaraswati's festival, let her skill and perfection in work be always and more and more with you. With my love and special blessings, THE MOTHER Page 108 Page 109 ...

... year bring you strength and health and the quietness of an unfailing faith. The Mother Page 17 11.2.50-11.2.51 My dear child, From this day of your birthday and Mahasaraswati's festival, let her skill and perfection in work be always and more and more with you. With my love and special blessings, The Mother 11.2.52 To Kamala, Never forget the ...

... Grace and in the severity of Mahakali's Grace — both the movements being straightforward acts for the soul's good and having behind them the Grace of Maheshwari's wisdom and the Grace of Mahasaraswati's skill in works. We must realise that the same soul, for its good, could receive in clear-cut terms at different times the unqualified compliment and the unconditional criticism. It would ...

... source of wonder to us. Her love knew no bounds. Through those simple and ordinary lessons Mother taught us eternal and extraordinary values: nothing is insignificant, we should always aim at Mahasaraswati's perfection in work. I thank my French teachers from the depth of my heart to have enabled me to follow the inspiring and illuminating words that flowed melodiously in incomparable loveliness ...

... and with them your painful difficulties. For what I was pouring in you was not merely human kindness—though surely it contained all that human kindness can be at its best—but Mahalakshmi's love, Mahasaraswati's care, Maheswari's embracing and enveloping light. Do not think of Divine Love as something cold or impersonal or distantly high—it is something as warm and close and tender as any feeling can possibly ...